Theory of Writing
Theory of Writing
Theory of Writing
Professor Monterrey
English 5- 74
21 July 2021
My Theory of Writing
As this course progresses, we have been trying to use writing, discussion, and research
for discovery, intellectual curiosity, and personal academic growth. We have learned to work
together by sharing ideas, feedback, and revising each other's writings. The goal has been to be
aware of our thought process and our thinking and then applying it to our reading, writing, and
critical thinking. The basis of this course is to have an open minded. My writing is not perfect,
but I feel with this course I not only strengthen my writing, but I use effective writing techniques
to communicate in an academic and formal setting. While I reflect on the last two major
assignments, I can say I learned a lot of my writing. I learned new terminologies like rhetoric,
metacognition, and much more! As time goes by, I see my writing progress through all the work
like weekly journals, peer reviews, discussions boards, and conferences. As I write the last major
assignment for the ePortfolio I will focus on three main things. The first focus of this essay is a
reflection on what I have learned about writing. The second focus is writing about my growth as
a writer, reader, and critical thinker in this course. Thirdly, I will focus on answering the
following question: “How have I met the course goals for English 5?”, “Explain how you
achieved each one...use specific examples from your writing this semester”, and what you
To begin with, what are the four student learning outcome goals of this course? The first
one is “Developing Awareness of how communities shape reading writing and research”. For
example, in my research essay, I talked about childhood obesity and in one of my articles they
Urban Research Center (URC) defined as , “ A partnership approach to research the equitably
involves community members, organization representatives, and academic research in all aspect
of the research process enables all partners to contribute their expertise with share responsibility
and ownership; it enhances the understanding of a given phenomenon; and, it integrates the
knowledge gained with action to improve the health and well-being of community members,
such as through interventions and policy change. As a community they wanted to understand the
problem and how they can help improve the health and well-being in the community.
To continue, the second goal of the student learning outcome is “Explore a writer's
talked about how writing got me through the toughest times in my life and many would be like
how? Through language and writing I could communicate and express my ideas and feelings.
Growing up introverted I never really knew how to express myself, but journaling and reading
helped. me a lot. As I reflect on what I wrote on my literacy autobiography I noticed what made
me the writer I am today is my experiences and how I don’t let the bad things in my life bring me
down. On the contrary I think those bad things in my life have influenced me to share my story
so others in similar situations don’t have to feel lost. The writings I mentioned in my literacy
autobiography, I poured my soul into as there was a little crying into it. You may want to know
why? You may ask how can writing have so much impact on your life? That’s the thing writing
is expression and self-discovery. In every writing I do I put my experiences and when I write it, I
can see how much I have been through and how much improvement I have made. I am happy to
be able to express myself now. I remember when I was younger, I could not speak a lot of
English. To see myself now I can say I am proud of myself. Lastly what I love about writing and
language is not matter the language you can communicate with loved ones far away through
In addition, the third goal to the student learning outcome is “Engage in reflective and
metacognitive processes”. In this course we have had self-assessment for the literacy
autobiography, we have had to revise each major writing assignment, have had to give a research
proposal, and much more! As I went by this course, I received a lot of good feedback from my
peers, and I have given them too. Something I love about peer review is that we do it out of
sincerity. As I look back to a peer review, I got on my first draft of literacy autobiography. The
peer reviewer had solid advice and questions about my writing. I think that really did help me
better explain some acronyms. For example, they had a question about what TBEAR is, and it
was my bad because I did not mention what it stands for. It stands for Topic, Background
information, Evidence, Analysis, and Restatement. In the future now I know to better explain to
Furthermore, the fourth goal to the student learning outcome is “compose rhetorically
effective texts, informally and formally, in a variety of mediums, or genres”. My strategies for
generating, drafting, revising, and editing is actually three to four off the top of my head. I have
implemented these techniques on all my writing during the course. The first one is when I
introduced a quote on my research paper. When I quote something, I introduce it with a single
phrase then I put quotation plus citation after that I explain the quote. For example, in my
Literacy autobiography I used this quote to get the attention of the audience: “I heard this quote
that said, “You write because you need to write, or because you hope someone will listen or
because writing will mend something broken inside you or bring something back to life” by
Joanne Harris” I think it could of worked better if I did my quote adding like this: ‘ a sentence
with a colon: then the quote here’. Another technique I try to use in my writing is to summarize
my work I use a rhetorical precis. It is four to five sentences that has a claim, purpose, tone, bias,
and audience. It is very effective and consistent because it has the name of author, type of source,
major claim aka thesis statement, supporting claim, authors purpose, and more. As you can see it
is good, concise, and easy to understand. In addition to that my all-time favorite one is TBEAR
which stands for Topic, Background information, Evidence, Analysis, and Restatement. I think it
gets the work done short, simple, and consistent. I think all the techniques I have mentioned
control the ideas, summarize, analyze, evaluate, it can be used it draft or revise multiple times.
college level may seem intense and challenging but building English writing skills takes practice
and effort. You must have a lot of patience because we will not become excellent writers
overnight. I am still self-discovering many things and especially my writing. I will add on to my
theory of writing as I get older and wiser. The goal of this English 5 course named ‘Accelerated
course to help students use reading, writing, discussion, and research for discovery, intellectual
curiosity, and personal academic growth - students will work in collaborative groups to share,
critique, and revise their reading and writing. Students will engage in reading and writing as
communal and diverse processes; read and write effectively in and beyond the university;
develop metacognitive understandings of their reading, writing, and thinking processes; and
understand that everyone develops and uses multiple discourses. “I think as a class we did that.
With. A lot of hard work, dedication, ambition, and endless sleepless nights. With that being
said, I came knowing the basics of writing, the structure, and consistency of vocabulary, but now
as I learn more, I can see how much my writing has improved. I looked about at my diagnostic
writing, and it was very short now look at me writing two to four pages. That is insane! There are
some things I still need to work on like accepting feedback and criticism. I learned to be
manage time with work and school. I can use what I learned in this class in the future by always
being open to new ideas, thoughts, to write in an academic way. This class was intense, but very
interesting to communicate with other classmates who also are first-generation college students.
That is super cool to see! Overall, this course gave me a taste on what to expect for future
college classes. :p
Work cited