Car and Driver Feb 21
Car and Driver Feb 21
Car and Driver Feb 21
TABLE of CONTENTS F E B R U A R Y/ M A R C H 2 0 2 1
Lightning Lap No.14
The year’s hottest
performance cars take
on America’s toughest
racetrack in our 14th
running of the ultimate
performance test.
By David Beard, K.C.
Colwell, Eric Tingwall,
and Dave VanderWerp
Bugatti Chiron
It costs $3.3 million
and makes 1479
horsepower. It is also
the quickest car we’ve
ever tested. We do our
best to make sense of
a car that is financially,
dynamically, and
cerebrally out of reach
for mere mortals.
By John Pearley
2021 Ford Mustang
Mach-E 4
Ford’s new EV cross-
over tries to channel
the Mustang’s cool,
and it works. Mostly.
By Annie White
72 Three years ago, Daniel King left a job selling private jets to follow a passion for painting
helmets. His first paying customer—a neighbor—delivered the referrals that allowed him
to launch the business, Veneratio Designs. For this annual Lightning Lap issue, King
The World’s
painted the helmet on the cover with inspiration from David Bowie’s Aladdin Sane. He
Strongest Truck
hand-mixed the pink to mimic Bowie’s painted face from the album art and applied it in a
Chevy, Ford, and Ram
dazzle-camouflage pattern based on a photo of the iconoclastic rocker wearing an outfit
pickups face off in a
in the same style. Dazzle camouflage was used on ships during World War I and has since
four-wheeled strong-
been used by automakers trying to mask secrets of their prototypes and race cars.
man competition.
“That was my connection between Bowie and cars,” King says.
By David Beard
6. Sharon Silke Carty
A race against time.
24. Ezra Dyer
Clock doesn’t lie.
The joyful noise of the commentariat, 26. Elana Scherr
13. Every Number
Tells a Story
How and why we test.
18. When Does an
$8000 Car Cost
DUNK TANK The bad math of buy-
Perhaps it shouldn’t be sur- here, pay-here lots.
prising that you found elec- 20. Evolution of the
trical gremlins in the Land Species
Rover Defender [“Defending EVs are changing
the Brand,” November performance norms.
2020]. The power-steering 22. These Vacuums
system gave a false alert, Suck
the camera system died, the Some literally, others
stop-start system failed to our land and water. But the matic version as almost all figuratively.
restart at a stoplight, and November cover! A Land Mustang buyers select it.
the satellite radio expired. Rover chewing up a delicate —Cliff Nimrod T H E R U N D OW N
It’s clear that Joseph Lucas, ecosystem as it churns Long Beach, CA 76. 2021 Hyundai
Prince of Darkness, is alive along the shore, generating Nah—Ed. Sonata N Line
and well in Britain. Wasn’t it silt! Why? More and more Gaining speed.
Lucas who was the patent we see vehicles touted for A true sports car should have 77. 2021 Hyundai
holder for the short circuit? their ability to drive in water. a manual transmission and Elantra
—Allan Robertson Let’s not forget that under good looks. I would give Ford Sharpen up.
Halifax, NS that water are some of our an extra five points for offer- 78. 2021 Toyota
most valuable places, the ing the Mustang with a stick Yaris GR
Sounds like the Land Rover birthing dens of a vast and and deduct five points from Hot pocket.
would be a fun, if expensive, intricate ecosystem. And silt the Toyota because it’s just 78. 2020 Honda e
adventure rig until the elec- kicked up by tires messes so fugly. Now it’s a dead heat. Face time.
tric gremlins creep in. I think with things. Can SUVs stay —Dave Querze 80. 2021 Dodge
I’d rather buy a Jeep Rubicon the hell out of our water? Pepperell, MA Charger SRT Hellcat
for weekend woods thrashing —Gordon Macdougall Redeye Widebody
plus a Toyota Supra. Loved Seattle, WA Your comparison of the Seeing red.
“the roof rack produces Point taken—Ed. displacement of the
more wind noise than a Mustang and Supra is ETC.
gas-station burrito” and “the FOUR BY FOUR incorrect. The Mustang’s 4. Backfires
truck shakes passengers like In your comparison test 2.3-liter is 15 percent larger Lucas jokes you’ve
bricks in a washing machine.” between the Ford Mustang than the Supra’s 2.0. definitely never heard
—Kevin B. Parsons 2.3L High Performance and —James Duffy before, creative uses for
Meridian, ID the Toyota Supra 2.0, you Landenberg, PA the last gallon of gas,
tested a six-speed manual Not quite, Duffy. Calculate and thoughts on the
I was taught early to “tread Mustang “because that’s using the Mustang’s actual coming EV flood.
lightly,” particularly off-road. the one we’d buy” [“F lling displacement of 2264 cc 82. Car and Driver
My master’s thesis studied in the Bl nk,” November and the Supra’s 1998 cc, 1982 Chevrolet K30 and
watershed education. I teach 2020]. You should have carry the one, and you get Rory Irish.
children about protecting tested a 10-speed auto- our correct percentage—Ed.
Why did Ford save the hot-
test version of its 2.3-liter for
the now discontinued Focus
RS? Putting the sportiest,
most powerful version of
the 2.3 in the hot hatch and
not the iconic legend makes
no sense to me at all. no business writing for an I’d use my last gallon of gas-
—Rob Gross enthusiast magazine [“The oline to immolate that stupid
Summerville, SC EDITORIAL OPERATIONS Last Gallon,” November feature story. V-8s forever!
MANAGER 2020]. That is the antithesis —John Gatliff
The Mustang and Supra of what C/D stands for. Mustang, OK
comparison shows how
With Gratitude —Rob Eckaus
useless your 5-to-60-mph This March, editorial Rocklin, CA R RATED
times are versus traditional operations manager Sounds like you missed In the long-term test of
zero-to-60 times. The Mus- Juli Burke celebrates the many columns that the 2019 Honda Civic Type
tang records 5.9 seconds 32 years with C/D. Indy 500 veteran and R [November 2020], the
in the former test versus a In that time, she has former editor Pat Bedard service timeline shows that
real-world 5.0 seconds. In guided more than 380 wrote about the joy of you replaced the left front
the Toyota, the real-world issues through our squeezing out every last tire at 17,731 miles and the
time is 4.5 seconds to the edit process, outlasted mile in hybrids—Ed. right front tire only two
5-to-60’s 5.7 seconds. four editors, given weeks and 1000 miles later.
—Eric Weitze countless office tours My vote goes to the Prius. As Why not replace them at
Jupiter, FL to curious readers, for me, I would save the last the same time? Later, you
You’ve misunderstood the and masterfully solved gallon for my snowblower. replaced the rear brake
purpose of the 5-to-60- every deadline night- —Mordechai Litzman pads on July 9 only to wait
mph test, Weitze. The roll- mare that crossed her Monsey, NY another 11 days to then also
ing start is the real-world desk. She can give you replace the front pads. Why
test that better re-creates three decades’ worth Dear David E. Davis: They not do these tasks at the
what happens at a stoplight of first-hand C/D dirt, are screwing up your mag- same time? Is the coffee at
where an aggressive launch too. For instance, azine! In November, the your dealership that good?
might not be possible—Ed. Burke recalls we kids took two sports cars—a —Roel Van De Velde
stopped smoking at Corvette and a Lexus—and Northville, MI
SAVE ON SPEED our desks in 1997 after drove them to a tunnel just We try to behave as an
Glad I’m not the only one our then managing to make loud noises! No owner would, although
who thinks black wheels editor tried to pin an review, no comparison test, you’ve spotted our need
are ugly [“Cheap. Quick. office fire on her. She and distorted photos—was to keep long-term cars
Good,” November 2020]. denies fault to this day the photographer drunk? on the road, necessitated
Gunmetal or anthracite is and is quick to point Please come down and by a desire to complete
nice, but black wheels remind out that the fire knock some journalistic 40,000 miles inside of
me of a ’70s rust-bucket started in said sense into these idiots! 12 months. In these two
missing its hubcaps and managing editor’s —Dennis Brandt instances, a tire puncture
that teenager who calls the garbage can. Burke’s Ann Arbor, MI and worn rear brakes
Plasti Dipped wheels on his never-ending behind- caused us to do half the job
base-model Integra a “mod.” the-scenes efforts got If it’s the last gallon, it’s going while waiting for the rest
—Hans Thoma us through deadline- in a Kawasaki ZX-10RR so I of the parts to arrive—Ed.
Walnut Creek, CA week power outages, can ride the Isle of Man TT
stories being killed in full out, danger be damned! ENERGIZE
RUNNING ON E the 11th hour, and the Not sure I want to be around Yes, people will buy EVs, but
The fact that Joey Cappa- ridiculousness that when there’s no more gas, for the most part, they won’t
rella not only chose a Prius perpetually derails so if I buy it just shy of the be the enthusiasts who value
but was purposely a road this place—Ed. tank running dry, well . . . automotive character and
boulder and called the expe- —Kevin Spatz performance [“The EVs Are
rience fun shows that he has Ho-Ho-Kus, NJ Coming!” November 2020].
Backfires Editor ’s Let ter
A Race
paring the attention my father
got starting up his chainsaw
with the much more subdued
Against Time
impact his electric grinding
wheel made when he plugged it
in. Both were powerful tools, but
the gut-level excitement each
generated was worlds apart.
—Larry Smith ou never forget where you were when a Very Bad Idea first
Tarpon Springs, FL popped into your head. For me, it was in Virginia during a
glowing October sunset as I was riding in the bed of a Jeep
“The EVs Are Coming!” was quite Gladiator. K.C. Colwell, our deputy director of testing, was
informative, but not one word giving a tour of Virginia International Raceway’s 4.1-mile
was spent on where all the elec- Grand Course. K.C. has been one of our Lightning Lap driv-
tricity is going to come from. With ers for the past 11 years and knows every bump, tar patch,
nukes being decommissioned and inch of curbing at VIR. His tour reminded me of a scene
and coal-fired plants shutting in Free Solo, where Alex Honnold is prepping for his ropes-
down, are we betting the farm on free climb up El Capitan by going over every handhold and
wind and solar? I sure hope not. foothold he’ll need to escape death. K.C. takes lapping just as seriously.
—Don Holle In that moment, and as someone who, since March, has taken up roller
Albuquerque, NM skating, guitar, baking, Among Us, German, Spanish, and Irish, I decided
I was going to learn enough about performance driving to keep up with
FINER THINGS our Lightning Lap testers next year. Then I said that out loud and tried to
In the November review of gauge if people thought it was a dumb idea or a smart idea. The consensus
the Acura TLX [“Approaching seemed to be that it was a dumb idea that could make a good story. Sold.
Enlightenment”], you mentioned Later, Eric Tingwall, our print director and another Lightning Lap
that the Accord trumps its driver, rode along as I set a baseline time around VIR in a Cadillac CT4-V.
upmarket cousin in acceleration I was calm, except for a couple of times when I wasn’t. Coincidentally,
and skidpad grip. So, could you those were also the times Eric thought I was going to kill him. The map
please explain to those of us who of the Grand Course on page 32 does not adequately convey how gnarly it
can bear the ignominy of not is. There are blind corners and drops and one place where you’re supposed
being seen in a “luxury marque” to fix your turn by sighting a tree that no longer exists.
why we should pay the upcharge Do I regret this challenge I invented for myself? Yes, especially since
that going from an Accord to it is now 2021 and I haven’t done
a TLX entails? If your answer a thing to get better. Is it too late
is “refinement,” please explain to turn back? Also yes, because I
what “refinement” is, and if yabbered on about it to people and
such a thing is possible, please then wrote these words. I bet this
provide that explanation without is how Diana felt when, days before
employing a British accent. the royal wedding, her sister told
—Mark M. Quinn her she couldn’t back out now; her
Naperville, IL face was already printed on the
“Refinement” is wot makes commemorative tea towels. That
a car quiet, solid, luxurious, marriage turned out okay, right?
and couth. Cheers, guv—Ed. For the record, Eric is fine, and
The 2021 Subaru Outback. Experience winter driving the way it was
meant to be. Standard Symmetrical All-Wheel Drive + 8.7 inches of ground
clearance are advantages on snowy roads you don’t get with the Toyota
RAV4 or Honda CR-V.* Love. It’s what makes Subaru, Subaru.
Subaru and Outback are registered trademarks. *Based on competitor information from manufacturer websites as of August, 2020. †MSRP excludes destination and delivery charges, tax,
title, and registration fees. Retailer sets actual price. Certain equipment may be required in specific states, which can modify your MSRP. See your retailer for details. 2021 Subaru Outback
Onyx Edition XT shown has an MSRP of $36,990. Vehicle shown with accessory equipment.
minutes by yourself to bags in a car magazine? the original “road test” of Dyer has never had a Big
and from work can have a I don’t care about bodily the Denbeigh Super-Chau- Mac, and neither have I—Ed.
significant impact on one’s functions, be they male or vinist Mk VII. I seem to recall
mental health. That is why female. If maternity is on that it was written by Bruce Why won’t you guys
a 1600-mile journey to my your mind, you should be McCall, and heading the print my letters? Thanks
family home in the northern writing for Vogue or Red- masthead in those days was a lot for breaking a
woods of Wisconsin was book. Cancel, cancel, cancel! David E. Davis Jr. himself! 12-year-old’s heart.
exactly what I needed. I —Joe Eanes Not sure how many current —August Sayne
got to see some loved ones Burton, MI subscribers can relate to Crozet, VA
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and some serious storytelling.
Every Number
Tells a Story
Since the beginning, Car and Driver has supported its storytelling with
objective testing. This is the story of how and why we do it.
There are only a couple of reasons why someone would piece of equipment that calculates our position and
push a Volkswagen Arteon to 120 mph. Either speed 100 times a second. Another wire ran from the
there is no better option for a getaway car or they’re VBox out the rear passenger’s door and up to an antenna
testing it. We were testing it. stuck to the Arteon’s roof. That antenna connected us
“That’ll give you an idea of the top-speed test,” said to seven satellites. Why do we need satellites to locate
testing director Dave VanderWerp, one hand casually the car we’re sitting in? Because using what’s in medium
on the wheel. I was riding shotgun and holding a laptop Earth orbit to verify our speed and distance is more
wired to a Racelogic VBox 3i data logger, a five-figure accurate than relying on what’s built into the dash. We
even check the accuracy of the speedometer Highway —
Fuel This snapshot shows the number
and odometer as part of our testing. Economy of tests we conducted in 2019, which
This issue is packed with numbers, and was a more typical year than 2020,
all of them fit neatly into the six-and-a-half- when the pandemic reduced
decade-long narrative we’ve written about the numbers by about 25 percent.
how—and how well—vehicles work. We Total Tests Conducted: 72
put more than 200 cars, trucks, and SUVs Cargo
through the wringer each year, and we test
every vehicle the same way, be it a McLaren 81
or a Mazda, a Volkswagen or a Bugatti [see System 73
“Money. Power. Respect,” page 60]. It’s what 76 Interior
makes our method scientific. Visibility
and H-Point
We test to keep manufacturers honest. Height
We test to deliver facts, not just feelings,
because an objective number is the best
way to determine if your subjective opin-
ion is wrong. And we test to uncover trends
over time and the details that might not be revealed We have stacks of carry-on-luggage-sized boxes we load into
by a drive around town. When Toyota claimed the the back of vehicles until no more fit. Or perhaps you care
2020 Supra’s center of gravity was lower than the more about fuel economy. We put that to the test by taking
86’s, we measured that. Toyota was wrong. We can each vehicle on a 200-mile highway loop at a constant 75
tell you for a fact that Tesla’s aero wheel covers for the mph, which is more representative of how Americans drive
Model 3 improve efficiency by 2.5 percent at 70 mph, long distances than the EPA’s laboratory testing.
which boosts the car’s range by up to seven miles. And Performance testing, though, is where it all began for Car
when Ford launched its 1999 SVT Mustang Cobra, we and Driver. Much of that work happens behind well-guarded
questioned the validity of its 320-hp claim because the gates in Chelsea, Michigan, at a 4000-acre facility owned by
car put up slower-than-expected acceleration times. Stellantis (formerly Fiat Chrysler). We’ve been renters at the
Ford looked into it and, soon after our report came out, Chelsea Proving Grounds since the mag moved to Ann Arbor
recalled the Stangs and replaced some parts so that the in 1978. Come with us—past CPG’s check-in desk, where
engines made an honest 320 horses. we get our temperature taken and apply blue FCA-branded
Maybe you care about cargo volume in a family SUV stickers over the cameras on our phones—as we take a peek
because you have kids and kids come with a lot of stuff. behind the scenes and consider why it matters. —Ryan White
The 1.5-mile straight where we do most
of our work feels a little lonely in the
fading light of a crisp winter’s day. The
trees are bare, the shadows long, and
that piece of pavement just keeps going.
After wiring up the Arteon like it
is visiting the doctor for a stress test,
VanderWerp runs us up to 70 mph and
then slams on the brakes. Does he do
this just once? Did Sideshow Bob step on
only one rake? No. We stop (a touch vio-
lently) again and again—five times fast in
one direction. Then we turn around, run
a length of the track to cool the brakes,
and smash the pedal one more time.
No fade here: The results are all within a
few feet of one another. The VW’s brakes
are good, which is good to know.
A one-day outing on the track
at Sonoma Raceway — complete
with community, competition,
conversations with editors,
and more!
The skidpad isn’t a pad at all. It’s a circle painted on enough pavement to
handle parking for half a mall. The “skid” part is accurate. Those marks
are everywhere. At CPG, that circle is 300 feet in diameter, or the length
of a football field, goal line to goal line. It doesn’t look that big from the
car, though, and it doesn’t feel that big when you’re accelerating into the
one continuous turn, tires screaming. In fact, it doesn’t feel much larger
than the old playground merry-go-round. Remember that? You wanted to
STARTS stay on the ride, but physics (and that friend spinning you faster and
Acceleration is next. Timing the run to faster, laughing harder and harder) was working to pull you off. That’s the
60 mph from a rolling 5-mph start is a skidpad. What does the Arteon’s 0.90-g result mean? That it could exceed
a 600-foot-diameter highway cloverleaf’s recommended speed of 35 mph
C/D invention. Comparing the result with by about 30 mph before you’d end up in the weeds. The grippiest car we
the 60-mph time reveals the extent of turbo tested last year, a Ford Mustang Shelby GT350R, circled the skidpad at
lag, the accessibility of the engine’s power, 1.11 g’s and could take that same cloverleaf turn 7 mph faster than the VW.
or suboptimal gearing. Also, while there
are different ways to juice the best 60-mph
time from a car (e.g., brake torquing, slip-
ping the clutch, a redline clutch dump), the
We find a little traffic on Chelsea’s 4.7-mile oval, which has
5-to-60-mph test is closer to what most
banked curves at either end. This is where we ran our long-term
people can achieve in enthusiastic real-
Model 3 when we tested the aero wheel covers. VanderWerp steers
world driving. We measure the time it takes
the Arteon up to the top of the banking and we coast along at an
to go from 30 to 50 mph and from 50 to
effortless 100 mph in a car that’s just fine. A lot of cars are just fine,
70 mph, too, because we all need to pass
but one thing we’ve learned over time is that “fine” gets better.
people sometimes. Pretty straightforward
Most people who buy an Arteon won’t push it anywhere near
its limits. They won’t slam on the brakes five times in a mile and
a half, and if they do, they might want to reconsider, well, a lot of
things. But especially how they’re driving. And where.
But those spec panels we print—for good cars, bad cars, and
perfectly fine cars—tell you how these machines can perform
when you need a quick boost of power or have to take evasive
maneuvers. Not because the automaker told you what they can
do but because experts with no skin in the game put in the work.
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37.5 %
For the roughly 2.6 million Americans who bought vehicles from them in 2019, buy-here,
pay-here (BHPH) dealerships are both a lifeline and a scourge. These used-car
lots act as both dealer and lender, catering to customers with credit scores below 620,
a history of making late payments, or a repossession or bankruptcy in their past. In
exchange for financing these risky customers, BHPH lots charge above-market prices
for their vehicles along with interest rates as high as 29.9 percent.
In 2019, BHPH customers defaulted on almost four out of every 10 loans. For the
dealers, who can repossess and resell the same vehicle over and over, this is merely a
part of doing business. For the hard-up people relying on those cars, though, it’s another
snare in the poverty trap. They are left poorer, without transportation, and with another
black mark on their credit report.
Kelley Blue Book says a 2012 Chevrolet Cruze with 105,000 miles should sell for
roughly $6400 to $8000 at a conventional dealership, yet a BHPH customer could pay
more than $20,000 over the life of the loan for the same car. Here’s how one used car
can cost two wildly different amounts depending on where it’s purchased. —Mark McDonald
Average amount
of a BHPH
loan in 2019
(700 credit score) (580 credit score)
Sale Price $7995 $13 , 479
Taxes and Fees $1331 $1678 Average weekly
Subtotal $9326 $15,157 payment for
Down Payment $2400 $500 BHPH customers
Total Amount Financed $6926 $14 ,657 in 2019
Annual Percentage Rate 4 .90% 19.95%
Loan Length 48 months 42 months
Payment $159 (monthly) $224 (biweekly)
Total Interest Paid $715 $5762
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the Species
acceleration . . .
1956 A by-the-numbers tale of how EVs are 80 78 dBA
changing the performance landscape.
75 70 dBA
70 dBA
When we meet a strange new creature, we do what humans have 70 68 dBA
done since the beginning of time: observe it, categorize
it, and maybe see what it tastes like, but not necessarily in that 65
order. In the kingdom of Automobilia, that means stomping the
don’t-call-it-a-throttle pedal and sliding past the limits to see what
electric vehicles are capable of and how that’s different from the
Electrics weigh less on average, even
combustion-powered vehicles we know and love. Here’s the tale though a typical EV is heavier than a
of the modern EV, as told through the data from 47 electrics and similar combustion model. Ford’s Mus-
more than 2200 gas, diesel, and hybrid vehicles we’ve tested since tang Mach-E weighs 500 pounds more
Tesla introduced the Model S in 2012. —Dave VanderWerp than an Edge, for example. But EVs have
yet to appear in the heaviest vehicle cat-
egories, such as pickups and large SUVs.
On average, internal-combustion-powered vehicles are quicker.
3939 lb 4031 lb
60-MPH 6.4 sec
But the real-world swiftness of elec- That lack of gearing in most EVs WEIGHT DISTRIBUTION
tric motors and single-speed trans- hinders top speeds, though.
missions shows in our passing tests. REAR FRONT
47.9% 52.1%
ACCELERATION 3.5 sec* 133 mph
44.9% 55.1%
*Automatic-transmission vehicles only.
No surprise: EVs are vastly more energy effi- But that weight-distribution advantage doesn’t offset the effects
cient. But you’ll have to plan for extra time if of efficiency-oriented tires running higher pressures (average
you’re pushing past their limited ranges. cold inflation of 40 psi for EVs versus 37 psi for all others).
DRIVING 0.83 g
92 MPGe
169 ft
29 mpg 0.87 g
174 ft
179 mi
RANGE 485 mi 100 125 150 175 200
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1. 2. 3.
Multi Auto UltraCyclone Hair Eraser
$180 Pet Pro+ Lithium-Ion
Attachments: exten- $80 $70
sion hose nozzle, Attachments: Attachments:
motorized brush, motorized brush, motorized brush,
Some literally, others figuratively. dusting brush, scrubbing brush, upholstery tool,
We put seven cordless vacs to crevice tool crevice tool crevice tool
the test to find the best for cleaning The Multi Auto’s The Pet Pro+ The name says
up messes in cars. motorized brush could be called the it all. The Pet Hair
does a great job Pet Hair Terminator. Eraser’s motorized
The Tests picking up deep- This vac does a brush scrubs away
seated pet hair. fair job with snack all evidence of
Paw Patrol Our local Petco provided The extendible cleanup, but the canine fur from the
us with a trash bag of dog hair, which we hose nozzle gives narrow crevice tool floor mat.
rubbed into a carpeted floor mat. this Bissell an edge may struggle to An odd flap
Snack Attack We seasoned the in maneuvering suck up anything in the nozzle makes
floor mat with Cheerios and crushed under and around much larger than it difficult to suck up
Cheez-Its, just like kids do. seats to find a Cheez-It. large snack pieces,
Getting Dirty We spilled two runaway crumbs. The motorized and the vacuum
cups of potting soil on the mat. We used the brush roots out dirt leaves behind a trail
Mic Check We used our sound-level motorized brush to from the base of the of Cheerios.
meter to measure how loud each vacuum clean up dirt the carpet, and the The motorized
is from three feet away. other vacs left crevice tool makes brush doesn’t only
Weighing In We put each vacuum behind during our it a cinch to clean erase pet hair,
(without attachments) on a scale. tests. Enough said. tight spaces. it erases dirt, too.
—Connor Hoffman 80 decibels 77 decibels 74 decibels
3.2 pounds 2.2 pounds 2.5 pounds
Larry Kosilla is the founder
of AMMO NYC, which makes
car-care and detailing
products. He also runs a
YouTube channel of the
same name where he
demonstrates how to detail
vehicles—often disgusting
and neglected ones—for his
1.6 million subscribers. He
told us how he finds Zen
in other people’s filth.
There’s a thera-
peutic or curative
effect to detailing
a car. I know it
sounds hokey, but
4. 5. 6. 7. there is something
Black+Decker Dyson V7 Shark DeWalt 20V
to it where you’re
20V DustBuster $300 WandVac Max Lithium-Ion
present. It’s like
$90 Attachments: motor- $120 Portable Vac Kit
washing the
Attachments: none head, two-in-one Attachments: $219
dishes. I don’t
This DustBuster brush and wide-noz- duster crevice Attachments: none
mind washing the
is not for pet zle tool, crevice tool tool, pet-hair tool If we scaled
dishes. I like it
owners. Without a The included Fur gets stuck our test to cover
because I’m in
specialized attach- motorhead is too on the bottom the whole car,
outer space at that
ment, successfully cumbersome for car of the pet-hair tool the DeWalt would
point thinking
vacuuming hair use, but Dyson’s mini and doesn’t get leave behind a
about whatever.
requires a lot of motorhead—sold sucked up. Pomeranian’s worth
Detailing has that
scrubbing. separately for $50— Because the of dog hair.
same kind of ther-
The Dust- makes quick work of dustbin is so tiny The built-in
apeutic nature.
Buster’s slender, pet hair. and requires hose helps it get
That’s why inter-
telescoping nozzle Your kids frequent emptying, around surfaces in
est in detailing has
is good for cleaning better crush their the task of cleaning the car, but the
gone crazy in the
around the center snacks well because up large snack spills vac’s heft, lack of
last couple of
console and other the two-in-one tool’s can be a big incon- attachments, and
years, because
tight spaces, oddly shaped nozzle venience, but it’ll do awkward shape are
people are looking
although that makes picking up the job. major weaknesses.
for that escape.
Like me, you probably read the annual Light- own ever changing creature, and even the most consistent car
ning Lap stories and think, “Wow, life can’t is different from lap to lap. The Veloster was benign in corners,
get much more fun than that, can it? Just a bunch but I never fully trusted the brakes. Sometimes they’d grab fero-
of fast cars and a track all to yourself.” And indeed, ciously; other times the pedal would go halfway to the firewall
that’s the essential premise. There’s a McLaren before initiating any notable deceleration.
765LT in that garage bay over there, a Ford Mustang I had other problems to worry about, too, like the VBox. The
Shelby GT500 in the next one, and Virginia Interna- lap timer displays your pace in red (bad, you’re falling behind) or
tional Raceway’s 4.1-mile Grand Course beckoning green (even worse, because now the pressure is on). The VBox is
right outside. But it turns out there’s a little more to like an internet troll riding shotgun: “Wow, I thought you knew
it than that. And I can testify, now that I’ve driven what you were doing but you’re already 0.5 second off the pace.
at Lightning Lap. Sort of. Probably because you glanced in the rearview mirror and got
Since I live only two hours south of VIR, I usually distracted by how ugly you are.” Shut up, VBox! I hate you.
drive up to Lightning Lap then lurk around trying The unblinking eye of the VBox is but one layer of your Light-
not to be too annoying to the actual drivers. But this ning Lap stress onion. For instance, you might get only a few
year, thanks to a scheduling mix-up, we had an extra fast laps from an expensive set of sticky tires. Or there could be
Hyundai Veloster N on hand, so print director Eric a brief window of ideal weather—this year, morning fog quickly
Tingwall gave me the keys and told me to see what gave way to afternoon heat. There will likely be a posse of man-
I could do with it. “You’ll want to turn on rev match- ufacturer employees watching in judgment. Of course, your laps
ing and put it in N mode,” he said. As an attentive are being recorded on video and periodically dissected, corner
and detail-oriented road-course savant, I processed by corner, in the pits. And the cars that are fastest and leave the
and retained every bit of that advice except the sec- slimmest margin for error are also the most expensive, and VIR
ond part. Never did I run a lap in N mode, which is an old track with lots of tire walls. Are we having fun yet?
means the Veloster’s adaptive dampers were in the My times eventually improved until I was a couple of seconds
flabby street setting the whole time. For those of you off the car’s record, but by that point, the tires were missing
keeping track, that is excuse number one. chunks of tread, and I felt like it was a bad idea to go into the
As I started recording times, I realized that Climbing Esses on tires that looked like they’d been gnawed by
Lightning Lap presents a twofold challenge: You’ve capybaras. So I called it a week and ran laps in my 1993 Bronco.
got to master a car within a few days on a track that A month later, I was at Carolina Motorsports Park, goofing
you probably only visit once a year. The track is its around with Hellcat Durangos and Chargers. I told one of the
instructors how the Veloster sometimes
had a spooky brake pedal—but other I LLU ST RAT IO N BY BR E T T A F F RU NT I , P HOTO G RAP H BY M ARC U R BAN O
I don’t understand luxury. How do you decide what Even with the windows down, the Ghost has the feel of
is luxurious enough and how much you should a fortress. This is a car to protect you from having to talk
pay for it? I understand performance. It’s easily trackable to anyone. It blocks out the bumps in the road, replaces
with numbers and math and records, and I can follow the harsh and disappointing sun with a sky of your own
the logic that would make huge performance worth huge imagining, and even hushes its twin-turbo V-12 using the
money. A bespoke sedan? A lifestyle of twinkling-star same tricks manufacturers usually employ to make their
headliners, embroidered butterflies, knurled turn-signal cars sound louder and sportier. Not so for the Continental.
switches, and open-pore wood? Do you value it by the The V-8 Bentley has a Sport mode that ups the growl and
butterfly? By the knurl? allows the exhaust to emit the most uncouth farts and bur-
It’s possible I just haven’t experienced enough high- bles when you let off the throttle. Given the choice, I’d pick
end living. So I made the sacrifice of spending time in a lifestyle that means getting to make rude noises whenever
two cars from the most famous luxury auto brands on you want. Both brands have electrification plans for the next
the planet, Rolls-Royce and Bentley, to see if I could gain decade, but only in the Bentley will you notice the change.
some understanding of what exactly a luxury lifestyle is. There’s an oft-repeated idea that a Bentley is for driving
To remain relatable, I started this new all-wealth-and- and a Rolls-Royce is for being driven in. Rolls says the Ghost
glamour experience with the more entry-level cars: is equally pleasant in any seat, but why would you subject
a $428,625 Rolls-Royce Ghost and a bargain-priced yourself to having to pay attention to the road when you
$298,455 Bentley Continental GT convertible. could be reclining in the back, seat massager on, rosé in the
The Ghost is as white as its namesake, with the icebox, and outrageously plush carpet beneath your feet?
imposing visage of an oncoming train. The Continen- It’s made of lambswool, that carpet, fluffier than a perfect
tal is the dark red of a roasted beet and curvy where baked potato, softer than forgiveness. From now on, when
the Ghost is right angled. You can see its hippy quarter- I see a Ghost, I’m going to assume the owner is in the back
panels in the side-view mirrors. In the Ghost’s rearview, rolling around naked on the carpet in a pile of $100 bills.
all you see are pedestrians wondering which celebrity In the Continental, on the other hand, the back seat is
just went past. The Bentley convertible is the friendlier of barely big enough for a baked potato, so it’s a good thing the
the two. An open car invites eye contact and interaction. car is such a delight to pilot. I set out for a local taco stand
“Aren’t you cold?” asked a grandmotherly type one lane and ended up visiting a food truck 200 miles from my house
over. “No, this has neck warmers,” I answered. “That because Sequoia National Park was only a little bit farther,
sounds lovely,” she said, and it is. and I felt as though the wood dash might enjoy visiting its
still-living cousins. I just wanted to keep driving.
Annual Box
OR CALL 800-554-4898
Virginia International Raceway’s 4.1-mile Grand Course is America’s toughest
racetrack, a thrilling mix of challenging corners and high-speed straights. Going
fast here requires power and grip and resilience, plus a whole lot of confidence.
If a performance car is hiding any weaknesses, we’ll find them. That’s why we
return every year with a new crop of vehicles to run the fastest possible lap in the
ultimate test of performance that we call Lightning Lap.
By David Beard, K.C. Colwell, Eric Tingwall, and Dave VanderWerp
Had we made it as rock stars, this is how we’d
spend our days off: We’d rent Virginia
International Raceway, order up a fleet
of the most interesting performance cars
available, and then go as fast as we could
until security asked us to leave. That fan-
tasy meets reality once a year when we
travel to VIR to lap the hottest cars of the
moment for our Lightning Lap track test.
These laps reveal a vehicle’s strengths
and weaknesses and also the stories
beyond the numbers. Still wondering
why Chevrolet moved the Corvette’s
engine from the front to the middle? The
C8’s lap should clear things up. The rowdy
Mini John Cooper Works GP claimed the
Lightning Lap record for front-wheel-
drive vehicles while the four-cylinder
Mercedes-AMG CLA45 pulled out a sur-
prise performance and vanquished the
times set by eight V-8-powered AMG
bruisers. The Porsche Taycan Turbo S
made a real breakthrough for electric
vehicles when it set a blazing lap in line
with the fastest gas-powered sedans.
And the Ford Mustang Shelby GT500
shrugged off its hefty weight to circle the
track quicker than a mid-engine supercar.
We run unmodified production cars,
just like the ones you can buy from a
dealer. They’re rolling on factory rubber
and burning pump gas. If you’re won-
dering why a particular car is missing
from our competition—say, every Aston
Martin ever, the Ferrari F8 Tributo, or
the Tesla Model 3 Performance—it’s not
because we didn’t ask. Carmakers can’t
always provide what we need; sometimes
they just have stage fright.
Back in 2006, we chose VIR because
its 4.1-mile Grand Course configuration
is the closest thing we have in the U.S.
to Germany’s brutal Nürburgring Nord-
schleife. This 24-turn asphalt crucible
tests a car’s ability to brake, accelerate,
handle, and deal with the abuse that
comes from limit driving. Each lap time
represents the distillation of a vehicle’s
complete performance and character.
Does the car’s balance and communica-
tion help drivers push harder, or does its
numb steering and sketchy behavior at
the limit keep us from realizing its full
potential? The answer is baked into each
time, but you’ll also find it spelled out in
our tales from the track.
SPOTTER This year at Lightning Lap, our 14th, we added 18 records to the regis-
try, which now consists of 277 production-car laps. As always, the base
prices here include all the go-fast goodies. Head to
LightningLap for videos of our runs and the complete list of times.
2020 Chevrolet Corvette Stingray Z51 2020 Ford Mustang Shelby GT500
Base/As Tested: $69,480/$86,865 495 hp 3665 lb 7.4 lb/hp Base/As Tested: $92,595/$94,760 760 hp 4067 lb 5.4 lb/hp
Tires: Michelin Pilot Sport 4S ZP, F: 245/35ZR-19 (89Y) TPC R: 305/30ZR-20 (99Y) TPC Tires: Michelin Pilot Sport Cup 2, F: 305/30ZR-20 (103Y) FP R: 315/30ZR-20 (104Y) FP
Sector 1 2 3 4 5 Sector 3
Start Finish
Oak Tree
as hard and moves with the same
2021 Toyota Supra 2.0 agility as the big-engine car, with 2020 Cadillac CT4-V
cornering speeds right on top of the
The slower Supra can’t handle Supra 3.0’s in the Grand Course’s 24 Cadillac’s performance
the stress of VIR. turns. The 255-hp inline-four gives brand builds on a winning
up 14.6 mph on the front straight to formula.
Riddle: What goes faster the 382-hp inline-six, but it never
3:09.0 than the Supra 2.0 but has feels slow or underpowered. You’ll have to look closely
the same 3:09.0 lap time? With such righteous handling, it’s 3:06.2 to find similarities between
Answer: The Supra’s brakes. easy to fall under the Supra’s spell, Cadillac’s CT4-V and its IMSA proto-
The four-cylinder Toyota just isn’t particularly when you’re feeling type race car, the DPi-V.R, but push
up to our VIR torture test. As the lap fast and focused. After posting the a CT4-V hard on a racetrack and you
progresses, the pedal squishes ever 3:09.0 time, instead of cooling the car might start thinking that the two
closer to the floor, the deceleration down, we tried to carry our enthu- share more than just their headlight
weakens, the braking zones lengthen, siasm into the next lap. That notion and taillight signatures.
and the tire walls loom larger. The ended before Turn 1 when the Supra The CT4-V, like its predecessor,
starter Supra’s single-piston front couldn’t slow down enough to make the ATS-V, rides on General Motors’
calipers chew on smaller brake rotors the turn-in point despite the driver superstar Alpha platform. Cadillac
than the 3.0’s four-piston Brembos, stabbing at the brake pedal and fill- softened the bushings for a better
and the system’s lack of resilience is ing the cabin with expletives. Instead ride on the street, but the magneto-
the biggest difference between the of trimming time, we took a casual, rheological dampers counter any
four- and six-cylinder models. Yes, low-speed cut of the grass beyond squish when it’s time to work. The
bigger than the 127 horsepower sep- Turn 1 before heading to the pits. On chassis is unperturbed by intimate
arating the two. the slow drive back, we made up this encounters with curbing. Don’t be
We’re used to minding the brakes adage: It’s always better to park a car shaken by the spooky high-speed
during Lightning Lap, particularly in in the pits than in a wall. oversteer when exiting the off-cam-
affordable performance cars. But for ber Turn 10; push hard to Oak Tree
$43,985, a two-seat sports car really From the Record Book and you’ll find confidence in the out-
ought to have baked-in track capabil- 3:07.7 2019 Hyundai Veloster N Performance standing brakes. Lean on the Conti-
ity. The Supra certainly feels up to the 3:08.0 2017 BMW M240i nental tires and they’ll provide two
task in every other regard. It corners 3:10.5 2015 Subaru WRX STI weeks’ notice before quitting, and
all the grip. Going through this sec- for max acceleration on corner exit.
2020 Cadillac CT5-V tion in the CT5-V, we feel a deep sense For $3200 more than the CT4-V,
of connection and joy that’s absent in the CT5-V strikes us as a bargain.
Cadillac’s big sedan is track a lot of other sports sedans. In addition to having more interior
ready and joyful. Your moves become the CT5- space than the 4, you get a 360-hp
V’s moves. It follows your lead and 3.0-liter V-6, larger front brakes, an
The high-speed left-right- dances up a storm, making you electronically controlled limited-slip
3:04.1 left-right sequence before look and feel like a hero. And as rear differential (versus the CT4’s
Roller Coaster will keep a car on the Chevy does in the Corvette and hot mechanical unit), the aforementioned
edge of adhesion. While we’re sawing Camaros, Cadillac fits the CT5-V PTM software, and a set of Miche-
at the wheel like a giddy toddler in a with Performance Traction Manage- lin Pilot Sport 4S ZP summer tires.
Little Tikes Cozy Coupe, we’re noting ment (PTM), which lets you adjust Those Michelins impart confidence as
a car’s tendency toward understeer or the breadth of the stability-control you drop the CT5-V into Hog Pen at
oversteer, how sensitive it is to load safety net. Its Race mode serves up 83.9 mph. The car carries more speed
transfer, and how easy it is to exploit intervention thresholds that allow through that corner than the CT4-V
and maintains it onto the straight,
where the bigger Caddy outruns its
Come to Grips McLAREN 765LT 1.18 sibling by 5.0 mph despite having a
with a Lap FORD MUSTANG SHELBY GT500 1.16 similar power-to-weight ratio. Over-
all, the CT5-V bests the smaller V-Se-
Shoe if you prefer CHEVROLET CORVETTE STINGRAY Z51 1.11
your corners PORSCHE 911 TURBO S 1.09 ries by 2.1 seconds and beats the old
named, sets up a MERCEDES-AMG CLA45 1.08 420-hp CTS Vsport by 2.7 seconds.
car for lap-time PORSCHE 718 CAYMAN GT4 1.07
It’s easy to think that this new
glory or failure. It PORSCHE TAYCAN TURBO S 1.04
is flat, and the TOYOTA SUPRA 3.0 1.03 generation of sedans weakened the V
lateral-accelera- BMW M8 COMPETITION 1.01 brand, but the CT5-V and the CT4-V
tion average here SUBARU STI S209 1.01
are both track-ready grin makers.
analogous to a JAGUAR F-TYPE R 0.97
300-foot-skidpad CADILLAC CT5-V 0.97 From the Record Book
test result. This MINI JOHN COOPER WORKS GP 0.97
2:56.8 2016 Cadillac CTS-V
is how this year’s TOYOTA SUPRA 2.0 0.96
crop of lappers CADILLAC CT4-V 0.94 3:04.0 2009 Cadillac CTS-V
performed. BMW M340i 0.92 3:06.8 2014 Cadillac CTS Vsport
0.00 ROADHOLDING, g 1.20
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The Stolen Record
The 301-hp Mini darts
to a narrow front-drive
Lightning Lap record.
up fourth slowest overall despite our
2019 Subaru STI S209 most violent, no-lift upshifts and 2020 BMW M340i
tapping the steering-wheel paddles
Laying down the right lap to spritz the intercooler with water. A wannabe M car inches
in the STI S209 means doing In tight sections, however, the special closer to the real thing.
things wrong. Dunlops and fortified chassis put on
a clinic. The S209 carries more speed Years of testing BMW’s
Maybe it’s the influence of (averaging 118.2 mph) through the 3:03.2 3- and 4-series allow us
3:03.4 Subaru’s lengthy rallying Climbing Esses than any other LL2 to measure the pace of evolution
history, but getting the S209 to turn contender this year. If it had more through generational comparison.
a hot lap requires approaching cor- power, its chassis wouldn’t get in the For example, the M340i arrives at the
ners with way too much speed and way of its going quicker. Diving into Turn 1 braking zone traveling 142.3
just chucking it in. These are not the the downhill transitions of Spiral, the mph, a mere 2.4 mph shy of the 425-
tidy lines or slow-in-fast-out lessons S209 puts up the highest minimum hp 2015 BMW M4’s speed. And the
racing-school instructors draw on speed of the entire field—Corvette, M340i’s 3:03.2 lap is 10.0 seconds
whiteboards. 911 Turbo S, and 765LT included. quicker than that of the last-gen 2012
The S209 is the first special- But the S209’s 70 percent price BMW 335i Sport Line and just 2.5 sec-
edition S model available in the U.S. premium over the regular STI cre- onds off the M4’s time.
and the fifth STI we’ve run at VIR. It’s ates big expectations. For one, it’d The M4’s 43-hp advantage over
also the quickest one, but not by as be nice to have track-ready seats. We the M340i helps it pull away on VIR’s
much as Subaru hoped. The company also experienced a fuel-starvation foot-to-the-floor sections, but the
target for the S209 was the Cadillac issue that left the S209 sputtering lesser Bimmer’s 382-hp turbocharged
ATS-V’s 2:59.8 time. We tried, strap- with a half-tank of go-go juice. This inline-six charges relentlessly to red-
ping into the S209 more than any STI generation has similarly run out line and never exhibits a bad vibe or
other car on our final day of lapping. of momentum, and we hold out hope any performance degradation during
While we couldn’t match the Caddy’s for more power in the next go-round. hot laps. Its sidekick, the ZF-sourced
time, the S209 did finish 1.5 seconds eight-speed automatic, upshifts and
ahead of the 2018 WRX STI Type RA. From the Record Book downshifts as if it had the VIR track
A lap in this Subie is really a mixed 3:03.0 2014 Audi RS7 map programmed into its brain.
bag. On the front straight, the 341- 3:04.9 2018 Subaru WRX STI Type RA In the slower sections, the M340i’s
hp S209 underperformed, winding 3:05.6 2017 Audi RS3 grip and handling allow it to keep
wheel-drive Brits treated every turn F-type carries the same 7.1 pounds
2021 Jaguar F-Type R as an opportunity for opposite lock. per horsepower as the rear-drive 2015
This newest F-type is much bet- F-type R coupe that ran a 3:01.0.
Now easier to wrangle ter at keeping its nose pointed down With less energy spent keeping
around a track, the F-type is the track. That’s largely the result of the Jag’s tail in check, we stuck to
still way off the pace. splitting the engine’s 516 pound-feet our intended line more faithfully and
among all four wheels. Jag made all- trimmed 1.5 seconds off the F-type’s
The Jaguar F-types of years wheel drive standard on the V-8 R lap. The side effect of an easier-to-
2:59.5 past—a 2015 R coupe and model back in 2016, but we’re only drive F-type is that it’s starting to
the $175,995 special-edition Project getting around to lapping the F-type feel less like a live-wire sports car and
7 in 2016—were more interested again with this year’s facelift, which more like a grand tourer. The carbon-
in putting on a Formula Drift–style also sees engine output climb from ceramic brakes offered in 2015 are
smoke show than laying down fast 550 horses to 575. That extra power, no longer an option, and while the
laps. Despite our best efforts to judi- however, is perfectly offset by the iron rotors held up to the abuse, they
ciously use the throttle, the rear- 2021 model’s extra 185 pounds; this almost certainly had a date with a
dumpster shortly after we were done
with them. It’s a similar story for the
Pirelli P Zero PZ4 tires, which coped
with track work, but the Jag’s 4103
pounds kept them from excelling.
The F-type is not as athletic as
its numbers suggest. Notice that the
Corvette, with a worse power-to-
weight ratio, beats the F-type around
the Grand by more than 10 seconds.
The Jaguar is at its best when you’re
enjoying the drama it creates—the
thundering V-8, the beautiful styling,
the sense of occasion it adds to any
drive—without a stopwatch running.
If going quicker means giving up the
theater of the F-type, we’re fine if it
never turns a faster lap.
The idea of driving event, you’ll still get ARRIVE-AND-DRIVE outfit books a track and getting your yuks,
on track shouldn’t be to push the limits of PROGRAMS lets a certain number dropping four figures
daunting. There are braking and cornering This is where you show of drivers buy in for on a driving school
plenty of ways to learn without too much risk up at a track and the lapping. Events can go can involve anything
high-performance to your car or ego. car is provided. As a for multiple days, and from open-wheel cars
driving while minimiz- bonus, this could be run groups are arranged on pavement (Florida’s
ing the risk, and not KARTING your chance to sample by vehicle type and Lucas Oil School of
all of them cost a ton Karts, as you may know, a machine you’ve never driver experience, with Racing) to rally cars on
of money. —Ezra Dyer are actually small race driven. For instance, novices often receiving snow and gravel (Team
cars. Indoor tracks are Exotics Racing in Las basic instruction. If O’Neil Rally School in
AUTOCROSS AND popular, but outdoor Vegas will give you you want to drive your New Hampshire). Or you
RALLYCROSS ones provide a broader five laps of a 1.2-mile personal car on a leg- can buy a car that comes
The cheapest way to palette to indulge your road course in a endary track like VIR, with track time. The BMW
experience the thrill of F1 fantasies. At GoPro Ferrari F430, with an this is the way to do it M Driver’s package on
competition will likely Motorplex in North instructor, for $269. for around $400 per day M cars raises the top-
be a local autocross or Carolina, the 13-hp rental (other tracks cost less). speed limiter and gets
its dirt cousin, rally- karts have room to hit HPDE TRACK DAYS you a one-day class at
cross. The speeds are 55 mph in the 11-turn With high-performance DRIVING SCHOOLS BMW’s South Carolina
usually modest, but road course, and each driving events, a car If you want to learn the track or the Thermal
for just $25 to $50 per race costs only $25. club or track-driving fundamentals while Club in California.
Grippy tires and sublime
handling pull the junior AMG
to a sub-three-minute lap.
With that in mind, those tires don’t seem mph over 7.2 seconds,
so extravagant after all. but the Mercedes-AMG
CLA45’s 121.3-mph
average puts it just
From the Record Book 0.8 second behind
2:53.4 2018 Porsche 911 Carrera T through this section.
2:54.0 2016 Porsche Cayman GT4 0
2:56.7 2018 Porsche 718 Cayman GTS
and delivers massive performance thrust makes it easy to come off VIR’s
2020 BMW M8 Competition for a vehicle that’s as much a luxury straights at heady speeds. Of all the
cruiser as it is a sports car. It is 121 cars at this year’s running, only the
BMW’s big coupe feels large pounds heavier and more than a foot McLaren, 911 Turbo S, and Shelby
and in charge on the track. longer than the Jaguar F-type R, but GT500 carry a higher speed into the
it doesn’t feel any more unwieldy. The uphill esses than the M8’s 140.1 mph.
Social media rarely gets 4224-pound marauder laps with the Porsche’s Taycan—a car that lit-
2:55.5 anything this right. Back stoicism of an Easter Island Moai. It erally weighs half a ton more—nips
in 2018, the snarkier corners of the cuts into corners quickly and then the BMW by 0.3 second. We attribute
internet began calling BMW’s new Le sticks to its path with unflappable that to the EV’s low center of grav-
Mans racer Big M8 when they noticed poise. The M8 has so much midcorner ity and handling magic. The Taycan
the M8 GTE dwarfed the Ford GT on stability that it borders on inert. overtakes the Bimmer in the Climb-
track. That turns out to be a fitting The 617-hp V-8 can’t be caught ing Esses, exiting 5.4 mph faster, and
nickname for the road car, too. The in a lull because it makes power then squeezes ahead on the squiggly
M8 Competition both drives large everywhere in the rev range. All that back half of the circuit.
We are also obligated to point out
that last year’s BMW M5 Competi-
Feel the McLAREN 765LT 84.0 tion ran 1.5 seconds quicker than the
Rhythm! Feel LAMBORGHINI HURACÁN EVO 82.9 M8 despite having a nearly identical
spec sheet. Blame the weather or the
Apart from the PORSCHE 911 TURBO S 82.3
Climbing Esses, PORSCHE 718 CAYMAN GT4 81.7 car or the driver or the spicy chicken
the four-corner FORD MUSTANG SHELBY GT500 80.8 wings that driver ate the night before
sequence dubbed SUBARU STI S209 79.5
day three. Or just consider this the
the infield contains MERCEDES-AMG CLA45 78.2
the fastest corners PORSCHE TAYCAN TURBO S 77.8 margin of variability between two
on the Grand TOYOTA SUPRA 3.0 77.5 different vehicles driven by two dif-
Course. The BMW M8 COMPETITION 77.3
ferent drivers a year apart.
g-loading in the FORD MUSTANG 2.3L HIGH PERFORMANCE 76.7
infield is more JAGUAR F-TYPE R 76.6
sustained than it is MINI JOHN COOPER WORKS GP 75.8 From the Record Book
in the esses, allow- CADILLAC CT5-V 75.4
2:49.3 2019 Mercedes-AMG GT63 S
ing the driver to TOYOTA SUPRA 2.0 74.8
finesse the car BMW M340i 73.8 2:54.0 2019 BMW M5 Competition
with subtle inputs. CADILLAC CT4-V 73.5 2:59.2 2017 Porsche Panamera Turbo
• Comfortable Silicone
• High Precision
Quartz Movement
• Split-Second
• Magnificent
Presentation Case
• Blue Plating
Featuring the
collection The Daniel Steiger
TRACK The quest to find the ultimate men’s Your journey is at an end you can
memb LUB
watch has always been a difficult one rest in the knowledge that this superb
in the world of fashion. A timepiece looking timepiece will stand out on
receiv ers with the perfect look and functionality the wrist. High-quality materials and
eu has long been the goal of both watch design will endure the ravages of time
The Taycan marks a watershed
moment as the first EV to survive
our Lightning Lap treatment.
instance: At 5222 pounds, the Taycan is 100%
the fourth-heaviest Lightning Lapper
ever and the porkiest non-SUV, yet it’s 72% 9:45 to 10:10
of use, in this model’s reactions to
inputs that no number—not even
an 8100-rpm redline—can come
close to quantifying. This Cayman
is familiar. It’s trusty. It’s stable. It’s
comfortable. Perhaps most telling is
that every car that has turned a faster
lap has enjoyed a better power-to-
weight ratio than the GT4.
Specialized shoes are undeniably
great, but if you’re not comfortable in
them, you won’t want to keep them
on. The GT4’s comfort ensures you’ll
go as fast as you and the car can go.
The Five-Figure Supercar den hoses, empty the tank like André
the Giant draining a beer keg. The car
guzzles more than two gallons per
2020 FORD
4.1-mile lap. The gas might run out
before the giant 16.5-inch iron rotors
up front start fading. Lap after lap,
the brake pedal remains firm.
In Bitch, an off-camber right-
hander, the GT500 demands more
patience than normal. Go to the loud
pedal too early and the Michelins will
leave streaks on the asphalt to match
the one in your briefs.
Throughout the slower infield, the
Ford’s 760-hp monster 4067-pound Stang shuffles in left-
is wild enough to leave right transitions with the ease and
skid marks but fluidity of a car that’s a quarter-ton
lighter. Steering feel is crisp and clear
obedient enough that and Porsche-like. The seven-speed
it tends not to. dual-clutch automatic downshifts
under braking so it is always in the
correct gear. Throw in perfect redline
shifts and we never found ourselves
For more than a decade, all the throttle.” Yeah, sure thing, needing to reach for the paddles.
2:44.6 deputy editor Tony Quiroga crazy. But we try it and somehow The GT500’s 2:44.6 shares top
has strapped on his chaps and wran- the GT500 allows us to floor it earlier honors in LL3 with the 2015 Chevro-
gled Ford’s hottest Mustangs at VIR, than we ever would’ve thought pos- let Corvette Z06. Ford believes there
but with the pandemic keeping him sible. The engine’s rage churns into are a few seconds left in it, which we
in California this year, Quiroga could the rear tires, the GT500 hooks up, will not contest, but the résumé of
only offer advice: “Bring underwear,” and then it explodes out of the turn. Ford’s test driver boasts hundreds
he said. “Lots and lots of underwear.” Between the corners, the Predator of development laps with the GT500
And then he hung up laughing. V-8 lives up to its name by devour- and a couple of stints at the 24 Hours
Sphincter-clenching moments ing every straight with supercar- of Le Mans; we had three days. We’ll
are part of the deal with the 760-hp grade acceleration. The speedo flips happily take a lap time that splits the
GT500, the most powerful produc- through digits quicker than the two times we set with the $500,000
tion car Ford has ever made. The National Debt Clock. The GT500 2017 Ford GT and that gets us home
supercharged 5.2-liter V-8 outmus- torpedoes down the front straight, in a clean pair of Hanes.
cles a rogues’ gallery of exotica, reaching a peak velocity of 161.9 mph.
including the Lamborghini Huracán We arrive at the uphill esses at a pal- From the Record Book
Evo, the Porsche 911 Turbo S, and pitation-inducing 142.7 mph. 3:00.6 2013 Ford Mustang Shelby GT500
even the McLaren 765LT. But those The GT500’s eight cylinders of 3:04.0 2011 Ford Mustang Shelby GT500
exotics have a couple of distinct fury, fed by fuel lines the size of gar- 3:05.9 2007 Ford Mustang Shelby GT500
advantages over Ford’s relatively
affordable badass. They’re lighter,
and they mount their engines behind
the cabin, giving the rear tires more The 700 Club 165.0 mph
175 McLaren 765LT
bite. And the Lambo and Porsche Hog Pen, or Turn 24 on Ford Mustang Shelby GT500
transmit torque to all four wheels. the Grand Course,
closes out a lap and sets
Like a race car, the GT500 takes up the next one. The 115.0 mph
time to learn. Brake hard off the GT500 hooks up in the 154.7 mph
straight and dive into Turn 1 and on-camber corner at
more than 1.30 g’s and 113.9 mph
the gooey Michelin Pilot Sport Cup
route more torque to the front than
2021 Porsche 911 Turbo S before, permitting reckless throttle 2021 McLaren 765LT
application on corner exits. Even if
This just in: 911 Turbos the rear end steps out, it will fall back Mandatory reading.
are fast. in line so long as the front tires are
pointed in the right direction. The One hundred and seventy-
With one exception, the Turbo S fires off Turn 1 at 82.2 mph, 2:38.4 four-point-six miles per
2:42.5 quickest 20 cars at Light- the fastest we’ve ever recorded. hour. That’s how fast the 765LT goes
ning Lap have one thing in common: Life behind the 2:42.5 lap is on the front straight, the highest
track-focused rubber that grabs like remarkably easy. Rear-axle steering speed we’ve recorded at Lightning
rat traps. But this 911 Turbo S cracked blends with brake-based torque vec- Lap. This year’s best time is also the
the top 10 with Pirelli P Zero PZ4s, toring to keep the Turbo clinging to third-fastest lap in LL history. Only
relatively ordinary summer rubber. the fast line while active anti-roll bars the alien-tech McLaren Senna and
The last Turbo S we tested at VIR keep the body stable in quick transi- the hooked-up Porsche 911 GT2 RS
rode on P Zero Corsa PZC4 track tions. Instant steering reactions and Weissach beat it. But we may have
tires, but track rubber isn’t being carbon-ceramic rotors boost confi- left some time on the track because
offered yet for the new Turbo, and dence. Left to shift on its own, the we didn’t read the manual.
we run cars the way they’re sold. eight-speed dual-clutch automatic You see, McLaren fits the 765LT
The 640-hp twin-turbo 3.7-liter calls up the correct gear every time. with Variable Drift Control (VDC),
flat-six brings 60 more horses than Under the stress of VIR’s 24 cor- which we figured was for people
the last gen’s 3.8-liter. But even know- ners, the Pirellis shriek more than an who want to go sideways for Insta-
ing this, we weren’t prepared for this emo band. Based on experience, we’d gram fame because a drift-angle
level of improvement. The new Turbo guess that track rubber could shave setting pops up when it’s activated.
smashes expectations by lapping VIR two or three seconds, potentially put- Had we read the manual, though, we
4.3 seconds faster than the previous ting the Turbo S in striking distance would’ve learned that VDC is actually
Turbo S. The added power equates to of the top five. a stability-control program designed
higher speeds on the front straight to minimize lost tenths when the
(163.4 mph) and entering the Climb- From the Record Book tail steps out due to inevitable power
ing Esses (143.4 mph), gains of 2.1 and 2:41.6 2019 Porsche 911 GT3 RS oversteer. McLaren launched VDC on
3.2 mph, respectively, over the last 2:42.6 2020 McLaren 600LT Spider the 720S, and even the Senna had it,
gen. The all-wheel-drive system can 2:43.1 2015 Porsche 918 Spyder but this is the first time we needed it.
Checkered Flag
No.5 No.6 No.7 No.8 No.9 No.10 No.11 No.12 No.13 No.14
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Locking Wheel
Function like regular
he Bugatti Chiron swims in molten torque. at when they see a Chiron at a car show. Four elegant
T There’s so much pure, concentrated grunt that
even at idle, the quad-turbo 16-cylinder feels like
metallic dials flow down the narrow center console and
control the cabin climate. The quilted seating surfaces
it’s trying to break free. It would rather crack are covered in leather that’s more buttery than butter.
the engine mounts and vaporize the calipers than stay still. The steering wheel has polished spokes that glisten more
This is physical force evolved into mechanical will. brilliantly than sterling silver, and the rearview mirror
That’s 1180 pound-feet of peak torque amid a mind- is a delicate oval and seemingly meant only for decora-
boggling 1479 horsepower—numbers so otherworldly tion as there’s no way to really see out the back window.
that they are topped in insanity only by this car’s The Gumball Rally rule applies here: What’s behind you
$3.3 million base and $3.7 million as-tested prices. With doesn’t matter.
that much power and at that cost, this Bugatti ought to The engine whirs to life and then seismically rumbles.
damn well be the quickest and fastest car that Car and From the outside, it sounds like the approach of an armored
Driver has ever tested. And it is. More or less. Sort of. column; from the inside, as if you’re in a finely tuned rock
Because not even Bugatti can afford to always have the polisher. After momentarily considering if your Nikes are
latest Bugatti, the car we tested was a 2018 model that good enough to touch the polished pedals and then pulling
started life as a run-of-the-mill Chiron and was later mod- the somewhat indistinct shifter into drive, the Bug moves
ified to Sport-model spec. That $275,000 upsell consists out authoritatively. It can’t defy the laws of physics, but it
of stiffer springs and anti-roll bars, lighter wheels, four does impart a feeling of immortality.
exhaust tips, and carbon-fiber windshield-wiper arms. Speed is a talent even the most half-baked home-
This car is not normal in any way. From afar, it’s a garage lunatic can achieve. Tuning for wide-open throttle
rocket-propelled marmoset. Hunched in profile, it’s about is a straightforward pursuit. What’s amazing about this
to spring and snag its prey. Up close, this one is gloriously Bugatti is that it imitates a regular car so well. At part
finished in color-impregnated carbon fiber that looks like throttle, it putters along like, say, a Hyundai Sonata or
herringbone blueberry candy. Every stitch in the weave is Ford F-150. The Ricardo-made seven-speed dual-clutch
perfectly aligned with its neighbors. It’s not a sports car transmission is programmed to keep engine speeds down
exactly, and it sure doesn’t look like a luxury car. It’s a two- when it’s not doing hero work, as if Bugatti engineers were
seat suborbital capsule with beyond-space-age aesthetics reaching for that elusive double-digit city fuel-economy
and nth-degree detailing. And it’s built to standards to rating. So even galumphing along at 40 mph, the trans
which all automakers aspire. ratchets up to seventh gear and stays there, which is
Unlike virtually all other new cars, the Chiron doesn’t strange but not irritating like it is in your Hyundai. After
have soft-plastic bumper covers. Instead, the carbon-fiber all, with an 8.0-liter W-16 engine aboard, there’s always
fenders extend to and around the nose—a single sweep of plenty of torque to keep the beast moving before calling
seamless awesomeness. The exotic headlights contain four on the four turbos or downshifting. There is never any
elements, each firing out photons the size of volleyballs. barking or hesitancy from the powertrain, either; this isn’t
Smack a Mercedes-Maybach S-class with this prow and it a highly stressed race machine. And it’s not a normal pro-
may cost as much to fix the Bugatti as it would to buy that duction engine that’s been tasked with overperforming.
tanklike limo. In the U.S. market, the tail is protected by It’s purebred and mission appropriate. When it’s asked to
two rubber protrusions acting as loaf, it will loaf like artisanal sourdough.
bumpers. So Chiron owners are That in mind, it’s impossible to disguise the humon-
After leaving slightly better off backing, rather gous potential here. The transmission’s shifts aren’t brutal,
the factory in than nosing, into things. but they’re also not smooth. We’d call them semi-harsh, as
France, every Apple CarPlay capability is might be expected of any device designed to withstand so
Chiron makes a
stop at a Things neither standard nor an option, much power. The Michelin Pilot Sport Cup 2 tires are mas-
Remembered there’s no oversize screen inside, sive: 285/30ZR-20 in front and 355/25ZR-21 in back. That
store to receive and the 300-mph speedo remains giant footprint and the rugged construction required for
Ettore Bugatti analog, which will give kids of the the tires to maintain their shape at the Bugatti’s claimed
monogramming. future something to ooh and aah 261-mph top speed mean unavoidable tire noise. That it is
Plus Rocket- grade thrust, a cabin fit for royalty, knows when
to rel ax. Minus The action doesn’t start until 60 mph,
can’t hide its weight in corners, fender benders cost more than
a Ferrari. Equals A car that’s financially, dynamically,
and cerebrally out of reach for mere mortals.
SPORT Acceleration
As Tested ............
Base ............................................................ $3,273,000
15.7 18.3
Vehicle Type: mid-engine, all-wheel-drive,
2-passenger, 2-door coupe 10.9
Options: Turquoise Blue carbon-fiber body, 158 1/4-MILE 8.6 9.6
$315,000; leather and carbon-fiber interior, 150 9.4
$62,000; comfort seats, $31,000; carbon-fiber 7.6
engine cover, $18,600; painted grille, $7500; 6.5
Light Blue Sport brake calipers, $3750
Audio System: satellite radio, USB and
Bluetooth-audio inputs, 7 speakers 4.4 5.1
Engine 3.8
quad-turbocharged and intercooled W-16, 3.3
aluminum block and heads 2.4 2.8 Results in graph
Bore x Stroke ...... 3.39 x 3.39 in, 86.0 x 86.0 mm 60 omit 1-ft rollout
Displacement ............................. 488 in3, 7993 cm3 of 0.2 sec.
Fuel Delivery: port injection
Valve Gear: double overhead cams, 4 valves 1.1 1.5
per cylinder, variable intake-valve timing 30
Fuel Cutoff .................................................... 6700 rpm 0 20
Power .......................................... 1479 hp @ 6700 rpm
Torque ..................................... 1180 lb-ft @ 2000 rpm Rolling Start, 5–60 mph .................. 3.1 sec Fuel
Top Gear, 30–50 mph ..................... 2.4 sec Capacity ............................................ 26.4 gal
Drivetrain Top Gear, 50–70 mph ..................... 2.2 sec Octane ......................................................... 93
Transmission: 7-speed dual-clutch automatic Top Speed (mfr’s claim) .............. 261 mph
All-Wheel-Drive System: full time with an EPA Fuel Economy
electronically controlled clutch-pack coupling Roadholding, Comb/City/Hwy ........................ 11/9/14 mpg
and an electronically controlled limited-slip rear 300-ft Skidpad
differential Interior Sound Level
Understeer: minimal g
Chassis 100
Braking 85
carbon-fiber-reinforced-plastic center section
70–0 mph ............................................. 160 ft
with substructures of carbon-fiber-reinforced 61
plastic and aluminum Fade Rating: none
RA - M
LE 60
Bugatti Veyron
R: 355/25ZR-21 (107Y) BG
Exterior Dimensions
10 14 18 22
Length .................................................................. 178.9 in McLaren Senna
PA 00- DH
3 OA
Interior Dimensions
60 CCE
*Includes performance-
enhancing options. BRAKING, FT
A Very
By Annie White
Photography by Marc Urbano
T he Mustang Mach-E wasn’t always going
to be a Mustang. It started life as an elec-
trified and lifted Focus. Somewhere
along the way, Ford execs realized that
if the company wanted to sell its new EV
in meaningful quantities, it would have
to build something people could get
excited about. So Jim Farley, then Ford’s
president of global markets, ordered the
design team to go back to the drawing
board two years before the car’s slated
unveiling, a schedule not normally conducive to delivering a functioning
product. His instruction: Think Mustang. The resulting vehicle certainly
looks the part of a pony car inflated into a crossover. But for the year
between the Mach-E’s unveiling and our first drive, we’ve been wonder-
ing if it could deliver on the promise of that long hood. Now we know.
The answer is yes. And no. Whether you end up thinking the Mach-E
is worthy of the Mustang name will depend a lot on why you like Ford’s
pony car. If you like Mustangs because they’re attractive and quick, the
Mach-E should pass your personal litmus test. If you are looking for a
roaring engine and an athletic chassis capable of carving up back roads,
you will be disappointed.
The Mach-E is the best-looking vehicle in Ford’s current lineup apart
from the actual Stang, and it’s also more attractive than the majority
of crossovers. The $56,200 extended-range all-wheel-drive model that
we tested made it to 60 mph in 5.1 seconds. That’s quick for something
with 30 cubic feet of storage space in the back (plus another five cubic
feet in the frunk), but that’s still way off the Tesla Model Y’s pace. Ford
says the forthcoming 480-hp GT Performance Edi-
tion should do the deed in a blistering 3.5 seconds,
matching Tesla’s claim for the Y Performance. Base
rear-wheel-drive models with 266 horsepower and
the smaller (and lighter) battery should come in
around 6.0 seconds—still respectable for the genre.
The big-battery all-wheel-drive model has 346
horsepower and 428 pound-feet of torque, and the
instant availability of all that torque gives the Mach-E
that characteristic off-the-line swiftness that we’ve
come to expect from electric vehicles. This heaviest
Mustang ever was perfectly competent at tack-
ling the autocross course that Ford set up for us,
although the ute’s prodigious weight was evident,
particularly in the slalom section. Still, the Mach-E’s
skinny all-season tires aren’t canyon carvers, and
they manage just 0.85 g on the skidpad, which is less
stick than you’ll see from a Ford Edge ST (0.89 g) or
a Tesla Model Y (0.88 g).
So the Mach-E is quick enough to carry the
Mustang name. But we’ve driven a lot of Mustangs,
and we don’t like them just because they’re quick.
The Mustang lineup includes some of our favorite
engines, with intoxicating exhaust notes and more
The Mach-E’s materials and build quality represent a significant
character than any electric motor. They are also improvement in interior execution compared with the cabins of
thrilling to drive. The Shelby models, in particular, other recent Fords, such as the Escape and Explorer.
that support the Plug & Charge protocol,
Mach-Es start charging within seconds
of plugging in as long as payment infor-
mation is on file. That simplicity makes
the charging experience as seamless as
Tesla’s, although not as fast.
Charging at a maximum of 150 kilo-
watts on a DC fast charger, a Mustang
Mach-E equipped like our test car can,
according to Ford, add 52 miles of range
in 10 minutes or charge its battery from
10 to 80 percent in 45 minutes. EPA
range figures for models with the stand-
ard 68.0-kWh pack are 230 miles for
rear-drivers and 211 miles for all-wheel-
For those keeping
score, that 15.5- drive Mach-Es. The extended-range ver-
inch touchscreen sion has an 88.0-kWh battery good for
measures half an 300 miles in the rear-drive variant and
inch larger than
the Tesla Model 270 miles in the all-wheel-drive model.
Y’s. Ford also That should cover most drivers’ daily
includes a volume needs, but the Model Y manages 326
knob cleverly
mounted directly miles despite packing a smaller battery.
on the screen. That means the Ford is woefully less
efficient than the Tesla—28 percent less
so, according to the EPA combined fig-
ures. To validate real-world efficiency,
we measured the Mach-E’s parasitic
drag with coastdown tests on the same
malfunction than the perpetually frustrating Plus Reasonably surface where we ran a Model Y. The
pop-out handles employed by other automakers, quick off the results show the Ford requires 31 per-
but when the doors are locked, there’s a mad- line, quiet and cent more power to maintain 75 mph.
dening delay between triggering the button and refined interior, We were unable to run our highway
the door opening. At least the massive 15.5-inch appropriately range test during our short loan, but
vertically oriented infotainment touchscreen is priced. based on the coastdown tests, we expect
intuitive to operate. Minus No V-8, no more than 190 miles.
It’s nice enough inside that prices around far behind The Mach-E is just one of four very
$50,000 feel appropriate. None of the materials Tesla in range important vehicles that Ford is in the
in our Premium test car feel luxurious, exactly, and speed, midst of launching. The F-150 is the
but everything fits together well, and certain design doesn’t brand’s cash cow, and it’s important to
touches—such as the fabric-trimmed sound bar match driving get it right, but it would take a big blun-
running across the dash—feel modern and con- character. der to dissuade the throngs of truck
sidered. Other things seem less thought out, like Equals If they buyers who would never consider own-
having an “L” position on the gearshift despite hadn’t told us ing anything else. The Bronco’s sales
the fact that the Mach-E employs single-ratio to expect a success—at least initially—is almost a
transmissions. Ford says this activates a special Mustang, we’d foregone conclusion. And the Bronco
deceleration mode for descending steep hills. have far less to Sport—another crossover borrowing a
Just remember: “L” is for “sLower on the hills.” complain about. hallowed name—is enjoying a favorable
The Mach-E will be a test bed for Ford’s response thus far, indicating that buyers
connected-vehicle technologies. Your phone is might not reflexively hate a crossover
the car’s key, though there’s a keypad on the offshoot as long as it’s worthy.
B-pillar and a fob just in case. The associated app Based on that success, the Mustang
shows you the Mach-E’s charge status, helps you Mach-E could pique enough interest
plan trips by evaluating your battery level and among the masses to make it worth
available charging stations on your route, and upsetting a few traditionalists. Amer-
allows you to initiate certain vehicle functions, icans have yet to embrace any electric
such as opening the windows or liftgate. The vehicle not named Tesla, but calling this
Mach-E is capable of receiving over-the-air soft- one a Mustang at least has them talking
ware updates and providing real-time data on about it. It doesn’t feel like a Mustang to
the availability of more than 13,500 third-party us, but the Mach-E is one of the best EVs
stations in Ford’s charging network. At stations on sale right now.
64.0 in
54.3 in
117.5 in 107.1 in
185.6 in 5.8 in 188.5 in 5.7 in
As Tested ......................... $56,200
Base .................................................................. $46,695
DIMENSIONS COMPARED The Mustang Mach-E and Mustang Mach 1 cast
similarly sized shadows on the ground, with the biggest differences being the cross-
over’s height and longer wheelbase—the better to accommodate five passengers.
Vehicle Type: front- and mid-motor,
all-wheel-drive, 5-passenger, 4-door wagon
Options: extended-range battery, $5000;
Premium package, $4105; Rapid Red metallic Steering
paint, $400 TEST RESULTS
rack-and-pinion with variable electric power
Audio System: satellite radio, USB and assist
Bluetooth-audio inputs, Android Auto and Ratio ....................................................................... 14.6:1 Acceleration
Apple CarPlay interfaces, 10 speakers Turns Lock-to-Lock ............................................ 2.6 18.3
Turning Circle Curb-to-Curb ................... 38.1 ft 13.8
Motors 101
Suspension 1/4-MILE
2 permanent-magnet synchronous AC 100
Combined Power ............................................. 346 hp F: ind, struts located by a control arm, coil 13.5
Combined Torque ....................................... 428 lb-ft springs, anti-roll bar
R: ind; 2 diagonal links, 2 lateral links, and a
Battery Pack toe-control link per side; coil springs;
lithium-ion, liquid-cooled anti-roll bar
Cell Count/Construction ........ 376/pouch-type 5.1
Usable Capacity ........................................ 88.0 kWh Brakes
Cell Manufacturer: LG Chem F: 14.3 x 1.1-in vented disc, 4-piston fixed
Drivetrain R: 12.4 x 0.4-in disc, 1-piston sliding caliper
Transmissions: 2 direct-drives Stability Control: traction off
Final-Drive Ratio, F/R ....................... 10.0:1/9.05:1 Wheel Size .................................................. 7.0 x 19 in 2.1
All-Wheel-Drive System: full time Wheel Construction: cast aluminum 30
0 20
Tires: Michelin Primacy A/S, 225/55R-19 103H
Chassis Results in graph omit 1-ft rollout of 0.3 sec.
unit construction with a rubber-isolated rear Interior Dimensions Rolling Start, 5–60 mph ................. 5.2 sec
subframe Passenger Volume, F/R .......................... 56/48 ft3 Top Gear, 30–50 mph ..................... 2.0 sec
Body Material: steel and aluminum Front Trunk Volume ........................................... 5 ft3 Top Gear, 50–70 mph ..................... 2.8 sec
stampings, sheet-molded composite Cargo Volume behind F/R ..................... 60/30 ft3 Top Speed (gov ltd) ....................... 114 mph
Roadholding, 300-ft Skidpad ......... 0.85 g
COMPETITORS Understeer: minimal
Would it surprise you to know BASE, Braking
$ x 1000*
that Tesla is still the auto- 70–0 mph ................................................ 165 ft
to building an EV?
LE 1/4
Ford Mustang
Tesla Model Y
L, E
Long Range
*Includes performance-
-M G,
enhancing options.
eff Storey says the Chevrolet Silverado 2500HD, the Ford
F-250, and the Ram 2500 are the wimpiest tow rigs his
16-ton drag sled has ever seen. In the hairy-chested
world of heavy-duty pickup trucks, those are fightin’
words. We came here—to the fairground in rural Blanchard, Michi-
gan—to meet Storey and his tractor-pull sled in order to prove which
American brand makes the most macho three-quarter-ton truck, but
he just raised the stakes. Each truck is now vying to prove it’s not the
weakest tow rig ever to be hitched to the beast known as the Pioneer.
We’re used to measuring a vehicle’s fitness with quarter-mile
times, but heavy-duty trucks are built for powerlifting, not sprint-
ing. So for this round of the never-ending pickup battle, we decided
to stage a tractor pull. Storey normally runs his sled behind tractors
making as much as 10,000 horsepower. To slow those monsters
down, he can load the Pioneer’s weight-transfer box with up to a
dozen 1800-pound lead bricks. We used just one lead slug for our
test, and yet, when we hooked Storey’s rig to the trucks, the weight
behind the hitch was more than twice what the Ford and Ram are
rated for and close to double the Chevy’s rating. On the streets, this
would be reckless. But on our closed course, the dirt surface acts as
a fuse. The tires will break traction before the driveline is damaged.
Then we hitched them to Storey’s sled and stood on the
accelerator pedals. We’re going to settle this Calvin and
Hobbes pissing match once and for all—or at least until
the next generation of heavy-duty pickups arrives.
A tractor pull is a simple test, but there’s more to
it than meets the eye. The rate at which the weight-
transfer box moves is dictated by a five-speed gearbox
that’s driven off the drag’s wheels. As each truck pulls
the sled, the heavy box slides forward, shifting the
weight from the sled’s wheels to its belly pan, which
digs into the dirt. If that’s not enough to stop a tractor
in its tracks, a set of hydraulic arms can lift the sled’s
wheels off the ground, dumping the entire weight of the
machine onto the pan. The farther you go, the deeper it
digs. That’s the complex part. Here’s the simple bit: The
longest pull wins. The drag sled doubles as a really long
ruler, measuring the distance of each run.
The strategy of tractor pulling is straightforward:
Shift into 4Lo, wait for the all-clear, then shove the right
pedal through the firewall and, as Storey says, “Drive it
to the kitchen!” That metaphorical cookhouse is 300 feet
away. Make it that far and you’ve found the tractor-pull
end zone, achieving what’s known as a full pull. Before we
started, Storey dialed in how quickly the weight-trans-
fer box would move and determined when the Pioneer’s
hydraulic arms would engage to keep the full pull within
reach. We made three runs with each truck and used the
best pulls to determine the finishing order.
On paper, the Ford has what it takes to be a champion-
grade puller. It’s the most powerful truck here, with the
sharpest claws to tear into the soil and a lockable rear
differential and limited-slip front diff. This $82,245
brodozer is lifted from the factory and rolls on meaty
35-inch Goodyear Wrangler DuraTrac tires thanks to the
$3975 Tremor package. The Power Stroke turbocharged
6.7-liter V-8 makes 475 horsepower and 1050 pound-feet
of torque, and a 10-speed automatic handles the shifting
duties. Setting expectations high, this F-250 is among
the quickest heavy-duty trucks we’ve tested, with a
6.1-second sprint to 60 mph and a quarter-mile run of
14.6 seconds at 94 mph—1 mph shy of its top speed.
A tractor pull is But those blistering acceleration times occur with
kind of like a dyno the transfer case in 4Hi and using a big brake torque to
run in the dirt. In pile on the boost from the start. Moving the drag sled
addition to
Commercials for these trucks torque, gearing requires 4Lo, and Ford doesn’t allow brake torquing
often look like they were directed and traction in 4Lo, presumably to save the 8120-pound behemoth
by Hulk Hogan on a creatine bender. affect whether or from turning its axle shafts into rotini pasta. Without
not a truck makes
The truck does a lap around a steel the full pull. that preload, the F-250 is already 1.7 mph off the Silver-
forge with a freaking yacht in tow ado’s pace at the 50-foot mark. It never catches up. The
before a stack of girders is dropped Ford runs out of steam about three and a half feet short
in the bed, all while outrageous payload, towing, and of the coveted full pull having yanked hard enough to
torque figures flash on the screen. Until recently, Ford was bend the pin in the trailer hitch. There’s no doubt in our
the reigning braggart, with its Power Stroke diesel making minds that with a little more oomph at the start, the
1050 pound-feet of torque. But then Ram topped it with a F-250 would have made it to the finish line.
2021 powertrain update that boosted its Cummins diesel to Ram may be the current torque king among heavy-
1075 pound-feet. Hey, Bugatti, are you seeing this? duty trucks, but the high-output Cummins (420 horse-
To find the best heavy-duty tugger, we procured three- power, 1075 pound-feet of torque) is available only in
quarter-ton trucks equipped with diesel engines and the the 3500. We also had to pass on the dirt-hungry 2500
most aggressive off-road rubber available from the factory. Power Wagon because it comes exclusively with the gas
An expert look at the newest and most important vehicles this month.
the numbers
Vehicle Type: front-engine, front-wheel-
drive, 5-passenger, 4-door sedan
Base/As Tested ....... $34,195/$34,564
Engine: turbocharged and intercooled
DOHC 16-valve inline-4, aluminum block
and head, port and direct fuel injection
Displacement ................ 152 in3, 2497 cm3
Power ........................... 290 hp @ 5800 rpm
Torque ......................... 311 lb-ft @ 1650 rpm
Transmission: 8-speed dual-clutch
• Wheelbase ....................................... 111.8 in
• L/W/H .......................... 192.9/73.2/56.9 in
• Curb Weight .................................... 3541 lb
2 02 1 H Y U N DA I E L A N T R A ~ BY S C O T T O L D H A M
60 mph ................................................ 5.0 sec
100 mph .............................................. 12.1 sec
1/4-Mile ....................... 13.6 sec @ 105 mph
130 mph ............................................ 22.2 sec
Results above omit 1-ft rollout of 0.4 sec. Davis Lee, Hyundai’s North American senior designer, runs his hand along the
Rolling Start, 5–60 mph ............. 5.2 sec three prominent creases that intersect on the 2021 Elantra’s front doors. “It can
Braking, 70–0 mph ............................ 152 ft look out of place at first,” he says, “but we wanted the car to stand out.” The
Roadholding, 300-ft Skidpad ..... 0.93 g
C/D Fuel Economy styling may turn off some buyers, but Hyundai had to do something to make an
• Observed ........................................ 23 mpg impression, as the Elantra’s roughly 10 percent share of the compact-sedan mar-
EPA Fuel Economy ket is far smaller than the Honda Civic’s and Toyota Corolla’s pieces of the action.
• Comb/City/Hwy .............. 27/23/33 mpg
So Hyundai went big, both visually and literally.
At 184.1 inches from nose to tail, the Elantra gains 2.2 inches in length, and its
wheelbase is stretched by 0.8 inch, giving this compact one of the longest wheel-
triple-digit speeds. If you’re really on it, bases in its class, at 107.1 inches, plus a substantial amount of rear legroom. A low
you can cook them in just a few miles. dash and thin A-pillars open the view out. Comfortable, spacious, and attractive,
Unlike the Camry TRD, which the new cabin features a standard 8.0-inch touchscreen with wireless Android
merely looks fast and furious, the Auto and Apple CarPlay connectivity.
N Line follows a more adult path while We sampled a top-of-the-line Limited model with 17-inch wheels wrapped in
still following the sports-sedan dress all-season tires. Thus equipped, the Elantra impresses with ample front-end bite,
code. Compared with the regular and its torsion-beam rear end isn’t easily upset by bumps. Body control in corners
Sonata, the performance variant has is excellent, and there’s surprisingly good feel from the steering. The ride is pleas-
a few small N Line badges scattered antly firm, and the car is relaxed
about, a new front fascia with three around town yet still direct enough to
large air intakes, and larger wheels. Its be engaging.
the numbers
tail wears four exhaust pipes, a black Hyundai has a 201-hp Elantra
Vehicle Type: front-engine,
lower bumper, and, of course, a diffuser. N Line and a hybrid good for up to front-wheel-drive, 5-passenger,
Inside, the N Line bits are limited to 54 mpg combined, but we’re focusing 4-door sedan
a set of bolstered front seats wrapped solely on the base powertrain here: a Base ............................ $20,645
Engine: DOHC 16-valve Atkinson-
in leather and pseudosuede. Standard 147-hp 2.0-liter inline-four paired to a cycle inline-4, aluminum block
features include a digital gauge cluster, CVT. Though the combo is sluggish off and head, port fuel injection
a 10.3-inch infotainment touchscreen, a the line, the engine is responsive and Displacement ... 122 in3, 1999 cm3
Power .............. 147 hp @ 6200 rpm
strong Bose audio system, a panoramic livens up beyond 4000 rpm. According Torque ......... 132 lb-ft @ 4500 rpm
sunroof, and the ability to use your to the EPA, SEL and Limited models will Transmission: continuously
smartphone as a key. average 31 mpg in the city and 41 on variable automatic
At $34,195, it’s one of the pricier cars the highway. Base SE versions enjoy a • Wheelbase ......................... 107.1 in
in its segment, but the powertrain’s 2-mpg bump in both environs. • L/W/H .............. 184.1/71.9/55.7 in
performance is class leading and the We’d opt for the $21,895 SEL, which • Curb Weight .................... 2800 lb
Performance (C/D est)
handling is entertaining—for a front- nets 16-inch wheels, push-button • 60 mph .............................. 8.3 sec
driver. Which brings us to the N Line’s start, and a proximity key. Blending an • 1/4-Mile ............................ 16.4 sec
biggest problem: A similar outlay of cash eye-catching wrapper with an impres- • 100 mph .......................... 22.8 sec
• Top Speed ....................... 120 mph
buys a rear-drive 255-hp Kia Stinger or sive feature count, satisfying driving EPA Fuel Economy
292-hp Dodge Charger, both of which dynamics, and strong value is a formula • Comb/City/Hwy ... 35–37/31–33/
offer a level of sophistication the Hyun- for small-car success, and the Elantra 41–43 mpg
dai can’t match, but the N Line is a clear brews those elements skillfully.
winner in the stoplight drags.
2 02 0 H O N DA e ~ BY M I K E D U F F
Look at the Honda e’s front end and tell us you
don’t see a face. Those circular headlights and
the panel that connects them evoke Holly-
wood’s cute robots, like WALL-E, 7723, and
Baymax. Behind those bright eyes is a rear-
drive four-seater packing a lithium-ion battery
that provides just 100 miles or so of range.
Honda has prioritized fun, giving the e sum-
mer tires instead of the low-grip rubber usually
2 02 1 T OYO TA YA R I S G R ~ BY M I K E D U F F fitted to junior EVs. The car’s steering is crisp,
and grip levels are high. There’s noticeable
body roll under hard cornering, but the ride is
Hot Pocket pliant, and the e feels agile.
Two motor outputs are offered. The base
Toyota builds a rally-inspired hot hatch and then model makes 134 horsepower, and the e
doesn’t share it with the U.S. Advance has 152 horses on tap. The latter pro-
vides instant and satisfying acceleration below
60 mph. The e will cruise at 75 mph or even
faster, but that’ll cause the range to plummet.
The noble, dirty sport of rallying has been responsible for many roadgoing Once the low-charge light comes on, it’ll take
performance heroes. Cars like the Audi Sport Quattro, Lancia Delta Inte- you about four hours to charge the e using a
grale, and Subaru Impreza WRX all had race-car alter egos. Toyota’s 240-volt connection.
Yaris GR was supposed to have one as well—the brand’s entrant into The cabin’s design is best described as
the 2021 World Rally Championship—but COVID-19 shuttered those retrofuturistic, with the instrument panel
plans, and the team will continue to use the older Yaris WRC for another featuring a full-width wood shelf beneath a row
season. So while the Yaris GR doesn’t have a WRC analogue, the folks of five digital displays. Rear-seat space is tight
at Gazoo Racing, Toyota’s in-house motorsport arm and creator of the for adults but usable.
latest Supra, have made it feel like a rally car. Honda has no plans to bring its cute new EV
Sadly, there are no plans to bring this tiny all-wheel-drive hot hatch stateside, and we can understand why. In the
stateside. And apart from its name, the two-door GR has little in com- U.K., the Advance model costs about $36,700
mon with the Europe-market Yaris or the Mazda 2–based car Toyota at current exchange rates (without tax), and in
used to sell here. The multilink rear end has a radically widened track, the U.S., the Chevy Bolt—which costs about the
and there’s an underfloor tunnel to package the rear axle’s driveshaft. same as the e but boasts more than twice its
The turbocharged 1.6-liter inline-three is closely related to the one range—isn’t exactly flying off lots. At least this
used in the WRC 2 support series and makes 257 horses. It has old-school EV proves that Honda hasn’t forgotten how to
turbocharged character, which means it’s hesitant and laggy at low revs. combine pioneering technology with fun.
It actually sounds great and pulls keenly to a 7000-rpm redline.
As for the all-wheel-drive system, a hypoid gear diverts torque rear-
ward to an electronically controlled clutch pack attached to the rear diff. the numbers Powertrain: 134- or
152-hp AC motor, direct-drive
It’s similar in principle to other clutch-pack systems, but the GR is all- Base (U.K.): $33,900–$36,700
wheel drive all the time. Normal mode sets a front-biased 60/40 torque Performance (C/D est), 60 mph: 7.6–8.2
sec • 1/4-Mile: 16.1–16.7 sec • Top Speed:
split, whereas Sport goes 30/70, leading to back-end playfulness without 90 mph • EPA Fuel Economy (C/D est),
any unruliness. The Yaris’s Track setting divides torque evenly between Comb/City/Hwy: 111/118/113 MPGe
the axles and actually feels best suited to use on slippery asphalt, com-
bining huge grip with the ability
to balance between understeer
the numbers and oversteer.
Powertrain: 257-hp turbo- It’s good to know that Toyota
charged 1.6-liter inline-3, still wants to build fun cars like
6-speed manual • Base (U.K.):
$33,350 • Performance (C/D this, and it’s possible that the all-
est), 60 mph: 5.3 sec • 1/4- wheel-drive system will find its
Mile: 13.9 sec • Top Speed: way into a GR-tuned Corolla or
143 mph • EPA Fuel Economy
(C/D est), Comb/City/Hwy: C-HR for our market. Let’s hope
30/27/34 mpg that whatever it is has this Yaris’s
competitive spirit.
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2021 DODGE CHARGER SRT HELLCAT REDEYE WIDEBODY ~ BY MAXWELL B. MORTIMER Patience and a delicate right foot are
required to avoid turning the Redeye’s
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CAR There was that time a vehicle got stuck
in the mud of a post-flood-stage Utah
riverbed. Another sat marooned in
a stream after sucking water into its
1982 engine. Once, there was even a propane
truck that slid off the road and was
hanging over a creek. In each instance
Rory Irish, of Moab Motorsports, who
arrived in Trail Mater to help.
Trail Mater began life as a 1982
Chevy pickup that Irish built into a
rock crawler for a friend before buying it back and modifying it into an off-road
wrecker. “Most places, they’ll take an on-road wrecker and modify it for off-road,”
Irish says. “But those are so heavy that when you get back into the trails, you’re
struggling just trying to pull yourself around, let alone pull out another vehicle.”
RORY His wrecker features a fuel-injected big-block V-8, a rear end from a Dodge dually,
and six winches. Irish also carries a welder, an air compressor, fluids, spare pumps,
IRISH bolts, and steel plates for remote repairs because, as he says, “It’s always easier to
drive a vehicle out than it is to carry one out.”
Irish prides himself on having never turned down a call and completing every
job without causing further damage. He has a few basic tricks. Letting air out
of tires helps a vehicle “float” over a soft surface. A pole can break the suction
between a car and the mud or sand in which it’s mired. He also hooks the tow
strap low around his axle so it doesn’t damage a stranded vehicle’s plastic bumper.
Irish’s services are specialized, so his fees vary. “I charge $150 an hour if I’ve got
to go out and fix them or pull them out,” he says. “But if I have to carry them out,
it’s $200 an hour, and I’m the cheapest in town.” A difficult tow can run nearly
$2000, but Irish is always willing to bargain. “I’ve been there, and I’ve dealt with
these issues personally,” he says. “I’m not going to prey on that.” —Brett Berk
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