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Failure Mode and Effect Analysis Power Plant Boiler: July 2018

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Failure Mode and Effect Analysis Power Plant Boiler

Article · July 2018

DOI: 10.22094/JOIE.2018.555547.1527


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2 authors:

Guntur Pratama Putra Humiras Hardi Purba

Universitas Mercu Buana Universitas Mercu Buana


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Journal of Optimization in Industrial Engineering, Vol.11, Issue 2, Summer and Autumn 2018, 1-5
DOI: 10.22094/JOIE.2018.555547.1527

Failure Mode and Effect Aanalysis on Power Plant Boiler

Guntur Pratama Putraa,*, Humiras Hardi Purbab
Master of Industrial Engineering, MercuBuana University,Jakarta, Indonesia.
Received 02 December 2017; Revised 23 May 2018; Accepted 24 May 2018

The current electricity demand is increasing, and now the government has involved third parties in the implementation of electricity so
that investors compete for building infrastructure in order to apply electricity. Thermal power is one source that has a fast break event
point compared to other resources that more interested investors even with all forms of pollution caused. A form of heat power using a
vapor pressure is fired into the turbine so that it will cause a rotating force that will turn the generator of an electric generator. thermal
power has the ability to generate electricity large, but if there is a failure in operation, then the burden will quickly lose power sources that
can cripple production activities.FMEA is one of the most widely used tools for the industry to analyze the root cause of the system so
that the system is protected from small and large damage and can disrupt the stability of the industrial operating system. The reliability of
the machine must always be maintained so that with this method it is expected to help the power service providers to maintain the
availability of its services.With the implementation of FMEA, we get an overview of the steps to be taken for the future so that the
reliability of a steam generator boiler system can be improved
Keywords: PowerPlant, Boiler, Thermal Power, Failure mode and effect analysis

Electricity is a useful form of human life and an important “Effect Analysis” denotes to studying the consequences of
factor of supporting the development of the area. As those failures (R.S.Mhetre & R.J.Dhake, 2012). The
more and more people, the economic growth and motivation for undertaking a Process FMEA is to
development of the industrial sector led to the need for continually develop products and process consistency
greater electricity. This is happening to major cities and thereby increasing customer satisfaction (K.G. Johnson &
in rural areas so that electricity supplyes is optimally and M.K.Khan, 2003).
freely available. Electricity demands is increasing year by FMEA presents a methodology for documenting
year and the lack of development of new power plants in phenomena that will be rooted in the issue as a continuous
Indonesia leads to an energy crisis. process of improvement. This is a systematic approach to
Today the government is entrusting the private sector to analysis, definition, budget, and risk assessment. In this
participate in running electricity, especially for remote case, FMEA that we use in analyzing the major causes of
areas. Thermal energy is indispensable to investors as it steam powers system failure.
has a relatively quick point compared to other electrical
2. Literature Review
energy management methods. The thermal power
commonly used in Indonesia is heating the water so that it A failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA) are a
becomes a high-pressure steam that will make the turbine methodology in product development and operations
generator blades produce electricity that we can use. management for analysis of potential failure modes within
In operation, the machine used to heat water is called a system for classification by the severity and likelihood
Boiler. Steam boilers are closed vessels that contain water of the failures(Ambekar, Edlabadkar, & Shrouty, 2013).
and will be heated so that certain pressures and FMEA (Failure mode and effect analysis) is the basis of
temperatures can rotate the steam turbine. Because the maintenance philosophy aimed at failure-free operation -
heating process can be used to rotate the turbine requires a Reliability Centered (RCM). Its task is to perform the
considerable time for 2-3 hours of a capacity of analysis in such a way as to minimizing negative effects
100MW, so the failures in the Boiler operation are and help solve problems effectively or prevent
maintained so that the reliability of the electric power them(Tomašková, 1929).
system remains optimistic. FMEA (Failure Mode and Effect Analysis) is a systematic
The failure mode and effect analysis are used to identify method of identifying and preventing process and product
and analyzed: (1) all failure mode of different parts of the problems before they occur. FMEA is focused on
system, (2) effects of this failure mode on the system and preventing damage, improving security, and improving
(3) how to circumvent the failure and/or moderate the customer satisfaction (Chikhale & Barik, 2015).
effect of the failed system. FMEA is a step by step tactic Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) was first
to identifying all possible failures of the processes. developed as a formal design methodology in the 1960s
*Corresponding author Email address:untur_pratama_putra@yahoo.com

Guntur Pratama Putra et al./Failure mode and effect…

by the aerospace industry with their obvious reliability knows exactly what is awry for the answer to be yes
and safety requirements. FMEA is a systematic method of (Afefy, 2010).
identifying and preventing system, product and process The availability of the combined cycle thermoelectric
problems before they occur. It is focused on preventing power plants to depend s on the perfect operation of all
problems, enhancing safety and increasing customer its systems (gas turbine, heat recovery steam generator
satisfaction. Ideally, FMEA‘s is conducted in the product and steam turbine). In the combined cycle the gas turbine
design or process development stages, although transforms the chemical energy generated by combustion
conducting an FMEA on Existing products or processes in mechanical energy to rotate the generator’s shaft. The
may also yield benefits. FMEA is a tool that allows us to exhaust gas is used to heat water in the steam generator
prevent System, Product and Process problems before allowing the operation of the steam cycle (Carazas,
they occur. It reduces costs by identifying system, product Salazar, & Souza, 2011).
and process improvements early in the development cycle. The failure of steam boiler due to creep damages
It prioritizes actions that decrease the risk of mechanism under the estimated normal operating
failure(Rakesh, Jos, & Mathew, 2013). temperature is not expected in operation, and it has been
The main purpose for performing FMEA are to prevent confirmed and studied by the conservative creep analysis
the possibility that a new design, the process fails or showing that the tube should fit for operation for next
system fails to achieve, totally or in part the proposed many years under normal service condition (Purbolaksono
requirements, under certain conditions such as defined et al., 2010).
purpose and imposed limits (Sharma & Srivastava, 2016). The failure mechanism of tube boiler is identified due to
Failure mode and effect analysis are an analytical the short-term overheating as result of the localized flue
technique (a paper test) that combines technology and gas flow following massive clinker formations in primary
experience in people in identifying probable failure mode superheater region of the boiler. Operation of a new type
of product or process and planning for its abolition. of coal having low ash fusion temperature of 1210
FMEA is a “before the- event” action requiring a team which is close to the minimum specification limit of 1200
effort into easily and inexpensively alleviate changes is identified as the main root cause of the failure of coal
from design and production (S. Parsana & T. Patel, 2014). boiler type (Purbolaksono et al., 2010).
The failure modes (symptoms) translate how a failure Li and Gao (2010) combined failure mode and critically
appears and which justifies a maintenance action. In this analysis method (FMECA) and fault tree analysis method
stage, responses are given for questions such as: “How (FTA) for reliability-centered maintenance.
can a specific component fails?” The potential failure Mariajayaprakash and Senthilvelan (2014) used the
modes are expressed in physical terms, more specifically: FMEA method and Taguchi method to optimize the
under fatigue, vibration, wear, leakage, fracture, etc process parameters of screw conveyor (sugar mill boiler)
(Management, 2013). with respect to the process stability, reliability, and
FMEA/FMECA methods are used all over industry for a quality(Mutlu, Altuntas, & Türkdoğan, 2016).
sort of applications and this flexible method can be Finite element (FE) analyses on the deformation of the
executed at diverse steps in the product lifecycle (Lipol & superheater tubes boiler were presented. It was found that
Haq, 2011). temperature was the main factor of the deformation due to
FMEA is carried out by a cross-functional team of experts restriction of the tube. The locations of the maximum
on various departments. Normally, a team is formed into stress induced by the deformed tube were
the planning stage of a new product based on a concurrent determined(Othman, Purbolaksono, & Ahmad, 2009).
engineering approach. The team analyzes each component FMEA analyses potential failure modes, main effects of
and subsystem of the product for the failure modes. Then, failure, main failure causes, assesses current process
the potential causes and effects are determined (Sellappan controls and determines a risk priority factor of the
& Palanikumar, 2013). system. FMEA to be effectual, the FMEA must be
With the increasing of complexity degree for the iterative to correspond with the nature of the design
industrial systems, there is an importunate need to the process itself (Shivakumar, Hanumantharaya, & A, 2015).
application of developed techniques in operating and FMEA is intended to act as a preventive since it is not a
maintaining of such systems. The failure modes and effect method which is carried out after a failure, with the
analysis (FMEA) are one of modern technology that is purpose of satisfying the customer or the requirements of
especially applied to complex systems to facilitate the ISO/TS 16949 standard (QS 9000) or ISO 9001 series of
identification process of the systems failure modes and to standards. A thorough FMEA demands time and provision
analyzing of their reasons and effects (Al-khafaji, 2005). of necessary resources during the design and process
The basic (LTA) uses the decision tree structure shown 1) development when design and process changes can be
safety-related, 2) outage-related, or 3) economic-related implemented with least difficulty and financial means
were noticed. Each failure mode is entered into the top (Popović, Vasić, & Petrović, 2010).
box of the tree, where the first question is posed: Does the The Failure Mode Effect Analysis was developed for the
operator, in the normal course of his or her duties, know U.S. military purposes as a technique for assessment of
that something of an abnormal or detrimental nature has reliability through determination of effects of different
occurred in the plant? It is not necessary that the operator failure modes of technical systems (Dobrivoje, 2011).

Journal of Opttimization in Industrial
I Enggineering,Vol.11, Issue 2, Suummer and Auutumn2018, 1-5

3. Methods In
n the operatioon of the boiler, all param meters related to
opperating safetyy should be m maintained and possible. Soo it
Faailure mode anda effects analysis
a (FME EA) were fiirst is expected thatt boiler operattion failure caan be minimizzed.
deeveloped as a formal desiggn methodologgy in the 19660s Frrom FMEA Design
D we cann improve the equipment to be
byy the aerospaace industry with
w their obvvious reliabillity reeliable and effficient.
annd safety requiirements (Bow wles and Pel´aaez 1995). Th here are two types
t of FMEA A: Design FM
MEA and Process
Thhere are seveeral techniquees developed to perform the t FM MEA. Designn FMEA aidds in the dessign process by
rissk assessmentt to mitigate thhe suffering. FMEA
F is one of id
dentifying knoown and foreseeable failu ure modes, and
thee most widely used risk assessment tools. t Recenttly, th
hen ranking faailures accordding to relativ ve impact on the
FMMEA has beeen adopted in the wide speectrum of fiellds prroduct (Rakesh et al., 2013)).
suuch as the chhemical, aeroospace, militaary, automobiile,
eleectrical, mechhanical and large-scale
l industries (Afeefy, 4. Result and Discussion
FMMEA methodd is used to evaluate failuure of systeem, PTT.X is a smeltter company tthat has a priv vate power plant
deesign, process, service. Poteential faults identification
i by with a capacityy of 40 MeggaWatt which h is supplied by
scoring or scoriing each failurre mode basedd on occurrence, Stteam turbine and
a combustioon turbine (Co ombined Cyclle).
severity, and deetection(Puspiitasari & Marttanto, 2014). In
n operation, thhere is a majorr component that
t often occurs
In the operatioon of a boiller are a power p plant, all th
he problems liisted in table 1. It can be analyzed thatt in
opperating compponents of both b human, machine, and a th
he last four yeears the frequuent failures are
a on the Boiiler
opperating methoods will greattly affect the performance of sidde, so to get Failure modee and effect analysis
a requirred
thee engine. In this study calculated
c thee value of Riisk caause and effe fect diagram or fishbone diagram. Affter
prriority numberr of each compponent in the boiler.
b geetting all data onto failure of boiler sidee then calculaated
Thhe thermal effficiency of the t boiler is defined as the t Riisk Priority Number
N / RPNN values. Callculate the RP PN
peercentage of heat input thhat is effectivvely utilized to nuumber by ussing the forrmula: (RPN = Severity x
geenerate steam (Nagar, 2013)). Occurrence x Detection)
D .
Major Coomponent's failuure in Steam Poowered Power Plant
Year 2013 2014 2015 2016
Boiler 40 42 50 46
Feed Water
W Pump 10 19 21 20
Electriccal 11 9 13 14
Controol System 5 7 13 8
ne 30 35 33 36
Others 20 26 25 20

In table 1 showwn major faillure of 4 yeears from 20113- bo

oiler. So we must
m focus on boiler compoonent to improove
20016, the most common failuure of this sysstem is in the th
he system and reduce thee failure off boiler Systeem.

Majorr Component's fa
ailure in Steam Powered
P Power Plant

2013 2014 2015 ۵ 2016

35 36
30 33
192120 20 20
10 11 9 1314 13

Boiler FWP Elecctrical Controll Turbine Others


Fig. 1. Majjor Componentt's failure in Steam Powered Poower Plant

Guntur Pratama Putra et al./Failure mode and effect…

From Fig.1 Shown the graphics of failure of the boiler. system is in the boiler
Same as Table 1, from 2013-2016 the common failure in a

Temperature steam Boiler Tube

Attemperator Corotion,
Error Deformation
Flame Fail Boiler Failure
Pressure Drop Air fuel ratio
Scanner error,
relay fail.
Fuel Lost Combustion Fail

Fig. 2.“Cause and effect diagram” For Gas fire boiler to find out cause for failure and their effect

Table 2
RPN Number before implementation FMEA
Potential Failure Mode Potential effect of Failure Potential cause of Failure Severity (S) Occurrance (O) Detection (D) RPN
Boiler Tube 1. Water leakage 1. Silica to high 9 8 6 432
2. Level unmaintained 2. Corrosion
3. Boiler stop 3. Combustion ramp to fast
4. Retubing 4. Water quality bad
5. Overheating in Super
Temperature Steam 1. Steam rejection 1. Atemperator valve fail 8 4 6 192
2. Overpressure 2. Combustion ratio not
3. Superheater fail
Flame Fail 1. Steam not produce 1. Flame scanner fail 7 6 5 210
properly 2. Fuel-air ratio not good
2. Combustion does not 3. Electrical fail
take place
Fuel Lost 1. Steam not produce 1. Strainer dirty 8 4 2 64
proper manner 2. Pressure regulator fail
Combustion Fail 1. Steam not produce 1. Fuel-air ratio not good 5 4 4 80
2. Boiler wall damage 2. Back fire
After understanding what causes the engine damage,
5. Action to Solve Major Failure then there are periodic checks for engine performance
and availability of machine operation will increase.
Suggestions for reducing the effects and potential for
Fmea in its implementation will help analyze the causes
boiler failure are Shutdown boilers for 2-6 days in case
of failure in general, so service providers will always
of major failure of cool the iron material. Check the
maintain and maintain the equipment with a structured.
water quality and make chemical and mechanical
Improvement focuses on the highest RPN number from
cleaning on the water and flame sides. Make sure there is
Equipment RPN calculation.
no overflow in the water tube and steam system. Burning
From table no.2 it is concluded that the biggest problem
settings must be correct in order to avoid excessive
of a steam power plant is in the boiler system, so the
temperature fluctuations that will cause stress material.
focus of maintenance and reliability improvement is on
The water level should be kept steady so the water does
the boiler system. But did not rule out also to always
not carry. Focus on the material heating curve, so its
monitor the other items for the entire system maintained
mean for the first ignition we must use the slow firing
its reliability.
rate to avoid material cracking.
6. Conclusion Rererences

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This article cann be cited: putrra, G. P. & Purbba H.H.(2018). Failure Mode and
a Effect Aanaalysis
on Power Plannt Boiler. journaal of Optimizatiion in Industriaal Engineering. 11(2),2018,1-55.

URL: http://qjie.ir/article_5400073.html
DOI: 10.220944/joie.2018.5555547.1527

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