B 2000 (Ovsyannikov) Plasma Diagnostics
B 2000 (Ovsyannikov) Plasma Diagnostics
B 2000 (Ovsyannikov) Plasma Diagnostics
ISBN 1898326231
A.A. Ovsyannikov
Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis, Russian Academy of Sciences,
M.F. Zhukov
Institute of Thermophysics, Suberian Division of Russian Academy of
Sciences, Novosibirsk
Published by
Cambridge International Science Publishing
7 Meadow Walk, Great Abington, Cambridge CB1 6AZ, UK
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All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or trans-
mitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including pho-
tocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without
permission in writing from the publisher
ISBN 1 898326231
Part I
Chapter 1 ....................................................................................................... 1
SPECTRAL DIAGNOSTICS METHODS ................................................ 1
1.1 Integral relationships. Optical measurement circuits .................................... 4
1.2 Spectral emission line ...................................................................................... 16
1.3 Width and shift of spectral lines ..................................................................... 22
1.4 Continuous spectrum ........................................................................................ 25
1.5 Kirchhoff law .................................................................................................... 27
1.6 Spectral absorption lines ................................................................................. 28
Chapter 2 ..................................................................................................... 32
PLASMA SPECTRA ............................................................................ 32
2.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................... 32
2.2 Determination of the type of velocity distribution of excited particles from
spectral measurements ..................................................................................... 34
2.3 Velocity distribution of atoms and molecules in excited electronic states .. 35
2.4 Measurement of gas temperature from Doppler broadening of spectral lines
............................................................................................................................ 37
2.5 A simple model of relaxation of the mean kinetic energy. Effect of gas
density ................................................................................................................ 41
2.6 Identification of excitation mechanisms ......................................................... 45
Chapter 3 ..................................................................................................... 50
OPTICAL ACTINOMETRY OF PLASMA ............................................ 50
Chapter 4 ..................................................................................................... 59
LASER METHODS OF PLASMA DIAGNOSTICS ............................. 59
4.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................... 59
4.2 Interference examination of plasma using lasers .......................................... 59
4.3 Holographic plasma diagnostic methods ....................................................... 74
4.4 Plasma diagnostics on the basis of scattering of laser radiation ................. 95
Chapter 6 ................................................................................................... 147
RAYLEIGH-SCATTERED LIGHT.................................................. 147
6.1 Introduction .................................................................................................... 147
6.2 Principles of the method ................................................................................ 147
6.3 Concentration and temperature of gas in flames and electric arc ............ 151
6.4 Plasma jet diagnostics .................................................................................... 155
6.5 Gas temperature in glow discharge .............................................................. 158
Part II
Chapter 10 ................................................................................................. 219
10.1 Introduction .................................................................................................. 219
10.2 Probe measurements of the energy distribution of electrons ................... 221
10.3 Determination of plasma parameters from probe measurements ........... 245
10.4 Selected problems of probe diagnostics ...................................................... 250
11.3 Volt–ampere characteristics of probes under hydrodynamic regimes .... 266
11.4 Diagnostic methods ....................................................................................... 275
11.5 Special features of experimental procedure ............................................... 292
11.6 Comparison of theoretical and experimental results ................................ 294
11.7 Conclusion ..................................................................................................... 297
Part III
Chapter 16 ................................................................................................. 394
16.1 Introduction .................................................................................................. 394
16.2 Specific features of producing, examining and using radio-frequency
capacitance discharge plasma. Forms of existence of RFCD ..................... 395
16.3 Interpretation of volt–ampere characteristics of RFCD and their
relationship with the spatial structure of the discharge .............................. 402
16.4 Constant electric fields in RFCD ................................................................ 415
16.5 Using the battery effect in examining RFCD ............................................ 427
16.6 Effect of the frequency of RF field on the structure of the discharge and
plasma characteristics .................................................................................... 429
16.7 Active probing of RFCD using a constant electric current ...................... 434
16.8 The radial structure of the RF capacitance discharge ............................. 440
16.9 Optical methods of examining the spatial structure of the RF capacitance
discharge .......................................................................................................... 445
16.10 Conclusions ................................................................................................. 448
Part IV
19.2 Numerical solution of Abel’s integral equation ......................................... 524
19.3 Numerical solution of the Volterra integral equation ............................... 527
19.4 Simplified reduction algorithms ................................................................. 532
Spectral Diagnostics Methods
Part 1
Chapter 1
F m I 3/ 2
dN ( v ) = N 4 p
H 2pkT K GH
exp -
2 kTJK
mv 2 2
v dv. (1.1)
Here N is the concentration of the particles of the given type (the number
of particles in unit volume), N (v) is the concentration of particles with
velocity v; m is the particle mass; T is plasma temperature; k is the
Boltzmann constant.
The population of the energy levels is determined by the Boltzmann
gn E F I
Nn = N
exp - n ,
kT K (1.2)
å gn exp FH - kTn IK ,
S= (1.3)
where n max is the maximum main quantum number of energy levels re-
alised in plasma. The latter is determined from the condition
E n max £ U – DU, where U is the ionisation energy, DU is the reduc-
tion of the ionisation energy of atoms (ions) in plasma,
F I 1/ 2
DUz =
(1 + z)e2
, rD =
8pe2 Ne
GH JK , (1.4)
Sa Sb 2 pma mb kT I 3/ 2
N a Nb Dab
Sab 2
h mab
exp -
H kT K
Ne Ni 2 Si F 2pm kT I 3/ 2
F U - DU I
H h K exp -
, (1.6)
Na Sa kT
Spectral Diagnostics Methods
p t
Ne = å å zNiz, x , (1.7)
x =1 z =1
P = kT å N x + kTN e , (1.8)
x =1
where summation is carried out over all neutral or ionised plasma com-
The equation of conservation of the initial composition (the equa-
tion of elementary plasma balance)
t t
å N xz=1: å N xz=2 ... = c1: c2 ... . (1.9)
z =0 z =0
For example, for the plasma formed from steam, the initial composi-
tion NH: H O = 2:1; with an allowance made for all possible plasma com-
ponents H 2, H, H +, OH, O 2, O, O +, equation (1.9) assumes the form
(2 N H 2 + N H + N H + + N OH ):(2 N O2 + N O + N O + + N OH ) = 2 :1 .
PLTE plasma differs from LTE plasma by the fact the kinetic
energy of heavy particles (molecules, atoms, ions) is not equal to the
electron temperature since the excitation (1.2) and ionisation (1.6)
temperatures are equal to the temperature of free electrons.
The intensity of molecular bands, spectral lines and the continuous
spectrum is calculated in the LTE and PLTE plasma on the basis of
the equations of transfer of radiation using the probabilities of tran-
sitions and cross sections of the photoprocesses.
The diagnostics methods based on the emission spectra can be applied
directly to optically thin plasma objects where the absorption of radiation
is negligible. Verification of reabsorption can be carried out by measuring
the optical thickness t n = knl, where k n is the absorption coefficient at
frequency n; l is the effective length of the absorbing layer. For this
Plasma Diagnostics
t n = k nl = - ln 1 -
Bn K
Spectral Diagnostics Methods
I( x) = e(r ) dy.
- y0
e (r ) rdr
I( x) = 2 . (1.10)
| x| r2 - x2
The equation (1.10) is the integral Volterra equation of the first kind.
It is also referred to as the Abel integral transform. The following pro-
cedure can be used for inversion of the Abel transform. We shall trans-
form (1.10) using the operator: 1
d dx 2
[...] . (1.11)
dz 2 2 x 2 - z2
Plasma Diagnostics
z z z
R2 R2 r2
d I( x)dx 2 d
= 2 e(r) GG dx 2
JJ dr .
dz 2
z2 x 2 - z 2 dz z2 H z2 r -x
2 2
x -z
2 2
The internal integral on the right hand side is reduced as a result of
x 2 = z 2 cos2 j + r 2 sin 2 j
1 d I ( x) xdx
e(r) = - . (1.12a)
p rdr x2 - r2
1 dI( x) / dx
e(r) = - dx. (1.12b)
p x 2
- r 2
The equation (1.12) are the inversions of the Abel transform (1.10).
An optically dense source. At an arbitrary value of coefficient k(r),
the intensity of radiation can be determined from the transport equa-
= e - kI . (1.13)
e z
I ( y) = exp k (r ) dy j LMN z e z
e(r ) exp k (r ) dy dy + C j OP
Spectral Diagnostics Methods
J ( x ) = I ( x ) exp G - z k (r ) dyJ + z e(r ) exp G - z JJ
y0 y0 y0
GH - y0
JK - y0
GH y
k (r ) dy , dy
J ( x ) = I 0 ( x )w ( x ) + I ( x ). (1.14)
w( x ) = exp G - z k(r ) dyJ
GH - y0
JK (1.15)
k (r ) rdr
- ln w ( x ) º t( x ) = 2 , (1.16)
x r2 - x2
where t (x) is the optical thickness of the object. Equation (1.16) has
the inversion of the type (1.12).
The expression for the intensity of inherent radiation of the source
z e(r ) exp G - z JJ
y0 y0
I( x) =
- y0
GH y
k (r )dy ¢ dy
K (1.17)
is transformed as follows
Plasma Diagnostics
z z z z z
y0 0 y y0 y
I ( x ) = exp - k (r )dy JJK M e(r) expGH k(r)JK dy¢ + e(r ) exp GH JK PQ
k (r )dy ¢ dy =
0 N - y0 0 0 0
z z z
e(r )MexpG - k (r )dy ¢J Pdy,
y0 y0 y
expG - k (r )dyJ
H 0 K 0
z z z z
0 y y0 y
e(r ) exp GH JK
k (r )dy ¢ = e(r ) exp - k (r )dy ¢ dy. GH JK
- y0 0 0 0
Using the notations of the hyperbolic cosine and the transmittance co-
efficient (1.15), we can write
z z
y0 y
I ( x ) = 2 w( x ) w (r ) ch G k (r )dy ¢ dy JK
0 H 0
or in coordinates (x, r)
z GG z JJ
R r
I( x) k (r ¢ )r ¢dr ¢ r dr
= 2 e(r ) ch
w( x )
x H x r¢ - x
2 2
K r - x2
Spectral Diagnostics Methods
A L2 O L1 S
M L2 O L1 S
L1 S
J ( x ) = I 0 ( x )w ( x ) + I ( x ),
Plasma Diagnostics
J ( x ) - I ( x)
w( x ) = .
I 0 ( x)
The diagram in Fig. 1.2 b gives the total combination of the image with
the object. The intensity of translucent radiation I 0 (x) = gI (x), where
g are radiation losses on the path from the source to the mirror and back.
The value of g is determined from the section of the spectrum where
absorption can be ignored, i.e. w (x) » 1 and g = (J (x) – I (x))/I (x).
If the mask Ma with non-transparent strips, parallel to the axis of the
source, is placed in front of the mirror M, in the focal plane of the device
we obtain alternating values of J (x) and I (x). The main disadvantage
of the setup shown in Fig. 1.2b is that the transmittance factor can-
not be measured outside the zone of radiation of the source. This dis-
advantage is not found in the setup in Figs 1.2 a,c,d. In the circuit in
Fig. 1.2 c, the image is projected by the mirror M in the plane of the
lens L 1. The examined object is illuminated with a wide, relatively uni-
form beam. The circuit showed in Fig.1.2 d is even more efficient in
this respect. The spherical mirror is rotated when scanning the object
O in such a manner that the object is illuminated for any values of x
by its brightest central part. In Fig.1.2 a–c, the value I 0 = const and
is determined from measurements outside the limits of the absorption
zone of the object O or in the setup in Fig.1.2 a in the absence of the
examined object. In photographic recording, the translucent radiation
is often modulated by setting the receiving apparatus to the modula-
tion frequency. This greatly increases the accuracy of measuring trans-
mittance and also enables auxiliary sources (Fig.1.2 a) of relatively small
brightness to be used.
The circuit shown in Fig.1.2 d is designed for examining stationary
sources. Nonstationary processes can be examined using the setup in
Fig.1.2 a-c with photographic registration. The time resolution is ob-
tained by placing an instantaneous gate (Kerr cell, a system of rotat-
ing mirrors) in front of the aperture or using other measures.
Spatial resolution power. The integral equations presented above were
obtained in the one-beam approximation. However, actual devices have
a finite angular aperture. Figure 1.3 shows the geometry of beams in
reflecting the object O on the aperture of the device by the lens L. The
normal incidence beam on the objective has the intensity I (x). The
oblique beam, propagating under angle j to the optical axis corresponds
Spectral Diagnostics Methods
to the chord whose distance from the centre of the object is x cos j
and intensity I (x cos j)cos j. The recorded intensity of radiation is
averaged out with respect to the angle 2a and is equal to
I( x) = I ( x cos j ) cos j dj. (1.21)
I ( x) » 1 -
I x 1-
6 JK JK (1.22)
b = 1- .
The value of b differs only slightly from unity, even for relatively high
angles a. Thus, b = 0.998 at a = 0.1. This shows that the reduction
of the spatial resolution power as a result of the finite angular aper-
ture of the device is insignificant in the majority of cases.
Taking transverse oscillations into account. Electric arcs, plasma
and flame jets are often show transverse oscillations over a wide fre-
quency range. The direct path of diagnostics of these objects is to obtain
Plasma Diagnostics
j( x ¢ - x )
j( x ¢ - x )dx = j( x ¢ - x)(dI / dx ) -1 dI = dI . (1.23)
I ¢( x )
j ( x ¢ - xi )
a ( I , x ¢ ) dI = å I ¢( xi )
dI . (1.24)
Spectral Diagnostics Methods
If the functions ϕ(x') and ϕ(I, x') are known, the determination of
the distribution of intensity I(x) is reduced to solving the problem of
non-linear algebraic equations, following from (1.24)
n j( x ¢j - xi )
å I ¢( xi )
= a ( I , x ¢j ), j = 1, m, m = 2n. (1.25)
i =1
j( x1¢ - x ) + j( x1¢ + x )
= a ( I , x1¢ ),
I ¢( x )
j( x2¢ - x ) + j( x2¢ - x ) (1.25a)
= a ( I , x2¢ ).
I ¢( x )
j( x1¢ - x ) + j( x1¢ + x )
j( x1¢ , x2¢ , x ) = ,
j( x2¢ - x ) + j( x2¢ + x )
a ( I , x1¢ )
a ( I , x1¢ , x2¢ ) = .
a ( I , x2¢ )
b g
We specify x and calculate j x1 , x2 , x . For the value of α equal to j ,
from the known dependence of a on I, we determine the correspond-
ing I (x). This is the method of processing the results of measurements
of the radiation intensity of a vibrating object proposed in Ref. 2.
The function ϕ(x') is determined by experiments, and the examined
object is displayed on the aperture of the photographic recording
Plasma Diagnostics
The total flux q(x') is obtained by integrating (1.26) throughout the entire
range of variation x ∈ [–R, R], in which I (x) differs from 0
q( x ¢) = I ( x ) j( x ¢ - x )dx. (1.27)
Spectral Diagnostics Methods
Spectral Diagnostics Methods
Gas Gas
F ig .1.6 Diagram of the arc with stabilising walls. 1) water-cooled copper rings, hollow
inside; 2) window; 3) insulating interlayers.
equilibrium is:
e nk =
h n nk Ank gn
4p S
N exp - E / kT ).a f (1.28)
e = e (T ). (1.29)
dT e ¶T LMFG de IJ FG de IJ dA OP
MNH e K H eK
= + +
. (1.30)
T T ¶e ran sys A
The first term in the square brackets is the random error of measure-
Plasma Diagnostics
dN de dA E dT
= + + , (1.31)
N e A kT T
which for the example shown in Fig.1.7 gives » 15 + 10 + 10 × 3 » 50% .
The ratio of the intensities of spectral lines. For the ratio of the
intensities of the spectral lines of some element of the same degree of
ionisation, equation (1.28) gives
e 2 ( Agn)2 F
E - E1 I
e1 ( Agn)1 H
exp - 2
K (1.32)
and consequently
Spectral Diagnostics Methods
( E 2 - E1 ) / k
T= .
( Agn) 2 e
ln - ln 2 (1.33)
( Agn)1 e1
d ( A2 / A1 ) d ( e 2 / e1 ) OP
. (1.34)
T E2 - E1 A2 / A1 e 2 / e1
kT 1 d ( A2 / A1 ) d ( e 2 / e1 )
» , » 10%, » 5%,
E 2 - E1 3 A2 / A1 e 2 / e1
then » 5%. .
The Ornstein method of measuring temperature on the basis of the
ratio of the intensities of two spectral lines can be extended to a case
of using a group of spectral lines belonging to the same type of atoms.
From equation (1.28), we obtain
FG e IJ Ei
H Agn K i
= yi = a -
, (1.35)
-Gå E J Ei2
n 2
kT =
i =1 i =1
n n n (1.36)
n å yi Ei - å yi å Ei
i =1 i =1 i =1
Plasma Diagnostics
dT kT FG de + dAIJ ,
OP H e A K
n I 2 1/ 2
MNå E - n GH å E JK PQ
2 (1.37)
i i
i =1 i =1
e a ( Agn) a Na E - Ei F I
e i ( Agn)i Ni
exp - a
kT H
K (1.38)
Ni x ( Agn)a e i E - Ei F I
= =
Na 1 - x ( Agn)i e a
exp - a
H K (1.39)
Spectral Diagnostics Methods
Measuring the ratio of the intensities of the atomic and ionic spectral
lines, from (1.39) we determine the degree of ionisation of the atom at
the known plasma temperature and the ratio of the transition probabilities.
Using (1.39) together with the Saha equation (1.6), we determine the
concentration of electrons in plasma
e a ( Agn)i F 2 pmkT I 3/ 2
LM (U - DU ) - ( Ea - Ei ) OP
Ne =
e i ( Agn) aH2
h2 K exp -
N kT
Q (1.40)
dNe d(e a / e i ) d( Aa / Ai )
= + + +
3 (U - DU ) + Ea - Ei dT OP
. (1.41)
Ne e a / ei Aa / Ai 2 kT T
Plasma Diagnostics
F ig .1.9 Intensities of the line NaI 5890 Å in air plasma at the atmospheric pressure
and at a sodium concentration of N = N a 0 + N i = 1×10 15 cm –3, 8 (a) and spectral lines
Hβ 4861 Å, OII 4651 Å and OIII 3447 Å (b) in air plasma at the atmospheric pressure.4
temperature range (Fig.1.9) and this also determines the error of the
method equalling 7–10%.
PD (w) =
1 LM
exp - 2 .
p Dw D N
Dw D Q (1.42)
w 0v
where Dw = w – w 0 ; Dw D = ; w 0 is the centre of the line;
v = (2 RT / m )1/ 2 is the most probable velocity of random movement of
the atom; R is the gas constant; c is the speed of light; µ is the atomic
weight of radiating particles. Dw D is the Doppler e-half width, i.e. at
the distance Dw = Dw D from the centre of the line w 0, the intensity is
e times less than the maximum intensity. Doppler half width, i.e. the
width of the line on the level of half of its intensity, expressed in wave
length, is
vl0 T
Dl D = 2 ln 2 = 7.16 × 10-7 l 0 . (1.43)
c m
Measuring the half width of the Doppler line, equation (1.43) can be
used to determine the kinetic temperature of the radiating atoms (ions).
The accuracy of temperature determination
Spectral Diagnostics Methods
dT d ( Dl D )
=2 (1.44)
T Dl D
is ~10%.
The Doppler contour (1.42) has the form of Gauss’ distribution in
contrast to the dispersion profiles determined by broadening at colli-
sions. Therefore, it is quite easy to determine whether the contour is
of the Doppler type. The Doppler half width can be separated if the
collision broadening is of the same order as the Doppler broadening.
Doppler broadening prevails in low-density plasma (small number of
collision) and at high temperature. The Doppler half width is greater
for the atoms with a low mass (T = 10000 K):
Element H O Fe Kr
Dl D, Å 0.36 0.09 0.05 0.04
For elements with unfilled internal shells, spectral lines with the purely
Doppler contour are observed even at high pressure. These lines are de-
termined by transitions between the levels not associated with the outer
electrons, and do not broaden under the effect of collisions. The use
of iron lines for determining the atom temperature from Doppler half
width in an electric arc at the atmospheric pressure is a well known
example. 4
In experiments it is important to use apparatus with a high resolu-
Stark half width. Broadening of the spectral lines under the effect
of charged particles (Stark broadening) is the main type of broaden-
ing in high-pressure plasma. The theory of Stark contours has been de-
veloped most extensively for hydrogen atoms. The error of theory is
estimated for half width at 7–10%. The corresponding contours can be
satisfactorily described by a dispersion (Lorentz) distribution
g / 2p
PL (w) =
+F I
H 2K
2 (1.45)
Dl S = C -3/2 ( N e , T ) N e2 / 3 . (1.46)
Plasma Diagnostics
Figure 1.10 shows the dependences of the Stark half width of spectral
lines Ha and Hb on the electron concentration with broadening parameters
C (N e, T) from Ref.5. These graphs are used to determine the electron
concentration from the measured half widths of the spectral hydrogen
lines. The broadening parameter C (N e, T) for line H b is almost inde-
pendent of temperature. Since the contour Hb is not symmetric, it is rec-
ommended to use its short wave half (Fig.1.10). The method of deter-
mining the electron concentration from the Stark broadening of the
spectral lines does not require the presence of Maxwell’s velocity dis-
tribution of the electrons. The state of plasma can be evaluated by
measuring the electron concentration by this method and comparing it
with the results of measurements by another method assuming that
plasma is equilibrium.
The error of measuring the electron concentration is determined by
varying the equation (1.46):
I rel
Spectral Diagnostics Methods
Setting (dDl/Dl) sys» 7 ¸ 10%, (dDl/Dl) ran » 5%, we have (dN e/N e) »
15 ¸ 20%. Determination of the electron concentration from the Stark
half width of hydrogen lines is one of the most convenient and accu-
rate methods. It should be noted that hydrogen radiation is almost al-
ways present in plasma due to the presence of small amounts of hy-
drogen or water impurities in gases and other substances. The hydro-
gen lines are wide so that they are easy to record and process.
The Stark broadening of the spectral lines of other elements is smaller
and the values of half widths are determined with a larger error. There-
fore, it is not recommended to use these lines for diagnostics.
Doppler shift. In macroscopic movement of plasma in relation to
the observer the spectral lines carry out Doppler shift whose value is
Dl = l 0 cos j. (1.48)
dv dDl
= (1.49)
v Dl
64p 3/ 2 e6 Ne2
en = x( n) , n £ ng ,
3 6 me3/ 2 c3 kT
en =
64p 3/ 2 e6
x af
Ne2 LM
( n - ng )h OP
, n ³ ng .
3 6 me3/ 2 kT
kT Q
Plasma Diagnostics
Function x (v) and boundary frequency n g take into account the spe-
cific features of the energetic levels of the atom. For example, for argon
n g = 6.8·10 14 s –1 and the values of the function
ξν 1 0.73 0.88 1.15 1.47 1.7 1.75 1.9 2.1 2.05 1.85
ν · 1 0 –5, s–1 0 0.15 0.25 0.375 0.5 0.6 0.65 0.75 1.0 1.25 1.4
dN e 1 d e n d x 1 d T IJ
2 en
x 2 T
K (1.51)
which gives dN e/N e » 15% at de n/e n » 15%, dx/x » 10%, DT/T » 10%.
Relatively high accuracy is also obtained from the known temperature
approximation. This method does not require that LTE exists in plasma.
Plasma temperature can be determined from the decrease of continuum
beyond the boundary frequency. From equation (1.50) at n > ng we have
FG ( n - n g )h IJ
e nrel = exp -
H kT K
hn g hn
ln e nrel = - . (1.52)
kT kT
e 2 hn2 - hn 2 Dhn
ln = = ,
e1 kT kT
Spectral Diagnostics Methods
and therefore
dT kT d (e 2 / e1 )
= . (1.53)
T Dhn e 2 / e1
For example, at Dhn/kT = 2 and de/e » 10%, the error dT/T » 5%. This
method gives the electron temperature for non-equilibrium plasma.
At the known composition of LET plasma en from (1.50) can be rep-
resented as a function of temperature
e n = e n (T ) (1.54)
and the plasma temperature can then be determined from the absolute
intensity of continuum. Figure 1.7 shows the dependence en(T) for argon
plasma at atmospheric pressure. It also shows the transfer coefficient
of the error (e n/T)(¶T/¶e n) from equation (1.55) for estimating the er-
ror of temperature determination. Varying (1.53) we obtain
LMF de I FG de IJ OP
dT e n ¶ T n n dx
T ¶e n n ran
He K
n sys
x PQ
. (1.55)
en 2 p hn 3 / c 2
= Bn , Bn = . (1.56)
kn exp(hn / kT ) - 1
= (2 phn 3 / c 2 ) exp( - hn / kT ), (1.57)
Plasma Diagnostics
and therefore
hn / k
T= . (1.58)
ln(2 phn / c 2 ) - ln ( e n / k n )
dT kT de n dk nFG IJ
T hn e n
kn H
K (1.59)
I (w)
Aw =
I0 (w)Kdw, (1.60)
Spectral Diagnostics Methods
Dw L
a= , (1.61)
Dw D
Plasma Diagnostics
measured total absorption for the outer zone A w,1 and gas temperature
T 1 and the value (Nfl/Dw D) 1 is then taken from the growth curve cor-
responding to parameter a. This value is then used to determine the total
number of absorbing atoms (Nl) 1 and the concentration N 1 = (Nl 1)/l 11,
where l 11 is the length of the chord of the first zone (Fig.1.13). In de-
termining the number of absorbing atoms from A w,2 it is assumed that
the temperature along the absorbing beam is constantly equal to the mean
temperature D T2 = (T1 + T2 ) / 2 . The value (Nfl/Dw D) 2 is determined for
this temperature. This is followed by calculating the total number of
absorbing atoms (Nl) 2 and the concentration for the second zone N 2 =
(Nl) – 2N 1l 21 )/l 22. Thus, the atom concentration is gradually calculated
for all angular zones and each time it is assumed that the gas temperature
along the absorbing beam is constant and equal to the mean value with
respect to all intersecting zones.
Spectral Diagnostics Methods
The error of the method is evaluated using the equation on the right
hand part of the growth curve
F 4p e aDw
A =G
2 2 I
N f lJ
1/ 2
H mc e
K . (1.62)
The variation of the equation (1.62), taking into account that param-
eter a is inversely proportional to temperature, gives
dN dA 1 dT df da
=2 + + + . (1.63)
N A 2 T f a
Plasma Diagnostics
Chapter 2
af c FG n - n0IJ
j n =
n0 H
Y c
n0 K
. (2.1)
Kinetic Energy, Translational Relaxation and Doppler Broadening...
K v, n P v dv = j n , af m=
n - n0
. (2.2)
P (v)
∫ dv = ϕ(ν) (2.3)
3/ 2
PM (v ) =
v exp , (2.4)
2πkT 2kT
Plasma Diagnostics
2 n0 2 ln 2 × kT
Dn D = , (2.6)
c m
f (ν) = a (ν −ν′) ϕ(ν′) dν′ = f0 (ν) +ε (ν),
∫ (2.7)
where a(v) is the apparatus function, e(v) is the noise with the zero mean.
The second stage consists of determining P(v) from (2.2) or (2.3) which
requires differentiation of the experimentally determined j(v), i.e. the
procedure also leading to instability of the solutions in relation to the
experimental data errors. The progress in solving the problem exam-
ined in this section is determined to a large extent by the recently de-
veloped mathematical methods of solving such inverse problems using
various regularisation methods (for example, see Ref.6–8). These methods
and corresponding algorithms are also discussed to some extent in
Refs.2,5,9) and in Chapter 20 of this book.
Kinetic Energy, Translational Relaxation and Doppler Broadening...
A + B ® C + D + DE , (2.8)
then the laws of conservation of the energy and the pulse show that the
resultant reaction product should acquire an additional kinetic energy.
If the radiating state has a short lifetime and the efficiency of colli-
sion processes is low, it should be expected that anomalous Doppler
broadening of the spectral lines will take place. An example of such
a phenomenon is shown in Fig.2.1. It shows the results of measurements
of the form of the contour of the transition line 2 in the oxygen atom
O (3 3P–3 3S) in a discharge when the following mechanism takes place
( ) ( ) ( )
Ar 3 p 5 4 s + O 2 3 P → O 3 3 P0,1,2 + Ar ( S ) + 0.6
0 eV. (2.9)
All curves are normalised with respect to the unit area. It may be
seen that the width of the contour of the Doppler-broadened lines de-
creases with increasing gas pressure, indicating that relaxation colli-
sion processes take place. For comparison, the contour of the line of
the same transition with normal Doppler broadening, corresponding to
the gas temperature of T = 330 K, is shown. It should be noted that
in most cases and under the same conditions the width of all three lines
of the transition 3 3P 0,1,2–3 3S 01 coincide.
Plasma Diagnostics
j,rel. units
P, rel. units
H H m H H
v ′ = v − e ( ve′ − v e ) , (2.10)
where v is the velocity of the atom prior to collision, M and m e are
the masses of the atom and the electron, ve and ve¢ are the velocities
of the electrons prior to and after collision with the atom. The cases
with v e' << v e and v e' ≈ v e are most interesting for various applications.
The first case is observed in low-temperature gas-discharge plasma where
the mean electron energy is usually lower than the excitation thresh-
old of the radiating electronic state of the molecules and atoms. The
main role is played by the electrons with the energy slightly higher than
the threshold energy because in this region the electron concentration
rapidly decreases with increasing electron energy. The second case in
which v e' ≈ v e is realised in exciting the molecules with a beam of fast
electrons with the velocities v e' >> v oe (v oe is the velocity of atomic elec-
trons). These cases are encountered in, for example, probing the gas
flow with an electron beam.
In the first case, equation (2.10) shows that the relative variation
of the atom velocity ∆v/v in collision with an electron is
Dv me ve
= . (2.11)
v M v
Plasma Diagnostics
2 kT
locity of thermal motion v H = , and v e by the value of the elec-
tron velocity corresponding to the excitation threshold of the examined
states v the. In this case
Dv m v th
Dw = = e e (2.12)
vH 2 kTM
The following table gives the values of ∆w for some atoms and mol-
ecules at two gas temperatures T 1 = 100 K and T 2 = 300 K (v the cor-
responds to the excitation pressure of the state emitting the spectra) often
used for plasma diagnostics:
At om ,
Ex c i ta ti on DM ( %) a t
m ole cule s, L A t h × 1 0 8, c m s 1 DM ( %) a t 300 K
thr e shold, e V 100 K
e x cite d sta te
H ( n = 4) 12.75 2.12 90 52
D 2 (@ D )3
13.88 2.21 47 27
H e ( 3@ Π) 1
23.07 2.85 60 35
N 2( C Π)
11.03 1.97 16 9
C O( B Π)
10.77 1.88 15 9
Kinetic Energy, Translational Relaxation and Doppler Broadening...
1 v 2
trons is of the Maxwell type Ψ M (v z ) = exp − z . . As a re-
vH v
, if v ′z − v z ≤ ∆ v ,
Ψ e (v z , v ′z ) = 2 ∆ v
0, if v ′z − v z > ∆ v.
Substituting Ψ M (v z) and Ψ (v'z) into (2.13), we finally have
Plasma Diagnostics
v′z +∆v
1 v
Ψ (v′z ) = ∫ exp − z dv z . (2.15)
2 π∆vvH v′z −∆v vH
1 v′
ϕ ( w ) dw = erf ( w + ∆w ) − erf ( w − ∆w ) dw, w = (2.16)
4∆w vH .
Function (w) is normalised for the unit area, i.e. ∫ ϕ ( w) dw = 1 .
the projection of the velocity onto the observation axis does not change
during excitation, i.e. v'z = vz (excitation by the electron beam), the line
contour will be of the conventional Doppler type (Gaussian)
1 − w2
ϕ D ( w ) dw = e dw. (2.17)
Figure 2.3 shows the contours of spectral lines normalised for the
unit area. Curve 1 corresponds to the Gaussian contour (2.17), curves
2 and 3 to the contours (2.16). It may be seen that the contours de-
scribed by equation (2.16) are wider than the Gaussian contour and the
width of the contours increases with increasing ∆w. For example, for
∆w = 0.3 the difference from the Gaussian contour in respect of width
is ~3%, and at ∆w = 0.6 it is 13%.
Taking the actual measurement error into account, additional broad-
ening should be considered at w > 0.3. Figure 2.4 shows the actual gas
temperature dependence of the systematic error DT/T of determination
of temperature from the width of the spectral lines of some atoms and
molecules, associated with examining the above factor.
It can be seen that if measurements are carried out using the spec-
tral lines of relatively heavy molecules (N 2, CO), the systematic error
at the temperature found under the conditions of gas-discharge plasma
in practice is negligible. A different situation exists for light particles
at a low gas density. For example, DT/T > 10% for the H atom at
Kinetic Energy, Translational Relaxation and Doppler Broadening...
F ig .2.3 Contours of the spectral lines. 1) Gauss contour; 2,3) contours described
by equation (2.16) at ∆ w = 0.3 and ∆ w = 0.6, respectively.
dE N = - n M v~N , M s N , M DE dt . (2.18)
1/ 2
m T
vN ,M = vN N M + 1 (2.19)
T 8 mN mM
∆E N = E N µ 1 − M , µ = . (2.20)
TN 3 ( mN + mM )2
Kinetic Energy, Translational Relaxation and Doppler Broadening...
Taking into account (2.19) and (2.20), the relaxation equation is con-
verted to the form
1/ 2
−1/ 2 m
− N = 4nM σ N ,M µ (3πmN ) N EM + EN ( EN − EM ). (2.21)
dt mM
( E N − EM ) , (2.22)
1/ 2
1/ 2
= 4nσ N ,M µ ( EM / 3πmN )
−1 mN
where τrel + 1 .
Solution of equation (2.21) at the initial conditions E N (t = 0 ) = E N0
is written in the following form:
{ }
mN c′ exp t τrel + 1
EN (t ) = EM 1 + − N EM ,
{ } (2.23)
mM c′ exp t τ − m
rel − 1
1 M
1/ 2
1/ 2
mN 1/ 2
c = EN +
EM + EM 1 + ×
mM mM
1/ 2
1/ 2
mN 1/ 2
× E N +
EM − EM 1 + .
mM mM
Plasma Diagnostics
dw (t ) = τ−p1e
−t / τ p
dt , (2.25)
EN2 nAr , σ N2 , Ar ) = τ−p1 ∫ E (n
N2 Ar , )
σ N2 , Ar , t e
−t / τ p
dt . (2.26)
Kinetic Energy, Translational Relaxation and Doppler Broadening...
F ig .2.6 Dependence of the most probable values of energy for molecules of N 2 (C 3Π,
v ’ = 0, K ’ = 26) on the concentration of He (a) and Ar (b). a) calculated from (2.26)
for N 2–He with sections of 10 15 cm 2) s N 2 ,He = 5.8 (1), 3 (2), 12 (3); b) calculated
from (2.26) for N 2Ar with sections (10 –15 cm 2 ) s N 2 ,Ar = 4.1 (1), 2 (2), 8 (3); the
points indicate the experimental results. 29
Eea = Eemole
,v ,k - E k + E th
¢ - Eth0 , (2.27)
where Eae is the energy of the excited state of the atom, Eemol
,v,k is the en-
ergy of the examined electronic–oscillatory–rotational state of the mol-
ecule, E 0k is the rotation energy of the molecule prior to interaction, E0th
are the translational energies of the system of two particles prior to and
after interaction, respectively. The translational energy of the system
of two particles (with masses m 1 and m 2) can always be written in the
form of the sum of the energy of the centre of the masses E c.m and the
energy of the relative motion E µ : 18
E th = E c.m + Em . (2.28)
M S vc2.m m1m2
Here Ec.m = ; M S = m1 + m2 ; E m = mvrel . / 2; m =
2 m1 + m2 The ve-
locity of the centre of the masses vc.m and the velocity of the relative
motion are determined as follows
H 1 H H
vc . m = ( m1v1 + m2 v2 ), (2.29)
vrel = v1 - v2 . (2.30)
where v1 and v2 are the velocities of the first and second particles in
the laboratory reference system.
In interaction of the particles E c.m does not change
Kinetic Energy, Translational Relaxation and Doppler Broadening...
Eth′ − Eth0 =
m2 2
m1 M Σ 2 02 H H
v1′ − v1 − 2vc.m q1 ,
where q1 = v1¢ - v10 .
Averaging over all possible directions vc.m for the isotropic case leads
to the disappearance of the term with vc.m q1 , and, consequently
M Σ m1v1′2 m1v 0
3 MΣ MΣ z
Eeat = Eemole
,v ,k − kT 1 + + ε1 . (2.35)
2 M 2 m2
Plasma Diagnostics
where E 0e,v and E'e,v are the values of the electronic–oscillatory energy
of the system prior to and after interaction respectively, ε 0k(1), ε'k (1),
ε 0k(2), ε'k (2) are the rotational energies of the first and second molecule
prior to and after interaction, E 0t and E't is the translational energy of
the system prior to and after interaction. Using equation (2.36) and set-
1 3 1
m 2 v1′ 2 = ε1z , ε0k (1) = ε0k ( 2 ) = kT , we obtain
ting m1v10 = kT ,
2 2 2
3 MΣ MΣ z
E e0,v = E e′ ,v − kT 2 + + ε ′k (1) + ε ′k ( 2 ) + ε1 . (2.37)
2 m 2 m2
3 MΣ MΣ z
Ee0,v = Ee′,v − kT 2 + + min ε1 + ε′k (1) +
2 m2 m2 (2.38)
+ max ε′k ( 2 ) .
Kinetic Energy, Translational Relaxation and Doppler Broadening...
Plasma Diagnostics
Chapter 3
I ik = N i Aik hnik = N 0 ne sv 0i
Aik t i hnik , (3.1)
where Iik, Aik, νik are the intensities of the lines, the probability of spon-
taneous emission and the frequencies of radiation transition i → k, re-
spectively; N i, N 0 are the populations of the excited and ground elec-
tronic states; n e is the electron concentration; <σv> 0i are the rate con-
stants of excitation of the emitting states by the electron impact from
the ground electronic states; τ i is the radiation lifetime of the emitting
Optical Actinometry of Plasma
I1 N01 σv A1τ1ν1
= 01
I 2 N02 σv0 Aτ ν
02 2 2 2
∫ ϕ (ε ) f (ε ) ε dε
1/ 2
N01 σ01
∆E1 A1τ1ν1
= m ∞
. (3.2)
N02 σ02 A2τ2ν 2
∫ ϕ (ε ) f (ε ) ε dε
1/ 2
where σ m0i is the size of the excitation cross section at the maximum;
∆E i is the excitation threshold of the emitting state; f(ε) is the energy
distribution function of electrons in the plasma; ϕ 0i (ε) is the normal-
ised function describing the form of the dependence of the excitation
cross sections of the emitting states on the electron energy.
The exact solution of equation (3.2) encounters principal difficul-
ties associated mainly with insufficient knowledge of the energy dis-
tribution function of the electrons f(ε). However, these difficulties can
be overcome if the conditions ϕ 01(ε)¾ ϕ 02(ε) and ∆E 1 ¾ ∆E 2 are ful-
filled. As shown in, for example, Refs.4 and 5, the first of these con-
ditions is approximately fulfilled for a large number of atomic and mo-
lecular states. The second condition can be satisfied by selecting the
corresponding excited emitting states of the actinometer and the examined
gas. If both conditions are fulfilled, the following equation can be written
I1 N
= k 01 , (3.4)
I2 N 02
Plasma Diagnostics
N 02 = k N . (3.6)
I1 01
∫ ϕ ( ε ) f (ε ) ε dε ∑ q ( ) Ψ( ) ( v )
1/ 2 1 1 0
I1 N01 σ01
∆E1 v0 =0 A1τ1ν1
= m ∞ ∞
N02 σ02 A2τ2ν2
∑ q ( ) Ψ( ) ( v )
I2 (3.7)
∫ ϕ (ε ) f (ε ) ε
2 2 0
1/ 2
dε v0
∆E2 v0 =0
Optical Actinometry of Plasma
∫ ϕ (ε ) f (ε ) ε dε
1/ 2
I1 N01 σ01
∆E1 1 A1τ1ν1
= .
N02 σ02 ∞
m ∞
∫ ϕ (ε ) f (ε ) ε
1/ 2
dε ∑q v0 0
Ψ v0 ( ) (3.8)
∆E2 v0 =0
m ∫
ϕ01 (ε ) f (ε ) ε1/ 2dε ∑ q ( ) Ψ( ) ( v )
v0 0
1 0
v0 =0
k= ∞ ∞
∫ ϕ (ε ) f (ε ) ε
1/ 2
dε ∑ q( ) Ψ( ) (v )
v0 0
2 2 0 (3.9)
∆E2 v0 =0
Evidently, the discussed method was proposed for the first time and
applied in Ref.1 and 8 where the absolute concentrations of oxygen atoms
were determined under the condition of glow discharge plasma in carbon
The authors of Refs.1 and 8 compared the relative intensities of oxy-
gen lines O (3p 5P → 3s 5S) and the bands of the Angström system of
carbon oxide CO (B 1Σ, v’ = 0 → A 1Π, v''). The upper levels of these
emission transitions have similar excitation potentials (energy differ-
ence between them is ∆E ¾ 320 cm –1 and, in addition to this, the ex-
citation cross sections of these states are well known from the litera-
ture). In Refs.1, 8, the given concentration of carbon oxide molecules
were used to determine the concentration of oxygen atoms in relation
to the discharge conditions. The advantage of the proposed method is
that the actinometric gas was represented by CO present naturally in
the discharge.
Optical actinometry was reborn in studies of the diagnostic zone of
non-equilibrium chemically active plasma generated in low-pressure high-
frequency discharges used for etching silicon and silicon dioxide by active
halogen atoms (fluorine, chlorine, bromine). 9–18 It was shown that the
etching rate is proportional to the absolute concentration of the halo-
gen atoms.
Plasma Diagnostics
cause the excited CCl* radicals formed in the discharge not during direct
electronic excitation but during dissociation of CCl 2, CCl 3 and CCl 4. 12
The general conclusion relating to the results obtained in Refs.9–
12 can be described as follows: under the conditions where it is pos-
sible to use the linear absorption methods or laser-induced fluorescence
it may not be necessary to use optical actinometry. However, as a re-
sult of its availability and simple experimental set up, actinometry is
often more attractive.
An important moment which forms the basis of the method of op-
tical actinometry is the assumption on the excitation of emitting states
by a direct electron impact. In Ref.13, this circumstance was verified
by investigating the form of the contours of the spectral lines of fluorine,
chlorine and argon atoms in the plasma of ac discharge (f = 20–50 kHz)
in CF4/O2/Ar and Cl2/Ar mixtures. It is well known that in a low-pressure
discharge the form of the contours of the spectral lines, excited by direct
electron impact, should have the form of the Gauss function with the
gas temperature used as the parameter. 19 In Ref.13 it was shown that
the contours of the emission lines of the fluorine and argon atoms for
the CF4/O 2/Ar mixture indeed have the Gaussian form with the tempera-
ture T = 360 ± 70 K which corresponds to the gas temperature. At the
same time, the Cl 2/Ar mixture was characterised by large differences
in the contours of the emission lines of the chlorine and argon atoms
in comparison with the Gaussian form at the gas temperature. It was
concluded that the chlorine and argon atoms in the discharge in the Cl2/
Ar mixture are excited during dissociation in the processes of non-reso-
nance collision of heavy particles but not in excitation with the elec-
trons, i.e. the optical actinometry method cannot be used in this case.
Analysis of the strength of the possible effect of the gas–actinometer
on the properties of the examined plasma was carried out in Ref.14 where
the effect of the additions of argon, helium and molecular nitrogen on
the properties of the plasma and the SF6/O2 mixture was examined theo-
retically and by experiments. The results show the effect of argon, up
to 10% content in the working mixture, has almost no influence on the
energy distribution function of the electrons, whereas the additions of
molecular and nitrogen have a strong effect on the properties of SF 6/
O 2 plasma as a result of effective dissipation of the electron energy in
excitation of the vibrational levels of N 2.
Optical actinometry can also be used to identify the excitation chan-
nels of the quantum states of the molecules of chemically reacting gases.
For example, the authors of Ref.15 examined the mechanism of exci-
tation of the N 2 (C 3Π) state (argon was used as the actinometer) and
of the N +2 (B 2Σ) state (actinometer – neon). The results show that the
relationship (3.6) is fulfilled in a wide range of the variation of the dis-
Plasma Diagnostics
charge conditions for the corresponding states. Since the emitting states
of argon and neon were excited with the direct electron impact under
the given experimental conditions, it was concluded that the N 2 (C 3Π)
and N +2 (B 2Π) states are also populated by the direct electron impact.
In Ref.20, the absolute concentration of the nitrogen atoms was meas-
ured under the low-pressure arc discharge conditions with a consum-
able cathode made of titanium. Argon was used as the actinometer.
Taking into account the fact that the excitation potentials of the lines
of nitrogen atoms NI λ = 4099.94 Å (E 1 = 13.7 eV), NI λ = 4109.98
Å (E 1 = 13.7 eV) and argon atoms ArI λ = 4158.96 Å (E 2 = 14.55 eV)
are quite close, the nitrogen atoms concentrations can be measured in
principle using equation (3.6). All assumptions made in deriving equation
(3.6) were confirmed for the experimental conditions used in Ref.20.
The experimental results of the measurement of concentration in rela-
tion to the conditions in the vacuum arc discharge plasma were explained
in Ref.20 on the basis of a kinetic model which takes into account the
formation of nitrogen atoms in dissociation of N 2 by a direct electron
impact, dissociated recombination of N +2 with electrons in the recom-
bination of N on the walls of the discharge chamber.
Comparison of the experimental results obtained for the dependences
of the absolute concentration of nitrogen atoms and the growth rate of
the nitride–titanium condensate on the substrate of gas pressure made
it possible to propose an important channel of formation of titanium
nitride in the vacuum arc discharge through recombination of the ni-
trogen and titanium atoms on the surface.
The excitation potentials of the line of the oxygen atom OI λ = 7771.9
Å, of the Angström system of the CO molecule and the second posi-
tive system of N 2 are relatively similar, and to measure the absolute
concentrations of the oxygen atoms and the carbon oxide molecules in
the ground electronic state it is convenient to use the optical actinometry
method. The authors of Refs.22 and 23 carried out detailed measure-
ments of the concentration of these components in chemically active
plasma. Molecular nitrogen was used as the actinometer in all cases.
Naturally, the initial stage was the confirmation of the assumptions of
the method under the experimental conditions.22,23 The experimental object
in Ref.22 was a capillary glow discharge in the CO 2/N 2/He (1:1:8)
mixture at medium pressure (p = 20÷100 Torr) used for pumping
waveguide CO 2 lasers, and in Ref.23 it was the superhigh frequency
(microwave) medium pressure discharge (p = 70–100 Torr) with trans-
verse blowing of CO2 used to dissociate the carbon dioxide. In the latter
case, molecular nitrogen was added to the discharge in small amounts
for diagnostic purposes.
Optical Actinometry of Plasma
The results for the spatial distribution of the chemically active mol-
ecules of CO and O atoms, presented in Refs.22 and 23, provided im-
portant information of the special features of plasma chemical trans-
formations in the examined discharges so that it will be possible to
optimise these systems.
When adding the actinometric gas M to the examined gas X, the proc-
esses of direct electron excitation may be accompanied by reactions in
which heavy particles take part. For example, the reaction of quasi-
resonant energy transfer in collisions should take place:
X + M * ® X * + M ± DE . (3.10)
The rate of the process (3.10) is often very high because ∆E is small.
As already mentioned, a low value of ∆E is one of the main prereq-
uisites of the actinometry method.
Taking into account the fact that in addition to (3.10) the reactions
of excitation of the emitting states by the direct electron are also ef-
M + e ® M * + e, (3.11)
X + e ® X* + e, (3.12)
X* ( A + ν ) = [X ] ne k3 +
[M ]ne k2 X k ,
[ ]1
(A + ν)
Plasma Diagnostics
I M = M * AM ,
I X = X* AX .
[X ] = I X (1 + ν / A )X k 3 [M ]
+ k1 .
[M ] I M (1 + ν / A )M k 2 ( A + ν )M
Laser Methods of Plasma Diagnostics
Chapter 4
Plasma Diagnostics
Non-linear interferometry
The development of laser technology has been accompanied by rapid
advances in non-linear optics. In turn, the non-linear conversion of the
frequencies of laser radiation (by doubling or displacing frequencies)
has been used widely in interference plasma investigations. In particular,
there have been a large number of studies in which plasma probing is
carried out by simultaneous radiation of the basic frequency and the
second harmonics of a ruby or neodymium laser. At the output of the
interferometer these radiations are divided using light-dividing mirrors
and selective filters and two interferograms, corresponding to two
wavelengths, are recorded. As a result of combined treatment of these
interferograms, it is possible to separate the contributions to the refraction
of the plasma of electrons and atoms.
In all these studies the laser radiation frequency is converted to pas-
sage through the interferometer and the examined object. However, there
is a whole group of non-linear interferometers7 in which non-linear trans-
formation of the waves takes place after the passage through the ex-
amined object. This offers a number of new possibilities to interference
plasma diagnostics.
They include the possibility of probing plasma with the radiation of
a single frequency situated in the spectral range and suitable for re-
cording (for example, in the infrared range), followed by transforma-
tion of the radiation frequency to the visible range and recording the
interferogram using conventional photographic material. To realise this
possibility in plasma diagnostics, it is necessary to greatly increase the
sensitivity of measuring the electron concentration. In fact, it is well
known that the contributions of electrons and heavy particles (atoms
and ions away from their absorption lines) to plasma refraction are de-
scribed by the relationships
Ce N e
ne - 1 = - = -4.49 × 10-14 l2 N e , (4.1)
na - 1 = Ca N a , (4.2)
2 pe 2
where Ce = ; e and m are the charge and electron, respectively;
Laser Methods of Plasma Diagnostics
ω ( ne − 1)l Ce N e l
ϕe = =− (4.3)
c cω
ω ( na − 1) l ωC a N a l
ϕa = = , (4.4)
c c
increases in the IR region. Thus, the transition from the visible to the
IR range is an efficient method of increasing the sensitivity of meas-
uring the electron concentration in the plasma.
If plasma is probed with IR radiation with frequency ω 1 which is
then mixed with the flat pumping wave with frequency ω2 (Fig.4.1), the
phase relief ϕ 3 of the wave of the total (or difference) frequency ω 3 =
ω 1 ± ω 2 in the first approximation is equal to the phase relief ϕ 1 of
the wave with frequency ω1. Thus, the sensitivity of measuring the elec-
tron concentration corresponds to frequency ω1 of IR radiation and the
Plasma Diagnostics
where n and n 0 are the refractive indices of the object and the envi-
In the second non-linear element, the frequencies of the waves U' 1
(ω 1), U'2 (ω 2) are mixed and this leads to the formation of the wave
U''3 (ω 3) whose phase is ϕ''3 = ϕ'1 + ϕ'2. Interference of two waves U'3
Laser Methods of Plasma Diagnostics
and U''3, separated by the filter F, takes place at the outlet of the inter-
ferometer. The frequency of these waves is ω 3 and their distinguishing
feature is that one of these waves was obtained as a result of mixing
of the waves with the frequencies ω 1 and ω 2 prior to their passage
through the object, and the second – after passage through the object.
The phase difference of these waves
Dj D = j 3¢¢ - j ¢3 = j 1¢ + j ¢2 - j ¢3 , (4.8)
and the shape of their wave fronts differs only as a result of differ-
ences in the refractive indices of the object and the environment for ra-
diation with the frequencies ω 1, ω 2 and ω 3. If the dispersion of the en-
vironment can be ignored, the shifts of the fringes on the interferogram
will be determined only by the dispersion properties of the object. Sub-
stituting the values ϕ'1, ϕ'2 and ϕ'3 from (4.5), (4.6) and (4.7) into (4.8)
and setting n 0 (ω 1) = n 0 (ω 2) = n 0 (ω 3), we obtain
{ } l
∆ϕ D = ω1 n (ω1 ) − n (ω3 ) + ω2 n (ω2 ) − n ( ω3 ) .
∆ϕ D = n ( ω1 ) − n (ω3 ) , (4.10)
and the shifts of the fringes on the interferogram are determined by the
differences of the refractory indices of the object for radiations of the
basic frequency and the second harmonics.
Representing plasma refraction as the sum of refractions of the elec-
trons and the atoms (see equations (4.1) and (4.2)) gives
Ce N e
n -1= - + Ca N a . (4.11)
∆ϕ D C N l 1 1 1
kD = = e e + − . (4.12)
2π 2 π c ω1 ω 2 ω 3
3Ce N e l
kD = . (4.13)
4 pcw1
Laser Methods of Plasma Diagnostics
Resonance interferometry
The resonance interferometry methods are based on obtaining an
interferogram in the light of radiation close to the absorption lines of
one of the components of the examined plasma. Refraction (n–1) and
the absorption factor χ (Fig.4.4) in the vicinity of the line with a dis-
persion contour are described by the relationships
Plasma Diagnostics
n − 1 = C λ 30 N a f
(λ − λ 0 )
, (4.14)
(λ − λ 0 )2 + (∆λ / 2 )2
κ = 2πC λ 02 N a f 2
(λ − λ 0 )
2 (4.15)
Laser Methods of Plasma Diagnostics
( n − 1)l ≈ C λ 02 N a fl (λ − λ 0 )
k= . (4.16)
λ (λ − λ 0 ) + ( ∆λ / 2 )2
k min Dl
N a,min » . (4.17)
Cl20 fl
L2 F
F ig .4.6 Diagram of equipment for interference examination of the laser jet using a
dye laser.
Laser Methods of Plasma Diagnostics
a b c d e
F ig .4.7 Interferograms of the laser jet on a target made of a lithium alloy with lead
for different moments of time. t = 0.3 (a), 0.8 (b), 1.3 (c), 1.8 (d), 2.3 5s (e); λ-
λ 0 = 30 (a,b), 8 (c,d), 4 Å (e).
The radiation of the ruby dye laser was directed onto the interfer-
ometer using glass prisms and sheets. Two interferograms were pho-
tographed at the outlet of the interferometer in the light of radiation
of the ruby laser λ 1 and the dye laser λ 2.
Figure 4.7 shows interferograms obtained in the light of a dye la-
ser and corresponding to different stages of jet acceleration (t = 0.3-
2.3 µs). Optimum sensitivity was selected for each specific moment by
varying the value λ–λ 0. For times of 0.3 and 0.8 µs when determin-
ing the concentration of lithium atoms, it was necessary to process
interferograms obtained simultaneously in the light of radiation of the
dye laser and the ruby laser. Starting from 1.3 µs, there are no shifts
of the fringes of the interferograms obtained in the light of the ruby
laser. Therefore, the shifts of the fringes on interferograms, corresponding
to radiation of the dye laser, can be fully attributed to the refraction
of lithium atoms.
The spatial distributions of the concentration of lithium atoms, shown
in Fig.4.8, were obtained as a result of processing the interferograms
for different stages of jet acceleration. As a result of modifying the wave-
length of the radiation of the ruby laser, it was possible to take reli-
able measurements of the concentration of lithium atoms with the con-
centration varying in the range of approximately four orders of mag-
In Ref.17, resonance interferometry was used to determine the con-
centration of excited hydrogen atoms in the plasma of a laser spark.
The laser spark was produced in a chamber filled with hydrogen with
a pressure 2 to 10 atm. Interferograms were obtained using the radiation
of a dye laser with a wavelength close to the line H α. The measured
Plasma Diagnostics
F ig .4.8 Distribution of lithium atoms along the laser beam axis for the moments
of acceleration of the laser jet of 0.3 (1), 0.8 (2), 1.3 (3), 1.8 (4), 2.3 µs (5).
parameter in this case was the concentration of the atoms on the sec-
ond energy level.
Laser interferometry
The term ‘laser interferometry’ usually refers to different interference
methods in which the laser plays simultaneously the role of a light source
and an interferometer, and the phase shifts are recorded by photoelectric
If a diaphragm separating part of the interference fringe is placed
at the output of an interferometer, and a photoelectric receiver is placed
behind this diaphragm, then the variation of the photoflux can be used
to examine the variation of the optical difference of the path with time.
However, in this type of recording, it is not possible to obtain infor-
mation on the spatial distribution of the refractive index that can be
obtained in systems with visualisation of the field. The spatial resolution
is determined by the diameter of the probing beam.
An advantage of the photoelectric recording method is the possibility
of increasing the sensitivity of determining the electron concentration
by using long wave radiation because a relatively large range of pho-
toelectric receivers is available for operation in the IR range. In ad-
dition, photoelectric recording opens wide possibilities for using dif-
ferent radioelectronic systems employed in interference diagnostics of
plasma in the microwave range (see Ref.18). Consequently, the accu-
Laser Methods of Plasma Diagnostics
M1 a M2 M3
M1 M2 PL
M2 PL M2
Plasma Diagnostics
1.12 ⋅1013
N e (t ) = k (t ). (4.18)
1.12 ⋅ 1013
∆ ( N el ) = ∆k . (4.19)
Laser Methods of Plasma Diagnostics
Not only longitudinal but also transverse modes are excited in this reso-
nator so that when measuring the length of the resonator, the intensity
of laser radiation is modulated with a frequency S times higher than
the laser interferometer with a flat mirror M 3. As shown in Ref.23, the
quantity S has a simple geometrical meaning – it is the number of double
passages of the light beam between the mirrors of the cavity after which
the beam returns to the initial (entry) point. This geometrical interpre-
tation is especially convincing when the laser beam is not directed along
the axis of a reference resonator (Fig.4.9b). The increase of sensitiv-
ity in this case can be regarded as a result of multiple (S times) pas-
sage of radiation through plasma. In successive passages, the beam is
displaced thus impairing the spatial resolution. This can be avoided by
placing the plasma inside a laser resonator 24,25 (Fig.4.9c).
As already mentioned, the sensitivity of determining the electron con-
centration can be increased by increasing the wavelength of laser ra-
diation. For example, when using the radiation of a CO2 laser (λ = 10.6
µm) λ(N el) ≈ 10 16 cm –2 corresponds to the shift per fringe, and when
using a HCN laser (λ = 337 µm) it is ∆(N el) ≈ 3·10 14 cm –2 .
When measuring the atom concentration, the sensitivity can be in-
creased selectively using the radiation close to the absorption lines of
these atoms (see equation (4.14)). For example, in Ref.26 the concen-
tration of metastable helium atoms on the level 23S1 was determined using
the radiation of a helium–neon laser (λ = 1.0798 µm) whose distance
from the absorption line λ = 1.0830 µm was 32 Å. A similar method
was used in Ref.27 to determine the concentration of metastable neon
atoms on the level 1s 5. Plasma probing was carried out by the radia-
tion of a helium–neon laser (λ = 0.6401 µm) 1 Å from the line formed
in transition to the level 1s 5 (λ 0 = 0.6402 µm). In this case, the con-
centration of the metastable neon atoms corresponding to the shift per
fringe was ∆N a ≈ 1.1·10 11 cm –3 (column length l = 42.5 cm).
Laser heterodyne systems are characterised by a very high sensitivity
to the changes of plasma refraction. The addition of plasma inside a
laser resonator shifts the laser radiation frequency
Dw lDn Dw lDn
= , = , (4.20)
w dr w dr
Plasma Diagnostics
the refractive index and the absorption factor, i.e. the holographic method
offers nothing new in comparison with the conventional optical method.
Nevertheless, in many cases the holographic methods have considerable
advantages in comparison with the conventional optical methods and
sometimes make it possible to solve problems which could not be solved
by these conventional methods. The new possibilities of the holographic
method include:
– recording and subsequent restoration of the wave passed through
the pulsed plasma, diagnostics of the latter under the standard condi-
tions by different optical methods;
– restoration by means of a single hologram of light waves passed
through the plasma in different directions within the limits of the solid
angle defined by the hologram makes it possible to obtain the spatial
distribution of the parameters of the three-directional object in the ab-
sence of axial symmetry;
– interference examination of the plasma enclosed in a vessel with
optically non-uniform windows;
– low requirements on the quality of the optical components of the
interferometer and, consequently, the possibility of interferometric ex-
amination of plasma of almost unlimited dimensions;
– simultaneous or consecutive recording of holograms in the light
of radiation passed through the plasma with several wavelengths and
examination of the interference pattern formed by the waves restored
by such a hologram;
– increase of the sensitivity of interference measurements;
– recording of the amplitude distortions of the transmitted wave and
measurement of the absorption factor of the plasma without interfer-
ence from the side of its natural radiation;
– the possibility of using various movie holographic systems for ex-
amining plasma dynamics.
The holographic methods were used for the first time for examin-
ing plasma in 1966.33 At present, they are widely in plasma experiments.
We shall now present the results of a number of investigations in which
these special features were most evident together with the possibilities
of holographic methods of plasma diagnostics. More detailed information
can be found in a number of books and review articles. 2-5
that the plasma of the laser spark is equivalent to the negative astig-
matic lens, and the focusing distance of this lens was used to deter-
mine the refractive index of the plasma and estimate the electron con-
centration in it.
A schlieren circuit, shown schematically in Fig.4.10, was used to
record a wave restored by the hologram in Ref.35 where a laser spark
in argon induced by the radiation of a CO 2 laser was examined. Infor-
mation on the spatial distribution of the gradient of the refractive in-
dex of the plasma was obtained using a scanning photodetector.
The authors of Ref.36 describes a holographic interferometer which
enables the frequency and orientation of the fringes on the interferograms
to be changed in the restoration stage. The circuit of the interferom-
eter is shown in Fig.4.11. The hologram 1 was produced by the dou-
ble exposure method, and the angle of incidence of the subject beam
on the hologram was varied between exposures. The waves restored by
this hologram and corresponding to each exposure propagate under an
angle to each other and can be separated in the focus of the objective
2. Reflected from different faces of the prism 3, the waves propagate
in two different arms of the interferometer and form an interferogram
in plane 4 where the frequency and orientation of the fringes are meas-
Laser Methods of Plasma Diagnostics
b P
Laser Methods of Plasma Diagnostics
( Nel )min = 2.2 ⋅1013 , (4.22)
Laser Methods of Plasma Diagnostics
( N al )min = . (4.23)
Ca λ
Fig .4.14 Holographic diagram with multiple passage of the probing light beam through
the object (a) and the diagram of increasing sensitivity as a result of multiple passage
of the light beam through the hologram in the restoration stage (b).
Plasma Diagnostics
a b
F ig .4.15 Diagrams of recording the hologram (a) and restoration of the wave fronts
of a non-linearly recorded hologram (b).
are restored in the direction normal to the hologram, then the gain in
sensitivity as a result of their interference is 2k.
However, the use of non-linear effects for increasing the sensitiv-
ity intensifies not only the distortions of the wave front caused by the
examined object but also any distortion caused by the imperfection of
the optical elements of holographic equipment. Therefore, either holo-
graphic systems designed for increasing sensitivity are produced on the
basis of interferometers with high quality mirrors or it is necessary to
compensate the distortions introduced by the optics in the restoration
stage. The methods of this compensation of aberrations using waves of
high orders were examined in Ref.66, 67.
Plasma Diagnostics
CO 2 laser
Plasma Diagnostics
a b
c d
e f
g h
Laser Methods of Plasma Diagnostics
2·1014 cm–2. This high sensitivity makes the described method promising
for diagnostics of low-density high-temperature plasma in Tokamak-type
systems. The equipment designed for these investigations was described
in Ref.79; it was also used for analysis of late stages of acceleration
of the laser jet on a carbon target. 67
F ig .4.20 Holographic interferograms of the laser spark in helium at a pressure of
6 atm, corresponding to the radiations of the basic frequency (a) and second harmonics
(b) of a ruby laser.
Plasma Diagnostics
Laser Methods of Plasma Diagnostics
Holography offers considerable possibilities for constructing
kinoholographic systems, i.e. equipment producing a series of holograms
Plasma Diagnostics
F ig .4.23 Kinoholographic equipment for examining the laser spark. a) top view, b)
lateral view, 1) pulsed ruby laser, 2,3) co-focal lenses, 4,5) mirrors of the optical
delay line, 6) wedges, 7) holograms, 8) light-dividing wedge, 9) wedge used to produce
finite-width fringes.
42 ns
84 ns
126 ns
168 ns
210 ns
Plasma Diagnostics
D1 £ . (4.24)
16n 2
Laser Methods of Plasma Diagnostics
D2 ≤
( )
4 n +1 (4.25)
Plasma Diagnostics
1.40 µs
1.46 µs 1.52 µs
1.58 µs 1.64 µs
Laser Methods of Plasma Diagnostics
1.40 µs
1.46 µs
1.52 µs
1.58 µs
1.64 µs
F ig .4.28 Five consecutive holographic interferograms of the current layer (a) and
the lines of equal electronic density constructed from them (b).
Plasma Diagnostics
F ig .4.29 Equipment for kinoholographic examination of the plasma jet by the real
time method.
Laser Methods of Plasma Diagnostics
an emitting centre. Figure 4.30 shows the wave vectors of the incident
k 0 and scattered k S waves whose absolute values are equal to
H 2p w 0 H 2p w s
k0 = = and kS = =
l0 c ls c , and the directions coincide with the
directions of propagation of the incident wave and the examination di-
The amplitude of the radiation scattered by an electron at distance
r from it is
Es = E sin j, (4.26)
r 0
where r0 = 2
= 2.8 × 10 -13 cm is the classic electron radius, ϕ is the
angle between the vector of the strength of the incident wave E0 and
the wave vector of scattered radiation k s .
The effective scattering cross section, representing the ratio of the
light flux, scattered in the direction ϕ within the limits of the unit solid
angle, to the intensity of incident radiation is
E s2 r 2
se = = r02 sin 2 j. (4.27)
Plasma Diagnostics
8p 2
s Th = r = 6.65 × 10 -25 cm2 . (4.28)
3 0
e i
w = w s - w 0 = v × ks - k0 = v × k , (4.29)
where v is the vector of the electron velocity. Thus, the frequency shift
in scattering is proportional to the projection of
H the velocity
H of the elec-
tron on the difference of the wave vectors k s and k 0 and not on the
examination direction as in the case in studying the radiation of a moving
source, forH example,
H an atom.
Since k s » k 0 , then
H w q 4p q
k » 2 0 sin » sin (4.30)
c 2 l 2
w 0vk q
w»2 sin , (4.31)
c 2
Laser Methods of Plasma Diagnostics
wa atte
l 2p
l= = H .
2 sin q / 2 k (4.32)
In the gap between these layers there are layers of the same thick-
ness scattered in the antiphase in relation to the first layers. Conse-
quently, if the number of electrons of each layer were the strictly the
same, the scattered wave would be completely quenched. In reality, be-
cause of fluctuations of the electron density in the plasma, the com-
plete quenching of the waves, scattered by the individual layers, does
not take place.
The amplitude of the waves scattered by the k-th layer is Ak = Esnkeik,
where nk = ne + dnk is the number of the electrons in the k-th layer dif-
fering from the mean value ne by the value n k, and ϕ k is the phase
of the wave scattered by the given layer. The total amplitude of radiation,
scattered by all layers, is
c c 2 ibj - j g
Is = AA = Es dnk dn j e k .
8p 8p (4.34)
k, j
Plasma Diagnostics
c 2
Is = E
8p s å dnk2 , (4.35)
c 2 c c
Is = E
8p s å nk = 8p E s2 ne = 8p E s2 N e DV . (4.36)
ume V; N e = is the electron concentration in plasma. It is evident
that this equation can also be obtained by direct summation of the
intensities of the radiation scattered by all electrons within limits of the
volume V.
Using equation (4.27), equation (4.36) can be easily transformed to
the form
c E2 I
Is = s e 20 N e DV = s e 02 N e DV , (4.37)
8p r r
cE 02 W0
where I 0 = = is the intensity of incident radiation, W 0 and S
8p DS
is the total power and area of the cross section of the light beam falling
onto the plasma.
Laser Methods of Plasma Diagnostics
The total light flux of the scattered radiation, recorded by the de-
tector within the limits of the solid angle ∆Ω, is determined by the ex-
F s = I s r 2 DW = s e N e DVDWI 0 . (4.38)
b g
dw = f vx dvx , (4.39)
S ws - w0 = g s0
ws - w0
. JJ
f0 k H K (4.40)
b g
m 2 kTe
f vx = e (4.41)
2 kTe p
and the contour of the line of scattered radiation has the form of a Gauss
LM m bw g OP = S expLM-FG w - w IJ OP,2
Sbw - w g = S exp -
- w0
s s 0
s 0 0 H2 0
e k e
Plasma Diagnostics
2lTe H 2
where w e º k . The width of the scattering line, measured at
half height, is
2 1/ 2
Dw = 2w aln 2f = 2 2aln 2f
1/ 2 e
e . (4.43)
N m
Transferring to the wavelength and substituting k from (4.30) gives
l0 F I F 2kT ln 2I
1/ 2
Dl = 4
H KH m K
sin . (4.44)
c 2
F kT I
D= G
1/ 2
H 4pN e JK
. (4.45)
Laser Methods of Plasma Diagnostics
1 1 l 4 pN e e 2
a= H = = .
k D 2 pD 4 p sin q kTe (4.46)
Collective scattering
At an arbitrary value of parameter α the intensity and spectrum of the
radiation scattered by the plasma are determined by the time and spatial
spectra of the fluctuations of the electronic density. The spectral flow
of the radiation scattered by the plasma can be calculated from the equa-
= se s ks - k0 , w s - w 0 DVDWI0 , i (4.47)
e i
where s k , w is the spatial–time Fourier transforma from the function
of the paired correlations of the electronic density.100 Integrating (4.47)
with respect to frequencies gives
e i
Fs = S ks - k0 se Ne DVDWI0 , (4.48)
where S ks - k0 = i 1
s k , w dw characterises the difference of the
collective scattering section from the scattering section on free electrons.
When l >> D (a >> 1) the thickness of the layers with coherent ra-
diation is greater than the dimension of the regions within which the
quasineutrality can be disrupted. The motion of each electron is strongly
affected by the electrostatic field of ions and other electrons. The motion
of the individual electrons can no longer be regarded as independent
and the fluctuations of electronic density are random. When the elec-
tronic and ion temperatures are equal (Te » Ti), the velocity of the elec-
trons is considerably higher than that of the ions. Consequently, any
displacement of the ion is accompanied by the collective displacement
of the entire electron cloud screening the ion charge. On the other hand,
the ions do not manage to follow the movement of the electrons and
this leads to the disruption of quasineutrality for the period of the order
Plasma Diagnostics
F I 1/ 2
of t e »
= GH
4 pN e e 2
JK . The value reciprocal to this time is
4 pN e e 2 I 1/ 2
wp =
= GH
m JK , (4.49)
e i e i e i
s k , w = se k , w + si k , w . (4.50)
A similar equality can also be written for the quantities integral over
the spectrum
ei ei ei
S k = Se k + Si k . (4.51)
3kTe H 2 3 F I
Dw 2 = w 2p +
k = w 2p 1 + 2 .
a H K (4.52)
Laser Methods of Plasma Diagnostics
a b
Se k =
1 + a2
Si k =
za 4
I .
d1 + a iGH1 + a x T a JK
2 2T e
2 (4.54)
Plasma Diagnostics
Laser Methods of Plasma Diagnostics
a f
F reg = bl L dl ,
bl = , (4.56)
L1 L2 D
1 D2
DFS-12 oscilloscope
D1 PEM 2 Oscilloscope
L1 L2
Plasma Diagnostics
s e N eW0
bl = . (4.57)
s e N eW0 LDl
F reg = . (4.58)
hF reg Dt hs e N e LlDlE 0
ne = = . (4.59)
hv hcp 2 d
Here h is the quantum yield of the photocathode, hn = h is the quan-
tum energy, Dt is the laser pulse time, E0 = W0Dt is the total laser pulse
In accordance with (4.59), the strength of the useful signal is de-
termined directly by the laser pulse energy, the light force of the spectral
device and the sensitivity of the radiation detector. Therefore, general
requirements of the elements of equipment for examining scattering are
reduced to using lasers that emit a sufficiently large amount of energy
in the pulse and to the use of apparatus with a high light force and the
most sensitive radiation detectors (with a high quantum yield).
At the same time, the useful scattering signal is recorded on the back-
ground of various types of interference associated with the intrinsic glow
of plasma and also the parasitic scattering of laser radiation at opti-
cal elements and components of plasma equipment. Therefore, to increase
the signal/noise ratio, it is necessary, on the one hand, to increase the
laser radiation power and, on the other hand, take measures to reduce
the level of parasitic scattering.
The requirements of apparatus used for examining scattering were
examined in detail in Ref.2. Here, we shall confine ourselves only to
more detailed examination of two typical experimental systems described
Laser Methods of Plasma Diagnostics
IS = I - I pl - I par (4.60)
where I is the signal recorded in the presence of the laser pulse and
in the presence of plasma, I pl is the signal determined by the natural
glow of plasma in the absence of the laser pulse, I par is the parasitic
signal observed in the presence of the laser pulse and in the absence
of plasma. The contour of the scattering line is recorded from individual
points. Regardless of the fact that the parasitic signal I par at the wave-
length of laser radiation exceeded 30 times the useful signal I S, the
‘wings’ of the scattering line were recorded with sufficient reliability.
Absolute calibration of the entire measuring system was carried out
on the basis of Rayleigh scattering in helium with which the plasma
Plasma Diagnostics
Laser Methods of Plasma Diagnostics
(a), 10.4 (b) and 21 µs (c) after formation on the laser spark. The spec-
trum shows clearly the central ion maximum and satellites at the plasma
Further advances in experimental techniques used in the laser scat-
tering method were associated with using this method of diagnostics of
the high-temperature plasma in large toroidal systems of the Tokamak
type. 6 To increase the information content of the method, investigators
used multichannel recording systems based on polychromators of dif-
ferent types. The focal plane of a spectral device is separated into a
number of spectral regions using a package of light guides so that the
entire spectrum of scattered radiation can be recorded in a single plasma
The radial distribution of the plasma parameters is determined us-
ing a set of packets of light guides where each light guide shows an
image of a specific region of the slit of the spectral device in the di-
rection of height, or a set of modules (polychromators) of the same type
is used where each records the radiation spectrum scattered from some
point of the plasma cord.
Simultaneous recording of scattering spectra in a large number of
spatial points in TFTR Tokamak equipment 117 was carried out, using
as a detector a two-coordinate television system matched with a
polychromator. Measurements were taken in 76 points in space and 25
channels with respect to spectrum.
Plasma Diagnostics
I s , rel. units
I s , rel. units
259 Å. The Doppler shift of the scattering line was also observed in
investigations of the laser spark 124-126 so that it was possible to meas-
ure the travel velocity of the plasma boundary in the direction against
the laser radiation which equalled around 100 km/s.
In accordance with (4.38), measuring the scattered light flux F S, we
can determine the electron concentration Ne in plasma. However, the ab-
solute energy measurements are always associated with large experi-
mental errors. It is far easier and more accurate to calibrate appara-
tus on the basis of Rayleigh scattering. For this purpose, the plasma
chamber is filled with a gas with the known scattering section and the
Rayleigh scattering signal is measured at the same intensity of the laser
pulse, the geometry of optical equipment and the sensitivity of the meas-
uring system. Consequently, all absolute measurements are eliminated
and only the ratio of two signals – scattering on plasma and Rayleigh
scattering – is measured:
F S s e N e s Th N e
= = . (4.61)
F R sj N a s R N a
Plasma Diagnostics
8p w 4
sR =
3 c
a 2a , (4.62)
Laser Methods of Plasma Diagnostics
a b
I, rel. units
F ig .4.37 Spectra of radiation scattered by the plasma of q-pinch. 128 Points are the
experimental values, solid lines are the experimental contours of the scattering line:
a) T e = 90 000 K, N e = 2·10 16 cm –3 , a = 0.53; b) T e = 55 000 K, N e = 4·10 16 cm 3 ,
a = 0.97; broken lines are the positions of the laser lines.
2 Si ( k ) 2a 4
H =
Se k 1 + 2a 2 (4.63)
I, rel. units
Laser Methods of Plasma Diagnostics
I, rel. units
F ig .4.39 Spectra of radiation scattered by the plasma in the magnetic field. 131
B = 125 kilogauss (1), 0 (2); 3) theoretical curve.
sa =
= r0 cfki
a Dn / 2 f
b g a f
2 2
, (4.64)
na n ki - n + Dn / 2
Plasma Diagnostics
a b c
Laser Methods of Plasma Diagnostics
of the radiation lines of plasma particles so that the contour of the fluo-
rescence line can be used to determine the electron concentration if the
Stark effect in the electric fields of charged particles is the main broad-
ening mechanism, or temperature if the line broadens as a result of the
Doppler effect.
An advantage of the resonance fluorescence method in comparison
with the conventional emission diagnostic method is its localisation. As
in the laser scattering method, the examined radiation is observed from
a small plasma volume in which the laser beam and the cone of the
beams recorded by the detector intersect and, consequently, provides
information on the plasma parameters within the limits of this volume.
Strictly speaking, this holds for optically thin plasma. In examination
by the fluorescence method of the plasma with a large optical thick-
ness it is important to take into account the absorption of resonance
radiation in the vicinity of the scattering region where the effective
volume of this region may increase and the glow brightness may change.
The strength of the recorded fluorescence signal is
where j ik is the light flux emitted by the unit volume in the unit solid
angle, DV is the plasma volume from which fluorescence is observed,
DW is the solid angle within which the radiation is recorded. In turn,
jik = A hv DN , (4.66)
4p ik ik i
F fl = A hn DN DVDW. (4.67)
4p ik ik i
Plasma Diagnostics
N i0 gi - kTe
= e , (4.68)
N k0 g k
af af af af
= Nki rv t N k t - Bik rv t + A Ni t , (4.69)
b g
= Bki r n N0 - Bki + Bik r n + A Ni . (4.70)
Laser Methods of Plasma Diagnostics
Nor n Bki
Nist =
b g
Bki + Bik rn + A
. (4.71)
We shall now examine two extreme cases – high and low values of
r n. If r n << B + B , then
ki ik
N 0 N ki r n
N ist » , (4.72)
i.e. the population of the upper level in the stationary state is directly
proportional to the radiation density. Therefore, the fluorescence sig-
nal also increases linearly with increasing rn. Substituting Nist from (4.72)
into (4.67) instead of DN i and replacing A by A ik (this corresponds to
the absence of quenching collisions) we obtain
F fl = hn DVDWN 0r n . (4.73)
4 p ik
In the second extreme case, where r n >> B + B , as indicated by
ki ik
N 0 Bki N 0 gi
N ist » = (4.74)
Bki + Bik gi + g k
(it is taken into account here that B ki g k = B ikg i and does not depend on
r n). Correspondingly, the fluorescence signal is also independent of r n
and in this case is equal to
1 N 0 gi
F fl = A hn DVDW. (4.75)
4 p ik ik gi + g k
Plasma Diagnostics
r n = r sat
n º . (4.76)
Bki + Bik
l =
r sat
l gi + gk
g (4.77)
ne = F fl ThDt , (4.78)
Laser Methods of Plasma Diagnostics
F pl = A hn N 0VDW. (4.79)
4 p ik ik i
F fl DNi DV F DV I
F pl
= 0
Ni V
= GH
.JK (4.80)
LM F hn I - 1OP
gk exp
F fl e (4.81)
F pl gi + gk V
Plasma Diagnostics
scattering signals differ and they are quite easy to separate. This also
relates to examining the induced fluorescence signal displaced with
respect to frequency in relation to the laser radiation frequency by the
value n ki – n.
In initial studies concerned with the application of the resonance fluo-
rescence method for plasma diagnostics, 139,140 investigations were car-
ried out using barium plasma and the light source was a high-pressure
arc. This was followed by using this method in a series of investiga-
tions into the diagnostics of the plasma containing alkali metals, us-
ing tuneable lasers as a radiation source. In Ref.141, the concentration
of barium atoms in the flame was determined by the fluorescence of
the resonance barium line excited using a dye laser.
In Ref.142, the fluorescence method was used for diagnostics of po-
tassium plasma. Fluorescence was excited by radiation of a ruby la-
ser whose wavelength coincided with the potassium line l = 6939 Å
(4P 3/2 ® 6S 1/2) as a result of cooling the ruby crystal to a temperature
of –45°C. The fluorescence signal was observed under an angle of 90°
to the incident laser beam and was recorded using a monochromator,
a photomultiplier and an oscilloscope. When the wavelength of laser
radiation was displaced by 0.06 Å from the absorption line, the fluo-
rescence signal disappeared. Fluorescence was observed at two lines
l = 6939, 6911 Å. The decay time of fluorescence in measuring the
plasma parameters was examined. In this case, the decay time depended
on the electron concentration so that these measurements could be used
to determine Ne. The measurements of the ratio of the fluorescence signal
to the intensity of the emission line enabled the authors to determine
T e (see equation (4.81)). According to the estimates of the authors, the
method is suitable for potassium plasma diagnostics with the param-
eters N e = 10 11 ¸ 10 11 cm –3 and T e = 2000 ¸ 3000 K.
In Ref.143, the resonance fluorescence method was used to meas-
ure the concentration of sodium atoms in the octupole plasma and in
Ref.144 – for determining the spatial distribution of the atoms and ions
of barium in an arc discharge in a magnetic field. The spatial resolu-
tion power obtained in Ref.144 was 0.2 mm 3.
In a number of studies, the fluorescence method was used to examine
the distribution of impurities in the plasma evaporating from the walls
of the plasma chamber and separated from metallic electrodes. The con-
centration of Fe, Cr, Ni, Mo, Ti, W in both cold 145,146 and hot 147,151
plasma was determined.
The fluorescence method was used to measure the concentration of
hydrogen, 152,153 helium, 154 argon 155 and other gases.
In Ref.154, a dye laser set to a wavelength of l = 4471 Å was used
for selected excitation of the 4d 3D level of a helium atom. The fluo-
Laser Methods of Plasma Diagnostics
Plasma Diagnostics
Chapter 5
Plasma Diagnostics
0 Polished
25 surface
300 µm p- surface
µm Laser
F ig .5.2 Characteristic types of laser diodes used in various areas of the spectrum
and the frequency in spectra of certain molecules.
Spectroscopy of Ground Electronic States of Molecules in Plasma
L2 L1 L
The diagram of a diode laser spectrometer 11 operating in the pulsed–
periodic regime, is shown in Fig.5.3. The radiation of the diode laser
1, shaped by the lenses L1 and L2 into the beam with a transverse
dimension of ~1 mm, takes place through the examined object 2 (dis-
charge tube with a high voltage current source 16). The monochromator
3 is used for rough determination of the frequency of generation and
selection of the laser modes. The relative frequency calibration is speci-
fied by the Fabry-Perot interferometer 4. The signal from the photodiode
5 passes through the amplifier 6 to the oscilloscope 7 and the
stroboscopic integrator 8 followed by recording on the automatic re-
cording device 9. PbSe diodes, used in Ref.11, with the generation in
the range 4–6 µm, are excited by rectangular current pulses with a fre-
quency of ~1 A, duration 200 µs and a repetition frequency of 10–100
Hz. The generation power is 10–100 µW. The pulses are shared by the
generator 10 and magnified with the magnifier 11. The generation fre-
quency is tuned by passing a current pulse through the laser. The po-
sition of the tuning zone is varied by varying the temperature (in the
range 30–80 K) of the cooling line on which the laser is secured. The
sensitivity of the generation frequency to the variations of temperature
for the laser diode is ~1 cm –1 K –1. Therefore, to obtain a high spec-
tral resolution, it is sufficient carry out accurate regulation of tempera-
ture. The long-term stability of temperature is not lower than 10–2 K
and is achieved using the electronic system 12 as a feedback. The mo-
ment of the start of recording the spectrum with a stroboscopic inte-
Plasma Diagnostics
grator is set by the shaper of the time delay 13. The temperature fluc-
tuations in the period between two consecutive pulses of the pumping
current are compensated by the optical triggering system 14 with the
delay shaper 15.
This system makes it possible to ensure a resolution power of
~10 –4 cm –1, the width of the zone of continuous tuning to 11 cm –1, fre-
quency tuning rate 10 4–10 6 cm –1 ×s –1, operating speed of the recording
system ~10 –8 s. At these powers and widths of the radiation spectrum
the effective brightness temperature of the emitter can be estimated at
~105 K which enables quantitative absorption measurements to be carried
out even at very high excitation levels of the examined system. At the
same time, the relatively low power of the semiconductor lasers ena-
bles measurements to be taken in the linear absorption regime.
F ig .5.5 Distribution of CO 2 molecules on the basis of the rotational levels for several
vibrational levels. Discharge in a capilliary 2 mm in diameter, 50 mm long, current
i = 9 mA, gas mixture CO 2 –N 2 –He (1:1:8:), pressure 30 torr.
small, being ∆T/TÙ 2%. This is due to the fact that a large number
(~1000) of vibrational–rotational transitions was used in the measure-
ments. Secondly, the information on the vibrational distributions in
Fig.5.6 was obtained in the energy range of vibrational states ~15000
cm –1 , but within the limits of a very narrow spectral range ~75 cm –1
since the differences in the frequencies of vibrational transitions are as-
sociated only with anharmonism. Naturally, this approach can be used
only when using high spectral resolution. This is also possible in di-
ode spectroscopy.
Spectroscopy of Ground Electronic States of Molecules in Plasma
Plasma Diagnostics
Positive ions
Ar + , ArH + , CF + , ClC + , HCl + , NO + , NeH +, OH + , CO 2 + , ClH 2 + , D 3 +, DCO + , DN 2 + , H 3 ,
HBF + , H 2 D +, HD 2 +, HCO + , HCS + , HN 2 +, H 2 O +, HCNH + , H 3 O + , SH 3+ , HeH + , SH +
Negative ions
C 2 – , OH – , SH – , FHF – , ClHCl – , FDF – , N 3 – , NCO – , NCS –
Electronically-excited particles
I, Kr, D 2 , N 2
Non-stationary processes
It has already been noted that the pulsed-periodic regime of operation
of the laser diode is characterised by a very high frequency tuning rate.
It is thus possible to record the spectra of non-stationary objects. For
example, Fig.5.9 shows the evolution of amplification in a pulsed pe-
riodic CO2 laser at atmospheric pressure on the P(20) line of the 00°1–
10°0 generation transition. In contrast to the conventional methods of
measuring the amplification factor in the centre of the line, it is pos-
sible to examine the change of the entire profile of amplification with
high (less than 1 µs) time resolution. 18a
Spectroscopy of Ground Electronic States of Molecules in Plasma
Plasma Diagnostics
100 ns
10 ns b
the actual line contour. In the case b Dw 2/µ = 36.6 and the effects de-
scribed previously are observed.
Restrictions in the application of diode spectroscopy are associated
mainly with two circumstances: 1) absence in a number of cases of
adsorption vibration IR spectra (in dipole approximation), for exam-
ple homonuclear diatomic molecules; 2) no localised measurements in
the direction of propagation along the laser beam.
CALS spectroscopy has no such restriction.
Spectroscopy of Ground Electronic States of Molecules in Plasma
where c (i) is the dielectric susceptibility tensor. The first term with c (1)
describes refraction and light reflection phenomena. Susceptibility c (1)
is linked with permittivity by the relationship e = 1 + 4pc (1). The term
with c (2) describes the phenomena of doubling the frequency and op-
tical detection. For isotropic media, such as gases relevant to this work,
this and all subsequent even terms in (5.1) are equal to zero because
the tensor c is symmetric. Thus, the term with c (3) is a term of a lower
order describing the non-linear effect in isotropic media, including all
coherent defects of Raman scattering, including CALS.
Calculations within the framework of conventional electromagnetic
theory which take into account the symmetry properties c (3) for a me-
Plasma Diagnostics
25p 4 w 32
c a 3f - w 3 , w 1 , w 1 , - w 2
b g 2 F Dkl I .
I3 =
b g b g d ic
n w3 n w2 n w12 4
I12 I2 l 2 sin c
H 2 K (5.2)
Here I j is the intensity of the wave with frequency w j; l is the length
of interaction; k = k 3 – 2k 1 + k 2 ; c is the speed of light; n is the
refraction index. In accurate phase matching (Dk = 0) I 3 ~ l 2 . At
k ¹ 0, I3 is the periodic function of l which reaches the first maximum
at a length lc = p/Dk referred to as the coherence length. Generally speak-
ing, the condition w 3 = 2w 1 – w 2 does not ensure that Dk = 0 is ful-
filled, but in gases due to low dispersion (weak dependence n (w j)) in
the case of colinear propagation of the beams the phase synchronism
is fulfilled over a large length. For the majority of gases l c ~ 1 m, and
in the majority of real systems l < l c so that it can be assumed that
I 3 ~ l 2.
Examination of the susceptibility tensor c (3) on the microscopic level
and determination of the relationship with the density of particles and
molecular constants shows that its component, corresponding to reso-
nance with the Raman-active transition, can be expressed as follows:
c ap3f =
dN i
- Ni n1c 4 F ds I dw i -1
H sW K
if - w1 + w 2 - iGif . (5.3)
2 Dn2 w 24 if
Here N i and N f are the densities of the molecules in the states i and
f; s is the cross section of spontaneous Raman scattering; W is the solid
angle; G if is the half-width at half height of the line of spontaneous
Raman scattering. Cross sections SRS s and are well known for
a large number of molecules. 23
Thus, in a relatively narrow spectral range
I3 ~ N f - Ni I12 I2 . i2
The direct relationship of c (3) with SRS cross sections shows that
the rules of selection of CALS are identical with those for SRS. In par-
ticular, for diatomic molecules they have the form
Spectroscopy of Ground Electronic States of Molecules in Plasma
R| 2 is S - branch
Dv = 1; D J = S 0 is Q - branch
|T-2 is O - branch (5.4)
Dv = 0; D J = ±2 is S -, O - branch,
2 D LM 4 OPa f
Q - branch: v, J a if v + 1, J =
2 Mw v N 45 Q
a ¢ 2 + bJ , J g ¢ 2 v + 1 ,,
2 D 1LM O (5.5)
g ¢ Pa v + 1f.
O-, S - branches: v, J a if v + 1, J ± 2 = bJ , J ± 2
2 Mw v 15
a f
J J +1 3 J a J - 1f
bJ , J =
a fa f
2J - 1 2J + 3
, b =
2a2 J - 1fa2 J + 1f
J , J -2 ,
3a J + 1fa J + 2 f F c IJ F ds I ,
, a =G
bJ , J + 2 =
2a2 J + 1fa2 J + 3f H w K H dW K
2 if
Plasma Diagnostics
J 0 1 2 3
H2 –8 5 1 0.3
N2 –6.5 4 0.8 0.3
L1 L2
M1 DM 3
DM 2
DM 1
Spectroscopy of Ground Electronic States of Molecules in Plasma
crystal 3 (~20 mJ with l = 532 nm) and is used to pump the dye la-
ser 4. To separate the radiation beams of the first and second harmonics
of the (Nd-YAG) laser, the authors used the DM 1 and DM 2 dichroic
mirrors. The width of the dye laser radiation line was 0.1-0.2 cm –1, the
pulsed energy 1–5 mJ. The frequency of the laser 4 is tuned by the mi-
croprocessor 5. Telescope T is used for optimum matching the diam-
eters d 1 and d 2 of the beams w 1 and w 2. After passage through the tel-
escope, radiation w 2 is co-linearly combined with the beam w 1 using
the DM 3 mirror. Both beams are focused in the examined object 6 by
the power unit 7 using the lens L 1. The CALS signal is separated from
laser radiation using the symmetric four-prism monochromator 8,29 which
enables operation in a relatively wide spectrum range at the constant
position of the prisms. The radiation detector was the photodetector 9
with the power unit 10. The signal from the photoelectric multiplier trav-
els through the cable delay line 11 to the stroboscopic integrator 12 op-
erating in the synchronous detector regime. The integrator is activated
from the avalanche photodiode 13 illuminated with laser radiation 1.
The delay line is selected in such a manner as to ensure the transfer
of the signal from the photoelectric multiplier in the working range of
the time delays of the integrator. The beam passage path ω 1 and ω 2 are
selected such as to ensure the simultaneous arrival of the light pulses
with the given frequencies to the examined object. This is controlled
by the avalanche photodiode 14 whose signal travels to the oscilloscope
15 through the delay line 16.
Typical parameters of this spectrometer are: spectral resolution 0.1-
0.2 cm –1 ; the range of combination vibrational frequency 1000−4200
cm –1 , sensitivity with respect to concentration N f – N i~10 10–10 14 cm –3
for H2, N2, CO molecules…; localisation of the region of measurements
across the beams ~10–100 µm, along the beams 1–20 mm.
This spectrometer was constructed on the basis of the so-called
‘narrow-band’ ‘co-linear’ systems. Other variants can also be used, de-
pending on the requirements imposed by the specific features of the ex-
amined object. For example, if necessary, the localisation of the meas-
urements along the probing beams is improved using a non-co-linear
system in which the conditions of phase synchronism of the beams are
satisfied at the large angles from their convergence selected by specific
procedure.30 Additional advantages of this system are due to simple re-
cording of CALS spectra with small combination shifts, for example,
purely rotational spectra.
The ‘narrow-band’ system in which both lasers operate with a high
monochromaticity is preferred when examining objects operating under
stationary or pulsed-periodic conditions. In the case of objects with a
monopulse regime, it is recommended to use the ‘wide-band’ variant
Plasma Diagnostics
Spectroscopy of Ground Electronic States of Molecules in Plasma
Plasma Diagnostics
eter with the walls cooled with liquid nitrogen. The population of the
rotational levels is related to the unit statistical weight taking into account
the nuclear statistical weight so that we can examine a single dependence
of the number k of the levels for ortho- and paramodifications of the
molecules. The slope of the straight line corresponds to the gas tem-
perature measured by independent methods (thermocouple, the rotational
structure of the spectrum of small nitrogen impurities, the width of
Doppler contours) which in this case is T g = 145 K at the discharge
axis. To provide further information, the upper part of the figure shows,
on the linear scale, the ratio of the measured population N k of the level
to the calculated population N k , corresponding to the Boltzmann dis-
tribution at the rotational temperature equal to the gas temperature. The
quantitative interpretation of the deviations was provided by the authors
of Ref.28 on the basis of examining the balance of the excitation rates
of the rotational levels by the electronic impact and rotational relaxation.
Some other possibilities of CALS spectroscopy as a local measurement
method are indicated by Figs.5.16 and 5.17 which show the spatial dis-
tributions of the H2 molecules (X1S, v = 0) on individual rotational levels
under the conditions of a discharge in hydrogen with standing layers
and cooled with liquid nitrogen.
Figure 5.16 shows the radial distributions in the relative units of the
concentration of H 2 molecules (X 1S, v = 0, k = 2; 3) in a discharge.
For comparison, the graph also shows the graph of the Bessel function
describing the radial distribution of a concentration under the diffusion
discharge regime.
Figure 5.17 shows the distribution of the H 2 molecules (X 1S, v = 0,
k = 2; 3) along the stationary layer of the discharge under the experiment
Spectroscopy of Ground Electronic States of Molecules in Plasma
N k , rel. units
torr, discharge current i = 40 mA, solid curves is the Bessel function J0 2.4
L3 .
N k , rel. units
Plasma Diagnostics
plained by the authors of Ref.28 by the fact that during the rotational
relaxation time which is relatively short for the hydrogen molecules the
axial profiles are smoothed out by diffusion. The results of the corre-
sponding calculations are shown by solid curves in Fig.5.17.
Concluding this section, it may be noted that the described methods
of diode and CALS spectroscopy enable us to transfer to a relatively
new level of investigation of the processes in a non-equilibrium sys-
tems in which vibrationally–rotationally excited molecules take part in
comparison with conventional methods of classic spectroscopy. This,
however, does not mean that the classic spectral methods of diagnos-
tics have lost their importance. On the contrary, the combination of
various approaches opens new wider possibilities of detailed investi-
gations of these systems.
Determination of the Concentration and Temperature of Heavy Particles
Chapter 6
Plasma Diagnostics
a = 1/Kl, (6.1)
which shows that a can be treated as the reciprocal value of the Knudsen
criterion for the scattering process.
The inequality a >> 1 determines the boundary of the hydrodynamic
scattering regime in which the scattering spectrum consists of the central
line l 0 and two Brillouin components l B symmetric in relation to the
central line. These components are caused by thermal fluctuations of
the concentration propagating as a sound wave through the gas and are
therefore shifted with respect to frequency in accordance with the Doppler
effect. 3
At a ~ 1, the wavelength of fluctuations is close to the mean free
path of the molecules. In this case, the scattering regime is kinetic and
the scattering spectrum can be determined only by solving the system
of kinetic equations;4,5 The Brillouin components in the spectrum merge
almost completely with essential line.
The inequality a << 1 corresponds to the collisionless scattering re-
gime. Concentration fluctuations are non-correlated, the scattering acts
in every molecule of the probed volume become independent, and the
frequency of the light scattered by the individual molecules is shifted
in accordance with the Doppler effect by the value which depends on
the velocity of the molecule and the direction of its movement in re-
lation to the examination direction. In other words, under conditions
in which the molecule velocities have some distribution (for example,
Maxwell distribution), the line of probing radiation simply assumes
Doppler broadening in the scattering spectrum.
Determination of the Concentration and Temperature of Heavy Particles
8m 2 kT 1/ 2
5 p pm
, (6.4)
fi v = Bi1/ 2 exp - Bi , b g (6.5)
F L bn - n gc O I 2
Si n = Bi1/ 2 exp G - pB M
GH N 2n sin q / 2 PQ JJK ,
af å xi s R Si a nf,
I n = AI0 N i (6.7)
i =1
Plasma Diagnostics
4 p 2 ni - 1 IJ
s Ri =
l4 H
sin 2 q,
K (6.8)
Ga s H O C N Ar He Ne
Ga s Cl H2 O2 N2 OH CO NO
HC l Air H2 O HO 2 CO2 N 2O H2
Ga s (witho ut
C O 2)
Ga s O2 N H3 C 2 H2 C H4 C 2 H4 C 2 H6 C 3 H8
Determination of the Concentration and Temperature of Heavy Particles
Plasma Diagnostics
Plasma Diagnostics
intensity of ArI line at 696.5 nm. Figure 6.2 show some of the results.18
It may be seen that the temperatures measured spectroscopically and
by the scattering method greatly differ in the peripheral regions of the
arc column. At the same time, the results of measurements by the scat-
tering method are in good agreement with the results of calculations 19
carried out assuming the validity of the LTE model for the arc plasma.
The calculated results are also in good agreement with spectroscopic
data obtained for the near-axial regions of the arc. Thus, the periph-
eral regions of the arc were characterised by large deviations of the
population of the excited levels from those corresponding to the LTE
model. These deviations are explained by the excitation of argon atoms
at the arc periphery by resonant radiation of the argon plasma of the
high-temperature (~15 kK) core of the arc, as confirmed by the results
of calculations published in Ref.20 in which the process of excitation
and deactivation of argon atoms in the peripheral regions of the arc
column was taken into account.
Thus, experiments with the method of Rayleigh scattering of light
made it possible to determine the reasons for the deviation of the state
of plasma from that described by the LTE model generally accepted for
the examined object.
Determination of the Concentration and Temperature of Heavy Particles
the conicity of the chamber walls also made it possible to prevent re-
turn flows in the chamber bringing macroscopic particles from the outside
into the examined jet. The windows positioned initially under the
Brewster angle in the chamber walls for transmitting the laser beam in
examining scattering were dismantled so that the level of parasitically
scattered light was greatly reduced. The beam was transmitted through
the hole in the wall with a diameter of around 3 mm; a series of dia-
phragms with a gradually decreasing aperture were placed along the path
of the beam from the length to inlet into the chamber. Optical systems
of illumination and examination were placed in duralumin thin-walled
tubes with black walls. The optical traps for absorbing probing radiation
at the exit from the chamber and for absorbing parasitically scattered
light (opposite the aperture of the receiving optical system) were made
of glass with the black external surface. The natural radiation of plasma
was suppressed quite efficiently using an interference filter, a
monochromator and a polariser. Cooling of the cathode of the photo-
electric multiplier made it possible to reduce the level of natural noise
of the multiplier to a level at which the contribution of this noise to
the noise signal was insignificant. To reduce the frequency of appearance
of macroscopic particles in the probing volume, the argon fed into the
plasma torch and for circular blowing of the plasma jet in the cham-
ber was cleaned to remove dust in three consecutive filters FV-1.6; argon
was dried prior to passing through the filters. All these measures and
also careful adjustment of the optical system caused that the signal:noise
ratio approached unity in measurements of the intensity of scattered ra-
diation in the plasma with a temperature of around 9700 K.
In addition to determination of the intensity of Rayleigh-scattered light,
we also measured the pulsations of the intensity (in the peripheral re-
gions of the jet); the laser beam was not modulated in this case.
It is also important to note that the appearance of macroscopic par-
ticles in the probed volume could not be completely prevented; the fre-
quency of appearance of the particles was on average 12 min –1. Since
the intensity of the light scattered by the particles exceeds the inten-
sity of Rayleigh scattered light by 6–7 orders of magnitude, the par-
ticles greatly complicated the measurements. To suppress the noise signals
(including those from the particles) whose amplitude was higher than
the amplitude of the measured signal of Rayleigh scattering, we developed
a special electronic circuit including a photoelectric multiplier for the
duration of the effect of a strong noise; the level of signal discrimination
was selected during measurements. More efficient suppression of the
noise may be ensured by using the method of digital filtration of the
signal. 21
This equipment was also used to measure the temperature distribution
Determination of the Concentration and Temperature of Heavy Particles
in the plasma jet on the basis of the absolute intensity of lines ArI 430
and 696.5 nm. The radiation standard was SI-10/300 tungsten strip lamp.
In the measurements were used the same monochromator and the am-
plifying-recording part of equipment.
Figure 6.4 shows the radial distribution of temperature in the plasma
jet in the vicinity of the outlet of the plasma torch nozzle for two
different mean mass enthalpies of the plasma. Temperature T was
determined from the results of measurements of the outlet concentra-
tion by the scattering method using the equation of state of the ideal
gas p = NkT, where p is pressure (here 10 5 Pa), N is the partial con-
centration, k is Boltzmann’s constant. The same graph shows the
results of spectroscopic measurement. In contrast to the experiment
discussed previously,18 there were no large differences between the results
of individual measurements. It is possible that this is caused by a
considerably lower level of temperatures in the jet core in comparison
with that in the arc, 18 if we take into account the results of calcula-
tions carried out in Ref.20. Figure 6.5 shows the radial distribution of
mean quadratic pulsations of the intensity of scattered light, i.e.
pulsations of the argon atom concentration. It may be seen that the pul-
sation intensity at the periphery of the jet where rapid turbulent mix-
ing of the plasma jet with the surrounding cold air takes place, the
pulsation intensity reaches a high value. The presence of these pulsa-
tions leads to a large increase of the measurement error of the mean
concentration and, consequently, the temperature in the corresponding
regions of the jet.
Plasma Diagnostics
T g, K
P, kPa
P , kPa
Fig .6.6 Results of measurements of the argon temperature in glow discharge at different
pressures. The axial line of the cylindrical discharge tube with a diameter of 48
mm, discharge 50 mA.
Plasma Diagnostics
Chapter 7
Refractometric Plasma Diagnostics Methods
n > 1 and n < 1 are possible. The value of the phase velocity is de-
termined by the interaction of an electromagnetic wave with the elec-
trons of the medium, both bonded and free.
The refractive index n and the absorption factor of the medium k
are linked by the Kramers–Kronig relationship 2
z a f
n w -1 =
k w ¢ dw ¢
a f
w¢ w¢ - w
. (7.1)
kw =
pe 2
me c
NfPw, af (7.2)
n w -1= -
pe 2 Nf w - w0
me w 0 w - w 0 + g / 2 g b f 2
, (7.3)
Plasma Diagnostics
F ig .7.1 Refractive index for the Lorentz contour of the spectral line. 1) n ω, 2) P L(ω).
n w -1=
2 pe 2
me w 20
Nf . (7.4)
It may be seen that in this case the refractive index does not depend
on the probing radiation frequency w. Equation (7.4) holds for any
contour of the spectral line (with the exception of the purely Doppler
contour) because they have the same asymptotics in the distribution of
the absorption factor. In calculating the refractive index of plasma at
frequencies away from the spectral lines, it is sufficient to take into
account the contribution of ground states of the atoms (ions) because
their value Nf is considerably higher than for the excited states. The
condition w << w 0 is fulfilled in examining gases (nitrogen, oxygen,
argon, etc.) in the visible region of the spectrum because their reso-
nance lines are situated in the vacuum ultraviolet region of the spec-
The contribution of the free plasma electrons to the refractive in-
dex can be explained by the interaction of the probing electromagnetic
wave with a wave in plasma at the plasma frequency. The latter is de-
termined by the superimposition of the ordering effect of Coulomb in-
teractions in the Debye sphere on the chaotic motion of the electrons
and is equal to
Refractometric Plasma Diagnostics Methods
F e Ne I
= 2p G
2 1/ 2
H pm JK
n w -1 e = -
2 pe 2 N e
me w 2
. (7.5)
Here ArI, Ar*I, ArII denote the neutral and excited argon atoms and
argon ions, respectively. Since N Ar*I << NArI, then (n – 1)Ar*I << (n – 1)ArI
and the contribution of the excited states to the refractive index can be
ignored, as mentioned previously. The contribution of argon ions is also
negligible: it is considerably smaller than the contribution of free elec-
trons (N ArII » N e). Thus, it is sufficient to take into account the con-
tribution of the argon atoms in the ground state and the contribution
of the free plasma electrons. As an example, Fig.7.2 shows the depend-
ence of the refractive index of the argon plasma at atmospheric pres-
sure at a wavelength of l = 6328 Å. The refractive index of the plasma
decreases with increasing temperature as a result of a decrease of the
atom concentration due to thermal expansion of the gas at constant
pressure and atom ionisation. The free electrons provide a negative
contribution to the value n – 1 and determine mainly the refractive index
at an argon ionisation degree higher than 10%. For most gases, the re-
fractive index can be calculated quite accurately because it is deter-
mined by the spectral lines of the main series (the forces of oscillators
of these lines are available with a high degree of reliability) and by free
Plasma Diagnostics
for determining the concentration of atoms Na and the electrons Ne. Using
Sah’s equation, it is possible to calculate the electron temperature T e
and compare it with the temperature determined by a different method
assuming LTE and evaluate at the same time the deviation of the state
of plasma from local thermodynamic equilibrium.
The common feature of any measurement system of the refractive
index is that the value z = n – n R is determined directly; here n R is the
refractive index of the medium outside the examined object. In calcu-
lating temperature n = z + nR is used. It is therefore necessary to know
the refractive index n R of the surrounding environment. Since nR is usu-
ally considerably higher than the refractive index of plasma, this pa-
rameter can be determined with high accuracy. The value n R can be
measured directly by the interferometry method using, as a reference,
Refractometric Plasma Diagnostics Methods
dT n R - 1 ¶T LM dz + dbn - 1g OP.
a f N z n -1 Q
» (7.6)
T T ¶ n -1 R
The dependence of the transfer factor of the error [(n R – 1)/T] [¶T/
¶(n– 1)] on the argon plasma temperature is shown in Fig.7.2.
The accuracy of the refractometric method is considerably lower than
that of the spectroscopic method. The refractometric method gives reliable
results only for a highly stable object at a sufficiently high frequency
of the measurements and detailed processing of the results. As shown
in Ref.1, it is possible to measure the temperature with an error of 5-
10%. An important advantage of the refractometric method of the meas-
urement is that is enables the latter to determined at the periphery of
the plasma object outside the radiation zone where the spectrometric
method cannot be used. The combined application of the spectroscopic
and refractometric methods enables a complete radial temperature dis-
tribution to be plotted.
Plasma Diagnostics
Beam 1
Beam 2
L1 L2
the object where the refractive index is equal to nR. The measured optical
path difference is
µ = l (n – n R) (7.7)
The most efficient device for measuring the optical path difference
of gas or plasma objects is the Mach–Zender interferometer. However,
this equipment is of complicated design and is expensive. An interfer-
ometer based on a modification of a standard IAB-451 shadow equipment
is used more widely. It is also less sensitive to vibrations and is sim-
ple to set up.
Mach–Zender interferometer
The circuit of the Mach–Zender interferometer is shown in Fig.7.3. It
is a two-beam interferometer consisting of two mirrors M1 and M2 and
two plain-parallel semi-transparent sheets P 1 and P 2. The distances
M 1P 1 = M 2P 2 and M 1P 2 = P 1M 2 are equal. The mirrors M 1, M 2 and the
sheets P 1, P 2 are parallel and ranged in pairs. The light source S is re-
flected by the lens L 1 on the slit SL of the device situated in the fo-
cus of the collimator L2. The beam light from the source of illuminating
radiation is divided by the sheet P1 into two beams which after reflection
from M 1 and M 2 and passage through P 2 are projected onto the screen
SC. The examined object in placed in the beam bundle 1. The lens L 3
forms the image of the object O on the screen. The beam bundles, the
object 1 and reference 2, are coherent in relation to each other and
generate an interference pattern on the screen. If all the mirrors and
sheets are parallel, then in the absence of the object the width of the
interference fringes, formed on the screen, is infinite (the interference
field is uniformly illuminated). The introduction of an object leads to
the appearance of fringes whose shape corresponds to the curves of equal
Refractometric Plasma Diagnostics Methods
values of the optical path difference. The interference fringes are lo-
calised in the planes of the object and its image on the screen so that
it is possible to determine the correspondence between the position of
the fringe on the screen and the line equal to the optical path differ-
ence in the objects. If mirrors M and sheets P are positioned under a
small angle in relation to each other, an additional path difference forms
between the beams 1 and 2 and finite-width fringes appear on the screen.
The fringes are lines of the equal path difference which differ for the
adjacent lines by the light wavelength. The fringe width depends on the
angle between M and P and increases with its decrease. In the pres-
ence of an optically heterogeneous medium (examined object) the in-
terference fringes on the screen change their shape in accordance with
the distribution of the optical path difference in the object. The distance
between the branches of the Mach–Zender interferometer is sufficiently
large so that very large objects can be examined. Interferograms can
be recorded using a camera placed instead of the screen. Lasers are
usually used as the source of probing radiation in plasma diagnostics.
As a result of the high brightness of laser radiation and the use of a
narrow-band light filter, it is possible to prevent illumination of the
interferogram by plasma radiation.
Figures 7.4 and 7.5 show interferograms of the flame of a spirit torch
in setting the interferometer in relation to the infinite-width and finite-
width fringe. The fringes of the equal optical path difference (Fig.7.4)
correspond to the additional path difference µ = kl, k = 1, 2, …, with
counting carried out from the periphery to the centre of the object. In
processing the interferogram, the position of the fringes on the coor-
dinate axis X with the start of counting in the centre of the object is
measured in the given cross section of the object (axisymmetric in this
case) and the dependence µ=µ (x) is plotted. When processing the
interferogram of finite-width fringes (Fig.7.5a), the additional path dif-
F ig .7.4 Interferogram of the flame of a spirit torch. The fringes of equal optical
path difference.
Plasma Diagnostics
F ig .7.5 Interferogram of the flame of a spirit torch. Finite-width fringes (in the
absence of the object the interference fringes are horizontal over the entire plane).
af z af
n r - n R rdr
m x =2 , (7.8)
x r2 - x2
which is converted to
af af z af
1 dm x dx
z r = n r - nR = - (7.9)
p dx x - r2
Refractometric Plasma Diagnostics Methods
Equations (7.8) and (7.9) are valid for small angles of deflection of
the light beam in passage through the object. If the deflection angle is
large, the interference fringe and its processing are greatly complicated.
In this case, it is convenient to transfer to shadow examination meth-
L1 L2 L3 SC
Plasma Diagnostics
Beam 1
S SL Beam 2
L1 L3
F ig .7.7 Diagram of an interferometer with a diffraction grating.
mb f
b g
k1 - k2 s
, (7.10)
Shearing interferometer
The diagram of the shearing interferometer differs from those described
previously by the fact that a light-dividing device (a system of mirrors,
Refractometric Plasma Diagnostics Methods
z zb
af a f
m x = n r , x - n R dy - g
n r, x + x - n R dy, (7.11)
- y0 - y0¢
where the first integral corresponds to the optical path difference for
the chord whose distance from the centre is x (initial image), the sec-
ond integral for the chord (x + x) (shifted image). For the most inter-
esting case – small shift – we can write
a f b
n r, x - n r, x + x » g a f
¶n r , x
dx =
¶n r , x
a f
¶x ¶x
and then
¶n ¶n ¶r dr x rdr
= = , = , dy = .
¶x ¶r ¶x dx r r - x2
Plasma Diagnostics
µ( x)
dn rdr
rdr r 2 − x2 (7.13)
µ ( x ) dx
dn 1 d
ξπ rdr ∫
r x2 − r 2
. (7.14)
Multiplying both parts of (7.14) by rdr and integrating over the region
from r to R gives
1 µ ( x ) dx
− dn ≡ n ( r ) − nR =
∫ ∫ . (7.15)
ξπ r x2 − r 2
1 dµ ( x ) dx
n ( r ) − nR =− ∫ .
π r dx x2 − r 2
It may be seen that equation (7.15) does not contain the operation
of differentiation of the experimental function m(x). This must increase
the accuracy of determining n (r) from the shearing interferograms in
comparison with normal ones.
Figure 7.9 gives the shearing interferogram for a cylindrical object.
The shearing interferograms are processed by the same procedure as
normal ones. The shift of the fringe (7.9b) in relation to the initial
Refractometric Plasma Diagnostics Methods
Beam 2 L3
Beam 1 S
Plasma Diagnostics
B), and the other one (beam 2), outside the object will now be exam-
ined. In the absence of the object, all beams pass through the focus F
and the shadow from the barrier A by the beam 2 is projected to point
A¢. In the presence of the beam 1 is deflected by the angle θ, passes
away from the focus and forms a shadow from barrier A at point A²
whose distance from A¢ is d. The beam 1 deflected by the object is dis-
played on the screen at the same point as the unperturbed one because
the planes of the object and the screen are connected by the lens L 3.
The relationship of the measured value of displacement of the shadow
d with the required deflection angle q will be determined. In accord-
ance with Fig.7.10, c = a tan q » aq for small angles. From the similarity
of the triangles with common tips at the points A and F we have
d/b = (c + d)/(f + s), d/f = d(b + s). Using the equation of the lens
1/f = 1/a + 1(f + b + s) and the derived relationships finally gives
θ = ( a − f ) sδ / f f 2 − s ( a − f ) ,
q= d. (7.16)
d f
=q . (7.17)
h¢ h
Refractometric Plasma Diagnostics Methods
F ig .7.12 A shadow pattern of the method of the inclined defocused filament for a
cylindrical non-uniform object (a) and the function δ (x) (for processing of the shadow
pattern) (b).
¶ ln n
dq = dy. (7.18)
Plasma Diagnostics
Integrating (7.18) along the chord [–y 0, y0], whose distance from the
axis of the object is x, gives
∂ ln n
θ( x) = ∫ dy. (7.19)
− y0
¶ ln n ¶ ln n dr dr x rdr
= , = , dy =
¶x ¶r dx dx r r 2 - x2
θ( x )
dln n dr
dr ∫r 2
− x 2
. (7.20)
The integral Able equation (7.20) gives the relationship of the an-
gle of deflection of the light beam with the radial gradient of the re-
fractive index. To determine the radial distribution of the refractive index,
equation (7.20) is transformed to
θ ( x ) dx
d ln n 1 d
π rdr ∫r x2 − r 2
. (7.21)
Refractometric Plasma Diagnostics Methods
1 θ ( x ) dx
− dln n ≡ − ln R = n ( r ) − nR = −
∫ ∫ .
n(r ) π r x2 − r 2 (7.22)
1 θ ( x ) dx
Φ (s ) = ∫ , (7.24)
π s x2 − s2
From the measured deflection angle q(x) we calculate the value F(s)
from (7.24) and then determine n (r(s)) from (7.23) where the relationship
of r with s is described by equation (7.25). The small angle approxi-
mation is present in these equations as a limiting case: F(s) << 1. Since
F(s) is determined from the experimental data on q(x), we can also verify
the degree of the reliability of this approximation. At F(s) << 1, we
have r » s and n(r) » n R(1 – F (r)) » n R – F(r), which is in agree-
ment with equation (7.22).
Plasma Diagnostics
ration of the collimator and camera parts from the main objectives so
that it is possible to use different optical and mechanical attachments
designed for operation with a specific method. The universality of this
equipment in carrying out shadow and interference investigations was
described by S.A. Abrukol and L.A. Vasil’ev.5,8 The results5,9 were used
efficiently for the rapid development and construction of a diffraction
interferometer on the basis of IAB-451 shadow equipment. IAB-541 was
converted to a diffraction interferometer by introducing transparent
optical gratings into the optical system of the equipment.
The main circuit of IAB-451 equipment used to examine the nature
of flows is shown in Fig.7.14. Equipment consists of two identical sys-
tems: the collimator system, generating a parallel light beam for illu-
minating the examined heterogeneity, and the chamber system used for
examination and photography. The collimator part consists of a
mirror–meniscus objective with a diameter of 230 mm and a focusing
distance of 1917 mm and a flat mirror for changing the direction of
the beams. The condenser produces an intermediate image of the light
source in the focal plane in the mirror–meniscus objective. The cam-
era part has the same structure. Instead of the slit and the blade, trans-
parent diffraction gratings P 1 and P 2 are placed in the focal planes of
the objectives O 1 and O 2. To produce two beams (working and refer-
ence), the authors of Ref.9 proposed to place a field diaphragm with
two windows in the plane of the object P. The grating P 1 is used only
for increasing the intensity of illumination of the interference field from
the source with a continuous or linear radiation spectrum. The appli-
cation of the laser as a light source together with the grating P 1 does
not require field diaphragm to be positioned in the object plane of the
device because the required two light beams can be produced directly
behind the grating P 1. The light beam from a helium-neon laser, fall-
ing through the objective O on the transparent diffraction grating P 1,
is divided by the grating to a number of beams. Each beam represents
Refractometric Plasma Diagnostics Methods
f +F f
a = a¢ » a¢ ,
Plasma Diagnostics
focal point of the main objective of the reception part of the device.
In this case, the light waves from different points of the working field
(and the reference field) arrive in the image plane in the same phase,
and the intensity of illumination of the interference pattern is the same
for all points of the image and depends on the difference of the phases
between the waves propagating from the working section and their
comparison section.
The working and the reference beam are positioned in space alongside
each other in the horizontal plane or one above the other, depending
on the system used.
The objects characterised by strong intrinsic glow are usually dif-
ficult to record in interferometric diagnostics because additional measures
must be taken to weaken this glow. Although the addition of narrow-
band interference filters to the optical system of the device leads to the
required weakening of the radiation of the object, it nevertheless greatly
impairs the quality of interferograms: the monochromatic radiation of
a laser generates additional interference fringes on the interferogram after
passing through the light filter and these fringes influence the quality
of the main interference pattern. The use of conventional absorbing light
filters leads to smaller distortions but is not always suitable because
such filters are characterised by a wide transmission band.
The required coefficient of weakening of radiation of the plasma jet
is obtained in this case using several simultaneous methods. Firstly, at-
tenuation is carried out using a KS-14 light filter placed in the reception
part of the device in front of the photorecording device. Secondly, plasma
radiation is weakened by a diaphragm positioned on the mirror objective
of the reception pattern device. The dimensions and configuration of
the holes in the diaphragm correspond to those of probing beams. The
light from the plasma jet is weakened by the value determined from the
ratios of the entire area of the mirror objective to the beam area. For
example, at an objective diameter of 230 mm and diameters of two
identical orifices in the diaphragm of approximately 60 mm, radiation
is weakened by approximately an order of magnitude. The third fac-
tor weakening the parasitic plasma radiation is the diffraction of this
radiation on the grating P 2. The grating divides ‘wide’ radiation of the
plasma jet into a spectrum, the image of the jet is stretched in the di-
rection normal to the groove of the grating. The degree of attenuation
increases with increasing frequency of the grating. This property of the
diffraction interferometer is an advantage in comparison with other types
of interferometers. As a result of combined use of this method it is pos-
sible to produce an interference pattern that is not ‘burdened’ by the
presence of natural plasma radiation.
Refractometric Plasma Diagnostics Methods
a b
c d
e f
Refractometric Plasma Diagnostics Methods
formation of breaks in the jets and arc extinction. Arc extinction can
be explained by the insufficient reserve of the voltage of the power
sources; if the voltage is increased, a higher gas flow rate is required
to extinguish the arc. However, the electrode jets of the plasma remain
laminar even under these limiting conditions. The passage of electric
current prevent stabilisation of the current-conducting jets.
Analysis of the experimental data on the nature of plasma flow in
arc channels show that at Reynolds numbers Rein ~3000–5000, estimated
on the basis of the parameters of the cold gas at entry into the chan-
nel, the flow is still laminar. When converted to plasma temperatures
(~10 000 K), the Reynolds number is ~1000. The estimates, obtained
on the basis of the parameters of the plasma jets at an exit from the
nozzle of the two-jet plasma torches in the equation
Re in= 4G/pdm
at G = 0.4 g/s, d = 5 mm, gave Re = 300 ¸ 400, i.e. lower than critical
(here d is the nozzle diameter, µ is plasma viscosity). During the passage
of electric current, the temperature in plasma is maintained sufficiently
high as a result of Joule heat generation and the Reynolds number is
lower than critical. In the case of currentless plasma flows, rapid cooling
of these flows is the result of heat exchange with the environment re-
sults in a rapid increase of the Reynolds number due to a rapid reduction
of viscosity. This creates suitable conditions for the transition from the
laminar to turbulent flow.
Analysis of the interference patterns shows that no reversed flows
were observed at initial angles of convergence of the jets of less than
60° and a gas flow rate lower than 0.15 g/s.
It should be noted that the information interferograms, shown in
Fig.7.15, corresponding to the laminar plasma flow, can also be used
to determine the temperature and density field in examination from
different directions. Figure 7.16 shows interferograms in finite width
For spectral analysis, plasma chemistry, the technology of
spheroidisation of microparticles and coating, it is essential to know
the special features of the processes of entry of the solutions and powders
into the plasma and their effect on the flow regime. Qualitative exami-
nation of these processes was carried out by the interferometric method
in IAB-451 equipment.
Analysis of the literature data shows that the laminar regime is suit-
able for a number of technological plasma processes. Therefore, the effect
of added substances was investigated for the laminar flow (Fig.7.15a).
This gave interferograms of the plasma flow when adding argon, aerosol
Plasma Diagnostics
F ig .7.16 Interferograms of plasma jets (a) and the view of interference fringes in
the absence of plasma (b) in the regime of finite-width fringes.
and aerosol suspension into the area of convergence of the plasma jets.
The results are presented in Fig.7.15d-f. Figure 7.15d shows that blowing
cold gas (0.03 g/s of argon) greatly changes the nature of the flow. The
gas velocity in blowing through a pipe 0.08 cm in diameter and a gas
flow rate of 0.03 g/s is on average 35–40 m/s. Disruption of the laminar
nature of the flow takes place as a result of rapid cooling of the main
plasma flow by the cold gas. This is due to an increase of the Reynolds
number above the critical level due to a reduction of viscosity. The
Refractometric Plasma Diagnostics Methods
a b c d
F ig .7.17 Shadow patterns of the plasma jet at a gas flowrate of 0.09 (a), 0.18 (b),
0.36 (c) and 0.72 g/s (d).
Plasma Diagnostics
Welding arc
Investigations were carried out into a welding arc in Ar and CO 2 for
currents I = 50÷90 A, a flow rate of the plasma gas of 0.1–0.6 g/s,
at different geometry and configuration of the nozzles and different dis-
tances from the outlet of the nozzle to the component (anode). Typi-
cal interferograms are presented in Fig.7.18. Similar interferograms were
Refractometric Plasma Diagnostics Methods
G, mg/s G, mg/s
a b
F ig .7.19 Effect of the flowrate of the plasma forming gas, current intensity and
distance H from the component to the nozzle on the boundary of transition of the
flow to the turbulent regime at a nozzle diameter of 3 mm. a) I = 60 A, b) H = 5
mm, I is the turbulent, II the laminar region; 1) argon, 2) CO 2 .
Plasma Diagnostics
λ = 6328 Å:
af af z af
m x 2 rdr
j x = = n r - nR ,
l l r - x2
where R is the radius of the plasma jet, n R (r) is the refractive index
of the medium surrounding the jet. To determine n (r), we used the trans-
formation of the Able integral (7.9)
af z af
l dj x dx
n r = nR - . (7.26)
p dx x2 - r2
Refractometric Plasma Diagnostics Methods
Plasma Diagnostics
F ig .7.24 Deviation of the interference fringe taking into account (1) and disregarding
(2) axial gradients.
Refractometric Plasma Diagnostics Methods
af af z af
l dL x dx
z r = n r - nR = - (7.27)
pD dx x - r2
an - 1f = an - 1f
R 0
273 P
T 760
4.1 × 10 -5 m
Plasma Diagnostics
an - 1f = å dn - 1i = å K N ,
j j j
j j
Refractometric Plasma Diagnostics Methods
T, 10 3 K
r, mm
nR = n T = T0 -z 0 .
Plasma Diagnostics
Chapter 8
8.1 Introduction
Heterophase plasma flows (in particular, those with a dispersed phase)
are found most widely in plasma and plasma chemical technologies. The
examination of the characteristics of these flows is important in process-
ing powders of metals and non-metallic materials, processing coal and
other carbon-containing solid substances, waste from various produc-
tions, in plasma chemical production of commercial carbon (soot), pig-
ment titania, ultradispersed powders of a large number of metals and
inorganic materials, etc. 1
The two-phase plasma system examined up to now can be classified
in two groups. The first group includes the processes in which the second
phase is the initial one and is to be processed to the target product under
the plasma flow conditions. The second group includes systems (ini-
tially homophase) in which a phase transition takes place under the
plasma flow conditions. From the viewpoint of diagnostics this divi-
sion is principally of secondary importance although the examination
methods used can slightly differ.
It is well known that tasks of the diagnostics of homophase plasma
flows include the measurement of the concentration of atoms and mol-
ecules, determination of the form of the distribution of energy between
these particles (temperature in quasi-equilibrium plasma) and measure-
ment of the flow velocity. Plasma flows are usually systems open in
the thermodynamic sense and they contain gradients (often steep) of the
concentration and temperature of the particles and the flow velocity.
In the majority of cases interesting for practice the examined flows are
turbulent. Because of these special features it is necessary to measure
local values of these parameters and also ensure a sufficiently high reso-
lution power in measurements of turbulent pulsations of the concentration,
temperature and velocity.
Plasma of Plasma Flows with a Dispersed Phase
Plasma Diagnostics
Plasma of Plasma Flows with a Dispersed Phase
sition of the plasma. 7 Radiation effects are important for the relatively
large particles whose material is characterised by a high density (black-
ness) coefficient and evaporation (sublimation) temperature, and also
under the conditions with a small difference of the temperature of the
plasma and particle surface. The mathematical model makes it possi-
ble to describe, on the basis of a relatively small volume of the experi-
mental data, the kinetics of heating particles as a whole (and not only
of its surface) and physical–chemical processes taking place in the plasma
volume and on the particle surface. 8 It is evident that this information
cannot be obtained using only contactless diagnostics methods.
Plasma Diagnostics
Plasma of Plasma Flows with a Dispersed Phase
Plasma Diagnostics
Plasma Diagnostics
the analysed frequencies for the majority of correlators does not exceed
50 MHz).
Thus, the conventional methods of separating the Doppler frequency
shift, based on photodisplacement or direct photodetection, are either
unsuitable for examining turbulent two-phase plasma flows or are
characterised by errors that are so large that the measurement results
can be interpreted using the modelling method only. 10,41,42 These diffi-
culties can be overcome using LDVMP with direct spectral analysis 42,46
which do not require the use of very complicated electronic devices for
signal processing. In this case, the upper limit of the measured Dop-
pler frequency shifts is not restricted, i.e. there is no upper limit of meas-
ured velocities. The spectral method can also be used to determine the
direction of the velocity vector and is not sensitive to phase noise and
the polarisation of scattered light. This is especially important in
examining non-isothermal turbulent flows. LDVMP with direct spec-
tral analysis can operate in a wide dynamic range of the intensity of
light signals, including at a level of these signals where traditional
LDVMP operate only with photon correlators. Examples of using the
LDVMP with direct spectral analysis investigations of high-speed heated
gas flows were described in Ref.45–49. In Ref.50, the LDVMP of this
type was used to measure the particle velocity in a plasma jet.
When measuring the velocity of tracer particles (3 ± 1.5 µm in size)
in the plasma flow good results are obtained using the time-of-flight
method 10,13,50 when the intensity of the laser radiation scattered at such
particles is no longer sufficient for reliable operation of conventional
LDVMP. The main shortcoming of the time-of-flight anemometer,
especially in measurements of turbulent flows, is the low rate of
collection of the data limited by the small number of particles inter-
secting two measuring volumes (laser beam focused to 10–50 µm at a
distance of 400–500 µm from each other). Experience with the use of
high-speed plasma flows shows that the time-of-flight anemometer is
preferred under these conditions to the conventional LDVMP. The method
enables measurements of the velocity of up to 1000 m/s and is almost
insensitive to gradients of the flow parameters and their pulsations. 10,50
The amplitude of the signal of the time-of-flight anemometer is 2–3
orders of magnitude higher than that of the LDVMP signal.
Objective comparison of the efficiencies of the time-of-flight anemom-
eter and LDVMP with direct spectral analysis (in scanning or track-
ing regime) is not possible because there is almost no experience with
the use of the latter in the diagnostics of plasma flows.
When using anemometers of various type based on the tracer par-
ticle method for measuring the velocity in plasma jets, arc discharges
and other plasma objects characterised by high absolute values of tem-
Plasma of Plasma Flows with a Dispersed Phase
perature and velocity and also steep gradients of these parameters, there
are large number of problems, with the main ones being: firstly, to meas-
ure the velocity, it is necessary to have particles that enter into heat-
and mass-exchange processes with the plasma and influence its state:
i.e., in this case, the method can no longer be regarded as a true
contactless method. 39,40 Secondly, at relatively high temperatures the
particles evaporate and the rate of evaporation increases with decreasing
particle size. Therefore, on the one hand, the particle should be rela-
tively large in order to avoid evaporation up to the moment when its
measuring volume is reached and, on the other hand, it should be as
small as possible in order to follow all pulsations of the flow veloc-
ity. In real situations where the diameter of the particle is d » 2 ¸ 5
µm, the ratio of the densities of the particle material in the surround-
ing plasma is r/r p = 10 3 ¸ 10 4 , with high gas velocities and high
accelerations, the particle velocity can differ from that of the carrier
phase (‘sliding’ effect). 10,39–41 To obtain the true profile of the average
flow velocity it is necessary to introduce corresponding corrections based
on modelling the laws of movement of the particles and results of
measurement of their dimensions. Thirdly, the non-uniform distribution
of the concentration of the particles in the flow results in additional
errors of velocity measurements. It is therefore useful to examine the
methods of measuring the velocity of the plasma flow based on the
Doppler shift of emission spectral lines 51,52 and resonance Doppler
anemometry. 53,54
The measurement of the velocity of the dispersed phase particles in
plasma flows does not differ greatly from the measurement of the ve-
locity of tracer particles and, consequently, the previously examined
methods of laser Doppler and time-of-flight anemometry can also be
used in this case. When examining the two-phase plasma flows special
attention is given to the problems associated with the processes of
interphase heat and mass transport, the non-stationary interaction of the
particles in the gas – the sliding effect of the particles and its dependence
on various factors (material density, particle size and their concentration,
etc.); interaction of the particles with each other leading to their coa-
lescence or fragmentation, i.e. variation of the initial SDP; the effect
of the dispersed phase and the structure of the carrier flow, etc. The
use of the LDVMP for measuring the velocity of the particles in such
flows requires overcoming not only technical but also system difficul-
ties. 55–58 In previous sections we have stressed the promising nature of
the LDVMP method for detailed measurements of the velocity and size
distribution of the particles in the region of Mi scattering (i.e. at pd/
l >> 1).4,10,59 It is interesting to note that for initially homophase plasma
flows in which a phase transition takes place measurements of the SDP
Plasma Diagnostics
by this method gives information on the form of the SDP also in the
region of small particles which form an auto-modelling size distribu-
tion, for example, soot particles, quite rapidly from the moment of their
formation. 60,61
Thus, the currently available optical methods based on measuring
the characteristics of the light scattered by the particles enable rapid
advances to be made in solving the problem of measuring correlated
size and velocity distributions of the particles. The situation with the
measurement of particle temperature in the plasma flow is less satis-
Measuring the Plasma Flow Velocity by the Tracer Particle Method
Chapter 9
F = CD Sru 2 / 2, (9.1)
where r, u are the density and velocity of plasma, C D is the drag co-
efficient that depends on the form and state of the body surface, S is
the middle section of the probe body.
Sheets, discs and wires are used as probe bodies. The disadvantages
of this method include the relatively large size and inertia of such sensors.
The method was developed further by using free solid particles as probe
bodies. Since such particles are thermally and electrically insulated, a
number of sources of errors is eliminated. Particles accelerated in a
centrifuge are thrown through the examined section of the plasma flows.4
After passing through the flow the particles stick to the specially prepared
surface. If the powder is sufficiently uniform, the particles reproduce
the profile of the dynamic pressure of the plasma flow. Subsequently,
the Able integral equation is used to determine the local flow veloc-
ity. In Refs.5 and 6, steel balls 1–5 mm in diameter were thrown through
the plasma jet, and in Ref. 7 borosilicate balls 0.3–0.5 mm in diam-
eter were used. Measuring the deflection of the ball after passing through
the flow and using the Able equation, the authors calculated the local
values of the deflecting force, and the equation (9.1) was used to cal-
culate the profile of the plasma velocity with other parameters known.
The method of measuring the plasma velocity using tracer particles
was proposed in Ref.8. It is based on measuring the acceleration of
probed spherical particles introduced along the diameter of the cross
section of an axisymmetric vertical plasma flow with the known prop-
Plasma Diagnostics
F ig .9.1 Diagram of photographic recording of particles moving in a free plasma
jet. D is a screen with a point orifice, LG-75 is laser, C is the plasma jet (cross-
section), SPR is the speed recording device, P is the particle.
m a x -g =
pd 2
afaf af af
CD x r x U x - V x , (9.2)
LG-38 laser
M1 D 1 L2 SFR camera
F ig .9.2 Diagrams of photographic recording of a particle moving in a flow in closed
channel. D 1 , D 2 are diaphragms, M 1 , M 2 are mirrors, L 1 , L 3 are lenses, O 1 , O 2 are
objectives, P is the picture frame, EMG is the electromagnetic gate.
Measuring the Plasma Flow Velocity by the Tracer Particle Method
F ig .9.3 Schematic section of EDGD with a device for charging particles (4). 1)
discharge chamber, 2) gun barrel, 3) spherical particle, 5) a pusher for charging
particles into the barrel.
and pushes the particle from the barrel. The trajectory of the particle
in the plasma flow is recorded frame by frame using an SFR-1 cam-
era. The frames of the film record a shadow from the ball on the back-
ground of laser radiation. The pulsed discharges initiated synchronously
with operation of the SFR chamber using standard systems of synchro-
nisation and initiation of a high-voltage discharge. A single particle is
shot each time through the flow and it is then trapped and used in
repeated experiments. The velocity of rejection of the particle is selected
from the condition that it is necessary to ensure that it does not melt
during its stay in plasma. Inspection is carried out by examining the
surface of the ball under a microscope after ejection and by weighing
on an analytical balance. The particles are produced by pulsed elec-
tric melting aluminium wire in argon. Particles are carefully selected
on the basis of surface roughness, spherical form and the diameter
d = (0.15–0.3)· 10 –3 m on a type IZA-5 comparator (IZA-7) with an
error of ±1·10 –6 m. The results of filming for each particle ejection are
used to determine the trajectory of its movement Z (x) and the horizontal
velocity W (x). Acceleration is determined as the second derivative of
the particle trajectory in the direction of movement of the plasma flow:
a x =
d2 Z x af =
d 2 Z x W02
, (9.3)
dt dx 2
Plasma Diagnostics
t W Z ( x ) ≈YN ( x ) =
∑a x .
k =0
NF n Ia = x N
åGH å x j -1 k -1
i xi JK å k
j -1 2
i W Z j = 1, N
k =1 i =1 i =1
1 n
DN =
∑∑ ak xi − W Z ( xi ) .
i =1 k =0
k 2
a ( x ) ≈ YN′′ ( x ) = ∑k (k −1)a x
k =2
k −2
The polynomials P k (x) are computed from the known recurrent re-
Measuring the Plasma Flow Velocity by the Tracer Particle Method
Pk +1 ( x ) = ( x + βk +1 ) Pk ( x ) − Pk −1 ( x ),
H k +1
P0 ( x ) = 1, P1 ( x ) = x − x, Hk = ∑ P ( x ),
i =1
n n
1 1
i =1
xi , βk +1 =
∑ x P ( x ).
i =1
i k
n n
ak = ∑W Z ( x ) P ( x ) / ∑P ( x ).
i k i
The number of the terms of the series is determined from the minimum
of the error of closure
n 2
Dn =
n− N
∑ Y ( x ) −W Z ( x ) .
N i
a ( x ) ≈ YN′′ ( x ) = ∑a P′′( x).
k =2
k k
For the polynomials P''k (x), we obtain the following recurrent rela-
Pk′′+1 ( x ) = 2 Pk′ ( x ) + ( X + β k +1 ) Pk′′( x ) − ( x ),
H k −1
Pk′+1 ( x ) = Pk ( x ) + ( x + β k +1 ) Pk′ ( x ) − Pk′−1 ( x ) , ,
H k −1
P0′ ( x ) = 0, P1′ = 1, P1′′( x ) = 0, P2′′( x ) = 2.
Plasma Diagnostics
x x′
W Z ( x) ≈ Y ( x) =
∫∫ a ( x)dxdx′, (9.4)
r r
a ( r ) = a0 1 − 1 + N ,
δ δ
where d is the radius of the plasma jet. The optimum set of the param-
eters a 0, d, N and the position of the axis jet symmetry are determined
from the minimum of the error of closure
1 n
D= ∑ W 2Z ( xi ) − Y ( xi ) .
n i=1
r2 r2
a ( r ) = a0 1 − 2 exp −5 2 , (9.5)
δ δ
Measuring the Plasma Flow Velocity by the Tracer Particle Method
F ig .9.4 Restoration of the probe function (1) by Chebyshef polynomials (a) and
modelling functions (b) at s = 3 (2), 10% (3).
δ u 1 δρ δ a δ C D
= + + .
u 2 ρ a CD
Measuring the Plasma Flow Velocity by the Tracer Particle Method
sure taking into account the change of the plasma properties in the
boundary layer and also showed a large decrease of the values of C D
in relation to the flow and particle temperature.
It is important to note that there are no experimental data for C D
for the plasma conditions in the range Re = 10–50. Taking into account
the monotonic form of the dependence C D = f (Re), it may be assumed
that in this range there will be no large deviations of the values of C D
from the values calculated from the equation approximating the experi-
mental data for the Reynolds numbers Re = 0.4–220.
Measuring the velocity of the laminar plasma jet at the outlet from
the plasma torch
Investigations were carried out in the laminar jet of argon plasma gen-
erated by a plasma torch 15 with the conditions: arc current I = 80 A,
arc voltage U = 80 V, the flow rate of the plasma forming argon 2.5·
10 –2 kg/s, the diameter of the outlet nozzle 3.3·10 –3 m. The plasma jet
was discharged into air. To prevent mixing of the jet with the surrounding
air, it was necessary to apply co-axial blowing of the jet with an ar-
gon flow. The tracer particles were spherical and made of aluminium,
copper and tungsten. The trajectory of the particles was recorded us-
ing the set up shown in Fig.9.1.
In calculating the plasma velocity using equation (9.2), the effect of
gravity forces g and the axial component of the particle velocity v~10
m/s was ignored (Fig.9.6). The error of determining the plasma velocity
was obtained by varying the equation (9.2) taking into account the
dependence C D = f (Re, M, γ) and equalled ~15% for the axis of the
plasma jet and ~20% for the periphery of the latter.
The error of measuring acceleration is determined by the local scatter
of the experimental data with respect to the extent of deflection of the
particles, and by the method determining the second derivative. In ad-
dition, systematic errors are also important. In this case, they are as-
sociated with the variation of the dynamic pressure of the jet ru2/2 within
the range of the sphere size.
In movement across the plasma flow, the particle is subjected to the
effect of the vertical dynamic pressure of the jet with a radial gradi-
ent. The presence of this gradient leads to lateral (in the direction of
the gradient ru 2/2) displacement of the particle (the so-called profile
effect9). The ratio of the transverse (horizontal) Fh and vertical Fv forces,
acting on the particles, determined by the authors of this book within
the limits of Newton’s approximation 16 of the interaction of a spheri-
cal particle with the gas flow, is determined by the equation
Plasma Diagnostics
w 2 z, m 3 /s 2 a α , km/s 2 b u, km/s c
a b c
F ig .9.6 Experimental function (a), particle acceleration (b), and plasma velocity
(c), obtained in shooting particles through the diameter and three chords of the cross-
section y . y = 0(1), 0.6×10 –3 (2); 0.9×10 –3 (3); 1.2×10 –3 m (4).
Fh ¶ ln ru 2
= 013
. . (9.6)
Fv ¶r
Measuring the Plasma Flow Velocity by the Tracer Particle Method
U, m/s U, m/s
a b
F ig .9.7 Profile of the plasma velocity in electrode jets of the two-jet plasma torch.
a,b) cathode and anode jet, respectively; 1,2) calculations at z = 2 and 10 mm; points
are the experimental data at z = 5 mm.
Plasma Diagnostics
Electric Probes in Non-Equilibrium Plasma
Part II
Chapter 10
10.1 Introduction
The electric probe is a small metallic electrode placed in plasma and
used to determine its characteristics. It usually measures the volt–ampere
(probe) characteristics of the system, which includes a measuring probe,
a reference electrode and a voltage source. The reference electrode can
be represented either by one of the electrodes of the gas discharge system
or by a specially introduced reference probe. An example of such a
characteristic and typical potentials of the probe are shown in Fig.10.1.
If the system satisfies the relevant requirements, it can be used to
determine the concentration of charged plasma particles, the energy
Plasma Diagnostics
Electric Probes in Non-Equilibrium Plasma
the region of the negative potentials of the probe the electron current
on the probe i e (U p) is linked with f (e) by the relationship 1
2πn e
( )
ie U p = 2e
m eU ∫ (
f0 (ε) ε − eU p dε, ) (10.1)
where e, m is the charge and mass of the electron, e is the electron en-
ergy, U p is the potential of the probe in relation to plasma, n e is the
electron concentration. Equation (10.1) holds for isotropic EEDF and
probes with a convex surface.
An important step in the development of probe diagnostics of plasma
was the solution, by Druyvesteyn, of the problem of determination of
the EEDF in the plasma on the basis of the second derivative of the
electronic probe current i e using the probe potential U p (U p< 0) 10
ne f0 (ε ) = 2
3/ 2 1/ 2 −3/ 2
m e S p−1U 1/p 2
( ) = const U
d 2ie U p 1/ 2 ( ),
d 2ie U p
p (10.2)
dU p2 dU p2
where S p is the probe area. This equation holds for isotropic EEDF and
does not depend on the probe geometry if its surface is convex. It is
known as the Druyvesteyn equation and represents the basis of the ab-
solute majorities of studies concerned with the measurement of EEDF
in non-equilibrium plasma.
Geometrical criteria of the theory of Langmuir probes. Theory 9
assumes that in measuring current the electrons move in the near-probe
double electric layer without collisions in the potential field generated
by an external source. The probes operating under such a regime are
referred to as Langmuir probes.
The dimensions of the probe should be such that as to fulfil the as-
Plasma Diagnostics
( ),
l ne >> 5 ⋅105Te N σ ( ε) (10.3)
a p << l, (10.4)
3 rp 3 rp lp
4 λ
δspher = / 1 + rp / λ , ) δ cylin =
4 λ
2 rp
, (10.5)
Electric Probes in Non-Equilibrium Plasma
where r p and l p are the radius and the length of the probe. Since the
free path l depends on electron energy e, then also d = d(e).
The sink of the electrons to the probe decreases the electron con-
centration calculated from the electronic saturation current, increases
the electron temperature determined from the VAC, displaces the floating
potential of the probe in relation to the plasma potential and distorts
the second derivative of the probe current with respect to the probe
potential. In particular, EEDF is not proportional to the second derivative
of the probed current with respect to the probe potential, as at
d = 0.
The effect of sink to the probe on the measurement results can be
corrected by calculations. Thus, the distorted and true EEDFs at
d << 1 are linked by the relationship 12
f m (ε ) = f (ε ) 1 − θ ( f (ε )) ,
δf (ε′) dε′
θ ( f (ε )) = 2 ∫ ε′f (ε) 1 + δ (1 − ε / ε′) 3
, (10.6)
and the concentration of the mean energies of the electrons by the re-
ne = (1 + 4δ / 3 ) ne m , ε = εm (1 − δ / 2 ). (10.7)
Analysis of the work of the probe at d >> 1 show that also in this
case the probe characteristic gives EEDF but it is proportional to the
first (not second) derivative of electron current on to the probe with
respect to the probe potential (see further sections).
Plasma Diagnostics
a b
Rm Rp
R pl
∆ U pl
R cp
E cp
a Zp
F Ep
Rm Cp Z pl
Cp ∆ U pl
Z cp
E cp
d c
R ~p
Zv b
F ig .10.2 Equivalent diagram of the probe circuit for direct ( I ) and alternating ( II )
current and the equivalent circuit of the probe ( III ). R p, R cp and Z p, Z cp is the resistance
and impedances of double electrical layers at the probe and the counter probe,
respectively; E p and E cp is the emf of the layers at the probe and the counterprobe,
to their floating potentials, determined by the plasma parameters in the areas in
which they are situated; R pl and Z pl is the resistance and impedance of the plasma;
∆ U pl is the difference of the plasma potentials in the area of distribution of the probe
and the counterprobe; C p are the parasitic copacitances; R m is the measuring resistance;
U is the source of the probe voltage; Z v is the impedance of the probe as the vibrators;
Cp and RNp is the capacitance and resistance of the near-probe with respect to alternating
current; Φ is the high-impendance element (filter).
Electric Probes in Non-Equilibrium Plasma
( ) ( )
ie U p =ie* U U p ,
U =Up + i (U ) R + ∆U ,
e p s (10.9)
where the asterisk denotes the values of quantities measured in the circuit
with a resistor Rs connected in series; DU is the difference of the plasma
potentials at the points of positioning the probe and the counterprobe.
Double differentiation of equation (10.8) with respect to U p with an
allowance made for (10.9) gives a relationship between the experimentally
determined second derivative of the probe current with respect to the
potential (di 2e*/dU 2) with the quantity determined by EEDF (di 2e/dU 2p):
d 2ie d 2ie* Rs
= 2
1 − ~* , (10.10)
dU p dU R p
Plasma Diagnostics
, rel.units
Fig .10.3 Qualitative pattern of the effect of electron sink on the probe of the resistance
connected in the probe circuit R p , on the second derivative of the electronic current
to probe with respect to the probe potential (calculations) 13 (δ = 0.1). 1) non-distorted
derivative; R p i e (0)/ kT e ×(1+δ) 2 = 0(2); 0.5(3); 1.0(4).
(U m′ − U m′′ )[ Rs′ / Rs′′] .
Te = − (10.11)
Electric Probes in Non-Equilibrium Plasma
i e /i es
eU p /kT e
F ig .10.4 Effect of the ratio of the areas of the counterprobe and the probe on the
VAC of the probe (calculated). 15 R p < λ e , λ i ; λ D/ R cp = 0.01; T i/ T e = 0; Σ α = 100(1),
200 (2), 400 (3), 10 3 (4), 10 4 (5), ∞ (b); VAC normalised the electronic saturation
current i es .
lower than that calculated disregarding this fact (Mi is the mass of ions).
Analysis of the problem carried out in Ref.16 for probes of different
forms showed that the condition applied in most cases, a > 104, should
be replaced by a new condition Sa > 10 4, where S a is obtained by mul-
tiplying the value of a by the coefficient C a ¾ 10 –2, which takes into
account the decrease of the random current to the probe and depends
on its shape.
Thus, the new condition is considerably more rigid. The effect of
Sa on the VAC of the probe and the nature of the distortion of the VAC
due to the small area of the counterprobe are clear from Fig.10.4.
The influence of all these factors leads to ‘stretching’ of the VAC
of the probe along the voltage axis, to smoothing of the VAC in the
region of the plasma potential, and becomes weaker with decreasing ratio
r p/l. The contribution of these factors to the total error of the probe
measurement depend on the probe dimensions and the plasma charac-
teristics. For example, in measurements in microwave plasma in atomic
and molecular gases with a probe with r p = 5 µm at pressures of
1–5 mm Hg, the errors associated with the sink of electrons to the probe
and with the end resistance of the plasma were similar.
The dependence of the effect of all factors on the value of r p makes
it possible to correct the results of probe measurements if experiments
with the probes of different thickness can be conducted. Extrapolating
the results of measurements to a zero thickness probe, it is possible to
reduce the error of measurements. 7
Plasma Diagnostics
U p = U p0 + u0 cos wt , (10.12)
is applied to the near-probe layer, where Up0 and U0 is the constant volt-
age and amplitude of the alternating voltage in the near-probe layer,
then (assuming Maxwell’s distribution of the electrons), the mean elec-
tronic current on the probe is expressed by the equation
eU p 0 eu0
ie* = ies exp − I0 , (10.13)
kTe kTe
eU p /kT e
F ig .10.5 Effect of alternating voltage on the near-probe layer on the VAC of the
probe (calculated assuming the Maxwell EEDF). 17 eu 0 / kT e = 0(1); 5(2); 10(3).
Electric Probes in Non-Equilibrium Plasma
eU p /kT e
F ig .10.6 Effect of alternating voltage on the near-probe layer on the second derivative
of probe current averaged with respect to period (calculated). 20 eu 0 / kT e = 0(1), 2(2),
4(3), 7(4).
, i''
eU p /kT e
F ig .10.7 Effect of alternating field on the VAC of the probe (a) and the second
derivative of the probe current with respect to probe potential (b) in microwave
discharge, in N 2 under a pressure of 1.5 mm Hg (probe radius 5 µm). 7 1) non-distorted,
2) distorted curves.
4kTe eU
Rp~ = 2
exp−1 − p , (10.14)
1.5neve S p e kTe
2πl p ε0
Cp = ,
ln x / rp ) (10.15)
Electric Probes in Non-Equilibrium Plasma
the probe circuit must contain filters for both the first and second har-
monics of the external voltage.
The criterion for evaluating the efficiency of the methods of decreasing
u0 is the sensitivity of the floating potential of the probe Ufl to the value
of u 0. Equation (10.13) shows that the change of the probe potential
(self-displacement of the probe) and, correspondingly, Ufl is linked with
u 0 by the relationship
kTe eu
∆ U fl = − ln I 0 0 . (10.16)
e kTe
i p , rel.units
i''p , rel.units
U p, V
F ig .10.8 Restoration of the second derivative of electronic current on the probe with
respect to the probe potential ( i e ") from the modelling second derivative of the probe
current ( ip") at non-monotonic EEDF. Numbers at the curves correspond to the numbers
of iterations. 23
Electric Probes in Non-Equilibrium Plasma
i p'', rel.units
a b
U p, V
F ig .10.9 Application of two probes for widening the range of measurement of i p" in
the range of high energies in cesium vapours. 24 a) 2.8×10 –3 mm Hg, 200 mA; b)
1.8×10 –2 mm Hg, 100 mA; r p = 0.025 (1), 0.25 mm (2).
Plasma Diagnostics
i p'' , i ''e,f
ε, eV
Electric Probes in Non-Equilibrium Plasma
u1 (t ) = a1 cos ωt;
u2 (t ) = a2 (1 + b cos ω1t ) cos ω2t;
u3 (t ) = a3 (b cos ω1t + c cos ω2t );
u4 (t ) = a4 (1 + b sgn (cos ω1t ))cos ω2t; (10.17)
where sgn (x) = {–1, x < 0;0, x = 0; 1, x > 0} is the signature func-
In modulating the signal of the type u 1(t) the second derivative of
the probe current is obtained using the second harmonic of frequency
(the second harmonic method); for the signal of type u 2(t) – the am-
plitude of the current with frequency ω1 (demodulation method); for the
signal of type u3(t) – the amplitude of the current of total or difference
frequency w 1 ± w 2 (‘wobbling’ method); at signals of type u4(t) and u5(t)
– the amplitude of current with frequency w 1 (modulation with a right-
angled signal).
The error of the modulation method is linked with the fact that the
amplitude of the measured harmonics contains not only i''p but also higher
derivatives, for example, even derivatives of probe current for the second
harmonics method. The contribution of higher derivatives becomes
smaller with increasing amplitude of the modulating signal.
The second reason for the error is the distortion of the VAC of the
probe by an alternating signal fed into the probe circuit. This has al-
ready been examined. The amplitude of the modulating signal should
be small ( eai < e ).
The error of the measured values i''p is also caused by the end re-
sistance of plasma elements of the probe circuit because this leads to
a difference between u(t) which depends on the probe potential, and to
the corresponding voltage in the near-probe layer.
In Ref.26, comparative analysis was carried out on the basis of two
parameters for the first out of four modulation signals described pre-
viously: the intensity of the signal S, proportional to i''p and the ratio
D of the terms proportional to i''p'' and i''p in the measured signal. In method
2, the maximum value of S is obtained at b = 1, and in method 3 at
b = c. Comparison was carried out at the same amplitudes (from maxi-
mum to maximum) of the variable signal Du. It was concluded that the
the methods 1 and 4 have advantages. In the first of these methods, the
Plasma Diagnostics
( )
i′′p* = C i′′p ⋅ Ai , (10.18)
F ig .10.11 Normalised apparatus functions for modulated voltages of the type (10.17).
The numbers of the curves correspond to the numbers of expressions in (10.17); 25
variable z links V p and V 'p .
Electric Probes in Non-Equilibrium Plasma
arbitrary units
F ig .10.12 Oscillograms of VAC of the probe (1), i'p (2), i"p (3) in microwave discharge
in argon obtained by the pulse method. 7
Plasma Diagnostics
d 2i p d 2i p dU p
di p d U p
= + . (10.19)
dt 2 dU p dt
dU p d t
Electric Probes in Non-Equilibrium Plasma
( ) ∫ ( )
ie U p = C K ε, eU p f (ε) dε, (10.20)
K ε , eU p , ε > eU p )
( )
K ε , eU p =
e ≤ eU p
ε − eU p
, ε > eU p
K ε , eU p ) ( )
= 1 + δ ( ε ) 1 − eU p / ε
0, ε ≤ eU p
where d (e) is the parameter of the sink and is determined by the equa-
tions of the type (10.5).
Plasma potential
To calculate EEDF and interpret probe characteristics, it is important
to know the probe potential in relation to U p, whereas the experiments
Plasma Diagnostics
3mγ 0 δ die
ne f0 eU p = − ) 8πe2 U 1/p 2 dU p
, (10.24)
δ (ε ) = ,
γ 0λ (ε ) (10.25)
Plasma Diagnostics
τi ≅ x / vi ≅ 1011 ( M i ne ) ,
1/ 2
which takes into account the acceleration of the ions in the prelayer;
n i = (kT e/M i) 1/2 , M i is the ion mass, kg; electron concentration, cm –3 .
For example, for Ar (M i = 6.68·10 –26 kg) at n e > 10 10 cm –3 t i < 5·
10 –6 s. At these characteristic pulse times the results of the measure-
ments are strongly influenced by the parasitic capacitance of the probe
circuit (see, for example, Fig.10.2). Time t v is restricted at the top by
the characteristic time of variation of the plasma characteristics T, i.e.
t i < t v < T. The curves obtained in Fig.10.12 were obtained during a
period of ~50 µs.
Measurements in plasma with periodically changing parameters can
be taken using methods in which the probe receives pulses of variable
amplitude under a negative potential so that the VAC can be recorded
or the probe is connected to the measuring circuit for a short period
of time. The pulses acting on the probe are synchronised by some method
with the periodic process. The time resolution is determined by the du-
ration of the pulses or switching time, with the minimum value of the
latter, as previously, restricted to τ v > τ i. To obtain i''p, we can use dif-
ferent methods. The authors of Ref.37 used the method of modulation
of the signal of type (10.17) (second equation), and in Ref.38 meas-
urements were taken by differentiation with analogue devices (τ i =
4 ÷ 40 µs).
Effect of the state of the probe surface and processes taking place
on it on probe measurements
During probe measurements, various processes can take place on the
probe surface: gas adsorption, deposition of conducting, semiconduc-
tor and dielectric films, removal of deposited coatings under the effect
of fluxes of charged and excited particles from plasma, also due to heat-
ing of the probe, etc. The sources of contamination are either chemi-
cal compounds present in the gas medium, or vapours of organic com-
pounds appearing in the discharge when using oil pumps for pumping,
and also substances dissolved from the walls of the discharge cham-
ber and from objects placed in the plasma. Consequently, the proper-
ties of the probe surface in plasma differ from those of the probe material
Electric Probes in Non-Equilibrium Plasma
and vary with measurement time. The effect of contaminants on the VAC
of the probe is associated with the fact that the layers formed have an
impedance which should be connected in series with a probe in the
equivalent circuit in Fig.10.2, and also with the fact that the work func-
tion of the probe surface changes. 1,3,6,7
In this case, the equation for the voltage of the near-probe layer in
relation to plasma U p differs from that mentioned previously
( ) (
U p = U − i p Rl −U sp − ϕ p − ϕc. p , ) (10.27)
5 V/div
U p, V
Plasma Diagnostics
∞ ∞ ∞
ε = εf (ε )dε / f (ε ) dε, ε = εf0 (ε )dε,
∫ ∫ ∫ (10.28)
0 0 0
where f (e) = n e f 0(e) is linked with the probe current by the relation-
ships (10.12) or (10.24) (dimension f(e) – cm –3 ×eV –1). To calculate e
with an error lower than 5%, it is sufficient to measure EEDF to en-
ergies lower than (3 ÷ 4) ε .
Assuming Maxwell’s EEDF, we can calculate the electron temperature
kTe d ( ln ie )
= −
dU p
. (10.29)
Since the real EEDF differs from Maxwell’s EEDF, Te calculated from
equation (10.21) can be both too high and too low in comparison with
Plasma Diagnostics
ne = f (ε )dε,
∫ (10.30)
ne = const U 1/p 2i′′p dU p .
ne = 4ie U sp / evS p , (10.32)
1/ 2 n
kTe eU p
ii = S p eni , (10.33)
2πM i kTe
Electric Probes in Non-Equilibrium Plasma
j i*
j i*
r p/ λ D
eU p /kT e
1/ 2
ii = eni S p ji* , (10.34)
2 πM i
where j*i = j*i (r p/l, r p/l D, T i/T e) is the normalised current density on
the probe which also takes into account the dependence of ion current
to the probe on the probe potential. The values of j*i, calculated for
T i/T e = 0 for a cylindrical probe, are shown in Fig.10.15 and the ef-
fect of T i is evident from Fig.10.16.
To calculate n i from the VAC of the probe in the region of the ion
saturation current, independent measurements must be taken to deter-
mine the ion composition of plasma and ion temperature T i. In addi-
Plasma Diagnostics
tion, the expression for the ion current includes T e and U p which can
be determined if the VAC is measured in the region of not only the ion
current but also electron current up to the plasma potential (U p is
measured in relation to U sp).
In quasi-neutral plasma in the absence of negative ions n i = n e, and
the ion parts of the VAC can be used to determine ne. It should be noted
that since the value lD, required for calculations, includes the unknown
value n e, an iteration procedure must be used to determine this value.
Iterations can be avoided if we use the method proposed in Ref.46. In
this procedure, the known value of ion current i i at the selected probe
potential (sufficiently high to eliminate the effect of electron current)
and T e are used to calculate j*i (r p/l D) 2 which in contrast to j*i depends
only on i i and T e
ii rp
( ) −
( M i / 2 πe )1/ 2 ( kTe / e ) 3 / 2 ,
ji* rp / λ D = (10.35)
l pε0
where e 0 is the base of natural logarithms. From the graph showing the
dependence of j*i on j*i (rp/lD)2 at the corresponding probe potential we
determine j*i and then from equation (10.36) the value of n i
ni = ii ji*erpl p ( 2πkTe / M i ) .
1/ 2
Many attempts have been made to verify the ion current theories,
including Laframboise theory. They were based on comparing the values
of n i, determined from ion current, with n e measured by independent
methods (microwave or from electronic saturation current). Some of the
results from this comparison are presented in Ref.6. Good agreement
was obtained using the Laframboise theory. However, there are also data
indicating differences in the values of n i and n e, with n i being higher
than n e obtained from the VAC of the plasma potential. For example,
in Ref.47 the values of n i were systematically three times higher than
ne. This may prove to be important in determining the concentration of
charged particles in plasma containing negative ions because their con-
centration is assumed to be equal to n i – n e.
The results of calculations of n i from the ion current may be influ-
enced by the difference between the EEDF and the Maxwell EEDF that
is usually used in calculating i i . The authors of Ref.23 examined the
effect of the EEDF on the Debye screening length and i i on an exam-
ple of a wide range of modelling functions. It is shown that although
Electric Probes in Non-Equilibrium Plasma
i p (U)
Plasma Diagnostics
is equal to ion current of the first probe. When measuring the polar-
ity U, the probes change their roles.
The double probe has a number of advantages in comparison with
a single probe. Since the probes are usually quite close, in measure-
ments in hf plasma the alternating voltage acting between them is greatly
reduced thus reducing the degree of distortion of the VAC. In addition,
the effect of alternating voltage on the ion part of the VAC is consid-
erably smaller than that on the electron part. It must be considered that
parasitic capacitances (Fig.10.2) lead to the appearance of high-frequency
currents and distort the VAC.
In addition, the collisions in the near-probe layer have a smaller effect
on the double probe in comparison with a single probe so that the double
probe can be used to determine the plasma parameters under the con-
ditions in which the single probe gives inaccurate results. 6
To obtain the plasma characteristics from the VAC of the double probe
we can use the assumption of the Maxwell’s distribution of electrons
in plasma. There are several methods of processing the VAC (see, for
example, Refs.4 and 5). One of them is similar to the procedure used
in the method of the semi-logarithmic graph for single probes
e d i +i
= ln i1 i 2 − 1 ,
kTe dU ie1
where i i1, i i2, i e1 are the ion electron currents on the probe. The prin-
ciple of determination of these currents is clear from Fig.10.17 (lin-
ear approximation of ion current was used).
The ion concentration is calculated by the previously described
methods of processing the ion parts of the VAC.
Electric Probes in Non-Equilibrium Plasma
the region U p < 0 to the region U p > 0 is smoothed out, the section of
the VAC at U p < 0 is distorted (in this section the current on the probe
is still determined by the electrons). The effect of the magnetic field
on the ion part of the VAC is considerably weaker than that on the elec-
tron part. At present, there is no complete theory of probes in the mag-
netic field, and some of the attempts made to develop such a theory have
been described in Ref.1, 3, 4, 6, 13.
Specific problems appear in probe diagnostics of plasma flows under
the conditions of a collisionless layer, the transition regime and the con-
tinuum regime. 2-6
i − / ie = n − / n e ) (T
m / Te M i− , (10.38)
where T –i and M–i is the temperature and mass of the negative ions. At
m/M–i < 10–4, T –i /T e < 10 –1 the effect of ions with i p(U sp) can be ignored
if n –/n e < 10 –3 .
3. The ion part of the VAC of the probe in the regime of the
collisionless layer at the electron temperature considerably higher than
the ion temperature, and at n–/ne < 2 does not change and ion ‘collection’
takes place in the same manner as in the plasma without negative ions.
When determining n i from the ion saturation current, we can use the
Plasma Diagnostics
( )
U 1/p 2 i′′p U p ≅ const ( e / m ) ( ) ( ) ( )
n − f 0− eU p ,
1/ 2
ne f 0e eU p + e / M i−
1/ 2
where f e0 and f 0– are the energy distributions of the ions and electrons,
respectively. Examples of the distribution of the negatively charged par-
ticles (obtained from the second derivative of the distributions) in the
stratified discharge of direct current and in oxygen and in a plasma-
beam discharge in SF 0 are shown in Fig.10.18 (i''p was determined by
modulation methods using signals of the type (10.17)) (the fourth equa-
tion) (O 2) and (10.17) (the first equation) (SF 6)). Peaks in the energy
range ~0.1 eV are attributed to negative ions. Integration of the resultant
distributions with an allowance made for m and M – i gives absolute
concentrations n – and n e. 50,52
5. The presence of negative ions has no influence on the position of
the potential of the inflection point of the VAC in transition from the
region with U p < 0 to U p > 0 and the inflection at U sp is more marked
than without the negative ions. 49
It should be noted that the presence of the peak of negative ions on
a b
eU, eV
Electric Probes in Non-Equilibrium Plasma
i''p was not observed in most investigations (see, for example, for plasma
of the same gases but in rf discharge 20,53 ). The authors of Ref.49
described their method of probe investigation of the plasma of electronic
active gases with the energy distribution of electrons slightly differing
from Maxwell’s distribution.
f (v, θ) = ∑ f (v)P (cos θ),
j j (10.40)
Plasma Diagnostics
2π ∞ (
arccos eU p / ε )
( )
j eU p = 2e dϕ εdε
m 0 eU ∫ ∫ ∫ f (ε, θ1, ϕ)sin θ1 cos θ1dθ1. (10.41)
p 0
where q 1, j are the polar and azimuthal angles in the spherical co-or-
dinate system whose axis is directed along the external normal to the
probe surface; f (e, q 1, j) is the distribution function normalised with
respect to 1. After integrating equation (10.41) and taking into account
(10.40), with double differentiation with respect to U p, we have
2πe2ne S p ∞
( )
ie′′|| eU p =
∑ F (eU ) P (0),,
2J p 2j (10.42)
j =0
2e2 ne S p
( )
ie′′⊥ eU p =
∑ P (cos θ)dθ,
1j (10.43)
j =0
( ) (
F2 j eU p = ef2 j eU p − ) ∫ f2 j (ε )
∂U p
P2 j ( )
eU p dε, (10.44)
eU p
where the signs || and ^ indicate the axial and perpendicular position
of the probe.
Equations (10.42)–(10.44) show that i²e in anisotropic plasma depends
on probe orientation. In addition, the signs of the terms of the series
in the equations (10.42)–(10.44) change and, consequently, i²e may assume
negative values. These facts are used as a basis for experimental veri-
fication of the anisotropy of EVDF. It should also be noted that the cur-
rent on the cylindrical probe does not depend on odd harmonics, i.e.
it is independent of convective current. Examples of i²e for two probes
at different points of the arc are shown in Fig.10.19. Anisotropy of
plasma of the cathode and isotropic transformation of the EVDF at a
distance from it are visible. It was assumed in Ref.55 that f 2 >> f 4, and
f 0 and f 2 were also determined.
This method was developed further in Ref.56–58. The characteris-
Electric Probes in Non-Equilibrium Plasma
i p||
eU , eV
F ig .10.19 Second derivatives of probe current i"p at different distances z from the
cathode in a low-voltage arc in helium at a pressure of 1 mm Hg and a discharge
current of 0.4 A. Spacing of the electrodes 6 mm, U = 0 is the cathode potential,
the scale of the high-energy part is magnified 10 times; 1) perpendicular probe; 2)
parallel to the discharge axis. 55
tics of the cylindrical and flat probes in anisotropic plasma were also
studied in Ref.59.
The authors of Ref.60 and 61described the method of measuring the
directional part of electron distribution f 1 (v), if the distribution is rep-
resented in the Lorentz approximation
f (v ) = f0 (v ) + f1 (v ) cos θ. (10.45)
( ) ,
d ∆i p
f1 ( )
2eU p / m =
4πnee3S p
U 1/ 2 d
dU p
U −1/ 2
dU p
Plasma Diagnostics
v f0.1 /[v f ], m
v, V
( ) ( ) .
m2 d ∆i p d ∆i p
f1 ( 2eU p / m = ) 2
8πe3S p dU p
dU p
The equations (10.46) and (10.47) were obtained assuming the iden-
tical plasma potentials at the areas where the probes were situated, i.e.
DU sp = 0. If DU sp ¹ 0, the expressions for f 1 are greatly complicated
and an addition appears. The value of this addition depends on U p and
is maximum at U p ~ DU sp. The equations which enable corrections for
DU sp ¹ 0 to be made are presented in Ref.61 and they were analysed
and determined more accurately in Ref.13. The application of the double
flat probe is illustrated in Fig.10.20.
If the EVDF in a system with cylindrical symmetry is represented
in the form f (v) = f (v z, v ^), where v z and v ^ are the velocities of the
electron in the direction of the z axis and the perpendicular plane, and
the longitudinal f 1 (v z) and transverse f 2 (v ^) EVDF, expressed by the
f1 (vz ) = 2 π f (vz , v⊥ )v⊥ dv⊥ ,
f 2 (v⊥ ) = ∫ f (v , v )dv ,
z ⊥ z
are introduced, the EVDF can be determined using the method proposed
in Ref.13 and 62. Measurements with a flat one-sided probe, oriented
in the direction normal to the z axis, and the cylindrical probe oriented
along the z axis can be used to determine f 1 (v z) and f 2 (v ^)
Electric Probes in Non-Equilibrium Plasma
mdi p
f1 ( vz ) = , (10.49)
nee 2 S p dU p
∞ −1/ 2
m3/ 2 d 2i p
f 2 (ε ⊥ ) = 3/ 2 2
2 nee S p ∫ (eU
p − ε⊥ ) dU p2
, (10.50)
where e ^ = mv 2 /2.
The VACs of the flat and cylindrical probes make it possible to cal-
culate the ‘longitudinal’ and ‘transverse’ temperatures using equation
(10.28). Orienting the normal to the surface of the flat probe along and
across the z axis, the drift electron velocity can be determined from the
current difference at the space potential
vdr = Di p / ne S p . (10.51)
Plasma Diagnostics
Chapter 11
11.1 Introduction
Electric probes as a means of diagnostics of low temperature plasma
have a number of advantages, the main ones being simple experimental
procedures and the possibility of determining local parameters. Unfor-
tunately, there is no general theory of electric probes suitable for in-
terpreting the results of probe measurements over a wide range of the
The parameters characterising the operating regime of the probe (i.e.
the regime of passage of current in the near-probe region) are numer-
ous. Usually, the regimes are subdivided in relation to the ratio between
the free path of the ions and electrons under the conditions of elas-
tic collisions l i, l e and the linear dimension of the near-probe region
of perturbation. To simplify considerations, it will be assumed that the
thickness of the near-probe layer of the volume charge is not greater
(as regards the order of magnitude) than the characteristic damage of
the probe a (this assumption holds if the Debye radius is comparable
with the probe size or is smaller, and the probe potential is not too high).
Consequently, the probe size a can be regarded as the linear scale of
the near-probe region of perturbation.
When l i, l e >> a, the collisions in the near-probe region are not
significant. These operating conditions of the probe are referred to as
collisionless or molecular. The theory of these regimes was developed
in the twenties 1 and described in the well-known studies 2–8 (we should
also mention Ref.9 which contains, in particular, an extensive bibliog-
raphy; please also refer to Chapter 10 of this book). It should be noted
that, in this case, the volt-ampere characteristic of the probe contains
also information on the non-perturbed function of electron distribution,
in addition to information on the parameters such as, for example, the
electron concentration in non-perturbed plasma or plasma potential.
At l i, l e Ù a, important kinetic scales are the length of the en-
ergy relaxation of the electrons as a result of collisions with neutral
Electric Probes in Continuum Regime
nvÑ + ÑJ m = wm , m = i , e, (11.1)
Dj = -4pe å zmnm , (11.2)
m = i ,e
J m = − µ m ∇ m + zm nm∇ϕ , m = i, e (11.3)
fer, the second term – diffusion and drift transfer, the term in the right-
hand part - the formation or disappearance of the charged particles
of the given type as a result of volume reactions. Poisson’s equation
(11.2) links the volume charge of plasma with the induced electric field.
First term in the brackets in the right-hand part of the hydrodynamic
transfer equation (11.3) describes the concentration diffusion, the second
term - the drift in the electric field. It should be noted that when writing
the last equations the terms describing thermal diffusion were omit-
ted together with some terms taking into account baric diffusion; usually,
these effects are small and they can be taken into account only in special
cases. 6,19-21
The hydrodynamic equations of transport (11.3) for the ions
(m = i) are applicable at l i << L, where L is the local macroscopic
scale, i.e. the linear dimension of the examined hydrodynamic zone.
In writing the diffusion term we can accept that P i = n ikT, where k
is the Boltzman’s constant.
In the case of a weak field (eEl i << kT, where E is the strength
of the electric field) these equations can be regarded as the partial case
of the Stefan–Maxwell equations for multicomponent diffusion 22-24 (see
also Ref.19 and 25). If only one component is the main in the group
of neutral plasma components, then the quantity µ in is the function of
only temperature and, to a first approximation, is equal to
3e/(16m iqW iq(1,1) ), where W iq(1,1) is the collision integral, 23,26 m iq is the
reduced mass; to determine this quantity we can use either the experi-
mental data or the results of calculating the collision integral (these
calculations can be carried out for the known transport scattering cross
section or the ion–neutral particle interaction potential). If the number
of the main neutral component of the mixture exceeds unity, quantity
µ in also depends on the molar fractions x q; to a first approximation,
these dependences are described by Blanc’s law 19.,27 and the mobil-
ity is expressed through mobility in pure gases
1 3e
µi =
∑ ,
µiq =
16nq miqΩiq( )
In the case of a strong field (eEl i Ú kT), the diffusion term of the
transfer equations has the order l i/L in relation to the drift term and
under the conditions of applicability of the hydrodynamic approxima-
tion is low. It should be noted that this circumstance determines in the
majority of examined problems the use of the Einstein equation in writing
Plasma Diagnostics
the diffusion term of the equation (11.3) at the temperature of the neu-
tral particles. The validity of this equation in strong fields is violated.
The quantity µ in in the case of the strong field is the function of also
E/n, and Blanc’s law, generally speaking, is no longer valid. To deter-
mine this quantity, it is necessary to determine the experimental data
of the results of solving the kinetic equation.
An extensive review of the data on the mobility of ions in pure gases
was published in Ref.28–30.
The hydrodynamic transfer equation (11.3) for the electrons
(m = e) is valid if at least one of the following two conditions is ful-
Electric Probes in Continuum Regime
ideally absorbing and non-emitting) and away from the probe have the
form: 6
On the probe surface
n m = 0, m = i, e; ϕ = ϕ w, (11.5)
nm = nm¥ , m = i , e; j = 0, (11.6)
where jw, nm∞ is the potential of the probe surface in relation to plasma
and the concentration of the charged particles in the non-perturbed
plasma (given values).
We shall examine briefly the justification of the first boundary con-
ditions (11.5), initially for the ions. Evidently, the most consistent con-
clusion is the one based on the asymptotic analysis of the Boltzmann
equation. 42 In this approach, the entire region of the plasma adjacent
to the surface of the probe is subdivided into the Knudsen layer, i.e.
the wall region of the plasma with the thickness of the order l i, and
the adjacent hydrodynamic region with the characteristic linear size
L g >> l i. In each of these zones, we construct its own asymptotic ex-
pansion of the distribution function with respect to the small param-
eter li/L g. Combining the expansions gives, in particular, the condition
that must be satisfied by the first term of the asymptotic expansion
which holds in the hydrodynamic region. This condition is also the re-
quired macroscopic boundary condition.
For the case in which the field in the near-wall region is weak, the
first condition (11.5) was justified in Ref.42 and can be formulated as
follows. Let it be that n ki, n gi are the characteristic values of the ion
concentration in the Knudsen layer and the hydrodynamic region. The
flux of the ions to the surface in the Knudsen layer can be evaluated
(taking into account the anisotropy of the distribution function) with
regard to the order of magnitude as n kiC i, and in the hydrodynamic re-
gion as D in gi /L g, where C i, D i are the characteristic thermal velocity
and the diffusion coefficient of the ions. Since the flux across the
Knudsen layer is maintained (with the accuracy to the ratio of the fre-
quencies of ionisation, recombination, adhesion, etc. to the frequency
of elastic collisions), these estimates are compared and we obtain
n ki/n gi ~ l i/L g << 1. To enable combining, the first term of the asymp-
totic expansion of the distribution function in the hydrodynamic region
can convert to zero on the surface of the probe. This leads to equa-
tion (11.5).
Plasma Diagnostics
Electric Probes in Continuum Regime
in the kinetic layer and the hydrodynamic region as n ekinC eÖd and D en ge/
L g (n ge, C e, D e is the scale of the electron concentration in the hydro-
dynamic region, thermal velocity and diffusion coefficient of the elec-
trons) and equating these estimates (with the accuracy to the ratio of
the ionisation frequencies, and so on, to dn en ), we obtain n ekin /n ge ~ l u/
L g << 1, and the boundary condition (11.5) is valid. As in the case of
the strong field for the ions, this condition can also be used at E Ú
kT/(el u ).
If dn en << n kee
, the thickness of the kinetic layer is of the order of
l m . Only the second condition (11.4) is fulfilled in the adjacent hy-
Thus, the boundary condition (11.5) is also substantiated for the elec-
trons. It should be noted that when dn en << n eekin, to close the hydro-
dynamic formulation of the problem it is also necessary to formulate
the boundary condition on the probe surface for the electron energy
equation. Taking into account that this equation has a singularity 6 on
the probe surface, we find the asymptotics of its solution close to the
surface. The asymptotics includes two terms, one of which is restricted
and the other one algebraically increasing so that the restriction of T e
on the probe surface should be used as the required boundary condition.
Writing the differential equation of the first order (which is satisfied
by the first of the terms mentioned previously) for the surface, we
obtain the equivalent form of the accepted condition:
K he 5 ∂T 5 ewe ∂ ne
+ k e = − eE y ,
khe De 2 ∂ y 2 µ e ∂ y
Electric Probes in Continuum Regime
Plasma Diagnostics
nvÑ = wm , (11.7)
nm = nm¥ . (11.8)
Electric Probes in Continuum Regime
nm ¶J my
= wm ; å zmnm = 0, (11.9)
m= i ,e
kT ∂ nm
J my = µ m − n + z m nm E y . (11.10)
e ∂y n
Plasma Diagnostics
Electric Probes in Continuum Regime
These estimates show that the floating potential with the error of
the order kT/e coincides with the plasma potential. More accurate
analysis gives the following equation for the value of the floating po-
tential of the probe in relation to plasma (to a first approximation, i.e.
with the error to terms of the order of kT/e):
kTw h
ϕf = ln β . (11.11)
e ∆
Plasma Diagnostics
Fig.11.2 Electron branch of the VAC of a spherical probe in stationary plasma with
fast reactions (numerical calculations).
Fig.11.3 Ion branch of the VAC of a spherical probe in stationary plasma with fast
reactions (numerical calculations).
ej f /k T
(nume ric a l - 10.8 - 10.0 - 9.20 - 8.43 - 7.66 - 6.86 - 6.03
so lutio n)
Plasma Diagnostics
It is evident that the relationship between the Debye radius, the scales
∆ and d and the size of the probe at which the previously described
qualitative analysis is valid, can be written in the form h << l << a,
where l is the quantity which coincides with the smaller of the scales
D, d. In the case of stationary or slowly moving plasma with slow or
frozen reactions in the near-probe region, when the order of magni-
tude of the Reynolds number does not exceed unity, and the duration
of the reactions is not small in comparison with the diffusion time of
the ions in the near-probe region, the right-hand inequality is violated.
In this case, the VAC does not contain the distinctive linear section.
The saturation conditions in the region of positive and negative potential
coincide and have the form h << a. The VAC is situated at a large
distance from the origin of the co-ordinates; for example, for the probe
in stationary plasma with frozen reactions and constant temperature,
we have I (0) = (I + + I –)/2 (I (0) is the value of current on the probe
at the potential equal to the plasma potential).
Finally, in the case in which the concentration of charged particles
in the plasma is not high and the Debye radius is comparable with the
smallest of the scales D, d, a, there is no justification for expecting
the existence of a distinctive region of saturation at positive or negative
probe potentials. The conditions of existence of the linear section of
the VAC has the form l << a in this case.
These considerations show that the effect of movement of the
plasma on the VAC of the probe under the examined conditions is char-
acterised by parameter Re. Since, as already shown, the Schmidt
number of the ions under the normal conditions has the order of unity,
this number is naturally interpreted in the probe theory as the ratio of
the velocity of the incident flow to the diffusion rate of the ions in the
near-probe region. On the other hand, the order of magnitude of this
parameter is equal to the ratio of the Mach number of the incident
plasma flow to the Knudsen number l i/a. Since the Knudsen number
under the examined conditions is small, the influence of the convec-
tive effects under the hydrodynamic conditions becomes more significant
at considerably lower values of the velocity of the incident flow than
under collisionless conditions. For example, for a probe with a char-
acteristic size of 1 cm in the plasma of slightly ionised air at 3000 K
and at the atmospheric pressure, the movement of plasma must be taken
into account already from the velocities of the order of units of cen-
timetres per second (under these conditions, the Reynolds number be-
comes equal to unity at v ¥ » 8 cm/s).
The influence of the convective effects on the VAC of the probes
under the hydrodynamic conditions is, as indicated previously, of the
dual type. On the one hand, the movement of plasma results in a general
Electric Probes in Continuum Regime
tion which contains the potential is small in the main part of the plasma
volume. In non-unidimensional problems, including the problems of
probes in moving plasma, it is more efficient to use the approximate
approaches which enable specific regions of the VAC to be calculated.
On the other hand, the degree of accuracy and the region of appli-
cability of these approaches can be efficiently evaluated using the
numerical solutions of simulation unidimensional-problems.
Qualitative analysis, described in the previous paragraph, leads to
three relatively simple approaches within which we can calculate ap-
proximately either the linear section of the VAC or the sections of
currents of positive or negative particles I < I + , I > I – (in this case,
we take into account the voltage drop only in the main part of the DL)
or the saturation current of the positive or negative particles I+, I–. Fig-
ure 11.4 shows schematically the VAC of the probe (solid line) and
the linear section (line 1), the sections of the currents of positive or
negative particles (lines 2, 3, respectively) and the values of the satu-
ration currents, calculated using these approaches. These approaches
will now be discussed in greater detail.
The first approach. To calculate the linear section of the VAC,
it is initially necessary to find the distribution of the concentration of
the charged particles in the region of non-viscous flow (or, in the case
of plasma with fast reactions, regions of ionisation equilibriurm) de-
scribed by the problem (11.7), (11.8). Subsequently, in this region we
determined the distribution of the conductivity of plasma and solve the
problem for the distribution of the potential, neglecting the voltage drop
in the near-probe viscous boundary layer (the non-equilibrium ionisa-
tion layer)
∇ ⋅ (σ∇ϕ ) = 0. (11.12)
Fig.11.4 VAC of the probe and its elements, calculated using approximate approaches.
Electric Probes in Continuum Regime
j = jw , (11.13a)
j = 0. (11.13b)
= 4 pCs ¥ , (11.14)
Plasma Diagnostics
count the dependence of the mobility of the ions on the local value of
E/n. The electron concentration in the DL is considerably lower than
the ion concentration. However, in certain situations it is essential to
take into account the presence of the electrons in the DL (in particular,
as a result of the high energy of the electrons an important role is played
by ionisation by the electron impact, for example, Ref.70); it should
therefore be noted that the dependence of function f 0 in the DL on
the local value of E/n becomes significant at l u Ú h.
This approach will be illustrated on an example of a spherical probe
(discussed in the previous paragraph) in still plasma with volume ioni-
sation and the recombination and constant properties in cases in which
h, l u << d << a, and within the framework of the model of the ki-
netics described previously when examining Figs. 11.2 and 11.3. In the
region of ionisation equilibrium, the concentration of the ions and the
electrons is constant and equal to that in the non-perturbed plasma:
n i = n e = n i¥ = n e¥ (here and when examining the model of the plasma
with the charged particles of two types – positive ions and electrons
- the ion or electron concentration in non-perturbed plasma will be de-
noted by n c¥: n c¥ = n i¥ = n e¥). In the quasi-neutral part of the near-
probe layer of non-equilibrium ionisation the distribution of the concen-
tration of charged particles n c (n c = n i = n e) is determined by the prob-
d 2 ns
Da = k r nc2 - S , (11.15)
y = y D : nc = 0; y ® ¥: nc ® nc¥ , (11.16)
Da dnc
kr 3 2
2 dy H K =
nc - Snc + Snc¥ .
Plasma Diagnostics
Ji J 2
+ e = − ∇ ( nc T ) . (11.18)
Di De T
Consequently, for the examined model, using (11.17) and taking into
account the first boundary condition (11.16), the determined relation-
ship between the fluxes of the ions and electrons on the outer boundary
of the DL:
Ji ( y D ) J e ( y D ) n
= - 2 c¥ ,
FG 3D IJ 1/ 2
+ d=
H 4k n K
. (11.19)
Di De d r c¥
The problem in the DL has the form (ignoring the effect of the cur-
vature – this is justified when the absolute value of the probe poten-
tial is not too high and y D << a):
dJ i dJ e dE
= S, = S, = 4pe(ni - ne ), (11.20)
dy dy dy
J i = m i ni E , J e = - m e ne E , (11.21)
y = 0: J e = 0; y = y D : E = 0. (11.22)
Electric Probes in Continuum Regime
ets in the right-hand part of the third equation (11.20) are insignificant
and can be omitted. Consequently, the problem (11.19)–(11.22) is split
up: the functions n i, J i, E are determined independently of the elec-
tron distribution, and this is followed by determining n e, J e; the solu-
tion obtained using this procedure coincides with the error b with the
solution of the complete problem (11.19)–(11.22).
The equations for the dependence I (y D) and also the equation for
the dependence j w (y D), obtained by integrating the solution for the
electric field in the range from 0 to y D, have the form
I = -4pea 2 SyD + 2 Di g nd ,
16 6 p 3y I
jw = -
H 8d K
enc¥ (11.24)
af a fd i
1/ 2 LM d i
1/ 2 OP
F = F u = 2 2u + 1 u 2 + u
- ln 2 u 2 + u
+ 2u + 1 .
Plasma Diagnostics
features, associated with the presence of the electric field in the plasma,
are not very important in this problem and the formulation of this prob-
lem is similar to the formulation of the well-known problem of the flow
of a mixture of neutral gases around the solids. To solve these prob-
lems, the gas dynamics and heat and mass exchange theory offer suf-
ficiently developed methods, both analytical and numerical.
Initially, we examine the model of plasma with two types of charged
particles (electrons and positive ions). Assuming that the electron flux
on the probe surface (or, more accurately, on the outer boundary of
the DL) is equal to zero, the equation (11.18) gives the relationship
between the density of ion saturation current and the quasi-neutral con-
centration of the charged particles
FG ¶nc IJ
j+ = -2e Di
H ¶y K w
. (11.25)
nc D LM b gOPQ + ej Ñ D D+ D
- Ñ a Ñ nc T = wc ,
n T i e
nc = 0, (11.27a)
nc = nc¥ . (11.27b)
It may be assumed that under the ion saturation regime the den-
sity of the electric current in the entire near-probe region of pertur-
bation is equal to the right-hand part of (11.25) (as regards the order
of magnitude). Since the third term in the left hand part (11.26) has
the order b in relation to the second part, the third term can be ig-
Plasma Diagnostics
Sh = 4p (2 + Pe). (11.29)
Electric Probes in Continuum Regime
b g
d - I+
= 2peC 2 nc¥ .
dv¥ v¥ = 0
I+ = -
enc¥ v¥ Di¥ a 3 i
1/ 2
, (11.30)
a F
2 a I -1/ 2
j+ (a ) = j+ (0) cos 2
2 H
1 - sin 2
3 2 K ,
1.3 F
v D I 1/ 2 (11.31)
j+ (0) = -
Sc 1/ 6 H
enc¥ ¥ i¥
a K ,
a 11
. v D F I 1/ 2
i+ (a ) = j+ (0) cos ,
j+ (0) = - 1/ 6 enc¥ ¥ i¥
Sc R H K , (11.32)
where a is the polar angle counted from the direction opposite to the
vector of the speed of the non-perturbed incident flow (i.e. from the
front critical point).
These equations can be used to calculate the integral ion satura-
tion current on spherical and cylindrical probes whose collecting surfaces
are represented by any segments of the ‘windward’ surface. In par-
ticular, when the collecting surface is the entire ‘windward’ surface
(i.e. the front hemisphere or front half cylinder respectively), the in-
tegral saturation currents are described by the equation
Plasma Diagnostics
I+ = -
Sc1/ 6
enc¥ v¥ Di¥ a 3 i
1/ 2
, I+ = -
Sc1/ 6
b g
enc¥ v¥ Di¥ R
1/ 2
H. (11.33)
0.47 v DF I 0.81 FG
v D IJ 1/ 2
Sc xH
j+ ( x ) = - 1/ 6 enc¥ ¥ i¥ ,
K Sc xH
j+ ( x ) = - 1/ 6 enc¥ xd i¥
K , (11.34)
where x is the distance from the edge of the sheet or tip of the cone,
v xd is the speed at the external boundary of the boundary.
The density of saturation current at the critical point of a ‘blunted’
solid is determined from the equation 6
2 e × 0.66 LM
dv xd OP
1/ 2
j+ ( 0) = -
Sc 1/ 6
(0 ) Di¥
Q , (11.35)
where dv xd /dx (0) is the value at the critical point of the derivative
of the speed at the outer boundary of the boundary layer, e = 0 or
Electric Probes in Continuum Regime
Fig.11.5 Normalised ionic saturation current on the spherical probe in a subsonic flow.
solid line - calculations; points - experiments in Ref.122(1), 151(2), 153(3).
Plasma Diagnostics
1.3 and 1.1 are replaced by the coefficients 1.2 and 0.94).
To calculate the saturation current at Pe ~ 1 it is necessary, strictly
speaking, to find (numerical) solution of the elliptical problem (11.26),
(11.27). On the other hand, the approximate analytical expression for
Sherwood’s number for this case is obtained 92 by algebraic interpo-
lation starting with the asymptotics (11.29), (11.30):
4 pFPe
Sh = 8p + . (11.36)
F + 4 p Pe
Electric Probes in Continuum Regime
is used, in accordance with the data in Ref.87, at Pe R > 20. For the
range 0.5 < Pe R < 20, taking into account the correlation relationship
for the Nusselt number 87 the following equation holds
I+ = - 0.03
PeR0.4 enc¥ Di¥ H . (11.37)
13enc∞ Di∞ H
I + =− .
( )
ln Pe−R1 + 4.2 + 0.8 (11.38)
Plasma Diagnostics
Electric Probes in Continuum Regime
kTw 1 kT 1
y → 0 : Ey = − + ... E y = w + ... .
e y e y
Ar 1 0 17 13 230 [9 0 ]
13 15
Air 10 – 10 5–7 100 [11 3 ]
Ar 2 × 1 0 17 15 130 [11 8 ]
10 13
C P C 3H18 in a ir + N a , C s 3 × 10 – 10 2.3 5 [1 2 2 ]
Ar 5 × 1 0 15 – 2 × 9 – 15 80 [1 4 8 ]
1 0 17
Ar + K (1 ÷ 4 )1 0 13 2.3 25 [1 5 0 ]
C P H2 in a ir + C s 5 × 1 0 10 – 8 × 2.5 40 [1 5 2 ]
1 0 11
C P C 3H8 in a ir + K 7 × 1 0 10 – 4 × 2.1 8 – 20 [1 5 3 ]
1 0 11
C P C 2H2 in a ir + N a (2 ÷ 4 ) 1 0 10 2.4 4 [1 5 4 ]
11 12
C P C H4 in O 2 + N 2 + K 2 × 10 – 10 2.2 10 [1 5 5 ]
C o mme nt. 1 . Exp e rime nts (with the e xc e p tio n o f tho se in Re f. 11 4 ) we re c a rrie d o ut in
the rma l p la sma a t a tmo sp he ric p re ssure , the e xp e rime nts in Re f. 11 4 we re c a rrie d o ut in
the a c tive zo ne o f a nuc le a r re a c to r a t a p re ssure fro m 0 . 5 to 2 a tm. 2 . C P – c o mb ustio n
p ro d uc ts.
Plasma Diagnostics
Electric Probes in Continuum Regime
11.7 Conclusion
Of the three diagnostic methods discussed previously and based on the
linear section of the VAC, the section of the saturation current of posi-
tive ions, respectively, the simplest method is often the first one. In-
deed, equation (11.14) can be used to calculate directly the value of
s ¥ from the slope of the linear section of the VAC measured in the
experiments, and it is not necessary to know accurate values of the
transport and kinetic plasma coefficients. Of course, if it is required
to determine n e¥ after determining s ¥, it is necessary to know µ e. This
method is especially efficient in inspecting the conductivity of plasma
directly during the experiments. 48,53
Within the framework of the plasma model which takes into account
the types of charged particles (positive ions and electrons), the sec-
ond and third method can also often be used in the form of explicit
equations which link the expression for the section of the ion current
or the value of the ion saturation current with n c¥. In particular, such
equations are available for a number of situations in which ionisation
recombination in the near-probe region are frozen. It should be noted
that the values of the diffusion coefficients of the ions included in these
equations are often known or can be estimated with the acceptable
accuracy (with the error not exceeding 10%). 28 Within the framework
of the model of the multicomponent chemically active plasma the cal-
culation method is greatly complicated and requires taking into account
the kinetics of reactions in the near-probe region. Information of the
kinetics is often insufficient so that the possibilities of using this method
for determining the concentration of charged particles in non-perturbed
plasma are limited. On the other hand, the method can be used to
examine the discussed kinetics.
Numerical methods are an efficient means of calculating and ana-
lysing the probe VAC for unidimensional problems.
It should be noted that in developing a method of probe diagnos-
tics of high-pressure plasma for new conditions the formulation experi-
ment should be as complex as possible: it is rational to carry out ex-
periments with probes of different configuration, using different diag-
nostic methods, at different surface temperatures and holding time of
the probe in the plasma, etc.; it is also efficient to combine the probe
method with other diagnostic methods. On the one hand, this increases
the reliability of interpreting the results and, on the other hand, ena-
bles additional information on the plasma parameters and properties to
be obtained.
In conclusion, it is convenient to mention some studies concerned
with the problems of probe diagnostics of high-pressure plasma which
Plasma Diagnostics
are outside the framework of this book (see also books in Ref.6, 8):
in Refs.57, 60, 63-65, 129–133 the authors examined non-stationary probe
measurements in Ref.134 measurements were taken in plasma with an
applied electric field, in Ref.135–139 measurements were taken in a
magnetic field, in Ref. 16, 140 in turbulent plasma, in Ref.145, 146 in
a plasma with a higher degree of ionisation, and in Ref. 145, 146 meas-
urements were taken in flames. As regards the problem of double probes,
it is necessary to mention Ref.147.
Probe Methods of Diagnostics of Chemically Reacting Dense Plasma
Chapter 12
Plasma Diagnostics
ε* ∂ * ∂ϕ*
= ne − ni ,
* *
r (12.2)
r * ∂r * ∂r *
¶ns* * ¶j
fs* = - * - sign (es )ns * , s = i, e,
¶r ¶r
d *
e ¶j
* 2 *
j * = ji* - *c je* - * * * .
di d i ¶r ¶t
t * = t (W0 α 0 )
r* = r / Rp , , W * = W / W0 , α* = α / α 0 ,
eϕ α
ϕ =
, ns* = ns 0 ,
kT W0
kTb W 0.5
js* = js / jsd , jsd = 0.5s 0 , j = j / jid , s = i , e ,
α Rp
here W is the effective ionisation rate that changes with time in non-
stationary plasma; a is the effective recombination coefficient; W 0, a 0
are the characteristic (normalisation) values of these quantities; R p is
the probe area; T is the equilibrium plasma temperature; k is the Boltz-
mann constant; b s is the coefficient of mobility of the ions and elec-
trons; j is the density of total current recorded by the probe; j s is the
density of currents of charged components; e s is the charge of the
Plasma Diagnostics
0 kT kTbs
ε =
, δ*s = 2 , s = i, e.
eRp (W0α0 )
4πe W0 R p
2 0.5 2 0.5 (12.5)
( )
t * = 0, ns* r* , 0 = 0, s = i, e; (12.6)
boundary conditions
( ) ( )
r * = 1, ns* 1, t * = 0, ϕ* 1, t * = ϕ*p = const,
ϕ (r , t ) = 0, ∂n / ∂r
r * = rm* , * *
* *
= 0.
Probe Methods of Diagnostics of Chemically Reacting Dense Plasma
difference equations was solved by the method of matrix run with it-
erations and variable with respect to the spatial co-ordinate with the
integration step. This was carried out using a special method of de-
fining the previous iteration based on analysis of solution at points with
the highest gradients of the parameters. The accuracy of the solution
was inspected using the integral of the system of equations (12.1)–
(12.3) r*j* = f*j* (t*), where f* (t*) is some function that depends
only on time and does not depend on the spatial co-ordinate.
The programme makes it possible to find the accurate solution of
the problem for arbitrary functions W*(t*) and a*. If W* = const,
a* = const is considered, the solution at relatively high t* reaches the
stationary level.
As a typical example, we examine the results of solving the prob-
lem for a methane–oxygen mixture
CH + O → CHO + + e (12.9)
t, µs
Fig.12.1 Dependence of the rate of formation of charged particles on time for a mixture
of 0.5% CH 4 + 2% O2 with argon at 2750 K and atmospheric pressure behind a reflective
shockwave. 1) W (0)(t) from the kinetic calculation of ionisation processes, 3 2) W (1)(t) from
dependence (12,11), 3) W (t)(2) is the corrected velocity.
Fig.12.2 (right) Space–time distribution of the concentration of positive ions (I) and
free electron (II) around the probe. t = 10 (1), 14 (2), 20 (3), 23 (4), 39 µs (5).
change of the layer of the free charge around the probe. The region
of perturbation of the plasma by the probe equalling (5 ¸ 6) Rp is clearly
The distribution of the strength of the electric field is shown in
Fig.12.3. The maximum strength of the field at the probe surface for
the given parameters is of the order of 10 3 V/cm. The electric field
changes to the maximum extent inside the charged layer, although it
does penetrate into the region of quasi-neutral plasma.
Figure 12.4 shows the distribution of the electric potential ϕ for dif-
ferent moments of time, and the calculated total current to the probe
is shown in Fig.12.5 (curve 3).
12.3 Experiments
To compare the calculated and experimental values of probe currents
experiments were carried in a shock pipe designed in Ref.3. At the
same time, the non-stationary concentration of the electrons was
recorded using a microwave interferometer with a two-lead line as a
probe system 3 and the current on the probe was determined using the
methods described in Ref.13. This was achieved by combining the two-
lead line with the electric probe: the conductor is made of stainless
steel and parts of the waveguides to which they were connected were
electrically insulated from the remainder of the microwave circuit using
thin teflon gaskets which have no effect on the parameters of the mi-
crowave wave. Both wires received the same electric potential (constant
with time) in relation to the earthed walls of the shock pipe. Conse-
quently, the electric probe consisted of two wires 0.3 mm in diameter
E, V/cm ϕ, V
Fig.12.3 Distribution of the strength of electric field in the vicinity of the probe surface.
t = 1.44 (1), 5.76 (2), 10 (3), 20 µs (4).
Fig.12.4 (right) Distribution of the electric potential in the vicinity of the probe surface.
t = 1.22 (1), 5.76 (2), 10 (3), 20 µs (4).
Plasma Diagnostics
t, µs
Probe Methods of Diagnostics of Chemically Reacting Dense Plasma
Fig.12.6 Dependence of calculated current on probe I p(t) on the actual value of the rate
of formation of ions W(t) for different values of probe potential. ϕ p = –9 (1), –48 (2),
–72V (3); the arrow on the curves indicates the direction of the passage of time.
Plasma Diagnostics
. × 10 -17 S j p
I p (t ) = 172 W (t ) , (12.10)
W (1) (t ) = 2.25 × 1022 S -4 / 3 j p
I (t ) . (12.11)
The values of W (1) (t), obtained from the equation (12.11) for the
experimental conditions shown in Fig.12.5, are presented in Fig.12.1
(curve 2). The calculations show that a small correction of the first
approximation W (1) (t) in the region of the maximum current is suffi-
cient to obtain agreement between I p (t) and I (t). Curve 3 in Fig.12.1
has the corrected profile W(2) (t). For this function there is a good agree-
ment between I p (t) and I (t) (curves 1 and 4 in Fig.12.5) for almost
all times, with the inspection of the late stages of the process.
For the non-perturbed region of plasma away from the probe, the
Probe Methods of Diagnostics of Chemically Reacting Dense Plasma
a = 4·10 –2 T –1 – 9.8·10 –6 ,
where a is in cm –3 ×s –1 .
As previously, the value of a is too high. When the temperature in-
creases from 2250 to 2900 K, the values of a change from 8·10 –6 to
4·10 –6 cm 3 ×s –1 .
This method can be used to determine the values of the effective
ionisation rate W (t) and the effective recombination coefficient from
the probe current and electron concentration measured in the experi-
ments. The values of a are higher than the literature data, and if the
literature data for α and the ionisation rate at which the currents are
in good agreement are considered, there is a difference between the
calculated and measured electron concentrations. The calculated con-
centration is approximately twice as high as the concentration meas-
Plasma Diagnostics
t, µs t, µs
Fig.12.7 Dependences of the rate of formation of charged particles W(t) on time for a
mixture of 0.5% CH 4 +2% O 2 with argon at different temperatures and atmospheric
pressure behind the reflected shockwave. I) W (1)(t), obtained from (12.11); II) W (2)(t)
is the corrected velocity; T = 2250 (1), 2440 (2), 2600 (3), 2750 (4), 2800 (5), 2900
K (6).
Fig.12.8 (right) Dependence of the concentration of free electrons on time for a mixture
of 0.5% CH 4 +2% O 2 with argon at different temperatures and atmospheric pressure.
Lines – experiments for temperatures of: 2250 (1), 2400 (2), 2600 (3), 2600 (4), 2800
K (5); points – calculated electron concentrations.
Probe Methods of Diagnostics of Chemically Reacting Dense Plasma
ments. The correcting factor must be introduced into the W (1) (t) cal-
culated from equation (12.11). This factor can be evaluated by direct
comparison of the chemical ionisation rates obtained in experiments
simultaneously by probe and microwave measurements. Such a com-
parison for a methane–oxygen mixture (12.8) and the same mixture
with helium in the temperature range 2150–2900 K at the atmospheric
pressure behind the reflected shockwave leads to the relationship
W micro = kW (1) (t), where k = 0.13. The quantities W micro and W (1) are
found for the same moment of time corresponding to the maximum of
probe current: the first – from the first time derivative of the region
of the time dependence of the free electron concentration in the re-
gion of the maximum derivative, the second – from equation (12.11).
Using the constant correction factor k = 0.13 for the entire time dis-
tribution of the probe current, we obtain an approximate profile of the
effective ionisation rate. The resultant solution of equation (12.12) with
this profile is the calculated profile of the electron concentration n e
(t) which is in good agreement with the experimental profile n emicro (t)
for the literature values of the recombination coefficient.
As already mentioned, for constant ionisation rates and recombination
coefficient a dynamic equilibrium is established in plasma after some
time between the rates of formation and annihilation of the charged
particles. Their concentrations become stationary and the probe cur-
rent also ceases to depend on time.
In this case, the solution of the problem (12.1)–(12.5) is determined
completely by the dimensionless parameters d i *, d e *, e* and the
dimensionless probe potential (j*p ). Calculations were carried out in
which these parameters were measured in a relatively wide range and
the results were used to determine the dependence of total current on
the probe on these parameters. The dependence can be described ap-
proximately as an exponential function of these parameters
( ) (ε )
0.66 0.12 0.4
I = 8 ⋅10−10 eW0 Rp S δ*i *
ϕ*p , (12.13)
where I is in A; S in cm 2; R p is cm; W 0 in cm –3 ×s –1 .
As indicated by (12.13), the total current at the negative probe
potentials is almost independent of parameter d*e which is not present
in (12.13). The resultant relationship is an analytical approximation of
the general self-modelling solution of the problem of the probe in chemi-
cal reacting equilibrium plasma and is highly universal for any case of
ionisation processes, with the exception of electron impact ionisation.
Since the ionisation rate becomes a complex self-consistent (with other
Plasma Diagnostics
Probe Methods of Diagnostics of Chemically Reacting Dense Plasma
slightly widens the zone perturbed by the probe, the current density
of positive ions slightly increases, and the electronic current decreases
in accordance with the decrease of the concentration of free electrons.
We shall examine in more detail the method of determining the con-
centration of negative ions in a chemically reacting high-pressure low-
temperature plasma, in the continuum regime, on the basis of the volt-
ampere characteristic of the electric probe. We shall examine the con-
ditions under which the main processes of formation of the primary
charged particles, i.e positive ions and free electrons, are the proc-
esses of chemical associative ionisation A + B ® AB + + e. The nega-
tive ions then form as a result of sticking of the electrons in
C + e + M ® C – + M ternary collisions. Reversed reactions repre-
sent the processes of rapid dissociative electron-ion recombination and
separation of the electrons from the negative ions. Within the framework
of the examined model we can also investigate the thermal ionisation
and dissipative sticking of the electrons. At high concentrations of the
negative ions it is necessary to consider the ion–ion recombination under
the actual plasma conditions, depending on its composition, tempera-
ture and parameters, situations can arise in which the parameter
l = n 0– /n 0e, characterising the ratio of the equilibrium concentrations
of the negative ions and the electrons, changes in a very wide range
– from zero when there are almost no negative ions, to very high values
where almost all free electrons formed transform to negative ions.
In this system of reactions the rates of variation of the concentration
of charged particles in plasma w s can be described using five effec-
tive parameters:
W = k1na nb , k = k2 nc n M , g = k3 n M . (12.17)
Probe Methods of Diagnostics of Chemically Reacting Dense Plasma
∂ns* δ*s ∂
+ * * (r * js* ) = ωs , s = e, i +, i −,
∂t *
r ∂r
ε ∂ * ∂ϕ* * *
= ne + ni+ − ni − ,
r * ∂r * ∂r *
∂ns* * ∂ϕ
js* = − − sign ( e )
s sn , (12.18)
∂r * ∂r *
δ*i − * δ*c *
j = ji + − * ji − − * je .
* *
δi + δi +
Here j*s, j* are the densities of the currents of the components and
the total current. When writing the equations of continuity of the com-
ponents the convective transport of current to the probe is ignored. The
left-hand parts of the equation (12.18) include for dimensionless pa-
e * = ( Rd / R p ) 2 , d *s = t / t ds , s = e, i + , i - ,
Rd2 = kT / (4 pe 2 n0 ), t ds = R 2p / Ds .
Plasma Diagnostics
r * = 1, ns* = 0, j *p = j * , s = e, i + , i - ,
r * = rm* , j * = 0, ¶ns* / ¶r * = 0, rm* >> 1.
t * = 0, ns* (r * , 0) = 0, s = e, i + , i -. (12.22)
Probe Methods of Diagnostics of Chemically Reacting Dense Plasma
problem for the system of the resultant different equations, were dis-
cussed previously in this book and described in Ref.2 and 22.
The distribution of the concentrations of the charged particles and
the electric potential in the vicinity of the probe for one of the vari-
ance of calculations are presented in Fig.12.9. Calculations were carried
out for the following variants of the parameters: e* = 2.7·10 –2 , d i+ =
d i– = 6.7, d e = 6.7·10 3 , where W = 10 13 cm –3 ×s –1 , a = 10 –7 cm 3 ×s –1 ,
b = 5·10 –8 cm 3×s –1 , g = k = 1.5 × 10 3 s –1, the ratio of the equilibrium
concentration of the negative ions and electrons l = 0.73. These data
simulate the situation in air with an addition of CCl 4 vapours at a tem-
perature of T = 2200 K and the atmospheric pressure.
For these values of the parameters, the size of the region of electric
perturbation of the plasma by the probe under the positive potential ex-
tends over a large distance, over more than 100 R p. In the case of the
negative potential of the probe, the main decrease of the electric po-
tential takes place on the length » 5 R p. Under the examined condi-
tions, the dimensions of the layer of the volume charge equal (2–4)R p,
and the size of the entire region where the concentration of the charged
particles greatly differs from the non-perturbed values is 10Rp. It should
be noted that the analytical and numerical solutions of the probe problem,
available in the literature, were obtained mainly for the limiting cases
where the size of the layer of the volume charge is either small in
comparison with the radius of the probe or, on the other hand, is con-
siderably greater.
The problem (12.18)–(12.22) contains five parameters character-
ising the ionisation processes, and three transport coefficients – the
effective coefficients of mobility bi+, bi–, be. For the conditions examined
below, b e >> b i–, b i and the conditions b i+, b i– are of the same order
of magnitude. It is also assumed that b i+, b i– = b.
The numerical solution of the problem (12.18)–(12.22) enables the
distribution of the quantities n e, n i+, n i–, j in the region perturbed by
the plasma to be determined at the given probe potential and calcu-
late the current on the probe for each set of the given parameters, i.e
solve a direct problem. However, our main task is to solve the inverse
problem, i.e to develop a method of determining the plasma parameters
on the basis of experimental data for the current on the probe. We shall
examine the possibilities of fulfilling this task, as previously, by con-
structing analytical approximation dependences of the probe current on
the main plasma parameters.
Under the chemical equilibrium conditions for each specific initial
gas mixture the definition of temperature and pressure determines the
values of the kinetic parameters W, a, b, g and k, and also the val-
ues of the coefficients of mobility of the charged particles. The kinetic
Plasma Diagnostics
10 -8 £ a £ 10 -6 ,
5 × 10 -9 £ b £ 5 × 10 -7 ,
. × 101 £ k £ 15
15 . × 108 ,
. £ g £ 15
15 . × 104 ,
where W is in cm –3 ×s –1 .
The parameters k and g which characterise the rates of ‘sticking’
and separation of the electrons depend on the concentration of the elec-
tronically active particles present in the plasma. To examine the ef-
fect of the negative ions on the volt–ampere characteristic of the probe,
we examine the following ranges of the values of these parameters
. × 101 £ k £ 15
15 . × 108 ,
. £ g £ 15
15 . × 104 ,
where k and g is in s –1 .
The corresponding change of the parameter l is:
Probe Methods of Diagnostics of Chemically Reacting Dense Plasma
2 × 10 -3 £ l £ 2 × 104 ,
l = ni0- / ne0 .
1 £ b £ 100,
103 £ bc £ 105 ,
. × 10 -19 C × R 0p.44 LW 0.68b 0.6T 0.34 j p
I - = 55 ,
C = a -0.07 k 0.018 g 0.004b -0.02be0.02 .
take place inside this layer; positive ions and electrons form from neutral
components in these reactions. The electric field displaces the elec-
trons from the layer thus preventing the reactions of electron–ion
recombination and electron sticking. These circumstances result in a
relatively strong dependence of I – on the ionisation rate and a very
weak dependence on the parameters a, b, g, k, which control the for-
mation of negative ions.
At the negative probe potential in the plasma with no negative ions,
the probe current is considerably stronger than the current of the same
negative potential. 1 However, if the plasma does not contain free elec-
trons, and the transport properties of the positive and negative ions are
similar, the volt–ampere characteristic of the probe is almost completely
symmetric. Therefore, it may be expected that the maximum sensitivity
of the probe current to the presence of the negative ions must be in
the region of the positive probe potentials.
Analysis of the results of numerical calculations in this region shows
that the dependence of the total current I + at j*p >>1 on the kinetic
parameters W, a, b, and temperature T is almost the same as in equa-
tion (12.28). However, the relationship of I + with the mobility coeffi-
cients b, b e and with the effective rate of electron sticking is more
complicated. The dependence on these parameters changes with the
change of the ratio of equilibrium values of the concentration of negative
ions and electrons l. Therefore, the parameter l = n 0i–/n 0e– will be used
as the controlling parameter. In our case of equilibrium plasma, l is
related with the kinetic parameters, included in (12.16), by algebraic
The results showing that there is a small difference in the depend-
ences of the currents I +, I – on W, a, b, T indicate that it is rational
to use the dimensionless quantity Y = I+(|j p|)/I–(–|j p|) which is almost
independent of these parameters. On the basis of numerical calcula-
tions for W we can write the following equation
Y = f 1 (l ) h f 2 ( l ) , h = be / b. (12.29)
Y = be / b. (12.30)
Probe Methods of Diagnostics of Chemically Reacting Dense Plasma
Plasma Diagnostics
librium concentrations of the negative ions and electrons l and the ratio
of the coefficients of mobility of electrons and ions h. Figures 12.11
and 12.12 shows the cross section of the surface log Y (log l, log
h) by planes l = const, h = const. Using the functions f 1, f 2, shown
in Fig.12.10, it is easy to construct a graph of the function log Y (log
l) also for the intermediate values h. We can propose the following
method of processing the probe measurements in the plasma with nega-
tive ions.
We assume that the ratio of the mobility coefficients b e/b is known.
Using the dependence of log Y or log l as shown in Fig.12.11, from
the ratio of the currents Y 1 = I +/I – measured in the experiments we
determine the value log l which is the abscissa of the point of inter-
section of the log Y = log Y 1 with a curve log Y (log l) which cor-
responds to the value h = h 1. The determined value of l gives the
ratio of the concentrations of the negative ions and electrons in the
examined plasma.
Dashed lines in Fig.12.12 show the values of a, corresponding to
the cases in which the mobility coefficients are determined by the col-
lision sections of the charged particles with the He and Ar atoms. It
can be seen that depending on the type of gas (diluent) log (Y) changes
relatively appreciably.
When adding a relatively small amount of an electronic active ad-
dition to the plasma, the effective ionisation rate W and the recom-
bination coefficient a remain almost unchanged. Equation (12.28) shows
that the probe current for the negative potentials is almost constant,
although the equilibrium value of the concentration of positive ions slowly
Fig.12.12 Sections of the surface log Ψ (log λ, log η) by the planes λ = const., λ =
10 –27 (1), 1 (2), 10 (3), 10 2 (4), 10 3 (5), 10 4 (6), 7) η for helium, 8) η for argon.
Probe Methods of Diagnostics of Chemically Reacting Dense Plasma
K = I1 ( + j p ) / I2 ( + j p ). (12.31)
Plasma Diagnostics
Probe Methods of Diagnostics of Chemically Reacting Dense Plasma
Plasma Diagnostics
Probe Methods of Diagnostics of Chemically Reacting Dense Plasma
t, µs
ϕ, V
Fig.12.16 Calculated dependence of the probe current on time for the pulsed variation
of probe potential. W = 10 16 cm –3 s –1 , n 1,e = 4.25 × 10 11 cm –3 .
r * = 1, ns* (1, t * ) = 0, s = i , e,
j * (1, t * ) = j *p = const , t * < t0* ,
j * (1, t * ) = j *p + Dj * , t 0* £ t * < t1* ,
j(1, t * ) = j *p , t * ³ t1* ,
r * = rm* , j * (rm* , t * ) = 0, ¶ns* / ¶r * = 0, s = i , e.
The moments of time t*0 and t*1 correspond to the time of supplying
a pulse to the probe which changes the probe potential by the value
±Dj*. Assumptions made in formulating the problem, and details of this
Plasma Diagnostics
N + O ® NO + + e –. (12.33)
I1c - I1 (t ) I 22 - I 2 (t ) t ch 1
Y1 = , Y2 = , x= = , (12.34)
eW0 R p S eW0 R p S t - timp Dt (W0a 0 )1/ 2
where I 1 (t) and I 2 (t) are the instantaneous values of current; t imp are
the moments of variation of the potential (t 0 or t 1, respectively); Dt =
t – t imp.
Figure 12.17 shows, in the form of dependences Y 1(x) and Y 2(x),
the results of calculations of the transient currents I 1 (t) and I 2 (t) on
the probe for different values of the equilibrium concentrations of the
charged particles of the plasma under the stationary regime conditions.
The concentration values varied by changing the ionisation rate at a
constant recombination coefficient.
The numerical solution of the problem (12.1)–(12.32) enables us to
Probe Methods of Diagnostics of Chemically Reacting Dense Plasma
Y1 = 0,025d i0.5n* Dj* F (x), (12.35)
Y2 = 0.0375d i0.5n* Dj * f (x), (12.36)
The relationships (12.35) and (12.36) include the main plasma pa-
rameters: W, a, b i. These relationships can be used as diagnostic equa-
tions for determining any plasma parameters both directly and together
with relationships for stationary probe currents. In this case, we al-
ready have two independent equations and can determine two unknown
plasma parameters.
The function F (x) and f (x) can be approximated by analytical re-
lationships with the accuracy sufficient for measurements in practice.
Consequently, we obtained the following dimensionless dependences on
the plasma parameters for transition currents:
0.35 1
∆I1 = 1.11 ⋅10 −20 R p LW 0.75α −0.25bi0.5T 0.15 ∆ϕ − 1 ,
(W α) (t − t1 )
0.25 0.5
0.35 1
∆I 2 = 1.39 ⋅10−20 R p LW 0.75α −0.25bi0.5T 0.15 ∆ϕ − 2 .
(W α) (t − t2 )
0.25 0.5
Here R p, L are the radius and length of the cylindrical probe, cm;
b i is the coefficient of mobility of the ions, cm 2/(V s); T is the equi-
librium plasma temperature, K; Dj is the amplitude of variation of the
probe potential, V; W is the ionisation rate, cm 3×s –1 ; a is the recom-
Probe Methods of Diagnostics of Chemically Reacting Dense Plasma
A i = B iR pLb i0.5 T 0.15 |Dj| 0.35 , B 1 = 1.11·10 –20, B 2= 2.78·10 –20, i = 1.2.
The method of determining the values DI 0i and Dt 0i is shown in
Fig.12.19. It can be seen that in the co-ordinates |I i –I i (t)| 1/(t –t i ) 0.5
the time dependences of the transient currents are straightened out.
The points of intersection of these straight lines with the ordinates and
abscissa give the values of DI 0i and Dt 0i, respectively. Index 1 relates
to the case in which the pulse potential reduces the absolute value of
the probe potential, and the index 2 corresponds to the opposite case.
These cases are completely equivalent when determining W and a and
either of them can be used.
Experimental verification of the resultant relationships was carried
Plasma Diagnostics
Probe Methods of Diagnostics of Chemically Reacting Dense Plasma
Plasma Diagnostics
ence of the total dimension current on the probe I = 2pR pLj idJ*. The
calculations show that under conditions in which |Dj*/j* p| < 0.2, the
function j* (t*) can be approximated with sufficient accuracy using
their relationship
Probe Methods of Diagnostics of Chemically Reacting Dense Plasma
1/ 2
Dj * = ( Dj *p ) 2 + ( Djc* ) 2 ,
Y = arctan ( Djc* / Dj *p ),
where Dj*c, Dj*p are the amplitudes of the density of bias current and
a variable component of the conduction current density, respectively.
In the examined range of the variation of the parameters, the results
of the numerical solution can be approximated by the following rela-
Dj *p = 0.967(d *i ) -0.2 ( e * ) -0.06 j *p ( f * ) -0.1 ,
-0.4 (12.44)
Djc* = 8.12(d *i ) -1.04 ( e * ) 0.74 j *p Dj * ( f * ).
Plasma Diagnostics
DI p = 2 pRjid Dj *p = A p f ,
DI c = 2 pR p Ljid Djc* = Ac f ,
A p = 8.74 × 104 R 0p.52 LDj 0.9bi0.8W 0.68 T 0.44 j p a -0.38 , (12.45)
Ac = 2.615 × 10 -6 R p LDjbi-0.04W 0.15T 0.1 j p a -0.11 .
bi = Cb DI p DI c-4.62 ,
W = CW DI p0.27 R p2.24 L3.6 Dj 3.7 f 4.72
jp a -0.12 ,
CW = 9.5 × 10 28
R p-3.4 L-5.7 f -5.4
jp a 0.7
T -0.66
Dj -5.67
The values of DIp, DIc are determined from the amplitude of the vari-
able component of total current on the probe (measured at a given fre-
quency) DI and the phase shift between the current and the potential
Y using the relationships
Probe Methods of Diagnostics of Chemically Reacting Dense Plasma
Plasma Diagnostics
Chapter 13
Electric and Thermal Probes in the Presence of Chemical Reactions
Fig.13.1 The probe-wire device. 1,2) connected conductors; 3,4) insulating capillaries;
5) conical plug; 6) conical ground joint; 7) discharge tube; 8) working part of the probe.
Fig.13.2 (right) Block diagram of the probe circuit for measuring U p , r pf and VAC of
the probe. 8.10 1) power source for the discharge; 2,4) electrodes; 3) discharge tube; 5)
probe; 6) bias voltage source of the probe; 7) unit for setting and measuring probe
temperature; 8) current stabiliser; 9) unit for matching the stabiliser with the automatic
recording device and setting I p ; 10) automatic recording device.
Plasma Diagnostics
Electric and Thermal Probes in the Presence of Chemical Reactions
I p = W e + W i = f (j pl – j PF ) = const, (13.1)
Of course, all other the quantities characterising the probe, the plasma
and the film are constant with time. The distribution function of the
plasma electrons with respect to energy is arbitrary, but not necessarily
K153UD2 K153UD2
Fig.13.3 Principal electrical diagram of a device for measuring the temperature of the
probe–wire. RX =30÷100 ohm is the probe resistance, R 1=10 kohm, R 2=40 ohm, R3=100
ohm, R 4 =R 5=R 6 =12 kohm, R 7 =1 Mohm, R 8 =10 kohm; D 1 ,D 2 are amplifiers.
Plasma Diagnostics
I p , µA
∆U p
I p = const
d PF << R p (13.3)
The size of the working surface of the probe-wire, coated with the
film, does not depend on the film thickness (with the accuracy of ful-
filling the condition (13.3)). If the conditions (13.1) and (13.3) are si-
multaneously fulfilled and the plasma parameters are constant, the
condition (13.2) is also fulfilled. For a flat probe with any thickness
of the PF the area of the outer surface of the film is constant with
time. We do not examine the growth of the first monolayers of the film
when the properties of the probe such as the work function of the elec-
tron changes. This disrupts the condition (13.2). Evidently, the large
changes of the useful signal DU, observed in the initial period of the
growth of the PF 7,26 are caused mainly by this effect.
The VAC of polymer films, measured during its growth 8,10,12,25–27
proved to be non-linear and non-symmetric in relation to the origin of
the co-ordinates (Fig.13.5). The value of RPF, included in equation (13.2),
does not have the meaning of the ‘ohmic’ resistance. In Ref.7, 8, 10,
13, 25, 26, it was shown that at the given discharge conditions of the
current probe of I p the value DU is directly proportional to the film
thickness of the probe d PF at d PF Ù 100 nm. Consequently, it can be
assumed that
R PF = rd PF at I p = const, (13.4)
Electric and Thermal Probes in the Presence of Chemical Reactions
I *p , µA
Plasma Diagnostics
l +1 2 l +1
I PF ~ U PF / d PF , l Ú 1, (13.5)
ln I PF ~ (l + 1) ln U PF at d PF = const.
/ 2 -1/ 2
ln I PF = (b / kT )U 1PF d PF + C, (13.6)
Electric and Thermal Probes in the Presence of Chemical Reactions
uring cell’ where plasma can be used as one of the electrodes, does
not make it possible to make an unambiguous conclusion on the oc-
currence of the Schottky conductivity mechanism in this case.
Equation (13.6) shows that a constant current I PF, the voltage on
the film U PF and its thickness d PF are proportional in relation to each
other: U PF = Bd PF , where B is a constant typical of the given cell.
Consequently, the value r, included in equation (13.4) is related with
the value V by the ratio r = B/I PF . It is evident that B = E PF is the
mean strength of the field in the film with respect to its thickness. It
is not known in advance how the value of B changes with the
variation of the conditions of plasma chemical polymerisation: pressure,
chemical composition of the flow rate of the plasma forming gas,
specific energy contribution to the plasma, the density of the flows of
charged particles of the plasma on the surface of the growing film,
etc. In the experiments with discharge the mixtures of xenon on neon
with methane 10,13 and argon with perfluorobutane 25,27 the authors com-
pared the data on the growth rate of the film, obtained by the probe
and optical methods. They show that under the operating conditions 10,13
a variation of the pressure of the mixture from 0.3 to 4 torr and a dis-
charge current of 20 to 75 mA and a film thickness of d PF = 1 ¸ 100
nm the value of B remain constant with an error not greater than
15–25%. For other discharge conditions, the constancy of the value
B must be verified by experiments. If B = const is fulfilled, the probe
method can be used to examine the kinetics of growth of the film and
some electrophysical properties of the latter.
For the conditions of discharge in the mixture of xenon or neon with
methane the electrical resistance of the film growing on the probe
changes by only 1–2%, and the variation of the temperature of the
probe–substrate by DT p = 50 K and T p ¿ 350 K. Consequently, the
probe method can be used to examine the dependence of the kinet-
ics of film growth on substrate temperature.8,10,15 Since the thermal inertia
of the probe/wire is not high – around 0.1s, on the basis of the vari-
ation of DU PF at the moment of variation of the probe temperature we
can estimate the activation energy of the electrical conductivity of the
film during its growth. In Ref.6,10,12–15 it was of the order of
E a ~ 0.1 eV.
As already mentioned, the main advantage of the probe method is
that it enables the film to be grown on the probe at different densi-
ties of the electron and plasma ion fluxes on its surface and, at the
same time, reveals the role of the charged particles in heterogeneous
stages of plasma chemical polymerisation. The following procedure is
used: the film is grown at a given discharge conditions at different
values of I p, i.e at different points of the VAC of the probe. However,
Plasma Diagnostics
I p = I PF, i.e a displacement of the probe along the VAC indicates si-
multaneous displacement on the VAC of the film. Since the VAC of
the film is non-linear, direct comparison of the growth rates at different
values of Ip on the basis of the rate of variation DU PF is incorrect. This
problem is solved by two methods.
The film is grown at unchanged current I p during a relatively long
period of time. The probe/wire is then extracted from the reactor and
its thickness is measured using an optical microscope. The procedure
is repeated for a number of other values of I p. From the VAC of the
heated probe we determine the correspondence of I p to the densities
of the electron fluxes W e and ion fluxes W i so that we can determine
the dependence of the growth rate of the film r PF on W e and W i. This
method can also be used to examine the kinetics of growth of the
conducting and semiconducting films.
It is also suitable for dielectric substrates, for example, in the form
of glass filaments. 8 In the latter case, measurements are simple only
at Ip = 0, i.e at the point of ‘the floating’ potential, when We = Wi. Re-
placing the glass filament by the capillary with an inserted wire-heater
enabled the dependence of the growth rate on substrate temperature
to be examined. The use of the thin capillary with the diameter smaller
than the mean length of free path of the molecules enables extensive
thermal disruption of the plasma to be avoided. This method can be
used to examine efficiently the distribution of the growth rate over the
volume of the reactor.
Fig.13.6 Electrical block diagram of the probe circuit. 1) reactor; 2,8) electrode; 3) the
probe coated with the dielectric film; 4) heating battery of the probe; 5) resistance for
regulating the heating current; 6) source of the bias voltage of the probe; 7) stabilising
of probe current I p .
Fig.13.7 (right) Principal electric diagram of current stabiliser. 1-3) transistors with an
isolated gate; 4) regulated voltage source; 5) microammeter, R 1, R 2 is the matching
voltage divider.
Electric and Thermal Probes in the Presence of Chemical Reactions
−∆U p , V
−∆U p , V
I *
p1 I p
I *
I *
I *
t, s
t, s
Fig.13.8 Kinetic voltage curves on the film. U PF = –U p ; 1) U PF for I p ; 2) U*PF for I*p .
Fig.13.9 (right) Construction of the VAC characteristic of growing film on the basis
of kinetic curves obtained for different measuring currents I*p (k) (polymer film is
grown at probe current I p ).
Plasma Diagnostics
I p, then the resultant data can be used to measure the VAC of the film
(see Fig.13.5) during its growth at different moments of time (Fig.13.9).
The absolute values of the growth rates of the film are determined by
calibrating the probe method by the first method (see above) or by some
other independent method. To facilitate measurements of both parts of
the VAC of the film we can use the ‘bridge’ circuit of the current sta-
Cleaning the probe to remove the polymer film is carried out by rapid
heating the probe with a current from a special source (see Fig.13.2).
To set and measure the temperature of the probe-wire produced in the
form of a loop (see Fig.13.2) we can use a device whose main electrical
circuit is shown in Fig.13.3. The circuit of the device was proposed
in Ref.24. A cartridge with resistances can be used as a variable resistor
R 3. The values of R 2 and R 3 for the probe-wire made of platinum wire
10–20 µm in diameter and approximately 1 cm long are around 20–
50 W. Regulating R 1 we set a current through the probe I heat and its
temperature T p . The cartridge of the resistances R 3 is used to cali-
brate the output device in the values of the resistance of the probe
at each current I heat. The transition from the values of the probe re-
sistance to its temperature is evident:
R 3 (T p) = R 3 (T 0) (1 + aDT p) (13.7)
−∆U p , V
Electric and Thermal Probes in the Presence of Chemical Reactions
Plasma Diagnostics
Here Q h.t is the heat flow through the side surface of the thermal
probe as a result the change of the kinetic energy of the neutral plasma
particles in collision with the surface of the probe, Q e is the heat flow
through the ends of the probe-wire on the holders, Q rad is the heat
exchange of the probe with the environment through radiation, Q he is
the heating of the probe-wire by current by the external source, in-
cluding in the operation of measuring the wire temperature from its
electrical resistance (see Figs.13.2, 13.3), Q eq is the heating of the ther-
mal probe as a result of passage of probe current I p through it when
the thermal probe like the Langmuir–Mottsmith electric probe is not
Electric and Thermal Probes in the Presence of Chemical Reactions
I he
C1 C2
|I p|, µA; ∆T w , K
U p, V
Fig.13.12 Dependence of probe temperature and fluxes on the probe of ions I j and
electrons Ie on probe potential Up in direct current discharge in Ar + 10% vol H2. Pressure
P = 0.3 torr, discharge current I D = 25 mA, diameter of the discharge tube 5 cm; 1) I e,
2) T pc = T p–T w, T w is the wall temperature of the tube; 3) I j (measurements by V.I.
Plasma Diagnostics
Electric and Thermal Probes in the Presence of Chemical Reactions
ered by the dielectric film. This also applies to Q eq because the equali-
sation current is of the same order of magnitude as I p.
If the thermal probe is covered with a dielectric film, the situation
does not change. For example, for a probe with a length of 1 cm and
a diameter of 10 µm in a discharge in the mixtures of argon with meth-
ane at a pressure of 1 torr Q h.t ¾ 10 –3 ¸ 10 –2 W. For the probe current
I p ¾ 10 –5 A and the thickness of the dielectric film d PF ≈ 100 nm the
voltage drop in the film reaches Vfi » 100 V, i.e. Q PF ¾ 10–3 W is com-
parable with Q h.t. According to the estimate, the extent of heating the
film with the equalisation current can also be significantly high.
The term Q ch describes heat generation in the probe during chemical
reactions on its surface. It can be reliably measured in discharges and
mixtures of inert gases with hydrogen. Here it is interpreted as the ther-
mal effect of recombination of the hydrogen atoms under probe sur-
face: Q ch = g recW (H) e rec, where g rec is the thermal coefficient of re-
combination; W (H) is the flux of hydrogen atoms onto the probe sur-
face; g rec is the binding energy of the atoms in the H 2 molecules. The
values of e rec are available for some materials, for example platinum. 29
If d p << l (see previously), then W ( H ) = 1 / 4[ H ]vt , where [H] is the
atom concentration in the plasma; vt is the mean thermal velocity of
the atoms. Evidently, interpretation of Q ch does not cause any diffi-
culties in other cases as well.
Q p can be evaluated by experiments by measuring the temperature
of the probe-wire Tp at different points of the volt–ampere characteristic
of the probe, i.e at different values of the probe current I p (see
Fig.13.11). The minimum T p is observed in the vicinity of the ‘float-
ing’ potential of the probe where the electronic and ionic components
I p are equal as regards their modulus. The thermal effects of the ions
and electrons can be separated only away from the ‘floating’ poten-
tial. The mechanism of heating the probe as a result of the kinetic and
potential energy of the charged particle remains insufficiently exam-
ined because only approximate polarisation from remote parts of the
VAC to the ‘floating’ potential of the contributions of the ions and
electrons is possible. For reliable measurements of other terms (usu-
ally Q h.t and/or Q ch ) it is important to verify by experiment that Q p is
When interpreting the meaning of the term Q da it is important to re-
member that the following condition is fulfilled in the plasma of non-
equilibrium electric discharges at reduced pressure:
Plasma Diagnostics
Electric and Thermal Probes in the Presence of Chemical Reactions
The method can be used efficiently for measuring the gas tempera-
ture of the plasma Tg in cases in which in equation (13.8) we can ignore
the terms Q da , Q p, Q PF , Q ch , Q eq , Q Ip . Most difficulties are associated
with the preliminary evaluation of the value of the term Q ch . Assum-
ing that the thermal probe is thin
F1v I F1v I
Qch / Qht @
H4 t K H4
R g rec e rec / t K
N ak (Tg - Tp ) , (13.9)
where a and g rec have the thermal effects of accommodation and re-
combination on the surface, respectively; vt is the thermal velocity of
the heavy particles of the plasma, e rec is the binding energy (recom-
bination energy) or the radicals, k is the Boltzmann constant, [N] are
the concentration of radicals and the total concentration of the heavy
plasma particles. For example, for a thermal probe made of platinum
in a discharge in a mixture of argon with hydrogen at a pressure
P ¾ 1 torr we can accept that: a ¾ 1; g rec ¾ 10 –2 ; e rec ¾ 4 eV; T g
– T p ¾ 10 ¸ 100 K; [H] ¾ 10 14 –10 15 cm –3 ; [N] ¾ 10 16 cm –3 .
Substituting into (13.9) gives Q ch/Q h.t ¾ 1·10 –2 ¸ 1, i.e. Q ch and Q h.t
are the same order of magnitude. If the platinum thermal probe-wire
is coated with a dielectric film (for example, by polymerisation in a
discharge), then e rec should greatly decrease. 33 Consequently,
Q c/Q h.t << 1 so that Q h.t. and T g can be measured.
In high-frequency discharge the thermal probe is heated by the elec-
tromagnetic field. Heating can be easily evaluated by experiments by
switching the hf field at low pressure in the reactor when there is no
gas discharge. Special features of using the electric probe in rf and
microwave discharges have been examined in Chapter 10.
Plasma Diagnostics
Chapter 14
14.1 Introduction
Enthalpy is one of the most important characteristics of high-temperature
media, especially moving ones, in the presence of ionisation. Enthalpy
data are especially important in applying various technologies.
Determination of enthalpy using different devices started at the end
of the 50s when work was carried out in many countries to develop
high-temperature processes and equipment. The largest number of de-
velopments of the measuring devices was reported in the 60s and
70s. 1–60 Measurement methods were proposed and substantiated, ap-
propriate sensors were developed and subjected to successful tests in
measuring the enthalpy of different high-temperature media: inert, hot,
plasma. At present, the methods and devices for measuring the enthalpy
are usually developed along the path of improving and automating the
In the group of the methods of measuring enthalpy there are usu-
ally three most important groups: 8,21,37 1) sound flow, 2) direct deter-
mination of the enthalpy by taking gas samples, 3) heat flow – deter-
mination of the enthalpy from the heat exchange of the solid with the
gas flow. The first of these methods, which used special thermal probes,
was not used widely because of complicated design of the probes and
limited possibilities in comparison with the other two methods 8 which
are used extensively. The main type of device are enthalpy probes (or
sensors) based on gas samples. The enthalpy probe is a device intro-
duced into the gas flow in order to measure the flow enthalpy. The
enthalpy sensor is an enthalpy probe in a complex with a sensitive
element ensuring reception of an electric signal.
No detailed analysis of the design of probes and methods of meas-
urement have been carried out from the moment of development of
the first devices for enthalpy measurements. Some studies in this di-
rection are of limited nature and reflect only partial aspects of measuring
Measurements of the Enthalpy of High-Temperature Gas Flows
Plasma Diagnostics
L meas
T 2, G B
T g , C pg , G g
Fig.14.2 Stationary enthalpy probe. 1) measuring, 2) outer tube, 3) screen, 4,5) inlet
and outlet of water, 5) discharge of gas.
Q2 - Q1
h0 = + C pg Tg , (14.1)
where Q 2 = G lC plDT 2; Q 1 = G l1 G pl DT 1; DT 2 = T 2 – T 0, DT 1 = T 1 – T 0 ;
G l, C pl, T is the flow rate, specific heat capacity and the temperature
of the liquid cooling the probe; C pg , T g is the specific heat capacity
and temperature of the gas probe at the exit from the probe.
Usually, the flow rate of the cooling liquid is maintained constant,
i.e. G l1 = G l2 = G l, and
Measurements of the Enthalpy of High-Temperature Gas Flows
C pl Gl
h0 = (T2 − T1 ) + C pg Tg , (14.2)
h0 = h + v 2 / 2, (14.3)
p = p0 + Cd rv 2 / 2, (14.4)
where p 0 is the static pressure in the region of the inlet orifice of the
probe. The value p 0 is measured by other sensors; for jet flows with
subsonic speed at the atmospheric pressure p 0 close to atmospheric
pressure and, consequently,
p = Cd rv 2 / 2. (14.5)
h0 = h + 2 p / ρ, ρ = f ( h ), (14.6)
Plasma Diagnostics
v 2 C phρhVh ∂ 1
h − hout + = Th ( x )dx ± loss ,
∫ (14.7)
2 Gg ∂t L 0 Gg
where h out is the enthalpy of the gas at the outlet of the probe, C p,
r, V, T is the heat capacity, density, volume, gas temperature at the
inlet into the probe, index t relates to the measuring tube, g to the gas.
Q loss /G g characterises the error of determining the enthalpy as a re-
sult of losses or additional supply of heat. The value h out is in the
majority of cases close to zero because the probe is designed in such
Measurements of the Enthalpy of High-Temperature Gas Flows
a manner that the entire energy of the sucked away gas is absorbed
by the measuring tube. The derivative determines the variation of the
mean temperature of the tube, i.e.
∂ 1 ∂T
∫T ( x ) dx = m . (14.8)
∂t L 0 ∂t
v 2 C ph rhVh dTm
h+ = (14.10)
2 Gg dt
The flow rate of the gas to the measuring tube is calculated measuring
the rate of variation of pressure in constant volume 4 (see Fig.14.3)
from the equation
Gg = Adp / dt , (14.11)
where dp/dt is the rate of variation of the pressure in the filled vol-
ume, and A = const for the given volume and the given gas. Thus, we
v 2 C ph rhVh dTm / dt dT
h+ = =B m (14.12)
2 A dp / dt dp
Plasma Diagnostics
q=a , (14.13)
a= Nu, (14.14)
0.4 ρ f µ f
Nu = 0.5 Re 0.5
f Pr f (
1 + Le f − 1
) , (14.15)
ρ w µ w h f
Measurements of the Enthalpy of High-Temperature Gas Flows
q λ Nu ∆h
= = f (T ) , (14.16)
p d p Cp
λ f ρ 0.25 ρfµf h ∆h
f (T ) = 0.6
µ 0.5
Pr 0.4
ρw µ w
( 0.52
1 + Le f − 1 ∂ , (14.17)
f df h f C pw
and the value f (T) can be easily calculated if we know the proper-
ties of the gas.
Thus, measuring experimentally the density of the heat flow q and
the dynamic pressure p, we determined the enthalpy of the high-tem-
perature gas flow from the dependence f (T).
This method has been tested many times37 in flows of various gases:
in argon, 37 oxygen 24 ad others, and can be recommended for the tem-
perature region characterised by dissociation, ionisation and other re-
actions associated with energy release. In this case, the measurement
error decreases because the dependence f (T) is very steep. Disad-
vantages of the method include the complicated and sometimes inac-
curate dependence of q / 4 p on the thermophysical properties of the
Plasma Diagnostics
Measurements of the Enthalpy of High-Temperature Gas Flows
Fig.14.5 Outer view of longitudinal enthalpy probes with an outer diameter of d = 1.5
(a), 5 mm (b).
Plasma Diagnostics
Fig.14.7 Two-tube enthalpy probe. 1,2) inlet and outlet of water, 3) discharge of gas,
4) direction of the heat flow.
difference is the cooling system (Fig.14.7) Here the design of the in-
ternal measuring tube together with the outer tube ensures the required
cooling rate and defines the direction of movement of the cooling liquid.
Therefore, the intermediate tube is now required. Although the dimen-
sions of these probes can be very small, they are not yet used widely
because they do not make it possible to measure the enthalpy with the
required accuracy. At the circumference of the probe in the cross
section (A–A) there are two sections in which the internal measur-
ing tube is poorly cooled by the liquid. Consequently, the internal tube
receives the heat flow q that is difficult to control. For example, in
the first measurement (without sucking away the gas) calorimetric
measurements are taken to determine the heat flow to the probe Q 1
which travels through all the surfaces, including the flow q through the
regions of contact of the tubes. In the second measurement (with suck-
ing away the gas), the probe receives the heat flow Q 2 which includes
the heat flow brought in by the sucked-away gas. In this case, the
sucked-away gas transfers, in addition to its energy, also part of the
heat flow q (∆q), i.e.
Q 2 – Q 1 – Dq = G g Dh (14.18)
Fig.14.8 Enthalpy probe with a heat-insulated intermediate tube. 1,2) inlet and outlet
of water, 3) outlet of gas, 4) insulator.
Fig.14.9 Enthalpy probe with the distributed flow of cooling liquid. 1,2) inlet and outlet
of water, 3) discharge of gas.
Plasma Diagnostics
Fig.14.10 Enthalpy probe with a cooled screen. For symbols see Fig.14.9.
Measurements of the Enthalpy of High-Temperature Gas Flows
Fig.14.11 Enthalpy probe in a supersonic flow of high-gas. 1,2) inlet and outlet of
water, 3) discharge of gas, 4) shockwave.
Plasma Diagnostics
Measurements of the Enthalpy of High-Temperature Gas Flows
let part is bent so that it is possible to place the initial part of this tube
along the flow, and the external pipe under an angle to the flow. The
intermediate tube is placed in the same position as in the longitudinal
probes and is used as a guide for the cooling liquid.
The ‘angular’ enthalpy probe is efficient in operation and retains
the advantages of the longitudinal enthalpy sensor. The angle under
which the probe is positioned in relation to the movement of the flow
is usually around 45°, although other variants are also possible. Po-
sitioning the probe under an angle of 45° ensures only slight perturbations
of the flow with sufficiently simple design of the top part of the probe.
The transverse enthalpy probe (Fig.14.14). In contrast to the lon-
gitudinal probes, the measuring part of the transverse probe is normal
to the flow and the relatively short initial section of the measuring tube
of the probe is positioned in the direction along the flow. The probe
consists only of two tubes: internal–measuring, and the external used
for transport of the cooling liquid; therefore, it is possible to reduce
the dimensions of the probe. For example, the authors of this book 22
produced a probe with an external diameter of 1 mm (external tube
1.0 × 0.85 mm, inner tube 0.5 × 0.4 mm) (Fig.14.15). A decrease of
the probe dimensions leads not only to positive results. In similar small
probes it is difficult to ensure high flow rates of the cooling liquid at
pressures usually encountered under the laboratory conditions; therefore,
decreasing the diameter of the external tube slightly reduces the pos-
sibilities of measuring high heat flows. The most suitable probes are
those with an external diameter of 2–3 mm which also have higher
Plasma Diagnostics
Fig.14.15 External view of transverse enthalpy probes, diameter 2 (1) and 1 mm (2).
Measurements of the Enthalpy of High-Temperature Gas Flows
Plasma Diagnostics
Fig.14.17 Transverse enthalpy probe with symmetric sampling of gas. 1) tip, 2) insert
3) inlet section of measuring tube, 4) insert, 5,6) auxiliary straps, 7) external, 8) measuring
tube, 9) securing screws.
Measurements of the Enthalpy of High-Temperature Gas Flows
a Gg, T g b G g2, T g2
G l2 G l2
T2 T2
G l0
G l0 G l1
T0 T1
G l1, T 1 G g 1 ,T g1
Fig.14.19 Asymmetric (a) and symmetric (b) transverse enthalpy probes with the distributed
supply of cooling liquid.
C pl Gl 2 ( 2 )
h0 = (T2 - T2(1) ) + C pg Tg , (14.19)
where T 2(2) and T 2(1) is the temperature of the cooling liquid flowing
through the measuring part of the probe, in sampling and without sampling
the gas, respectively. The values C l0, T 0, G l1, T 1 are used to measure
the total heat flow on the probe.
The examined enthalpy probes are characterised by high sensitiv-
ity and low measurement error. In addition, they operate with higher
flow rates of the cooling liquid and enable the range of measurement
of heat flows to be expanded.
The enthalpy probe with a symmetric supply of the cooling agent
is of slightly more complicated design but enables a different method
of measuring the enthalpy of a high-temperature gas flow to be ap-
plied, i.e. differential method.
Plasma Diagnostics
1/2 G l
Gl Gg
T0 Tg
1/2 G l
Q 1 + h gG g = C plG l (T 1 – T 0) 1 (14.20)
Q 2 = C plG l (T 2 – T 0) 1 (14.21)
Consequently Q 1 + h g G g – C 2 = C plG g (T 1 – T 2) = C pl G l DT 1.
In sucking away the gas through the second part of the probe we
Q 1 = (Q 2 + h gG g ) = C pl G g (T 1 – T 2) 2 = C pl G lDT 2 (14.22)
Measurements of the Enthalpy of High-Temperature Gas Flows
1 G
hg = C pl l ( ∆ T1 − ∆T2 ). (14.24)
2 Gr
Measuring G l, G g, DT 1 and DT 2, we can compute the enthalpy of
the gas.
On the whole, the procedure for measuring the enthalpy becomes
more complicated because instead of three parameters (G l , G g, DT)
it is necessary to measure four parameters (temperature difference is
measured twice). However, the sensitivity of measurements increases
because the total gas enthalpy is not measured on the background of
the total heat flow (Q 1 + Q 2) but on the background of the difference
(Q 1 – Q 2 ).
The planar enthalpy probe (Fig.14.21). The principle of the method
of enthalpy measurement is almost the same as in the previous case.
This probe has much in common with the enthalpy probes with a screen,
with the exception of the fact that the screen in the working part is
made in the form of a plane in order to enable measurements to be
carried out at higher heat loads and in modelling the flow-around of
Fig.14.21 Planar enthalpy probe. 1) flat screen, 2) enthalpy probe, 3) heat insulator,
4,5) inlet and outlet of water, 6) discharge of gas.
Plasma Diagnostics
the high-temperature flow around the plane, and the enthalpy probe in
its working part is made flush with the plane.
In measuring the enthalpy with these sensors, during taking gas up-
wards it is necessary to consider the nature of flow around of the liquid.
Of considerable importance here is the mutual position of the meas-
ured orifice and of the region where the high-region temperature flow
changes its direction. At a high flow rate of the gas during taking
samples of the gas and in the regime without sampling the positions
of the this region may differ thus increasing the measurement error.
In the majority of cases these probes are suitable for determining
the gas enthalpy in the near-axial region of the axis symmetric tem-
perature flows.
Nonstationary enthalpy probes. These probes are used far less
frequently than their stationary analogues, evidently due to their more
complicated design and the need to use high-speed apparatus. In ad-
dition, it is difficult to analyse the measurement error in these probes
and, as a whole, these probes and sensors have been described only
seldom in the literature.
The non stationary probes can be classified in two groups. The first
is similar to stationary probes where the enthalpy is determined by ca-
lorimetric measurements, and the second – the enthalpy sensor with
a compensator.
Measurements of the Enthalpy of High-Temperature Gas Flows
R= ∫ S [1 + α
0 (Tx − T0 )]dx, (14.25a)
R − R0 1
α0 R0 L 0 ∫
(Tx − T0 )dx. (14.25b)
Consequently DR/a 0R 0 = DT m.
Taking into account (14.12), we obtain an expression for the increase
of the enthalpy of the gas along the length of the measuring tube L
Plasma Diagnostics
dR dp dR
Dh = a / =a , (14.26)
dt dt dp
rt C ptVt
where a = ; rtVt is the mass of the tube; C pt is the heat ca-
a 0 R0
pacity of the tube material.
Consequently, enthalpy determination is reduced to simultaneous meas-
urement of resistance and pressure as a function of time. Constant a
is determined at relatively low temperatures at which the enthalpy can
be measured by another method, for example, using some thermal el-
In the experiments, the enthalpy probe is inserted into the high-tem-
perature flow for a short period of time. The water jacket protects it
against overheating. The probes with a water jacket 19 are used so that
the measurement time can be shortened. Such a probe was developed
in Ref.19. Its external diameter is 1.3 mm, with a diameter of the
measuring orifice being d i = 0.4 mm. The measurement time in a ni-
trogen flow with an enthalpy of h = 4.5 ¸ 12.8 kJ/g is 20–50 ms.
5 µs is sufficient for an enthalpy measurement cycle.
When using sensors of this type, the sampled gas flows through the
measuring pipe at a constant rate so that the pipe is usually connected
to the evacuated vessel. The enthalpy measurement procedure may be
described as follows: the probe is introduced into the plasma flow, the
resistance of the internal pipe of the probe is measured as a function
of time at a constant flow through the pipe. The quantity dp/dt is de-
termined by recording the pressure in the evacuated vessel as a function
of time.
Thus, the previously examined high-speed enthalpy probes enable
the enthalpy of the high-temperature gas flow to be determined within
the limits of milliseconds; this is especially important when long-term
holding of the probe in the flow is now possible or the duration of the
effect of the flow is limited.
Nonstationary enthalpy sensor with a compensator (Fig.14.23). Here,
in contrast to the previous enthalpy sensor, the sensor contains two
identical tubes. 48 One of them, the basic tube 2, is used for sampling
the gas, the other one is compensating. Thus, any body, placed in the
main tube, with the exception of the gas sample, for example, from
the external side of the probe, has no effect on the measurement results.
The main and compensating tubes (resistances R meas and R comp, respec-
tively) form a bridge circuit together with R1 and R2 which is connected,
through the external pipe of the probe, to a stabilised power source.
Measurements of the Enthalpy of High-Temperature Gas Flows
Gas samples
View C
Q2 - Q1 DT2 - DT1
s= = , (14.27)
Q1 DT1
of the enthalpy sensor is the fraction of the heat flow resulting from
taking gas samples on the general ‘background’ of the heat flow re-
ceived by the probe.
When measuring the temperature of cooling water with an error of
+0.1°C, the sensitivity of the sensor is close to 0.05. 22 In the general
case, the latter also depends on the following factors: the accuracy of
determination of the flow rate of cooling water and sucked-away gas,
the stability of parameters, determining the intensity of the heat flow
to the sensor.
hrv f Si
sm = , (14.28)
the flow (10; 100 and 1000 m/s). The total heat flow to the sensor was
calculated from the criterial dependence
Q f = Q + hrv f Si ,
MMN b g OPPQ 1 + (Le
0 .2
l (rm ) f Dh (14.29)
Q = 0.5 Re 0.5 Pr 0.4 0 .52
- 1) pdl,
d rm ) c Cp
where Q f is the total heat flow received by the sensor under the con-
ditions with the gas sampling; l, r, µ is the thermal conductivity, density
and viscosity of the plasma, respectively; d is the outer diameter of
the sensor sheath, and l is the length of the sensor counted from the
measuring orifice. Calculations were carried out per unit length of the
sensor l = 1 cm for a diameter of 0.5 cm. The diameter of the measuring
orifice was assumed to be equal to 1 mm.
As indicated by Fig.14.24, the sensitivity of the sensor decreases
with increasing temperature, whereas it increases with increasing flow
speed. Curve 4 was calculated under conditions in which the increase
of the flow speed is directly proportional to the increase of the plasma
temperature. Similar dependences have been recorded for oxygen, 22
nitrogen and air. In the temperature range above 8000 K the value of
sm is close to or lower than 10%, which is already unsuitable from the
practical viewpoint or requires using high-accuracy measuring appa-
Plasma Diagnostics
Measurements of the Enthalpy of High-Temperature Gas Flows
(h ∞ h i )/h ∞
Fig.14.25 Calibrating curve of the enthalpy probe. d i = 0.4 (1), 1.0 (2), 1.6 (3), 2.2
mm (4).
tube through which the gas was sampled, the other part flows around
the probe. The current lines are separated at specific points on the
surface of the nose part of the probe, and only the normal component
of the speed varies from zero here. These points on the surface of
the asymmetric enthalpy probe are situated in the top part of the probe
around the circumference55 which at a i = 1 coincides with the circum-
ference of the inlet orifice or the measuring tube. As indicated by
Fig.14.25, the diameter of this critical circumference can exceed the
diameter of the measuring orifice by no more than a factor of 2.
Since the data are limited, it is difficult to analyse the errors. At
present, it is usually possible to carry out only the analysis described
previously it is assumed that the error of enthalpy measurement is not
less than 4%.
14.4 Conclusions
The enthalpy probes can be used for sufficiently accurate and effi-
cient determination of the enthalpy of high-temperature gas flows. The
methods of measurement and the design of the enthalpy probes are
greatly varied. The development of measuring complexes and automated
systems may greatly expand the possibilities of using enthalpy probes
and sensors for enthalpy measurements.
Plasma Diagnostics
Chapter 15
Probe Measurements of Heat Flows in Plasma Jets
Fig.15.1 Diagram of equipment for measuring heat flows. 1) plasma jet, 2) tungsten
wire, 3) holder contacts for moving contact of constant resistance, 5) rotating rod.
Fig.15.2 Diagram of the cross-section of the jet of plasma intersected by the probe
along a cord.
Plasma Diagnostics
a b c
∫ q(t )dLdt.
L t0 t0
L 0
θ( x) =
v −y ∫
q( y)dy. (15.1)
Probe Measurements of Heat Flows in Plasma Jets
On the other hand, the total amount of heat received by the wire
can be determined as follows
q( x ) = mCDT ( x ), (15.2)
R ( x ) = R0 [1 + bDT ( x) ],
we obtain
DR ( x )
DT ( x ) = , (15.3)
ρCSv ∆R( x)
∫ q( y)dy =
− y0
β R0
. (15.4)
The experiments were carried out to determine DR (x) and the data
was then used to determine the value in the right hand part of the equal-
ity since b, C, r, S and v are known. Using Abel’s integral transfor-
mation for (15.4), we determine the radial distribution of the heat flow
in the examined cross section of the plasma jet per unit length of the
wire for 1 second. Thus, to determine the heat flow, it is necessary
to record during measurements only the maximum value of the resistance
of the wire during its passage through a specific chord of the exam-
ined cross section of the plasma jet. The absolute value of the vari-
ation of the wire resistance DR (x) is determined using a calibration
curve from the maximum amplitude of deviation of the loop. The re-
Plasma Diagnostics
Probe Measurements of Heat Flows in Plasma Jets
H ¢¢ - H ¢
q=a , (15.5)
where q is the heat flow, cal/(cm 2 ×s); H²–H¢ is the change of the
plasma enthalpy when cooling down to the temperature of the sensor
wall; C p is the heat capacity of the plasma at constant pressure; a is
the heat transfer coefficient which in transverse flow-around the cylinder
is calculated from the equation 3,5
κ Pr′′
α = 0.86 Re0.41 Pr 0.35 , (15.6)
d Pr′
Plasma Diagnostics
mC p
where Re = rvd/µ is the Reynolds number; Pr = is the Prandtl
number; d is the diameter of the cylinder with flow-around (wire); k,
r, µ, H, C p, v is respectively the heat conductivity, density, viscosity,
enthalpy, heat capacity and the flow speed of the plasma. The values
denoted by a single prime correspond to the gas temperature equal to
the temperature of the wire, those denoted by two primes correspond
to the temperature of the incident flow. The quantities without the primes
were calculated at temperatures specifying the heat exchange in the
boundary layer at the wire. This temperature can be represented by
the plasma temperature (incident flow), the mean arithmetic tempera-
ture, the temperature corresponding to the mean enthalpy of the gas
in the boundary layer. The calculation results show that the selection
of the temperature does not have any significant effect on the calculated
plasma temperature (maximum difference with the temperature measured
spectroscopically 2 is 10%). The controlling temperature here was the
temperature corresponding to the mean enthalpy of the gas in the
boundary layer. The plasma temperature values obtained in this case
occupy an intermediate position in relation to those calculated at other
controlling temperatures.
The equations (15.5), (15.6) link the heat flow on to the introduced
solid with the speed and temperature of the plasma jet. Assuming that
the plasma characteristics k, r, H, µ, C p are known temperature func-
tions, equation (15.5) can be written in the following convenient form
qv -0.41 = f (T ). (15.7)
dT » 0.35dq + 0.14dv
Probe Measurements of Heat Flows in Plasma Jets
and equals 3−4%. However, the main error of the method is caused
by the well-known scatter of the values of the thermophysical param-
eters of the plasma (µ, H, C p) and equals approximately 10%.
In the peripheral part of the jet the flow speed was not measured
so that to estimate the temperature in this region on the basis of the
measured heat flows we accepted a parabolic radial velocity distribution.
It is evident that this assumption makes the results of temperature
calculations for the jet periphery (Fig.15.6) less reliable in compari-
son with those for the axis. However, it should be noted that the in-
determinacy in the velocity has a relatively weak effect on the tem-
perature measured by the calorimetric method. Figure 15.5 shows that
dT ~ 0.24dv at a temperature of 1000–8000 K, dT ~ 0.41dv at
8000–10000 K and dT ~ 0.14dv at 10000−14000 K.
Fig.15.5 Function f(T) = qv –0.41 for the case of flow around of the cylinder by the
plasma flow of atmospheric pressure of argon in the LT condition taking into account
the transfer of heat by the atoms, ions and electrons (1) and by atoms and ions only
(2). Wire diameter 0.1 mm, q in cal/cm 2 s, v in cm/s.
Fig.15.6 (right) Radial distribution of spectroscopically (I) and calorimetrically (II)
measured temperature in a plasma jet at distances of 2 (1), 15 (2) and 30 mm (3) from
the outlet of the plasma torch.
Plasma Diagnostics
Part 3
Chapter 16
16.1 Introduction
The radio-frequency capacitance discharge (RFCD) is one of the sim-
ple, reliable and efficient sources of plasma in various regions, for ex-
ample, in plasma chemistry, 1–3 plasma technology, 4–7 and the technol-
ogy of gas lasers, 8–11 and others. Therefore, a large number of pub-
lications concerned with the methods of producing, examining and using
RFCD in a wide range of gas pressures from fractions to hundreds
of torr and frequencies of the RF field from 10 6 to 10 8 Hz is not sur-
It is well known that the plasma of RFCD in these frequency and
gas pressure ranges may be highly non-equilibrium, capable of filling
large volumes at high specific energy inputs (100 W/cm 3 and higher),
the possibility of controlling these parameters by varying the frequency
of the RF field and the conditions of burning of RFCD.
Interesting results in understanding the mechanism of sustaining sta-
tionary RFCD and in its numerical applications have been obtained by
the discovery of the important role of the near-electrode layers of the
spatial charge (NLSC) and of the secondary emission processes taking
place in them. It was found that there are various forms of the ra-
dio-frequency capacitance discharge which are characterised by the
processes taking place in the NLSC and, for this reason, they have
Methods of Examining Spatial Structure of RF Capacitance Discharges
Plasma Diagnostics
jmax £ e d e 0 = e d e 0wEbr , (16.1)
j = e ne m e E pl = = const, (16.3)
Methods of Examining Spatial Structure of RF Capacitance Discharges
However, although the equations (16.2) and (16.3) are simple and
obvious, they contradict the following experimental facts established
in Ref.12.
1. At some values of the discharge current intensity I rf the area of
the electrode S pl filled by the discharge plasma is smaller than S. With
increasing I rf S pl also increases and since
jn1 = = const, (16.4)
S pl
i.e. RFCD not only fills completely the interelectrode gap in the di-
rection transverse to the current but is also characterised by the so-
called effects of normal current density – effect in which the current
density does not depend on the total current flowing through the dis-
charge. Specific value of j n1 is determined by the type and pressure
of the gas p, frequency ω and the width of the interelectrode gap d,16,17
and is almost completely independent of the electrode material.
2. If j > j cr, another form of RFCD appears in which the effect of
the normal current density also operates but with different current
density jn2 (j n2 > jcr > j n1, with other conditions being equal). The elec-
trode material or its dielectric coating influences the values of j cr and
j n2.
3. In the interelectrode gap filled with the RFCD plasma zones with
very low E pl appear at j > j cr. At these values equation (16.2) is not
4. In addition, the RF discharge always contains near-electrode layers
of the spatial charge (NLSC) (which separate the plasma from the
electrode surface), and the processes in these layers are not described
by (16.2) and can differ qualitatively depending on the RF voltage on
the NLSC.
Another very important special feature of the RF capacitance dis-
charge, established in Ref.12, is the restriction of the region of existence
of the form of the RFCD with respect to pressure and the width of
the interelectrode gap d, with current density j satisfying the relationship
Plasma Diagnostics
Fig.16.1 Photographs of low-current (a) and high-current (b) RFCD. Frequency 13.6
MHz, air, p = 10 torr, d = 2 cm, U rf = 320 V, j = 7 (a), 120 mA/cm 2 (b).
d, cm
Fig.16.2 Distribution of glow through the RFCD. Frequency 13.6 MHz, air, p = 10
torr, 1) low-current, 2) high-current discharge.
Methods of Examining Spatial Structure of RF Capacitance Discharges
gas pressure in the discharge above 1 torr, i.e. they indicate the
disappearance of NLSC with increasing pressure. Secondly, the fact
that the phenomena taking place in RFCD with hollow electrodes and
electrodes coated with the dielectrics are identical casts doubts on the
effect of secondary-emission processes on the conditions of burning
of the RF capacitance discharge. Thirdly, at pressures p < 1 torr the
second-emission electrons (g-electrons) have only a slight effect on the
parameter of the NLSC (especially in inert gases). This will be
examined in greater detail later. Here it should be noted that this situ-
ation forms due to the small number of inelastic collisions of
g-electrons with neutral particles on the characteristic thickness of the
NLSC equal to d l . This means that the near-electrode layers in the
low-pressure RFCD behave at high U 0 as sources of fast electrons
which can influence the ionisation balance in the discharge only out-
side the limits of the layers. 20–22 In other words, at low pressures the
transition to the high-current conditions of RF capacitance discharge
is smooth, is difficult to record and this is the reason why it has not
been noted for a very long period of time.
Recently, the assumptions regarding the nature of the RF capaci-
tance discharge in a wide range of pressures and frequencies of the
RF field have been explained further. Firstly, it was shown in Ref.23
that a high constant potential of RFCD plasma in relation to the electrons
(above 100 V), localised in NLSC, is also observed at pressures p >>
1 torr. It is assumed that near-electrode layers of a spatial discharge
must form unavoidably in RFCD whereas when the pressure is increased
the main reason for their appearance is not eliminated – the need for
the equalisation, during the cycle of the RF field, of the number of posi-
tive ions and electrons of greatly different mobilities falling on the
surface of the electrodes under the effect of the alternating field fre-
quency. Secondly, the results show 12 that the existence of various forms
of the RFCD and of transitions between them does not depend on
whether the electrodes are coated with the dielectric or not. Thirdly,
direct experiments 12,24 show that in transition to the high-current form
the active conductivity of NLSC increases to the values comparable
with the conductivity of the cathode region of dc glow discharge un-
der the same experiment conditions. This means that the transition to
the high-current burning regime can be qualified as a breakdown of
capacitance (non-conducting) near-electrode RFCD layers with par-
ticipation of secondary emission electrons where the Townsend crite-
rion 12
Methods of Examining Spatial Structure of RF Capacitance Discharges
γ exp α( El / N )dx − 1 = 1,
U br
U per
U per U min2
U min2 U min1
U min1
j n1 j br j n2 j RF
Methods of Examining Spatial Structure of RF Capacitance Discharges
and distribution of the glow along the current lines are here on the whole
the same as in the second section of the VAC; there is only an in-
crease of the total intensity of light radiation, especially at the ends
of the plasma column. The glow in this case is again homogeneous along
the field, with the exception of the several bright interelectrode regions
separated from the electrodes by dark zones with a characteristic di-
mension depending on the nature of the gas and the frequency of the
RF field.
Measurements of the conductivity of NLSC by the method which
will be discussed later showed that the active conductivity of RFCD
layers in the examined section of the VAC (BCD, bc) is not high and
its order of magnitude is close to that of the conductivity determined
by the ionic saturation current with the ion concentration n+ @ ne, where
n e is the concentration of electrons in the discharge plasma.
It should be noted that under the real conditions after the appear-
ance of a discharge the value U RF is not necessarily minimum. This
is determined by the parameters of the external circuit, and the matching
circuit of the RF generator with the discharge chamber because when
plasma appears the total impedance of the discharge gap greatly
changes. Consequently, matching of the RF generator with the discharge
chamber can both improve and become less efficient. It is possible that
after the breakdown of the interelectrode gap an anomalous regime of
low-current RFCD is established there (portions CD, bc). The normal
regime of the RF discharge is obtained by regulation in the external
circuit resulting in a decrease of U RF .
When the voltage of the electrode reaches the value U per (point D,
c) an inflection point or jump is observed. The jump usually occurs in
discharge on molecular gases. In inert gases, for example, in helium,
a distinctive transition to another regime in the VAC is visible only at
relatively high pressures (p ~ 100 torr). The inflection point or jump
in the VAC is accompanied by the distribution of the glow along the
direction of current passage, and the new structure of the glow can
be compared with two normal dc glow discharges which are distrib-
uted in such a manner that the common positive column is in the centre
between the electrodes and separated from them by regions identical
with the Faraday dark space and the negative glow (see Fig.16.1b and
The most important special feature of the examined RFCD regime
is the abrupt increase, in comparison with the previous type of discharge,
of the active conductivity of the near-electrode layers to character-
istic values corresponding to the conductivity of the cathode region of
dc glow discharge under the same conditions. Another important typical
feature of the RFCD after the jump on the VAC is the large increase
Plasma Diagnostics
jcm = ee 0 wEl @ ee 0 w . (16.7)
For example, if in RFCD in air in the regime to the left of the jump
on the VAC at p = 15 torr the value d l1 » 4 mm, measured from the
distribution U 0(x), then in the new regime it does not exceed 0.3 mm.12
This means that, according to equation (16.7), j cm in the regime after
the jump on the VAC increased 13 times. It is important to know that
the thickness of the layer in the new burning regime is almost inde-
pendent of the frequency of the RF field but depends strongly on pres-
C1 T
d l2 @ = C1 , (16.8)
N pT0
U 0, V
Methods of Examining Spatial Structure of RF Capacitance Discharges
U br ee 0w 2U br
jbr @ ee 0w @ , (16.9)
d l1 vdr
Plasma Diagnostics
The new stable state of the NLSC of the RFCD in which the
Townsend conditions is satisfied is obtained at the thickness of lay-
ers satisfying the equation (16.8). In this case, the number of ionis-
ing collisions of the electrons with neutral particles in the layer reaches
the maximum value and the voltage in the layers is minimum. 13,32 This
means that the normal current effect (section EF) is realised in the
layers of the high-current RFCD. It is well known 12,25 that the active
component of the current density in NLSC with the Townsend crite-
rion fulfilled is determined by the type and density of gas and elec-
trode material
ja = C2 N = C2 0 p 2 .
U l ee 0wp(T0 / T )
jcm = ee 0wE l @ ee 0w @ , (16.11)
dl2 C1
Taking into account that the phase shift between j a and j cm is equal
to p/2, we obtain the equation for the normal current density in the
NLSC of the high-current RFCD
εε 0 ω U l
jn 2 = ja2 + jcm
= C2 0 p 2 1 + . (16.12)
T C1C 2 (T0 / T ) p
If the current passed through the discharge is higher than IRF = jn2S,
the anomalous regime of the high-current RFCD is realised (sections
FG and df) in which the RF voltage in the electrodes and the NLSC
and the width of the regions of negative glow and the Faraday dark
space l increase and the size of the glowing plasma column along the
direction of d pl decreases. This is indicated by the dependence of l
on I RF obtained in examining RFCD in helium at a frequency of f =
13.6 MHz at p = 15 torr between flat electrodes with a distance be-
tween them being d = 60 mm (it is evident that d = 2l + d pl with d l2
Methods of Examining Spatial Structure of RF Capacitance Discharges
I RF , A 1 1.2 2 3 4 6 8
l, mm 7 7 10 12 16 20 26
U pl, 2U l , U RF , V d l , mm d, mm
d l , mm
2U l.n., V
p, torr
j, mA/cm 2
Fig.16.6 Dependences of d l ,(1) U l (2), U pl (3), U RF (4) on j. RFCD, air, f = 13.6 MHz,
p = 30 torr.
Fig.16.7 Low-current RFCD in air, f = 13.6 MHz. 1) U l.n (p) at d = 2 cm, 2) U l.n (d)
at p = 10 torr, 3) d l (p).
U pl ( j ) = pd pl , (16.13)
1/ 2
U ext = U RF
- ( jZl ) 2 , (16.14)
dU pl dU ext
£ . (16.15)
dj dj
Methods of Examining Spatial Structure of RF Capacitance Discharges
ε ω p d pl C α α +1
jn1 = . (16.16)
2 d l / ε + 2δ / ε D
U RF ( j ) = (U pl
+ U l2 ) 2 (16.17)
Plasma Diagnostics
vdr C1 T w T
= or p= C1 . (16.18)
w p T0 vdr T0
It is clear that in this case the RF voltage will not show any ‘jump’
on the NLSC because at d = d l2 the voltage in the layer corresponds
to the minimum of the Paschen curve U k. There is also no jump of
the capacitance component of the current in the NLSC because nei-
ther the thickness of the layer nor the RF voltage on it have changed.
As regards the active component of the current in the layers j a, af-
ter transition its value will be determined by the expression (16.10),
and the ratio of the current densities in the layer at p, satisfying (16.8),
is determined by the expression
jcm ee 0vdrU l
= . (16.19)
ja C12 C2
Methods of Examining Spatial Structure of RF Capacitance Discharges
U pl
U l U L U meas
Plasma Diagnostics
L= . (16.20)
ee 0w 3S
m 0 Em
dl = , (16.21)
Plasma Diagnostics
m 20U m2
U 0 = 6pen p d l2 = 6pen p , (16.22)
w 2 p 2d 2
Ve 2
d l = De = . (16.23)
4 πene
U0 2
dl = . (16.24)
4 π ene
Methods of Examining Spatial Structure of RF Capacitance Discharges
2 pme U RF
U 0 = Ve ln - , (16.25)
M p
m 0 E pl
ene @ ee 0wE l . (16.26)
U 0 = kU l , (16.27)
m 0 E pl vdr
dl = k @ . (16.28)
pw w
Plasma Diagnostics
but the amplitude of the drift vibrations of the RFCD electrons in the
plasma field Epl. It is important to stress the large difference of (16.28)
in relation to (16.21) caused by the fact that the valuable vibrations
of the electrons in deriving (16.28) are assumed to be taking place in
the electric field of the plasma column E pl are not in the vacuum field
E m = U m/d, as implicitly assumed in Ref.18. It can easily be seen that
the latter circumstance also leads to the previously noted large differ-
ence (by an order of magnitude) of the experimental values of U 0 from
those calculated from equation (16.22).
The attempt to explain the dependence of U 0 on the voltage of the
electrodes URF, observed in Refs.18, 41, by assuming that Um from equa-
tion (16.22) is identical with the amplitude value U RF is incorrect. In
fact, according to the layer model of the low-current RFCD, 12
U m 4 U pl , but
E pl E pl
U pl = pd pl ≅ pd , (16.29)
p p
where d pl is the length of the plasma column, and when d >> d l then
d pl ¾ d. Equations (16.29) and (16.22) show that U 0 does not depend
explicitly on the RF voltage of the electrodes, gas pressure, and gives
values of the constant potential of the plasma in relation to the elec-
trodes similar to those observed in practice.
In reality, U 0 is related to U RF with a concentration of charged par-
ticles n p ¾ n e, which can easily be confirmed using the relationships
(16.22), (16.29), (16.26) and (16.17):
µ e E pl vdr ω dl 3 3
U 0 = 3π ene 2 = 3π El ≅ U l = 2
U RF − U 2pl . (16.30)
p ω 4π ω 4 4
Methods of Examining Spatial Structure of RF Capacitance Discharges
vdr ( E pl / p)
U l ( p, w ) = j ( p, w ) , (16.31)
ee 0w 2
U cp, V U cp, V
a b
Plasma Diagnostics
Zl U l.p.
E slo
Z bl
Fig.16.10 Principal (a) and equivalent (b) diagram of circuits of probe measurements
of constant plasma potential. 1) electrode; 2) discharge chamber; 3) probe.
perature of plasma. Taking into account the real movement of the ions
in the layer does not greatly reduce the value of U 0 since µ e/ µ p > 10 2.
However, probe measurements of the constant potential of the RF
plasma (Fig.16.9) 18,19 indicate that U 0 greatly decreases with increasing
pressure p > 1 torr.
We shall examine in greater detail the procedure of probe
measurements U 0 in the RFCD proposed in Ref.44. According to this
proced-ure, for accurate measurements of the constant potential of the
plasma of RFCD it is necessary and sufficient to organise measure-
ments in such a manner that the RF component of the voltage between
the probe and the plasma U l.p is low. It has therefore been proposed
to place a choke coil with a high inductive resistance for RF current
between the probe and the measuring circuit. A similar procedure was
used in Ref.18 and 19. The principal measurement circuit is shown in
Fig.16.10a, and the equivalent circuit in Fig.16.10b, with the follow-
ing notations: U ≡ – the RF voltage between the region of unperturbed
plasma containing the probe (point A) and the earth; U 0 – the constant
voltage between the plasma and the electrode; E slo – the constant
voltage between the plasma and the probe surface; C p – parasitic
capacitance of the probe and the blocking element on the ground; Z bl
– the impedance of the blocking element of the probe with respect to
RF voltage; Z l – the impedance of the plasma–probe layer; C – the
capacitance of the condenser on which U 0p (recorded constant volt-
Methods of Examining Spatial Structure of RF Capacitance Discharges
U0 p = U0 - Eslo . (16.32)
Zl . p / Z S << 1. (16.33)
Plasma Diagnostics
U 03, V U 03, V
log Z bl
C add
U RF , V
Fig.16.11 Dependence of readings of the probe on the size of the blocking element
Z bl. Low-current RFCD, air, p = 10 torr, f = 13.6 MHz, flat disc electrodes diameter
60 mm, d = 30 mm, probe in the centre of the discharge gap; 1,3) blocking element is
made in the form of low-capacitance high-resistance resistor, 2) in the form of a choke
Fig.16.12 (right) Dependences of U 0p on RF voltage on electrodes. p = 7.5 torr; 1)
RFCD in air, 2) in CO 2 .
Methods of Examining Spatial Structure of RF Capacitance Discharges
U 0, V
Plasma Diagnostics
Cl Cl
R act
Fig.16.14 Diagram of the discharge chamber for examining the appearance of constant
voltage on the capicitance C 0 .
Methods of Examining Spatial Structure of RF Capacitance Discharges
Plasma Diagnostics
ε0, V
R bl
U RF , V
Fig.16.15 Coaxial electrode system for examining the battery effect in the RFCD. 1)
internal, 2) outer RF electrode; R bl, C bl – blocking resistor and condensor.
Fig.16.16 Typical dependences of constant EMF ε 0 on RF voltage of electrodes U RF.
f = 13.6 MHz; 1,2) air, p = 7.5; 15 torr, 3) helium, p = 100 torr.
Methods of Examining Spatial Structure of RF Capacitance Discharges
e 0 = U 01 – U 02 (16.34)
e 2 ne vm
s pl = . (16.35)
m(w 2 + vm2 )
Since in the examined frequency range of the RF-field w and the gas
pressure range the frequency of collisions of the plasma electrons with
neutral particles is n m >> w, then s pl = e 2n e/mn m.
In reality, the conductivity of the RFCD plasma s pl and the elec-
tron concentration in it are determined not only by the local ionisation
balance of the charged particles but also by the spatial structure of
the discharge, especially by the conditions of closure of the discharge
current at the plasma–electrode boundary where, as mentioned pre-
viously, NLSC with frequency-dependent properties form.
The effect of the NLSC on the conductivity of the RF discharge
plasma is very evident when comparing the two forms of the RFCD
examined previously (Fig.16.1). Depending on whether a breakdown
has taken place in an NLSC (b) or not (a), the conductivity of the
plasma column changes by no more than an order of magnitude, ir-
respective of the completely identical experiment conditions, including
similar values of E pl . 13 The jumps in the parameters of the RFCD
plasma with changes in the discharge burning conditions can be pre-
dicted, with the accuracy acceptable for many practical applications,
Plasma Diagnostics
by comparing equations for current densities jn1 (16.16) and jn2 (16.12)
which depend on the field frequency.
We shall examine the low-current from the RFCD and explain the
possibilities of controlling the parameters of this type of discharge by
changing the frequency.
There are a large number of experimental data, discussed previously,
and numerical calculations 28,29 which show that the most characteristic
feature of the low-current RFCD is that the inequality
s l << s pl . (16.36)
ee 0 E
ne = w l . (16.38)
em e E pl
The equations (16.37) and (16.38) show that s pl and n e are propor-
tional to the frequency of the RF-field, with other conditions being equal.
At fixed frequency, n e is determined by the E l/E pl ratio, and for given
p, d, w the strength of the electric field in the NLSC is restricted at
the bottom by the value E l.n = j n1/ee 0w, where j n1 is given by the ef-
fect of a normal current density in the low-current RFCD (16.16). 34
On the other hand, E l cannot be higher than E br at which the condi-
tion (16.6) is fulfilled, i.e. a breakdown of NLSC takes place in which
secondary emission electrons take part, and the discharge changes to
the high-current regime. E pl is determined from the ionisation balance
equation. Under the typical conditions of application of RFCD the de-
pendence E pl (n e) is ‘drooping’ (see Fig.16.6). 34
Thus, at the fixed frequency of RF field w = 2pf the value of n e
in the plasma of the low-current form of the RFCD can be regulated
by changing the RF voltage at the electrodes in the range
Methods of Examining Spatial Structure of RF Capacitance Discharges
ee 0 El .n ee E
w £ ne £ 0 br w. (16.39)
em e E pl1 em e E pl 2
Ul = j , (16.40)
ee 0w 2
Plasma Diagnostics
1 4Cvdr 2
Umin (w ) @
w ee 0
pd pl
K . (16.41)
E pl C ( 2 d l / e + 2d / e d )
= (16.42)
p e 0wpd pl
E pl 1 2Cvdr
@ . (16.43)
p w ee 0 pd pl
Equations (16.42) and (16.43) show that E pl/p decreases with in-
creasing frequency of the RF field, with other conditions being un-
changed. However, detailed analysis shows that this special feature of
the RFCD plasma is based on the ‘drooping’ nature of the VAC of
the plasma (decrease of U pl with increasing j, see Figure 16.6) but
it is not caused by the difference of the elementary processes in the
plasma of the RFCD in comparison with the corresponding processes
in the plasma of the positive column of the dc glow discharge at least
in the examined frequency range of the RF field (1–100 MHz) and the
gas pressure from units to hundreds of torr. To confirm this, it is suf-
ficient to increase artificially the impedance of the NLSC at w = const,
for example, by coating the electrodes with a dielectric with the char-
Methods of Examining Spatial Structure of RF Capacitance Discharges
w = jE pl ; (16.44)
j @ ee 0w , (16.45)
E pl = Ep, (16.46)
where E = (E pl /p).
Consequently, taking into account the layer structure of the RFCD,
i.e. s l << s pl , we have
L F 2wv I 1 O
( p) = Md Ed i p + G P
2 2
H ee w E JK
MN p P
2 dr
U RF . (16.47)
pl 2 2
Plasma Diagnostics
1 2 wvdr
p* @ . (16.48)
Ew ee 0d pl
Substituting into (16.48) the typical values for the low-current RFCD,
for example w = 10 2 W/cm 3; v dr = 10 7 cm/s; E = 10 V/(cm torr), it
can be seen that equation (16.48) is in quite satisfactory agreement
with the experiment. 51,52
Of special interest is the expression (16.47) because it can be used
to estimate the mean reduced electric field in the plasma on the ba-
sis of the measured values of w (for example, by calorimetric meas-
urements of the discharge) and the RF voltage on the electrodes.
Thus, taking into account the real layer structure of the RFCD is
the essential condition for correct interpretation of the frequency char-
acteristics of the RF capacitance discharge.
Methods of Examining Spatial Structure of RF Capacitance Discharges
dl = .
1 / Zl2 - 1 / Rl2
Plasma Diagnostics
Methods of Examining Spatial Structure of RF Capacitance Discharges
p, torr p, torr
Fig.16.17 Low-current RFCD in helium. 1) j (p), 2) d l (p), 3) R l (p), 4) Z l (p).
Fig.16.18 (right) Low-current RFCD in air. For symbols see Fig.16.17.
p, torr
p, torr
Plasma Diagnostics
R, ohm
Methods of Examining Spatial Structure of RF Capacitance Discharges
I12 ( I p ) ^
I p12 = ( Rl1 + Rl 2 )( I p ) ^ _ ,
s ^ S^
I 23 ( I p ) ^ (16.50)
U p 23 = ( Rl 2 + Rl 3 )( I p ) ^ _ ,
s ^ S^
( I p ) ^ Dl
s^ = . (16.51)
S ^ (U p12 - U p 23 )
V 0, V
Plasma Diagnostics
U RF , V
3 cords
2 cords
1 cord
I RF , A
Methods of Examining Spatial Structure of RF Capacitance Discharges
the falling VAC of the plasma cord the radial component of RF volt-
age U r, ensuring the transfer of charges from the periphery of the near-
electrode zones to the region of the plasma cord and depending on r
is the increasing function of I RF which not only compensates the de-
crease of U pl but also explains the large increase of U RF . This fact
increases the strength of the electric field at the periphery of the dis-
charge to the values resulting in the ionisation balance. This results
in the formation of a new plasma cord and the characteristic values
of the r and, consequently, U r decreases. U RF also decreases in this
case (Fig.16.24). With a further increase of the I RF the process is re-
Fig.16.25 Effect of branching of the plasma column in the vicinity of NLSC in relation
to value I RF. High-current RFCD at the frequency of 13.6 MHz in a mixture of Xe 30
torr + air (5 torr); I RF = 2.8 (a), 5.7 A (b).
Plasma Diagnostics
will increase but the plasma column itself, i.e. plasma electrons, will
leave the near-electrode region. Thus, a situation is realised in the
vicinity of both RF electrodes in the low-current RFCD in which the
strength of the electric field and the electron concentration varies with
time in the opposite phase. This leads to the appearance of dark near-
electrode zones observed in the experiments whose thickness within
the framework of the examined mechanism should depend on the fre-
quency of the applied RF field. The weak dependence of the thick-
ness of the examined dark near-electrode zones on pressure (Fig.16.17,
16.18) can be easily explained. In fact, the characteristic thickness of
the NLSC is explained by the drift velocity of electrons in the plasma
v dr (see (16.28)) which, in turn, is a function of the reduced strength
of electric field in the plasma E pl /p, which does not change if the
mechanism of annihilation of the charges continues to operate.
At the same, according to photometric measurements of the spa-
tial distribution of the glow of the discharge in the high-current RFCD,
the thickness of the near-electrode dark zones are almost completely
independent of the frequency but are inversely proportional to the gas
pressure which is in accordance with the measurements of d l2 of the
high-current RFCD using other methods (see Fig.16.19, 16.20).
The absence of the glow in the examined near-electrode zones of
the high-current RFCD is of the same nature as in the low-current
discharge: in the phase of the instantaneous cathode in the vicinity of
the electrode surface the characteristic thickness d l2 = C 1 / p (con-
stant C 1 is determined by the type of gas and electrode material) the
value n e is relatively small whereas in the phase of the instantaneous
anode the strength of the electric field is small.
Differences in the nature of the dependences of the thicknesses of
the dark near-electrode zones on pressure and frequency of the RF
field indicate that the mechanisms of their formation in the low- and
high-current burning regimes of the RFCD differ. This is also indicated
by the results of spectral measurements: the spectral composition of
the radiation of the near-electrode regions of the high-current RFCD
coincides with the spectrum of the negative glow of the conventional
dc glow discharge burning under the same conditions, whereas the spec-
trum of the near-electrode zones of the low-current RFCD similar to
the radiation spectrum of the positive column.
The qualitatively different behaviour of d l (p, w) in low- and high-
current forms of the RFCD can be explained on the basis of the mecha-
nism proposed in Ref.12 which interprets the transition as a breakdown
of the capacitance NLSC with the secondary emission processes on
the electrodes taking place.
According to Ref.12, ionisation of the low-current RFCD by the sec-
Methods of Examining Spatial Structure of RF Capacitance Discharges
16.10 Conclusions
The methods of examining the spatial structure of the RF capacitance
discharges, examined in this section, do not obviously exhaust the entire
range of diagnostic means used for examining the special feature of
the RFCD. It is evident that in measuring the parameter of the RFCD
an important role is played by the conventional method of plasma di-
agnostics: probe, microwave, optical, etc., which makes it possible to
determine the required characteristics of discharge plasma with the
sufficient accuracy and spatial–time resolution: T e, n e, T, etc. However,
the availability of only local discharge characteristics in many cases
doesn’t make it possible to give an unambiguous answer to the problem
why these and not some other values of the measured quantities are
realised in the RFCD. As shown previously, the reason for this am-
biguity is that the RFCD is characterised, during the passage of dis-
charge current in the electrode gap, by the formation of regions which
qualitatively different mechanisms of formation of conductivity in them:
near-electrode layers of the spatial discharge in the plasma column.
In particular, the process of establishment of a stable stationary state
(self-organisation) in the NLSC – plasma column system is the basis
which determines the special feature of the RFCD and stimulates the
search for the corresponding diagnostic means some of which have
already been described.
Wave Breakdown in Distributed Systems
Chapter 17
17.1 Introduction
This chapter is concerned with the properties of the waves of elec-
tric breakdown in gases moving at the velocity close to that of light.
For comparison, we shall discuss schematically the main variants of
electric breakdown of the gas gaps.
The breakdown of short gaps between flat electrodes at moderate
pressures and strength of electric fields by an electron avalanche has
been studied quite extensively. 1 The speed of propagation of the ava-
lanche front is determined in this case by the drift speed v dr of the
electrons in an applied electric field:
v dr = µ eE
A* + A ® A + + e
Plasma Diagnostics
17.2 History
In the eighties, the largest number of data on the nanosecond break-
down in the distributed system were obtained in the experiments with
long low-pressure tubes convenient for laboratory investigations. The
interest in experiments of this type appeared already in the previous
century and then periodically in the following years. 3,4 Their main aim
was to examine the nature of transfer of perturbations along the dis-
charge gap. Special attention has been paid to the propagation of rapid
gas ionisation fronts along the pipes. The high velocity v = 10 10
Wave Breakdown in Distributed Systems
e dis = e p - e E = IU / v - CU 2 / 2 » CU 2 / 2 = 3nef Ii S ,
where e dis , e p = IU/v, e E is the energy per unit length of the plasma
column from the electrode to the front: e dis – dissipated; e p – intro-
duced to the discharge; e E – the energy stored in the electric field
between the plasma and the screen; C is the linear capacitance; I i is
the ionisation potential of the nitrogen molecule; S is the cross sec-
tional area of the discharge pipe; v is the velocity of the wave; U is
the potential of the plasma in relation to the screen, gives n ef = 1.2·1012
cm –3 which is close to that obtained by extrapolation. Winn also es-
timated the concentration of the electrons at the front of the wave on
the basis of the experimental data for the attenuation for the poten-
tial along the pipe, assuming that the current I between the electrode
and the front in every cross section is the same and that the veloc-
ity of the electrons is equal to the drift velocity:
Plasma Diagnostics
on the jump of the current in the front and carried out calculations based
on the model of the discharge as a long condenser charged with an
ionising wave. The model was then developed further in Ref.33 and
The problems of calculating the plasma parameters in the wave are
very important because there are almost no experimental studies where
the electron concentration and temperature were measured. Simulta-
neous measurements of the current jump in the front and the electron
concentration were taken in Ref.35 in examining precursors in impact
pipes. The thickness of the front, determined in the range 0–90% at
the stationary value behind the front was 2–5 cm but it can also be
low because the ‘hot’ electrons carried out ionisation even after passage
of the wave. Measurements of the electron temperature are associ-
ated with considerable difficulties. For example, the measurements of
T e in relation to the intensity of two helium lines 30 are characterised
by a large error because the population of the helium levels in the nano-
second time period is determined by the transfer of excitation32,36 which
was not taken into account by the authors.
In Ref.24, when calculating the current of the electric field in the
discharge and in comparison with the experimental data, the discharge
gap was regarded as a section of the coaxial transmission line with
the losses described by the telegraphic equations
Fig.17.2 Generalised block diagram of experiments for investigating the wave mechanism
of breakdown in long tubes.
Plasma Diagnostics
Plasma Diagnostics
l > Tc/2e ½
where l is the length of the cable between the shunt and the discharge
tube, T is the duration of the electromagnetic pulse, c is the speed of
light, e is the dielectric constant of the filler of the cable.
For the waves propagating in the cable the voltage between the cen-
tral conductor and the braiding is unambiguously linked with the in-
tensity of the current flowing to the given section: 42 U = IZ. If the
direction of current in the central conductor of the cable coincides with
the direction of propagation of the electromagnetic wave, the central
conductor in the given cross section of the cable has a positive po-
tential in relation to the screening braiding. The current and voltage
in the incident and reflected waves are linearly added up in the ca-
ble in the interference zone. To determine the absolute values of the
current and voltage in the cross section of the interference zone and,
in particular, at the electrode of the discharge tube, it is sufficient to
measure (using the shunt) separately the currents of the incident and
reflected waves and also the time delay between them.
Wave Breakdown in Distributed Systems
I = I in + I ref ,
U = I in - I ref Z0 ,
Plasma Diagnostics
Recording radiation
In Ref.43–51, the amplitude dynamics of integral radiation during each
pulse was recorded with a 14ELU-FS high-speed photodetector which
could be placed against any cross section of the gap. The time reso-
lution of the photodetector was calibrated with a nanosecond surge of
an LD-15 semiconductor laser. The duration of the leading edge of
radiation of this laser, measured with an HSD-1850 photodiode, was
0.5 ns. The minimum front of the signal, obtained from the calibrated
photodetector, was 1.3 ns.
For comparing the spatial dynamics of radiation discharge with volt-
age on the electrodes in relation to time, it is necessary to know the
time of flight of the electrons in the photodetector (the delay time of
the signal in the device). The error in determining this parameter in
the experiment was less 1 ns. The available methods 52,53 of measur-
ing the time of flight give an error of 2–3 ns. Therefore, a procedure
was developed and the time of flight of 14ELU-FS was measured with
an error of ±0.3 ns. 54 The method is based on comparing the delay
of the nanosecond signal in two photodetectors where the accuracy
of the time of flight of one of them (reference photodetector) does not
exceed the required accuracy for the other one. The time of flight of
HSD-1850 vacuum photodiode used as a reference photodetector does
not exceed 10 –10 s. The light source was a LD-15 semiconductor la-
ser with a surge power of 6 W and a duration of 4 ns. The block dia-
gram of the measurements is shown in Fig.17.4. The generator of
nanosecond pulses (GNP) (120 A, pulse front 2 ns, half-width 4 ns)
excites the semiconductor laser – emitter (LD-15). The reference
Wave Breakdown in Distributed Systems
Plasma Diagnostics
t, ns
in this studied was determined for the minimum duration of the front
of the signal.
Electro-optical recording
The spatial dynamics of the radiation of the breakdown was examined
in detail in Ref.55–57 using the electronic–optical chamber (EOC) based
on the electro-optical converter (EOC) of the UMI-93Sh type which
operated in the regime of single-frame recording with an exposure time
of 1.5 ns. The moment of opening of the gate of the chamber was
accurately (t < 0.1 ns) synchronised with each electric pulse supplied
to the examined discharge gap. Their results show that the reproducibility
of the process is very high and, consequently, in operation with a pulse
repetition frequency of 80 pulses/s the screen of the EOC showed a
stationary image corresponding to a specific stage of development of
the breakdown whose duration was equal to the exposure time of the
individual frame, i.e. 1.5 ns. When the delay between the moment of
opening the gate of the chamber and the moment of arrival of the pulse
on the electrodes of the gap on the screen of the EOC was changed
this was followed by a sequence of events in the discharge tube. The
image from the screen of the EOC was transferred to film.
The nanosecond control circuit of the EOC is shown in Fig.17.6.
The pulse generated by the oscillator 1 is divided into two pulses in
the T-junction box 2. Pulse amplitude 16 kV, duration 20 ns. One pulse
is directed to the examined discharge gap 9 and carries out its break-
down. Part of the second pulse, taken from the divider 3, is directed
Wave Breakdown in Distributed Systems
Plasma Diagnostics
Recording x radiation
In Ref.61, x radiation was recorded using a detector consisting of a
scintillator–converter of radiation and an FEU-87 photoelectronic mul-
tiplier. Plastic scintillators based on POPOP with a scintillation time
Wave Breakdown in Distributed Systems
I (d i ) = A I E ϕ( E ) exp {−µ( E ) di }dE,
Plasma Diagnostics
I E = A 2 (E 1 – E)
v, 10 9 cm/s v, 10 9 cm/s
m P,
H 3 m
g cm m 3
, H m
ne 0 g ,c
ne 0
Plasma Diagnostics
is a jump in the speed for both pulse polarities, there was an anomalous
peak of the speed to 5·10 9 cm/s for the breakdown waves initiated by
the positive polarity pulse.
Figure 17.9 shows the evolution of the form of the emitting volume
of the breakdown wave obtained using an electronic-optical camera.
The shape of the front of the breakdown wave depends on the initial
electron concentration. At n e0 < 3·10 8 cm –3 the radiation front of the
breakdown wave is flat, and the wave is of the volume type with the
uniform glow of the discharge volume behind the front. When n e0 ex-
ceeds (3 ¸ 4)×10 8 cm –3 , the radiation front of the breakdown wave
becomes conical and extends during movement of the breakdown wave
through the gap. The emitting volume behind this front of the wave
is as previously uniform.
Detailed electron optical investigations of the spatial structure of the
breakdown wave were carried out in Ref.65–69. The experiments show
that the glow of the gas caused by the breakdown wave assumes various
forms: conical, uniform through the cross section of the discharge tube
and boundary. Each form exists in a specific gas pressure range and
smoothly changes to another with changing pressure. The results show
that there is a correspondence between the nature of the dependence
Wave Breakdown in Distributed Systems
of the speed of the wave on pressure and the form of glow of the
breakdown wave. Regardless of the polarity of the breakdown pulse,
in the pressure range where the rate increases with increasing pres-
sure, the glow has the form uniform throughout the cross section of
the discharge tube. In the region corresponding to the falling part of
the dependence of speed on pressure, the wave propagates in the near-
wall region of the discharge tube. For the positive wave of the break-
down, in the low-pressure region, the falling part of the dependence
v (p) was recorded for the first time. The conical shape at positive
polarity of the breakdown pulse is related to the falling part of the v
(p) curve in the range of low pressures (p £ 3 torr). 68, 69
The formation of the breakdown wave at negative polarity of the
breakdown pulse at all pressures starts with the formation of a dark
near-cathode region whose thickness decreases with increasing gas
pressure in the tube. As regards the external appearance, it corresponds
to the Crooks dark space with a sharp boundary of negative glow. Several
nanoseconds after the formation of the dark region, a spot forms on
the cathode and a new glow wave starts to move along the tube.
Plasma Diagnostics
U c (t) = I c (t) Z.
where the first term is the power supplied into the gap from the an-
ode and the second term is the power transferred from the cathode
to the cable.
The total energy introduced into the gap is determined by the in-
tegration of the power flux
E0 = P(t ) dt.
Q(t ) = Ia (t ) - Ik (t ) dt.
The energy of the charged gap, stored in the electric field, is computed
from the equation
E E (t ) = Q (t ) U a (t ) / 2.
Wave Breakdown in Distributed Systems
E 0 – E E = E m + E d.
Z in = U a (t)/I a (t).
I, A
Q, µC
t, ns t, ns
ε , mJ
t, ns
t, ns
Z, ohm C, pF
t, ns t, ns
Wave Breakdown in Distributed Systems
I a, A
ε 0 εE , mJ
Wave Breakdown in Distributed Systems
U ( x ) = U 0e - ax ,
where U (x) is the amplitude of the voltage at the distance x from the
end of the cathode.
The data in Fig.17.18 show the existence of the conditions with mini-
mum attenuation. Previously, they could not be detected because of
narrow ranges of pressure variation in which the measurements were
taken. The results also show that the maximum speed does not depend
on the type of gas (Fig.17.19). Its value, 2·10 10 cm/s is close to the
maximum value for the given voltage (see Fig.17.18), because within
the error range it coincides with the speed of the electron flying in
vacuum and travelling through a potential difference of 250 kV (2.2·1010
cm/s). The graph of the dependence a (v f) in Fig.17.20 gives at ex-
trapolation to a = 0 the expected limiting speed of 2.2·10 10 cm/s.
Extrapolation of the dependence of the passed current on the speed
I (vf) to the determined limiting speed vlim = 2.2·1010 cm/s gives a limiting
current of 1.7 kA for all gases (Fig.17.21). This current is equal to
the current which would flow in the transmission coaxial line without
losses with the geometrical dimensions of the discharge device, i.e.
diameter of the internal and external conductors of 0.4 and 5.0 cm
respectively at a voltage pulse amplitude of 250 kV. 72
These results indicate that the breakdown waves, moving through
α , 1 0 2 c m 1 v , 1 0 10 c m / s v f , 1 0 1 0 c m / s
I, kA
p, torr
p, torr
Fig.17.18 Dependence of the velocity of the breakdown wave v (1), amplitude of passing
current I (2) and the continuation factor α (3) on gas pressure P.
Fig.17.19 Dependence of the velocity of the breakdown wave v on pressure p of a
nitrogen and helium mixture. Helium content 10 (1), 50 (2), 90% (3).
Plasma Diagnostics
α , 1 0 2 c m 1 I, kA
v , 1 0 10 c m / s
v , 1 0 10 c m / s
Fig.17.20 Dependence of the attenuation factorα on the velocity of the breakdown wave
v in different gases. 1) nitrogen, 2) helium, 3) air.
Fig.17.21 (right) Dependence of the amplitude of the pulse of past current I on the
velocity of the breakdown wave v in different gases. 1) nitrogen, 2) helium, 3) air, 4)
Wave Breakdown in Distributed Systems
U(t ) = 1 / A j ( x + vt ) f ( x ) dx.
The measurements show that the contribution of the charges, situated
Plasma Diagnostics
lected as d = 12 cm. The normalisation multiplier is A = f ( x) dx. . The
sensitivity diagram f (x) was determined by experiments. For this pur-
pose, a nanosecond pulse was supplied to a narrow (3 mm) ring of
copper foil placed on the top of the discharge tube. The amplitude of
the signal, taken from the capacitance sensor gradually moved from
the end along the axis of the tube, was measured. The resultant de-
pendence was approximated by a corresponding function. The delay
of the signal from the peripheral regions of the sensitivity diagram was
ignored because the strength of its effect on the signal amplitude did
not exceed 2%. The Lorentz reduction of the dimensions of the structure
was also disregarded because it equals ~2% at a speed of the struc-
ture of 6·10 9 cm/s. The structure j (x + vt) was found by selecting
the approximating function which, after numerical integration, was com-
pared with the observed oscillogram of the signal taken from the ca-
pacitance sensor in the centre of the tube.
The depth of modulation of the structure increases with increasing
initial electron concentration. Oscillograms recorded from a capacitance
sensor at the maximum value n e0 = 4.3·10 9 cm –3 (Fig.17.22) were proc-
essed. The speed of displacement of the charged structure was 6·10 9
The amplitude of the first oscillation can be relatively high so that
the electric field of the field in the wavefront exceeds the critical value
required for realisation of the regime of continuous acceleration of the
primary electrons. 70 Estimates show that the field in the front of the
structure, shown in Fig.17.23, curve 1, is
Wave Breakdown in Distributed Systems
Q, 10 9 C/cm
Plasma Diagnostics
by the authors, the values of E/p are not too high and the effect of
run-away electrons can be ignored. Taking into account the qualita-
tive agreement of the calculated result of the experimental data, 43,64
the authors of Ref.71 noted that in the experiments relatively high val-
ues of E/p were obtained for a number of regimes in the region of
the front. At these values, the hydrodynamic description of the elec-
tronic gas may prove to be a very rough approximation.
U, rel. units
Wave Breakdown in Distributed Systems
torr the speed v of movement of the front of the excess charge and
the value I 2 monotonically decreased with increasing p, and the fre-
quency w 1 remained constant within the limits of the measurement ac-
curacy with the change of both the pressure and the duration of the
excitation pulse. Attenuation q was determined mainly by the removal
of electromagnetic energy to the conducting coaxial cable and did not
depend in the experiments on the duration of the excitation pulse and
slightly increased with increasing pressure.
The authors of Ref.78 recorded microwave oscillations behind the
front of the breakdown wave using capacitance dividers. Evidently, the
observed oscillations are the result of the excitation of the coaxial
resonator at the internal frequency as a result of the resonance inter-
action of the charge wave moving in the front (for the water line of
v » 2·10 9 cm/s, for the line with an oil dielectric v » 1.5·10 10 cm/s)
with the electromagnetic wave in the delaying structure (c/e ½ » 5.5·10 9
cm/s in the water line and 1.6·10 10cm/s in the oil line). On the basis
of the order of magnitude, the frequency spectrum of the observed os-
cillations can be regarded as equal to the internal frequency of the
coaxial resonator w » c/l f, where l f is the length of the front. For the
oil and water lines w » 10 9 s –1 , which is in agreement with the fre-
quencies observed in the experiments.
The experiments with a breakdown of the tube in the oil line show
that the amplitude of oscillations depends in a nonmonotonic manner
on the pressure and is maximum at the maximum speed of the breakdown
wave, in the pressure range where the speed of light in the coaxial
and the speed of the breakdown wave are similar. It should be noted
that at this pressure the current in the tube is maximum.
It was also established that in the pressure range in which the am-
plitude of the oscillations is maximum, the speed of the wave (Fig.17.25)
has a local minimum and the voltage attenuation coefficient has a local
maximum. It can be assumed that as a result of energy losses in the
excitation of the electromagnetic wave in the coaxial line behind the
front of the breakdown wave its speed decreases and the voltage at-
tenuation coefficient increases.
Plasma Diagnostics
α, c m 1 v , 1 0 10 c m / s
P, torr
Fig.17.25 Dependence of the speed of breakdown wave (1) and attenuation (2) on air
behind the gap without any decrease of the amplitude in relation to the
incident pulse. 64 During the propagation of the wave through the gap
the duration of the recorded deflected pulse is longer than that of the
incident pulse and the amplitude is smaller. The latter fact is explained
by the Doppler amplitude-frequency change of the pulse in reflection
from the moving front of the breakdown wave.
If the duration of the current pulse in a stationary cable is t, then
after reflection from the open end of the cable moving with the
1+ b
speed v = bc, it’s amplitude decreases 1 - b times and the duration
1+ b
increases correspondingly 1 - b times. This occurs if, using the Lorentz
transformation for the pulse, and transfer into the moving co-ordinate
system, we write the equation of the mirror reflection of the pulse in
the moving system and transfer back to the stationary co-ordinate
system. 73 The voltage and current of the reflected pulse are written
in the form 51
1- b FG
1- b IJ
U ref ( t ) =
1+ b
U in
1+ b
t ,
1- b FG
1- b IJ
Iref (t ) =
1+ b
1+ b
t .
Wave Breakdown in Distributed Systems
U in + U ref
Zin = = Z / b.
I in - I ref
Pintr = ( I in - I ref )( I in + I ref ) Z = Pin .
(1 + b) 2
We assume that the tube is long because the front of the break-
down wave does not reach its end due the short pulse duration. The
distance which the breakdown wave can travel, is expressed in the form
Lmax = cTin .
1- b
1- b
We denote 1 + b = g . The energy of the reflected pulse is associ-
ated with the energy of the incident pulse
Eref = Zg 2 Iin2 ( g ) dt = gEin ,
where T 1 = T incg –1 . The energy of the pulse dissipated at the front is
Ed = Ein - E ref = Ein .
1+ b
Plasma Diagnostics
Ein 1 - b
E d .total = E / Lmax = 2
cTin 1 + b
Pin 1 - b
Fem = E d .total = 2 .
c 1+ b
Ein 2b / (1 + b)
Pd = = Femv f .
Tin / (1 - b)
Dj = U in
1+ b
Plasma Diagnostics
t -1
resistance R = R G1_ q -1
I dtJ
0 0 similar to that proposed in Ref.36.
Fast electrons
One of the special features of the wave breakdown is the appearance
of high-energy electrons. Stationary movement of the electrons is dis-
rupted when the condition 80
Wave Breakdown in Distributed Systems
It is well known that for each gas there is the pressure p m (for air
it is 20 torr, helium 150 torr at a voltage of 250 kV) at which the speed
of the wave front and current are maximum and the attenuation of volt-
age minimum. 72 In Ref.77 on the basis of analysis of the U (pd) de-
pendences it was shown that the typical phenomenon for the break-
down of the gases in the wide range of pd is the ‘runaway’ of the
electrons. High-energy electrons 61,78 were also recorded at the front
of a breakdown wave in air. The aim of the work in Ref.81 was to
verify the assumption according to which the existence of optimum p m
is associated with the formation of ‘runaway’ electrons. These inves-
tigations were carried out in air and helium for which P m and (E/p) c
are greatly different. Single pulses of negative polarity with an am-
plitude of 250 kV, the duration at half height of 35 ns with the front
of 3 ns were supplied to the cathode of a discharge tube 0.8 cm in
diameter and 80 cm long surrounded with an earthed cylindrical me-
tallic screen 5.5 cm in diameter connected to a mesh anode. The space
between the tube and the screen was filled with oil. The voltage along
the tube was measured with capacitance dividers, the currents with
inverse current shunts, the current of ‘runaway’ electrons I e was
measured with a Faraday’s cylinder behind a mesh anode. The duration
of I e in air and helium decreased with increasing pressure from 30 to
4 ns at the half height (Fig.17.26). This difference from the data in
Ref.78 where I e at all pressures was around 3 ns is evidently caused
by the fact that in Ref.81 the speed of the front v f » 10 10 cm/s
(Fig.17.27) was higher than in Ref.78 (2×10 9 cm/s) where the insula-
tor was represented by water, and since electrons with different en-
ergies formed at the front of the wave, part of the electrons do not
keep pace with the front. Figure 17.27 shows the form of the calcu-
lated speed v e of passage of ‘runaway’ electrons to the discharge tube
calculated from the time delay between the start of the voltage pulse
of the cathode at the maximum of the signal I e. They are close to v f
but displaced to the range of higher pressures for He. The signals from
the reverse current shunt have two characteristic phases; first evidently
corresponds to the conduction current of the wave front I f, the sec-
ond to the total current I t because it disappears with disappearance
of I e. The dependences of Ie, I f, It on pressure for helium are displaced
to higher pressures in comparison with air (Fig.17.28); this is in agree-
ment with the displacement of (E/p) cr . The current of the front I f in
a wide range of pressures can be transferred by the current of ‘running-
away’ electrons I e because these electrons have a strong effect on the
characteristics, like the ionisation wave in movement of the electron
beam in a gas. 79
Plasma Diagnostics
v, cm/s
10 ns a
c ve air
p, torr
Wave Breakdown in Distributed Systems
15 kV
I e, I f, k A I p, k A
p, torr
I, rel. units
t, ns
Plasma Diagnostics
E eff , keV
Wave Breakdown in Distributed Systems
Plasma Diagnostics
p, mm Hg
Fig.17.31 Dependence of the peak power of generation of a nitrogen laser (1), the
velocity of the front of the ionisation wave (2), the first (3) and second (4) peaks of
laser radiation on air pressure.
Wave Breakdown in Distributed Systems
and the metallic screen was filled with water with high dielectric per-
mittivity e = 80, and in Ref.82 it was filled with nitrogen.
To examine the dynamics of generation in space, investigations were
carried out into the laser radiation generated from a discharge tube using
semi-transparent mirrors described previously. 63 Radiation from these
mirrors have two peaks with time. Figure 17.32 shows an (x–t)
diagram of movement of laser radiation along the tube with air. This
movement can be characterised by the speed of the peaks. This speed
gradually decreases along the tube.
It should also be stressed that the first radiation peak moves from
the cathode to the anode and the second one from the anode to the
cathode, i.e. the second peak initially appears on the mirror close to
the second electrode, and only then on the mirror close to the high-
voltage electrode. Evidently, the speed of the first peak is in good
agreement with the measured value of the speed of the ionisation wave,
and the speed of the second peak greatly exceeds this speed. In Ref.
63, this is explained by the fact that the speed of the second peak
coincides with the speed of the reflected wave. The reflected ionisation
wave propagates along the gas strongly ionised with the first break-
down wave and, consequently, its speed is close to the speed of propa-
gation of the electromagnetic signal in the coaxial system. 24
Figure 17.33 shows the data on the times of appearance of the front
of the ionisation wave and laser radiation on the mirrors in relation to
the distance from the cathode. 63 It can be seen that the delay between
the front of the breakdown wave and the maximum radiation remains
almost constant along the tube and equals 8–10 ns. Within 10 ns the
wave passes approximately 35 cm in this pressure range and does not
manage to reach the second electrode. Thus, at the start of propagation
x, cm
Plasma Diagnostics
t, ns
x, cm
Fig.17.33 Time to appearance of the front of the ionisation wave (1), start (2) and the
first peak of laser radiation (3) in relation to the distance to the cathode at an air pressure
of 9.7 (4), 20.7 (5) and 45.6 (6) torr.
of the ionisation wave reflected from the second electrode, the laser
radiation already exists and the reflected ionisation wave, exciting the
gas for the second time, results in the formation of the second peak
in laser radiation. The time delay between the front of the breakdown
wave and the appearance of radiation on the mirror changes along the
tube. At the start of the tube it equals approximately 4 ns which is
equal to the duration of the front of the exciting pulse. At the end of
the tube the delay time decreases to zero, i.e. the laser photons pass
to the second electrode almost simultaneously with the front of the
breakdown wave. The appearance of laser radiation at the exit from
the tube simultaneously with the breakdown wave was also reported
in Ref.82. In Ref.63, it was assumed that this long delay time of the
maximum of radiation in relation to the front of the breakdown wave
is essential for converting the energy of the electrons, accelerated at
the front wave to an energy of ~100 kV, to the laser radiation energy.
The measurement show24,63 that the removal of excitation of the me-
dium by laser radiation takes place by a wave mechanism and the dy-
namics of laser radiation with time and in space is determined by the
nature of excitation of the gas by the breakdown wave.
Wave Breakdown in Distributed Systems
He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe, H2, air, CO2 propane–butane, acetone vapours, CCl4,
SF6, N 2, Ne–Ar. Analysis of the experimental data shows that both the
elementary processes in the plasma formed behind the front and the
kinetics in the gas at the head of the wave front can have a strong
effect on the conditions of propagation of the breakdown wave.
Processing of the experimental dependences v(p) in the inert gases
was carried out using an empirical equation for the pressure optimum
for the propagation of the breakdown wave: p m = CI ai M b, where C is
a constant which does not depend on the type of gas. At a = 5 and
b = 0.5, the value of C is the same for all examined inert gases, with
the error not exceeding 10%. Consequently, according to a prediction,
for radon p m = 1.3 torr.
¶ne 1
+ div j = ane , (17.1)
¶t e
= ane , (17.2)
j = sE , (17.3)
div E = 4pe(ne - ni ), (17.4)
E = -Ñj, (17.5)
Ñ 2 j = 0.
It is assumed that the initial concentrations of the charges and the bound-
ary conditions are known: j = 0 on the metallic screen (region III),
on the electrode AB, j = j 0 (y, t) on the end surface of the dielec-
tric a < |y| < a + h. The following condition must be fulfilled at the
boundary of plasma with the dielectric |y| = a
Plasma Diagnostics
jy = , where q = ( e - E y-w - e + E y+w ) / 4 p,
E –y, E +y are the normal components of the field in the plasma and the
dielectric, respectively.
It is evident that the system of equations (17.1)–(17.5) holds
under the condition V<<C so that we can ignore the vortex compo-
nent of the field in plasma in comparison with the potential component.
The self-modelling solution of the system of equations (17.1)–(17.5),
obtained in Ref.84, explained in particular the non-monotonic dependence
of the current on time in the circuit of an earthed electrode 28 by the
existence of an ionising soliton of the electric field at the wave front.
O.A. Sinkevich and Yu.V. Trofimov 33,85 examined the non-station-
ary boundary-value problem of the propagation of a breakdown wave
in a pre-ionised gas. In contrast to equation (17.1), it was assumed that
in the internal part of the channel n e = n 1 and div j = 0. This means
that the excess charge is distributed over the surface of the plasma
column. Thus, the problem was solved for the case ka << 1 (a is the
radius of the tube, k is the wave number).
It was shown in Ref.85 that the long-wave approximation corresponds
to the description of the ‘diffusion’ process along the electric condenser
formed by the screen and the plasma column. The corresponding ‘dif-
fusion’ equation has the form
¶j ¶ ¶jFG IJ
¶t ¶x
¶x H
The role of the ‘diffusion’ coefficient is played by the electron con-
centration. In Fig.17.34, the calculation results are compared with the
results of measurements of the distribution of the potential along the
channel at different moments of time carried out by Westberg. 10
In conclusion, it should be noted that in electrodynamics similar sys-
tems are referred to as distributed RC structures. 86 At a constant linear
resistance R, the phase velocity of the wave would be 86
F 2w I 1/ 2
Vphase =
H RC K ,
Wave Breakdown in Distributed Systems
Ref.87. The variation of R in this work was taken into account using
the following procedure. It is assumed that the strength of the field
in the conductor E is linked with the current by the relation i = k 1n eE,
i.e. we ignore the bias current in the plasma. At a penetration depth
of the field in the conductor larger than the radius of the latter the
multiplier k 1 is equal to µ es (s = pa 2). Using the Rompe–Weitzel ap-
proximation, we accept that ¶n e/¶t= k 2iE, and consequently
t 1/ 2
R = k1k2 /G 2
dt J
i (Rompe - Weitzel equation). .
This model is relatively approximate. However, it makes it possi-
ble to examine the effect of the main factors (screen, initial electron
concentration, the curvature of the pulse front) on the breakdown dy-
Thus, at present, the physics of non-relativistic breakdown waves
(v << c) on the condition that the distribution function of the electrons
is determined by the local values of the electric field, can be regarded
as basically sufficiently developed. (Experimental and theoretical ex-
amination of the role of radial components was carried out in: E.I.
Asinovskii, et al., A similarity criterion for the speed of electric
breakdown waves in screened tubes of different diameter, Pre-print
IVTN, No.3-50, Moscow (1992)).
At breakdown wave speeds close to the speed of light, the non-
potential nature of the electric field which influences the formation of
the wave and restricts its speed is very strong.
In contrast to Ref.33,85, the authors of Ref.88 examined a numerical
model with a non-potential electric field. The procedure of averaging
over the cross section of the waveguide was used. 33,34 Taking into
account ¶/¶z << 1/r 0 (r 0 is the radius of the discharge channel, z is
the longitudinal co-ordinate) and ¶/¶t << 4 ps 0 (s 0 is the initial con-
ductivity), the equations for the propagation of the breakdown wave
Plasma Diagnostics
v , 1 0 10 c m / s
Wave Breakdown in Distributed Systems
Plasma Diagnostics
. l / J m i 10-7 ,
t < 14
Plasma Diagnostics
Nitride synthesis
In Ref.94 the wave breakdown was used for synthesis of phosphorus
nitrides. The measurement of the amount of absorbed nitrogen for dif-
ferent durations and pulse repetition frequency shows that the rate of
synthesis is directly proportional to the repetition frequency of the
pulses. In the experiments, the rate of combination of nitrogen decreased
with time. It is evident that this was associated with the change of the
conditions in the gas-discharge device: formation of a nitride film on
the surface of phosphorus, formation of microarcs, etc. Figure 17.36
shows the dependence of the energy used for bonding the nitrogen
molecule on the inverse duration of the current pulse flowing through
the anode of the discharge device and averaged out for the first 30
minutes of synthesis during which there were no saturation effects.
The slope of the straight lines in Fig.17.36 shows that a decrease
ε /N, eV/mol
Wave Breakdown in Distributed Systems
17.12 Conclusion
This review of the investigations of wave breakdown can be summarised
by the following comments.
1. The sub-nanosecond level of synchronisation of the channels of
recording the signals of electromagnetic radiation in a wide range of
the variation of the wavelength (10 –8 –10 2 cm) has been reached in
diagnostics in the last 10–15 years.
2. The complicated structure of the breakdown wave has been
established. In particular, it has been shown that at positive polarity
the front is conical, and at negative polarity it approaches sliding
discharge along the tube walls. The Doppler broadening of the
current pulse reflected from the front has been recorded. The vibra-
tional structure of the charge behind the front of the breakdown wave
was detected. The presence of fast electrodes in the vicinity of the
front of the wave with an energy corresponding to the double ampli-
tude of the voltage pulse was confirmed, together with the existence
of the limiting speed of the breakdown wave. This speed coincides with
the speed of the fast electrons.
3. It has been shown possible to use the wave breakdown as a means
of examining the elementary processes in non-equilibrium plasma
occupying an intermediate position between the glow discharge and the
electron beam. For example, measurements were taken of the diffu-
sion coefficient of atomic hydrogen, the energy efficieny of synthe-
sis of the molecule of phosphorus nitride in relation to the duration of
the nanosecond discharge, and the recombination coefficient in dense
ion plasma was also measured.
In conclusion, the authors would like to express their gratitude to
A.E. Sheindlin for attention and support of work in the area of the wave
breakdown and also would like to note the significant contribution to
these investigations from A.V. Kirillin, A.G. Abimov, L.N. Vasilyak,
S.V. Kostychenko, A.B. Matstenko, Yu.M. Tokunov, A.M. Ul’ynov and
I.V. Filyugin.
Plasma Diagnostics
Chapter 18
Probe Measurements of Potential Distribution in Dense Plasma
with reduced electrical conductivity. The insertion of the probe into the
arc column changes stationary current and arc voltage. In contrast to
the thermal perturbation, formed at any polarity of the probe irrespective
of the presence of insulation of the probe, the electric perturbation is
observed only at the positive potential of the probe in relation to the
surrounding plasma when the plasma receives high current. Therefore,
the perturbation of the arc voltage increases with increasing probe cur-
rent. In the vicinity of the arc axis it is superimposed on the thermal
perturbation which does not depend in a wide range on the electric
perturbation intensity. The calculations determined the stationary strength
of the field in the arc and the width of the perturbation zone. The
strength of the axial electric field in the arc proved to be close to that
obtained from the results of probe measurements of the potential, and
the length of the perturbation zone was close to the width of the visible
dark space around the probe measured using photographs of the probe
trajectory in plasma.
In Ref.3, it was shown that the total perturbation, introduced by the
probe, can be evaluated from the oscillograms of the voltage and arc
current which are recorded together with the probe voltage. Consecutive
passage of the probe through one and the same cross section of the
arc column should generate the same potential at different passage
rates. Consequently, it is concluded that neither the thermal excitation
nor the turbulence of the gas, caused by the passage of the probe
through the arc column, has any significant effect on the measured
The perturbation of the arc column by the probe was examined in
Ref.4. Firstly, the arc voltage and arc current were inspected prior to
and after entry of the probe into the arc column; secondly, the same
measurements were taken in the conditions of probing the arc with three
probes. Two probes were used to measure the strength and the third
probe, entering the arc column after the first two probes, was used
to measure the arc perturbation. The measurements show that the
strength of the field did not change after the entry of the perturbing
probe. The authors of Ref.4 concluded that probing is the most suit-
able method of measuring the voltage gradient in the arc.
The dependence of the nature of perturbation of the arc by the
probe on the parameters of the probe has been quite widely studied
because by selecting their probe it is possible to minimize the pertur-
bation of the arc. To minimise perturbation, it is recommended to use
a thin probe that rapidly travels through the arc column. The mate-
rial of the probe can be characterised by specific thermal conductiv-
ity and heat capacity. The results show that a tungsten probe approxi-
Plasma Diagnostics
mately 0.2 mm wide with the travel speed higher than 100 cm/s is most
Muller and Finkelnburg 5 measured for the first time the distribution
of the potential along the arc axis and its peripheral part using a probe.
They show that the potential can be varied only when the resistance
of the external probe circuit is considerably higher than the resistance
of the plasma column between the probe and the corresponding elec-
trode. The latter depends on the position of the probe in the arc, be-
cause the conductivity of the plasma rapidly decreases from the axis
to the periphery. The authors of Ref.5 obtained the following results:
1. When the probe speed is higher than 100 cm/s, the probe cur-
rent through the perturbed area of the plasma is determined exclusively
by charge carriers drifting from the plasma, and the thermal emission
of the ions and electrons from the external surface of the probe is
insignificantly low;
2. As a result of the difference of the mobility of the electrons and
the ions, the resistance of the layer between the probe and the un-
perturbed plasma in contact of the probe with the anode is lower than
in contact with the cathode. Therefore, at a given resistance of the
circuit of the probe the region of measurement of the potential is al-
ways wider for the case of contact with the anode;
3. Regardless of the fact that the plasma potential changes along
the probe, the measured potential as a function of the distance from
the arc axis remains constant with the variation of probe current and
the probe requires the potential that corresponds to the point with the
highest conductivity of the arc column that is in contact with the probe;
4. Calculations and experimental examination show that the contact
difference of the potentials of the probe and the plasma is constant
along the arc axis and does not depend on plasma temperature; for the
argon arc this value does not exceed 2 V;
5. The probe method of measuring the potential using an electron
beam oscilloscope for recording is far more efficient than the method
in which the data are recorded using a loop oscilloscope.
Ringler 6 measured the radial distribution of the potential in the arc
column and proposed the following explanation. Investigations were car-
ried out for the arc examined extensively by other methods. The arc
was stabilised by the plasma jet leaving the cathode (current intensity
200 A). In addition to the probe potential, oscillographic recording was
made of the changes of the arcing voltage and arc current formed as
a result of perturbation of the arc by the probe. The method enabled
the author to determine the radial distribution of the arc potential at
any distance from the cathode with sufficient accuracy. The results
Probe Measurements of Potential Distribution in Dense Plasma
show that the size of the perturbation zones within the range of the
measurement error is in agreement with the diameter of the main cur-
rent-carrying arc channel. Starting with the equation for the density
of electric current through the plasma, the author of Ref.6 calculated
the radial distribution of the strength of the field for the examined arc.
Calculations confirm the experimental data.
The authors of Ref.7 measured the anodic voltage in the arcs in
relation to arc current and arc length. It is well known that the anodic
voltage drop is of considerable interest for the theory of near-anode
processes. Therefore, the results of measurement of the anodic volt-
age by the probe method are of considerable importance for developing
the theory of the anodic voltage drop. Up to now it was generally rec-
ognised that the anodic and cathodic volt drops remain constant when
the electrode gap is increased. This assumption was used as a basis
for developing the well-known method which makes it possible to de-
termine the strength of the field in the column from the increase of
arcing voltage with increasing arc length. However, Finkelnburg de-
termined 7 that the anodic voltage in the argon arc depends (in addi-
tion to current intensity) on the length of the arc which decreases with
a decrease of the arc length. With increasing plasma temperature in
the vicinity of the anode its potential decrease is linearly irrespective
of arc length and current density. To confirm this, two independent
methods were used to determine the strength of the field and the po-
tential drop along the arc column of different length. The results show
that the anodic drop which is associated with the density of anodic
current and plasma temperature increases with increasing arc length.
To confirm the dependence of anodic drop U A on arc length in argon,
an independent method was used to measure the axial distribution of
the strength of the field in the column. This was carried out by cal-
culating the distribution of electrical conductivity in the column using
the well-known distribution of temperature in the arc at a current of
200 A in argon. The results show that the anodic drop in the arc, burn-
ing in nitrogen at a current intensity higher than 50 A, decreases lin-
early with increasing current intensity. At the same time, the anodic
voltage in the high-temperature argon arc depends also on the arc length
and temperature, and when the arc length increases this drop becomes
larger, and decreases when the plasma temperature in front of the anode
The problem of the length of the section of the arc over which the
potential at the anode rapidly decreases has been examined in Ref.8.
The length of the region of the anodic drop was measured using the
following procedure: a tungsten probe, insulated with quartz, with a very
Plasma Diagnostics
short bare end was ejected with a special device at a speed of 10-
20 cm/s in the direction of the surface of the anode of a carbon arc.
Touching the anode surface the probe rapidly returned. The voltage
of the probe in relation to the anode was recorded with an electronic
oscilloscope. The results show that the axial length of the region of
the anodic drop in the low-current carbon arc is approximately equal
to the free path of the electron and amounts to 2 µm for the given
experiment conditions. 8
Finkelnburg and Segel 9 measured the distribution of potential inside
and around the column of the electric arc. It is well known that the
distribution influences both the axial and radial movement of the elec-
trons and the arcs and also the arc characteristics. The results show
that the data obtained in the probe measurements of the potential in
low- and high-current carbon arcs are in good agreement with the
conclusions of theoretical analysis and indicate that the length of the
transition region between the distorted potential field in the arc and
the non-distorted potential field outside the discharge is quite small.
When measuring the anodic and cathodic drops the probe was moved
manually or with an pneumatic mechanism up to contact with the cath-
ode or anode. The results of probe measurements of the potential inside
the arc column enabled the authors to find equipotential surfaces. The
appearance of the region with a large decrease of the potential in front
of the electrodes is explained by the presence of an excess charge in
them. As a result of the redistribution of the charges in the vicinity
of the electrodes, there is always an electric field with higher strength.
In the vicinity of the cathode under the effect of the radial compo-
nent of this field the electrons are displaced in the direction towards
the axis of the arc column. Thus, the normal mechanism of ambipo-
lar diffusion of charge carriers changes. This results in a decrease of
the width of the arc column in the near-cathode region. The radial elec-
tric field in the vicinity of the anode displaces the electrons to the column
periphery so that the column widens in the near-anode region.
Probe Measurements of Potential Distribution in Dense Plasma
Fig.18.1 Diagram of the arc with argon shielding. 1) tungsten cathode, 2) copper anode.
Fig.18.2 Diagram of connection of a probe into the measuring circuit. 1) probe, 2) arc,
O – oscilloscope, R p is the variable resistance.
powered with a smooth voltage from a rectifier. The arc was stable
for a long period of time as a result of stabilising with an argon flow
(flow rate 5 l/min). The photographs show that the cross section of
the arc smoothing increases from the cathode to the anode.
The probe was in the form of a section of tungsten wire 0.2 mm
in diameter with the non-isolated section 2 cm long. The probe was
moved using a special device in the direction normal to the actual line
of the arc column strictly in one plane. The travel speed of the probe
was varied from 50 to 250 cm/s, with the measurements usually taken
at a speed of 220 cm/s. The diagram of connection of the probe to
the measuring circuit is shown in Fig.18.2. A variable resistor was used
to vary the intensity of probe current. The difference of the potential
Plasma Diagnostics
a b c
Fig.18.3 Oscillograms of the probe signal in the near-cathode region of the arc for
values of the variable resistor. R p = 1.5×10 6 (a), 5×10 6 (b), 1.5×10 7 ohm (c).
of the probe and one of the electrodes was supplied to the input of
the electronic oscilloscope. To estimate the extent of perturbation of
the arc by the probe, voltage at the arc electrode was also recorded.
Probing of the arc in its different sections was carried out by mov-
ing the entire arc device using a stand in which the electrodes were
secured. The distance between the probe and the cathode was con-
trolled in an area of ± 0.05 mm. The potential was measured in re-
lation to the cathode. The electrode spacing was 5 mm and was set
using a special template.
Typical oscillograms of the probe signal (Fig.18.3) were obtained
by intersecting the plasma column by the probe at a distance of 1 mm
from the cathode. At resistor resistances higher than 5·10 6 ohm the
oscillograms in Fig.18b, c, show a small increase of the potential in
the near-axial region of the arc column caused by the perturbation
caused by the probe. The intensity of the perturbation in the poten-
tial units is equal to the change of arc voltage. At low resistances of
the probe circuit, i.e. in this case less than 1.5·10 6 ohm, there are no
potential surges in the peripheral zones of the arc on the oscillogram
(1). The surges on the oscillogram appear only under conditions in which
the resistance of the probe circuit is considerably higher than the re-
sistance between the probe and the corresponding electrode (it will be
referred to as the arc resistance and denoted R a). The region between
these surges is the region in which the potential is measured (see
above). The width of the region of measurement of the potential in-
creases with increasing resistance of the probe circuit, i.e. the distortion
of the measured distribution of the potential in the peripheral regions
of the plasma decreases with increasing resistance of the probe cir-
cuit. The increase of the resistance of the probe circuit is restricted
by the sensitivity of the oscilloscope. It should be noted that the
oscillogram is used for determining the potential of the near-axial region
of the plasma because due to higher conductivity of the plasma in this
region of the arc the condition R p >> R a is fulfilled.
To determine the range of measurement of the potential, investigations
were carried out into the dependence of the half width of the meas-
Probe Measurements of Potential Distribution in Dense Plasma
V, V S, mm
log R a , ohm
Fig.18.4 Distribution of the potential along the arc axis (1) measured using a probe
and the width of the region of variation of the potential (2) in relation to resistance Rp
of the probe circuit.
count that only some part of the probe surface ‘takes part’ in the meas-
urements. Therefore, a more accurate value of the arc resistance can
be obtained using the ratio of the cross sections of the arc and the
probe and also the resistance of the ‘cold’ part of the arc. It should
be noted that Muller and Finkelnburg5 published too high values of the
resistance of the arc column (300 ohm). We believe that after con-
sidering the previous comments, the given method of determining the
minimum resistance of the probe circuit can be used to determine the
resistance of the arc column and, consequently, the electrical conduc-
tivity of the plasma.
Thus, to ensure that the probe can be used in the regime of meas-
urement of the potential, it is necessary to fulfil the condition
aR p >> R a. The radial distribution of the potential was examined at a
probe circuit resistance of 10 7 ohm. The measured distribution of the
potential was corrected by extrapolating it from the non-perturbed section
of the oscillograms to the axis of the arc along a parabola. This ex-
trapolation was used to determine the potential of the near-axial sections
of the plasma. The radii of the zones of perturbation of the arc, measured
for three cross sections, situated at distances of 1 and 2.5 and 4 mm
from the cathode, were respectively, 3, 4, 5 and 6 mm, i.e. they in-
crease in the direction from cathode to anode. This is consistent with
the observed form of the arc. Figure 18.5 shows the radial distribu-
tion of the potential measured by the probe in relation to the cathode.
The measured potential value includes the axial voltage drop in the arc
from the cathode to the examined cross section and the radial com-
ponent of the potential which depends on the distance from the probe
to the axis. For sections close to the cathode the potential increases
more rapidly. This is explained mainly by the nature of the radial dis-
tribution of the concentration of charged particles in the arc. The equi-
V, V
r, mm
Fig.18.5 Radial distribution of the probe potential at the resistance in the probe circuit
of 10 7 ohm for sections at a distance of 1 (1), 2.5 (2) and 4 mm (3) from the cathode.
Probe Measurements of Potential Distribution in Dense Plasma
Fig.18.6 Equipotential lines of arc discharge. V = 4.5 (1), 5 (2), 6 (4), 6.5 (5), 7 (6),
7.5 (7), 8 V (8).
potential V-lines of the arc column are shown in Fig.18.6. The dotted
line shows the observed contour of the arc column. These data are
in agreement with the results published in Ref.9. The anodic drop of
the potential between the cathode and probe where the latter inter-
sects the arc in the vicinity of the anode is equal to U a = U arc – U p
where U a is the anodic drop, U arc is the voltage on the arc electrodes,
Up is the difference of the potential between the cathode and the probe.
The anodic voltage in the examined arc is 6.5 V at an arcing voltage
of 13 V which is in good agreement with the data in Ref.9, 10, ac-
cording to which in examining an arc with a current of 50 A and an
electrode gap of 5 mm the anodic drop was 6 V at a total arc volt-
age of 15–16 V.
Plasma Diagnostics
kT M
DU = - ln ,
2e m
The corrections for the measured values of the potential were cal-
culated taking into account the known distribution of the temperature
in the jet. The corrected distribution of the potential along the axis of
5 V
a b c
Fig.18.7 Typical oscillograms of the probe potential at a distance of 5 (a), 30 (b) and
60 mm (c) from the outlet of the nozzle.
Probe Measurements of Potential Distribution in Dense Plasma
U, V U, V
z, mm z, mm
the jet and in the direction of the radius at the outlet of the nozzle from
the plasma jet represented in Fig.18.9. The plasma potential at the outlet
of the nozzle is U 0 = 12.8 V. Since the results of probe measurements
show that in the plasma torch with a narrow nozzle the electric arc
is not blown out in the form of a loop, this potential is evidently de-
termined by the cathode drop in the electric arc.
It will be assumed that the variation of the potential in the plasma
jet is caused by ambipolar diffusion. The gradient of the potential formed
in the plasma as a result of ambipolar diffusion is 1
grad U amb = grad ( N e kT ). (18.1)
eN e
Plasma Diagnostics
k ¶ ln Ne kT
Uamb (T ) = U0 - dT.
e ¶ ln kT (18.2)
Here U 0, T 0 is the potential and temperature of the plasma at the axis
of the jet at the outlet of the nozzle. The distribution of the potential,
calculated from equation (18.2), and determined by ambipolar diffu-
sion, is shown in Fig.18.9 which indicates that there is satisfactory
agreement between the measured U and calculated U amb potential dis-
tributions. It can therefore be assumed that the potential of the plasma
jet is determined by the cathode drop in the electric arc and ambipolar
diffusion and the plasma jet itself is without current.
1 ms
5 V
1 V
1 ms
20 V b
1 V
the field of the equipotentials of the jet the plasma flow was probed
in different sections. The measurement of the potential in the anode
and cathode jet was carried out separately, and the plane of displacement
of the probe was always normal to the direction of the discharge of
the jets and the plasma flow. At the same time, arc voltage was
inspected when the arc column was intersected by the probe. The resistor
in the probe circuit was represented by the input resistance of the
C1-55 two-beam oscilloscope (R p = 1 MW). A V7-16 digital volt meter
was used to measure the distribution of the potential in the diaphragms
of both heads of the plasma torch in relation to the cathode. The
results of measurements in the form of the field of equipotential are
presented in Fig.18.11. The distribution of the density of the electric
current between the plasma jets was found from the measured strength
of the electric field and the electrical conductivity of the plasma
calculated from the measured temperature (~7000 K). The results are
presented in Fig.18.12 which shows that the current density does not
exceed 1.5 A/mm 2 .
Plasma Diagnostics
Fig.18.11 Distribution of the electric potential of the probe (in volts) in the plasma
flow (1). 2 – current passage area, 3 – line of the lowest electrical resistance of the
Fig.18.12 Distribution of the density of electric current in the gap between the plasma
jets (coordinate z – see Fig.18.11).
Probe Measurements of Potential Distribution in Dense Plasma
The experimental results show that the arc discharge in the con-
vergence zone is stationary and of the diffusion type up to a height
of approximately 25 mm with a current density of 1 A/mm 2. Here the
discharge is evidently non-independent because the ionisation condi-
tions are determined to a large degree by the external inflow of heat.
The zone of convergence of the jet is heated by the plasma jet by
conductive and convective heat flows ensuring the diffusion passage
of currents advantageous from the energy viewpoint. The volt equivalent
of this zone is 5–7 V which equals 3–5% of the total arc voltage. This
is also indicated by the absence of contracted plasma channels between
the jets. The absence of high voltage jumps in the arc also indicates
the stationary nature of current passage. The authors of Ref.16 and
17 examined the behaviour of the arc in a long cylindrical channel for
turbulent arcing. Film frames of the arc show clearly the areas of rup-
tures of the arc cord. It can therefore be assumed that a similar mecha-
nism of the diffusion passage of current can also be realised in this
On the basis of the results of probe measurements, the potential in
the region of current passage at Z = 59 mm is equal to 66 V. At
Z = 64 mm and higher, the potential decreases to 64 V and remains
unchanged up to Z = 230 mm.
Plasma Diagnostics
Part IV
Chapter 19
Reduction to a Uniform Layer in Axisymmetric Objects
y ( x) » Y ( x) = å Ak P2k ( x), (19.1)
k =0
where P 2k (x) are the even Chebyshef polynomials, orthogonal with the
weight ρ (x) on the system of points x i, i = D 0, n , x Î -1, 1 and de-
termined by recurrent relationships
P2 k ( x ) = P2 k - 2 ( x ) - (q2 k - 2 / q2 k -1 ) xP2 k -1 ( x ),
P2 k +1 ( x ) = xP2 k ( x ) - (q2 k / q2 k - 2 ) P2 k -1 ( x ),
P0 ( x ) = 1, P1 ( x ) = x , - 1 £ x £ 1,
n n n
qk = å ri Pki2 , å ri Pki Psi = 0, å ri = n + 1, (19.2)
i =0 i =0 i =0
ri = r( xi ), Pki = Pk ( xi ).
Ak = q2-k1 å ri P2 k ,i yi , yi = y ( xi ). (19.3)
i =0
The measure of scattering of the initial data y(x i) in relation to the ap-
proximating function Y(x) is the residual dispersion
n F ry - q
n M I.
DM = (n - M ) -1
å ri ( yi - Yi )
= (n - M ) -1
GH å å
i i
k =0
2 k Ak JK (19.4)
D M £ D M +1 , D M £ D M + 2 .
Plasma Diagnostics
e(r )rdr
2R = I( x) (19.5)
x r2 - x2
p rj -1 p
å 2 Re j 2
(r - x12 )1/ 2 rdr å apj e j = I p ,
=R p = 1, N (19.6)
j =1 rj j =1
Reduction to a Uniform Layer in Axisymmetric Objects
p -1
e p = R I p / a pp -
å (a pj / a pp )e j , j = 1, N . (19.7)
j -1
e p = R -1 å bpj I j , j = 1, N , (19.8)
j =1
p -1
b pj = - å (a ps / a pp )bsj , b pp = 1 / a pp .
s =1
å G år JK
n M p
ep = 1/ 2 -1
å bpj P2k , j r1i / 2 Ii / R.
i =0 k =0
i P2 k , i q2 k
j =1
Assuming that the errors of the measurements are random and inde-
pendent, in accordance with the linear equation (19.9) we obtain the
following expression for the dispersion e (r):
F I 2
D(e ) = å G år JK b g
n M p
1/ 2 -1
åbpj P2k, j ri D Ii / R .
H i =0 k =0
i P2k ,i q2 k
j =1
Taking into account that r i×D (I i/R) = D (I/R), where D (I/R) is the
weighted dispersion of the initial data, and taking into account the dis-
tribution of q2k and the orthogonality condition in accordance with (19.2),
we obtain
Plasma Diagnostics
D(e ) = D( I / R)å q G å b
M p
p = 1, N.
Hk =0
j =1
pj P2 k , j (19.10)
d i
D e p = D( I, R) åbpj2 . (19.11)
j =1
S 2 (r ) = D( e(r )) / D( I / R ). (19.12)
Calculations carried out using equation (19.10) show that for the axis
of the source (r = 0) we can approximately write
The interpolation method for the case when the initial data are not
smoothed out corresponds to the condition N = = M , and
S 2 (0) » (1 / 6) N 2 , (19.14)
which also follows from the calculations carried out using equation
(19.11). On the basis of the equations (19.13), (19.14) and Fig.19.1,
we can draw the following conclusions. The number of zones N in con-
version of (19.18) with the presmoothed initial data has only a slight
effect on the stability of the solution. This makes it possible to use a
simple quadrature (constancy of e in the zones) and use a relatively
large value N (~50–100) for reducing the systematic error. The use
of the Fourier series results in the stability of the solution whose ac-
curacy in comparison with the interpolation method increases with in-
Reduction to a Uniform Layer in Axisymmetric Objects
creasing number of the points for which the initial information is specified
(under the condition of non-correlation of their errors) and with a de-
crease of the number of the terms of the series required for approxi-
mating the experimental function.
z z ch G JJ
1 r
k(r ¢)r ¢dr ¢ e(r )rdr I( x)
GH x r¢ - x
2 2
K r¢ - x
2 2
w( x )
, (19.15)
2R = - ln w( x) º t( x), (19.16)
x r2 - x2
Plasma Diagnostics
LM OP 1 + w( x)
k(r )r dr
MN x r2 - x2 PQ = 2 w( x) .
Estimates carried out using this equation show that the hyperbolic
cosine can be assumed to be equal to unity with the error smaller than
6% at w > 0.5 and less than 1% at w > 0.8. If self-absorption in the
central emitting part of the source is ignored, the hyperbolic cosine is
equal to unity, regardless of the level of absorption on its periphery.
This is indicated by the fact that the integral below the sign of the hy-
perbolic cosine in (19.15) is taken in the region where e (r) differs
from zero. Thus, with moderate self-absorption and in the case of spa-
tially distributed zones of emission and absorption, the equation (19.15)
assumes the form of the integral Abel equation
2 R e(r) (r 2 - x 2 )-1/ 2 rdr » I( x) / w( x).
z z
1 r
e( r )
k (r )
MN x
k(r ¢)(r ¢ 2 - x 2 ) -1/ 2 r ¢dr ¢ k (r )(r 2 - x 2 )-1/ 2 rdr = I ( x )w -1/ 2 ( x )
Reduction to a Uniform Layer in Axisymmetric Objects
z z
j rp -1 r
å 2( e p / k p ) ch
MMN k (r ¢ )(r ¢ - 2
x 2j ) -1/ 2 r ¢dr ¢
PPQ k(r)(r
- x 2j ) -1/ 2 rdr =
p =1 rp xj
j e j ; p -1 j
å 2( e p / k p ) ch tdt = å 2(e p / k p )(sh t j; p-1 - sh t jp ) =
p =1 t jp p =1 (19.17)
å c jpe p = R -1I j w -j 1/ 2 , j = 1, N ,
p =1
c jp = (2 / k p )(sh t j ; p -1 - sh t j; p ),
t jp = å (rt2-1 - x 2j )1/2 - (rt2 - x 2j )1/2 , k p = k (rp -1/ 2 ),
t = p +1 (19.18)
e p = e(rp -1/ 2 ), I j = I ( x j ), w j = w ( x j ), rp = x p = 1 - p / N .
ej = R -1
I j w -j 1/ 2 / c jj - å (c jp / c jj )e p , j = 1, N . (19.19)
p =1
)å q G å e
M j
D(e j ) = D( R-1Iw -1/ 2 -1
j = 1, N,
k =0 H 2k
jp P2 k , p
Plasma Diagnostics
j -1
e jp = å dc js / c jj i esp , e jj = 1 / c jj,
s= p
F I 2
GH å b JK
M j
D (k j ) = D ( R -1
ln w ) å q2-k1 pj P2 k , p , j = 1, N . (19.21)
k =0 p =1
The results of calculating the variance factor for test functions (Fig.
19.2) are:
e( r ) = ( -15 p ) -1 1 - r 2 i 1/ 2
(38 - 176r 2 + 288 r 4 ),
k (r ) = g e(r ),
I ( x ) = g -1 1 - w ( x ) , (19.22)
w ( x ) = exp - g (1 - 3 x + 8 x - 6 x )
2 4 6
are presented in Fig.19.3. The value of the factor g was used to specify
Reduction to a Uniform Layer in Axisymmetric Objects
Fig.19.3 Relative error of restoration of the coefficients of absorption (1) and emission
k = k ( e), (19.23)
and for example, the function e (T) or the radial distribution at tem-
perature T (r) are specified. Consequently, on the basis of the
Kirchoff’s law we can write k = e/B, where B is the Planck’s func-
tion. Therefore, it is not necessary to measure the transparency and
the emission coefficient is determined from the measured intensity from
the solution of the equation (19.15) with an allowance made for (19.23).
Equation (19.19) is transformed with this purpose for the iteration proc-
ess. For each zone, starting with the first one (j =1), the accuracy of
the solution is improved by iteration taking into account the depend-
ence (19.23) and is then used as the zero approximation for the fol-
lowing zone. The corresponding algorithm has the form
j -1
e vj = R -1 (w vj ) -1/ 2 / d vjj - å (d vjp / d vjj )e p , j = 1, N ,
p =1
d vjj = (2 / k vj ) sh t vjj , d vjp = (2 / k p )( sh t vj , p -1 - sh t vjp ),
Plasma Diagnostics
w vj = exp( -2 t vjp ),
j -1
t vjp = k vj (r j2-1 - x 2j )1/ 2 + å k t (rt2-1 - x 2j )1/2 - (rt2 - x 2j )1/2 ,
t = p +1
k vj = k (e vj -1 ),
v = 0, j = 1: d11
= 2( R 2 - x12 )1/ 2 , t10, 0 = 0, (19.25)
v = 0, j = 2, N : k 0j = k j -1 ,
I j = I ( x j ), k j = k (r j -1/ 2 ), e j = e (r j -1/ 2 ), x j = r j = ( N - j ) / N.
F f I 2
M j
D(e ) = D( I / R)å
j q2-k1 jp P2 k , p , j = 1, N, (19.26)
k =0 p =1
j -1
f jp = å (d js / d jj ) f sp , f jj = w -j 1/ 2 / d jj ,
s= p
Reduction to a Uniform Layer in Axisymmetric Objects
of numerical solution of the integral Abel equation are used widely, they
suitable both for application in a computer and manual calculations. These
methods ensure sufficient accuracy of the results of the calculations
for the experimental data obtained with a small error.
1 dI dx
e(r ) = - , (19.27)
pR dx x - r2
R| Ax 2
+ Bx + C, x Î x2 , x1 ,
I ( x ) » P( x ) = S Ax 3
+ Bx 2 + Cx + D, x Î x j , x j -1 , j = 2, N - 1,
|T Ax 4
+ Bx 2 + C, x Î x N , x N -1
e(rp ) = -
pR j =1 z
p x j -1
x - rp2
We shall then carry out analytical integration and reducing with respect
to I (x j), we obtain
Plasma Diagnostics
ep =
R å g pj I j , p = 1, N , (19.29)
j =1
N-p N-j
e p = e(rp ), I j = I ( x j ), rp = , xj = .
D ( e p ) = D( I / R ) å g 2pj . (19.30)
j =1
The coefficient of transfer of the error (19.12) for this method is rela-
tively high (19.4). Its value for the axis of the source (r = 0) is close
to the estimate given previously (equation (19.14)). To reduce the effect
of random errors without complicating the processing method, we shall
carry out local smoothing of the experimental data. We approximate
each group of seven points by a polynomial of the third degree using
the method of least squares. The corresponding smoothed-out values
R| 2 I - 1 I - 2 I + 1 I + 8 I + 19 I , j = 1,
|| 211 I - 62 I +211 I +72 I +2119 I +428 I , j = 2,
6 5 4 3 2 j
I ( x ) = S 42 6 5 4 3 2 1
|| - 2 I 21+ 1 I 21 + 2 I7 + 142I + 2 I21 + 1 I - 2 I j +3 , j = 3, 7,
|T I 21 = I 7, I 7= I , 3I =7 I . 7 21
j -3 j -2 j -1 j j +1 j +2
N +3 N -3 N +2 N -2 N +1 N -1
e p = R -1 å G pj I j , p = 1, N . (19.32)
j =1
Reduction to a Uniform Layer in Axisymmetric Objects
Fig.19.4 Coefficient of transfer of the error for the interpolation method (19.29) of
numerical conversion of Abel's transformation (1) and for the improved algorithm (19.33)
(2) at N = 40.
ep = -
40 R å G pj I j ,
j =1
x j = ( N ¢ - j ) / N ¢ , rp = ( N ¢ - p ) / N ¢ , j , p = 0, N ¢ - 1.
The dispersion of the calculated results using equation (19.33) for non-
correlated measurements of equal accuracy is
D( e p ) = D( I / R ) å G pj2 , (19.34)
j =1
Plasma Diagnostics
1 q( x )dx
n(r) - nR = , (19.35)
p x2 - r2
0 £ r £ 1, 0 £ x £ 1, n(r ³ 1) = n R , q( x ³ 1) = 0.
N-p N-j
n p = n(rp ), q j = q( x j ), rp = , xj = .
S 2p = D(n p - nR ) / D(q),
p +1
D( n p - n R ) = D( q) å C pj2 . (19.37)
j =1
The numerical values of S p are lower than unity even without using
the smoothing procedure of the initial data. This is due to the fact that
in the schlieren method we measured the angle of deviation of the light
beam whose value is determined by the radial gradient of the refractive
index. The result is that in the conversion of the Abel transformation
(19.35) there is no differentiation of the experimental function. Con-
Reduction to a Uniform Layer in Axisymmetric Objects
Plasma Diagnostics
Chapter 20
Reconstruction of Velocity Distribution Functions of Emitting Particles...
dv = j( n), (20.1)
n - n0
where m = c , n 0 is the emission frequency of a stationary par-
ticle, c is the velocity of light.
However, in practice, the actual contour of the spectral line ϕ(v)
is not measured in the explicit form but as a convolution with some
apparatus function a (v) of the measuring system (as, for example, in
examining the contours of the lines using a Fabry–Perot interferom-
eter 6
a( n - n¢) j ( n¢) dn¢ = f ( n), (20.2)
where f (n) is the measured form of the contour of the spectral line.
2. Within the framework of the time-of-flight method of measuring
the distribution functions of the velocities of the atoms and molecules
the true distribution function P (n) is also treated 7 as only a convo-
lution with the apparatus function of the formation system and recording
of the beam H (n) and, consequently, the task of determining this function
is reduced to solving the integral equation of the type (20.2) 7,8
H( n - n¢) P( n¢) dn¢ = R( n), (20.3)
in the experiment the functions f (v) (in the first method) and R (n)
(in the second method) are measured unavoidably with an error which
is different from zero, i.e. determination of the function P (n) from
the equations (20.1)–(20.3) is an inverse incorrect problem. 9 The so-
lution of these problems is especially complicated when for the velocity
distribution function it is not possible to show in advance 9 the case in
which the shape of P (n) differs from the Maxwell distribution.
At the same time, these situations often occur in practice in experi-
ments in measuring the velocity distribution function of heavy parti-
cles in different non-equilibrium objects (see, for example, Ref.10, 13).
In recent years, to solve the inverse incorrect problems of the type
(20.1) and (20.2), (20.3) various investigators have used successfully
the regularisation methods. 9,14 The success with application of these
methods is attributed to a large degree to the use of the existing
apriori information on the required solution, for example, the properties
of smoothness of the required solution.9,14 However, in complicated cases,
this information may be insufficient to find the solution with the re-
quired accuracy. Additional information from these problems can be
represented by the information indicating that the required solution is
similar to some unknown function.
In particular, the calculations carried out in Ref.15 show that in a
number of cases it is highly efficient to use the multiplicative repre-
sentation of the required function in the form j (n) = j 0 (n)j 1, where
j 0 (n) is some zero approximation for j (n). As indicated by Ref.15,
this approach gives more accurate results in comparison with the con-
ventional method.
However, the application of the multiplicative representation in the
form of the difference kernel of the initial equation (as was done in,
for example, (20.2)) does not make it possible to solve the problem
by the Fourier analysis method. In fact, this gives a new integral equa-
tion of the first kind with a kernel a 1 (n, n¢) = a (n – n¢)j(n¢) which
is no longer of the difference type.
The authors of Ref.16 proposed not a multiplicative but additive ap-
proximation of the required solution in the form j(n) = y(n) + j 0(n),
where j0 (n) is some function known from apriori assumptions. It can
be shown that this approximation, in contrast to Ref.15, does not change
the difference nature of the kernel of the initial integral equation. This
is important for solving the problem by the Fourier analysis methods.
At the same time, application of the Fourier variant of the regulari-
sation of the logarithm in practice is highly efficient for solving the
integral equations of the first kind with a difference kernel (see, for
example, Ref.9).
Reconstruction of Velocity Distribution Functions of Emitting Particles...
z z z
¥ ¥ ¥
P0 (v)
a ( n - n1 )y (v1 ) dv1 = f ( n) - a( n - n1 ) dvdv, (20.5)
-¥ -¥ m1
dv = y( n). (20.6)
P(v) n - n0
contour of the spectral line j( n) = const × dv; m = c;
v n0
- this distribution was ‘rolled up’ together with the known apparatus
Plasma Diagnostics
dj a ( n)
(20.1) thus giving the function Pa ( n) = const × v × 1 .
dn n= n0 ×
1- v / c
The error of restoration of the solution was calculated from the de-
viation of the numerical solution P a (n) from the given P (n)*; (in
reality, functions P (v) and P (v)/v are compared instead of P (v) and
P (v) because the similarity of these functions indicates the quality of
restoration in both regularisation stages)
The modelling distribution P (v) was represented by the distribution
consisting of the sum of Maxwell’s distributions with differing tempera-
tures and amplitude of the maxima
1 v 1
P( n) = A1v 2 exp -
T 2 T
+ A2 v2 exp -
2 3 T
. (20.7)
This case was examined to model the presence of the possible struc-
ture in the distributions.
To determine the function P (v) (or Q (v)) from the available values
of j(n) (or y(n)), we used the differential variant of equation (20.1)
(or (20.6)): calculation of derivatives j¢(n) (or y¢(n)) was carried out
using smoothing cubic splines with the selection of the smoothing pa-
rameter using the discrepancy. 18,19
It is interesting to compare the efficiency of restoring the veloc-
ity distribution function using the conventional and consecutive restoration
procedures. Figures 20.1 and 20.2 show the modelling and restored ve-
locity distribution functions for different numbers of counting N and
noise levels s 2f. The ratio of the widths of functions j(n) and a(n)
in all cases is D 1 : D 2 = 1.8, the ratio of the amplitudes A 1 : A 2 = 10.
Comparison shows that, with other conditions being equal, the procedure
Reconstruction of Velocity Distribution Functions of Emitting Particles...
v, rel. units
Fig.20.1 Modelling (1) and restored (2,3) distribution functions. 2) using additive
approximation, 3) conventional restoration; a) ∆ 1 : ∆ 2 = 1.8; A 1 :A 2 = 1 : 10; N = 32;
σ f = 5%. b) ∆ 1 :∆ 2 = 1.8; A 1:A 2 = 1:10; N = 32; σ f = 2%.
v, rel. units
Fig.20.2 Modelling (1) and restored (2,3) distribution of functions. 2) using additive
approximation, 3) conventional restoration; a) ∆ 1 :∆ 2 = 1.8; A1 :A 2 = 1:10; N = 128;
σ f = 2%. b) ∆ 1 : ∆ 2 = 1.8; A 1:A 2 = 1:10; N = 128; σ f = 5%.
Plasma Diagnostics
Automation of Measurements in Plasma Diagnostic
Chapter 21
Recently, a number of publications concerned with the development of
automated systems of experimental investigations of physico-chemical
processes under low-temperature plasma conditions has increased. 1-10
The main tasks of using these systems are automated collection,
processing, build-up and imagining of information and, if necessary,
controls of the experiments.
Original investigations were carried out in this country into the systems
of collecting experimental information and examining the flows of high-
temperature gases generated by electric arc heaters. 1–3 The experi-
ence obtained in constructing and using these systems has made it pos-
sible to formulate a number of important requirements of measuring
apparatus, a selection of noise-resistant temperature, pressure and flow
rate sensors ensuring reliable measurements under the conditions of
the effect of strong electric and magnetic fields on them. It was thus
possible to develop effective electronic-measuring systems using mi-
cro- and mini-computers for automating multi-functional apparatus and
organising the multi-channel collection of information under the con-
ditions with more stringent requirements on measurement accuracy. In
addition, the application of computers in the composition of measur-
ing complexes makes it possible to operate under their real time scale
which opens wide possibilities of development and improvement of the
measuring systems.
For example, the authors of Ref.4 described a measuring system
for recording and processing the spectra of spatially non-uniform objects
in examining stationary and high-rate processes. This system can also
be used in spectroscopic investigations and plasma diagnostics of con-
tinuous and pulsed electric and optical discharges.
The automated system of photoelectric recording on the basis of the
IVK-1 measuring-computing complex has been developed in the con-
ditions of time correlation and spatial-time measurements and was
Plasma Diagnostics
Plasma Diagnostics
1 G. Grim, Spectroscopy of plasma, Atomizdat, Moscow (1969).
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11 T.A. Cool and P.J.H. Tjossem, Gas-Phase Chemiluminescence and Chemi-Ionization,
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12 B.V. Alekseev and V.A. Kotel'nikov, Probe method of plasma diagnostics,
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13 G.S. Aravin, P.A. Vlasov, Yu.K. Karasevich, et al, Experimental and theoretical
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169 (1988).
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Vysokikh Temp., 26, No.6, 1047-1056 (1988).
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27 P.A. Vlasov, Probe diagnostics of non-stationary chemically reacting high-pressure
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28 B.V. Alekseev and V.A. Kotel'nikov, Experimental and theoretical investigations of
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1 J.R. Hollahan and A.T. Bell (eds), Techniques and Application of Plasma Chemistry,
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60 Smit, Svannak, Fleishman, et al, PNI, 48, No.12, 94-102 (1977).
61 R.Kh. Amirov, E.I. Asinovsky, V.V. Markovets, A.S. Panfilov and I.V. Filyugin, No.3-
183, Preprint IVTAN, Moscow (1986).
62 M.A. Blokhin, Physics of x-rays, GITTL, Moscow (1953).
63 A.G. Abramov, E.I. Asinovskii and L.M. Vasilyak, Kvant. Elektron., 10, No.9, 1824-
1828 (1983).
64 I.S. Samoilov, High-speed breakdown waves in long screen tubes, Dissertation,
IVTAN, Moscow (1985).
65 E.I. Asinovsky, V.V. Markovets, I.S. Samoilov and A.M. Ulianov, Proc. 15th Intern.
Conf. Phenomena Ionized Gases, Minsk (1981), pp.961-962.
66 E.I. Asinovsky, V.V. Markovets and A.M. Ulianov, Proc. 16th Intern. Conf. Phenomena
Ionized Gases: Contributed papers, Vol.2, Dusseldorf (1983), pp.148-149.
67 E.I. Asinovsky, V.V. Markovets, I.S. Samoilov and A.M. Ulianov, Breakdown of
dielectrics and semiconductors, DGU University, Makhachkala (1984).
68 A.M. Ulianov, Spatial-time structure of excitation of gas by a breakdown wave,
Dissertation, IVTAN, Moscow (1985).
69 E.I. Asinovsky, V.V. Markovets and A.M. Ulianov, Teplofiz. Vys. Temp., 22, No.4,
667-671 (1984).
70 E.I. Asinovskii, V.V. Markovets and A.S. Panfilov, Proc. National symposium on
High-frequency gas breakdown, Tartu State University, Tartu (1989), pp.155-157.
71 A.N. Lagarkov, S.E. Rasponomarev and I.M. Rutkevich, 12th Sympos. Physics
Ionized Gases: Contr. pap., Belgrade (1984), pp.552-555.
72 E.I. Asinovskii, L.M. Vasilyak, V.V. Markovets and Yu.M. Tokunov, DAN SSSR, 263,
No.6, 1364-1366 (1982).
73 V. Paulin, Theory of negativity, OGIZ, Gostekhizdat, Moscow (1941).
74 E.I. Asinovsky, Proc. 16th ICPIG, Invited papers, Dusseldorf (1983), pp.223-231.
75 E.I. Baranchikov, A.V. Gordeev, V.D. Korolev and V.P. Smirnov, Pis'ma ZhTF, 3,
No.3, 106-110 (1977).
76 I.G. Kataev, Shock electromagnetic waves, Sov. Radio, Moscow (1963).
77 A.I. Pavlovskii, L.P. Babich, T.B. Loiko and L.B. Tarasova, DAN SSSR, Vol.281
78 A.G. Abramov, E.I. Asinovskii, M.G. Bryukov, L.M. Vaslyak, et al, Effect of fast
electrodes on the development of a wave breakdown in air and the generation of a
nitrogen laser, Preprint of IVTAN, No.6-161, Moscow (1985).
79 S.G. Arutyenian, O.V. Bogdankevich, Iu.F. Bondar, et al, Plasma Phys., 25, 11-24
80 G.A. Mesyats, Yu.I. Bychkov and V.V. Kremnev, UFN, 107, No.2, 201-228 (1972).
81 L.M. Vasilyak and V.A. Doinikov, Proc. of 4th Nat. Conf. on Physics of Discharged
Gases, Ch.2, DGU University, Makhachkala, (1988), pp.21-22.
82 Yu.M. Tokunov, E.I. Asinovsky and L.M. Vasilyak, Teplofiz. Vys. Temp., 19, No.3,
491-496 (1981).
83 E.I. Asinovsky, A.G. Abramov and L.M. Vasilyak, Proc. of 4th Nat. Symp. on High-
current Electronics, Ch.2, ISE SO AN SSSR, Tomsk (1982), pp.212-215.
84 A.N. Lagar'kov and I.M. Rutkevich, Problems of the physics and technology of
nanosecond discharges, IVTAN, Moscow (1982).
85 O.A. Sinkevich and Yu.V. Trofimov, Problems of the physics and technology of
nanosecond discharges, IVTAN, Moscow (1982).
86 S.I. Baskakov, Radioelectronic circuits with distributed parameters, Vyssh. Shkola,
Moscow (1980).
87 E.I. Asinovsky, L.M. Vasilyak and V.V. Markovets, Problems of physics and technology
of nanosecond discharges, IVTAN, Moscow (1982).
88 B.B. Slavin and P.I. Sopin, Proc. of 4th Nat. Conf. on the Physics of Gases and
Discharge, Vol.2, DGU University, Makhachkala (1988), pp.43-44.
89 B.B. Slavin ad P.P. Sopin, Proc. of 4th Nat. Conf. on the Physics of Gases and
Discharge, Vol..2, DGU University, Makhachkala (1988).
90 E.I. Asinovsky, L.M. Vasilyak and V.V. Markovets, First Soviet–French Seminar:
Plasma Physics, IVTAN, Moscow (1979).
91 E.I. Asinovsky, L.M. Vasilyak and Yu.M. Tokunov, Teplofiz. Vys. Temp., 17, No.4,
858-860 (1979).
92 E.I. Asinovsky, L.M. Vasilyak and Yu.M. Tokunov, Teplofiz. Vys. Temp., 19, No.4,
873-875 (1981).
93 R.Kh. Amirov, E.I. Asinovsky, A.A. Krolin and V.V. Markovets, Proc. of 4th Nat. Conf:
Interaction of Electromagnet Radiation with Plasma, Fan, Tashkent (1985).
94 R.Kh. Amirov, E.I Asinovsky, A.D. Lukin, et al, Khim. Vys. Energ., 21, No.1, 79-82
95 R.Kh. Amirov, E.I. Asinovsky and S.V. Kostyuchenko, Teplofiz. Vys. Temp., 25,
No.6, 793-794 (1987).
96 R.Kh. Amirov, E.I. Asinovsky, S.V. Kostyuchenko, et al, Special features of the
breakdown of plasma after nanosecond discharge in F 2 and S 6, Preprint of IVTAN,
No.8-200, Moscow (1986).
97 E.I. Asinovskii, R.Kh. Amirov, L.M. Vasilyak and V.V. Markovets, Teplofiz. Vys.
Temp., 17, No.5, 912-915 (1979).
98 R.Kh. Amirov, E.I. Asinovsky and V.V. Markovets, Teplofiz. Vys. Temp., 22, No.5,
1002-1005 (1984).
99 R.Kh. Amirov, E.I. Asinovsky and V.V. Markovets, Teplofiz. Vys. Temp., 19, No.1,
47-51 (1981).
Plasma Diagnostics
100 R.H. Amirov, E.I. Asinovsky and V.V. Markovets, Teplofiz. Vys. Temp., 2, Pt.2, 424-
425 (1981).
101 R.H. Amirov, E.I. Asinovsky, V.V. Markovets and V.P. Fomin, Proc. 15th ICPIG, Pt.2,
Minsk (1981), pp.669-670.
102 Yu.P. Raizer, Fundamentals of modern physics of gas discharge processes, Nauka,
Moscow (1985).
103 S.V. Kostyuchenko, Formation and breakdown of cold iron - iron plasma of fuel gas
and fluorine, Dissertation, MFTI, Moscow (1987).
Chapter 18
1 V.L. Granovskii, Electric current in gases, GITTL, Moscow (1952).
2 G. Muller, Z. Phys., 151, No.4, 460-482 (1958).
3 W. Finkelburg and S.M. Segal, Phys. Rev., 80, No.2, 258-260 (1950).
4 S. Bennet and J. Connors, IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., NS-11, No.1, 109-118 (1964).
5 G. Muller and W. Finkelburg, Z. Angew. Phys., 8, No.6, 282-287 (1964).
6 H. Ringler, Z. Phys., 169, No.2, 273-285 (1962).
7 G. Busz-Peukert and W. Finkelburg, Ibid, 140, No.5, 540-545 (1955).
8 M.J. Block and W. Finkelburg, Z. Naturforsch, 8A, No.11, 758-759 (1953).
9 W. Finkelburg and S.M. Segal, Z. Phys., 83, No.3, 582-585 (1951).
10 V. Finkelburg and G. Mekker, Electric arcs and thermal plasma, IL, Moscow (1961).
11 Zh. Zheenbaev, Laminar plasma torch, Ilim, Frunze (1975).
12 G.P. Petrov, Physical gas dynamics and properties of gases at high temperatures,
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13 M.G. Morozov, Teplofiz. Vys. Temp., 5, No.1, 106-114 (1967).
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spectroscopy, Ilim, Frunze (1970).
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16 M.F. Zhukov, A.S. Koroteev and B.A. Uryukov, Applied dynamics of thermal plasma,
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17 A.D. Lebedev and N.M. Shcherbik, Izv. SO AN SSSR, Ser. Tekhn. Nauk., No.3, 33-
37 (1979).
Chapter 19
1 L.T. Lap'kina and V.S. Engel'sht, Reduction to a homogeneous optically thin layer in
axisymmetric objects, Manuscript No.6917, Deposited at VINITI, Moscow (1973).
2 A.S. Anyshakov, G.Yu. Dautov and A.P. Petrov, Generators of low temperature
plasma, Energiya, Moscow (1969), pp.394-406..
Chapter 20
1 L.M. Biberman, V.S. Vorob'ev and I.T. Yakubov, Kinetics of non-equilibrium low-
temperature plasma, Nauka, Moscow (1982).
2 B.F. Gordiets, A.I. Osipov and L.A. Shchelepin, Kinetic processes in gases and
molecular lasers, Nauka, Moscow (1980).
3 E.V. Stupochenko, S.A. Losev and A.I. Osipov, Relaxation processes in impact
waves, Nauka, Moscow (1965).
4 V.A. Dudkin, Optika i Spektroskopiya, 24, No.3, 367-371 (1968).
5 G.N. Polyakova and A.I. Ranyuk, Extraction of determination from the velocity
distribution of excited particles from the Doppler probing of spectral lines, Preprint
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6 V.I. Malyshev, Introduction into experimental spectroscopy, Nauka, Moscow (1979).
7 O.F. Hagena and A.K. Varma, Rev. Sci. Instrum., 39, No.1, 47-52 (1968).
8 A.E. Zarvich, Non-equilibrium processes in flows of rarefied gas, S.S. Kutateladze
and A.K. Rebrova (eds), Siberian Division, Nauka , Novosibirsk (1977), pp.51-78.
9 A.N. Tikhonov and V.Ya. Arsenin, Method of solving incorrect problems, Nauka,
Moscow (1979).
10 E.P. Pavlov and V.D. Perminov, ZhPMTF, No.4, 57-61 (1972).
11 E.K. Kraulinya, S.Ya. Liepa, A.Ya. Skudra and A.E. Lezdin', Optika i Spektroskopiya,
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12 T.T. Karasheva, M. Malikov, D.K. Otorbaev, 13th Intern. Sympos. Rarefield Gas
Dynamics. Book of Abstracts, Vol.2, Novosibirsk (1982).
13 N. Takahashi, T. Moriya and K. Teshima, Ibid, 491-493.
14 V.F. Turchin, V.P. Kozlov and M.S. Malkevich, UFN, 102, No.3, 345-386 (1970).
15 G.A. Vedernikov and N.G. Preobrazhenskii, Optika i Spektroskopiya, 44, No.1, 204-
205 (1979).
16 D.K. Otorbaev, V.N. Ochkin, N.G. Preobrazhenskii, et al, ZhETF, 81, No.5, 1626-
1638 (1981).
17 V.A. Morozov, Regular methods of solving incorrect problems, Moscow (1974).
18 G.I. Marchuk, Methods of computing mathematics, Nauka, Moscow (1980).
19 V.A. Morozov, Zhurn. Vychisl. Matematiki Mat. Fiz., 11, No.3, 545-558 (1971).
Chapter 21
1 V.B. Neshukaitis, F.F. Belinskis, R.V. Marchyulene and G.I. Batsavichyus, Pribory
i Sistemy Upr., No.10, 16-21 (1976).
2 G.I. Batsyavichyus, R.V. Marchyulene, T.P. Vasilyauskas, et al, Pribor. Tekhn.
Eksperiment., No.4, 238-240 (1977).
3 A.B. Ambrazyavichyus, G.I. Batsyavichyus, A.A. Spudis and V.Yu. Stasyukaitis,
Metallurgical facilties for measurements of high temperatures and plasma parameters,
Khar'kov University Publishing House, Khar'kov (1979), pp.49-51.
4 S.V. Goncharik, A.M. Grigorenko, E.A. Ershov-Pavlov, et al, Pribor. Tekhn. Eksperiment.,
No.5, 223-225 (1985).
5 R. Buteikis, G. Davidavichyus adn I. Lberauskas, Proc. of the 9th Nat. Conf. on Low-
temperature Plasma Generators, Ilim, Frunze (1983), pp.242-243.
6 S.N. Aksenov, A.V. Donskoi, S. Kh. Il'yasova, et al, Proc. of the 9th Nat. Conf. on
Low-temperature Plasma Generators, ilim, Frunze (1983), pp.244-245.
7 S.N. Aksenov, S.Kh. Il'yasova, V.S. Klubnikin, et al, Teplofiz. Vys. Temp., 23, No.1,
196-198 (1985).
8 C.S. Wond, Rev. Sci. Instrum., 56, No.4, 632 (1985).
9 I.V. Knyazhechenko, S.V. Lukoshkov, V.I. Maryin, et al, Pribor. Tekhn. Eksperiment.,
No.2, 260-260-261 (1983).
10 E.Kh. Krieger and U.L. Pikhlak, Proc. of the 9th Nat. Conf. on Low-temperature
Plasma Generators, Ilim, Frunze (1983), pp.240-241.
11 F.Y. Chu and R.M. Cilic, Proc. 7th Intern. Sympos. Plasma Chemistry, Vol.3,
Eindhoven Netherlands (1985), pp.754-757.
12 Yu.E. Nesterikhin, Yu.N. Eolotukhin and Z.A. Lifshits, Avtometriya, No.4, 3-14
13 O.Z. Gusev, Yu.N. Zolotukhin, O.V. Prokhozhev and A.P. Yan, Avtometriya, No.4, 15-
20 (1984).
14 M.F. Zhukov, V.P. Lyagushkin and O.P. Solonenko, Automated experimental stand
for the detailed examination of high temperature heterogeneous jets. Current state
and prospects, Preprint No.145-86, ITF, Novosibirsk (1986).
15 M.F. Zhukov and O.P. Solonenko, Izv. SO AN SSSR, Ser. Tekhn. Nauk., No.11,
Issue No.3, 69-86 (1987).
16 A.P. Zinov'ev, O.P. Solonenko and B.V. Tarasov, Subsystem for colour computer
graphics for Elektronika-60 computer, Preprint No.129-85, ITF, Novosibirsk (1985).
17 A.P. Zinov'ev adn O.P. Solonenko, Information-guidance subsystem based on Fortin
for micro and minicomputers of the SM series, Preprint No.147-86, ITF, Novosibirsk
18 V.P. Lyagushkin, O.P. Solonenko, Yu.L, Stankevich and V.A. Starikov, Proc. of 11th
Nat. Conf. on Low-temperature Plasma Generators, Ilim, Frunze (1983).
19 A.G. Zavarzin, G.M. Krylov, V.P. Lyagushkin, et al, Proc. of 10th Nat. Conf. on Low-
temperature Plasma Generators, Vol.2, Nauka i Tekhnika, Minsk (1986), pp.141-
20 O.P. Solonenko, Proc. Intern. Conf. Fluid Mechanics, Beijing, China (1987), pp.800-
Plasma Diagnostics
21 M.F. Zhukov, V.P. Lyagushkin and O.P. Solonenko, Proc. 8th Intern. Sympos.
Plasma Chemistry, Vol.4, Tokyo, Japan (1987), pp.1995-1999.
22 S.M. Gusel'nikov, A.G. Zavarzin, V.P. Lyagushkin, et al, Proc. of the 1st Conf. on
Mechanics. Results of Scientific Investigations and Achievements in Cooperation of
The Academy of Sciences of Socialist Countries, Vol.1, Prague (1987), pp.27-30.
Plasma Diagnostics