Shadowfinder - Big Damn Heroes
Shadowfinder - Big Damn Heroes
Shadowfinder - Big Damn Heroes
The envoy uses her personal magnetism and The technomancer understands the connections
intelligence to help her allies and baffle her enemies, between technology and magic, and exploits them by
often in the service of negotiation or politics. bending reality to suit her needs.
The full class description of the Envoy begins on The full class description of the Technomancer begins
page 60 of the Starfinder Core Rulebook. on page 118 of the Starfinder Core Rulebook.
Adept at building and modifying machinery, the Archetypes allow players to focus on very specific
mechanic has either an advanced artificial intelligence or
character concepts when the choices of class and theme
a cutting-edge robot drone as his constant companion. alone don’t quite match up to their visions. All of the
The full class description of the Mechanic begins on archetypes presented on the following pages can be
page 68 of the Starfinder Core Rulebook. applied to any class, using the rules for archetypes
found on pages 126–127 of the Starfinder Core
MYSTIC Rulebook. Rules for how to apply archetypes to
The mystic magically channels the energy connecting NPCs with class grafts can be found on page 167 of
all things, often through a focus on the divine or Starfinder: Pact Worlds.
intuitive understanding of biological systems.
The full class description of the Mystic begins on ARCANAMIRIUM SAGE
page 82 of the Starfinder Core Rulebook. Much like the pre-Exodus Hermetic academy of the
same name, the Arcanamirium on Absalom Station is a
OPERATIVE prestigious institution of magical learning. Numerous
The operative has the skills to complete almost any ancient and alien artifacts are stored in the university’s
mission requiring stealth and discretion, whether it be vaults, and many sages trained at the institution thus
simple espionage or messy wet work. specialize in studying magic items. Arcanamirium sages
The full class description of the Operative begins on learn to hack an item’s magical field, which allows them
page 92 of the Starfinder Core Rulebook. to unlock powers unavailable to normal users.
Most Arcanamirium sages are mystics and
technomancers who studied at the university, but other
SOLDIER characters can be Arcanamirium sages, such as
Thoroughly familiar with weapons of war, the soldier explorers who investigate ancient sites of magical
is ready to wreak havoc when force is called for, and power or adventurers who want to augment their
specializes in a particular fighting style. abilities with magic.
The full class description of the Soldier begins on Alternate Class Features
page 110 of the Starfinder Core Rulebook.
The Arcanamirium sage archetype grants alternate
class features at 2nd, 6th, 9th, 12th, and 18th levels. You can wear up to four hybrid or magic items at a
Magic Item Scholar (Ex) 2nd Level time and have them all function normally.
As an Arcanamirium sage, you have an almost
instinctual grasp over magic and hybrid items. You gain
an insight bonus equal to half your class level to
Engineering and Mysticism checks to identify and repair Most denizens of the 'Verse revere a deity, but few
hybrid and magic items, and you don’t need detect experience such a close connection with their gods as
magic to determine whether an object is a magic item divine champions. A divine champion is a fervent
or to identify a magic item. You can also decipher defender of or crusader for a faith, becoming a living
magical inscriptions that would otherwise be vessel for the deity’s power through study and prayer.
unintelligible or, as a full action, identify any spells However, gods are mysterious and inscrutable, and they
encoded in a spell gem, even if you aren’t a spellcaster. sometimes bestow this power upon mortals who don’t
You gain access to the spell identify. If you have the understand why they were chosen.
spells class feature, you add identify to your list of spells Divine champions of all classes exist, but different
known, and treat it as a spell on your class spell list. If deities favor champions of different classes. For
you already have identify as a spell known, you instead example, many of Aphrodite’s divine champions are
gain an additional 1st level spell known of your choice envoys, while Tyr prefers soldiers and Lao Shu Po favors
from your class spell list. If you do not have a class spell operatives.
list or spells known, you gain identify as a spell-like Alternate Class Features
ability you can cast twice per day. The divine champion archetype grants alternate class
Additionally, in typical settlements, you can find and features at 2nd, 4th, 6th, 12th, and 18th levels.
purchase any hybrid or magic item with an item level up Divine Awakening (Su) 2nd Level
to your character level + 2. As normal, the GM can Choose a deity whose alignment is within one step
restrict access to some items regardless of their level. of your own (see page 25 of the Starfinder Core
Spell Gem Manipulation (Su) 6th Level Rulebook). If you have other abilities that require you to
Once per day, while holding a spell gem in your choose a deity (such as the priest theme), you must
hand, you can cast the spell encoded within the gem choose the same deity.
using a spell slot of the same level or higher, just as You are divinely protected, gaining a +1
though you were casting one of your spells known. The enhancement bonus to saving throws with your lowest
spell must be on your class’s spell list and cannot base saving throw bonus; if two or three of your base
require expensive materials as part of its casting. If the saving throw bonuses are tied for the lowest value,
spell normally requires an expenditure of Resolve Points choose one of those categories to gain this bonus. This
to cast, you must expend the same number of Resolve functions as and doesn’t stack with the bonus provided
Points to use this ability. Using a spell gem this way by a ring of resistance, except the effect cannot be
doesn’t expend the magic encoded within the gem. If dispelled. At 6th level and every 4 levels thereafter, the
you aren’t a spellcaster, once per day you can instead bonus increases by 1.
cast a spell from a spell gem as though you were a Divine Judgment (Su) 4th Level
spellcaster (expending the magic normally), as long as Choose chaos, evil, good, or law; your choice must
the spell gem’s item level isn’t higher than your correspond to a portion of your or your deity’s
character level. alignment (or both, if possible). If both you and your
You also gain access to augury, using the same rules deity are neutral, you can choose any one of the four.
as for gaining access to identify in the magic item As a move action, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to
scholar alternate class feature. pronounce a creature you can see an enemy of your
Magic Item Attunement (Su) 9th Level faith. Until the target is dead or the next time you take a
You can wear up to three hybrid or magic items at a full 8-hour rest, all your weapon attacks bypass that
time and have them all function normally. target’s DR and ignore its energy resistances as though
You also gain access to arcane sight, using the same your weapons had the fusion corresponding to your
rules as for gaining access to identify in magic item chosen alignment (even if the target isn’t a dragon or
scholar. outsider): anarchic (chaos), axiomatic (law), holy (good),
Recharge Magic Item (Su) 12th Level or unholy (evil).
Once per day, you can expend 1 Resolve Point to Lesser Divine Power (Sp) 6th Level
refresh a magic item’s daily charges, even if the magic Choose a connection (as per the mystic class feature)
item has already refreshed its charges for that day. The that fits within your deity’s ethos (subject to the GM’s
item level of this magic item can’t be higher than your discretion). Your bond with your deity has grown strong
character level. This doesn’t affect magic items that enough for you to duplicate the effects of some of the
don’t have charges that refresh each day. connection spells, though you don’t actually gain any
Greater Magic Item Attunement (Su) 18th Level connection abilities.
Once per day, you can cast the 1st- or 2nd-level swap out that skill and select a new skill from the list to
spell of your chosen connection as a spell-like ability. At use with this ability.
10th level, you can use this ability twice per day, and at System Guru (Ex) 6th Level
14th level, you can use this ability three times per day. Whenever you use Computers to attempt to destroy
The save DC of these spells is equal to 10 + the spell’s or repair a system module, detect a fake shell, disable or
level + your key ability score modifier. manipulate a countermeasure or module, gain root
Divine Power (Sp) 12th Level access, or hack a computer system, and the target
Your divine connection continues to grow, allowing computer’s tier is no higher than half your level, you can
you to use more powerful magic. Once per day, you roll twice and take the higher result.
can cast the 3rd- or 4th-level spell of your chosen Tactical Analysis (Ex) 9th Level
connection as a spell-like ability. At 16th level, you can As a move action, you can analyze a creature’s
use this ability twice per day, and at 20th level, you can movement and defenses, trying to find a weakness.
use this ability three times per day. The save DC of Attempt a skill check using the same skill you would
these spells is equal to 10 + the spell’s level + your key use if you were trying to identify the creature
ability score modifier. (Engineering, Life Science, or Mysticism). You cannot
Greater Divine Power (Sp) 18th Level take 10 or take 20 on this check, even if an ability
Your divine connection becomes immensely would allow you to do so in combat. The DC for this
powerful. Once per day, you can cast the 5th- or 6th- check is equal to 15 + the creature’s CR. If you succeed,
level spell of your chosen connection as a spell-like you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to attack rolls against
ability. The save DC of these spells is equal to 10 + the that creature until the end of your turn, and any weapon
spell’s level + your key ability score modifier. or spell attacks you make until the end of your turn
ignore 5 points of the target’s DR and energy
DATA JOCKEY resistances. Alternatively, you can spend a second move
action to relay this information to your allies; until the
Data jockeys are the foremost experts on the beginning of your next turn, your allies’ weapon and
analysis, architecture, manipulation, and retrieval of spell attacks can ignore 5 points of the target’s DR and
data. They live for the thrill of exploration and joy of energy resistances, but allies do not gain a bonus to
discovery, delving into databases and networks much attack rolls.
like a field agent ventures into ancient ruins Master of Lore (Ex) 18th Level
Because of their affinity with computers and You can treat your full ranks in Computers as your
technology, most data jockeys are envoys, mechanics, ranks in all skills you have selected with the fast retrieval
operatives, or technomancers, but members of virtually ability, and you don’t need to spend Resolve Points to
any class can become successful data jockeys. do so.
Alternate Class Features
The data jockey archetype grants alternate class AUGMENTED
features at 2nd, 6th, 9th, and 18th levels.
Fast Retrieval (Ex) 2nd Level The Augmented have become a cultural movement
Whenever you have access to an Cortex node or of seeking perfection through artificial upgrades — most
downloaded data set, you can use the Computers skill often cybernetics. The Augmented push the boundaries
for any skill check to recall knowledge. Furthermore, you of cybernetic integration, often appearing as much
dabble in scientific study and have a thirst for machine as organic.
knowledge in fields beyond your own, and your ability Alternate Class Features
to create simulations and process data allows you to The Augmented grants alternate class features at
emulate skills that would normally be beyond your 2nd, 4th, 6th, and 9th levels.
grasp. Select Culture, Engineering, Life Science, Favored Augmentation (Ex) 2nd Level
Medicine, Mysticism, Physical Science, or Profession Select one system of the body for which you can
(any one); whenever you attempt a skill check with that acquire augmentations. When you purchase and install
skill, you can treat half your ranks in Computers as your an augmentation with an item level no greater than your
ranks in that skill for the check, if that would be better. character level into that system, you reduce the
You are considered trained in the skill for the purposes augmentation’s price by 50%.
of this check. If you spend 1 Resolve Point as part of the Nested Augmentations (Ex) 4th Level
check, you can treat your full ranks in Computers as your Whether it’s because your body is especially
ranks in that skill for the check. At 8th, 14th, and 20th receptive to modification or you’re able to adjust your
levels, you can select an additional skill to use with this modifications to fit alongside one another, you can use
ability. Additionally, if you gain a number of ranks equal more augmentations at once than other creatures can.
to or greater than half your ranks in Computers in a skill You can install one additional augmentation into one
you have selected with this ability, you can immediately system that already has an augmentation. You can have
no more than two augmentations in that system, even if upgrades. These benefits last for a number of rounds
you have another ability that grants you a similar equal to your character level.
benefit. • Strength: You gain a circumstance bonus equal
Sustained by Science (Ex) 6th Level to your Strength upgrade’s model to all
Your technological components from augmentations Strength- and Dexterity-based skill checks and
grant you extraordinary resilience. Whenever you spend ability checks. Reduce your armor check penalty
one or more Resolve Points, you gain an equal number by an amount equal to your model type
of charges as though your body were a battery with a (minimum 0).
maximum capacity equal to the number of
augmentations you have. You can use these charges to
• Dexterity: Each of your modes of movement
increases by an amount equal to 10 ft. × your
power any device that you own, and any unused
Dexterity upgrade’s model, to a maximum of
charges disappear at a rate of 1 charge per 10 minutes.
twice your normal speed for each.
This excess energy can be used only to directly power
an object, and not to recharge a battery or item. • Constitution: At the end of your turn you regain
When calculating how many Resolve Points you Stamina Points equal to 3 × your Constitution
must spend to stabilize, subtract half your number of upgrade’s model.
augmentations from your maximum Resolve Points. • Intelligence: You gain a circumstance bonus
When you spend any Resolve Points to stabilize, you equal to your Intelligence upgrade’s model to
can also attempt a saving throw against one bleeding or all Intelligence-based skill checks and ability
burning condition affecting you against the effect’s checks. Your critical hits deal additional damage
original DC (or if there was no save, a Fortitude save equal to 4 × your model type.
equal to 10 + the source’s CR). If you succeed at the • Wisdom: You gain a circumstance bonus equal
save, the condition ends. to your Wisdom upgrade’s model to all
Overclocked Systems (Ex) 9th Level Wisdom-based skill checks and ability checks as
The fusion between your natural form and your well as to initiative checks.
augmentations surpasses either’s intended limits. As a
swift action, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to choose
• Charisma: You gain a circumstance bonus equal
to your Charisma upgrade’s model to all
one personal upgrade (Starfinder Core Rulebook 212)
Charisma-based skill checks and ability checks.
you have and gain a temporary benefit based on the
As a reaction, you can allow any ally that can
ability score it augments. The benefit increases based on
see or hear you within 30 feet to reroll one
the model type, treating Mk1 as 1, Mk2 as 2, and Mk3
attack roll, saving throw, or skill check (Core
as 3 for the purpose of calculating the effect. At 13th
Rulebook 243). Using this reaction immediately
level you can gain the associated benefits for two of
ends all of your overclocked systems benefits.
your personal upgrades, and at 17th level you can gain
the associated benefits for up to three of your personal