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Lëssøñ Pårågråph: Understanding A Paragraph

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Lëssøñ Pårågråph

01 introduction
Arrange the following sentences into a composition. Explain your arrangement.

a. All Canadians have access to medical services at a reasonable price.

b. There are three reasons why Canada is one of the best countries in the world.

c. Students are taught by well-trained teachers and are encouraged to continue studying at

d. In general, Canada is a desirable place to live.

e. First, Canada has an excellent health care system.

f. Canadian cities have many parks and lots of space for people to live.

g. Second, Canada has a high standard of education.

h. Finally, Canada's cities are clean and efficiently managed.

1.___ 2. ___ 3. ___ 4. ___ 5. ___ 6. ___ 7. ___ 8. __

Understanding A Paragraph

Task 1 Read this following paragraph named “Animals in Captivity”. Then answer the questions.

1. What is the topic of the paragraph?

2. What is the main idea about the topic?

3. What ideas help explain the main idea?

Animals living in modern zoos enjoy several advantages over animals in the wild; however, they
must also suffer some disadvantages. One advantage of living in captivity is that the animals are
separate from their natural predators; they are protected and can, therefore, live without the risk of
being attacked. Another positive factor is that they are regularly fed a special, well-balanced diet;
thus, they do not have to hunt for food or suffer times when food is hard to find. Furthermore,
veterinarians give them regular check-ups, and whenever the animals are sick, they give them
prompt medical attention. Because all of their needs are taken care of, most zoo animals are

healthy and contented. On the other hand, most zoo animals face several distinct disadvantages.
The most important drawback is that since they do not have to hunt for food or face their enemies,
some animals become bored, discontented, and even nervous. Another negative aspect is that zoo
visitors can endanger their lives. Some animals can pick up airborne diseases from humans unless
they are protected by glass walls. Furthermore, the animals might become seriously ill or even die
because of the food offered by the well-intentioned visitors. Briefly stated, even though animals in
modern zoos live in safe, artificial habitats, life in captivity brings with it a whole new set of

Layout of A Paragraph

Task 2 Analyze this paragraph. What is the problem with the form of this paragraph? How can you
improve it?

Over a million people visit Hawaii each year because of the beautiful weather and wonderful
scenery. The Hawaiian weather has very mild temperatures. For example, August, the hottest
month, averages 78.40 F while February, the coldest month, averages 71,40F.

In addition, the rainfall in Hawaii is not heavy because mountains on the northern side of each
island stop incoming storms; for instance, Honolulu averages only 23 inches of rain per year.

This beautiful weather helps tourists to enjoy Hawaii’s incredible natural scenery, from
mountains, waterfalls to fields of flowers and pineapples.

One unusual place on Kawai is the Waimea Canyon, which looks like the Grand Canyon in

Moreover, one of the world’s largest volcanoes, Haleakala, is located on Maui.

What Makes A Paragraph?

1. The Topic Sentence

The first sentence in the sample “Animals in captivity” is the topic sentence of the paragraph. Read
this paragraph again and answer the following questions:

 What is the function of the topic sentence?

 Why is the topic sentence the most important sentence in a paragraph?
 Where is the topic sentence usually located?
Task 3

Here are some topic sentences. Circle the topic and underline the aspect of the topic that the
paragraph is to discuss.

Example: Owning an automobile is a necessity for me.

1. Smoking is harmful for four reasons.

2. School canteens have three disadvantages.

3. Cloudy weather affects certain people in negative ways.

4. The process of obtaining a driver's license has several steps.

5. There are certain rules of cell phone manners that every student should know.

6. Ancient people held many superstitious beliefs about the moon.

7. The Internet has changed the way students do research for term papers.

8. Having a college degree has many positive effects on a person's life.

9. The use of chemical pesticides can be harmful for animals and plants.

 The underlined part is called controlling idea. So, what is the controlling idea?

 What is the role of the controlling idea in a paragraph?

Task 4 Look at these topic sentences and answer the questions below them.

1. Many students like languages very much.

2. The dictionary contains more than 42,000 words.

 Are they good topic sentences? Why or why not?

 How can you improve the topic sentences above?
 From these examples, can you draw the characteristics of a good topic sentence?

Task 5 Recognizing good topic sentences

Step 1: Read the sentences in each group, and decide which sentence is the best topic sentence.
Write Best TS (for "best topic sentence") on the line next to it.

Step 2: Decide what is wrong with the other sentences. Write Too general, Too specific or
Incomplete on the lines next to them.

The first one has been done as an example.

Group 1

Too specific a. A lunar eclipse is an omen of a coming disaster.

Too general b. Superstitions have been around forever,
Best TS c. People hold many superstitious beliefs about the moon.
Incomplete d. Is made of green cheese.

Group 2

__________ a. The history of astronomy is interesting.

__________ b. Ice age people recorded the appearance of new moons by making scratches in
animal bones.
__________ c. For example, Stonehenge in Britain, built 3500 years ago to track the movement
of the sun.
__________ d. Ancient people observed and recorded lunar and solar events in different ways.

Group 3

__________ a. It is hard to know which foods are safe to eat nowadays.

__________ b. In some large ocean fish, there are high levels of mercury.
__________ c. Undercooked chicken and hamburger may carry E. coli bacteria.
__________ d. Not to mention mad cow disease.
__________ e. Food safety is an important issue.

Group 4
__________ a. Hybrid automobiles are more economical to operate than gasoline-powered cars.
__________ b. The new hybrid automobiles are very popular.
__________ c. Hybrid cars have good fuel economy because a computer under the hood decides
to run the electric motor, the small gasoline engine, or the two together.
__________ d. The new hybrid automobiles are popular because of their fuel economy.

Group 5

__________ a. The North American Catawba Indians of the Southeast and the Tlingit of the
Northwest both see the rainbow as a kind of bridge between heaven and earth.
__________ b. A rainbow seen from an airplane is a complete circle.
__________ с. Many cultures interpret rainbows in positive ways.
__________ d. Rainbows are beautiful.
__________ e. The belief that you can find a pot of gold at a rainbow’s end.

2. The Supporting Sentences

These are sentences that talk about or explain the topic sentence. They are more detailed ideas
that follow the topic sentence. All of the other information in the paragraph must be connected to
one or more of the controlling ideas in the topic sentence.

Task 6 Study the following paragraph and do the tasks below.

Kids and Pets

At some point, most parents have to decide whether or not to allow their children to have pets.
Some parents believe that pets teach children a sense of responsibility because children have to
learn how to take care of their pets. In addition, many parents believe that pets can be fun for the
family. Pets can also help children become more compassionate because children will develop a
special bond with their pets. On the other hand, some parents are afraid that their children might
hurt the animals or that these animals might hurt the children. Cats are good pets, but I do not like
it when they shed hair on the furniture. Often these parents do not allow their children to have any
kind of pet. Other families do not have the extra time or money that pets require. In brief, although
many children want a pet, parents are divided on this issue for a number of significant reasons.

1. Underline the topic sentence.

2. How many sentences do NOT relate to the main idea? Write them down here.

Task 7

The two topic sentences below talk about two different diets. Read the topic sentences, then read
the list of supporting sentences. Match each supporting sentence with the corresponding topic
sentence. Then write the correct topic sentence number on each line beside the supporting

Topic sentences:

TS 1: Low-fat diets are an excellent way to stay healthy.

TS 2: High-protein diets are favored by athletes and competitors.

Supporting sentences

a. ___2__ These foods help build muscles and increase stamina.

b. ___1__ They are preferred by the general public because they help with weight

c. ______ Low-fat diets are recommended by most physicians.

d. ______ Many athletes eat high-protein foods, such as meat, beans, and nuts.

e. ______ Low-fat foods include fruits, vegetables, and pasta.

f. ______ Because they are easy to find in stores, low-fat foods are convenient.

g. ______ Athletes generally eat high-protein diets to give them more energy.

h. ______ Crispy steamed vegetables and grilled fish and chicken are all tasty parts of a
low-fat, heart-friendly diet.

3. The concluding sentence

Task 8 Study the following examples.

1. People like sports cars for different reasons. Young people tend to buy them because they
want to look “cool” to their friends. It is much easier for a young person to impress other people
with a fast sports car than with your father’s minivan. Wealthy people, however, enjoy sports
cars because they want to show others that they have status in their community. I have never
seen a doctor or a lawyer driving around in an old station wagon. Finally, sports cars appeal to
adventurers. Adventurers are people who like to take risks on the road. Whatever the reasons, I
think sports cars are here to stay.

2. Computers are excellent machines to help students. Before computers, students had to do
their schoolwork on typewriters. Typewriters did not allow students to make major changes
easily so they had to use special correction fluid to fix mistakes. Today computers let students
move information around without retyping it and correct errors with little effort. Computers also
make research more convenient for students. For example, before computers students had to go
to the library. Many times they would read for four or five hours in several sources before finding
useful information. However, students can now use the Internet from their home to obtain the
information that they need much more quickly. Computers have certainly made students’ lives
much easier.

3. Swimming pools can be beautiful but they need to be maintained every day. First, you must
check the amount of chlorine in a swimming pool. If there is not enough chlorine, the pool might
begin to grow algae. In addition, you must check the pH level especially after a rainstorm.
Certain chemicals can be added to make sure that the pH level of the pool water is balanced.
Finally, you should remove any leaves and small insects that are in the pool. By doing all these
things, you can be certain that your pool will last a very long time.

4. When I first started my college, I was surprised at all the studying that was required. In high
school, I hardly ever studied, but my grades were fairly good. At the university, it seemed that all
my professors gave me mountains of homework every night. They all thought that their class
was the most important! I could not watch TV anymore because I had to read pages and pages
of information. As a result, my nights out with my friends became limited. In fact, I went out only
on Saturday nights, which was a huge change from high school time when I used to go out every
other night. Although I was surprised at first at the amount of work I had to do, I managed to
change my habits and become a good college student.

5. Sweet tea is a very easy-to-make drink that is popular in the southern United States. Almost
any restaurant in the states of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina will serve this cold
beverage. To make sweet tea, you must boil a pot of water. Once the water boils, you add one
cup of white sugar to the water and stir the sugar until it dissolves. After that, you add four tea
bags to the pot of water, and let the mixture brew for thirty minutes. When the tea is ready, you
can pour it over ice. This sweet drink really helps you refresh.

1. Underline the concluding sentences of the samples

2. Study the following ways to conclude the paragraph. Match them with the concluding
sentences of each paragraph. Write in the space provided.

Ways to conclude a paragraph

 Summarizing
 Restating
 Giving comment/opinion
 Giving prediction
 Giving suggestion

3. Is concluding sentence always necessary? Why/why not?

Suggested signals to end a paragraph:

Finally, … This evidence suggests that …

In brief, … There can be no doubt that …
To summarize, … In conclusion/By means of conclusion, …
It is obvious that … These examples indicate that …
Therefore/Thus, …

Task 9 Turn back to the samples in Task 8. Choose one sample and use different ways to write
alternative conclusions for that sample.

Sample you choose: ______


 Summarizing  Giving prediction

 Restating  Giving suggestion
 Giving comment/opinion

Practice 1

Choose one from the group to begin each paragraph. Make sure that it contains a controlling idea.

1. (a) College exams in Europe are not as hard as those in the United States.
(b) Students in North American universities have to attend more classes than their peers in
(c) There are several major differences between the European and North American university

_____________. In European cities, students are not required to attend classes. In fact, professors
in Germany generally do not know the names of the students enrolled in their courses. In the
United States, however, students are required to attend all classes and many be penalized if they
do not. Furthermore, in the European system, students usually take just one comprehensive
examination at the end of their entire four or five years of study. In North American system, on
the other hand, students usually have numerous quizzes, tests and homework assignments, and
they almost always have to take a final examination in each course at the end of each semester.

2. (a) The importance of space programs can be seen in the technology we use every day

(b) Satellite technology brings more TV programs to households
(c) NASA has an important role in space technology

_____________. Satellite technology allows people to watch TV shows and listen to radio
programs from everywhere on earth. Also, many of the advances in computer technology were
first invented to support space exploration. For example, The National Aeronautics and Space
Administration (NASA) has contributed to the creation of software that people use every day in
manufacturing and design. Robotic technology is another famous example. Engineers designed
robots to work on the International Space Station, but now robots are being developed to do jobs
here on Earth. Therefore, if we consider how space technology has improved our life, we could
see that space exploration is actually important to civilization.

3. (a) Assignments are a very important part of a student’s life.

(b) Some students enjoy doing an assignment for these reasons.
(c) These are the steps to follow when you are doing an assignment.

_____________. First, look for all the information you need. You should go to the library catalogue.
Then look at all the books that might have something on the topic. Often, the librarian is able to
make a suggestion. After that, you must take notes from all the books, articles and
encyclopedias that you have found. Next, draw up a plan for your assignment. Organize all the
information and write a rough draft. Check this draft carefully. Finally, write or type your
assignment. Be sure to add a bibliography of all the materials you have used before you hand it

Practice 2 Write in a topic sentence for these paragraphs.

2. ____________________________________________________________________. First, wearing school

uniforms would help make students lives simpler. They would no longer have to decide what to
wear every morning, sometimes trying on outfit after outfit in an effort to choose the right attire.
Uniforms would not only save time but also would eliminate the stress often associated with this
chore. In addition, uniforms create a feeling of unity among students. For example, when
students do something as a group, such as attend school events or eat lunch in the canteen, the
fact that they all wear the same uniform would create a sense of community. Finally, school
uniforms would help make all the students feel equal. Implementing mandatory school uniforms
would make all the students look the same regardless of their financial status, and help promote
pride and help to raise the self-esteem of students who cannot afford stylish clothing.

Practice 3

Paragraphs 1 and 3 in Practice 1 and paragraphs 1 and 2 in Practice 2 do not have concluding
sentences. Write a concluding sentence for each of these paragraphs. You can summarize the
main points in the paragraph, paraphrase the topic sentences or offer a comment.

PRODUCTION Choose one of the writing prompts below:

1. Why are social networking sites becoming more and more popular?
2. Why is it important for tourists to understand another culture when traveling?
3. Why are there more and more reality shows on television?


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