Group Work in Different Settings
Group Work in Different Settings
Group Work in Different Settings
Self help and mutual aid are the foundational principles
of social work. Professional social work evolved in the West
where self help groups were mainly used for addressing
psycho-social issues. It was used to mainly to provide
emotional support and train people through groups.
However in developing countries SHGs began to be used
for empowerment and economic development. Here we
focus on those SHGs, which are used for these purposes.
SHGs are being increasingly used developmental
programmes of government and NGOs. A number of
strategies were used to alleviate the problem of poverty by
both governmental and non-governmental organizations.
Some of them were partially successful and others were
failures. Community based approaches, family based
approaches and individual based approaches were used.
However each of these strategies had its limitations. For
example, in the community development programmes the
elite and already well off gained at the expense of the poor
thereby reducing the effectiveness of the programmes.
Similarly individual based programmes imposed conditions
Concept of SHGs
According to the Reserve Bank of India
Self-Help Group (SHG) is a registered or unregistered group
of micro entrepreneurs having homogeneous social and
economic background voluntarily, coming together to save
small amounts regularly, to mutually agree to contribute
to a common fund and to meet their emergency needs on
mutual help basis. The group members use collective
wisdom and peer pressure to ensure proper end-use of
credit and timely repayment thereof. In fact, peer pressure
has been recognized as an effective substitute for collateral.
(Reserve Bank of India, FAQs).
Malcolm Harper has defined SHGs as groups of women
whose primary purpose is to save and then to take loans,
initially from their own funds but eventually from a bank.
Concepts and Dynamics of Self Help Groups 235
Characteristics of SHGs
SHGs consist of group members, male or female who come
together and form a group. Often it is an outside agency, a
government agency or a NGO that encourage the
individuals to form this group. The group has to be formed
carefully as an unplanned group will face problem and in
all probability will terminate leading to frustration in the
Ideal characteristics of SHGs
1) Number of group members is between 8-15. Ideally
the number is upto 12.
236 Social Group Work: Working with Groups
First Stage
Government, NGOs or Banks, forms SHGs. Often
employees or volunteers from any one organization go to
the rural community or to urban slum community. They
interact with the community women and explain to them
the advantages of forming SHGs. It is pointed out to the
women they often have to borrow money for emergencies
or for investing in their economic activities. They usually
approach the local moneylenders for their requirements
who charge exorbitant rates for their loans. A 10 percent
per month interest rate , which works out to 120 percent
per year, is common. Further, the first month interest is
deducted from the principle itself.
Second Stage
If the group survives the earlier phase then it goes to the
next phase. Meetings are held regularly and members
would accept the rules and regulations and agree that it
is in advantageous for them. Loans should be taken and
repayments done on time. The account books and
passbooks are updated regularly. Conflicts are settled
without outside help.
But first the heath of the SHG is assessed and seen whether
it meets the criteria set by the bank to avail loan facilities.
Fulfilling the criteria mean that the SHGs enjoys good
heath and will repay the loans - the main concern of the
Another facility for groups who meet the criteria and are
formed by BPL members is subsidy. Subsidy by the
government, which need not be repaid, ranges from Rs.
20,000 to Rs.100,000.
Third stage
Once the group has stabilized itself then it should ideally
become a people’s institution. However even though
activities other than collection and giving loans to members
are encouraged many SHG limit themselves to doing only
Advantages of SHGs
The evolution of SHGs in India can be traced to the efforts
of NGOs and governmental organizations to provide credit
to the poor. SHGs proved to be very useful for all
246 Social Group Work: Working with Groups
Impacts of SHGs
Bank-SHG Linkage
From the point of view the lenders the performance of the
Bank –SHGs Linkage has been successful. The figure given
below indicate this
Criticism of SHGs
SHGs have been criticized as being one more fad in the
field of development which while not addressing the core
issue of oppression and discrimination tries to solve the
problem by providing credit to the poor. One commentator
calls the strategy of using the SHGs for development as
the last resort of the development planner. All other
reformist strategies having failed the success of the
Grameen Bank and other NGOs enabled the government
and the funding agencies to grasp on to the concept of
SHGs. At the first look, SHGs are ideal as it follows the
participatory approach and emphasizes on self and mutual
aid. But the strategy is meant again to avoid radical
Concepts and Dynamics of Self Help Groups 253
SHGs have become a key component in the developmental
programme of the government and the NGOs. It has become
the instrument through which the credit; a important
prerequisite for development is being reached to the poor.
But an important aspect is that SHGs if handled properly
is a people’s institution, which can play a role in the
transformation of the society. Evidence from the field may
254 Social Group Work: Working with Groups
Harper, Malcolm (1998), Profit for the Poor - Cases in Micro-
Finance, Oxford and IBH Publishing Co. Ltd., New Delhi.
Putnam, Robert (1992). Making democracy Work; Civic
traditions in Modern Italy, Princeton University Press, New
Putnam, Robert (2000), Bowling alone; The collapse and
revival of American Community, Simon & Schuster, New
ASSEFA, Mid Term Assessment of Women’s Development
Programme (mimeo), Chennai
Karmakar, K.G.,(1999), Rural Credit and self Help Groups,
Micro finance Needs and Concepts in India, Sage
Publications, New Delhi.
Swain, Ranjula Bali and Fan Yang Wallentin, does micro
finance empower women? Evidence from self help groups
in india, Working Paper 2007:24 Department of Economics,
Department of Economics Working paper 2007:24, Uppsala
University Uppsala. Downloaded from htt p:// on 10th January 2009
Siddiqui, H.Y.(2008), Group work; Theories and Practices,
Rawat Publications, Jaipur.
Wilson, Kim (2002), The Role of Self Help Group Bank in
Linkage Programme in Preventing Rural Emergencies in
India, NABARD, Mumbai.
Concepts and Dynamics of Self Help Groups 255
256 Social Group Work: Working with Groups
Group work is very useful in the community. We have
discussed in detail the most widely used type of groups in
the community- the SHGs. In this chapter the other types
of groups will be discussed. Any number of natural groups
is found in the community. Most of them are spontaneous
efforts by the people themselves to control their lives by
helping others and getting help from others. Most of them
receive no or minimum help from professionals. However
they are effective in assisting those who are part of it. The
members do no think of their membership in the group as
something outside their normal course of life. It is part
and parcel of their life. For the poor the groups are
crucial part of their livelihood strategies and survival
strategies. They borrow money when needed, help building
each other homes, take part in joys and sorrows of each
other’s lives and assist each other in emergency.
As you know group work groups are divided into two types
(1) Treatment group that consists of personality
development groups, educational groups, recreational
groups, support groups and therapeutic group (2) Tasks
groups includes committees and councils. The main
purpose of the task groups are to accomplish that tasks
or programmes that has been entrusted to it. Social actions
groups belong to category of Task groups. It usually
consists of a small number of members who may belong
to the community or are outsiders to the community or
both. They take up an issue that they identify as having
an adverse effect on the well being of the members of the
community. They identify the causative factors that lead
to the problem. Institutions, practices and values that
cause the problems are identified. The agent can be the
government itself or a government department, police,
industries, social groups, organizations whose actions or
inactions has lead to the problem. Many times it is the
combination of factors that lead to the problems.
Government inaction invariably contributes to the problem.
The action group believes that the problem can be alleviated
if people unite and challenge the powerful and force them
to act in public interests. When people participate in the
process of decision-making and thereby gain mastery over
their lives it is called empowerment.
Empowerment is long process in which people first
understand the reality of power structure around. They
understand the interconnections between the social
structures and how it controls their lives. Pablo Friere calls
this process conscientization. They have to get rework on
their images. They must stop seeing themselves as passive
and powerless. They must begin see themselves as agents
of social transformation.
Groups are ideal for this kind of activity. Cox (1991) gives
the following reasons (1) Groups facilitate sharing of
Group Work in Community Settings 259
9) Animal rights
10) Right to housing and rights of people living in slums.
Steps for social action group
According to Carr (2008) the following steps can be
implemented to create and sustain a social action group
1) Engaging
The process in which the group worker engages the target
group- a community (a village where the National Rural
Employment Guarantee Scheme is not implemented
properly); a section of society whose rights are denied
(sexual minorities); collection of people whose rights are
violated (workers whose factory have terminated their
services illegally). The engagement phase will include
familiarizing herself with the various dimensions of the
problem. The laws related to the problem, government
policies, the response of the local authority, research
available and news articles could be studied. Another step
in the process is build rapport with the existing leadership
in the community and knowing their limitations and
Recruiting participants
Individuals may initially agree and then refuse or refuse
many times before agreeing to join. There maybe occasions
in which personal and professional disagreements can
threaten to split the group or even end it. It is found that
recruiting members from the disadvantaged section is
Building trust
Any group has to have a certain level of trust and goodwill
among its members. This is crucial maintenance function.
266 Social Group Work: Working with Groups
Establishing collegiality
Perfect equality may not be possible in the group as the
group worker often is a person with more knowledge and
skills. However he should take care that he works with
the group rather than for the group. His example will help
set norms for the group regarding the rules of participating
and engaging. Further as mentioned earlier the various
processes in the group is itself an empowering experience
for the participants.
Supporting action
Group action should follow the raising of consciousness.
Action requires the utilization of all available resources -
personal and community based. The support network built
by the group including personal contacts and community
members, concerned students, activists is used. Action
should identify the target - the institution or person against
whom the action is taken. This target should be carefully
chosen as the success of the action depends on the how
much change is achieved in the institution.
Encourage praxis
Paulo Friere described praxis as “reflection and action
directed at the structures to be transformed’”. Thus any
action should follow by reflection about its consequences,
successes and failures. A certain amount of learning takes
place in every action even if it fails in achieving its
objectives. The learning can be about the group itself, or
the community as a whole or about the power structures.
These learning can be analyzed by getting the members to
talk about it. The sharing of the views will increase the
level of consciousness. Based on these learning, future
action is planned and taken and the process goes on...
4) Transferring power
The ultimate aim of the empowering process is to make
the members independent, not make them depend on the
group worker. After a period the group members should
be able to function with limited or no support from the
group leaders. The group workers should be able to transfer
his skills and information to the group members. Some of
the methods used to build the capacity of the members
268 Social Group Work: Working with Groups
5) Wraping up
The group worker must be able to leave the group at the
right time. The group members should be prepared for
this. Leadership should be created and trained and
resources identified for future use. Groups, whose
members are from highly disadvantaged sections, require
more time before they can function independently.
Social action groups will remain relevant for a long time to
come. Their effectiveness in countering social injustice
make them ideal vehicles for social transformation.
(1) The primary victims are those who are directly affected
by the disaster
The care that the victims need are the following (1) Shelter
temporary and later on permanent if house destroyed (2)
food and medicines (3) Medical facility if injured (4)
Livelihood (5) legal aid filing for compensation, filing case
against perpetuators (6) Compensation (7) Psycho social
care and (8)Self help leading to self reliance.
1) Type of family
2) Neighbourhood
3) Whether studying or no
3) Educational qualifications
4) Type of school
5) Income level of family
6) Personal History
The type of groups which can be organized for them are
(1) Educational groups which will teach them social skills,
help them cope with difficult life situations and develop
attitudes (2) Recreational groups which give the members
enjoyable experiences which will keep them away from
risk behaviour and develop healthy lifestyles.(3) personality
development groups which will enable them to improve
their self image and improve confidence levels.
Some of the themes, which can be taken up by Corey and
Corey are-
1) Dealing with alcohol abuse and drug abuse
2) Learning to cope with feelings of depression, guilt,
anxiety, anger, rejection, hostility and loneliness.
3) Exploring conflicts at home
4) Post school plans and careers
5) Discuss matters related to love and intimacy if
culturally appropriate
6) Defining sex roles
7) Exploring identity issues
8) Considering issues related to autonomy and
9) Conflicts with parents and how to appreciate them
Group Work in Community Settings 281
The chapter has shown the different settings in the
community where group work can be practiced. We have
seen the role of the social action group, which fights for
justice. The contribution of these groups in securing justice
for the disadvantaged is significant. When formal
organizations are increasingly seen as ineffective groups
are seen as better options.
Bhat, Anil (1989). Development and Social Justice; Micro
action by weaker sections, Sage Publications, New Delhi.
Gravin, Charles, D. et al (ed), 2004, Handbook of Social
Work with groups, Rawat Publications, Jaipur.
Newburn , Tim(1993), Disaster and After, Social work in
the aftermath of disaster, Jessica Kingsley Publications,
Group Work in Community Settings 283
Group work is used in numerous institutions- hospitals,
child welfare institutions, alcoholic and drug rehabilitation
agencies, old age agencies, family counselling agencies and
industries. Group work, if effectively used can alleviate
the problems and reduce its psychosocial effects.
children home for boys and girls, sishu bhavans etc. The
state governments also run the juvenile justice board and
child welfare committee. The civil society is also engaged
in a large scale in child related issues. Many NGOs have
taken up the cause of child rights, prevention of child
labour, adoption services and, the care and rehabilitation
of juveniles. Orphanages and homes for children are also
run by NGOs and religious organizations. It is but natural
that a variety of organizations at different levels work for
the welfare of the children-they being future citizens of
the country. Child welfare and child rights are important
areas of social policy. From social work profession point of
view child welfare is important for one more significant
reason. Many problems of adults are directly related to
their experiences as a child. The Adverse Childhood
Experience Study on about 17,000 adult participants show
significant correlation between childhood trauma and
negative sequences in later life. Thus to prevent social
problems later on, it is important that problems of children
are handled effectively and sensitively.
1) Support group
These groups can give psychosocial support to the
members which will address the problems of social
isolation and loneliness. Very often the elderly live
together but have minimal interaction because of some
of the problems mentioned above. Groups bring the
members together and promote interaction. Often the
focus of discussion is the feelings of hopelessness,
uselessness, despair and regret over past
events.(Susan Rice in Greif and Ephross,2005; 152)
Many group activities have been suggested - going on
an imaginary trip with the other members, picking up
a new name and discovering what it means to them,
drawing picture of yourself and your family and
describing pleasant experiences of the past( Corey and
Corey, 1982;343). Reminiscencing in an important
process for the elderly and is proved beneficial for them.
It can be in the oral or written form. Butler called
reminiscences as ‘a naturally occurring, universal
mental process characterized by the progressive return
to consciousness of past experiences and particularly
the resurgence of unsolved conflict, simultaneously
and normally these reviewed experiences and conflicts
can be surveyed and reintegrated. (Quoted in Campbell
in Gravin et. al.2004; 281). However Campbell also
mentions that not all want to review past experiences
and the technique should be used based on the need
and willingness of the elderly themselves. Another
technique used is to list down the various items related
to the life of the members- Most stressful situation,
aspect in the personality one want to change and
something one wants to self disclose (Corey, ibid; 354)
2) Recreational group
These groups can be used to enable the elderly spend
time in an enjoyable manner. Activities can include
296 Social Group Work: Working with Groups
The practice of social work in different settings has been
described briefly and important practice principles have
Group Work in Institutional Settings 303
Lillington, Barbara(1985), Psychosocial Response to
Traumatic Physical Disability, Social work in Health Care,
Volume 10(4), Summer.
304 Social Group Work: Working with Groups
Educational institutions offer diverse opportunities to
practice group work. The group members are readily
available and no special efforts are required to collect them
and form groups. The students learn in groups and are
therefore comfortable to be in groups. A variety of activities
can be done with the group. Most importantly, the young
enjoy the sessions and simultaneously be benefited. The
chapter will give an account of the practice of group work
in different educational settings.
Present day educators seek to provide holistic education
to the student, not just improve his memory and his
retention powers. Holistic development aims at producing
a balanced and well integrated human being with
sensitiveness to fellow human beings and his environment.
While teachers are required to teach the syllabus it is being
recognized that other professionals are needed to take care
of other dimensions of the student’s personality. Group
work seen in this context is an apt method to bring about
this transformation in the student.
Group work in educational setting can play an important
role in moulding individual personalities beyond the
curriculum. Equally important the maladjusted student
can be better addressed by combining the group work with
counseling. It also helps other students to understand the
problems of the students who take part in the treatment
Problems like time and support for group work can be
dealt with if its results are positive and shown to the
management. Existing organizations like NSS and NYK can
be used to boost group work practice in educational settings.
Boehm, Amnon and Esther Boehm, (2003) Community
Theatre as a means of Empowerment in Social Work; A
318 Social Group Work: Working with Groups
You may look at this chapter as a recapitulation of all that
you have learnt about the method and practice of social
group work, especially, in terms of what a group worker
does in different kinds of groups, within the context of
values and philosophy of social work profession.
Social workers adopt many roles to achieve their goals of
social justice, the enhancement of the quality of life of
people, and the development of the full potential of each
individual, family and group in society. Some social
workers act as planners and developers of services. Others
manage services and try to ensure that systems work
smoothly. Some act as advocates and negotiators for those
discriminated against or unable to act for themselves.
Other social workers work as therapists with individuals,
couples, families and groups as they deal with issues that
arise throughout their lives. Some social workers act as
information givers, providing enquirers with information
about a large range of resources and services. In some
areas of practice, such as corrections and child protection,
social workers make assessments of situations and may
write reports with recommendations that may affect the
lives of those with whom they work.
The very fact that social group work has been acknowledged
as a method of social work implies that group work method
shares with other social work methods the goal, basic
premises, values and beliefs, generic principles and
interventional strategies of social work profession. The
concept of ‘role’ is widely used to clarify group worker’s
authority, responsibilities, functions, and tasks; thereby
highlighting the impact of group work practice on persons
who come together as members of a group.
Role: Definitions
The dictionaries define role as ‘the actions and activities
assigned to or required or expected of a person’; ‘normal
or customary activity of a person in a particular social
setting’; and, ‘behavior in relation to a specific function or
task that a person (the group worker) is expected to
perform’. The roles are concomitant to a status or a social
position. A set of expectations govern the behavior of
persons holding a particular role in society; a set of norms
that defines how persons in a particular position should
As a sociological term, a role is described as a
comprehensive pattern of behaviour that is socially
recognized, providing a means of identifying and placing
Role of Social Worker in Group Work 321
After the control issues are resolved, the group now settles
down to work on its tasks and goals, whether dealing with
personal problems and anxieties of the members or
accomplishing tasks for which the group came into being.
Variously called performing, functional, operation or
cohesion stage, the role of the worker becomes less active
and more facilitative or consultative. The worker provides
support, or relevant information, The members work
together more effectively. There is growing ability to plan
and carry out projects relevant to the purpose of the goal.
There is higher degree of integration and cohesion. The
worker moves into a less central role. The worker monitors
the group’s functioning, gives appropriate feedback to the
group whether there is an affinity between the purpose
and the group programme. Here the worker’s influence is
more indirect and subtle than direct. The group will expect
the worker to be available and provide necessary inputs
in case of crisis or some difficulty. Encouraging members
to make choices and fostering creativity are other tasks
that a worker performs at this mature stage of the group.
Depending on the needs of the individual members,
purpose of the group and the stage of group development,
the group worker performs a range of roles in his work
with the groups- ranging from role of a leader, organizer,
motivator, and planner to helper, broker, enabler,
facilitator, guide, consultant, mediator, advocate and role-
Compton, Beulah Roberts, Galaway, Burt, Social Work
Processes, 1984, 3rd ed., he Dorsey Press, Illinois.