Damper Winding Fault Analysis in Synchronous Machines: September 2018
Damper Winding Fault Analysis in Synchronous Machines: September 2018
Damper Winding Fault Analysis in Synchronous Machines: September 2018
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φρΦAbstract -- A Damper winding performs an important Damper windings are located on the outer edge of the
function of protecting the Synchronous Motors (SMs) during rotor. Therefore, if a damper bar breaks loose it could be
transient operations. They also happen to be one source of severely detrimental to the integrity of the entire rotor and
concern for failure of SMs, which are otherwise quite reliable.
stator structure, with loose pieces potentially ending up in the
The situation aggravates when the motors are fed by variable
frequency drives, which brings additional stress on the damper airgap region. Detection of the failed bars becomes difficult
bars. This paper presents theoretical simulations of a salient due to the involvement of rotating instrumentation and a
pole SM with twelve poles, containing three damper bars in each means to involve sensor data acquisitions on to a stationary
pole, during healthy as well faulty damper bar conditions. The surface, where further post-processing can be carried out [6].
current distribution is calculated in each damper bar. An equivalent circuit representation for the current
Experiments were conducted on the same SM and the current in
flowing in the damper winding is illustrated in Fig. 1 [7], for
the damper bars as well inter-connecting poles were measured
and captured on a rotating wireless communication platform, an SM with three damper bars per rotor pole. U1, U2, U3 are
both during healthy and faulty conditions of the damper bars the induced voltage in each damper bar, whereas Zi1 through
with varying severity. The fault indicators are presented to Zi4 with Zb represent the self and mutual inductance with
detect damper bar failure conditions, thereby helping preventive resistive losses of the damper winding circuit, before the field
maintenance of SMs. current, enter and exit one pole (ii1 and ii4 respectively). The
damper bar currents can be calculated from this circuit to
Index Terms- damper winding, synchronous motor, VFD, register a failed bar compared to the healthy bar.
transients, failure diagnostics, condition monitoring.
Originally this particular SM was used commercially as a loading of the SM. It is also possible to connect the SM
motor with a rating of 185 kW at 380 V with a power factor directly to the grid or use resistors to load it when running in
of 0.9. When the motor was taken out of service it was generator mode. A restriction of the set-up is that the VFDs
donated to Uppsala University to be used for research are not regenerative. Consequently, power can only be feed
purposes. The motor has been rebuilt and installed in a from the grid to the VFDs, but power cannot be fed to the
laboratory at Uppsala University. The vital information for grid from the VFDs.
the SM is supplied in Table 1. The motor has been modified
with several accessible positions for introducing faults,
measurement, control and instrumentation purposes. A robust
structure holds the SM with the axis in a vertical position, as
shown in Fig. 3. The horizontal position of the stator is
adjustable while the rotor position is fixed. This
configuration allows re-dimensioning the eccentricity
distribution with respect to the airgap.
The rotor has a salient pole shape with laminated pole
shoes. Excitation of the field winding is carried out through
slip-rings. There are slots for three damper bars to be
integrated in each pole shoe. Damper bars and end-rings are
aligned with screws and nuts which make it possible to
remove single or multiple damper winding bars. The damper Fig. 4 – Schematic diagram of the lab setup. The two VFDs are represented
bars in each pole has uneven separation distance with 1 and by the AC/DC-AC converters. The DC voltage source is feeding the field
1.2 stator slot pitches respectively. The distance winding of the SM through the slip-rings.
configuration is meant to support investigation of whether the
total harmonic distortion in the stator voltage is dependent on III. SIMULATION OF THE SM AND DAMPER BAR FAILURE
the damper bar slot pitch [2]. An in-house 2D finite element program [11], [7] is used to
describe the two-dimensional cross-sectional geometry of the
rotor of the SM. Table 1 in the previous section includes
some of the input parameters used for the model. The mutual
interaction of the magnetic circuit and the electrical circuit is
explained in detail in [7] and has been simultaneously solved
for the present SM, using an existing FEM model developed
by the research group [2]. The salient rotor pole with the
damper winding is divided into 72 segments as shown in Fig.
5. Every segment has an index which is indicating whether it
is a bar or a piece of the end-ring. The index also indicates
the position of the segment. Index 1-36 represent the 36
damper bars and index 37-72 represent the interconnections
between the bars which together form a complete end-ring.
The damper winding properties are changed to introduce
broken bar conditions. The current distribution is observed to
be disturbed following the broken damper scenarios. Nearly
no current is flowing through the broken bar, whereas the
current through the adjacent bars is increased. However, in
the end-ring segments which are connected to the broken bar,
the current is lowered.
Simulation of damper bar fault, however, requires
modeling of the entire machine. A small section of the
machine geometry obtained from the simulations is presented
Fig. 3 – Drawing of the SM used for experiments including the structure in Fig. 6 with the rotor represented on the left part and the
which holds the machine, bearings, gearbox and induction machine. [2] stator on the right part, with the airgap separating the two.
Different colors were used to represent damper bars, field
A general schematic of the connection of the SM is winding, stator slots carrying armature windings, etc. The
presented in Fig. 4 for the laboratory setup. An IM is failure of the damper bar could only be simulated in the form
connected to the SM through a right-angle gearbox with a of removal of a bar or modify the cross section the complete
ratio of 3:1 (the rotational speed is three times higher for the bar since it is a 2D model. It was not possible to model the
IM compared to the SM). The SM and the IM are both crack of a damper bar, which could be a more realistic
connected to separate VFDs. This configuration makes it situation. The magnetic flux density of the entire machine in
possible to operate the SM as a motor or as a generator at a 2D is presented in Fig. 7.
variable speed. The rating of the IM limits the maximum
Simulations were carried out by feeding the stator of the
SM via purely sinusoidal or VFD supply separately. All the
simulations were performed at 50 Hz supply voltage, SM
running in motoring mode, loaded at 50% of the nominal
power. The sampling frequency is 10 kHz for sinusoidal and
20 kHz for VFD fed supply. The duration of every simulation
was 2s, which is enough to capture and overcome the
transient scenario, occurring at the start of the simulation. A
faulty damper winding was modeled by a suitable change of
the damper winding properties. The resistance of segment 17
(see Fig. 5) was changed from 0.64 to 20 ohms.
The comparison of VFD and sinusoidal fed stator winding
has been analyzed in detail in [3] for the stator current, as
well as for the current in the damper winding segment. The
root-mean-square (RMS) value of current in each segment is
higher when VFD supplied compared to sinusoidal supply, as
shown in Fig. 8, for the healthy damper bars. It can, however,
Fig. 5 Schematic drawing of damper bar used in the simulation. be noticed that the current distribution along the segments
follows a particular pattern in both VFD and sinusoidal
Fig. 6 – Geometry showing a small cross-section and the mesh of one pole
with pole shoe, damper bars (orange), field windings (red), airgap (white),
stator slots, housing the stator armature windings (blue and green).
frequency-domain for the healthy and broken damper bar, in IV. EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION
Fig. 11 and Fig. 12 for power and switching frequency This section entails the preparation for the damper
harmonics respectively. The dominating frequencies within winding current measurement on an existing setup that is
the range of the analysis are found only at relatively low explained in Section II. A special arrangement of hall sensors
frequencies, i.e. in Fig. 11. No frequency components above was made for the current measurement in the damper bars
1 kHz have an amplitude higher than 1 A. The 300 Hz (6th and its end ring of one pole. A series of operational
harmonic) component is the strongest one with an amplitude conditions were carried out. Specific measurement results are
of about 40 A. No significant differences are found when presented to signify the fault detection ability of the proposed
comparing the FFT of the currents for the healthy and the method through damper bar current. The slot harmonic
faulty case. amplitude influence, for instance, could be another valuable
indicator that has been reported in [2] and does not fall under
the scope of research for this work.
80 Healthy 80
Broken bar [1]. By enclosing the three damper bars and the two pole
60 60
interconnectors using Hall-sensors it is possible to measure
40 40 the currents, as shown in Fig. 13. The three damper bars are
20 20 attached to the end-ring with washers and nuts. The two black
0 0 thick cables on each side of the device are the pole
-20 -20
interconnectors which are part of the end-ring. The sensors
are integrated in a structure which can be mounted in one of
-40 -40
-60 -60
the poles. The damper bars, as well as the pole
-100 -100
interconnectors, are slightly longer in dimension, in the pole
1430 1400 1405 1410 1415 1420 1425 1430
1400 1405 1410 1415
time [ms]
1420 1425
time [ms] where the current was measured, compared to the other poles
Figure 10 – Damper winding currents for the segments of one pole for the to facilitate this additional device. Different damper bar
case of VFD-supply. (left) healthy damper winding and (right) bar number connection configuration was tried for this setup [2]. The
17 is broken.
present investigation focuses on the damper windings with
interconnected pole arrangement. Five Hall-sensors are fed
with 10 V supply voltage coming via the slipring and the
output voltage is dependent on the current flowing through
the damper winding.
A rotating data acquisition (DAQ) system wirelessly
transfers the data to the stationary computer via an NI 9205
analog VI module. The damper bars were removed in
multiple locations along different poles to observe the
reflection on the currents under investigation. Different
operation speeds and frequencies were also tested. The RMS
value of current under steady state condition reported distinct
Figure 11 - Frequency content of the current flowing through end-ring behavior for the broken bar compared to the healthy
segment 52 for (left) healthy and (right) segment 17 broken, shown up to 1
kHz. Refer to Fig. 5 for an explanation of the segment indexes. condition.
and fifth harmonic component as the most dominant ones.
In Fig. 15, the RMS values of current through damper
winding segments for index number 16, 17, 18, 52 and 55 are
presented, where provision for damper winding current
measurement exists. A healthy damper bar present in index
17 is replaced with a partially broken bar, a cable of different
resistance and the bar was also removed to monitor their
impact on the measured current values on the affected bar as
well as on the other bars. The results confirm the current
profile observed in simulation (see Fig. 9). For the partial
broken bar case in the top right plot of Fig. 15, there is a
slight reduction in current for index 17, whereas current in
the adjacent bars (16 and 18) is amplified slightly. This
Figure 13 – Device used for measuring damper winding currents. observation is more prominent, however, in case of a missing
bar as well as the bar replaced with a cable, as seen in the
B. Experimental procedure for measurements at bottom left and right figure of Fig. 15 respectively.
different operational conditions
The choice of operations conditions for the SM is crucial
for the experiments since the operation must be
representative of a commercial SM. The SM was operated as
a motor, driven by a VFD at variable speeds. The only
loading was the mechanical loading from the drive chain of
the machine and friction due to windage. Consequently, the
machine was loaded at approximately 50 % of the nominal
power. The excitation current was set at a constant level.
From standstill, the SM was ramped up in speed
synchronously by controlling the frequency from the VFD.
Various configurations of the damper winding were tested
for different rotational speeds. First, some measurements
were performed with the healthy damper winding, in order to
get reference data. Then three different fault conditions were
tested. For all fault conditions, the central damper bar of one
Figure 14 Measured stator current at 50 Hz supply frequency (top) time
pole (pole#7) was modified. In one of the tests, a damper bar domain (bottom). The two components marked in the frequency domain are
was removed to simulate a bar which is completely broken. the fundamental frequency and the 5th harmonic.
Another condition was to have a cut halfway through the bar
to simulate a partially broken bar. In the third fault condition,
which was tested to verify the FEM-model, the bar was
replaced with a cable which had a smaller cross-sectional
area (3 mm) than the bar. Each damper winding condition
was tested at different speeds, ranging from 100 rpm to 500
rpm. All the data were captured at 10 kHz sampling rate.
The methods used for analysing the measurement data
varies for the different parameters. Alternating currents, such
as damper winding current and stator current were analysed
in time as well as frequency domain. By using this approach,
it is possible to detect deviations in the frequency spectrum
for the different damper winding conditions. Also, the RMS-
values of the damper winding currents were calculated and
compared with the results from the simulations. This was
done in order to verify the FEM-model.
Figure 15 – RMS-values of the currents in damper winding segment 16, 17,
C. Results from measurements 18, 52 and 55 for four different damper winding configurations. Refer to
Fig. 5 for an explanation of the segment indexes.
The most relevant operational point for the SM is at the
machine rated frequency, 50 Hz fed from the VFD supply The broken damper bar situation was repeated in different
during steady state condition. The results are presented for positions (middle and adjacent ones) of different poles.
such an operating condition. The stator current was measured Presence of more damper bars per pole could impact the
for the sake of completeness and is presented in Fig. 14 for sensitivity of the bar current under investigation. There could
both time and frequency domain in the top and bottom plot also be other factors such as skewed bars, damper bar
respectively. The frequency spectrum represents fundamental displacements, damper pitch ratio, type of materials, etc. that
could impact the analysis. The results were reported for a [4] X. Liang, S. O. Faried, and A. M. El-Serafi, "Space Harmonics of
Synchronous Machines Calculated by Finite-Element Method," IEEE
specific case, due to the brevity of space. Trans. on Ind. Applications, vol. 52, no. 2, pp. 1193-1203, 2016.
[5] B. S. Guru and H. R. Hiziroǧlu, Electric Machinery and Transformers,
V. CONCLUSION New York: Oxford University Press, 2001.
[6] S. K. Sahoo, P. Rodrigues and D. Savinovic, "Experimental
The importance of the damper winding for the SM investigation of different fault indicators for Synchronous machine
operation was highlighted thus justifying a need for early failure analysis," in 2015 IEEE International Electric Machines &
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[7] A. Arkkio, "Analysis of Induction Motors Based on the Numerical
was developed for the damper winding current measurement Solution of the Magnetic Field and Circuit Equations," Acta
in a specific pole. By monitoring the currents in the specific Polytechnics Scandinavia, Helsinki, 1987.
and adjacent segments, it was possible to detect damper [8] P. J. Berry and H. S. Essam, "An Investigation into Damper Winding
Failure in a Large Synchronous Motor," in 2015 50th International
winding faults during steady-state operation of an SM, driven Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC), Stoke, 2015.
by a VFD. The current through a broken bar is reduced [9] P. J. Tavner, "Review of Condition Monitoring of Rotating Electrical
compared to the healthy case, while the current in the Machines," IET Electric Power Applications, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 215-
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adjacent bars is increased. These experimental results are [10] M. M. Rahimian, "Broken damper bar detection in synchronous
supported by the simulation results. machines based wind energy conversion system," Texas A&M
Limited access to the damper bars for measuring the University, College Station, Texas, 2011.
current flowing through them, can still be addressed by [11] P. Rodriguez, S. Sahoo, C. T. Pinto and M. Sulowicz, "Field Current
Signature Analysis for Fault Detection in Synchronous Motors," in
measuring the current in the rotor pole interconnections of 2015 IEEE 10th SDEMPED, Guarda, Portugal, 2015.
the damper winding. Through experiments and analysis of the [12] J. Bacher, "Detection of Broken Damper Bars of a Turbo Generator by
current in the interconnection segments, it was shown that the Field Winding," in International Conferance on Renewable
Energy and Power Quality, Barcelona, 2004.
such an indicator can be promising. With the advent of [13] H. C. Karmaker, "Broken damper bar detection studies using flux
sophisticated current measurement techniques, it is possible probe measurements and time-stepping finite element analysis for
to install such hardware in new SMs. However, the practical salient-pole synchronous machines," in IEEE 4th SDEMPED, 2003.
difficulties of implementing the concept as a retrofitted
solution still remain a challenge and need innovative VII. BIOGRAPHIES
The paper demonstrated a concept of measuring current in Subrat Sahoo (SM’ 17) obtained his PhD from Indian Institute of Science,
the damper windings involved in one pole. A more detailed Bangalore in 2008. He is currently with ABB Corporate Research in
Sweden. His research interests include condition monitoring and diagnostics
damper bar model could be considered in future to account of large electrical machines.
for skin effect. This certainly paves way for current
measurements along the entire rotor poles that can Fredrik Holmgren obtained his M.Sc. in energy systems engineering from
systematically address the localization of the damper bar Uppsala University in 2016. He is currently a consultant at Contec Control
Technology AB. His expertise is within performance evaluation and
failure, with a corresponding mapping of the respective troubleshooting of electric powertrains.
segments. Operation of the SM as a generator might bring in
additional challenges while interacting with the grid that Pedro Rodriguez obtained his Ph.D. degree from Helsinki University of
needs further study for identifying and localizing the damper Technology (AALTO) in 2007. He is with ABB corporate research in
Sweden since 2008. His research interests lie in the field of design and
winding failure. There is a host of opportunity that exists for diagnostics of rotating electrical machines.
validating other potential indicators (such as airgap flux
sensors which can be readily present in all the poles) that can Jose Perez obtained his Ph.D. degree from Uppsala University in 2017. He
detect damper bar failures. holds a researcher position with Uppsala University. His interests are
magnetic bearings and electrical machines.
Urban Lundin obtained his Ph.D. from Uppsala University in 2000. He
[1] M. Wallin, "Measurement and modelling of unbalanced magnetic pull holds a professor position and heads the Hydropower group. His research
in hydropower generators," Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, interests lie with merging modern power electronics and electrical machines.
2013. He promotes the use of new emerging technologies and has worked in
[2] M. Wallin, M. Ranlof, U. Lundin, "Design and construction of a several demonstration projects.
synchronous generator test setup," ICEM, Rome, Italy, 6-8 Sept. 2010.
[3] F. Holmgren, “Damper Winding Fault Detection in Synchronous
Machines,” Masters Thesis, Uppsala University, September 2016, PP