Pega Client Lifecycle Management
Pega Client Lifecycle Management
Pega Client Lifecycle Management
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Pegasystems Inc.
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Pega Client Lifecycle Management for Financial Services Features........................................................... 7
Manager Tools ................................................................................................................................................. 8
Operational structure landing page ........................................................................................................ 8
Product Matrix ..................................................................................................................................... 8
Comprehensive audit trail and data tracking .................................................................................... 8
Reporting and analytics ....................................................................................................................... 9
Role-based access ................................................................................................................................ 9
Service level management .................................................................................................................. 9
Event-driven architecture .................................................................................................................... 9
Customer Risk Assessment ...................................................................................................................... 9
Risk Override ........................................................................................................................................ 9
Case navigation .................................................................................................................................. 10
Party categorization, AML CDD profiling and operationalization ................................................... 10
Customer Master Profile ........................................................................................................................ 10
Systems and environment .................................................................................................................................. 10
Business rules .................................................................................................................................... 10
Case management ............................................................................................................................. 11
Visual workflow .................................................................................................................................. 11
Legacy system integration................................................................................................................. 11
Pega live data ........................................................................................................................................... 11
Situational Layer Cake ............................................................................................................................ 12
Multiple language packs* .................................................................................................................. 12
Deployment options ...................................................................................................................................... 12
Cloud Choice and Pega Cloud ................................................................................................................ 12
Select products .................................................................................................................................. 19
eAuthentication (Web Self-Service channel only) ......................................................................... 19
Complete customer details .............................................................................................................. 19
Personalize ................................................................................................................................... 19
Incorporate third party data ............................................................................................................ 19
Collect documents (if required) .................................................................................................. 19
Review submission ...................................................................................................................... 19
Confirmation ................................................................................................................................ 19
Enrich stage - Retail Banking .................................................................................................................. 20
Back office review ........................................................................................................................ 20
Produce welcome pack ............................................................................................................... 20
Business approval cases .................................................................................................................. 20
Customer synchronization .......................................................................................................... 20
Capture stage – Corporate and Investment Banking ......................................................................... 20
Define customer journey ............................................................................................................ 20
Collect basic customer information............................................................................................ 20
Add products ................................................................................................................................ 20
Related parties ............................................................................................................................. 21
Review required documents ............................................................................................................ 21
Business case ............................................................................................................................... 21
Resolve duplicates ....................................................................................................................... 21
Approve and prioritize ................................................................................................................. 21
Stakeholder notifications ............................................................................................................ 21
Enrich stage – Corporate and Investment Banking ............................................................................ 21
Incorporate third-party data ....................................................................................................... 21
Produce welcome pack ............................................................................................................... 22
eScreening.......................................................................................................................................... 22
Enrich data for due diligence ...................................................................................................... 22
Monitor document collection...................................................................................................... 22
Business approval cases .................................................................................................................. 23
Customer synchronization .......................................................................................................... 23
Due diligence stage ................................................................................................................................. 23
Pega Know Your Customer due diligence cases ........................................................................ 23
Regulatory due diligence cases................................................................................................... 23
Tax due diligence cases ............................................................................................................... 23
Credit due diligence cases ........................................................................................................... 24
Legal due diligence cases ............................................................................................................ 24
Fulfillment stage ...................................................................................................................................... 24
Abandon Journey stage ..................................................................................................................... 24
Further reading............................................................................................................................................. 35
Pega Client Lifecycle Management for
Financial Services Features
The application provides a rich set of features designed to enhance the customer experience,
improve user productivity and increase customer satisfaction. This section describes key
capabilities and features of the application that you can use as-is, or extend to meet your business
This Pega® Client Lifecycle Management for Financial Services Product Overview describes the default
features and benefits, cases, data model, and various preconfigured roles and portals available in
Pega Client Lifecycle Management for Financial Services.
The Pega Client Lifecycle Management for Financial Services solution consists of a layer of
common components that are applicable for onboarding activities across all market segments of
the Financial Services industry. These common components form journeys for different types of
customers, such as individuals or organizations. Pega has customized the application to meet the
specific needs of both Corporate and Investment Banking and Retail Banking markets segments.
Retail Banking may be referred to as Consumer Banking or Personal Banking, depending on the
geographic region in which they operate. The Pega Client Lifecycle Management for Financial
Services solution currently supports specialized customer journeys for Corporate and Investment
Banking (CIB) and Retail Banking segments. The following diagram illustrates how the features of
the Pega applications that Pega bundles together into Pega Client Lifecycle Management for
Financial Services interact to provide organizations with a robust set of rules, analytics, and
planning tools to streamline onboarding for financial services institutions.
Product Matrix
A matrix of available products and pertinent related information is used to offer products. The
availability of products on offer is governed by both the user’s location in the operational structure
and the type of customer to be onboarded (such as Organization, Individual, or Fund).
Role-based access
Managers can control access to the application, specific features, and data elements, using a
combination of configurable roles and privileges. Authorized users can easily configure dialogs,
coaching tips, and expert skills for service requests. These system tools are immediately available
to users as allowed by their permissions.
Event-driven architecture
Provided through Pega Foundation for Financial Services, the Event Driven Architecture facilitates
the creation, detection, consumption and reaction to events. Example events are an expiry
identification document, the need for periodic due diligence review or a customer data change
that may be material or not. All these events can be detected, and the system can carry out the
necessary customer journeys to allow ongoing compliance.
Risk Override
As part of the risk model provided, users can override the automated overall customer risk. The
manually overridden risk will now be used to drive any risk-based activities instead of the
automated risk.
The automated risk can be manually overridden from the Case Summary or by using a local action
when working on the case.
Case navigation
A bank onboarding a customer can update core driver data when the case is already in due
diligence so that the system can handle data corrections later in the process.
This enables a customer to select a local action to update core driver data while the main case is in
the Due diligence stage. The case will then navigate back to the Enrich stage in which the desired
data is updated. The case can then return to the Due diligence stage, leading to a recalculation of
the appropriate due diligence activities.
Supporting evidence
In addition to requesting documents to supplement responses to KYC questionnaires in the context
of a Pega Client Lifecycle Management for Financial Services case, users can now request and attach
other documentary evidence file types such as screen shots or data from other cases.
Case management
Pega’s industry-leading case management helps you simplify and automate work. Case
management helps you keep your promise to your customers, connecting all the people and
systems required to resolve each customer inquiry. It tracks related information, automates and
assigns outstanding tasks, and connects front- and back-office activity, for end-to-end resolution.
Visual workflow
Pega’s Directly Capture Objectives (DCO) visual tools capture every aspect of how work gets done,
including processes, user interface and rule creation, and integration. You can easily configure
workflows using Pega’s process modeler by dragging and dropping from a library of smart shapes.
You can quickly add new service requests, which automatically creates the infrastructure that Pega
Customer Lifecycle Management requires. You can translate business requirements into finished
applications without manual programming, reducing implementation time and bridging the gap
between technical and business resources.
Deployment options
Cloud Choice and Pega Cloud
Pega Foundation for Financial Services is available on Pega Cloud as well as other configurations
(either third-party cloud or managed private cloud etc.) through Pega hosting partners.
Pega Cloud provides industry-leading infrastructure, enterprise-grade services, and operational
excellence. Realize a faster time-to-value for your Pega investments and take advantage of the
complete range of Pega Cloud services, from development and testing sandbox environments to
fully managed production environments. You can even migrate applications from the cloud to your
data centers as needed. On-premise deployment Pega supports a range of on-premise deployment
options, including several supported database, application and web server deployment options.
See for details.
*Optional feature. Additional license fees may apply.
Maintain existing Allows updates to general customer data to trigger any required additional
customer – Maintain due diligence activities
general customer data
Onboard new business Onboards an existing organization as a Fund manager including onboarding
relationship – New fund of funds
Offboard existing Offboards an existing customer entirely including all products or locations
customer – Offboard
existing customer
Customer Review – A periodic review of the customer’s due diligence based on the “next review
Customer periodic date”
Customer Review - A review of the customer’s due diligence based on a non-material change in
Customer amendment their information
Customer Review – A review of the customer’s due diligence based on a material change in their
Customer material information
Standalone due Conducts a standalone due diligence review for a customer already in the
diligence - Conduct due system.
Add products
Selecting the Jurisdiction and/or Booking Entity presents a list of products available to onboard the
customer. This product list is driven by the operator’s alignment to the Financial Institution’s operational
structure and, as appropriate, supports selections of multiple products across multiple jurisdictions.
Fulfillment stage
Product Fulfillment cases are generated for each jurisdiction followed by wrap-up activities and final
stakeholder notification typically found in the type of organization in which the onboarding journey is
based. Such fulfillment cases must be completed before you can resolve the overall customer journey.
The following section provides examples of functionality across the available end-user portals.
Case search
This function allows operators and managers to search for cases and filter the list by core fields.
In addition to the end-user portals, there are two additional business configuration portals:
Name Description
KYC Rules Manager Studio Configure all rules related to Know Your Customer
Prospect An individual or organization that does not yet own Pega or External
products of the Financial Institution and thus is not
yet a customer.