x4 ≥ 2 Short-term deposits
x3 £ 0.20 (x1 + x2 + x3 + x4) Speculative stocks
x1, x2, x 3, x 4 ≥ 0
8. Let x1, x2, and x3 respectively represent the number of units of the parts A, B, and C produced per hour.
With the given information, the hourly profit would be:
+ (14 – 10)x3 – È 20 + 30 + 30 ˘ x 3
ÎÍ 25 20 40 ˚˙
= 0.25x1 + x2 + 0.95x 3
Thus, the LPP is:
Maximise Z = 0.25x1 + x2 + 0.95x 3
Subject to
x1 x2 x3
+ + £1
25 40 25
x1 x2 x3
+ + £1
25 20 20
x1 x2 x3
+ + £1
40 30 40
x1, x 2, x 3 ≥ 0
9. Let x1, x2, x3, x4, x 5 and x6 be the number of nurses joining duty at the beginning of periods 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and
6 respectively. The LPP is:
Maximise Z = x1 + x 2 + x3 + x4 + x5 + x 6
Subject to
x1 + x2 ≥7
x2 + x3 ≥ 15
x3 + x4 ≥8
x4 + x5 ≥ 20
x5 + x6 ≥ 6
x1 + x6 ≥ 2
xi ≥ 0, i = 1, 2, …, 6
10. Let x1, x2, …, x7 be the number of doctors starting on day 1, 2, …, 7, respectively, beginning with Sunday.
The LPP may be stated as given below:
Miximise Z = x1 + x 2 + x3 + x4 + x5 + x6 + x7
Subject to
x1 + x4 + x5 + x6 + x 7 ≥ 35
x1 + x2 + x5 + x6 + x 7 ≥ 55
x1 + x2 + x3 + x 6 + x7 ≥ 60
x1 + x2 + x3 + x 4 + x7 ≥ 50
x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x 5 ≥ 60
x2 + x3 + x 4 + x5 + x 6 ≥ 50
x3 + x4 + x5 + x6 + x 7 ≥ 45
0 £ xi £ 40, i = 1, 2, …, 7
11. Let production lines 1, 2, and 3 are run for x1 x2 and x3 days respectively.
Miximise Z = 600x1 + 500x2 + 400x3
Subject to
150x1 + 200x 2 + 160x 3 ≥ 2,000 ¸
100x1 + 100x2 + 80x 3 ≥ 3,000 Ô
500x1 + 760x 2 + 890x 3 ≥ 3,000 ˝
400x1 + 400x 2 + 600x 3 ≥ 6,000 ˛
x1 £ 20
x2 £ 20 ˝ Capacity
x3 £ 18 Ô˛
x1, x 2, x 3 ≥ 0
12. Let xij be the number of units produced in plant i and sent to customer j; i = 1, 2 and j = 1, 2, 3, 4.
Maximise Z = 25x11 + 30x12 + 40x13 + 45x14 + 51x21 + 41x22 + 36x23 + 31x24
Subject to
0.10x11 + 0.10x12 + 0.10x13 + 0.10x14 £ 120
0.20x11 + 0.20x12 + 0.20x13 + 0.20x14 £ 260
0.11x21 + 0.11x22 + 0.11x23 + 0.11x24 £ 140
0.22x21 + 0.22x22 + 0.22x23 + 0.22x24 £ 250
x11 + x21 = 500
x12 + x22 = 300
x13 + x23 = 1,000
x14 + x24 = 200
xij ≥ 0
13. Let x1, x2 and x3, respectively, be the number of vehicles A, B and C purchased.
Maximise Z = 6,300x1 + 10,800x 2 + 11,340x3
Subject to
80,000x1 + 130,000x2 + 15,000x 3 £ 40,00,000
x1 + x2 + x 3 £ 30
3x1 + 6x2 + 6x 3 £ 150
x1, x 2, x 3 £ 0
14. Let xij be the quantity of ith crude mixed in jth grade petrol.
Maximise Z = –1.5x11 + 3.5x21 + 2.9x31 – 3.0x21 + 2.0x22 + 1.4x32 – 4.0x13 + x23 + 0.4x33
Subject to
x11 + x12 + x13 £ 500,000
x21 + x22 + x23 £ 500,000
x31 + x32 + x33 £ 360,000
x11 ≥ 0.50 (x11 + x21 + x31)
x21 £ 0.25 (x11 + x21 + x31)
x12 ≥ 0.25 (x12 + x22 + x32)
x22 £ 0.50 (x12 + x22 + x32)
xij ≥ 0 i = 1, 2, 3; j = 1, 2, 3
15. Let xijk be the quantity produced in quarter i(i = 1, 2, 3, 4), in time j(j = 1 as regular time and j = 2 as
overtime) and supplied in quarter k(k = 1, 2, 3, 4). The total cost that is sought to be minimised comprises
the production and storage costs. The problem may be stated as follows:
Minimise Z = 16x111 + 20x 121 +18x112 + 22x122 + 20x113 + 24x123 +22x114 + 26x124
+ 16x212 + 20x222 +18x213 + 22x 223 + 20x214 + 24x 224 +16x313 + 20x323 + 18x314
+ 22x324 + 16x414 + 18x424
Subject to
x111 + x112 + x113 + x114 £ 80 Regular
x212 + x213 + x214 £ 90 ˝ time
x313 + x314 £ 95 Ô˛ consttaints
x414 £ 70
x121 + x122 + x123 + x124 £ 10 ¸
x222 + x223 + x224 £ 10 Ô Overtime
x323 + x324 £ 20 Ô
˝ consttaints
x424 £ 10 ˛
x111 + x121 = 65 ¸
x112 + x122 + x212 + x222 = 80 Ô Demand
x113 + x123 + x213 + x223 + x313 + x323 = 135 ˝
Ô constraints
x114 + x124 + x214 + x224 + x314 + x324 + x414 + x424 = 75 ˛
xijk ≥ 0, for i = 1, 2, 3, 4
j = 1, 2
k = 1, 2, 3, 4
16. The problem here is to maximise total effective exposures. The coefficients of the objective function are
obtained by the product of audience size multiplied by the ‘effectiveness coefficient’ of each magazine
which, in turn, is calculated on the basis of audience characteristics, their relative importance, and efficiency
indices of the colour, and black and white advertisements. To illustrate, for magazine M1,
Effectiveness coefficient = [0.70(0.3) + 0.50(0.5) + 0.80(0.2)][0.3x11 + 0.2x12]
= 0.186x11 + 0.124x12
where x11: No. of colour advertisements in magazine M1
x12: No. of black and white advertisements in magazine M1
Similarly, for magazine M2, if x21, and x22 represent the number of colour, and black and white advertisements
in M2,
We have
Effectiveness coefficient = [0.60(0.3) + 0.40(0.5) + 0.70(0.2)][0.3x21 + 0.2x22]
= 0.156x21 + 0.104x22
For magazine M3,
Effectiveness coefficient = [0.90(0.3) + 0.75(0.5) + 0.80(0.2)][0.3x31 + 0.2x32 ]
= 0.2415x31 + 0.161x32
Now, objective function coefficients are:
For M1: (0.186x11 + 0.124x12)(400,000) = 74,400x 11 + 49,600x12
For M2: (0.156x21 + 0.104x22)(300,000) = 46,800x 21 + 31,200x22
For M3: (0.2415x 31 + 0.161x32)(200,000) = 48,300x31 + 32,200x32
The LPP is:
Maximise Z = 74,400x 11 + 49,600x12 + 46,800x21 + 31,200x22 + 48,300x31 + 32,200x32
Total exposure
Subject to
18,000x11 + 12,000x12 + 16,000x21 + 10,000x22 + 19,000x31 + 15,000x32 £ 500,000
x11 + x12 £ 12 ¸ Maximum number of
x21 + x22 £ 24 ˝ advertisements
x31 + x32 £ 12 Ô˛
x11 + x12 ≥5 ¸ Minimum number
x21 + x22 ≥4 ˝ of advertisements
x31 + x32 ≥5 Ô ˛
xij ≥ 0; i = 1, 2, 3; j = 1, 2
17. Let xpmsd be the quantity of product p produced in month m, in shift s, and delivered in month d.
Minimise Z = 400x1111 + 440x1112 + 480x1113 + 480x1121 + 520x1122 + 560x1123 + 400x1212 + 440x1213 +
480x1222 + 520x1223 + 400x1313 + 480x1323 + 500x2111 + 540x2112 + 580x2113 + 600x2121 + 640x2122 +
680x2123 + 500x2212 + 540x2213 + 600x2222 + 640x2223 + 500x2313 + 600x2323 + 500x3111 + 540x3112 +
580x3113 + 600x3121 + 640x3122 + 680x3123 + 500x3212 + 540x3213 + 600x3222 + 640x3223 + 500x3313 +
600x3323 + 700x4111 + 740x4112 + 780x4113 + 840x4121 + 880x4122 + 920x4123 + 700x4212 + 740x4213 +
840x4222 + 880x4223 + 700x 4313 + 840x4323
Subject to
4x1111 + 4x1112 + 4x1113 + 5x2111 + 5x2112 + 5x2113 + 5x3111 + 5x3112 + 5x 3113 + 7x4111
+ 7x4112 + 7x4113 £ 1,10,000
4x1121 + 4x1122 + 4x1123 + 5x2121 + 5x2122 + 5x2123 + 5x3121 + 5x3122 + 5x 3123 + 7x4121
+ 7x4122 + 7x4123 £ 1,00,000
4x1212 + 4x 1213 + 5x2212 + 5x2213 + 5x3212 + 5x3213 + 7x4212 + 7x4213 £ 1,30,000
4x1222 + 4x 1223 + 5x2222 + 5x2223 + 5x3222 + 5x3223 + 7x4222 + 7x4223 £ 1,20,000
4x1313 + 5x2313 + 5x3313 + 7x4313 £ 1,15,000
4x1323 + 5x2323 + 5x3323 + 7x4323 £ 1,16,000
x1111 + x1121 = 8,000
x2111 + x2121 = 19,000
x3111 + x3121 = 4,000
x4111 + x4121 = 7,000
x1112 + x1122 + x1212 + x1222 = 7,000
x2112 + x2122 + x2212 + x2222 = 19,000
x3112 + x3122 + x3212 + x3222 = 15,000
x4112 + x4122 + x4212 + x4222 = 7,000
x1113 + x1123 + x1213 + x1223 + x1313 + x1323 = 6,000
x2113 + x2123 + x2213 + x2223 + x2313 + x2323 = 18,000
x3113 + x3123 + x3213 + x3223 + x3313 + x3323 = 17,000
x4113 + x4123 + x4213 + x4223 + x4313 + x4323 = 7,000
all variables ≥ 0
18. Minimise Z = 350,000x111 + 353,000x 112 + 356,000x113 + 390,000x121 + 393,000x122 + 396,000x123 +
430,000x212 + 433,000x213 +470,000x222 + 473,000x 223 + 400,000x313 + 450,000x323
Subject to
x111 + x 121 = 2
x112 + x 122 + x 212 + x222 = 2
x113 + x 123 + x 213 + x223 + x313 + x323 = 2
x111 + x112 + x113 £ 1
x121 + x122 + x123 £ 2
x212 + x213 £ 2
x222 + x223 £ 2
x313 £ 3
x323 £ 2
all variables ≥ 0
19. Let x1, x2, and x3 be the number of Manual, Electronic and Deluxe electronic typewriters respectively.
With selling prices and variable costs given, the profit contribution per unit for the three typewriters is
Rs 1,600, Rs 3,000, and Rs 5,600 respectively.
The LPP may be stated as follows:
Maximise Z = 1,600x1 + 3,000x2 + 5,600x3 Profit
Subject to
15x1 + 12x2 + 14x 3 £ 3,000 Machine time
4x1 + 3x2 + 5x 3 £ 1,200 Assembly time
x1 ≥ 2
x3 ≥ 8 } Committed
2,500x 1 + 4,500x2 + 9,000x 3 £ 136,800 Cash
x2 ≥ 0
Note: The cash requirement is 2,500x1 + 4,500x2 + 9,000x 3, while the cash availability is Rs 136,800,
worked out as below:
Cash availability = Cash balance + Receivables – Loan to repay to cooperative bank – Interest on loan from
TNC bank and cooperative bank – Interest on long-term loans – Top management salary and other fixed
= Rs 140,000 + Rs 50,000 – Rs 40,000 – Rs 1,200 – Rs 2,000 – Rs 10,000
= Rs 136,800
20. Here A(2, 0) = 2
B(3.8, 1.8) = 9.2
C(5, 1) = 8
D(9, 0) = 9
Optimal solution is:
x1 = 3.8, x2 = 1.8 for Z = 9.2
21. From the graph,
Z(0 : 0, 0) = 0, Z(A : 0, 7.5) = 60,
Z(B : 3, 9) = 102, Z(C : 6, 8) = 124
and Z(D : 10, 0) = 100.
Optimal solution:
x1 = 6 and x 2 = 8, for Z = 124.
22. Here,
Z(A : 2, 3) = 520,
Z(B : 2, 6.4) = 928
Z(C : 3, 6) = 960
Z(D : 6, 3) = 840
Optimal solution is
x1 = 3, and x 2 = 6, for Z = 960.
23. Let x1 and x2 be the number of packages of economy and special type, respectively.
LPP is:
Maximise Z = 5x1 + 8x2
Subject to
0.250x1 + 0.500x 2 £ 750 Grade I
0.750x1 + 0.500x 2 £ 1,200 Grade II
x1, x 2 ≥ 0
From the graph, Z(0 : 0, 0) = 0, Z(A : 0, 1500) = 12,000, Z(B : 900, 1050) = 12,900 and Z(C : 1600,0) =
8000. Thus, Z(B) gives optimal solution. If the profit margin is Rs 10 on special pack, we have Z(0) = 0,
Z(A) = 15,000, Z(B) = 15,000, and Z(C) = 8,000. As such, the company can have either x1 = 0 and x2 =
1500, or x1 = 900 and x2 = 1050.
( )
A(0, 0, 8 1 : 573 1
3 3
B(0,11) : 748
D(9, 0) : 619 1
( )
E 6 1 , 0 : 430
Point E represents optimal solution.
26. Here, Z(A : 0, 10) = 20, Z(B : 2, 8) = 22, Z(C : 30/7, 24/7) = 138/7 and Z(D : 0, 2) = 4. Accordingly,
optimal solution is: x1 = 2, x2 = 8, and Z = 22.
27. We have:
Z(A : 0, 15) = 150
Z(B : 40/11, 15/11) = 270/11
Z(C : 4, 1) = 22
Z(D : 8, 0) = 24.
Optimal solution:
x1 = 4 and x 2 = 1; and Z = 22.
28. Here,
Z(A : 0, 5) = 15,
Z(B : 3, 2) = 18, and
Z(C : 9, 0) = 36
Hence, Optimal solution is:
x1 = 0 and x 2 = 5; for Z = 15.
29. Let x1 and x2 be the number of units of deluxe and standard machines to be produced. From the given
information, the LPP may be stated as follows:
Maximise Z = 400x1 + 200x2 Total profit
Subject to
18x1 + 3x 2 £ 800 Labour time
9x1 + 4x 2 £ 600 Testing time
x2 £ 150 Demand
x1, x 2 ≥ 0
Z(0 : 0, 0) = 0
Z(A : 0, 150) = 30,000
Z(B : 280/9, 80) = 28444.4
Z(C : 400/9, 0) = 17777.8
Optimal solution:
Produce 150 units of standard machines and none of the deluxe machines.
30. Let x1 and x2 be the number of units of products A and B, respectively, to be purchased. The LPP may be
stated as follows:
Minimise Z = 20x1 + 40x2 Total cost
Subject to
36x1 + 6x 2 ≥ 108 Nutrient 1
3x1 + 12x 2 ≥ 36 Nutrient 2
20x1 + 10x 2 ≥ 100 Nutrient 3
x1, x 2 ≥ 0
The feasible area has extremes A(0, 18), B(2, 6), C(4, 2), and D(12, 0). Accordingly, Z(A) = 720, Z(B) =
280, Z(C) = 160, and Z(D) = 240. Thus, optimal solution is x1 = 4 and x2 = 2.
31. We have,
Z(A : 0, 18) = 720,
Z(B : 2, 6) = 280,
Z(C : 4, 2) = 160,
Z(D : 12, 0) = 240
Optimal solution is:
x1 = 4 and x 2 = 2, for Z = 160
32. (a) It is not necessary that the feasible region for a maximisation
problem of linear programming be always a bounded one.
When the feasible region is bounded in the direction in which
iso-profit lines with higher profit values are obtained, the
unboundedness nature of the feasible region (in the other
direction) would not hinder the obtaining of the optimal
(b) The constraints are plotted in figure. The feasible region,
shown shaded, is evidently unbounded. The iso-profit lines
are shown. The maximum profit obtainable is 10, which
corresponds to x1 = 3 and x2 = 4 as shown by point A. This is
the optimal solution to the problem.
33. Let x1 be the number of bottles of Tonus-2000, and x2 be the
number of bottles of Health-Wealth produced per week. With
profit rates as Rs 2.80 and Rs 2.20 per bottle of Tonus-2000 and
Health-Wealth respectively, the total profit would be 2.80x 1 +
2.20x2. The problem, then, is:
Maximise Z = 2.80x1 + 2.20x2 Total profit
Subject to
x1 £ 20,000 ¸
x2 £ 40,000 ˝
Raw material
0.003x1 + 0.001x 2 £ 66 Filling time
x1 + x 2 £ 45,000 Bottles availability
x1, x 2 £ 0
We have,
A : 0, 40,000
B : 5000, 40000
C : 10,500, 34500
D : 20,000, 6000
E : 20,000, 0
Z(A) = 88,000
Z(B) = 102,000
Z(C) = 105,300
Z(D) = 69,200
Z(E) = 56,000
Optimal solution is given by point C.
34. For this,
Z(A : 0, 24) = 96,000
Z(B : 4, 12) = 72,000
Z(C : 12, 4) = 88,000
Z(D : 24, 0) = 144,000
Thus, the optimal solution is to run plant I for 4 days and plant II for 12 days. TC = Rs 72,000
35. (a) Total hours available:
Department A : 20 ¥ 40 ¥ 50 = 40,000
Department B : 15 ¥ 40 ¥ 50 = 30,000
Department C : 18 ¥ 40 ¥ 50 = 36,000
Contribution margin per unit:
P1 : 200 – (45 + 8 ¥ 2 + 10 ¥ 2.25 + 4 ¥ 2.50 + 6.50) = Rs 100
P2 : 240 – (50 + 10 ¥ 2 + 6 ¥ 2.25 + 12 ¥ 2.50 + 11.50) = Rs 115
Let x1 and x2 be the number of units of the products P1 and P2 respectively. The problem is:
Maximise Z = 100x1 + 115x2
Subject to
8x1 + 10x 2 £ 40,000
10x1 + 6x 2 £ 30,000
4x1 + 12x 2 £ 36,000
x1, x 2 ≥ 0
The feasible region is given by the polygon OABC. Evaluating the objective function at each of these,
we get Z(0) = 0, Z(A) = 0 ¥ 100 + 3,000 ¥ 115 = 345,000, Z(B) = 1,500 ¥ 100 + 2,500 ¥ 115 =
437,500, and Z(C) = 3,000 ¥100 + 0 ¥ 115 = 300,000. The optimal solution, therefore, is to produce
1,500 units of P1 and 2,500 units of P2. Total Profit = Contribution – Fixed cost = Rs 437,500 –
Rs 285,000 = Rs 152,500 p.a.
(b) It may be observed from the graph that the constraint representing labour hours in Department A is
redundant because its exclusion does not affect the feasible region of the problem.
36. From the feasible region, it is evident that the problem has unbounded solution.
39. The constraints are plotted graphically. It is evident from it that there is no common point between the
feasible regions of all constraints. Thus, the problem has no feasible solution.
40. Maximise Z = 8x1 + 5x2 : Unbounded solution
Minimise Z = 8x1 + 5x2
Z(A : 56/17, 33/17) = 36 1/17, Z(B : 63/8, 13/4) = 79 1/4.
Thus Z is minimum at x1 = 56/17 and x2 = 33/17.
41. Let x1 and x2 be the number of spots on Radio and TV respectively. From the given information, we have,
Maximise Z = x1 + 6x 2 Total coverage
Subject to
800x1 + 4,000x 2 £ 16,000 Budget
x1 ≥ 5¸
x2 £ 4 ˝˛
x1, x 2 ≥ 0
The feasible area has three extreme points: A(5, 0), B(5, 3) and C(20, 0). For these, we have Z(A) = 5,
Z(B) = 23, and Z(C) =20. Thus, the optimal solution is to have 3 spots on TV and 5 spots on radio.
Evidently, if the present restriction on TV spots is not there, it would not affect the optimal solution. It is
redundant, in other words.
42. (a) The LPP is:
Maximise Z = 124x1 + 80x2
Subject to
150x1 + 90x 2 £ 13,500
100x1 + 120x 2 £ 12,000
x2 £ 75
x1, x 2 ≥ 0
Here Z(A : 0, 75) = 6,000, Z(B : 30, 75) = 9,720, Z(C : 60, 50) = 11,440, and Z(D : 90, 0) = 11,160.
Thus, optimal plan is: X : 60 units and Y : 50 units. Increase in profit = 11,440 – 9,720 = Rs 1,720.
(b) Capacity increase in Department 1: We can move to point E at the maximum where only 120 units of
X would be produced. It would need 150 ¥ 120 = 18,000 minutes, or 300 hours in Deptt. 1. Hence,
increased time needed = 300 – 225 = 75 hours at 50 p/hour. Thus, increased profit = 124 ¥ 120 –
11,440 – 37.5 = Rs 3402.50.
Capacity increase in Department 2: At best, we can move to F where x1 = 60 and x2 = 75, needing
15,000 minutes or 250 hours. Increase in capacity = 250 – 200 = 50 hours for Rs 25. Thus, increased
profit = 124 ¥ 60 + 80 ¥ 75 – 11,440 – 25 = Rs 1,975.
Conclusion: increase capacity in Department 1.
(c) If quota is sold, then only X would be produced to the extent of 90 units
(d) It would reduce profit by 11,440 – 11,160 = Rs 280. To forgo 50 units of Y, the minimum quota price
= 280/50 = Rs 5.60 per unit.
43. Contribution margin calculation:
Product Selling Price Variable Cost Contribution Margin
(Rs) (Rs) CM (in Rs)
Pixie 111 25 + 17 + 40 = 82 29
Elf 98 35 + 18 + 30 = 83 15
Queen 122 22 + 15 +75 = 112 10
King 326 25 + 16 + 175 = 216 110
(a) This problem may be solved in two parts. Since Pixie and Elf need only Type I labour and this
resource is nor used by Queen and King, we calculate contribution margin per hour for each of these
products to decide which one to produce.
For Pixie : Rs 29/8 = Rs 3.63 and for Elf : Rs 15/6 = Rs 2.50
\ Produce only Pixie. Output = 8,000/8 = 1,000 units.
To determine optimal mix of Queen and King, we have to
Miximise Z = 10x1 + 110x2
Subject to
10x1 + 10x 2 £ 20,000 Type 2 labour
5x1 + 25x 2 £ 25,000 Type 3 labour
x1 £ 1, 500 Demand
x2 £ 1,000 Demand
x1, x 2 ≥ 0
From the graph, the extreme points of feasible region are evaluated now: Z(0 : 0, 0) = 0, Z(A : 0,
1,000) = 110,000, Z(B : 1,250, 750) = 95,000, Z(C) = (1,500, 500) = 26,000 and Z(D : 1,500, 0) =
15,000. Optimal solution: 1,000 units of King. The overall solution is:
Pixie: 1,000 units, King: 1,000 units, Contribution = Rs 139,000