Relationship Between Age, Corneal Astigmatism, and Ocular Dimensions With Reference To Astigmatism in Eyes Undergoing Routine Cataract Surgery
Relationship Between Age, Corneal Astigmatism, and Ocular Dimensions With Reference To Astigmatism in Eyes Undergoing Routine Cataract Surgery
Relationship Between Age, Corneal Astigmatism, and Ocular Dimensions With Reference To Astigmatism in Eyes Undergoing Routine Cataract Surgery
MA Nanavaty2
age, corneal
astigmatism, and
ocular dimensions
with reference to
astigmatism in eyes
undergoing routine
cataract surgery
Purpose To assess the relationship inversely correlates to AL. With increasing
between age, corneal astigmatism, and ocular age, the magnitude of astigmatism increases
dimensions with reference to astigmatism and ATR astigmatism becomes increasingly
correction during cataract surgery. prevalent. The likelihood of a patient requiring
Methods In this cross-sectional study of astigmatic correction increases with age.
right eyes of 2247 consecutive patients Eye (2016) 30, 562–569; doi:10.1038/eye.2015.274;
Brighton and Sussex attending cataract surgery preassessment, published online 22 January 2016
Medical School, data on patient demographics, axial length
Brighton, UK (AL), anterior chamber depth (ACD), and
keratometric astigmatism were collected.
Sussex Eye Hospital, Astigmatism was further analyzed as Cataract surgery aims to eliminate or reduce
Brighton and Sussex
against-the-rule (ATR: steepest meridian preexisting refractive error and is one of the
University Hospitals NHS
Trust, Brighton, UK 180 ± 30°), with-the-rule (WTR: 90 ± 30°), most commonly performed operations globally.
and oblique (OB: 30–60°or 120–150°). Patient demands and postoperative expectations
Correspondence: Results Mean age, AL, and ACD were are continuously increasing with advances
MA Nanavaty, Sussex Eye 72.28 ± 13.84 years, 23.99 ± 1.85 mm and in surgical technique and improvement in
Hospital, Brighton and 3.08 ± 0.52 mm, respectively. In all, 20.4% intraocular lens (IOL) design and calculations.
Sussex University Hospitals
eyes had ≤ 0.50 diopters (D), 55.2% had To achieve best postoperative visual outcomes,
NHS Trust, Eastern Road,
Brighton BN2 5BF UK 0.51–1.50 D, 7.9% had 2.01–3.00 D, and 3.7% spherical and astigmatic components of
Tel: +44 (0) 7947166134; eyes had 43.00 D of astigmatism. Overall, refractive error should be corrected during
Fax: +44 (0) 01273 664942. 44.2% of eyes had corneal astigmatism cataract surgery.1 The prevalence of corneal
E-mail: mayank.nanavaty@ 41.00 D. Average astigmatism in age astigmatism has been widely reported in
ranges 40–49, 50–59, 60–69, 70–79, 80–89, and several parts of the world.
90+ years were 0.82, 1.04, 1.04, 1.02, 1.15 It is useful to assess the relationship of corneal
Received: 24 June 2015
Accepted: 9 November and 2.01 D, respectively. The magnitude of astigmatism, age, and ocular dimensions to further
2015 preoperative astigmatism positively correlated understand and predict the necessity for offering
Published online: with age (Po0.0001), with increasing and astigmatism correction procedures such as
22 January 2016 decreasing prevalence of ATR and WTR peripheral corneal-relaxing incisions (PCRIs) and
astigmatism, respectively, with advancing age. toric IOLs in publicly funded National Health
A brief version of this paper
The magnitude of ATR astigmatism inversely Service (NHS) government hospitals, such as in
has been presented at the
Annual Meeting of the correlates to AL (Po0.0001). ATR astigmatism the United Kingdom, as these procedures have
British Society of Refractive is more prevalent with increasing magnitude to be cost-effective. PCRIs are proven to neutralize
Surgery, Birmingham, UK, of astigmatism (Po0.0001). more astigmatism compared with on-axis
March 2015, as well as at Conclusions A majority of patients for incisions (on steep axis),2,3 which are limited to
the Annual Meeting of
Students' Independent
cataract surgery have astigmatism between 0.51 approximately 1.0 dioptre (D).4 However, PCRIs
Research Project and 1.5 D. ATR astigmatism increases, whereas are shown to have regression when performed
Conference, Brighton, UK. WTR decreases with age. ATR astigmatism for ≥ 3.5 D of astigmatism.5 Toric IOLs are effective
Astigmatism and ocular dimensions in eyes with cataract
O Collier Wakefield et al
Astigmatism and ocular dimensions in eyes with cataract
O Collier Wakefield et al
Figure 1 (a) Corneal astigmatism distribution in 0.25-D steps for the entire sample (2247 eyes). (b) Distribution of entire sample for each
age subgroup. (c) Frequency distribution of corneal astigmatism in 0.50-D steps for the seven age groups. (d) Correlation between
magnitude of total corneal astigmatism and age.
Astigmatism and ocular dimensions in eyes with cataract
O Collier Wakefield et al
Astigmatism and ocular dimensions in eyes with cataract
O Collier Wakefield et al
Figure 3 (a) Correlation between mean corneal astigmatism in the WTR/ATR/OB groups and age. (b) The prevalence of WTR/ATR/
OB astigmatism by age. (c) The prevalence of WTR/ATR/OB by different magnitudes of astigmatism. (d) Correlation between
magnitude of preoperative astigmatism and ACD with reference to WTR/OB/ATR. (e) Correlation between magnitude of preoperative
astigmatism and AL with reference to WTR/OB/ATR.
reduce postoperative astigmatism. Analysis of this cohort should be assessed collectively preoperatively to decide
showed that the magnitude of ATR astigmatism negatively the best method to correct astigmatism during cataract
correlated to AL (Figure 3e), meaning that smaller eyes surgery with improved visual outcomes.
have a larger degree of ATR astigmatism in patients As the likelihood of a patient requiring astigmatic
undergoing cataract surgery. Conversely, ACD showed no correction at the time of cataract surgery increases with
significant correlation with corneal astigmatism (Figure 3d). age, it is useful to factor the cost of astigmatic corrective
AL is commonly regarded as the most significant determinant procedures when estimating expenses for cataract surgery
of refractive error.22 The key findings of other papers relating in an ageing population. This is particularly relevant in
to AL and ACD can be seen in Table 2c; however, to our countries where majority of cataract surgery is performed
knowledge no paper has reported a significant correlation in the publicly funded government hospitals such as in the
between AL and the magnitude of preoperative corneal United Kingdom with National Health Service (NHS),
astigmatism. In light of this, AL and corneal astigmatism compared with other countries. Furthermore, treatment
Astigmatism and ocular dimensions in eyes with cataract
O Collier Wakefield et al
Age (years)
Mean ± SD 72.28 ± 13.84 60.59 ± 9.87 70.56 ± 9.55 72.27 ± 11.59
Range 10, 109 32, 87 40, 95 16, 98
Astigmatism (D)
Mean ± SD 1.11 ± 0.88 0.90 ± 0.93 1.01 ± 0.69 1.07 ± 0.73
Range 0.02, 13.71 0.25, 6.75 0.05, 6.59 0.06, 5.52
K1 (D)
Mean ± SD 43.18 ± 1.64 43.48 ± 1.61 43.76 ± 1.53 43.57 ± 1.56
Range 32.19, 48.98 — — 38.09, 51.76
K2 (D)
Mean ± SD 44.29 ± 1.70 44.08 ± 1.59 44.76 ± 1.56 44.64 ± 1.65
Range 36.97, 52.53 — — 39.61, 52.98
Abbreviations: K1, flat keratometry, K2, steep keratometry.
Table 2b Summary of clinical studies relating to the magnitude and axis of astigmatism
Hashemi17 Iran a
/5020 40–65 Prevalence of ATR/OB astigmatism increased with age.
Higher education inversely correlated to magnitude of
astigmatism (P ≤ 0.001).
Astigmatism was higher in men.
Guan1 China 1430/827 ≥ 16 45.45% of eyes had 41.00 D of astigmatism.
The magnitude of corneal astigmatism was positively correlated
with age.
Corneal astigmatism shifts with age from WTR to ATR.
Chen9 China 4831/2849 40–95 41.3% of eyes had 41.00 D of astigmatism.
Corneal astigmatism shifts with age from WTR to ATR.
Ferrer-Blasco10 Spain 4540/2415 32–87 34.8% of eyes had 41.00 D of astigmatism.
Corneal astigmatism o1.25 D was present in most cataract surgery
candidates (78%).
13% of cataract surgery candidates do not have corneal astigmatism.
Khan12 UK 1230/746 ≥ 30 40.41% of eyes had 41.00 D of astigmatism.
Nemeth24 Hungary 1092/a ≥ 15 32.78% of eyes had 41.00 D of astigmatism.
ATR astigmatism prevalence positively correlated to age.
Hoffmann11 Germany 23 239/15 448 a
8% of eyes had corneal astigmatism 42.00 D, and 2.6% had 43.00 D.
This study UK 2247/2247 10–109 44.2% of eyes had 41.00 D of astigmatism.
ATR astigmatism is more prevalent with increasing magnitude of
astigmatism, whereas OB astigmatism is less prevalent.
Not mentioned.
should arguably be more aggressive during cataract on prevalence of corneal astigmatism in our population is
surgery, because astigmatism will develop with age and very useful for further design of local protocol and analysis
increasing astigmatism is implicated with higher costs.23 of potential costs for the local NHS trust and NHS England.
As 44.2% of this cohort have 41 D of astigmatism and toric With reference to potential costs, an American study23
IOLs are affective for treating 41 D of astigmatism at concluded toric IOLs (where astigmatism 41.5 D) reduce
the time of surgery, this data is also useful to assess the lifetime economic costs by reducing the need for glasses
necessity for use of toric IOLs in this population.6 The data or contact lenses, following cataract removal.
Astigmatism and ocular dimensions in eyes with cataract
O Collier Wakefield et al
Study (first author) Country Number (n) Age (in years) Findings
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