YÖKDİL Fen Paragraf Tamamlama Soru Tipi
YÖKDİL Fen Paragraf Tamamlama Soru Tipi
YÖKDİL Fen Paragraf Tamamlama Soru Tipi
Paragraph Completion
1 – 10. sorularda, parçada anlam 2. Amphibians, in the simplest definition,
bütünlüğünü sağlamak için boş bırakılan are animals that live in both water and
yerlere getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz. on land. ---- Being cold-blooded means
that they depend on environmental
sources of heat to regulate their body
1. Although most rainbows are associated
heat and temperature. The class of
with sunlight occurring immediately
Amphibia is made up of more than
after a rain shower, some rainbows are
3,500 species which include the various
created by the light of the moon.
order of amphibians. Most amphibians
Moonbows are less common than
begin their lives in water and eventually
daylight rainbows. ---- Moonbows are
adapt to life on land by developing
often seen in the spray created toward
lungs and limbs that allow them to
the bottom of these falls. Additionally,
move on land.
moonbows usually require the light of
the full moon to be visible.
A) More than 160 species of amphibians
may already be extinct.
A) Double rainbows are formed when
B) The bodies of small animals lose heat
light refracts from a drop of water the
more quickly than the bodies of large
second time.
B) However, Earth is the only planet in
C) However, hot-blooded animals always
the solar system where rainbows are
have the same body temperature
unless they are sick.
C) It is also possible to create a rainbow
D) They are cold-blooded vertebrates
without involving water.
that include the well-known frogs and
D) Since raindrops are relatively circular
in shape, the reflection they create is
E) In their natural habitats, most species
also curved.
of reptile are adapted to this.
E) These illusions can only be seen in
some areas of the world, typically
where waterfalls are located.
www.remzihoca.com 2
3. Freshwater is vital for life, supporting 4. Meteorologists are scientists who study
ecosystems and human civilizations. --- and forecast weather. They use a
- However, it is becoming increasingly technology called radar to track storms,
threatened. Although the Earth’s including tornadoes. Radar gives them
surface is two-thirds water, less than information about how far away the
three percent is fresh. Pollution in the tornado is and how fast it is moving. ----
world’s rivers, streams, and lakes So their paths can be predicted with
renders water undrinkable and harms reasonable confidence. A system of
local wildlife. Overuse, triggered in part tornado watches and warnings is used
by population growth, causes water to alert the public to danger. A tornado
shortages and dries up lakes, rivers, or “watch” means thunderstorm
streams before they reach the sea or conditions exist that could set off a
downstream neighbours, sometimes tornado. A “warning” means a tornado
causing conflict. has touched down and been spotted.
3 www.remzihoca.com
5. There is a global calamity that has, for 6. Dinosaurs had adaptations which
the past century, been growing in effect helped make them successful. The first
to the Earth’s biosphere. The planet is known dinosaurs were small predators
undergoing what scientists call “a mass that walked on two legs. All their
extinction event” where hundreds of descendants had an upright posture,
species become extinct and entire with the legs underneath the body. This
ecosystems being decimated. The transformed their whole life-style. There
current extinction event is the sixth of were other features. ---- This would
its kind to occur in the Earth’s history make them active, with a higher
and is primarily caused by human over- metabolism than modern reptiles.
consumption and overpopulation. ---- Social interaction, with living in herds
While the event might seem a slow and and co-operation seems very likely for
gradual process, reports from The some types.
Science Mag show that the current
extinction event is occurring at a much A) Dinosaurs, a type of Archosaur
faster rate than all five previous mass reptile, were the dominant land
extinction events. animals of the Mesozoic era.
B) But some of the first dinosaur fossils
A) Fortunately, modern technology in the ever found were huge bones and
form of early warning systems has teeth, very lizard-like except for their
made mass extinctions noticeable to size.
geologists and biologists. C) Most of the smaller dinosaurs had
B) Effects caused by Storm Harvey feathers, and were probably warm-
which hit the southern parts of North blooded.
America and the Caribbean are slowly D) These common characteristics are
being contained. also the reason why palaeontologists
C) Nevertheless, technology cannot do are sure that dinosaurs had a
much to avert the reality that weather- common origin.
related natural disasters are on the E) This is the group of carnivorous
increase since the late 20th century. dinosaurs, which had long, strong
D) However, recent studies have shown legs so that they could run quickly to
an interrelation between the catch their prey.
increasing food shortages in recent
years and the sixth mass extinction
E) Populations are disappearing from the
Earth in their billions, and terrestrial
species have lost as much as 80% of
their original range in the past 100
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7. To calculate the number of stars in the 8. ---- For the maintenance and
galaxy, astronomers have to evaluate development of solar energy sources,
the mass of the galaxy. This can be there will also be a greater need for a
done by observing the galaxy's rotation larger workforce. This fact will lead to
about its axis. Another component of the generation of more jobs and thus
such a calculation is a spectral boost the economy of the countries
analysis, conducted with the use of a utilizing solar power. With the usage of
spectroscope. Over the last 30 years, solar energy, the greenhouse gasses
there have been other models used to will not be released. Thus, solar energy
calculate the number of stars in the will help create greener cities, towns,
Milky Way, varying from the and villages and slow down global
mathematical to the quantum. ---- warming.
Among the most common views stands
the lower bound in the calculations, A) Renewable energy sources
which figure there are around 100 accounted for roughly 15 percent of
billion stars. Conversely, the upper total electricity generation and 10
bounds of such forecasts claim 400 percent of total energy consumption in
billion stars lie in the Milky Way galaxy 2016.
in which our own solar system is B) The shift to renewable energy is
located. important because this energy will
never run out and it is a natural
A) The number of stars can be seen by source of energy.
some as a trivial bit of data, as such C) Nonrenewable sources of energy are
does not affect the decisions that only available in limited amounts and
people make in their daily business. take a long time to replenish.
B) This has led to different opinions, D) The manufacturing of solar panels
because each method offers its own requires more energy to produce than
way of measuring the average mass other forms of energy generation.
of the stars in our Milky Way. E) Cities are warmer than the
C) Space has captivated the minds of all surrounding countryside, and this can
people regardless of nationality, race, lead to a health crisis during heat
creed, and socio-economic waves.
D) Reading the stars in order to make
predictions regarding the future
became popular in early Eastern
society; originally stemming from the
Han Dynasty in China.
E) This accounts for the stars that would
be bigger or smaller than our sun, and
averages them out.
5 www.remzihoca.com
9. Solar energy is a renewable source of 10. ---- The storm led to a widespread
energy as it can be used to produce destruction of property which is
electricity as long as the sun exists. estimated to be worth billions of
Sunlight is available everywhere on the dollars. One of the hardest hit and least
Earth. This energy can be harnessed by reported sectors of the state's economy
installing solar panels that can reduce was travel which incurred billions of
our dependence on other countries for dollars in losses. According to the
consistent supply of coal to produce Travel Weekly, the travel industry
electricity. ---- Even so, it can be used injects as much as $35.2 billion into the
again and again during daytime. Solar state's economy annually, a figure only
energy from sun is consistent and surpassed by Texas' energy industry.
constant power source and can be used The sector was left on its knees in the
to harness power even in remote aftermath of the hurricane with the
locations. effects having a ripple effect across a
broad spectrum ranging from the
A) Solar energy cannot be produced normal car rentals to cruise ships.
during night and cloudy days.
B) They are often located on the roofs of A) Generating $35.2 billion last year, the
buildings where they can receive heat Texas travel industry accounted for
energy from the Sun. just over 2% of the state's total gross
C) The initial cost of purchasing a solar domestic product.
energy system is fairly high. B) In Texas, where Hurricane Harvey
D) The main benefit of solar energy is began bearing down on the state in
that it can be easily deployed by both the last days of August,
home and business users. unemployment came in at 4.2
E) The largest solar energy farm located percent.
in Spain sits on about 173 acres and C) Hurricane Harvey has not only caused
provides power to nearly 12,000 a humanitarian crisis in Texas but
households. also an enormous economic crisis.
D) Most homes in Harvey's path don't
have flood insurance, so owners will
have limited options if they need to
rebuild their homes after the storm.
E) With Hurricane Harvey, the big impact
is through the rainfall over the inland
www.remzihoca.com 6
1 E
2 D
3 D
4 D
5 E
6 C
7 B
8 B
9 A
10 C
7 www.remzihoca.com
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