Tobacco Use and Oral Health Status Among Adolescents in An Urban Slum, Gurugram
Tobacco Use and Oral Health Status Among Adolescents in An Urban Slum, Gurugram
Tobacco Use and Oral Health Status Among Adolescents in An Urban Slum, Gurugram
DOI: 10.26440/IHRJ/02_04/184
Tobacco is the most usually manhandled sedate predominance of tobacco utilization among young
on the planet. Tobacco smoking and chewing are people in urban slum and to assess oral health
the second major causes of death in the world. The status among them.
tobacco loss of life is relied upon to twofold by
2025 from the present 5 million passing (approx). MATERIALS AND METHOD
At each 6.5th second, a man bites the dust on The present cross sectional examination was
account of a tobacco related ailment, all around.1 directed among the young people residing in
The topic for 'World No Tobacco Day-2008'- urban slum Basai which is catered by the urban
Tobacco Free Youth centres around young people health training centre, SGT Medical College,
and required the development of youth gatherings Gurugram. All adolescents (10-19 years) attending
and mindfulness building.2 The most powerless the dental camps organized at urban slum were
time for commencement of tobacco use in India is approached for participation in the study. Those
amid youthfulness and early adulthood i.e., in the adolescents who gave written informed consent
age gathering of 15-24 yr.3 Centring the essential for participation were recruited. In case of
counteractive action among youths is adolescents below 18years, consent was acquired
fundamental. Adolescence is the stage of from the accompanying guardian. A total of 130
transition when they are involved in adolescents were recruited. A predesigned
experimenting with various risk behaviors such as pretested organized poll was utilized for
smoking, risky sexual behavior and tobacco, information accumulation. The information
alcohol and drug use. In the meantime, it might be which was identified with their socio-statistic
less demanding to incorporate solid practices at a qualities and tobacco utilization was gathered
youthful age as opposed to change the conduct at from the adolescents. The socioeconomic status of
later ages or after the beginning of a sickness.4 the investigation subjects was resolved according
Maintaining oral hygiene is shockingly a standout to the modified B.G. Prasad's classification. All
amongst the most disregarded practice among participant were subjected to dental examination
youth particularly in the underprivileged in a well-lit area. The statistical analysis was
provincial and urban ghetto networks. The completed by using percentage and the Chi square
present study was led to discover the test.
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION the prevalence of dental caries was high in both
Table 1 demonstrates the socio demographic boys(77.7%) and girls(55.2%). The presence of
distribution of study participants. About 55.38% tartar was found in 47.3% boys and 22.4% girls.
adolescents were boys and rest 44.6% were girls. Bleeding gums was found in more no. of girls
Around 49.23% adolescents were 14-16years age i.e (29.3%) as compared to boys (25%). The other
mid adolescence. Majority 43% adolescents were morbidities found on examination were ulcer
illiterate. About 75.4% resided in a nuclear family (16.7% boys and 3.5% girls), Oral submucous
and rest 24.6% belonged to joint family. The fibrosis was seen in 27.8% boys and 3.5% girls.
greater part of the adolescents belonged to class Most extreme oral wellbeing and dental issues
III and class IV socioeconomic status. were seen among male as contrast with the female
Table 2 demonstrates the prevalence of tobacco
utilization among adolescents. In the study area, The relationship between dental caries and
95.8% adolescent boys and 27.6% adolescent girls tobacco utilization was observed to be factually
consumed tobacco. Smokeless tobacco (dry significant (p<0.0001) (Table 5). About 84.2%
tobacco, lime, guthka) was consumed by 39.13% adolescents consuming tobacco had dental caries
boys and 19% girls. Smoking was prevalent among as compared to only 22.8% adolescents who did
16.7% boys and 8.6% girls. However 41.7 % not consume tobacco. One of the principle
adolescent boys expended both forms of tobacco. explanations behind the relationship between
The prevalence of tobacco utilization in teenagers smokeless tobacco and dental caries is the
was 65.3%, which is high. Similar results were nearness of high measure of different sugars and
found in study conducted by Surekha Kishore et sweeteners included amid the business
al5 and Dongare AR et al.6 Sinha DN et al7 detailed assembling of smokeless tobacco items.16
that 75.3% of the understudies who were matured
13 to 15 years in Mizoram were tobacco clients. Fig.1 shows the different reasons cited by
Youthful young men devoured both smokeless adolescents for consuming tobacco. About 52%
and smoke type of tobacco, though the young adolescents initiated tobacco due to peer
ladies expended the smokeless structures as it pressure,14.5% reported influence by relatives,
were. 7.5% adolescents said tobacco consumption
provides social status and 26% opined tobacco
Table 3 demonstrates the relationship between consumption was fashionable. Peer pressure is a
tobacco consumption and gender. The prevalence vital deciding element for commencement of
of tobacco utilization was higher among tobacco use among kids and young people.
adolescent boys (95.8%) as compared to Companion weight is a critical deciding
adolescent girls (27.8%). This difference was component for inception of tobacco use among
observed to be factually significant (p<0.0001). kids and young people.
This finding is practically identical with different
investigations.8,9,10,11 The prevalence found in our CONCLUSION
study was significantly higher than the rates of the The findings in the study suggest that tobacco use
nationwide survey conducted in 2009 which is still an important risk behavior among
reported prevalence of 9.5 percent,12 and a Kerala adolescents. Influence of adolescent is
study in 2011 announcing 9.8 for every penny multifactorial. A portion of these are peer
prevalence.13 Further, the prevalence was much pressure, experimentation amid young, and
lower than discoveries from examines from simple access to such items alongside identity
Western nations which indicated changing factors. At the same time awareness about oral
predominance in the vicinity of 20 and 67 for each hygiene should be encouraged among
penny.14,15 adolescents, Though the significance of oral
cleanliness and tobacco abuse is well-known, the
Table 4 shows the oral wellbeing status of need of awareness programs, visit screening
adolescents. On examination, it was found that camps ought to be underlined by public health
1. Senior Lecturer, Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, Eklavya Dental College and Hospital, Kotputli, Rajasthan
2. Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine, Faculty of Medical sciences, SGT University, Gurugram, Haryana.
3. PG Resident, Department of Community Medicine, Faculty of Medical sciences, SGT University, Gurugram, Haryana.
4. Senior Lecturer, Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, Rayat Bahra Dental College and Hospital, Mohali, Punjab.
Corresponding Author: For article enquiry/author contact details, e-mail at:
Dr. Vishesh Yadav
Senior Lecturer
Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology
Eklavya Dental College and Hospital, Kotputli
60% 52%
30% 26%
20% 14.50%
Peer pressure Influenced by Social status fashionable