Educational Games Software: Drill and Practice Software
Educational Games Software: Drill and Practice Software
Educational Games Software: Drill and Practice Software
allows students to work example items one at a time. This type of software will typically
provide feedback to the student. However, the type of feedback does vary from program
to program. Types include:
Flash card activities: student chooses and answer and then the program gives
Branching drills: these are more sophisticated and the next question is
determined by whether the question at hand was answered correctly or not;
Extensive feedback: students will receive feedback as to why the answer was
wrong, though this is sometimes mistaken for a tutorial as the feedback can be
very detailed.
Linear tutorials give the same instruction sequence of explanation, practice and
feedback to all learners
Branching Tutorial: provides more sophisticated instructions that direct learners
on their own personal path depending on how they respond to the question right
or wrong.
The benefits include user control, appropriate pedagogy, and adequate feedback
adjusting to user responses and have record keeping. Relative advantage: Interactive,
entertaining, self-guided, self-paced.