Traditional, Phytochemical and Biological Activities of Elettaria
Traditional, Phytochemical and Biological Activities of Elettaria
Traditional, Phytochemical and Biological Activities of Elettaria
Received on 03 August 2020; received in revised form, 06 September 2020; accepted, 23 May 2021; published 01 August 2021
against YAC-1 tumor cells and displayed a more catalase in hypercholesterolemic animals i.e., 50.25
potent stimulatory effect on activity of NK cells 47. and 40.94 mmol/min/mg proteins, respectively.
Cardamom also enhanced the activity of heart
4. Anti-convulsant Activity: The methanolic superoxide dismutase in hypercholesterolemic
extract (1, 1.5, and 2 g/kg) and essential oil (0.25, situation. Ascorbic acid concentration in circulation
0.50, 0.75 and 1 ml/kg) from E. cardamomum was significantly increased by the dietary
seeds were evaluated for anti-convulsant activity interventions with cardamom or its fractions both
against seizures induced by pentylentetrazole in hypercholesterolemic and normal situations. In
(PTZ) or electrically (maximal electroshock; MES) conclusion, a significant reduction of athero-
in NMRI male mice. The essential oil (1 ml/kg) genicity index by dietary intervention with
significantly delayed the onset of clonic seizures cardamom powder and cardamom oil indicates the
and increased the onset time of tonic convulsions at potential cardioprotective effect of cardamom 49.
all doses in PTZ model and significantly reduced
(dose - 1 ml/kg) the percentage of hind limb tonic 6. Anti-inflammatory Activity: Cardamom oil
extension (HLTE) in MES-induced seizure model. from seeds of E. cardamomum (175-280 µl/kg) was
Methanolic extract raised the onset time of tonic evaluated for anti-inflammatory activity against
seizures at all doses and prevented tonic carrageenan-induced hind paw oedema in male
convulsions by 33% at a dose of 1.5 g/kg. The albino rats and indomethacin at 30 mg/kg, i.p.
extract and essential oil showed significant (76% inhibition) was used standard drug.
neurotoxicity in the rotarod test (dose - 1.5 g/kg Cardamom oil (280 µl/kg) exhibited 86.4%
and 0.75 ml/kg). These results concluded that anti- inhibition, while at 175 µl/kg oil showed 69.2%
convulsant effects were negligible against the inhibition, concluded that cardamom oil (175
seizures induced by pentylentetrazole and maximal µl/kg) provoked a significant suppressive action on
electroshock but showed significant neurotoxicity carrageenan-induced oedema but to a slightly lesser
. extent than indomethacin. However, at a dose of
280 µl/kg, oil exerts a more potent anti-
5. Anti-hypercholesterolemic Effect: Whole inflammatory effect than indomethacin 25.
cardamom powder, de-oiled cardamom powder,
and cardamom oil from seeds of E. cardamomum 7. Anti-microbial Activity: Essential oil from E.
were evaluated for anti-hypercholesdterolemic cardamomum was evaluated for anti-microbial
effect against hypercholesterolemia induced Wistar activity against Candida tropicalis, C. parapsilosis,
rats at the dose of 50 g/kg. Cardamom oil reduced C. krusei, C. glabrata, C. guilliermond, C.
total blood cholesterol (31%), LDL cholesterol albicans, Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Fungal
(44%), total serum cholesterol (17%) and LDL strains), Bacillus cereus, B. subtilis, Enterococcus
cholesterol (28%), respectively. Serum cholestrol faecalis, Listeria monocytogenes, Micrococcus
exhibit a decrease in triglycerides by 42% and 24% luteus, Staphylococcus aureus MR (B2), S. aureus,
by cardamom oil and whole cardamom. Whereas S. epidermidis, Escherichia coli, E. coli ATCC
elevated serum cholesterol: phospholipid ratio in 25922, Klebsiella pneumonia, Pseudomonas
hypercholesterolemic rats was significantly aeruginosa, Proteus mirabils, Shewanella
countered by dietary intervention with cardamom putrefaciens, Salmonella typhimirium, Shigella
oil (27%), atherogenicity index in serum was flexenerii, Vibrio alginolyticus ATCC 17749, V.
brought down from 2.92 in hypercholesterolemic alginolyticus ATCC 33787, V. cholerae, V.
rats to 1.38 and 2, respectively by cardamom oil parahaemolyticus ATCC 17802, V. parahaemo-
and whole cardamom. Cholesterol content of lyticus ATCC 43996, V. vulnificus ATCC 27562,
cardiac muscle was lowered by 39% with V. vulnificus ATCC 33149 and Serratia marcescens
administration of cardamom oil and elevated (Bacterial strains) by using disc diffusion and
hepatic cholesterol: phospholipid ratio was microdilution assays. Amphotericin B (ZOI - 10.33
beneficially countered by dietary cardamom oil, to 14.66 mm) and ampicillin (ZOI - 7 to 30.33 mm)
which reduced the same by 22%. Moreover, were used as reference drug at 10 mg/ml against
treatment with de-oiled cardamom as well as fungi and bacteria, respectively. The essential oil
cardamom oil countered the diminished activity of showed highest inhibition against C. parapsilosis
(21.67 mm) and M. luteus (40.33 mm). On the plant could be used as a therapeutic option for the
other hand, essential oil and its isolated inhibition of biofilm-forming Candida species 51.
components (10-400 µg/ml) were evaluated for The aqueous, ethanol, methanol, ethyl acetate, and
anti-quorum sensing activity against Chromo- hexane dry fruits showed in-vitro anti-microbial
bacterium violaceum CV026 and P. aeruginosa activity against Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhi,
PAO1. The essential oil at 10 µg/ml concentration Bacillus cereus, Bacillus subtilis, Streptococcus
showed more than 50% of inhibition of elastolytic pyogenes and Staphylococcus aureus by using agar
and proteolytic activities in P. aeruginosa PAO1, well diffusion assay, while tetracycline (5 µg/ml)
whereas, highest diameter of violacein inhibition was used as a standard antibiotic (zone of inhibition
was noted for 1,8-cineole about 28 mm at 2 25.83-34 mm). It observed that all the extract
mg/disc. Moreover, 1, 8-cineole attenuated the except hexane extract possess activity ranged from
expression of the tested QS-controlled virulence 10.88 to 20.63 mm (aqueous extract), 10.83 to
factors (violacein pigment production, elastase and 19.80 mm (ethyl acetate extract), 11.46 to 15.80
protease production, and motility) in a dose- mm (methanol extract), and 09.06 to 14.80 mm
dependent manner. It concluded that oil has (ethanol extract) among which ethyl acetate extract
effectively reduced/stopped bacterial and fungal and aqueous extract showed maximum inhibition
growth and may have potential use in clinical against S. aureus i.e., 20.63 and 19.80 mm,
settings for microbial infections 50. respectively. It proves that E. cardamomum seems
to have significant antimicrobial activity 52.
The ethanol and acetone extract was evaluated
against multi-drug resistance against Candida Karadağ and coworkers evaluated in-vitro anti-
species by assessing virulence factors such as bacterial activity of E. cardamomum, Lavandula
MDR-biofilm, protease, phospholipase activity, angustifolia and Salvia fruticosa essential oils in
anti-fungal susceptibility, and hydrophobicity, mouthwashes formulated with different
using disc diffusion and tube methods. C. albicans combinations such as 0.1/0.25/0.1; 0.2/0.25/0.1;
showed 95.94% resistance to fluconazole; C. 0.3/0.1/0.1 in 10 mL (v/v) by using the disc
glabrata showed 94.33% resistance to fluconazole, diffusion method against human pathogenic S.
clotrimazole and ketoconazole; C. parapsilosis aureus ATCC 6538, E. coli NRLL B-3008, B.
showed 95.45% resistance to fluconazole and cereus ATCC 14579 and S. typhii (clinical isolate),
clotrimazole; C. dubliniensis exhibited 100% respectively. Among the tested bacteria, S. typhii
resistance to clotrimazole and itraconazole and C. (8mm) was the most sensitive, while E. coli and S.
tropicalis showed 100% resistance to fluconazole aureus (7mm) both respectively were the most less
and itraconazole. resistant pathogens against E. cardamomum in the
applied mouthwash formulations 53.
Whereas, in biofilm production, C. dubliniensis
(75%) showed strong biofilm-producing activity, 8. Anti-oxidant Activity: The hexane extract was
followed by C. glabrata (67.9%), C. albicans evaluated for in vitro anti-oxidant activity by using
(58.11%), C. tropicalis (53.33%), and C. DPPH radical scavenging, reducing power assay,
parapsilosis (45.45%), while 100 µl of acetonic metal chelating, and total anti-oxidant activity.
extract showed anti-biofilm activities against C. BHA, ascorbic acid, EDTA, and gallic acid were
albicans isolates (inhibition zone: 15 mm), used as standard. Results revealed that extract
compared to the ethanolic extracts (10 mm). (ERH) exhibited DPPH and metal chelating activity
However, C. parapsilosis (75%) showed the with IC50 464 µg/ml and 199 µg/ml, respectively,
highest percentage of protease production, followed whereas the reducing power and antioxidant
by C. albicans (68.92%), C. glabrata (64.15%), C. activities were found to be 289 AAE/mg, 468
tropicalis (40 %), and C. dubliniensis (37.5%). GAE/mg. These results concluded that the extract
Moreover, C. glabrata (98.33%) showed the most of this plant possesses anti-oxidant activity 54. The
significant adherence followed by C. albicans, C. methanolic extract from seeds evaluated for anti-
parapsilosis, C. dubliniensis and C. tropicalis. oxidant activity by using DPPH radical scavenging
These results concluded that the acetonic extract assay and ascorbic acid (IC50 22.78 µg/ml) was
majorly inactivated pathogenic C. albicans and this used as standard.
The extract exhibited low anti-oxidant activity with 11. Cardioprotective Effect: Cardamom extracts
IC50 217.43 µg/ml [P20] and about 50% inhibition (100 and 200 mg/kg) from fruits of E.
at higher concentration of 100 µg/ml 55. The cardamomum (cardamom) was evaluated for
ethanolic extract of E. cardamomum and cardio-protective effect against isoproterenol
phytoconstituents were evaluated for Fe3+ (ISO)-induced myocardial infarction (MI) in Wistar
reducing ability by FRAP assay and hydrogen male albino rats. The result showed that ISO
donating ability by DPPH assay. Ferrous sulfate injections induced a significant decrease in heart
(FeSO4) was used as a calibration standard to rate and systolic arterial pressure (SAP), diastolic
calculate FRAP values as µmolFe2+/ml of FeSO4 arterial pressure (DAP) and mean arterial pressure
equivalents per µg/µM of extract alpha-terpinyl (MAP), decrease in myocytes grievance indicator
acetate, respectively. Both the extract and alpha- enzymes, creatinine kinase-myocardial bundle
terpinyl acetate showed low antioxidant potential (CK-MB), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) enzymes,
due to low Fe3+ reducing ability and DPPH significant fall in reduced glutathione (GSH)
percentage scavenging activity. The low antioxi- content and induction of lipid peroxidation as
dant and free radical scavenging activity of alpha- evidenced by increased malondialdehyde (MDA)
terpinyl acetate, a menthane monoterpene is due to level in the heart and decreased the activities of
its chemical nature 56. endogenous antioxidant enzymes; superoxide
dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and glutathione
9. Anti-spasmodic Activity: Cardamom oil from peroxidase (GSHPx) in heart as compared to the
seeds (200-900 nl) was evaluated for anti- normal control group.
spasmodic activity in rabbits, using acetylcholine
as an agonist. The oil inhibits the stimulant action However, treatment with cardamom (100 and 200
of acetylcholine in a dose-dependent manner. The mg/kg) significantly prevented the ISO-induced
atropine (3 µg) and cardamom oil (400 nl) decline of arterial pressure indices, SAP, DAP,
produced a 50% reduction of the stimulant action MAP, prevented the depletion of myocardial
of acetylcholine. In conclusion, cardamom oil enzymes, and has prevented the reduction in the
exerts its anti-spasmodic action through muscarinic activities of antioxidant enzymes; SOD, CAT, and
receptor blockage 25. GSHPx. Whereas, treatment with cardamom only
at 200 mg/kg dose significantly prevented (+)
10. Anxiolytic Activity: The methanolic extract lessened ventricular dynamics LVdP/dtmax in
(200, 400, and 800 mg/kg) was evaluated for comparison to ISO-induced diseased control group.
anxiolytic activity in Wistar rats (group I- single Cardamom treatment at both doses (100 and 200
prolonged stress (SPS), Group II post-stress mg/kg) significantly improved (+) LVdP/dtmax
(received saline or extract 30 min after significantly attenuated the raised LVEDP as
establishment of post-traumatic stress disorder compared to ISO control group treatment with
(PTSD)) by using open field, elevated plus-maze cardamom. Moreover, the protective effects were
and rotarod test. Results revealed that at the dose of strengthened by improved histopathology and
400 mg/kg, grooming, rearing, time spent in ultrastructural changes, which specifies the salvage
perimeter, and time spent in center were of cardiomyocytes from the deleterious effects of
significantly altered in SPS group and PTSD group, ISO. Cardamom significantly protects the
mobility increased in SPS group. myocardium and exerts cardio-protective effects by
free radical scavenging and antioxidant activities 58.
Whereas, in elevated plus-maze, at the doses of 200
and 400 mg/kg had a significant increase in time 12. Chemopreventive Effect: E. cardamomum
spent in the open arms and showed reduced time was evaluated for chemopreventive effect against
spent in closed arms. Moreover, a significant benzo (α) pyrene [B(α)P]-induced for stomach
reduction was observed in the time spent by the rats papilloma genesis in mice. The treatment with
treated with the extract at the dose of 800 mg/kg in cardamom [(B(α)P + cardamom] reduced tumor
SPS and PTSD groups. The anxiolytic properties incidence and multiplicity significantly by 41.67%
are because of high flavonoid content, especially and 74.55%, respectively, compared to that of the
quercitin 57. B (α) P control group and showed a significant
enhancement in the hepatic activities of control was 1.55 and 0.5% cardamom was 6.61).
glutathione-S-transferases, superoxide dismutase, Moreover, reduction of both COX-2 and iNOS
glutathione peroxidase and catalase in mice treated expression was also observed 60.
with cardamom compared with the control.
Moreover, the nonenzymatic antioxidant gluta- 13. Diuretic Activity: Crude extract (1, 3, and 10
thione was significantly increased in the mg/kg) from fruit was evaluated for diuretic
cardamom-treated group, whereas the lipid activity in Sprague–Dawley rats, where 10 mg/kg
peroxidation level along with lactate dehydro- of furosemide (urinary output 6.93 ml) was used as
genase activity exhibited a significant reduction a reference diuretic drug. Results revealed that
with cardamom treatment compared to the control. extract at 1, 3, and 10 mg/kg increased the urinary
In conclusion, cardamom has the potential to volume to 4.13, 5.05, and 5.54 ml, respectively,
become a pivotal chemopreventive agent against indicating diuretic effect and also enhanced Na+
fore-stomach cancer 59. and K+ excretion. Whereas, Na+ and K+ contents
in pooled urine samples were 0.63, 0.69, 0.84
The aqueous suspension was studied against mmol and 0.16, 0.14, 0.20 mmol at the doses 1, 3
(DMBA)-induced skin carcinogenesis in Swiss and 10 mg/kg, respectively and compared to
albino mice by evaluating tumor incidence, tumor furosemide 0.88 and 0.19 mmol, respectively 23.
burden, tumor yield, the cumulative number of
papillomas, average latency period and was also 14. Gastroprotective Effect: The crude
assessed for its modulatory effect on lipid methanolic extract (TM), essential oil (EO),
peroxidation (LPO) and reduced glutathione (GSH) petroleum ether soluble (PS) and insoluble (PI)
levels. Results showed chemopreventive effect with fractions of methanolic extract (100–500, 12.5–50,
a significant reduction in the incidence of tumors, 12.5–150, and 450 mg/kg, respectively) from the
tumor yield, average latency period and tumor fruit were evaluated against gastric lesions induced
burden when compared with the carcinogen control by aspirin, ethanol and pylorous ligature in Wistar
group. Whereas, tumor weight and tumor size were albino rats, where, ranitidine (50 mg/kg.) were used
significantly reduced in DMBA-induced and croton as a reference standard. The TM was more active in
oil–promoted skin tumor genesis in Swiss albino reducing lesion by 73.1% inhibition in the EtOH-
mice. Moreover, a significant decrease in hepatic induced ulcer model at 500 mg/kg. Whereas, PS
LPO was observed, and GSH levels were fraction at 50 and 100 mg/kg reduced the lesions by
significantly elevated when compared with control 50 and 53.3% inhibition, respectively, with similar
group (LPO 4.90 nmol/mg, GSH 2.60 nmol/g). The effect than the PI fraction (450 mg/kg) 54.1%
chemopreventive activity of cardamom was due to inhibition. Moreover, the aspirin-induced gastric
its modulation of LPO level and enhancing ulcer model showed that the best gastro-protective
glutathione content and might be useful for effect was found in the PS fraction, which inhibited
reducing cancer incidence and tumor burden 20. lesions by nearly 100% at 12.5 mg/kg proved to be
more active than ranitidine 69.1% inhibition 61.
The aqueous suspension was evaluated for
chemopreventive effect against azoxymethane 15. Hepatoprotective Effect: The ethanolic extract
(AOM) induced colonic aberrant crypt foci (ACF) was evaluated for hepato-protective effect against
in Swiss Albino mice by studying cell proliferation, high carbohydrate high fat (HCHF) diet-induced
apoptosis, COX-2, and iNOS expression. The total obese Male Wistar rats. It observed that HCHF diet
number of ACF was significantly lowered by feeding in rats developed glucose intolerance,
48.33% in the 0.5% cardamom treated group, while increased peritoneal fat deposition, dyslipidemia,
mean numbers of ACF, consisting of 4 or more increased fat deposition, and inflammation in the
aberrant crypts in each group were significantly liver compared to control rats. Also, the HCHF diet
lowered by 97% in mice. Whereas reduction in increased lipid peroxidation, decreased antioxidant
ACF was accompanied by suppression of cell enzymes activities, and increased advanced protein
proliferation (mean Brdu LI in carcinogen control oxidation product level significantly in plasma and
was 13.91, and 0.5% cardamom was 2.72) and liver tissue. Whereas supplementation of cardamom
induction of apoptosis (mean AI in carcinogen improved the glucose intolerance significantly and
prevented the rise of lipid parameters significantly, and adenocarcinoma with compressive and
and prevented abdominal fat deposition in HCHF destructive growth. Extensive fibrosis in
diet-fed rats. Whereas, increased fat deposition and peribronchial region and increased thickness of
inflammatory cell infiltration in liver, ALT, AST, bronchial smooth muscle due to accumulation of
and ALP enzyme activities in plasma were also collagen. Whereas, on cardamom treatment in the
normalized by cardamom powder supplementation PMT and pan masala with cardamom treated
in HCHF diet-fed rats. Moreover, cardamom (PMCT) mice, congestion of lungs was mild with
powder supplementation ameliorated the fibrosis in almost no medullary hemorrhage. Moreover,
liver of HCHF diet-fed rats. These results enzymatic activities significantly decreased during
concluded that cardamom powder supplementation amelioration, when the treatment groups were
can prevent dyslipidemia, oxidative stress and exposed only to cardamom, and the values reached
hepatic damage in HCHF diet-fed rats 62. almost near the control 64.
16. Immunomodulatory Activity: The aqueous 18. Sedative Activity: Crude extract (30–300
extract (1, 10, 50, and 100 µg/ml) was evaluated mg/kg) from fruit was evaluated for sedative
for immunomodulatory activity by using ELISA. activity against pentobarbital-induced sleeping time
The aqueous extract significantly enhances in Swiss albino mice were diazepam (5 mg/kg)
splenocyte proliferation in a dose-dependent, (sleeping time 348.01 min) was used as a reference
synergistic fashion. ELISA revealed that extract sedative agent. Results revealed that at doses of 30,
significantly enhances and suppresses T helper 100, and 300 mg/kg, extract prolonged sleeping
(Th)1 and (Th)2 cytokine released by splenocytes. time to 162.5, 202.75, and 277.4 min, respectively.
Whereas, experimental evidence suggested that In conclusion, extract caused prolongation of
extract exert pro-inflammatory and anti- pentobarbital-induced sleeping time in mice 23.
inflammatory roles. Moreover, nitric oxide pro-
duction by macrophages was significantly 19. Stimulatory Effect: Crude extract (3-10
augmented and reduced. It is strongly suggested mg/ml) and its aqueous fraction from fruit were
that seeds of this plant exert immunomodulatory evaluated for stimulatory effect by measuring the
roles and hence manifest themselves as natural contractile effect in Guinea-pig ileum, where
agents that can promote the maintenance of a acetylcholine chloride (ACh) was used as a positive
healthy immune system 47. control. The extract caused a concentration-
dependent contractile effect. The efficacy of the
The protein extract and total extract from E. stimulant effect was 9.3, 49.48, and 70.61%,
cardamomum (0.1 mg/ml PBS) were evaluated for respectively at concentrations of 3, 5, and 10 mg/ml
immunomodulatory activity on the proliferation of when compared to ACh, while histamine response
splenocytes by using colorimetric MTT assay, and remained unchanged 23.
concanavalin-A (Con-A) (7 µg/ml) was used as a
positive control. The cell proliferation in the 20. Clinical Study: A clinical study was conducted
presence of total extract was 102% and cell to determine the effects of E. cardamomum (green
proliferation induced by Con-A was 93.8%. cardamom, GC) supplementation on blood glucose
Whereas cell proliferation in the presence of indices, lipids, inflammatory profiles, and liver
protein extract was 129%, cell proliferation function by examining irisin, paraxonase-1 (PON1)
induced by Con-A was 83.7% 63. and sirtuin-1 (Sirt1) in obese patients with
nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). The
17. Protective Effects on Lungs: E. cardamomum intervention involves taking two 500 mg GC
was evaluated for protective-effect on lungs against capsules three times per day with meals for 3
pan masala induced damage in the lung of male months. Results showed that GC significantly
Swiss mice by using biochemical assay (pNPP increased Sirt1 and decreased hs-CRP, TNF-α, IL-
kinetic, ⍺- napthylphosphate kinetic and IFCC 6, ALT, and the degree of the fatty liver while the
method). The pan masala treated group (PMT) differences in weight, body mass index, and
exhibited marked lung histopathological aspartate transaminase were not significant.
abnormalities, characterized by a fusion of alveoli
The study concluded that E. cardamomum 60 min, but in the negative control group, mortality
supplementation could improve some biomarkers was only 1.58%, and most of the mites remained
related to fatty liver, including inflammation, ALT, alive after 80 min of treatment 66.
and Sirt1 in overweight/obese NAFLD patients 65.
Another clinical study was conducted to evaluate CONCLUSION: In this review, we have briefly
the effects of E. cardamomum supplementation on summarized the ethnopharmacological properties
serum lipids, glycaemic indices, blood pressure, and phytochemical constituents that have been
oxidative stress, and inflammatory biomarkers in isolated from E. cardamomum. Further research
overweight and obese 80 pre-diabetic women. should be conducted to explore new potential
therapeutic agents and their ethnopharmacological
The stratified randomization method was used to properties of E. cardamomum to treat life-
control the age and BMI (age in the range of ≤40 threatening diseases.
and 41–70 years; BMI in the range of 25–29.9 and
30–39.9 kg/m2). The intervention involves taking Funding: The author(s) received no financial
one capsule of either cardamom or placebo powder support for the research, authorship, and/or
three times a day with a meal for 8 weeks. It was publication of this article.
observed that after 8 weeks, cardamom
supplementation reduced serum hs-CRP, hs-CRP:
IL-6 o (P=0.008) ratio, and reduced serum MDA CONFLICTS OF INTEREST: The authors
levels. However, a complete restoration of declare no conflicts of interest.
inflammatory, oxidative stress parameters was not
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