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Ansi C92.1 (1982)

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A N S I C72-3 82

~~ m 0 7 2 4 3 5 0 0006258 3 m ANSI C92.1-1982

for power systems -

insulation coordination

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A N S I C 9 2 - L 8 2 M 0724350 0006259 5 M

Revision of
ANSI C92.1-1971

American National Standard

for Power Systems -
Insulation Coordination

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
National Electrical Manufacturers Association

Approved April 12, 1982

American National Standards institute, inc

COPYRIGHT 2003; American National Standards Institute

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American An American National Standard implies a consensus of those substantially concerned with its
scope and provisions. An American National Standard is intended as a guide to aid the manu-
National facturer, the consumer, and the general public, The existence of an American National Stan-
dard does not in any respect preclude anyone, whether he has approved the standard or not,
Standard from manufacturing, marketing, purchasing, or using products, processes, or procedures not
conforming to the standard. American National Standards are subject to periodic review and
users are cautioned to obtain the latest editions.
The American National Standards Institute does not develop standards and will in no circum-
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have the right or authority to issue an interpretation of an American National Standard in the
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on all standards by calling or writing the American National Standards Institute.

Published by

American National Standards Institute

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Copyright O 1982 by American National Standards Institute, Inc

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A N S I C72.L 8 2
~ m 0724350 000b2bL 3 m

Foreword (This Foreword i s not a part of American National Standard C92.1-1982.)

This standard is a major revision of the previous standard, ANSI C92.1-1971, and presents the
process of insulation coordination. Two discrete areas are addressed: self-restoring and non-self-
restoring insulation, The statistical procedure of insulation coordination is applicable only for
self-restoring insulations.
The basic lightning impulse insulation levels (BIL) and the basic switching impulse insulation
levels (BSL) for self-restoring insulations are statistically defined as the crest value of a lightning
or switching impulse test voltage at which the insulation exhibits a 90% withstand probability
(or a 10%flashover probability). The distribution of lightning or switching overvoltages is de-
f i e d by a single value that is the crest value of an overvoltage having a 2% probability of being
exceeded. The statistical or probabilistic method for insulation coordination allows for insulation
failures to occur and attempts to quantify the probability of an insulation flashover. This method
statistically compares the voltage stresses on the insulation with the strength of the insulation.
The conventional method for insulation coordination presently required for non-self-restoring
insulations consists of comparing the conventional BIL or BSL with the maximum lightning or
switching overvoltage. The probability of a flashover is not calculated using the conventional
For purposes of insulation coordination, maximum system voltages above 1 kV are divided into
three voltage classes:
Medium Voltage. Greater than 1 kV and equal or less than 72.5 kV.
High Voltage. Greater than 72.5 kV and equal to or less than 242 kV.
Extra-High and Ultra-High Voltage. Greater than 242 kV.
This standard, although applicable to the three voltage classes, places primary emphasis on volt-
ages greater than 242 kV. For the purposes of insulation coordination, extra-high and ultra-high
voltages are considered one class. Work on the medium and high voltage classes is now in
progress in cooperation with the equipment committees and, upon completion, this standard
will be revised.
This standard applies only to phase-to-ground insulation except for some definitions. Future re-
visions will treat phase-to-phase insulation and also the area of the lightning chopped wave in-
sulation strength.
In the development of this standard, IEC Publication 71-1, Insulation Coordination, Part 1:

Terms, Definitions, Principles, and Rules, 1976, was used as the primary guide. The major dif-
ferences between this standard and the IEC standard are as follows:
(1) Maximum system voltages of 550 and 800 kV are used instead of 525 and 765 kV
(2) Values of BILs and BSLs of 825 and 900 kV are used instead of 850 and 950 kV
(3) Values of BILs or BSLs above 1800 kV increase in increments of 125 kV, whereas in
the IEC standard, increments of 150 kV are used
(4) The terms BIL and BSL are maintained in this standard, whereas the IEC standard uses
the term rated lightning (or switching) impulse withstand voltage
(5) In this standard, the specific combination of values of BIL and BSL for an apparatus is
not specified. In the IEC standard, a specific set of values of BIL are tied to each value of BSL
Suggestions for improvement and revision of this standard will be welcome. They should be
sent to the National Electrical Manufacturers Association, 2101 L Street, NW, Suite 300,
Washington, D.C. 20037.

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This standard was processed and approved for submittal to ANSI by American National Stan-
dards Committee on Insulation Coordination, C92. Committee approval of the standard does
not necessarily imply that all committee members voted for its approval. At the time it approved
this standard, the C92 Committee had the following members:

A. R. Hileman, Chairman
J. J. Kark, Secretary
D. D. Wilson, Recording Secretary

Organization Represented Name of Representative

American National Standards Committee on
National Electrical Safety Code, C2 (Liaison), . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .William J. Meese
American National Standards Committee on
Static Power Converting Equipment, C34 (Liaison) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..R. J. Moran
American Nafional Standards Committee on
Power Switchgear, C37 (Liaison), ............................ .C. L.Wagner
American National Standards Committee on
Standards for Capacitors, C55 (Liaison) ......................... .R. D. McClain
American National Standards Committee on
Transformers, Regulators, and Reactors, C57 (Liaison) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Saul Bennon
American National Standards Committee on Surge Arresters, C62 (Liaison) .....
.A. G. Yost
American National Standards Committee on
Techniques for Dielectric Tests, C68 (Liaison) ..................... J o h n M. Moran
American National Standards Committee on
Apparatus Bushings Standardization, C76 (Liaison) .................. .w. F. Giles
American National Standards Committee on
Preferred Voltage Ratings for AC Systems and Equipment, C84 (Liaison) .....
.J. M. Ladden
Electric Light and Power Group. .............................. .Raymond Allustiarti
S . H.Grimmett
E. P. Paulochick
C. L. Rudasill
R. A. See1
C. C. Smith
K.G. Adgate (Alt)
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ..................... .J. C. Dutton
A. R. Hileman
/ W. C. Lauth
D. J. Melvold
E. A. Neal
D. R. Smith
C. L.Wagner
D. D.Wilson
P. L. Bellaschi (Alt)
D. R. Shankle (Alt)
International Electrotechnical Commission, Committees 28 and 28A
(Working Group 1) on Insulation Coordination (Liaison) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .R. C. Mierendorf
National Electrical Manufacturers Association . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Saul Bennon
A. M. Bruning
F. J. Ellert
R. F. Lawrence
L. C. McConnell
A. G. Yost
Zen0 Neri (Alt)
Tennessee Valley Authority, ................................ .F. D. Rampey
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Rural Electrification Administration. . . . . . . . . .Merle J. Beachy
US. Department of the Interior, Bonneville Power Administration . . . . . . . . . . .E. C. Starr
U.S. Department of the Navy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J o h n R. Ruff

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A N S I C 7 2 - L 82 m 0724350 000b263 7 m

Contents PAGE
1. ScopeandPurpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.1 Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.2 Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2 Related Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3 . Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
4 . Basic Principles of Insulation Coordination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
4.1 Voltage Stresses Affecting Insulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
4.2 Ranges of Maximum System Voltages.'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
4.3 Dielectric Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
4.4 Coordination for Voltages Under Normal Operating Conditions and for
. Temporary Overvoltages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
4.5 Coordination for Lightning and Switching Overvoltages .................... 11
5. Preferred Values of BIL for Equipment in the Medium Voltage
and High Voltage Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
5.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
5.2 Preferred BILs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -12
6 . Standard BILs and BSLs for Equipment in the Extra-High and
Ultra-High Voltage Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
6.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
6.2 Preferred BILs and BSLs for Maximum System Voltages
Above242kV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
6.3 BILs and BSLs for Protected and Unprotected Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
7 General Test Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
7.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
7.2 BIL and BSL Tests . . . . . . . . . ;. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
7.3 Statistical BIL and BSL Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
7.4 Conventional BIL and BSL Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
7.5 Low-Frequency Voltage Withstand Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
8. Revision of American National Standards Referred to in This Document . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Table 1 Preferred BILs and BSLs for V, > 242 kV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13


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A N S I C72.L 82 0 7 2 4 1 5 0 00062bL1 7 = I


American National Standard

for Power Systems -
Insulation Coordination

1. Scope and Purpose 3. Definitions

1.1 Scope. This standard applies to equipment for 3.1 System Voltage. A root mean square phase-to-
three-phase alternating-current systems having a system phase power frequency voltage on a three-phase alter-
voltage above 1 kV nominal and, except for some nating current electrical system (see ANSI C92.2-1981).
definitions, includes only phase-to-ground insulation.
3.2 Maximum System Voltage (V,,). The highest root
1.2 Purpose. The object of this standard is to guide the mean square phase-to-phase voltage that occurs on the
preparation of specifications for insulation of the vari- system under normal operating conditions, and the
ous items of equipment in a given installation. For the highest root mean square phase-to-phasevoltage for
tests prescribed in this standard, the values of the basic which equipment and other system components are
lightning impulse insulation levels (BILs) and the basic designed for satisfactory continuous operation without
switching impulse insulation levels (BSLs) shall be de-rating of any kind. (This voltage generally provides
chosen from the preferred values of this standard. Each a per unit base voltage for insulation coordination
standards developer shall be responsible for specifying studies, and for the application of surge arresters. When
the BILs, BSLs, and test procedures suitable for its defining maximum system voltage, voltage transients
equipment, incorporating the content of this standard, and temporary overvoltages caused by abnormal sys-
where practical. tem conditions such as faults, load rejection, etc, are
excluded. However, voltage transients and temporary
overvoltages may affect equipment operating perfor-
2. Related Standards mance and are considered in equipment application.)
(See ANSI C92.2-€981.9
This standard is intended to be used in conjunction
3.3 Nominal System Voltage. The system voltage by
with the following American National Standards (see
which the system may be designated and to which
Section 89:
certain operating characteristics of the system are re-
American National Standard Preferred Voltage Ratings lated, (The nominal system voltage is near the voltage
for Alternating-Current Electrical Systems and Equip- level at which the system normally operates and pro-
ment Operating at Voltages Above 230 Kilovolts vides a per-unit base voltage for the purpose of system
Nominal, ANSI C92.2-1981 studies, such as load flows. To allow for operating con-
tingencies, systems generally operate at voltage levels
American National Standard General Requirements
about 5% to 10%below the maximum system voltage
for Liquid-Immersed Distribution, Power, and Regulat-
for which the system components are designed.) (See
ing Transformers, ANSIIIEEE C57.12.00-1980
ANSI C92.2-1981.)
American National Standard Test Code for Liquid-
Immersed Distribution, Power, and Regulating Trans- 3.4 Extra-High Voltage (EHV). A maximum system
formers and Guide for Short-Circuit Testing of Distri- voltage that is greater than 242 kilovolts but less than
bution and Power Transformers, ANSI/IEEE 1000 kilovolts (see ANSI C92.2-1981).
C57.12.90-1980 3.5 Utra-High Voltage (UHV). A maximum system
American National Standard for Surge Arresters for voltage that is equal to or greater than 1000 kilovolts
AC Power Circuits, ANSIIIEEE C62.1-1981 (see ANSI C92.2-1981).
American National Standard Techniques for High Volt- 3.6 Insulation Coordination. The process of bringing
age Testing, ANSIIIEEE 4-1978 the insulation strengths of electrical equipment into


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ANSI C 9 2 - 1 8 2 W 0 7 2 4 3 5 0 000b2b5 O S ,


the proper relationship with expected overvoltages and uct meets the design specifications and applicable stan-
with the characteristics of surge protective devices. dards.
3.7 External Insulation. The distances in open air and NOTE: Certain quality assurance tests on identified critical
across the surfaces of the solid insulation of equipment parts of repetitive high-production devices may be tested on a
planned statistical sampling basis.
in contact with open air that are subjected to dielectric
stresses and to the effects of atmospheric and other ex- 3.15 Ungrounded Neutral System. A system in which
ternal conditions such as contamination, humidity, the neutral is not connected to ground except through
animals, etc. potential-indicating or -measuring devices or other
very-high-împedance devices.
3.8 Internal Insulation. The internal solid, liquid, or
gaseous parts of the insulation of equipment that are 3.16 Resonant Grounded System (System Grounded
protected by the equipment enclosure from the effects Through an ArcSuppression Coil). A system grounded
of atmospheric and other conditions such as contamina- through a reactor, the reactance being such that during
tion, humidity, animals, etc. a single phase-to-ground fault, the power frequency in-
ductive current passed by this reactor essentially neu-
3.9 Indoor External Insulation. External insulation
tralizes the power-frequency capacitive component of
that is designed to operate inside buildings or other
the ground-fault current.
protective enclosures and consequently is not exposed
t o the weather. NOTE: With resonant grounding of a system, the net current
in the fault is limited to such an extent that an arc fault in air
3.10 Outdoor External Insulation. External insulation would be self-extinguishing.
that is designed to operate outside buildings or other
protective enclosures and consequently is exposed to 3.17 Grounded Neutral System. A system in which
the weather. the neutral is connected to ground, either solidly or
3.1 1 Self-Restoring Insulation. Insulation that com- through a resistance or reactance of sufficiently low
pletely recovers insulating properties after a disruptive value to reduce temporary and transient overvoltages
discharge. This type of insulation is generally, but not and t o improve the conditions for selective ground-
necessarily, external insulation. fault protection.

3.12 Non-Self-Restoring Insulation. Insulation that 3.18 Ground-Fault Factor. For a given system con-
loses insulating properties or does not recover complete- figuration, the ratio of the highest root mean square
ly after a disruptive discharge. This type of insulation phase-to-ground power-frequency voltage on a sound
is generally, but not necessarily, internal insulation. phase during a fault-to-ground (affecting one or more
phases at any point) to the root mean square phase-to-

3.13 Design Test (Type Test). Tests made by the ground power-frequency voltage that would be ob-
manufacturer to determine the adequacy of the design tained at a selected location on a three-phase system
of a particular type, style, or model of equipment or its without the fault.
component parts to meet its assigned ratings and to
operate satisfactorily under normal service conditions NOTES:
(1) This factor is a numerical ratio (> 1 ) and characterizes,
or under special conditions, if specified. Design tests in general terms, the grounding conditions of a system as
may also be used to demonstrate compliance with ap- viewed from the selected location, independent of the actual
plicable standards of the industry. operating value of the voltage at that location.
(2) Ground-fault factors for three-phase systems are cal-
NOTE: Design tests are made on representative apparatus or culated from the phase-sequence impedance components as
prototypes to verify the validity of design analysis and calcula- viewed from the selected location. For machines, the sub-
tion methods and to substantiate the ratings assigned to all transient reactance ís used.
other apparatus of basically the same design. These tests are (3) If, for all system configurations, the zero-sequence re-
not intended to be used as normal production tests. The ap- actance is less than three times the positive-sequence reac-
plicable portion of these design tests may also be used to eval- tance, and if zero-sequence resistance does not exceed the
uate modifications of a previous design and to ensure that per- positive-sequence reactance, the ground-fault factor will
formance has not been adversely affected. Test data from generally not exceed 1.3.
previous similar designs may be used for current designs, where (4) ANSI/IEEE C62.1-1981 defines a “Coefficient of Ground-
appropriate, Once made, the tests need not be repeated unless ing.” This coefficient can be obtained by dividing the ground-
the design is changed so as to modify performance. fault factor by @.

3.14 Routine Tests (Production Tests). Tests made for 3.19 Overvoltage. Any time-dependent voltage be-
quality control by the manufacturer on every device tween one phase and ground or between phzses with a
or on representative samples, or on parts or materials crest value or values exceeding the corresponding crest
as required to verify, during production, that the prod- value V, &/fi, or V, .\/z respectively (see 3.2).

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A N S I C72-1 82 m O724150 000b2bb 2


NOTE: Overvoltages are transient phenomena. A general dis- 3.25 Conventional Maximum Lightning (or Switching)
tinction may be made between highly damped overvoltages of Overvoltage. The crest value of a lightning (or switch-
relatively short duration (see 3.22 and 3.23) and undamped
or only slightly damped overvoltages of relatively long dura- ing) overvoltage that is adopted as the maximum over-
tion (see 3.26). The transition between these two groups voltage in the conventionalprocedure of insulation
cannot be clearly defined. coordination (see 4.5.3).
3.20 Pliase-to-Ground Per Unit Overvoltage. The ratio 3.26 Temporary Overvoltage. An oscillatory phase-
of the crest values of a phase-to-ground overvoltage to-ground or phase-to-phase overvoltage a t a specific
per unit and of the phase-to-ground voltage correspond- system location that i s of relatively long duration and
ing to the maximum system voltage (i.e., Vmd/&).’ that is undamped or only slightly damped.
Temporary overvoltages usually originate from
3.21 Phase-to-Phase Fer Unit Overvoltage. The ratio switching operations, faults, load rejection, and non-
of the crest values of a phase-to-phase overvoltage per linearities (ferro-resonance effects, harmonics) and are
unit and of the phase-to-ground voltage correspond- characterized by amplitude, oscillation frequencies,
ing to the maximum system voltage (i.e., Vmfi/&).’ total duration, or decrement.
3.27 Withstand Voltage. The voltage that electrical
3.22 Lightning Overvoltage. A phase-to-ground or equipment is capable of withstanding without failure
a phase-to-phase overvoltage2 at a given location on or disruptive discharge when tested under specified
a system due to one specific lightning discharge or conditions.
other cause, the shape of which can be regarded, for
the purpose of insulation coordination, as similar to 3.28 Standard Lightning Impulse. A full impulse3
that of the standard lightning impulse. Such overvolt- having a front time of 1.2 microseconds and a time-
ages are usually unidirectional and of very short dura- to-half-value of 50 microseconds. It is described as a
tion. 1.2/50 impulse (see ANSI/IEEE 4-1978).
3.29 Standard Switching Impulse. A full impulse3
3.23 Switching Overvoltage. A phase-to-ground or a having a front time of 250 microseconds and a time-
phase-to-phase overvoltage2 a t a given location on a to-half-value of 2500 microseconds. It is described as
system due to one specific switching operation, fault, a 250/2500 impulse (see ANSIIIEEE 4-1978).
or other cause, the shape of which can be regarded,
for the purpose of insulation coordination, as similar 3.30 Basic Lightning Impulse Insulation Level. The
to that of the standard switching impulse. Such over- electrical strength of insulation expressed in terms of
voltages are usually highly damped and of short dura- the crest value of a standard lightning impulse. The
tion. basic lightning impulse insulation level (BIL) may be
either a statistical BIL or a conventional BIL, defined
3.24 Statistical Lightning (or Switching) Overvoltage as follows:
(Ez). Lightning (or switching) overvoltage as a result 3.30.1 Statistical BIL. Applicable specifically to

of an event of one specific type on the system (lightning self-restoring in~ulations.~ The crest value of a stan-
discharge, line energization, reclosing, fault occurrence, dard lightning impulse for which the insulation exhibits
etc), with a crest value that has a 2% probability of a 90% probability of withstand (or a 10%probability
being exceeded. of failure) under specified conditions.
3.30.2 Conventional BIL. Applicable specifically
to non-self-restoring in~ulations.~ The crest value of a
‘The per unit overvoltages defined in 3.20 and 3.21 for the
purpose of insulation coordination studies are referenced to standard lightning impulse for which the insulation
the crest value of the phase-to-ground voltage corresponding shall not exhibit disruptive discharge when subjected
to the maximum system voltage. When overvoltages are mea- to a specific number of applications of this impulse
sured in various conditions during tests on a system or an
equivalent model, these overvoltages may be referred to the under specified conditions.
phase-to-ground voltage immediately prior to the overvolt-
age. In such cases, the term “overvoltage factor” should be
used for the ratio. Since the overvoltages are not always pro- It is recognized that some apparatus standards (e.g., trans-
portional to the system voltage, it i s necessary to state the formers).may use a modified wave shape when practical test
overvoltage factor as well as all conditions of the test. considerations or particular dielectric strength characteristics
For the purpose of insulation coordination, lightning and make such modification imperative.
switching overvoltages are classified according to shape and Depending on the type of insulation and conforming to the
duration, regardless of origin. Although considerable devia- requirements of the standards developer, dielectric tests are
tions from the standard shapes occur on actual systems, such made to verify that both the statistical BIL or BSL and the
overvoltages are defined by classification and crcst (peak) conventional BIL or BSL are equal to or higher than the BIL
value in this standard. or BSL.

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ANSI C72.1 8 2 W 072'4150 0 0 0 6 2 6 7 '4


3.31 Basic Switching Impulse Insulation Level. The NOTE: The lightning impulse protective levels are given
electrical strength of insulation expressed in terms of numerically by the maximums of the following quantities:
(1) Front-of-wave impulse sparkover voltage
the crest value of a standard switching impulse. The (2) 1.2/50 impulse sparkover voltage
basic switching impulse insulation level (BSL) may be (3) Discharge voltage at a given discharge current
either a statistical BSL or a conventional BSL, defined
3.39 Switching Impulse Protective Levels of a Surge
as follows:
Protective Device. The highest value of switching
3.31.1 Statistical BSL. Applicable specifically to
impulse voltage that may appear across the terminals
self-restoring insulation^.^ The crest value of a stan-
of a protective device under prescribed conditions.
dard switching impulse for which the insulation ex-
hibits a 90%probability of withstand (or a 10% prob- NOTE: The switching impulse protective levels are given
ability of failure) under specified conditions. numerically by the maximums of the following quantities:
(1) Switching impulse discharge voltage
3.31.2 Conventional BSL. Applicable specifically (2) Switching impulse sparkover voltage
to non-self-restoring insulation^.^ The crest value of a
standard switching impulse for which the insulation 3.40 Protective Ratio. The ratio of the insulation
does not exhibit disruptive discharge when subjected strength of the protected equipment to the protec-
to a specific number of applications of this impulse tive level of the surge protective device.
under specified conditions. 3.41 Protective Margin, The value of the protective
ratio (PR) minus one, expressed in percent, (PR - i)/
3.32 Special Switching Impulses. The impulses to be
used if the standard switching impulse does not give 100.
the desired test information are 100/2500 and 500/
2500. Oscillatory impulses and those impulses defined
by their time above 90% as specified in ANSIIIEEE 4. Basic Principles of Insulation Coordination
C57.12.90-1980 for transformer testing are also in
this category. 4.1 Voltage Stresses Affecting Insulation. The follow-
ing classes of dielectric stresses may be impressed on
3.33 Critical Flashover Voltage. Applicable specifically
equipment during system operation:
to self-restoring insulations. The crest value of an im-
(1) Power frequency voltages under normal operat-
pulse that, under specified conditions, causes critical ing conditions, Le., not exceeding the maximum
flashover through the surrounding medium on 50% system voltage
of the applications. (2) Temporary overvoltages
3.34 Critical Switching Impulse Wave Front. Appli- (3) Switching overvoltages
cable specifically to self-restoring insulations. The wave (4) Lightning overvoltages
front of a switching impulse that, when applied to an For a specific voltage stress, the behavior of internal
insulation, produces a minimum value of critical flash- insulation may be influenced by the degree of aging
over. and internal contamination. External insulation may be
influenced by the degree of atmospheric contamination.
3.35 Rated Short-Duration or LongDuration Low- 4.2 Ranges of Maximum System Voltages. The stan-
Frequency Withstand Voltage. The prescribed root dard values of maximum system voltages are divided
mean square value of a sinusoidal low-frequency volt- into three voltage classes:
age that equipment shall withstand during tests made (1) Medium Voltage. Greater than 1 kV and equal
under specified conditions and for a specified time. to or less than 72.5 kV

3.36 Statistical Safety Factor. The ratio of the statis- (2) High Voltage. Greater than 72.5 kV and equal
tical BIL or BSL to the corresponding statistical to or less than 242 kV
lightning overvoltage, E2 . (3) Extra-High and Ultra-High Voltages. Greater
than 242 kV
3.37 Conventional Safety Factor. The ratio of a con- For purposes of insulation coordination, extra-
ventional BIL or BSL to the corresponding maximum high and ultra-high voltages are considered one class.
4.3 Dielectric Tests
3.38 Lightning impulse Protective Level of a Surge 4.3.1 Types of Dielectric Tests. The following
Protective Device. The highest crest value of lightning types of dielectric tests are considered in this standard:
impulse voltage that may occur across the terminals (1) Short-durationlow-frequency tests
of the protective device under prescribed conditions. (2) Long-duration low-frequency tests


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A N S I C42.1i 8 2 I07241i50 000b2b8 b m


(3) Switching impulse tests of normal operating voltages and temporary overvoltages only.
(4)Lightning impulse tests The low-frequency tests presently prescribed by the standards
developers will apply.
Switching and lightning impulse tests may be
either withstand tests, with a suitable number of 4.4 Coordination for Voltages Under Normal Operat-
voltage impulses at the specified BIL or BSL applied ing Conditions and for Temporary Overvoltages, Long-
to the insulation, or critical flashover tests in which duration low-frequency tests that demonstrate the be-
the ability o€ the insulation to withstand impulses havior of equipment with respect to the aging of in-
at the rated BIL and BSL are inferred from the mea- ternal insulation or contamination of external insula-
surement of the critical flashover voltage. The critical tion should be prescribed by the standards developers.
flashover tests are only applicable to self-restoring The following are general guidelines,
insuiation. In specifying tests representative of stresses under
Short-duration low-frequency tests are withstand normal operating conditions and temporary over-
tests and values are not presently specified in this voltages, it should be assumed that:
standard. Preferred BILs and BSLs are included in (1) For normal operating conditions, the insulation
this standard. Guidance for long-duration low- shall withstand permanent operation at the maximum
frequency tests is presented in 4.4. system voltage.
4.3.2 Selection of Dielectric Tests for the Medium (2) Low-frequency tests to verify the ability to
and High Voltage Classes. The performance under withstand surface contamination should be conducted
lightning overvoltages shall be established by lightning at the appropriate voltage (i.e., either V,@, or V,
impulse tests. The performance under system frequen- if a system may operate for extended periods with a
cy operating voltages shall be established by short- phase grounded) (see 3.2).
duration low-frequency tests. The low-frequency tests (3) Temporary phase-to-ground crest overvoltages
also provide a measure of performance for temporary in the extra-high and ultra-high voltage class will not
overvoltages. Power transformers, however, require normally exceed 1.5 per unit, and the duration will not

special consideration since higher frequency temporary normally exceed one second on each occasion. Special
overvoltages may excite natural frequencies of oscilla- consideration may be required when system conditions
tion within the windings to produce greater than turns are more severe or when temporary overvoltages have
ratio voltage between parts. Also, the short-duration oscillation frequencies above system frequency.
low-frequency tests generally provide a measure of (4) Low-frequency tests are intended to verify, as
per €ormance for switching overvoltages. far as practical, that no significant deterioration of the
insulation will occur due to partial discharges (corona)
4.3.3 Selection of Dielectric Tests for the Extra- during the expected service life of equipment and that,
High and Ultra-High Voltage Class. The performance in the most severe conditions, the insulation is not
under lightning overvoltages shall be established by susceptible to thermal instability. These tests should
lightning impulse tests. be performed at a voltage above V,/fi phase-to-
The performance under switching overvoltages ground (see 3.2) and for a duration appropriate to the
shall be established by switching impulse tests. system conditions. All insulation components should
The performance under system frequency operating be stressed in the same proportions as would occur
voltages shall be established by short-duration and/or in service,
long-duration low-frequency tests. The low-frequency AU recommendations for test voltages, as well as
tests also provide a measure of performance for tempo- test procedures and test conditions, should be defined
rary overvoltages. Power transformers, however, re- by the standards developers.
quire special consideration since higher frequency
temporary overvoltages may excite natural frequencies 4,5 Coordination for Lightning and Switching Over-
of oscillation within the windings to provide greater voltages. In the extra-high and ultra-high voltage class,
than turns ratio voltage between parts. coordination for lightning and switching overvoltages
are essentially independent.
NOTE: In the past, the values of the traditional short-duration Insulation coordination assumes that the magnitude
low-frequency withstand test voltages in this range have been of the overvoltages (for reasonable system contingen-
of sufficient magnitude to account for some effects of switch-
ing overvoltages and temporary overvoltages. With the intro- cies) at the equipment location are known. Concurrent-
duction of switching impulse tests for equipment for systems ly, the electrical insulation characteristics of the equip-
with maximum system voltages in the extra-high and ultra-high ment and protective characteristics of applicable surge
voltage class and the availability of tests specific to corona
or partial discharges, the values of the low-frequency test volt- protective devices are also assumed to be known. In
ages may be reduced, and defined to be more representative some instances, experience on comparable systems


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A N S I C 7 2 - 3 8 2 M 0 7 2 4 3 5 0 0006269 8


may be used in the rationalization of both the system of the selection of a margin, characterized by the
overvoltages and equipment insulation characteristics.
The insulation strength of equipment for lightning
statistical safety factor, between the statistical BIL or
BSL and the statistical overvoltage, Ez ,that will result 4b
and switching stresses should be chosen on the basis in a probability of failure (capable of numerical ex-
of the predicted overvoltages. A statistical or a pression) deemed to be acceptable relative to system
conventional procedure may be used. reliability and cost.
The minimum acceptable values of the statistical
4.5.1 Choice of Procedure. The need for thorough
BIL or BSL voltages have thus been determined.
studies of system overvoltages,as well as the need to
4.5.3 Conventional Procedure. In this procedure,
conduct tests based on the application of a rather high
the criterion of insulation coordination for lightning
number of impulses, set practical limits on the use of
or switching overvoltagesis the margin between the
the statistical procedure of insulation coordination.
maximum overvoltage to be expected at the equip-
A statistical approach is particularly applicable
ment location and the conventional BIL and BSL.
when there is economic incentive for reduction of in-
This margin determines a safety factor that should
sulation strength, especially when switching overvolt-
not be less than an adequate value based upon experience.
ages are a problem. The statistical procedure is primarily
appropriate to the extra-high and ultra-high voltage
class and is not normally applied to the medium-
voltage and high-voltage classes. 5. Preferred Values of BIL for Equipment h
In all voltage classes, when the equipment insula- the Medium Voltage and High Voltage Classes
tion is essentially non-self-restoring, only a small num-
ber of impulse applications (for instance, three for each 5.1 General. This section specifies the preferred value
test condition as specified in 7.4.4) can often be ac- of BIL for medium voltage and high voltage classes.
ceptable to establish the withstand strength. At the The value for short-duration or long-duration power
present state of the art, it is impossible to consider frequency tests shall be established by the standards
failure probability as a design variable subject to quan- developer.
titative control. Thus, the use of the statistical pro-
cedure is presently restricted to self-restoring insulations.
4.5.2 Statistical Procedure. The statistical proce-
5.2 Preferred BILs. The preferred values of BIL for
the medium voltage and k g h voltage classes shall be
chosen from the following list, These values are ex-
dure allows for insulation failures to occur, and the pressed in terms of the kilovolt crest value of the
procedure attempts to quantify the risk of failure. standard lightning i m p u l ~ e . ~
A rigorous determination of the probability or risk
10 110 550
of failure for a given category of overvoltage requires
20 125 650
that both the overvoltage stresses and the equipment
30 150 750
insulation strength be described in terms of their re-
45 200 825
spective frequency distributions.
60 25o 900
In a simplified form of this procedure, assumptions
75 350 975
are made on the general characteristics of the probabil-
95 450 1050
ity distributions (e.g., normal frequency distribution
and standard deviation) that permit the representation
of each distribution by a single value of voltage cor-
responding to a specific value of probability. Such 6. Standard BILs and BSLs for Equipment
values of voltages are designated as the statistical over- in the Extra-Highand Ultra-High Voltage Class
voltage, Ez (see 3.24), in the case of the overvoltage
probability distribution, and as the statistical BIL or 6.1 General
BSL (see 3.30 and 3.3 1) in the case of the insulation 6.1.1 This section specifies BILs and BSLs for the
strength probability distribution. The statistical BIL or standard values of the maximum system voltages in the
BSL is so defined that the probability of failure is 10% extra-high voltage and ultra-high voltage class. These
or the probability of withstand is 90%. The statistical values are the same for both the statistical and the
lightning or switching overvoltage is so defined that conventional BILs and BSLs.
this voltage value, E2, has a 2% probability of being
Insulation coordination for a given category of over- SThe tabulated values do not apply to lighfning impulse
voltages, in this simplified statistical context, consists chopped wave tests.

12 --``,,,,`,`````````,,`````,``,`-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---

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ANSI C72*3 82 9 0724350 000b270’ 4


Table 1
Preferred BILs and BSLs for Vm > 242 kV
1 2 3 4 5
Base for per unit
Maximum System

362 296 2.53
3.04 900 1175

550 449

1050 1300,

2.90 1300 1550
3.17 1425 1675
800 65 3 2.18
1.99 %%]*{
2.37 1925
2.57 1675 2050

1200 980 t i.

*Various values of BIL and BSL may be used in combination as ap-

propriate to specific apparatus or system elements.
tThese values are not presently specified.

6.1.2 The values of preferred BILs and BSLs shall the list; and the associated BSL, as determined by the
be chosen from the following list. These levels are relationship, may differ from the values in the list.
expressed in terms of the kilovolt crest value of the
standard impulse.6 3
6.1.3 Specific combinations of BILs and BSLs are
not specified for each maximum system voltage. BILs
650 1425 2300 and BSLs from the groups in l‘able 1 shall be used,
750 1550 2425 except when BILs and BSLs other than those given in
825 1675 2550 Table 1 are technically and economically justifiable
900 1800 2675 due to the design of the system or the methods chosen
975 1925 2800 * for the control of lightning or switching overvoltages.
10508 2050 2925 6.1.4 Several BILs and BSLs may exist in the same
1175 2175 3050 system, appropriate to installations ,situated in different
1300 locations or t o various equipments situated in the same
A standards developer may determine that a fixed
relationship between BIL and BSL is appropriate for a 6.2 Preferred BILs and BSLs for Maximum System
specific equipment. The BIL shall then be chosen from Voltages Above 242 kV. Table 1 lists combinations of
maximum system voltages and the two components,
Electrical equipment that has been tested using a switching BIL and BSL.
impulse wave shape that produces more severe stresses on the
insulation than are produced by the standard switching impulse In Column 3, the per unit value of the BSL of
wave shape need not be retested. Column 4 is indicated.for convenience of comparison
‘The tabulated values do not apply to chopped wave tests. with expected per unit switching overvoltages.
8if particular apparatus standards require the use of nonprefer- 6.3 BILs and BSLs for Protected and Unprotected
red BILs O E BSLs above 1050 kV, it is recommended thaf inter-
mediate vaIues be obtained by adding 60 kV to the next lower Equipment, The BIL and BSL ranges associated with a
preferred value. particular maximum system voltage shown in Table 1


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0 7 2 Y 1 5 0 0 0 0 6 2 7 1 6 sl


are applicable to the equipment whether it is protected 7.3 Statistical BIL and BSL Tests
by a surge arrester or not, 7.3,1 As required for the particular apparatus being
6.3.1 Protected Equipment. For equipment pro- tested, one or more of three test procedures shall be
tected against overvoltages by surge arresters, the BIL used for tests on self-restoringinsulation in accordance
and BSL ranges were selected based on the following with ANSI/IEEE 4-1978. These tests are also applic-
criteria: able t o chopped wave tests.
(1) Expected values of temporary overvoltages Impulse Withstand Test. This test is
(2) Characteristics of applicable surge arresters made by applying fifteen impulses having crest magni-
(3) Adequate margins between the protective levels tude equal to the BIL or BSL. The requirements of the
of the surge arrester and the BIL and BSL of the equip- test are satisfied if no more than two disruptive dis-
ment charges occur.
6.3.2 Unprotected Equipment. For equipment not 3 X 3 Impulse Withstand Test. This
protected by surge arresters, the BIL and BSL ranges test is made by applying three impulses having crest
were selected based on the following criteria: magnitudes equal to the BIL or BSL. If no impulse
(1) Acceptable probability of failure based on the causes a disruptive discharge, the requirements of the
overvoltages occurring at the equipment location test are satisfied. If more than one disruptive discharge
(2) For switching overvoltages, the degree of over- occurs, the apparatus is considered to have failed the
voltage control obtained through surge control in the test. If one disruptive discharge occurs, three additional
switching devices, design of the system, etc impulses shall be applied. If no disruptive discharge oc-
curs, the requirements of the test are satisfied. Critical Flashover Test. This test is made
at voltages above the BIL or BSL using a procedure
7. General Test Procedure and the number of impulses that will establish the
critical flashover of the insulation with acceptable ac-
7.1 General. This section specifies lightning impulse curacy. There are a number of procedures available,
tests, switching impulse tests, and low-frequency with- and any of these may be used, providing that the ac-
stand tests as defined by ANSI/IEEE 4-1978. The pur- curacy of the determination is within one-half of the
pose of these tests is t o verify that an equipment com- standard deviation with a confidence level of 95%.
plies with the BILs, BSLs, and short-duration low- The critical flashover shall not be less than l/(l- 1.30)
frequency withstand voltages, Other tests may be speci- times the BIL or BSL, where u is the standard devia-
fied by the standards developer. tion of the disruptive discharge voltage in per unit of
critical flashover.’ Unless otherwise recommended by
For each type of test and each type of equipment,
the methods of detecting insulation failures and the the standards developer, the following values will be
criteria of failure of the insulation during the tests shall assumed for air insulation:
be the responsibility of the standards developer. lightning impulse tests: u = 0.03
switching impulse tests: u = 0.06
7.2 BIL and BSL Tests. The BIL and BSL shall be de- 7.3.2 Lightning and switching impulse tests shall be
termined by tests using the prospective crest value of made as design tests.
standard lightning and switching impulses of positive 7.3.3 Lightning impulse tests shall be made with
and negative polarities. External insulation tests should the equipment dry for both indoor and outdoor equip-
be referenced to standard atmospheric conditions, and ment.

for wet tests, to standard conditions as defined in 7.3.4 For indoor equipment, and for outdoor in-
ANSIIIEEE 4-1978. The standards developers specify ternal equipment insulation, switching impulse tests
different impulse shapes if necessary to establish the shall be made with the equipment dry. Wet and dry
lowest withstand of a particular apparatus, or if the tests shall be made for outdoor external equipment
standard impulse shape cannot be achieved for a par- insulation. For the latter, however, if it is known which
ticular test object with presently available test equip- condition, wet or dry, gives the lower disruptive dis-
ment. charge voltage, it is sufficient to test with that condition.
Two types of impulse tests should be used: the 7.3.5 The equipment shall be tested by applying
statistical tests (see 4.5.2 and 7.3) and the conventional standard lightning and switching impulses of positive
test (see 4.5.3 and 7.4). The choice for application to
particular apparatus shall be the responsibility of the
This value of critical flashover corresponds for the impulse
standards developers within the general guidelines set voltage to the reference withstand probability (90%) in a
forth in this standard. Gaussian distribution.


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and negative polarities, except if it is known which 7.5 Low-Frequency Voltage Withstand Tests
polarity will give the lower disruptive discharge volt- 7.5.1 The low-frequency test voltage shali be speci-
age, in which case, it is sufficient to test with that fied as the root mean square value of the voltage which
polarity. the insulation shall be capable of withstanding for the
specified time duration. The wave shape should be as
7.4 Conventional BIL and BSL Tests close to sinusoidal as possible. If the test voltage is
7.4.1 This test restricts the number of impulses
nonsinusoidal, the crest value divided by G i s defined
to avoid possible damage to non-self-restoring insula-
as the test voltage.
tion. 7.5.2 The dry low-frequency withstand test shall be
7.4.2 The conventional BILs and BSLs are verified
made as a routine test, except where otherwise speci-
by lightning and switching impulse withstand tests in .
fied by the standards developer.
which the test voltage applied shall be equal to the BIL
7.5.3 The wet low-frequency test (to ground) ap-
or BSL. plicable t o external outdoor insulation shall be made
7.4.3 Lightning and switching impulses shall be of
as a design test.
the standard shapes and of positive or negative polar-
ity, or both. The polarity or polarities to be used shall NOTE: Low-frequency tests include induced voltage tests on
be specified by the standards developer. transformers. Such tests are usually made with test voltage
frequencies up to a few hundred Hz, (See ANSI/IEEE
7.4.4 If not otherwise specified by the standards C57.12.00-1979.)
developer, the withstand test shall be performed by
applying three impulses for each polarity required.
The requirements of the test shall be satisfied if no
indication of failure is found, using the methods of
detection specified by the standards developer. 8. Revision of American National Standards
7.4.5 BIL and BSL tests shall be made as design Referred to in This Document
tests. They may also be specified as routine tests by
the standards developer. When the American National Standards referred t o in
this document are superseded by a revision approved
NOTE: If a chopped wave lightning impulse withstand test by the American National Standards Institute, Inc, the
i s considered, the specification for such tests is the respon-
sibiiity of the standards developer. revision shall apply.


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