Basic Nonlinear Analysis User's Guide: Siemens Siemens Siemens
Basic Nonlinear Analysis User's Guide: Siemens Siemens Siemens
Basic Nonlinear Analysis User's Guide: Siemens Siemens Siemens
Basic Nonlinear
Analysis User's Guide
Grid Point Force Balance and Element Strain Energy in Nonlinear Static Analysis . . . . . . . . . 5-45
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TAUCS Version 2.0, November 29, 2001. Copyright (c) 2001, 2002, 2003 by Sivan Toledo, Tel-Aviv
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• Parameters
This book describes the features of NX Nastran’s basic nonlinear capabilities which are available
in Solution Sequences 106 and 129.
• for theoretical information on NX Nastran’s basic nonlinear capabilities, see the NX Nastran
Handbook of Nonlinear Analysis.
• For information on NX Nastran’s nonlinear heat transfer capabilities (Solution Sequences 153
and 159), see the NX Nastran Thermal Analysis User’s Guide .
• For information on NX Nastran’s advanced nonlinear capabilities (Solution Sequence 601), see
the NX Nastran Solution 601 Theory and Modeling Guide .
Nonlinear effects in structures occur mainly due to nonlinear materials and large deformations
(rotations and/or strains). Contact problems exhibit nonlinear effects due to changes in boundary
conditions. All of these attributes may be represented by NX Nastran nonlinear elements.
The nonlinear element library consists of:
• CBUSH and CBUSH1D for generalized nonlinear springs and dampers.
• CQUAD4 and CTRIA3 for membrane, plate and shell modeling and hyperelastic plane strain.
• CGAP and slideline contact (BCONP, BLSEG, BFRIC, BWIDTH) for contact and friction modeling.
Nonlinear elements may be combined with linear elements for computational efficiency if the
nonlinear effects can be localized. Primary operations for nonlinear elements are updating element
coordinates and applying loads for large displacements, and the internal relaxation iteration for
material nonlinearity. Refer to Table 2-1 for a summary of the nonlinear element properties.
The geometric nonlinearity becomes discernible when the structure is subjected to large displacement
and rotation. Geometric nonlinear effects are prominent in two different aspects: geometric stiffening
due to initial displacements and stresses, and follower forces due to a change in loads as a function
of displacements. These effects are included, but the large deformation effect resulting in large
strains is implemented only for hyperelastic materials. Large strain effects are not available for
elastic-plastic, creep, or any other material types.
Material nonlinearity is an inherent property of any engineering material. Material nonlinear effects
may be classified into many categories and those included in NX Nastran are plasticity, nonlinear
elasticity, hyperelasticity, creep, and viscoelasticity. Creep and viscoelasticity, implemented as a
generalized nonlinear viscoelastic capability, may be coupled with plasticity. Many options are
available for yield criteria and hardening behavior in plasticity.
The primary solution operations are gradual load or time increments, iterations with convergence
tests for acceptable equilibrium error, and stiffness matrix updates. The iterative process is
based on the modified-Newton's method combined with optional expeditious methods such as the
quasi-Newton (BFGS) update and the line search. The stiffness matrix updates are performed
occasionally to improve the computational efficiency, and may be overridden at your discretion.
A number of options for arc-length methods are also available for snap-through or post-buckling
analysis of static problems. For transient response analysis, a number of options are available for
implicit direct time integration, combined with adaptive and expedient iteration strategies similar to
those implemented for static analysis.
Solution Sequences 106, 129, 153, and 159 consolidate all the nonlinear features described above.
SOLs 106 and 153 are applicable to static, quasi-static, and nonlinear buckling analyses. SOLs
129 and 159 are primarily applicable to dynamic transient response analysis with some limited
static analysis capability. SOLs 153 and 159 may also be used to perform a nonlinear heat transfer
analysis. See the NX Nastran Thermal Analysis User’s Guide . These solution sequences can
accommodate superelements and provide easy restarts from the database.
• Element data
• Material data
• Solution methods
The first three classes of data may not be changed during the course of an analysis whereas the last
three classes of data may be changed during the analysis as defined in the Case Control Section.
Examples of input data are given in Listing 1-1 and Listing 1-2 for nonlinear static and dynamic
analysis, respectively.
SPC = 100
LOAD = 50
LOAD = 100
NLPARM = 100
LOAD = 200
NLPARM = 200
LOADSET Selects static load sets defined on the Bulk data LSEQ.
Output Requests
Superelement Control
SUPER Specifies the superelement identification number and the load sequence number.
SEALL Combines the functions of SEMG, SELG, SEKR, SEMR, and SELR.
SELG Specifies the superelement identification numbers for which load vectors will be generated.
Specifies the superelement identification numbers for which the static load matrices will be assembled
and reduced.
Specifies the superelement identification numbers for which stiffness, mass, and damping matrices
will be generated.
Specifies the superelement identification numbers for which the mass and damping matrices will be
assembled and reduced.
All details of the input data are specified in the Bulk Data Section. Constraint, load, and solution
method Bulk Data entries are not used unless they are selected in the Case Control Section. The
nonlinear Bulk Data entries are summarized in Table 1-2. All the input data designed specially for
nonlinear analysis will be described in the following sections.
CQUAD4 Defines connection for quadrilateral element with plane strain or bending and membrane stiffness.
CQUAD8 andCQUAD Defines connection for plane strain hyperelastic quadrilateral element.
CROD Defines connection for rod with axial and torsional stiffness.
CTRIA3 Defines connection for triangular element with plane strain or bending and membrane stiffness.
Element Properties
Defines properties for hyperelastic plane elements CTRIA3, CTRIA6, CQUAD4, CQUAD8, CQUAD, CQUADX
PLSOLID Defines properties for hyperelastic solid elements CHEXA, CPENTA, CPYRAM, and CTETRA.
Material Properties
TABLEDi Defines a function for internal load vs. disp or velocity for bush element.
TABLES1 Defines a function for stress-dependent material properties or experimental data for hyperelastic material.
TABLEST Combines many TABLES1 entries for temperature dependent material properties.
Slideline Contact
Defines pressure loads on CQUAD4, CTRIA3, CHEXA, CPENTA, CPYRAM, and CTETRA. Should not be
PLOAD used for hyperelastic plane elements CQUAD4, CQUAD8, CQUAD, CTRIA3, and CTRIA6 or for hyperelastic
CHEXA, CPENTA, CTETRA with midside nodes.
Defines pressure loads on surfaces of CHEXA, CPENTA, CPYRAM, CTETRA, CTRIA3 and CQUAD4
elements. Not available for hyperelastic plane elements CQUAD4, CQUAD8, CQUAD, CTRIA3, and CTRIA6.
Solution Methods
TSTEPNL Specifies integration and iteration methods for nonlinear transient analysis.
1.4 Parameters
Parameters constitute an important part of the input data because they maintain communications
among the user, DMAP, and modules. Parameters are single-valued input data used for requesting
special features or specifying miscellaneous data.
You can change the initial values of parameters by specifying the PARAM entry in the Bulk Data
Section or in the Case Control Section. Many options available in NX Nastran are controlled by
user-specified parameters. Table 1-3 lists the parameters used in nonlinear Solution Sequences
106 and 129
• The analyst should have some insight into the behavior of the structure to be modeled; otherwise,
a simple model should be the starting point.
• Substructuring should be considered for the modularity of the model and/or synergism between
projects and agencies involved.
• The size of the model should be determined based on the purpose of the analysis, the trade-offs
between accuracy and efficiency, and the scheduled deadline.
• Prior contemplation of the geometric modeling will increase efficiency in the long run. Factors
to be considered include selection of coordinate systems, symmetric considerations for
simplification, and systematic numbering of nodal points and elements for easy classification
of locality.
• Discretization should be based on the anticipated stress gradient, i.e., a finer mesh in the area of
stress concentrations.
• Element types and the mesh size should be carefully chosen. For example, avoid highly distorted
and/or stretched elements (with high aspect ratio); use CTRIA3 and CTETRA only for geometric
or topological reasons.
• The model should be verified prior to the analysis by some visual means, such as plots and
graphic displays.
Nonlinear analysis requires better insight into structural behavior. First of all, the type of nonlinearities
involved must be determined. If there is a change in constraints due to contact during loading, the
problem may be classified as a boundary nonlinear problem and would require CGAP elements or
slide line contact algorithm.
The material nonlinearity is characterized by material properties. However, the material nonlinear
effects may or may not be significant depending on the magnitude and duration of the loading, and
occasionally on environmental conditions. The anticipated stress level would be a key to this issue.
The geometric nonlinearity is characterized by large rotations which usually cause large
displacements. Intuitively, geometric nonlinear effects should be significant if the deformed shape of
the structure appears distinctive from the original geometry without amplifying the displacements.
There is no distinct limit for large displacements because geometric nonlinear effects are related to
the dimensions of the structure and the boundary conditions. The key to this issue is to know where
the loading point is in the load-deflection curve of the critical area.
SOL 106 or SOL 129 must be used if the model contains any of the following:
• A parameter LGDISP (for geometric nonlinearity).
• Any hyperelastic element (PLPLANE or PLSOLID property entry, pointing to a MATHP material).
The model may consist of superelements, but only the residual structure (superelement 0) may
consist of nonlinear elements mixed with any type of linear elements. All the gaps, slideline contact
regions, and hyperelastic elements are always actively nonlinear if included in the residual structure.
However, other potentially nonlinear elements in the residual structure become actively nonlinear
only if a parameter, LGDISP, is used and/or if they use the nonlinear material data specified on the
MATS1 and/or CREEP data entries.
The subcase structure of NX Nastran may be used in SOLs 106 and 129 to characterize a
nonproportional loading path. Cyclic loading is one example. Some nonlinear problems, such
as plastic deformation, creep deformation, and contact problems with frictional forces, are
path-dependent; others, such as hyperelastic or purely geometric nonlinear, are path-independent. An
incremental process may not be required for a purely geometric nonlinear problem. For computational
efficiency, however, the analysis of such a problem does frequently need incremental solutions.
• Identify the type of nonlinearity and localize the nonlinear region for computational efficiency.
If unsure, perform a linear analysis by SOL 101 or SOL 109 prior to the nonlinear analysis by
SOL 106 or SOL 129, respectively.
• Segregate the linear region by using superelements and/or linear elements if possible. Notice
that the potentially nonlinear elements can be used as linear elements.
• The nonlinear region usually requires a finer mesh. Use a finer mesh if severe element distortions
or stress concentrations are anticipated.
• Be prepared for restarts with the database properly stored in cases of divergence and changing
constraints or loading paths via subcases.
• The subcase structure should be utilized properly to divide the load or time history for
convenience in restarts, data recovery, and database storage control, not to mention changing
constraints and loading paths.
• The load or time for the subcase should then be further divided into increments, not to exceed 20
load steps (for SOL 106) or 200 time steps (for SOL 129) in each subcase.
• Many options are available in solution methods to be specified on NLPARM (for SOL 106) or
TSTEPNL (for SOL 129) data entries. The defaults should be used on all options before gaining
• Use caution when specifying CGAP element properties. In particular, the closed gap stiffness
shouldn’t exceed the stiffness of the adjacent degree-of-freedom by 1000 times.
• Normal rotation for CQUAD4 and CTRIA3 elements should be restrained by a parameter K6ROT
when the geometric nonlinearity is involved. Default value for parameter K6ROT is 100.
• Understand the basic theory of plasticity or creep before using these capabilities.
• Use caution when preparing input data for creep, because it is unit dependent.
• For the transient analysis by SOL 129, some damping is desirable and the massless
degree-of-freedom should be avoided.
• The time step size for a transient response analysis should be carefully determined based on
the highest natural frequency of interest because it has significant effects on the efficiency as
well as the accuracy.
• Bushing Elements
Physical Elements
The nonlinear physical elements are listed in Table 2-1 and Table 2-2.
The CBUSH element may have nonlinear force-deflection properties defined on the PBUSH and
PBUSHT property entries. The CBUSH element is geometric linear; the orientation is not updated in
case of large deformation. The CBUSH1D element is both geometric and material nonlinear.
The elements CROD, CONROD, and CTUBE may have material nonlinear extensional properties,
with linear torsion. You may supply plastic or nonlinear elastic material properties. Since the
stress-strain curve for compression need not be the same as for tension, this element can, for
example, be used to model cables which cannot carry compression.
The CBEAM element has been modified to provide plastic hinges at the ends of an otherwise elastic
element. This element is intended for collapse analysis in frameworks with loads at the joints, and
materials with small work hardening. You don’t need to specify the cross-section axis about which
the yielding occurs, since the implementation allows for combinations of bending moments in
two directions plus an axial load. The flexibility of the plastic hinge is based upon eight idealized
rods at each end, chosen to match the total area, center of gravity and moments of inertia of the
cross-section. As is shown in Table 2-3, the calculated ultimate moment agrees reasonably well with
the theoretical value for many cross-sections. The material specified on a MATS1 Bulk Data entry
should be elastic-perfectly plastic. Use of any nonlinear material other than elastic-perfectly plastic
will give inaccurate results.
The CQUAD4 and CTRIA3 plate elements are available for combined bending and membrane
strains found in shell structures as well as for plane strain applications. For shell type problems the
state of stress is assumed to be constant in each of a variable number of equal layers. One layer
should be used for plane strain. Your input is the one-dimensional stress-strain curve for tension.
Higher order CQUAD8, CQUAD, and CTRIA6 elements exist for fully nonlinear (i.e., large strain and
large rotation) hyperelastic plane strain analysis.
The CHEXA, CPENTA, CPYRAM, and CTETRA elements are typically used to model thick-walled
structures like castings and forgings. Each of these elements has full nonlinear capability except for
the CPYRAM element which cannot be used for hyperelasticity.
Axisymmetric elements CQUADX and CTRIAX are available for fully nonlinear analysis with the
hyperelastic material.
Table 2-1. Physical Elements for Nonlinear Analysis –Small Strain Elements
Nonlinear Elasto- Geometric
Name Characteristics
Elastic Plastic Nonlinear
Two-dimensional plasticity
with FIVE layers for
membrane and bending.
12 layers maximum; 1 layer
Table 2-1. Physical Elements for Nonlinear Analysis –Small Strain Elements
Nonlinear Elasto- Geometric
Name Characteristics
Elastic Plastic Nonlinear
Two-dimensional plasticity
with FIVE layers for
membrane and bending.
12 layers maximum; 1 layer
minimum.Transverse shear
is linear.
Table 2-1. Physical Elements for Nonlinear Analysis –Small Strain Elements
Nonlinear Elasto- Geometric
Name Characteristics
Elastic Plastic Nonlinear
• All other elements may be used for nonlinear analysis as long as they remain linear.
Table 2-2. Physical Elements for Nonlinear Analysis—Fully Nonlinear (Finite Deformation)
Hyperelastic Elements
Name Characteristics Gauss Point ξ η ζ
8 0 α
9 α α
Table 2-2. Physical Elements for Nonlinear Analysis—Fully Nonlinear (Finite Deformation)
Hyperelastic Elements
Name Characteristics Gauss Point ξ η ζ
5 α α −α
6 −α α −α
7 +α −α −α
8 −α −α −α
Table 2-2. Physical Elements for Nonlinear Analysis—Fully Nonlinear (Finite Deformation)
Hyperelastic Elements
Name Characteristics Gauss Point ξ η ζ
Compressible and nearly
incompressible applications. 2 0 α α
4 α 0 α
5 0 0 α
6 −α 0 α
7 α −α α
8 0 −α α
9 −α −α α
10 α α 0
11 0 α 0
12 −α α 0
13 α 0 0
14 0 0 0
15 −α 0 0
16 α −α 0
17 0 −α 0
18 −α −α 0
19 α α −α
20 0 α −α
21 −α α −α
22 α 0 −α
23 0 0 −α
24 −α 0 −α
25 α −α −α
26 0 −α −α
27 −α −α −α
Table 2-2. Physical Elements for Nonlinear Analysis—Fully Nonlinear (Finite Deformation)
Hyperelastic Elements
Name Characteristics Gauss Point ξ η ζ
5 1/2 1/2
6 0 1/2
16 α1 β1
17 β1 α1
18 β1 β1
19 α2 β2
20 β2 α2
21 β2 β2
Table 2-2. Physical Elements for Nonlinear Analysis—Fully Nonlinear (Finite Deformation)
Hyperelastic Elements
Name Characteristics Gauss Point ξ η ζ
y or z .9856
0 .8536 .9856
.5 .9031 .9543
∞ .9856 .8536
0 .8536
.5 .8826
1.0 .9031
2.0 .9295
∞ .9856
Contact Elements
The contact (interface) elements are listed in Table 2-4.
The CGAP element is intended to model surfaces which may come into contact. When positive
pressure exists, the gap can carry any transverse shear load which is less than the coefficient of
friction times the normal load. The CGAP element connects two grid points which may be initially
coincident. There is no geometric nonlinear behavior, which implies that the orientation of the contact
plane does not change during deflection. (The physical shape of the two contact surface would
have to be specified and it would require the solution of a difficult analytic problem to determine the
location of the actual contact point or points.)
Due to the requirements of the solution algorithm, there must be a finite compression stiffness for
the CGAP element. The value must be carefully chosen, since a very large value may lead to
numerical problems. A finite extensional stiffness may be used to prevent the drift of structures
that are supported only by CGAP elements. You may also supply an initial opening of the gap.
An orientation vector is required (see CGAP entry for details) to define the transverse axes, even
if no shear is to be carried.
The slideline contact is capable of modeling nonlinear contact geometry and inelastic material
behavior including large deformation. Slideline contact is useful for two dimensional geometries, for
example plane stress, plane strain and axisymmetric. They can also be used for three dimensional
geometries provided the contact between the two bodies can be defined in terms of parallel planes
called the slideline planes. The sliding and separation of the two bodies is restricted to the slideline
planes. The bodies can have large relative motions within the slideline plane. However, relative
motions outside the slideline planes are ignored; therefore, they must be small compared to a typical
slideline element.
3. MAT8 must not be referred by a MATS1 entry (only linear orthotropic material).
User Interface
Element-related user input is summarized in Table 2-5. The nonlinear element calculations are
activated if a nonlinear material exists (MATS1 or CREEP Bulk Data entries) or if a geometric
nonlinear analysis of the whole model is requested with PARAM,LGDISP,1. The default is geometric
linear analysis, PARAM,LGDISP,-1.
For elements with rotational degrees-of-freedom (CBEAM, CTRIA3, CQUAD4), two different
definitions for large rotations are available, gimbal angles and rotation vector. The definitions are
chosen with PARAM,LANGLE,i. The default is the gimbal angle definition, i = 1. The 3 gimbal angle
components are the 3 subsequent rotations around the global axes. The second rotation component
refers to the second global axis which has been rotated once by the first rotation. The third rotation
refers to the third global axis which has been rotated twice by the first and second rotation. The
rotation vector definition is chosen with i = 2. The components of the rotation vector refer to the fixed
global axes. The direction of the rotation vector is the principal direction of the 3-D rotation. The
magnitude of the rotation vector is the principal value of the 3-D rotation. The difference of the two
angle definitions in the output of the elements appears only for large 3-D rotations.
For this output discussion, an element is a nonlinear element if it supports geometric nonlinear and
PARAM,LGDISP,1 is defined, and/or material nonlinear (plasticity, creep or hyperelastic) is defined
on this element.
Element stress and strain output is requested with the STRESS case control command. The stress
and strain output for nonlinear elements is written into both a nonlinear and a linear format. The
nonlinear format outputs stresses together with strains. Compared to the linear format, the nonlinear
format provides more information with regard to nonlinear material laws (effective strain, equivalent
stress etc.). The stresses and strains of the small strain elements refer to the undeformed area
and length, respectively. The components of the stresses and strains are in the deformed element
coordinate system which co-rotates with the elements' rigid body deformation.
Averaged grid point stresses are requested with the GPSTRESS case control command. Averaged
grid point stresses for nonlinear elements is available in nonlinear static analysis but not in nonlinear
transient analysis.
Element forces are requested with the FORCE case control command except for the CBUSH and
CBUSH1D elements. The STRESS and NLSTRESS case control commands should be used to
request the element force and stress output for the CBUSH and CBUSH1D elements. Element forces
per unit length refer to the undeformed length. The components of the element forces are in the
deformed element system. For nonlinear elements, element forces are available in nonlinear static
analysis but not in nonlinear transient analysis. Element forces are not available for solid elements.
Deformations are requested with the DISPLACEMENT case control command. The output of
displacements and rotations is available in nonlinear static and transient analysis.
Grid point forces are not available in nonlinear static or transient analysis.
For small strain elements, a large deformation is split into element rigid body deformation and
element net distortion. The rigid body rotations of the points in the element are approximated by the
rotation of the local element triad which follows the element deformation, as shown in Figure 2-1.
For the remaining element net distortions, a linear strain measure is used. The method is called
co-rotational formulation. The formulation is capable to simulate large total deformations if a fine
mesh is used and the stretches remain small.
In geometric nonlinear analysis with NX Nastran, the tangent stiffness matrix is calculated in two
steps. First, the linear stiffness or nonlinear material stiffness is calculated. The linear stiffness
or nonlinear material stiffness is constructed from the variation of the stresses in the virtual work.
Second, the differential stiffness is calculated. The differential stiffness is constructed from the
variation of the strains in the virtual work. The differential stiffness is also called geometric stiffness.
Figure 2-1. Co-rotational Concept for Small Strain Elements in Geometric Nonlinear Analysis
Large element net deformations should be avoided. In areas of the structure where large total
deformations are expected, the mesh must be fine enough to keep the element net deformations
small. The element net rotation should not exceed 20 degrees and the element should not be
stretched by more than 10%. If stretches exceed 20%, it is recommended to use hyperelastic
elements if applicable.
• The element net distortions have to remain small.
• Rigid body elements (RBEi, RBAR, RROD entries, etc.) do not rotate in geometric nonlinear
• Multipoint constraints (MPCs) remain linear, the user-defined constraint equations don’t change
automatically in geometric nonlinear analysis. In nonlinear static analysis, you may change the
MPCs from subcase to subcase. Then, the changes in the MPCs are accounted for incrementally.
• Offsets in the CBEAM, CTRIA3 and CQUAD4 elements are not allowed in combination with
nonlinear material.
• The results in linear and nonlinear buckling with offsets may be incorrect.
• For the CBEAM, the only nonlinear material available is elastic-perfectly plastic.
20‡ 27
CONROD — 2 1 X
15‡ 21
10‡ 5
9‡ 9
6‡ 3
• ‡ Center grid, if applicable, and midside grids may be omitted. For hyperelastic elements it
is recommended that either all or no midside grids be omitted.
• Edge nodes are not applicable to nonlinear elements, except hyperelastic elements and
the TET10 element.
PSHELL 1 2 8
• Integers listed under Material properties identify (i) on MATi Bulk Data entries.
The element formulation is total Lagrangian in updated coordinates. See Figure 2-2 for an illustration
of the total Lagrangian concept. A nonlinear strain measure and pointwise rotation computed at each
Gauss point are employed. Equilibrium is satisfied in the deformed configuration.
Figure 2-2. Total Lagrangian Concept: Deformations are Measured from an Initial Undeformed
The elements are especially designed to address volumetric locking and other related problems
such as ill-conditioning of the stiffness matrix, incorrect stresses etc., due to near incompressibility.
To this end, a mixed formulation based on a three field variational principle in which the pressure
and the volume ratio are interpolated independently from the displacements is employed. At the
incompressible limit the bulk modulus becomes infinite and the volumetric strain J − 1 becomes zero
so that the pressure may no longer be obtained from the displacements through the constitutive
equation. The pressure and volume ratio interpolations are discontinuous between the elements.
The hyperelastic elements are supported in the nonlinear solutions, SOLs 106 and 129. They can
be run through SOLs 101 and 105 for model checkout in linear analysis, the results, however, will
generally not be correct. For buckling analysis, PARAM,BUCKLE in SOL 106 should be used instead.
User Interface
Because there’s no difference in geometry, you define the hyperelastic elements using the current
CQUAD4, CQUAD8, CTRIA3, CTRIA6 CHEXA, CPENTA, and CTETRA connectivity entries.
Additional CQUAD, CQUADX, and CTRIAX connectivity entries are available for the hyperelastic
elements. The PID field of the connectivity entries for the plane or axisymmetric and for the solid
hyperelastic elements references the PLPLANE and PLSOLID property entries, respectively. The
MID field references a MATHP material entry that defines the hyperelastic material. This is the only
material model available for fully nonlinear, finite deformation analysis. See the NX Nastran Element
Library for more information.
Output Description
The nonlinear stress output for the hyperelastic elements differs from other material nonlinear stress
output. The hyperelastic stress output contains the following quantities, at each Gauss point, in the
basic coordinate system for solid and axisymmetric elements and in the CID coordinate system,
defined on a PLPLANE entry, for plane strain elements:
Cauchy stresses, i.e., components of the stress vector where dA is an infinitesimal area in
the deformed configuration, and P is the force.
• Pressure
where λl are principal stretches l /l 0 in the principal directions Nl . See Figure 2-3. For
compatibility with other NX Nastran elements, twice the shear components of the logarithmic
strain tensor are printed in the output.
Nl = principal directions in undeformed configuration; nl = RNl = principal directions in deformed
configuration, obtained from Nl by a rigid body rotation. The deformation along Nl is a pure
stretch, after the rigid body motion has been factored out.
Figure 2-3.
• Volumetric strain
This output is obtained with the STRESS (or ELSTRESS) Case Control command. Examples of the
new output for the plane, axisymmetric and solid elements are shown in Listing 2-1.
The linear output contains principal Cauchy stresses and directions with respect to the basic (or CID)
coordinate system. See Listing 2-2.
Listing 2-1.
Listing 2-2.
NX Nastran performs a fully nonlinear analysis, including the effect of large strain and large rotation, if
a PLPLANE and/or PLSOLID Bulk Data entry are encountered. The hyperelastic material is defined
by using the MATHP Bulk Data entry. A nonlinear analysis is always performed except in linear
solutions when a hyperelastic material is defined.
It is best that the differential stiffness PARAM,LGDISP,1 be used in all hyperelastic runs, but it is
not the default. If the strains and the rotations are small, then the hyperelastic analysis should
compare to the linear elastic analysis. However, for hyperelastic analysis, it is always best to use
Due to the independent pressure interpolations, particularly at very high compressive values of the
pressure (of the order of the bulk modulus), indefiniteness of the stiffness matrix may occur, caused
by an apparent material instability. By default in such instances NX Nastran will ignore the so-called
differential stiffness. Although indefiniteness of the stiffness matrix is probably not associated with a
geometric instability, this may indeed help, as many of the terms, which heavily depend on the
pressure, are part of the differential stiffness.
The fully nonlinear hyperelastic CQUAD, CQUAD4, CQUAD8, CTRIA3, and CTRIA6 are plane strain
elements only; they do not contain bending properties, nor can they be used in plane stress analysis.
Therefore, they cannot be subject to out-of-plane loading conditions and do not sustain a thickness.
The elements assume a thickness of 1.0 for mass calculation in dynamic analyses.
The lower order fully nonlinear hyperelastic elements CQUAD4, CTRIA3, 8-noded CHEXA, 6-noded
CPENTA and 4-noded CTETRA are not immune to shear locking and therefore are not suitable for
bending type loading. The higher order elements CQUAD8, 9-noded CQUAD, CTRIA6, 20-noded
CHEXA, 15-noded CPENTA, and 10-noded CTETRA should be used in such situations. See
Example 1: Rubber Bushing Problem 2-.
Even though the fully nonlinear elements are defined using the current CQUAD4, CQUAD8, CTRIA3,
CTRIA6, CHEXA, CPENTA, and CTETRA Bulk Data entries, internally, NX Nastran designates
them as the separate elements, CQUAD4FD, CHEXAFD (for Finite Deformation) etc., because of
the different element formulations. This designation is printed in all the output in which the elements
are referenced by name, such as PARAM,EST, PARAM,GPECT, the sequence processor, and the
element stress output.
GPSTRESS and FORCE output is not available for the fully nonlinear hyperelastic elements.
The element types for the fully nonlinear hyperelastic elements are as follows:
Listing 2-3.
The resulting force-displacement curve at grid point 1301 is shown in Figure 2-5 and the original and
deformed models at a force of 800N are shown in Figure 2-6. The solution obtained with 4-noded
CQUAD elements is overly stiff for a force greater than 200N (shear locking). The shear locking
problem is addressed with the higher order 9-noded CQUAD elements.
NLPARM 10 10 ITER 1 100 +NL10
+NL10 -3
CORD2C 1 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. +COR1
+COR1 1. 0. 0.
GRID 101 1 0. -5. -0.25 1 12456
GRID 102 1 0.75 -5. -0.25 1
GRID 103 1 1.50 -5. -0.25 1
CHEXA 102 1 102 103 1103 1102 202 203 +HX102
+HX102 1203 1202
CHEXA 103 1 103 104 1104 1103 203 204 +HX103
+HX103 1204 1203
CHEXA 104 1 104 105 1105 1104 204 205 +HX104
+HX104 1205 1204
CPENTA 101 1 101 102 1102 201 202 1202
CPENTA 201 1 201 202 1202 301 302 1302
CPENTA 301 1 301 302 1302 401 402 1402
CPENTA 401 1 401 402 1402 501 502 1502
MATHP 1 80. 20. 5.+4
LOAD 3 1. 3. 1
LOAD 15 1. 15. 1
LOAD 45 1. 45. 1
PLOAD4 1 101 1. 101
PLOAD4 1 102 1. 102 1103
MPC 10 1102 1 1. 102 1 -1.
MPC 10 1102 3 1. 102 3 -1.
Listing 2-4.
Listing 2-5.
Original and deformed models are shown in Figure 2-7 and Figure 2-8.
Figure 2-7. Deformed Shape of Circular Plate Under Pressure – CHEXA and CPENTA
Hyperelastic Elements
Figure 2-8. Deformed Shape of Circular Plate Under Pressure – Axisymmetric Hyperelastic
The model files for this example are prplth.dat and prpltg.dat, which can be found in the examples
directory (see NX Nastran Installation and Operations Guide ).
The CBUSH1D element is a rod-type spring and damper, it is a 1D version of the CBUSH element.
The CBUSH1D element can be geometric and material nonlinear. General nonlinear functions of
the axial forces versus axial displacement and for velocity are defined with the PBUSH1D entry.
The CBUSH1D element is the only element which can model rotation damping. The effect is
demonstrated in the following example.
The CBUSH and CBUSH1D elements are recommended over the CELASi, CVISC, and CDAMP
elements. The bushing elements always insure rigid body invariance and they offer nonlinear
The STRESS case control command should be used to request the element force and stress output
for the CBUSH and CBUSH1D elements.
Swinging Pendulum
The solution to a swinging pendulum is calculated using SOL 129 of NX Nastran Version 70.5+. The
pendulum has a length of 1.0 [m]. and has a concentrated mass of M = 1,000.0 [kg] at the free end,
see Figure 2-9. We start the analysis with the pendulum at rest in horizontal position. The free end is
loaded with a gravity induced load of G = 10,000.0 [N]. The leg of the pendulum is very stiff, K = 1.e+7
[N/m], so that the relative axial deformation is small compared to the overall motion of the pendulum.
Large deformation effects are turned on with PARAM,LGDISP,1.
$ Name: ar29src1
$ A swinging pendulum is modeled. The pendulum is loaded with
$ gravity load. The analysis goes through one and a half cycles,
$ starting in horizontal position. Large deformation is turned on.
$ The pendulum is modeled with two separate systems.
$ 1. CROD and CVISC, CROD rotates, CVISC stays in horizontal
$ orientation.
$ 2. CBUSH1D with SPRING and DAMPER, spring and damper rotate.
TIME 10 $
SOL 129 $
TITLE= ar29src1 swinging elastic pendulum
SUBTITLE= demonstrate rotating damping
param, lgdisp, 1
$ CBUSH1D spring and rotating viscous damper
cbush1d, 108, 208, 41, 42
pbush1d, 208, 1.e+7, 1000.
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
Figure 2-10. Displacement of Swinging Pendulum, Model with Rod/Visc Element Versus Model
with BUSH1D Element
In the second model, we use a BUSH1D element. The element has a linear stiffness (K) and a
viscous damper (C) with the same values as in the first model. In the BUSH1D element, the spring
and damper rotate. The relative axial displacements and velocities are small because of the high
axial stiffness of the element. The rotating damper has no noticeable effect on the overall motion of
the pendulum because it damps only the small relative deformations. The x- and z-displacements of
the free end are not damped, see Figure 2-10.
The example demonstrates how the answers can change if dampers rotate with the deformation
compared to dampers which stay fixed in space.
The gap element is used in nonlinear static analysis (SOL 106) and nonlinear transient analysis (SOL
129). The gap element provides point-to-point contact. When the gap element is open, there is no
contact and no friction. When the gap element is closed, there are three different conditions. The first
case is when the gap is sliding (no friction). The second case occurs when the gap element is sticking
(static friction). The third case occurs when the gap element is slipping (kinetic friction). Sometimes, it
may be difficult to converge because of the switching among these conditions.
One of the contact surfaces should not rotate by a large angle because the gap element orientation is
not updated for large rotations.
Fields 8 and 9 also require some explanation. For the new adaptive value this is MU1, which is the
static coefficient of friction, and MU2, which is the dynamic coefficient of friction. The non-adaptive
gap elements use MUY and MUZ in the same fields instead of MU1 and MU2 values. Therefore, to
compare the results using adaptive and non-adaptive gap elements, set both of these entries to the
same values. On most problems, you will not know how to estimate the penetration depth or field 2
on the continuation entry. Therefore, if you skip the continuation entry, the default new adaptive gap
is obtained, which is everything adaptive except the KA update.
The recommended allowable penetration of TMAX is 10 percent of the thickness for the shell element,
and for the solid element it is roughly 1/10,000 of the characteristic length for the problem. A small
positive value will turn on the adaptive stiffness update, which will then converge at a faster rate.
The maximum adjustment ratio or MAR in field 3 of the continuation entry is used only for the penalty
value adjustment of the adaptive gap element. The default value of 100 is sufficient for most problems.
The gap element output is obtained by the STRESS output request in the Case Control. An example
of the gap output format is shown in Listing 2-7. The load step is 1.95 on the top left-hand corner. The
digit on the left-hand side of the decimal indicates that subcase 1 is completed. The digits on the
right-hand side of the decimal point indicate that 95 percent of subcase 2 is completed. The far left
column lists the gap element numbers. The second column provides the forces in the axial direction
of the gap element. The third and the fourth columns represent forces in the Y and Z direction. These
forces should be zero if the gap is in the open position. Columns 5 to 9 represent the displacements
of the gap in its element coordinate system. The last column indicates the status of the gap. This
status can be “open”, “stick”, or “slip”.
Modeling Techniques
For the static analysis, a symmetric half of a 10-degree sector of the sphere is modeled by CHEXA
and CPENTA elements with axisymmetric boundary conditions as shown in Figure 2-11. Contact with
a rigid plane is simulated by adaptive gap elements.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
CGAP 2001 1 105 301 1. 0. 0.
Discussion of Results
The objective of this example is to demonstrate that the adaptive features of the gap element allows
you to use a wider range of KA values, and still get good results. Figure 2-13 shows that the if
the adaptive features of gap element are used, good results are obtained for KA values ranging
from 1.0E1 to 1.0E6. If adaptive features are not used, good results are obtained for KA values
between1.0E3 and 1.0E5. For KA values higher than 1.0E5 non-adaptive gap element failed to
converge, and below 1.0E3, the accuracy decreased.
• Hyperelastic Material
• Elastic-Plastic Material
• Temperature-Dependent Material
• Hyperelastic
• Elastic-plastic
• Visco-elastic
• Temperature dependent
The nonlinear elastic theory implemented is useful to predict multiaxial stress state for materials for
which only the tension and compression stress-strain data is available. The stress-strain data in
tension may be different from that in compression.
The theory implemented in NX Nastran is adequate only for small strains (less than 20%) in multiaxial
stress state as it is not based on the classical theory of finite elasticity. For large strains in multiaxial
state, you should use a hyperelastic material instead.
Equation 3-1.
T current temperature
T0 initial temperature
The strain energy function is a potential for the stresses. For example, the Cauchy stresses; i.e.,
components of the stress vector
where dA is an infinitesimal area in the deformed configuration and P is the force, are obtained
as follows:
Equation 3-2.
C=FTF is the right Cauchy-Green deformation tensor; J =detF is the volume ratio dV/dV0; and Ī1 and
Ī2 are the first and second distortional strain invariants,
Equation 3-3.
are principal stretches l/l0 of the distortional deformation; l is the current and l0 is the original length
along a principal direction;
αv is the volumetric coefficient of thermal expansion; αv = 3α, where α is the coefficient of linear
thermal expansion of an isotropic material; T is the current and T0 is the initial temperature.
The use of a strain energy function implies isotropy in the undeformed configuration. The model
can have up to 25 material constants.
• Mooney-Rivlin material
• Neo-Hookean material
Mooney-Rivlin Material
Neo-Hookean Material
Equation 3-4.
where x1, x2, x3 are the coordinates of the deformed body and X1, X2, X3 are the coordinates of the
body in its undeformed configuration. You should be aware of this approximation. X values in the
TABLES1 bulk data entry which contains experimental data must be values of the shear tangent γ. Y
values must be values of the engineering shear stress F/A0. It is recommended that simple shear be
used along with another test case; otherwise, the coefficients cannot be determined uniquely.
a thin rectangular sheet, as in the classical experiments of Rivlin and Saunders.1 If the material is
incompressible, this results in λ3 = 1/λ1, which is characteristic of a state of shear deformation. It
is recommended that pure shear be used along with another test case; otherwise, the coefficients
cannot be determined uniquely. X and Y values, respectively, in the TABLES1 entry which contains
experimental data must be stretch ratios λ1 = I/I0 and values of the nominal stress F/A0l = current
length, F = current value of the force, l0 and A0 = initial length and cross-sectional area, respectively
in the 1-direction.
• When determining the material constants from experimental data, it is best to use data from
more than one test involving different kinds of deformation. A rank deficiency warning may
occur in the least squares fitting algorithm if there is insufficient experimental data. It is best to
try to avoid rank deficiency by providing more experimental data or by lowering the order of the
strain energy polynomial.
• You can’t define a hyperelastic material for a small strain element. For example, a hyperelastic
material can’t be referenced by a PSHELL or PSOLID Bulk Data entry.
1. Rivlin, R. S. and Saunders, D. W., “Large Elastic Deformations of Isotropic Material VII: Experiments on the Deformation of Rubber,” Phil.
Trans . R. Soc. London, A243, 251-288, 1951.
equibiaxial tension, and pure shear. Annotated Bulk Data input is shown in the following listing that
illustrates the MATHP and TABLES1 entries, which contain the experimental data for curve fitting.
Listing 3-1.
See Reference [1]. The data was discretized from plots in Reference [2].
[1] Treloar, L. R. G. The Physics or Rubber Elasticity , 3rd ed., Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1975.
[2] Ogden, R. W. “Elastic Deformations of Rubberlike Solids: in “Mechanics of Solids,” The
Rodney Hill 60th Anniversary Volume, H.G. Hopkins and M. J. Sewell, eds., Oxford: Pergamon
Press, pp. 499-537.
The following listing illustrates the produced MATHP entry image that is printed in the output just after
the ENDDATA entry image.
1 1.54082 0.24046 1500.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
3 1
-0.00375 -0.01743 0.00104 0.00000
0.00029 0.00033 -0.00004 0.00000 0.00000
0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
Figure 3-2 through Figure 3-4 illustrate the curves obtained from this and similar decks containing
a large strain CHEXA in simple and equibiaxial tension with the material constants generated for
the first-, second-, and third-order strain energy polynomial functions from simultaneous fitting of
experimental data in simple tension, equibiaxial tension, and pure shear.
Yield Stress Yield Stress is usually measured as the value of stress which
produces the smallest measurable permanent strain.
Bauschinger Effect When a plastically deformed specimen is unloaded, residual stresses
on a microscopic scale remain and influence the plastic yielding for
the different loading. If the previous strain was a uniform extension
and the specimen is then reloaded in compression in the opposite
direction, it is observed that yielding occurs at a much reduced stress.
This is known as the Bauschinger Effect.
The phenomenon of Bauschinger effect can best be described with
reference to Figure 3-5 which shows an idealized stress-strain curve
of a metal first deformed by uniform tension, the load removed and
then reloaded in compression. According to one model (which is one
extreme viewpoint), it is assumed that the elastic unloading range will
be double the initial yield stress. If the initial yield stress in tension is
σy and the specimen is loaded up to a stress σ1 and unloaded, the
plastic yielding will begin in compression at a stress σ2 given by
Equation 3-5.
Yield Function
NX Nastran supports the following types of yield criteria:
• von Mises (ductile materials)
Associated with the yield criteria, there exist yield functions in the form of
Equation 3-6.
Geometric representation of the yield function is a surface in the stress space (σ1 − σ2 − σ3
coordinates) which is called a yield surface. The von Mises yield surface is a circular cylinder and
Tresca's is a hexagonal cylinder. The yield surface is reduced to the yield locus in the case of plane
stress, as shown in Figure 3-6 and Figure 3-7 for the von Mises and Tresca criteria, respectively.
The Mohr-Coulomb and Drucker-Prager yield functions represent conical surfaces as shown in
Figure 3-8 and Figure 3-9.
2. The total strain at the integration points is extrapolated to the grid points.
3. The elastic strain, plastic strain, and stress are computed at the grids from extrapolated total
This method assures that the values for elastic strain, plastic strain, and stress that are recovered at
the grid points lie on the stress-strain curve of the material.
Equation 3-7.
Parameters A(σ), R(σ), and K(σ) are specified in the following form, as recommended by the Oak
Ridge National Laboratory:
TYPE=ijk where i, j, and k are digits equal to 1 or 2, according to the desired function in the table
above. For example, TYPE=122 defines A(σ) = aσb, R(σ) = cσd, and K(σ) = eefσ.
Creep Law Class 2 (TYPE=300) is expressed as:
Equation 3-8.
where the values of b and d must be defined as follows:
The coefficient g should be blank if TYPE = 112, 122, 222, or 212 and c, e, f, and g should be blank if
TYPE = 300. The coefficients a through g are dependent on the structural units; caution must be
exercised to make these units consistent with the rest of the input data.
The constants for the creep laws are obtained by curve fitting your experimental data. NX Nastran
does not provide any methods or tools for curve fitting your creep data. You should seek other
resources for this process. You may need to fit all of the creep laws to determine which is best suited
for your data. To determine if a particular creep law is a good fit, you will need to graphically plot the
curve-fitting result and compare it with your experimental data.
See “Creep and Viscoelasticity” in the Handbook for Nonlinear Analysis.
See Also
• “MAT1” in the NX Nastran Quick Reference Guide
Note: A limited temperature dependence for creep materials is available based on the Arrhenius
See Also
• geometric stiffening due to initial stress effect (as a result of large rotations)
Geometric nonlinear effects should be significant if the deformed shape of the structure appears
distinctive from the original geometry when you inspect it visually.
A more rigorous and quantitative definition for the large displacements can be derived from the plate
theory of Kirchhoff and Love, which states that the small deflection theory is valid for a maximum
deflection of less than 20% of the plate thickness or 2% of the small span length. However, this
definition seems to be a little conservative for numerical analysis. Additionally, there is no distinct limit
for large displacements because geometric nonlinear effects are related to the boundary conditions
as well as the dimensions of the structure. If the load-deflection curve of the critical point can be
estimated, the loading point should be in the nonlinear portion of the curve.
Geometric nonlinear effects in the structure involving large rotations, whether rigid body rotations or
deformation induced rotations, are self-evident. Stiffening of a membrane, stiffness in a pendulum or
snap-through of an arch belong to this category.
The motion of a pendulum under gravity is caused by geometric (differential) stiffness. Follower
forces are manifested when the applied loads are displacement dependent, such as pressure
load and thermal load applied on the surface that rotates. Centrifugal force is another example of
follower forces.
Large strain effects are pronounced in metal forming, rubber and elastomer applications. In such
applications, the strains exceed 100%. Finite strain formulation is required to treat the problems
in this category.
NX Nastran supports the large strain capability for rubbers and elastomers. This formulation contains
the effect of large strain as well as geometric nonlinearity. However, NX Nastran doesn’t support large
strain formulation for metal forming applications. In most structural applications, however, moderately
large strains (20 to 30%) appear in local areas if there is any large deformation
Other geometric nonlinear effects are treated by updated element coordinates, gimbal angles (or
rotation vector), and the differential stiffness [Kd].
Concentrated Loads
The concentrated loads consist of two categories: those which are stationary in direction throughout
the analysis and those which follow the grid motion. The first category consists of the following:
The second category consists of the following:
The three FORCE entries differ only in the manner in which the direction of the force is specified.
FORCE uses the components of a vector. FORCE1 uses two grid points, not necessarily the same as
the loaded grid points. FORCE2 defines the direction of the force as a vector which is the vector
product of two other vectors. The distinctions between the three MOMENT entries are similar. The
SLOAD entry is used to apply loads to scalar points.
Distributed Loads
The distributed loads consist of two categories:
• those which are stationary in direction throughout the analysis (PLOAD1)
Loads may be applied to the interiors of finite elements. The PLOAD1 entry defines concentrated
and linearly distributed forces and moments to the CBEAM element. However, the stress calculation
for nonlinear CBEAM element ignores the distributed loads, but lump them onto the nodal points.
The PLOAD entry is exceptional in that it references three or four arbitrarily located grids rather than
an element. The PLOAD2 entry defines a uniform static pressure load applied to the CQUAD4
or CTRIA3 elements. The PLOAD4 defines a pressure load on surfaces of CHEXA, CPENTA,
CTETRA, CTRIA3, and CQUAD4 elements which need not be normal to the surface. Since the
surface hyperelastic elements CQUAD4, CQUAD8, CQUAD, CTRIA3, and CTRIA6 are plane strain
elements, no pressure load may be applied on these elements.
Thermal Loads
Thermal loads are selected in each subcase by the Case Control command TEMP(LOAD). Thermal
loading which is a follower loading is accomplished through the following entries:
The TEMP and TEMPD provide for grid point temperature specification which are then interpolated to
points within elements. For the nonlinear CQUAD4 and CTRIA3 elements the TEMPP1 provides for
an average temperature and thermal gradient in the thickness direction and the TEMPP3 provides for
temperature at points through the thickness. TEMPP1 and TEMPP3 are not available for the plane
strain hyperelastic elements CQUAD4, CQUAD8, CQUAD, CTRIA3, and CTRIA6. The TEMPRB
provides for average temperature at ends A and B for the CROD and CBEAM element. Average
temperature specified directly for an element will take precedence over the temperature interpolated
from the elements connected grid points.
The Case Control command TEMP(INIT) is required above subcase level to specify an initial
temperature distribution. The use of TEMP(MAT) or TEMP(BOTH) will cause a fatal error. Subcases
that do not contain a TEMP(LOAD) will default to TEMP(INIT), which implies no thermal load.
Thermal loads are often used to provide initial strains.
Load Combinations
Various load specifications can be combined using the LOAD, CLOAD, and LSEQ entries.
The LOAD provides for the linear combination of static load sets. The static loads (LOAD, FORCE,
etc.) applied to the upstream superelements cannot be referenced by the LOAD Case Control
command. The CLOAD entry is designed to apply static loads to upstream superelements by
combining loads defined in LSEQ entries. The (CLOAD, LSEQ) combination allows the nonlinear
algorithms to apply in an incremental fashion on the upstream superelement loads to the boundary of
the residual structure.
The CLOAD defines a static load combination for superelement loads acting on residual boundary
and the LSEQ defines a static load combination for superelement upstream loads. The LID and
TID field entries point to the appropriate load and temperature distribution entries. The CLOAD
defines a static load as a linear combination of previously calculated superelement loads defined
by the LSEQ. The IDVi fields correspond directly to the numeric labels defined via the EXCITEID
fields of the LSEQ entries.
The CLOAD must be selected in the residual solution subcase via the Case Control command,
CLOAD. The LSEQ is selected by a LOADSET Case Control command above any residual subcase.
Only one LOADSET may appear in Case Control. The hierarchy of the loads data is shown
schematically in Figure 4-1. An example for the Case Control set-up follows:
LOADSET = 1000
$ Selects LSEQ 1000 for upstream loads
SUPER = ALL $ Identify SEs to process
CLOAD = 1001 $ Refers to CLOAD Bulk Data
NLPARM = 12 $ Iteration control
CLOAD = 1002
LOAD = 10 $ Residual SE load
For special problems involving simple scalar nonlinearities, the traditional nonlinear loads (NOLINi
option) may be used in both types of transient solutions. These are useful for simulating nonlinear
damping mechanisms and rotational coupling not provided by the CGAP elements.
Transient loads define the loadings as functions of time and the location. They can be a load applied
at a particular degree-of-freedom, pressure over the surface area, or the body force simulating an
acceleration. The time history is provided by the TLOADi Bulk Data entries and the static loads may
be converted to dynamic loads using LSEQ entry. The transient dynamic loads are selected in the
Case Control Section by the following commands:
DLOAD Selects TLOADi or DLOAD Bulk Data entries. Each stage of the transient
solution may be defined with a separate SUBCASE, each with its own DLOAD
request. The DLOAD entry is restricted to act only in the time defined in its
LOADSET Selects LSEQ entries. Must be placed above the solution subcases and/or in
the Superelement Subcases.
NOLINEAR Selects NOLINi entries. May not be changed between solution subcases.
NLLOAD Required for NOLINi output request.
Bulk Data entries associated with the transient loads in SOL 129 are briefly described below:
TLOAD1, Required data defining the coupling between load factors and functions of
time (TABLEDi, DELAY, or coefficients). Specifies the time functions, Fi(t),
TLOAD2 for dynamic load i. TLOAD1 defines the load history in TABLEDi format
while TLOAD2 defines the load history by an analytic expression. Note
that each TLOADi entry must have a unique set identification number.
DAREA Defines load scale factors, Aij, for each degree-of-freedom, uj requested in
set i. The DAREA factors may also be derived from static load entries with
the LSEQ Bulk Data entry.
LSEQ Generates transient load history for static loads and controls the assembly
of static load vectors to be used in dynamic analysis. Each set is
equivalent to a subcase in Case Control. It will cause a static load vector
Aj to be generated and will label it with the EXCITEID identification. This
is useful for modeling problems with distributed transient loading such as
GRAV loads or pressurized areas.
DLOAD Combines different TLOADi functions into a single set and scales each
by a factor, Cki as shown in Eq. 4-12. Performs the same function as the
static LOAD Bulk Data input. Unlike statics, this is the only method to
combine loads in dynamic analysis.
TABLEDi, Used with TLOAD1 entries to specify general time varying tabular
functions. Since extrapolation is used beyond the range of data, you
i=1,2,3,4 should be careful with the end points.
DELAY Specifies the delay time for applying the forcing function defined in
TLOADi to each GRID point. The DELAY entry is associated with the
degree-of-freedom and not the forcing function in each TLOADi. This
option is useful for defining loads that travel across a structure such as an
oblique wave along a dam or a bump in the road exciting the wheels of
a traveling vehicle. This saves the analyst the effort of defining multiple
TLOADi entries for simple time lags.
NOLINi, Define specific nonlinear scalar loads as functions of velocity and/or
displacement. Basic analog nonlinear transfer functions are defined.
i=1,2,3,4 However, these functions do not generate tangent matrix terms and the
Newton iteration method may experience difficulties in convergence. Line
search and BFGS solution methods are recommended for these models.
NOLIN1 Nonlinear transient load as a tabular function.
NOLIN2 Nonlinear transient load as products of two variables.
Nonlinear transient load as a positive variable raised
to a power.
Nonlinear transient load as a negative variable raised
to a power.
NLRGAP The NLRGAP is an idealization of the contact between any circular shaft
enclosed by a circular housing (Figure 4-2). In this idealization, grid point
A represents the outer surface of the shaft while grid point B represents
the inner surface of the housing. Grid points A and B are coincident and
must have a parallel displacement coordinate system. A rudimentary
friction capability is included to account for the friction-induced torque and
friction-induced lateral loads that occur with a spinning shaft. However,
friction can be neglected, in which case the solution is consistent with that
for a nonrotating shaft in a frictionless housing.
Figure 4-2. Radial Gap Orientations and Nonlinear Load Sign Conventions
The equations underlying the NLRGAP measure the relative radial displacement between the shaft
grid and the housing grid in the displacement coordinate system of grid points A and B. When the
relative radial displacement is greater than the clearance (i.e. when contact has occurred), contact
forces as well as frictional forces are automatically applied to the grids. The contact and frictional
forces are dependent on the contact stiffness and the coefficient of friction.
The NLRGAP is internally composed of the following equations. It is helpful to visualize Grid A as
belonging to the shaft and Grid B as belonging to the housing. Consider each grid to have DOF 1 and
2 in the plane of action (e.g., DOF 1 = X and DOF 2 = Y for XY orientation).
The element relative displacement in directions 1 and 2 are:
Equation 4-1.
Equation 4-2.
The relative radial displacement is:
Equation 4-3.
The force in the gap when it is open (Δr≤G(t)) is zero. When the gap is closed (Δr>G(t)), the
penetration is defined as:
Equation 4-4.
The nonlinear gap forces are:
Equation 4-5.
Equation 4-6.
Equation 4-7.
Equation 4-8.
Equation 4-9.
If the shaft radius R is input, then the following friction induced torque loads are generated.
Equation 4-10.
Equation 4-11.
NLRGAP lets you model contact between two coaxial cylinders, for example shaft and housing.
You use the NLRGAP bulk data entry to model the radial gap. The contact stiffness can be input
either as a function of time or as a function of penetration. In both cases, the stiffness curves are
input on TABLEDi Bulk Data entries which are referenced by the NLRGAP entry. Inputting stiffness as
a function of time lets you model special situations where structural changes over time cause the
contact stiffness to vary over time. Inputting stiffness as a function of penetration lets you input a
nonlinear stiffness curve which might be required, for example, if the shaft or housing were covered
by some nonlinear-elastic material.
As with stiffness, both the coefficient of friction and the clearance can be functions of time. The
time-varying coefficient of friction might be used where the quality of lubrication varied with time, or if
experimental data showed that the surface characteristics of the shaft and housing varied with
time. The clearance can be input as a function of time to model situations where an accelerating,
spinning rotor expands due to centripetal loads.
The NLRGAP entry can also approximate the torque on the shaft and housing due to friction. If this
effect is desired, the RADIUS field of the NLRGAP must be specified. If not specified, then friction
effects will still be included in the lateral loads as shown in Eq. 4-6 through Eq. 4-9. The torque loads,
Eq. 4-10 and Eq. 4-11, will not be computed nor applied if RADIUS is input as 0.0 or left blank.
As with the NOLINs, the NLRGAP is selected by the NONLINEAR Case Control command.
The output is the nonlinear loads applied to the NLRGAP grids to simulate the contact. The loads can
be recovered with the NLLOAD Case Control command.
• There should be mass on both grids of the NLRGAP. Otherwise erratic results and divergence
can occur. A small amount of damping (e.g. CDAMPi) between the two grids may improve
stability for some problems.
• The two grids listed on the NLRGAP should be coincident and have parallel displacement
coordinate systems.
• The friction capability is somewhat arbitrary in sign. Referring to Figure 4-2, a positive coefficient
of friction is consistent with shaft rotation from axis 1 towards axis 2 (counter-clockwise). If the
shaft is rotating in the opposite direction, then a negative coefficient of friction must be input in
order for the friction induced loads to have the proper signs.
• In SOL 129, setting ADJUST = 0 on the TSTEPNL entry will turn off the adaptive time step. This
is useful if large contact stiffness is causing an excessively small time step.
• As with the NOLINs, the forces applied to the NLRGAP grids to simulate the radial contact are
based upon the relative displacements of the grids from the previous time step. Therefore,
the larger the contact stiffness, the smaller the necessary time steps. The smaller the contact
stiffness, the larger the penetration. Use the smallest contact stiffness possible to model the
contact to the accuracy desired. The time step may need to be decreased by 10 times or more
compared to the same model without NLRGAPs and NOLINs.
• The NLRGAP is based upon small displacement theory. Therefore, for most accurate results,
especially with respect to friction induced torque, the clearance should be small relative to the
housing diameter. The friction induced torque applied to grids A and B will be equal and opposite
in direction.
• The NLRGAP can only be positioned in the XY, YZ or ZX plane of the displacement coordinates
of the referenced grids.
• The DOF in the plane of the NLRGAP must be in the d-set. This means that these DOF cannot
be constrained by SPCs or be dependent DOF on MPCs and RBE type elements.
• The NLRGAP can only be used in SOLution sequences 109 and 129.
A diagram of input data linkages is shown in Figure 4-3. The general form of the transient load,
Pkj, for each degree-of-freedom, uj, is:
Equation 4-12.
where the factors are defined by various Bulk Data entries as shown in Figure 4-4.
• Grid Point Force Balance and Element Strain Energy in Nonlinear Static Analysis
• nonlinear static
• nonlinear buckling
• nonlinear modal
A slide line contact region consists of a master line and a slave line as shown in Figure 5-1. A master
line is a list of grid points in the topological order on the master body. A slave line is a list of grid points
in the topological order on the slave body. The grid points on the master line are called the master
nodes, and on the slave line are called the slave nodes. A line segment joining two consecutive
master nodes is called a master segment. Thus a master line, in general, consists of number of
master segments. A minimum of one master segment consisting of two master nodes are required for
the master line. Similar to master line, a slave line, in general, consist of a number of slave segments.
However, a slave line may not have any slave segments; it may have just one slave node.
• Arrows show positive direction frorn ordering nodes, counterclockwise from master line to
slave line.
• X-Y plane is the slideline plane. unit normal in the Z-direction is the slideline plane vector.
• Slave and master segment normals must face each other; i.e. the normals must be in the
opposite direction.
The master and the slave nodes in a contact region must lie in a plane called the slide line plane.
The slide line plane is defined by a vector normal to the plane called the slide line plane vector. The
master and slave can have large relative motions within the slide line plane. However, relative motion
outside the slide line plane are ignored, therefore, must be small compared to a typical master
segment. Thus, slide line contact is ideal for modelling interactions between two bodies which may
come in contact in specific planes. NX Nastran checks to make sure that in the initial geometry all the
nodes of a contact region lie in the slide line plane. However, no such check is made during analysis.
In general, contact is determined only for slave nodes and the master line. This may result in
master nodes penetrating the slave line. However, the error involved depends only on the mesh
discretization. At the expense of increase in CPU cost, a user may wish to determine contact between
master nodes and the slave line in addition to determining contact between slave nodes and the
master line. This is called symmetric penetration. Thus, for symmetric penetration, no distinction
is made between slave and master.
To determine contact between the slave nodes and the master line, a local coordinate system is
created for each master segment. The tangent direction for the master segment is given by the
vector from its first node to the second node. Remember that the master nodes are specified in the
topological order. The normal direction to the master segment is determined by the cross product
between the slide line plane vector and the tangent vector. This normal direction must point from
master line to the slave line. This is because NX Nastran determines the contact between slave
nodes and the master line by measuring how close the slave nodes are to the master segment in
this normal direction.
For symmetric penetration, similar to the master segments, tangent and normal directions are also
defined for slave segments. Now, the normals of master segments and slave segments must face
each other as shown in Figure 5-1. This is generally accomplished by traversing form master line to
slave line in a counter-clockwise fashion, or clockwise fashion depending on whether the slideline
plane vector forms a right hand or a left hand coordinate system with the slide line plane. It is your
responsibility to make sure that the normals face each other. NX Nastran checks indirectly to make
sure that the normals face each other by calculating the initial gap between the two bodies. However,
this is not a foolproof check, especially when there is no initial clearance.
Initial penetration between the two bodies is not allowed. The initial gaps between the slave nodes
and the master line are calculated based on the coordinates specified for the slave and the master
nodes. Thus, if there is no initial gap, NX Nastran may calculate initial penetration if the coordinates
are not specified accurately. To avoid having you calculate the coordinates very accurately, NX
Nastran adjusts the coordinates automatically and issues a warning message if the initial penetration
of a slave node is less than ten percent of the length of the master segment to which it projects.
However, if the initial penetration is larger then ten percent, the analysis is terminated and a fatal
message is issued. Sometimes, the analysis may be terminated with this message even though
there is a large initial gap between the two bodies. This implies that the normals of master or slave
segments are not pointing in the correct direction.
Once a contact between a node and a body is detected, a three node slide line element as shown
in Figure 5-2 is automatically created. The first node of this element is the slave node and the last
two nodes are the master nodes of the master segment with which the slave node is in contact. The
slave node is forced to slide on the master line after contact and must remain on the master line
until a tensile force develops.
Figure 5-2. Geometry and Definition of a Typical Three Node Slide Line Element
In NX Nastran the contact and traction forces/stresses are always associated with slave nodes. In
order to compute the contact and traction stresses, an area is associated with each slave node, based
on the contributory length and the width/thickness from the adjacent slave segments. Therefore,
you need to specify widths associated with slave line in a three dimensional model or thickness
associated with slave line in a two dimensional model.
You can request to output results for any number of slave nodes in any number of slide line contact
regions. The output for a slave node consists of (a) the slide line contact region identification
number, (b) the master segment to which it projects, (c) the parametric surface coordinate to identify
the exact projection of slave node relative to the two master nodes of the master segment, (d)
contact and tangential forces and stresses in the element coordinate system, and (e) a slip ratio to
indicate whether the slave node is sticking, slipping or sliding. The slip ratio is defined as the (shear
force)/(coefficient of function * normal force). Thus, a ratio of 0. indicates no shear or no contact. A
slip ratio of 1. indicates slipping. A value between 0. and 1. is a normalized value which indicates
how close the value of the shear force is to impending slipping.
The slide line contact formulation is based on the penalty method which uses an artificial stiffness
value. However, you don’t need to provide penalty values. NX Nastran automatically calculates the
appropriate numbers. You have the option to scale the calculated penalty values. It is possible
that the automatically calculated penalty values, may sometimes, cause convergence difficulties.
However, you can overcome the convergence problems by restarting the analysis from any previous
converged solution and scaling down the penalty values. Generally, it is recommended to scale down
the penalty values by one order of magnitude at a time.
Diagnostic Output
Diagnostic output related to 3-D slide line contact can be obtained by setting the executive control
statement DIAG to35.
DIAG 35 Prints current coordinates of contact node and other information associated with
slave nodes to debug slide line contact algorithm for each iteration for slide line
The slide line capability is only available for SOL 106 and SOL 129. For all other solution sequences
all the Bulk Data entries and Case Control commands related to slide line contact are ignored.
Contact stress or force for any slave node could be plotted using XYPLOT BOUT RESP command.
The grid ID is the slave node external grid ID. However, the slave node requested for plotting must
also be requested for printout via the BOUTPUT Case Control command.
The slideline contact formulation is based on the penalty method, which uses an artificial stiffness
value. NX Nastran will automatically calculate the appropriate numbers based on local stiffness. You
have the option to scale the calculated penalty values. The automatically calculated penalty values
may sometimes cause convergence difficulties. However, you can overcome the convergence
problems by restarting the analysis from any previous converged solution and scaling down the
penalty value. Generally, you should decrease the penalty values by one order of magnitude at a time.
were first published by Timoshenko, S. P., and Goodier, J. N., Theory of Elasticity , McGraw-Hill
Book Company, 1970, pgs. 409-420.
For demonstration purposes, a symmetric half of a ten degree sector of the sphere is modeled by
CHEXA and CPENTA elements with axisymmetric boundary conditions (see Figure 5-3). Uniform
vertical displacements of the symmetry plane is maintained by tying the vertical displacements of all
the grid points on the top plane (loading plane) by MPC relations to the one at the center line (z-axis).
A total load of 2160 is applied at the top of sphere. Because only a ten degree sector is modeled and
because of the MPC relationships, a load of only 60 is applied at the top center grid point. This load is
applied in three subcases with five load increments per subcase.
To model the contact, two slide line regions are defined via the BCONP Bulk Data entry. The first
slide line contact region models the contact between the outer grid points of the sphere at θ = 0°
and the rigid plane as shown in Figure 5-4. The outer grid points of the sphere (148, 116, 114, 112,
110, 108, 105 ) are used to define the slave line. To define the master line a grid point 313 at θ = 0°
is defined on the rigid plane. The master line is defined by the lower most center grid point of the
sphere (grid point 106) and the grid point 313. Notice that the grid points on the master and slave are
defined in topological order traversing in counter-clockwise form the master line to the slave line (see
BCONP with ID = 10, BLSEG with ID's = 10 and 20 in the example input). This is because the slide
line plane is the R-Z plane at θ = 0° and the slide line plane vector forms a right hand system with the
slide line plane (see CORD2R with ID = 1 in the example listing).
example input) because the slide line plane vector forms a left hand system with the slide line plane
(see CORD2R with ID = 3 in the example input).
TIME 300 $
SOL 106 $
SET 333 = 103,117,124,131,138,151,152,
SET 444 = 106, 301 THRU 314
SET 555 = 9001, 9002
$ use BOUTPUT to request output for contact regions
DISP = 333
SPCF = 444
STRESS = 555
SPC = 4
MPC = 100
NLPARM = 410
LOAD = 100
NLPARM = 420
LOAD = 200
NLPARM = 430
LOAD = 300
XYPLOT BOUTPUT RESP/9001(6),9002(6)
$ SLIDELlNE CONTACT related bulk data entries
BCONP,1,10,20,, ,,1,1
BCONP,2,30,40,, ,,1,3
BLSEG,10,148,116,114,112,110,108,105 $
BLSEG,20,106,313 $
BLSEG,30,170,172,174,176,178,180,208 $
BLSEG,40,314,106 $
Output Formats
Sort1 Output
SORT2 Output
Case Control
Each subcase defines a set of loading and boundary conditions which can be subdivided into a
number of increments. Loading conditions are specified using the same loads as in linear static
analysis, i.e., FORCEi, MOMENTi, PLOADi, GRAV, TEMP, etc. Constraints can be specified using
SPCs and MPCs, which can be changed from subcase to subcase. The enforced motion can be
applied using SPCD or nonzero value in SPC. The specified value for SPCD or SPC is a measure of
displacement with reference to the undeformed position. The enforced motion is also subdivided in
the subcase like the incremental loads. The unique data required for SOL 106 is supplied on the
NLPARM entry, which controls the incremental and iterative solution processes. The snap-through
analysis or post-buckling analysis can be performed using arc-length methods which are controlled
by parameters in the NLPCI Bulk Data entry.
The load step is labeled by the cumulative load factor. The load factor varies from 0 to 1 in each
subcase. Then the load step will end with 1, 2, 3, etc. for the first, the second and the third subcase,
respectively. There are advantages to divide the entire loading history into many subcases so that
each subcase does not have excessive number of increments, e.g., not to exceed 20 steps. The
data blocks containing solutions can be generated at each increment or the end of each subcase
depending on the intermediate output option specified in the INTOUT field of NLPARM data entry.
Data blocks are stored in the database for output process and restarts. As such, the database size or
the output quantities are better controlled with multiple subcases. Furthermore, the nonproportional
loading can only be achieved by using multiple subcases.
Output requests for each subcase are processed independently. Requested output quantities for all
the subcases are appended after the computational process for actual output operation. Available
FORCE and GPSTRESS output are available only for linear elements. It should be noted that the
STRESS or STRESS(PLOT) command will cause the nonlinear stress to be printed. In other words,
the STRESS(PLOT) command suppresses the combined linear/nonlinear stress output only.
Restarts are controlled by parameters (LOOPID and SUBID) which can be specified either in the Case
Control Section or Bulk Data Section. Some optional parameters (ADPCON, BUCKLE, LANGLE,
MAXLP, NMLOOP) are provided for additional control or capabilities. All the superelement model
generation options and matrix reduction options are allowed for the linear portion of the structure.
• The CBEAM is assumed to have its nonlinear region concentrated at the ends. Taper is
allowed but pin joints are illegal if nonlinear material conditions are defined with the MATS1,
MATTi, or CREEP entries. Pin joints can be used if the only nonlinearity is geometric. The
specification of offset vectors is not recommended. When geometry nonlinear conditions exist
(PARAM,LGDISP,1), the offset vectors remain parallel to their original orientation when computing
the differential stiffness. Also, when material nonlinear conditions are defined with the MATS1 or
CREEP entries, the offset vectors may produce incorrect results. As a result, the specification
of offset vectors is not permitted in these solutions. However, setting SYSTEM(463) to 1 will
disable the FATAL error message and the analysis will be allowed to continue (with offset vectors
remaining parallel to their original orientation). The use of this system cell may generate incorrect
results. Loading conditions that generate follower forces should not be used when SYSTEM(463)
= 1. Use PARAM,FOLLOWK,NO if follower boundary conditions are specified.
• Constraints apply only to the non-rotated displacements at a grid point. In particular, multipoint
constraints and rigid elements may cause problems if the connected grid points undergo large
motions. However, also note that replacement of the constraints with overly stiff elements can
result in convergence problems.
• Large deformations of the elements may cause non-equilibrium loading effects. The elements
are assumed to have constant length, area, and volume, except for hyperelastic elements.
• All restarts with grid point or element changes must start over at the first subcase.
• For large displacement analysis, there are two different approaches for the angular motions:
gimbal angle and rotation vector approach. In Gimbal angle approach angular motions are
treated as three ordered rotations about the z, y, and x axes. In rotation vector approach the
three angular motions are treated as a vector. The rotation is about the rotation axis and the
magnitude of rotation is equal to the amplitude of rotation vector.
• The CGAP element contact planes do not rotate as a function of displacement. The actual
shapes of the contacting surfaces would be required for such calculations.
• Since the solution to a particular load involves a nonlinear search procedure, solution is not
guaranteed. Care must be used in selecting the search procedures on the NLPARM data. You
can override nearly all iteration control restrictions.
• Follower force effects are calculated for loads which change direction with grid point motion.
• All cold-start runs are assumed to start in a stress-free condition with zero displacements and
rotations. Prestressed and pre-loaded cases must be simulated by running them as the initial
load case, followed by the desired solution subcase.
• Every subcase must define a new total load or enforced boundary displacement. This is
necessary because error ratios are measured with respect to the load change.
• All superelements, except for the residual (SE = 0), are assumed to be linear. All existing
superelement restrictions also apply here.
• Any changes to a non-residual superelement requires the use of the appropriate SEMG, SEMA,
SELA, etc., case control request for efficient restarts (see also “Performing Nonlinear Analysis
With Superelements” ).
• Only the residual superelement has automatic output data processing. Upstream superelements
may be loaded only via LSEQ and CLOAD data.
• In postbuckling analysis with arc-length methods (NLPCI Bulk Data entry), the iteration algorithm
may jump between different buckling modes when multiple bifurcation points are present in the
structure. It is recommended to check all possible buckling modes with the linear buckling solution
sequence SOL 105 before making a run with SOL 106. You have to introduce initial imperfections
(loads or enforced displacements) to keep the structure in the intended buckling mode.
• The SEMI method usually provides better convergence than the AUTO method at the expense
of higher computing cost.
• Default tolerances for the convergence criteria may be somewhat conservative. However, loose
tolerances may cause difficulties in the subsequent steps.
• The quasi-Newton method is effective in most problems. However, it seems to have adverse
effects in some problems, e.g., creep analysis.
• The line search method is effective to cope with difficulties in convergence in some problems.
More extensive line searches may be exercised by a large value of MAXLS and/or a smaller
value of LSTOL. On the other hand, line searches may have adverse effects in some problems,
e.g., plane stress plasticity.
• The arc-length method should be used if the problem involves snap-through or postbuckling
deformation. Then the Bulk Data entry NLPCI must be attached.
The NLPARM entry format is shown below with default values wherever applicable:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
The ID field is referenced by the NLPARM Case Control command. The NINC field is an integer which
specifies the number of increments to be processed in the subcase. The total load specified in the
subcase minus the load specified in the preceding subcase is equally divided by this integer (NINC)
to obtain the incremental load for the current subcase. Another subcase should be defined to change
constraints or loading paths. However, multiple subcases may be required in the absence of any
changes in constraints or loads to use a moderate value (e.g., not to exceed 20) for NINC. Use of a
moderate value has advantages in controlling database size, output size, and restarts.
The DT field requires a real number specifying the time increment for each load step in the case of
creep analysis. The time unit must be consistent with the unit used in the CREEP data to define the
creep characteristics. The creep time increment should be determined properly for efficiency and
accuracy based on the creep rate represented by the creep law to be used. The larger the creep
rate, the smaller the time increment should be. No creep deformation is considered with the default
value of 0. It is noted that a creep analysis should be preceded by a static analysis with at least one
subcase, because the creep deformation requires stresses in the material.
Stiffness matrix update strategies are determined by a combination of the data specified in the two
fields KMETHOD and KSTEP. Options for KMETHOD are AUTO, SEMI, or ITER. The KSTEP field,
which is an auxiliary to the KMETHOD field, should have an integer equal to or greater than 1. With
the AUTO option, the program automatically determines when to reevaluate the stiffness matrix
based on the rate of convergence. At each iteration, the computing time for convergence without the
stiffness matrix update is estimated and compared with the computing time for the matrix update
in order to determine whether the update is more efficient. This decision is deferred in the first two
iterations after a new stiffness is obtained. If the solution tends to diverge, however, the update
decision will be made effective immediately. The stiffness matrix will be updated upon convergence if
the number of iterations required for convergence is greater than KSTEP. The SEMI option is identical
to the AUTO option except for one additional stiffness update after the first iteration which always
occurs unless the solution converges in a single iteration. With the ITER option, the stiffness matrix is
updated at every KSTEP iterations. Thus, the full Newton-Raphson iteration is exercised if KSTEP
is 1. If KSTEP > MAXITER, the stiffness will never be updated.
The MAXITER field is an integer representing the number of iterations allowed for each load
increment. If the number of iterations reaches MAXITER without convergence, the load increment
is bisected and the analysis is repeated. If the load increment cannot be bisected (i.e., MAXBIS is
reached or MAXBIS = 0) and MAXDIV is positive, the best attainable solution is computed and the
analysis is continued to the next load increment. If MAXDIV is negative, the analysis is terminated.
NX Nastran performs the convergence test at every iteration with the criteria you specify in the CONV
field. You can specify any combination of U (for displacement), P (for load), and W (for work). All
the specified criteria must be satisfied to achieve convergence, except for an absolute convergence
condition, under which the solution is converged regardless of criteria. The convergence tolerances
are specified in the fields EPSU, EPSP, and EPSW for U, P, and W criteria, respectively.
Default nonlinear tolerances in Solutions 106 and 153 will vary according to the model, analysis
type, and user-defined precision. Although you can override default tolerances by entering values
of CONV, EPSU, EPSP, and EPSW on the NLPARM entry, you can apply default tolerances with a
single parameter, leaving the above fields on the NLPARM entry blank. Depending on the desired
level of accuracy and run times, various default tolerance sets may be selected. These tolerances are
designated as “very high,” “high,” “engineering design,” and “preliminary design” and are controlled
with the parameter:
where ITOL is an integer value ranging from 0 (very high) to 3 (preliminary design). The default is
2 (engineering accuracy) for nonlinear static analysis and 0 (very high) for nonlinear heat transfer
and dynamic analyses.
See Also
• NLTOL in the NX Nastran Quick Reference Guide
The NX Nastran Quick Reference Guide lists the tolerances set by NX Nastran if you leave the
CONV, EPSU, EPSP, and EPSW fields on the NLPARM entry blank. See Remark 16 of the NLPARM
entry for further details.
To use these default tolerances, leave the CONV, EPSU, EPSP, and EPSW fields on the NLPARM
entry blank. In addition, the NINC field must also either be blank or have a value of 10 or larger.
There are two reasons for this:
• In general, approximately 10 load steps or more are required for proper accuracy and
convergence with the default tolerances.
• Some users may have already “calibrated” a model as to the number of load steps necessary for
good results the “very high” accuracy tolerance.
Therefore, if you set NINC between 1 and 9, the software uses the “very high” accuracy tolerance.
If you don’t specify PARAM,NLTOL, then the default convergence tolerances are the same as
if you had entered PARAM,NLTOL,2 except for heat transfer problems, for which the default is
PARAM,NLTOL,0. The type of analysis will be detected automatically by NX Nastran and the default
tolerances adjusted accordingly.
Dynamic problems using SOL 129 and 159 retain the default tolerances as described in:
• “TSTEPNL” in the NX Nastran Quick Reference Guide
If you have a good idea of what to use for the default tolerances and/or number of increments,
then you should use these. If the problem is nearly linear, a value of NINC=1 sometimes yields
acceptable results. For small problems, you should use the “very high” tolerance option because run
times are generally not significant.
Because nonlinear tolerances depend on NLTOL, NINC (on the NLPARM entry), and other possible
NLPARM overrides, convergence tolerances actually used by the code are echoed in the output file
(right after the Bulk Data echo, if any) as shown in the following example:
EPSU 1.00000E-03 (not normally used)
EPSP 1.00000E-03
EPSW 1.00000E-05
Many test cases—including standard nonlinear QA test cases—were also analyzed using the default
tolerances. For all models run to date, satisfactory results were obtained. For those models that
invoked the new “engineering design” tolerances (because NINC, CONV, EPSU, EPSP and EPSW
were blank) results changed as expected. Typically, such changes were largest, on a percentage
basis, for the smallest responses in the model. Maximum response values experienced little change.
For example, if the largest displacement was 0.01, then displacements with values around 0.01
changed by about 1% or less, but displacements that were originally 0.0001 might change by 20% or
even more. If the maximum stress was 20,000, then stresses around 20,000 would change by 1% or
less, but stresses around 1000 might change by 20% or more. If the problem produced primarily
displacements in the Y direction, then using the “engineering tolerances” gives larger cross-axis
response in the X and Z directions than do the “very high” accuracy tolerances. Stresses behave in a
similar manner. However, deformed contour plots of most models using the two accuracy values
show little or no difference. If cross-axis responses or if stresses away from the most highly stressed
regions are important, or if the nonlinear material properties of the model are known with great
precision, the “very high” accuracy tolerances should be used. However for most analyses, the
“engineering design” tolerances will often suffice.
The INTOUT field requires a specification of YES, NO or ALL. If YES is specified, the output requests
(DISPLACEMENT, FORCE, STRESS, etc.), specified in the Case Control Data, will be processed
for every computed converged solution in the subcase. If NO is specified, the output requests will
be processed only for the last load step of the subcase. If ALL is specified, the output requests are
processed for every computed and user-specified load increment. For Newton's iteration methods
(i.e., without NLPCI), the option ALL is equivalent to the option YES, since the computed load
increment is equal to load increment you specified. For arc-length methods (i.e., NLPCI command
is specified), the computed load increment in general is not the same as the user-specified load
increment, and is not known in advance. The option ALL allows you to obtain solutions at the desired
intermediate load increments. With a small database option, the database will retain only those data
blocks corresponding to the incremental load steps for which output is requested by an INTOUT
field. Then, the restarts will be restricted to those starting from these steps. However, if the job is
terminated with an incomplete subcase for some reason (e.g., diverging, time expiration, etc.), data
blocks for all the interim steps of that subcase are stored in the database to allow flexible restarts.
The MAXDIV field requires an integer to specify a limit on the probable divergence conditions allowed
for each iteration to continue. There are two classifications in the divergence condition: probable and
absolute. The absolute divergence is treated as two occurrences of the probable divergence. When
the probable divergence occurs MAXDIV times or more and if MAXDIV is positive, the current solution
base (displacements) is retracted and the stiffness matrix is updated in reference to the preceding
iteration step. If the solution diverges again in the same load increment while MAXDIV is positive,
the best attainable solution is computed and the analysis is continued to the next load increment. If
MAXDIV is negative, the analysis is terminated on second divergence.
The MAXQN field requires an integer to specify the maximum number of quasi-Newton vectors to be
saved in the database. Quasi-Newton vectors are accumulated, if desired, until MAXQN is reached.
If the number of accumulated QN vectors is greater than or close to MAXQN upon convergence,
the stiffness matrix will be updated before the next increment is processed. All the QN vectors
already accumulated are purged upon a stiffness update and the accumulation is reinitiated. The
quasi-Newton update may be suppressed with a value of 0 for MAXQN. Details of the quasi-Newton
method will be presented in the following section.
The line search is controlled by the fields MAXLS and LSTOL. The maximum number of line searches
allowed for each iteration is specified in the MAXLS field. The line search process may be suppressed
with a value of 0 for MAXLS. The LSTOL field requires a real number between 0.01 and 0.9 to specify
a tolerance for the line search operation. The line search operation will be conducted if the error
defining the divergence rate is greater than LSTOL. If the line search convergence is not achieved,
the line search continues until the number of line searches reaches MAXLS.
The FSTRESS field requires a real number (0.0 < FSTRESS < 1.0), representing a fraction of the
effective stress ( ) used to limit the subincrement size in the material routines. The number of
subincrements in the material routines for elasto-plastic or creep deformation processes is determined
such that a subincrement in the effective stress is approximately FSTRESS · . This data is also
used to establish an error tolerance in the yield function to alleviate accumulation and propagation of
the error. If the error in the yield function exceeds FSTRESS · at the converging state, the program
will terminate the job with a fatal error message “ERROR EXCEEDED 20% OF CURRENT YIELD
STRESS.” If the bisection option is selected, bisection will be activated under this condition.
The MAXBIS field requires an integer to specify the number of bisections allowed for a load or
arc-length increment. When the solution diverges, different actions are taken depending on the
sign of MAXBIS. If MAXBIS is positive, the stiffness matrix is updated on the first divergence and
the load increment is bisected on the second divergence. If MAXBIS is negative, the load increment
is bisected every time the solution diverges until the limit on bisection is reached. If the solution
does not converge after |MAXBIS| bisections, the analysis is continued or terminated depending on
the sign of MAXDIV.
The MAXR field requires a real number to specify the bounds on the ratio of the adjusted arc-length
increment relative to the initial value. In the adaptive load/arc-length increment, the overall upper and
lower bounds on the load/arc-length increment in the subcase are defined as
Equation 5-1.
where Δln is the arc-length at step n and Δl0 is the original arc-length. The arc-length method for
load increments is selected by the NLPCI Bulk Data entry, which must have the same ID as the
NLPARM Bulk Data entry.
The RTOLB field requires a real number to specify the incremental rotation (in degrees) allowed per
iteration. The bisection is activated if the incremental rotation for any degree-of-freedom (Δθx, Δθy
or Δθz) exceeds the value specified for RTOLB. This bisection strategy based on the incremental
rotation is controlled by the MAXBIS field.
Most of the parameters in the NLPARM Bulk Data entry are used to control the iteration strategy for
arc-length methods. However, MAXLS is not applicable because the line search procedure is not
coupled with arc-length methods currently. The parameters which are applicable only to the arc-length
methods are specified in the Bulk Data entry NLPCI, in connection with the NLPARM data by the same
ID. The NLPCI entry is shown below with default values, followed by brief description of the fields:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
NLPCI CRIS 0.25 4. 0.0 12
SCALE Scaling factor for the magnitude of the load term in arc length.
Real > 0 Default = 0. The constraint equation has a disparity in the
dimension by mixing the displacements with the load factor. The
scaling factor (w ) is introduced as user input so that you can make
constraint equation unit-independent by a proper scaling of the load
factor, μ. As the value of w is increased, the constraint equation is
gradually dominated by the load term. In the limiting case of infinite
w , the arc-length method would be degenerated to the conventional
Newton's method.
DESITER Desired number of iterations for convergence to be used for adaptive
arc-length adjustment.
At the end of every iteration, the relevant data from the iteration process are printed under the
following heading. The section numbers in parentheses refer to sections in the NX Nastran Handbook
for Nonlinear Analysis .
Loads Overview
The static loads in nonlinear analysis consist of a subset of the total NX Nastran static load set. Most
of the relevant loads data applicable to the linear static analysis are also applicable to nonlinear static
analysis except for the Bulk Data entry DEFORM. The enforced displacements can be applied as
loads using the Bulk Data entry SPCD, which defines an enforced motion of a grid in a specific fixed
direction. Each grid point with an enforced displacement must also appear on an SPC or SPC1 entry.
The loads are selected in each subcase by a Case Control command LOAD. The load for a subcase
is subdivided into the number of increments specified for the subcase. The solution strategy in
nonlinear is to apply the loads in an incremental fashion until the desired load level is reached. The
algorithms “remember” the loads from one subcase to the next. If the load reaches the desired level
in a subcase and if the load description is left out in the subsequent subcase inadvertently, the
nonlinear solution algorithm will begin in an incremental fashion to remove the load. The loads
described below make up the valid subset applicable for nonlinear static analysis.
Concentrated Loads
The concentrated loads consist of two categories: those which are stationary in direction through
out the analysis and those which follow the grid motion. The first category consists of the following:
The second category consists of the following: FORCE1, FORCE2, MOMENT1, and MOMENT2.
The three FORCE entries differ only in the manner in which the direction of the force is specified.
FORCE uses the components of a vector. FORCE1 uses two grid points, not necessarily the same as
the loaded grid points. FORCE2 defines the direction of the force as a vector which is the vector
product of two other vectors. The distinctions between the three MOMENT entries are similar. These
loads are follower loads in nonlinear and produce follower stiffness terms.
Distributed Loads
The distributed loads consist of two categories: those which are stationary in direction through out the
analysis and those which follow the element motion. The first category consists of the PLOAD1.
The second category consists of the following: PLOAD, PLOAD2, and PLOAD4.
Loads may be applied to the interiors of finite elements. The PLOAD1 entry defines concentrated
and linearly distributed forces and moments to the CBEAM element. However, the stress calculation
for nonlinear CBEAM element ignores the distributed loads, but lumps them onto the nodal points.
The PLOAD entry is exceptional in that it references three or four arbitrarily located grids rather than
an element. The PLOAD2 entry defines a uniform static pressure load applied to the CQUAD4 or
CTRIA3 elements. The PLOAD4 defines a pressure load on surfaces of CHEXA, CPENTA, CTRIA3,
and CQUAD4 elements which need not be normal to the surface. When normal to the surface, the
PLOAD4 is a follower load.
through out the analysis. It is used to define the direction and magnitude of the gravity vector in some
identified coordinate system. The components of the gravity vector are multiplied by the mass matrix
to obtain the components of the gravity force at each grid point.
The centrifugal loads to be specified in the RFORCE Bulk Data entry is used to define the components
of a spin vector which is used internally to compute centrifugal forces. Each component of the spin
vector is multiplied by a scale factor.
Thermal Loads
You select thermal loads in each subcase with the TEMP(LOAD) Case Control command. Thermal
loading which is a follower loading is accomplished through the following entries: TEMP, TEMPD,
TEMPP1, TEMPP3, and TEMPRB. The TEMP and TEMPD provide for grid point temperature
specification which are then interpolated to points within elements. For the nonlinear CQUAD4 and
CTRIA3 elements the TEMPP1 provides for an average temperature and thermal gradient in the
thickness direction and the TEMPP3 provides for temperature at points through the thickness. The
TEMPRB provides for average temperature at ends A and B for the CROD and CBEAM element.
Average temperature specified directly for an element will take precedence over the temperature
interpolated from the elements connected grid points.
The Case Control TEMP(INIT) is required above the subcase level. For nonlinear static analysis
TEMP(MAT) or TEMP(BOTH) are not applicable. The use of TEMP(MAT) or TEMP(BOTH) will cause
a fatal error. Subcases that do not contain a TEMP(LOAD) will default to TEMP(INIT), which implies
no thermal load. Thermal loads are often used to provide initial strains.
Loads Combination
Various load specifications can be combined using LOAD and (CLOAD, LSEQ).
The LOAD provides for the linear combination of static load sets. The static loads (LOAD, FORCE,
etc.) applied to the upstream superelements cannot be referenced by a Case Control command
LOAD. The CLOAD entry is designed to apply static loads to upstream superelements by combining
loads defined in LSEQ entries. The (CLOAD, LSEQ) combination allows the nonlinear algorithms to
apply in an incremental fashion on the upstream superelement loads to the boundary of the residual
The CLOAD defines a static load combination for superelement loads acting on residual boundary
and the LSEQ defines a static load combination for superelement upstream loads. The LSEQ
assigns load vectors to the superelements and numerically labels them via the DAREA field entry
value. The LID and TID field entries point to the appropriate load and temperature distribution entries.
The CLOAD defines a static load as a linear combination of previously calculated superelement
loads defined by the LSEQ. The IDVi fields correspond directly to the numeric labels defined via the
DAREA fields of the LSEQ entries.
The CLOAD must be selected in the residual solution subcase via the case control CLOAD entry.
Only one LOADSET may appear in Case Control. The hierarchy of the loads data is shown
schematically in Figure 5-6. An example Case Control Section is shown below:
LOADSET = 1000 $ Selects LSEQ 1000 for upstream loads
SUPER = ALL $ Identify SEs to process
CLOAD = 1001 $ Refers to CLOAD Bulk Data
NLPARM = 12 $ Iteration control
CLOAD = 1002
LOAD = 10 $ Residual SE load
Any restart in SOL 106 must have the FMS command RESTART and the two parameters
The SUBID is the sequential number of a subcase. It is recommended that the SUBID value always
be incremented by one and point to a new subcase. The new Subcase should contain any standard
subcase commands required.
The LOOPID is the identifier of the converged solution from which the restart is to take place.
Any converged and saved solution always gives the messages:
To restart from the above run, the restart might look like:
TIME 10000
SOL 106
SPC = 200
MPC = 250
SET 1 = 1118
LOAD = 101
LOAD = 107
LOAD = 108
1-3 1-3 1-7 -3
SPCD 108 1118 3 0.025
FORCE 108 1118 0. 0. 0. 1.
For a full data recovery restart after the completion of a complete analysis proceed as above but do
not actually add the new Subcase in Case Control. For example, assume the analysis has ended in
subcase 8 above with the following messages:
LOAD = 107
LOAD = 108
2. The tangent stiffness matrix is proportional to the displacement increments, which implies that
the critical displacements may be obtained by extrapolating from the current state, i.e., Ucr
= Un + λ · ΔU.
It appears that Fujikake uses the first approach. NX Nastran uses the second approach. Since
the tangent matrix is assumed to change linearly, the internal loads are a quadratic function of the
displacements. The distinction between the two approaches disappears in the linear bifurcation
Nonlinear Buckling Formulation
The eigenvalue problem for a nonlinear buckling analysis is approximated by
where Kn and Kn-1 are the stiffness matrices evaluated at the known solution points in the vicinity
of the instability.
The critical displacements upon instability are estimated as
Based on the virtual work principle,
where Pn-1 is the previous load value which resulted in convergence, and
where λ is a linear buckling load factor computed from a linear buckling analysis in which Pn was
used as the applied load. The linear buckling analysis can be requested in any nonlinear buckling
subcase, and occurs after all of the nonlinear load steps in the subcase have been applied.
Restart is required for a nonlinear buckling analysis after the non-positive definite stiffness matrix is
detected. Since the modified Newton's method is employed with quasi-Newton updates in the general
purpose program, tangential stiffness matrices in the two successive increments are not immediately
available in general.
Nonlinear buckling is requested with the parameter BUCKLE set to +1. The operational steps are
1. Run SOL 106 for static analysis and create a database for restarts. It is recommended to
continue the nonlinear static analysis with small steps until a negative determinant of the stiffness
matrix is encountered.
b. Provide two small loading steps (below buckling). This may be provided by adding a new
subcase, skipping the rest of the increments of the subcase in which the stiffness matrix
becomes singular.
c. Keep “KSTEP = 1” in the NLPRAM entry for two load steps to be solved so that the stiffness
matrix is updated for each solution.
d. Include a EIGB Bulk Data entry with a METHOD command in the Case Control Section for
the eigenvalue analysis. The SINV method is recommended for the eigenvalue extraction.
f. Include PARAM,BUCKLE,1.
To provide a more convenient and versatile capability for nonlinear buckling analysis, an option for a
buckling analysis using a cold-start run with PARAM,BUCKLE,2 was introduced. This option allows
buckling analysis in any subcase that has a METHOD command specified for an eigenvalue analysis.
The following input file shows how a nonlinear buckling analysis can be performed in a cold start run.
The complete input file nlsolidb.dat for this example is included at installation_path/nxnr/nast/tpl.
$ Material definition: ELASTIC-PLASTIC
$ Element types: CHEXA
$ SOLUTION - 106
$ HISTORY - Aug-5-2009 MRG, Genesis
SOL 106
SET 10 =100,200,109,209,119,219,131,231
SET 20 =10,11,15,20,25
set 30 = 1000
EIGB 30 SINV 0.0 2. 20 2 2
MAT1 1 10.8+6 0.3 +MAT1
MATS1 1 PLASTIC 1.225+6 1 2 7.8+4
$param post 0
NLPARM 10 2 AUTO 7 30 yes +NL10
+NL10 5 20 3
NLPARM 20 5 AUTO 1 30 yes +NL20
+NL20 5 20 3
NLPARM 30 8 AUTO 7 30 +NL30
+NL30 5 20 3
NLPARM 40 2 AUTO 1 yes
SPC1 10 123456 131 132 231 232
The buckling analysis is requested in Subcases 2 and 4 in the example. Notice that the KSTEP field
on each of the NLPARM entries for both Subcases 2 and 4 are set to 1 to force a stiffness matrix
update at every solution step. The PARAM,BUCKLE,2 is placed above Subcase 1, but it could be
placed in the Bulk Data Section or under the desired subcases. The buckling solutions in Subcases
2 and 4 will be different because the nonlinear buckling solution is an approximate solution based
on extrapolation of two consecutive incremental solutions. The buckling solution tends to be more
accurate when these two consecutive incremental steps are closer to the buckling point. However,
you don’t know where the buckling point is until the analysis is performed. For this reason, you may
want to divide the load into a number of subcases and perform buckling analysis in multiple subcases.
In this example, the first subcase brings the pressure load up to 2000.0 in 2 increments. In the .f06
output, the printed load factor indicates the incremental load steps for a particular subcase. Since
there are 2 increments defined on the NLPARM for subcase 1, the load factors in the .f06 output for
this subcase are .5 and 1.0 corresponding to the loads 1000.0 and 2000.0, respectively.
The second subcase begins with the 2000.0 pressure load from subcase 1 and brings the pressure
load up to 3000.0. Since there are 5 increments defined on the NLPARM for subcase 2, the load
factors in the .f06 output for this subcase are .2, .4, .6, .8, and 1.0 corresponding to the loads 2200.0,
2400.0, 2600.0, 2800.0, and 3000.0, respectively.
At the end of the second subcase, an eigenvalue analysis is performed due to PARAM,BUCKLE,2,
which results in α = 0.3240. Since Pn = 3000.0 and Pn-1 = 2800.0, ΔP for the second subcase is 200.
The critical buckling load is calculated as:
Let us return to the example list of the input data for a review. Notice the OLOAD request for grid
point 1000 that is fixed in space. However, a force of 1000 is applied to this dummy node with the
same scaling in the LOAD Bulk Data as the pressure load. This OLOAD request prints the applied
load for GRID 1000 at the eigenvalue solution step under the heading LOAD VECTOR. This applied
load at buckling is identical to the critical buckling load calculated above. One can use this value as
the critical buckling load instead of performing the above calculation.
There are two more ways to estimate the critical buckling load. One method is the arclength method
that can provide solutions past the critical buckling load into the post-buckling state. Using the
arclength method, the nodal displacement of a point with the most noticeable motion should be traced
to detect the peak load. The applied load at this peak resembles the critical buckling load. Another
method is to use the Newton’s method until the solution cannot be obtained due to divergence, in
which case adaptive bisection method is activated in the vicinity of the critical buckling load and stops
at the limit load close to the critical buckling load. When the example problem was analyzed using
an arclength method (CRIS), the solution went through the peak load of 3559.2. When the same
problem was analyzed using the Newton’s method with bisection procedure, the solution traced up to
the maximum load of 3540.63 before diverging due to instability. When the model was remeshed
with about 100 times more elements, the buckling analysis procedure predicted a critical buckling
load at 3545.43. In this refined model, Newton’s method with bisection converged up to 3546.88
and the arclength method peaked at 3555.72.
Concluding Remarks
The following conclusion can be drawn from this example. More refined models generally result in
more accurate solutions as the eigenvalue analysis predicts a more accurate buckling point as the
two soultion points for extrapolation approach the actual bucking point. Comparison of the results
confirms that the limit load obtained from Newton’s method with adaptive bisection process closely
predicts the critical buckling load. The arclength method tends to predict a slightly higher value
for the buckling load.
• For multiple normal mode analyses in SOL 106, the METHOD command may appear in more
than one subcase or above all subcases. In the latter case, a normal mode analysis is performed
at the end of each subcase. The stiffness used for modal analysis corresponds to the last step of
the subcase. Modal analysis cannot be performed at intermediate solution step.
• A PARAM,NMLOOP,loopid command must appear in the Case Control or Bulk Data Section
to request a normal mode analysis at the end of those subcases with a METHOD command.
The actual value of loopid is unimportant as long as it is a positive integer. This alleviates the
cumbersome task of figuring out the exact loopid.
• Add the appropriate EIGRL or EIGR entry in the Bulk Data Section of the NX Nastran Quick
Reference Guide .
Example (TURBINE1.DAT)
The following example is a normal mode analysis of a prestressed turbine blade. (See Figure 5-7)
The blade is modeled with CHEXA elements and loaded with centrifugal forces (RFORCE). The
default iteration strategy is selected on the NLPARM Bulk Data entry. The software automatically
updates the stiffness matrix at the end of the subcase if a METHOD Case Control command appears
in the subcase.
Restarting from SOL 106 into SOL 103 or into Another Linear Solution Sequence
For the purpose of a prestressed normal modes analysis, you can restart from a SOL 106 run into
another SOL 106 run to perform the prestressed normal modes calculation.
Restarts from SOL 106 into linear solution sequences are not recommended to the novice user
because of several limitations. The results of the linear restart are incremental values with respect to
the preload, not total values. However, some experienced users restart from SOL 106 into SOL 103
to perform prestressed modal analysis with changing boundary conditions, or restart into another
linear solution sequence to perform a perturbed linear solution on a preloaded structure. In the SOL
106 cold start run, KMETHOD=’ITER’ or ‘AUTO’ and KSTEP=1 must be specified on the NLPARM
Bulk Data entry in order to restart from the end of the subcase. With these parameters, all nonlinear
information is stored on the database so that the nonlinear tangent stiffness can be recovered in the
linear restart run. The following command must be included in the linear restart run:
PARAM,NMLOOP,loopid in the Case Control or
Bulk Data Section, where loopid is the load step id at
the end of a subcase from the SOL 106 cold start run.
Restarts are also allowed at intermediate steps within a subcase. The parameter INTOUT on the
NLPARM entry must be set to ‘YES’ or ‘ALL’ in the SOL 106 cold start run to store intermediate steps
on the database for restart purposes. However, the follower force stiffness may not be updated at
intermediate steps. Therefore, you should restart from the end of a subcase if the effect of follower
force stiffness is important.
In general, you should use the symmetrized follower force stiffness because it gives sufficient
accurate results with substantial performance improvement.
In SOL 129, follower forces are included, however, the follower force stiffness is never calculated.
LGDISP FOLLOWK Stiffness Stiffness Stiffness
Element Force
All other linear solution sequences (e.g., SOL 105, 108, etc.) have the same default as SOL 103.
Case Control
Each subcase defines a time interval starting from the last time step of the previous subcase and
the interval is subdivided into small time steps. The output time is labeled by the cumulative time,
including all previous subcases. There are advantages to divide the total duration of analysis into
many subcases so that each subcase does not have excessive number of time steps, e.g., not to
exceed 200 steps. The data blocks containing solutions are generated at the end of each subcase
to store in the database for output process and restarts. As such, converged solutions are apt to
be saved at many intermediate steps in case of divergence and more flexible control becomes
possible with multiple subcases.
The input loading functions may be changed for each subcase or continued by repeating the same
DLOAD command. However, it is recommended to use the same TLOADi Bulk Data for all the
subcases in order to maintain the continuity between subcases, because TLOADi entries define the
loading history as a function of cumulative time. Static loads (PLOADi, FORCEi, MOMENTi) may
be associated with time-dependent functions by the LSEQ Bulk Data entry that can be selected by
a Case Control command LOADSET. However, thermal loads or enforced displacements (SPCD)
are not allowed in the nonlinear transient analysis. Nonlinear forces as function of displacements
or velocities (NOLINi) may be selected and printed by Case Control commands NONLINEAR and
NLLOAD, respectively. Each subcase may have a different time step size, time interval, and iteration
control selected by the TSTEPNL request. The Case Control commands which may not be changed
after the first subcase are: SPC, MPC, DMIG, and TF.
may be specified within a subcase. DISPLACEMENT, VELOCITY, ACCELERATION, OLOAD,
FORCE, and SPCFORCE must be specified above the subcase level. However, FORCE output and
GPSTRESS output are not available for nonlinear elements.
Initial conditions (displacement or velocity) can be specified by the Bulk Data TIC selectable by the
Case Control command IC. If initial conditions were given, all of the nonlinear element forces and
stresses must be computed to satisfy equilibrium with the prescribed initial conditions. On the other
hand, initial conditions could be a part of the nonlinear analysis by applying static analysis for the
preload using PARAM, TSTATIC in the first subcase. Then the transient analysis can be performed
in the ensuing subcases. Associated with the adaptive time stepping method, the PARAMeter
NDAMP is used to control the stability in the ADAPT method. The parameter NDAMP represents the
numerical damping (recommended value for usual case is 0.01) which often required to improve the
stability and convergence in the contact problems.
All the superelement model generation options and matrix reduction options are allowed for the linear
portion of the structure. The component mode synthesis and Guyan reduction may be performed
for upstream superelements. The residual superelement may contain scalar degree-of-freedom
representing linear modal formulations.
2. No initial preloads such as closed gaps or terminal loads are allowed in a cold start. See
PARAM,LOOPID under “Restarts” in this section.
3. Overall structure damping (PARAM,G) is not provided in nonlinear elements. Use the damping
field in the material (MATi) data entry and the PARAMeter W4 to supply damping based on
the linear properties.
4. Element forces are not computed for nonlinear elements. Output requests will be ignored.
5. When multiple subcases are specified, it is recommended that a single time function (see the
TLOADi Bulk Data entry description) be assigned to an applied load throughout the entire time
span of the solution. This time function can be used for all subcases. If different time functions are
to be used between subcases, ensure that the time functions are continuous between subcases.
6. Element stresses for nonlinear elements are computed and printed during the nonlinear iteration
phase only. They are not merged with those of the linear elements.
Equation 5-4.
By direct numerical integration, the equilibrium of Eq. 5-4 is satisfied at discrete time steps with an
interval of Δt . The equilibrium is ensured by iterations until the solution converges to the preset
error tolerance.
Procedures, such as the quasi-Newton update and line search process, provide users with additional
options to adjust incremental and iterative processes in search of more efficient and effective strategy
for obtaining solutions. A self-adaptive time stepping method that adjusts time step automatically
during analysis is available.
Newmark's direct time integration method is implemented using the two-point recurrence (or
one-step) formula as a foundation of this self-adaptive time stepping algorithm. The optimal time step
size, which is required for accuracy and efficiency, changes continuously in the transient dynamic
environment. The primary concept of automatic time step adjustment is that the proper size of the
time step can be predicted based on the dominant frequency in the incremental deformation pattern
at the previous time step. This concept presents a deficiency of time lag involved in the prediction
process. Furthermore, changes in nonlinearity cannot be predicted from the deformation pattern at
the previous time step. This deficiency is overcome by the bisection process, which is activated when
any difficulties arise in terms of convergence during the iteration.
Frequent decomposition of the dynamic stiffness matrix is inevitable in adaptive time stepping using
the implicit integration method. Efforts have been made to minimize the thrashing in the algorithm
(e.g., too frequent or repetitive adjustment of the time step size) and yet to provide a solution reliably
to any type of problem. The iteration process for the equilibrium employs expeditious methods such
as BFGS updates and line searches as well as an adaptive stiffness matrix update strategy. The
present self-adaptive time stepping algorithm for the nonlinear transient analysis is proving to be a
robust and practical method, aimed at efficiency, effectiveness, and user friendliness.
The transient response analysis capability is provided in the self-contained solution sequence SOL
129. SOL 129 is a structured DMAP. Although this solution sequence is developed for nonlinear
transient response analysis, linear transient response analysis can be performed in this solution
sequence in order to take advantage of the automatic time stepping and restart capabilities. The core
parts of SOL 129 are the nonlinear modules (NLTRD2 and NLTRD) which perform the incremental
and iterative processes for implicit direct time integration.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
The TSTEPNL Bulk Data entry is selected using ID by the Case Control command TSTEPNL. Each
subcase (residual superelement solutions only) requires a TSTEPNL entry. Multiple subcases are
assumed to occur sequentially in time. Therefore, the initial conditions of each subcase are defined
by the end conditions of the previous subcase.
The NDT field specifies the number of time steps with DT as the size of each time step. The total
duration for the subcase can be assessed by multiplying NDT with DT (i.e., NDT · DT). The time
increment (Δ,t) remains constant during the analysis in AUTO and TSTEP options, and is equal to DT.
However, the time increment (Δ,t) changes during the analysis in the ADAPT option and the actual
number of time steps will not be equal to NDT. In ADAPT option DT is used as an initial value for Δ,t.
The NO field specifies the time step interval for output, i.e., every NOth step solution is saved for
output. The data will be output at steps 0, NO, ..., etc., and the last converged step for printing and
plotting purposes. The Case Control command OTIME may also be used to control the output points.
The program automatically adjusts the incremental time and uses the bisection algorithm in case
of divergence. During the bisection process the stiffness is updated at every KSTEPth successful
bisection. The stiffness matrix is always updated for a new subcase or restart, irrespective of the
option selected.
The number of iterations for a time step is limited to MAXITER. If the solution does not converge in
MAXITER iterations, the process is treated as a divergent process, i.e., either a bisection or stiffness
matrix update takes place based on the value of MAXBIS. The sign of MAXITER provides a control
over the ultimate recourse (reiteration) in case of failure in convergence or bisection. If the MAXITER
is negative, the analysis is terminated when the divergence condition is encountered twice during the
same time step or the solution diverges for five consecutive time steps. If MAXITER is positive, the
program computes the best attainable solution and continues the analysis on second divergence.
The convergence test is controlled by convergence test flags (U for displacement error test, P for
load equilibrium error test, W for work error test) and the error tolerances (EPSU, EPSP and EPSW)
which define the convergence criteria. All requested criteria (combination of U, P, and/or W) are
satisfied upon convergence. It should be noted that at least two iterations are necessary to check the
displacement convergence criterion.
The MAXDIV field provides control over diverging solutions. Depending on the rate of divergence,
the number of diverging solutions (NDIV) is incremented by 1 or 2. The solution is assumed to be
divergent when NDIV reaches MAXDIV during the iteration. If the bisection option is used, the time
step is bisected upon divergence. Otherwise, the solution for the time step is repeated with a new
stiffness based on the converged state at the beginning of the time step. If NDIV reaches MAXDIV
twice within the same time step, the analysis is terminated with a fatal message.
The BEGS quasi-Newton updates and the line search process work in the way as in static analysis
except for the default setting. The MAXQN field defines the maximum number of quasi-Newton
vectors to be saved on the database and the MAXLS defines the number of line searches allowed
per iteration. Nonzero values of MAXQN and MAXLS activate the quasi-Newton update and the line
search process, respectively.
The FSTRESS field defines a fraction of the effective stress ( ) which is used to limit the
subincrement size in the material routine. The number of subincrements in the material routines is
determined such that the subincrement size is approximately FSTRESS · σ (equivalent stress).
FSTRESS is also used to establish a tolerance for error correction in the elasto-plastic material, i.e.,
Equation 5-5.
If the limit is exceeded at the converging state, the program will exit with a fatal error message.
Otherwise, the stress state is adjusted to the current yield surface.
MAXBIS is the maximum number of bisections allowed for each time step (−9 ≤ MAXBIS ≤ 9). The
bisection process is activated when divergence occurs and MAXBIS ≠ 0. The number of bisections
for a time increment is limited to |MAXBIS|. If MAXBIS is positive and the solution does not converge
after MAXBIS bisections, the best solution is computed and the analysis is continued to the next
time step. If MAXBIS is negative and the solution does not converge in |MAXBIS| bisection, the
analysis is terminated.
The parameter ADJUST lets you control the automatic time stepping in the ADAPT option. A value
of zero for ADJUST turns off the automatic adjustment completely. If ADJUST is positive, the time
increment is continually adjusted for the first few steps until a good value of Δt is obtained. After this
initial adjustment, the time increment is adjusted every ADJUST time steps only. A value of ADJUST
an order greater than NDT will turn off adjustment after the initial adjustment. Since the automatic
time step adjustment is based on the mode of response and not on the loading pattern, it may be
necessary to limit the adjustable step size when the period of the forcing function is much shorter
than the period of dominant response frequency of the structure. It is your responsibility to ensure
that the loading history is properly traced with ADJUST option. The ADJUST option should be
suppressed for the duration of short pulse loading. If unsure, start with DT which is much smaller than
the pulse duration in order to properly represent the loading pattern.
MSTEP defines the desired number of time steps to obtain the dominant period response accurately
(10 ≤ Integer ≤ 200). RB defines bounds for maintaining the same time step for the stepping function
in the automatic time step adjustment method (0.1 ≤ Real ≤ 1.0). Parameters MSTEP and RB are
used to adjust the time increment during the analysis in the ADAPT option. The adjustment is based
on the number of time steps desired to capture the dominant frequency response accurately. The
time increment is adjusted as follows:
Equation 5-6.
f = 0.25 for r < 0.5 · RB
f = 0.5 for 0.5 · RB < r < RB
f = 1.0 for RB < r < 2
f = 2.0 for 2. ≤ r < 3./RB
f = 4.0 for r > 3./RB
The recommended value of MSTEP for nearly linear problems is 20. A larger value (e.g., 40) is
required for highly nonlinear problems. In the default option, the program automatically computes the
value of MSTEP based on the changes in the stiffness.
The MAXR field defines the maximum ratio for the adjusted incremental time relative to DT allowed
for time step adjustment (1.0 ≤ Real ≤ 32.0). MAXR is used to define the upper and lower bounds for
adjusted time step size, i.e.,
Equation 5-7.
The UTOL field defines the tolerance on displacement increment below which there is no time step
adjustment (0.001 < Real ≤ 1.0). UTOL is used to filter undesirable time step adjustment, i.e., no
time step adjustment is performed if
Equation 5-8.
The RTOLB field defines the maximum value of incremental rotation (in degrees) allowed per iteration
to activate bisection (Real > 2.0). The bisection is activated if the incremental rotation for any
degree-of-freedom (Δθx, Δθy or Δθz) exceeds the value specified for RTOLB. This bisection strategy
based on the incremental rotation is controlled by MAXBIS field.
Equation 5-9.
Equation 5-10.
where umax = max(||u1||, ||u2||, ...,||un||)
Equation 5-11.
Equation 5-12.
where and are three-point average values for internal and external forces,
WORK Relative error in terms of work defined as
Equation 5-13.
LAMBDA(I) Rate of Convergence in iteration where
Equation 5-14.
LAMBDA(T) Ratio of the load error for two consecutive time steps computed only for AUTO
or TSTEP method
Equation 5-15.
LAMBDA-BAR Average of LAMBDA(T) over the last 3 steps, computed only for AUTO or
TSTEP method.
DLMAG Absolute norm of the load vector, ||R||. The absolute convergence is defined
using DLMAG by ||R|| < 10−12.
Since SOL 106 and SOL 129 share the same database storage for nonlinear tables and matrices, the
restart system for transient analysis can use either a previous static or transient nonlinear analysis as
its initial conditions. A restart from SOL 129 into SOL 106 is not available.
The options for a restart from SOL 106 into SOL 129 are static to static and static to dynamic
analysis. For a restart from a previous static analysis, only the first subcase is affected. Simply
provide a database created in SOL 106 (or 129) and specify the parameter PARAM,SLOOPID,N
where N is the printed value of LOOPID for the desired static solution. The initial transient load
should be identical to static loads at the restart state. Constraint sets, direct input matrices, mass,
and damping may be changed.
Restarting within SOL 129 allows static to static, static to dynamic, and dynamic to dynamic analysis.
Restarts from a previous nonlinear transient execution are available for a number of cases. If the
same model is to be re-executed, only the residual superelement needs to be reassembled. If the
final results from the previous transient run are to be used as the initial conditions at t = 0, add N
dummy SUBCASE commands to start the residual Case Control execution and STIME = 0.
The normal restart for a transient run is to be continued from the last step of a previous subcase with
different loads and/or TSTEPNL data. For the normal restart provide the following parameters:
LOOPID = N : Start from the Nth subcase
STIME = t : Start from time t
Note that constraint sets should not be changed to avoid incompatible matrix sizes. The values of
LOOPID and STIME, which are printed with the iteration information for each subcase, can be directly
read from the printout of the previous run. If the adaptive time stepping algorithm is not activated,
the value of t may also be calculated by the following equation:
Equation 5-16.
where NDTi and DTi are the number of time steps and the time increment of the i-th subcase,
If a SOL 129 run is terminated abnormally in the middle of a subcase, it may or may not be restartable
depending upon the cause of the abnormal exit. If the job is stopped due to a diverging solution, it
can be restarted either from the end of a previous subcase or from the last saved solution step. The
restart procedure for the former is identical to that for the normal restart as described in the preceding
paragraph. The latter case also requires parameters LOOPID and STIME, however, the input value
for STIME differs depending on the value of METHOD specified on the TSTEPNL entry. If METHOD
= AUTO or TSTEP (the NLTRD module), STIME is the time corresponding to the last output step
which may be calculated based on the output skip factor (i.e., the NO on the TSTEPNL entry). If
METHOD = ADAPT (NLTRD2 module) the last converged solution is treated as an output step and is
always saved for the restart so that STIME can be the time of the last converged step. The values of
STIME and LOOPID can also be found in the printout, if the ADAPT method is used. Once STIME
and LOOPID are known, determine the number of remaining time steps in the subcase and create
a new TSTEPNL entry for the remaining time. Insert a new subcase which references the new
TSTEPNL entry prior to the remaining subcases in the Case Control Section.
A solution may be terminated in the middle of a subcase due to insufficient CPU time: (1) the CPU time
specified in the Executive Control Section is insufficient so the run is forced to exit by the program,
or (2) the CPU time exceeds the limit specified in the computer system which leads to a sudden
job abortion by the system. In the first case, NX Nastran is able to detect the specified CPU time
in the Executive Control Section and automatically activate the wrapping-up procedure before time
expiration. When completed, the solution can be restarted from the termination point as in the solution
diverging case. In the second case the solution can only be restarted from the end of a subcase.
Restarts may also be performed solely for data recovery by providing the following parameters:
SDATA = –1 : Recover data without running the solution module LOOPID = N : from the 1st through
the N-th subcases.
Note that solution sets DISP, VELO, ACCE, OLOAD, SPCF (printout and plotting) and NLLOAD
(plotting only) are recoverable while STRESS, SDISP, SVELO and SACCE sets are not.
A simply supported elastic beam is subjected to a single cycle of a sinusoidal forcing function at the
quarter span as illustrated in Figure 5-8. The beam is modeled using 20 linear CBEAM elements.
A stopper (snubber) is present underneath the center of the beam with a clearance of 0.02 inches.
This gap is simulated by a displacement dependent force which is active only when the beam is in
contact with the snubber. The problem is linear except for the effect of the stopper. The input data for
this problem is given in Listing 5-2.
One subcase with 100 time steps and an initial time step size of 0.1 msec was analyzed in the cold
start run. Since the adaptive time stepping algorithm was activated, the job ran to completion at 9.7
msec instead of the specified time span, 100 x 0.1 = 10 msec. A new subcase with 600 time steps
was added in the first restart run to extend the time span for another 30 msec. The adaptive time
stepping method was turned off and the execution time was specified to be 0.8 min. As expected, the
run was aborted at 36 msec due to insufficient time. In the second restart run, the execution time was
changed to 5.0 min. and another subcase with 164 time steps and a time increment of 0.1 msec
was added to extend the analysis time span up to 40 msec. The third restart was simply to recover
the DISP, VELO, ACCE, OLOAD, NLLOAD and SPC output. The response at the loading point
of the beam is shown in Figure 5-9.
DLOAD = 30
DLOAD = 30
DLOAD = 30
CBAR 101 100 10000 10001 0. 0. 1.
CBAR 102 100 10001 10002 0. 0. 1.
CBAR 103 100 10002 10003 0. 0. 1.
CBAR 104 100 10003 10004 0. 0. 1.
CBAR 105 100 10004 10005 0. 0. 1:
CBAR 106 100 10005 10006 0. 0. 1.
CBAR 107 100 10006 10007 0. 0. 1.
CBAR 108 100 10007 10008 0. 0. 1.
CBAR 109 100 10008 10009 0. 0. 1.
CBAR 110 100 10009 10010 0. 0. 1.
CBAR 111 100 10010 10011 0. 0. 1.
CBAR 112 100 10011 10012 0. 0. 1.
CBAR 113 100 10012 10013 0. 0. 1.
CBAR 114 100 10013 10014 0. 0. 1.
CBAR 115 100 10014 10015 0. 0. 1.
CBAR 116 100 10015 10016 0. 0. 1.
CBAR 117 100 10016 10017 0. 0. 1.
CBAR 118 100 10017 10018 0. 0. 1.
CBAR 119 100 10018 10019 0. 0. 1.
CBAR 120 100 10019 10020 0. 0. 1.
CONM2 12 10010 .1
GRID 10 50. -1.
GRID 10000 0. 0. 0. 1246
GRID 10001 5. 0. 0. 1246
GRID 10002 10. 0. 0. 1246
GRID 10003 15. 0. 0. 1246
GRID 10004 20. 0. 0. 1246
GRID 10005 25. 0. 0. 1246
GRID 10006 30. 0. 0. 1246
GRID 10007 35. 0. 0. 1246
GRID 10008 40. 0. 0. 1246
GRID 10009 45. 0. 0. 1246
GRID 10010 50. 0. 0. 1246
GRID 10011 55. 0. 0. 1246
GRID 10012 60. 0. 0. 1246
GRID 10013 65. 0. 0. 1246
GRID 10014 70. 0. 0. 1246
GRID 10015 75. 0. 0. 1246
GRID 10016 80. 0. 0. 1246
GRID 10017 85. 0. 0. 1246
GRID 10018 90. 0. 0. 1246
GRID 10019 95. 0. 0. 1246
GRID 10020 100. 0. 0. 1246
MATl 1000 3.+7 .3 .3
PBAR 100 1000 .31416 .15708 +PBl
+PBl 1. 0.
SPC 1002 10 123456
SPC 1002 10020 3 10000 3
CROD 10 10 10 10010
MATl 10 10. 0.
PROD 10 10 1.
MATSl 10 PLASTIC 0. 1 1 3.+8
TLOAD2 30 33 0. .011451 87.33 -90.
DAREA 33 10005 3 47.2
TSTEPNL 10 100 .0001 1 ADAPT
TSTEPNL 20 600 .00005 1 ADAPT +T521
+T521 +T522
+T522 0
TSTEPNL 30 164 .00010 1 ADAPT +T531
+T531 +T532
+T532 0
NOLINl 13 10010 3 1. 10010 3 13
+TAB -2.5-2 4.95 -2.0-2 0. 0. 0. ENDT
Equation 5-17.
σ = stress tensor
= strain rate
V = element volume
t = actual time in the load history
The integration over time leads to the following recursive formula using the trapezoidal rule
Equation 5-18.
Equation 5-19.
For computational convenience, NX Nastran uses Eq. 5-19 to calculate the element strain energy.
The internal element forces are readily available in every step because they are needed for the force
equilibrium. Note that temperature effects are included in the internal element forces.
When loads from temperature differences or element deformation are present, the default definition of
element strain energy for linear elements differ from the definition for nonlinear elements. For linear
elements, the element strain energy is defined as
Equation 5-20.
where Pet is the element load vector for temperature loads and element deformation. Eq. 5-20
assumes that the temperatures are constant within a subcase. For nonlinear elements, the definition
of Eq. 5-17 is used. In the case of linear material and geometry, Eq. 5-17 becomes
Equation 5-21.
Eq. 5-21 assumes that the temperature varies linearly within a subcase. You may request the
definition of Eq. 5-21 to be applied to linear elements by adding PARAM,XFLAG,2 to the input file.
User Input
The output of grid point force balance and strain energy in nonlinear analysis is requested with the
existing GPFORCE and ESE Case Control commands, respectively. The Case Control commands
remain unchanged.
Printed Output
The following Nastran input deck represents a simplified model of a mechanical clutch that consists
of springs, beams, rigid elements, and gap elements. A geometric nonlinear analysis is performed.
Both GPFORCE and ESE output requests are applied above all subcases. This is a good example to
show the grid point force balance with both linear and nonlinear elements, that includes:
• applied loads
• element forces
• SPC forces
• MPC forces.
The model is shown in Figure 5-10. For clarity, only the elements are displayed.
Figure 5-10.
The dashed lines represent rigid elements, the rest are gap and beam elements. Spring elements
are located at the intersection point of all dashed lines and are not visible in the figure because
their connection points are coincident.
• Linear and nonlinear elements can be mixed. The output for grid point force and element strain
energy in nonlinear analysis follow the same format as in linear analysis.
• The reference system for the grid point force output is the grid point global coordinate system.
You can’t specify another output coordinate system. In nonlinear, the grid point forces are not
aligned with element edges. Therefore, PARAM,NOELOF and PARAM,NOELOP are ignored
in nonlinear analysis.
• In nonlinear analysis, the element strain energy must be calculated for each intermediate load
step even if the output is requested only in the last load step. To save computations, the element
strain energy is only calculated upon user request. The Case Control commands, GPFORCE or
ESE must be present to activate grid point force output or element strain energy calculations and
output. If you want to save the grid point forces and element strain energy on the database and
want an output later in an eventual restart run, you must specify the Case Control commands,
GPFORCE(PLOT) or ESE(PLOT) in the cold start run.
• By default, if GPFORCE or ESE is present, then the output of grid point forces or element strain
energy is only available at the end of each subcase. For output of intermediate steps, the
parameter INTOUT on the NLPARM Bulk Data entry must be set to YES or ALL.
• For a model with superelements, the grid point force balance is not in equilibrium along the
boundary of the residual and upstream superelements. This is because the applied load in the
residual does not include the load contributed from upstream superelements when the grid point
force balance is computed. The same situation also occurs in each upstream superelement
whose applied load does not include the contribution from other superelements and the residual.
When the total of the grid force balances of all superelements is added together, equilibrium
is reached.
For example, grid point 123 is located at the boundary between the residual (superelement ID =
0) and an upstream superelement (ID = 10) and is connected to two QUAD4 elements (ID 22 and
21). The output of the grid point force balance is shown below.
Listing 5-3.
Obviously, neither the residual nor the upstream superelement has the balanced grid point force.
However, if both sides are added together, the balance will be reached.
• Computational time and memory requirement increase when grid point force balance or element
strain energy output is requested. For a large nonlinear model, allocation of sufficient memory is
important. Spill logic is built in the code, but it may increase the overall computational time.
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