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DR York - Letters From Pops

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Jesus The Messiah Is On His Way

Matt 5:9

This is a Religious Letter not Business from a Pastor on record. Hope it makes it clear
what day and time we are in now. Rev 21 and Rev 22:16-21.

The Black Madonna

Peace be upon you as our Saviour El Masuh Yasu-A said in John and as Ahmad said in
the Quraan. These are the last days and times. It's a great day. The man of sin is seen
Matter M from all over this world. The signs of end times are all around us, so we know he is
“I Villi Call My Son standing at the door. Will you open it unto him? You see in the Quraan 2:214 Muham­
oudOfrrt- \ mad (Ahmad) and those with him between 570-632, his birth and death. The Quraan
says they all asked 2:214 ..."When will the Nasrullah or help of the Powerful One
come?" This is what him, Muhammad and those with him asked back then, and the an­
swer was in that same verse "Surely the Nasrullah is coming soon" or is near at hand.
So Muhammad was there himself asking for the help to come. Then we see the people
of his time, followers, the Muslims of Muhammad. They were asking for someone or
something to help them. The Quraan 2:253 put Jesus as preferred over some of the
other Prophets, Apostles. Why? Because he is the only one called the Word and the
Spirit of Allah. He was the only one called the Masih or Messiah of Allah and throughout
the Quraan Jesus' followers are not called Christians in Arabic, which would be Messia-
hians, Messiahites. No where in the Quraan, because Christ or Kristos, they the Mus­
lims claim, Is the same as Messiah as found in John 1:44. Yet only he was begotten as
the unique son. The mono geneous unique gene, El Masuh, the one preferred. Quraan
3:45. Then we see in Quraan 3:52-61 you see in there Jesus' followers called Ansarul-
lah, the same as Nasrullah, and these followers of Jesus the Messiah are called Muslims
in that verse 52 the last word. What was Jesus' religion Quraan 3:95 Q 2:130. Is Allah
of the helpers or Nasrullah? Quraan 3:150 Also about the Book Evangel or Injiyl, Book
of the Gospel of John, his 3 letters, and Revelation of the New Testament. Of those the
Quraan calls Nasri not Haaduw "Jews" Nasri in Quraan is translated as Christians.
Wrong Translation, however they did not tamper, misplace or change the words in their
Revelation. It was the Jews and the Torah. Quraan 4:46 not the Christian books. All
came from Abraham "Ibraheem" Quraan 4:125. Quraan 4:136. Now look at 4:155-159.
You see they lied on Mary and about Jesus. Also about his crucifixion. The Quraan does
not say Jesus was not CRUCIFIED. No. It states and is very clear about who they are
talking about Verse 157. The Jews boast that they killed Jesus by putting him on a
cross themselves. Well, they did not kill him, nor did they (the Jews) crucify him. No. It
was the Roman soldiers. Mark 15:16-24. John 19:23. Who did it, the Jews or Romans?
Read John 19:17-24. So after reading this point, you see why the Quraan then states
in 4:157 and those who differ therein are full of doubts. It says 'They have no certain
knowledge." It also says "They follow nothing but conjecture.' So they don't know what
they're talking about. The Quraan is right and exact. The Jews did not crucify Jesus the
Messiah, the Romans did. But next it tells all people found in the Book. Old Testament,
New Testament or Quraan, which is from Adam to Abraham's seed which you know Mu-

Galatians 4:7
"Wherefore thou art no more a servant, but a son; and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ."

The Egiptian Church Of Karast “Christ” P.O. Box 6769 Athens Georgia 30604
hammad claimed to be of Abraham by way of his first son Ishmail and his Egyptian wife
Hagar, who had a son called Kedar. Muhammad descended from him, so Muhammad and
his followers are also People of the Book. Quraan 61:6 then 61:14. You see the link to Je­
sus. It's so very clear that Muhammad was sent by Jesus John 16:7. 'I (Jesus) will send
him Ahmad (Comforter) who will have with him the Holy Ghost, Angel Gabriel, sent from
the Father John 14:25-26. He is also a Comforter, and what will he bring, John 14:27
Peace. So Quraan 4:159 means all people of Abraham's religions, Jews, Christians, Mus­
lims, People of the Book, all better believe in or by way of him (Jesus) before they die. We
find this in the next verse 163. It tells you what or which are the books and to whom.
Quraan 4:171. We do not say the Messiah is the Heavenly Father or God. James 1:1 and
Jude 1:1. It's very clear that we separate God the Father from the Lord Jesus Christ. Now
read Quraan 5:16-17. The Quraan tells you after the Torah that Jesus was given his scrip­
ture Quraan 5:46-47 so does the Quraan tell you to expect Jesus' return? Yes, very clear.
The very last chapter to be revealed to Muhammad is now in Quraan as 110, El Nasr, the
Help. Remember the question Muhammad and the Muslims of his time asked, Quraan
2:214. "When will the help come?" Well Quraan 110 says very clearly when Nasrullah Has
come, when they get here. So it can't be Sunni, Shiite, Ahmadiyya, Bahai. It was Moorish
and the N.O.I. on to Ansarullah. So it says "When the help has come from Allah, that will
be the victorious opening of what? The 7th seal found in Revelations. Now is that time. Q
4:164 Elijah did come to the lost but now found Tribe he called Shabazz. He turned the
hearts to their Fathers, made Negroes look back to the East. He did his job, cleaned up the
Negro to prepare the way for the Reformer, who was to come 100 years after the Guide.
So you had Ahmad the Prophet (El Rasul), then El Mahdi the Guide, Noble Drew Ali (El
Nabi) then Elijah the Warner (El Nazur), then El Mujiddun, the Reformer and finally you will
see El Masuh the Messiah and in their own Hadith they tell you what he will do, that none
other did, which is to give the hidden meaning of the Quraan which none of them can do.
Ask what is the meaning of the letters that open some chapters? They don't know. Why?
Look, Narrated by Abu Hurairah. Allah's messenger said, 'How will you be when the son of
Mary descends amongst you, and he will judge people by the Law of the Quraan and not
by the Law of the Injiyl. So they know Jesus must come after Muhammad is gone and he
will teach Muslims the Quraan. Why? Because they don't understand it and he will lead
them all in prayer. This is all truth. The help is come. The seal is open. The Messiah is on
his way. Don't be fooled by fast talk with no facts. ANU is an Anunaaqi or of the Eloheem,
the Ushumgal are Cherubeem, Anunaaqi are Serapheem, the Igigi are the Afaneem,
Watchers, the Dingir are the Sadiqeen or Order of Melchezedek, El Khidr. The Most High,
the Highest is Alyuwn Al. ANU is high in rank, but not El Kuluwm, the ALL. These are the
right times. Ask the Father Alyown Al in the name of his Son Ibn, not his Walad El Masuh
Yasu-A, and he will give you what you ask. Keep up prayers, 3 times a day. Love one an­
other. Forget racism, hate and all will be made clear to you as well.

Love, Rev. Dr. York,

Abba Issa
(Inside the envelope flap) Gen 15:13-21 Re-read Marcus Garvey's book. You will see it.
Genesis 5:13-21, The Door Will Open
Jesus is lord and the way

Peace be upon you as Our Savior El Masuh Yasu’a said in John 20:21. And as Ahmad said in Quran 5:16.
These are the Last Days and Times Matthew 24. It’s a Great Day Malachi 4. The signs of the end of time is
all around us Rev. 18 and Rev. 13. We know He, EL MASUH YASU’A (written in Nubic Script), The Mes­
siah Jesus is standing at The Door (vortex). Will you all open it? EL FATIHA, to him with the 7 Verses or
The Bieck Madonna Seals? First is the Real and True Meaning of The Tasmiyya. Bi-ismi Allah El-Rahmun El Rahum. We find
the true meaning to RAHAMA in Quran 3:6
Quran 3:6 It is he (he not we) whoyusawwirukum (fashionsyou) fi (inside) Al Arhaam (the
J) Will Call My Son
womb) how it pleases him (him not us). There is no Ilaaha (sources) except he (huwa, hu).
/ OotOitgjT*'
AlAziyz (The mighty) Al Hakiym (The Wise).

You see the The Word EL-ARHAAM from the Arabic root R-H-M meaning WOMB. So what does it really
mean? HE (Our Father which art in Heaven) it is WHO Fashions you all inside the womb how it pleases
HIM. No Elaah except HE, YAHAYYU or EL-HAYY, "The Existing One '. John 1:11-12. Jesus did not say
he was WALAD ALLAH He can be Ibn Allah. Both is translated as SON, the only difference is that
WALAD is a D.N.A. Son and IBN is a Adopted Son. WALAD and IBN are birth sons. However in the rela­
tionship of JESUS to ALLAH it has AKHAZA, meaning "Taken on a Son " and not "Given Birth to a son with
a wife". Quran 112 is clear it’s not a WALAD (son) and not a WAALAD Birth Father. All this shows that it
is time to be reformed, time to clear up the Truth has come. But are you ready now? Will you open it unto

You see the Quran 2:114 in part Muhammad (Ahmad) one of the Comforters and those Muslims with him
from 570 A.D. or better and from the year 610 A.D. ONWARD To Now. And his own followers asked back
then 2:214 When will the Nasrullah or Help of The Powerful One Come?’ This is the answer that they all.
Including Muhammad Received back then, same verse 214 of Chapter 2.


So Muhammad was right there himself asking this question. Looking for Help to come. So it was not over
with him. The Quran 2:253 makes it clear that ISA, YASHU-A, JESUS was preferred over some of the other
Prophets and Apostles. Why?
And How1? Well, firstly he is the only one called the RUHU’L-ALLAH, "The Soul or Spirit of Al­
lah" (Genesis 1:2), The Father He is also called KALIMAT ALLAT, or ""The Word Of Allah". John 1:1-2.
Also he is the only Prophet or Apostle that was called EL MASIH, "The Messiah" John 1:44. Quran 3:45,
9:31, 21:91. What was Jesus Religion? Quran 22:78. Quran 19:33-36. Quran 2:130. THAT’S THE KEY.
new evil group of Indians and Europeans with their DEENT-ISLAM based on Traditions called Hadith and
not Quran and Bible.

So he, JESUS, is UNIQUE. His True DISCIPLES who are not called CHRISTIANS Acts 11:26 a given
name. But rather according the True Quran 61:14 HELPERS. You find the transliteration for the Latin to
Greek word Christian in Quran 5:82 as QISSYSYN. As you can see it came from those same sounds. Only
once in the Quran do they have the same verse with the real name NASRI as CHRISTIAN and QISSYSYN as
MONKS. Misinformation, yet they, Arabic Speaking Muslims call us MESSIYHEYN or MESSIAHITES.

Galatians 4:7
"Wherefore thou art no more a servant, but a son; and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ."
: ■iL..'............. —

The Egiptian Church Of Karast “Christ” P.O. Box 6769 Athens Georgia 30604
Followers of AL-MASIH. That’s how the Quran has it of Him who we should look for in the end Quran 4:158
That’s who their Hadith says will come down from Heaven in the Last Days like The Book Of Jesus confirms in
REVELATIONS 21:1-27 Note: verse 4 the Word •WIPE " is the ven root of the word MASIH from MASAHA
meaning, "He Wiped". So the True 144,000 will be called NASRULLAH or MESSIHEEN. Put it all together and
you see "Messianic Peacemakers". And Yashu’a was begotten as a UNIQUE SON (Ben) A MONOS GENEUS.
UNIQUE GENE of DAVID’S SEED (Matt 1:1) EL-MASUH. The One Preferred to wipe away the sins of his
own people in this world. Quran 3:45 then we see in there Yashu’a’s Followers called ANSARULLAH, the same

As these followers of Jesus, The Messiah are really called Muslim Peacemakers. Called also Matthew 2:23:
Luke 1:26 So in Quran 3:52 the ven Last WORD. What was Jesus Religion Quran 3:95; 2:130; 3:150 Also
about the Book of INJIYL or EVANGEL, The Gospel Of John. His 3 Letters and Book Of Revelations of the
New Testament. Of those the Quran called NASRI not HAADUW "Jews" NASRI in The Quran is mistranslated
as "Christian". However, the) did not say anywhere in the Quran that the books of Jesus and his followers was
tampered, or removed, or misplaced from their places' Not one WORD . They clearly said the Jews and The To­
rah; Quran 4:46, not the Christian Books Quran 2:136. All of them came from Abrahaam "Ibraheem" Quran
4:125, Quran 4:136. Now look at 4:155-159. You see they lied on Blessed Mother MARY (Our Lady of Fati-
mah) and also about YASHU’A (Jesus), Also about his Crucifixion. The Quran does not say that Jesus, Isa, was
not crucified. NO. It states, and ver) clearly, about just who they are talking about, verse 157. The Jews boast
that they killed Jesus by putting him up on the cross themselves. Well, The Jews did not kill Jesus. The Jews did
not Crucify Jesus. Who did if the Quran is True? Well, just read in the Bible. Why should a Muslim go back to
the Bible if they don’t understand the past? Because the Quran 10:94 says they should! If they have any doubt
about that which WE have revealed unto you, like Quran 4:157. So let’s obey ALLAH and do just that! Go back
to John 19:23 and Mark 15:16 -24 Its clear that the ROMANS, not the Jews Killed Jesus. READ John 19:17-
24. So you cleared it up the way the Quraan says you should clear it up. So after reading this point, you can see
why the Quran states in Quran 4:157 and that those who differ therein are Full of Doubt. Same word as found in
Qman 10:94. Doubters, it says they follow nothing but conjecture. So they don’t know what they are talking
about. The Quran is right and exact. The Jews did not crucify Jesus, The Messiah. The Italians and Romans did.

But next the Quran tells you People found in the Book, or People Of The Book, of The Old Testament, New
Testament and Quraan, which is from ADAM to NOAH to ABRAHAM and his seed which you know that MU­
HAMMAD claimed to be of ABRAHAM "IBRAHEEM" Seed by ABRAHAAM and his Egiptian Wife HAGAR,
their son ISHMAEL Genesis 16. And ISHMAEL’s second son KEDAR Genesis 25:13. His Name means
"BLACK-SKINNED", Strong’s Bible, page 1852.

So if Muhammad is Abrahaam’s Seed, then Muhammad is also a People of The Bible, or Book. Quraan 61:6
then 61:14-40. See The Link to Jesus? It’s so very clear that Muhammad was the Comforter sent not by The FA­
THER, But By The LORD or Rabb Jesus John 16:7, "I (JESUS) will send Him (AHMAD), The Comforter." He
was One. But when it comes to the Holy Ghost, The Angel Gabrael, He was also a Comforter, but not sent by Je­
sus. He was sent by The Father. John 14:25-27 and what will Gabrael bring in the year 610 A.D. in the Cave in
Arabia to Ahmad? John 14:27 What Jesus said he would Matthew 5:9. Quraan 26:191-196 it’s so clear.

So Quraan 4:159 mean all people whose seed stems from ADAM and EVE to ABRAHAAM, SARAH, HA­
GAR and KETURAH. So that means MUSLIMS are also People Of The book and that means Quraan 4:159 is for
them as well. So they also must or better believe by way of, or in Jesus before they die or Hell awaits them as
well. We find this in the next verse 163 it tells you what or which is the Books of the People Quran 4:171. We do
not say The MESSIAH is The Heavenly Father (ALYUWN AL) or THE GOD. Just read Jesus’ own Brother’s
Book JAMES 1:1 and JUDE 1:1. It’s ver)' clear that we separate GOD, The FATHER and THE LORD
(Rabbi), JESUS CHRIST, The Messiah. So This is not about us in Quraan 5:17. We do not say JESUS,
THE MESSIAH is His Heavenly Father John 6:29, John 3:16-17 Jesus was sent from The Father, by THE
FATHER Jesus is not The Father in any way, shape or form other than being in the image of God as
Genesis 1:26.

So Jesus was also made in the Image Of His Father So when you see Man, you see God, that’s all to it.
Quraan 5:46-47 so does the Quran tell you to expect Jesus to return? YES!!! How about their Hadith? Yes,
it does!!!

So Why Are They Still Holding On to Old Outdated ISLAMIC PRACTICES? It should be LA ELLAHA
ELLA ALLALAY YASU-A EL MASUH AL ALAY ‘ There Is No Power Except The Most High and Jesus
Is The Messiah Of The Most High”. So it’s ver) clear to Expect Jesus. And as Before John Came, then Je­
sus. I.e. ELIJAH’S Return. So The ver)' last Surah or Chapter of The Quraan to Muhammad was Quraan
110, says When NASRULLAH has come. ANSAR’/MAHDL .When They Get Here. So it can’t be
HAMMAD (Quran 4:164). Then EL-MUJIDDUN, THE REFORMER, He who came 100 years after EL-
(1) AHMAD (2) EL RASUL, Then (3)EL MAHDI, Then (4)EL NABI Then (5) EL NAZUR, then (6) EL
MUJIDDUN. Then (7)EL MASUH, These Are The Seven Seals. It’s The N.O.I., then The MOORISH and
Then The ANSARULLAH. Then The MESSIAH Will Return. We Wear BLACK Now For Night. But The
Light Will Come And Then We Will Put Back On Our WHITE ROBES. So It Says in Quraan 110, When
The Help Comes From ALLAH Then Will Be The Victorious Opening Of What?” The Seven Seals! All
Secrets Unlocked. DANIEL 12. These are The Days Of The END. Well I would Hope to Be With You
Soon. Because The Power Of The MOST HIGH. JESUS IS ON HIS WAY. They See The Great Ball Of
LIGHT In The Skies. The Signs. The False Prophets. Fake Messiah mentioned in Matthew 24. Some are
being told Right Now, "Lets Go To JERUSALEM To Join The Negro Hebrews Whose Leader Claims To
Be The Messiah. What Did Matthew 24:23-26 Say? It tells you He Will not Come out of the East, Jerusa­
lem, Israel Or Arabia It Says verse 27, "FOR AS THE LIGHTNING COMETH OUT OF THE EAST,
BE.” Africa is not called The Middle East or The Far east. Its West Of Them like America is, so don’t be
fooled (Genesis 15:13-21).

I did get the Law Books. Liberia Is There Working. They of the Government are coming the week to go
right to the State Department again. So we can get this all over with. Silly and them only put these pictures
in the paper so people in here could read the lies That’s how they try to set you up in this place.


The DEVIL Really plays games. But you all keep a WATCHFUL EYE on it all. Why? Because they
know my Diplomatic Status is very real. And Now They have to deal with a Government, not a Cult. So
Now They Try To Fool Us With Their ORAL ARGUMENT. That’s a Trick to Mislead The Weak-Minded
Who Still Trust LEVIATHAN And His CAINITES Black Devil Helpers who pretend the work for My Free­
dom, When In Fact All They Work For Is The Beast And To Keep The LAND. Why do You Think They
Arte RUSHING To Sell The LAND Now ? How can They Do That When The Case Is Not Even Over
Yet? How So? What My Daughter Richelle is Working For Is Ver) Real.

It’s On Record In Court as Of December 15th, 1999, Before May 8th, 2002 We Do Not Need United States
Approval to Be Accepted As An Appointed CONSUL GENERAL Or A CITIZEN of AFRICA.



The Black Madonna

Yacub ’James" brother of our savior, El Masuh Yasu-a says:

Mathew 2:1

James 3:13-18
T3 Who [is] a wise man and endued with knowledge among you? (asking the question) let him
shew out of a good conversation his works with meekness of wisdom. 14 But if ye have bitter envy­
ing and strife in your hearts (if you are confused), glory not, and lie not against the truth. 15 This
wisdom descendeth not from above [strongs #509 anuthen - “from above”; root from strongs
#507 anu - “on high”, the Sumerian AN the Akkadian ANU], but [is] earthly (things made up by
humans), sensual (physical, seductive), devilish (the works of the Devil in human form teaching
lies) 16 For where envying (Genesis 3:15) and strife [is], there [is] confusion (we have much confu­
sion in our congregation about who is God) and even evil work (Cainites, Black Devils in our
midst). 17 But the wisdom that is from above (ANU) is first pure (Faught to you first), then peace­
able (Matthew 5:9), gende, [and] easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits (results), without
partiality (From all people), and without hypocrisy (The phonies). 18 And the fruit of righteousness
is sown in peace of them that make peace. (Quran 5:16-17; 10:94; 11:69)"

It’s so clear that people wanted to know about ANU, ENQI, and ENLIL. They needed to get the rest of that
out of their system so we can get back on the right path as we are now. So let them have what they think is the
key to salvation. It’s only history. But the return of Bl Masuh that all acknowledge. Some want to hick peo­
ple to get money off of whatever looses their soul and they will see now they want to organize their own
groups of followers. Good-Bye. Their leader has to wait to see what’s next. Well they can’t wait and they
want me out of the way so they can have control, but of what?

James 1:12-15
"12 Blessed [is] the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of
life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him. 13 Let no man say when he is tempted, I
am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man: 14 But every
man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. 15 Then when lust hath con­
ceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death."

Lust and luster. The power of evil rules their being. So it will be made clear because they can copy but they
are not El Mujiddun or El Masuh, just Hadith or Talmud writers trying to make money off of people:

Matthew 16:26
"For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a
man give in exchange for his soul?"

Mark 8:36

Galatians 4:7
"Wherefore thou art no more a servant, but a son; and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ."
The Egiptian Church Of Karast “Christ” P.O. Box 6769 Athens Georgia 30604

"For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?"

Well, so much for Paul, Peter, and Judas. Let them have their way These are great days and times. The word is
about to be made tlesh again. The 144,000 will be raised and saved. So many seek the truth in a lie. Well truth
has come and false things will fall away. The Sumerians and Egiptians are the mothers and fathers of the Hebrews
as Abraham was called:

Quran 2:130
"And as for him who turned away, (rejecting the law), the Millat (Rites of Abraham), he makes a fool of
himself; and indeed we have chosen him (Abraham) in this physical world; and surely when Al Akhir (the
end) comes he will be of the Saalihiyn (perfectionists).

But we always looked for our Savior to return and now is that time in the embodiment of truth

Rev. Dr. York 33

Abba Essa

Support my return to Liberia by supporting my beloved daughter Richelle.

__________ . .......... s. . ,i
1 John 1:3 "That which we have seen and heard
declare we unto you, that ye also may have fel­
lowship with us: and truly our fellowship [is]
with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ."

1 Cor 1:9 ' God [is] faithful, by whom ye were

called unto the fellowship of his Son Jesus Christ
our Lord.''

1 John 2:3-5 ”3 And hereby we do know that

we know him, if we keep his (Yasu-a El Rabb)
commandments (Love one another as I love
you) 4 He that saith, I know him (Yasu-a El
Masuh), and keepeth not his commandments, is
a liar (John 8:44), and the truth is not in him. 5
But whoso keepeth his word, in him verily is the
love of God (Eloheem) perfected: hereby know
we that we are in him.’'

John 5:24-27; John 7:16-18; John 9:42; John 10:25-30,35; Psalm 82:1-7

Peace be upon you. Why? Because Psalm 85:8 and Psalm 46:10...

(Ps 85:8) "I will hear what God the LORD will speak: for he will speak peace unto his peo­
ple, and to his saints: but let them not turn again to folly."

(Ps 46:10) ”Be still, and know that I [am] God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will
be exalted in the earth '

So peace is the key after the wicked like Silly is judged. We bred, created this human beast (Gen 2:7) and in
Gen 6:5 we see how evil and wicked he became. The Devil’s seed Gen 3:15 and Gen 6:6 the two 6’s we say:
And it repented the Yahayyu El Rabb that he had made (this beast) man. Can we reform him? Gen 6:5 says
no. It states even imagination of the thoughts of his (Canaanites) heart was only Evil Continually. So no he
can’t be cleaned of his evil ways. Look around you. Look at Silly and his kind. Look at this. . . will we suffer
with or because of them? Gen 8:21 says no.

Gen 8:21 ’ And the LORD smelled a sweet savour; and the LORD said in his heart, I will
not again curse the ground any more for man’s sake; for the imagination of man’s heart [is]
evil from his youth; neither will I again smite any more every thing living, as I have done."

This is them Matt 15:19. He is evil and all like him (Prov 6:14; Jer 17:9; Mark 7:21). They love beast like

Galatians 4:7
"Wherefore thou art no more a servant, but a son; and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ."
........................................................................... .... ................................... ...............................................................
I he Egiptian Church Of Karast “Chnsf’ P.O Box 6769 Athens Georgia 30604
dogs who decend from wolf because that’s their nature Will dogs, their best friend, be in the new kingdom of the
Heavenly Father Read Rev 22:15.

(Re 22:15) "For without [are] dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idola­
ters. and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie."

That is their friend not ours. They love the beast because they are beast. Did Yasu-a love dogs? Look at how he
spoke of them symbolically (Matt 7:6; Matt 15:27; Phil 3:2) Well we know what kinds of things Canaanites do
with their dogs (Lev 20:15-16; Lev 18:23) and otcourse Ex 22:19 So we see who and what we are dealing with
but fear not. Because the Holy Scriptures tells us they have come to the end of their 6000 year rule Its over. The
book of Revelation says and the Qur’an says. Look how Silly Silly looks spending all that time and money on
what the paper said 19 acres of land in Putnam. So dumb can’t even see the power of the Most High at work
(Quran 74:30). It was part of the Master Plan of the book of Malachi 4:1-3 and Gen 15:13-21 and Rev 18:4
come out of her my people. Why? Who is he 2 Thess 2:3. As Matt 24 tells us we will also be betrayed by our
own but they will end up in the lake of fire also with those Devils they followed. Keep up prayer. Look at this
Psalm 4:3; Psalm 32:6 and don’t 1 Tim 6:7-16 because I may look like I want to do good but in my heart I have
become evil because of the money I can make off of the grief of our people Nuwaubians these days in all kinds of
ways Psalm 66:18; Prov 15:8,29. So don’t be fooled by new products and books I know about them. However
you may except them as did the N.O.I. people like the founder of 5% and Malcom X, they sounded like they were
teaching the messenger Hon Elijah Muhammad’s teachings but he did not know about it as I say now. There is a
Triad appointed and now we have those who deserted doing their own thing for money, no love of truth. So that’s
my word on that and those deceivers or wolves in sheep’s dress. Support my beloved daughter Richelie and my or
our Exodus Gen 15:13-21 back to our Father’s land Abba Island or Jazir Abba - Liberia West Africa

Rev. Dr. York 33°

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