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Lean Manufacturing A Vital Tool To Enhance Productivity in Manufacturing

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Materials Today: Proceedings 46 (2021) 729–736

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Lean manufacturing a vital tool to enhance productivity in

Atul Palange ⇑, Pankaj Dhatrak
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Dr. Vishwanath Karad, MIT-World Peace University, Pune 411038, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The goal of any manufacturer is customer’s satisfaction this can be achieved by delivering the quality pro-
Received 30 November 2020 duct, right on time at reasonable cost. Any organization whether manufacturing or service will survive
Received in revised form 30 November 2020 and sustain the competency if it is flexible enough to continuously and systematically respond to the cus-
Accepted 7 December 2020
tomers need and accordingly adds value to the product. Equipment, Material, and labour cost will
Available online 23 January 2021
increase with the inflation rate which are the dominant parameters that affect the price of the product.
A simple mathematics, underutilization of equipment, material and labour is direct loss incurred. So,
without any doubt the first focus of attention must be towards maximum utilization of this dominant
parameters followed by reducing wastages in manufacturing activities. Lean manufacturing are now vital
Industry 4.0 tools in all manufacturing sectors like automotive, electronics, plastic, textile, food, dairy, foundry, stamp-
Kaizen ings, maintenance. The benefit observed after implementation of individual or combined lean manufac-
Lean Manufacturing turing technique was reduction in cycle time, elimination of non-valued activities, clean, tidy, and
Six Sigma hygienic workplace. Besides this there will be a smooth production flow, increase in productivity, reduc-
tion in production cost, involvement of employees, documentation of orders, reduction of inventory,
breakdown with better intra and inter connectivity to take decisions fast and quick response. The present
review focuses on different manufacturing sectors to see the effect of lean manufacturing techniques
implemented for improving the process and reducing the wastages.
Ó 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 2nd International Con-
ference on Manufacturing Material Science and Engineering.

1. Introduction the existing manufacturing methods and processes by reducing

waste to excel towards cost reduction, increase in quality, increase
Japanese automotive company, Toyota, founded lean manufac- in profit and maximizing customer value [5,6].
turing (LM) or Toyota Production System (TPS), now been adopted But challenges ahead of them are neck to neck competition,
by most of the countries across the word due to its proven advan- unpredictable economic environment and scarcity of resources
tages in quality improvement, cost reduction, flexibility and quick [7]. It is a business strategy tool used by the company to stay ahead
respond [1]. Lean manufacturing can be best defined as waste dis- of the competitors by adding value in the product and enhancing
posal in a production system that might be related to human the productivity maintaining healthy competitive environment
efforts, time inventory at various stages of production [2]. Lean [8]. Companies implement LM to keep their competitiveness over
manufacturing is an effective and popular tool in most of the man- their competitors by improving the manufacturing system’s pro-
ufacturing and service sector to tackle non valued activities and ductivity and quality enhancement of the product. Hence most of
wastes [3]. Any sort of wastage, in the true sense the activity that the researchers in the academic and manufacturing world are
doesn’t add any value to the end product, have to be reduced or if attracted towards lean manufacturing practices. Each activity has
possible, eliminated to lower cost of production [4]. As the saying to be scrutinized before implementing, right from the design to
goes a penny saved is penny earned and it does matter lot in man- despatch, furthermore each person from the organization pyramid
ufacturing.The main theme behind lean methodology is to reform someway or other will be responsible with an authority to take
decision at his own level in real time.
⇑ Corresponding author. Lean manufacturing is not a gimmick or magic but identifying
E-mail address: atul.palange@mitwpu.edu.in (A. Palange). the non-valued things around the production industry and trying

2214-7853/Ó 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 2nd International Conference on Manufacturing Material Science and Engineering.
A. Palange and P. Dhatrak Materials Today: Proceedings 46 (2021) 729–736

to reduce or eliminate it to increase the productivity or profit with bers. To set the goal, select the facilitator, schedule the quality
streamlining of the process are some silver lining associated with circle activity in various department, monitoring the ongoing
it. The seven types of waste that are considered in lean manufac- activities, be present during presentation, define the policy for
turing are Overprocessing, Overproduction, High inventory, Wait- appraisal, training, promotion, raise etc. Circle leader, head of the
ing time operator/ Material, unnecessary motion, Defects and respective circle generally a supervisor initially later might be
Unnecessary transportation [9]. Besides that, at every step of pro- transferred to workmen rotationally. Workmen are the members
duct development, the concerned wastages are depicted in the of this circle. Leader must maintain enthusiasm and motivate the
Fig. 1. members. Members with positive attitude should participate
The tools of lean manufacturing were developed for maximizing whole heartedly to resolve the problems related to productivity,
capacity utilization, reduction in cycle time, lead time and inven- quality and improvement. [12].
tory, enhancing the product value [10] .
1.1.2. Kaizen
1.1. Various lean manufacturing tools Kaizen is a Japanese philosophy that promotes continuous
improvement as a result of continuous effort and employees’
Lean manufacturing tools are effective wherever there is a involvement [13]. Appreciate even for the small improvement
selection of correct tool, genuity in collected data, involvement of and encourage to continue in future.
people around with positive mindset, to bring out and accept the
change in there working method or culture that will lead to better 1.1.3. 50 s
working environment [11]. The different Lean manufacturing tools There is a place for everything and everything has to be at its
is shown in Fig. 2 and discussed briefly place, kept at the right place, in good condition and available
whenever is required [7]. Eliminate what is not needed (Sort),
1.1.1. Quality circle organize remaining items (Set in order), Keep clean and inspect
Provide the platform for a person to put forth his idea, no one work area (Shine), write standards for above (Standardize), regu-
better knows the problem associated with its work than the person larly apply the standards (Sustain).
who does the work over there and his teammates by brain storm-
ing. Teamwork is the core behind the improvement. The top man- 1.1.4. Cause and effect diagram
agement should encourage, support, and actively participate in This tool is used to graphically represent the factors that influ-
quality circle programs. Steering committee is headed by manag- ences the problem along with brainstorming session to reach the
ing directors or CEO whereas head of the department being mem- root cause of the identified problem [5].

Fig. 1. Wastages identified at different stages of product development.

A. Palange and P. Dhatrak Materials Today: Proceedings 46 (2021) 729–736

Fig. 2. Various Techniques in Lean Manufacturing.

1.1.5. Fmea 1.1.11. Time and motion study

For each component of the product, find the mode of failure, its To record time of various activity time [19] study and to record
effect if it fails and considering the severity, its frequency of occur- every motion during the activity motion study is conducted.
rence and prior detection find its Priority Risk Number (PRN) rank-
ing and the one that is ranked first have to be dealt urgently. 1.1.12. Value stream mapping (VSM)
This process initially begins with current state mapping depict-
ing the flow of material, activities performed during manufacturing
1.1.6. Poka-yoke and if required between manufacturers, suppliers, and distributors
Mistake proofing, it might be successive checking, contact type to deliver products to customers. Followed by proposed future
devices/ non-contact type devices to check the missing parts or a state map with its benefit. The steps followed in VSM is shown
smart design that will accept the part in only one way. Humans in Fig. 4.
are prone to commit the mistake and if this mistake is unnoticed
in the manufacturing cycle it later manifests itself as a defect.
2. Implementation of lean manufacturing in various industry
Using some devices or mechanism at critical stages, if we could
make out these mistakes beforehand it will be a step towards zero
Different lean manufacturing methodologies are implemented
defect and valued product. Poka yoke is any idea, device, mecha-
in wide spectrum of manufacturing hubs to improve the processes
nism or solution in prior detection of mistakes [14].
and enhance productivity.

1.1.7. Single minute exchange dies (SMED) 2.1. Copper wire drawing firm
The technique to shorten the changeover time to one minute is
SMED [15 –17]. Its importance is in discrete or batch production, The firm makes copper wires from the solid copper rods and
during the change of product the change over time can be reduced delivers the final products to the other companies. The problems
by transformation of the internal set up activity to external one identified were Unorganized floor settings resulted in time lost to
and simplification of internal activity to happen it fast. stack raw and finished goods, untidy place always misplaced small
essential components, mess in documentation excessive searching,
and difficulty in sorting, unorganized system adding frustration
1.1.8. Kanban and fatigue among employees, underrated performance of machine
A signalling card method to supply the parts only when [1].
required [2]. The Kanban system is based on a customer of a part Implementation of 50 s lean tool starts with three ‘R’ retain,
pulling the part from the supplier of that part. The customer of return, rid. What is been observed is that, the difficult step in 50 s
the part can be an actual consumer of a finished product (external) is to convince the employees because people are reluctant to
or the production personnel at the succeeding station in a manu- accept the new methods or follow the standards which are differ-
facturing facility (internal). This pull type concept aids in reducing ent from those, till now they were following or accustomed to.
inventory and overhead costs. How much easy or advantageous it might be, change in mindset
of person either by training or convincing is required. ABC micro-
1.1.9. Just in time scale Company accepted the improvements/changes/modification
In the era of mass customization, push type of manufacturing is suggested by ‘‘5S” tool of Lean [20].
not going to work, gone are the days customers were supposed to Cleaning the floors changed the appearance of workplace, made
choose the product available on the shelf. Hereafter pull type of the ambience enjoyable and more hygienic, reducing frustration
manufacturing will be on the driver’s seat, as per the customer’s and fatigue among worker leading to higher efficiency. Machine
requirement the product will be produced and delivered. operators were provided with personal toolboxes, supply closets,
trash cans, sitting stools and workbenches that reduced searching
time during working hours. Periodic maintenance increased
1.1.10. Dmaic machines performance and life. Organized and labelled files led
DMAIC is a data-driven quality technique used to improve pro- to the quick searching of the required document resulting to saved
cesses. DMAIC is an acronym that stands for Define, Measure, Anal- time, no frustration, and unnecessary disputes. Sorting of the store
yse, Improve, and Control [18]. It is a five-step continuous activity avoided mixing up of the orders helped to maintain better inter-
cycle shown in Fig. 3. departmental relations [21].
A. Palange and P. Dhatrak Materials Today: Proceedings 46 (2021) 729–736

Fig. 3. DMAIC Cycle (Data driven quality technique) to improve manufacturing process.

Fig. 4. Steps in Visual Stream Mapping to enhance the existing process.

2.2. Connecting rod manufacturing industry bility of beforehand detection. The component that has Risk Prior-
ity Number (RPN) ranking one, has to be dealt urgently followed by
A private connecting rod manufacturing industry manufactures others in this case it was connecting rod shank. Optimum layout
a connecting rod an engine component that transfers motion from for the connecting rod manufacturing was found out by using a
the piston to the crankshaft and functions as a lever arm. Opera- software. Slight modification in the sequence of operations was
tions performed on connecting rod involves drilling, boring, oil done and again the time study was conducted. The result of imple-
hole drilling, inner diameter surface grinding and outer diameter menting the lean concept were the optimum layouts of the
surface grinding. machine floor, reduction in component handling time and the
Data collection, Time study for various operations were con- reduction in operation time. Achievement was reduction in the
ducted based on that average time period between operations manufacturing time of the component leading to increase in
and operators are calculated [19]. The cause and effect diagram productivity.
were drawn after brain storming sessions to identify the possible
causes for the slower manufacturing time. Furthermore, the Failure 2.3. Plastic bags manufacturing
Mode Effect Analysis (FMEA) [22] for the connecting rod compo-
nents were conducted to find the risk priority ranking of them The firm under study is a manufacturing of plastic bags and
based on severity of failure, frequency of its occurrence and possi- sheets to be used for storing explosives. A Lean manufacturing
A. Palange and P. Dhatrak Materials Today: Proceedings 46 (2021) 729–736

framework is developed using value stream mapping for a plastic the beginning before the breakdown occurs [27]. Here the lean
bag manufacturing unit. It consists of mapping the current process technique is been used with the aid of computer in which data is
of the industry and evaluating the same to identify wastes and bot- to be filled by the concerned person in three record form for fast
tleneck processes. The problem observed were operator idle time maintenance and smooth production without breakdown.
and long cycle times of downstream processes, work in process The employee must fill Breakdown request form furnishing the
inventory, underutilization of machine discontinuous flow, push details like date, time, department, workstation and the probable
system was observed Instead of that the current and future state reason of break down forwarding it to department of maintenance
maps provide vital information related to production process time planning. The maintenance department schedules the maintenance
such as cycle time, lead time and TAKT time [23]. plan and attends the workstation accordingly to eliminate the
Analysis of current and future state maps were done by creating breakdown. Maintenance form records [27] the information at which
models into a simulation software, numerous simulation iterations department, which workstation which machine was attainted parts
results in the most optimum future state map which was then replaced during the maintenance. This record helps in expediting
implemented onto the shop floor. Simulation also minimises the maintenance whenever breakdown occurs on the same machine
chances of problems that may come across while actual implemen- without any delay. Also, it is easier to supervise the performance of
tation of future state map on to the shop floor. The future state map is employees as the dates of maintenance carried out is recorded. The
validated after its implementation on the shop floor. Pull system, person who is been assigned the maintenance task provides the
elimination of in-house process replacing it by suppliers, implemen- details like his name, date, department, workstation, start time
tation of Kanban, shifting of operators to smoothen the process, and completion time of maintenance, type of maintenance, reason
reduction of cycle time, efficient utilization of machine. VSM tools of breakdown and the part repaired or replaced [28]. Inventory record
eliminated non value adding activities reducing the cycle time. TAKT keeps the record of parts consumed and the balanced left and tracks
time was reduced from 46.6 min to 26 min. Number of rolls produc- the reorder quantity and place the order for the same, so that no
tion increased to 50 per day from 28 per day [24]. Inventory was unwanted parts are ordered thus saving the cost of inventory [29].
reduced by scraping push system and shifting to pull system. Trans- Continuous and smooth production is achieved with sufficient
fer of operator from mixing to extrusion and packaging helped to employees reducing the breakdowns, inventory of spare parts,
maintain the continuous flow and running machine to its maximum enhancing the productivity, efficiency of machines, life of machines
output capacity. Weekly demand of 15 tons is satisfied. and equipment, product quality. The direct benefit observed were
reduction in production cost, maintenance cost, energy cost and
2.4. Small and medium scale enterprises repair cost ensuring the safety of employees.

SME’s limitation is financial crunch, working with general pur- 2.6. Construction management
pose machines without accepting modern manufacturing technol-
ogy, traditional approach hard working will suffice, large In construction, survey and the questionnaires, along with the
inventory. Furthermore, un familiar to standards, delegation of series of interviews with the personnel of all levels right from
processes, concurrent engineering within and between various sec- the top to bottom hierarchy of the company was carried out for
tions. decision is taken based on experience of the employees and the data collection, to understand the ground reality of the com-
instinct of management without analyzing the trend in the global pany and its actual working conditions. Follow up interviews, sur-
market and forecasting techniques. Lack of strong supplier net- veys and questionnaires that were framed in related to the Lean
work depend on only few suppliers. Rigid culture [5]. technique were conducted based on the answers received from
Factors in internal organizational that boosts lean manufactur- the personnel. Problems were identified after analysing the
ing in SME are: Leadership, commitment, support. involvement responses, surveys and the data collected.
and approach of top management as it sets the pace. Literacy of The questionnaire was framed in related to the Lean technique,
the employees about lean philosophy either by education or train- the application of it and the periodic visits, clearly showed
ing programs awareness about recent trends, methods and tech- improvements when compared to the initial situation. The major
niques Involvement and empowerment of employee with outcome was cultural resistance minimized and added values to
teamwork spirit, self-motivation, appreciation, achievements high- the daily life at the construction site and the employees’ lives, since
lighted and promotion with incentives. Flexible working culture, there mindset now is ready to accept the professional improve-
out of box thinking, removing of mental block to oppose the ment. The development of a productive environment which aims
change just for sake to oppose. Two-way communication between to reduce waste, costs, deadlines meeting customer needs, increas-
top management and employees breaking the barriers of owner ing efficiency and productivity in construction sites, after imple-
and servant. Sufficient capital, employee’s and time [25]. External mentation of the concepts of Lean Manufacturing in Civil works
organizational factors, All the activities have to be focussed on cus- broke old paradigms in this sector. The estimated cost reduction
tomer satisfaction so their views have to be given utmost impor- for company ‘A’ was 9%, for company ‘B’ 5% and for company ‘C’
tance. Support and encouragement of the government 7% [30] if the method is followed till the completion of the con-
irrespective of the party in the power, accordingly, should frame struction. The cost reduction was mainly due to the process loss
its policies and legislation. and variability reduction, which could require rework in the future.

2.5. Computer assisted maintenance 2.7. Green lean manufacturing

Traditional repair and maintenance are replaced by computer- Social and environmental concern has also provoked manufac-
ized maintenance system that maintains the details regarding turing sector to implement green lean concept in manufacturing.
breakdown [26]. Periodic maintenance is a type of planned main- Concept of this lean manufacturing does not focus on the profit,
tenance irrespective of breakdown maintenance is carried out at an economical aspect but also shows the responsibility towards
certain interval and possible breakdowns are prevented. Predictive nature and society by maintaining its sanity.
Maintenance analyses the various parameters performance with Green lean manufacturing deals with hazardous waste, wastage
standard values and based on its result predicts the problem to of water, pollution of water, land and air, wastage of energy and
correct and eliminate it. Preventive Maintenance is carried out in also encourages reduce-reuse-recycling concept during the manu-
A. Palange and P. Dhatrak Materials Today: Proceedings 46 (2021) 729–736

Table 1
Summary of the manufacturing industries and the lean tools used in process improvement.

Manufacturing Industries Lean manufacturing techniques

50 s DMAIC Fishbone diagram FMEA VSM SMED Kanban Kaizen
p p p p
Food processing industry
Nikhil Nandakumara, et al [3]
p p p
Color industry
Jafri Mohd et al [8]
p p p p
Case study in Indian SMERamakrishnan V et al [39]
p p
Management of Consumable in maintenance
Tomé Pombal et al[40]
p p p
Engine assembly
P. Sivaraman et al [41]
p p
Plastic bag manufacturing Adwait Deshkar et al [23]
p p p p
Pasta manufacturing Mauton Gbededo et al [4]
p p p
Line balancing of windmill gear boxS. Vijay et al [42]
p p p p p
Indian textile industry
M. Mohan Prasad et al [43]
p p
Pharmaceutical industry
Al-Akel Karam et al [17]
p p p p p
SME’s Katarzyna Antosz et al [44]

facturing process [31]. As a social responsibility green lean manu- 3.1. Lean six sigma
facturing not only improves the customer safety and health aspect
but also of employees. Can hazard be eradicated, any alternative Lean manufacturing tools helps to eliminate wastes, reduces
option, modification to reduce its effect, quarantined to avoid con- cycle time by eliminating non valued activities from the manufac-
tact with people or environment, possibility to avoid it through turing process. Whereas Six Sigma is a statistical Quality tool that
engineering, management setting rules or norms to be strictly fol- identifies the variations in the product and uses DMAIC methodol-
lowed, providing personal protective equipment. Illness, injury, ogy to reduces it. Remarkable improvement in overall process per-
working ambience, psychological or emotional imbalance and formance and objective were achieved by combined strategy of
insurance these are the vital parameters that affects performance lean and six sigma known as Lean Six Sigma [36].
of human being [32].
3.2. Lean Industrial 4.0
2.8. Information technology
Digitalization chains both Information Technology (IT) and pro-
In any company communication and information processes is duction any digital adaptation affects existing production systems.
particularly important. It can create a havoc if any Wrong or dis- The digital technology has revolutionized the traditional manufac-
torted information is passed on or there is a delay in sending the turing processes due to fast developments in areas like artificial
information. organized and strong coordination in processes, abol- intelligence, robotics and automation, 3D printing, human–ma-
ishment of redundant information smooth flow, and improvement chine interaction, analysing in virtual environment along with
in communication within the department and vendor.It is been transfer and sharing of data and fast computing capabilities [37].
revealed that information technology can aid administrators, plan- Industrial 4.0 (I4.0) which is nothing but the networking of people
ers and employees with accurate, reliable and timely information and equipment to communicate rapidly with the aid of computer
for decision-making [33]. Structured information through analytical and connectivity to operate, to resolve existing problems or virtu-
models support decision-making [34]. The measure hurdle in data ally dealing with the problems that might occur. Computerization
acquisition are when required no resources or activities are available and connectivity are prerequisites for implementing I4.0, this
that could furnish the information. Time and resources are deployed means all the processes of a company are connected and cross
in investigating the information that is already available, to tackle departmental information sharing is possible.
overload or excess of information, for verifying and correcting the Combined use of lean and I4.0 for evaluation is more prospec-
information that may also contain some irrelevant activities. These tive rather than considering separately [38]. Increasing use of ICT
wastes are not noticeable, it might be the struggle to search the in manufacturing sector has explored its potential that was not
required data or assess the information, checking the authenticity yet tapped. Today’s smart factories are integrated with cyber com-
and if required correction of data. It also involved in just in time ponents like cloud computing, data analytics, software to the man-
manufacturing, recently Toyota Motor Company adopted ‘‘e-Kan ufacturing resources like machines, processes, transportation,
ban’’ system [35]. to control supply chain In today’s changing market sales, and distribution. Important aspects in I4.0 are Horizontal
demand, IT can play an important role because software is a core integration that integrates various IT systems within the company
component in automatic production system. Software makes the and suppliers to have update of stock whenever required. Vertical
manufacturing flexible wired as it adapts itself to any given situation integration integrates IT systems in different authority levels in the
in real time. This is essential for most of the lean Implementing com- company. End-to end engineering tracks the product record right
panies as speed and cost has to be synchronized from the day one till it ceases to give the desired performance
maintaining connectivity end to end.
3. Quality tools and digitalization influence in lean
manufacturing 4. Summary and discussion

Along with lean manufacturing tools, information technology, Lean manufacturing is not a gimmick or magic but is an effec-
statistical quality tool six sigma (Lean six sigma) [8] and software’s tive tool in identifying the non-valued things in any processing
also has significant role to improve productivity and quality of the industry and trying to reduce or eliminate for increasing the pro-
product Table 1. ductivity or profit. It accelerates the company makes it more alert
A. Palange and P. Dhatrak Materials Today: Proceedings 46 (2021) 729–736

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