Economic and Non Economic Activities
Economic and Non Economic Activities
Economic and Non Economic Activities
Economic Non-Economic
Those activities whose Those activities whose aim is not to earn money,
Objective is to earn but to satisfy social, psychological and emotional
money and to create wealth. needs. For example love, sympathy, patriotism.
Characteristics of Business:
1. An economic activity: Business in considered as an
economic activity because it is undertaken with the objective
of earning money.
2. Production or procurement of goods and
services: Business includes all the activities concerned with
the production or procurement of goods & services for sales.
Services include transportation, banking, Insurance etc. Goods
may consist of consumable items.
3. Sale or exchange of goods & services – There should be
sale or exchange of goods and service between the seller &
the buyer.
4. Dealing in goods & services at a regular basis: There
should be regularity of dealings or exchange of goods &
services. One single transaction of sale or purchase does not
constitute business.
5. Profit Earning: The main purpose of business is to earn
profit. A business cannot survive without making profits.
6. Uncertainty of return: Every business invests money with
the objective of earning profit but the amount of profit
earned may vary. Also there is always a possibility of losses.
7. Element of risk: All business activities carry some
elements of risk because future is uncertain and business has
no control over several factors like, strikes, fire, theft, and
change in consumer taste etc.
Business: Refers to Purchase, production and/ or sale of
goods & services with the objective of earning profit.
Profession: Includes those activities which require special
knowledge & skills in the occupation.
Employment: Refers to the occupation in which people work
for others and get remuneration in return.
Basis of
Business Profession Employment
Profits Professional fee Salary or wages
None of the above
4. Sort the following into a business concern, employment and profession.
5. What is the reward that a businessman earns for bearing risk?
6. What is the difference between Business and Profession?
7. What are the objectives of the business?
8. Differentiate between Economic and Non-economic activities.
9. Explain the term ‘Employment’ and give its distinctive features.