DCC Thief Skill Reference
DCC Thief Skill Reference
DCC Thief Skill Reference
Path: ________________________________
When attacking target from behind or otherwise unaware, add backstab
bonus to attack roll; if the attack hits, it automatically criticals
Pick Pocket (Agi) DC 5 - Unaware target with loose pocket and unsecured pouch
DC 10 - Typical city dweller on a busy day
DC 20 - Target actively watching and monitoring belongings
Find Trap (Int) DC 10 - Bulky trap, such as pit, spring-loaded axe, dropped portcullis
DC 15+ - More subtle, well-crafted traps
Disable Trap (Agi) Natural 1 on Disable Trap triggers the trap
Forge Document (Agi) DC varies with complexity and originality of the source document,
ranging from DC 5 to DC 20
Disguise Self (Per) DC 5 - Someone of same basic race and physical dimensions
DC 10 - Significantly different facial features
DC 15 - Changing physical traits, such as mannerisms and height
DC 20 - Fool someone close to imitated person, like parent or spouse
Cast Spell from Scroll (Int) When attempting to cast a spell written on a scroll, roll the indicated
skill die for your Thief level plus your Intelligence modifier and consult
the spell check table for that spell as normal
This is an unofficial, unauthorized reference document made by ageofruins.com intended for use with the Dungeon Crawl
Classics RPG by Goodman Games. For more information regarding the DCC RPG, please visit goodman-games.com