Science Summer Holidays HW Year 5
Science Summer Holidays HW Year 5
Science Summer Holidays HW Year 5
Year 4
The assignment would enable the learners to;
Collect information about Corona virus will give awareness
how to stay safe from it.
Recall the information about our Earth and making a model will help
you explain its feature and layers.
Plan and conduct an experiment about shadows and observe that shadows are formed
when light travelling from a source is blocked.
A food chain shows how plants and animals get their energy. Evaluate and place food chain
links in right order.
Enhance scientific terminology by word search about food chain.
Collect some information about the identification key and understand how it helps us to sort
the animals into groups.
Let’s enjoy learning about skeleton by doing a fun cut and paste activity to learn about
moving bones
Explore through modelling, that the sun does not move; its apparent movement is caused by
the earth spinning on its axis.
Learn by doing melting ice experiment and discover how melting time changes with little
Gather and present information about the animal’s habitat like woodland and ocean, which
will create awareness about animals and their habitats’ importance.
Recall, link and record main ideas of sci-fi movies with scientific knowledge.
Know how to build and explore the basic principles of electric circuits.
Learn how sound is produced in this project and discover how to make different tunes.
Construct a torch to see how circuit works in this project!
Observe how chemical reaction converts chemical energy into kinetic energy and design a
car powered by the chemical reaction of baking soda and vinegar.
Science Y4
My Science Scrapbook
8. Space Model
Color, cut and paste the pictures given on Annexure no 8. to show the model of the Moon & Earth Orbiting the Sun
explain your model too.
Use Annexure no 8.
Annexure A
The coronavirus pandemic started in March and in many countries, thousands of people are
affected due to this virus. You may have questions about what exactly this virus is — and how
to stay safe. Here are some answers.
Print and fold a zine version of this comic here. Here are directions on how to fold it.
Annexure no 1.
Making a Model of Earth with Playdough
Hi kids! I am you your only planet where life can exist.
I know you love me and you have proven you love and care to me on the
Earth Day. I know you want to know about me, it’s time to learn about
Here is an activity which will increase your knowledge about me!
Annexure no 2.
Compare the shadows
Science Investigation
Annexure no 3.
Food Chain
Complete the food chain. Remember the arrows show the transfer of energy.
Herbivores eat plants. Carnivores eat meat. Omnivores eat both.
Can you work out which animals are which?
Annexure no 4.
Annexure no 5.
Enrich your vocabulary by searching the given words about Food Chain.
Food Chain
Annexure no 6.
Make a moving skeleton
Annexure no 7.
A Model of The Moon & Earth Orbiting the Sun
1. Color 2. Cut 3. Glue the moon to
the end of the small
Do you know that below freezing temperatures, the crews use salt and
to treat the roadways?
Let’s find out why they do this.
This experiment tests and observes the effects of household materials like salt and sugar on ice.
Materials needed:
Salt Sugar Stopwatch
Two paper cups Measuring scale
Water Two trays
Annexure no 9.
1. Pour an equal amount of water in two small paper cups and freeze them.
2. Take the paper cups out of the freezer once the water is completely frozen.
3. Weigh equal amounts of salt and sugar and pour them in two trays.
4. Place one cup in a tray filled with salt and the other cup in a tray filled with sugar.
5. Press “start” on your stopwatch and watch as your ice samples start to melt. When
one of the ice sample melts completely, record the time under the correct column
for that sample. Keep the timer running and record the time it takes for other ice
sample to fully melt. You may stop the stopwatch after the last ice sample melts.
6. Record your readings in the observation table given below.
Material used Start time (sec) Stop time (sec) Time taken (sec)
What steps did you follow to make this test a fair test?
Annexure no 10.
STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math.
These challenges are designed to promote both inductive
(inventive) thinking, in which student products are unique and
deductive thinking, in which student products are similar, but
construction and materials are different. As students navigate
the STEM process, they are encouraged to collaborate, plan
and design, construct, test models, and improve designs
Annexure no 11.
Create your pan pipe with 8 straws using the following measurements:
Do = 17.5 cm
Re = 15.5 cm
Mi = 13.5 cm
Fa = 12.5 cm
So = 11 cm
La = 10 cm
Ti = 9 cm
Do = 8.5 cm
2. Cut two strips of cardstock to 7 inches x 1.5 inches.
Optional: Decorate your cardstock with markers, crayons, or paint.
3. Placea 7 inch strip of double-sided tape onto the inside of one piece of cardstock strips.
4. Place the longest straw on the tape first, near the left edge. You’ll want one end of the
straw hanging about 3/4 inch over the side. Place the shortest straw on the right hand side of
the tape, with the same amount (about 3/4 inch) hanging over the edge. Next place the
middle length straw right in the center. Place the remaining two straws onto the tape. All the
ends of the straws should line up about 3/4 inch over one edge of the cardstock.
5. Place the double-sided tape onto the other black strip of cardstock and place it on top
of your straws, lining it up with the first piece of cardstock. Press down firmly.
6. Number each straw 1-5 with a black Sharpie.
7. Practice making sounds with your flute by resting the tops of the straws on your lower
lip and blowing across them.
8. Did you create some tunes or songs you like and want to play again? Write the
numbers of each note onto the printable recording sheet. You can even give your song
a name
STEM - How to Make a Lightning
Bug Paper Circuit Card
What Makes a Lightning Bug Glow?
Lightning bugs, also known as fireflies, get their glow from
A chemical reaction in their bodies between oxygen, calcium, adenosine
triphosphate (ATP) and the chemical luciferin in the presence of
luciferase, a bioluminescent enzyme, causes them to light up.
They live in warm, moist areas of Asia and the Americas.
6. Place battery on grey circle, negative terminal side down and fold
the card at the dotted corner line. Secure with a binder clip.
7. Isn’t this finished lightning bug paper circuit card cute? I love this little glowing
Annexure no 12.
Annexure no 13.
Click on the following link
Watch the video and learn how to make this fun and easy DIY project!
Annexure no 14.
Chemical reaction car recycled STEM
Get ready for one of the most fun STEAM projects out there! This upcycled
Chemical Reaction Car gets its boost from a fizzy chemical reaction!
All you need is a few simple supplies to get rolling!
Click on the following link to follow the instructions and to watch the assembly
and racing video. There are a bunch of tips and tricks to make it a successful
activity session.
Annexure no 15.