SSSIL Admissions Prosp 2021 22
SSSIL Admissions Prosp 2021 22
SSSIL Admissions Prosp 2021 22
Admissions Prospectus
Undergraduate | Postgraduate | Professional Programmes
The Underlying Philosophy
This prospectus is for students interested in applying for undergraduate, postgraduate and
professional study at SSSIHL.
The first few pages will give you an introduction to the university and why SSSIHL is so unique. It
will give you information on the application process, frequently asked questions, the Admissions
Test & Interview Schedule and the programmes available for admissions.
The rest of the prospectus is divided into three major colour-coded sections:
Undergraduate Programmes
Postgraduate Programmes
Professional Programmes
Detailed information about the University and the admissions process can also be found on our
Admissions Office
Office of the Registrar, SSSIHL
Sri Sathya Sai Values-based Integral Education 6
Integral Education Activities 9
SSSIHL Statistics 2019/20 11
Application Process 13
Programmes for Admissions 15
Programme Descriptions 17
Undergraduate Programmes
B.A. 18
B.B.A. 19
B.Com. (Hons.) 20
B.Sc. in Food and Nutritional Sciences 21
B.Sc. (Hons.) in Computer Science 22
B.Sc. (Hons.) in Mathematics / Physics / Chemistry 23
B.Sc. (Hons.) in Biosciences / Chemistry 25
B.Sc. (Hons.) in Mathematics / Economics / Statistics 26
B.Sc. (Hons.) in Mathematics / Computer Science / Statistics 27
Bachelor of Performing Arts (Music) 28
Diploma in Music 29
Postgraduate Programmes
M.A. in English Language and Literature 35
M.A. in Economics 36
M.Sc. in Mathematics 37
M.Sc. in Physics 39
M.Sc. in Chemistry 40
M.Sc. in Biosciences 41
M.Sc. in Food and Nutritional Sciences 42
Professional Programmes
B.Ed. 48
M.B.A. 49
M.Tech. in Computer Science 51
M.Tech. in Optoelectronics & Communications 52
6 Introduction
Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning (Deemed to be competence is supplemented with good character.
University), Prasanthi Nilayam, Andhra Pradesh, India, is a visible
manifestation of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba’s vision of education Distinctive Features
for human transformation.
Bhagawan Baba has designed the system of Sri Sathya Sai ⚪ Merit-based open admissions policy for all irrespective of
Values-based Integral Education in such a manner that between income, religion or region
the time an 18-year old student joins the Institute and when she ⚪ Free education for all students
or he graduates (at the age of 21 or 23), there is a deep inner
transformation that takes place. This concept is very unique at the Residential Character
university level. ⚪ Compulsory residential character enabling translation of
lessons learnt into practical skills through experiential learning
The Institute hosts over 1400 undergraduate, postgraduate, ⚪ Spiritual ambience in an environment of discipline and love
professional and research students across four campuses: ⚪ Teaching faculty, research scholars and students residing in the
For women students: ⚪ Cultivation of the spirit of self-reliance, brotherhood and
⚪ Anantapur Campus at Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh sacrifice through mentoring and personal example
The Process
Daily Routine
This is a crucial component of this process. Each student’s Hostel Life
day starts at 5:00 a.m., with a couple of hours spent in prayer,
exercise and other vocational pursuits (such as practice sessions The philosophy of hostel life is based on the approach of
for music, band, traditional Indian music and the likes). community living: each one lives for the other and all live
together for a common higher cause.
Classes commence at 9:00 a.m. After college ends at around
4:00 p.m., students move to the Mandir/Prayer hall for Students from different states of India, and varied economic and
participation in congregational chanting (veda), devotional cultural backgrounds live in dormitory-styled accommodation
singing (bhajans) and other spiritual activities. These also include with 10-14 students staying together in a room. he aesthetically
talks by eminent speakers on a variety of spiritual topics. Post pleasing hostel buildings also create a noble ambience for
dinner, students usually spend time on their studies. students to live in.
I have established these institutions to impart spiritual education as a main component and worldly education as a secondary one.
Education should enable one to cultivate good qualities, character and devotion. The teaching of the university curricula is only the
means employed for the end, namely, spiritual uplift, self-discovery and social service through love and detachment.
The Outcome
⚬ Self-Reliance departments: Apart from academics and research, the activities in this dimension include:
Electricals, Plumbing (water supply),
Audiovisual, general store, dispensary, Awareness Courses (Human Values, Ethics and Culture)
dietary services, hostel mess, arts & These mandatory courses are designed to cultivate a broad view of the human condition
crafts, costumes & props, etc. in students. The course content (e.g. the Unity of Religions and Faiths, Study of the Indian
⚬ Community living Epics, etc.) helps trigger self-reflection and enquiry and sensitises students to the concerns
⚬ Social Work of society, and gets them to think about practical solutions to these problems.
⚬ Voluntary work
⚬ Community Service Moral Class (Thursdays)
⚬ Prasadam Distribution At each campus, Thursday mornings begin with an hour of inspiring and ennobling talks by
speakers focusing on their personal spiritual experiences, messages from sacred scriptures
The philosophy of service at SSSIHL is based and other elevated and socially relevant themes. It is also used to highlight students’ talents
on the concept that divinity pervades all in music, dramatics, elocution, debates, quizzes, etc.
of humanity, and hence when you serve
others, you are serving the Divine. Students Talks at Morning Assembly
learn to serve without expecting anything Every morning before classes commence at the college, all students and teachers gather for
in return, other than the deep inner the morning assembly. Prayers, veda chanting, bhajans and a few minutes of silent sitting
satisfaction of serving others. are sometimes followed by a talk by students, faculty members or invited guests on topics
related to morals and values.
The compulsory residential system,
where students live in dormitory-styled
accommodation with other students
from totally different backgrounds (for a
minimum of two years and up to five years
or more), provides an excellent foundation
for the service dimension.
Teacher Designation s
Professor Asst. Professor
16 51 86 13
Associate Adjunct/ *21 pursuing
Professor Others
57 20 8
601 2452 Administrative Technical Library &
1376 436
12 Introduction
144 260
95 96
Application Process
Eligibility 5. Please note that falsifying or 4. Supporting documents
misinterpreting information on the a. For UG – upload self-attested copies
The minimum requirements for admissions application will result in rejection of the of X, XI/XII marksheets.
vary from programme to programme. See application for admission. b. For PG - upload self-attested copies
the individual Programme pages (page 18 of X,XII and the qualifying degree
onwards) for detailed information. 6. Download the appropriate editable marksheets
application form from the portal for the c. For Professional Program – upload
specific programme you are applying for. self-attested copies of X, XII and the
Candidates who do not meet all Type in the information, save the pdf file qualifying degree marksheets
the admissions criteria listed for the and name the file with your applicant id
programme they want to apply to will
not be eligible for admissions and their
Uploading Deadline
IMPORTANT- Fill the Applicant ID in
applications will not be processed by the the space provided in the editable
17 May 2021
Admissions Office and a letter of rejection application form WITHOUT FAIL.
will be sent out to them.
Await Confirmation on
Application Deadline Eligibility for written test
all programmes of study, which includes 10 May 2021
Once the Admissions Office receives your
- tuition, examinations, laboratory, library, Applications will not be available after this
application, it will be duly processed to
sports and medical.
date. make sure that you meet all the preliminary
eligibility criteria and that all the supporting
NOTICE TO ALL APPLICANTS materials (including your application form)
Given the unique Gurukula system of
Uploading the application are accurate.
Values-based Integral Education at the form
university, where students need to be
compulsorily resident at gender-specific 1. Upload the filled in application, photo,
hostels and campuses during the entire marks statements and payment details and
period of study, only single (bachelor /
maiden) students will be admitted.
1. Click on the link provided in the website- 3. ONLY uploaded application form will be accepted. No hard copy will be
admissions-2021-22/ accepted.
2. Follow the instructions of payment and
then register with a valid Email ID. Uploading Attachments
3. Access the link received in the inbox of
your registered Email ID and activate the 1. Government approved Photo ID card like
account. Aadhar card, Voter ID, Driving license, PAN
Card etc.
4. All your information is transmitted 2. Image – The resolution of the image
through secure server and is kept should not be more than 150px (not more
fully confidential. Your application than 1MB). JPG/JPEG/PNG formats are
information and accompanying credentials accepted.
are reviewed by the admissions 3. Payment details print out has to be
representatives of the Institute to which uploaded
you are applying as well as by the members
of the Institute.
14 Introduction
If you do not meet the criteria, you will also For any assistance or queries related
get an intimation from the Institute that to admissions, you may email us on
your application has been rejected. All emails will be
responded to within two working days.
You may also reach us on the below phone
List of eligible Candidates numbers between 9 AM - 4:30 PM Monday
25 May 2021 to Saturday, except national holidays.
The final list of candidates called for the +91 9441 911 391
admissions tests will be published on the +91 8555 287239
university’s website,
Note, the above numbers respond only
to queries related to the University
Application Deadline
Mon, 10 May 2021
Online Admissions Tests & Interviews
Will be announced later, on
Uploading Deadline
Mon, 17 May 2021
This includes: the length of the programme, whether it is applicable for women candidates or men or both, the eligibility criteria and a
programme description, which includes the courses of study for each year (and semesters).
Semester 5
Eternal Values for the changing world
Semester 6
Life and its Quest
18 Undergraduate
B.A. (Hons) in Economics (Men Students only): Men Students who meet the eligibility criteria at the end of the first two
years of study will have the option to pursue the Honours Programme in Economics.
9 10+2 years of schooling from a recognized board (CBSE or equivalent)
9 Either passed or appeared for Final exams at XII level before Admissions Test
9 XII Standard: 55% or more (English) and 60% or more (Aggregate including English)
(If not appeared for XII Standard exams, X and XI Standard marks will be considered)
9 Age: preferably below 19 years as of 31st May in the year of admission
YEAR 1 Semester 4 Semester 6
Semester 1 Economics: Development for Economics Economics: Public Finance and Fiscal Policy,
Political Science: Modern Governments II Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory,
Economics: Economic Analysis I Introduction to Computer Application II
Political Science: Elements of Political Philosophy: Western Logic (Formal and (Practical)
Science Symbolic)
Political Science: Public Personnel
Philosophy: Introduction to Indian History & Indian Culture: Ancient Societies Administration and a major course entitled
Philosophy of Egypt, Mesopotamia and China International Politics
History & Indian Culture: Ancient India I Optional English: Novel Philosophy: General Psychology and a
Optional English: Prose major course entitled Study of Classics-
Eastern and Western
A comprehensive introduction to Business Administration at the Undergraduate level, the B.B.A. programme will equip
the student with a thorough understanding of the theory and practice of Business Management via twenty core courses,
taught over three years. What makes this programme unique from others is the focus on Values-based Management, Rural
Development and Corporate Initiatives, Sales Management, National Perspectives and Entrepreneurial Development and
Schemes – all of which are seamlessly integrated with the undercurrent of ethics and values.
9 10+2 years of schooling from a recognized board (CBSE or equivalent)
9 Either passed or appeared for Final exams at XII level before Admissions Test
9 XII Standard: 55% or more (English) and 60% or more (Aggregate including English)
(If not appeared for XII Standard exams, X and XI Standard marks will be considered)
9 Age: preferably below 19 years as of 31st May in the year of admission
Semester 5
Semester 1 Marketing Group
Taxation, Rural Development and Corporate Consumer Behaviour & Marketing Research
Values Oriented Management, Financial
Initiatives, Banking - Theory and Practice, Rural Marketing
Accounting for Management, Business
Management of Operations, Two Electives, Promotion & Customer Relationship
Communication, Computer Theory and MS
Content Management Systems - Web Management
Office - Word (Practical)
Design 1 (Practical), Comprehensive Viva Retail Marketing
Semester 2 Finance Group
Organizational Behaviour, Analytical Accounting for Financial Services
Semester 6
Techniques for Management, Business Financial Markets & Institutions
National Perspectives, Management Financial Services
Economics, Accounting Package and MS
Accounting, Management Information Investment Analysis and Portfolio
Office (Practical)
Systems, Entrepreneurship Development, Management
Two Electives, Content Management Fundamentals of Insurance
Systems - Web Design 2 (Practical) Regulation and Management of Insurance
Human Resources Management Group
Semester 3 Human Resources Development
Human Resources Management, Financial Labour Welfare & Social Security
Management, Company Law and Corporate Industrial Relations & Labour Law
Accounting, MS Office - Excel (Practical) Employee Training and Development
Information Technology
Semester 4 E-Commerce
Selected Commercial Laws, Costing for IT Basics
Management, Principles of Marketing, MS Business Analytics
Office - Access (Practical)
20 Undergraduate
B.Com. (Hons.)
The B.Com. (Hons.) Programme will impart basic knowledge and skills in all the important subjects in the field of
commerce. It will equip students thoroughly in the field of accounting, finance and taxation. The programme will help
students prepare for advanced studies in finance and management and also professional courses in accounting, costing,
financial analysis, insurance and corporate secretary-ship. Significant amount of time will also be spent on fostering ethical
and moral attitudes to help students become better professionals in the financial services sector and in conducting
business and serving industry after graduation.
9 10+2 years of schooling from a recognized board (CBSE or equivalent)
9 Either passed or appeared for Final exams at XII level before Admissions Test
9 XII Standard: 55% or more (English) and 60% or more (Aggregate including English)
(If not appeared for XII Standard exams, X and XI Standard marks will be considered)
9 Age: preferably below 19 years as of 31st May in the year of admission
Semester 1 Semester 5
Business Communication, Financial Elements of Income Tax, Banking Theory,
Accounting I, Business Economics, Law and Practice, Financial Management,
Introduction to Quantitative Techniques, Two Electives, Spreadsheet Applications -
Introduction to Computers (Practical) Advanced (Practical), Commerce Workshop
Semester 2
Principles of Management, Financial Semester 6
Accounting II, Business Environment, Principles of Marketing, Commercial Law,
Quantitative Techniques I, Word Processing Auditing, Two Electives, Data Analytics
and Presentation Software (Practical) (Practical - Optional), Commerce Workshop
IV, Comprehensive Viva voce
The nutritionist plays an increasingly important role as health has become a mainstream and topical issue in society. The
programme is a scientific study of health and chemical aspects of food. It provides a strong academic training in nutrition
and the related disciplines of food science, physiology, biochemistry and microbiology. Students will get a thorough
understanding of the role of diet and nutrition in health and the prevention of major diseases.
The programme content is wide and varied, ranging from the key scientific properties of food to the development of
new and innovative food products. It provides an exciting opportunity for students to develop an in-depth scientific
understanding of food, as well as important critical thinking and innovation skills needed by the food industry.
The programme is designed to provide an understanding of both the biological and social science perspectives. Students
receive basic theoretical and practical training in three major areas—Public Health Nutrition, Dietetics & Food Science and
Quality Control—which can be their chosen career specializations for further postgraduate or doctoral research study.
9 10+2 years of schooling from a recognized board (CBSE or equivalent)
9 Either passed or appeared for Final exams at XII level before Admissions Test
9 XII Standard: 55% or more (English) and 60% or more (Aggregate including English)
(If not appeared for XII Standard exams, X and XI Standard marks will be considered)
9 Only candidates with subject combinations in XII Standard of Mathematics/Physics/Chemistry or Botany/Zoology/
Chemistry are eligible to apply.
9 Age: preferably below 19 years as of 31st May in the year of admission
YEAR 1 Semester 4
Semester 1 Human Nutrition, Bakery and Confectionery,
Nutrition in Health, Computer Basics and
Introductory Food Science, Applied Applications, Human Nutrition (Practical),
Chemistry, Human Physiology, Introductory Bakery and Confectionery (Practical),
Food Science (Practical), Applied Chemistry Nutrition in Health (Practical)
Semester 2
Biochemistry, Microbiology, Principles of
Culinary Science and Art, Biochemistry Semester 5
(Practical), Microbiology (Practical), Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals,
Principles of Culinary Science and Art Dietetics, Sports Nutrition, Institutional Food
(Practical) Management, Ergonomic Science, Dietetics
and Sports Nutrition (Practical), Institutional
Food Management and Ergonomic Science
Semester 3 Semester 6
Fundamentals of Nutrition, Basic Food Food Product Development, Food
Chemistry, Food Preservation Techniques, Processing Technologies, Food Quality
Fundamentals of Nutrition (Practical), Assurance and Evaluation, Community
Basic Food Chemistry (Practical), Food Nutrition, Nutrition in Emergencies and
Preservation Techniques (Practical) Disasters, Food Product Development,
Food Processing Technologies and Food
Quality Assurance & Evaluation (Practical),
Community Nutrition (Practical)
22 Undergraduate
This programme leads to the integrated postgraduate programme in (subject to meeting the eligibility criteria):
M.Sc. in Data Science and Computing
The programme consists of comprehensive courses in core and advanced computing. Some of the main areas include
Computer Architecture, System Software, Theoretical Computer Science, Web and Computer Networks, Mathematics,
Databases, Technology and Programming. Students also have a wide choice of electives in the final semester.
The strong foundational learning in theory will be supplemented by skill development via practicals, programming and
exposure to real world situations through the software projects in the last semester. Students will also learn to embrace
cutting-edge technologies related to computer science. They will also get ample opportunities for creative expression
via seminars where they will be expected to present (written as well as oral) new topics, new inventions, and articles from
magazines and research journals related to advanced topics in computing.
Graduates of the programme will be well-equipped to pursue postgraduate programmes in the field of computer science,
such as M.Sc. in Computer Science, Master of Computer Applications, M.Sc. in Computer Science and Applications, M.Sc. in
Data Science and Computing, etc.
9 10+2 years of schooling from a recognized board (CBSE or equivalent)
9 Either passed or appeared for Final exams at XII level before Admissions Test
9 XII Standard: 55% or more (English) and 60% or more (Aggregate including English)
(If not appeared for XII Standard exams, X and XI Standard marks will be considered)
9 In XI / XII Standard, Mathematics (inc. Algebra, Geometry, Calculus and basic Statistics) must be studied
9 Age: preferably below 19 years as of 31st May in the year of admission
This programme leads to the integrated postgraduate programmes in (subject to meeting the eligibility criteria):
M.Sc. in Mathematics (Men and Women) / M.Sc. in Physics (Men only) / M.Sc. in Chemistry (Men only)
› In the first two years of study, all three subjects (Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry) are taught.
› In the third year, the subject (students will take courses in only that subject) of specialization will determine the final
degree awarded: B.Sc. (Hons.) in Mathematics, B.Sc. (Hons.) in Physics, or B.Sc. (Hons.) in Chemistry.
Honours in Mathematics (Year 3): Students strengthen their basics of Mathematics as they pursue advanced courses such
as Abstract Algebra, Linear Algebra, sophistications of Complex analysis, Topology, Numerical Methods etc. and software
laboratory courses such as Introduction to C Programming and Data Structure and File handling using C during the last
two semesters. Those who wish to pursue Computer Science may choose elective courses from a list of well structured
elective courses. Moreover, students with eligible CGPA at the Honours level with creditable performance will get admitted
to the M.Sc. in Mathematics programme. Besides getting very good training in Mathematics, this programme provides
opportunities to Mathematics graduates for specialization in Computer Science or Actuarial Science.
Honours in Physics (Year 3): The programme has been designed to provide a strong foundation in fundamental physics
concepts that form the very basis of advanced scientific inventions. The curriculum presents a blend of science and
technology, with the physics courses complimented by adequately equipped laboratory experiments and supplemented
by lessons in advanced electronics and microprocessors. The program aims at inspiring students to further pursue science
at the Masters level and beyond.
Honours in Chemistry (Year 3): The emphasis is on teaching the fundamental principles of Chemistry that cover topics
under each of the major branches of Chemistry such as Inorganic, Organic and Physical, and giving training in appropriate
experimental methods. Electives (including interdepartmental) are being introduced for Chemistry Honours students that
enable the incorporation of emerging fields into the syllabus as and when the need arises. The graduating student will be
exposed to almost every aspect of the subject - Theoretical, Applied, Instrumental, Computational and Experimental.
9 10+2 years of schooling from a recognized board (CBSE or equivalent)
9 Either passed or appeared for Final exams at XII level before Admissions Test
9 XII Standard: 55% or more (English) and 60% or more (Aggregate including English)
(If not appeared for XII Standard exams, X and XI Standard marks will be considered)
9 Age: preferably below 19 years as of 31st May in the year of admission
YEAR 1 Semester 2 YEAR 2
Semester 1 Mathematics: Probability, Methods of Semester 3
Ordinary Differential Equations
Mathematics: Multivariable Calculus, Mathematics: Introduction to Real Analysis,
Foundations of Mathematics Physics: Optics, Optics Laboratory (Practical) Introduction to Linear Algebra
Physics: Electronics I: Analog and Digital, Chemistry: Chemical Thermodynamics, Physics: Classical Mechanics, Mechanics
Electronics Laboratory I (Practical) Laboratory Course in Titrimetry and Laboratory (Practical)
Thermodynamics (Practical)
Chemistry: Principles of Structure and Chemistry: Chemical Kinetics and Equilibria,
Bonding, Laboratory Course in General Laboratory Course in Chemical Kinetics and
Chemistry (Practical) Equilibria (Practical)
24 Undergraduate
Semester 4 Semester 6
Mathematics: Real Analysis, Algebraic Mathematics: Algebraic Structures II,
Structures I Numerical Methods, Methods of Differential
Physics: Electromagnetism, Equations, Elective III, Elective IV, Software
Electromagnetism Laboratory (Practical) Lab II - Data Structure and File Handling
Chemistry: Chemistry of Organic Functional using C (Practical)
Groups, Laboratory Course in Methods and
Synthesis in Organic Chemistry (Practical) or
This programme leads to the integrated postgraduate programmes in (subject to meeting the eligibility criteria):
M.Sc. in Biosciences (Men and Women) / M.Sc. in Chemistry (Men only)
› In the first two years of study, both subjects (Biosciences and Chemistry) are taught
› In the third year, the subject (students will take courses in only that subject) of specialization will determine the final
degree awarded: B.Sc. (Hons.) in Biosciences or B.Sc. (Hons.) in Chemistry
Honours in Biosciences (Year 3): Much emphasis is laid on getting students abreast with the newly emerging areas
of Biological Sciences. Practical courses—including hands-on training in laboratory techniques—enhance students’
understanding of the basic and applied theoretical concepts. These include morphological and anatomical aspects gained
earlier along with structure-function relationships that exist among organisms and applications developed in the field of
Biological Sciences for improving the quality of Man’s life.
Honours in Chemistry (Year 3): The emphasis is on teaching the fundamental principles of Chemistry that cover topics
under each of the major branches of Chemistry such as Inorganic, Organic and Physical, and giving training in appropriate
experimental methods. Electives (including interdepartmental) are being introduced for Chemistry Honours students that
enable the incorporation of emerging fields into the syllabus as and when the need arises. The graduating student will be
exposed to almost every aspect of the subject - Theoretical, Applied, Instrumental, Computational and Experimental.
9 10+2 years of schooling from a recognized board (CBSE or equivalent)
9 Either passed or appeared for Final exams at XII level before Admissions Test
9 XII Standard: 55% or more (English) and 60% or more (Aggregate including English)
(If not appeared for XII Standard exams, X and XI Standard marks will be considered)
9 Age: preferably below 19 years as of 31st May in the year of admission
This programme leads to the integrated postgraduate programmes in (subject to meeting the eligibility criteria):
M.Sc. in Mathematics / M.A. in Economics
› In the first two years of study, all three subjects (Mathematics, Economics and Statistics) are taught
› In the third year, the subject (students will take courses in only that subject) of specialization (Mathematics or
Economics only) will determine the final degree awarded: B.Sc. (Hons.) in Mathematics, or B.Sc. (Hons.) in Economics
Honours in Mathematics (Year 3): Students strengthen their basics of Mathematics as they pursue advanced courses such
as Abstract Algebra, Linear Algebra, sophistications of Complex analysis, Topology, Numerical Methods etc. and software
laboratory courses such as Introduction to C Programming and Data Structure and File handling using C during the last
two semesters. Those who wish to pursue Computer Science may choose elective courses from a list of well structured
elective courses. Moreover, students with eligible CGPA at the Honours level with creditable performance will get admitted
to the M.Sc. in Mathematics programme. Besides getting very good training in Mathematics, this programme provides
opportunities to Mathematics graduates for specialization in Computer Science or Actuarial Science.
Honours in Economics (Year 3): The Economics programme provides rigorous training in micro and macro economic
theory, quantitative analysis and some areas of applied economics such as finance, international economics, public finance
and development economics. On the whole, there is considerable emphasis on quantitative orientation in all courses. Part
of the training includes computer applications using data relating to the Indian economy. Graduating students can further
pursue an MBA or a Masters degree in economics.
9 10+2 years of schooling from a recognized board (CBSE or equivalent)
9 Either passed or appeared for Final exams at XII level before Admissions Test
9 XII Standard: 55% or more (English) and 60% or more (Aggregate including English)
(If not appeared for XII Standard exams, X and XI Standard marks will be considered)
9 Age: preferably below 19 years as of 31st May in the year of admission
This programme leads to the integrated postgraduate programmes in (subject to meeting the eligibility criteria):
M.Sc. in Mathematics
› In the first two years of study, all three subjects (Mathematics, Computer Science and Statistics) are taught
› In the third year, only Mathematics course will be taught, leading to the final degree awarded: B.Sc. (Hons.) in
The programme is built on the four paradigms to study science: Theory, Experiment, Data Analysis and Simulation. In the
first two formative years, the focus is given on Computer Science training in the current, modern context. This includes:
The use of a computer more as a tool for problem solving, Data Structures with Python, Database or Information system
(including associated lab work), Data Visualization, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Web Technology and Design.
9 10+2 years of schooling from a recognized board (CBSE or equivalent)
9 Either passed or appeared for Final exams at XII level before Admissions Test
9 XII Standard: 55% or more (English) and 60% or more (Aggregate including English)
(If not appeared for XII Standard exams, X and XI Standard marks will be considered)
9 Age: preferably below 19 years as of 31st May in the year of admission
Semester 1 Semester 3 Semester 5
Mathematics: Multivariable Calculus, Mathematics: Introduction to Real Analysis, Mathematics: Complex Analysis, Topics
Foundations of Mathematics Introduction to Linear Algebra in Linear Algebra, Topology, Elective I,
Computer Science: Data Visualization, Data Elective II, Software Lab I - Introduction to C
Computer Science: Introduction to
Visualization Lab (Practical) Programming (Practical)
Information System, Introduction to
Information System (Practical) Statistics: Statistical Inference
Statistics: Introductory Statistics Semester 6
Semester 4 Mathematics: Algebraic Structures II,
Numerical Methods, Methods of Differential
Semester 2 Mathematics: Real Analysis, Algebraic Equations, Elective III, Elective IV, Software
Mathematics: Linear Programming, Structures I Lab II - Data Structure and File Handling
Methods of Ordinary Differential Equations Computer Science: Artificial Intelligence, using C (Practical)
Computer Science: Problem Solving using Fundamentals of Linux/Unix Systems Lab
Computers, Python Lab (Practical) (Practical)
Statistics: Probability Theory and Statistics: Applied Statistics
28 Undergraduate
The Department of Music at the Prasanthi Nilayam Campus for Men offers full time residential programmes in
music in Carnatic (South Indian) system as well as Hindustani (North Indian) system in Vocal and Instrumental
streams. The department offers four major disciplines.
9 10+2 years of schooling (with music as one the subject) from a recognized board (CBSE or equivalent) OR
9 10+2 years of schooling with Diploma in Music from a recognized board (CBSE or equivalent) OR
9 10+2 years of schooling from a recognized board (CBSE or equivalent) with minimum two years of training from a reputed
Guru **
9 Either passed or appeared for Final exams at XII level before Admissions Test
9 XII Standard: 50% or more (English) and 55% or more (Aggregate including English) Candidates belonging to Scheduled
Castes / Scheduled Tribes are entitled to a relaxation of 5% marks.
9 If not appeared for XII Standard exams, X and XI Standard marks will be considered) In such cases: 50% or more (English)
and 55% or more (Aggregate including English) Candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes / Scheduled Tribes are entitled
to a relaxation of 5% marks. The candidate should have taken their final year qualifying examination before the date of
admission test.
9 Age: preferably below 19 years as of 31st May in the year of admission. Age may be relaxed to 21 years depending on the
merit of the case
** Candidates who have not studied Music as one of the subjects in X/XII qualifying examination must have studied
Music for not less than two years in a recognized Institution OR got training in Music for not less than two years
from a well-known teacher/guru. Such candidates shall be required to submit a certificate issued by the teacher/
Carnatic Vocal Carnatic Instrumental Veena or Carnatic Instrumental Mridangam or Hindustani Vocal
Carnatic Instrumental Mridangam Carnatic Vocal or Carnatic Instrumental Veena or Carnatic Instrumental Tabla
Hindustani Vocal Hindustani Instrumental Tabla or Hindustani Instrumental Sitar or Carnatic Vocal
Hindustani Instrumental Sitar Hindustani Vocal or Hindustani Instrumental Tabla or Carnatic Instrumental Veena
Hindustani Instrumental Tabla Hindustani Vocal or Hindustani Instrumental Sitar or Carnatic Vocal
Facilities: The Department of Music has facilities not just for imparting education in Music but is also equipped with computerized audio recording facility,
a well-equipped library with a good number of books relating to Music as well as Sai spiritual literature. A huge digital music collection of great maestros
with a latest multipurpose music system are available in the library for the benefit of the students. Musical instruments required for the purpose of classroom
teaching and for practice sessions are provided.
Visiting Artistes: Artistes from various corners visit Prasanthi Nilayam as pilgrims. They are invited to visit the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, from
time to time and give lecture demonstrations. Great maestros like Sri Umayalpuram Sivaraman (Mridangam Vidwan), Sri Komanduri Sheshadri (Violin Vidwan),
Sri Hariharan (Ghazal Singer), Sri Naiveli Santana Gopalan (Carnatic Vocal Vidwan), Suresh Wadkar (North Indian Classical Singer), Smt Anuradha Krishnamurthy
(Carnatic Vocal Vidwan), Padmashri Palanivel (Thavil Vidwan) and Prof. Yella Venkateswara Rao (Mridangam Vidwan) are some of the artists whose expertise
richly benefits students, particularly during interactive sessions.
Diploma in Music
This Diploma Course, under the Department of Music, is offered in two streams viz., Carnatic and Hindustani systems in
following disciplines Vocal, Veena, Mridangam, Sitar, Mridangam and Tabla.
9 Passed X Std. of study from a recognized board (CBSE or equivalent)
9 Foundation Course (or equivalent) in Music from a recognized College / Institution
9 Age: Above 16 years and below 20 years as of 31st May in the year of admission
Note: Candidates who are especially talented, with a family background in Professional Music and other Fine Arts will also
be considered. In such cases, the candidate must produce documentary evidence.
Year 1 Year 1
Main Stream DC (Vocal): Theory, General English, Vocal Practical Main Stream DH (Vocal): Theory, General English, Vocal Practical
Main Stream DC (Veena): Theory, General English, Veena Practical Main Stream DH (Sitar): Theory, General English, Sitar Practical
Main Stream DC (Mrudangam): Tala Theory, General English, Main Stream DH (Tabla): Tala Theory, General English, Tabla Practical
Mrudangam Practical
Ancillary Stream DH (Vocal): Ancillary Vocal Practical
Ancillary Stream DC (Vocal): Ancillary Vocal Practical
Ancillary Stream DH (Sitar): Ancillary Sitar Practical
Ancillary Stream DC (Veena): Ancillary Veena Practical
Ancillary Stream DH (Tabla): Ancillary Tabla Mrudangam
Ancillary Stream DC (Mrudangam): Ancillary Mrudangam Practical
Year 2
Year 2
The admission test syllabus is based on XI/XII Std. of CBSE. The question paper will be of Multiple Choice type.
GENERAL ENGLISH variable force; unit of work. Potential and magnetic field and magnetic elements.
kinetic energy, work – energy theorem; Bar magnet - magnetic field lines.
› Comprehension of Unseen Passage: Prose Collisions – Elastic and in-elastic collisions Magnetic field due to magnetic dipole
and Poetry. in one dimension; Moment of inertia along the axis and perpendicular to
› Vocabulary: Antonyms, Synonyms, One- and its physical significance – radius of the axis; torque on a magnetic dipole
word Substitutes, Pairs of Words Often gyration; angular momentum. Torque – in a uniform magnetic field; magnetic
Confused conservation of angular momentum. properties of materials–Intensity of
› Grammar: Tenses, Prepositions, Phrasal › Gravitation: The universal law of magnetisation, magnetic susceptibility,
Verbs, Voice(s), ‘too – enough,’ ‘since’ and gravitation; acceleration due to gravity magnetic induction and permeability Dia,
‘for’ and its variation with the altitude, Para and Ferromagnetic substances with
› Structure: Reported Speech, Spellings, latitude, depth and rotation of the Earth. examples; magnetic force and motion
Punctuation, Correction of Sentences › Solids: Elastic behaviour, stress – strain in a magnetic field, Biot-savart Law,
› Composition: Re-ordering or re- relationship, Hooke’s law; three types of Ampere’s circuital law, solenoid, torque on
arranging of sentences to form a moduli of elasticity; current loop, magnetic flux, Faraday’s law,
coherent whole, guided composition, › Periodic motion: Period, frequency, Lenz’s law, motional EMF, AC generator;
paragraph writing, letter writing. displacement as a function of time. › Atomic and Nuclear Physics: Alpha
Simple harmonic motion – amplitude, particle scattering and Rutherford’s
frequency, phase – uniform circular nuclear model, atomic spectra, Bohr
motion as SHM. Oscillations of a spring; model of hydrogen atom, hydrogen atom
MATHEMATICS Energy in SHM. kinetic and potential spectra, composition of nucleus, size
energies; of the nucleus, nuclear binding energy,
› Algebra and Trigonometry: Sets, › Wave motion: longitudinal and nuclear force, radioactivity, Nuclear
Relations and functions; Complex transverse waves – relation between Fission and Fusion;
Numbers; Matrices and Determinants; frequency, wavelength and velocity › Electronics: Semiconductors: intrinsic
Quadratic Equations; Permutations and of a wave, Superposition principle, and extrinsic, p-n junction, diodes,
Combinations; Mathematical Induction Interference – intensity and sound special purpose diodes, transistors, digital
and its applications; Binomial theorem level; beats, standing waves – standing electronics -logic gates.
and its applications; Sequences and waves in strings and pipes – sonometer
Series; Trigonometry. – resonance air column – fundamental
› Calculus: Differential Calculus; Integral mode and harmonics. Doppler effect; CHEMISTRY
Calculus; Differential Equations. › Thermodynamics and Kinetic theory:
› Two Dimensional Geometry. Laws of thermodynamics; heat › General and Physical Chemistry: Some
› Statistics: Measures of Central tendency conduction, convection, radiation; kinetic basic concepts of chemistry-structure of
and Dispersion; Probability. theory of gases; atom-acids and bases-pH-buffers-buffer
› Optics: Reflection of light – reflection at action-buffer capacity-hydrolysis of salts-
plane and curved surfaces; total internal solubility product-states of matter (gases
PHYSICS reflection; determination of velocity of and liquids)-solutions-thermodynamics-
light – Michelson’s method; refraction – first and second law-electrochemistry-
› Measurements: Fundamental and spherical lenses – thin lens formula, lens Nernst equation, electrochemical cell,
derived units – length, mass and time makers formula – magnification – power cell representation and cell potential-
measurements; Accuracy and precision of a lens – combination of thin lenses chemical equilibrium- redox reactions-
of measuring instruments, errors in in contact; refraction of light through solid state-chemical kinetics-1st order rate
measurement – significant figures; a prism – dispersion – spectrometer – expression, 2nd order rate expression, half
Dimensions - dimensions of physical determination of μ – rainbow; optical life period and Arrhenius equation and
quantities – dimensional analysis; instruments – microscope, telescope, surface chemistry- chemical adsorption
› Scalar and vector quantities: Addition resolving power; and physical adsorption.
and subtraction of vectors, unit vector, › Electrostatics and Current Electricity: › Inorganic Chemistry: Periodic table-
resolution of vectors, rectangular Electric charges, conductors, insulators, chemical bonding and molecular
components, multiplication of vectors - charging by induction, properties of structure – hydrogen-general
scalar, vector products. electric charge, coulomb’s law, forces characteristics of s-block elements-p-
› Mechanics and Kinematics: Motion in a between multiple charges, electric field, block elements and d-block elements-
straight line, position time graph, speed electric field lines, electric flux, electric coordination chemistry-EAN rule,
and velocity, uniform and non-uniform dipole, dipole in uniform external field, nomenclature and valence bond
motion, uniformly accelerated motion; electrostatic potential, potential due to theory- organometallics-importance of
Motion in two dimensions; projectile point charge, electrostatics of conductors, coordination compounds in qualitative
motion; Force and inertia, Newton’s capacitors, capacitance, parallel plate inorganic analysis principles and
laws and their applications; unit of capacitor, energy stored in capacitors, processes of isolation of elements-nuclear
force – impulse; law of conservation of combination of capacitors. chemistry-different types of decay.
linear momentum and its applications; › Electric current, Electric current in › Organic and Applied Chemistry:
Equilibrium of concurrent forces – conductors: ohm’s law - electrical energy Purification and Characterization of
triangle law, parallelogram law; Uniform and power, combination of resistance, Organic Compounds; Some basic
circular motion, angular velocity, angular Kirchoff’s law, wheat stone bridge principles-Hydrocarbons-haloalkanes
acceleration; relation between linear network, metre bridge, potentiometer and haloarenes-organic compounds
and angular velocities. Centripetal force; › Moving Charges, Magnetism and containing oxygen (alcohols, phenols,
Work done by a constant force and a Electromagnetic induction: Earth’s carbonyl compounds, carboxylic acids),
32 Undergraduate
› Mughals: Akbar’s accession and political › Types of Vectors, Vector addition, Scalar - Elementary Geometry - Statistical tables
achievements; His religious policy and multiplication, Scalar and Vector products & averages.
Din – e – Illahi; Aurangzeb and fall of the of 2, 3 and 4 vectors
Mughal Empire; Mughal contribution to › Linear Inequalities, Linear Programming – LOGICAL REASONING
Art, Architecture and Literature. Graphical Method › This test is with a view to ascertain
› Rise of the Marathas: Shivaji’s political the candidate’s ability to apply logic,
achievements; Shivaji’s administration; Part B: Mensuration, Geometry, Analytical rationale and constraint based deduction
› Peshwas: Balaji Viswanath; Baji Rao; Balaji Geometry skills. This will be tested with questions
Baji Rao. › Areas, Surface Areas and Volumes of which involve pictorial representations
standard plane and solid regions and hypothetical situations of real life
MODERN INDIA › Euclid’s Axioms and Postulates, Lines, scenarios which call for application of
› Advent of Europeans in India: Angles, Triangles, Congruent Triangles, logic and reason to find feasible solutions
Portuguese in India; Dutch and their Quadrilaterals, Area, Circles, Similar
decline; English and the formation of the Triangles
East India Company; French settlements › Cartesian coordinate system for a plane, BACHELOR OF PERFORMING ARTS
in India. Distance formula, Section formula, Area (MUSIC)
› The Revolt of 1857: Causes and nature of of Triangle, Equations of a straight line,
revolt; Course of the revolt and results; Equations of a plane, Conic Sections › Candidates will be selected for admission
› Causes for the failure. › Cartesian coordinate system for space, on the basis of their performance in the
› Rise of the British power in India: Battles Direction Cosines, Direction Ratios, Lines Admissions Test in:
of Plassey and Buxar; Three Carnatic wars and Planes in Space
and the success of the English. General English (see Page 39) and Aptitude
› Nationalism Movement in India: Part C: Trigonometry, Calculus and test in Music in the major/elective subjects
Genesis of Indian National Congress; Differential Equations chosen for study
Moderates and Extremists; Surat › Trigonometric Ratios, Identities,
Split; Rise of Extremism; Home Rule Trigonometric Functions of sum and DIPLOMA IN MUSIC
Movement; Revolutionary and Terrorist difference of Angles, Trigonometric
movement; Jallianwalabagh Tragedy of Equations › Candidates will be selected for admission
1919; Non Cooperation Movement; Civil › Sets, Relations, Functions, Simple on the basis of their performance in the
Disobedience Movement; Quit India problems on Limits, Continuity, Admissions Test in:
Movement; Indian Independence. Derivatives of First and Higher Order,
Rules of Differentiation, Bernoulli Rule, General English (X Std. Level) and
Partial Derivatives of First order Aptitude test in Music in the major/
B.B.A. › Indefinite Integral, Definite Integral, Rules elective subjects chosen for study
of Integration, Applications of Integrals
Numerical skills and Reasoning skills › Ordinary Differential Equations, General
› Basic arithmetical operations and Particular Solutions, First Order
› Basic properties of numbers Differential Equations – Classification and
› HCF & LCM Solution, Second Order Homogeneous
› Fractions Differential Equations
› Decimals
› Percentages Part D: Statistics and Probability
› Ratio & proportions › Introduction to Statistics, Data Collection
› Power & groups & presentation, Mean, Median, & Mode,
› Simple Interest & Compound Interest Cumulative Frequency Distribution,
› Mensuration - Problem solving in Algebra Measures of Dispersion, Range, Mean
› Elementary Geometry Deviation, Standard Deviation,
› Statistical tables & averages and logical › Sets and Relations, Empirical Probability,
reasoning. Theoretical Approach Random
Experiments, Events, Axiomatic Approach
to Probability, Conditional Probability,
Independent Events, Bayes’s Theorem,
B.SC. (HONS.) IN COMPUTER Random Variable & its distribution,
SCIENCE Bernoulli’s trials, Binomial Distribution.
The M.A. in English Language and Literature is designed to inspire students to appreciate first-hand, the varieties and
shades of language and style and various kinds and trends of imaginative writing in Modern English Literature (1500 to
the present day). Over the course of the programme, students will learn how to train their critical taste and judgment in
such a way that they are able to respond sympathetically and imaginatively to diverse literary trends and movements.
Concurrently, their ability to arrive at an impersonal and dispassionate evaluation of a given work of art and/or a given
writer will be honed. They will gain the skills necessary to be aware of problems, limitations and strengths implicit in
the appreciation of English language and literature, and learn how to write effectively and cogently while expressing
themselves either in critical or in creative writing.
9 10+2 years of schooling and 3 years of university (total 15 years) as recognized by SSSIHL
9 Either passed or appeared for Final exams at Bachelor’s degree level before the date of Admissions Test
9 Bachelor’s degree: 50% or more (English) and 60% or more (Aggregate incl. English) or CGPA aggregate of 6 or more
(10-point scale) and 5 or more (10-point scale) in English.
(If not appeared for Bachelor’s degree final exams, aggregate marks in all the preceding Years/Semesters put together
marks will be considered)
9 Age: preferably below 23 years as of 31st May in the year of admission
Semester 1
English Literature: Chaucer and 1550-1660, Elective I
Course A: Comparative Literature
English Literature: 1660-1789, English Course B: European Classics in Translation
Literature: 1789-1830
Elective II
Semester 2
English Literature: 1830-1900, English Course A: Women’s studies (Drama and
Literature: 20th Century, Indian Writing in Fiction)
English, Commonwealth Literature Course B: Teaching of English as a second
Semester 3
American Literature, Literary Criticism,
Structure of Modern English I (Elements
of Linguistics and Phonetics), Structure of
Modern English II (Grammar)
Semester 4
English for the Media, Two courses (chosen
from the two sets of electives) and a
Dissertation / Open Course in World Drama
36 Postgraduate
M.A. in Economics
The programme is designed to equip students with potential to serve in positions of responsibility with the government,
the corporate sector, universities and research institutions. The set of courses offered fall into core courses and electives.
The core courses are intended to provide well-balanced training in economic theory, contemporary economic problems
and quantitative methodology so as to build the essential tools for economic analysis of problems arising in a variety of
contexts. The elective courses from the economics stream deal with application of economic theory and econometrics
to address practical issues in a range of fields like demography, labour, industry, agriculture, development, education and
health economics. The elective courses from financial economics deal with the allocation and deployment of economic
resources, both spatially and across time, in an uncertain environment. In both streams, the electives enable the students to
acquire more advanced training in branches of their choice.
9 10+2 years of schooling and 3 years of university (total 15 years) as recognized by SSSIHL
9 Either passed or appeared for Final exams at Bachelor’s degree level before the date of Admissions Test
9 Bachelor’s degree: 50% or more (English) and 60% or more (Aggregate incl. English) or CGPA aggregate of 6 or more
(10-point scale) and 5 or more (10-point scale) in English.
(If not appeared for Bachelor’s degree final exams, aggregate marks in all the preceding Years/Semesters put together
marks will be considered)
9 Age: preferably below 23 years as of 31st May in the year of admission
M.Sc. in Mathematics
The M.Sc. in Mathematics Programme provides a broad-based knowledge of mathematics to students through core
courses that cover the areas of Analysis, Algebra, Geometry, Differential Equations, Probability & Statistics, Operations
Research, etc. The syllabus also provides one software laboratory course in each of the four semesters, which will enable
hands-on experience with various programming languages, software packages and in working in different platforms. In
order to develop a deep understanding and skill in chosen areas, the programme provides different streams of electives.
› Students have an option to specialize in Computer Science or Actuarial Science
9 10+2 years of schooling and 3 years of university (total 15 years) as recognized by SSSIHL
9 Either passed or appeared for Final exams at Bachelor’s degree level before Admissions Test
9 Bachelor’s degree: 50% or more (English) and 60% or more (Aggregate incl. English) or CGPA aggregate of 6 or more
(10-point scale) and 5 or more (10-point scale) in English.
(If not appeared for Bachelor’s degree final exams, aggregate marks in all the preceding Years/Semesters put together
marks will be considered)
9 Only candidates with a B.Sc. in Mathematics or other B.Sc. programmes (M/P/C or M/E/S or M/P/CS) with a major/
specialization in Mathematics are eligible to apply
9 Familiarity with the following is mandatory for admissions:
Mathematics: Calculus, Differential Equations, Probability Theory, Real Analysis, Group Theory, Ring Theory,
Linear Algebra, Complex Analysis, Discrete Mathematics, and Numerical Analysis
Computer Science: C Language Programming
9 Age: preferably below 23 years as of 31st May in the year of admission
Actuarial Science
Stream Core 1: Actuarial Mathematics
Stream Core 2: Applied Statistical Methods
Stream Core 3: Actuarial Models
Stream Core 4: Financial Economics
38 Postgraduate
C++ Programming, Advanced C++ Pro- STREAM I: Algebra, Geometry & Number
gramming, Programming in Python,
Algebraic Topology, Algebraic Geometry,
Numerical Methods and Simulation Lab, Symplectic Geometry, Foundations
Introduction to SageMath Programming, on Algebraic Number Theory, Analytic
Symbolic Computing in SageMath, Number Theory, Riemannian Manifolds,
Introduction to MATLAB Programming, Differentiable Manifolds, Mathematical
Advanced MATLAB Programming, Cryptography
Introduction to OCTAVE Programming,
Advanced OCTAVE Programming, Data STREAM II: Analysis and Applications
Analysis and Visualization using Python Sobolev Spaces and Sobolev Functions,
Distribution Theory, Advanced Complex
Mathematical Methods in Data Mining
Analysis, Functional Analytic Methods
using Python, SQL Programming, Core Java for Partial Differential Equations, Spectral
Programming, Operating Systems Lab, Theory of Linear Operators, Harmonic
Actuarial Mathematics using R, Actuarial Analysis
Mathematics using SAS
STREAM III: Differential Equations and
Dynamical Systems
Dynamical Systems, Advanced Nonlinear
Dynamic Systems, Time scale, Integral
Equations, Control Theory, Numerical
Solutions of Partial Differential Equations
M.Sc. in Physics
The Masters Programme in Physics is designed to equip the students with strong fundamentals of physics. Specialization in
Photonics, Nuclear Physics or Materials Science is offered in the second year of study. Students get adequate exposure to
theory and experimental methodology of Modern Physics along with requisite computational techniques. A project work
is designed to cater to the research potential of the students wherein they are exposed to gain experience in handling
sophisticated equipment and are exposed to advanced concepts in Physics.
9 10+2 years of schooling and 3 years of university (total 15 years) as recognized by SSSIHL
9 Either passed or appeared for Final exams at Bachelor’s degree level before Admissions Test
9 Bachelor’s degree: 50% or more (English) and 60% or more (Aggregate incl. English) or CGPA aggregate of 6 or more
(10-point scale) and 5 or more (10-point scale) in English.
(If not appeared for Bachelor’s degree final exams, aggregate marks in all the preceding Years/Semesters put together
marks will be considered)
9 Candidates with a B.Sc. (Hons.): Physics as a main subject along with Mathematics and either Chemistry, Statistics,
Electronics or Computer Science as additional subjects are eligible to apply
9 Candidates with a B.Sc. without Honours: 3-subject combination with Physics, Mathematics and either Chemistry,
Statistics, Electronics or Computer Science are eligible to apply
9 Age: preferably below 23 years as of 31st May in the year of admission
M.Sc. in Chemistry
The Masters Programme in Chemistry covers all aspects of the different branches of chemistry and lays emphasis on
detailed understanding of the fundamental principles and on training in appropriate computational and experimental
methods. This rigorous training in all the major branches of chemistry - theoretical, applied, instrumental, computational
and experimental – sets the stage for electives in interdisciplinary areas as well as for an introduction to advanced
emerging fields of research in the final semester.
9 10+2 years of schooling and 3 years of university (total 15 years) as recognized by SSSIHL
9 Either passed or appeared for Final exams at Bachelor’s degree level before Admissions Test
9 Bachelor’s degree: 50% or more (English) and 60% or more (Aggregate incl. English) or CGPA aggregate of 6 or more
(10-point scale) and 5 or more (10-point scale) in English.
(If not appeared for Bachelor’s degree final exams, aggregate marks in all the preceding Years/Semesters put together
marks will be considered)
9 Only candidates with a B.Sc. or B.Sc. (Hons) in Chemistry are eligible to apply
9 Age: preferably below 23 years as of 31st May in the year of admission
M.Sc. in Biosciences
The curriculum of M.Sc. in Biosciences is designed to provide an in-depth understanding of the major sub-disciplines
of life sciences such as Molecular biology, Molecular cell biology, Biochemistry, Developmental biology, Immunology,
Instrumentation for biological applications and Genetic Engineering. Strengthening the foundations in these aspects
sets the stage for elective courses offered in advanced topics in the domains of Biotechnology. Laboratories with state-
of-the-art equipment provide students with hands-on training in Animal and Plant Cell Culture, Microbiology, Molecular
biology, Biochemistry and Bioinformatics. A dissertation project spanning the final two semesters of the programme equips
students with essential laboratory techniques and trains them to design and conduct in vitro and in silico studies in topics
aligned to the thrust areas of the Department of Biosciences. Weekly colloquia and lab meetings require students to make
presentations on their progress to the faculty members and research scholars of the department thereby honing their
communication skills and building confidence.
9 10+2 years of schooling and 3 years of university (total 15 years) as recognized by SSSIHL
9 Either passed or appeared for Final exams at Bachelor’s degree level before Admissions Test
9 Bachelor’s degree: 50% or more (English) and 60% or more (Aggregate incl. English) or CGPA aggregate of 6 or more
(10-point scale) and 5 or more (10-point scale) in English.
(If not appeared for Bachelor’s degree final exams, aggregate marks in all the preceding Years/Semesters put together
marks will be considered)
9 Only candidates with a B.Sc. or B.Sc.(Hons) in Biosciences, Botany or Zoology are eligible to apply
9 Age: preferably below 23 years as of 31st May in the year of admission
The M.Sc. in Food and Nutritional Sciences programme covers the major disciplines of Food Sciences and Nutritional
Sciences that will professionally equip students to practice in industry with high levels of skill in these areas. The
comprehensive curriculum includes fundamental courses in Food and Nutrition, Biochemistry, Research Methodology and
Food Microbiology.
Advanced and specialized courses in Food Sciences cover aspects of Food Product Development, Food Quality and
Safety, Food Chemistry and Entrepreneurship. Specific courses in Nutritional Sciences focus on Dietetics, emerging area
of Functional Foods, Molecular Nutrition, Ayurvedic Nutrition, Nutritional Counseling and Public Health Nutrition. These
courses along with project work in two areas of specialization (Applied Nutrition and Food Technology) are designed
to help the students to pursue research and career in various Health Care Institutions, Food Industries and NGOs with
particular emphasis on community service.
9 10+2 years of schooling and 3 years of university (total 15 years) as recognized by SSSIHL
9 Either passed or appeared for Final exams at Bachelor’s degree level before Admissions Test
9 Bachelor’s degree: 50% or more (English) and 60% or more (Aggregate incl. English) or CGPA aggregate of 6 or more
(10-point scale)
/ 3.5 or more (5-point scale) with 50% or more in English
(If not appeared for Bachelor’s degree final exams, aggregate marks in all the preceding Years/Semesters put together
marks will be considered)
9 Only candidates with a B.Sc. in Home Science or Biosciences, or Mathematics / Physics / Chemistry are eligible to apply
9 Age: preferably below 23 years as of 31st May in the year of admission
The B.Ed. programme prepares teachers for Upper Primary or Middle Level (Class VI- VIII), Secondary Level (Class IX-X) and
Senior Secondary Level (Class XI-XII). Since the programme is two years, it allows the time for student-teachers to become
reflective practitioners. The course structure offers a comprehensive coverage of themes and rigorous field engagement
with the child, school and community. It also includes special courses for enhancing professional capacities of the student-
teachers. The unique aspect of this programme is that it stresses on the importance of imparting values-based education to
students, resulting in their wholesome and balanced development.
9 10+2 years of schooling and 3 years of university (total 15 years) as recognized by SSSIHL
9 Either passed or appeared for Final exams at Bachelor’s degree level before the date of Admissions Test
9 Bachelor’s degree (BA/BA (Hons.)/B.Sc./B.Sc. (Hons.)/B.Com. (Hons.)/BBA/BE/B.Tech.): 50% or more (English) and 60% or
more (Aggregate incl. English); or 5 or more in English and CGPA aggregate of 6 or more (10-point scale).
(If not appeared for Bachelor’s degree final exams, aggregate marks in all the preceding Years/Semesters put together
marks will be considered)
9 Age: preferably below 28 years as of 31st May in the year of admission
Note: All applicants of the B.Ed. programme must choose one of the four pedagogy subjects (Mathematics, Physical Sciences,
Biological Sciences or Social Studies) for the entrance test and indicate the same on the application form.
Semester 1 Semester 3
Childhood and Growing Up, Basics in School Organization, Supervision and
Education, Technology of Teaching and Administration, Education in Human
Learning, Pedagogy of Teaching – Group Values: Peace Education, Language acroos
I: Pedagogy of English or Pedagogy of Curriculam, Drama and Art in Education,
Physical Science, Pedagogy of Teaching Yoga Education, Critical understanding of
– Group II: Pedagogy of Mathematics ICT, Internship Phase III (4 weeks)
or Pedagogy of Biological Science or
Pedagogy of Social Science, Psychological
Semester 4
Testing, Internship Phase I (3 weeks)
Knowledge and Curriculum, Creating
an Inclusive School, Gender, School and
Semester 2 Society, Optional Course: Guidance and
Learning and Teaching, Contemporary India Counseling or Environmental Education or
and Education, Assessment for Learning, Health and Physical Education, Community
Pedagogy of Teaching – Group I: Pedagogy Work, Internship Phase IV (5 weeks) -
of English or Pedagogy of Physical Science, Final Practice Teaching: Practical in Two
Pedagogy of Teaching – Group II: Pedagogy Pedagogies
of Mathematics or Pedagogy of Biological
Science or Pedagogy of Social Science,
Internship Phase II (8 weeks)
The Management Programme has been structured in a balanced manner providing equal importance to the development
of managerial skills and capabilities and the inculcation of healthy attitudes and values, thus enabling the student to grow
into a proficient manager and a responsible member of society. It has four components. The Foundation Courses have
special focus on universal human values and cover subjects such as: Self-Development, Values-based Management, Values-
Centered Leadership, National Perspectives and Rural Development. The Core and Functional Courses cover concepts
and techniques connected with functional management in Marketing, Operations, Finance, and Human Resources.
The Integrative Courses cover subjects that span across the different functions and disciplines such as: Management
Information Systems, Total Quality Management, and Management Strategies among others. Electives are offered in streams
such as Marketing, Finance, Operations, Systems, Human Resources and International Business.
9 10+2 years of schooling and 3 years of university (total 15 years) as recognized by SSSIHL
9 Either passed OR appeared for Final exams at Bachelor’s degree level OR Master’s degree level before Admissions Test
9 Bachelor’s degree: 50% or more (English) and 60% or more (Aggregate incl. English) or CGPA aggregate of 6 or more
(10-point scale) / 3.5 or more (5-point scale) with 50% or more in English
(If not appeared for Bachelor’s degree final exams, aggregate marks in all the preceding Years/Semesters put together
marks will be considered)
9 Master’s degree: 60% or more (Aggregate incl. English) or CGPA aggregate of 6 or more and 5 or more in English (10-point
scale) with 50% or more in English at the Bachelor’s level
9 Age: preferably below 28 years as of 31st May in the year of admission
A masters programme for students with a background in science and engineering alike that teaches students the
theoretical foundations of Computer Science as well as the practical knowledge regarding computer systems. This is
achieved primarily through core theoretical courses. In order to impart working knowledge and programming for solving
problems the program is designed to have a software lab associated with each of the courses. A well structured list of
electives from various areas like Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Data Analytics, High Performance Computing, Software
Systems, etc. enable students to specialize in frontier areas of computer science. A comprehensive Viva voce and project
work in the second year prepares graduating students with the necessary knowledge and skills for the next stage of their
careers upon graduation.
9 The candidate must have either passed or appeared for final exams of one of the following: a) M.Sc. in Mathematics or
M.Sc. in Physics or M.Sc. in Computer Science or M.C.A., or b) B.E. in Computer Science / B.Tech. in Computer Science
9 Candidates with a Bachelor’s degree (B.E. / B.Tech.) in Computer Science, Computer Science and Engineering, Electronics
& Communications Engineering (with Computer Science background*) and Information Technology (with Mathematics
background) are eligible to apply.
9 Bachelor’s degree: 60% or more (Aggregate incl. English) or CGPA aggregate of 6 or more (10-point scale)
(If not appeared B.E./B.Tech./M.Sc. final exams, aggregate marks in all the preceding Years/Semesters put together
marks will be considered)
9 Master’s degree: 60% or more (Aggregate incl. English) or CGPA aggregate of 6 or more (10-point scale) with 50% or more
in English at the Bachelor’s level
9 Familiarity with the following is mandatory for admissions:
Mathematics: Calculus of one and several variable, Sequence and Series, Linear Algebra and Matrix Theory, Differential
equations and Laplace Transforms, Mathematical logic.
Computer Science: Data Structures and Simple Algorithms, Computer Organization and Architecture, Data
communications and Networks, Data base Systems, Languages Translators
9 Age: preferably below 28 years as of 31st May in the year of admission
*Implies an adequate, formal training and qualification from a recognized institution or relevant Computer/IT industry/academic
experience for a minimum period of 5 years
YEAR 1 ELECTIVES Stream IV: Theoretical Computer Science
Semester 1 Advanced Algorithms, Cryptography
Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Design Stream I: Intelligent Systems and
and Analysis of Algorithms (Practical), Knowledge Engineering Stream V: Computer Systems
Advanced Computer Architecture, Artificial Intelligence, Genetic Algorithms, Compiler Design, Advanced Programming
Advanced Computer Architecture Natural Language Processing, Neural in the Unix Environment, Programming for
(Practical), Parallel Processing, Parallel Networks, Data Mining and Data Performance, Operating Systems
Processing (Practical), Elective I, Seminar I, Warehousing, Pattern Recognition, Machine
Seminar II, Semester End Viva voce Learning, Mining of Big Data Sets, Deep
Learning Stream VI: Multi-Core and Parallel
Semester 2
High Performance Computing with
Theory of Computation, Distributed Stream II: Advanced Computer Accelerators, Cloud Computing,
Systems, Distributed Systems (Practical), Networks
Topics in Database Management Systems, Telecom Networking, Network Security,
Topics in Database Management Systems Wireless and Mobile Networks, Advanced Stream VII: Software Engineering
(Practical), Elective II, Elective III, Seminar III, Computer Networks Object Oriented System Design
Seminar IV, Semester End Viva voce
Optoelectronics has been deemed as the 21st century revolutionary technology that will create as enormous an impact as
electronics did in the 20th century. This interdisciplinary M.Tech programme aims to generate trained professionals in the
broad areas of optoelectronics and communications with an emphasis on networking technologies. One half of the courses
are core ones and the other half are electives, that enable students to pursue areas that have their academic interest. The
core courses give a strong background of science and engineering. These are supplemented with laboratory courses,
enabling the students to take up project work in the second year. Graduates with training in optoelectronics and related
communication technologies will be useful in industries and R&D organizations involved in the areas of Optoelectronics,
telecommunication & networks.
9 The candidate must have either passed or appeared for final exams of one of the following:
a) M.Sc. Physics, or
b) B.E. / B.Tech. with background in Optics and Electromagnetic Theory
9 Master’s degree: 60% or more (Aggregate incl. English) or CGPA aggregate of 6 or more (10-point scale)
9 Candidates with a Bachelor’s degree in B.E. or B.Tech. (with background in Optics and Electromagnetic Theory)
or a Master’s Degree in Physics are eligible to apply
9 Age: preferably below 28 years as of 31st May in the year of admission
nuclear reactions ,Balance of mass and modes of overlapping, concepts of dioxide. The vander waals equation and
energy in nuclear reactions sigma and pi bonds, criteria for forming the critical state, Derivation of relationship
› Constituents of a nucleus; Discovery of molecular orbital from atomic orbital, between critical constants and Vander
neutron, Nuclear radius; distribution of LCAO - concept, types of molecular waal’s constants. Experimental
nuclear charge; Measurement of nuclear orbital - bonding, antibonding and non- determination critical constants.
radius, Nuclear mass and abundance of bobding, electron density distribution › Liquid state: Intermolecular forces,
nuclides; Mass spectrometer, Nuclear diagram for H2 +, MOED of homonuclear structure of liquids (qualitative
binding energy; Nuclear angular - H2, He2+, B2, C2, N2, O2, F2 and their description). Structural different between
momentum and parity; statistics, ions (unhybridised diagrams only) and solids, liquids and gases. Liquid crystals,
Nuclear Magnetic moment; Nuclear heteronuclear diatomic molecules CO, the mesomorphic state: classification of
electric quadrupole moment; Nuclear CN-, NO,NO- and HF. Bond order and liquid crystals into Semectic and Nematic,
excited states; failure of proton-electron magnetic properties. differences between liquid crystal
hypothesis › Periodic properties and solid/liquid. Application of liquid
› Electromagnetic induction: Faraday’s › Review of trends in atomic and ionic crystals as LCD devices,lubricants and in
law- Lenz’s law-expression for induced radii - covalent radii - single, double and digestion/assimilation of food.
emf –electromotive force-time varying triple bond covalent radii, van der Waal › Solutions: Liquid - liquid mixtures - ideal
magnetic fields - Betatran - Ballistic radii, radii of cations, anions isoelectronic liquid mixtures, Raoult’s and Henry’s law.
galvanometer-theory-damping ions, ionization energy, Electropositivity, Fractional distillation. Partially miscible
correction-self and mutual inductance, basic nature, reducing behavior, electron liquids - phenol-water, trimethyl amine-
coefficient of coupling, calculation affinity and electro negativity - Methods water, nicotine-water systems, Lower
self-inductance of along solenoid- of determination and evaluation - and upper consolute temperature. Effect
toroid-energy stored in magnet in field Pauling’s and Mulliken’s approach, of impurity on consolute temperature.
principles of transformer. application in predicting and explaining Immiscible liquids and steam distillation.
› Varying and alternating currents: CR chemical behavior - nature of bond, › Chemical Kinetics: Rate of a reaction,
circuits, LR circuits, growth and decay of bond length and bond angles, diagonal factors influencing the rate of a reaction
currents, LCR circuit, critical damping- relationship. - concentration, temperature, pressure,
alternating current, relation between › Chemistry of elements of Second and solvent, light and catalyst. Concentration
current and voltage in pure RC and L- Third Transition series- comparative dependence of rates, mathematical
vector diagrams LCR circuit power factor, treatment with their 3d analogues with characteristics of simple chemical
series and parallel resonant circuit-Q- respect to oxidation state, magnetic reactions - Zero order, first order, second
factor. behavior, spectral properties.Study of order, pseudo first order, half-life and
› Maxwell’s equations and electromagnetic Ti, Cr and Cu triads-Titanium triad - mean life. Determination of order of a
wave: A review of basic laws of electricity electronic configuration, reactivity of +III reaction - differential method, method of
and magnetism- displacement current and +IV states -oxides, halides. Chromium integration, half-life method and isolation
-Maxwell’s equations in differential triad - reactivity of +III and +VI states. method. Radioactive decay as first order
form Maxwell’s wave equation. Plane Copper triad - reactivity of +l, +II, and +III phenomenon. Arrhenius equation, and
electromagnetic waves transverse nature states. concept of activation energy. Theories of
of electromagnetic waves Poynting › Metals: Theories of bonding in metals chemical kinetics: effect of temperature
theorem, production of electromagnetic - Free electron theory - thermal and on rate of a reaction Simple collision
waves (Hertz experiment) electrical; conductivity of metals, theory based on hard sphere model.
drawbacks. Valence bond theory - › Thermodynamics: Definition of
CHEMISTRY (50 Marks) explanation of metallic properties and thermodynamic terms: System,
› Atomic Structure and Elementary its limitations. Band theory - explanation surroundings, types of systems, and
Quantum Mechanics of metallic properties, conductors, intensive and extensive properties. State
› Black Body radiation, Plack’s Radiation semiconductors and insulators. General and path functions and their differentials.
law, Photoelectric effect, heat capacity methods involved in extraction of metals › Thermodynamic process. Concept of heat
of solids, Comption effect. De Broglie’s - minerals and ores, ore concentration and work.
hypothesis, Heisenberg’s uncertainty –electromagnetic separation, gravity › First law of Thermodynamics: Statement,
principle, Sinusoidal wave equation, separation - wilfley table, hydraulic definition of internal energy and
Hamiltonian operator, Schordinger’s wave classifier, leaching, froth flotation, enthalpy. Heat capacity, heat capacities at
equation and its importance, physical Calcination and roasting. Acid and constant volume and pressure and their
interpretation of the wave function. alkali digestion. Reduction of oxides, relationship. Joule’s law - Joule. Thomson
› Chemical Bonding: Lonic solids - lattice carbonates, halides, sulphides, sulphates coefficient and inversion temperature.
and salvation energy, solubility of ionic - smelting, flux, auro reduction, alumino › Thermodynamic scale of temperature.
solids rule, power and polarisability - thermic reduction, hydrometallurgy, Concept of entropy, entropy as a state
of ions, covalent nature of ionic bond electrolytic reduction. function, entropy as a function of V & T,
covalent bond –Stereochemistry › Gaseous state: Deviation of real gases entropy as a function of P & T, entropy
of inorganic molecules - common from ideal behavior, Vanderwaal’s change in physical processes. Gibbs and
hybridization and shapes of molecules equation of state. Critical Prenomena: Helmholtz functions: Gibbs function (G)
Molecular orbital theory - Shapes and PV - isotherms of real gases, continuity › Acids and Bases: Arrhenius, Lowry-
sign convention of atomic orbital, of state, Andhrew’s isolthems of carbon Bronsted concepts of acids and bases-
Strengths of acids and bases-Dissociation Polysiphonia. &Hooker, Engler & Prantle. Current
of poly-protic acids, Lewis theory of acids Fungi: Structure, reproduction and concepts in Angiosperm Taxonomy:
and bases: HSAB( Hard and soft acid and life history of Cercospora, Penicillium, Cytotaxonomy, Chemotaxonomy and
base) Concept-Pearson’s classification as Puccinia, Alternaria, General account of Numerical Taxonomy. Nomenclature and
hard and soft acids and bases, acid-base plant diseases caused by Fungi and their Taxonomic resources, Herbarium
strength and hardness and softness. control. › Medicinal Botany:
› Carbohydrates: Introduction: Lichens: Structure and reproduction; Ethnomedicine, Outlines of Ayurveda,
Classification and nomenclature- ecological and economic importance. Sidda, Unani and Homeopathic systems
classification into mono, oligo and › Bryophytaand Pteridophyta of traditional medicine. Plants in primary
polysacchrides into pentoses, hexoses Bryophytes: General characters, health care, Traditional medicine vs
etc. into aldoeses and ketoses. classification and alternation of Modern medicine. Pharmacognosy, Plant
Monosaccharides: All discussion to be generations. Structure, reproduction, crude drugs
confined to (+) glucose as an example of life history and systematic position of › Cell Biology:
aldo hexoses and (-) fructose as example Marchantia, Anthoceros and Funaria, Plant cell envelops, Nucleus,
of ketohexoses. Chemical properties Polytrichum.Evolution of Sporophyte Chromosome and its types, Karyotype.
and structural elucidation: Number of in Bryophytes. Pteridophytes: General Cell division: Cell cycle and its regulation;
optically active, isomers possible for characters, classification, alternation › Genetics:
the structure, configuration of glucose of generations and evolution of Mendelism, Genetic interactions, Linkage
based on D-glyceraldehydes as primary sporophtyte. Structure, reproduction, life and crossing over.
standard (No proof for configuration is history and systematic position of Rhynia, Mutations: Chromosomal aberrations,
required). Evidence for cyclic structure of Lycopodium, Equisetum Evolution of Gene Expressions, Extra nuclear genome:
glucose (some negative aldehyde tests stele, heterospory and seed habit in Mitochondrial and plastid DNA, plasmids.
and mutarotation). Pteridophytes. › Ecology:
› Amino acids and proteins: Introduction: › Gymnosperms and paleobatany Concept and components of Ecosystem.
Definition of Amino Acids, classification General characters, structure, Energy flow, food chains, food webs,
of Amino acids into alpha, beta and reproduction and classification. ecological pyramids,
gama amino acids. Natural and essential Morphology of vegetative and Plants and environment: Ecological
amino acids - definition and examples, reproductive parts, systemic position, life factors-Climatic (light and temperature),
classification of alpha amino acids into history of Pinus and Gnetum. Distribution edaphic.
acidic, basic and neutral amino acids and economic importance; endangered Ecological adaptations of plants,
with examples Zwitter ion structure-salt Gymnosperms. Population ecology, Community ecology,
like character, solubility, melting points, Palaeobotany: Introduction, Fossils Production ecology
amphoteric character, definition of and fossilization; Geological time scale; › Biodiversity and Conservation:
isoelectric point. Chemical properties: Importance of fossils. Biodiversity: Concepts, Convention on
General reactions - Reactions due to Bennettitales: General account Biodiversity - Earth Summit. Types of
amino and carboxyl groups- Lactams › Anatomy: biodiversity.
from gamma and delta amino acids by Meristems, Leaf, Stem and root. Levels, threats and value of Biodiversity.
heating peptide bond (amide linkage). Anamalous secondary growth-General Hot spots of India, Agro-biodiversity,
Structure and nomenclature of peptides account. Stem-Boerhavia, Bignonia, Principles of conservation, Role of
and proteins, peptide synthesis. Dracaena; Wood structure: General organisations in the conservation of
account. Study of local timbers–Teak, Biodiversity.
Part B: BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES Rosewood, Red sanders, Nallamaddi › Plant Physiology:
Yegisa, and Neem Water Relations, Mineral Nutrition,
BOTANY (50 Marks) › Embryology: Enzymes, Photosynthesis, Translocation of
› Evolution of Life and Diversity of History and importance of Embryology, organic substances
Microbes. Origin and evolution of Life -an Anther structure, Microsporogenesis Physiology: Respiration, Nitrogen
outline. and development of male Metabolism, Lipid Metabolism,growth
Viruses: Structure, replication and gametophyte. Ovule structure and and Development,Stress Physiology
transmission; plant diseases caused by types; Megasporogenesis; types and › Tissue Culture and Biotechnology:
viruses and their control. development of female gametophyte. Tissue culture, Callus culture, cell and
Bacteria: Structure, nutrition, reproduction Pollination-Types; Pollen-pistil interaction. protoplast culture, Somatic hybrids and
and economic importance, an outline of Fertilization. Endosperm-Development cybrids. Applications of tissue culture.
Plant diseases of important crop plants and types. Embryo-development and Biotechnology: Introduction, history and
caused by bacteria and their control. types; Polyembryony and Apomixis- an scope. rDNA technology: Vectors and
Brief account of Archaebacteria, outline. gene cloning and transgenic plants.
Chlamydia, Actinomycetes and Palynology: Principles and applications. › Seed Technology and Horticulture:
Mycoplasma, cyanobacteria Taxonomy: Seed: Seed dormancy; causes and
› Algae and Fungi: General account, thallus Plant systematics, Systematics vs methods of breaking dormancy, Seed
organisation, structure, reproduction, Taxonomy, Types of classification: storage, Seed production technology,
classification and economic importance Artificial, Natural and Phylogenetic. seed testing and certification,
- Oedogonium, Ectocarpus and Systems of classification: Bentham Horticulture techniques, Floriculture,
56 Professional
Micro irrigation systems, Vegetative › Sovereignty: Monism and Pluralism › Canons and Effects of Public Expenditure.
Propagation of plants, Layering and bud › Theories of Origin of the State: Social › Functions and classification of Money.
grafting, Role of plant growth regulators Contract and Evolutionary (Historical) › Budgets and Money supply-concept of
in horticulture. › Concepts: Law, Liberty and Equality–Their Inflation.
Relationship theories and kinds of Rights › Functions of commercial banks and
ZOOLOGY (50 Marks) › Forms of Government functions of Reserve Bank of India.
› Biology of Invertebrates and cell biology: › Theory of Separation of Powers › Methods of Credit control.
General characters and classification of › Organs of Government › Importance of Agriculture in the Indian
Major Invertebrate phyla with examples Economy,
up to orders, GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS › Population growth in India-causes-
Ultra structure of Animal Cell: Cell › Salient Features of Indian Constitution problems of over population.
Division, Mitosis and Meiosis. › Evolution of Indian Constitution– › Regional disparities- causes of inequalities
Structure and function of the following nationalist Movement and Philosophical in Income and Wealth.
cell organelles: (i) Plasma Membrane: Foundations › Meaning of a mixed Economy,
Membrane, Transport of small molecules, › Indian Federation–Centre-State relations characteristic features.
Cell Junctions, Cell adhesion, (ii) › President–election, Powers and › The concept of poverty-causes of poverty
Cytoskeleton,(iii) Golgi Complex, (iv) Functions–Prime Minister and Council of in India.
Lysosomes, (v) Role of mitochondria Ministers › Types of unemployment-Disguised,
in cellular energy, transactions, (vi) › Parliament–Composition, Powers and Seasonal, Frictional, And Structural.
Chromosomes-Structure and type, Functions › Objectives of Planning in India-Important
Salivary gland chromosomes. › Judiciary–Supreme Court, Composition, achievements and failures of planning
› Animal Physiology, Behaviour and Powers, Functions and Judicial review– India.
Ecology: Judicial Activism.
Nutrition: Types, vitamins and minerals. › Party System: national and regional GEOGRAPHY
Digestion, Respiration, Circulation, parties, Coalitional Politics. › Unit-I: Principles of Physical Geography:
Excretion, Nervous transmission, Muscle › Election Commission–Electoral reforms › Unit-II: Submarine relief - Distribution of
contraction in mammals. Endocrine and voting behavior temperature and salinity - Movements of
glands, Hormonal control of reproduction › State Government– Ocean water: Waves, Tides and Currents
in mammals. Concept of Homeostasis. › Governor, Chief Minister and Council of - Currents of the Pacific, the Atlantic and
Animal Behaviour, Animal Ecology, Ministers–powers and Functions the Indian Ocean - Ocean deposits.
Animal associations, Environments › Unit-III: Regional Geography of India:
and adaptive features of animals POLITICAL THOUGHT Locational aspects, Major Physiographic
Environmental pollution, Wild life, wild life › Ancient Indian Political Thought: Sources regions, climate, drainage, soil types and
sanctuaries and national parks of India. of Ancient Indian Political Thought, Manu: natural vegetation-pattern and growth
› Biology of Chordates, Genetics, Evolution Varnadharma and Dandaneeti, Kautilya: trends of population, urbanization
and Zoogeography: State and Society, Gouthama Buddha: -Agriculture: Rice, Wheat, Cotton, Jute,
Protochordata, Cyclostomata, Parental Dhamma and Sangha Sugarcane, Tea and Coffee - irrigation and
care in Amphibia, Dentition in Mammals, › Modern Indian Political Thought: power development in India-Minerals:
Developmental Biology Gandhi: Ahimsa and Satyagraha, Nehru Iron, coal and petroleum-Composition
Genetics: Gene interaction with 3 : democratic Socialism, Ambedkar: and pattern of trade.
examples, Sex determination, Sex linked Annihilation of Caste, M.N.Roy: Radical › Unit-IV: Regional Geography of Asia:
inheritance, Blood group inheritance, Humanism Scope and content of Regional
Fine structure of gene, Operon/ concept, › Western Political Thought: Plato, Aristotle, Geography-location, Relief, Drainage,
Cloning, Lethal genes, Chromosomal Machiavelli, Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, Climate, Natural Vegetation, Agriculture.
Aberration and human diseases. J.J.Rousseau, Jermy Types mineral wealth (iron, tin, coal
Evolution and Zoogeography, Modern › Benthom, J.S.Mill, Hegel, Marx and oil); Industrial development,
synthetic theory of Evolution, Mutations, industries (shipbuilding, petrochemicals,
Genetic basis of Evolution, Genetic ECONOMICS automobiles); Population distribution;
Drift (Hardy Weinberg’s Law), Isolation › Micro- Macro, Static-Dynamic, Normative Broad outlines of the following as regions:
and speciation, Characteristics of the and Positive Economics. South East Asia: Thailand, Malaysia,
following Zoogeographic regions and › Cardinal and Ordinal approaches, and law Indonesia - South West Asia: Iran, Iraq,
their fauna of diminishing marginal utility. Afghanistan.
› Law of variable proportions, and returns
› Different concepts of costs and their › Unit–I: Indus valley civilization –
POLITICAL SCIENCE Inter-reaction. Vedic culture -–Rise of new religious
POLITICAL SCIENCE CONCEPTS, THEORIES › Concepts of National Income. Movements–Jainism and Buddhism in
AND INSTITUTIONS › Meaning of Economic Development and 6 th Century B.C Impact on society and
› Introduction, definition of Political Measure of Economic Development-GNP, culture.
Science PQLI, and HDL › Unit–II: A brief survey of political
› State–nation and Civil Society › Sources of Public revenue. conditions in ancient India –Magadha
- Alexander’s Invasion and mouryas English: Computer Science- 4 short answer type
– Ashoka’s Dharma. Its nature and 60 Questions (1 Hour) questions of Mathematics.
propogation–Mouran Administration – › This test is designed to test the In addition, there is a General English
Economy – Art and Architecture. candidate’s command over English and Aptitude Test: 20 marks- ½ hour- essay type
› Unit–III: Post -Mouryan period in North Grammar, his vocabulary, and his ability questions- to test English language and
India– A brief political survey of Kushans, to use words and phrases effectively. This communication skills
Guptas, Puswabuthi and Rajputs Polity test is also designed to test the ability of
and Administration – Social condition the candidate to read and rapidly digest Practical Programming Skills Test (subject
– Caste system – position of Women literature, his ability to extract qualitative to qualification in written test)- 80 Marks- 2
– Economy – Indian Feudalism –Art – and quantitative information, and his ½ hours-to test the proficiency in designing,
Architecture – Education, Literature, ability to communicate precisely. coding and debugging abilities in C
Philosophy, Science and Technology. language- the coding language will be in
› Unit –IV: A brief political survey of South Quantitative Analysis & Logical Reasoning: Linux platform
India – Sangham Age – Satavahanas 30 Questions (45 mins)
– Pallavas - Cholas – Calukyas and › This test is intended to assess the Technical Viva voce (subject to qualification
Rastrakutas - Kakatiya and Vijayanagara candidate’s ability to handle quantitative in first two components): 30 Marks- to test
– Polity and Administration, Society information with speed and accuracy. the comprehension of basics and analytical
Economy – Art and – Architecture. This test is also designed to determine abilities
› Unit –V: Social reform and Literary the candidate’s ability to draw valid
Movements inferences from available information, Final Interview: An Interview will be
› Unit –VI: Invasions of Arabs, Ghaznavids using logical reasoning and simple conducted for candidates who qualify in the
and Ghoris and Delhi Sultanate mathematical formulae. Practical and Viva- voce for final selection.
› Unit –VII: Impact of Islam on Indian
Society and Culture - Bhakthi and Sufi Management Aptitude: TOPICS
Movements Emergence of Composite 30 Questions (30 mins)
culture. › The purpose of this test is to assess the COMPUTER SCIENCE
› Unit –VIII: Survey of Sources- candidate’s aptitude for Management The subjects to be covered under this
Establishment of Mughal Empire– Sur profession and his ability to comprehend area are: Data Structures & Algorithms,
Interrugnam facts, and analyze given situation. The Computer Organization and Architecture,
› Unit- IX: Advent of European powers – purpose of this test is also to assess the Data Communication and Networks,
Portuguese, Dutch, English and French awareness of the candidate pertaining to Database Systems, Operating system and
Expansion and consolidation of British national and international issues. System programming, and C, C++, & Java
Empire programming concepts.
› Unit –X: Anti - Colonial Upsurge – Peasant Written English:
and Tribal revolts – 1857 revolt – Causes – (15 mins) Data Structures and Algorithms:
results and nature. › A short essay on a specific theme › Asymptotic Relations, Sorting Algorithms,
› Unit –XI: Factors for social change Searching Algorithms, Basic Data
› Unit –XII: Indian National Movement – REFERENCE BOOKS Structures like Linked List, Doubly Linked
› Unit –XIII: Emergence of Communal Standard books used for CAT/MAT/GMAT List, Circular Linked List and Binary Tree.
trends – partition of India – Integration of Entrance Examinations. Abstract Data Types like Stacks, Queues
Princely States into Indian Union. and Graphs.
› Unit –XIV: Characteristic features of
Renaissance M.TECH. IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Computer Organization and Architecture:
› Unit –XV: Emergence of nation States in › Computer Arithmetic, Instruction Set
Europe – Nature of Feudalism in Europe QUESTION PAPER FORMAT Architecture Characteristics, Instruction
and Asia Unit- Age of revolutions – For the written test, the question paper is Cycle, CISC, RISC, Super Scalars
Glorious revolution (1688) – American divided into two parts: Architectures, Instruction Formats,
Revolution (1776) – French Revolution Addressing Modes, Pipelining and
(1789) Written Test: 120 Marks- 2 hours- Computer Instruction Level Parallelism, Speed-up
› Unit –XVI: World between 1914–1945- Science (67%) and Mathematics (33%)- two of a Processor, Control Hazards, Basics of
Rivalry among colonial powers parts: Cache, Cache Coherence, Basics of I/O,
Imperialist. Hegemony Interrupts.
Part A: 80 Objective type items - 80 Marks
M.B.A. (80 min.). This consists of 60 multiple choice Data Communication and Networks:
questions of Computer Science- 20 multiple › Packet/circuit switching, loss, delay,
choice questions of Mathematics throughput in a network, protocol layers,
OSI & TCP/IP, HTTP,FTP, Electronic mail,
There will be three written tests of three
Part B: Short Answer type Questions - 40 DNS, Client server vs P2P architecture,
hours total duration. They would be of a
Marks (40 min.). This consists of 8 x 5 =40 Transport-layer Multiplexing and
pattern similar to CAT, GMAT and MAT. The
marks- 4 short answer type questions of demultiplexing, sliding window protocols,
details of various tests are as follows:
TCP & UDP protocols, Principles of
58 Professional
reliable data transfer, congestion control, Linear Algebra: M.TECH. IN OPTOELECTRONICS &
Virtual circuit and datagram networks, › Vector spaces, subspaces, basis, COMMUNICATIONS
IPv4, IPv6, Routing algorithms, Multiple linear transformation, matrix of linear
access protocols, Error correction- transformations, system of linear
General English Aptitude Test- 20 marks- ½
detection, Wireless and Mobile Networks, equations and their solutions using
hour - essay type question- to test English
GSM,CDMA, 802.11 standard, handling Gaussian elimination method, Eigen
language written communication skills
mobility in cellular networks, basics of values and Eigen vectors, diagonalization
physical layer of a linear transformation.
Written Test- 100 Marks- 3 hours- short
answer , multiple choice and problem
Data Base Systems: Discrete Mathematics:
solving type questions
› Database languages, View of Data, › Set theory, Mathematical logic, Relations
Relational Model, SQL: set operations, and functions, Trees and Graphs.
Technical Viva voce
Aggregate functions, Nested Sub queries,
Joined relations; ER Model: Constraints, Probability and Statistics:
Final Interview
Weak Entity sets, Generalization, › Random variables, discrete and
Specialization, Reduction to Relational continuous distributions including
Schemas; Normalization: Different Bernoulli, binomial, uniform, Poisson,
Normal Forms, Functional Dependency, exponential, hyper-geometric
Multi-valued Dependency; Transaction: distributions, expectation, moments,
General English Aptitude Test:
Transaction concept, ACID properties, central limit theorem, law of large
This will consist of an essay type
Serializability, Recoverability, Testing for numbers, random sample, sample mean,
question to test English language written
serializability. sample variance, mean, median and
communication skills. The test will be for
half an hour with allocation of 20 marks.
Operating Systems and System
Linear Algebra: Determinates, System
of linear equations, Eigenvalues and
› The concept of a process, operations on
eigenvectors, Diagonalization of matrices.
processes, process states, concurrent COMPUTER SCIENCE
Calculus: Limit, continuity and
processes, process control block, process › Data structures and algorithms in C by
differentiability: ’Hospital rule, Maxima and
context, Job and processor scheduling, Mark Allen Weiss
minima, Taylor’s series, Evaluation integrals,
scheduling algorithms, Problems of › Computer Organization and design by
Lagrange multipliers, Power series, Fourier
concurrent processes, critical sections, David A. Patterson and John L. Hennessy ,
mutual exclusion, synchronization, Elsevier Pub.
deadlock, Memory organization and › Computer Networking: A Top-Down
Complex variable:
management, storage allocation. Approach, 4/E James F. Kurose, Keith W.
› Analytic functions, Taylor’s and Laurent’
Virtual memory concepts, paging and Ross, Pearson Pub.
series, Residue theorem, Cauchy’s
segmentation, File organization: blocking › Data Base System Concepts by
and buffering, file descriptor, directory Silberchatz, Korth and Studarshan, Tata
› Vector Calculus: Gradient, Divergence and
structure, Basics of assemblers, Macro McGraw Hill Pub.
Curl, Line, surface and volume integrals,
preprocessors and compilers. › Systems programming by Lelend Beck,
Stokes, Gauss and Green’s theorems.
3rd edition, Pearson India.
Object Oriented Programming Concepts: › C++ How to Program, 4/e by Paul Deitel
Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations:
› Principles of Object Oriented
› ODEs with constant coefficients, variation
Programming, Classes, objects, MATHEMATICS
of parameters, Initial and boundary value
constructors and destructors, Operator › Calculus by Stanley I. Gossman, Academic
problems (BVPs), Power Series solutions,
overloading, Type conversions, Type of Press Pub.
Legendre, Hermite and Bessel’s functions,
constructors, Function over loading, › Linear algebra by Larry smith, 3rd edition,
Variables separable method, Solutions
Inheritance, Polymorphism, File stream – Springer Verlag.
heat, wave and Laplace equations.
File operators. › Discrete Mathematical Structures by
Kolman, Busby and Ross, 4th Ed., Pearson
Programming & Numerical Methods:
Calculus of One and Several Variables: Pub.
› Data Types & Declarations, Program
› Limit, continuity, differentiation and › Advanced Engineering Mathematics by
Organization, Arithmetic Statements,
integration of functions of one and more Kreyszig, 8th ed., Wiley Eastern, 1999.
Flow of Control-Iterative Statement,
variables. Directional derivative and › Differential Equations by Shapley L. Ross
Conditional statement, Unconditional
gradient of a function. John Wiley and Sons Pub.
branching, arrays, functions and
procedures, pointers, classes, file
The subjects to be covered are: ODE,
› Errors, Interpolation, curve fitting, root
Discrete Mathematics, Linear Algebra,
finding, solutions of algebraic system,
Probability and Statistics and Basic Calculus
Eigen values – Power method, Numerical
integration, Numerical Differentiation,
Solution of ODEs and BVPs – RK Methods, Communications: Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics:
Shooting & Crank-Nicholson methods. › Analog systems: modulation and › Laws of thermodynamics; calculation of
demodulation systems, spectral analysis, thermodynamic quantities; microstates,
FOR B. E. / B. TECH APPLICANTS ONLY superheterodyne receivers; hardware, macrostates, phase space; partition
Networks: realizations of analog communication function, free energy, classical and
› Network graphs: matrices of graphs; systems; signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) AM, quantum statistics; Fermi gas; Black body
Solution methods, Nodal and mesh FM. Digital systems: PCM, DPCM, DM; radiation; Bose-Einstein condensation;
analysis, Network theorems, Thevenin’s ASK, PSK, FSK; matched filter receivers, first and second order phase transitions,
and Norton’s, Wye-Delta transformation. bandwidth consideration and probability critical point.
Steady state analysis, Time and Frequency of error calculations for these schemes.
domain analysis, Solution using Laplace Solid State Physics:
transform, 2port network parameters: Electromagnetics: › Elements of X-crystallography; structure
transfer functions and state equations. › Maxwell’s equations, Wave equation, determination; bonding, elastic
Pointing vector. Plane waves: properties, defects, lattice vibrations
Electronic Devices: propagation, reflection and refraction; and thermal properties, free electron
› Energy bands, Carrier transport, diffusion, phase and group velocity; skin depth; theory; band theory of solids; metals,
drift, mobility, resistivity, Diodes: p-n Transmission lines: characteristic semiconductors and insulators; transport
junction, Zener, BJTs, FETs, JFETs, impedance; impedance transformation; properties; optical, dielectric and
MOSFETs, PIN and Avalanche; LEDs, Smith chart; Waveguides: modes in magnetic properties of solids; elements of
LASERs, rectangular waveguides; boundary superconductivity.
conditions; cut-off frequencies; dispersion
Analog Circuits: relations. Antennas: Dipole antennas; Nuclear and Particle Physics:
› Equivalent circuits of diodes, BJTs, JFETs, antenna arrays; radiation pattern; › Rutherford scattering; basic properties of
and MOSFETs. Simple diode circuits, reciprocity theorem, antenna gain. nuclei; radioactive decay; nuclear forces;
Single-and multi-stage, differential, two nucleon problem; nuclear reactions;
operational, feedback and power FOR M.SC. IN PHYSICS APPLICANTS conservation laws; fission and fusion;
amplifiers, Frequency response of ONLY nuclear models; particle accelerators,
amplifiers; Op-amp circuits, Filters, detectors; elementary particles; photons,
Oscillators. Classical Mechanics: baryons, mesons and leptons; Quark
› Lagrange’s and Hamilton’s formalisms; model.
Digital circuits: Equation of motion, Poisson bracket;
› Boolean algebra, logic gates, Digital IC small oscillations, normal modes; wave Electronics:
families (DTL, TTL, ECL, MOS, CMOS), equation; Special theory of relativity › Network analysis; semiconductor
Combinational circuits, arithmetic – Lorentz transformations, relativistic devices; bipolar transistors; FETs; power
circuits, code converters, multiplexers kinematics, mass-energy equivalence. supplies, amplifier, oscillators; operational
and decoders. Latches and flip-flops, amplifiers; elements of digital electronics;
counters and shift-registers. Sample and Electromagnetic Theory: logic circuits.
hold circuits, ADCs, DACs, Memories, › Laplace and Poisson equations;
Microprocessor (8085): architecture, conductors and dielectrics; boundary
programming, memory and I/O value problems; Ampere’s and Biot-
interfacing. Savart’s laws; Faraday’s law; Maxwell’s
equations; boundary conditions;
Signals and Systems: electromagnetic waves; radiation from
› Laplace transform, continuous-time moving charges.
and discrete-time Fourier series and Quantum Mechanics:
transforms, Z-transform. Sampling › Schrodinger equation; Bound state
theorems. L TI Systems: analysis and signal problems, hydrogen atom; angular
transmission, Random signals and noise: momentum and spin; addition of angular
probability, random variables, probability momentum; matrix formulation, time
density function, autocorrelation, power independent perturbation theory;
spectral density. elementary scattering theory.