Elder Abuse - A Public Health Perspective
Elder Abuse - A Public Health Perspective
Elder Abuse - A Public Health Perspective
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Elder Abuse
A Public Health
Randal W. Summers
Allan M. Hoffman
AUG 1 0 2007
BETHESDA, MD. 20892*1150
HV6626.3.E436 2006
362.6—dc22 2006048365
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Requests to the Publisher for permission should be addressed to the Permissions Department,
American Public Health Association, 8001 Street, NW, Washington, DC 20001-3710; fax (202)
ISBN-13: 978-0-875530-50-5
ISBN: 0-87553-050-8
1500 07/06
This book is dedicated to our families, with love.
To Randal's family:
Tully, Vivian, Quinn, Aja, Joan, Jamie, Kim, Dawn, Alycia, Anita, and Norman
To Allan's family:
Andrew, Emily, Elijah, Tim, and Annie
We would also like to express our sincere gratitude to all the contributing authors.
Table of Contents
John C. Rother, AARP.vii
1. Introduction
Randal Summers and Allan Hoffman . 1
2. Elder Abuse: Definition and Scope of the Problem
Tina Fryling, Randal Summers, and Allan Hoffman .5
3. Care Pathway Model and Guidelines for Health Care Professionals
Tom Miller . 19
4. Caregiver Stress and Nurse/Health Therapist Identification of Abuse
in the Home
Denise Bender .35
5. Understanding Elder Abuse in Minority Populations
Paulina Ruf.51
6. Intemational/Cultural Perspectives on Elder Abuse
Mary Newman .65
7. The Moral and Ethical Implications of Elder Abuse
Dawn Oetjen and Reid Oetjen .77
8. Hidden Within the Golden Years:
Intimate Partner Violence and Abuse Against Older Women
Bonnie Fisher, Therese Zink, and Saundra Regan.97
9. Verbal Abuse and Communication Neglect in the Elderly
Helen Sorenson .117
10. Sexual Violence Against Elderly Women
Joanne Ardovini .'. 131
11. Helping Victims: Social Services, Health Care Interventions in Elder
James Anderson and Nancie J. Mangels .139
12. Conclusion
Randal Summers and Allan Hoffman . 167
Index. 169
About the Editors and Contributors. 175
Elder Abuse: A Public Health Perspective vii
Protection from elder abuse is a key concern for AARP members and the
public at large. The risk of physical and emotional harm, in the community
and in residential care settings, grows as the number of people living into
advanced old age increases. This detailed volume addresses a key issue fac¬
ing older people and, indeed, our entire society.
Widely used estimates of elder abuse prevalence and incidence show that
the problem is huge and growing. The National Elder Abuse Incidence Study
estimated that abuse, neglect, and self-neglect of adults age 60 and over in
domestic settings totaled approximately 551,000, and that about 84 percent of
elder abuse incidents go unreported. The 2004 Survey of State Adult Protective
Services (APS) found that in 2003, APS agencies received over 565,000 reports
of suspected elder and vulnerable adult abuse. This study found almost a 20
percent increase in reports of abuse and neglect and a 15.6 increase in substan¬
tiated cases in the four years since the last APS survey was conducted in 2000.
These figures are alarming—and should be a wake up call for us all.
Elder abuse is a public health problem as well as a criminal justice issue.
It is an epidemic that affects the community as a whole. This volume helps
identify some of the key barriers to understanding and addressing elder mis¬
treatment, including widely varying definitions of elder abuse, a dearth of
reliable data on its frequency, a lack of consensus about causes and effective
preventive measures, a national policy void, and a lack of funds for both
research and implementation of interventions. As a leading elder abuse
researcher recently stated, "Although elder abuse has had its share of horror
stories, exposes, and Congressional hearings, somehow they have failed to
capture the attention required for significant research funding, federal policy,
or comprehensive programming." (Anetzberger, 2005)
The key question is posed by Randal Summers and Allan Hoffman in this
volume's introduction: How can we deal with this problem? Consistent with
the public health ethic of "maximum health for all" and "assuring the condi¬
tions in which people can be healthy," the appropriate and humane starting
point is to improve detection of abuse and provide quality care for victims. The
development of standards of care and standardized models of evaluation and
intervention and the recognition of "at risk" factors and indicators of abuse by
health care professionals is critical to achieving this goal. Further, the volume's
attention to the key role of home care nurses and physical therapists in identi¬
fying, reporting, and perhaps most importantly, preventing abusive situations
through timely intervention and assistance is significant. Older persons living
in the community may be at greater risk of abuse than those living in institu¬
tional settings where initiatives such as ombudsman programs and staff moni¬
toring and training requirements provide a formal framework for safeguarding
residents. Through sharing of information, routine examinations, and interac¬
tions with patients, families, and caregivers, home care nurses and physical
therapists can perform a similar function in community settings.
viii Summers and Hoffman
John C. Rother
Director, Policy and Strategy
Elder Abuse: A Public Health Perspective xx
We wish to give special thanks to all the dedicated professionals at APHA who made this pub¬
lication possible:
Nancy Persily and Burton W. Wilcke, Jr., Publications Board; Ellen Meyer, Director of
Publications; Terence Mulligan, Book Production Manager; Tara Kelly, Desktop Publishing
Manager; and Irma Rodenhuis, Graphic Designer.
Randal Summers and Allan Hoffman
Toward the end of World War II, our young service men and women
began coming home. This gave rise to an unprecedented population explosion
now referred to as the "baby boom." Here we are, decades later, and this seg¬
ment of the population is now entering the retirement years. On the whole,
life has been "good" for most and there is an expectation that the retirement
years will be a peaceful continuation. The surviving parents of "baby-
boomers" are now in their 70s and 80s. Many of these elders occupy a place
somewhere along a continuum from independence (living in their own home)
to dependence (living with family, or in a senior's retirement home or long
term care facility). One might conclude that this is the natural "cycle of life."
However, there is another side to this "cycle of life"—a side, which reflects all
that is ignoble in our society.
It is comprised of interpersonal behavior (intentional or unintentional)
that causes pain and suffering (physical or emotional) for people in the "sun¬
set" years of their lives. This Public Health enemy is called elder abuse. The
title of this work makes reference to the Public Health perspective. Although
the study of elder abuse tends to focus on the victimization of individuals, it
truly is a study of the health of our communities.
Because there are many dynamics associated with elder abuse the under¬
lying causes may vary. For example, the causes may differ for domestic abuse
compared to the abuse occurring in nursing homes or other institutions. The
causes may vary in domestic settings depending on the type of abuse, the sex
of victims, the sex of perpetrators and whether the abuser is the elder's spouse
Summers and Hoffman
Although the majority of research studies about elder abuse focus on the
white, non-Hispanic population, there is ample evidence to suggest that elder
abuse knows no racial or ethnic boundaries. Chapter 5 in this volume address¬
es elder abuse in minority populations (Latinos, African Americans, Asian,
Pacific Islanders and Native Americans). The chapter addresses the cultural
implications involved in the definition of elder abuse and the appropriate
Elder abuse is not confined to the U.S. Chapter 6 explores elder abuse in
other countries and maintains that although there are many challenges asso¬
ciated with international investigation, many nations are acknowledging that
elder abuse is a significant social problem. The World Health Organization
plays an important role by increasing awareness of elder abuse and recom¬
mending the public health sector's active involvement.
Elder abuse poses a serious public health issue today and is expected to
intensify in the future. Like many social problems, it requires a Public Health
approach that draws on scientific knowledge which spans a broad range of
professional disciplines. It is an approach that focuses on the definition of the
problem, the identification of risk factors and the development, implementa¬
tion, and monitoring of prevention and intervention strategies/programs.
The framework of chapters in this volume supports this Public Health
approach. For example, reference is made to the definition and prevalence of
elder abuse and in particular the data associated with specific types of abuse.
Other chapters identify risk factors and point out that we still have much to
learn about the problem (profiling perpetrators, for example).
Chapter 5 explores the cultural dynamics and implications with an
increasingly diverse population. Certain chapters focus on prevention and
intervention. Chapter 3, for example suggests the use of a specific model with
Care Pathway Guidelines for professionals. Chapter 11 highlights Social
Services and Health Care interventions in elder abuse. In addition, various
resources are listed for individuals seeking help and for professionals who
want to know where to find more information.
The purpose of this book is consistent with the fundamental Public Health
goal of "maximum health for all" (Schneider, 2000). Our intent is to provide
greater insight into the many facets of the problem and provide meaningful
support to the professionals who are touched by this tragic epidemic either in
their personal lives or in carrying out their Public Health mission of "assuring
Elder Abuse: A Public Health Perspective 3
the conditions in which people can be healthy" (The Future of Public Health,
Institute of Medicine (US), committee for the Study of the Future of Public
Health, The Future of Public Health (Washington, DC: National Academy
Press, 1988)
National Center on Elder Abuse. (1998). The National Elder Abuse Incidence
Study: Final Report. Available at
Schneider, Mary-Jane (2000). Introduction to Public Health, Gathersburg,
Maryland. Aspen.
The phrase "elder abuse" is used to describe violence, neglect, and other
crimes aimed at elderly persons. Much research has been directed towards the
concept of elder abuse; however, no universal definition of the phenomenon
exists. Like child abuse, the term "elder abuse" refers to abuse at the hands of
a caregiver of an elderly person, including institutional employees. The abuse
takes many forms, including physical abuse, mental abuse, financial abuse,
and both passive and active neglect. The results of this abuse range from emo¬
tional suffering and inhumane living conditions, along with severe suffering
and pain and even death.
Despite the government's funding of programs to combat elder abuse and
despite increased involvement in this area from the criminal justice system,
elder abuse continues to grow, and no easy solutions exist. Various theories
attempt to explain why elderly persons are abused at alarming rates and pro¬
vide some suggestions as to how social service agencies could attempt to com¬
bat this growing problem.
There is a general reluctance on the part of society to accept the fact that
we are not treating our elderly people as "sweet old grandparents."
Americans have a highly idealized notion of family life and find it difficult to
accept the fact that abuse exists within the family, especially when it is direct¬
ed toward elderly people. It is also quite disturbing to acknowledge that the
large number of elderly people that reside in nursing facilities and other care¬
giving institutions are in danger of being abused. Hence, it is easier to ignore
elder abuse than to accept it and attempt to develop remedies. However, the
tragedy of elder abuse is being recognized more often by our public health,
social service, criminal justice and health care systems as an important prob¬
lem to be studied and solved.
The term "elder abuse" was first coined in the late 1970s during congres¬
sional hearings which focused on the mistreatment of elderly persons. ("Elder
Abuse" 1992) However, depending on the study being undertaken or the
group or agency defining the problem, "elder abuse" may be defined in vary¬
ing ways. For example, although some literature defines elder abuse as being
abuse focused on persons age fifty (50) and older, other studies have defined
6 Fryling et al.
the term in respect to persons over sixty (60) or even over sixty five (65). After
abuse of the elderly became a focus of social policy the term "elder abuse"
was sensationalized and sometimes substituted with the terms "granny bash¬
ing/' and, in the medical press, "granny battering."
Elderly persons can be victims of abuse either in their own homes, in the
homes of a family member, friend or other private caregiver, or in a nursing
home or other institutional setting. The term "elder abuse" generally
describes all of the following: physical abuse, psychological abuse, material
abuse, active neglect, and passive neglect of elderly persons. (Wolf and
Pillemer, 1989) More specifically, these categories include sexual abuse, over¬
dosing or withholding an elderly person's necessary medications, and the
general humiliation or harassment of an elderly person. Financial abuse is
another category of abuse which is unfortunately promulgated both by pri¬
vate and institutional caregivers.
Many elderly persons reside with a family member, such as their child or
another close relative, and thus may be subjected to abuse by those caregivers.
Other elderly persons have been officially declared incompetent by the court
and have been appointed a "guardian" to maintain their finances and oversee
their care and major life decisions. A guardian may or may not be a relative,
and is unfortunately generally held to a fairly low standard in making choic¬
es about a person's finances and care. For example, the guardian of a sixty-six
year old woman who suffered from schizophrenia was sued for failing to
place the woman in an institution, when the woman was in danger of harm¬
ing herself in a home-care setting. The woman, consistent with previous
behavior, left a burning cigarette in her bed, which caused a house fire and her
subsequent death. The guardian was limited to using the least restrictive
means in caring for the woman, and the woman may not have wanted to be
placed in an institution. Thus, a court determined that the guardian did not
abuse her ward.
The prevalence of abuse by a family member is difficult to study because
the abuse by a family member is often not reported. Abused elderly people
may not report the abuse because they fear reprisals from their caregiver or
love their abusive children too much to turn them in to authorities. In an
investigation, the House Select Committee on Aging found that because of
such fear or because they depended on their abusers, only one out of every six
elderly people who were abused ever brought the abuse to the attention of
authorities. As with other dark figures of crime, we will never know exactly
how many cases of elder abuse are never reported.
Many abused persons are also not in a position to report their abuse
because as part of the abuse they are not taken to doctors appointments or out
of the abuser's home for any reason. Most states have reporting acts that
require a health care provider to report suspected elderly abuse, similar to
reporting statutes for child abuse. However, these statutes can only be of help
Elder Abuse: A Public Health Perspective 7
Offenders (Perpetrators)
When the age of offenders is reviewed we find that most offenders are
in the younger age group although for most types of abuse those under 40
and those older than 80 offend the most.
Fryling et al.
Physical Abuse
Physical abuse involves the use of physical force to harm or impair an eld¬
erly person. Any sort of physical violence or such actions as burning, the inap¬
propriate use of drugs—such as over-medicating a person or even failing to
give a person proper medication, the use of physical restraints, and even force
feeding are considered physical abuse. (National Centeron Elder Abuse 1998).
As with children, it may be difficult to determine whether physical injuries
were a result of abuse or an accident such as a fall.
Physical incidents of elder abuse can also include sexual abuse, which
includes any sexual acts for which the elderly person has not given or is inca¬
pable of giving consent. Coerced nudity and taking sexually explicit photo¬
graphs of an elderly person is also considered physical and mental abuse.
Mental Abuse
Financial Abuse
Elderly persons are often an easy target for financial abuse both in private
homes and in institutional settings because they often give their caregiver
control over their finances. Any illegal or improper use of an elderly person's
hands is considered financial abuse. Incidents of financial abuse include forg¬
ing an elderly person's signature, forcing them to sign any document, such as
a will or contract, that would benefit the person who is forcing the signature,
and stealing and/or misappropriating funds from the elderly person. Many
elderly persons are either coerced into turning over or decide on their own to
turn over their financial freedom to someone else in the form of a power of
attorney or guardianship, and very often the elderly person consequently has
little control over the funds they have turned over. Even elderly persons with¬
out official paperwork requiring them to turn over financial control to a third
party feel obligated to give their caregiver control of their finances in return
for the care they are receiving. Additionally, an elderly person may not know
who to turn to even if he believes those funds are being abused. If the caregiv¬
er that is taking financial advantage of them is also the person providing him
10 Fryling et al.
with transportation and phone services, the elderly person may not have con¬
tact with anyone other than the caregiver in order to lodge a complaint.
In the area of financial abuse of the elderly, a question exists regarding
whether an adult child is "abusive" of the parent if he or she does not finan¬
cially support that parent. In Stone v. Brewster, a domestic relations court adju¬
dicated a claim that was brought to force a person to financially support his
parents. The court stated that a statutory obligation arises only after the court
determines the parent's need for support, the child's ability to furnish such
support, and the extent to which such support should be furnished. Courts do
occasionally find through the interpretation of statutes or by common law
that a person is legally obligated to assume a "duty of care" for his/her elder¬
ly parent. However, because this "duty of care" refers only to financial care,
not to a duty to care for an elderly parent's physical and emotional needs.
Many people may respond to their duty of care by placing their elderly par¬
ent in a nursing home, thus eliminating the possibility of at home abuse, but
subjecting the person to abuse by institutional caregivers. Additionally, as dis¬
cussed below, a person providing resources for a parent or other elderly rela¬
tive may become stressed due to the financial strain that is created and phys¬
ical or mental abuse might occur as a result of that stress.
Most elder abuse initially takes the form of physical abuse or neglect;
financial abuse, abuse of basic constitutional rights, and psychological abuse
follow. Neglect is any refusal or failure to fulfill an elderly person's needs.
Many cases of elder abuse involve neglect due to a family member's inability
or non-interest in providing proper care to an elderly person who is living in
their home. Issues in this area again involve the question of what duties a per¬
son actually must perform for an elderly person. Neglect can be inflicted upon
an elderly person by family caregivers or even by in-home service providers
that have been hired to provide certain types of assistance to an elderly per¬
son, whether it be medical care, psychological care, or assistance with gener¬
al daily needs. "Passive neglect" refers to a failure to care for a person or non¬
intended neglect that might take place due to a person's lack of knowledge of
how to care for an elderly person's needs (Krummel, 1996). Active neglect
involves withholding something from a person that they clearly need to sur¬
vive. (Rathbone-McCuan and Voyles, 1982). Often, the line is blurred between
active neglect and outright physical or mental abuse.
Clearly the failure to provide life necessities for an elderly person is a
form of neglect. Food, water, clothing, shelter, medication, and personal safe¬
ty are all life necessities. Many neglect cases revolve around unsanitary living
conditions caused by the caregiver ignoring the person. In Texas, an elderly
woman was found in a great deal of pain, lying in her own urine and excre¬
ment, wtih bedsores on her heel, back, and hip that were so large they had
eaten away her flesh to the bone. She had also sustained second degree burns
on her inner thighs from lying in her own urine. Upon her entry to the hospi-
Elder Abuse: A Public Health Perspective 11
tal, medical workers even found maggots in her bed sores. The woman had
been tucked away in an upstairs bedroom of her son's home and he had done
his best to keep other members of the family from visiting her. The woman
was in great need of medical care but clearly unable to summon help for her¬
self. (Billingslea v. Texas). This type of neglect may obviously also be consid¬
ered to rise to the level of physical abuse.
A California Court was able to hold a woman liable for failing to help her
father even when she was not his direct caregiver, thereby extending liability
to people who are aware of possible abuse and do nothing within their pow¬
ers to halt it. The Court indicated that a stranger who saw an elderly person
in need on the street did not have a duty to help that person; the duty only
applied to a relative or someone close to that person. In the California case,
the decedent's daughter was required to maintain him to the extent of her
ability, and since she knew of the peril he was in while residing with her
brothers who could not properly care for him, she was required to exercise a
minimal duty of care that would avoid general negligence on her part.
Some elder abuse literature also lists "self-neglect" as one category of neg¬
lect. Certainly some older persons engage in behavior that threatens his or her
own safety or health, in the form of a failure to eat, take medications, or per¬
form proper hygiene. The issues involved in self-neglect are whether a person
who realizes that the elderly person is neglecting him or herself has a duty to
report that person. This issue becomes quite difficult, as an adult would have
to be considered incompetent before another adult could make decisions for
him/her. Many adult children of elderly parents do not want to deal with try¬
ing to take away his or her parent's autonomy.
The term "granny dumping" has also been used to refer to the ultimate
form of neglect where an elderly person, often suffering from Alzheimers or
some other form of dementia is abandoned in some public place by his or her
family. The person may not know their own name, much less who left them
there, and they then become a ward of the state.
tic settings. That number was based on information from only 20 counties in
15 states. That study also reported that only twenty one percent (21%) of all
cases were actually reported to an agency or substantiated by an agency.
(National Center on Elder Abuse 1998). Findings from a random sample esti¬
mated that as many as 701,000 to 1,093,560 elderly persons are abused in our
nation. This correlates to an estimate of 32 elderly persons per 1000 that are
subjected to some form of maltreatment. (Pillemer and Finkelhor, 1988).
Research in Canada estimates that 98,000 to 137,000 elderly persons are
abused in Canada. (Podnieks, 1992). This survey estimated that approximate¬
ly 40 persons per 1,000 elderly individuals in Canada experienced some sort
of abuse or maltreatment at the hands of a caregiver or other relative, includ¬
ing partner violence.
Elderly people are exposed to home and institutional caregivers for
extended periods of time, allowing abuse to be "repeated," and the term
"elder abuse" generally refers to such repeated abuse. One time thefts,
assaults, or scams directed at the elderly, while prevalent in society, are theo¬
retically not considered "elder abuse." Obviously the biggest difficulty in
determining the prevalence of elder abuse is the fact that, as stated previous¬
ly, most elderly persons who are being abused are being controlled by their
caregiver. Thus, there is no way these persons can report their abuse. Hence,
the assumption is that findings in these areas are very low and that the preva¬
lence of abuse of the elderly is much higher than determined in any study that
has been undertaken thus far.
In 1980, more than twenty-five million Americans were age sixty-five or
older. By 1990, thirty one million Americans, almost thirteen percent of the
population of the United States were at least sixty-five years of age. It is esti¬
mated that by the year 2030, persons ages sixty and older will number 85 mil¬
lion, while the number of persons ages 85 and over will number 8 million
(Wallace at 239). High estimates indicate that five percent of the total elder
population is abused each year. This would mean that 1.5 million elderly peo¬
ple are currently abused each year. As the population of elderly people rises,
incidents of elder abuse will also rise. Despite the high incidence of elder
abuse in the United States, the problem has only recently gained attention as
an area for our legal system to deal with.
Studies performed by the National Center on Elder Abuse demonstrates
the rise in elder abuse, or at least a rise in reporting of elder abuse, in the past
decade. In 1986, 117,000 cases of elder abuse were reported; by 1990, that rate
had risen to 211,000 and in 1996 that number was 293,000. Specifically, the
numbers have broken down as follows: physical abuse (15.7 percent), sexual
abuse (.04 percent), emotional abuse (7.3 percent), neglect (58.5 percent),
financial exploitation (12.3 percent), all other types (5.1 percent) and unknown
(.06 percent). (Toshio, T. 1996). Mandatory reporting statutes and more educa¬
tion in the health care and social work settings regarding this problem may
have increased reporting; the rising number of elderly people in our society
and the number of persons living in institutions or with caregivers could also
have contributed to this jump in incidents.
Elder Abuse: A Public Health Perspective 13
Both an elderly person and his/her family must make very important
decisions when the elderly person needs care. Literature examining elder
abuse sometimes attempts to excuse abusers and find fault with the elderly
person in order to blame the victim for the abuse. Sociological studies empha¬
size the stress that an adult child goes through when taking an elderly parent
into the home, and then examine what the elderly person does that could anger
his/her caregiver. Emphasizing what the elderly person may do to cause the
abuse suggests that battering a parent is acceptable as long as there is a "good
reason" for the abuse. This type of attitude is unfortunate and may truly ham¬
per the possibility of remedying the growing problem of elder abuse.
General sociological theories that explain violence in general are often
used to explain elder abuse. Nadien (1995) suggests that the following theo¬
ries are applicable: psychoanalysis, social learning theory, social exchange the¬
ory, conflict theory, role-learning theory, situational theory, and functionalism.
The family stress theory is also a widely promulgated theory to explain elder
abuse. (Steinmetz, 1988). These theories will be expanded upon below.
14 Fryling et al.
The elderly person also enters the home of his/her adult child for varying
reasons, and the decision to do so is often difficult. Most often, the elderly per¬
son has no resources and no alternative place to live. Once the elderly person
enters the other parties' household, his/her personal autonomy is challenged.
An elderly parent who once ruled a home with an iron glove may do the same
in a caregiver's home. In addition, the former caregiver now must be cared
for. The elderly person may resist the care offered by family members, which
can result in abuse by the caregiver, who will force care upon the elderly per¬
son. The elderly person may have no mechanism with which to avoid that
force except through violence to the caregiver; such violence invites further
abuse by the caregiver, who is usually stronger than the elderly person and,
consequently, more abusive.
can often lead to physical violence or an apathetic attitude towards the elder¬
ly person, which in turn results in neglect.
Financial difficulties also lead to stress and abuse. Household resources
may not stretch far enough to accommodate the needs of the immediate fam¬
ily and the elderly person. Often, college or wedding plans for the caregiver's
children must be balanced with household income that is already decreasing
due to retirement. This leaves little money with which to care for an elderly
person and can cause resentment towards the elderly person; medication and
medical equipment needed to provide proper care to the elderly person is
costly. Medical costs are often not compensated by government programs and
therefore must be fully paid by the family out of the elderly person's already
dwindling assets.
The "social exchange theory" promulgates that when a victim depends on
a caregiver financially, emotionally, and physically, that dependence can lead
to abuse. The result of the dependence is that the caregiver may feel as though
he is being "taken advantage of" by the elderly person, which may lead to
resentment. Another form of the social exchange theory asserts that the abuser
is actually dependent on the victim; some caregivers depend on their victim for
financial assistance and/or housing. (Wallace 1998). Such dependence may
result in the caregiver trying to control all aspects of the elderly person's life.
Abuse can provide that desired control, as a victim is more likely to obey
a caregiver who has control. Conflict theories explain elder abuse in terms of
power and resources. The theory states that a caregiver will have money,
power, and control, and the elderly person may have none of those resources.
Thus, the person with control abuses the person who has none. Some abusers
may even obtain physical pleasure from controlling and tormenting a victim.
The abuser may have been an abused child, sometimes by the parent he/she
is now abusing. Such incidents support the "cycle of violence" theory which
suggests that those who are abused tend to abuse others. However, Galbraith
(1989) has determined that most cases of elder abuse do not involve a cycle of
violence. In any event, the use of social learning theories to explain elder
abuse has been the focus of much disagreement among researchers in the area
of elder abuse.
In addition to the above case-specific causes of abuse of the elderly, many
blame elder abuse on the presence of ageism in our society. Ageism is the
"widespread negative attitude about the class" of elderly people. While it may
seem that most people think of elderly people as "loving grannies," in fact,
many people see elderly people as a burden on our society. Our youth-orient¬
ed society often does not accept the problems that come with an aging popu¬
lation. While elder abuse may or may not be caused by ageism, the lack of
effective statutes and programs which deal with elder abuse may be a result
of this poor attitude toward the elderly. The "functionalism theory" states that
if a caregiver believes that an elderly person is stupid or weak, due to ageism,
they will be less likely to care appropriately for that person.
The elderly are often easy targets for abuse because they are almost
always in a position of financial dependency and psychological dependency
16 Fryling et al.
on the children with whom they reside. Elderly people look to their children
for social companionship after spouses and friends are gone. In addition, eld¬
erly people are often dependent on their children to take care of their legal
and financial obligations. However, the adult child may resent being the cen¬
ter of the elderly person's universe, and this resentment may lead to retalia¬
tion and abuse.
While women are often the primary care providers for the elderly in
homes, women are also increasingly members of the work force. The duties of
caregiver often fall on women, but the added stresses of job and family make
caring for an elderly person a great burden. Women ultimately take on the
duties of both the physical and financial support of elderly parents, and such
duties are often manifested through abuse. The "family stress theory" asserts
that elder abuse is caused by the stress brought on a family when an elderly
person is taken into the home. This includes financial stress and the general
stress of having more people living within a household. Similarly, psychoan¬
alytic theories blame the psychological makeup of the abuser for the abuse;
for example, a caregiver might be depressed or have an anger control prob¬
lem, which leads to abuse.
Abuse in nursing homes can be caused by different factors than abuse by
a general caregiver, although stress can also cause institutional abuse.
Although a caregiver in a nursing home is able to escape and perhaps detach
himself or herself from the situation more than someone caring for an elderly
person in his/her home, work in an institution can be extremely stressful. A
shortage of nursing staff, burnout, and inadequate training all contribute to
abuse in such settings.
Financial abuse exists as a result of the level of control such institutions
may have over a person's finances. Often an elderly person has no family
members to supervise his or her finances or advocate for him or her in cases
of questionable missing funds. Low wages also contribute to the temptation
of institutional employees to steal from the residents. Patients of a nursing
home are often out of their rooms for meals, appointments, doctors visits, and
other activities, which provides a time period for staff or visitors to steal from
that person's room. Additionally, a victim complaining that something was
stolen from him or her might be ignored and their complaints might be con¬
sidered to be due to dementia. In fact, staff may rationalize that a person with
dementia will not remember what possessions he or she had anyway. The
prevalence of theft from patients is difficult to gauge because many nursing
homes do not wish for researchers to pursue this issue and that many times
the victim may not be competent to discuss whether he or she was victimized.
Some suggest that one problem in adjudicating elder abuse cases results
from the difficulty at times to separate fact from fiction when an elderly per¬
son discusses his or her mistreatment. Elderly people can suffer from depres¬
sive paranoia, which could cause them to "make up" stories of abuse. While
this may make the job of the investigator of elder abuse more difficult, this
theory is a result of ageism. To assume that elderly people are less believable
than other people is an unfortunate, and often inaccurate, stereotype. If the
Elder Abuse: A Public Health Perspective 17
same theory was asserted for children who claim they are abused or for wives
who claim their husbands beat them, we would nevertheless take the steps to
examine whether the actual abuse occurred.
Additionally, a family member may simply lack the skills necessary to
properly take care of an elderly person. A parent with Alzheimer disease who
tends to wander and act out may be difficult for a caregiver who does not
understand the disease to deal with. The "role theory" explains elder abuse in
this manner; that the role of caregiver is basically thrust upon a person and
that by role playing, a caregiver or an elderly person might come to under¬
stand what is desired in their role as either caregiver or patient.
Understanding the perspective of the other person involved may be helpful in
avoiding abuse. Situational theory focuses on the isolation that a person
might feel if they are a caregiver. Being isolated and having little emotional
support may lead to abuse. The role theory and isolation may be particularly
applicable to persons who are giving care to their elderly spouses. An elderly
person may have a difficult time understanding why a spouse with dementia
or other mental health issues is acting out toward him and may have little
support from or little contact with the outside world. Such a scenario can eas¬
ily lead to frustration, extreme stress, and ultimately abuse.
Although universal agreement on the definition, prevalence and cause of
elder abuse is lacking there is ample evidence to suggest we have a major pub¬
lic health concern in our country. Furthermore, given the age demographic
(graying of America) there is the likelihood that the problem will continue to
escalate. Metaphorically, if this public health problem was seen as a forest fire
hazard, the index would read "Danger."
Podnieks, E. (1992). National Survey on abuse of the Elderly in Canada. Journal of Elder
Abuse and Neglect, Vol. 4, No. 1/2,5 - 58.
Rathbone-McCuan, E. and Voyles, B. (1982). Case detection of abused elderly parents.
American Journal of Psychiatry, 139(2), 189-192.
Steinmetz, S.K. (1988). Duty Bound: Elder Abuse and Family Care. Newbury Park,
California: Sage Publications.
Stone v. Brewster, 218 A.2d 41 (D.C. 1966).
Sullivan v. Craine (Ohio App. 10 Dist.)
Toshio, T. (1996). Elder Abuse in Domestic Settings. Elder Abuse Information Series #1.
Washington, D.C. National Center for Elder Abuse.
Wolf, R. and Pillemer, K. (1989). Elelping Elderly Victims. New York, Columbia
University Press.
_(1992). 138 Cong. Rec. H8969-01 (Older American Act Amendments of 1992)
(Thursday September 22).
_ (2001). Abuse of Residents Is a Major Problem in U.S. Nursing Homes,
Special Report prepared for Rep. Henry A. Waxman, U.S. House of
20 Miller
Survivor Victimizer
Vunerable Unstable
Indecision Impulsive
The trauma of physical and/or psychological abuse for the victim is often
a difficult experience to understand and accommodate. The Trauma
Accommodation Syndrome (Miller and Veltkamp, 1998) is based on DSM IV
criteria (American Psychiatric Association, 1994) and outlines how the victim
processes trauma such as abuse. There is usually extreme difficulty in dis¬
cussing any aspect of the victimization. The victim confronted with such
abuse often passes through a series of stages in dealing with this trauma. The
initial stage is one of victimization, which is recognized as the stressor and is
usually realized as an acute physical and/or psychological traumatization.
The person's response is usually one of feeling overwhelmed and intimidat¬
ed, and the locus of control for the victim is more of an external nature. It is
not uncommon for the victim to think recurringly of the stressful experience
and to focus on the intimidating act, as well as the physical pain associated
with the abuse. Figure 1 summarizes the stages or phases the victim often
experiences along with clinical indicators present during each stage.
This acute stage of trauma involving feelings of helplessness and fear is fol¬
lowed by a stage involving more cognitive disorganization and confusion.
This stage is marked by a vagueness in understanding both the concept of
abuse and the expectations associated with the demands of the perpetrator.
The third stage may involve denial and a conscious inhibition wherein an
effort is made on the part of the victim to actively inhibit thoughts and feel¬
ings related to the abuse. This can involve revisiting the cognitive disorgani¬
zation phase and the earlier memories, with flashbacks to the acute physical
and psychological trauma. This stage can also realize avoidance involving
unconscious denial, wherein the victim is not aware of his effort to avoid the
psychological trauma associated with the abuse. The victim, therefore, uncon¬
sciously denies or minimizes the abuse and/or any efforts to respond to the
Elder Abuse: A Public Health Perspective 23
Physical Indicators
Malnourishment and dehydration
Unexplained bruises and welts
Unexplained burns, especially on soles, palms, back or buttocks
Immersion burns, pressure sores or ulcers
Rope burns on arms, legs, neck or torso
Unexplained fractures to skull, nose, or facial structure; in various stages of
healing; multiple or spiral fractures
Unexplained lacerations or abrasions to mouth, lips, gums, eyes, or external
Figure I
Trauma Accomodation Syndrome in Elder Abuse and Neglect
(Miller and Veltkamp, 1996)
Victimization Acute Avoidant Therapeutic Accommodation
Stage Trauma Stage Re-evaluation Stage
Stage Stage
Figure 2
Model Algorithm for Elder Abuse Intervention
Elder Abuse: A Public Health Perspective 17
Figure 3
Integrated Sample Care Pathway for Client
with Indicators of Elder Abuse
1) Safe shelters and 24-hour crisis line: Be aware of services that provide
a place where victims and perpetrators may call anytime, day or
night, to receive counseling, information, referrals, and screening for
abusive situations.
2) Counseling and casework services: These services are designed to
facilitate the victim's exploration of alternatives to being abused and
provide eventual return to the community and a non-explicated or
abusive relationship.
3) Legal advocacy programs: Programs such as these provide a legal
advocate to act as a liaison between the victim of domestic violence,
whether residing at a shelter or not, and the court system counselor's
should work closely with legal advocacy system.
4) Hospital advocacy program: This service provides a hospital advo¬
cate who will meet the victim at the hospital to provide information,
support, medical treatment and referrals to other medical and health
related professional services.
5) Perpetrator's Intervention Programs: This service provides perpetra¬
tors the opportunity to seek alternatives to violence and break down
the isolation they may feel and provide alternatives to physically, psy¬
chologically, and sexually abusive behaviors they have likely devel¬
oped as a part of their behavior pattern.
6) Community education: Counselors should participate in community
education and service programs on issues of domestic violence to
improve public awareness of the scope of abuse and family violence
in the community.
• AoA funds the national Center on Elder Abuse as a resource for pub¬
lic and private agencies, professionals, service providers, and individ¬
uals interested in abuse prevention.
Administration on Aging
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Washington, DC 20201
Email: aoainfo@aoa.gov
Website: http://www.aoa.gov
• Legislatures in all 50 states have passed some form of elder abuse pre¬
vention laws. Laws and definitions of terms vary considerably from
one state to another, but all states have set up reporting systems.
Generally, adult protective services (APS) agencies receive and inves¬
tigate reports of suspected elder abuse.
The authors wish to acknowledge the assistance of Lane J. Veltkamp M.S.W., Brenda
Frommer, Dale Dubina, Tag Heister, Deborah Kessler, Breston Britner, Ph.D., Beth
Alexander, Ph.D,.Carrie Ogtz, Celena Keel, Shannon Nelson, Tina Lane, Amber Alexander,
and Robert Kraus, M.D for their contributions to the completion of this chapter.
American Psychiatric Association. (1994). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual - IV- Revised.
Washington, D.C.
Cicchetti, D., and Olsen, K. (1987), The developmental psychopathology of child maltreat¬
ment. In: Handbooks of Developmental Psychopathology, ed. M. Lewis and S. Miller. New
York: Plenum.
Conte, J.R., Berlinger, L., and Schwerman, J. R. (1987). The Impact of Sexual Abuse on
Children. Final Technical Report: National Institute of Mental Health, Project No.
MH 37133.
Eddy, D.M. (1996). "Guidelines—How Should They Be Designed?" Clinical Decision
Making: From Theory to Practice. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett, 34-40.
Frayberg, J.T. (1980). Difficulties in separation-individuation as experienced by offspring
of Holocaust survivors. Amercian Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 50 (8): 87-95.
Griffith, J.R. (1998). Designing 21s* Century Healthcare: Leadership in Hospitals and Healthcare
Organizations, Chicago: Health Administration Press, 247-65.
Gladding, S. T. (1998). Family Therapy. New Jersey: Prentice Hall Publishers.
Griffith, J.R. (1999). The Well Managed Health Care Organization. Chicago, Ill: Health
Adminstration Press.
Horowitz, M. J., and Solomon, G. F. (1978). Delayed Stress Response in Vietnam Veterans.
In C.R. Figley (Ed.), Stress Disorders Among Vietnam Veterans. New York: Brunner/
Miller, T. W., and Fiebelman, N. D. (1989). Truamatic Stress Disorder: Diagnostic and
Clinical Issues in Psychiatry. In T. W. Miller (ed.). Stressful Life Events. New York:
International Universities Press, Inc.
Miller, T. W. and Veltkamp, L. J. (1996) Theories, Assessment and Treatment of Domestic
Violence. Directions in Clinical and Counseling Psychology. New York: Hatherleigh
Company, Limited.
Miller, T. W., and Veltkamp, L. J. (1998). Clinical Handbook of Adult Abuse and Exploitation.
Madison Ct.: International Universities Press, Incorporated.
National Center for Child Abuse and Neglect (1996). Study Findings: National Study of the
Incidence and Severity of Child Abuse and Neglect. Washington, D. C.: U. S. Government
Printing Office.
Russell, D. (1983). The Incidence and Prevalence of Intrafamilial and Extrafamilial Sexual
Abuse of Female Children. Child Abuse and Neglect, 7,56-63.
Sackett, D.L. (1997). Evidence-Based Medicine: How to Practice and Teach EBM. New York:
Churchill Livingstone Publishers.
Veltkamp, L. J. and Miller, T. W. (1990). Clinical Strategies and Recognizing Spouse Abuse.
Psychiatric Quarterly, 61 (3): 181-189.
Veltkamp, L. J. and Miller, T. W. (1994) Clinical Handbook of Child Abuse and Neglect.
Madison CT: International Universities Press, Inc.
Walker, L. B. (1998) Domestic Violence. In: Miller, T. W. and Veltkamp, L. J. Clinical
Handbook of Adult Abuse and Exploration. Madison CT: International Unversities Press
Denise Bender
36 Bender
death was more than three times higher for those elders with a history of
abuse (1998). National statistics from Adult Protective Services (APS) report¬
ed that 49% of the reports of abuse that it receives concerning community¬
dwelling elders could be substantiated (Teaster, 2000). Although another 39%
of the reports were eventually dismissed as unsubstantiated, the APS data
clarified that this dismissal does not mean that abuse did not occur. The dis¬
missal may have been granted because the burden of proof demanded by the
state was not met (NEAIS, 1998). Demographics on the frequency of elder
abuse uniformly agree that the reported rate of incidence of abuse reflects
only a small portion of the actual occurrence of abuse (Pillemer and Finkelhor,
1988). These statistics identified an under-protected group of elders that
encompasses all races, genders, and economic groups. The dignity of living
and aging safely in one's own home was denied to them and they often lived
at the mercy of their caregivers.
It is difficult to monitor what goes on in the privacy of a private home or
apartment. Many aging, but independently living adults do not routinely
interact with persons other than family. It is not atypical for an elder to have
outlived friends or to have moved away from long-term support systems in
order to live closer to a child. The onset of a noticeable decline in physical
mobility or development of an illness is often the first time that community
dwelling elder must begin on-going contact with outside persons.
Unfortunately, brief contact with medical persons is sometimes inadequate to
allow identification of an abusive situation.
The doctor usually has the first contact with an older adult who has prob¬
lems managing changes in medical or functional status. This point-of-entry
role identifies the physician as the first professional who has an opportunity
to screen for the possibility of elder abuse. Ideally, any suspicious changes
would be noticed immediately based on the long-standing relationship of
trust and familiarity that existed between the physician and the patient
(Jogerst, Dawson, Hartz, Ely, and Schweitzer, 2000). Since the onset of man¬
aged care, research shows that the doctor-patient relationship has changed
significantly. In a survey on the impact of managed care on physicians' prac¬
tice, results indicated physicians feel they have less time for their patients
because of an increased emphasis on productivity (Feldman, Novack, and
Gracely 1998). The shortened length of visits leaves physicians with little
opportunity to closely observe and question the patient for physical and emo¬
tional health issues related to abuse, especially if the patient is not forthcom¬
ing about the problem (Hoban, 2000).
Many older persons with significant changes in health status require multi¬
disciplinary home care services. A physician's referral to a home care agency
involves several other professional disciplines with the patient. This includes
home health agency nurses and physical therapists who fulfill an important role
in detection of elder abuse. In addition to the examination of discipline specific
health related issues, each of these professionals assesses the general well being
of the patient and family environment. This improves the likelihood that abuse
will be detected and addressed. (Swagerty, Takahashi, and Evans, 1999).
Elder Abuse: A Public Health Perspective 37
The home care nurse usually acts as the home care services coordinator
for a particular patient. The nurse monitors the care provided by therapists,
aides, and others to ensure that all of the patient's needs are met. Providers
such as physical therapists and nurses often have frequent enough interac¬
tions to develop on-going relationships of trust with the patient. During that
time, the physician may only be involved peripherally in the care, and actual¬
ly see the patient only a few times. Through shared documentation, routine
medical examination procedures, and peer conversations about interactions
with the patient, family, and/or caregivers, these team members have many
opportunities to share suspicions and work together to identify and intervene
in abusive or potentially abusive situations (Holland, Kasraian, and
Leonardelli, 1987; Wieland, 2000).
This on-going proximity to the older patient highlights the importance of
therapists and nurses recognizing and accepting a primary role in the identi¬
fication of abuse. All 50 states and the District of Columbia have passed laws
that established adult protective services and defined some level of profes¬
sional responsibility for reporting suspected abuse. Currently, the criteria for
determining which professionals are required to report abuse include physi¬
cal therapists and nurses (http://www.elderabusecenter.org). The American
Physical Therapy Association and the American Nursing Association both
require members to practice according to a strict code of ethics (APTA, 1999;
http://www.nursingworld.org/ethics/code). These codes charge members
of both professions with the duty to protect the safety and dignity of all
patients. Elder abuse puts both the dignity and the safety of older patients at
risk, and tolerance of abusive behaviors would violate these codes.
Home care professionals may overlook the signs and symptoms of elder
abuse in a home care patient because of preconceived beliefs about who typi¬
cally comprises the segment of the population (Wolfe, 1998). As in all other
forms of family violence, elder abuse statistics show that the problem occurs
in all social and cultural demographics (Nadworny, 1994). There is no area in
the United States that can be identified as having an abnormal prevalence of
elder abuse, although APS reporting percentages are higher in the western
states (NEAIS, 1998). The expected victim of elder abuse is a single Caucasian
female over the age of seventy-five who is financially dependent and either
physically or mentally impaired (Bradley, 1996; NEAIS, 1996). Within this cat¬
egory, certain sub-populations who are more at risk than others. Many abused
older persons are depressed or confused (Wolfe, 1998). Approximately 75% of
abuse victims are no longer independent in the performance of self-care activ¬
ities (NEAIS, 1998). The presence of one or any combination of these impair¬
ments significantly increases the physical and psychological demands of care
giving (Wolf, 1997).
There is no formula to distinguish between the caregiver who will be able
to cope with these responsibilities and the one who will retaliate with abuse.
Elder abuse is classified as a form of intimate abuse (Wolfe, 1998) and
although not always the case, the abusers often occupy a relationship of trust
with the older adult (Marshall, Benton, and Brazier, 2000). According to a
38 Bender
national report from APS; the abuser frequently fits within an identifiable pro¬
file. Typically, the abuser is a Caucasian male between the ages of 40 and 59
(NEAIS, 1998) who has a familial tie to the abusee (Teaster, 2000). The primary
relationship between abuser and victim is that of an adult child with the
spouse or life partner identified as the second most prevalent category (Wolfe,
1998; NEAIS, 1996). Caregiver involvement with alcohol or drug abuse is
commonly found among abusers (Hyde-Robertson, Pirnie, and Freeze, 1994;
Swagerty, Takahashi, and Evans, 1999).
There are various theories offered to explain the reasons that abuse
occurs. Some abuse is attributed more to caregiver stress than to a malicious
desire to hurt an older person (Marshall, Benton, and Brazier, 2000; Sengstock
and Barrett, 1993). Caregivers with a limited understanding of the burden
they have accepted, or with physical, financial, or emotional stresses directly
related to the care giving role may feel justified in engaging in abusive behav¬
iors toward the family member (Nadworny, 1994).
A home health care provider is in an ideal position to monitor family
dynamics and to continually assess both situational stress, and the quantity of
stressors occurring within a short period of time at each visit (Hyde-
Robertson, 1994; Sengstock and Barrett, 1993). Johnson (1991) identifies sever¬
al key primary and secondary caregiver stress factors that place a patient at
greater risk for abuse. The primary factors include isolation, perceived bur¬
den, dependency (financial and physical), and stress (Fusco, 1991; Holland,
Kasraian, and Leonardelli, 1987). Of secondary impact, but more remediable
from the nurse and therapists' viewpoint, are issues of amount of knowledge
and understanding about the process of aging, and lack of exposure to
resources to remediate this lack of awareness. Caregivers with little knowl¬
edge concerning which behaviors are typical in aging persons may develop
unreasonable expectations and feel increased levels of frustration with their
tasks. Unfamiliarity with the services available for respite, emotional support,
medical information, and financial assistance within the caregiver's commu¬
nity can contribute to a feeling of helplessness and isolation (Hoban, 2000).
The mere existence of any or all of these factors in a care giving relation¬
ship is not a definite harbinger of abuse. The individual caregiver's ability to
adjust to, and cope with, any or all of these factors on an on-going basis pro¬
vides the best indicator of the likelihood that abuse will occur. A nurse or
physical therapist who includes the home care patient's environment as an
essential component of their overall health assessment may be able to identi¬
fy and address coping problems exhibited by caregivers before the abuse
Despite great strides in awareness of the existence of elder abuse, the actu¬
al and suspected incidence of abuse, as documented by the NEAIS report and
the National Center on Elder Abuse strongly suggest that many potential
opportunities to identify abuse are missed (NEAIS, 1998). Even the compre¬
hensive nature of the nursing and physical therapy assessments may result in
observation of abuse-related symptoms but fail to properly identify or inter¬
vene when abuse has occurred. The fault for this can be attributed to two rea-
Elder Abuse: A Public Health Perspective 39
sons. Until recently, elder abuse was not viewed as an important and fre¬
quently encountered medical issue. As a result, didactic information on elder
abuse was either not included or addressed in an abbreviated manner in
many professional curriculums (Hazzard,1995; Woodtli and Breslin, 2002).
Students were not taught to routinely screen for abuse related findings or
instructed as to appropriate questioning techniques designed to elicit this
information (Woodtli and Breslin, 2002). Unless serious injury or a significant
number of unexplained physical injuries were present, busy home care prac¬
titioners often accepted the explanations provided by either the caregiver or
the older adult. The abused patients, often embarrassed by the events or in
fear of retaliation by the abuser, can add to the confusion by downplaying
injuries or attributing the suspicious findings to other, more benign causes
(Bradley, 2000; Harrell, Toronjo, McLaughlin, Pavlik, Hyman, and Dyer, 2002).
The second reason for failure to identify the problem relates to the expec¬
tation of the health provider to encounter normal and expected age-related
changes. The physical and cognitive signs and symptoms of elder abuse are
not always unexpected or clearly attributable to a specific cause. Seemingly
suspicious signs and symptoms such as hair loss, bruising, weight loss, dehy¬
dration, falls, and mental confusion are also signs and symptoms of medical
changes related to aging (Bradley, 1996; Wolf, 1997). This makes it difficult for
a home health provider to identify abuse with certainty. Elder abuse is more
likely to be detected if the initial and subsequent evaluations of a patient's
health status by a physical therapist or nurse consider the possibility that
physical abuse may have occurred since the last visit. A heightened sense of
awareness during all patient interactions increases the likelihood that a
provider can detect a pattern of atypical findings. This type of pattern indi¬
cates that further investigation is needed.
Detection of elder abuse begins when the multi-disciplinary home health
team members first encounter the patient (Swagerty, Takahashi, and Evans,
1999). A patient interview traditionally begins the evaluation process, allow¬
ing the nurse and therapist to gather related medical information while
assessing the cognition, psychological status, and home environment. Ideally,
the presence of the caregiver is minimized during the interview to allow the
provider a chance to develop a rapport with the patient (Swagerty, Takahashi,
and Evans, 1999). The refusal of a caregiver to leave a competent patient alone
with the practitioner during the interview is the first potential sign that the
care giving relationship may not be appropriate. This behavior can be the
result of a desire to help the provider obtain complete and accurate informa¬
tion, or it can suggest an attempt to direct and perhaps limit the interview
(Hoban, 2000). Although the provider should make every effort to interview
the adult patient in privacy, if the patient consents to the other person's pres¬
ence, the provider must allow it.
There are also times when the cognitive or physical status of the patient
limits the ability to accurately respond to questions. When it is necessary to
interview the caregiver for information, the therapist or nurse should perform
the interview in the presence of the patient (APTA, 2000). This interview
40 Bender
yields not only medical information, but allows the provider, to assess the
caregiver's knowledge of aging, environmental stressors, attitude toward the
patient and expectations concerning the amount of care needed by this patient
(Hoban, 2000). If possible, the patient can later be asked to confirm or modify
the responses provided by the caregiver.
The presence of the caregiver should not add a third person to the patient-
provider relationship. Caregiver involvement in the interview might be nec¬
essary to provide information, but the allegiance of the therapist or nurse is to
the patient alone. Behaviors including interruption of the patient, contradic¬
tion of the information provided by the patient, or attempts to either bond or
control the interview process should raise questions in the provider's mind
concerning the caregiver. These actions may suggest the existence of an abu¬
sive relationship. The therapist or nurse, while mindful of the need to avoid
antagonizing the caregiver, must explore this possibility further if any of these
behaviors are noted.
Through use of direct and indirect questioning, the provider can structure
an interview to create opportunities for the patient to confide (Swagerty,
Takahashi, and Evans, 1999). Direct questioning, which consists of asking
whether abuse has occurred or if anyone in the home has hurt the patient or
similar questions, is one option. Its benefits include a decreased likelihood of
misunderstanding the intent of the question and a chance to directly observe
the patient's response. In the early stages of establishing rapport, the patient
may not trust the provider enough to honestly answer the question. The
phrasing of questions could inadvertently suggest to the patient that there is
a particular response the provider wishes to receive. Other patients, particu¬
larly in situations where no abuse is occurring, may feel offended or uncom¬
fortable. The provider must make every effort to keep the questions and the
tone of the interview non-judgmental and comfortable (Marshall, Benton, and
Brazier, 2000).
Indirect questioning, which consists of asking more open-ended ques¬
tions about issues related to abuse, is another option. Questioning patients
about feelings of fear elicited by anyone involved in their life can provide
opportunities for unstructured conversation that yield information a provider
may not typically solicit. A potential problem with an indirect approach is the
vague nature of the questions. A patient may misinterpret the question and
respond inaccurately. Alternatively, a patient may respond to the question by
providing an equally indirect response, thus providing information that could
be wrongly interpreted by the provider.
Whether direct or indirect questioning is attempted, a nurse or therapist
should adopt a standardized series of questions to ensure that the screening is
adequate to detect all forms of elder abuse. There are many questionnaires in
use today. Most include a mixture of direct and indirect style questions and
build in a deliberate repetitiveness to the series of questions to allow exami¬
nation of answers for consistency. The Elder Assessment Instrument (EAI)
screening tool is one example of a comprehensive questionnaire that can be
quickly completed by any provider during a home visit to identify potential
Elder Abuse: A Public Health Perspective 41
issues of neglect and abuse (Fulmer, 2003). Originally intended for use in a
busy emergency room, it is equally suitable to incorporate into the initial
home care evaluation performed by either the nurse or the physical therapist.
The physical examination portion of the evaluation is usually performed
after the interview. In addition to the routine assessments of medical status,
functional mobility, and self-care ability, there are particular behaviors,
responses, and physical findings that might suggest elder abuse is a problem.
Although the term "elder abuse" can encompass an entire gamut of behaviors
that cause injury to an older adult, the National Elder Abuse study identified
seven main categories of abuse (NEAIS, 1998). The four categories described
below are the types of abuse most likely to be encountered and identified by
therapist or nurse during home visits.
Neglect is the considered the most common type of elder abuse (Bradley,
1996; Fisher and Dyer, 2003) and accounts for 48.7% of the occurrences
(NEAIS, 1998). Demographic figures indicate that women make up a dispro¬
portionate percentage of this category (NEAIS, 1998). The two distinct types
of neglect include caregiver neglect and self-neglect (APTA, 2000). In neglect,
as compared to physical abuse, the therapist or nurse is not always able to
find physical signs and symptoms to justify suspicions. It may be only a per¬
ceived inadequacy of care that makes a provider look more closely at a care
giving situation.
Caregiver neglect includes the failure to provide the physical and emo¬
tional supports necessary to either prevent harm to the patient or to ensure
that the patient is able to function at the highest possible level (AMA, 1994, p.
10). Possible explanations include, but are not limited to, caregiver ignorance
concerning appropriate care, inadequate level of assistance, financial con¬
straints, or unwillingness of the older adult to accept care giving assistance
(Marshall, Benton, Brazier, 2000). Self-neglect may be determined when a
patient engages in behavior that places health or safety at risk, whether the
decision stems from conscious choices or an inability to perform self-care.
According to a nationwide study (NEAIS, 1998), the APS receives more
reports of self-neglect than of caregiver neglect. Home health providers
should closely monitor independently living patients with a medical diagno¬
sis of depression for signs of self-neglect. Using these operational definitions,
nurses and therapists may identify the presence of neglect even in situations
where the older patient or the caregiver tries to provide an adequate level of
care (APTA, 2000; AMA, 1994; Marshall, Benton, and Brazier, 2000).
Neglect, whether self-initiated or due to inadequate assistance from a
caregiver, might easily be missed due to its subtle presentation. It can appear
deliberate, as seen in a refusal to provide the essential level of care required to
maintain health and safety or inadvertent, as shown by inadequate knowl¬
edge or a lack of concern for safeguarding the safety or health of a patient.
42 Bender
Examples may include the provision of clothing that is inadequate for the
weather, minimal attention or concern about potential falls risks in the home,
or failure to comply with the recommended medication or treatment pro¬
grams. The nurse or therapist should question the caregiver if any of these are
observed, and monitor the situation to identify any observable pattern of
unsafe choices on behalf of the patient.
Living Environment
The caregiver of a dependent patient may have difficulty keeping the home
environment as clean as the health provider may desire, especially if there are
pets or a number of people living in the home. There are also cultural and soci¬
etal factors that affect how someone chooses to live. It is important to avoid
making a judgment of neglect merely because someone chooses to live in a
manner that is different than what is typically encountered. Therapists and
nurses should look for evidence that significant and potentially dangerous liv¬
ing conditions exist. These may include infestations of insects or rodents, food
and dirty dishes left on counters for extended periods of time, lack of heat, or
deterioration of the housing structure (APTA, 2000; AMA, 1994).
The home care therapist or nurse should suspect neglect when the physi¬
cal appearance of the patient seems unsatisfactory. While isolated episodes of
soiled clothing or bedding, urine or fecal stains on clothing, body odor, or
untrimmed hair and fingernails can be found in any patient, repeatedly not¬
ing some combination of these elements should arouse suspicion. Failure to
provide or maintain dentures, glasses, hearing aids, and other assistive equip¬
ment necessary for the patient's daily function without adequate reason also
suggests neglect (Hoban, 2000). The home care team needs to first determine
that the caregiver and patient understand the importance of routinely using
these devices before making any determination that a caregiver is deliberate¬
ly withholding them.
chological anguish in older adults (AMA, 1994 p. 10). This distress may be
caused by either verbal or non-verbal behaviors (Hoban, 2000; Hogstel and
Curry, 1999; Marshall, Benton, and Brazier, 2000) exhibited by the caregiver.
These behaviors may include:
Despite its prevalence (Bradley, 1996; Hogstell and Curry, 1999), financial
abuse is difficult for the nurse or therapist to identify. A certain amount of finan¬
cial co-dependency between the older adult and the caregiver can exist without
any incidence of abuse. An older adult may no longer have the ability or inter¬
est to manage financial issues and may choose to vest this authority in a care¬
giver. Abuse occurs when another person deliberately violates a position of
trust (either actual or implied) and misuses or misappropriates an older adult's
financial resources for personal gain (APTA, 2000; AMA, 1994), and was found
to occur in 30.2% of the reported incidents (Bradley, 1996; NEAIS, 1998).
The issue of financial abuse is difficult for the home care therapist or nurse
to recognize because they usually have few discussions with the patient or fam¬
ily about financial issues. Financial stability is a constant worry for many older
adults. Attitudes toward money vary according to culture, socialization, and
custom, and what may seem abusive behavior by an adult child could reflect a
personal money management choice by the parent. Some older adults fear out¬
living their resources and insist upon engaging in unnecessary cost-saving
activities in attempts to stave off poverty. Despite these variations, financial
behaviors that might trigger suspicions in the health care providers that impro¬
priety has occurred include:
Medications, disposable supplies, and equipment are the most costly ele¬
ments in a home patient's plan of care. Many older adults living on a fixed
income do have problems covering unexpected or prolonged expenses. Health
providers should remain alert for comments that suggest an older person now
needs to ask the caregiver for permission to incur an expense, or was told that
he/she could no longer afford to purchase a necessary item. Home care services
may be abruptly discontinued, citing cost as the reason, even though the care is
still obviously needed and the costs have not significantly changed. An older
patient may confide that caregivers are demanding access to checks or to bank
accounts or insisting that modifications to wills are made. Although not specifi¬
cally health related, financial abuse affects the overall well being of the patient.
Its detection falls within the scope of practice of a home health practitioner.
(APTA, 1999; http://www.nursingworld.org/ethics/code).
Bruising easily occurs in the geriatric population due to the fragile nature
of aging skin. A variety of colors of bruising may indicate the presence of
injuries in a variety of healing stages (Harrell, Toronjo, McLaughlin, Pavlik,
Hyman, and Dyer, 2002; Wolf, 1998). This suggests repeated trauma to the
area. The nurse or therapist should remain alert to environmental hazards that
could account for this finding, and should discuss these observations with the
patient and caregiver before concluding that abuse may have occurred.
Bruises due to accidental trauma are often irregularly shaped and in areas
(e.g. tibial crests, shoulders, forehead or lateral hips) that frequently bump
against objects in the home environment. Bruising along the breasts,
abdomen, thighs, or buttocks are less commonly incurred in everyday activi¬
ties and discovery of these should be questioned (AMA, 1994; APTA, 2000;).
Findings of burns, handprints on upper arms or face, loosened teeth, broken
dentures or glasses, or any unexplained swelling without an associated
episode of trauma should also elicit suspicions of abuse (Harrell, Toronjo,
McLaughlin, Pavlik, Hyman, and Dyer, 2002).
Older persons with limited mobility are at a higher risk for development
of pressure ulcers, even with the best of care (Brandeis, Berlowitz, and Katz,
2001). Prolonged sitting can lead to pathological tissue pressures within
hours. The pressure problem is exacerbated for a person with incontinence of
bowel or bladder since the prolonged pressure will affect tissues that are
already at risk due to moisture. Homebound patients who are restrained to a
chair for prolonged periods by belt, straps, or by elevation of the footrest are
at a greater risk to develop pressure sores (2001). Health professionals should
question the onset of redness, tenderness, or skin breakdown in the areas of
the coccyx, sacrum, or ischeal tuberosities, especially when noted in a patient
who is not bedridden (Hoban, 2000). Observation of the wrists, ankles, and
torso of the patient may reveal chafed and reddened areas that suggest unau¬
thorized restraint use has occurred.
46 Bender
Older adults of sound cognition are still sexual beings capable of engaging
in consensual sexual activities. Abuse occurs when the adult does not consent
or is incapable of consent to behaviors ranging from exposure to rape. At a fre¬
quency of 0.3% (Bradley, 1996), the low percentage of reports of sexual abuse
seems to suggest that it is not much of a problem for the older population. Just
as is suspected for elder abuse in general, there is a strong likelihood that older
persons, particularly women, may not report sexual abuse. There are a variety
of reasons to explain this. Women who grew up in a time when sexual issues
were not routinely discussed might lack the words or the comfort level to dis¬
cuss what has happened. When the sexual abuser is a spouse or partner, the
abused person may not know that the behavior could qualify as abuse (Basile,
2002). The physical therapist may want to consider the possibility of sexual
abuse if unexplained changes in a patient's mobility or sitting comfort are
observed. The nurse and the aide may identify bruises along breasts, thighs,
and abdomen when assisting with the intimate tasks of toileting and bathing.
Other observations that might arouse suspicion in providers include:
American Medical Association. (1994). Diagnostic and Treatment Guidelines on Elder Abuse
and Neglect. Chicago; AMA.
American Physical Therapy Association. (2000). Guidelines for Recognizing and Providing
Care for Victims of Elder Abuse. Alexandria; APTA.
Alexy, E. M. (2000). Computers and Caregiving: Reaching out and Redesigning
Elder Abuse: A Public Health Perspective 49
Interventions for Homebound Older Adults and Caregivers. Holistic Nurs Prac,
14(4), 60-66.
Basile, K.C. (2002). Attitudes Toward Wife Rape: Effects of Social Background and Victim
Status. Violence Victim, 17(3),341-354.
Baker, A. A. (1977). "Granny Battering." Modern Geriatrics, 5, (8), 20-24.
Bradley, M. (1996). Caring for Older People: Elder Abuse. BMJ, 313(7056), 548-550.
Brandeis, G.H., Berlowitz, D.R., and Katz, P. (2001). Are Pressure Ulcers Preventable? A
Survey of Experts. Adv in Skin and Wound Care, 14(5), 245-248.
Feldman, D. S., Novack, D. H., and Gracely, E.(1998). Effects of Managed Care on
Physician-Patient Relationships, Quality of Care, and the Ethical Practice of
Medicine: A Physician Survey. Arch Int Med, 158(15), 1626-1632.
Fisher, J.W., and Dyer, C.B. (2003). The Hidden Health Menace of Elder Abuse.
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113 (4). Retrieved August 20, 2003 from http://www.postgradmed.com/
Fulmer, T. (2003). Elder Abuse and Neglect Assessment. / Gerontol Nurs, 29(6), 4-5.
Harrell, R., Toronjo, C.H., McLaughlin, Pavlik, V.N., Hyman, D.J., and Dyer, C.B.
How Geriatricians Identify Elder Abuse and Neglect. Am } Med Sci, 323(1), 34-38.
Hazzard, W.R. (1995). Elder abuse: Definitions and Implications for Medical Education.
Acad Med, 70(11), 979-981.
Hoban, S. (2000). Elder Abuse and Neglect: It Takes Many Forms—If You're Not
Looking, You May Miss It. Am J Nurs, 100(11), 49-50.
Hogstel, M.O., and Curry, L.C. (1999). Elder Abuse Revisited. / Gerontol Nurs, 25(7),10-18.
Holland, L.R., Kasraian, K.R., and Leonardelli, C.A. (1987). Elder Abuse: An Analysis of
The Current Problem and Potential Role of the Rehabilitation Professional. Phys and
Occupat Ther in Geriatr, 5(3), 41-51.
Hyde-Robertson, B., Pimie, S.M., and Freeze, C. (1994). A Strategy Against Elderly
Mistreatment. Caring, 40-44.
American Nursing Association Code of Ethics. Retrieved August 24, 2003 from
http://www.nursingworld.org/ethics/code .
American Bar Association Commission on Legal Problems of the Elderly (adopted as
policy 2002). Report to the House of Delegates. Retrieved on September 5, 2003.
National Center on Elder Abuse. Retrieved on October 2,2003 from http://www.elder-
Jogerst, G.J., Dawson, J.D., Hartz, A.J., Ely, J.W., and Sweitzer, L.A. (2000). Community
Characteristics Associated With Elder Abuse. J Am Ger Soc, 48(5), 513-518.
Johnson, T.F. (1991). Elder mistreatment: Deciding Who is at Risk. New York, NY:
Greenwood Press.
Lachs, M.S., Williams, C.S., O'Brien S, Pillemer, K.A., and Charlson, M.E. (1998). The
Mortality of Elder Mistreatment. JAMA, 280(5), 428-432.
Marshall, C.E., Benton, D., and Brazier, J.M. (2000). Elder Abuse. Using Clinical Tools to
Identify Clues of Mistreatment. Geriatrics, 55(2), 45-53.
Nadwomy, S.W. (1994). In the Best of Families: Crossing the Line into Neglect. Caring,
National Center on Elder Abuse. (1998). National Elder Abuse Incidence study(NEAIS):
Final Report. The National Center on Elder Abuse at the American Public Services
Association in Collaboration with Westat, Inc.
Omnibus Reconcilliation Act 1987.
50 Bender
Pillemer, Kv and Finkelhor, D. (1988). The Prevalence of Elder Abuse: A Random Sample
Survey. The Gerontologist, 28(1), 51-57.
Physical Therapist Code of Ethics, Alexandria, Va: American Physical Therapy Association;
Reay, A.M., and Browne, K.D. (2001). Risk Factor Characteristics in Carers Who
Physically Abuse or Neglect Their Elderly Dependants. Aging and Mental Health,
5(1), 56-62.
Sengstock, M.C., and Barrett, S.A. (1993). Abuse and Neglect of the Elderly in Family
Settings. In J. Campbell and J. Humphreys (Eds.), Nursing Care of Survivors of Family
Violence (pp. 173-208). St. Louis, MO: Mosby.
Swagerty, D.L, Takahashi, P.Y., and Evans, J.M. (1999). Elder Mistreatment. Am Pam.
Phys, 59(10), 2804-2808.
Teaster, P.B. (2000). A Response to the Abuse of Vulnerable Adults: The 2000 Survey Of
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Wieland, D. (2000). Abuse of older persons: An Overview. Holistic Nurs Prac, 14(4), 40-50.
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Wolf, R.S. (1997). Elder Abuse and Neglect: Causes and Consequences. / Geri Psych, 30(1),
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Paulina Ruf
According to the 2000 U.S. Census, there are approximately 35.0 million
people 65 years of age and over in the United States, representing 12.4 percent
of the total population (Hetzel and Smith, 2001). The Census Bureau projects
that the population age 65 and older will exceed 70 million by 2030 (Hollmann
et al., 2000). The "graying" of the U.S. population has received a great deal of
attention in the past decades. Until recently, however, this attention was
focused on the White, non-Hispanic population. The increasing numbers of
racial and ethnic minorities in the United States—what Henry (1990) called
"the browning of America"—has significantly changed the composition of the
elderly population (Angel and Hogan, 1992; Hayes-Bautista et al., 2002).
Currently, about 16 percent of those 65 years of age and over are members of
a racial/ethnic minority group. In the future, this percentage is expected to
increase significantly. For instance, by 2030, the older minority population is
expected to reach about 26 percent of the total 65 years old and over popula¬
tion in the United States (Day, 1996).
The youthfulness of the Hispanic population tends to overshadow the
growing number of Hispanics 65 years of age and over (Gelfand, 1994). In
2002, there were 37.4 million Hispanics in the United States, 5.1 percent of
whom were 65 years of age and over. In contrast, approximately 14.4 percent
of the White, non-Hispanic population was 65 years of age and older. The
highest proportion of individuals 65 and older was among Cuban Americans
(22.6 percent), and the lowest was among Mexican Americans (4.0 percent)
(Ramirez and de la Cruz, 2003). In addition, the number of elderly Hispanics
is expected to quadruple by the year 2020 (Andrews, 1989).
African Americans are now the second largest minority group in the U.S.
after Hispanics. In 2002, there were approximately 36 million African
Americans in the U.S., 8 percent of whom were 65 years of age and over
(McKinnon, 2003). Often referred to as the "model minority" (Hurh and Kim,
1989), the Asian and Pacific Islander population numbered 12.5 million in
2002, and 7 percent of this group were 65 years of age and over (Reeves and
Bennett, 2003). In the 2000 U.S. Census, 4.1 million or 1.5 percent of the popu¬
lation reported American Indian and Alaska Native ancestry (Ogunwole,
2002). Of these 259,663 or about 6 percent were age 65 and over (U.S. Census,
52 Ruf
Over the past decades, we have seen a significant increase in the number
of studies involving the older minority population. However, there are still
many areas where our understanding of the minority experience of growing
old is limited and plagued by misconceptions and stereotypes. One such area
is elder abuse. For many years it was assumed that elder abuse could not pos¬
sibly exist among racial and ethnic minorities because of family dynamics that
emphasize respect and solidarity (Anetzberger et al., 1996; Carson, 1995;
Sung, 2001).
abuse and the abuser is personalismo. This value requires that the dignity of
individuals is maintained and respected. Also, personalismo means that service
providers should establish personal, trusting relationships where disclosure of
abusive behaviors can take place (Montoya, 1997; C. Sanchez, 1999). For serv¬
ice providers this means that developing trusting, personal relationships with
Hispanic clients is very important. It is likely to facilitate the provision of serv¬
ices, and more importantly, increase the likelihood that victims of elder abuse
would acknowledge the abuse and perhaps identify the abuser(s).
According to the National Center on Elder Abuse (1998), older Asian and
Pacific Islanders are underrepresented among victims of elder abuse. For this
population, the most common types of abuse were emotional and physical
abuse, but Asian and Pacific Islanders represented only 0.4 percent of these
cases. In 2000, a survey of adult protective service agencies found that 0.4 per¬
cent of all substantiated cases of elder abuse involved Asian and Pacific
Islanders. However, there is evidence that the occurrence of elder abuse
among Asian and Pacific Islanders is significantly underreported. For
instance, in 2001 about 10 percent of active cases of elder abuse in San
Francisco, California, involved Asian Americans (Manigbas, 2002). The major¬
ity of these cases (6.8 percent) involved Chinese Americans. Still, because
Chinese culture prevents family members from sharing problems with non¬
family members, it is speculated that the actual number of elder abuse cases
among Chinese Americans, as well as other Asian and Pacific Islander groups,
is much larger. Also, Chang and Moon (1997) found that a significant percent¬
age of Korean immigrant elders (34 percent) reported seeing or hearing about
at least one incident of elder abuse. For these elders, lack of respect for the
elder and not allowing him/her to live with an adult child constitute mistreat¬
ment. Hence, abuse was perceived only within family relationships, particu¬
larly the parent-child relationship.
Traditional Asian cultural norms emphasize family allegiance and respect
for older members. Thus, not caring for one's parents would reflect negative¬
ly on the family (Gelfand, 1994; Sung; 2001). However, there is evidence that
traditional norms are changing both among Asians in the United States and in
Elder Abuse: A Public Health Perspective 57
Asian countries. These changes are largely due to the effects of moderniza¬
tion, where adult children live away from parents and women join the paid
labor force and are thus unavailable to care for older family members
(Gelfand, 1994).
The research examining the impact of Asian and Pacific Islander cultures
on perceptions of elder abuse is quite limited. Moon and Williams (1993)
found that Korean-Americans were less likely than other groups to both
define scenarios as abuse and to seek help, especially from formal service
providers. Pablo and Braun (1997) conducted a study in Honolulu where the
same scenarios used by Moon and Williams (1993) were utilized. Pablo and
Braun found the local Asian American groups provided answers similar to
those of the White participants in Moon and Williams' research, which was
conducted in Minnesota. Pablo and Braun speculate that the different
responses between the two Asian groups may be due to the fact that Asian
Americans in Honolulu have access to culturally-appropriate services, where¬
as the Korean-Americans in Minnesota may not. Because the Asian partici¬
pants in Honolulu had been in the United States for a longer period of time,
the authors speculate that the traditional attitudes and practices of these
groups change over time, while at the same time many elders identify with
their ethnic background and its traditions.
Le (1997) found that, among a small sample of Vietnamese elderly in
California, the most common type of abuse was emotional, followed by ver¬
bal abuse. The emotional abuse of these Vietnamese elderly involved being
isolated from others, receiving the silent treatment, being threatened with
nursing home placement, or being harassed. Because tradition dictates that
sons are responsible for the care of their parents, participants reported having
problems with their daughters-in-law as well as with their own children. They
believed their daughters-in-law were jealous of the filial piety exhibited by
their husbands. Chang and Moon (1997) found similar results among Korean
immigrant elders, where daughters-in-law were seen as disrespectful and as
mistreating their mothers-in-law (see also Sung, 2001). In addition, Le (1997)
found that the elders facing abuse were more likely to be newcomers to the
United States, and those that came to the country with their children, were
less likely to experience abuse. This finding suggests that because of the diffi¬
culty of adjusting to a new culture, older family members become very
dependent on younger ones, and in turn become more vulnerable to abuse
(see also Manigbas, 2002). Like other older ethnic minorities, the Vietnamese
elderly in this study were reluctant to disclose abuse and neglect. Doing so
would bring shame to the family since it would indicate that filial piety was
not observed. Also, Vietnamese culture, like other Asian cultures, emphasizes
family preservation and reliance, which contributes to the underreporting of
elder abuse (see also Pablo and Braun, 1997; Tomita, 1999).
Tomita (1999) explored domestic violence, including elder abuse, among
Japanese Americans. He found that Japanese cultural norms required that
individuals place the group above the self, and that the culture emphasized
silent suffering and quiet endurance. As a consequence of adhering to these
58 Ruf
norms, victims of abuse only admitted to the abuse when the abuser was dead
or when they were sure no negative consequences could impact the family or
the abuser. Hence, service providers might need to use conflict-avoidance and
conflict-management techniques. Interventions should emphasize group har¬
mony, safety, and respite, rather than the resolution of the situation which is
emphasized by mainstream interventions.
although the authors did not include questions regarding what type of serv¬
ices should be provided or who should provide them. Native Americans eld¬
ers felt that older people should not only be honored and respected, but they
should also receive care if needed.
Similar to other older minorities, becoming dependent and frail increases
the risk for elder abuse among older Native Americans (Baldridge, 2001;
Brown, 1989). This is of particular concern given the high rates of disability
among Native Americans. In addition, the lack of community—and institu¬
tionally-based long-term care services for older Native Americans reinforces
their need to depend on informal care providers, especially family members
that are largely ill-equipped to deal with the elders' failing health (Baldridge,
2001). Because Native American cultures, in general, emphasize family and
tribal unity and interdependence, it is crucial that interventions reflect these
cultural values. Also, the significant impact of the many social problems that
plague Native Americans must be addressed (Brown, 1999; Carson and Hand,
Much more research is needed to understand the aging experiences and
elder abuse among Native Americans. Like Latinos and Asian and Pacific
Islanders, Native American nations are very diverse and geographically wide¬
spread. Future research efforts should focus on increasing our understanding
of how elder abuse is defined by the different Native American nations, it
should clarify the types and prevalence of abuse that are common in these
populations, and research should also focus on determining if there are signif¬
icant differences among urban and rural Native American populations. The
latter is particularly important for the development and implementation of
adequate interventions (Carson and Hand, 1999). Also, increasing our under¬
standing of the experiences of Alaska Natives should be a research priority.
A review of the existing literature clearly suggests that the lack of atten¬
tion on culture is a major problem with current efforts to address elder abuse
among minority populations (see Tatara, 1999). The few research studies that
have explored the impact of culture on perceptions of elder abuse suggest that
it plays a significant role. Cultural norms and values not only impact how
elder abuse is perceived but also the likelihood that its victims will seek
and/or accept services. Also, the types of services that minority victims accept
are determined by culture (Nerenberg, 1999; Tomita, 2000; Wolf and Donglin,
Efforts to increase awareness and reporting of elder abuse among ethnic
minorities have generally taken two approaches (Nerenberg, 1999). An exam¬
ple of a direct approach is found in New York City's "That's Abuse" cam¬
paign, where posters depicting abusive situations and diverse ethnic groups
have been utilized. San Francisco's "We Are Family" project depicts a non-
direct approach. Rather than focusing on abusive behaviors, this project
60 Ruf
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National Center on Elder Abuse. (1998). The National Elder Abuse Incidence Study; Final
Report. From www.elderabusecenter.org
Nerenberg, L. (1999). Culturally specific Outreach in Elder Abuse. In Tatara, T. (Ed.),
Understanding Elder Abuse in Minority Populations, 205-220.
Ogunwole, S. U. (2002). U.S. Bureau of the Census: Census 2000 Brief, C2KBR/01-15. The
American Indian and Alaska Native Population: 2000. Washington, DC: U.S.
Government Printing Office.
Otiniano, M. E., Herrera, C. R., and Hardman-Muye, M. (1997). Abuse of Hispanic
Elders: A Case Study Review. Clinical Gerontologist, 18(1), 39-43.
Elder Abuse: A Public Health Perspective 63
Pablo, S., and Braun, K. L. (1997). Perceptions of Elder Abuse and Neglect and Help-
Seeking Patterns Among Filipino and Korean Elderly Women in Honolulu. Journal
of Elder Abuse and Neglect, 9(2), 63-76.
Quinn, M. J., and Tomita, S. K. (1997). Elder Abuse and Neglect: Causes, Diagnosis, and
Intervention Strategies (2nd edition). NY: Springer.
Ramirez, R. R. and de la Cruz, G. P. (2003). U.S. Bureau of the Census Current Populations
Reports, Series P20-545. The Hispanic Population in the United States: March 2002.
Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
Reeves, T. and Bennett, C. (2003). U.S. Bureau of the Census Current Popidation Reports,
Series P20-540. The Asian and Pacific Islander Population in the United States: March
2002. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
Sanchez, C. D. (1999). Elder Abuse in the Puerto Rican Context. In Tatara, T. (Ed.),
Understanding Elder Abuse in Minority Populations, 93-105.
Sanchez, Y. (1999). Elder Mistreatment in Mexican American Communities: The
Nevada and Michigan experiences. In Tatara, T. (Ed.), Understanding Elder Abuse
in Minority Populations, 67-77.
Sung, K. (2001). Elder Respect: Exploration of Ideals and Forms in East Asia. Journal of
Aging Studies, 15(1), 13-26.
Tatara, T. (Ed.). (1999). Understanding Elder Abuse in Minority Populations. Philadelphia,
PA: Brunner/Mazel.
Teaster, P. B. (2000). A Response to the Abuse of Vulnerable Adults: The 2000 Survey of State
Adult Protective Services. Washington, DC: National Center on Elder Abuse. From
Tomita, S. (1999). Exploration of Elder Mistreatment Among the Japanese. In Tatara, T.
(Ed.), Understanding Elder Abuse in Minority Populations, 119-139.
Tomita, S. (2000). Elder mistreatment: Practice Modifications to Accommodate
Cultural Differences. Journal of Multicultural Social Work, 8(3-4), 305-326.
U.S. Census Bureau. (2002). Statistical Abstracts of the United States: 2002. Washington,
DC: Public Information Office, www.census.gov/prod/www/statistical-abstract-
Williams, O., and Griffin, L. (1996). Elderly Maltreatment and Cultural Diversity:
When Laws are not Enough. Journal of Multi-Cultural Social Work, 4(2), 1-13.
Wolf, R. S. (2000). The Nature and Scope of Elder Abuse. Generations, 24(2), 6-12.
Wolf, R. S. (1988). Elder abuse: Ten Years Later. The Journal of the American Geriatrics
Society, 36, 758-762.
Wolf, R. S., and Donglin, L. (1999). Factors Affecting the Rate of Elder Abuse Reporting
to a State Protective Services Program. The Gerontologist, 39(2), 222-228.
. .
Mary Newman
Once the topic of elder abuse had been voiced in the United States, defin¬
ing abuse posed the first challenge. The American Psychological Association
(APA) (2003) provides the following guidelines: Elder abuse is the infliction of
physical, emotional, or psychological harm on an older adult. Elder abuse also can take
the form of financial exploitation or intentional or unintentional neglect of an older
adult by the caregiver. The National Center on Elder Abuse (NCEA) (2004) sug¬
gests that such harm refers to any knowing, intentional, or negligent act by a caregiv¬
er or any other person that causes harm or a serious risk of harm to a vulnerable adult.
Defining and identifying elder abuse is difficult enough for those who
seek to study and address the problem within the dominant culture of the
United States. Take it outside of that culture, and particularly outside the
nation, and these challenges are amplified. However, given that similarities
and differences in the assessment and identification of abusive behavior have
been demonstrated between minority groups and immigrants living in the
66 Newman
U.S., (e.g., Moon, 2000; Chang and Moon, 1997 [cited in Moon, 2000]; see
Tatara, 1999, and Chapter 5 of current volume for reviews), similar patterns
might be expected between nations. Therefore, scientists endeavored to devel¬
op definitions that are general enough to be used in a variety of cultures (e.g..
Action on Elder Abuse, 2000; Australian Network for the Prevention of Elder
Abuse, 1999; National Center on Aging Abuse 2004; WHO, 2002; Yan and So-
Kum Tang, 2003), or to develop measurements specific for particular cultures
(e.g., Le, 1997) in order to make comparisons between nations.
Some progress has been made in this regard. The following definitions are
representative of those used by many investigators around the world:
The Australian Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse (1999) pro¬
posed that elder abuse:
One of the factors that impacts the identification and tolerance of elder
abuse is culture, meant here to include differences based upon religion, eth¬
nicity, race, sexual orientation, rural versus urban locales, geographic, and
national origin. Reports of abuse and neglect are increasingly available for
some minorities within the U.S. (e.g., Le, 1997 - Vietnamese immigrants;
Moon and Williams, 1993 - Korean-Americans; Nagpaul, 1997 - Asian
Indians; Pablo and Braun, 1997; see Moon, 2000, and Tatara, 1999, as well as
Chapter 5 of the current volume for reviews), but are still relatively small in
number. Far fewer reports are available on a global level. At least five factors
probably account for the difficulty in conducting international comparative
studies of elder abuse, and the scarcity of information for some regions and
populations: 1) Cultural differences in defining and identifying abuse; 2) dif¬
ferential focus of cultures on the individual versus family and community; 3)
varying rights and privileges of females and males; 4) differing and changing
attitudes toward the elderly; and 5) the failure of some investigators to appre¬
ciate cultural differences, to use culturally sensitive means of data collection,
and to consider cultural variation in interpreting their findings (however, see,
e.g., Le, 1997). Despite the challenges, however, scientists continue to make
headway in understanding the phenomenon of elder abuse.
of attitudes about, and perceptions of elder abuse. The purpose of this project
was " ... to raise the awareness among health professionals and the public at large
about the problem of elder abuse world-wide, and to develop a global strategy within
the context of Primary Health Care for the prevention of elder abuse." Data from
each of these countries were combined, and primary types of abuse identified:
"... structural and societal abuse, neglect and abandonment, disrespect and ageist
attitudes, psychological, emotional and verbal abuse, physical abuse, legal and finan¬
cial abuse."
Findings by the World Health Organization (2002) pointed to differences
between cultures, and inequities in the status of the elderly as sources of stress
and resulting abuse. In a sample of 48 older adults in Buenos Aires, Argentina,
35% endured some type of abuse. Reports from Kenya, India and Brazil sug¬
gested that abuse and abandonment result from lack of health care benefits
from the government. Representatives of India, Lebanon and Austria called
attention to frequent conflict between women and their mothers-in-law, even¬
tually leading to various types of mistreatment (including physical abuse) and
neglect of the older women (WHO, 2002). Similarly, Soeda and Araki (1999)
reported that daughters-in-law in Japan were more likely than spouses or
adult children to neglect older family members. These reports are consistent
with the findings of Le (1997), who interviewed twenty elderly Vietnamese
immigrants to the United States. Older women who spoke only Vietnamese
were most vulnerable, and daughters-in-law often inflicted verbal and/or
emotional abuse. For Vietnamese elderly, being ignored, or given the silent
treatment was the harshest form of punishment, even more devastating than
physical abuse. Overall, elders from all eight nations suggested that disre¬
spect, which was inflicted by family members as well as governmental and
commercial institutions, constituted the worst form of abuse, and was the root
of all other forms of abuse. Women (particularly widows and those without
children) and poor elders were reported to be most vulnerable. The investiga¬
tors noted the reluctance of elderly participants to discuss elder abuse.
Members of the focus group in India actively avoided the topic of "physical
abuse" but acknowledged "mistreatment" of older persons.
The degree of social support available for the care recipient also contributed
to the risk of abuse. These conclusions were supported by the findings of Reis
(2000). Contrary to the findings reported by Cupitt (1997), the National Center
on Elder Abuse (1998) and the National Clearinghouse on Family Violence
(2003), Reis emphasizes that some sources of stress (e.g., amount of assistance
needed by the care recipient, as well as his/her mental and physical health)
do not distinguish abusive from non-abusive relationships.
Action on Elder Abuse (2000). Listening is Not Enough: An Analysis of Calls to Elder
Abuse Response—Action on Elder Abuse's Nation Helpline, http://www.dder-
abuse.org.uk / documents/reportsetc / listen.htm.
Age Concern New Zealand (2004). Promoting the Rights and Well-being of Older People
and Those who Care for Them—A Resource Kit About Elder Abuse and Neglect.
Wellington, N.Z. http://www.ageconcern.org.nz/?/advocacy/elderabuse.
American Psychological Association (2003). Elder Abuse and Neglect: In Search of
Solutions, http://www.apa.org/pi/aging/eldabuse.html.
Au Coin, K. (2003). Family Violence in Canada: A Statistical Profile. Canadian Centre for
Justice Statistics, Catalogue Number 85-224-XIE, 21-26.
The Australian Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse Working Definition (1999).
Contact Aged Rights Advocacy Service, 45 Flinders St, Adelaide 5000.
Baker, A. A. (1975). Granny Battering. Modern Geriatrics, 5, 20-24.
Bonnie, R. ]., and Wallace, R. B. (Eds.) (2003). Elder Mistreatment: Abuse, Neglect, and
Exploitation in an Aging America. Wash. D.C.: National Academies Press.
Burston, G. (1975). Granny Battering. British Medical Journal, 6, 692.
Burston, G. (1977). Do Your Elderly Patients Live in Fear of Being Battered? Modern
Geriatrics, 7, 54-55.
Centre for Research into Aged Care Services (2002). Elder Abuse in Western Australia:
Report of a Survey Conducted for the Department of Community Development—Seniors'
Interests. WA Government.
Clearinghouse on Abuse and Neglect of the Elderly (CANE) (2002). Annotated
Bibliography: Elder Abuse: A Global Issue.
College of Nurses of Ontario (1993). Abuse of Clients by Registered Nurses and
Registered Nursing Assistants: Report to Council on Results of Canada Health.
Monitor Survey of Registrants, 1.
Comis, H. C., Pot, A. M., Smit, H. H., and Jonker, C. (1998). Elder Abuse in the
Community: Prevalence and Consequences. Journal of the American Geriatrics
Society, 46, 885-888.
Cupitt, M. (1997). Identifying and Addressing the Issues of Elder Abuse: A Rural
Perspective. Journal of Elder Abuse and Neglect, 8, 21-30.
Daichman, L. (2001). Argentina. Report for the World Health Organization. From
Missing Voices: Views of Older Persons on Elder Abuse. Geneva.
Hailstones, A. (1992) Abuse of Older People in Their Homes. Discussion paper pro¬
duced by New South Wales Task Force on Abuse of Older People.
Halicka, M. (1995). Elder Abuse and Neglect in Poland. Journal of Elder Abuse and
Neglect, 6,157-169.
Horkan, E. M. (1995). Elder Abuse in the Republic of Ireland. Journal of Elder Abuse and
Neglect, 6,119-137.
Hurme, S. B. (2002). Perspectives on Elder Abuse. American Association for Retired
Jenkins, G., Asif, Z. and Bennett, G. (2000). Listening is Not Enough: An Analysis of
Calls to Elder Abuse Response-Action on Elder Abuse's National Helpline. The
Journal of Adult Protection, 2.
Johns, S., and Hydle, I. (1995). Norway: Weakness in Welfare. Journal of Elder Abuse and
Neglect, 5,139-156.
74 Newman
Kivela, S. L., Kongas-Saviaro, P., Kesti, E., Pahkala, K., and Ijas, M. L. (1992). Abuse in
Old Age: Epidemiological Data from Finland. Journal of Elder Abuse and Neglect, 4,
Krug, E. G., Mercy, J. A., Dahlberg, L. L., and Zwi, A. B. (2002). The World Report on
Violence and Health. Lancet, 360,1083-1088.
Kurrle, S., and Sadler, P. (1994). Assessing and Managing Abuse of Older People: A Handbook
for the Helping Professional. New South Wales: Alpha Biomedical Communications.
Le, Q. K. (1997). Mistreatment of Vietnamese Elderly by their Families in the United
States. Journal of Elder Abuse and Neglect, 9, 51-62.
Machado, L., Gomes, R., and Xavier, E. (2001). Report on Elder Abuse in Brazil. Report
for the World Health Organization. From Missing Voices: Views of Older Persons on
Elder Abuse. Geneva.
McCreadie, C., Bennett, G., and Tinker, A. (1998). Investigating British General
Practitioners' Knowledge and Experience of Elder Abuse: Report of a Research
Study in an Inner London Borough. Journal of Elder Abuse and Neglect, 9, 23-39.
Moon, A. (2000). Perceptions of Elder Abuse Among Various Cultural Groups:
Similarities and Differences. Generations, 24, 75-80.
Moon, A., and Williams, O. (1993). Perceptions of Elder Abuse and Help-Seeking
Patterns Among African-American, Caucasian American and Korean-American
Elderly Women. The Gerontologist, 33, 386-395.
Nagpaul, K. (1997). Elder Abuse Among Asian Indians: Traditional Versus Modem
Perspectives. Journal of Elder Abuse and Neglect, 9, 77-92.
National Center on Elder Abuse (1998). The National Elder Abuse Incidence Study:
Final Report. National Center on Elder Abuse at the American Public Human
Services Association, in collaboration with Westat, Inc.
National Center on Elder Abuse (2004). NCEA homepage, http://www.elderabusecen-
National Clearinghouse on Family Violence (2003). Abuse and Neglect Of Older Adults: A
Discussion Paper, http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/hppb/familyviolence/html/agediscus-
Nelson, D. (2002). Violence Against Elderly People: A Neglected Problem. Lancet, 360,
New South Wales Department of Ageing and Disability (1996). Dealing with Abuse of
Clients and Their Carers, A Training Kit. Ageing and Disability Department, Sydney,
Pablo, S., and Braun, K. L. (1997). Perceptions of Elder Abuse and Neglect and Help-
Seeking Patterns Among Filipino and Korean Elderly Women in Honolulu. Journal
of Elder Abuse and Neglect, 9, 63-76.
Pillemer, K., and Finkelhor, D. (1988). The Prevalence of Elder Abuse: A Random
Sample Survey. Gerontologist, 28, 51-57.
Podnieks, E. (1990). National Survey on Abuse of the Elderly in Canada. Ryerson
Polytechnical Institute. Ottawa: Ontario: Health and Welfare Canada.
Podnieks, E. (2001). Report on Elder Abuse in Canada.. Report for the World Health
Podnieks, E., and Pillemer, K. (1990). National Survey on Abuse of the Elderly in
Canada. Toronto: Ryerson Polytechnical Institute.
Poirier, D., and Poirier, N. (1999). Older Adults' Personal Relationships Final Report:
Why is it so Difficult to Combat Elder Abuse and, in Particular, Financial
Exploitation of the elderly? Submitted to the Law Commission of Canada. Web
site: http://www.lcc.gc.ca/en/themes/pr/oa/poirier/poirier_main.asp.
Elder Abuse: A Public Health Perspective 75
Prevention of Elder Abuse Task Force (2001). Strategic Plan for the Prevention of Elder
Abuse in Queensland.
Pritchard, J. (2001). Male Victims of Elder Abuse: Their Experiences and Needs. Jessica
Kingsley Publishers. Reviewed in Wordbridges by L. Cook-Daniels, Web site:
Reis, M. (2000, Summer). An Abuse-Alert Measure That Dispels Myths. Generation, 24,
p. 13-16.
Reis, M., and Nahmiash, D. (1995). When Seniors Are Abused: A Guide to Intervention.
North York, Ontario: Captus Press.
Sadler, P., Kurrie, S., and Cameron, I. (1992). Dementia and Elder Abuse. Australian
Journal on Ageing, 14, 36.
Shah, G., Veedon, R., and Vasi, S. (1995). Elder abuse in India. Journal of Elder Abuse and
Neglect, 6,101-110.
Sharon, N., and Zoabi, S. (1997). Elder Abuse in a Land of Tradition: The Case of Israel's
Arabs. Journal of Elder Abuse and Neglect, 8, 43-58.
Sijuwade, P. O. (1995). Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Elder Abuse as a Family
Dilemma. Social Behavior and Personality, 23, 247-252.
Soeda, A., and Araki, C. (1999). Elder Abuse by Daughters-in-Law in Japan. Journal of
Elder Abuse and Neglect, 11, 47.
Soneja, S. (2001). Elder Abuse in India. Report for the World Health Organization. From
Missing Voices: Views of Older Persons on Elder Abuse. Geneva.
Tatara, T. (1999). Understanding Elder Abuse in Minority Populations. Levittown, PA:
United Nations (1999). United Nations Principles for Older Persons.
United Nations Secretary General (2002). Abuse of Older Persons: Recognizing and
Responding to Abuse of Older Persons in a Global Context. United Nations
Commission for Social Development: Report presented at the Second World
Assembly on Ageing, Madrid, Spain.
Wolf, J., and Pillemer, K. (1989). National Survey on Abuse of the Elderly in Canada.
Journal of Elder Abuse and Neglect, 4, 45-58.
World Health Organization (2002). Missing voices: Views of Older Persons on Elder Abuse.
Yan, E., and So-Kum Tang, C. (2001). Prevalence and Psychological Impact of Chinese
Elder Abuse. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 16,1158-1174.
Yan, E., So-Kum Tang, C., and Yeung, D. (2002). No Safe Haven: A Review on Elder
Abuse in Chinese Families. Trauma, Violence, and Abuse, 3,167-180.
Acknowledgement: The author extends sincere thanks to Jean-Pierre Ruiz, STD, St.
John's University, for his assistance with this project, and Anita Evangelista, MSN, RN,
Southwest Missouri State University, for her thoughtful review of, and commentary on
this manuscript.
Dawn Oetjen and Reid Oetjen
In the past three decades, much attention has been paid to issues of
domestic violence and child abuse; however, the United States has been slow
to focus on comparable issues regarding the elderly (Moskowitz, 2003).
According to findings from the National Elder Abuse Incidence Study
(NEAIS), more than 500,000 Americans over the age of 60 were victims of
domestic abuse in 1996. Another statistic that is equally astounding is that
only six percent of the abusive situations are referred for help, leaving the
overwhelming majority hidden. America's increasing elderly population is
affecting every segment of the social, political, and economic landscape
(NEAIS, 1999).
The impetus for directing attention and resources toward elder abuse
does not stem from the size of the problem, but rather from the ethical princi¬
ples that are part of the fabric of American society. Elderly citizens, like oth¬
ers, are entitled to live in safe environments and to be treated with respect. A
unique aspect of elder abuse, unlike other issues afflicting the elderly, is that
it is both treatable and preventable (Pillemer and Finkelhor, 1988). Thus, an
understanding of the ethical underpinnings of elder abuse is important
because it can assist the provider in choosing and developing intervention
strategies, as well as shaping the provider's evaluation of the success of the
chosen strategy.
Another argument for the serious investigation into the problem of elder
abuse stems from the dramatic shift in thinking about basic health care values.
In the last twenty years, there has been a shift from paternalism, the idea that
the provider decides what the patient needs and provides it, to autonomy, in
which the patient determines what he /she needs. Although medical decision¬
making was guided by ethics, the quality of care was judged to the extent to
which it met professional standards, rather than the needs and objectives of
the patient (Shuman and Bebeau, 1994).
The evolving emphasis on patient self-determination places new respon¬
sibilities on providers. Aside from the standard duties of using technical
expertise to diagnose and treat illness, providers are now expected and
required to inform patients adequately regarding their care and gain consent
from the patients for treatment. Informed consent is the process by which a
competent and unimpaired patient can participate in choices about his/her
health care. It originates from the legal and ethical right the patient has to
direct what happens to her body and from the ethical duty of the physician to
78 Oetjen and Oetjen
involve the patient in her health care. If the patient is impaired, which is often
the case with elderly patients, this respect of self-determination is not consid¬
ered lost; only its implementation during the decision-making process differs
(Marsh, 1986). Due to the requirement of informed consent, the ethical obliga¬
tions of fidelity and honesty have assumed new importance in the physician-
patient relationship.
Coinciding with this shift toward the patient's right to self-determination in
health care, there has also been a shift in societal attitudes and values regarding
the right to health care. Until the 1960s, medical care was considered a privilege;
however, due to the growing concern of the social problems caused by this dis¬
parity in health care, a new philosophy based on equity and cost containment
has emerged. Due to this increased emphasis on justice and the coinciding
efforts to eliminate barriers to health care, providers will continue to be con¬
fronted with new ethical dilemmas (Shuman and Bebeau, 1994).
In order to aid detection, it is necessary for providers to be aware of the
many types of elder abuse. Three overarching categories of elder abuse are:
physical abuse (includes neglect), financial abuse, and psychological abuse. A
less common category of abuse is the violation of rights, also referred to as
social abuse (Lau and Kosberg, 1979; Valentine and Cash, 1986).
Social abuse is the denial of a senior's fundamental rights; the same rights
afforded to all citizens under state and federal law (such as the Bill of Rights,
and in health care, the Patient Bill of Rights). This can include ignoring an eld¬
erly person's right and capability to make their own decisions, especially
about private matters such as health care or living arrangements. Other exam¬
ples include withholding of information, denial of privacy, denial of visitors,
restriction of liberty, or mail censorship.
No one has the right to deny the human rights of another person, includ¬
ing the rights of an elder, unless that person has agreed or is certifiably incom¬
petent. When a person is denied their human rights, it not only affects their
self esteem and confidence, but also affects their morale.
Webster's Dictionary defines ethics as "a set of moral principles and values;
the discipline dealing with what is good and bad and with moral duty and
obligation." Definitions of ethics and elder abuse vary among cultures, sub¬
cultures, political jurisdictions, and even among members of the same profes¬
sional discipline. Each looks to ethics as a means of preserving and protecting
older adults' rights. When viewed this way, ethics is a part of every aspect of
life whether personal or professional (Johnson, 1995).
Ethical conduct is based on values—words or phrases that signal what
one "ought to do or be." The predominant principles of medical ethics that
providers value are the same ethics that come into play with elder abuse.
These main ethical principles are: (1) nonmaleficence, which is encapsulated
in the Hippocratic Oath as "do no harm"; (2) beneficence, which implies a
duty to promote the patient's welfare; (3) justice, which means ensuring that
Elder Abuse: A Public Health Perspective 79
all individuals have an opportunity for health equal insofar as possible to the
health of others; (4) autonomy, meaning that we respect one another as
autonomous beings that are free to make choices that do not violate other
basic ethical requirements; (5) honesty, defined as integrity; sincerity; truthful¬
ness; freedom from fraud or guile; (6) fidelity, the obligation to keep promis¬
es; and (7) respect for persons, which implies treating others with respect, dig¬
nity, and compassion insofar as this is compatible with the other basic princi¬
ples to which individuals are bound (Beauchamp and Childress 1994;
Cameron 1995; Jonsen, 2000; and Veatch, Bartels, and LeRoy, 2001).
The principle of justice ensures that all individuals have an opportunity for
health that is equal, insofar as possible, to the health of others (Beauchamp and
80 Oetjen and Oetjen
Childress 1994; Cameron 1995; Jonsen, 2000; Veatch et al., 2001). Often, the dis¬
tribution of various resources in society is governed by different philosophies:
to each according to their need, their merit, or their "worth" to society; to each
an equal share; or to each according to their contribution. Health care in the
United States is a limited resource and is distributed to its citizens in a compli¬
cated manner governed by competing philosophies of justice.
As it applies to elder individuals, the principle of justice suggests that
each elder has a right to expect an equal effort on his/her behalf. From a social
perspective, elder justice means assuring adequate public-private infrastruc¬
ture and resources to prevent, detect, treat, understand, intervene in and,
where appropriate, prosecute elder abuse, neglect and exploitation. From an
individual perspective, elder justice is the right of every older person to be
free of abuse, neglect, and exploitation.
Just because a person has become older, may need medical care, or has
lost the ability to live on his/her own, does not mean they have forfeited any
of their rights as citizens - a point often lost on the abuser. The principle of jus¬
tice demands that all citizens are entitled to and afforded the same rights,
regardless of age, physical ability, and health. Abusers often diminish an
elder's right to citizenship and rationalize abuse by the fact that the elder is
no longer a full citizen because he/she requires assistance.
Autonomy is defined as self rule, and describes the principle that compe¬
tent adults have the right to make decisions for themselves, as long as those
decisions produce no serious harm to others. Autonomy emphasizes an indi¬
vidual's right to his/her own values, which may or may not be held by oth¬
ers. Autonomy applies to those who are deemed "competent" to exercise self
determination and has some limitations for adults who are totally or partial¬
ly "incompetent."
In the health care context, the principle of autonomy exists to protect an
individual's right to accurate and complete information from which he or she
can choose medical interventions. In the physician-patient relationship, this
principle leads to the necessity of fully disclosing information to patients (the
concept of informed consent). Without informed consent, patients cannot
make fully informed choices.
Autonomy also leads to confidentiality issues. Patients have the right to
determine to whom they want to disclose personal information. Providers
have a role in helping patients with difficult decisions, but autonomy man¬
dates that patients reserve for themselves the final decision-making authority.
Autonomy is a particularly sensitive issue to elders due to the potential
risk of them losing the ability to choose for themselves; this could be due to,
for example, the illnesses and/or weaknesses that sometimes accompany
aging, or because of well-intentioned efforts of others to limit the activities of
the elders. Autonomy is also important to elders because it is an important
predictor of their subjective well-being and successful aging.
Elder Abuse: A Public Health Perspective 81
Fidelity is defined as: the duty to keep promises; the duty to be true and
loyal to others; faithfulness; loyalty or devotion. Individuals are social beings
who engage in and pursue joint or common activities, in which they seek to
realize common or individual goals. They require the respect, recognition or
tolerance of others, and these individual acts can have an impact on others.
Relationships among individuals can take the form of either domination, sub¬
ordination, or reciprocity (Gould, 1983).
In the context of elder abuse, relationships between the elderly and the
abuser take the form of subordination and domination—there is little or no
reciprocity in the relationship. Wolf (1998) found that the nature of the rela¬
tionship and interaction between the elder and the caregiver affected the
probability of abuse. Relationships often become strained when the depend¬
ent person is perceived to be unappreciative, makes unreasonable demands,
fails to help the caregiver, or tries to manipulate the caregiver (Wolf, 1998).
Steinmetz (1998) found that abusive behavior by elders was not a reaction to
the caregiver's abuse, but rather part of an ongoing, well-established method
of behavior in the relationship. Unfortunately, abusive behavior by the elder
has been noted to lead to an escalation of elder abuse by the caregiver
(Pillemer, 1986).
In elder abuse, there is a loss of respect for the elder. The dynamics of the
abuse are related to the abuser's need to gain and maintain control over the vic¬
tim. The abuser demands respect, but does not show respect to the abused.
Pillemer and Finkelhor (1988) state that victims are not dependent on the abus¬
er for care - rather, the abusers are dependent on the victim. Many abusers are
adult children still living at home, who rely on the resources of the parent.
Many abusive husbands or male partners believe women are responsible for
taking care of them and responding to their every desire. The abusers depend¬
ence may be financial, emotional or simply practical. Many victims of elder
abuse are independent and not physically or cognitively impaired; they are
older adults experiencing family abuse that is similar to abuse of young, bat¬
tered spouses (Pillemer and Finkelhor, 1988). In these instances, there is a lack
of respect for the needs and desires of the elderly person who is being abused.
It is critical that providers embrace these basic tenets of medical ethics and
ensure that their patients receive ethical care. Although only four percent of
elder abuse is perpetrated by health care professionals, most would agree that
the basic ethical values of health care also apply to greater society. Thus,
whether it is the health care provider or informal caregiver, the above ethical
principles apply to elder abuse.
Type of Elder Abuse
Physical Psychological Financial Social
Abuse Abuse Abuse Abuse
Beneficence X X X X
Nonmaleficence X X X X
Justice X X X X
Autonomy X X X X
Honesty X X
Fidelity X X X X
According to Benton and Marshall (1991), the type of abuse present often
predicts the most applicable ethical principle. This is illustrated in the follow¬
ing cases and Table 1. Table 1 demonstrates the relationship between the four
types of elder abuse and the ethical principles. Many of the same ethical prin¬
ciples are violated in each type of abuse as shown on the table and in the fol¬
lowing cases.
The cases discussed in this chapter illustrate both potential and actual
cases of elder abuse. The cases represent issues of physical, psychological,
financial, and social abuse. The cases are intended to represent the types of
mistreatment characterized by elder abuse that elders may encounter when
interacting with both professionals and informal caregivers. Any similarity to
actual cases is strictly coincidental.
Physical Abuse
After recovery from his double amputation, John was released to the
custody of his daughter, Susan, whom he depends on for his care.
John is now completely non-ambulatory and cannot move from his
bed to his wheelchair without assistance. John has severely impaired
speech, thus communication for him can be challenging. Susan works
full-time at home and feels obligated to take Care of her father.
Initially, Susan was devoted to the care of her father; however, after
several months, she has grown frustrated and resentful of this bur¬
den. Susan is unwilling to admit that she is incapable of caring for her
father, which adds to her feelings of frustration. As a result, John often
remains in his room for days at a time. Susan frequently verbally
assaults John for being a burden and calls him demeaning names
while caring for him. John's decreased verbal ability further frustrates
his daughter and the verbal insults often turn into physical abuse
when Susan is overwhelmed by her responsibility of caring for her
father. Susan's latest attack has left John with two fractured ribs, as
well as several cuts and bruises. Additionally, continued neglect with
84 Oetjen and Oetjen
regard to care has led to John developing more ulcers, similar to those
that led to his amputations.
A home health care nurse is called in to assess John's ulcers and pro¬
vide wound care. During the visit, the nurse notices that John is very
withdrawn and depressed. Upon physical examination, John's frac¬
tured ribs, cuts, and bruises are uncovered. John is quick to tell the
home health care nurse that he felt dizzy one day and fell out bed
when trying to get into his wheelchair. He asked the nurse not to
address these concerns with his daughter because he does not want to
burden her with his additional health problems. The nurse, however,
suspects the truth - that the daughter is physically abusing her father.
What John does not reveal to the nurse is that he is afraid of his
daughter and is embarrassed by this, yet he does not want to live the
rest of his life in a nursing home, a consequence that would surely
happen if the abuse were identified.
This case provides an example of both self neglect, initially, and then
physical abuse of the elderly. John's self-neglect while living alone led to his
need for supervised care. While receiving supervised care, John was physical¬
ly abused and neglected by his caregiver, his daughter Susan.
Physically abused elderly may feel ashamed about the abuse. They may
believe that providers cannot or do not want to help, but at the same time,
they may feel protective of their partner, family member, or friend who is
doing the abusing. Or they may fear that telling about the abuse will put them
at risk for more violence. In this case, John meets most of these criteria. He is
embarrassed by the act, protective of his daughter, and fearful that the abuse
will get worse if he allows it to be reported.
Factors that may prevent providers from asking elderly clients about
physical abuse include a lack of awareness of the prevalence of elder abuse, a
belief that identifying and intervening in physical abuse cases is not part of
the provider's role, discomfort with the feelings evoked by hearing about
elder abuse, concern about the time involved in asking about and dealing
with abuse if uncovered, and feeling helpless or not knowing how to inter¬
The ethical principles of beneficence and nonmaleficence require those
who are knowledgeable of the abuse to report it, thereby, removing or pre¬
venting harm and providing benefits. In this case, the nurse has conflicting
responsibilities: (1) report the abuse and work to have John removed from the
abusive setting, or (2) do not report the abuse and respect the confidentiality
and wishes of the patient/abused elder.
While most agree in principle that a patient's wishes come before the
organization's or provider's desires, providers often confuse what is good for
the patient with what the provider believes is good for the patient. At debate
is what constitutes good for a patient without infringing on the patient's
Elder Abuse: A Public Health Perspective 85
and comfort to her father. The daughter unmistakably does not uphold this
ethical principle, when she crosses the line and lashes out in anger and phys¬
ically strikes him.
Justice is the right of every person to be free from abuse, neglect, and
exploitation. Also implied in the ethical principle of justice is freedom from
alienation, which is frequently a byproduct of elder abuse. Alienation is an
integral part of elder abuse because much of the mistreatment of elders occurs
in the family setting and thus, the elderly person is often simultaneously
embarrassed by the abuse, fearful of future mistreatment, and paradoxically
protective of the abuser (Moskowitz, 2001). Much of this abuse occurs prima¬
rily in private residences, such as in the preceding case, against persons who
have limited contact with outsiders (Moskowitz, 2001) and to people who are
isolated from the community, therefore compounding their alienation from
society (Pillemer and Finkelhor, 1988).
Providers are often confronted with the ethical dilemmas of: (1) the
patient's right to choose the extent of harm or the level of abuse in a particu¬
lar environment or situation; and (2) the right to decide on a placement deci¬
sion that appears hazardous from the provider's perspective. Autonomy
requires people to respect the self-determination of others and to cease from
constraining others' self-governing actions and choices (Beauchamp and
Childress, 1994). Rules derived from the principle of autonomy are to act only
with consent and to protect confidentiality. Herein lies the problem; the prin¬
ciple is often not applicable to elders because they may not be in a position to
act autonomously due to incompetence. Many of the mandatory reporting
laws require that the consent of the abused person be obtained; however,
many elders refuse to consent due to shame, fear of reprisal, guilt, and fear of
institutionalization. Thus, when the principle of autonomy and mandatory
reporting statutes interact, ethical dilemmas often arise.
The principle of autonomy is central to the case involving John. Is John
competent enough to make the decision to remain in this abusive environ¬
ment? Should the nurse report the suspected abuse by Susan to the authori¬
ties? If the abuse is reported, is John's right of self-determination being violat¬
Another area of elder abuse that is ripe with ethical dilemmas involving
autonomy is that of self-neglect. The phenomenon of self-neglect is subject to
the imposition of the observer's values, thus damaging the self-determination
of the individual. Given the fact that older adults are ethically entitled to
refuse treatment, even if such a refusal results in death, they are equally enti¬
tled to make less life-threatening choices regarding other parts of their lives,
including personal habits such as eating, grooming, dress, and other lifestyle
choices (Katz, 1980). Similarly, an older adult is entitled to subject
himself/herself to a hazard that many would not legitimately choose. Thus,
the grounds for not obtaining consent from older or self-neglected adults are
tenuous (Gilbert, 1986).
In the preceding case, John initially developed bed sores as a result of
improper care attributed to self-neglect. As a result of this self-neglect, med-
Elder Abuse: A Public Health Perspective 87
ical action was taken, and he was placed with his daughter for supervision
and care. John's self-neglect continues as more bed sores develop. Should
John's autonomy be challenged by the nurse due to his continued self-neglect,
or should John be able to continue with this detrimental lifestyle?
Confidentiality is equally questionable when considering autonomy and
mandatory reporting statutes. Because people have the duty to respect the
self-determination of others, it follows that others have the right to privacy
about their actions and unauthorized reporting (Beauchamp and Childress,
1984). By definition, all mandatory elderly abuse reporting statutes involve
making information known outside the provider-patient relationship, thus
opening a host of ethical conflicts. The provider must balance the self-deter¬
mination of older adults and adherence to the mandatory reporting require¬
ments of elder abuse statutes.
In the foregoing case, confidentiality comes into play as John's right to
confidentiality regarding his personal life is challenged by the provider duty
to report the suspected abuse. Which ethical principle has priority - confiden¬
tiality or the right to self determination? Is John competent to make his own
decision about his environment and maintain the right of self-determination?
Brandi (2000) states that some caregivers or family members hurt older
people to exert power and control. Many abusers harm older people to get
their own needs met, believing they are entitled to use any means necessary
to achieve their goals. Respect for the needs of the elderly person who is being
abused is non-existent. In this case, Susan is exerting control over the situation
that she is frustrated with by physically abusing her father when he does not
act in a manner acceptable to her.
Psychological Abuse
Marie, a CNA on the midnight shift, was responsible for caring for
Sam, as well as 23 other residents. Marie also worked part-time at a
retail store during the day in order to support her three small chil¬
dren. Most of the residents under her care slept through the night,
except for Sam.
When Marie first started working at the nursing home, she was very
attentive and caring towards her residents; however, as time wore on,
she became verbally abusive to the residents that she labeled as "trou¬
88 Oetjen and Oetjen
On other occasions, Sam would cry during the night because he was
scared and confused. Marie continually berated Sam for being a baby
and causing her extra work. As his crying was waking up the other
residents, she threatened him with physical violence if he continued
to act out, stating "I'll give you something to cry about!"
This case shares many of the same ethical principles and dilemmas that
are present in the case of John and Susan. The characteristics of physical and
psychological abuse and the underlying ethical principles are similar. The
principles of nonmaleficence, beneficence, justice, autonomy, fidelity, respect
for persons are present; thus, the similar ethical dilemmas exist.
It can be argued that the abuse in the preceding case is less acceptable
because it is being perpetrated by a health care provider. Most health care
providers abide by professional codes of ethics that denounce such abusive
behavior and all such actions that unintentionally or intentionally harm
patients. Health care providers are entrusted with the health and well being
of their patients, thus they have a higher moral duty than informal caregivers
to uphold this obligation.
The integrity in the relationship between Sam and Marie in the previous
example has deteriorated to the point of disaster. The caregiver burden model
suggests that abuse occurs because caring for the victim is too difficult and
blames the victims for being too needy, thereby, relieving the perpetrator of the
responsibility for abusive behavior (Brandi, 2000). Elder abuse victims are fre¬
quently given the message that if they would just try harder, the abuse would
stop, but abusers often change the rules and find new faults that continue the
battering. In the preceding case, Marie initially chastises Sam for his inconti¬
nence; however, she then criticizes him regarding his episodes of crying,
adding a new rule for Sam to violate and, thus, continuing the cycle of abuse.
Only abusers can take responsibility for their actions and therefore end the
abuse cycle (Brandi, 2000). Most abusers do not lose control when they abuse
another; they choose how and when to respond in anger. They respond when
it is most beneficial to them (Brandi, 2000). As a result of the pressures in
Elder Abuse: A Public Health Perspective 89
Marie's personal and professional life, the duty to care for Sam and her other
patients has become too much. Although it appears that Marie is not in control
of her emotions, she clearly chooses to target Sam because of his dementia,
knowing that if the abuse were brought to the attention of others, it could eas¬
ily be discounted.
Financial Abuse
Mary and her adult son, Bart, live in the same small house that he
grew up in. Mary has been widowed for over twenty years and enjoys
the company of her son, especially since her other three kids live out
of state. Bart is physically impaired due to a childhood episode of
polio and relies on his mother for care and financial support. Bart pre¬
viously worked as a dispatcher for the local sheriff's department, but
received a medical discharge when his condition worsened. The small
stipend that he receives each month from social security/Medicaid is
not enough for him to live independently. Mother and son have lived
together for the past fifteen years and enjoy the symbiotic relationship.
Mary is fulfilled because she has a purpose in life, to care for Bart; Bart
is well-taken care of by Mary, is financially secure, and assists his
mother by driving her on her errands.
As time progresses, Mary grows older and her physical and mental
health deteriorates. At one point, Mary is hospitalized with pneumo¬
nia. While in the hospital, Mary attempts to walk to the bathroom
without assistance and suffers a fall due to low energy levels. A hip
replacement surgery is performed and eventually Mary is discharged
to a nursing home for rehabilitation therapy until she fully recovers.
Mary seems to be progressing well physically; however, she suffers
from frequent bouts of dementia and associated memory lapses.
Concerned with his mother's health, Mary's oldest son Dan visits to
survey the situation. Dan finds that the house is messy and unkempt,
his mother is bed-ridden, and she has developed bed sores which
require immediate medical attention. Dan is upset with his brother for
taking advantage of his mother, and feels that she should be readmit¬
ted to the nursing home until she is able to take care of herself. Despite
Dan's urging to return to a skilled nursing facility, Mary defends her
son Bart and says that he is doing the best he can and that she loves
Social Abuse
friends calling to see how he was doing. Andrew had cellular phone
service with an unlisted number that he purposely kept hidden away
from his father. He would not allow his father to use the telephone.
Andrew told his father that in his present mental condition he was
lucky to have someone help him at all. Andrew would often yell and
treat his father roughly when Walter would not do what he was told.
Concerned about Walter's withdrawal from society and his son's
excuses for why family and friends could not visit, his friend Joe con¬
tacted Adult Protective Services. A social worker investigated the sit¬
uation and was only allowed entrance into the home after threatening
to seek a court order. Walter appeared frail, depressed, and malnour¬
ished; however, refused help from the social worker. When pressed
further, Walter admitted to the social worker that Andrew often
yelled at him and denied him from seeing his friends. Despite these
feelings of resentment, Walter defended his son saying that Andrew
was under a great deal of stress due to his recent divorce. Walter felt
badly that his son had to take care of him and that it was not right for
a child to have to take care of their parents.
The case of Walter and Andrew is not uncommon. Like the preceding cases,
the ethical issues in this case of social abuse include beneficence, nonmalefi¬
cence, justice, autonomy, justice, honesty, fidelity, and respect for persons.
Victims of elder abuse often choose to stay in abusive environments, even
when offered less abusive environments. The principles of beneficence and
nonmaleficence call for the removal and/or prevention of harm. The abuse
reporting laws that most states have in place were developed with these prin¬
ciples in mind. Therefore, an obvious response to our case example would be
for the social worker who visited Walter and Andrew to report the activities
she suspected as abusive, and question Walter's competency by his desire to
stay in the abusive environment. This would most likely result in the place¬
ment of Walter in an assisted living facility, an option he refused when offered
due to his belief about familial responsibilities. Would more harm be done to
Walter by forcing him to move against his will and reporting Andrew or by
letting him remain in an abusive environment?
While in some states abuse reporting laws may support the right of oth¬
ers to intercede on behalf of those who are victims of abuse, issues with regard
to justice may surface. The resources to prevent, detect, treat, understand,
intervene in and, where appropriate, prosecute elder abuse, neglect, and
exploitation, may be limited.
When victims of elder abuse exercise their right of autonomy in ways that
seem reasonable to others, their choices are seldom questioned. However,
when the victim makes a choice to remain in an abusive environment, such as
in the above case, the ethical dilemma of the individual's right to choose ver¬
sus society's obligation to protect is broached. As adults, the elderly have the
right not to report any actions taken against them. The elder is the only one
who can determine the limits of behavior that are acceptable for him or her
and give permission for intervention. However, reporting laws in most states
require reporting of physical and other forms of abuse based on suspicion,
rather than tangible knowledge of the abuse.
The ethical mainstay of honesty is obviously violated by the abuser,
Andrew, many times throughout the case. Andrew was dishonest with his
father and violated the trust his father had bestowed on him when allowing
him to move in and look out for his father's best interests. Andrew was dis¬
honest with his father's friends and visitors about his father's health and
mental status.
The implied new relationship between Walter and Andrew is one in
which Andrew was supposed to care for Walter and, in return, Andrew was
allowed to move into Walter's home after his divorce. Fidelity requires one to
do what he or she has promised to do. Andrew blatantly disregards this ethi¬
cal principle when he does not uphold his promise and, instead, exerts his
power to the benefit of himself, disregarding the social, psychological, and
health needs of his father.
In this case, and in elder abuse in general, there is a loss of respect for the
elder. The dynamics of the abuse are related to the abuser's need to gain and
maintain control over the victim. Andrew illustrates this through his discon-
94 Oetjen and Oetjen
necting Walter's phone, his isolation of Walter from the friends and family
that came to visit, and his selling of Walter's possessions without permission.
In these instances, there is a lack of respect by Andrew for the needs and
desires of Walter, and Andrew utilizes these methods to keep Walter from
seeking help.
Many of the issues in the four types of elder abuse are similar. In each case
illustrated in this chapter, there may be one prevalent ethical issue, such as
autonomy, but it is not mutually exclusive of the other ethical issues. When
the principle of autonomy is violated, beneficence and nonmaleficence are
violated as well. In the same vein, when discussing the types of abuse, rarely
do the different types occur in isolated instances; often, when physical abuse
occurs, psychological abuse occurs as well.
Understanding the underlying ethical issues surrounding elder abuse will
enable health care providers and informal caregivers to better recognize how
abuse violates ethical principles. This knowledge will provide them with the
ability to intervene, when they or someone else crosses the line, in order to
protect the rights of the elderly.
American Medical Association (AMA). (1990). White Paper on Elderly Health: Report
of the Council on Scientific Affairs. Archives of Internal Medicine, 150: 2459-2472.
Aravantis, S. C., Adelman, R. D., Breckman, R., Fulmer, T. T., Holder, E., Lachs, M.
O'Brien, J. G., and Sanders, A. B. (1993) Diagnostic and Treatment Guidelines on
Elder Abuse and Neglect. Archives of Family Medicine, 2(4): 371-388
Beauchamp T. L. and Childress, J. F. (1994). Principles of Biomedical Ethics, 4^ ed. New
York: Oxford University Press.
Benton, D. and Marshall, C. (1991). Elder Abuse. Geriatric Home Care, 7(4), pp. 831-845.
Brandi, B. (2000). Power and Control: Understanding Domestic Abuse in Later Life.
Generations, 24(2), 39-45.
Cameron, N. M., (1995). The Christian Stake in Bioethics: the State of the Question. In
J. F. Kilner, N. M. Cameron, and D. L. Schiedermayer (Eds.), Bioethics and the Future
of Medicine: A Christian appraisal (pp. 3-13). Grand Rapids, MI: William B.
Eerdsmans Publishing Company.
Gilbert, D. A. (1986). The Ethics of Mandatory Elder Abuse Reporting Statutes.
Advances in Nursing Science, 8(2), 51-62.
Gould, C. (1983). Private Rights and Public Virtues: Women and Democracy. In Carol
C. Gould, ed.. Beyond Domination: New Perspectives on Women and Philosophy.
Totowa, NJ: Rowman and Allanheld
Johnson, T.F. (1995). Ethics and Elder Mistreatment: Uniting Protocol with Practice.
Journal of Elder Abuse and Neglect, 7(2-3).
Johnson, T.F. (1986). Critical Issues in the Definition of Elder Mistreatment. In Pillemer,
K. A. and Wolf, S. (eds): Elder Abuse: Conflict in the Family. Dover, Auburn House
Publishing, 1986,167.
Jonsen, A. R. (2000). A Short History of Medical Ethics. New York: Oxford University
Katz, K. D. (1980). Elder Abuse. Journal of Family Law, 18: 695-722.
Lau, E. E. and Kosberg, J. I. (1979) Abuse of the Elderly by Informal Caregivers. Aging
Elder Abuse: A Public Health Perspective 95
Bonnie Fisher, Therese Zink, and Saundra Regan
Mrs. S is 68 years old. She married right after graduation from college
and quickly became a stay-at-home mother. From the beginning of
their marriage and throughout their marriage, her husband made all
the decisions-where they would live, what car they would buy, where
she could go, whom she could see, how much money she could
spend, and even what clothes she wore and how she cut her hair.
Mr. S was a successful executive who was very active in the commu¬
nity and church. He was handsome, charming, kind, and well respect¬
ed by everyone. Then he would come home. Mr. S has hit, kicked,
slapped, and choked Mrs. S. He called her insulting names, told her
she was ugly and fat and that no one would ever want her if he ever
left her.
Early in her marriage, she attempted to leave him. Her mother told
her that her place was with her husband. How would she ever raise
five children on her own? Her doctor said that sometimes men are
just like that and she needed to be patient and try to ignore his behav¬
ior. Her minister told her that God believed her place was with her
husband and children because that is what a good wife does. She
would certainly be rewarded in heaven.
Mrs. S questions what would happen if she left him now? Being alone
is terrifying to her as she does not drive and has no money of her
own. Their children are adults with their own families. Who would
take care of him she wonders? With no satisfactory answers, she
decides to stay with him.
98 Fisher et al.
Mrs. S is not a fictional character. You may know her. She is an older mar¬
ried woman who lives next door or down the block. If you do not personally
know her, you may have seen her as she shops at the neighborhood stores and
routinely attends religious services. You may not know her by name but Mrs.
S's story is a compilation of common themes that run throughout the stories
of older women who have experienced and continue to experience intimate
partner violence and abuse1 (IPVA) (Fisher, Zink, Rinto et al., 2003).
Mrs. S is similar to almost all women born before World War II who were
socialized primarily into domestic roles. When they did work outside the
home, they were often limited to low-paying occupations. This often resulted
in financial and social dependence on their husbands. In addition, powerful
cultural and social norms existed (and in some places, still exist today) about
the privacy of what took place within the home. Her abusive and violent
experiences are most likely hidden from the society and, most notably, have
generally been overlooked by "natural" advocates, including the domestic
violence2 (DV) and aging communities.
There are a variety of reasons for their collective oversight of IPVA against
older women. First, Vinton (2003) attributes this oversight to several "isms in
our society:" ageism, sexism, beautyism, and sometimes racism and classism.
She argues that convergence of these multiple "isms" of oppression have large¬
ly made older women invisible to the general public. Second, within the DV
community, the primary service and program emphasis has been on the needs
of younger battered women, especially those with children. For example, the
shelter movement, which began in the late 1970s, was a grassroots effort led by
feminists to provide safe havens for women and their children away from their
abusers. Even the DV research community prior to 1990 rarely mentioned the
experiences and needs of older battered women (Vinton, 2003). Third, within
the aging community, elder abuse advocates have historically not focused on
older women's experiences with violence by intimates but have rather focused
on elder abuse and neglect by caregivers or self-neglect.
The scant research, advocacy and practitioner materials addressing IPVA
against older women are disturbing when one considers the importance of
violence and abuse, and in particular acts committed by spouses/partners,
against women as a national problem that was acknowledged by Congress
aWe adopted the phrase "violence and abuse against women" as per the U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services (2000) suggestion that it become the stan¬
dard phrase used in research and practice. In this chapter, we will use the term to refer
to the combination of all five of the following major components of a range of maltreat¬
ment against women: 1) physical violence, 2) sexual violence, 3) threats of physical
and/or sexual violence, 4) stalking, and 5) psychological/emotional abuse (U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services, 2000, pgs. 6-7).
2Domestic violence is a broad term that can include any family member such as a
spouse, child, cousin, or non family member that is an intimate partner (male or
Elder Abuse: A Public Health Perspective 99
and President Clinton in the passage of the Violence Against Women Act in
1994 and 1998 (VAWA) (Thomas: Legislative information on the internet, 2003).
The VAWA goals coupled with recent Census counts that show that older per¬
sons, in particular women, are plentiful makes the lack of attention given to
older women even more disturbing. The number of older people in the U.S.
has continued to increase rapidly. There are now approximately 56 million
people age 55 and over, with almost 31 million of them being women (US
Census Bureau, 2001). This number will continue to increase substantially
over the next 10 years as the baby boomers move into these older age cate¬
gories. The baby boom cohort aged 36 to 54 in the 2000 census make up 28%
of the U.S. population and the age category 50 - 54 was the fastest growing
segment of the population with an increase of 55% in the last decade (US
Census Bureau, 2001). There is no denying that a substantial proportion of
North Americans are aging!
Possibly heightened by the realization that in the coming decade there
will be a dramatic increase in the number of older women, there are some
signs that both the aging and DV communities' attention may be turning to
issues concerning older women and IPVA. In the earlyl990's the American
Association of Retired Persons (AARP) Women's Initiative held a special
forum that focused on the differences between abused elders and older bat¬
tered women (AARP, 1992). During this forum, participants acknowledged
that elder abuse and DV of older women were two very different areas in def¬
inition and in the scope of service provision. Among the recommendations
was to identify the types of violence so that prevention and service strategies
could be tailored to the type of violence. Throughout the 1990s a small group
of vigilant advocates and researchers across several disciplines were persist¬
ent in their efforts to document the experiences of older battered women.
Their results stimulated the development and implementation of innovative
programs and services tailored to the needs of these women (Brandi and
Raymond, 1997; Seaver, 1996; Tatara, 1993; Vinton, Altholz, and Thea, 1997).
Efforts have continued into the next century, but still only a handful of publi¬
cations concerning IPVA against older women exist in comparison to the
numerous publications that examine violence against all women, and more
salient to our interests, DV against older women (Brandi and Cook-Daniels,
2002; Fisher, Zink, Rinto et al., 2003).
More fully understanding IPVA against older women is one step toward
educating interested parties as to its scope. The next step is to address the spe¬
cific needs of these older women and prevention of such acts. In the first sec¬
tion of this chapter, we highlight what is known about the extent and nature
of IPVA against older women from a variety of sources, including older
women telling their stories of violence and abuse. Also included is a discus¬
sion of methodological limitations inherent in this young field of research. The
first section provides a backdrop for the second section that addresses the lack
of preparedness by those most likely to serve older women who are experi¬
encing IPVA, their physicians and domestic violence shelters. In the last sec¬
tion, a discussion of future directions is presented. Here, three important
100 Fisher et al.
points are discussed for researchers, advocates and practitioners from both
the aging and domestic violence fields to develop into an agenda for action.
Available data from various sources suggest that violence and abuse
against women are substantial public health and criminal justice problems
(Rennison, 2001; Tjaden and Thoennes, 1998a; US Department of Health and
Human Services, 2000). For example, across every victim age category for age
12 and over, females were more likely than males to be murdered by an inti¬
mate partner in 1999. In fact, intimate partners murdered 1,218 women dur¬
ing 1999 (Rennison, 2001). Point estimates regarding non-lethal violence vary
depending on the self-report survey and its context. However, the pattern
across two widely cited national-level surveys is consistent. First, findings
from the Violence Against Women Study (VAWS) revealed that 22,254,037
women had in her lifetime been physically assaulted by an IP. The most com¬
mon type of IP assault was being pushed, grabbed, or shoved (18.1% of the
women), followed by being slapped or hit (16%). The VAWS also estimated
that 7,753,669 women had been raped by an intimate partner in their lifetime
(Tjaden and Thoennes, 1998a). Eight percent of women had been stalked at
some point in their life, with 4.8% of these women having been stalked by an
intimate (Tjaden and Thoennes, 1998b). Second, the National Crime
Victimization Survey estimates that in 1999 671,110 rapes/sexual assaults,
robbery, simple assaults and aggravated assaults were committed against
females by intimate partners, a rate of 5.8 per 1,000 females age 12 years and
older (Rennison, 2001).
Estimating violence and abuse can be a daunting challenge under "ideal"
research design conditions (Fisher and Cullen, 2000). For example, there is a
lack of standard definitions of violence and abuse that is consistently used
across studies (Brandi and Cook-Daniels, 2002; US Department of Health and
Human Services, 2000). Consequently, comparisons across studies are difficult,
if not impossible due to the lack of standard definitions for the different forms
of violence (including the crime of rape /sexual assault) and abuse (see Fisher
and Cullen, 2000; U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2000).
Providing violence and abuse estimates for older women is further chal¬
lenging for several methodological reasons specific to an older population.
First, older women are typically undersampled in "big" national-level empir¬
ical studies. Therefore older women, say 55 or older or even those 65 and
older, are either overlooked as a separate age grouping or grouped with
younger women (for example, those 50 and older) because their numbers are
so small in the sample, reliable estimates of the extent of victimization are not
possible (Vinton, 2003). In some surveys, for example the NCVS, women 65
years and older were combined with women 50-64 years old because the
number of sample cases of women age 65 years and older were too small to
produce reliable estimates (Rennison, 2001). Second, when a study has been
designed to include older persons or women, such as The National Elder
Elder Abuse: A Public Health Perspective 101
Abuse Incident Study, IPVA was not among the primary focus of the study, so
the reporting of such results are limited. Related is the issue of researchers not
reporting a separate victim-perpetrator category for partner/spouse but
rather having a general "family member" category (Teaster, Roberto, Duke,
and Kim, 2000). Even when the victim-perpetrator relationship includes
spouse, there may be no reporting of this relationship by sex of the victim
(Tatara, 1993). In all these examples, estimates of IPVA against older women
cannot be produced. Third, some studies report estimates based on "official"
data sources, such as by Adult Protective Services (APS). Other studies are
based on a probability sample that was drawn from either a community¬
dwelling population or a clinical-based population (Fisher, Regan, Zink, and
Pabst, 2003; National Center on Elder Abuse, 1998). A comparison of estimates
from these different populations becomes challenging, if not, impossible to
accurately do. And last, there is much variation across the age requirement to
be designated "older." For example, some studies include women 50 and
older while other studies use age 55 as the criteria and still others use age 60
(Tatara, 1993; Teaster et al., 2000). Related, across studies the age categories
vary, too. For example, some researchers have measured age in terms of
decades: 50-59, 60-69, and 70-79 years old (Mouton, 2003) while others used
a five-year category (e.g., 60-64,65-69, etc.) (National Center on Elder Abuse,
1998). Other studies employed 10-year age categories as well but did not clus¬
ter the age dispersion by decades. For example, Fisher and her colleagues
(2003) used 55- 64,65 - 74 and 75 and older as age categories. Still others used
a gross age category such as 55 and older (Rennison and Rand, 2003).
As with any newly emerging field of research, the IPVA and older women
studies are at an early stage of scientific rigor and as such, there are method¬
ological differences and limitations that will need to be addressed by future
researchers. Putting these issues aside for the time being, there is a growing
body of research that sheds much insight into the extent and nature of IPVA
against older women. These methodological differences cannot be ignored;
they will need to be addressed as the measurement of IPVA against older
women research matures into a field of scientific study.
Below we discuss results from the growing body of research that has
examined the extent of IPVA against older women. In this section we also
highlight the gaps in the body of knowledge.
Estimates of elder abuse and violence against women abound from sever¬
al sources, yet the measurement of IPVA against older women is a relatively
young and fragmented field. The measurement of IPVA against older women,
nonetheless, is growing both within the more general elder abuse and DV
fields (Fisher, Zink, Rinto et al., 2003). There is some hint that an interdiscipli¬
nary view of IPVA is emerging among a new generation of researchers, many
of whom have been influenced by the new research and practices developed
as a result of the VAW Act (Fisher, Regan et al., 2003).
102 Fisher et al.
Only a handful studies have been conducted about elder abuse from
which we can extrapolate some baseline information about IPVA against older
women. One study was executed over 15 years ago by Pillemer and Finkelhor
(1988). Their landmark study was designed to produce reliable estimates of
abuse (physical violence, verbal aggression, and neglect) against both male
and female elders in a community-dwelling population. Prevalence abuse
data from a stratified random sample survey of 2,020 elders age 65 and over
living in metropolitan Boston revealed that physical violence was the most
widespread form of abuse against older women. They reported that 13 per
1,000 female elders had experienced physical violence since turning 65 com¬
pared to 9 per 1,000 female elders having experienced verbal aggression and
5 per 1,000 suffering from neglect. Noteworthy is that their results suggest
that the largest proportion of elder female abuse, is in fact, spouse abuse. To
illustrate, in 17% of the physical violence cases, the perpetrator-victim rela¬
tionship was husband to wife. In 10% of these cases the son was the perpetra¬
tor and in only 3% of the cases the daughter was the perpetrator. Similarly, in
27% of the chronic verbal aggression cases the perpetrator was the husband
compared to 8% of these cases where the perpetrators were the son or the
daughter, respectively.
Surprisingly, it took almost a decade for Pillmer and Finkelhor's IPVA
against older women results to capture the attention of a national-level
agency, in particular The National Center on Elder Abuse. Their sponsored
national-level study. The National Elder Abuse Incidence Study (NEAIS), col¬
lected data from 20 counties in 15 states from Adult Protective Service agen¬
cies and sentinels (banks, law enforcement agencies, hospitals, public health
departments, home care agencies, senior centers) in 1996 (National Center on
Elder Abuse, 1998). The NEAIS is groundbreaking because it provides, for the
first time, national-level incidence estimates of different forms of abuse: phys¬
ical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional or physical abuse, financial or material
exploitation, and abandonment, neglect, and self-neglect among elders.
Females aged 60 and older comprised 58% of the total national elderly
population at the time of the NEAIS study. However, the NEAIS results
showed that women were over-represented compared to their portion of the
total elderly population. The results revealed that 76.3% of the victims of emo¬
tional/psychological abuse were women. And 71.4% of the older women had
experienced physical abuse. For our interest in IPVA, the NEAIS did not break
down the victim-offender relationship by sex of the victim. What can be
gleaned from this study is that perpetrators of emotional/psychological abuse
were more likely to be the children of the victim (53.9%), followed by the vic¬
tim's spouse (12.6%). The same pattern is evident in physical abuse: 48.6% of
the perpetrators were a child of the victim compared to 23.4% who were the
victim's spouse.
One explanation for the discrepancy the results reported by the NEAIS
and Pillmer and Finkelhor (1988) is that the later gathered information from
the elder and did not rely on "official" cases. The difference may be attributed
to several methodological differences. First, elders may not report spousal
Elder Abuse: A Public Health Perspective 103
abuse to authorities, such as the APS, or even if reported, APS staff deter¬
mined that the case was unsubstantiated. The violence against women
research shows only a small percentage of victimizations committed by inti¬
mate partner are reported to authorities, such as law enforcement (Rennison,
2001). Second, Pillmer and Finkelhor's randomly selected respondents com¬
pleted the survey either in person or over the telephone. The responses were
self-reporting of experiences. The cases reported in the NEAIS consisted of
every reported case of suspected abuse during the data collection period
which lasted 2 months in every county sentinel agency and APS that was part
of the study. Hence, as critics have argued the NEAIS study did not include a
large (but unmeasured) segment of older persons who did not come in con¬
tact with community services (Brandi and Cook-Daniels, 2002). And yet
another reason for the discrepancy could be that the Pillmer and Finkelhor's
study was a single site set located in a large urban area whereas the NEAIS's
was a nationally-representative sample of 20 counties. We cannot say definite¬
ly why the discrepancy in the victim-perpetrator relationship exists, but it
does signal the need to further examine the victim-perpetrator relationship in
incidents involving older women.
Additional information as to the extent of IPVA against older women can
be taken from national-level criminal justice databases. Between 1993 and
1999 the overall rate of intimate partner violence rate reported from the NCVS
fell for females age 20-24,25-34, and 35-49. This downward trend was not evi¬
dent for women 50 and older (Rennison, 2001). Similarly, the murder rate for
women between 50 and 64 and age 65 and older did not decrease between
1993-1999. During this time, the murder rate per 100,000 women age 50 to 64
ranged from 0.5 to 0.8. The murder rate per 100,000 women 65 and older
ranged between. 0.5 to 0.7.
Rennison and Rand (2003) examined the extent of non-lethal intimate
partner violence (rape, sexual assault, aggravated, and simple assault) from
the 1993-2001 NCVS. Over the nine years, they estimated that 117,940 non-
lethal violent IP victimizations were committed against women 55 and older.
They reported a victimization rate of 2% for women age 55 and older. The
authors noted that offenders, as they become older, might reduce the frequen¬
cy of abuse or commit more psychological/emotional abuse. Noteworthy, is
that psychological/emotional abuse is not collected by the NCVS.
Smaller scale studies have contributed to our current body of knowledge
about the extent of IPVA against older women. These studies are typically a
single community-dwelling sample (Pillemer and Finkelhor, 1988) or clinic-
patient sample (Fisher, Regan et al., 2003; Mouton, 2003). Their generalizabilty
is limited but given the paucity of research in this area, they contribute to the
growing body of knowledge of IPVA against older women.
Supportive of the theme of the national-level studies, the golden years are
not golden for many older women. Three studies described the abuse these
women have suffered. First, Moutin (2003) studied community-dwelling
women, who were involved in a multi-site clinical trial of women's health in
San Antonio, Texas. His results showed that of the 1,245 women aged 50-79
104 Fisher et al.
years old, 58.5% report exposure to some type of abuse in their adult lifetime
by a spouse/partner, with 5.2%-22.8% reporting some type of abuse (physical
or verbal) in the past 12 months. Second, using a sample of 998 women aged
55 and older from a patient database located in the Cincinnati, Ohio area,
Fisher and her colleagues (2003) found that verbal abuse (40.7% of the
women) and emotional/psychological abuse (24.6%) were among the most
prevalent among these women. Other forms of violence and abuse while not
as prevalent still were experienced by a substantial number of older women.
For example, 4.4% of the women suffered control abuse (put on an allowance,
routinely checked on respondent in a way that made her afraid, refused to let
respondent go to work, social activities or see or talk with friends), 4.2% were
physically abused, and 3.2% had been sexually abused since turning 55 years
old. Further, they reported, of the women who were victimized since the age
55 a large proportion experienced violence and abuse at the hands of a
spouse/partner. Noteworthy, they found that since these women had turned
55 years old, 68% were sexually abused, 56% experienced control abuse, and
37% had been physically abused by their spouse/partner. A third study exe¬
cuted by Grossman and Lundy (2003) of women 55 years old and over who
sought services from domestic violence programs in Illinois examined race
and ethnicity similarities and differences among White, African Americans,
and Hispanics. Across all three groups, almost all the women reported having
experienced emotional abuse (White, 97%; African Americans, 96%, and
Hispanics, 96%) and physical abuse (71%, 74%, and 77%, respectively).
Possibly due to their marital status, a larger percent of older Hispanic women
suffered from sexual abuse (17%) compared to Whites (11%), or African
Americans (4%).
These studies have begun to bring much-needed attention to the extent of
IPVA against older women. Collectively, their results come to the conclusions
that IPVA against older women is 1) an emerging critical policy issue, and 2)
an important field of scientific inquiry that is in need of more research. As
noted, there are methodological limitations in this first generation of IPVA
research but with this in mind, researchers can only build more rigorous stud¬
ies that will broaden understanding of IPVA against older women and fill the
gaps in our knowledge. For example, no studies to our knowledge have exam¬
ined the extent of stalking, the co-occurrence of various forms of IPVA, repeat
IPVA victimization, or ethnic differences in IPAV against older women (and
violence against older women).
black women had the highest rates of non-lethal IPV (56 per 1,000 women age
55 plus), followed by the "other" racial category (52 per 1,000) and white
women (42 per 1,000). Caution, however, must be exercised in interpreting
these NCVS estimates because two of the racial categories (black and others)
had 10 or less sample cases. Older women who were separated had a much
higher rate of non-lethal IPV (10.37 per 1,000) than other marital categories (all
of which were less than 0.90 per 1,000) (Rennison and Rand, 2003).
The results concerning the relationship between IPVA and income are
mixed at best. Mouton (2003) reported no significant differences across
income categories and abuse. Rennison and Rand (2003), however, reported
that income and non-lethal violence has a U-shaped relationship, with women
with annual household incomes of $20,000 and women with an annual house¬
hold income of $75,000 or more having the two highest rates of victimization
(.50 per 1,000 and .92 per 1,000 older females, respectively). Again, the NCVS
results must be taken with caution, as small cell sizes are present in three of
the four annual household income categories.
Among other questions posed about the nature of IPVA concerns the spe¬
cific victim-offender relationship. Recall that Pillemer and Finkelhor (1988)
were among the first researchers to find that a spouse primarily committed
older women's abuse. Rennison and Rand (2003) provide further insight into
the nature of this IP relationship. They reported that the perpetrators for older
women were the current spouse (62%), current or former partner (26%) and
ex-spouse (12%). Interestingly this victim-offender relationship pattern is
slightly different from women 25 to 64 years old. The perpetrator for this
group of women was the current spouse (44%), current or former partner
(38%), and ex-spouse (18%).
Contributing additional insight into our understanding of the victim-
offender relationship, Grossman and Lundy (2003) reported that among
racial/ethnic groups in their Illinois study, 71% of the Hispanic women
reported that their abuser was a husband or ex-husband. Sixty-one percent of
White women and 45% of African American clients were abused by a husband
or ex-husband.
Unlike younger women in which the majority of the perpetrators are
under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol, results from the NCVS show that
in 49% of the victimizations the perpetrators of older women were not under
the influence of either substance. In 85% of the IPV against older women vic¬
timizations, the perpetrator did not have a weapon. In those few cases where
a weapon was present, a firearm was the most likely type (Rennison and
Rand, 2003).
To date, little is reliably known about the nature of IPVA against older
women. This area of inquiry remains a large gap in our IPVA knowledge.
Knowing the victim and incident characteristics are critical to understanding
differences and similarities within the older women population and between
women, especially younger compared to older women. Recognition of these
commonalities and difference can then be used as the basis for developing
services and programs tailored to the needs of older women (see section
106 Fisher et al.
below). What is needed are rigorous cross sectional, panel and longitudinal,
multi-disciplinary studies that examine the characteristics of older women
who have experienced IPVA and the characteristics of their experiences. One
step in this direction is listening to oral histories of women who have suffered
violence and abuse at the hands of an intimate partner. In the next section, we
present oral histories of such women.
IPV. This was not so 30 years ago. When faced with IPV then these institu¬
tions, as a whole, upheld the sanctity and privacy of the domestic sphere.
Society considered IPV as a family problem that needed to be addressed with¬
out any outside interference. It was not the place of the courts, law enforce¬
ment, doctors, or the church to interfere in marital affairs.
Reflecting back to previous decades, these older women commented that
stricter gender roles had defined their functions and obligations to their hus¬
bands. These women described their roles as housewife, mother, and sexual
partner. They were expected to submit to the physical and sexual wishes of
their husbands. Many of them tolerated abuse because that was the expecta¬
tion of the times.
Several of the women continue to remain even now because of their own
health problems and those of their spouse. Many spoke of the commitment to
care for their abusive spouse now that he was in failing health. Other women
remained because of their own health conditions, suggesting that they were
dependent on their abuser. Despite the abuse, the need to provide or receive
care because of failing physical or mental health became fundamental to why
they stay with the abuser.
Zink and her colleagues also uncovered that older women face many of
the same challenges experienced by younger women in abusive relation¬
ships—economics, family attachments, shame, and health. Given the years of
abuse and the complex moral dilemmas imposed by their upbringings the
risks of older women were magnified. Because of the social culture, older
women had less opportunity to develop skills for autonomy and years of
abuse and attachment resulted in more to lose if they left. In addition, years
of emotional abuse resulted in poor self-image and confidence. As a result,
some older women chose to remain in the abusive relationship, the life-gener¬
ated risks being too great to overcome.
The Zink et al. study is among the first to offer insight into the dynamics
of abusive relationships that older women have and continued to experience.
More work into these dynamics, especially studies where women provide an
oral history, are much needed to provide a life course perspective into both
long-term IPVA and that which began at the onset of old age.
Who is most likely to see older women outside of their family and
friends? In many cases it is their primary care physician (PCP). Research has
shown that chronic health problems such as diabetes, arthritis, and hyperten¬
sion are experienced more often by older women than any other age category
(Desai, Zhang, and Hennessey, 1999). These diseases make it necessary for
women to see a primary care physician on a regular basis, sometimes as often
as once a month. This puts the PCP in a unique position to serve as a gateway
to resources about IPVA.
108 Fisher et al.
We know from the literature that primary care physicians are doing a
poor job of screening women of all ages for intimate partner violence (IOM,
2002; Lapidus et al., 2002; Rodriguez, Bauer, McLoughlin, and Grumbach,
1999). Physicians identify many barriers to screening for IPVA including time
constraints, discomfort with the subject, fear of offending the patient, frustra¬
tion with patient's denial, lack of skills and resources to manage IPVA (Sugg
and Inui, 1992; Sugg, Thompson, Thompson, Maiuro, and Rivara, 1999;
Waalen, Goodwin, Spitz, Petersen, and Saltzman, 2000). For these reasons,
and the fact that physicians do not think of older women as victims of IPVA,
screening for IPVA rarely occurs with older female patients (Rovi and
Mouton, 1999).
Zink and her colleagues (Zink, Regan, Goldenhar, and Pabst, 2003)
conducted focus groups with 47 primary care physicians, nurse practitioners
and physician assistants in Cincinnati, Ohio and surrounding suburban and
rural areas. They were interested in investigating the level of awareness of
IPVA in older women patients, screening behavior for the IPVA, and manage¬
ment, if any, of IPVA once detected.
They reported that PCPs tend to fall along a continuum of screening,
identifying, and managing IPVA in older women. One end of the continuum
they found that many health care providers are not screening for IPVA among
any of their patients regardless of age. Several providers, especially those with
suburban practices, clearly stated that they were not screening any patients
because they did not believe that IPVA was a problem in any of their patients
so there was no reason to screen. Other providers do not believe that IPVA is
a medical issue, they do not think there is a medical solution for the problem
and consequently do not see a role for the physician to screen, refer, or man¬
age a patient regardless of age.
A second group of providers fell into a middle category. They realized
IPVA was a problem but only among younger women. Many stated that
unless there was a physical sign such as bruising or broken bone or if the
woman brought it up, they would not screen for IPVA. These providers
reported calling the police or adult protective services to deal with an obvious
case of IPVA especially if it involved an older person. They knew something
needed to be done, but were unfamiliar with the range and nuances of
resources for older women with IPVA. Providers were identifying and man¬
aging their patients only at limited levels. These providers seemed to work
primarily with an "acute disease" model—identify and treat the problem and
then move on to the next issue. Examples included: treating depression or
anxiety, but not exploring the IPVA or providing unrealistic advice such as
telling the patient she needed to leave but not offering any suggestions on
how she should do that. In addition, some providers did not know the
nuances of managing an older victim with IPVA, again seeking simple solu¬
tions such as telling them to get a job or telling the husband to come in and
the doctor would talk to him.
The last category of providers was at the other end of the continuum—the
routine practice of thorough identification and management of older battered
Elder Abuse: A Public Health Perspective 109
women patients. Some providers made sure they saw certain clients on a reg¬
ular basis as a way of checking on their well-being, monitoring medication,
and referring them to counseling. These providers displayed a more "chronic
disease" mindset for managing IPVA, ongoing attention to a variety of factors,
and understanding the unique challenges of managing the older victim who
often needs to seek solutions other than leaving the relationship and the var¬
ied capacities of local resources to meet the needs of the older IPVA victim.
These physicians showed an understanding of the generational issues faced
by older women. They mentioned that many of their older women patients do
not want to complain too much and/or are less open about their situation.
Since many of these women have been in long-term marriages, the couple's
financial, social and emotional lives are intertwined. The physician's experi¬
ences had been that those women who had a higher household income may
be less forthcoming about an IPVA situation or reluctant to seek outside help
because they were embarrassed and took pride in their status. These women
feared that by addressing the IPVA a loss of privilege to which they have
become accustomed may occur. Those women with lower incomes may have
few, if any, resources (e.g., money, insurance, support network) that would
allow them to seek counseling or perhaps even to leave their situation. Several
providers noted that this is frustrating for them, especially the ones want to
provide resources but cannot because they are bound by insurance require¬
ments or other resource constraints.
Although there are only a few studies about older women and IPVA, these
studies provide convincing evidence that a significant proportion of older
women have experienced abuse and violence at the hands of a spouse/partner
and that there is need for further review. In reviewing the state of this body of
research, three main themes emerged that researchers, advocates, and practi¬
tioners need to pay attention to so that both research and policy can move for¬
ward to prevent and respond to the quality of life of older women who have
faced or continue to face IPVA. First, one concern that has been confounded in
the research is identification of the perpetrator and the labeling of such experi¬
ence (that is, whether the abuse is intimate partner violence of older women or
elder abuse). Discerning between the two can be difficult for the provider but
can mean serious consequences for the injured party. Two, once the type of
abuse has been identified, the need for appropriate services are extremely
important and what is appropriate for younger women may not be appropriate
for older women. Three, gatekeepers for younger women experiencing abuse.
Elder Abuse: A Public Health Perspective 111
such as physicians, domestic violence shelters and service providers for the eld¬
erly must be better educated about both older women and IPVA. Each of these
groups must be encouraged to collaborate to create services and programs for
victims. Below we discuss each issue in more detail.
Generational issues make the situations older women face more compli¬
cated. There are more years of dependence, more years of control. Providing
112 Fisher et al.
support to women who want to remain means that service providers need to
think outside the box. The usual systemic responses used with younger abu¬
sive couples may not be appropriate. Leaving may not be an option.
Attending a support group with younger women may not be helpful to older
women who have had a different life experience or may have trouble with
transportation or driving in the dark. Residing in a shelter filled with children
or that does not accommodate the needs of older individuals (e.g., monitor
medications, handicap access, accommodate dietary preferences) may result
in an older women returning to her abuser. In addition, the realities of aging,
involving both physical and mental incapacities, limits options. Abusive rela¬
tionships are often marked by isolation from friends and family (Bowker,
1983). One can only imagine how loss of sight or inability to drive may fur¬
ther isolate the victim.
In addition, aging may also limit the ability of the abuser to leave the
house, meaning that the victim no longer has any break from the abuse. Mental
aging may result in confusion, potentially intensifying the abuse and care
required by either partner. Physical abuse declines with age (Harris, 1996), but
verbal abuse can be devastating to mental well being (Bowker, 1983). Again,
one must ask, how does society support the abusive older couple that seeks
assistance or enters the legal, health or social service system because of the
abuse? Because of aging, the usual responses may not be appropriate.
What can a community do to support an older woman who is experienc¬
ing IPAV? The most frequently given suggestion by physicians, domestic vio¬
lence shelter advocates and aging agency advocates was community aware¬
ness. Public service announcements that Intimate Partner Abuse and Violence
is a Life Course phenomenon are crucial. The more that the message can be
made public; the less stigma is attached to the abusive act. More information
about abuse must be made clear. It is important that people understand that
not all abuse is physical, sexual or neglect. The older women, in their own
words, made it clear in many cases that the physical abuse had stopped many
years ago but the verbal, emotional, psychological and control abuse still took
place on a daily basis. More information needs to be made available where
older women are more likely to go such as beauty shops, women's clubs, gro¬
cery stores, department stores, make-up counters, fabric shops, craft stores,
doctor's offices, senior centers, places of worship, and adult day cares.
There must be more facilitation between aging agency advocates and
domestic violence advocates. Vinton (2003) describes some very innovative
programs between these two types of agencies taking place in Florida. One
unique project was the building of a shelter room onto an existing senior cen¬
ter. The room was accessible from a private entrance. It was handicap accessi¬
ble. People using the senior center and domestic violence advocates were
aware of the room's existence. Police and other law enforcement agencies
could bring an older woman there where a shelter worker and a caregiving
assistant if necessary for personal care would meet them. In another case, cer¬
tain assisted living agencies volunteered a certain number of days in their
facilities for emergency shelter for older women who needed to leave abusive
Elder Abuse: A Public Health Perspective 113
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Elder Abuse: A Public Health Perspective 115
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Teaster, P., Roberto, K., Duke, J., and Kim, M. (2000). Sexual Abuse of Older Adults:
Preliminary Findings of Cases in Virginia. Journal of Elder Abuse and Neglect,
12(3/4), 1-16.
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Tjaden, P., and Thoennes, N. (1998a). Prevalence, Incidence and Consequences of Violence
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Tjaden, R, and Thoennes, N. (1998b). Stalking in America: Findings from the National
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U.S. Census Bureau. (2001). United States Census, 2000. Washington, DC: US
Department of Commerce.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2000). Building Data Systems for
Monitoring and Responding to Violence Against Women. MMWR, 49(RR-11), 1-
Vinton, L. (1992). Battered Women's Shelters and Older Women: The Florida
Experience. Journal of Family Violence, 7(1), 63-72.
Vinton, L. (1998). A Nationwide Survey of Domestic Violence Shelter's Programming
for Older Women. Violence Against Women, 4(5), 559-571.
Vinton, L. (1999). Working with Abused Older Women from a Feminist Perspective.
Journal of Women Aging, 11(2-3), 85-100.
Vinton, L. (2003). A Model Collaborative Project Toward Making Domestic Violence
Centers Elder Ready. Violence Against Women, In Press.
Vinton, L., Altholz, J. A., and Thea, L.-B. (1997). A Five Year Follow Up Study of
Domestic Violence Programming for Older Battered Women. Journal of Women and
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Waalen, J., Goodwin, M., Spitz, A., Petersen, R., and Saltzman, L. (2000). Screening for
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Zink, T., Regan, S., Goldenhar, L., and Pabst, S. (2003). Intimate Partner Violence:
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In Press.
Zink, T., Regan, S., Jacobson, J., and Pabst, S. (2003). Cohort, Period, and Aging Effects:
A Qualitative Study of Older Women's Reasons for Remaining in Abusive
Relationships. Violence Against Women, In Press.
What you are speaks so loudly that I cannot hear what you say.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
118 Sorenson
relies on the patient and care provider working as a team. Good teamwork
depends on good communication.
Training in effective communication skills is important, not only for
health care professionals, but also for the elderly and their families. Enhancing
the communication environment for older adults will ultimately affect their
quality of life. Providing for an improved environment however requires
understanding some of the potential barriers known to hinder effective com¬
The most obvious barriers to conversing with many older adults are age
or disease related hearing loss, stroke related aphasia, Alzheimer's disease
and dementia. There are varying degrees of miscommunication related to:
Defining specific categories of elder abuse has not been easy. Referred to
as the "definitional disarray" by Pillemer and Finkelhor/ the difficulty seems
120 Sorenson
personal responsibility for their attitudes and behavior, regardless of the cir¬
cumstances can positively enhance the communication environment.
"Why on earth have they decided to CODE this patient, he's been a DNR
for days and he's dying." Is this an atypical statement made in frustration in
front of a seemingly unconscious patient? Unfortunately, no. A careless
remark, often made to no one in particular, and with no harm intended, can
indeed be injurious. The terminally ill person hears very well. They may
know that they are dying, but to hear a comment similar to the one above
would dash all hope. Anything that causes the patient anguish or distress is
abuse. Another example of unintentional verbal abuse often relates to odors.
Older adults hospitalized for medical reasons and on a variety of prescription
drugs, are often incontinent. The room may smell terrible, but calling atten¬
tion to that fact, in a crude, or even joking manner may be embarrassing or
humiliating for the patient. There are many benefits to the use of humor in a
health care setting, but care must be taken not to make jokes at the expense of
particular patients. Those who work around older adults should be aware that
some words like idiot, deaf, and blind elicit strong negative feelings. Even
calling an elderly patient by a pet name, if permission has not been forthcom¬
ing, is inappropriate.
Many assumptions are made about older adults. The actual prevalence of
hearing loss, visual impairment and disease related cognitive changes could
lead one to falsely believe that these losses are always consistent with the
aging process. While it may be easier to converse with family members pres¬
ent in the room about the patient's condition, to do so is generally insulting.
Even when signs of frailty are evident, maintaining eye contact and speaking
directly to the geriatric patient is important.
Much more malignant in nature are the cruel threats and intentional barbs
directed at older adults. Verbal abusers attempt to control behavior by using
threats of violence or threats of neglect, as in these examples: "If you wet the
bed one more time tonight, you'll just have to sleep on soggy sheets." "If you
don't eat all your supper, you are not getting any breakfast or lunch tomor¬
row." " If you don't stop crying I'll give you something to cry about." "If you
push that call light one more time tonight, you'll be sorry." If said in a threat¬
ening manner, by a caregiver with a scowl on their face, patients will take
these statements seriously. Unfortunately, some older adults have been on the
receiving end of both verbal and physical abuse. When intimidated and given
an ultimatum, they may see compliance as their only option. The helpless and
hopeless attitude that develops may become so ingrained that even when
kinder and gentler staff ask questions about how they are being treated, they
remain silent. Many older adults have no other residential options besides
Elder Abuse: A Public Health Perspective 123
institutional care. Once the pattern of abuse has been set, the elderly are more
likely to acquiesce than to rebel against unjust treatment.
Even making fun of patients or playing humiliating practical jokes on an
older adult is a form of verbal abuse. Patients in their 30s and 40s may wel¬
come some good-natured bantering as a means of lightening their day. Elderly
patients may seem amused, but may internalize the joking as something other
than what was intended.
Because verbal abuse and communication neglect are so prevalent, partic¬
ularly in long term care institutions, the prevention of any type of abuse or
neglect is the responsibility of every employee. In order to clarify what the dif¬
ferent forms of abuse and neglect look like from all points of view, educating
the staff is a necessary component of a continuing education program.
an intensive care unit, comic relief is sometimes necessary, but should not
involve or be centered on any particular patient or family member.
The other issue is communication neglect. Why did it take 10 days to dis¬
cover that Elmer wore glasses? If that wonderful nurse had not gone above
and beyond her job that morning, would Elmer have survived? It is easy now
to look back on that incident and see how valuable and necessary her inter¬
ventions had been. However, given the fast-paced nature of our jobs where
time at the bedside is limited, do we really take the time to communicate with
our patients?
Because some of these signs are also consistent with depression, demen¬
tia and cognitive impairment, it becomes difficult to base an assumption of
126 Sorenson
Communication Tips
• Be accessible
• Listen and try to understand
• Invite rapport by exhibiting a smile and a friendly manner
• Give the patient your full attention—show them they are important
• Provide privacy if possible when talking about personal health
• Express an interest in their comments, both by facial and verbal
• Talk with a reassuring non-threatening, non-authoritarian tone of
• When talking to someone with a hearing impairment, keep lips visi¬
• If patients are visually impaired, verbal instructions are imperative
• Maintain eye contact to see if patient appears puzzled or confused
• Avoid talking in "medical speak"
• Repeat instructions if needed, using short explanations to reinforce
the message
• Reinforce verbal explanation with written instructions (14 font, dou¬
ble-spaced black print on white paper)
• Give patients the opportunity to ask and re-ask the same question
• If patient appears confused, ask if there is a family member who can
be contacted
• Empathize - and treat every patient as if they were your elderly
loved one
In less than ten years, the leaders of the baby-boom wave will reach age
sixty-five. Numbers of older adults will swell. Increased awareness of disease
risk factors, life-style modifications, an improved attitude toward staying fit
and active, and new technology in health care will result in a healthier cohort
of elderly. Older adults are also becoming more independent. We live in a
128 Sorenson
society that values autonomy. It is difficult to project how these factors will
affect the prevalence or incidence of elder abuse in the future. For now, edu¬
cation, a heightened awareness of what constitutes abuse, and an improve¬
ment in communication skills seem to be the best weapons to guard against
verbal abuse and communication neglect directed at our elderly. Finding
answers does not rest merely on the shoulders of the researchers; detection of
abuse is not the sole responsibility of physicians, adult protective services is
not the only organization of interest in addressing abusive situations, it has to
be a multidisciplinary collaborative effort. Within a health care setting howev¬
er, it is the responsibility of every employee, regardless of their job status, to
prevent any type of abuse or neglect of those under their care, while they are
dependent on our care.
Anetzberger, G.J., Palmisano, B.R., et al. A Model for Elder Abuse and Dementia. The
Gerontologist, 2000; Vol 40(4) 492-497.
Blazer, D.G. Depression in Late Life: Review and Commentary. The Journal of
Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, 2003; 58: M249-M265.
Brody, D.S., Hahn, S.R., Spitzer, R.L. et al. Identifying Patients with Depression in the
Primary Care Setting. Archives of Internal Medicine, 1998; 158: 2469-2475.
Brown, M.N., Lapane, K.L., and Luisi, A.F. The Management of Depression in Older
Nursing Home Residents. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 2002; 50: 69-76.
Burgio, L.D., Annen-Burge, R., et al. Come Talk with Me. The Gerontologist, 2001; Vol
41(4) 449-460.
Charness, N., Parks, D.C., and Sabel, B.A. (Eds). Communication, Technology and Aging:
Opportunities and Challenges for the Future. 2001. Springer Publishing Co. New
York, NY.
Filinson, R. and Ingram SR (Eds) Elder Abuse: Practice and Policy. 1989. Human Sciences
Press, New York, NY.
Hazzard, W.R. et al. (Eds). Principles of Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology, 5th Edition,
2003. McGraw-Hill Professional, New York, NY.
Hinckley J.J. Vocational and Social Outcomes of Adults with yhasia. Journal of
Communication Disorders, 2002; 35: 543.560.
Hintz, C.A. Communicating with Your Patients: Skills for Building Rapport. 2000;
American Medical Association, Chicago, IL.
National Clearinghouse on Family Violence Publication. Abuse and Neglect of Older
Adults: A Discussion Paper. Available at:
Pillemar, K. and Finkelhor, D. The Prevalence of Elder Abuse: Ayrvey. The Gerontologist,
1988; 29(3): 321-327.
Pillemer, K., Suitor, JJ, et al. A Cooperative Communication Intervention for Nursing
Home Staff and Family Members of Residents. The Gerontologist, 2003; Vol 43
(Supplement 2): 96 -106.
Reis, M. and Nahmiash, D. When Seniors are Abused: An Intervention Model. The
Gerontologist, 1995; Vol 35 (5): 666-671.
Ripich, D.N. Communication and Aging: Moving Toward a Unified, Systemic
Approach. The Gerontologist, 2003; 43 (1): 136-139.
Santo Pietro, M.J. and Ostuni, MA. Successful Communication with Person's with
Elder Abuse: A Public Health Perspective 129
Sexual assault is one of the most under-reported crimes identified by the FBI.
The public at large, administrators, law enforcement, legislatures, and
researchers are unaware of the actual rates at which sexual abuse of elderly
women occurs. It is an unsavory thing to think of, yet it occurs and possibly at a
much more frequent rate than we know (www.forensicnursemag.com/arti-
A study surveying 300 women asked them to rank which crime they most
feared. The crimes included in the study were murder, burglary, robbery,
attempted murder, and rape. Women under the age of thirty-five noted that
rape was their number one fear. Women thirty-six to fifty noted that rape was
their number two. Women over sixty-six years old ranked rape as their ninth
greatest fear (www.archstone.org/usr_doc/silent_suffering.pdf).
While sexual violence against women in general does not appear to be
decreasing, our awareness of sexual violence against elderly women does not
seem to be increasing. Sexual abuse is thought to be the least perceived,
acknowledged, detected, and reported type of elder abuse. Adult Protective
Services have reported that sexual abuse constitutes less than one percent of
all types of abuse cases reported with the majority of its victims being female
(Teaster, Roberto, Duke, and Kim 2000: 1-16). The preliminary findings of a
study conducted by Teaster, Roberto, Duke, and Kim found that women con¬
stituted 95.2% of all the victims of sexual abuse reported within a three year
period in the state of Virginia (Teaster, Roberto, Duke, and Kim 2000: 5). It is
acknowledged that lack of reporting is not due to a lack of occurrences but
due to the stigma associated with sexual abuse.
Sexual assault is a crime of violence that preys on people who are vulnera¬
ble. Those who are the most vulnerable are the young and the elderly popula¬
tions. The National Center on Elder Abuse defines sexual abuse of the elderly as
any sexual behavior that is non-consensual sexual contact of any kind with an
elderly person (www.elderabusecenter.org/default.cfm?p=basics.cfm). Sexual
conduct with any person incapable of giving consent is also considered sexual
abuse. It includes, but is not limited to, unwanted touching, all types of sexual
132 Ardovini
assault or battery, such as rape, sodomy, coerced nudity, and sexually explicit
photographing (www.elderabusecenter.org/default.cfm?p=basics.cfm). Rape is
defined as "unlawful sexual intercourse with a female who did not consent to
engaging in the sexual act (www.nursinghomeabuserresourcecenter.com/glos-
sary/r.html). Sodomy is defined as "oral or anal sex without consent
(www.nursinghomeabuserresourcecenter.com/glossary/r.html). A major com¬
ponent of these definitions are consent, "voluntary agreement of one who has
sufficient mental capacity to make an intelligent choice to do something pro¬
posed by another person" (www.nursinghomeabuserresourcecenter.com/glos¬
sary /r.html). If the elderly individual does not grant consent then the sexual
behavior is seen as being coerced. Coercion is the act of compelling by pressure,
threat, or force (www.nursinghomeabuserresourcecenter.com/glossary/r.html).
Sexual assault of elderly women may present itself in a variety of ways.
First, a victim of sexual abuse may exhibit physical signs, such as, difficulty
walking or sitting, recurring or unexplained injuries, combination of new and
old injuries, injuries without underlying diseases, injuries in areas usually
covered by clothing (www.keln.org/bibs/mcdaniel.html). A victim of sexual
abuse may also experience pain, itching, bruising, or bleeding in the genital
area. Other physical signs include an unexplained venereal disease or genital
infections (Brandi and FJoran 2002:43). The elder sexual assault victims
exposed to sexually transmitted diseases, including FIIV, may never receive
any medical care. In turn, they may not be given any emotional support fol¬
lowing the abuse as well. This leads to another sign of sexual abuse.
Second, social-psychological signs may present themselves. These signs
include depression or withdrawal, hesitation to speak openly, fearfulness of
caregiver or strangers, confusion, and denial. Post-traumatic rape syndrome
may also present itself after an assault. Post-traumatic rape syndrome is a rec¬
ognized phenomenon among sexual assault researchers (www.forensic-
nursemag.com/articles/331feat2.html). Elderly female victims of sexual
assault may experience the impact of this syndrome at a heightened level than
female victims of college age, for example. This maybe due to the indigestibil¬
ity of the nature of the offense and the perception that rape does not occur to
women 65 years of age and older. The elderly have the attitude that sexual
assault is not going to happen to them. It is not something they are concerned
about. This gives elderly women a false sense of security. They don't expect it,
therefore; when it does happen, the sexual assault is much more traumatic for
them (www.archstone.org/usr_doc/silent_suffering.pdf). These signs of sex¬
ual abuse of elderly women are often overlooked or not recognized. This leads
to a gross under-reporting of the crime (Tatara and Kusmeskus 1999:1).
Sexual abuse of women can affect women of all ethnic backgrounds and
social statuses. However, being elderly compounds the impact of victimization
for women. What makes an elder female vulnerable to sexual assault is depend-
Elder Abuse: A Public Health Perspective 133
ent upon a variety of factors such as social isolation, mental and/or physical
impairment, and financial variables, (www.archstone.org/usr_doc/silent_suf-
fering.pdf). Other social factors may also increase an elderly woman's potential
for sexual victimization. For instance, poor communication between themselves
and their caregiver may impede the victims' ability to express their disapproval
of the behavior and the abusers' inability to understand the lack of consent. An
elderly female who has abused the caregiver in the past may experience abuse
by the caregiver. An elderly female who lives constantly with their caregiver
also has an increased potential for victimization (Campbell Reay and Browne
2001: 60). All these variables are factors that give us insight into what makes an
older adult female vulnerable to sexual abuse by their caregivers.
In general, abusers of older female adults are both male and female.
However, Adult Protective Services has reported that 62.6% of offenders of
physical abuse committed against the elderly are males
(www.aoa.gov/abuse/report/Gfindings-02.htm). Males also make-up the
majority of sexual offenders, who sexually abuse elderly females (Teaster,
Roberto, Duke, and Kim 2000: 9). Teaster, Roberto, Duke, and Kim in their
study of sexual victimization of older females reported in Virginia within a
three-year period found that all of the noted alleged offenders were identified
as male (Teaster, Roberto, Duke, and Kim 2000: 9).
The National Center on Elder Abuse has also compiled data concerning
the characteristics of an offender of elderly abuse. The NCEA has reported
that family members are more often the abusers than any other group. For
several years, the data indicated that adult children were the most common
abusers of family members. Recent information indicates spouses are the most
common perpetrators when state data concerning elders and vulnerable
adults is combined (www.Elderabusecenter.org/default.cfm?p=faqs.cfm).
However, this data is representative of offenders of elder abuse in general and
is not specific to sexual abuse.
Therefore, we must rely on the general characteristics of offenders of elder
abuse as potential indicators for sexual abuse. Some of these general charac¬
teristics include:
Possible risk factors that may lead to the sexual victimization of older
female include the following:
to report abuse. In turn, if the health care provider respects their patient, they
are less likely to overlook signs of sexual abuse. This also holds true for law
enforcement personnel. These individuals are able to ensure victims' safety
and hold perpetrators accountable for their actions (www.preventelder-
Researchers have the ability to affect prevention through their work to
provide insight into the etiology, rates, and risk factors associated with the
sexual victimization of elderly females. The information that is uncovered
through research can be critical to professionals working in the field of aging,
health care and medical professionals, and law enforcement personnel.
Research may also impact the development of legislation which can assist in
the establishment of effective interventions and services (www.preventelder-
abuse.org / professionals / professional.html).
The media, an important agent of socialization, plays a fundamental role
in informing the public of the occurrences of the sexual victimization of eld¬
erly females. The media also plays a role in the construction of public percep¬
tions. It can enlist the public's help in identifying abuse, educate policy mak¬
ers about the need for improved services and public policy, direct victims to
needed services, and warn abusers about the consequences of their actions
Concerned citizens can also play a vital role in the prevention of sexual
abuse of elderly females. This can be done by reporting potential cases of sex¬
ual abuse, helping raise awareness, volunteering at agencies, and advocating
for needed services and policies (www.preventelderabuse.org/profession-
als/ professional.html).
As noted, sexual abuse and abuse in general of elderly women is a multi¬
dimensional problem that requires broad expertise and a variety of resources.
The most common approach to preventing elder abuse is to provide profes¬
sional and public education programs at the community level. In addition to
established federal and state laws designed for reporting elderly abuse neg¬
lect, many states also provide informal caregivers and interested citizens with
training in eldercare. In most communities, both public and private agencies
work collaboratively to ensure the protection of vulnerable elders. Although
the causes of elderly abuse are complex and varied, a promising approach to
increasing self-determination for the elderly is based on empowerment con¬
cepts. The rationale for the application of an empowerment approach to the
sexual abuse of elderly females derives from the powerlessness these victims
experience based on social reconstruction theory, an orientation specific to
older age (Chima 2002:61-62).
Social reconstruction theory provides a perspective that assess planned
change at the societal level that will benefit older adults due to its analysis of
the breakdown and competence in older age (Chima 2002: 62). As a result of
the social reorganization that occurs in later life, older people are devalued,
develop negative self-images, and a loss of occupational roles and established
networks. Therefore, the empowerment perspective attempts to increase per¬
sonal, ,interpersonal, and political power so that individuals can take action
Elder Abuse: A Public Health Perspective 137
to improve their life situation (Chima 2002: 62). This is done in a variety of
Andermahr, Sonya, Terry Lovell, and Carol Wolkowitz 2000. A Glossary of Feminist
Theory. London: Arnold.
Bell, Christine, Mary F. Ferris, and Laura Criss. 2002. "Sexual Assault and the Elderly:
Shattering the Myths." Long Beach, CA: Archstone Foundation, Retrieved
138 Ardovini
James Anderson and Nancie Mangels
The problem of elder abuse is so pervasive that officials at the Centers for
Disease Control (CDC) have already declared it an epidemic in America (see
Rosenberg and Fenley,1991).
Elder abuse is a public health issue because of the medical and psycholog¬
ical consequences associated with this type of victimization. This chapter is
divided into four parts. Part One presents the epidemiological approach used
by the public health community to prevent injuries and premature deaths of
the greater population. Part Two provides several theories that explain the
causes of elder abuse. Part Three describes social services and health care
interventions. Part Four discusses preventions and policy implications that
can be used (at the local and state levels) to drastically lower the number of
cases while better dealing with victims and offenders. In the final analysis, the
chapter argues that elder abuse is a public health issue that can be prevented
and those who suffer this victimization can overcome its negative conse¬
140 Anderson and Mangels
cate the public and politicians about the crucial role that a strong public health
system must play in maintaining and improving the health of the public.
Those in the public health community (e.g. clinics, hospitals, local and
state health departments, and the CDC, to name a few) use the epidemiologi¬
cal approach to assess the health of the population, diagnose its problems, seek
the causes of those problems, and devise strategies to cure them (Gostin,2000;
Schneider, 2000). Epidemiology examines the distribution and determinants of
disease frequency in human populations (Gostin,2000). Epidemiologists are
concerned with disease "frequency." However, they use the term "disease"
broadly to mean "health outcome." Epidemiology uses two types of frequen¬
cy measures: incidence and prevalence. More specifically, incidence rates
measure the probability that a healthy person in the population will develop a
disease or injury. The rates are useful in identifying causes of a disease or
injury. Prevalence is the total number of cases existing in a defined population.
Incidence and prevalence are related to each other, but the relationship is con¬
tingent upon how long people live with injury or disease.
The public health community is concerned about preventing elder abuse
for several reasons. First, violence against the elderly extends beyond the
reach of criminal justice. While the health consequences of violence are
tremendous, society has generally looked to the criminal justice system to pro¬
tect its citizens from violence. However, the injuries, disabilities, and prema¬
ture deaths associated with violence far exceed the resources and expertise of
most state criminal justice systems (Donziger,1996). For example, when the
perpetrator has been apprehended, arrested, and charged, this does not pro¬
vide the victim with the treatment that he or she needs to move toward recov¬
ery. As a result, the CDC has added a new component called the National
Center for Injury Prevention and Control (NCIPC) to reduce the human suf¬
fering and medical costs associated with injuries. Officials at the CDC contend
that fatal and nonfatal injuries resulting from interpersonal violence have
become one of the most important public health problems facing our country.
The crime of elder abuse is no exception. Second, the public health communi¬
ty introduces a primary prevention approach to the problem of violence.
While criminal justice concentrates on deterrence and incapacitation, the pub¬
lic health approach is focused on prevention (Anderson, Grandison, and
Dyson, 1996). Officials in public health do not believe their efforts alone can
solve the problem of elder abuse. In fact, they contend that criminal justice
must play a crucial role, but the role of public health must be proactive and at
the forefront. Criminal justice should take a reactive role to enhance the efforts
of the public health system. Scholars contend that the efforts of public health
will compliment the work of the criminal justice system (Donziger,1996).
Public health officials argue that since its strategies have been successfully
used in the past to combat the spread of infectious diseases, premature deaths,
and physical illnesses that include lung cancer, heart diseases and motor vehi¬
cle crashes, it is believed that they can reach the same results when focusing
on preventing elder abuse (Braithwaite and Taylor, 1992; Rosenberg and
Fenley, 1991).
Elder Abuse: A Public Health Perspective 141
To prevent injuries and minimize their consequences when they occur, the
NCIPC relies on the public health methodology that utilizes five steps to
address health issues and injuries. The public health methodology, or the epi¬
demiological approach, includes:
caregivers and the community at-large about elder abuse). Next, secondary
prevention seeks to minimize the severity of the illness or injury-causing
events once the event has occurred (e.g., quickly getting treatment and coun¬
seling for victims and offenders of elder abuse). Third, tertiary prevention
seeks to minimize disability by providing medical care and rehabilitation
services (e.g., develop emergency and medical services). Epidemiologists
view an injury as the result of a "chain of causation" involving an agent, a
host, and the environment (Braithwaite and Taylor, 1992).
Prevention is achieved by breaking the chain of causation at any step (see
Schneider, 2000). In the case of elder abuse, it could be as easy as removing
either the elder or the caregiver from the home or institutional setting and
offering treatment to both parties in order to prevent the continuation of the
behavior and to alleviate the pain and suffering associated with the behavior.
However, in some cases, the criminal justice system will be used to make
arrests when caregivers have committed crimes against an elder (Gaines,
Kaune, and Miller, 2000). When epidemiologists study patterns of diseases
and injuries in human populations and the causative factors that influence
these patterns, they detect signals of an emerging epidemic. Epidemiologists
look for common exposures or other shared characteristics in the people who
are sick or affected by violence in order to seek causative factors. Some ques¬
tions that epidemiologists typically ask are who, when, and where. They are
concerned with: First, who is being injured or contracting the disease under
investigation? Second, when is the injury or disease occurring? Third, where
is the injury or disease occurring? From this information, epidemiologists can
make better decisions about why the injury or disease is occurring. Their
main goal is to use this knowledge to control and prevent the spread of
injuries and diseases. Stated another way, public health officials believe that
it is more important to determine why people become violent and to devel¬
op strategies to reduce the risk factors that lead to interpersonal violence
upon the most vulnerable members of society. Concern exists over the types
of life experiences offenders may have endured for their actions to manifest
into this behavior. Scholars contend that explanations for engaging in elder
abuse may differ from one offender to the next. However, most scholars agree
that there are both micro-and-macro level explanations that could explain
elder abuse. In epidemiology, researchers focus on common exposures or
other shared characteristics in offenders, as well as victims, to isolate the caus¬
es of elder abuse. Some of the more widely accepted theories are: the cycle of
violence; psychopathology; social exchange; family stress; and the techniques
of neutralization, or "drift" (Centers for Disease Control,1997; Reiss and Roth,
1993; Adler, Mueller, and Laufer,2001).
A popular yet controversial theory used to explain elder abuse is the cycle
of violence theory. The theory argues that people who have been psychologi¬
cally, physically, or sexually abused as children have a greater likelihood of
becoming violent adults (Simons, Wu, Johnson, and Conger, 1995;
Spaccarelli,Coatsworth,and Bowden, 1995). Gelles (1993) suggests that the
physical punishment of children is the most effective way to teach violence.
Moreover, research finds that people who are victimized at an early age face
a higher risk of being arrested for committing crimes as adults (Widom,1992).
For example, Spaccarelli et al.(1995) report that young men are more likely to
engage in violent behavior if they were the targets of physical abuse and were
exposed to violent behavior by someone they knew or lived with. Similarly,
Doerner and Lab, (2002) contend that there is evidence that warn that children
who watch parents engage in violent outbursts will grow to accept these
behaviors as legitimate. Some experts refer to the cycle of violence as the inter-
generational transmission of violence. Essentially, they argue that violence is
handed down and the chain of aggressive behavior continues generation after
generation, because those exposed to violent and aggressive behavior devel¬
op a predisposition to use it (see Hunter and Kilstrsom,1979).
A major concern about the cycle of violence is that parents may be
unaware that they are perpetuating this behavior. In fact, they may indirectly
socialize children into using it as an acceptable response to life's problems.
Though many people embrace the cycle of violence argument, Wolf and
Pillemer (1989) report that not everyone who commits elder abuse was reared
in a home where violence took place. Similarly, Pagelow (1984) along with
Gelles and Cornell (1990) argue that though much of the research literature
does not support this position, the idea is commonly accepted—the cycle of
violence exists. While laypersons readily accept this theory, Wallace (1999)
reports that there is no way to prove or disprove the cycle of violence theory.
That is to say, violence committed by a family member who is a caregiver is a
manifestation of one's acting out violence earlier committed against himself
or herself. The inconsistent support of the theory makes the argument contro¬
144 Anderson and Mangels
While some domestic violence experts may reject the argument of a cycle
of violence theory, a segment of scholars attribute family violence in general,
but elder abuse in particular, to a psychopathology found within offenders
(Wallace, 1999). For example. Young (1974) argues that clinicians and practi¬
tioners tend to attribute elder abuse and other forms of domestic violence to
sadistic personality traits. Rosenberg and Fenley (1991) find that intraindivid¬
ual dynamics may explain the cause of elder abuse. They suggest that psycho¬
logical well-being is related to the quality of the family relationship. In fact, it
can serve as a predictor of outcomes in domestic violence situations (Andrews
and Withy, 1979; Glenn and Weaver, 1981; Lee, 1978). Research supports that
in situations where the caregivers suffer personality disorders, the probabili¬
ty is greater that elder abuse is a likely outcome. Some research even suggests
that to cure child abuse, wife abuse, and other forms of interpersonal violence
will require targeting and treating emotional illnesses (Gelles, 1974).
Moreover, Hickey and Douglas (1981) argue that the manifestations of the dis¬
ease can be seen in either the physical or verbal abuse targeted at the elder.
These experts believe that such offenders may suffer from mental disorders
that cause them to engage in abusive behavior. For example. Wolf and
Pillemer (1989) contend that abusers suffer a form of flawed mental develop¬
ment. Wolf, Strugnell, and Godkin's (1982) research suggests that a high level
of mental illness is common among elder abusers. Similarly, Beckman and
Adelman (1992) find that many perpetrators of elder abuse have been hospi¬
talized and diagnosed with serious psychiatric disorders, such as schizophre¬
nia and other identifiable psychoses. In most cases, because psychological the¬
ories are based on untestable hypotheses rather than empirical data, psycho¬
logical explanations for criminal behavior are often considered inconclusive
and are therefore accepted with caution (Cleckley,1974; Gaines, Kaune, and
Miller, 2000).
have, this new arrangement could create a strain since caring for the parent
could disrupt the adult child's life. The new addition could (1) strain an
already troubled marriage; (2) interfere with the caregiver's employment; or
(3) obstruct participation in social activities. As a result, the caregiver could
resent the parent and abuse him or her accordingly because his or her pres¬
ence is a constant reminder of the sacrifice that was made to accommodate
and assist the aging parent.
The second argument suggests the reverse is true. It holds that the more the
abuser depends on the elder for income, the greater the likelihood that abuse
will occur. Baruch and Barnett (1983); Cicirelli (1981); and Johnson and Bursk
(1977) find that the literature on family relations support the notion that
dependency on an older person leads to poor quality relationships with rela¬
tives. This research also finds that parents' health is positively linked to feelings
of closeness and attachment between parents and their adult children.
Furthermore, where abuser dependency is concerned, experts suggest that the
feeling of powerlessness is the main factor that explains abuse (see Finkelhor,
1983). Gerontologists suggest that the feeling of being dependent on one's par¬
ent is an intense source of strain on an adult child since it violates societal expec¬
tations for normal adult behavior (Rosenberg and Fenley,1991). Pillemer and
Suitor (1998) report that the dependent's embarrassment about his or her eco¬
nomic situation could be the source of the abuse. Moreover, evidence suggests
that mutual dependency exists from both the elder and the caregiver. For exam¬
ple, Wolf, Strugnell, and Godkin, (1982) find that in two-thirds of the cases, care¬
givers were economically dependent on the victim. Similarly, Hwalek et al.
(1989) report that in a case-control study, financial dependency was a high risk
factor of elder abuse. Furthermore, Anetzberger (1987) contends that survey
data reveal that economically dependent relatives is an important determinant
of elder abuse. Domestic violence experts contend that controversy exists in
these relationships over who is really dependent on whom.
Denial of Responsibility
When offenders deny responsibility, they typically argue that the elder
abuse occurred because of circumstances beyond their control. For example,
the offenders may reason that because they were reared in a dysfunctional
home or the father was never present or because they were under the influ¬
ence of a mind-altering drug at the time of the crime, they therefore, bare no
responsibility for having committed the crime. For example, after physically
abusing a parent, adult caregivers may not admit responsibility for their
actions. They may contend that the physical abuse was a one time occurrence
that happened by accident or because of circumstances beyond their control.
Offenders believe that they bare no responsibility for committing physical
abuse against an elderly parent.
Denial of Injury
When offenders deny injury, they contend that no one suffered as a result
of the crime. For example, abusers who neglect or commit sexual abuse against
an aging parent or relative often believe that engaging in sexual intercourse has
no adverse impact on the victim, physically or psychologically. At the same
time, if the caregiver does not give the aged person medication on a regular
basis or maintain their hygiene, then no real injury occurred because the elder
person does not have any appointments to keep and others are unaware of the
neglect. Offenders often argue that because the elder suffers from mental dis¬
ease, he or she cannot remember. Therefore, no one suffered as a result of their
actions and believe no real harm has occurred from the victimization.
When the offenders deny the victim, abusers may feel that the victim got
what he or she deserved. He or she may reason that the elder was just asking
Elder Abuse: A Public Health Perspective 147
Offenders may justify abuse on the grounds that their behavior benefits
others and not themselves. For example, an adult child whose family is expe¬
riencing a strain because of the presence of his or her parent, may view their
physical abuse and neglect as a way of satisfying an unhappy spouse who
opposes the presence of the elder in the home and who is frustrated by the
attention and strain that the elder has placed on the family.
options (see Rosenberg and Fenley, 1991). While these programs appear to be
the most often used in cases of elder abuse, there has been little evaluation
research conducted that supports their effectiveness. Therefore, little is known
about their ability to deter continued behavior. At the same time, success
could depend on the amount of resources devoted to these programs in their
respective jurisdictions. As such, it is possible for some states to have success
with a program and another state to implement the same program (perhaps
without committing adequate resources) and not have the same success. We
caution that since there have been few if any evaluations of these programs,
any signs of success should be critically evaluated.
that after mandatory reporting laws are passed, states believe that they have
done enough and quickly put the issue of elder abuse to rest. For example,
most states often fail to provide adequate resources to fund the services that
are desperately needed by victims and abusers (Crystal,1986;
Anetzberger,1989). A fourth criticism is that the reporting process frustrates
the relationship and confidentiality between professionals and clients. Cyrstal
(1986) and Macolini (1995) report that these laws require physicians to report
suspected cases of abuse. Doctors and public health officials argue this prac¬
tice violates patient-physician confidentiality. Stated another way, profession¬
als are faced with having to violate the law or breach the trust of a client and
conceivably jeopardize a long standing therapeutic relationship with the vic¬
tim and family. Opponents of these programs say they cannot stand alone and
if they are to be effective, they must be accompanied by a commitment of
resources from the designated reporting agency.
Protective Services
too broad. More specifically, some lawyers argue that such laws intrude in the
lives of families that may be experiencing the normal range of human prob¬
lems (Callahan, 1981). In fact, Dolon and Hendricks (1989) and Fiegener,
Fiegener, and Meszaros (1989) argue that because elder abuse is defined in an
ambiguous manner, the police or law enforcement is minimally involved as
an immediate contact source or aid. They argue that much elder abuse could
be a product of self-neglect. As such, many elderly victims have questionable
legal status. These critics also contend that one simply does not know whether
neglect is self-imposed or is the product of a caregiver. A third and perhaps
the main criticism of protective service programs is that they should be
designed to reduce tension within the legal community and alleviate the
ambiguity of tasks performed by protective service agencies (Bergman, 1989;
Bergeron,1989). They suggest protective service programs could be effective if
they offered a holistic approach in handling long-term problems instead of
serving as a quick-fix solution. More specifically, Bergman (1989) suggests a
combination of crisis intervention and protective service strategies, while
Bergeron (1989) advocates the integration of adult protective services with
human service providers.
Service Options
Association of Retired Persons (AARP) have long argued that efforts should
be made to generate social consciousness among the elderly and the lay pub¬
lic about powerless groups in society. Meadows (2004) contends that elders
should also be made aware that they have the right to be treated with dignity
and respect and to have their personal worth protected.
Another option is the use of safe houses or emergency shelters for elder¬
ly victims. This option has been successful in aiding battered women who
have had to flee their abusers and seek shelter for their safety and the safety
of their children. This option is designed to provide the elderly with an alter¬
native that offers them escape and protection from continued abuse. At the
same time, the option sends the message that the victim can live independent¬
ly of the perpetrator and that he or she will no longer tolerate abuse because
there is somewhere to turn for help. A third service option is legal interven¬
tion. Some experts argue that criminal justice sanctions can be of invaluable
help in cases of domestic abuse. For example, in their seminal research,
Sherman and Berk (1984) reported that law enforcement intervention success¬
fully reduced domestic violence. More specifically, in a Minnesota experi¬
ment, they discovered that a formal arrest was a more effective method than
using an eight hour cooling off period or mediation to prevent continued wife
abuse. The study also revealed that since police are usually the first on the
crime scene, after they make an arrest, they can direct victims to effective com¬
munity services. In addition to police departments, some communities have
created task forces to provide the elderly with needed services. These groups
raise the consciousness of professionals and concerned citizens about the
plight and needs of elderly victims of abuse and neglect (Wolf and
Pillemer,1989; Hwalek, Hill, and Stahl,1989).
Officials at the CDC argue that elder abuse is a public health issue because
of the pain, suffering, and diminished quality of life associated with this type
of violence. Both gerontologists and epidemiologists agree that the problem is
likely to get worse since the elderly comprise an increasing proportion of
Americans. Apart from the abuse, the elderly community already depends on
the health care community since many suffer from physical problems such as
diabetes, amputations, cancer, strokes, altered mental status, high blood pres¬
sure, urinary tract infections, syphilis, and congestive heart failure. Some may
even require special attention from a nurse or caregiver for being incontinent.
Furthermore, because of physical abuse, some elderly victims may need hos¬
pitalization and medical attention to recover from injuries sustained at the
hands of their caregiver. While experiencing abuse, the elderly may suffer
burns, gunshot wounds, punctures, injuries from rape, fractures or broken
bones, and stab wounds. Moreover, some caregivers have been known to
either intentionally or unintentionally withhold medication from those suffer¬
ing from diabetes, depression, glaucoma, Alzheimer's, hypertension, arthritis,
and shingles. Public health experts argue that elder abuse could lead some
152 Anderson and Mangels
victims to depression or even suicide. Elias (1986) argues that sometimes the
elderly may sustain debilitating injuries that can place limitations on their
already restricted freedom of movement which could take an even greater
psychological toll. What is more regrettable is that a segment of elderly vic¬
tims will experience premature death if health care interventions are not
forthcoming. Therefore, the health care community believes that because of
the problems associated with injuries, elder abuse is a public health issue
since many elderly victims will need both short-and long-term physical, as
well as psychological, treatment to aid them in recovery (Braithwaite and
Taylor,1992; Rosenberg and Fenley,1991).
Health care contributes significantly in patients' recovery. It often pro¬
vides needed health care service within the home. It can be used after acute
illnesses, hospitalization for chronic illnesses, or injuries sustained from abuse
that require the care of a skilled nurse. It is also needed to assist people in
accomplishing daily activities. Home health care services may include provid¬
ing the following:
In addition to health care services, states such as Missouri and Kansas are
implementing senior clinics to care for the elderly. These clinics are designed
for homebound seniors and residents of long-term care and assisted living.
They were created to meet the challenges posed by health care needs. They
provide a comfortable, convenient, cost-effective setting in which patients'
special needs can be assessed, diagnosed, and treated by a primary care or
specialty physician. Moreover, these clinics provide access to treatment for an
improved quality of life, better monitoring through reduced hospitalization,
and they allow chronic illnesses and injuries to be monitored for better med¬
ical outcomes. Senior clinics provide services for patients who:
Health care professionals are responsible for assessing and treating phys¬
ical, as well as mental health, problems that are common among the aging
population. When the elderly are taken to a hospital for injuries caused by a
caregiver, case managers and social workers are duty bound to report inci¬
dents of suspected abuse to the appropriate authorities. After the elderly
receive treatment and are released, case management workers assess the
needs of patients. In most cases, they set up services and speak directly to the
caregiver. Case management workers and social workers make inquiries
about what type of equipment or service will be needed to aid the patient.
They may have to make arrangements for the delivery of special equipment
that will be needed for recovery. Depending on the condition of the elderly,
such items may include a hospital bed, a wheelchair, a neck brace, bedside
commode, or a rolling walker. Moreover, home health nurses typically visit
the patient's home several times a week or as often as needed to assess the
patient's progress.These nurses usually monitor vital signs, give medication
as needed, and teach the caregiver how to provide for the patient. These serv¬
ices are typically paid for by Medicaid and Medicare programs.
Health care professionals argue that elder abuse adds to an already
strained health care system. This is especially true for states' existing health
care programs, such as Medicaid. Despite this, health experts argue that the
elderly poor, unlike those who are affluent, experience unequal access to
Medicaid and Medicare (see Julian and Kornblum,1986). In fact, they argue
that minorities typically face differences in health and in effective access to
health services. Comparatively, they report that middle class elders have
greater access to health care and receive better quality of health care services,
such as medical attention, medication, and treatments. They argue that this is
not the reality for the minority elderly population that is disproportionately
made up of African-Americans and Hispanics. For example, Braithwaite and
Taylor (1992) contend that many elderly minorities suffer more since they
have major obstacles to health that include poverty or a lack of financial
resources, fragmented care or a lack of quality care, unemployment, and a
lack of qualified staff. What is more alarming is that when the minority elder¬
ly are in reasonably good health, it may soon decline because of factors, such
as an improper diet, lack of regular medication, medical attention, therapeu¬
tic equipments and routine checkups (Braithwaite and Taylor, 1992). Health
experts argue that access to the health care system is highly unequal because
it is based on the ability to pay (Calhoun, Light, and Keller, 1997).
Despite the fact that elder abuse has existed for a long period of time, pre¬
vention strategies are in developmental or infancy stages (Doener and Lab,
2002). In fact, experts report that only within the past decade has formal leg-
154 Anderson and Mangels
During the 1980s, most practitioners who worked with elder adults were
reluctant to rely on the legal system as a means to protect their clients (Quinn
and Heisler, 2002). As a result, the legal system was under-utilized for pre¬
venting elder abuse. Today, however, practitioners, as well as senior adults,
have embraced the idea that the legal system can be used to protect the elder¬
ly's property interests and make perpetrators accountable for their misbehav¬
ior towards the elderly.The legal system provides two remedies: civil justice
and criminal justice. Essentially, the civil justice system addresses the person¬
al injuries and damages a defendant sustains at the hands of other persons or
entities. The criminal justice system addresses the harm committed against
persons and property. Both systems strive to restore balance and teach people
and entities to obey the law. However, in civil cases, if the plaintiff prevails, he
or she is awarded compensation for injuries. In criminal cases, if one is found
guilty of a crime, he or she could face a loss of life, freedom, pay a fine, or
make restitution to the victim depending on the seriousness of the crime.
Sometimes defendants face a combination of sanctions.
Where elder abuse is concerned, Heisler and Quinn (1995) write that civil
and criminal justice systems seek remedies to prevent and resolve elder mal¬
treatment. More specially, both justice systems strive to (1) stop the unlawful,
improper, or exploitative conduct that is inflicted on the victim; (2) protect the
victim and society from the perpetrator; (3) hold the offender accountable for
the behavior and communicate the message that the behavior is unacceptable;
(4) rehabilitate the offender; and (5) make the victim whole by ordering the
perpetrator to pay restitution or return property, as well as make payments for
expenses incurred by the victim. Again, legal remedies include the use of the
civil justice and criminal justice systems.
Elder abuse or neglect is an issue that the civil justice system addresses.
To prevail in a civil proceeding, the elder victim or a surviving family mem¬
ber (the plaintiff) must show the injuries or damages that he or she sustained
with a "preponderance of the evidence." Essentially, the elderly victim
Elder Abuse: A Public Health Perspective 155
(injured party) must present more evidence to prove that the injuries were
sustained and inflicted or caused by the defendant (caregiver). The party that
has a majority of the evidence in his/her favor will win the case. In Rolando V.
del Carmen (1991), a criminal justice scholar argues that the degree of certain¬
ty required to win a civil lawsuit is the establishment of a preponderance of
the evidence. This typically requires more than fifty percent of the evidence in
one's favor. In other situations, such as a challenge for guardianship or con¬
servatorship, the courts require a higher degree of certainty and the burden of
proof is greater, del Carmen postulates that the degree of certainty needed to
prove that an elder is unable to care for himself or herself is "clear and con¬
vincing evidence." This generally requires 80 percent of the evidence. The
burden of proof is higher because elderly citizens may lose the freedom to
care for themselves and be placed in the custody and care of a guardian or
Elder abuse or neglect is also an issue that the criminal justice system
addresses. For example, if a defendant is charged with an offense, such as neg¬
lect or a crime against an elderly person, he/she could lose freedom and civil
rights. He could also be forced to pay restitution. Subsequently, the state has
the heavy burden of proving "guilt beyond a reason doubt." Essentially, the
prosecutor must take 95 percent of the state's evidence and connect the
accused to the crime (del Carmen, 1991). If the jury is at least 6 percent sure that
the accused did not commit the crime, reasonable doubt exists and therefore,
the jury will be instructed to find the defendant "not guilty." Some legal schol¬
ars argue that of the two systems, the civil justice system is probably better
because the victim or surviving family members can bring a legal action
against the accused. These experts argue that this is not the case in the crimi¬
nal justice system. In criminal cases, the State, or the people, represent the
injured party, thus, removing the victim from the process. The prosecutor rep¬
resents the people. In fact, critics worry that the victim may be removed from
the process entirely. In some cases, however, victims may be called as witness¬
es. Sometimes, the victims are even allowed to give impact statements before
a jury pronounces its verdict and sentence.
Reforms have occurred in the civil justice system. Chief among them are
enhancement laws that require elder abuse and neglect to be reported to: (1)
Adult Protective Services; (2) law enforcement agencies; and (3) other authori¬
ties, such as a long-term Ombudsman (Quinn and Hiesler, 2002). Some states,
such as California, require cross reporting between these three agencies.
Moreover, when law enforcement discovers elder abuse is being committed,
they must report the abuse to the appropriate licencing agency. Furthermore,
issues are emerging in Medicaid-funded facilities that are being investigated by
156 Anderson and Mangels
local prosecutorial agencies. However, some of these cases are being reviewed
by federal prosecutors because they cross state lines (U.S. Department of Justice
and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2000). Experts also con¬
tend that over the years, Adult Protective Services (APS) have expanded in
most states (APS is the section of local departments of Human Services agencies
responsible for receiving and investigating reports of elder abuse and neglect).
Current changes to APS include enhanced worker training and a mandatory
response time to each report. Other changes in response to elder abuse include
new laws and innovative causes of action (see Quinn and Hiesler, 2002). Some
states, including California, offer trial setting preference for cases involving the
elderly (see California Code of Civil Procedure Section 76; Penal Code Section 1048).
Another example comes from the U.S. House of Representatives (2001) which
provides that those who engage in nursing home abuse should be made civilly
and criminally liable. Some experts argue that a Congressional hearing is need¬
ed since many civil lawsuits had been filed against nursing homes. Charges in
these suits range from improper billing, failure to provide adequate training
and supervision of staff, inadequate care, failure to supervise and protect
patients from harm and neglect, and engaging in unfair business practices (see
People v. Casa Blanca Convalescent Homes, Inc, 1984). Another cause of action that
has emerged in California is entitled the California Elder Abuse and Dependant
Adult Civil Protection Act (see California Welfare and Institutional Code Section
11567-1167.3), and provides that victims of elder abuse can recover damages for
pain and suffering in addition to actual damages, attorney's fees, costs, and
punitive damages from physical abuse, neglect, and fiduciary abuse where the
defendant is guilty of recklessness, oppression, fraud, or malice in the commis¬
sion of the abuse.
Reforms have also occurred in the criminal justice system to better assist
victims of elder abuse. For example, many states have created specialized laws
to enhance punishment for crimes committed against elderly citizens (see
Stiegel, 1995). Another effort is the creation of special training programs on
elder abuse. The programs provide special investigatory techniques to criminal
justice personnel. These programs are currently being used in states such as
Horida and South Carolina. Some agencies are following these examples by cre¬
ating special training programs to assist the elderly. They include the Police
Executive Research Forum (PERF) and the California Commission on Police
Officer Standards and Training (POST) (see Quinn and Hiesler, 2002). Another
emerging trend has been the creation of special units within police departments
and prosecutorial offices to address the special issues found in elder abuse and
neglect cases. Moreover, many states have also created specialty courts with
jurisdiction over particular issues in criminal justice. For example, some states
now have elder courts. These courts help to remove heavy caseloads from the
existing court system and focus primarily on the special needs of elderly vic¬
tims. They also allow court personnel to become experts (see Gaines, Kaune,
Elder Abuse: A Public Health Perspective 157
and Miller, 2000). Despite the help of legal remedies, Quinn and Tomita (1986)
argue that no one legal system can solve the problem of elder abuse. Moreover,
they also argue that legal remedies alone may not be enough. Another way to
effectively control and prevent elder abuse is to create comprehensive systems.
To help prevent elder abuse, emergency rooms and hospitals can quickly
take a proactive or a reactive role. For example, the Massachusetts Office of the
Attorney General (1992) provides that as part of a multidisciplinary approach
to prevent the continuation of elder abuse, emergency rooms and hospitals can
create protocol for abuse and neglect cases. According to the attorney general,
as soon as health care professionals recognize the warning signs of physical
abuse or neglect, they can question the patient to collect more facts to either con¬
firm or dispel suspicion that abuse is occurring. If their suspicion is corroborat¬
ed by information from the patient, the emergency room or hospital personnel
should immediately notify the proper authorities so that someone can investi¬
gate the matter. Experts contend that this will allow for the reduction and elim¬
ination of many cases of elder abuse, and aid in the prevention of premature
deaths. These experts also criticize emergency rooms and hospitals for not hav¬
ing a standard protocol in place to assist victims of elder abuse.
Some experts argue that the creation of more gerontology programs in the
nation's colleges and universities can help to increase awareness of and prevent
elder abuse. Gerontology is defined as the study of the aging process and peo-
158 Anderson and Mangels
pie as they grow from middle age through life (Calhoun, Light, and Keller,
1997). It is a multidisciplinary field that relies on biology, sociology and psychol¬
ogy to understand and assist the elderly. In short, gerontology focuses on the
study of physical, mental, and social changes in older people. It also investi¬
gates the changes in society that results from the aging population, such as the
family, economy, health services delivery, government and private programs,
and religious institutions. Those with educational backgrounds in gerontology
are referred to as gerontologists.They provide many services to the aging pop¬
ulation. For example, gerontologists work in areas such as community and
human services, health care and long-term care institutions, federal, state, and
local governmental agencies, retirement communities, academic and education¬
al research settings, professional organizations and other areas. Gerontologists
work either directly or indirectly with the elderly. Gerontologists have first¬
hand knowledge about the plight of elders, including issues of abuse. They can
use their knowledge to sensitize the public and make it aware of the needs and
experiences of elders. For example, gerontologists often use the public health
approach by visiting communities where elder abuse is a common occurrence
as discovered through health surveillance. They can educate residents on the
definition and consequences of elder abuse. They can also enlist the help of
police and health care professionals to assist them.
Officials at the CDC argue that while visiting targeted areas where elder
abuse is found, gerontologists and health care officials can educate a population
on the dangers of this epidemic by citing the sheer numbers of those affected
and how others in the environment are also affected by the cycle of violence,
exchange, and family stress theories. Gerontologists and health officials can also
use visual captions of injuries and even photos of victims who have been killed
by abuse. CDC officials believe that this technique can be instrumental in dram¬
atizing the harsh realities associated with elder abuse. Gerontologists can also
use their positions to advocate the interests of the elderly population. For exam¬
ple, they can apply their expertise to help transcend the quality of life for eld¬
ers, speak about aspects of aging in civic and community groups, and influence
agencies and organizations that serve the elderly. Most importantly, gerontolo¬
gists can positively influence legislation and policies that affect the elderly by
joining forces with such groups as AARP and similar organizations to lobby
elected officials to create better legislation and to vigorously enforce existing
laws. As the demographic composition of the U.S. continues to age, the need for
gerontologists becomes more apparent. Therefore, colleges and universities
around the country would do well to market their gerontology programs to
attract and train the next generation of gerontologists to serve in the areas of
service provision, administration, health professionals, and educator/
researchers to meet the demands of this emerging population.
Policy Recommendations
Politicians and public health officials agree that elder abuse is a serious
problem in the U.S. However, they may be at odds over which approach is the
Elder Abuse: A Public Health Perspective 159
best way to address the issue. In the U.S., there is no national crime or health
policy (Donziger, 1996). Each state legislature is responsible for creating its
separate policies. The results have been a mixture of liberal to moderate to
conservative approaches in dealing with the issue of crime and health care.
Experts warn that policymakers must view crime and health policies in the
larger context of society. Crime and health policies must make the country
safe and healthier and be crafted in a cost-effective manner (Donziger, 1996).
Both politicians and public health officials agree that in order for public poli¬
cy to be effective, they must address some of the causes that are associated
with elder abuse. Policy recommendations include the following:
As part of the public health approach to prevent disease and injury, CDC
officials rely on public service announcements to launch campaigns against
the dangers of tobacco, teenage pregnancy, child abuse and domestic violence
against women. Other health care professionals also use public service
announcements to increase social awareness of the dangers of these and other
epidemics. These announcements are strategically scheduled to be aired dur¬
ing prime time television viewing. In addition, public service announcements
are often made over radio programming and placed on community bill¬
boards. Gerontologists and epidemiologists contend that the same strategy
can be used to increase awareness and educate the public on the reality of
elder abuse. These announcements are used to show the vulnerability of eld¬
ers and the consequences of abuse on everyone in the household. They may
also imply that the behavior is intergenerational.
Expanding the definition of hate crime to include elder abuse and repeat¬
ed cases of neglect followed by a sentence enhancement seems a logical poli¬
cy that may serve to reduce and prevent elder abuse. This seems a logical
course of action since other victimized groups in society have been included
160 Anderson and Mangels
in its definition. For example, under hate crime laws those who receive pro¬
tection include: Minorities, women, the handicapped, people with alternative
lifestyles, and others who are targeted for crime because of religion. As part of
their punishment, offenders should be forced to receive sensitivity counseling
and anger management courses prior to being released from confinement.
This may serve as an effective strategy since recent crime statistics reveal that
hate crimes are actually declining from several years ago (Uniform Crime
Reports, 2001).
Publicizing the Identity and Photo of Those Who Engage in Elder Abuse
In cases where it has been reported that an elderly person is at high risk,
social workers should give priority to such cases by making routine visits to
ensure that the elder is safe. Moreover, in such cases, efforts should be made
to allow the elder to be more independent by setting up accounts that auto¬
matically deposit their social security and retirement funds and to automati¬
cally pay bills such as rent, utilities, and phone. This is believed to deter vio¬
lence that some elderly suffer at the hands of caregivers who have chemical
dependency problems (these are the high risk cases).
requires. Essentially, it would create an obligation to act when one does not
feel compelled to act. Despite what most people believe, mandatory reporting
laws can easily be enforced because of the failure to act when there is a legal
obligation to act.
As stated previously, every state in the country has some type of program
in place to assist elderly victims of abuse. These typically include mandatory
reporting laws, protective services and service options. However, it is very
difficult to determine if these programs are having a positive effect on reduc¬
ing elder abuse. This is due, in part, to a lack of evaluation research conduct¬
ed on existing programs. It is vital that research be conducted to determine if
these programs are meeting their stated objectives. As of now, it is almost
impossible to know if states have genuine concerns about the effectiveness of
such programs or if states simply want to say that they have assistance or a
response in place to help elder victims of abuse. Moreover, state officials who
sponsor programs to assist the elderly should require that funded programs
receive evaluation to determine it the funds are being wisely spent. Otherwise
the money to defray the costs of existing programs could be better spent on
strategies that may be more viable in alleviating the problem of elder abuse.
Elder abuse is a criminal justice, as well as public health, issue in the U.S.
As the elderly population rises, the number of victimizations and the magni¬
tude of the resulting health problems will become even more serious. It is crit¬
ical that the response to elder abuse improves in order to successfully address
prevention and treatment issues now and in the future. Currently, states inter¬
vene with social services, such as mandatory reporting laws, protective servic¬
es, and service options. Yet, the effectiveness of these interventions is unknown
because of the paucity of program evaluation. As state budgets grow tighter it
is increasingly imperative that elder abuse funds are managed wisely. At the
same time, the approach to elder abuse needs to be interdisciplinary, since no
single program or agency can adequately address prevention and treatment.
We believe that the public health approach offers such a strategy. The authors
of this chapter suggest the following policies be adopted in order to accom¬
plish prevention and treatment goals: (1) public service announcements; (2)
expanding the definition of hate crime; (3) mandatory standardized protocol
used by hospitals; (4) publicizing the identity and photo of those who engage
in elder abuse; (5) better data collection; (6) random unannounced inspections
of nursing homes; (7) more social worker contact in high risk abuse cases; (8)
mandatory certification for home health care workers; (9) aggressive enforce¬
ment of mandatory reporting laws; and (10) evaluation research to determine
the effectiveness of existing programs. At the same time, we argue that the eld¬
erly should rely more on the help of the criminal justice and civil justice sys¬
tems. We caution that a failure to heed our policy recommendations may mean
that more cases of elder abuse will continue to go unreported, and unfortu¬
nately others may even experience a premature death.
Elder Abuse: A Public Health Perspective 163
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164 Anderson and Mangels
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People v. Casa Blanca Convalescent Homes. Inc. (CA., 1984) 159 Cal. App. 3rc^ 509.
California Laws
California Elder Abuse and Dependent Adult Civil Protection Act
Cal. Welfare and Institutional Code Section 11567-1167.3
Code of Civil Procedure: 76; Penal Code Section 1048.
Randal Summers and Allan Hoffman
We would like to believe that our retiring parents and our beloved grand¬
parents are enjoying the latter part of their lives and receiving the honor and
respect that they so deserve. Unfortunately, for millions of elderly this is only
an idealistic figment of imagination. The sobering truth is that a significant
number of our elderly are being abused by family members and caregivers in
the home or to a lesser extent by the staff and residents in our institutional set¬
tings. There are projections that our elderly population 65 years and older will
exceed 70 million by the year 2030. A conservative elder abuse estimate of 5%
of this population would suggest that there will be over 3 million elders vic¬
timized in the U.S alone. This is sad commentary for one of the most educat¬
ed, wealthy and powerful countries in the developed world.
Despite this harsh reality, there is hope. We are slowly coming to the real¬
ization that much has to be done if we are to stem the tide of elder abuse.
Throughout this volume recommendations for action have been identified in
regard to the specific topics being addressed.
In regard to Intimate Partner Violence and Abuse (IPVA) and older
women the research body of knowledge is at a very early stage of scientific
maturity. We need to have a better understanding of and ways for identifying
the perpetrators. Currently there are few resources that specifically deal with
the needs of older women. We need to identify what constitutes the appropri¬
ate services and educate our physicians and shelter service providers.
Very little is known about the offenders in the sexual victimization of our
elders. Current research into sexual abuse often overlooks elderly women. We
need to help providers of elder care, criminal justice and adult protective serv¬
ice workers expand their perception of sexual abuse in order to more ade¬
quately identify and protect victims.
There is a great need for more research on the effectiveness of criminaliza¬
tion and the coordination among statistical service systems and service
providers. We have seen advances in adult protection legislation and creating
protocols for detection and intervention but more has to be done in this area.
In the area of communication, we need to design computer programs for older
persons and train them to be computer literate. We should assist nursing
home staff and family members with better ways of communicating with the
elderly residents. Cooperation from the media is critical if we are to have any
168 Summers and Hoffman
170 Index
176 Editors and Contributing Authors
James F. Anderson is Associate Professor of Criminal Justice and Criminology at
the University of Missouri at Kansas City. Prior to joining the faculty in 1999,
he was employed at Eastern Kentucky University in the Department of Police
Studies. He has published several books and articles in the areas of crimino¬
logical theory, intermediate sanctions, legal rights of prisoners, and crime and
public health care. He is currently working on a book for police procedures.
Dr. James F. Anderson, University of Missouri at Kansas City, Department of
Sociology/Criminal Justice and Criminology, 5100 Rockhill Road, Kansas
City, MO 64110; andersonjf@umkc.edu
Denise Gaffigan Bender, JD, PT, GCS is an associate professor in the College
of Allied Health, Department of Rehabilitation Sciences at the University of
Oklahoma Health Sciences Center (OUHSC) in Oklahoma City, OK. She also
has an adjunct appointment as clinical associate professor at the OUHSC
Donald W. Reynolds Department of Geriatric Medicine. She is certified by the
American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties as a geriatric clinical special¬
ist and is also a licensed member of the Oklahoma Bar Association. Professor
Bender gives presentations on the topic of elder abuse to professional and
community groups. Denise Gaffigan Bender, Department of Rehabilitation
Sciences, The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, Oklahoma City,
OK 73190
Paulina X. Ruf, Ph.D., M.D. A., and M.A. is assistant professor of Sociology at
the University of Tampa. She is a graduate of Western Michigan University,
where she also completed a Graduate Certificate in Gerontology. Dr. Ruf stud¬
ies different aspects of aging among ethnic/racial minorities, in particular
their use and non-use of health and social services, family support and care¬
giving patterns, including grandparents raising grandchildren, and the
Elder Abuse: A Public Health Perspective 179
Dr. Therese Zink, MD, MPH. Board certified in family medicine with a
Masters in Public Health, Dr. Zink is an assistant professor in the Department
of Family and Community Medicine at the University of Minnesota. She has
had foundation and government funding to examine family violence. The
long term goals of her research are to help primary care providers identify and
manage families living with domestic violence. From 1998-2004 she was an
Associate Professor in the Department of Family Medicine at the University
of Cincinnati where she collaborated with her co-authors on papers that
examined the services available to older women living with domestic violence
and the incidence and prevalence of different types of abuse against older
women and their health effects. Therese Zink, M.D., MPH , Department of
Family Medicine, P.O. Box 0582, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio
45267-0582; zinktm@fammed.uc.edu
Amazing Help.
10 Center Drive
Bethesda, MD 20892-1150
Elder abuse and mistreatment in America
is a widespread public health and social
problem that is often under-recognized
and under-reported. This comprehensive
volume addresses the following:
other countries/cultures?
* Is the problem more prevalent in the family
* What can we do to stop the suffering?
Public Health