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Shadowfinder - Big Damn Heroes

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The history of the 'Verse, as far as most people are concerned, begins with the terraforming of the Central
Planets. People don't have a real sense of the history of Earth-That-Was, nor do they much care. Not with the
pressing concerns of the present weighing them down. Some cynics don't believe much of what is written about
the past, thinking it to be the propaganda of an oppressive government.

Exodus With so many different people of all nationalities and

races inside the space ships, the old ethnic and political
Earth has long since faded into legend and its relics barriers began to blur. People learned the native
are now priceless. Depleted resources, overpopulation, languages of their fellow ship dwellers. Subsequent
and a compromised ecosystem forced the population to generations would come to speak fluently the two
abandon "Earth-That-Was". Instead of erupting into all dominant languages, English and Mandarin, and phrases
out war, humanity united in finding a new home. from other cultures.
Scientists had found a star system with dozens of During the exodus, some people lost hope along the
planets and hundreds of moons, almost all of which had way in accidents and malfunctions. If an ark lost life
enough mass and solidity to be templates for new support, thousands died. The arks became their coffins,
earths. Through giant atmosphere processing plants, forever drifting in space. But for every person that lost
terraforming technologies, gravity regulation and the hope, hundreds were there to keep it alive. Each day
introduction of every known form of Earth life, each brought humanity closer to their new home and
could become habitable for a human population. As a eventually... there it was.
result every person willing and able to leave the Earth
migrated to the new system in a great exodus.
The Age of the Terraformers
They set out in enormous ships they referred to as These new worlds were ready for habitation (despite
"arks." Without "faster-than-light" capability, the journey the odd quirk of nature or miscalculation on a few) and
to a new home was long and taxing. One full civilization began to rebuild. Even after continued
generation was born, lived, and died without ever refinement, the process of terraforming a moon or a
leaving these space ships. The initial excitement of the planet takes decades. Terraforming requires atmospheric
voyage quickly faded into the monotony of keeping the processing plants, the regulation of gravity,
ships moving, keeping the life-support systems intact, environmental adaptation and the introduction of
and perfecting the technologies that would give future creatures great and small brought from Earth -
generations good lives on new worlds. Although some everything from algae and bacteria to insects, birds, and
expected to encounter extraterrestrial life, the only mammals. The power to make such changes is still not
signals on the scanner were the natural static found in without its limits. While most all terraformed worlds are
space. So far as people know, mankind is alone in the suitable for human life, each has its own quirks.
universe. The work of terraforming had started on the two
largest, most central planets, Sihnon and Londinium. On savagery by the conditions they encountered and some
Earth-That-Was, the two ruling powers were the United were just hard-working, independent people who didn't
Canadian and American States and the People's Republic want their lives mapped out for them before they'd lived
of China. Though these nations remained separate, the them. Some were orthodox in their religious beliefs to
two powers worked together throughout the the point where they were not comfortable among other
colonization process and as so many had, their cultures faiths, and wanted whole worlds where they would not
melding at many levels. Londinium, named after the be slowly homogenized into a different society. And
Roman name for England's capital (a country long before some were people on the run from the law.
annexed by the UCAS in a somewhat ironic reversal),
represented what was once the United States. Sihnon
The Alliance
('SEE-non,' a bastardization of Sino, the English word for There were troubles, such as famines and even wars.
'Chinese') was the new China. These two powers, still As mankind spread out, he brought with him his usual
working in harmony, grew at once into the most miseries: greed, corruption, crime. Things were
populous and advanced societies in the new civilization. definitely more peaceful among the Central Planets, but
They became the center of culture and business that peace was bought at a price. Nothing resembling
throughout the system. The governments of these two totalitarianism, but still a certain regulation of existence
planets took an enlightened view of civilization. They that would not sit well with many others. And even
worked to maintain order, but also encouraged diversity among these planets, conflicts over resources, trade,
of language, ethnicity, religion, and expression of and political influence strained the civil relations of sister
thought. nations. A movement began in the oldest, most stable
These were enlightened cultures, with respect for all planets to form a unified parliamentary system of
non-aggressive religious beliefs (though the main government that would work to regulate such matters
religion on both was Buddhism, usually of the and keep the peace. The popular idea was quickly
Mahayana tradition). Literacy levels were at 94%. ratified and in an effort to unite and quell this conflict,
Average lifespan was 120 years. Public Service was not the Central Planets formed the Union of Allied Planets, a
law - it was simply an ingrained part of the people's governing structure that unified them all under one
ethos. Certain social mores had evolved beyond our governing body, the Parliament. The few members
modern conceptions. As, for example, sex. Prostitution represented each planet, and worked in genuine
as we understand it had long since been abolished by harmony to fulfill each planet's various needs,
the legalization and strict federal regulation of the sex economically and politically.
trade. Throughout the central planets, Companion The Alliance was started out of an idealistic belief
houses were set up. Rules were made so that no man that a strong central government that controlled every
could ever run a house and no Companion could ever aspect of a person's life, from cradle to grave, could
be coerced into accepting a client. Companions were provide that person a better, safer, and more secure life.
extremely well schooled and trained in all the arts. They Although some people in the Alliance truly believed this
lived not unlike Nuns, worked not unlike Geishas, and and they dedicated their lives to bringing this about,
often rose to political or social prominence when they others merely saw this as a chance to grab power for
retired. themselves.
All of this is how life on the central planets was. The Parliament formed a Military Council that acted
Among them Sihnon, Londinium, and Osiris. On the quickly to quell any unrest among the Core planets and
outer planets, things were a somewhat different. their neighbors. Maintaining order meant keeping tight
Even though there were enough worlds to go control over the populace, and that led to the creation
around, there were not enough resources and people of many secret programs. Their hope was to make
didn't slow down procreating. Despite all the best people obedient, complacent, compliant, and outright
efforts and intentions of the original colonists, the "better" by the government's definition.
problems of the common man did not go away with the The Parliament ruled over people with fairness and
formation of new worlds. People are restless, always intelligence, but also with a strong military and a wary
looking to find greener pastures somewhere else. The eye toward any insurrection. The Military Council
outer planets, the worlds and moons that hadn't been worked under the Parliament to deliver swift, effective
chosen to house the new civilization - they were the control of any real unrest among them or their
destination for the poorer, more extreme. These neighbors. And even beyond the knowledge of the
pioneers left the crowded cities and traveled out to the Military Council were other bodies, secret bodies
most newly terraformed worlds, hoping to build a better involved such things as human experimentation,
life for themselves. They traveled out to the nearest espionage, assassinations and secret schemes up to the
planet someone hadn't claimed yet and started literally highest level, to get people to behave and improve.
turning their space ships into houses; building off The Alliance feared the Core worlds were going to
whatever the land had been shaped to provide them be corrupted by those who lived on the Border and
with. Some of these people were brought near to
Rimworlds. These worlds were self-governing, outside on for two weeks after that. Those soldiers who
the limits of Alliance control. Each world had its own set continued to fight even after being ordered to lay down
of laws and rules that suited its own particular needs. arms were captured and held in camps for a short time.
People living on these frontier planets had been forced Ultimately, the Alliance released the soldiers and officers
to be self-reliant in order to survive, and they had come as a peaceful gesture to those outer planets now under
to be free-thinkers who saw no need for a lot of its rule. The stain of criminality never left those few
government intervention. The Alliance considered such thousand - but in some quieter circles, the legend of
independence a threat to civilization. They also their tenacity made them heroes.
considered that a lot of valuable resources and real Since the battles were mostly fought on the Border
estate were outside their control. Partially out of a desire and the Rim, the Core planets escaped unscathed. To
to see life improved there (and it was often this day, many outer planets still remained damaged.
unnecessarily barbaric), to bring all the planets into the Shadow was effectively destroyed, and it remained
fold of enlightenment, and partially out of a simple uninhabitable seven years later. Major cities on Athens
imperialistic wish for control and need for resources off- were bombed. Several key land battles were fought on
limits to them, the Parliament - and the Allied planets as Persephone. Moons that had no strategic value, such as
a whole - decided that every planet should become part Whitefall, Beaumonde, and Jiangyin, were untouched,
of their program. Every planet, they decided, should be but they still suffered as a result of the disruption of
an Alliance planet, whether it wanted to or not. trade. Supplies had been hard to get as it was, and the
Believing that everyone would want to live on a safe war made it harder. Almost every person living on
and civilized world where people are cared for, idealists those planets saw their homes leveled, their businesses
on the Core planets thought this was a great idea. The fall into ruin, their loved ones killed or maimed - all in
movement for Unification spread like wildfire through the name of making their lives better.
dry brush. The leaders on the Core thought they had
only to open their arms in a wide embrace and those on
The Here and Now
the Rim would be eager to join the Alliance. Instead, At least on the surface, life has returned to normal. In
they went to war against the Alliance. truth, no one has forgotten and few have forgiven. The
The Unification War Alliance now has jurisdiction over every inhabited planet
in the system. The Alliance does not fully control
The War for Unification was the most devastating everything within its far flung territory. In reality, the
war in human history. Outer planets, including Shadow, Alliance only has full control over the Core planets. On
Persephone, and Hera, mustered forces and formed an these worlds, the eyes of the Alliance are everywhere.
alliance of their own - the Independent Faction (known Federal police can be called at a moment's notice, and
as "Browncoats," because of the brown dusters their cameras record every citizen's every move. The Core
soldiers wore). The Parliament of the Alliance instituted worlds have the best comforts that money can buy.
a draft to build its forces while more than half of the However, every citizen pays for such security and
Independent forces were composed of volunteers - to comfort at the expense of much of their freedom.
stop what they felt to be nothing more than imperialist The outer planets were meant to be kept under the
hegemony. The Alliance (known as the "Purple Bellies" same level of strict control, but the Alliance is short on
for their style of dress) had the manpower, the ships, manpower and ships. They just don't have enough
technology, and the weapons to overcome almost any people to keep a proper eye on things. They hire
foe. But they never expected the kind of resistance the security firms to help enforce their laws and maintain
other planets could provide. They did not expect so order. And they send their hulking patrol ships out to
many men and women to still consider freedom worth remind everyone who is in charge.
dying for. Still, the cracks in the system are large enough for
The war raged for just over five years, taking place folk to fly a Firefly-class ship through. Slavery for
on land, sea, and in the dark of space. The war tore into example, although outlawed by the Alliance
the planets between the central ones and the rim worlds government, exists as something of an open secret
(fighting never reached Sihnon and Londinium, except among terraforming companies, mine owners and the
in the odd protest or terrorist act). The largest space wealthy on the Rim. Every so often, the Alliance will
battle in terms of scale and human cost was the Battle of bust one of these owners and free the slaves because it
Sturges, one in which countless ships were destroyed, looks good in the media from a public relations point of
creating a massive graveyard preserved in the vacuum view, but then it's back to business as usual. It is the
of space. The largest land battle, the one that brought same with indentured servants. Indentured servitude is
about the end of the war, was fought on the planet Hera also not legal, but most people on the Border planets
in Serenity Valley. This battle raged on for seven weeks accept it as a way of life. If a person is desperate for the
before the Independent High Command surrendered. money and they have nothing to offer up as collateral
Even then, some of the Browncoats continued to fight except themselves, then that is what they will do.
Corporations in the 'Verse media pursuits, Disney is also strong in consumer goods
and services, real estate and development, and
Several of the megacorporations of Earth-That-Was transportation.
were instrumental in facilitating metahumanity's journey
to mankind's new home. As such, many of those Mitsuhama Computer Technologies
megacorporations made the journey to the 'Verse and Headquarters: Kyoto, Persephone
have established new headquarters in the Union of As its name suggests,
Allied Planets. Mitsuhama Computer
Technologies (MCT) is
Ares Macrotechnology primarily known as a
Headquarters: New Detroit, computer company that’s
Londinium also involved in robotics
Ares has a reputation as a very and heavy industry —
“American” outfit: gung-ho, but it’s less well known
militaristic, patriotic, and that they’re one of the
individualistic — Mom and apple biggest manufacturers of
pie, in other words. Don’t let that magical goods around.
fool you — sure, they’re one of the They’re also rumored to
better megas to work shadow ops be in bed with the
for, but keep your eyes open, Yakuza, though the jury’s
because they’re as underhanded as still out on who’s pulling the strings in that relationship.
the rest. Shadowrunners have a love-hate view of working
Ares specializes in law enforcement (Knight Errant, with MCT — the corp pays very well for success, but
one of the two biggest private security corps in the their tolerance for failure is only slightly less draconian
world, is a subsidiary), military hardware and arms, than Saeder-Krupp’s (and S-K at least has the excuse of
aerospace (they own what used to be NASA and have an actual dragon running the show). When running
built five orbital habitats in the White Sun system over against them, success becomes even more important,
Londinium, Sihnon, Osiris, Ariel, and Bellerophon), because their “zero-zone” policy usually means
entertainment, automotive (the former General Motors unsuccessful runners don’t get out alive.
is also part of the Ares family), with smaller divisions in
many other areas. NeoNET
Headquarters: New Boston,
The Walt Disney Company Londinium
Headquarters: New Celebration, Londinium This corp’s primary mover and
Based in the shaker, Novatech, might just as
midst of media well be called “Phoenix” for its
wonderland New skill in rising from the ashes of
Celebration, the potential disasters. Born first of
corp has managed the leavings when former megacorp Fuchi Electronics
to score many fell apart, Novatech has caused quite its share of stirs
exclusive over the past few years — the most recent being that
contracts for dealing with the development of its Neo- its spectacular IPO back in 2064 was one of a series of
Victorian New Atlantis communities on several worlds catalysts that led to the second Metaverse Crash and the
of the Alliance, and its star is currently on the rise. With world’s subsequent descent into chaos. Another was
a charismatic ex-movie star at the helm, Disney is the fact that they came out of the Crash and the IPO
poised for great things. smelling like roses, joining up with communications
Disney specializes in anything that can be used to giant Erika and cybertech powerhouse Transys Neuronet
manipulate opinion (personal or public), including public to establish the backbone for the wireless Metaverse
relations, advertising, mimetics, viral marketing, and catch most of their competitors flatfooted.
trendsetting, and social networking. Its corporate culture With the Exodus, the megacorp has diversified its
is much less hierarchical than those of most other interests into just about every industry, including Cortex
megas, emphasizing consensus, workgroups, trends, Metaverse infrastructure, cyberware, electronics,
and “people-centered” management models. software, biotech, aerospace, small arms, and many
Employees are well taken care of and encouraged to others. They’re definitely one to watch.
develop their talents and pursue their interests on
company time — though, of course, Disney expects to
share in the fruits of their innovation.
In addition to its primary focus on entertainment and
Saeder-Krupp Heavy Industries settlers wouldn't have made it through their first year
Headquarters: Guerenstradt, Ariel without Blue Sun packaged food.
Saeder-Krupp Heavy Blue Sun didn't get into
Industries can be summed up in business out of love for their fellow
one word: Lofwyr. The great man. They started the company to
dragon owns nearly 100% of this make a profit, and no one
Ariel-based megacorp, and he begrudged them that. But then, as
rules it with the kind of attention the company grew bigger and
bigger, and became more and
to detail that only one of his kind can maintain. It’s not
impossible to put one over on Lofwyr, but it’s very more powerful, greed and
difficult — and usually fatal. The wyrm doesn’t suffer corruption took over. Profit was the
fools gladly, and shadowrunners who go against him (or only thing those running Blue Sun
could think about. They set out to
fail in one of his jobs) might just find themselves on his
list — which also happens to be his lunch menu. make more and more money by extending their power
Primarily involved in heavy industry, S-K is also as far as they could manage.
strong in chemicals, finance, and aerospace with a It's an open secret that Blue Sun engages in deadly
presence in many other areas. Secure in its position ascorporate espionage and then calls in favors from
powerful government officials to help cover their tracks.
the largest corporation in the 'Verse, it wields extensive
power and influence. Its subsidiaries and shell corporations have branched out
far from food and service industries, going into
Wuxing, Incorporated computer systems, communication technology, and
Headquarters: New Hong Kong Free even spaceship design, along with the biotech industry
Enterprise Enclave, Sihnon – even going so far (some whisper) as to conduct
The only Chinese player on the experiments involving living humans. Only top
megacorp scene, Wuxing is executives have a good grasp on what the 'big picture'
traditionally focused on finance and is when it comes to this mega-corporation. Its research
shipping concerns, but has drastically and development division is a mysterious place guarded
expanded its magical services and magical goods by security equal to top secret Union of Allied Planets
projects, making a name for itself as the new “mystic” military projects.
megacorp. Wuxing has also expanded heavily into other
markets, including agriculture, engineering, consumer
goods, and chemicals.

Blue Sun Corporation

Headquarters: New Cardiff, Londinium
Without doubt, the ubiquitous Blue Sun Corporation
is the richest and most politically connected corporation
in the system. Blue Sun is on every planet, in every
home – rich and not so rich alike. For all its fame, it is
one of the most shadowy institutions in the 'Verse.
The Blue Sun logo is everywhere: on T-shirts,
billboards, posters, food cans, etc. The logo has become
so much a part of daily life that people don't even notice
it anymore. Blue Sun products are considered essential
to a person – like water and breathing. Just look for the
Blue Sun label. It's never difficult to find. The company
doesn't operate retail outlets, but every shop stocks its
products. While not the best on the market, Blue Sun
products are the most reliable. If you buy Blue Sun, you
always know what you're going to get. There are never
any surprises - good, bad, or otherwise.
Blue Sun produces a lot of different things, but the
company concentrates mainly on the basics of life. Folk
will always need food and drink, and Blue Sun is there
to sell it. They hold the monopoly on packaged
foodstuffs, and their products have become essential to
people on the newly terraformed worlds. Many new
Discovered by scientists in 2020, 34Tauri(2020) is a star cluster, of the likes of the triple star system Alpha
Centauri. It consists of five main sequence stars, around which orbit seven protostars, seven gas giants, three
separate asteroid belts, seventy-five planets, and one hundred forty-nine moons. Four of the main sequence stars
orbit a central star.
All the worlds that make up the 'Verse have two names, a Sino (Chinese) name and Anglo (English) name.
Sometimes, only one is used officially. This is not the case with the five main sequence stars. The Sino names of
the five stars are based on the old-world concept of the Five Chinese Constellations. The Anglo names are given
by the actual temperature-spectral color of the sun, with the exception of two which are yellow, named Georgia
and Kalidasa.

the White Sun system, orbiting the White Sun.

The Core P/2027(White Sun)03 was discovered in 2027.
It is the capital
White Sun planet of the Union of
Allied Planets and,
White Sun – also known as Bai Hu – is the center of
along with its sister
the 'Verse by all reckoning. Around it orbit the Central
planet Sihnon, was
Planets, also known as the White Sun system, and the
one of the first planets
home of the Alliance. Points of interest include:
colonized after the
• Londinium: Londinium is the second planet of exodus from Earth-That-Was. Being the most
like Earth-That-Was, it was the easiest to settle 2172.
on and thus an ideal choice. • Sihnon: Sihnon is the third planet of the White
Most of the settlers came from Europe and Sun system, orbiting the White Sun.
the Americas and the predominant western P/2027(White Sun)04 was discovered in 2027.
culture took hold here quickly. Old western Along with its
traditions were combined with modern sister planet
technology, the best example being the Londinium, it is
buildings themselves as they were built with the amongst the most
most advanced materials but designed to look prominent of the
like stone. The Imperial Gothic style of the Central Planets. Those
buildings (e.g. the contemporary Houses of who visit the planet
Parliament, Tower Bridge, etc.) became the often describe it as
norm for almost all building on Londinium. The one of the most
symbol of the planet is an Imperial Gothic beautiful locations in
clocktower (a la Big Ben). The planet has the system, reaching
twenty-six metropolises, five of which are a level of
prominent spaceports. The capital city of sophistication seldom
Londinium is New Cardiff. seen throughout the 'Verse.
Politics was the main activity on Londinium. Sihnon is the seat of Eastern civilization in
The Alliance Parliament building was situated on the Union of Allied Planets. It is here that many
Londinium. The Parliament building itself (which Registered Companions undergo their training
contains "the House", where the members of in the spiritual and physical arts they are known
Parliament meet to debate current issues) was for. Sihnon is also home to Ching Shian
the size of a small city and surrounding Alliance University, a prestigious school that has alumni
government complex which contained the ranging from prime ministers to billionaire
offices of ministers and their civil servants (and philanthropists. There is no better place to study
was also where the aforementioned clocktower Eastern philosophy, history, law or culture.
was) made up the entire unitary decision- Sihnon's preservationalist attitude has caused
making body of the Allied Planets. There was a the government to restrict large vessel traffic to
policy of shoot-on-sight for any craft that comes equatorial zones.
too close to the Parliament building No Fly
◦ Airen: Airen is the first moon of Sihnon in
the White Sun system. S/2173(Sihnon)02
Not all of the planet is dedicated to political
was discovered in 2173.
dealings though. Art is also a major attraction.
Londinium contains the finest museums of ◦ Xiaojie: Xiaojie is the second moon of
Earth-That-Was and colonial artifacts and also Sihnon in the White Sun system.
the largest collections of Western-style art in the S/2164(Sihnon)01 was discovered in 2164.
system. The Londinium Museum, which ◦ Xiansheng: Xiansheng is the third moon of
contains the Museum of History and the Sihnon in the White Sun system.
Museum of Art, is a splendid building that holds S/2176(Sihnon)03 was discovered in 2176.
a variety of treasures. Most come from the early ◦ Yunnan: Yunnan is the fourth moon of
days of colonization, but the most valuable Sihnon in the White Sun system.
pieces are the ancient artifacts from Earth-That- S/2181(Sihnon)04 was discovered in 2181.
Such a large military target is protected by a
• Ariel: Ariel is the eleventh planet of the White
Sun system, orbiting the White Sun. Originally
large military presence. The Ministry of
designated as P/2027(White Sun)07 when it
Intelligence and the elite SAS (Special Alliance
was discovered in 2027 by astronomers, the
Support) forces have their headquarters on the
planet was terraformed by robot terraformers to
planet, while, in orbit the Alliance flagship
allow humans to colonize the world after the
Victoria protects the skies.
mass evacuation of "Earth-That-Was".
◦ Colchester: Colchester is the first moon of Terraforming was completed in 2266, and the
Londinium in the White Sun system. planet became one of the Central planets of the
S/2172(Londinium)01 was discovered in 'Verse. By 2518, Ariel was a metropolitan world
2172. located on the New Canaan Runtrade route, and
◦ Balkerne: Balkerne is the second moon of was covered with glass and steel cities. It
Londinium in the White Sun system. citizens had access to some of the finest
S/2172(Londinium)02 was discovered in examples of technology, and the planet was
reputed for its medical facilities and dining Docks; serve the planet. Ariel also boasts a
establishments. bioluminescent lake that citizens and visitors
Measuring 13,016 kilometers in diameter, alike are allowed to swim in.
Ariel orbited the star White Sun at a distance of Ariel is also the location of the Fissatore, a
3,085,456,069 kilometers, which is equivalent large orbital drydock used by the Alliance to
to 20.625 AUs. Ariel has a surface gravity of produce a range of vessels, including the Glory
1.0140, and a mass of 6.323x1021 tonnes. The class.
planet takes 93.67 years to orbit around Bai Hu, ◦ Ariopolis: Ariopolis, known originally as
which equates to 34,212 days. Three moons – S/2176(Ariel)01, is the first moon orbiting
Ariopolis, Shiva, and Poseidon – orbit the the planet Ariel in the White Sun system.
planet. All three were terraformed at the same By 2518, Ariopolis was on perpetual lease
time as Ariel. By 2518, Ariel boasted a to the Gehörnspiel Corporation, who
population of some 3,615,995,500 inhabitants. specializes in producing exotic medicines,
and landing on the moon is heavily
◦ Shiva: Shiva, known originally as
S/2176(Ariel)02, is the second moon
orbiting the planet Ariel in the White Sun
system. A resource rich moon, Shiva
supplies minerals to Ariel that are hard to
obtain on the planet. Several colonies are
The planet is divided into several located across the surface of the moon, and
landmasses, many of which are connected to a Class 2 Alliance outpost has been
others via strips of land. Ariel has large polar constructed on the surface.
regions, and a large amount of surface water. ◦ Poseidon: Poseidon, known originally as
Islands and archipelagos dot the surface of the S/2176(Ariel)03, is the third moon orbiting
planet. Urban areas are spread across the the planet Ariel in the White Sun system.
planet, and the capital is Ariel City, located in Poseidon is home to some of the Core's
the southern hemisphere. Located on the New more popular and extravagant retreats, and
Canaan Run, Ariel is a hub of commercial trade the Stimmengott opera house is located in
activity; official Union of Allied Planets and Blue the city of Rishi.
Sun cargo is transited through Ariel's docks, • Bellerophon: Bellerophon is the tenth planet of
although the carrying of such cargo is classified the White Sun system, orbiting the White Sun.
and can only be carried by registered traders. P/2027(White Sun)08 was discovered in 2027.
Given the planet's extensive network of It is home to the private estates of the
medical-related industries and institutions, system's wealthiest folk. Anything they wanted
medical supplies and the raw materials to make was shipped in from off-world, so they had no
them are in great demand, and are both need for shops or local labor.
imported and exported on a regular basis. The Bellerophon Estates themselves are each
General stock, food and grain are constantly the size of a small town and float gracefully a
imported to keep the population fed, while the mile above the clear waters of the Bellerophon
export of textiles is kept at a modest level. sea. Each estate is a self-contained world of its
Ariel City is one of the planet's main cities. own. They all share a similar basic design and
Highly urbanized, the city is full of skyscrapers standardized amenities, such as a rubbish
and is situated on the coast. Ariel City is the collection system, grass lawns, landscaping, and
location of Saint Lucy's hospital, Shinei multi-code locks to keep out any unwanted
University, the starship docks, and a large visitors.
municipal junkyard. The wealthy pay well for their privacy and
Numerous cities are located across Ariel, the skies above Bellerophon are patrolled by
including: Gossamer, Codithian, North Hauer, both the Feds and private security companies.
South Hauer, Gohin, Tolli Basin, West Firebrand, Visiting the estates is by invitation only. Those
Placious Caelum, Trident, Silver Fern, who come to work on the estates have to
Bridgesbain, Nabokov Heights, Nikita, provide a good reason why they are there.
Guerenstradt, and Gorehaven. In addition to the However, there is a lot of empty desert on the
urban centres, at least four major transport and planet.
commercial hubs; UAP Transport Hub, ◦ Tyrins: Tyrins, or S/2172(Bellerophon)01,
Matheson Docks, Piper Docks, and Mandellia
was the first of three moons of Bellerophon settle Londinium and Sihnon, was used to
of the White Sun system. populate the planet. Five times larger than a
◦ Hanthus: Hanthus, or Tohoku-class cruiser, it was landed on the
S/2172(Bellerophon)02, is the second planet and the capital city of New Paris was
moon of Bellerophon of the White Sun formed around it. The Prometheus was
system. converted into a museum dedicated to the
bravery and courage of those travelers who had
◦ Parth: Parth is the third moon of crossed the void of space to settle the new
Bellerophon in the White Sun system.
S/2172(Bellerophon)03 was discovered in
Like other Central planets, Bernadette is
highly modern and civilized, and its citizens
• Osiris: Osiris is the seventh planet of the White have access to high technology. The
Sun system, orbiting the White Sun. population's basic needs are provided for them,
P/2027(White Sun)06 was discovered in 2027. and large edifices of steel and metal dominate
It is a wealthy world of the central planets. the skyline. Due to its status as a Central Planet,
The seat of power on the planet is a city known landing on Bernadette is technically restricted,
simply as Capital City. Osiris is home to many although claiming to be a settler or a ship filled
rich and influential families, but as is often the with children heading for the museum usually
case, a notable criminal presence has allows a ship clearance.
established itself in the planet's more urban Bernadette was the traditional launch point
areas. Criminals on Osiris are known to take for settlers looking to leave the Central Planets
advantage of "blackout zones", locations where to start new lives in the Border or Rim worlds.
monitoring devices are impractical and often As a result, the official resettlement bureau, the
malfunction. To combat this tendency, local Alliance Colony and Settlement Authority based
security punish anyone found within a blackout in New Tombstone, required all prospective
zone with instant jail time, whether engaging in settlers to fill out CSA-0010B Request for
criminal activity or not. Resettlement and Homestead forms. Many
◦ Epeuva: Epeuva, or S/2176(Osiris)01, is the businesses catered to the large amount of
first of two moons of Osiris of the White prospective settlers by selling tools and
Sun system. supplies. However, an underground slave trade
◦ Tannhauser: Tannhauser, or existed on the planet, where settlers were
S/2176(Osiris)02, is a moon of the planet kidnapped and shipped off to work on
Osiris of the White Sun system. The moon terraforming stations. The slavers targeted new
boasts an experimental "core-siphon" arrivals, and did not bother the local inhabitants
system that is designed to extract energy as they rationalized that newcomers and
from a planet's internal processes. outsiders were less likely to be missed.
Bernadette supports a large religious
• Liann Jiun: Liann Jiun is the fourth planet of the
community, with multiple faiths; including
White Sun system, orbiting the White Sun.
Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, and Hinduism
P/2020(White Sun)12 was discovered in 2020.
being represented among the population.
◦ Tiantan: Tiantan is the first moon of Liann Bernadette is also the location of several fringe
Jiun of the White Sun system. S/2176(Liann religions and cults.
Jiun)01 was discovered in 2176.
◦ Nautilus: Nautilus is the first moon of
◦ Fu: Fu is the second moon of Liann Jiun of Bernadette of the White Sun system.
the White Sun system. S/2176(Liann S/2175(Bernadette)01 was discovered in
Jiun)02 was discovered in 2176. 2175.
• Bernadette: Bernadette is the first planet of the ◦ Spinrad: Spinrad is the second moon of
White Sun system, orbiting the White Sun. Bernadette of the White Sun system.
P/2028(White Sun)13 was discovered in 2028. S/2175(Bernadette)02 was discovered in
Terraforming of the planet and its 2175.
accompanying moons was completed in 2240,
with colonization beginning in the same year.
As a result, Bernadette was the first planet Lux is a protostar in the White Sun system.
colonized after the settling of Londinium and Discovered in 2020, P/2020(White Sun)02 is orbited by
Sihnon. the planets Pelorum and Persephone.
The Prometheus, the only remaining ark • Persephone: Persephone is the second planet
from the Exodus that had not been used to of the protostar Lux in the White Sun system.
Discovered in 2040, S/2040(Lux)02 is closer to • Athens: Athens is the tenth planet of the
the border worlds than Sihnon or Londinium, Georgia system, orbiting the star Georgia.
and while considered a "civilized" planet by P/2027(Georgia)10 was discovered in 2027.
Alliance standards, is still home to a large slum ◦ Whitefall: The fourth moon of Athens of
population. Therefore, one could find both the the Georgia system is Whitefall, a large
pinnacle of high society and the depths of the percentage of which was owned by a
criminal underworld amidst the planet's woman named Patience. Whitefall was said
famously tiered societal structure. to not be civilization "in the strictest sense."
◦ Hades: Hades is the lesser of the two It was rumored that there is a Blue Sun
moons of Persephone in the White Sun facility underneath one of the mountains.
system. S/2176(Persephone)01 was • Regina: Regina is the second planet of the
discovered in 2176. Georgia system, orbiting the sun Georgia.
Hades’ thin, brittle crust makes it P/2027(Georgia)02 was discovered in 2027.
unsuitable for terraforming with current It is known for being a mining planet, upon
techniques. Hades opened to mining which everyone suffers from "Bowden's malady",
ventures in 2310. a degenerative disease.
◦ Renao: Renao is the greater of the two Murphy
moons of Persephone in the White Sun Murphy is a protostar in the Georgia system.
system. S/2177(Persephone)02 was Discovered in 2020, P/2020(Georgia)01 is orbited by
discovered in 2177. Hera, Aphrodite, and Shadow.
• Pelorum: Pelorum is the first planet of the • Hera: Hera is the first planet of the protostar
protostar Lux in the White Sun system. Murphy in the Georgia system.
Discovered in 2040, S/2040(Lux)01 is known S/2041(Murphy)03 was discovered in 2041.
for its luxurious resort and fair weather It is a largely agricultural world and being
conditions. located midway between the Core and the
The Border outer planets on a major shipping lane, it is
considered the food source for most of the
system. Food is grown, processed and
Georgia packaged on Hera, before being shipped
Georgia – also known as Huang Long - is the offworld to supply the other planets.
principal star of the Georgia system, the largest system • Shadow: Shadow is the third planet of the
orbiting White Sun (Bai Hu). It shares an orbit with Zhu protostar Murphy in the Georgia system.
Long, sitting in its L3 point in orbit around White Sun S/2037(Murphy)02 was discovered in 2037.
(Bai Hu). Here is where the Independent Planets first A Border world, it was once said that "the
stood up against the Alliance. The memory of this lies prairies of Shadow stretched out so far under
across the surface of Shadow, a planet bombed so hard such a clear sky that a man could see from here
at the beginning of the Unification War that nothing to God's plan." Later, all that was left was
lives there and never will again. Points of interest charred and blackened rock.
Red Sun
• Ezra: Ezra is the first planet of the Georgia
system, orbiting the sun Georgia. Red Sun – also known as Zhu Que – is the coldest of
P/2030(Georgia)11 was discovered in 2030. all the suns in the 'Verse. It is the principal star of the
Red Sun system. It shares an orbit with Huang Long,
◦ Herschel: Herschel, or S/2176(Ezra)01, was sitting in its L3 point in orbit around White Sun (Bai Hu).
the only moon of the planet Ezra of the
Points of interest include:
Georgia system.
• Boros: Boros is the third planet of the Georgia • Greenleaf: Greenleaf is the third planet of the
system, orbiting the star Georgia. Red Sun system, orbiting the Red Sun.
P/2027(Georgia)03 was discovered in 2027. P/2027(Red Sun)03 was discovered in 2027.
The planet is often avoided by those on the Greenleaf has a large tropical belt, creating
wrong side of the law, due to the notably heavy massive jungles and rainforests. Tropical plants
presence of Alliance forces on that world. provide a variety of life-saving drugs that
◦ Ares: Ares was one of the moons of Boros cannot easily be synthesized in a laboratory.
of the Georgia system and was home to the Major drug companies set up shop on
primary military shipyards of Iskellian Greenleaf, providing the bulk of work for the
Technology Solutions. locals.
Some of Greenleaf's residents, seeing the
enormous profits that were being made, began through threat of violence.
to make 'clippings' of pharmaceutical plants and
grow them privately to sell on the black market. The Rim
The problem became so great that the drug
companies began engineering new plant strains Kalidasa
with traceable genetic tags, so that the
Kalidasa – also known as Xuan Wu – is the start of
confiscated merchandise could be traced back
the Rim Planets. It is the principal star of the Kalidasa
to the origin point. The technique has not yet
system. Points of interest include:
led to any major arrests, mostly because there
are dozens of small cartels, and they are difficult • Angel/Zephyr: An astronomical anomaly,
to track down in the jungle. Zephyr naturally occupies Angel's L4 point.
The Alliance is aware of the drug-smuggling • Aberdeen: Aberdeen is the thirteenth planet of
problem out on Greenleaf, and they are the Kalidasa system, orbiting the star Kalidasa.
clamping down on enforcement. Landing is P/2029(Kalidasa)12 was discovered in 2029.
more restricted on Greenleaf than on other Rim In 2517, the planet is known for its rhodium
worlds, though smugglers who know the jungle mining operations.
can always find ways to sneak through. • Beaumonde: Beaumonde is the fifteenth planet
◦ Dyton: Dyton is the first moon of Greenleaf of the Kalidasa system, orbiting the sun
in the Red Sun system. Kalidasa. P/2031(Kalidasa)16 was discovered in
S/2172(Greenleaf)01 was discovered in 2031.
2172. The colony's inhabitants were likely of The heavily industrialized planet is the
British origin, since the cockney accent manufacturing hub of the system. Its cities are
appear common among people from surrounded by factories that produce everything
Dyton. from computer parts to ceramic coffee mugs.
• Harvest: Harvest is the fourth planet of the Red Some of the factories are owned by Blue Sun
Sun system, orbiting the Red Sun. P/2030(Red Corporation, though there are rumors that a few
Sun)08 was discovered in 2030. of these are not really factories at all or, if they
are, that they're turning out something other
◦ Higgins' Moon: Higgins' Moon is the than canned beans. Security is tight at all Blue
second moon of Harvest of the Red Sun
Sun plants, so no one is able to get inside one
system. S/2178(Harvest)02 was discovered
of these buildings to find out. Or least if they
in 2178.
did, they never got back out to tell the tale.
The primary commercial activity was
Due to the high industrial output, pollution
mud farming which was performed by
is a problem. Beaumonde's cities are covered in
indentured servants called "mudders". The
a perpetual haze. Weather control systems
mud was exported offworld and used in the
processed the worst of the pollution, but the
manufacturing of ceramic components. The
science-minded believed the long-term effects
bulk of the population was impoverished.
may be more difficult to take care of. Every year
• Jiangyin: Jiangyin is the first planet of the Red more pollutants find their way into the water
Sun system, orbiting the Red Sun. P/2027(Red and the soil, causing many problems for those
Sun)01 was discovered in 2027. who live off the land. Some people move their
It is a Border world and very much like a homes and businesses underground to escape
dozen other Border worlds throughout the the air pollution.
system. However, the culture that had arisen on In the countryside, the air quality is better
this planet was somewhat different than on than in the cities, and farmers and ranchers
other planets. A distinct separation existed manage to make a good living. There is also a
between the citizens who lived in the thriving spaceport on Beaumonde, much like
established towns, and those who had made the more famous port of Persephone.
their lives in the hills. The hill people had New Dunsmuir was the capital of
become a very superstitious lot, and often their Beaumonde. The city was the only one on the
villages were not self-sufficient. To compensate planet that had no factories. Located on an
for this, they were known to kidnap skilled ocean, New Dunsmuir was a popular tourist
tradespeople from the towns, whether they be destination. Many wealthy factory owners made
citizens of Jiangyin or come from off-world. their homes here, as did those who work in the
These tradespeople were put to work for the hill tourist industry. New Dunsmuir was a beautiful
folk, whether moved by the plight of these less city with avenues of trees and carefully
fortunate, or, more frequently, convinced maintained flower gardens.
The city of New Huntsville on Beaumonde is the Blue Sun system. P/2030(Blue Sun)06 was
the location of the Earth-That-Was Distillery. discovered in 2030.
Among their products is the famous Old Earth ◦ Haven: Haven is the first moon of
Style Kentucky Bourbon, a specialty known Deadwood in the Blue Sun system.
throughout the 'Verse. S/2164(Deadwood)01 was discovered in
Penglai 2164.
Penglai is a protostar in the Kalidasa system. Burnham
Discovered in 2020, P/2020(Kalidasa)01 is orbited by Burnham is a protostar in the Blue Sun system
the planets Beylix, Newhall, and Oberon. (Burnham quadrant). Discovered in 2020, P/2020(Blue
• Beylix: Beylix is the first planet of the protostar Sun)01 is orbited by the planet Miranda.
Penglai in the Kalidasa system. It was the first brown dwarf in the 'Verse to be
S/2040(Penglai)01 was discovered in 2040. helioformed. It was determined that Burnham was the
• Newhall: Newhall is the second planet of the best candidate for this very experimental and dangerous
protostar Penglai of the Kalidasa system. procedure due to its distance from the more populous
S/2040(Penglai)02 was discovered in 2040. Central planets and its small size. After the process was
It is a newly terraformed planet with large refined at Burnham, it was then applied to the other six
oceans. Stands to reason that water is the brown dwarfs in the 'Verse.
planet's primary commodity. Newhall's people • Miranda: The furthest out planet in the system,
live on small island chains or on floating stations Miranda is right at the edge of the Burnham
on the oceans. quadrant of the Blue Sun system, embedded
Newhall's water plants are always in need of deep into Reaver space, and is the sole planet
workers, hence the Alliance's generous of the protostar Burnham.
incentives for settlers who move here. S/2038(Burnham)01 was discovered in
Terraforming new worlds requires a lot of fresh 2038.
water, and Newhall has water to spare. Once thought only to be fictional, Miranda
Processing the water and preparing it for in fact was an experimental colony where the
shipping isn't an unproblematic job, though. The Alliance tried to chemically modify its populace
water needs to be collected, desalinated, to be peaceful. This worked too well; it
purified, packaged, then loaded for transport. eliminated violence, but in the process it had a
Those of Newhall who don't want to work fatal side effect. The inhabitants lost all ambition;
the water plants can make a good living fishing. they stopped doing any work, stopped talking
And there's always the tourist centers, for those to each other, stopped reproducing and
who like to swim and cavort – or those who eventually stopped even feeding. For 0.1% of
want to tend to those who do. the population it had the opposite effect and
A group of Alliance settlers from Bernadette caused extremely violent behavior, beyond
that was bound for Newhall was attacked by mere psychosis but animalism. The "survivors" of
Reavers, and never made the scheduled Miranda were the Reavers who started to
landing. menace the Rim planets.
Blue Sun The Alliance managed to cover up their
mess fairly well, erasing all official records of the
Blue Sun (not to be confused with the Blue Sun planet. Those who had heard talk of Miranda
Corporation) – also known as Qing Long – sits out on heard false tales that terraforming was
the edge of the 'Verse. It is the principal star of the Blue attempted but ultimately failed, and that the
Sun system. It was here that the first attacks by Reavers planet was an uninhabitable Blackrock. Of
took place. Points of interest include: course, being in the heart of what was to
• Muir: Muir is the third planet in the Blue Sun become Reaver space, not many people made
system. Muir has a population of 3,500,000 and the trip to see if it was true or not.
was terraformed in 2440. ◦ Caliban: Caliban is the sole moon of
• Highgate: Highgate is the fifth planet of the Miranda in the Blue Sun system.
Blue Sun system, orbiting the Blue Sun. S/2190(Miranda)01 was discovered in
P/2029(Blue Sun)05 was discovered in 2029. 2190.
• Deadwood: Deadwood is the seventh planet of
A character theme represents a focus for your character, which may be a result of your background, upbringing,
training, or mystic destiny. You select a character theme at 1st level, gaining special benefits that reflect major
aspects of that theme at 1st, 6th, 12th, and 18th levels. All abilities are extraordinary abilities unless otherwise
noted. With your GM’s permission, you can even create your own theme that fits your character concept perfectly!

Ace Pilot +1 Dex LONE WOLF (6TH)

You know at least a little bit about handling every
You are most comfortable at the controls of a vehicle, role on a starship, and you can sub in for certain tasks in
whether it’s a starship racing through the inky void of a pinch. Whenever you need to attempt a skill check
space or a ground vehicle zooming between trees, either during starship combat or to directly repair or
around boulders, and across dusty badlands. You might otherwise maintain your starship, you can treat half your
be a member of an elite military force, the recipient of ranks in Piloting as your ranks in the appropriate skill for
intense courses of training. Alternatively, you might be a the check, if that would be better (since you effectively
total amateur with innate skills that make you a much- have ranks in the related skill, you are considered
admired hotshot. trained in the skill for the purposes of this check).
You are obsessed with starships and vehicles, and Speeding in a vehicle gives you a heady rush, and
have committed to memory almost every related tidbit you can easily handle operating vehicles at high
of knowledge you’ve ever come across. Reduce the DC velocities that might send lesser pilots spinning out of
of Culture checks to recall knowledge about starship and control. Reduce any penalties to Piloting checks you
vehicle models and parts as well as famous hotshot make when on a vehicle by 1. When you take the
pilots by 5. Piloting is a class skill for you, though if it is double maneuver action during a vehicle chase (see
a class skill from the class you take at 1st level, you page 283 of the Starfinder Core Rulebook), reduce the
instead gain a +1 bonus to your Piloting checks. In penalty for each action by 1. Whenever a Piloting check
addition, you gain an ability adjustment of +1 to has a penalty for failing by 5 or more, you take that
Dexterity at character creation. penalty only if you fail by 10 or more.
MASTER PILOT (18TH) travel (see page 258 of the Starfinder Core Rulebook)
Your piloting accomplishments invigorate you, giving instead of 1 hour. Reduce the penalty for following
you renewed purpose and zeal. Up to twice per day, tracks using Survival while moving at double speed to –
when you defeat a significant foe in starship combat as a 10.
pilot or succeed in a vehicle chase (meaning MASTER HUNTER (18TH)
that you’ve either escaped a pursuer or caught or Your relentless pursuit of your mark steels your
defeated your opponent), you recover 1 Resolve Point. determination and can renew your inner reserves of
strength. Once per day while in pursuit of your mark,
you can review current information about your mark for
Bounty Hunter +1 Con 10 minutes to regain 1 Resolve Point; this doesn’t count
You track people down for money. It is a dangerous as resting to regain Stamina Points. Additionally, once
profession, as most of your targets understandably don’t per day when you defeat your mark, you regain 1
wish to be caught. You wouldn’t have it any other way. Resolve Point.
You might have a code of ethics, never taking jobs that,
say, target children or members of your own race. You
might hunt down only escaped criminals. Or you might
Icon +1 Cha
be completely amoral, taking any job that comes along Thanks to interplanetary transmissions, the 'Verse is
— for the right price. smaller than ever, and this connectivity has facilitated
THEME KNOWLEDGE (1ST) your ascension to celebrity status. You might be a
Your mind is a cold steel trap when it comes to famous performer or a celebrated scientist, but either
scraps of information about the creatures you’re tracking way, you get recognized on the Core Worlds and in the
down. Choose a specific sentient creature that you can Border and Rim Worlds. Your reason for traveling the
identify by name, alias, or specific identity to be your 'Verse might be to further spread your acclaim or to
mark. Reduce the DC of Culture or Profession (bounty escape the limelight.
hunter) checks to recall knowledge about your mark, as THEME KNOWLEDGE (1ST)
well as to recall knowledge about law-enforcement Choose a Profession skill. You are hooked deeply into
individuals and practices, by 5. If you choose a mark the culture of your iconic profession. When attempting a
that is known only by an alias or secret identity, this Profession or Culture check to recall knowledge about
ability helps you learn facts only about the identity you other icons of your profession or details about your
know about, not any other unknown identities. Once profession’s cultural aspects, increase the DC by 5. You
you defeat your mark, as an action that takes 1 minute, gain a +1 bonus to checks with your chosen Profession
you can study dossiers and database information about skill. Culture also becomes a class skill for you, though if
another individual to be your new mark. You can instead it is a class skill from the class you take at 1st level, you
abandon your mark for a new one without defeating it, instead gain a +1 bonus to Culture checks. In addition,
but if you do so, you take a –2 penalty to all skill checks you gain an ability adjustment of +1 to Charisma at
for 1 week. Survival is a class skill for you, though if it is character creation.
a class skill from the class you take at 1st level, you CELEBRITY (6TH)
instead gain a +1 bonus to Survival checks. In addition, You are famous enough that pretty much everyone
you gain an ability adjustment of +1 to Constitution at has either heard of you or can quickly find information
character creation. about you (it’s a DC 10 Culture check to recognize your
SWIFT HUNTER (6TH) name and a DC 20 Culture check for someone to
You know just how to ask around about your marks recognize you out of context from your appearance
to gain information and insight in a hurry. You can use alone). Among those who follow your iconic profession,
Diplomacy to gather information about a specific you’ve built up both fans and detractors due to your
individual in half the normal time, and you reduce the celebrity. If you’re looking for a generic person like “a
penalty for following tracks using Survival while moving doctor who can treat this disease,” you can almost
at full speed to 0. always find one who’s a fan and whose attitude starts as
RELENTLESS (12TH) friendly or helpful to you; this takes 2d4 hours. At the
You never seem to get tired, even when working GM’s discretion, fans might give you services (although
longer and harder than everyone else in pursuit of your not goods) for a discount or even for free.
mark; some of your targets might even refer to you as a MEGACELEBRITY (12TH)
tireless ghost or an all-seeing hunter. You can walk or Your reputation grows to the point that your name is
be otherwise active for 12 hours instead of 8 before ubiquitous. The DC of Culture checks to recognize you is
needing to attempt Constitution checks for a forced reduced to 5 (or 10 to recognize you out of context
march (see page 258 of the Starfinder Core Rulebook), from your appearance alone) and it takes only 1d4 hours
and you can hustle for 2 hours a day during overland to find a fan who meets a generic description. In
addition, fans give you a 10% discount on purchased
Outlaw +1 Dex
MASTER ICON (18TH) Due to the sins of your past or your current unlawful
Up to twice per day, you can interact with the public behavior, you are a wanted individual somewhere in the
about your profession (usually during a performance, Union of Allied Planets. You might not even be guilty
such as a concert, but sometimes in a press conference and are striving to clear your good name. Or you might
afterward if your profession requires no audience) for a fully admit to being a criminal but believe the laws you
total of at least 10 minutes to recover 1 Resolve Point. break are unjust. Whatever the case, boarding a starship
headed to the Black might be just the thing you need
until the heat dies down — or until you’re dragged off
Mercenary +1 Str to prison.
Whether you take jobs that match your ethical beliefs THEME KNOWLEDGE (1ST)
or you fight for anyone who can afford your services, You are well connected to shadowy secrets and
you are a hired gun. You might take pride in your past back-alley deals, and you both know about key players
accomplishments, proudly displaying trophies of your and have handy skills of your own. Reduce the DC of
kills, or you might be laden with guilt over being the Culture checks to recall knowledge about the criminal
sole survivor of a mission gone terribly wrong. You most underworld by 5. Sleight of Hand is a class skill for you,
likely work with other mercenaries and are familiar with though if it is a class skill from the class you take at 1st
the methodologies of military actions all across the level, you instead gain a +1 bonus to Sleight of Hand
'Verse. checks. In addition, you gain an ability adjustment of +1
THEME KNOWLEDGE (1ST) to Dexterity at character creation.
You are knowledgeable about the military, from rival LEGAL CORRUPTION (6TH)
mercenary groups to standard military procedures to Your underworld contacts have serious pull with the
planetary armed forces, and you can draw upon this corporations and the authorities and can get you out of
fount of information to aid your adventurous pursuits. just about any legal trouble — as long as you’re willing
Reduce the DC of Culture checks and Profession to pay the right price. Depending on the severity of the
(mercenary) checks to recall knowledge about crime, this can be anywhere between 500 credits × your
hierarchies, practices, personnel, and so on in the character level and 10,000 credits × your character level.
military by 5. Athletics is a class skill for you, though if itBLACK MARKET CONNECTIONS (12TH)
is a class skill from the class you take at 1st level, you You have contacts who can move goods of all
instead gain a +1 bonus to Athletics checks. In addition, manner discreetly and quietly just about anywhere to
you gain an ability adjustment of +1 to Strength at nearly any destination you can imagine. You can sell
character creation. goods in any city for their usual price, even if the goods
GRUNT (6TH) are illegal or too luxurious for the locals to afford.
You’re used to long marches while carrying heavy Additionally, for 10% more than the usual price, you can
equipment and can hoist most machinery with ease. purchase goods to be delivered to a remote drop-off
Treat your Strength as 1 higher for the purpose of point (possibly near an adventure location) in the same
determining your bulk limit (see page 167 of the solar system as a familiar city. The delivery always takes
Starfinder Core Rulebook). at least as long as the journey between the city and the
SQUAD LEADER (12TH) drop-off point — and usually longer.
You are extremely skilled at coordinating with your MASTER OUTLAW (18TH)
squad, both because of your tactical efficiency and Organizing shady plans is one of your specialties,
because of the respect that you command. If you are and doing so is like a sweet shot of adrenaline. Up to
able to attempt the check in question, you automatically twice per day, after you spend at least 10 minutes to
succeed at a skill check to aid another (see page 133 of plan a significant heist, caper, or other crime (this
the Starfinder Core Rulebook) when assisting a squad doesn’t count as resting to regain Stamina Points) and
member or other longtime ally (such as a fellow PC). successfully complete at least one action toward
COMMANDER (18TH) enacting that plan, you regain 1 Resolve Point.
You pull determination from your victories with your
squad, no matter how bloody. After participating in at Priest +1 Wis
least three combats in a day in which you defeat distinct
groups of significant foes, you recover 1 Resolve Point. You are a member of an organized religion or similar
After participating in six such combats in a day, you association. Your belief, whether it has been a part of
recover a second Resolve Point. you since childhood or it came to you later in life, is an
integral part of your character. You might travel the stars
proselytizing your deity, or your church might have sent
you out on a specific holy (or unholy) mission. No astronomy, chemistry, climatology, geography,
matter what obstacles life puts in your way, you always geology, meteorology, oceanography, physics, or
have the conviction of your beliefs to fall back on. another field of physical science. The DC of skill checks
THEME KNOWLEDGE (1ST) to recall knowledge about your specialty is reduced by
Choose a deity or a philosophy whose alignment is 5. Your chosen skill is a class skill for you, though if it is
within one step (on either the good-evil axis or the law- a class skill from the class you take at 1st level, you
chaos axis) of your own. Reduce the DC of Culture and instead gain a +1 bonus to checks with your chosen
Mysticism checks to recall knowledge about religious skill. In addition, you gain an ability adjustment of +1 to
traditions, religious symbols, and famous religious Intelligence at character creation.
leaders by 5. Mysticism becomes a class skill for you, TIP OF THE TONGUE (6TH)
though if it’s a class skill from the class you take at 1st Sometimes, after pausing to collect your thoughts,
level, you instead gain a +1 bonus to Mysticism checks. you realize that you know the answer to a particularly
In addition, you gain an ability adjustment of +1 to challenging question. Once per day, you can reroll any
Wisdom at character creation. skill check (see page 243 of the Starfinder Core
MANTLE OF THE CLERGY (6TH) Rulebook) to recall knowledge. You must decide to use
You have reached a rank of authority in your religion. this ability after rolling but before learning the
Typical lay followers of your religion have a starting information from your first roll. You must take the
attitude of helpful toward you and will often provide second result, even if it is worse.
you with simple assistance on request due to some RESEARCH MAVEN (12TH)
combination of adoration, respect, or fear (depending You can research much faster than most other
on your religion), and even other clergy must give your people, allowing you to collate information from
opinions due consideration in matters of disagreement. databases, libraries, and other sources in one-quarter the
You gain a +2 bonus to Diplomacy and Intimidate normal time; with this ability, you can typically take 20
checks against lay followers and lower ranking clergy. to recall knowledge in 5 rounds.
Your deity grants you mystic power. Choose one 1st- To you, learning and absorbing knowledge related to
level mystic spell with some connection to your deity’s your field of expertise is as refreshing as drinking from a
portfolio (subject to the GM’s approval). If you have cool spring in the middle of a desert planet. Up to twice
levels in the mystic class, you gain 1 additional 1st-level per day, when in a situation where information from
spell per day and add the chosen spell to your list of your specialty field could be useful (at the GM’s
mystic spells known. Otherwise, you can use the chosen discretion), you can spend 10 minutes in deep
spell once per day as a spell-like ability. contemplation and research of your specialty field and
TRUE COMMUNION (18TH) recover 1 Resolve Point, in addition to using recall
Up to twice per day, after performing a significant knowledge (see page 133 of the Starfinder Core
action strongly aligned with your faith’s dogma (at the Rulebook) for the information you seek; this doesn’t
GM’s discretion), you can spend 10 minutes in deep count as resting to regain Stamina Points.
meditation or prayer to regain 1 Resolve Point; this
doesn’t count as resting to regain Stamina Points. Roboticist +1 Int
You are fascinated by the internal workings of
Scholar +1 Int machines, whether they’re intelligent constructs or
You are an erudite intellectual, pitting your brain technological equipment. You might be someone who
against problems and puzzles that others would find enjoys tinkering in a garage, or you might be a worker
daunting. You might be an instructor of a specific topic at a factory that specializes in building robots or
at a large university or a dabbler in a number of fields of weaponry. You’re likely interested in exploring and
study. You could be exploring the 'Verse in search of figuring out the innovations of other organizations and
new scientific phenomena. Whatever your motivation, species on distant worlds. Regardless of your specific
you are sure that the answers you seek are out there. motivation, there’s always a gadget that needs tinkering
You are an expert in one particular field of study, and
your passion for the subject shows. Choose either Life You’re obsessed with the intricacies of constructs and
Science or Physical Science and then choose a field of how automated machines function. You can easily
specialization. If you pick Life Science, you can identify what a machine’s function is and have an easier
specialize in bioengineering, biology, botany, ecology, time attempting to access the internal programming of
genetics, zoology, or another field of biological science. mechanized life-forms. Reduce the DC of Engineering
If you pick Physical Science, you can specialize in checks to identify creatures and technology by 5.
Computers is a class skill for you, though if it is a class PROTECTOR OF THE WILD (6TH)
skill from a class you take at 1st level, you instead gain a You harm creatures of the wilderness only when
+1 bonus to Computers checks. In addition, you gain an necessary for survival, preferring to simply knock them
ability adjustment of +1 to Intelligence at character unconscious whenever possible. When you use a
creation. weapon that deals lethal damage to deal nonlethal
CRAFTING SAVANT (6TH) damage to a creature of the animal, plant, or vermin
You’ve mastered the art of putting together type that you have identified with a successful Life
technological armor and weapons from a variety of Sciences check, you don’t take the standard –4 penalty
components. While equipment you construct certainly to your attack rolls. In addition, if you are dealing
has your flair, it’s also clear that you can accomplish nonlethal damage in this way and score a critical hit,
great feats of construction. When calculating the number you can choose not to impose any of your weapon’s
of ranks you have in a skill necessary to construct a critical hit effects. Finally, you can use Life Science to
technological (not magic or hybrid) item, increase that provide first aid (as per the Medicine task) to creatures
number by 1. This allows you to construct technological of the animal, plant, and vermin types.
equipment of up to your character level + 1. MASTER FORAGER (12TH)
TECHNICAL KNACK (12TH) Thanks to your survival skills, you can find materials
You’ve developed a unique talent for efficiently to sustain and bolster your allies while guiding and
repairing constructs and starships, whether effecting feeding them by foraging in a wild environment. When
emergency repairs on a drone or keeping robotic allies you succeed at a Survival check to live off the land, you
in the fight. Once per day, you can cast make whole, and the creatures you provide food and water for as a
but you can target only construct creatures or damaged result of the skill check regain an additional number of
technological (not hybrid or magical) items. When Hit Points equal to your Wisdom modifier when you
repairing a starship (Starfinder Core Rulebook 321), you next recover Hit Points with a full night’s rest (which
reduce the time spent to 2 hours of work instead of 5. must be no more than 24 hours after you succeed at
MASTER ROBOTICIST (18TH) your check).
There are few pieces of technology that you’re COMMUNE WITH NATURE (18TH)
unfamiliar with, so you are sure to take time to examine Being out in the natural world revitalizes your spirits,
those unique discoveries you happen upon. Up to twice reminding you why you enjoy the lifestyle you lead. Up
per day, after you spend at least 10 minutes studying a to twice per day in a natural setting (such as a jungle or
previously undiscovered piece of technology with an even an arctic tundra), you can spend 10 minutes
item level within 5 levels of your character level or the meditating or simply considering the world around you
wreckage of a significant enemy technological construct, (this doesn’t count as resting to regain Stamina Points)
you regain 1 Resolve Point; this doesn’t count as resting to regain 1 Resolve Point.
to regain Stamina Points.
Corporate Agent +1 Cha
Wild Warden +1 Wis Corporations control much of the modern world,
You believe that the trappings of civilization have from the food each person eats to the weapons a soldier
made others soft, so you eschew them to live in the deploys on the field of battle. You are an agent of one
wilds, such as the jungles of Greenleaf. You don’t such corporation, which relies on your negotiation, deal-
necessarily avoid technology, as it can help you survive making, and your natural cunning to advance its
in some of the harsher, more extreme environments, agendas. Whether you are making proposals to agents
but you tend to adorn your equipment with furs and of other corporations to split the mining rights for a
leaves. This might make you seem like a backwards valuable asteroid or establishing your corporation’s
primitive to some people, but you know that nature — presence on a newly terraformed world, you are the
in all its forms — will be around long after all societies company’s eyes, ears, and hands.
have collapsed and turned to dust. THEME KNOWLEDGE (1ST)
THEME KNOWLEDGE (1ST) You are deeply connected to the world of corporate
In the course of your explorations of various biomes, culture, and know all the movers and shakers. When
you have studied all manner of flora and fauna. Reduce attempting a Profession or Culture check to recall
the DC to identify creatures of the animal, plant, and knowledge about corporations and their executives,
vermin types using Life Sciences by 5. Survival is a class reduce the DC by 5. Diplomacy is a class skill for you,
skill for you, though if it is a class skill from the class you though if it is a class skill from the class you take at 1st
take at 1st level, you instead gain a +1 bonus to level, you instead gain a +1 bonus to Diplomacy checks.
Survival checks. In addition, you gain an ability In addition, you gain an ability adjustment of +1 to
adjustment of +1 to Wisdom at character creation. Charisma at character creation.
If your corporate database doesn’t have a piece of Your constant experimentation has blurred the lines
information you are searching for, you probably know between your body and your augmentations. Once per
someone who does. It takes you only 10 minutes to day as a full action, you can overclock one of your
attempt a Diplomacy check to gather information, as cybernetic augmentations to regain a number of Stamina
long as you have connection to a local Cortex node or a Points equal to the augmentation’s item level; you must
quick way to communicate with contacts in a settlement have a cybernetic augmentation installed in your body
that is at least technologically average (see Starfinder to use this ability.
Core Rulebook 406). Additionally if you have access to a HARDENED SYSTEMS (12TH)
local Cortex node, you can take 20 on a skill check to You understand the potential vulnerabilities of
recall knowledge in half the normal time (typically 1 cybernetics and have tinkered extensively with your
minute). own to make them more resilient. The DC to hack your
STRONG-ARM TACTICS (12TH) cybernetic augmentations via magic or technological
When you throw the name of your company around, means increases by 5, thanks to the devious security
you can usually get what you want, though acting in countermeasures you have added to them. Additionally,
such a way never wins you any friends. When you your cybernetic augmentations grant you electricity
successfully use Intimidate to bully a creature, its change resistance 5; this resistance stacks with one other source
in attitude lasts three times as long. At the GM’s of energy resistance.
discretion, this ability might not work on creatures that MASTER MODDER (18TH)
haven’t heard of your corporation. You feel energized whenever you demonstrate the
SEAL THE DEAL (18TH) improved capabilities of your cybernetically enhanced
Nothing is more thrilling to you than engaging in body. Up to twice per day, when you have succeeded
spirited discussion to pursue your employer’s interests. at a significant task in a way that crucially relied upon
It is why you were hired, and it’s why you venture out abilities granted by your cybernetics (GM’s discretion),
into the wider cosmos. Up to twice per day, after you you can spend 10 minutes testing and performing
spend at least 10 minutes bargaining and negotiating system maintenance on those augmentations to regain
(this doesn’t count as resting to regain Stamina Points) 1 Resolve Point; this doesn’t count as resting to regain
or using a Cortex node to research details relevant to a Stamina Points.
deal that is significantly advantageous to your company,
you regain 1 Resolve Point.
Space Pirate +1 Dex
Cyberborn +1 Int You are a free-ranging corsair within the wild and
unpredictable fringes of the Rim and live by your own
You’ve had some form of cybernetic augmentation code, or a code shared with other like-minded
since you were very young, and you see further individuals. You tend to view personal property as a
augmentation as a path to self-improvement. You might laughable concept, unless it is your gear. You might be
be a verthani from the Augmented caste, a steelskin orc a freebooter on your own ship, a member of a space-
seeking to distinguish yourself from mainstream society, bound gang of raiders, or even a member of the Free
or anyone else inspired by the possibilities technology Captains of the Diaspora. Alternatively, you might be a
offers. Either way, you strive to master your current new recruit to the piratical lifestyle, just learning the
cybernetics and seek to further upgrade yourself ropes under a more seasoned crew.
whenever the opportunity presents itself. THEME KNOWLEDGE (1ST)
THEME KNOWLEDGE (1ST) You have a distinct advantage over others when
You enthusiastically study the field of cybernetics and operating in the shadows of society. Reduce the DC of
seek to keep abreast of new applications and Culture checks to recall knowledge about black market
experimental technologies. Reduce the DCs of locations, known smugglers, and notorious space
Engineering checks to identify cybernetic augmentations pirates by 5. Bluff is a class skill for you, though if it is a
and of Life Science checks to recall knowledge about class skill from the class you take at 1st level, you
cybernetic augmentation techniques, as well as instead gain a +1 bonus to your Bluff checks. In
corporations and other research facilities involved in the addition, you gain an ability adjustment of +1 to
production of and experimentation with cybernetic Dexterity at character creation.
augmentations, by 5. Computers is a class skill for you, SMUGGLER (6TH)
though if it is a class skill from the class you take at 1st You know how and when to move illicit goods and
level, you instead gain a +1 bonus to Computers how to get in and out of tight situations that might spell
checks. In addition, you gain an ability adjustment of +1 doom for a less seasoned smuggler. Once per day when
to Intelligence at character creation. you attempt a Stealth check to hide, you can roll twice
and take the higher result. Additionally, whenever connections with significant players in the biotech
someone attempts a Perception check to search your industry, scoring yourself favors and preferred
body for objects you have hidden on your person using treatment. As long as you are able to contact your
the hide object task of the Sleight of Hand skill, connections in the industry, you gain a 10% discount off
the searcher receives only a +2 bonus to the check, the typical list price for biotech augmentations installed
instead of a +4 bonus. in you.
You are well trained in a traditional piratical fighting Thanks to your enthusiasm for biotech gear and
style dating as far back as the antiquated ages before constant tinkering with your DNA, you can adopt
the Exodus. When you are wielding at least one one- experimental, cutting-edge augmentations in your body
handed melee weapon and at least one small arm, you beyond what most people can support. You can install
can make two attacks against the same target with one one additional piece of biotech augmentation than a
of each type of weapon as a standard action. Each attack typical member of your race. For example, a human
takes the same –4 penalty as a full attack action. could have both a dragon gland and a wildwise implant
T'IEN HOU’S BLESSING (18TH) (Starfinder Core Rulebook 211, 212) even though they
The pirate goddess T'ien Hou blesses your thieving both occupy the throat system.
and marauding ways, even if you don’t worship her ADAPTIVE BIOTECH (18TH)
directly. Up to twice per day, when you successfully You have learned to leverage your biotech
ambush and defeat a significant foe or group of foes in augmentations in ways their creators hardly envisioned.
tactical combat or starship combat in order to take any Up to twice per day as a standard action, you can
goods and valuables they are transporting (or simply deactivate a piece of biotech implanted in your body
have in their possession), you recover 1 Resolve Point. (except for a prosthetic limb), rendering it inert until
your next 8-hour rest, to regain 1 Resolve Point. An
Biotechnician +1 Int inert piece of biotech doesn’t grant its usual benefits (for
instance, an inert venom spur can’t be used to attack),
You are a biotech researcher or avid user of such and you can shut down a single biotech implant only
tech, constantly seeking out or developing new once per day.
biotechnologies and combining existing augmentations
with advancements in other fields. You might be a
member of the Augmented, a researcher in one of
Themeless +1 to Ability Score of Choice
Osiris’ cutting-edge biotech corporations, a spellcasting If you decide that none of the themes above fit your
genetomancer blending biotechnology with magic, or particular character concept, you can choose not to have
even a voluntary test subject for new augmentations. a theme. You then gain the following benefits at the
Either way, you have taken a strong hand in your own listed levels. A themeless character is considerably less
evolution. powerful than a character with a theme, so choose this
THEME KNOWLEDGE (1ST) option with care.
You have a sharp mind for the intricacies of biotech GENERAL KNOWLEDGE (1ST)
augmentations and keep up-to-date on current research You gain a class skill of your choice when you create
in the field, whether because you work to develop such a themeless character. Also, you gain an ability
technology or because you are the beneficiary of biotech adjustment of +1 to any ability score you choose.
augmentations — or, most likely, both. Reduce the DC CERTAINTY (6TH)
of Life Science checks to identify biotech augmentations Once per day before you roll a skill check, you can
and to recall knowledge about famous biotech gain a +2 bonus to that skill for that check.
corporations and researchers by 5. Medicine is a class
skill for you, though if it is a class skill from the class you
take at 1st level, you instead gain a +1 bonus to your Choose a skill that is a class skill for you. Once per
Medicine checks. In addition, you gain an ability day, you can reroll one such skill check before learning
adjustment of +1 to Intelligence at character creation. the results of the roll. You must take the second result,
INDUSTRY CONNECTIONS (6TH) even if it is worse.
You’ve forged and maintained a number of
Increase your pool of Resolve Points by 1.
Humans are no longer alone — they are just one of the five major subspecies of Homo sapiens. Known
collectively as metahumanity, each of the five main metatypes — dwarf, elf, human, ork, and troll — are more or
less evenly distributed across the 'Verse in geographic and ethnic terms. Some less common metatypes –
changeling, gnome, and halfling – are also present, though in smaller numbers. Though humans retain the
majority, each of the others comprises a significant percentage of the 'Verse-wide population.

LANGUAGES Planets; some of the most commonly spoken tongues in

the 'Verse are presented below.
The myriad peoples of the 'Verse speak a wide Prevalent Languages
variety of languages, from Chinese and English to Mandarin Chinese and English, the languages of the
obscure cultural dialects and ancient languages from two superpowers of Earth-That-Was, are universally
Earth-That-Was. Most races speak a racial tongue, and spoken throughout the 'Verse. The other most
all of the prevalent languages of the Pact Worlds have widespread languages spoken in the 'Verse include the
both signed versions and written versions (including following:
both visual and tactile writing). • Anishinaabe: Algonquin, Arapaho, Blackfoot,
A character begins play speaking and reading Cheyenne, Cree, Micmac, Mohican, Ojibwa,
Mandarin, English, her cultural language (if any), and her Shawnee, Wiyot, Yurok.
racial tongue (if any). She can also choose a number of
bonus languages equal to her Intelligence bonus from • Armenian
the lists below. A character can learn the signed or • Athabaskan (Athapascan, Na-Dené): Apache,
tactile version of a language she knows, either as a Chipewyan, Navaho, Tlingit.
bonus language or by putting a rank in the Culture skill • Baltic: Estonian, Latvian (Lettisch), Lithuanian.
(see page 139). A character who begins play blind • Bantu (Niger-Kordofanian): Anyi, Ashanti,
automatically knows the tactile versions of any Azande, Bassa, Baule, Bemba, Birom, Bulu, Efik,
languages she knows; a character who begins play deaf Ewe, Fang, Fante, Fula, Ganda, Ibo, Igbo,
automatically knows the signed versions. An astonishing Kikuyu, Kituba, Kongo, Kpele, Kru, Luba, Lunda,
number of languages are spoken in the Union of Allied Makua, Mande, Mbundu, Mende, More, Mossi,
Ngala, Ngbaudi, Nyamwezi-Sukuma, Nyanja, • Semitic: Amharic, Arabic, Harari, Hebrew, Neo-
Rundi, Rwanda, Shona, Sotho, Sukuma, Swahili, Aramaic, Tigré, Tigrinya.
Temne, Tiv, Tswana, Twi, Wolof, Xhosa, Yao, • Sino-Tibetan: Burmese, Cantonese, Hakka,
Yoruba, Zande, Zulu. Kashmiri, Lao, Min, Nepali, Shan, Thai, Tibetan,
• Basque Wu, Yueh.
• Caddoan: Caddo, Pawnee, Wichita. • Siouan: Catawba, Crow, Dakota, Hidatsa,
• Celtic: Breton, Irish Gaelic, Scottish Gaelic, Omaha, Osage.
Welsh. • Slavic: Belorussian, Bulgarian, Czech, Georgian,
• Chukotko-Kamchatkan: Chukchi, Koryak. Macedonian, Polish, Russian, Serbo-Croatian,
Slovak, Slovene, Ukrainian.
• Dravidian: Gondi, Kannada, Kurukh, Malayalam,
Tamil, Telugu, Tulu. • South Amerindian: Arawakan, Aymara’,
Cariban, Cuna, Epera, Mapudungun
• Eskimo-Aleut: Aleut, Inuit (Eskimo), Yupik.
(Araucanian), Mataro, Ngäbere (Guaymi), Páez,
• Finnic: Cheremis, Finnish, Karelian, Lapp,
Quechua, Tupi-Guarani, Waica, Yanomani.
Livonian, Mordvin, Veps, Votyak, Zyrian.
• Tsimshianic: Gitxsan (Nisga’a), Tsimshian.
• Germanic: Afrikaans, Danish, Dutch, Flemish,
• Tungusic: Evenki (Tungus), Nanai, Xibe
German, Icelandic, Norwegian, Swedish,
• Turkic: Azerbaijani, Bashkir, Chuvash, Gagauz,
• Greek Kazakh, Kirghiz, Tatar, Turkish, Turkmen, Uzbek,
• Hamitic: Beja, Berber, Galla, Hausa (Chadic), Yakut.
Somali, Tuareg. • Ugrian: Magyar (Hungarian), Ostyak, Vogul.
• Indic: Assamese, Bengali, Bhilli, Gujarati, Hindi, • Uto-Aztecan: Aztec, Comanche, Hopi, Nahuatl,
Konkani, Marathi, Oriya, Punjabi, Rajasthani, Paiute, Papago, Pima, Shoshoni, Tarahumara,
Sindhi, Sinhalese, Urdu. Ute.
• Indo-Iranian: Baluchi, Kurdish, Persian (Farsi), • Zuni
Other Languages
• Iroquoian: Cayuga, Cherokee, Erie, Huron,
Iroquois, Mohawk, Onandago, Oneida, Seneca, The following languages are somewhat less
Tuscarora. common, but they are often encountered by scholars,
spellcasters, and those doing business on their speakers’
• Japonic: Japanese, Ryukyuan (Okinawan et al.).
respective home worlds.
• Khoisan: Bushman, Hadza, Hottentot, Nama,
Sandawe. • Abyssal (demons, chaotic evil outsiders,
inhabitants of the Abyss)
• Korean
• Malayo-Polynesian: Bahasa, Cebuano, • Aquan (inhabitants of the Plane of Water)
Hawaiʻian, Ilocano, Javanese, Kiriwina, • Auran (inhabitants of the Plane of Air)
Madurese, Malayan, Māori, Melanesian, • Celestial (angels, good outsiders, inhabitants of
Micronesian, Misima, Panay-Hiligaynon, the good aligned planes)
Polynesian, Waray-Waray (Samar-Leyte),
• Draconic (dragons)
Sāmoan, Sundanese, Tagalog, Tahitian, Taluga.
• Mayan: Guatemala, Kaqchikel (Cakchiquel), • Dwarven (dwarves)
Kekchi (Q’eqchi’), Mam, Quiché (K’iche’), • Sperethiel (elves)
Tz’utujil, Yucatec (Maya). • Upvehu (gnomes and inhabitants of the Plane of
• Mongolic: Khalkha (Mongolian). Arcadia)
• Mon-Khmer (Annamite): Cambodian (Khmer), • Goblin (bugbears, goblins, hobgoblins)
Mon, Vietnamese (Annamese).
• Chāyumbrā (halflings and inhabitants of the
• Muskhohean: Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek, Plane of Shadow)
• Nilotic: Bagirmi, Dinka, Fur, Kanembu, Kanuri, • Ignan (inhabitants of the Plane of Fire)
Koman, Luo, Maban, Masai, Nuer, Sango, • Infernal (devils, lawful evil outsiders, inhabitants
Shilluk, Songhai, Wadai. of Hell)
• Oto-Manguan: Mixtec, Otomi, Zapotec. • Or'zet (orks, trolls, hags)
• Papuan: Dayak, Negrito, Papu. • Terran (inhabitants of the Plane of Earth)
• Romance: Amazonian Portuguese, Catalan,
French, Galician, Italian, Portuguese, Provençal,
Romanian, Spanish. Changelings +2 Wis, +2 Cha, -2 Con, 4 HP
• Salish: Chehalis, Okanagon, Salish. Changelings are the offspring of hags and their lovers
taken through magic or madness. Dropped off on many innovations, it’s often a dwarf — to the surprise of
doorsteps of prospective foster parents, changelings are many. Most dwarfs are quiet and unassuming about
raised by strangers. Typically tall, slender, dark haired, their abilities; as illustrated by noted programmer Frank
and attractive, changelings otherwise resemble their “Friz” Baylor’s live Cortexcast upon receiving the 2469
fathers’ race. They are always female, and their Innovative IC award: “I’m sorry I could not attend the
mismatched colored eyes and abnormally pale skin hint awards in person, but I didn’t want to take the evening
at their true heritage. At puberty, changelings receive off work — talk to you next year, when I repeat!”
“the call,” a hypnotic spiritual voice that beckons them Of all the metatypes, dwarfs tend to be the most
to travel and discover their true origins. Changelings assimilated into mainstream society. Dwarfs encounter
who ignore this call choose their own destiny; those less prejudice as they are not feared like orks and trolls
who heed it discover their “mother” and may come into or seen as glamorous or conspiratorial like elves, but
great power by transforming into hags themselves. they do ofen encounter paternalistic attitudes from
• Size and Type: Changelings are Medium those that equate short with child-like. Dwarfs must also
humanoids with the changeling subtype. struggle living in a world built for taller beings, as well
as being literally overlooked when it comes to equal
• Normal Speed: Changelings have a base speed opportunities.
of 30 feet.
• Size and Type: Dwarves are Medium
• Hag Racial Trait: The changeling inherits one of humanoids with the dwarf subtype.
the following racial traits, depending on her
mother’s hag type: • Darkvision: Dwarves can see up to 60 feet in
the dark.
◦ Hulking Changeling (Annis Hag): The
changeling gains a +1 racial bonus on • Slow but Steady: Dwarves have a land speed
melee damage. of 20 feet, which is never modified when they
are encumbered or wearing heavy armor. They
◦ Green Widow (Green Hag): The changeling also gain a +2 racial bonus to saving throws
gains a +2 racial bonus on Bluff checks
against poisons, spells, and spell-like abilities,
against creatures that are sexually attracted
and when standing on the ground they gain a
to her.
+4 racial bonus to their KAC against bull rush
◦ Sea Lungs (Sea Hag): The changeling may and trip combat maneuvers.
hold her breath for a number of rounds
• Stonecunning: Dwarves gain a +2 bonus to
equal to three times her Constitution before
Perception checks to notice unusual stonework,
she risks drowning.
such as traps and hidden doors located in stone
• Claws: Changelings’ fingernails are hard and walls or floors. They receive a check to notice
sharp, granting them two claw attacks (1d4 such features whenever they pass within 10 feet
points of damage each). of them, whether or not they are actively
• Natural Armor: Changelings have a +1 natural looking.
armor bonus. • Traditional Enemies: Dwarves still train to fight
• Darkvision: Changelings can see in the dark up their ancient enemies. A dwarf gains a +1 racial
to 60 feet. bonus to attack rolls against a creature with the
goblinoid or orc subtype and a +4 racial bonus
to AC against an attack from a creature with the
Dwarves +2 Con, +2 Wis, -2 Cha, 6 HP giant subtype.
Short, stocky, and barrel-chested, a dwarf typically • Weapon Familiarity: Dwarves are proficient
has shorter legs than other metatypes. Dwarfs have with basic and advanced melee weapons and
natural thermographic vision (which helps fuel the gain specialization with those weapons at 3rd
stories that they prefer living underground — a level.
stereotype that is only partially true as the 26th century
marches on). They also have a hardy immune system Elves +2 Dex, +2 Int, -2 Con, 4 HP
and rarely get sick, even when exposed to toxins. They Elves are taller and slimmer than the average human,
normally live in small family groups, sometimes though their bone structure and musculature are no
isolating themselves from the rest of society. weaker than a human’s. Their ears are distinctly pointed,
In folklore, dwarfs are depicted as hard workers, and many elves wear their hair — which is normally
taking on physical labor that no others would do. This very fine — long, so they can cover their ears in some
holds true in the Sixth World, as dwarfs are known both social situations. Elven body hair is sparse to non-
for their strong work ethic and for an incredible ability to existent, and their eyes are highly capable in dim light.
adapt to new technology and processes. When it comes Elves have the longest gestation period of the
time for megacorps to recognize the true brains behind metatypes, at just under a year. Elves hold a position in
pop culture unchallenged by any other metatype, partly sadly been lost to the history, and many feychild gnome
due to their exotic looks, striking features, and the researchers desperately attempt to re-create it in
adoption of Sperethiel, their own “ancient” language (a corporate laboratories and magical universities. In the
claim disputed by some). Many media icons—from meantime, bleachling gnomes continue to pass their
models to singers to politicians to porn stars to high- immunity on to their children and those of mixed
profile lawyers — are elves. Unlike dwarfs, orks, and relationships, founding a new subrace that, while still
trolls, who are discriminated against on the basis of currently a minority, is poised to someday completely
being “different and ugly,” elves are often looked down replace their parent race — for better or worse.
upon by the other metatypes due to being “different Gnomes of both types usually have spindly frames
and beautiful.” According to stereotype, elves are either and large eyes that give them a youthful (and
poncy faux-aristocrats, homosexual, or back-to-nature sometimes disturbing) appearance. Both ethnicities
“dandelion eaters” (though in fact a majority of elves is remain extremely curious and have a passion for new
vegetarian). experiences, yet they often take different approaches to
• Size and Type: Elves are Medium humanoids this need for mental stimulation — while feychildren are
with the elf subtype. constantly chasing new physical situations and
sensations, bleachlings often find their search for novelty
• Elven Immunities: Elves are immune to magic sated through purely intellectual pursuits. As a culture,
sleep effects and receive a +2 racial bonus to
gnomes rarely build lasting social structures among
saving throws against enchantment spells and
themselves or other groups. Instead, most gnomes
choose to constantly pursue their whimsy and passions
• Elven Magic: Elves receive a +2 racial bonus to alone or with a few close companions. Many feychild
caster level checks to overcome spell gnomes in particular find that keeping interesting friends
resistance. In addition, elves receive a +2 racial is a good way to stave off the apathy and eventual
bonus to Mysticism skill checks. madness that is the Bleaching.
• Keen Senses: Elves receive a +2 racial bonus to Gnomes often find it difficult to relate to other races,
Perception skill checks. as their humor and thought processes can seem wildly
• Low-Light Vision: Elves can see in dim light as bizarre to those who don’t share their unique
if it were normal light. See Vision and Light on viewpoints or context. As a result, most gnomes don’t
page 261 of the Starfinder Core Rulebook. expect to be understood, and thus don’t bother to
explain themselves, further widening the gap between
Gnomes +2 Con, -2 Str, 4 HP themselves and others. Yet while they are often
Long-ago emigrants from the primal fey realm called complex and erratic, gnomes generally have kind and
Arcadia, gnomes are a vivacious people who have generous hearts, especially when it concerns their
adapted to their tumultuous heritage in curious ways, friends.
and evolved significantly from accounts found in pre- Most gnomes stand between 3 and 3-1/2
Gap records. feet tall and weigh around 40 pounds. They’re
Gnomes today fall into two ethnicities: feychildren considered adults at 40 and naturally live up
and bleachlings. Easily recognized by their brightly to 500 years.
colored skin and hair, feychildren remain physiologically • Size and Type: Gnomes are Small humanoids
and socially close to their otherworldly heritage and are with the gnome subtype.
intensely mercurial, possessed of wild whimsy and a • Curious: Gnomes receive a +2 racial bonus to
ravenous, reckless appetite for adventure. Bleachlings, Culture checks.
by contrast, are believed to be the descendants of those
• Dimorphic: A feychild gnome gains +2
who survived the virulent gnome plague called the
Charisma, while a bleachling receives +2
Bleaching, which to this day threatens to drain the color
and life from any feychild gnomes who don’t constantly
seek out enough new experiences to retain their • Eternal Hope: Gnomes receive a +2 racial
vibrancy. Bleachlings are typically born with bonus to saving throws against fear and despair
monochromatic features, their palettes ranging from effects. Once per day, after rolling a 1 on a d20,
black and white to brown and gray. While they are the gnome can reroll and use the second result
usually more even-tempered than their feychild cousins, (see page 243 of the Starfinder Core Rulebook).
Bleachlings have an exaggerated — but only half- • Gnome Magic: Gnomes gain the following
deserved — reputation for dourness. spell-like abilities (see page 262 of the
How exactly the bleachling adaptation occurred — Starfinder Core Rulebook): 1/day — dancing
whether it was an intentional and experimental genetic lights, ghost sound, and token spell. The caster
solution to the ancient gnome disease, a freak mutation, level for these effects is equal to the gnome’s
some deific blessing, or something else entirely — has character level. In addition, gnomes get a +2
racial saving throw bonus against illusion spells • Shadow Sense: Halflings possess the ability to
and effects. sense the presence of the shadow world or its
• Low-Light Vision: Gnomes can see in dim light taint. By concentrating (and making a Search
as if it were normal light. See Vision and Light check) a halfling may sense as if using Detect
on page 261 of the Starfinder Core Rulebook. Evil, Detect Magic [Necromancy only], and
Detect Undead simultaneously. The DC for the
Halflings +2 Dex, +2 Cha, -2 Str, 2 HP
Search check varies according to the strength of
Halflings seem to be harmless, good-natured folk, the aura: Dim (DC 25), Faint (DC 20), Moderate
but they harbor hidden secrets. Most people assume (DC 15), Strong (DC 10), Overwhelming (DC 5).
that the name halfling refers to their stature, but only a • Shadow Walk: Halflings can use dimension
handful know the truth. Halflings were once creatures door or shadow walk 3/day.
who could pass freely between Earth-That-Was and the
Spirit World. In the early years of the Sixth World, a Humans +2 to any one ability, 4 HP
darkness arose in the Spirit World (now called the Humans still make up a slight majority of the Earth’s
Shadow World) and halflings made Earth-That-Was (and population, on average. Most stand about 1.75 meters
later, the 'Verse) their permanent home. tall and weigh just under 80 kg. Five centuries after the
Halflings in the 'Verse have little culture of their own. Awakening, humans are still seen as “the norm” by
Instead, they've adopted the language, culture, and laymen and scientific organizations, and are typically the
customs of the Big Folk around them, while keeping a measuring stick to which the other metatypes are
few aspects of their own culture intact. They'll never compared.
take up arms against each other – halflings feel free to
use weapons in the defense of their homes or families,
• Size and Type: Humans are Medium
humanoids and have the human subtype.
but consider fisticuffs the only acceptable form of
violence against other halflings. • Bonus Feat: Humans select one extra feat at 1st
The halflings aren't a numerous people, but they can level.
be found almost anywhere humans live. Living in the • Skilled: Humans gain an additional skill rank at
shadow of their larger neighbors, halflings don't see the 1st level and each level thereafter
sense in a government larger than a small village or
their extended family, and are happy to count Orks +4 Str, +6 Con, -2 Int, 8 HP
themselves citizens of whatever human land surrounds Orks are proportioned similarly to humans, albeit
them. It's not unusual to find a handful of halfling with a heavier build that adds to their overall bulk.
farmers near a human village, or a neighborhood of Beyond size, the most distinguishing physical feature of
halfling craftsmen in a larger town. Nor is it unusual to orks are large lower canines, which often look even
see halflings walking the streets of a human city, more alien when paired with the metatype’s
mimicking the lives of the humans around them, or characteristic thin lips and flat noses. Ork ears are
playing courtier in an elven court. pointed just like elf ears, though not as elongated. Also
Halflings stand about 3’6” tall and resemble small like elves, ork eyes are naturally adapted for low-light
humans. They tend to be plump, and are fond of situations.
creature comforts. Halflings can pierce the barrier that Likely due to their high birth rates, orks often live in
separates the 'Verse from the Shadow Land by large, communal, extended family groups. Children are
concentrating. This allows them to detect evil, detect most often born in litters of four, but some ork mothers
undead, or detect necromantic magic with a high have given birth to as many as eight young. When
degree of reliability. Exceptional halflings can develop sapiens are born to ork mothers, they will express as
this ability to allow them to enter and exit the shadow robustus at puberty roughly 95% of the time. Ork
world in places where the barriers between worlds are gestation periods are the shortest of any of the
thin. Halflings avoid revealing these abilities to people metatypes at roughly 6 months.
they don't trust. In 2060. The Or’zet Codex, published by the Orkland
• Size and Type: Halflings are Small humanoids Community Center, established the basics of an ork
with the halfling subtype. language and spread through academic and social
• Slow Speed: Halflings have a base speed of 20 networks. This was not a new language; Or’zet is an
feet. interpretation of an ancient text, one of the many
secrets of the old world that the great dragon
• Fearless: Halflings receive a +2 racial bonus on Dunkelzahn hoarded until his death. Though some tried
all saving throws against fear. This bonus stacks
to suppress this discovery, Or’zet soon became a
with the bonus granted by halfling luck.
cultural phenomenon and helped fuel “ork pride”
• Halfling Luck: Halflings receive a +1 racial throughout the ’60s. On the other hand, it also has led
bonus on all saving throws. to an explosion of “orxploitation” media that exploits
the stereotyped image of orks as poorly tempered or 32 — including prominent lower canines. Trolls also
prone to criminal activities. have a pair of horns that grow in all manner of ways —
• Size and Type: Orks are Medium humanoids straight, curled, twisted, etc.
with the ork subtype. Though stereotyped as stupid or frightening, trolls
are no less intelligent or well mannered than other
• Normal Speed: Orks have a base speed of 30 metatypes, though they do suffer from disproportionally
high illiteracy and poverty rates. Perhaps because they
• Low-Light Vision: Orks can see in dim light as still face a certain amount of prejudice in society — not
if it were normal light. See Vision and Light on to mention the daily size difficulties of living in a society
page 261 of the Starfinder Core Rulebook. primarily oriented towards smaller people — trolls often
• Ferocity: Orks can remain conscious and band together socially and culturally. Like orks, many
continue fighting even if their hit point totals fall trolls have been driven to the fringes of society by fear
below 0. Orks are still staggered at 0 hit points and intolerance, leading to extensive populations of
or lower and lose 1 hit point each round as SINless squatter trolls. Some trolls prefer the outcast
normal. lifestyle, preferring to live simple isolated lifestyles in
• Weapon Familiarity: Orks are always proficient wilderness or remote urban settings. On the flip side,
with greataxes and falchions. many trolls have found gainful employment for the very
traits that make them marginalized: size, strength, and
• Social Penalties: Due to appearance, intimidation. Trolls often work as manual laborers and
reputation, and some minor genetic (and often
are in high demand as bouncers, bodyguards, and other
social) deficiencies, Orcs suffer a -2 penalty to
security positions.
Charisma checks and Charisma-based skill
checks when dealing with species other than • Size and Type: Trolls are Large humanoids with
Orcs, Trolls, and similar species. the Troll subtype.
• Normal Speed: Trolls have a base speed of 30
Trolls +8 Str, +10 Con, -4 Int, 8 HP feet.
The largest and most exotic of the metatypes, trolls • Darkvision: Trolls can see up to 60 feet in the
stand two and a half meters tall and can weigh upwards dark.
of 350 kilograms, though weights closer to 300
• Subdermal Deposits: Trolls have subcutaneous
kilograms are more common. Most trolls have arms that
calcified deposits that grant a +2 to KAC.
are far longer in proportion to those of the other
metahuman races, and their skin is often ridged and • Social Penalties: Due to appearance,
lumpy due to natural dermal bone deposits, resulting in reputation, and some minor genetic (and often
a natural armor effect. Like dwarfs, trolls have natural social) deficiencies, Trolls suffer a -4 penalty to
thermographic vision, granting them enhanced sight, Charisma checks and Charisma-based skill
especially in low light conditions. A troll’s ears are checks when dealing with species other than
pointed, and they have two extra teeth — for a total of Trolls, Orcs, and similar species.
Your character’s class represents her field of expertise, whether she’s a battle-hardened soldier or a
technomancer bending the laws of physics. Her class grants a number of abilities — these could be the result of
formal training, honed talent, or even a direct connection to a god. It also determines statistics such as her Hit
Points, Stamina Points, weapon and armor proficiencies, class skills and skill ranks per level, and base attack and
saving throw bonuses. The following are Shadowfinder's core classes.

The envoy uses her personal magnetism and The technomancer understands the connections
intelligence to help her allies and baffle her enemies, between technology and magic, and exploits them by
often in the service of negotiation or politics. bending reality to suit her needs.
The full class description of the Envoy begins on The full class description of the Technomancer begins
page 60 of the Starfinder Core Rulebook. on page 118 of the Starfinder Core Rulebook.

Adept at building and modifying machinery, the Archetypes allow players to focus on very specific
mechanic has either an advanced artificial intelligence or
character concepts when the choices of class and theme
a cutting-edge robot drone as his constant companion. alone don’t quite match up to their visions. All of the
The full class description of the Mechanic begins on archetypes presented on the following pages can be
page 68 of the Starfinder Core Rulebook. applied to any class, using the rules for archetypes
found on pages 126–127 of the Starfinder Core
MYSTIC Rulebook. Rules for how to apply archetypes to
The mystic magically channels the energy connecting NPCs with class grafts can be found on page 167 of
all things, often through a focus on the divine or Starfinder: Pact Worlds.
intuitive understanding of biological systems.
The full class description of the Mystic begins on ARCANAMIRIUM SAGE
page 82 of the Starfinder Core Rulebook. Much like the pre-Exodus Hermetic academy of the
same name, the Arcanamirium on Absalom Station is a
OPERATIVE prestigious institution of magical learning. Numerous
The operative has the skills to complete almost any ancient and alien artifacts are stored in the university’s
mission requiring stealth and discretion, whether it be vaults, and many sages trained at the institution thus
simple espionage or messy wet work. specialize in studying magic items. Arcanamirium sages
The full class description of the Operative begins on learn to hack an item’s magical field, which allows them
page 92 of the Starfinder Core Rulebook. to unlock powers unavailable to normal users.
Most Arcanamirium sages are mystics and
technomancers who studied at the university, but other
SOLDIER characters can be Arcanamirium sages, such as
Thoroughly familiar with weapons of war, the soldier explorers who investigate ancient sites of magical
is ready to wreak havoc when force is called for, and power or adventurers who want to augment their
specializes in a particular fighting style. abilities with magic.
The full class description of the Soldier begins on Alternate Class Features
page 110 of the Starfinder Core Rulebook.
The Arcanamirium sage archetype grants alternate
class features at 2nd, 6th, 9th, 12th, and 18th levels. You can wear up to four hybrid or magic items at a
Magic Item Scholar (Ex) 2nd Level time and have them all function normally.
As an Arcanamirium sage, you have an almost
instinctual grasp over magic and hybrid items. You gain
an insight bonus equal to half your class level to
Engineering and Mysticism checks to identify and repair Most denizens of the 'Verse revere a deity, but few
hybrid and magic items, and you don’t need detect experience such a close connection with their gods as
magic to determine whether an object is a magic item divine champions. A divine champion is a fervent
or to identify a magic item. You can also decipher defender of or crusader for a faith, becoming a living
magical inscriptions that would otherwise be vessel for the deity’s power through study and prayer.
unintelligible or, as a full action, identify any spells However, gods are mysterious and inscrutable, and they
encoded in a spell gem, even if you aren’t a spellcaster. sometimes bestow this power upon mortals who don’t
You gain access to the spell identify. If you have the understand why they were chosen.
spells class feature, you add identify to your list of spells Divine champions of all classes exist, but different
known, and treat it as a spell on your class spell list. If deities favor champions of different classes. For
you already have identify as a spell known, you instead example, many of Aphrodite’s divine champions are
gain an additional 1st level spell known of your choice envoys, while Tyr prefers soldiers and Lao Shu Po favors
from your class spell list. If you do not have a class spell operatives.
list or spells known, you gain identify as a spell-like Alternate Class Features
ability you can cast twice per day. The divine champion archetype grants alternate class
Additionally, in typical settlements, you can find and features at 2nd, 4th, 6th, 12th, and 18th levels.
purchase any hybrid or magic item with an item level up Divine Awakening (Su) 2nd Level
to your character level + 2. As normal, the GM can Choose a deity whose alignment is within one step
restrict access to some items regardless of their level. of your own (see page 25 of the Starfinder Core
Spell Gem Manipulation (Su) 6th Level Rulebook). If you have other abilities that require you to
Once per day, while holding a spell gem in your choose a deity (such as the priest theme), you must
hand, you can cast the spell encoded within the gem choose the same deity.
using a spell slot of the same level or higher, just as You are divinely protected, gaining a +1
though you were casting one of your spells known. The enhancement bonus to saving throws with your lowest
spell must be on your class’s spell list and cannot base saving throw bonus; if two or three of your base
require expensive materials as part of its casting. If the saving throw bonuses are tied for the lowest value,
spell normally requires an expenditure of Resolve Points choose one of those categories to gain this bonus. This
to cast, you must expend the same number of Resolve functions as and doesn’t stack with the bonus provided
Points to use this ability. Using a spell gem this way by a ring of resistance, except the effect cannot be
doesn’t expend the magic encoded within the gem. If dispelled. At 6th level and every 4 levels thereafter, the
you aren’t a spellcaster, once per day you can instead bonus increases by 1.
cast a spell from a spell gem as though you were a Divine Judgment (Su) 4th Level
spellcaster (expending the magic normally), as long as Choose chaos, evil, good, or law; your choice must
the spell gem’s item level isn’t higher than your correspond to a portion of your or your deity’s
character level. alignment (or both, if possible). If both you and your
You also gain access to augury, using the same rules deity are neutral, you can choose any one of the four.
as for gaining access to identify in the magic item As a move action, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to
scholar alternate class feature. pronounce a creature you can see an enemy of your
Magic Item Attunement (Su) 9th Level faith. Until the target is dead or the next time you take a
You can wear up to three hybrid or magic items at a full 8-hour rest, all your weapon attacks bypass that
time and have them all function normally. target’s DR and ignore its energy resistances as though
You also gain access to arcane sight, using the same your weapons had the fusion corresponding to your
rules as for gaining access to identify in magic item chosen alignment (even if the target isn’t a dragon or
scholar. outsider): anarchic (chaos), axiomatic (law), holy (good),
Recharge Magic Item (Su) 12th Level or unholy (evil).
Once per day, you can expend 1 Resolve Point to Lesser Divine Power (Sp) 6th Level
refresh a magic item’s daily charges, even if the magic Choose a connection (as per the mystic class feature)
item has already refreshed its charges for that day. The that fits within your deity’s ethos (subject to the GM’s
item level of this magic item can’t be higher than your discretion). Your bond with your deity has grown strong
character level. This doesn’t affect magic items that enough for you to duplicate the effects of some of the
don’t have charges that refresh each day. connection spells, though you don’t actually gain any
Greater Magic Item Attunement (Su) 18th Level connection abilities.
Once per day, you can cast the 1st- or 2nd-level swap out that skill and select a new skill from the list to
spell of your chosen connection as a spell-like ability. At use with this ability.
10th level, you can use this ability twice per day, and at System Guru (Ex) 6th Level
14th level, you can use this ability three times per day. Whenever you use Computers to attempt to destroy
The save DC of these spells is equal to 10 + the spell’s or repair a system module, detect a fake shell, disable or
level + your key ability score modifier. manipulate a countermeasure or module, gain root
Divine Power (Sp) 12th Level access, or hack a computer system, and the target
Your divine connection continues to grow, allowing computer’s tier is no higher than half your level, you can
you to use more powerful magic. Once per day, you roll twice and take the higher result.
can cast the 3rd- or 4th-level spell of your chosen Tactical Analysis (Ex) 9th Level
connection as a spell-like ability. At 16th level, you can As a move action, you can analyze a creature’s
use this ability twice per day, and at 20th level, you can movement and defenses, trying to find a weakness.
use this ability three times per day. The save DC of Attempt a skill check using the same skill you would
these spells is equal to 10 + the spell’s level + your key use if you were trying to identify the creature
ability score modifier. (Engineering, Life Science, or Mysticism). You cannot
Greater Divine Power (Sp) 18th Level take 10 or take 20 on this check, even if an ability
Your divine connection becomes immensely would allow you to do so in combat. The DC for this
powerful. Once per day, you can cast the 5th- or 6th- check is equal to 15 + the creature’s CR. If you succeed,
level spell of your chosen connection as a spell-like you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to attack rolls against
ability. The save DC of these spells is equal to 10 + the that creature until the end of your turn, and any weapon
spell’s level + your key ability score modifier. or spell attacks you make until the end of your turn
ignore 5 points of the target’s DR and energy
DATA JOCKEY resistances. Alternatively, you can spend a second move
action to relay this information to your allies; until the
Data jockeys are the foremost experts on the beginning of your next turn, your allies’ weapon and
analysis, architecture, manipulation, and retrieval of spell attacks can ignore 5 points of the target’s DR and
data. They live for the thrill of exploration and joy of energy resistances, but allies do not gain a bonus to
discovery, delving into databases and networks much attack rolls.
like a field agent ventures into ancient ruins Master of Lore (Ex) 18th Level
Because of their affinity with computers and You can treat your full ranks in Computers as your
technology, most data jockeys are envoys, mechanics, ranks in all skills you have selected with the fast retrieval
operatives, or technomancers, but members of virtually ability, and you don’t need to spend Resolve Points to
any class can become successful data jockeys. do so.
Alternate Class Features
The data jockey archetype grants alternate class AUGMENTED
features at 2nd, 6th, 9th, and 18th levels.
Fast Retrieval (Ex) 2nd Level The Augmented have become a cultural movement
Whenever you have access to an Cortex node or of seeking perfection through artificial upgrades — most
downloaded data set, you can use the Computers skill often cybernetics. The Augmented push the boundaries
for any skill check to recall knowledge. Furthermore, you of cybernetic integration, often appearing as much
dabble in scientific study and have a thirst for machine as organic.
knowledge in fields beyond your own, and your ability Alternate Class Features
to create simulations and process data allows you to The Augmented grants alternate class features at
emulate skills that would normally be beyond your 2nd, 4th, 6th, and 9th levels.
grasp. Select Culture, Engineering, Life Science, Favored Augmentation (Ex) 2nd Level
Medicine, Mysticism, Physical Science, or Profession Select one system of the body for which you can
(any one); whenever you attempt a skill check with that acquire augmentations. When you purchase and install
skill, you can treat half your ranks in Computers as your an augmentation with an item level no greater than your
ranks in that skill for the check, if that would be better. character level into that system, you reduce the
You are considered trained in the skill for the purposes augmentation’s price by 50%.
of this check. If you spend 1 Resolve Point as part of the Nested Augmentations (Ex) 4th Level
check, you can treat your full ranks in Computers as your Whether it’s because your body is especially
ranks in that skill for the check. At 8th, 14th, and 20th receptive to modification or you’re able to adjust your
levels, you can select an additional skill to use with this modifications to fit alongside one another, you can use
ability. Additionally, if you gain a number of ranks equal more augmentations at once than other creatures can.
to or greater than half your ranks in Computers in a skill You can install one additional augmentation into one
you have selected with this ability, you can immediately system that already has an augmentation. You can have
no more than two augmentations in that system, even if upgrades. These benefits last for a number of rounds
you have another ability that grants you a similar equal to your character level.
benefit. • Strength: You gain a circumstance bonus equal
Sustained by Science (Ex) 6th Level to your Strength upgrade’s model to all
Your technological components from augmentations Strength- and Dexterity-based skill checks and
grant you extraordinary resilience. Whenever you spend ability checks. Reduce your armor check penalty
one or more Resolve Points, you gain an equal number by an amount equal to your model type
of charges as though your body were a battery with a (minimum 0).
maximum capacity equal to the number of
augmentations you have. You can use these charges to
• Dexterity: Each of your modes of movement
increases by an amount equal to 10 ft. × your
power any device that you own, and any unused
Dexterity upgrade’s model, to a maximum of
charges disappear at a rate of 1 charge per 10 minutes.
twice your normal speed for each.
This excess energy can be used only to directly power
an object, and not to recharge a battery or item. • Constitution: At the end of your turn you regain
When calculating how many Resolve Points you Stamina Points equal to 3 × your Constitution
must spend to stabilize, subtract half your number of upgrade’s model.
augmentations from your maximum Resolve Points. • Intelligence: You gain a circumstance bonus
When you spend any Resolve Points to stabilize, you equal to your Intelligence upgrade’s model to
can also attempt a saving throw against one bleeding or all Intelligence-based skill checks and ability
burning condition affecting you against the effect’s checks. Your critical hits deal additional damage
original DC (or if there was no save, a Fortitude save equal to 4 × your model type.
equal to 10 + the source’s CR). If you succeed at the • Wisdom: You gain a circumstance bonus equal
save, the condition ends. to your Wisdom upgrade’s model to all
Overclocked Systems (Ex) 9th Level Wisdom-based skill checks and ability checks as
The fusion between your natural form and your well as to initiative checks.
augmentations surpasses either’s intended limits. As a
swift action, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to choose
• Charisma: You gain a circumstance bonus equal
to your Charisma upgrade’s model to all
one personal upgrade (Starfinder Core Rulebook 212)
Charisma-based skill checks and ability checks.
you have and gain a temporary benefit based on the
As a reaction, you can allow any ally that can
ability score it augments. The benefit increases based on
see or hear you within 30 feet to reroll one
the model type, treating Mk1 as 1, Mk2 as 2, and Mk3
attack roll, saving throw, or skill check (Core
as 3 for the purpose of calculating the effect. At 13th
Rulebook 243). Using this reaction immediately
level you can gain the associated benefits for two of
ends all of your overclocked systems benefits.
your personal upgrades, and at 17th level you can gain
the associated benefits for up to three of your personal

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