The document describes various data transfer and branch instructions for a microprocessor. It provides the mnemonic, opcode, number of bytes, and a brief comment describing each instruction. The MOV instruction is used to copy data between registers or memory. MVI loads an immediate value into a register or memory location. Branch instructions allow unconditional or conditional jumps to different parts of a program.
The document describes various data transfer and branch instructions for a microprocessor. It provides the mnemonic, opcode, number of bytes, and a brief comment describing each instruction. The MOV instruction is used to copy data between registers or memory. MVI loads an immediate value into a register or memory location. Branch instructions allow unconditional or conditional jumps to different parts of a program.
The document describes various data transfer and branch instructions for a microprocessor. It provides the mnemonic, opcode, number of bytes, and a brief comment describing each instruction. The MOV instruction is used to copy data between registers or memory. MVI loads an immediate value into a register or memory location. Branch instructions allow unconditional or conditional jumps to different parts of a program.
The document describes various data transfer and branch instructions for a microprocessor. It provides the mnemonic, opcode, number of bytes, and a brief comment describing each instruction. The MOV instruction is used to copy data between registers or memory. MVI loads an immediate value into a register or memory location. Branch instructions allow unconditional or conditional jumps to different parts of a program.
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Data Transfer Instructions Data Transfer Instructions
S. Mnemonic Opcode No. of Comments S. Mnemonic Opcode No. of Comments
No Bytes No. Bytes . 31. MOV D, A 57 1 1. IN: - Input data to accumulator from a port 32. MOV D, B 50 1 IN Port- with 8-bit address. The contents of the 33. MOV D, C 51 1 DB 2 34. MOV D, D 52 1 address input port designated in the operand are read and loaded into the accumulator. 35. MOV D, E 53 1 2. Load accumulator:-This instruction copies 36. MOV D, H 54 1 LDA 37. MOV D, L 55 1 3A 3 the data from a given 16 bit address to the Address 38. MOV E, A 5F 1 accumulator 39. MOV E, B 58 1 MOV: - This instruction is used to copy the data 3. LDAX B 0A 1 40. MOV E, C 59 1 from one place to another. 41. MOV E, D 5A 1 4. LDAX D 1A 1 42. MOV E, E 5B 1 5. Load H and L register direct: - This instruction 43. MOV E, H 5C 1 LHLD 2A 3 loads the contents of the 16- bit memory Eg: - MOV Rd, Rs (This instruction copies the Address 44. MOV E, L 5D 1 location into the HL register pair. content of Rs to Rd) 45. MOV H, A 67 1 6. LXI B 1 3 46. MOV H, B 60 1 7. LXI D 11 3 47. MOV H, C 61 1 8. LXI H 21 3 48. MOV H, D 62 1 9. LXI SP 31 3 49. MOV H, E 63 1 10. MOV A, A 7F 1 50. MOV H, H 64 1 11. MOV A, B 78 1 51. MOV H, L 65 1 12. MOV A, C 79 1 52. MOV L, A 6F 1 13. MOV A, D 7A 1 53. MOV L, B 68 1 14. MOV A, E 7B 1 54. MOV L, C 69 1 15. MOV A, H 7C 1 55. MOV L, D 6A 1 16. MOV A, L 7D 1 56. MOV L, E 6B 1 17. MOV B, A 47 1 57. MOV L, H 6C 1 18. MOV B, B 40 1 58. MOV L, L 6D 1 19. MOV B, C 41 1 59. MOV A, M 7E 1 20. MOV B, D 42 1 60. MOV B, M 46 1 61. MOV C, M 4E 1 MOV M,Rs (This instruction copies the content 21. MOV B, E 43 1 62. MOV D, M 56 1 of register Rs to memory location pointed by 22. MOV B, H 44 1 HL Register) 23. MOV B, L 45 1 63. MOV E, M 5E 1 24. MOV C, A 4F 1 64. MOV H, M 66 1 25. MOV C, B 48 1 65. MOV L, M 6E 1 26. MOV C, C 49 1 66. MOV M, A 77 1 27. MOV C, D 4A 1 67. MOV M, B 70 1 68. MOV M, C 71 1 MOV Rd, M (This instruction copies the content 28. MOV C, E 4B 1 69. MOV M, D 72 1 of memory location pointed by the HL register 29. MOV C, H 4C 1 to the register Rd.) 30. MOV C, L 4D 1 70. MOV M, E 73 1 71. MOV M, H 74 1 72. MOV M, L 75 1 Data Transfer Instructions Branch Instructions S. Mnemonic Opcode No. of Comments S. Mnemoni Opcode No. of Comments No Bytes No c Bytes . . 73. MVI A, Data 3E 2 1. CALL This instruction is used to call the function. CD 3 74. MVI B, Data 6 2 Label 75. MVI C, Data 0E 2 MVI: - move immediate date to a register or 2. JMP: -(unconditionally jump) The program 76. MVI D, Data 16 2 memory location. sequence is transferred to the memory location JMP Label C3 3 77. MVI E, Data 1E 2 specified by the16-bit address given in the Eg: - MVI Rd, 30H (30h is stored in register Rd) operand. 78. MVI H, Data 26 2 3. JC Label DA 3 JC (conditional jump) Jump on Carry (C = 1) 79. MVI L, Data 2E 2 80. MVI M, 30H(30h is stored in memory location pointed 4. JM Label FA 3 Jump on Minus (S = 1) MVI M, Data 36 2 5. JNC Label D2 3 Jump on No Carry (C = 0) by HL Reg) 81. OUT: - Output data from accumulator to a port with 8- 6. JNZ Label C2 3 Jump on Not Zero (Z = 0) OUT Port- D3 2 bit addresses. The contents of the accumulator are 7. JP Label F2 3 Jump on Plus (S = 0) Address copied into the I/O port specified by the operand. 8. JPE Label EA 3 Jump on Parity Even (P = 1) 82. XCHG: - Exchange H and L with D and E. The 9. JPO Label E2 3 Jump on Parity Odd (P = 0) contents of register H are exchanged with the contents XCHG EB 1 10. JZ Label CA 3 Jump on Zero (Z = 1) of register D, and the contents of register L are exchanged with the contents of register E. 11. JNZ C2 3 Jump on No Zero (Z = 0) 83. Store H and L register direct: - The contents of register 12. PCHL: - Load program counter with HL contents. L are stored into the memory location specified by the PCHL E9 1 The contents of registers H and L are copied into SHLD 22 3 16-bit address in the operand and the contents of H the program counter. Address register are stored into the next memory location by incrementing the operand. 13. RST 0 C7 1 84. SPHL: - This instruction copies H and L register to the 14. RST 1 CF 1 SPHL F9 1 15. RST 2 D7 1 stack pointer. 85. STA Address 32 3 STA: - the content of accumulator are copied into the 16. RST 3 DF 1 memory location. 17. RST 4 E7 1 86. STAX B 2 1 Store accumulator indirect: - The contents of the 18. RST 5 EF 1 87. accumulator are copied into the memory location STAX D 12 1 specified by the contents of the operand (register pair). 19. RST 6 F7 1 88. XTHL: - This instruction exchanges H and L with top 20. RST 7 FF 1 of stack. The contents of the L register are exchanged 21. This instruction is used to return to the program XTHL E3 1 with the stack location pointed out by the contents of RET after doing some manipulation for a program to the stack pointer register. succeed. Machine Control Instructions Machine Control Instructions S. Mnemoni Opcode No. of Comments S. Mnemonic Opcode No. of Comments No c Bytes No Bytes . . 5. NOP 0 1 NOP: - No operation is performed. The 1. DI F3 1 DI (Disable Interrupt): - The interrupt enable instruction is fetched and decoded. However no flip-flop is reset and all the interrupts except the operation is executed. TRAP are disabled. 6. POP: - This instruction pop off stack to register 2. EI FB 1 EI (Enable Interrupt): - The interrupt enable flip- pair. The contents of the memory location pointed flop is set and all interrupts are enabled. POP B C1 1 out by the stack pointer register are copied to the 3. HLT 76 1 HLT (Halt): - The CPU finishes executing the low-order register (C, E, L, status flags) of the current instruction and halts any further operand. execution. 7. PUSH H E5 1 PUSH: - This instruction pushes the register pair 4. SIM 30 1 Set interrupt mask onto stack. Arithmetic Instructions Arithmetic Instructions S. Mnemoni Opcode No. of Comments S. Mnemoni Opcode No. of Comments No c Bytes No c Bytes . . 1. ACI Data CE 2 ACI: - Add immediate to accumulator with carry. 36. INR A 3C 1 2. ADC A 8F 1 37. INR B 4 1 INR: - The contents of the designated register or 3. ADC B 88 1 38. INR C 0C 1 memory are incremented by 1 and the result is 4. ADC C 89 1 39. INR D 14 1 stored in the same place. If the operand is a 5. ADC D 8A 1 40. INR E 1C 1 memory location, its location is specified by the Add Register to Accumulator with Carry contents of the HL registers. 6. ADC E 8B 1 41. INR H 24 1 7. ADC H 8C 1 42. INR L 2C 1 8. ADC L 8D 1 43. INR M 34 1 9. ADC M 8E 1 44. INX B 3 1 10. ADD A 87 1 45. INX D 13 1 INX: - Increment register pair by 1 11. ADD B 80 1 Add Reg./Memory to Accumulator 46. INX H 23 1 12. ADD C 81 1 47. INX SP 33 1 13. ADD D 82 1 The content of operand are added to the content of 48. SBB A 9F 1 14. ADD E 83 1 the accumulator and the result is stored in 49. SBB B 98 1 Accumulator. SBB: - substract with borrow. 15. ADD H 84 1 50. SBB C 99 1 16. ADD L 85 1 51. SBB D 9A 1 Eg: - SBB B 17. ADD M 86 1 52. SBB E 9B 1 18. ADI: - Add immediate value with the content of 53. SBB H 9C 1 SBB M ADI Data C6 2 accumulator and it is stored in accumulator. 54. SBB L 9D 1 19. DAA 27 1 DAA: - Decimal adjust accumulator. 55. SBB M 9E 1 20. DAD B 9 1 DAD: - Add register pair to HL register. The 16-bit 56. SBI: - Substract immediate from the content of the contents of the specified register pair are SBI Data DE 2 21. DAD D 19 1 accumulator and the result is stored in Acc. 22. DAD H 29 1 Added to the contents of the HL register and the 57. SUB A 97 1 SUB: - Substract the content of a register or a 23. DAD SP 39 1 sum is stored in the HL register. 58. SUB B 90 1 memory location form the content of accumulator 24. DCR A 3D 1 59. SUB C 91 1 and the result is stored in the accumulator. 25. DCR B 5 1 60. SUB D 92 1 26. DCR C 0D 1 DCR: - The contents of the designated register or 61. SUB E 93 1 Eg: - SUB B 27. DCR D 15 1 memory are M decremented by 1 and the result is 62. SUB H 94 1 stored in the same place. If the operand is memory SUB M 28. DCR E 1D 1 63. SUB L 95 1 29. DCR H 25 1 location, its location is specified by the contents of 64. SUB M 96 1 30. the HL registers. 65. SUI Data D6 2 SUI: - Substract immediate from accumulator. DCR L 2D 1 31. DCR M 35 1 32. DCX B 0B 1 DCX: - decrement the register pair by 1. Logical Instructions 57. RC 7 1 Return on Carry CY=1 33. DCX D 1B 1 Eg: DCX H ( it decreases the memory location 58. RM F8 1 Return on minus S=1 34. DCX H 2B 1 pointed by HL pair by 1. 59. RNC D0 1 Return with No Carry CY=0 35. DCX SP 3B 1 60. RNZ C0 1 Return on No Zero Z=1 61. RP F0 1 Return on positive S=0 Logical Instructions Logical Instructions S. Mnemoni Opcode No. of Comments S. Mnemonic Opcode No. of Comments No c Bytes No. Bytes . 35. CNC: - (conditional call) The program sequence is 1. ANA A A7 1 CNC Label D4 3 transferred to a particular level or a 16-bit address 2. ANA B A0 1 if C=0 (or carry is 0) 3. ANA C A1 1 ANA: - logical AND operation is performed with 36. CNZ: - (conditional call) The program sequence is 4. ANA D A2 1 the specified register or memory with accumulator. CNZ Label C4 3 transferred to a particular level or a 16-bit address 5. ANA E A3 1 if Z=0 (or zero flag is 0) 6. ANA H A4 1 37. CP: - (conditional call) The program sequence is 7. ANA L A5 1 CP Label F4 3 transferred to a particular level or a 16-bit address if S=0 (or sign is 0) 8. ANA M A6 1 38. CPE: - (conditional call) The program sequence is 9. ANI: - (AND operation with immediate data) AND CPE Label EC 3 transferred to a particular level or a 16-bit address ANI Data E6 2 operation is performed between accumulator and if P=1 (or parity is 1) specified immediate data. 39. CPI Data FE 2 CPI: - (compare immediate with accumulator) 10. CC: - (conditional call) The program sequence is CC Label DC 3 transferred to a particular level or a 16-bit address 40. CPO: - (conditional call) The program sequence is if C=1 (carry) CPO Label E4 3 transferred to a particular level or a 16-bit address if P=0 (or parity is 0) 11. CM: - (conditional call) The program sequence is CM Label FC 3 transferred to a particular level or a 16-bit address 41. CZ: - (conditional call) The program sequence is if S=1 (sign) CZ Label CC 3 transferred to a particular level or a 16-bit address if Z=1 (or zero flag is 1) 12. CMA: - The content of accumulator is CMA 2F 1 42. ORI: - Logical OR operation is performed between complemented. ORI Data F6 2 accumulator and immediate data. 13. CMC 3F 1 CMC: - The carry flag is complemented. 43. RAL: - Each binary bit of the accumulator is 14. RPE E8 1 Return on Parity Even P=1 RAL 17 1 rotated left by one position through the Carry flag. 15. RPO E0 1 Return on Parity Odd P=0 44. RAR: Each binary bit of the accumulator is rotated 16. RRC 0F 1 Return on RAR 1F 1 right by one position through the Carry flag. 17. RZ C8 1 Return on Zero Z=0 45. RC: - (conditional call) The program sequence is 18. STC 37 1 STC: - This instruction sets the carry flag. RC D8 1 transferred to a particular level or a 16-bit address 19. CMP A BF 1 CMP: -The contents of the operand register or if C=1 (or carry is 1) 20. CMP B B8 1 memory are compared with the contents of the 46. RET C9 1 RET: - Return from subroutine unconditionally 21. CMP C B9 1 accumulator. The result of the comparison is 47. RIM (Read Interrupt Mas): - This is multipurpose 22. CMP D BA 1 shown by setting the flags of the PSW as follows: RIM 20 1 instruction used to read the status of interrupts 7.5, 23. CMP E BB 1 if (A) < reg/mem: carry flag is set. 6.5, 5.5 and read serial data input bit. if (A) = reg/mem: zero flag is set. 24. CMP H BC 1 48. XRI: - The content of accumulator are exclusive if (A) > reg/mem: carry and zero flags are reset. XRI Data EE 2 25. CMP L BD 1 OR with the immediate data. 26. CMP M BD 1 49. XRA A AF 1 XRA: - The content of accumulator are exclusive 27. ORA A B7 1 50. XRA B A8 1 OR with specified register or memory location. 28. ORA B B0 1 51. XRA C A9 1 29. ORA C B1 1 Logical OR operation is performed between 52. XRA D AA 1 Eg: - XRA B 30. ORA D B2 1 accumulator and specified register and memory 53. XRA E AB 1 location. XRA M 31. ORA E B3 1 54. XRA H AC 1 32. ORA H B4 1 55. XRA L AD 1 33. ORA L B5 1 56. XRA M AE 1 34. ORA M B6 1