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1. What was created on each of the seven days of creation (in order)?
2. From which tree was Adam and Eve not to eat?
3. What was Cain’s question back to God when God asked where Abel was?
4. What was the name of the son of Adam and Eve who was given to replace Abel?
5. Who was the oldest man in the Bible and how many years did he live?
 6. How many of each of the clean animals came into the ark?
7. How many times was the dove sent out of the ark?
8. Who was called a mighty hunter in Genesis 10?
9. What is the name of the city where God confused the languages?
10. Who was Abram’s father?
11. Abram said that his wife Sarai was really his _______ in Genesis 12?
12. What was the name of the city where Lot moved to after separating from Abram/Abraham?
13. In Genesis 14, who was the King of Salem?
14. God provided what kind of animal in place of Isaac when Abraham was asked to offer his son
as a sacrifice?
15. After Sarah died, who was Abraham’s wife?
16. Who did Jacob marry first?
17. What was the name of Jacob and Leah’s daughter?
18. Why did Joseph’s brothers hate him?
19. Which of the two dreamers in prison with Joseph was executed?
20. Which of his brothers did Joseph put in jail to ensure the rest would return?
1. Light and darkness (Genesis 1:4, 5)
    Sky and water, also called the firmament (Genesis 1:6-8)
    Land, sea and plants (Genesis 1:9-13)
    Sun, moon and stars (Genesis 1:14-19)
    Fish and birds (Genesis 1:20-23)
    Animals and man (Genesis 1:24-31)
    God rested (Genesis 2:1-3)
2. Tree of the knowledge of good and evil (Genesis 2:16, 17)
3. “Am I my brother’s keeper?” (Genesis 4:9)
4. Seth (Genesis 4:25)
5. Methuselah, 969 years (Genesis 5:27)
6. Seven (two of each for the unclean) (Genesis 6:19, 20; 7:2, 3)
7. Three times (Genesis 8:8-12)
8. Nimrod (Genesis 10:8, 9)
9. Babel (Genesis 11:9)
10. Terah (Genesis 11:31)
11. Sister (Genesis 12:10-20)
12. Sodom (Genesis 14:12; 19:1)
13. Melchizedek (Genesis 14:18-20)
14. Ram (Genesis 22:13)
15. Keturah (Genesis 25:1)
16. Leah (Genesis 29:21-23)
17. Dinah (Genesis 30:20, 21)
18. Because their father, Jacob, loved him the most (Genesis 37:3, 4)
19. Baker (Genesis 40:22)
20. Simeon (Genesis 42:24)

Terms in this set (10)

[Gen 1:3-5] On the first day, God said

let there be light
[Gen 1:6-8] The firmament was
[Gen 1:11-13] On the third day, God said
let the earth bring forth grass
[Gen 1:26-27, 31] On the sixth day, God
created man
[Gen 2:7] God formed man of
[Gen 2:9, 17] The tree, the fruit of which man was forbidden to eat, was the tree of
knowledge of good and evil
[Gen 2:10-14] The four rivers that branched from the Garden of Eden
Gihon, Pishon, Tigrus, Euphrates
[Gen 2:18-22] God made woman because
no help meet for man was found among the beasts of the field and the fowl of the air
[Gen 2:24] A man and a woman become one flesh, as the father and mother are left by
the man, who cleaves to his wife
[Gen 3:6-8] Adam and the woman become aware that they were naked
after eating the fruit, but before talking with the Lord

Genesis 1 10 bible quiz

. 1. Bible Quiz Genesis 1-10

. 2. True or False
. 3. Lamech had two wives.
. 4. God created the plants before the stars.
. 5. Noah was 500 years old during the flood.
. 6. Shem was the oldest son of Noah.
. 7. The rain fell for 40 days and nights.
. 8. Multiple Choice
. 9. Who was the youngest son of Noah?a. Shemb. Hamc. Japethd. Seth
. 10. How long did the flood last?a. 40 days and nightsb. 150 daysc. 60 daysd. 50 days
. 11. He was the first polygamist.a. Lamechb. Adamc. Noahd. Jared
. 12. Who was the father of Noah?a. Methuselahb. Lamechc. Sethd. Methushael
. 13. How many doors did the ark have?a. 1b. 2c. 3d. 4
. 14. Simple Recall
. 15. Who was the oldest man recorded in the Bible?
. 16. The first man recorded that has never experienceddeath.
. 17. After Noah and his family entered the ark, how longhad they waited before the rain fell?
. 18. How many times did Noah send the dove out of theark?
. 19. What king of leaf did the dove bring?
. 20. Who was the father of the Canaanites?
. 21. What did Noah plant after the flood?
. 22. Who named all the livestock, the birds and the otheranimals?
. 23. Who was the first grandson of Adam?
. 24. What living thing did God make first?

Answer the questions, based on the Book of Genesis.

1. How many chapters are there in the book of Genesis?

• 40
• 50
• 60
• 70
Answer: 50
The book of Genesis consists of 50 chapters.

2. What does the word 'Genesis' mean?

• death or end
• birth or origin
• the truth
• word of God
Answer: birth or origin
The word 'Genesis' is derived from a Greek word meaning, the 'birth' or 'origin'.

3. Which is the first line in the Bible?

• 'In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.'
• 'For the Lord knoweth the way of the righteous: but the way of the ungodly shall perish.'
• 'In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.'
• 'Let there be light.'
Answer: 'In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.'
Genesis 1:1 - 'In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.'

4. How many days did God take to create the Heavens and the Earth?
Answer: 6
God took 6 days to create the Heavens and the Earth and God rested on the seventh day.

5. On which day did God say 'Let there be light'?

• day 1
• day 2
• day 3
• day 4
Answer: day 1
In the book of Genesis 1:3, God said 'let there be light'. God said this on the first day of His

6. Where did God put Adam and Eve after their creation?
• Garden of Babylon
• Garden of Babel
• Garden of Eden
• Garden of Golgotha
Answer: Garden of Eden
The garden of Eden is described in the book of Genesis as being the place where the first man,
Adam, and his wife, Eve, lived after they were created by God.

7. Who came to tempt Eve?

• A beast
• A monster
• A raven
• A serpent
Answer: A serpent
A serpent came to tempt Eve, to eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

8. How did God create Eve?

• from one of Adam's ribs
• from Adam's breath
• from mud and water
• from Adam's blood
Answer: from one of Adam's ribs
God created Eve from one of Adam's ribs, to be his companion.

9. To whom did God say, "Why art thou wroth and why is thy countenance fallen?"
• Cain
• Abel
• Eve
• Adam
Answer: Cain
God was displeased with Cain's offering and said, "Why art thou wroth and why is thy
countenance fallen?".

10. Who was the first man to commit murder?

• Cain
• Abel
• Esau
• Jacob
Answer: Cain
Cain, son of Adam, was the first man to commit murder.

11. Who was killed by his own brother?

• Cain
• Esau
• Abel
• Jacob
Answer: Abel
Abel, son of Adam, was the first man to get killed.

12. Whom did God choose to build an ark?

• Abraham
• Moses
• Noah
• Adam
Answer: Noah
God chose Noah to build an ark to save Noah and his family, along with one male and female of
all animal species, from the great flood.

13. How many days did it rain during the great flood?

• forty days and forty nights
• fifty days and fifty nights
• sixty days and sixty nights
• hundred days and hundred nights
Answer: forty days and forty nights
The rains continued for forty days and forty nights destroying every living thing on earth except
those in the Noah's ark.

14. What was the purpose of building the Tower of Babel?

• to communicate with God easily
• to reach unto the heavens and to make a name for themselves
• to help in the trade and commerce
• to worship and honour God
Answer: to reach unto the heavens and to make a name for themselves
The people of Babylon build the Tower of Babel to reach unto the heavens and to make a name
for themselves.

15. What everlasting covenant with all living things does the rainbow represent?
• that Son of God will come to save the world from sins
• that there will be a judgment day
• that there shall be no more flood to destroy the Earth
• that God will send an Angel to protect the world
Answer: that there shall be no more flood to destroy the Earth
After the great flood, God made a covenant with all living things that there shall be no more flood
to destroy the Earth. The rainbow acts as a token of this covenant.

1. God said let us make man in our ?

2. What was man forned from?
3. Who told Eve you would not surely die?
4. The woman Eve was created from adam's?
5. According to Genesis 5:1,Genesis is the geneology of whom?
6. How old was Noah when the floodwaters were on the earth?
7. On what month and day did the earth become dry on after the flood?
8. What was the name of Noah's three sons?
9. How old was Adam when he died
10. Which one of Noah's sons looked upon his nakedness?

1. Chapter 1: The Creation

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. On which day did God say, "Let the
waters bring forth swarms of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the dome
of the sky"?

1.  The third day

2.  The fourth day

3.  The fifth day

4.  The sixth day

2. Chapter 2: The Creation, Part II

This chapter contains a second account of the creation that goes into more detail on the
creation of humankind. Which point is not addressed in this chapter?
1. God created animals so man would not be alone

2. God created woman from a rib of a man

3. God gave dominion to mankind over all animals of the earth

4. God created man from the dust of the ground

3. Chapter 3: Sin in the Garden

This chapter relates the story of the first sin, when Eve, after listening to advice from the
serpent, ate fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and convinced Adam to do the
same. What kind of fruit was it?

1. Apple

2. It's never mentioned

3. Pomegranate

4. Fig

4. Chapter 4: The First Murder Mystery

Abel was found slain. We know the culprit - his brother, Cain. We know where - Cain took Abel
out into the field, presumably so he wouldn't be witnessed. The only thing we need to know is,
what is generally understood to have been Cain's motive?

 Abel had stolen Cain's girlfriend

 Cain was angry at Adam, and took it out on Abel

 Cain desired Abel's inheritance to add to his own

 God approved of Abel's sacrifice more than that of Cain

5. Chapter 5: Adam's Descendants

In this chapter, Adam's genealogy is traced through eleven generations, through the children of
Noah. Which of these descendants of Adam lived the longest?




6. Chapter 6: Prelude to Destruction

Here, God sees the wickedness of humankind and decides to destroy the earth. He only finds
favor with Noah, and tells him to build an ark to rescue himself, his wife, his sons, his son's
wives, and two of every animal on earth. What were the dimensions of the ark?

 500 cubits long by 70 cubits wide by 50 cuibts tall

 300 cubits long by 50 cubits wide by 30 cubits tall

 200 cubits long by 40 cubits wide by 25 cubits tall

 800 cubits long by 100 cubits wide by 75 cubits tall

7. Chapter 7: The Great Flood

God told Noah to load up the ark, which he did, and a week later, the storm hit. How old was
Noah when the rains began to fall?

Answer:  ( A number)

8. Chapter 8: The Flood Subsides

After 150 days on the newly formed sea that used to be earth, God started to make the waters
decrease. To see if any land had yet appeared, Noah sent a bird to fly around and bring him
word. Which was the first bird Noah sent?

 A dove

 An eagle

 A seagull

 A raven

9. Chapter 9: The Covenant... and the Aftermath

God placed a rainbow in the sky to signify that He would never destroy the world by flood.
Soon after that, Noah got drunk and lay around in his tent naked. One of his sons found him,
then went and told his brothers. When Noah awoke, he cursed someone. Who?





10. Chapter 10: The Descendants of Noah

In this chapter, we get a general overview of the descendants of Noah from his three sons.
Which of the following was a son of Shem?




question 1
On which creative day did God make the sun, moon, and stars? (1:14)
A  2
B  4
C  6
D  7
E  None of the above

question 2
How did God describe His creation when He saw everything that He had
made? (1:31)
A  Glorious
B  Good
C  Magnificent
D  Very Good
E  None of the above

question 3
What did God do on the seventh day? (2:2)
A  Created animals
B  Created light
C  Created man
D  Created woman
E  None of the above

question 4
Of what did God make a woman? (2:21)
A  Dust
B  Light
C  Rib
D  Water
E  None of the above

question 5
Of which tree was Adam not to eat? (2:16-17)
A  Apple tree
B  Fruit tree
C  Tree of knowledge of good and evil
D  Tree of Life
E  None of the above

question 6
After disobeying, how did Adam and his wife cover themselves? (3:7)
A  Coats of skins
B  Fig leaves
C  Jewish garments
D  Modest apparel
E  None of the above

1. Chapter 1: The Creation

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. On which day did God say, "Let the
waters bring forth swarms of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the dome of
the sky"?

Your Answer: [No Answer]

The correct answer was The fifth day

This can be found in Genesis 1:20. On the first day, God separated light from dark, making
night and day. On the second day, God created the sky above the waters. On the third day,
God created the earth, dry land in the midst of the waters, and made it produce vegetation.
On the fourth day, God created the sun to rule over the day, and the moon and stars to rule
over the night. On the fifth day, God brought forth fish and birds. On the sixth day, God
created every animal that walks the earth, including humans. On the seventh day, God
rested, but that's in chapter 2.

2. Chapter 2: The Creation, Part II

This chapter contains a second account of the creation that goes into more detail on the creation
of humankind. Which point is not addressed in this chapter?

Your Answer: [No Answer]

The correct answer was God gave dominion to mankind over all animals of the earth

Mankind was called to be greater than any animal on earth in Genesis 1:28, just after God
created them. God created man from the dust of the ground in 2:7. Animals were created
at first to be helpers to man, in 2:18-19, and Adam gave them all names. Because none
were found to be his helper, God created woman from one of Adam's ribs, in 2:21-22.

3. Chapter 3: Sin in the Garden

This chapter relates the story of the first sin, when Eve, after listening to advice from the serpent,
ate fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and convinced Adam to do the same.
What kind of fruit was it?

Your Answer: Apple

The correct answer was It's never mentioned

Popular culture has assigned the apple to this story, but the Bible never tells what it is. All
we ever know is that it's the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and
humankind was never intended to eat from it. As a result, men have to work hard to
survive, women have extra pain in childbearing, and we all have to die someday.
4. Chapter 4: The First Murder Mystery

Abel was found slain. We know the culprit - his brother, Cain. We know where - Cain took Abel
out into the field, presumably so he wouldn't be witnessed. The only thing we need to know is,
what is generally understood to have been Cain's motive?

Your Answer: God approved of Abel's sacrifice more than that of Cain

Both offered sacrifices to God. Cain brought the fruit of the ground, while Abel brought the
fat portions of the first born of his flock. Cain was furious with God, and even angrier at his
brother for taking the spot of the favorite, so he killed Abel. Also in this chapter, Adam and
Eve conceived and gave birth to Seth, who would become the next generation in the line of

5. Chapter 5: Adam's Descendants

In this chapter, Adam's genealogy is traced through eleven generations, through the children of
Noah. Which of these descendants of Adam lived the longest?

Your Answer: [No Answer]

The correct answer was Jared

Jared lived 962 years, outlasted only by his grandson, Methusaleh, who lived 969.
According to this chapter, Adam lived 930 years. Seth, Adam's son, lived to be 912. Seth's
son, Enosh, lived to be 905. Enosh's son, Kenan, lived to be 910. Mahalel, Kenan's son,
lived to be 895. Jared was Mahelel's son, and he lived to be 962. Enoch was the son of
Jared, and only made it to 365. Methusaleh, Enoch's son, lived to be 969. He had Lamech,
who lived 777 years. Noah was Lamech's son, and lived to be 950, but we don't find that
out until Chapter 9.

Bonus Trivia: If you chart out the lives of the people in this chapter, and line up when they
had their children, you'll see that Methusaleh died in the year of the flood. Coincidence?
Only God knows...

6. Chapter 6: Prelude to Destruction

Here, God sees the wickedness of humankind and decides to destroy the earth. He only finds
favor with Noah, and tells him to build an ark to rescue himself, his wife, his sons, his son's
wives, and two of every animal on earth. What were the dimensions of the ark?

Your Answer: [No Answer]

The correct answer was 300 cubits long by 50 cubits wide by 30 cubits tall

These specifications are given in 6:15. In modern length measuring, this essentially
translates to 450 feet long by 75 feet across to 45 feet tall. My question is...did Noah have
to clean up after all those animals? WHEW!
7. Chapter 7: The Great Flood

God told Noah to load up the ark, which he did, and a week later, the storm hit. How old was
Noah when the rains began to fall?

Your Answer: [No Answer]

The correct answer was 600

This fact is pointed out in two places, 7:6 and 7:11. 7:11 gets very specific, saying Noah
was 600 years, two months, and seventeen days old. The flood lasted forty days and
nights, but the waters stayed on the earth for another 150 days after that.

8. Chapter 8: The Flood Subsides

After 150 days on the newly formed sea that used to be earth, God started to make the waters
decrease. To see if any land had yet appeared, Noah sent a bird to fly around and bring him
word. Which was the first bird Noah sent?

Your Answer: A raven

The raven flew around and around until all the waters were dried up. After that, Noah
started sending out a dove. The first time, the dove never found anything. The second time,
the dove brought back an olive leaf. On its third journey, the dove never returned. Once the
ark had landed, God promised to never destroy every living thing like that again.

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9. Chapter 9: The Covenant... and the Aftermath

God placed a rainbow in the sky to signify that He would never destroy the world by flood. Soon
after that, Noah got drunk and lay around in his tent naked. One of his sons found him, then went
and told his brothers. When Noah awoke, he cursed someone. Who?

Your Answer: Shem

The correct answer was Canaan

Ham was the one who found his father; Shem and Japheth went into the tent backwards so
they wouldn't see and covered their father. When he awoke, Noah cursed Canaan, Ham's
son, saying, "Cursed be Canaan; lowest of slaves shall he be to his brothers." (verse 25)
He also blessed Shem and Japheth.

10. Chapter 10: The Descendants of Noah

In this chapter, we get a general overview of the descendants of Noah from his three sons.
Which of the following was a son of Shem?

Your Answer: Magog

The correct answer was Arpachshad

Magog is listed as a son of Japheth, Egypt a son of Ham, and Sidon of Canaan.
Presumably, Arpachshad is the guy listed in Luke's genealogy of Jesus (Luke 3:23-38).
However, in Luke's account, it is Arphaxad. Luke also says Canian was the son of
Arphaxad, and Canian was the father of Shelah, while Genesis says Shelah was the son of

11. Chapter 11: The Tower of Babel

When the people of earth began building a tower to reach the heavens and make a name for
themselves, what did God do to provide an obstacle?

Your Answer: Confused their languages so there would be no common bond

When God saw their progress, he realized nothing would be impossible if they were
allowed to complete this tower, so he confused their languages (since at this time all the
world had one language) and scattered them. Chapter 11 also includes some more family
history, linking Shem to Abram, and listing the other descendants of Abram's father Terah.

12. Chapter 12: The Call of Abram

Here, God called Abram and promised to show him a new land, as well as to make him into a
great nation. Where on this journey did Abram claim Sarai was his sister?

Your Answer: Shechem

The correct answer was Egypt

In Egypt, Abram claimed Sarai as his sister so the Pharaoh wouldn't have him killed to get
Sarai for himself. As it was, since Pharaoh thought she was single, he took her but let
Abram live. When Pharaoh found out (God afflicted his house with plagues), he got angry
and sent the two away. At least ONE Egyptian Pharaoh responded well to plagues...

13. Chapter 13: Abram and Lot Separate

Lot was the son of Abram's brother Haran, but he was the only relative Abram took when God
sent him out. Now, they're about to separate, because the land cannot support both flocks
together. To which city did Lot go?

Your Answer: Sodom

In 13:12, "Abram settled in the land of Canaan, while Lot settled among the cities of the
Plain and moved his tent as far as Sodom." When offering to split, Abram gave Lot the
chance to choose where to go. Lot chose the direction of the Jordan River, because it was
well watered. We'll hear more about Lot's adventures in Chapter 19.

14. Chapter 14: Abram Is Blessed

After rescuing Lot from the armies that had attacked Sodom and Gomorrah, Abram went to
Sodom and was blessed by a "priest of God Most High". Who was this priest?
Your Answer: King Melchizedek of Salem

King Melchizedek is mentioned in two other places in the Bible. The first is in Psalm 110:4,
which says, "The Lord has sworn and will not change his mind, "You are a priest forever
according to the order of Melchizedek." The other is in Hebrews, chapters 5-7, where he is
mentioned several times in connection with Jesus.

15. Chapter 15: The Covenant

God made many promises to Abram in this chapter. Which of the following is not one of them?

Your Answer: "Your offspring shall be aliens in a land that is not theirs, and shall be
slaves there, and they shall be oppressed for four hundred years."

The correct answer was "I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you, and
make your name great., so that you will be a blessing."

The "great nation" promise was made back when God first called Abram, in 12:2. The
"stars" promise came in 15:5. The "aliens" promise came in 15:13 (followed by a promise to
bring judgment on the nation that oppressed them). The "land" promise occurs in 15:18.

16. Chapter 16: Call Me Ishmael

Abram and Sarai were now old, and Sarai's biological clock was ticking away. Anxious about
God's timing, Sarai gave a slave-girl to Abram to bear them a son. What was the slave girl's

Your Answer: Hagar

After conception, Hagar started to look at her mistress Sarai with contempt, so Sarai
treated her badly and Hagar ran away. God sent an angel to her in the wilderness to inform
her that her offspring would become a multitude. When Hagar returned, she bore the 86
year old Abram a son, named Ishmael.

17. Chapter 17: The Sign of the Covenant

When Abram was 99 and God still hadn't fulfilled his promise to give Abraham a son by Sarai, He
spoke to Abram about the sign of his covenant. Which of the following Jewish customs was
mentioned as this sign?

Your Answer: Male circumcision

As well as making it a requirement that all males in Abram's house be circumcised, God
also renamed him Abraham, and changed Sarai's name to Sarah, and once again
promised she would bear him a child.

18. Chapter 18: No, Really! You'll Have A Son!

Abraham was visited in this chapter by three men, whom he served. The men, messengers of
God, told Abraham that he would have a son by Sarah in the next season. What did Sarah do
when she heard this news?

Your Answer: Laughed

After all, Abraham was 100 and Sarah was 90. Wouldn't you be a little skeptical? Of
course, God saw her laughing, and told Abraham, saying, "Is anything too wonderful for
the Lord?" (verse 14)

19. Chapter 19: The Doom of Sodom and Gomorrah

At the end of Chapter 18, we see that the Lord is ready to destroy the wicked cities of Sodom
and Gomorrah, but Abraham has talked Him down to sparing it if ten righteous people are found.
The men who had promised Abraham a son are currently visiting with Lot in Sodom, but the
people of Sodom want to rape them. What does Lot offer them instead of his visitors?

Your Answer: His two virgin daughters

Unbelievably, Lot would rather see his daughters raped than his visitors. Now that's
hospitality! However, the people only want the men, and so judgment is pronounced on the
town. Lot and his household are given the opportunity to leave, as long as they don't look
back. Lot's wife looks back and sees the sulfur and fire raining down from heaven, and is
turned to a pillar of salt.

20. Chapter 20: Abraham and Sarah in Gerar

For the second time since he began his journey, Abraham found himself traveling through a
foreign land with his wife, claiming she was his sister. Who was the king that took her in this

Your Answer: Abimelech

This time, Abraham provides the excuse that Sarah is in fact his half sister, the daughter of
his father but not his mother. God also acts on behalf of King Abimelech, making sure the
king doesn't touch Sarah, for she is Abraham's wife.

21. Chapter 21: Promise Fulfilled

Finally, Sarah conceived and had a son. What was his name?

Your Answer: ISAAC

After the birth of Isaac, Sarah had Abraham send Hagar and Ishmael away so Ishmael
wouldn't inherit anything. In the desert, an angel spoke to her, telling her Ishmael would live
and be the father of a great nation.

22. Chapter 22: The Sacrifice

God asked Abraham to prove his faith in Him by sacrificing his own son on an altar. When
Abraham was about to go through with it, God stopped him and provided an animal for the
sacrifice. What kind of animal was it?

Your Answer: A ram

The ram was caught in the bushes nearby. Because Abraham was willing to sacrifice his
son, God promised to fulfill his end of the covenant and make Abraham the father of a
great nation.

23. Chapter 23: The Death of Sarah

How old was Sarah when she died?

Your Answer: [No Answer]

The correct answer was 127

This chapter concerns Sarah's death and burial, and the respect paid to her and Abraham
by the surrounding countrymen.

24. Chapter 24: The Quest for Rebekah

Abraham made his servant swear that he would not allow his son to marry a Canaanite woman,
but would go back and find her a bride from the land of Abraham's birth. The servant prayed to
God that the woman for Abraham's son would answer his request for a drink with what?

Your Answer: "Drink, and I will water your camels."

Rebekah, who would become Isaac's wife, answered the servant's request with the very
response he had prayed to God about in 24:18-19. After discussing the matter with
Rebekah's father Bethuel and her brother Laban, the servant took her back to marry Isaac.

25. Chapter 25: Jacob and Esau

Jacob and Esau were twins, the sons of Abraham's son (who still remains nameless so you don't
get an extra hint for #21). They were fiercely competitive, even in the womb. Esau came out first,
with Jacob holding on to his heel. By virtue of being born first, Esau had a birthright, which he
sold to Jacob for what price?

Your Answer: Stew

The story, recounted in 25:29-34, says that Esau was very hungry coming in from the
fields, and felt so starved that he sold his birthright for the stew Jacob was making. What
will become of the two brothers? What will become of the great nation promised to
Abraham? Find out in the next exciting edition...Genesis, Part II: Chapters 26-50!

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