QNAD 71MR1 AdminGuide
QNAD 71MR1 AdminGuide
QNAD 71MR1 AdminGuide
Installation Guide
Note: Before using this information and the product that it supports, read the information in “Notices and
Trademarks” on page 1.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2012, 2013 All Rights Reserved US Government Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
Supported Web Browsers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Enabling Compatibility View for Internet Explorer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
About the User Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Using the Admin Tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Deploying Changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Updating User Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Resetting SIM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Monitoring QRadar Network Anomaly Detection Systems with SNMP . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Server Discovery Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
Discovering Servers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
Default Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
Default Building Blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
High-Level Event Categories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234
Recon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235
DoS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236
Authentication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238
Access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244
Exploit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246
Malware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247
Suspicious Activity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251
Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255
CRE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255
Potential Exploit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256
SIM Audit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257
VIS Host Discovery. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258
Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258
Audit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279
Intended Audience This guide is intended for the system administrator responsible for setting up
QRadar Network Anomaly Detection in your network. This guide assumes that you
have QRadar Network Anomaly Detection administrative access and a knowledge
of your corporate network and networking technologies.
Indicates that the information provided is supplemental to the associated feature
or instruction.
Indicates that the information is critical. A caution alerts you to potential loss of
data or potential damage to an application, system, device, or network.
Indicates that the information is critical. A warning alerts you to potential dangers,
threats, or potential personal injury. Read any and all warnings carefully before
Technical For information on how to access more technical documentation, technical notes,
Documentation and release notes, see the Accessing IBM Security QRadar Documentation
Technical Note.
Contacting For information on contacting customer support, see the Support and Download
Customer Support Technical Note.
Supported Web You can access the Console from a standard web browser. When you access the
Browsers system, a prompt is displayed asking for a user name and a password, which must
be configured in advance by the IBM Security QRadar Network Anomaly Detection
Table 1-1 Supported Web Browsers
Enabling To enable Compatibility View for Internet Explorer 8.0 and 9.0:
Compatibility View
for Internet Explorer
Step 1 Press F12 to open the Developer Tools window.
Step 2 Configure the following compatibility settings:
Table 1-2 Internet Explorer Compatibility Settings
About the User You must have administrative privileges to access administrative functions. To
Interface access administrative functions, click the Admin tab on the QRadar Network
Anomaly Detection user interface.
Using the Admin The Admin tab provides several tab and menu options that allow you to configure
Tab QRadar Network Anomaly Detection, including:
• System Configuration - Provides access to administrative functionality, such
as automatic updates, backup and recovery, Console configuration, global
system notifications, network hierarchy, system and license management,
system settings, user management, authentication, and authorized services.
• Data Sources - Provides access to log source management, forwarding
destinations, routing rules, custom event and flow properties, event and flow
retention buckets, flow sources management, and vulnerability scanner
• Remote Networks and Services Configuration - Provides access to QRadar
Network Anomaly Detection remote networks and services.
Deploying Changes When you update your configuration settings using the Admin tab, your changes
are saved to a staging area where they are stored until you manually deploy the
Each time you access the Admin tab and each time you close a window on the
Admin tab, a banner at the top of the Admin tab displays the following message:
Checking for undeployed changes.
If undeployed changes are found, the banner updates to provide information about
the undeployed changes.
• To expand a group to display all items, click the plus sign (+) beside the text.
When done, you can click the minus sign (-).
• To expand all groups, click Expand All. When done, you can click Collapse All.
If the list of undeployed changes is lengthy, a scroll bar is provided to allow you to
scroll through the list.
Step 3 Click Hide Details to hide the details from view again.
When you click Deploy Full Configuration, QRadar Network Anomaly Detection
restarts all services, resulting in a gap in data collection for events and flows until
deployment completes.
After you deploy your changes, the banner clears the list of undeployed changes
and checks the staging area again for any new undeployed changes. If none are
present, the following message is displayed: There are no changes to
Updating User You can access your administrative user details through the main QRadar Network
Details Anomaly Detection interface.
The User Details window displays information such as your user name and email
address. You can edit your administrative user details, if required. For more
information on the pop-up notifications, see the IBM Security QRadar Network
Anomaly Detection Users Guide.
Resetting SIM Using the Admin tab, you can reset the SIM module, which allows you to remove
all offense, source IP address, and destination IP address information from the
database and the disk. This option is useful after tuning your deployment to avoid
receiving any additional false positive information.
If you attempt to navigate to other areas of the QRadar Network Anomaly
Detection user interface during the SIM reset process, an error message is
Monitoring QRadar QRadar Network Anomaly Detection supports the monitoring of our appliances
Network Anomaly through SNMP polling. QRadar Network Anomaly Detection uses the Net-SNMP
Detection Systems agent, which supports a variety of system resource monitoring MIBs that can be
with SNMP polled by Network Management solutions for the monitoring and alerting of system
resources. For more information on Net-SNMP, refer to Net-SNMP documentation.
When you initially configure IBM Security QRadar Network Anomaly Detection,
you must create user accounts for all users that require access to QRadar Network
Anomaly Detection.
User Management A user account defines the user name, default password, and email address for a
Overview user. For each new user account you create, you must assign the following items:
• User Role - Determines the privileges the user is granted to access
functionality and information in QRadar Network Anomaly Detection. QRadar
Network Anomaly Detection includes two default user roles: Admin and All.
Before you add user accounts, you must create additional user roles to meet
the specific permission requirement of your users.
• Security Profile - Determines the networks and log sources the user is granted
access to. QRadar Network Anomaly Detection includes one default security
profile for administrative users. The Admin security profile includes access to all
networks and log sources. Before you add user accounts, you must create
additional security profiles to meet the specific access requirements of your
After initial configuration, you can edit user accounts to ensure that user
information is current. You can also add and delete user accounts as required.
Managing Roles Before you can create user accounts, you must create the user roles required for
your deployment. By default, QRadar Network Anomaly Detection provides a
default administrative user role, which provides access to all areas of QRadar
Network Anomaly Detection.
Users who are assigned an administrative user role cannot edit their own account.
This restriction applies to the default Admin user role. Another administrative user
must make any account changes.
You can also access the User Role Management window from the User Details
window. The User Details window allows you to configure a user account. For
more information on user accounts, see Managing User Accounts.
Two default user roles are listed in the left pane of the window: Admin and All. You
can select a role in the left pane to view the associated role permissions in the right
Step 4 On the toolbar, click New.
After you click New, the parameters in the right pane are cleared, allowing you to
create a new user role.
Step 5 Configure the following parameters:
Parameter Description
User Role Name Type a unique name for the role. The user role name must
meet the following requirements:
• Minimum of three characters
• Maximum of 30 characters
Parameter Description
Admin Select this check box to grant the user administrative access
to the QRadar Network Anomaly Detection user interface.
After you select the Admin check box, all permissions check
boxes are selected by default. Within the Admin role, you can
grant individual access to the following Admin permissions:
• Administrator Manager - Select this check box to allow
users to create and edit other administrative user
accounts. If you select this check box, the System
Administrator check box is automatically selected.
• Remote Networks and Services Configuration - Select
this check box to allow users to configure remote networks
and services on the Admin tab.
• System Administrator - Select this check box to allow
users to access all areas of QRadar Network Anomaly
Detection. Users with this access are not able to edit other
administrator accounts.
Offenses Select this check box to grant the user access to all Offenses
tab functionality. Within the Offenses role, you can grant
individual access to the following permissions:
• Assign Offenses to Users - Select this check box to
allow users to assign offenses to other users.
• Customized Rule Creation - Select this check box to
allow users to create custom rules.
• Manage Offense Closing Reasons - Select this check
box to allow users to manage offense closing reasons.
For more information on the Offenses tab, see the IBM
Security QRadar Network Anomaly Detection Users Guide.
Log Activity Select this check box to grant the user access to all Log
Activity tab functionality. Within the Log Activity role, you can
also grant users individual access to the following
• Customized Rule Creation - Select this check box to
allow users to create rules using the Log Activity tab.
• Manage Time Series - Select this check box to allow
users to configure and view time series data charts.
• User Defined Event Properties - Select this check box to
allow users to create custom event properties. For more
information on custom event properties, see the IBM
Security QRadar Network Anomaly Detection Users
For more information on the Log Activity tab, see the IBM
Security QRadar Network Anomaly Detection Users Guide.
Parameter Description
Assets Select this check box to grant the user access to all Assets
tab functionality. Within the Assets role, you can grant
individual access to the following permissions:
• Perform VA Scans - Select this check box to allow users
to perform vulnerability assessment scans. For more
information on vulnerability assessment, see the IBM
Security QRadar Vulnerability Assessment Configuration
• Remove Vulnerabilities - Select this check box to allow
user to remove vulnerabilities from assets.
• Server Discovery - Select this check box to allow users to
discover servers.
• View VA Data - Select this check box to allow users
access to vulnerability assessment data. For more
information on vulnerability assessment, see the IBM
Security QRadar Vulnerability Assessment Configuration
Network Activity Select this check box to grant the user access to all Network
Activity tab functionality. Within the Network Activity role,
you can grant individual access to the following permissions:
• Customized Rule Creation - Select this check box to
allow users to create rules using the Network Activity tab.
• Manage Time Series - Select this check box to allow
users to configure and view time series data charts.
• User Defined Flow Properties - Select this check box to
allow users to create custom flow properties.
• View Flow Content - Select this check box to allow users
access to flow data. For more information on viewing
flows, see the IBM Security QRadar Network Anomaly
Detection Users Guide.
For more information on the Network Activity tab, see the
IBM Security QRadar Network Anomaly Detection Users
Reports Select this check box to grant the user access to all Reports
tab functionality. Within the Reports role, you can grant users
individual access to the following permissions:
• Distribute Reports via Email - Select this check box to
allow users to distribute reports through email.
• Maintain Templates - Select this check box to allow users
to edit reporting templates.
For more information, see the IBM Security QRadar Network
Anomaly Detection Users Guide.
IP Right Click Menu Select this check box to grant the user access to options
Extensions added to the right-click menu.
Parameter Description
Risks This option is only available if IBM Security QRadar Risk
Manager is activated. Select this check box to grant users
access to IBM Security QRadar Risk Manager functionality.
For more information, see the IBM Security QRadar Risk
Manager Users Guide.
You can also access the User Role Management window from the User Details
window. The User Details window allows you to configure a user account. For
more information on user accounts, see Managing User Accounts.
The left pane provides a list of user roles. You can select a role in the left pane to
view the associated role permissions in the right pane.
Step 4 In the left pane, select the role you want to edit.
You can locate a role by typing a role name in the Type to filter text box, which is
located above the left pane.
You can also access the User Role Management window from the User Details
window. The User Details window allows you to configure a user account. For
more information on user accounts, see Managing User Accounts.
The left pane provides a list of user roles. You can select a role in the left pane to
view the associated role permissions in the right pane.
Step 4 In the left pane, select the role you want to delete.
You can locate a role by typing a role name in the Type to filter text box, which is
located above the left pane.
Managing Security The Security Profile Management feature allows you to create and manage
Profiles security profiles. Security profiles define which networks and log sources a user
can access. Using the Security Profile Management window, you can view, create,
update, and delete security profiles.
Creating a Security QRadar Network Anomaly Detection includes one default security profile for
Profile administrative users. The Admin security profile includes access to all networks
and log sources. Before you add user accounts, you must create additional
security profiles to meet the specific access requirements of your users.
You can also access the Security Profile Management window from the User
Details window. The User Details window allows you to configure a user account.
For more information on user accounts, see Managing User Accounts.
The left pane provides a list of security profiles. You can select a security profile in
the left pane to view the associated Security Profile details in the right pane.
Step 4 On the toolbar, click New.
After you click New, the parameters in the right pane are cleared, allowing you to
create a new security profile.
Step 5 Configure the following parameters:
Parameter Description
Security Profile Type a unique name for the security profile. The
Name security profile name must meet the following
• Minimum of three characters
• Maximum of 30 characters
Description Optional. Type a description of the security
profile. The maximum number of characters is
The Summary tab is displayed; however, the summary is not editable. After you
create this security profile, the Summary tab is populated.
Step 6 Click the Permission Precedence tab.
You can also select multiple network or network groups by holding the Control key
while you select each network or network group you want to add.
Step 9 Configure the log sources you want to assign to the security profile:
a Click the Log Sources tab.
b From the navigation tree in the left pane, locate and select the log source group
or log source you want this security profile to have access to. Choose one of
the following options:
- From the Log Sources list box, select a log source group or log source.
- Double-click the folder icons in the navigation tree to navigate to a specific
log source group or log source.
You can also select multiple log source or log source groups by holding the
Control key while you select each log source or log source groups you want to
You can also access the Security Profiles Management window from the User
Details window. The User Details window allows you to configure a user account.
For more information on user accounts, see Managing User Accounts.
The left pane provides a list of security profiles. You can select a security profile in
the left pane to view the associated Security Profile details in the right pane.
Step 4 In the left pane, select the security profile you want to edit.
You can locate a security profile by typing a security profile name in the Type to
filter text box, which is located above the left pane.
Step 6 Update the parameters as required. For more information on the Security Profile
Management window parameters, see Creating a Security Profile.
Step 7 Click Save.
If the Security Profile Has Time Series Data window is displayed, see Step 8.
The security profile is added to the list in the left pane of the Security Profile
Management window. The following message is displayed next to the Save icon:
<security_profile_name> saved, where <security_profile_name> is the
name of the security profile you edited.
Step 8 If the Security Profile Has Time Series Data window is displayed, select one of
the following options:
• Keep Old Data and Save - Select this option to keep previously accumulated
time series data. Choosing this option can cause issues when users associated
with this security profile views time series charts.
• Hide Old Data and Save - Select this option to hiding the time-series data.
Choosing this option restarts time series data accumulation after you deploy
your configuration changes.
If you changed the name of the security profile, the security profile name is
updated in the left pane. The security profile parameters are updated in the right
pane. The following message is displayed next to the Save icon:
<security_profile_name> saved, where <security_profile_name> is the
name of the security profile you edited.
Step 9 Close the Security Profile Management window.
Step 10 On the Admin tab menu, click Deploy Changes.
You can also access the Security Profiles Management window from the User
Details window. The User Details window allows you to configure a user account.
For more information on user accounts, see Managing User Accounts.
The left pane provides a list of security profiles. You can select a security profile in
the left pane to view the associated Security Profile details in the right pane.
Step 4 In the left pane, select the security profile you want to duplicate.
You can locate a security profile by typing a security profile name in the Type to
filter text box, which is located above the left pane.
You can locate a security profile by typing a security profile name in the Type to
filter text box, which is located above the left pane.
Managing User When you initially configure QRadar Network Anomaly Detection, you must create
Accounts user accounts for each of your users. After initial configuration, you may be
required to create additional user accounts or edit existing user accounts.
When you create a new user account, you must assign access credentials, a user
role, and a security profile to the user. User Roles define what actions the user has
permission to perform. Security Profiles define what data the user has permission
to access.
You can create multiple user accounts that include administrative privileges;
however, any Administrator Manager user accounts can create other
administrative user accounts.
Parameter Description
Username Displays the user name of this user account.
Description Displays the description of the user account.
E-mail Displays the email address of this user account.
User Role Displays the user role assigned to this user account.
User Roles define what actions the user has
permission to perform.
Security Profile Displays the security profile assigned to this user
account. Security Profiles define what data the
user has permission to access.
Function Description
New Click this icon to create a user account. For more
information on creating a user account, see
Creating a User Account.
Edit Click this icon to edit the selected user account. For
more information on editing a user account, see
Editing a User Account.
Delete Click this icon to delete the selected user account.
For more information on deleting a user account, see
Deleting a User Account.
Search Users In this text box, you can type a keyword and then
press Enter to locate a specific user account.
Parameter Description
Username Type a unique user name for the new user. The user name must
meet contain a maximum 30 characters.
E-mail Type the user’s email address. The email address must meet the
following requirements:
• Must be a valid email address
• Minimum of 10 characters
• Maximum of 255 characters
Password Type a password for the user to gain access. The password must
meet the following criteria:
• Minimum of five characters
• Maximum of 255 characters
Confirm Password Type the password again for confirmation.
Description Optional. Type a description for the user account. The maximum
number of characters is 2,048.
Parameter Description
User Role From the list box, select the user role you want to assign to this
To add, edit, or delete user roles, you can click the Manage User
Roles link. For information on user roles, see Managing Roles.
Security Profile From the list box, select the security profile you want to assign to
this user.
To add, edit, or delete security profiles, you can click the Manage
Security Profiles link. For information on security profiles, see
Managing Security Profiles.
Authenticating You can configure authentication to validate QRadar Network Anomaly Detection
Users users and passwords. QRadar Network Anomaly Detection supports the following
user authentication types:
• System Authentication - Users are authenticated locally by QRadar Network
Anomaly Detection. This is the default authentication type.
• RADIUS Authentication - Users are authenticated by a Remote Authentication
Dial-in User Service (RADIUS) server. When a user attempts to log in, QRadar
Network Anomaly Detection encrypts the password only, and forwards the user
name and password to the RADIUS server for authentication.
• TACACS Authentication - Users are authenticated by a Terminal Access
Controller Access Control System (TACACS) server. When a user attempts to
log in, QRadar Network Anomaly Detection encrypts the user name and
password, and forwards this information to the TACACS server for
authentication. TACACS Authentication uses Cisco Secure ACS Express as a
TACACS server. QRadar Network Anomaly Detection supports up to Cisco
Secure ACS Express 4.3.
• Active Directory - Users are authenticated by a Lightweight Directory Access
Protocol (LDAP) server using Kerberos.
• LDAP - Users are authenticated by a Native LDAP server.
QRadar Network Anomaly Detection time, see Setting Up IBM Security QRadar
Network Anomaly Detection.
• Ensure all users have appropriate user accounts and roles in QRadar Network
Anomaly Detection to allow authentication with the vendor servers.
When authentication is configured and a user enters an invalid user name and
password combination, a message is displayed indicating the login was invalid. If
the user attempts to access the system multiple times using invalid information, the
user must wait the configured amount of time before attempting to access the
system again. For more information on configuring Console settings for
authentication, see Setting Up IBM Security QRadar Network Anomaly Detection
- Configuring the Console Settings.
To configure authentication:
Step 1 Click the Admin tab.
Step 2 On the navigation menu, click System Configuration > User Management.
Step 3 Click the Authentication icon.
Step 4 From the Authentication Module list box, select the authentication type you want
to configure.
Step 5 Configure the selected authentication type:
a If you selected System Authentication, go to Step 6.
b If you selected RADIUS Authentication, enter values for the following
Table 2-6 RADIUS Authentication Parameters
Parameter Description
RADIUS Server Type the host name or IP address of the RADIUS server.
RADIUS Port Type the port of the RADIUS server.
Parameter Description
Authentication From the list box, select the type of authentication you want to
Type perform. The options are:
• CHAP (Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol) -
Establishes a Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) connection
between the user and the server.
• MSCHAP (Microsoft® Challenge Handshake Authentication
Protocol) - Authenticates remote Windows workstations.
• ARAP (Apple Remote Access Protocol) - Establishes
authentication for AppleTalk network traffic.
• PAP (Password Authentication Protocol) - Sends clear text
between the user and the server.
Shared Secret Type the shared secret that QRadar Network Anomaly Detection
uses to encrypt RADIUS passwords for transmission to the
RADIUS server.
Parameter Description
TACACS Server Type the host name or IP address of the TACACS server.
TACACS Port Type the port of the TACACS server.
Authentication From the list box, select the type of authentication you want to
Type perform. The options are:
• PAP (Password Authentication Protocol) - Sends clear text
between the user and the server. This is the default
authentication type.
• CHAP (Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol) -
Establishes a PPP connection between the user and the
• MSCHAP (Microsoft Challenge Handshake Authentication
Protocol) - Authenticates remote Windows workstations.
• MSCHAP2 (Microsoft Challenge Handshake Authentication
Protocol version 2) - Authenticates remote Windows
workstations using mutual authentication.
• EAPMD5 (Extensible Authentication Protocol using MD5
Protocol) - Uses MD5 to establish a PPP connection.
Shared Secret Type the shared secret that QRadar Network Anomaly Detection
uses to encrypt TACACS passwords for transmission to the
TACACS server.
d If you selected Active Directory, enter values for the following parameters:
Parameter Description
Server URL Type the URL used to connect to the LDAP server. For example,
LDAP Context Type the LDAP context you want to use, for example,
LDAP Domain Type the domain you want to use, for example q1labs.inc.
Parameter Description
Server URL Type the URL used to connect to the LDAP server. For example,
You can use a space-separated list to specify multiple LDAP
SSL Connection From the list box, select True to use Secure Socket Layer (SSL)
encryption when connecting to the LDAP server. The default is
Before enabling the SSL connection to your LDAP server, you
must import the SSL certificate from the LDAP server to the your
QRadar Network Anomaly Detection system. For more
information on how to configure the SSL certificate, see
Configuring your SSL Certificate.
TLS From the list box, select True to start Transport Layer Security
Authentication (TLS) encryption when connecting to the LDAP server. The
default is True.
Search Entire From the list box, select one of the following options:
Base • True - Enables searching all subdirectories of the specified
Directory Name (DN).
• False - Enables searching the immediate contents of the Base
DN. The subdirectories are not searched.
The default is True.
LDAP User Field Type the user field identifier you want to search on, for example,
uid. You can use a comma-separated list to search for multiple
user identifiers.
Base DN Type the base DN for performing searches, for example,
Configuring your SSL If you use LDAP for user authentication and you want to enable SSL, you must
Certificate configure your SSL certificate.
Using features in the System Configuration pane of the Admin tab, you can
manage your license keys, restart or shut down your system, and configure access
Managing Your For your IBM Security QRadar Network Anomaly Detection Console, a default
License Keys license key provides you access to the QRadar Network Anomaly Detection user
interface for 5 weeks. You must manage your license key using the System and
License Management window, which you can access using the Admin tab. This
window provides the status of the license key for each system (host) in your
deployment. Statuses include:
• Valid - The license key is valid.
• Expired - The license key has expired. To update your license key, see
Updating your License Key.
• Override Console License - This host is using the Console license key. You
can use the Console key or apply a license key for this system. If you want to
use the Console license for any system in your deployment, click Revert to
Console on the License window.
Updating your For your QRadar Network Anomaly Detection Console, a default license key
License Key provides you with access to the QRadar Network Anomaly Detection user interface
for 5 weeks. Choose one of the following options for assistance with your license
• For a new or updated license key, contact your local sales representative.
• For all other technical issues, contact Customer Support.
If you log in to QRadar Network Anomaly Detection and your Console license key
has expired, you are automatically directed to the System and License
Management window. You must update the license key before you can continue. If
one of your non-Console systems includes an expired license key, a message is
displayed when you log in indicating a system requires a new license key. You
must navigate to the System and License Management window to update that
license key.
If you want to revert back to the previous license key, click Revert to Deployed. If
you revert to the license key used by the QRadar Network Anomaly Detection
Console system, click Revert to Console.
Exporting Your To export your license key information for all systems in your deployment:
License Key
Step 1 Click the Admin tab.
Step 2 On the navigation menu, click System Configuration.
Step 3 Click the System and License Management icon.
The System and License Management window displays a list of all hosts in your
Step 4 Select the system that includes the license you want to export.
Step 5 From the Actions menu, select Export Licenses.
Step 6 Select one of the following options:
• Open with - Opens the license key data using the selected application.
• Save File - Saves the file to your desktop.
Step 7 Click OK.
Data collection stops while the system is shutting down and restarting.
Data collection stops while the system is shutting down.
Configuring The System and License Management window provides access to the System
Access Settings Setup window, which allows you to configure firewall rules, interface roles,
passwords, and system time.
If you require network setting changes, such as changing an IP address, to your
Console and non-Console systems after your deployment is initially installed, you
must use the qchange_netsetup utility to make these changes. For more
information on changing network settings, see the IBM Security QRadar Network
Anomaly Detection Installation Guide.
Configuring Firewall You can configure local firewall access to enable communications between
Access devices and QRadar Network Anomaly Detection. Also, you can define access to
the System Setup window.
The user name and password are case sensitive.
Step 7 From the menu, select Managed Host Config > Local Firewall.
Step 8 In the Device Access box, you must include any QRadar Network Anomaly
Detection systems you want to access to this managed host. Only the listed
managed hosts have access. For example, if you only enter one IP address, only
that IP address is granted access to the managed host. All other managed hosts
are blocked.
To configure access:
a In the IP Address field, type the IP address of the managed host you want to
have access.
b From the Protocol list box, select the protocol you want to enable access for
the specified IP address and port. Options include:
- UDP - Allows UDP traffic.
- TCP - Allows TCP traffic.
- Any - Allows any traffic.
c In the Port field, type the port on which you want to enable communications.
If you change the External Flow Source Monitoring Port parameter in the
QFlow configuration, you must also update your firewall access configuration. For
more information about QFlow configuration, see Using the Deployment Editor.
d Click Allow.
Step 9 In the System Administration Web Control box, type the IP addresses of
managed hosts that you want to allow access to the System Setup window in the
IP Address field. Only IP addresses listed have access to the QRadar Network
Anomaly Detection user interface. If you leave the field blank, all IP addresses
have access. Click Allow.
Make sure you include the IP address of your client desktop you want to use to
access the QRadar Network Anomaly Detection user interface. Failing to do so
may affect connectivity.
Updating Your Host You can use the System Setup window to configure the mail server you want
Setup QRadar Network Anomaly Detection to use and the global password for QRadar
Network Anomaly Detection configuration:
The user name and password are case sensitive.
Step 7 From the menu, select Managed Host Config > QRadar Setup.
Step 8 In the Mail Server field, type the address for the mail server you want QRadar
Network Anomaly Detection to use. QRadar Network Anomaly Detection uses this
mail server to distribute alerts and event messages. To use the mail server
provided with QRadar Network Anomaly Detection, type localhost.
Step 9 In the Enter the global configuration password, type the password you want to
use to access the host. Type the password again for confirmation.
The global configuration password does not accept special characters. The global
configuration password must be the same throughout your deployment. If you edit
this password, you must also edit the global configuration password on all systems
in your deployment.
Step 10 Click Apply Configuration.
Configuring Interface You can assign specific roles to the network interfaces on each managed host.
To assign roles:
Step 1 Click the Admin tab.
Step 2 On the navigation menu, click System Configuration.
Step 3 Click the System and License Management icon.
Step 4 Select the host for which you want to configure interface role settings.
Step 5 From the Actions menu, select Manage System.
Step 6 Log in to the System Setup window. The default is:
User Name: root
Password: <your root password>
The user name and password are case sensitive.
Step 7 From the menu, select Managed Host Config > Network Interfaces.
For assistance with determining the appropriate role for each interface, contact
Customer Support.
Step 8 For each interface listed, select the role you want to assign to the interface from
the Role list box.
Step 9 Click Save Configuration.
Step 10 Wait for the System Setup window to refresh before continuing.
The user name and password are case sensitive.
Step 7 From the menu, select Managed Host Config > Root Password.
Step 8 Update the passwords:
Make sure you record the entered values. The root password does not accept the
following special characters: apostrophe (‘), dollar sign ($), exclamation mark (!).
• New Root Password - Type the root password necessary to access the
System Setup window.
• Confirm New Root Password - Type the password again for confirmation.
Step 9 Click Update Password.
Updating System You are able to change the time for the following options:
Time • System time
• Hardware time
• Time Zone
• Time Server
All system time changes must be made within the System Time page. You can
only change the system time information on the host operating the Console. The
change is then distributed to all managed hosts in your deployment.
You can configure time for your system using one of the following methods:
• Configuring Your Time Server Using RDATE
• Manually Configuring Time Settings For Your System
The user name and password are case sensitive.
Step 7 From the menu, select Managed Host Config > System Time.
Step 8 Configure the time zone:
a Click the Change time zone tab.
b From the Change timezone to list box, select the time zone in which this
managed host is located.
c Click Save.
Step 9 Configure the time server:
a Click the Time server sync tab.
b Configure the following parameters:
Table 3-1 Time Server Parameters
Parameter Description
Timeserver hostnames or Type the time server host name or IP address.
Set hardware time too Select the check box if you want to set the hardware
Synchronize on schedule? Select one of the following options:
• No - Select this option if you do not want to
synchronize the time. Go to c.
• Yes - Select this option if you want to synchronize
the time.
Simple Schedule Select this option if you want the time update to
occur at a specific time. After you select this option,
select a simple schedule from the list box.
Times and dates are selected Select this option to specify time you want the time
below update to occur. After you select this option, select
the times and dates in the list boxes.
The user name and password are case sensitive.
Step 7 From the menu, select Managed Host Config > System Time.
Step 8 Click the Set time tab.
The Set Time page is divided into tabs. You must save each setting before
continuing. For example, when you configure system time, you must click Apply in
the System Time pane before continuing.
Step 9 Set the system time:
a Choose one of the following options:
- In the System Time pane, using the list boxes, select the current date and
time you want to assign to the managed host.
- Click Set system time to hardware time.
b Click Apply.
Step 10 Set the hardware time:
a Choose one of the following options:
- In the Hardware Time pane, using the list boxes, select the current date and
time you want to assign to the managed host.
- Click Set hardware time to system time.
b Click Save.
Step 11 Configure the time zone:
a Click the Change time zone tab.
b From the Change Timezone To list box, select the time zone in which this
managed host is located.
c Click Save.
Creating Your QRadar Network Anomaly Detection uses the network hierarchy to understand
Network Hierarchy your network traffic and provide you with the ability to view network activity for your
entire deployment.
When you develop your network hierarchy, you should consider the most effective
method for viewing network activity. The network you configure in QRadar Network
Anomaly Detection does not have to resemble the physical deployment of your
network. QRadar Network Anomaly Detection supports any network hierarchy that
can be defined by a range of IP addresses. You can create your network based on
many different variables, including geographical or business units.
Best Practices Consider the following best practice s when defining your network hierarchy:
• To create a clear view of your network, group together systems and user groups
that have similar behavior.
• If your deployment is processing more than 600,000 flows, create multiple
top-level groups.
• Organize your systems and networks by role or similar traffic patterns. For
example, mail servers, departmental users, labs, or development groups. This
organization allows you to differentiate network behavior and enforce network
management security policies.
• Do not group a server that has unique behavior with other servers on your
network. Placing a unique server alone provides the server greater visibility in
QRadar Network Anomaly Detection, allowing you to manage specific policies.
• Within a group, place servers with high volumes of traffic, such as mail servers,
at the top of the group. This provides you with a clear visual representation
when a discrepancy occurs.
• Do not configure a network group with more than 15 objects. Large network
groups can cause you difficulty in viewing detailed information for each object.
• Combine multiple Classless Inter-Domain Routings (CIDRs) or subnets into a
single network group to conserve disk space. For example:
Group Description IP Address
1 Marketing
2 Sales
3 Database Cluster
• Add key servers as individual objects and group other major but related servers
into multi-CIDR objects.
• Define an all-encompassing group so when you define new networks, the
appropriate policies and behavioral monitors are applied. For example:
Group Subgroup IP Address
Cleveland Cleveland misc
Cleveland Cleveland Sales
Cleveland Cleveland Marketing
If you add a new network to the above example, such as, which
is an HR department, the traffic is displayed as Cleveland-based and any rules
applied to the Cleveland group are applied by default.
Parameter Action
Group From the list box, select the group in which you want to add the
new network object.
If required, you can create a new group.
1 Click Add Group.
2 Type a unique name for the group.
3 Click OK.
Name Type a unique name for the object.
Weight Type or select the weight of the object. The range is 0 to 100 and
indicates the importance of the object in the system.
IP/CIDR(s) Type the CIDR range for this object and click Add. For more
information on CIDR values, see Acceptable CIDR Values.
Description Type a description for this network object.
Color Click Select Color and select a color for this object.
Database Length From the list box, select the database length.
CIDR Number of
Length Mask Networks Hosts
/1 128 A 2,147,483,392
/2 64 A 1,073,741,696
/3 32 A 536,870,848
/4 16 A 268,435,424
/5 8A 134,217,712
/6 4A 67,108,856
/7 2A 33,554,428
/8 1A 16,777,214
CIDR Number of
Length Mask Networks Hosts
/9 128 B 8,388,352
/10 64 B 4,194,176
/11 32 B 2,097,088
/12 16 B 1,048,544
/13 8B 524,272
/14 4B 262,136
/15 2B 131,068
/16 1B 65,534
/17 128 C 32,512
/18 64 C 16,256
/19 32 C 8,128
/20 16 C 4,064
/21 8C 2,032
/22 4C 1,016
/23 2C 508
/24 1C 254
/25 2 subnets 124
/26 4 subnets 62
/27 8 subnets 30
/28 16 subnets 14
/29 32 subnets 6
/30 64 subnets 2
/31 none none
/32 1/256 C 1
For example, a network is called a supernet when the prefix boundary contains
fewer bits than the natural (or classful) mask of the network. A network is called a
subnet when the prefix boundary contains more bits than the natural mask of the
• is a class C network address with a mask of /24.
• /22 is a supernet that yields: /24 /24 /24 /24
• /25
Managing QRadar Network Anomaly Detection uses system configuration files to provide
Automatic Updates useful characterizations of network data flows. You can automatically or manually
update your configuration files to ensure your configuration files contain the latest
network security information.
Update files are available for manual download from the Qmmunity website:
QRadar Network Anomaly Detection update files can include the following
QRadar Network Anomaly Detection allows you to either replace your existing
configuration files or integrate the updated files with your existing files to maintain
the integrity of your current configuration and information.
After you install updates on your Console and deploy your changes, the Console
updates its managed hosts if your deployment is defined in your deployment editor.
For more information on using the deployment editor, see Using the Deployment
Failing to build your system and event views in the deployment editor before you
configure automatic or manual updates results in your managed hosts not being
The Console must be connected to the Internet to receive the updates. If your
Console is not connected to the Internet, you must configure an internal update
server for your Console to download the files from. For more information on setting
up an automatic update server, see the Setting Up a QRadar Update Server
Technical Note.
Viewing Your Your system is preconfigured to perform weekly automatic updates. If no updates
Pending Updates are displayed in the Updates window, either your system has not been in operation
long enough to retrieve the weekly updates or no updates have been issued. If this
occurs, you can manually check for new updates. For more information on
checking for new updates, see Checking for New Updates.
Parameter Description
Updates were Specifies the date and time the last update was installed. If no
installed updates have been installed, this following text is displayed: No
updates have been installed.
Next Check for Specifies the date and time the next update is scheduled to be
Updates installed. If auto updates are disabled, the following text is
displayed: Auto Update Schedule is disabled.
Name Specifies the name of the update.
Type Specifies the type of update. Types include:
• DSM, Scanner, Protocol Updates
• Minor Updates
Status Specifies the status of the update. Status types include:
• New - The update is not yet scheduled to be installed.
• Scheduled - The update is scheduled to be installed.
• Installing - The update is currently installing.
• Failed - The updated failed to install.
Date to Install Specifies the date on which this update is scheduled to be
The Check for Updates page toolbar provides the following functions:
Table 4-4 Check for Updates Page Parameters Toolbar Functions
Function Description
Hide Select one or more updates, and then click Hide to remove the
selected updates from the Check for Updates page. You can
view and restore the hidden updates on the Restore Hidden
Updates page. For more information, see Restoring Hidden
Table 4-4 Check for Updates Page Parameters Toolbar Functions (continued)
Function Description
Install From this list box, you can manually install updates. When you
manually install updates, the installation process starts within a
minute. For more information, see Manually Installing
Automatic Updates.
Schedule From this list box, you can configure a specific date and time to
manually install selected updates on your Console. This is useful
when you want to schedule the update installation during
off-peak hours. For more information, see Scheduling an
Unschedule From this list box, you can remove preconfigured schedules for
manually installing updates on your Console. For more
information, see Scheduling an Update.
Search By Name In this text box, you can type a keyword and then press Enter to
locate a specific update by name.
Next Refresh This counter displays the amount of time until the next automatic
refresh. The list of updates on the Check for Updates page
automatically refreshes every 60 seconds. The timer is
automatically paused when you select one or more updates.
Pause Click this icon to pause the automatic refresh process. To
resume automatic refresh, click the Play icon.
Refresh Click this icon to manually refresh the list of updates.
Configuring You can customize the automatic update settings to change the frequency, update
Automatic Update type, server configuration, and backup settings.
Settings To configure automatic updates settings:
Step 1 Click the Admin tab.
Step 2 On the navigation menu, click System Configuration.
Step 3 Click the Auto Update icon.
Step 4 On the navigation menu, click Change Settings.
Step 5 In the Auto Update Schedule pane, configure the schedule for updates:
Parameter Description
Frequency From this list box, select the frequency with which you want to
receive updates. Options include:
• Disabled
• Weekly
• Monthly
• Daily
The default frequency is Weekly.
Hour From this list box, select the time of day you want your system to
update. The default hour is 3 am.
Week Day This option is only available if you select Weekly as the update
From this list box, select the day of the week you want to
receive updates. The default week day is Monday.
Month Day This option is only active when you select Monthly as the update
From this list box, select the day of the month you want to
receive updates. The default month day is 1.
Step 6 In the Update Types pane, configure the types of updates you want to install:
Parameter Description
Configuration From this list box, select the method you want to use for updating
Updates your configuration files:
• Auto Integrate - Select this option to integrate the new
configuration files with your existing files and maintain the
integrity of your information. This is the default setting.
• Auto Update - Select this option to replace your existing
configuration files with the new configuration files.
• Disable - Select this option to prevent configuration updates.
Parameter Description
DSM, Scanner, From this list box, select one of the following options for DSM
Protocol Updates updates:
• Disable - Select this option to prevent DSM, scanner, and
protocol updates being installed on your system.
• Manual Install - Select this option to download the DSM,
scanner, and protocol updates to the designated download
path location. If you choose this option, you must manually
install the updates. See Manually Installing Automatic
• Auto Install - Select this option to download the DSM,
scanner, and protocol updates to the designated download
path location and automatically install the update. This is the
default setting.
Major Updates From this list box, select one of the following options for major
• Disable - Select this option to prevent major updates being
installed on your system. This is the default setting.
• Download - Select this option to download the major updates
to the designated download path location. If you choose this
option, you must manually install the updates from a
command line interface (CLI). See the readme file in the
download files for installation instructions.
Note: Major updates cause service interruptions during
Minor Updates From this list box, select one of the following options for minor
• Disable - Select this option to prevent minor updates being
installed on your system.
• Manual Install- Select this option to download the minor
updates to the designated download path location. if you
choose this option, you must manually install the updates. See
Manually Installing Automatic Updates.
• Auto Install - Select this option to automatically install minor
updates on your system. This is the default setting.
Step 7 Select the Auto Deploy check box if you want to deploy update changes
automatically after updates are installed.
If this check box is clear, a system notification is displayed on the Dashboard tab
indicating that you must deploy changes after updates are installed. By default, the
check box is selected.
Step 8 Select the Auto Restart Service check box if you want to restart the user interface
service automatically after updates are installed.
When this option is enabled, automatic updates that require the user interface to
restart is automatically performed. A user interface disruption occurs when the
service restarts. When this option is disabled, updates that require your user
interface to restart are prevented from automatically installing. You can manually
install the updated from the Check for Updates window.
Step 9 Click the Advanced tab.
Step 10 In the Server Configuration pane, configure the server settings:
Parameter Description
Web Server Type the web server from which you want to obtain the updates.
The default web server is:
Directory Type the directory location on which the web server stores the
updates. The default directory is autoupdates/.
Proxy Server Type the URL for the proxy server. The proxy server is only
required if the application server uses a proxy server to connect
to the Internet.
Proxy Port Type the port for the proxy server. The proxy port is only required
if the application server uses a proxy server to connect to the
Proxy Username Type the user name for the proxy server. A user name is only
required if you are using an authenticated proxy.
Proxy Password Type the password for the proxy server. A password is only
required if you are using an authenticated proxy.
Parameter Description
Send feedback Select this check box if you want to send feedback to IBM
regarding the update. Feedback is sent automatically using a
web form when errors occur with the update. By default, this
check box is clear.
Backup Retention Type or select the length of time, in days, that you want to store
Period (days) files that are replaced during the update process. The files are
stored in the location specified in the Backup Location
parameter. The default backup retention period is 30 days. The
minimum is 1 day and the maximum is 65535 years.
Backup Location Type the location where you want to store backup files.
Download Path Type the directory path location to which you want to store DSM,
minor, and major updates. The default directory path is
For detailed information on each update, select the update. A description and
any error messages are displayed in the right pane of the window.
To schedule an update:
Step 1 Click the Admin tab.
Step 2 On the navigation menu, click System Configuration.
Step 3 Click the Auto Update icon.
Step 4 Optional. If you want to schedule specific updates, select the updates you want to
Step 5 From the Schedule list box, select the type of update you want to schedule.
Options include:
• All Updates
• Selected Updates
• DSM, Scanner, Protocol Updates
• Minor Updates
Step 6 Using the calendar, select the start date and time of when you want to start your
scheduled updates.
Step 7 Click OK.
The selected updates are now scheduled.
Clearing Scheduled Scheduled updates display a status of Scheduled in the Status field. If required,
Updates you can clear a scheduled update.
Checking for New IBM provides updates on a regular basis. By default, the Auto Update feature is
Updates scheduled to automatically download and install updates. If you require an update
at a time other than the preconfigured schedule, you can download new updates
using the Get new updates icon.
Manually Installing IBM provides updates on a regular basis. By default, the Auto Update feature is
Automatic Updates scheduled to automatically download and install updates. If you want to install an
update at a time other than the preconfigured schedule, you can install an update
using the Install list box on the toolbar.
To manually install automatic updates:
Step 1 Click the Admin tab.
Step 2 On the navigation menu, click System Configuration.
Step 3 Click the Auto Update icon.
Step 4 On the navigation menu, click Check for Updates.
Step 5 Optional. If you want to install specific updates, select the updates you want to
Step 6 From the Install list box, select the type of update you want to install. Options
• All Updates
• Selected Updates
• DSM, Scanner, Protocol Updates
• Minor Updates
Viewing Your Update After an update was successfully installed or failed to install, the update is
History displayed on the View Update History page.
Parameter Description
Name Specifies the name of the update.
Type Specifies the type of update. Types include:
• DSM, Scanner, Protocol Updates
• Minor Updates
Status Specifies the status of the update. Status types include:
• Installed
• Failed
Installed Date Specifies the date on which the update was installed or failed.
Step 5 Optional. Using the Search by Name text box, you can type a keyword and then
press Enter to locate a specific update by name.
Step 6 To investigate a specific update, select the update.
A description of the update and any installation error messages are displayed in
the right pane.
Restoring Hidden Using the Hide icon, you can remove selected updates from the Check for Updates
Updates page. You can view and restore the hidden updates on the Restore Hidden Updates
Viewing the The Autoupdate feature logs the most recent automatic update run on your
Autoupdate Log system. You can view the Autoupdate log on the QRadar Network Anomaly
Detection user interface using the View Log feature.
To view the Autoupdate log:
Step 1 Click the Admin tab.
Step 2 On the navigation menu, click System Configuration.
Step 3 Click the Auto Update icon.
Step 4 On the navigation menu, click View Log.
Parameter Description
System Settings
Administrative Email Type the email address of the designated system
Address administrator. The default email address is
Alert Email From Address Type the email address from which you want to receive
email alerts. This address is displayed in the From field of
the email alerts. A valid address is required by most email
servers. The default email address is
Resolution Interval Length Resolution interval length determines at what interval the
QRadar QFlow Collectors and Event Collectors send
bundles of information to the Console. From the list box,
select the interval length, in minutes. The options include:
• 30 seconds
• 1 minute (default)
• 2 minutes
Note: If you select the 30 seconds option, results are
displayed on the QRadar Network Anomaly Detection
user interface as the data enters the system.
However, with shorter intervals, the volume of time
series data is larger and the system may experience
delays in processing the information.
Parameter Description
Delete Root Mail Root mail is the default location for host context
messages. From the list box, select one of the following
• Yes - Delete the local administrator email. This is the
default setting.
• No - Do not delete the local administrator email.
Temporary Files From the list box, select the period of time you want the
Retention Period system to retain temporary files. The default storage
location for temporary files is the /store/tmp directory. The
default retention period is 6 hours. The minimum is 6
hours and the maximum is 2 years.
Asset Profile Reporting Type or select the interval, in seconds, that the database
Interval stores new asset profile information. The default reporting
interval is 900 seconds. The minimum is zero (0) and the
maximum is 4294967294.
Asset Profile Query From the list box, select the period of time for an asset
Period search to process before a time-out occurs. The default
query period is 1 day. The minimum is 1 day and 1 week.
VIS Passive Asset Profile Type or select the interval, in seconds, that the database
Interval stores all passive asset profile information. The default
interval is 86400 seconds. The minimum is zero (0) and
the maximum is 4294967294.
TNC Recommendation Trusted Network Computing (TNC) recommendations
Enable enable you to restrict or deny access to the network
based on user name or other credentials. From the list
box, select one of the following options:
• Yes - Enables the TNC recommendation functionality.
• No - Disables the TNC recommendation functionality.
The default setting is No.
Coalescing Events From the list box, select one of the following options:
• Yes - Enables log sources to coalesce (bundle) events.
• No - Prevents log sources from coalescing (bundling)
This value applies to all log sources. However, if you want
to alter this value for a specific log source, edit the
Coalescing Event parameter in the log source
configuration. For more information, see the IBM Security
QRadar Log Sources Users Guide.
The default setting is Yes.
Parameter Description
Store Event Payload From the list box, select one of the following options:
• Yes - Enables log sources to store event payload
• No - Prevents log sources from storing event payload
This value applies to all log sources. However, if you want
to alter this value for a specific log source, edit the Event
Payload parameter in the log source configuration. For
more information, see the IBM Security QRadar Log
Sources Users Guide.
The default setting is Yes.
Global Iptables Access Type the IP addresses of non-Console systems that do
not have iptables configuration to which you want to
enable direct access. To enter multiple systems, type a
comma-separated list of IP addresses.
Syslog Event Timeout Type or select the amount of time, in minutes, that the
(minutes) status of a syslog device is recorded as error if no events
have been received within the timeout period. The status
is displayed on the Log Sources window (for more
information, see the IBM Security QRadar Log Sources
Users Guide).
The default setting is 720 minutes (12 hours). The
minimum value is zero (0) and the maximum value is
Partition Tester Timeout Type or select the amount of time, in seconds, for a
(seconds) partition test to perform before a time-out occurs. The
default setting is 30. The minimum is zero (0) and the
maximum is 4294967294. The default setting is 86400.
Max Number of TCP Type or select the maximum number of Transmission
Syslog Connections Control Protocol (TCP) syslog connections you want to
allow your system. The minimum is 0 and the maximum is
4294967294. The default is 2500.
Export Directory Type the location where offense, event, and flow exports
are stored. The default location is /store/exports.
Database Settings
User Data Files Type the location of the user profiles. The default location
is /store/users.
Accumulator Retention - From the list box, select the period of time you want to
Minute-By-Minute retain minute-by-minute data accumulations. The default
setting is 1 week. The minimum is 1 day and the
maximum is 2 years.
Every 60 seconds, the data is aggregated into a single
data set.
Parameter Description
Accumulator Retention - From the list box, select the period of time you want to
Hourly retain hourly data accumulations. The default setting is 33
days. The minimum is 1 day and the maximum is 2 years.
At the end of every hour, the minute-by minute data sets
are aggregated into a single hourly data set.
Accumulator Retention - From the list box, select the period of time you want to
Daily retain daily data accumulations. The default setting is 1
year. The minimum is 1 day and the maximum is 2 years.
At the end of every day, the hourly data sets are
aggregated into a single daily data set.
Payload Index Retention From the list box, select the amount of time you want to
store event and flow payload indexes. The default setting
is 1 week. The minimum is 1 day and the maximum is 2
For more information on payload indexing, see the
Enabling Payload Indexing for Quick Filtering Technical
Offense Retention Period From the list box, select the period of time you want to
retain closed offense information. The default setting is 30
days. The minimum is 1 day and the maximum is 2 years.
After the offense retention period has elapsed, closed
offenses are purged from the database.
Note: Offenses can be retained indefinitely as long as
they are not closed and they are still receiving events.
The magistrate automatically closes an offense if the
offense has not received an event for 5 days. This
5-day period is known as the dormant time. If an event
is received during the dormant time, the dormant time
is reset back to zero. When an offense is closed either
by you or the magistrate, the Offense Retention
Period setting is applied.
Attacker History Retention From the list box, select the amount of time that you want
Period to store the attacker history. The default setting is 6
months. The minimum is 1 day and the maximum is 2
Ariel Database Settings
Flow Data Storage Type the location that you want to store the flow log
Location information. The default location is /store/ariel/flows.
Note: This is a global setting, applied to all Consoles and
managed hosts in your deployment.
Asset Profile Storage Type the location where you want to store asset profile
Location information. The default location is /store/ariel/hprof.
Parameter Description
Asset Profile Retention From the list box, select the period of time, in days, that
Period you want to store the asset profile information. The default
setting is 30 days. The minimum is 1 day and the
maximum is 2 years.
Log Source Storage Type the location where you want to store the log source
Location information. The default location is /store/ariel/events.
Note: This is a global setting, applied to Consoles and
managed hosts in your deployment.
Search Results Retention From the list box, select the amount of time you want to
Period store event and flow search results. The default setting is
1 day. The minimum is 1 day and the maximum is 3
Reporting Max Matched Type or select the maximum number of results you want a
Results report to return. This value applies to the search results
on the Offenses, Log Activity, and Network Activity
tabs. The default setting is 1,000,000. The minimum value
is zero (0) and the maximum value is 4294967294.
Command Line Max Type or select the maximum number of results you want
Matched Results the AQL command line to return. The default setting is 0.
The minimum value is zero (0) and the maximum value is
Web Execution Time Limit Type or select the maximum amount of time, in seconds,
you want a query to process before a time-out occurs.
This value applies to the search results on the Offenses,
Log Activity, and Network Activity tabs. The default
setting is 600 seconds. The minimum value is zero (0)
and the maximum value is 4294967294.
Reporting Execution Time Type or select the maximum amount of time, in seconds,
Limit for Manual Reports you want a reporting query to process before a time-out
occurs. The default setting is 57600 seconds. The
minimum value is zero (0) and the maximum value is
Command Line Execution Type or select the maximum amount of time, in seconds,
Time Limit you want a query in the AQL command line to process
before a time-out occurs. The default setting is 0 seconds.
The minimum value is zero (0) and the maximum value is
Web Last Minute (Auto From the list box, select the maximum amount of time, in
refresh) Execution Time seconds, you want an auto refresh to process before a
Limit time-out occurs. The default setting is 10 seconds. The
maximum is 40 seconds.
Parameter Description
Flow Log Hashing From the list box, select one of the following options:
• Yes - Enables QRadar Network Anomaly Detection to
store a hash file for every stored flow log file.
• No - Prevents QRadar Network Anomaly Detection
from storing a hash file for every stored flow log file.
The default setting is No.
Event Log Hashing From the list box, select one of the following options:
• Yes - Enables QRadar Network Anomaly Detection to
store a hash file for every stored event log file.
• No - Prevents QRadar Network Anomaly Detection
from storing a hash file for every stored event log file.
The default setting is No.
HMAC Encryption This parameter is only displayed when the Event Log
Hashing or Flow Log Hashing system setting is
From the list box, select one of the following options:
• Yes - Enables QRadar Network Anomaly Detection to
encrypt the integrity hashes on stored event and flow
log files.
• No - Prevents QRadar Network Anomaly Detection
from encrypting the integrity hashes on stored event
and flow log files.
The default setting is No.
HMAC Key This parameter is only displayed when the HMAC
Encryption system setting is enabled.
Type the key you want to use for HMAC encryption. The
maximum character length is 128 characters. The key
must be unique.
Verify This parameter is only displayed when the HMAC
Encryption system setting is enabled.
Retype the key you want to use for HMAC encryption.
The key must match the key you typed in the HMAC Key
Parameter Description
Hashing Algorithm You can use a hashing algorithm for database integrity.
QRadar Network Anomaly Detection uses the following
hashing algorithm types:
• Message-Digest Hash Algorithm - Transforms digital
signatures into shorter values called Message-Digests
• Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA) Hash Algorithm -
Standard algorithm that creates a larger (60 bit) MD.
From the list box, select the log hashing algorithm
you want to use for your deployment.
Parameter Description
Transaction Sentry Settings
Transaction Max Time A transaction sentry detects unresponsive applications
Limit using transaction analysis. If an unresponsive application
is detected, the transaction sentry attempts to return the
application to a functional state.
From the list box, select the length of time you want the
system to check for transactional issues in the database.
The default setting is 10 minutes. The minimum is 1
minute and the maximum is 30 minutes.
Resolve Transaction on From the list box, select whether you want the transaction
Non-Encrypted Host sentry to resolve all error conditions detected on the
Console or non-encrypted managed hosts.
If you select No, the conditions are detected and logged
but you must manually intervene and correct the error.
The default setting is Yes.
Resolve Transaction on From the list box, select whether you want the transaction
Encrypted Host sentry to resolve all error conditions detected on the
encrypted managed host.
If you select No, the conditions are detected and logged
but you must manually intervene and correct the error.
The default setting is Yes.
SNMP Settings
SNMP Version From the list box, choose one of the following options:
• Disabled - Select this option if you do not want SNMP
responses in the QRadar Network Anomaly Detection
custom rules engine. Disabling SNMP indicates that
you do not want to accept events using SNMP. This
the default.
• SNMPv3 - Select this option if you want to use SNMP
version 3 in your deployment.
• SNMPv2c - Select this option if you want to use SNMP
version 2 in your deployment.
SNMPv2c Settings
Destination Host Type the IP address to which you want to send SNMP
Destination Port Type the port number to which you want to send SNMP
notifications. The default port is 162.
Community Type the SNMP community, such as public.
SNMPv3 Settings
Destination Host Type the IP address to which you want to send SNMP
Destination Port Type the port to which you want to send SNMP
notifications. The default port is 162.
Parameter Description
Username Type the name of the user you want to access SNMP
related properties.
Security Level From the list box, select the security level for SNMP. The
options are:
• NOAUTH_NOPRIV - Indicates no authorization and no
privacy. This the default.
• AUTH_NOPRIV - Indicates authorization is permitted
but no privacy.
• AUTH_PRIV - Allows authorization and privacy.
Authentication Protocol From the list box, select the algorithm you want to use to
authenticate SNMP traps.
Authentication Password Type the password you want to use to authenticate SNMP
Privacy Protocol From the list box, select the protocol you want to use to
decrypt SNMP traps.
Privacy Password Type the password used to decrypt SNMP traps.
Embedded SNMP Daemon Settings
Enabled From the list box, select one of the following options:
• Yes - Enables access to data from the SNMP Agent
using SNMP requests.
• No - Disables access to data from the SNMP Agent
using SNMP requests.
The default setting is Yes.
After you enable the embedded SNMP daemon, you must
access the host specified in the Destination Host
parameter and type qradar in the Username field. A
password is not required. The location where you
configure a destination host to communicate with QRadar
Network Anomaly Detection can vary depending on the
vendor host. For more information on configuring your
destination host to communicate with QRadar Network
Anomaly Detection, see your vendor documentation.
Daemon Port Type the port you want to use for sending SNMP
Community String Type the SNMP community, such as public. This
parameter only applies if you are using SNMPv2 and
IP Access List Type the systems that can access data from the SNMP
agent using an SNMP request. If the Enabled option is
set to Yes, this option is enforced.
Parameter Description
IF-MAP Client/Server Settings
IF-MAP Version The Interface For Metadata Access Points (IF-MAP) rule
response enables QRadar Network Anomaly Detection to
publish alert and offense data derived from events, flows,
and offense data on an IF-MAP server.
From the list box, select one of the following options:
• Disabled - Select this option if you want to disable
access to the IF-MAP Server. This is the default
setting. When disabled, the other IF-MAP Client/Server
settings are not displayed.
• 1.1 - Select this option if you want to use IF-MAP
version 1.1 in your deployment.
• 2.0 - Select this option if you want to use IF-MAP
version 2.0 in your deployment.
Server Address Type the IP address of the IF-MAP server.
Basic Server Port Type or select the port number for the basic IF-MAP
server. The default port is 8443.
Credential Server Port Type or select the port number for the credential server.
The default port is 8444.
Authentication Before you can configure IF-MAP authentication, you
must configure your IF-MAP server certificate. For more
information on how to configure your IF-MAP certificate,
see Configuring your IF-MAP Server Certificates.
Using the list box, select the authentication type from the
following options:
• Basic - Select this option to use basic authentication.
When you select this option, the Username and User
Password parameters are displayed.
• Mutual - Select this option to use mutual
authentication. When you select this option, the Key
Password parameter is displayed. The default
authentication type is Mutual.
Key Password This setting is displayed only when you select the Mutual
option for the Authentication setting.
Type the key password to be shared between the IF-MAP
client and server.
Username This setting is displayed only when you select the Basic
option for the Authentication setting.
Type the user name required to access the IF-MAP
User Password This setting is displayed only when you select the Basic
option for the Authentication setting.
Type the password required to access the IF-MAP server.
Configuring your Before you can configure IF-MAP authentication, you must configure your IF-MAP
IF-MAP Server server certificate.
This section includes the following topics:
• Configuring IF-MAP Server Certificate for Basic Authentication
• Configuring IF-MAP Server Certificate for Mutual Authentication
Using Event and Using the Event Retention and Flow Retention features available on the Admin
Flow Retention tab, you can configure retention buckets. Each retention bucket defines a retention
Buckets policy for events and flows that match custom filter requirements. As QRadar
Network Anomaly Detection receives events and flows, each event and flow is
compared against retention bucket filter criteria. When an event or flow matches a
retention bucket filter, it is stored in that retention bucket until the retention policy
time period is reached. This feature enables you to configure multiple retention
Retention buckets are sequenced in priority order from the top row to the bottom
row on the Event Retention and Flow Retention windows. A record is stored in the
bucket that matches the filter criteria with highest priority. If the record does not
match any of your configured retention buckets, the record is stored in the default
retention bucket, which is always located below the list of configurable retention
Configuring Event By default, the Event Retention feature provides a default retention bucket and 10
Retention Buckets unconfigured retention buckets. Until you configure an event retention bucket, all
events are stored in the default retention bucket.
Parameter Description
Order Specifies the priority order of the retention buckets.
Name Specifies the name of the retention bucket.
Retention Specifies the retention period of the retention bucket.
Parameter Description
Compression Specifies the compression policy of the retention bucket.
Deletion Policy Specifies the deletion policy of the retention bucket.
Filters Specifies the filters applied to the retention bucket. Move your
mouse pointer over the Filters parameter for more information on
the applied filters.
Distribution Specifies the retention bucket usage as a percentage of total
event retention in all your retention buckets.
Enabled Specifies whether the retention bucket is enabled (true) or
disabled (false). The default setting is true.
Creation Date Specifies the date and time the retention bucket was created.
Modification Date Specifies the date and time the retention bucket was last
Function Description
Edit Click Edit to edit a retention bucket. For more information on
editing a retention bucket, see Editing a Retention Bucket.
Enable/Disable Click Enable/Disable to enable or disable a retention bucket.
For more information on enabling and disabling retention
buckets, see Enabling and Disabling a Retention Bucket.
Delete Click Delete to delete a retention bucket. For more
information on deleting retention buckets, see Deleting a
Retention Bucket.
Parameter Description
Name Type a unique name for the retention bucket.
Keep data placed From the list box, select a retention period. When the retention
in this bucket for period is reached, events are deleted according to the Delete
data in this bucket parameter. The default setting is 1 month.
The minimum is 1 day and the maximum is 2 years.
Parameter Description
Allow data in this Select the check box to enable data compression, and then
bucket to be select a time frame from the list box. When the time frame is
compressed reached, all events in the retention bucket are eligible to be
compressed. This increases system performance by
guaranteeing that no data is compressed within the specified time
period. Compression only occurs when used disk space reaches
83% for payloads and 85% for records.
The default setting is 1 week. The minimum is Never and the
maximum is 2 weeks.
Delete data in this From the list box, select a deletion policy. Options include:
bucket • When storage space is required - Select this option if you
want events that match the Keep data placed in this bucket
for parameter to remain in storage until the disk monitoring
system detects that storage is required. If used disk space
reaches 85% for records and 83% for payloads, data will be
deleted. Deletion continues until the used disk space reaches
82% for records and 81% for payloads.
When storage is required, only events that match the Keep
data placed in this bucket for parameter are deleted.
• Immediately after the retention period has expired - Select
this option if you want events to be deleted immediately on
matching the Keep data placed in this bucket for parameter.
The events are deleted at the next scheduled disk
maintenance process, regardless of free disk space or
compression requirements.
Description Type a description for the retention bucket. This field is optional.
Current Filters In the Current Filters pane, configure your filters.
To add a filter:
1 From the first list box, select a parameter you want to filter for.
For example, Device, Source Port, or Event Name.
2 From the second list box, select the modifier you want to use
for the filter. The list of modifiers depends on the attribute
selected in the first list.
3 In the text field, type specific information related to your filter.
4 Click Add Filter.
The filters are displayed in the Current Filters text box. You can
select a filter and click Remove Filter to remove a filter from the
Current Filter text box.
Configuring Flow By default, the Flow Retention feature provides a default retention bucket and 10
Retention Buckets unconfigured retention buckets. Until you configure a flow retention bucket, all
flows are stored in the default retention bucket.
Parameter Description
Order Specifies the priority order of the retention buckets.
Name Specifies the name of the retention bucket.
Retention Specifies the retention period of the retention bucket.
Compression Specifies the compression policy of the retention bucket.
Deletion Policy Specifies the deletion policy of the retention bucket.
Filters Specifies the filters applied to the retention bucket. Move your
mouse pointer over the Filters parameter for more information on
the applied filters.
Distribution Specifies the retention bucket usage as a percentage of total
event or flow retention in all your retention buckets.
Enabled Specifies whether the retention bucket is enabled (true) or
disabled (false). The default setting is true.
Creation Date Specifies the date and time the retention bucket was created.
Modification Date Specifies the date and time the retention bucket was last
Function Description
Edit Click Edit to edit a retention bucket. For more information on
editing a retention bucket, see Editing a Retention Bucket.
Enable/Disable Click Enable/Disable to enable or disable a retention bucket.
By default, retention buckets are enabled. For more
information on disabling retention buckets, see Enabling and
Disabling a Retention Bucket.
Delete Click Delete to delete a retention bucket. For more
information on deleting retention buckets, see Deleting a
Retention Bucket.
Parameter Description
Name Type a unique name for the retention bucket.
Keep data placed From the list box, select a retention period. When the retention
in this bucket for period is reached, flows are deleted according to the Delete data
in this bucket parameter. The default setting is 1 month. The
minimum is 1 day and the maximum is 2 years.
Allow data in this Select the check box to enable data compression, and then
bucket to be select a time frame from the list box. When the time frame is
compressed reached, all flows in the retention bucket are eligible to be
compressed. This increases system performance by
guaranteeing that no data is compressed within the specified time
period. Compression only occurs when used disk space reaches
83% for payloads and 85% for records.
The default setting is 1 week. The minimum is Never and the
maximum is 2 weeks.
Delete data in this From the list box, select a deletion policy. Options include:
bucket • When storage space is required - Select this option if you
want events that match the Keep data placed in this bucket
for parameter to remain in storage until the disk monitoring
system detects that storage is required. If used disk space
reaches 85% for records and 83% for payloads, data will be
deleted. Deletion continues until the used disk space reaches
82% for records and 81% for payloads.
When storage is required, only events that match the Keep
data placed in this bucket for parameter are deleted.
• Immediately after the retention period has expired - Select
this option if you want events to be deleted immediately on
matching the Keep data placed in this bucket for parameter.
The events are deleted at the next scheduled disk
maintenance process, regardless of free disk space or
compression requirements.
Description Type a description for the retention bucket. This field is optional.
Parameter Description
Current Filters In the Current Filters pane, configure your filters.
To add a filter:
1 From the first list box, select a parameter you want to filter for.
For example, Device, Source Port, or Event Name.
2 From the second list box, select the modifier you want to use
for the filter. The list of modifiers depends on the attribute
selected in the first list.
3 In the text field, type specific information related to your filter.
4 Click Add Filter.
The filters are displayed in the Current Filters text box. You can
select a filter and click Remove Filter to remove a filter from the
Current Filter text box.
Note: This parameter is not displayed when editing the default
retention bucket.
Managing Retention After you configure your retention buckets, you can manage the buckets using the
Buckets Event Retention and Flow Retention windows.
a To manage the event retention bucket sequence, click the Event Retention
b To manage the flow retention bucket sequence, click the Flow Retention icon.
Step 4 Select the retention bucket you want to move, and then click one of the following
• Up - Click this icon to move the selected retention bucket up one row in priority
• Down - Click this icon to move the selected retention bucket down one row in
priority sequence.
• Top - Click this icon to move the selected retention bucket to the top of the
priority sequence.
• Bottom - Click this icon to move the selected retention bucket to the bottom of
the priority sequence.
You cannot move the default retention bucket. It always resides at the bottom of
the list.
On the Retention Parameters window, the Current Filters pane is not displayed
when editing a default retention bucket.
When you disable a bucket, any new events or flows that match the requirements
for the disabled bucket are stored in the next bucket that matches the event or flow
Configuring You can configure system performance alerts for thresholds using the Admin tab.
System This section provides information on configuring your system thresholds.
To configure system thresholds:
Step 1 Click the Admin tab.
Step 2 On the navigation menu, click System Configuration.
Step 3 Click the Global System Notifications icon.
Step 4 Enter values for the parameters. For each parameter, you must select the following
• Enabled - Select the check box to enable the option.
• Respond if value is - From the list box, select one of the following options:
- Greater Than - An alert occurs if the parameter value exceeds the
configured value.
- Less Than - An alert occurs if the parameter value is less than the
configured value.
Parameter Description
System load over 1 Type the threshold system load average over the last
minute minute.
System load over 5 Type the threshold system load average over the last 5
minutes minutes.
System load over 15 Type the threshold system load average over the last 15
minutes minutes.
Percentage of swap used Type the threshold percentage of used swap space.
Received packets per Type the threshold number of packets received per
second second.
Transmitted packets per Type the threshold number of packets transmitted per
second second.
Received bytes per Type the threshold number of bytes received per second.
Transmitted bytes per Type the threshold number of bytes transmitted per
second second.
Receive errors Type the threshold number of corrupted packets received
per second.
Transmit errors Type the threshold number of corrupted packets
transmitted per second.
Packet collisions Type the threshold number of collisions that occur per
second while transmitting packets.
Dropped receive packets Type the threshold number of received packets that are
dropped per second due to a lack of space in the buffers.
Dropped transmit packets Type the threshold number of transmitted packets that
are dropped per second due to a lack of space in the
Transmit carrier errors Type the threshold number of carrier errors that occur
per second while transmitting packets.
Receive frame errors Type the threshold number of frame alignment errors that
occur per second on received packets.
Receive fifo overruns Type the threshold number of First In First Out (FIFO)
overrun errors that occur per second on received
Transmit fifo overruns Type the threshold number of First In First Out (FIFO)
overrun errors that occur per second on transmitted
Configuring the The QRadar Network Anomaly Detection Console provides the user interface for
Console Settings QRadar Network Anomaly Detection. The Console provides real-time views,
reports, alerts, and in-depth investigation of flows for network traffic and security
threats. You can configure the Console to manage distributed QRadar Network
Anomaly Detection deployments.
Parameter Description
Console Settings
ARP - Safe Interfaces Type the interfaces you want to be excluded from ARP
resolution activities.
Results Per Page Type the maximum number of results you want to display
on the main QRadar Network Anomaly Detection user
interface. This parameter applies to the Offenses, Log
Activity, Assets, Network Activity, and Reports tabs.
For example, if the Default Page Size parameter is
configured to 50, the Offenses tab displays a maximum
of 50 offenses.
The default setting is 40. The minimum is 0 and the
maximum is 4294967294.
Authentication Settings
Persistent Session Type the length of time, in days, that a user system will be
Timeout (in days) persisted. The default setting is 0, which disables this
feature. The minimum is 0 and the maximum is
Maximum Login Failures Type the number of times a login attempt can fail. The
default setting is 5. The minimum is 0 and the maximum is
Login Failure Attempt Type the length of time during which a maximum number
Window (in minutes) of login failures can occur before the system is locked.
The default setting is 10 minutes. The minimum is 0 and
the maximum is 4294967294.
Login Failure Block Time Type the length of time that the system is locked if the
(in minutes) maximum login failures value is exceeded. The default
setting is 30 minutes. The minimum is 0 and the
maximum is 4294967294.
Login Host Whitelist Type a list of hosts who are exempt from being locked out
of the system. Enter multiple entries using a
comma-separated list.
Parameter Description
Inactivity Timeout (in Type the amount of time that a user will be automatically
minutes) logged out of the system if no activity occurs. The default
setting is 0. The minimum is 0 and the maximum is
Login Message File Type the location and name of a file that includes content
you want to display on the QRadar Network Anomaly
Detection login window. The contents of the file are
displayed below the current log in window.
The login message file must be located in the
opt/qradar/conf directory on your system. This file may be
in text or HTML format.
Event Permission From the list box, select the level of network permissions
Precedence you want to assign to users. This parameter affects the
events that are displayed on the Log Activity tab. The
options include:
• Network Only - A user must have access to either the
source network or the destination network of the event
to have that event display on the Log Activity tab.
• Devices Only - A user must have access to either the
device or device group that created the event to have
that event display on the Log Activity tab.
• Networks and Devices - A user must have access to
both the source or the destination network and the
device or device group to have an event display on the
Log Activity tab.
• None - All events are displayed on the Log Activity
tab. Any user with Log Activity role permissions is able
to view all events.
For more information on managing users, see Managing
User Roles and Accounts.
DNS Settings
Enable DNS Lookups for From the list box, select whether you want to enable or
Asset Profiles disable the ability for QRadar Network Anomaly Detection
to search for DNS information in asset profiles. When
enabled, this information is available in the right-click
menu for the IP address or host name located in the Host
Name (DNS Name) field in the asset profile. The default
setting is False.
Enable DNS Lookups for From the list box, select whether you want to enable or
Host Identity disable the ability for QRadar Network Anomaly Detection
to search for host identity information. When enabled, this
information is available in the right-click menu for any IP
address or asset name. The default setting is True.
WINS Settings
WINS Server Type the location of the Windows Internet Naming Server
(WINS) server.
Parameter Description
Reporting Settings
Report Retention Period Type the period of time, in days, that you want the system
to maintain reports. The default setting is 30 days. The
minimum is 0 and the maximum is 4294967294.
Data Export Settings
Include Header in CSV From the list box, select whether you want to include a
Exports header in a CSV export file.
Maximum Simultaneous Type the maximum number of exports you want to occur
Exports at one time. The default setting is 1. The minimum is 0
and the maximum is 4294967294.
Managing Custom When a user closes an offense on the Offenses tab, the Close Offense window is
Offense Close displayed. The user is prompted to select a reason from the Reason for Closing
Reasons list box. Three default options are listed:
• False-positive, tuned
• Non-issue
• Policy violation
Administrators can add, edit, and delete custom offense close reasons from the
Admin tab.
Adding a Custom When you add a custom offense close reason, the new reason is listed on the
Offense Close Custom Close Reasons window and in the Reason for Closing list box on the
Reason Close Offense window of the Offenses tab.
To add a custom offense close reason:
Step 1 Click the Admin tab.
Step 2 On the navigation menu, click System Configuration.
Step 3 Click the Custom Offense Close Reasons icon.
The Custom Offense Close Reasons window provides the following information:
Table 4-19 Custom Close Reasons Window Parameters
Parameter Description
Reason Specifies the reason that is displayed in the Reason
for Closing list box on the Close Offense window of
the Offenses tab.
Created by Specifies the user that created this custom offense
close reason.
Date Created Specifies the date and time of when the user created
this custom offense close reason
You can also access the Custom Offense Close Reasons window by clicking the
Manage Close Reasons icon on the Close Offense window of the Offenses tab.
Editing Custom Editing a custom offense close reason updates the reason in the Custom Close
Offense Close Reasons window and the Reason for Closing list box on the Close Offense
Reason window of the Offenses tab.
Deleting a Custom Deleting a custom offense close reason removes the reason from the Custom
Offense Close Close Reasons window and the Reason for Closing list box on the Close Offense
Reason window of the Offenses tab.
Index Management The Index Management feature allows you to control database indexing on event
properties. Indexing event properties allows you to optimize your searches. You
can enable indexing on any property that is listed in the Index Management
window and you can enable indexing on more than one property.
To enable payload indexing, you must enable indexing on the Quick Filter
property. For more information on payload indexing, see the Enable Payload
Indexing for Quick Filtering Technical Note.
Viewing the Index The Index Management window lists all event and flow properties that can be
Management Window indexed and provides statistics for the properties. Toolbar options allow you to
enable and disable indexing on selected event and flow properties.
Modifying database indexing may decrease system performance, therefore, we
recommend that you monitor the statistics after enabling indexing on multiple
Parameter Description
Display Displays the time range used to calculate the
statistics for each property. From the list box, you
can select a new time range. The minimum time
range is Last Hour and the maximum time range is
Last 30 Days. The default time range is Last 24
After you select a new time range option, the
statistics are refreshed.
View Allows you to display properties filtered on the
Indexed parameter. From the list box, select one of
the following options:
• All - Displays all properties in the Index
Management list.
• Enabled - Displays only indexed properties in the
Index Management list.
• Disabled - Displays only properties that are not
indexed in the Index Management list.
Database Allows you to display properties filtered on the
Database parameter. From the list box, select one of
the following options:
• All - Displays all properties in the Index
Management list.
• Events - Displays only event properties in the
Index Management list.
Parameter Description
Show Allows you to display all properties or only custom
properties. Options include:
• All - Displays all properties in the Index
Management list.
• Custom - Displays only custom event properties.
Custom properties are properties that you can create
by extracting from unnormalized data using RegEx
statements or calculated properties that are created
by performing operations on existing properties. For
more information on custom properties, see the IBM
Security QRadar Network Anomaly Detection Users
Indexed Indicates whether the property is indexed or not:
• Green dot - Indicates that the property is indexed.
• Empty cell - Indicates that the property is not
Property Displays the name of the property.
% of Searches Displays the percentage of searches that include this
Using Property property that have performed in the specified time
% of Searches Displays the percentage of searches that include this
Hitting Index property that have performed in the specified time
range and successfully used the index.
% of Searches Displays the percentage of searches that include this
Missing Index property that have performed in the specified time
range and did not use the index.
Data Written Displays the volume of data written to the disk by the
index in the time range specified in the Display list
Database Specifies that the property is stored in the event
Option Description
Enable Index Select one or more properties in the Index
Management list, and then click this icon to enable
indexing on the selected parameters.
Disable Index Select one or more properties in the Index
Management list, and then click this icon to disable
indexing on the selected parameters.
Quick Search Type your keyword in the Quick Search field and
click the Quick Filter icon or press Enter on the
keyboard. All properties that match your keyword are
displayed in the Index Management list.
You can also right-click a property and select Enable Index from the menu.
You can also right-click a property and select Disable Index from the menu.
The selected properties are no longer indexed. In lists that include event
properties, indexed property names are no longer appended with the following
text: [Indexed].
The Reference Set Management feature allows you to create and manage
reference sets. You can also import elements into a reference set from an external
This section includes the following topics:
• Reference Set Overview
• Viewing Reference Sets
• Adding a Reference Set
• Editing a Reference Set
• Deleting Reference Sets
• Adding a New Element to a Reference Set
• Deleting Elements from a Reference Set
• Importing Elements into a Reference Set
• Exporting Elements from a Reference Set
Reference Set A reference set is a set of elements, such as a list of IP addresses or user names,
Overview that are derived from events and flows occurring on your network.
After you create a reference set, you can create rules in the Rule Wizard to detect
when log or network activity associated with the reference set occurs on your
network. For example, you can create a rule to detect when a terminated user
attempts to access your network resources. You can also configure a rule to add
an element to a reference set when log activity or network activity matches the rule
conditions. For example, you can create a rule to detect when an employee has
accessed a prohibited website and add that employee’s IP address to a reference
set. For more information on configuring rules, see the IBM Security QRadar
Network Anomaly Detection Users Guide.
Parameter Description
Name Displays the name of this reference set.
Number of Displays the number of elements that this reference
Elements set contains.
Type Displays the data type of this reference set. Options
• AlphaNumeric
• Numeric
• IP
• Port
• AlphaNumeric_Ignore_Case
Associated Rules Displays the number of rules that are configured to
contribute elements to this reference set.
Capacity Displays a visual indication of the reference set
capacity used by the elements contained in the set.
Reference sets can contain up to 100,000 elements.
Function Description
New Click this icon to create a new reference set. See
Adding a Reference Set.
Edit Select a reference set, and then click this icon to edit
the reference set. See Editing a Reference Set.
View Contents Select a reference set, and then click this icon to
view the elements and associated rules for this
reference set. See Viewing the Contents of a
Reference Set.
Delete Select a reference set, and then click this icon to
delete the reference set. See Deleting Reference
Function Description
Delete Listed Use the Quick Search field to filter for specific
reference sets, and then click the Delete Listed icon
to delete these reference sets. See Deleting
Reference Sets.
Quick Search Type your keyword in the Quick Search field, and
then click the Quick Search icon or press Enter on
the keyboard. All reference sets that match your
keyword are displayed in the Reference Set
Management list. To display all reference sets again,
click the eraser icon.
Parameter Description
Name Type a unique name for this reference set. The
maximum length is 255 characters.
Type Using the list box, select a reference set type from
the following options:
• AlphaNumeric
• Numeric
• IP
• Port
• AlphaNumeric_Ignore_Case
Note: You cannot edit the Type parameter after you
create a reference set.
Time to Live of Using the list boxes, select the amount of time that
Elements you want to maintain each element in the reference
set or select Lives Forever.
If you specify an amount of time, you must also
indicate when you want to start tracking time for an
element. Select one of the following options:
• Since first seen
• Since last seen
Lives Forever is the default setting.
The reference set that you created is listed. In the Rule Wizard, this reference set
is now listed as an option on the Rule Response page. After you configure one or
more rules to send elements to this reference set, the Number of Elements,
Associated Rules, and Capacity parameters are automatically updated.
Deleting Reference When deleting reference sets, a confirmation window indicates if the reference
Sets sets that you want to delete have rules associated with them. After you delete a
reference set, the Add to Reference Set configuration is cleared from the
associated rules. Before you delete a reference set, you can view associated rules
in the Reference tab. See Viewing the Contents of a Reference Set.
You can also double-click a reference set to view the contents.
The Content tab provides a list of the elements that are included in this reference
set. The Content tab provides the following information:
Table 5-4 Content Tab Parameters
Parameter Description
Value Displays the value for this element. For example, if
the reference set contains a list of IP addresses, this
parameter displays an IP address.
Origin Indicates the source of this element. Options include:
• System - This element was placed in this
reference set as a response to a rule.
• User - This element was imported from an
external file or manually added to the reference
Time to Live Displays the time remaining until this element is
removed from the reference set.
Date Last Seen Displays the date and time that this element was last
detected on your network.
Function Description
New Click this icon to manually add an element to the
reference set. See Adding a New Element to a
Reference Set.
Delete Select an element, and then click this icon to delete
the element.
Delete Listed Use the Quick Search field to filter for specific
elements, and then click the Delete Listed icon to
delete these elements.
Import Click this icon to import elements from a
Comma-Separated Value (CSV) file. See Importing
Elements into a Reference Set.
Export Click this icon to export the contents of this reference
set to a CSV file.
Refresh Table Click this icon to refresh the Content tab.
Quick Search Type your keyword in the Quick Search field, and
then click the Quick Search icon or press Enter on
the keyboard. All elements that match your keyword
are displayed in the Content list. To display all
elements again, click the eraser icon.
The References tab provides a list of rules that are configured to add elements to
this reference set. The References tab provides the following information:
Table 5-6 References Tab Parameters
Parameter Description
Rule Name Displays the name of this rule.
Group Displays the name of the group this rule belongs to.
Category Displays the category of this rule. Options include
Custom Rule or Anomaly Detection Rule.
Type Displays the type of this rule. Options include: Event,
Flow, Common, or Offense.
Enabled Indicates whether the rule is enabled or disabled:
• true - Indicates that this rule is enabled.
• false - Indicates that this rule is disabled.
Response Specifies the responses configured for this rule.
Origin Indicates the origin of this rule. Options include:
• System - Indicates that this is a default rule.
• Modified - Indicates that this is a default rule that
has been customized.
• User - Indicates that this is a user-created rule.
Function Description
Edit Click this icon to edit the rule in the Rule Wizard. You
can also double-click the rule to open the Rule
Refresh Table Click this icon to refresh the References list.
Step 4 To view or edit an associated rule, double-click the rule in the References list.
In the Rule Wizard, you can edit rule configuration settings, if required.
Step 1 On the Reference Set Management window, select a reference set, and then click
View Contents.
Step 2 Click the Content tab.
Step 3 On the toolbar, click New.
Step 4 Configure the following parameters:
Parameter Description
Value(s) Type the value for the element that you want to add.
If you want to type multiple values, include a
separator character between each value, and then
specify the separator character in the Separator
Character field.
Separator Type the separator character that you used in the
Character Value(s) field.
Step 1 On the Reference Set Management window, select a reference set, and then click
View Contents.
Step 2 Click the Content tab.
Step 3 Choose one of the following:
• Select an element, and then click Delete.
• Use the Quick Search text box to display only the elements that you want to
delete, and then click Delete Listed.
Step 4 Click Delete.
The element you deleted is removed from the list.
Importing Elements You can import elements from an external CSV file. Before you begin, ensure that
into a Reference the CSV file that you want to import is stored on your local desktop.
Set To import a CSV file into a reference set:
Step 1 On the Reference Set Management window, select a reference set, and then click
View Contents.
Step 2 Click the Content tab.
Step 3 On the toolbar, click Export.
Step 4 Click Browse.
Step 5 Select the CSV file that you want to import.
Step 6 Click Import.
The elements in the CSV file you imported are now displayed in the list.
Exporting Elements You can export reference set elements to an external CSV file.
from a Reference To export the contents of a reference set to a CSV file:
Step 1 On the Reference Set Management window, select a reference set, and then click
View Contents.
Step 2 Click the Content tab.
Step 3 On the toolbar, click Export.
Step 4 Choose one of the following options:
• If you want to open the list for immediate viewing, select the Open with option
and select an application from the list box.
• If you want to save the list, select the Save File option.
Step 5 Click OK.
Authorized Authenticating a customer support service allows the service to connect to your
Services Overview QRadar Network Anomaly Detection user interface and either dismiss or update
notes to an offense using a web service. You can add or revoke an authorized
service at any time.
Viewing Authorized To view authorized services for your QRadar Network Anomaly Detection
Services deployment:
Step 1 Click the Admin tab.
Step 2 On the navigation menu, click System Configuration.
Step 3 Click the Authorized Services icon.
The Manage Authorized Services window provides the following information:
Table 6-1 Manage Authorized Services Parameters
Parameter Description
Service Name Specifies the name of the authorized service.
Authorized By Specifies the name of the user or administrator that
authorized the addition of the service.
Authentication Token Specifies the token associated with this authorized service.
User Role Specifies the user role associated with this authorized
Parameter Description
Created Specifies the date that this authorized service was created.
Expires Specifies the date and time that the authorized service will
expire. Also, this field indicates when a service has expired.
Step 4 To select a token from an authorized service, select the appropriate authorized
service. The token is displayed in the Selected Token field in the top bar. This
allows you to copy the token into your vendor software to authenticate with
QRadar Network Anomaly Detection.
Parameter Description
Service Name Type a name for this authorized service. The name can be up
to 255 characters in length.
User Role From the list box, select the user role you want to assign to
this authorized service. The user roles assigned to an
authorized service determines the functionality on the
QRadar Network Anomaly Detection user interface this
service can access.
Expiry Date Type or select a date you want this service to expire or select
the No Expiry check box if you do not want this service to
expire. By default, the authorized service is valid for 30 days.
Configuring the After you have configured an authorized service in QRadar Network Anomaly
Customer Support Detection, you must configure your customer support service to access QRadar
Service Network Anomaly Detection offense information. For example, you can configure
QRadar Network Anomaly Detection to send an SNMP trap that includes the
offense ID information. Your service must be able to authenticate to QRadar
Network Anomaly Detection using the provided authorized token by passing the
information through an HTTP query string. When authenticated, the service should
interpret the authentication token as the user name for the duration of the session.
Your customer support service must use a query string to update notes, dismiss, or
close an offense.
Dismissing an To dismiss an offense, your customer support service must use the following query
Offense string:
https://<IP address >/console/do/sem/properties?appName=Sem&
dispatch=updateProperties&id=<Offense ID>&nextPageId=
<IP address> is the IP address of your QRadar Network Anomaly Detection
<Offense ID> is the identifier assigned to the QRadar Network Anomaly
Detection offense. To obtain the offense ID, see the Offenses tab. For more
information, see the IBM Security QRadar Network Anomaly Detection Users
<Token> is the token identifier provided to the authorized service on the QRadar
Network Anomaly Detection user interface.
Closing an Offense To close an offense, your customer support service must use the following query
https://<IP Address>/console/do/sem/properties?appName=Sem&
dispatch=updateProperties&id=<Offense ID>&nextPageId=
<IP address> is the IP address of your QRadar Network Anomaly Detection
<Offense ID> is the identifier assigned to the QRadar Network Anomaly
Detection offense. To obtain the offense ID, see the Offenses tab. For more
information, see the IBM Security QRadar Network Anomaly Detection Users
<Token> is the token identifier provided to the authorized service on the QRadar
Network Anomaly Detection user interface. For information on copying the token,
see the IBM Security QRadar Network Anomaly Detection Administration Guide.
Adding Notes to an To add notes to an offense, your customer support service must use the following
Offense query string:
https://<IP Address>/console/do/sem/properties?appName=Sem&
dispatch=updateProperties&id=<Offense ID>&nextPageId=
<IP address> is the IP address of your QRadar Network Anomaly Detection
<Offense ID> is the identifier assigned to the QRadar Network Anomaly
Detection offense. To obtain the offense ID, see the Offenses tab. For more
information, see the IBM Security QRadar Network Anomaly Detection Users
<Token> is the token identifier provided to the authorized service on the QRadar
Network Anomaly Detection user interface. For information on copying the token,
see the IBM Security QRadar Network Anomaly Detection Administration Guide.
Using the Backup and Recovery feature, you can backup and recover IBM
Security QRadar Network Anomaly Detection configuration information and data.
This section includes the following topics:
• Backup and Recovery Overview
• Managing Backup Archives
• Backing Up Your Configuration Information and Data
• Restoring Your Backup Archives
Backup and QRadar Network Anomaly Detection enables you to perform two types of backup:
Recovery Overview • Configuration backups, which include the following components:
- Assets
- Custom logos
- Custom rules
- Device Support Modules (DSMs)
- Event categories
- Flow sources
- Flow and event searches
- Groups
- License key information
- Log sources
- Offenses
- User and user roles information
- Vulnerability data
- Certificates
• Data backups, which include the following information:
- Audit log information
- Event data
- Flow data
- Report data
You can back up your event and flow data using the Backup and Recovery
feature, however, you must restore event and flow data manually. For assistance
in restoring your event and flow data, see the Restoring Your Data Technical Note.
Managing Backup By default, QRadar Network Anomaly Detection creates a backup archive of your
Archives configuration information daily at midnight. The backup archive includes
configuration information, data, or both from the previous day. QRadar Network
Anomaly Detection lists all successful backup archives on the Backup Archives
window, which is the first window displayed when you access the Backup and
Recovery feature from the Admin tab. From this window, you can view and
manage all successful backup archives.
The Existing Backups pane on the Backup Archives window provides the following
information for each backup archive:
Table 7-1 Existing Backups Pane Parameters
Parameter Description
Host Specifies the host that initiated the backup process.
Name Specifies the name of the backup archive. To download the
backup file, click the name of the backup.
Type Specifies the type of backup. The options include:
• config - Configuration data
• data - Events, flows, asset, and offense information
Size Specifies the size of the archive file.
Time Initiated Specifies the time that the backup file was initiated.
Duration Specifies the time to complete the backup process.
Initialized By Specifies whether the backup file was created by a user or
through a scheduled process.
Importing a Backup You can import a backup archive into the Existing Backups pane on your Backup
Archive Archives window. This is useful if you want to restore a backup archive that was
created on another QRadar Network Anomaly Detection host.
If you place a QRadar Network Anomaly Detection backup archive file in the
/store/backupHost/inbound directory on the Console server, the backup
archive file is automatically imported.
Deleting a Backup To delete a backup archive file, the backup archive file and the Host Context
Archive component must reside on the same system. The system must also be in
communication with the Console and no other backup can be in progress. If a
backup file is deleted, it is removed from the disk and from the database. Also, the
entry is removed from this list and an audit event is generated to indicate the
Backing Up Your By default, QRadar Network Anomaly Detection creates a backup archive of your
Configuration configuration information daily at midnight. The backup archive includes your
Information and configuration information, data, or both from the previous day. Using the Backup
Data and Recovery feature on the Admin tab, you can customize this nightly backup
and create an on-demand configuration backup, as required.
Configuring Your By default, the nightly backup process includes only your configuration files. You
Scheduled Nightly can customize your nightly backup process to include data from your Console and
Backup selected managed hosts. You can also customize your backup retention period,
backup archive location, the time limit for a backup to process before timing out,
and the backup priority in relation to other QRadar Network Anomaly Detection
Parameter Description
General Backup Configuration
Parameter Description
Backup Type the location where you want to store your backup file. The
Repository Path default location is /store/backup. This path must exist before
the backup process is initiated. If this path does not exist, the
backup process aborts.
If you modify this path, make sure the new path is valid on every
system in your deployment.
Note: Active data is stored on the /store directory. If you have
both active data and backup archives stored in the same
directory, data storage capacity may easily be reached and
your scheduled backups may fail. We recommend you
specify a storage location on another system or copy your
backup archives to another system after the backup process
is complete. You can use a Network File System (NFS)
storage solution in your QRadar Network Anomaly Detection
deployment. For more information on using NFS, see the
Using the NFS for QRadar Backups Technical Note.
Backup Retention Type or select the length of time, in days, that you want to store
Period (days) backup files. The default is 2 days.
This period of time only affects backup files generated as a result
of a scheduled process. On-demand backups or imported
backup files are not affected by this value.
Nightly Backup Select one of the following options:
Schedule • No Nightly Backups - Disables the nightly scheduled backup
• Configuration Backup Only - Enables a nightly backup
archive that includes configuration information only. This is the
default option.
• Configuration and Data Backups - Enables a nightly backup
that includes configuration information and data.
Select the This option is only displayed if you select the Configuration and
managed hosts Data Backups option.
you would like to All hosts in your deployment are listed. The first host in the list is
run data backups: your Console; it is enabled for data backup by default, therefore
no check box is displayed. If you have managed hosts in your
deployment, the managed hosts are listed below the Console
and each managed host includes a check box.
Select the check box for the managed hosts you want to run data
backups on.
For each host (Console or managed hosts), you can optionally
clear the data items you want to exclude from the backup
archive. Choices include Event Data and Flow Data. Both
options are selected by default.
Configuration Only Backup
Parameter Description
Backup Time Limit Type or select the length of time, in minutes, that you want to
(min) allow the backup to run. The default is 180 minutes. If the backup
process exceeds the configured time limit, the backup process is
automatically canceled.
Backup Priority From this list box, select the level of importance that you want
the system to place on the configuration backup process
compared to other processes. Options include:
A priority of medium or high have a greater impact on system
Data Backup
Backup Time Limit Type or select the length of time, in minutes, that you want to
(min) allow the backup to run. The default is 1020 minutes. If the
backup process exceeds the configured time limit, the backup is
automatically canceled.
Backup Priority From the list box, select the level of importance you want the
system to place on the data backup process compared to other
processes. Options include:
A priority of medium or high have a greater impact on system
Creating an To backup your configuration files at a time other than your nightly scheduled
On-demand backup, you can create an on-demand backup archive. On-demand backup
Configuration archives include only configuration information.
Backup Archive
We recommend that you initiate an on-demand backup archive during a period
when QRadar Network Anomaly Detection has low processing load, such as after
normal office hours. During the backup process, system performance is affected.
Restoring Your Using the Restore a Backup window, you can restore a backup archive. This is
Backup Archives useful if you want to restore previously archived configuration files, asset data, and
offense data on your QRadar Network Anomaly Detection system.
Parameter Description
Name Displays the name of the backup archive.
Description Displays the description, if any, of the backup
Parameter Description
Type Specifies the type of backup. Only configuration
backups can be restored, therefore, this parameter
displays config.
Select All When selected, this option indicates that all
Configuration configuration items are included in the restoration of
Items the backup archive. This check box is selected by
default. To clear all configuration items, clear the
check box.
Restore The Restore Configuration pane lists the
Configuration configuration items to include in the restoration of the
backup archive. All items are selected by default. To
remove items, you can clear the check boxes for
each item you want to remove or clear the Select All
Configuration Items check box.
Options include:
• Custom Rules Configuration
• Deployment Configuration, which includes:
Custom logos
Device Support Modules (DSMs)
Event categories
Flow sources
Flow and event searches
Log sources
Vulnerability data
• User and user roles information
• License key information
Select All Data When selected, this option indicates that all data
Items items are included in the restoration of the backup
archive. This check box is selected by default. To
clear all data items, clear this check box.
Parameter Description
Restore Data The Restore Data pane lists the configuration items
to include in the restoration of the backup archive. All
items are cleared by default. To restore data items,
you can select the check boxes for each item you
want to restore.
Options include:
• Assets
• Offenses
After you have verified that your data is restored to your system, you must
re-apply RPMs for any DSMs, vulnerability assessment (VA) scanners, or log
source protocols.
Restoring a Backup Each backup archive includes IP address information of the system from which the
Archive Created on a backup archive was created. When restoring a backup archive from a different
Different QRadar QRadar Network Anomaly Detection system, the IP address of the backup archive
Network Anomaly and the system you are restoring the backup are mismatched. This procedure
Detection System provides steps to correct this.
To restore your backup archive that was created on a different QRadar Network
Anomaly Detection system:
Step 1 Click the Admin tab.
Step 2 On the navigation menu, click System Configuration.
Step 3 Click the Backup and Recovery icon.
Step 4 Select the archive you want to restore.
Step 5 Click Restore.
The Restore a Backup window is displayed, including a message asking you to
stop the iptables service on each managed host in your deployment. The Iptables
service is a Linux®-based firewall.
Step 6 Stop IP tables:
a Using SSH, log into the managed host as the root user.
User Name: root
Password: <password>
b Type the following command:
service iptables stop
c Repeat for all managed hosts in your deployment.
Step 7 On the Restore a Backup window, click Test Hosts Access.
The Restore a Backup (Managed Hosts Accessibility) window provides the
following information.
Table 7-4 Restore a Backup (Managed Host Accessibility Parameters
Parameter Description
Host Name Specifies the managed host name.
IP Address Specifies the IP address of the managed host.
Access Status Specifies the access status to the managed host. The options
• Testing Access - Specifies the test to determine access
status is not complete.
• No Access - Specifies the managed host cannot be accessed.
• OK - Specifies the managed host is accessible.
Step 8 After testing is complete for all managed hosts, verify that the status in the Access
Status column indicates a status of OK.
If the Access Status column indicates a status of No Access for a host, stop
iptables (see Step 6) again and click Test Host Access again to attempt a
Step 9 Configure the following parameters, as required:
Parameter Description
Name Displays the name of the backup archive.
Description Displays the description, if any, of the backup archive.
Select All When selected, this option indicates that all configuration items
Configuration are included in the restoration of the backup archive. This check
Items box is selected by default. To clear all configuration items, clear
this check box.
Restore The Restore Configuration pane lists the configuration items to
Configuration include in the restoration of the backup archive. All items are
selected by default. To remove items, you can clear the check
boxes for each item you want to remove or clear the Select All
Configuration Items check box.
Options include:
• Custom Rules Configuration
• Deployment Configuration, which includes:
Custom logos
Device Support Modules (DSMs)
Event categories
Flow sources
Flow and event searches
Log sources
Vulnerability data
• User and user roles information
• License key information
Select All Data When selected, this option indicates that all data items are
Items included in the restoration of the backup archive. This check box
is selected by default. To clear all data items, clear the check
Parameter Description
Restore Data The Restore Data pane lists the configuration items to include in
the restoration of the backup archive. All items are cleared by
default. To restore data items, you can select the check boxes for
each item you want to restore.
Options include:
• Assets
• Offenses
After you have verified that your data is restored to your system, you must
re-apply RPMs for any DSMs, vulnerability assessment (VA) scanners, or log
source protocols.
Using the deployment editor, you can manage the individual components of your
IBM Security QRadar Network Anomaly Detection deployment.
Deployment Editor After you configure your deployment, you can access and configure the individual
Overview components of each managed host in your deployment.
The Deployment Editor requires JavaTM Runtime Environment (JRE). You can
download Java 1.6.0_u24 at the following website: http://www.java.com. Also, If
you are using the Firefox browser, you must configure your browser to accept
JavaTM Network Language Protocol (JNLP) files.
Many Web browsers that use the Internet Explorer engine, such as Maxthon or
MyIE, install components that may be incompatible with the Admin tab. You may
be required to disable any Web browsers installed on your system. For further
assistance, contact Customer Support.
To access the deployment editor from behind a proxy server or firewall, you must
configure the appropriate proxy settings on your desktop. This allows the software
to automatically detect the proxy settings from your browser.
Open the JavaTM configuration located in your Control Pane and configure the
IP address of your proxy server.
About the You can access the deployment editor using the Admin tab. You can use the
Deployment Editor deployment editor to create your deployment, assign connections, and configure
User Interface each component.
On the Event View page, the left pane provides a list of components you can add
to the view, and the right pane provides a view of your deployment.
On the System View page, the left pane provides a list of managed hosts, which
you can view and configure. The deployment editor polls your deployment for
updates to managed hosts. If the deployment editor detects a change to a
managed host in your deployment, a message is displayed notifying you of the
change. For example, if you remove a managed host, a message is displayed,
indicating that the assigned components to that host must be re-assigned to
another host. Also, if you add a managed host to your deployment, the deployment
editor displays a message indicating that the managed host has been added.
Accessing the On the Admin tab, click Deployment Editor. The deployment editor is displayed.
Deployment Editor After you update your configuration settings using the deployment editor, you must
save those changes to the staging area. You must manually deploy all changes
using the Admin tab menu option. All deployed changes are then enforced
throughout your deployment.
Using the Editor The deployment editor provides you with several menu and toolbar options when
configuring your views, including:
• Menu Options
• Toolbar Functions
Menu Options
The displayed menu options depend on the selected component in your view.
Table 8-1 provides a list of the menu options.
Table 8-1 Deployment Editor Menu Options
Toolbar Functions
The toolbar functions include:
Table 8-2 Toolbar Functions
Function Description
Save and Close Saves deployment to the staging area and closes the deployment
Open Current Opens current production deployment.
Open Staged Opens a deployment that was previously saved to the staging area.
Discard Discards recent changes and reloads last saved model.
Remove Deletes selected item from the deployment view.
This option is only available when the selected component has a
managed host running a compatible version of QRadar Network
Anomaly Detection software.
Add Managed Opens the Add a Managed Host wizard, which allows you to add a
Host managed host to your deployment.
Manage NATed Opens the Manage NATed Networks window, which allows you to
Networks manage the list of NATed networks in your deployment.
Reset the zoom Resets the zoom to the default.
Zoom in Zooms in.
Zoom Out Zooms out.
If you require assistance, contact Customer Support.
Building Your The Event View page allows you to create and manage the components for your
Event View deployment, including the following components:
• QRadar QFlow Collector - Collects data from devices, and various live and
recorded feeds, such as network taps, span/mirror ports, NetFlow, and QRadar
Network Anomaly Detection flow logs. When the data is collected, the QRadar
QFlow Collector groups related individual packets into a flow. QRadar Network
Anomaly Detection defines these flows as a communication session between
two pairs of unique IP address and ports that use the same protocol. A flow
starts when the QRadar QFlow Collector detects the first packet with a unique
source IP address, destination IP address, source port, destination port, and
other specific protocol options that determine the start of a communication.
Each additional packet is evaluated. Counts of bytes and packets are added to
the statistical counters in the flow record. At the end of an interval, a status
record of the flow is sent to an Event Collector and statistical counters for the
flow are reset. A flow ends when no activity for the flow is detected within the
configured period of time.
Flow reporting generates records of all active or expired flows during a
specified period of time. If the protocol does not support port-based
The Event Processor on the Console is always connected to the magistrate. This
connection cannot be deleted.
• Off-site Source - Indicates an off-site event or flow data source that forwards
normalized data to an Event Collector. You can configure an off-site source to
receive flows or events and allows the data to be encrypted before forwarding.
• Off-site Target - Indicates an off-site device that receives event or flow data.
An off-site target can only receive data from an Event Collector.
• Magistrate - The Magistrate component provides the core processing
components of the security information and event management (SIEM) system.
You can add one Magistrate component for each deployment. The Magistrate
provides views, reports, alerts, and analysis of network traffic and security
events. The Magistrate processes the events or flows against the defined
custom rules to create an offense. If no custom rules exist, the Magistrate uses
the default rule set to process the offending event or flow. An offense is an
event or flow that has been processed through QRadar Network Anomaly
Detection using multiple inputs, individual events or flows, and combined events
or flows with analyzed behavior and vulnerabilities. Magistrate prioritizes the
offenses and assigns a magnitude value based on several factors, including the
amount of offenses, severity, relevance, and credibility.
When processed, the Magistrate produces a list for each offense source,
providing you with a list of attackers and their offense for each event or flow.
After the Magistrate establishes the magnitude, the Magistrate then provides
multiple options for resolution.
By default, the Event View page includes a Magistrate component. The following
diagram shows an example of a QRadar Network Anomaly Detection deployment
that includes SIEM components. The example shows a QRadar QFlow Collector,
an Event Collector, and an Event Processor connected to the Magistrate, which
allows for the collection, categorizing, and processing of flow and event
Adding Components You can add the following QRadar Network Anomaly Detection components to
your Event View:
• Event Collector
• Event Processor
• Off-site Source
• Off-site Target
• QRadar QFlow Collector
The procedures in the section provide information on adding QRadar Network
Anomaly Detection components using the Event View page.
You can also add components using the System View page. For information on the
System View page, see Managing Your System View.
Connecting After you add all the necessary components in your Event View page, you must
Components connect them. The Event View page only allows you to connect appropriate
components together. For example, you can connect an Event Collector to an
Event Processor, but not a Magistrate component.
To connect components:
Step 1 In the Event View page, select the component for which you want to establish a
Step 2 From the menu, select Actions > Add Connection.
You can also right-click a component to access the Action menu item.
Forwarding To forward normalized events and flows, you must configure an off-site Event
Normalized Events Collector (target) in your current deployment to receive events and flows from an
and Flows associated off-site Event Collector in the receiving deployment (source).
You can add the following components to your Event View page:
• Off-site Source - An off-site Event Collector from which you want to receive
event and flow data. The off-site source must be configured with appropriate
permissions to send event or flow data to the off-site target.
• Off-site Target - An off-site Event Collector to which you want to send event
For example:
If you want to disconnect the off-site source, you must remove the connections
from both deployments. From deployment A, remove the off-site target and in
deployment B, remove the off-site source.
If the off-site source or target is an all-in-one system, the public key is not
automatically generated, therefore, you must manually generate the public key.
For more information on generating public keys, see your Linux® documentation.
If you update your Event Collector configuration or the monitoring ports, you must
manually update your source and target configurations to maintain the connection
between deployments.
Renaming You can rename a component in your view to uniquely identify components
Components through your deployment.
To rename a component:
Step 1 In the Event Components pane, select the component you want to rename.
Step 2 From the menu, select Actions > Rename Component.
You can also right-click a component to access the Action menu items.
Step 3 Type a new name for the component. The name must be alphanumeric with no
special characters.
Step 4 Click OK.
Managing Your The System View page allows you to manage all managed hosts in your network.
System View A managed host is a component in your network that includes QRadar Network
Anomaly Detection software. If you are using a QRadar Network Anomaly
Detection appliance, the components for that appliance model are displayed on
the System View page. If your QRadar Network Anomaly Detection software is
installed on your own hardware, the System View page includes a Host Context
component. The System View page allows you to select which components you
want to run on each managed host.
Setting Up Managed Using the deployment editor, you can manage all hosts in your deployment,
Hosts including:
• Add a managed host to your deployment. See Adding a Managed Host.
• Edit an existing managed host. See Editing a Managed Host.
• Remove a managed host. See Removing a Managed Host.
You cannot add, assign or configure components on a non-Console managed host
when the QRadar Network Anomaly Detection software version is incompatible
with the software version that the Console is running. If a managed host has
previously assigned components and is running an incompatible software version,
you can still view the components, however, you are not able to update or delete
the components. For more information, contact Customer Support.
Encryption provides greater security for all QRadar Network Anomaly Detection
traffic between managed hosts. To provide enhanced security, QRadar Network
Anomaly Detection also provides integrated support for OpenSSH software.
OpenSSH software provides a FIPS 140-2 certified encryption solution. When
integrated with QRadar Network Anomaly Detection, OpenSSH provides secure
communication between QRadar Network Anomaly Detection components.
Figure 8-1 shows the movement of traffic within a QRadar Network Anomaly
Detection deployment, including flows and event traffic and the client/server
relationships within the deployment. When enabling encryption on a managed
host, the encryption SSH tunnel is created on the client host. For example, if you
enable encryption for the Event Collector in the deployment depicted in the figure
below, the connection between the Event Processor and Event Collector and the
connection between the Event Processor and Magistrate are encrypted. Figure 8-1
also displays the client/server relationship between the Console and the Ariel
database. When you enable encryption on the Console, an encryption tunnel is
used when performing event searches through the Offenses tab.
You can right-click a component to enable encryption between components.
Enabling encryption reduces the performance of a managed host by at least 50%.
Before you add a managed host, make sure the managed host includes QRadar
Network Anomaly Detection software.
Step 1 From the menu, select Actions > Add a Managed Host.
Step 2 Click Next.
Step 3 Enter values for the parameters:
• Enter the IP of the server or appliance to add - Type the IP address of the
host you want to add to your System View.
• Enter the root password of the host - Type the root password for the host.
• Confirm the root password of the host - Type the password again.
• Host is NATed - Select the check box to use an existing Network Address
Translation (NAT) on this managed host. For more information on NAT, see
Using NAT with QRadar Network Anomaly Detection.
If you want to enable NAT for a managed host, the NATed network must be using
static NAT translation. For more information on using NAT, see Using NAT with
QRadar Network Anomaly Detection.
• Enable Encryption - Select the check box to create an SSH encryption tunnel
for the host.
• Enable Compression - Select the check box to enable data compression
between two managed hosts.
If you selected the Host is NATed check box, the Configure NAT Settings page is
displayed. Go to Step 4. Otherwise, go to Step 5.
If you want to add a non-NATed managed host to your deployment when the
Console is NATed, you must change the Console to a NATed host (see Changing
the NAT Status for a Managed Host) before adding the managed host to your
Step 4 To select a NATed network, enter values for the following parameters:
• Enter public IP of the server or appliance to add - Type the public IP
address of the managed host. The managed host uses this IP address to
communicate with other managed hosts in different networks using NAT.
• Select NATed network - From the list box, select the network you want this
managed host to use.
- If the managed host is on the same subnet as the Console, select the
Console of the NATed network.
- If the managed host is not on the same subnet as the Console, select the
managed host of the NATed network.
For information on managing your NATed networks, see Using NAT with QRadar
Network Anomaly Detection.
If your deployment included undeployed changes, a window is displayed
requesting you to deploy all changes.
The System View is displayed, including the host in the Managed Hosts pane.
This option is only available when the selected component has a managed host
running a compatible version of QRadar Network Anomaly Detection software.
• Host is NATed - Select the check box if you want to use existing Network
Address Translation (NAT) on this managed host. For more information on NAT,
see Using NAT with QRadar Network Anomaly Detection.
If you want to enable NAT for a managed host, the NATed network must be using
static NAT translation. For more information on using NAT, see Using NAT with
QRadar Network Anomaly Detection.
• Enable Encryption - Select the check box if you want to create an encryption
tunnel for the host.
If you selected the Host is NATed check box, the Configure NAT settings page is
displayed. Go to Step 5. Otherwise, go to Step 6.
Step 5 To select a NATed network, enter values for the following parameters:
• Enter public IP of the server or appliance to add - Type the public IP
address of the managed host. The managed host uses this IP address to
communicate with another managed host that belongs to a different network
using NAT.
• Select NATed network - From the list box, select the network you want this
managed host to use. For information on managing your NATed networks, see
Using NAT with QRadar Network Anomaly Detection.
Step 6 Click Next.
Step 7 Click Finish.
The System View page is displayed, including the updated host in the Managed
Hosts pane.
This option is only available when the selected component has a managed host
running a compatible version of QRadar Network Anomaly Detection software.
Using NAT with Network Address Translation (NAT) translates an IP address in one network to a
QRadar Network different IP address in another network. NAT provides increased security for your
Anomaly Detection deployment since requests are managed through the translation process and
essentially hides internal IP addresses.
Before you enable NAT for a QRadar Network Anomaly Detection managed host,
you must set up your NATed networks using static NAT translation. This ensures
communications between managed hosts that exist within different NATed
networks. For example, in the following diagram, the QFlow 1101 in Network 1 has
an internal IP address of When the QFlow 1101 wants to
communicate with the Event Collector in Network 2, the NAT router translates the
IP address to
Before you enable NAT using QRadar Network Anomaly Detection, your static
NATed networks must be set up and configured on your network. For more
information, see your network administrator.
You can add a non-NATed managed host using inbound NAT for a public IP
address. You can also use a dynamic IP address for outbound NAT. However, both
must be located on the same switch as the Console or managed host. You must
configure the managed host to use the same IP address for the public and private
IP addresses.
When adding or editing a managed host, you can enable NAT for that managed
host. You can also use the deployment editor to manage your NATed networks,
• Adding a NATed Network to QRadar Network Anomaly Detection
• Editing a NATed Network
• Deleting a NATed Network From QRadar Network Anomaly Detection
• Changing the NAT Status for a Managed Host
You can also select the Actions > Manage NATed Networks menu option to
access the Manage NATed Networks window.
You can also select the Actions > Manage NATed Networks menu option to
access the Manage NATed Networks window.
Step 2 Select the NATed network you want to edit. Click Edit.
Step 3 Type a new name for of the NATed network.
Step 4 Click OK.
The Manage NATed Networks window is displayed, including the updated NATed
Step 5 Click OK.
You can also select the Actions > Manage NATed Networks menu option to
access the Manage NATed Networks window.
To change the status of NAT (enable or disable) for an existing managed host:
Step 1 In the deployment editor, click the System View tab.
Step 2 Right-click the managed host you want to edit and select Edit Managed Host.
Step 3 Click Next.
Step 4 Choose one of the following options:
a If you want to enable NAT for the managed host, select the Host is NATed
check box and click Next. Go to Step 5
If you want to enable NAT for a managed host, the NATed network must be using
static NAT translation.
b If you want to disable NAT for the managed host, clear the Host is NATed
check box. Go to Step 6
Step 5 To select a NATed network, enter values for the following parameters:
• Change public IP of the server or appliance to add - Type the public IP
address of the managed host. The managed host uses this IP address to
communicate with another managed host that belongs to a different network
using NAT.
• Select NATed network - From the list box, select the network you want this
managed host to use.
• Manage NATs List - Click this icon to update the NATed network configuration.
For more information, see Using NAT with QRadar Network Anomaly
When you change the NAT status for an existing managed host, error messages
may be displayed. Ignore these error messages.
Step 8 Update the configuration for the device (firewall) to which the managed host is
Step 9 On the Admin tab menu, select Advanced > Deploy Full Configuration.
Assigning a You can assign the QRadar Network Anomaly Detection components that you
Component to a Host added in the Event View page to the managed hosts in your deployment.
This section provides information on assigning a component to a host using the
System View page, however, you can also assign components to a host on the
Event View page.
To assign a host:
Step 1 Click the System View tab.
Step 2 From the Managed Host list, select the managed host you want to assign a
QRadar Network Anomaly Detection component to.
Step 3 Select the component you want to assign to a managed host.
Step 4 From the menu, select Actions > Assign.
You can also right-click a component to access the Actions menu items.
Step 5 From the Select a host list box, select the host that you want to assign to this
component. Click Next.
The list box only displays managed hosts that are running a compatible version of
QRadar Network Anomaly Detection software.
Configuring Host The Host Context component monitors all QRadar Network Anomaly Detection
Context components to make sure that each component is operating as expected.
You can also right-click a component to access the Actions menu item.
Parameter Description
Disk Usage Sentinel Settings
Warning Threshold When the configured threshold of disk usage is exceeded,
an email is sent to the administrator indicating the current
state of disk usage. The default warning threshold is 0.75,
therefore, when disk usage exceeds 75%, an email is sent
indicating that disk usage is exceeding 75%. If disk usage
continues to increase above the configured threshold, a new
email is sent after every 5% increase in usage. By default,
Host Context monitors the following partitions for disk usage:
• /
• /store
• /store/tmp
Type the warning threshold for disk usage.
Note: Notification emails are sent from the email address
specified in the Alert Email From Address parameter to
the email address specified in the Administrative Email
Address parameter. These parameters are configured
on the System Settings window. For more information,
see Setting Up IBM Security QRadar Network
Anomaly Detection.
Parameter Description
Recovery Threshold When the system has exceeded the shutdown threshold,
disk usage must fall below the recovery threshold before
QRadar Network Anomaly Detection processes are
restarted. The default is 0.90, therefore, processes are not
restarted until disk usage is below 90%.
Type the recovery threshold.
Note: Notification emails are sent from the email address
specified in the Alert Email From Address parameter to
the email address specified in the Administrative Email
Address parameter. These parameters are configured
on the System Settings window. For more information,
see Setting Up IBM Security QRadar Network
Anomaly Detection.
Shutdown Threshold When the system exceeds the shutdown threshold, all
QRadar Network Anomaly Detection processes are stopped.
An email is sent to the administrator indicating the current
state of the system. The default is 0.95, therefore, when disk
usage exceeds 95%, all QRadar Network Anomaly
Detection processes stop.
Type the shutdown threshold.
Note: Notification emails are sent from the email address
specified in the Alert Email From Address parameter to
the email address specified in the Administrative Email
Address parameter. These parameters are configured
on the System Settings window. For more information,
see Setting Up IBM Security QRadar Network
Anomaly Detection.
Inspection Interval Type the frequency, in milliseconds, that you want to
determine disk usage.
SAR Sentinel Settings
Inspection Interval Type the frequency, in milliseconds, that you want to inspect
SAR output. The default is 300,000 ms.
Alert Interval Type the frequency, in milliseconds, that you want to be
notified that the thresholds have been exceeded. The default
is 7,200,000 ms.
Time Resolution Type the time, in seconds, that you want the SAR inspection
to be engaged. The default is 60 seconds.
Log Monitor Settings
Inspection Interval Type the frequency, in milliseconds, that you want to monitor
the log files. The default is 60,000 ms.
Monitored SYSLOG Type a filename for the SYSLOG file. The default is
File Name /var/log/qradar.error.
Alert Size Type the maximum number of lines you want to monitor from
the log file. The default is 1000.
Configuring an The accumulator component assists with data collection and anomaly detection for
Accumulator the Event Processor on a managed host. The accumulator component is
responsible for receiving streams of flows and events from the local Event
Processor, writing database data, and contains the Anomaly Detection Engine
To configure an accumulator:
Step 1 In the deployment editor, click the System View tab.
Step 2 Select the managed host you want to configure.
Step 3 Select the accumulator component.
Step 4 From the menu, select Actions > Configure.
You can also right-click a component to access the Actions menu item.
Parameter Description
Central Accumulator Specifies if the current component is a central accumulator.
A central accumulator only exists on a Console system.
Options include:
• True - Specifies that the component is a central
accumulator on the Console and receives TCP data from
non-central accumulators.
• False - Specifies that the component is not a central
accumulator, but is deployed on the Event Processor and
forwards data to a central accumulator on the Console.
Anomaly Detection Type the address and port of the ADE. The ADE is
Engine responsible for analyzing network data and forwarding the
data to the rule system for resolution.
For the central accumulator, type the address and port using
the following syntax: <Console>:<port>
For a non-central accumulator, type the address and port
using the following syntax: <non-Console IP
Streamer Accumulator Type the listen port of the accumulator responsible for
Listen Port receiving streams of flows from the event processor.
The default value is 7802.
Alerts DSM Address Type the DSM address for forwarding alerts from the
accumulator using the following syntax: <DSM_IP
address>:<DSM port number>.
Configuring a This section provides information on how to configure a QRadar QFlow Collector.
QRadar QFlow For an overview of the QRadar QFlow Collector component, see Building Your
Collector Event View.
You can configure a flow filter on the connection from a QRadar QFlow Collector
and multiple Event Collectors. A flow filter controls which flows a component
receives. The Flow Filter parameter is available on the Flow Connection
Configuration window. Right-click the arrow between the component you want to
configure for flow filtering and select Configure. For more information on
configuring a flow filter, see Connecting Components.
You can also right-click a component to access the Actions menu items.
Parameter Description
Event Collector Specifies the Event Collector component connected to
Connections this QRadar QFlow Collector. The connection is
displayed in the following format: <Host IP
If the QRadar QFlow Collector is not connected to an
Event Collector, the parameter is empty.
QRadar QFlow Collector ID Type a unique ID for the QRadar QFlow Collector.
Parameter Description
Maximum Content Capture Type the capture length, in bytes, to attach to a flow.
The range is from 0 to 65535. A value of 0 disables
content capture. The default is 64 bytes.
QRadar QFlow Collectors capture a configurable
number of bytes at the start of each flow. Transferring
large amounts of content across the network may affect
network and QRadar Network Anomaly Detection
performance. On managed hosts where the QRadar
QFlow Collectors are located on close high-speed links,
you can increase the content capture length.
Note: Increasing content capture length increases disk
storage requirements for recommended disk
Alias Autodetection Type one of the following values:
• Yes - Enables the QRadar QFlow Collector to detect
external flow source aliases. When a QRadar QFlow
Collector receives traffic from a device with an IP
address, but no current alias, the QRadar QFlow
Collector attempts a reverse DNS lookup to
determine the host name of the device. If the lookup
is successful, the QRadar QFlow Collector adds this
information to the database and reports this
information to all QRadar QFlow Collectors in your
• No - Prevents the QRadar QFlow Collector from
detecting external flow sources aliases.
For more information on flow sources, see Managing
Flow Sources.
Parameter Description
Event Collector Type the Event Collector connected to this QRadar QFlow
Connections Collector. The connection is displayed in the following
format: <Host IP Address>:<Port>.
If the QRadar QFlow Collector is not connected to an Event
Collector, the parameter is empty.
Parameter Description
Flow Routing Mode Type one of the following values:
• 0 - Type 0 to enable Distributor Mode, which allows
QRadar QFlow Collector to group flows that have similar
• 1 - Type 1 to enable Flow Mode, which prevents the
bundling of flows.
Maximum Data Type the amount of bytes and packets you want the QRadar
Capture/Packet QFlow Collector to capture.
Time Synchronization Type the IP address or host name of the time server.
Server IP Address
Time Synchronization Type the length of time you want the managed host to
Timeout Period continue attempting to synchronize the time before timing
out. The default is 15 minutes.
Endace DAG Interface Type the Endace Network Monitoring Interface card
Card Configuration parameters. For more information on the required input for
this parameter, contact Customer Support.
Flow Buffer Size Type the amount of memory, in MB, that you want to
reserve for flow storage. The default is 400 MB.
Maximum Number of Type the maximum number of flows you want to send from
Flows the QRadar QFlow Collector to an Event Collector.
Remove duplicate flows Type one of the following values:
• Yes - Enables the QRadar QFlow Collector to remove
duplicate flows.
• No - Prevents the QRadar QFlow Collector from
removing duplicate flows.
Verify NetFlow Type one of the following values:
Sequence Numbers • Yes - Enables the QRadar QFlow Collector to check the
incoming NetFlow sequence numbers to ensure that all
packets are present and in order. A notification is
displayed if a packet is missing or received out-of-order.
• No - Prevents the QRadar QFlow Collector from
checking the incoming NetFlow sequence numbers to
ensure that all packets are present and in order.
Parameter Description
External Flow Type the method you want to use to remove duplicate
De-duplication method external flow sources (de-duplication). Options include:
• Source - Enables the QRadar QFlow Collector to
compare originating flow sources. This method compares
the IP address of the device that exported the current
external flow record to that of the IP address of the
device that exported the first external record of the
particular flow. If the IP addresses do not match, the
current external flow record is discarded.
• Record - Enables the QRadar QFlow Collector to
compare individual external flow records. This method
logs a list of every external flow record detected by a
particular device and compares each subsequent record
to that list. If the current record is found in the list, that
record is discarded.
Flow Carry-over Type the number of seconds before the end of an interval
Window that you want one-sided flows to be held over until the next
interval if the flow. This allows time for the inverse side of
the flow to arrive before being reported.
External flow record Note: This parameter is only valid if you typed Record in
comparison mask the External Flow De-duplication method parameter.
Type the external flow record fields you want to use to
remove duplicate flows. Valid options include:
• D - Direction
• B - ByteCount
• P - (PacketCount
You can combine these options. Possible combinations of
the options include:
• DBP - Uses direction, byte count, and packet count when
comparing flow records.
• XBP - Uses byte count and packet count when
comparing flow records.
• DXP - Uses direction and packet count when comparing
flow records.
• DBX - Uses direction and byte count when comparing
flow records.
• DXX - Uses direction when comparing flow records.
• XBX - Uses byte count when comparing records.
• XXP - Uses packet count when comparing records.
Create Superflows Type one of the following options:
• Yes - Enables the QRadar QFlow Collector to create
Superflows from group flows that have similar properties.
• No - Prevents the creation of Superflows.
Parameter Description
Type A Superflows Type the threshold for type A superflows.
A type A superflow is a group of flows from one host to
many hosts. This is a unidirectional flow that is an aggregate
of all flows that have the same different destination hosts,
but following parameters are the same:
• Protocol
• Source bytes
• Source hosts
• Destination network
• Destination port (TCP and UDP flows only)
• TCP flags (TCP flows only)
• ICMP type, and code (ICMP flows only)
Type B Superflows Type the threshold for type B superflows.
A type B superflow is group of flows from many hosts to one
host. This is unidirectional flow that is an aggregate of all
flows that have different source hosts, but the following
parameters are the same:
• Protocol
• Source bytes
• Source packets
• Destination host
• Source network
• Destination port (TCP and UDP flows only)
• TCP flags (TCP flows only)
• ICMP type, and code (ICMP flows only)
Type CSuperflows Type the threshold for type C superflows.
Type C superflows are a group of flows from one host to
another host. This is a unidirectional flow that is an
aggregate of all non-ICMP flows have different source or
destination ports, but the following parameters are the
• Protocol
• Source host
• Destination host
• Source bytes
• Destination bytes
• Source packets
• Destination packets
Parameter Description
Recombine In some networks, traffic is configured to take alternate
Asymmetric Superflows paths for inbound and outbound traffic. This is called
asymmetric routing. You can combine flows received from
one or more QRadar QFlow Collectors. However, if you
want to combine flows from multiple QRadar QFlow
Collectors, you must configure flow sources in the
Asymmetric Flow Source Interface(s) parameter in the
QRadar QFlow Collector configuration.
Choose one of the following options:
• Yes - Enables the QRadar QFlow Collector to recombine
asymmetric flows.
• No - Prevents the QRadar QFlow Collector from
recombining asymmetric flows.
Ignore Asymmetric Type one of the following options:
Superflows • Yes - Enables the QRadar QFlow Collector to create
superflows while asymmetric flows are enabled.
• No - Prevents the QRadar QFlow Collector from creating
superflows while asymmetric flows are enabled.
Minimum Buffer Data Type the minimum amount of data, in bytes, that you want
the Endace Network Monitoring Interface Card to receive
before the captured data is returned to the QRadar QFlow
Collector process. For example, if this parameter is 0 and no
data is available, the Endace Network Monitoring Interface
Card allows non-blocking behavior.
Maximum Wait Time Type the maximum amount of time, in microseconds, that
you want the Endace Network Monitoring Interface Card to
wait for the minimum amount of data, as specified in the
Minimum Buffer Data parameter.
Polling Interval Type the interval, in microseconds, that you want the
Endace Network Monitoring Interface Card to wait before
checking for additional data. A polling interval avoids
excessive polling traffic to the card and, therefore,
conserves bandwidth and processing time.
Configuring an Event This section provides information on how to configure an Event Collector. For an
Collector overview of the Event Collector component, see Building Your Event View.
You can also right-click a component to access the Action menu items.
Parameter Description
Destination Event Specifies the Event Processor component connected to
Processor this QRadar QFlow Collector. The connection is
displayed in the following format: <Host IP
If the QRadar QFlow Collector is not connected to an
Event Processor, the parameter is empty.
Flow Listen Port Type the listen port for flows.
Event Forwarding Listen Type the Event Collector event forwarding port.
Flow Forwarding Listen Type the Event Collector flow forwarding port.
Parameter Description
Primary Collector Specifies one of the following values:
• True - Specifies that the Event Collector is located on a
Console system.
• False - Specifies that the Event Collector is located on a
non-Console system.
Autodetection Enabled Type of the following values:
• Yes - Enables the Event Collector to automatically
analyze and accept traffic from previously unknown log
sources. The appropriate firewall ports are opened to
enable Autodetection to receive events. This is the
• No - Prevents the Event Collector from automatically
analyzing and accepting traffic from previously unknown
log sources.
For more information on configuring log sources, see the
IBM Security QRadar Log Sources Users Guide.
Flow Deduplication Type the amount of time in seconds flows are buffered
Filter before they are forwarded.
Asymmetric Flow Filter Type the amount of time in seconds asymmetric flows will be
buffered before they are forwarded.
Configuring an Event This section provides information on how to configure an Event Processor. For an
Processor overview of the Event Processor component, see Building Your Event View.
You can also right-click a component to access the Action menu items.
Parameter Description
Event Collector Type the port that the Event Processor monitors for
Connections Listen Port incoming Event Collector connections. The default value is
port 32005.
Event Processor Type the port that the Event Processor monitors for
Connections Listen Port incoming Event Processor connections. The default value
is port 32007.
Parameter Description
Test Rules Note: The test rules list box in the Deployment Editor is
available for non-Console Event Processors only.
Type one of the following options:
• Locally - Rules are tested on the Event Processor
and not shared with the system. Testing rules locally
is the default for Console Event Processors.
• Globally - Allows individual rules for every Event
Processor to be shared and tested system wide.
Each rule in Offenses > Rules can be toggled to
Global for detection by any Event Processor on the
Parameter Description
Note: If a rule is configured to test locally, the Globally
option does not override the rule setting.
For example, you can create a rule to alert you when
there is five failed login attempts within 5 minutes. The
default for the rule is set to local. When the Event
Processor containing the local rule observes five failed
login attempts, the rule generates a response. When the
rule in the example above is set to Global, when five
failed login attempts within 5 minutes is detected on any
Event Processor, the rule generates a response. This
means that when rules are shared globally, the rule can
detect when one failed login attempt comes from five
separate event processors. Testing rules globally is the
default for non-Console Event Processors, with each
rule on the Event Processor set to test locally.
Overflow Event Routing Type the events per second threshold that the Event
Threshold Processor can manage. Events over this threshold are
placed in the cache.
Overflow Flow Routing Type the flows per minute threshold that the Event
Threshold Processor can manage. Flows over this threshold are
placed in the cache.
Events database path Type the location you want to store events. The default
is /store/ariel/events.
Payloads database length Type the location you want to store payload information.
The default is /store/ariel/payloads.
Configuring the This section provides information on how to configure the Magistrate. For an
Magistrate overview of the Magistrate component, see Building Your Event View.
You can also right-click a component to access the Action menu items.
Configuring an This section provides information on how to configure an off-site source. For an
Off-site Source overview of the off-site source component, see Building Your Event View.
When configuring off-site source and target components, we recommend that you
deploy the Console with the off-site source first and the Console with the off-site
target second to prevent connection errors.
You can also right-click a component to access the Action menu items.
Parameter Description
Receive Events Type one of the following values:
• True - Enables the system to receive events from the
off-site source host.
• False - Prevents the system from receiving events from
the off-site source host.
Receive Flows Type one of the following values:
• True - Enables the system to receive flows from the
off-site source host.
• False - Prevents the system from receiving flows from
the off-site source host.
Configuring an This section provides information on how to configure an off-site target. For an
Off-site Target overview of the off-site target component, see Building Your Event View.
When configuring off-site source and target components, we recommend that you
deploy the Console with the off-site source first and the Console with the off-site
target second to prevent connection errors.
You can also right-click a component to access the Action menu items.
Parameter Description
Event Collector Listen Type the Event Collector listen port for receiving event
Port data. The default listen port for events is 32004.
Note: If the off-site target system has been upgraded from
a previous QRadar Network Anomaly Detection
software version, you must change the port from the
default (32004) to the port specified in the Event
Forwarding Listen Port parameter for the off-site
target. For more information on how to access the
Event Forwarding Listen port on the off-site target, see
Configuring an Event Collector.
Flow Collector Listen Type the Event Collector listen port for receiving flow data.
Port The default listen port for flows is 32000.
Using the Flow Sources feature, you can manage the flow sources in your
Flow Sources IBM Security QRadar Network Anomaly Detection allows you to integrate flow
Overview sources. Flow sources are classed as either internal or external:
• Internal flow sources - Includes any additional hardware installed on a
managed host, such as a Network Interface Card (NIC). Depending on the
hardware configuration of your managed host, the internal flow sources may
- Network interface Card
- Endace Network Monitoring Interface Card
- Napatech Interface
• External flow sources - Includes any external flow sources that send flows to
the QRadar QFlow Collector. If your QRadar QFlow Collector receives multiple
flow sources, you can assign each flow source a distinct name, providing the
ability to distinguish one source of external flow data from another when
received on the same QRadar QFlow Collector. External flow sources may
- NetFlow
- sFlow
- J-Flow
- Packeteer
- Flowlog File
QRadar Network Anomaly Detection can forward external flows source data
using the spoofing or non-spoofing method:
- Spoofing - Resends the inbound data received from flow sources to a
secondary destination. To ensure flow source data is sent to a secondary
destination, configure the Monitoring Interface in the Flow Source
configuration (see Adding a Flow Source) to the port on which data is being
received (management port). When you use a specific interface, the QRadar
QFlow Collector uses a promiscuous mode capture to obtain flow source
data, rather than the default UDP listening port on port 2055. This allows the
QRadar QFlow Collector to capture flow source packets and forward the
- Non-Spoofing - For the non-spoofing method, configure the Monitoring
Interface parameter in the Flow Source Configuration (see Adding a Flow
Source) as Any. The QRadar QFlow Collector opens the listening port,
which is the port configured as the Monitoring Port to accept flow source
data. The data is processed and forwarded to another flow source
destination. The source IP address of the flow source data becomes the IP
address of the QRadar Network Anomaly Detection system, not the original
router that sent the data.
While NetFlow expands the amount of the network that is monitored, NetFlow uses
a connection-less protocol (UDP) to deliver NDEs. After an NDE is sent from a
switch or router, the NetFlow record is purged. As UDP is used to send this
information and does not guarantee the delivery of data, NetFlow records
inaccurate recording and reduced alerting capabilities. This can result in
inaccurate presentations of both traffic volumes and bi-directional flows.
When you configure an external flow source for NetFlow, you must:
• Make sure the appropriate firewall rules are configured. If you change your
External Flow Source Monitoring Port parameter in the QRadar QFlow
Collector configuration, you must also update your firewall access
configuration. For more information about QRadar QFlow Collector
configuration, see Using the Deployment Editor.
• Make sure the appropriate ports are configured for your QRadar QFlow
If you are using NetFlow version 9, make sure the NetFlow template from the
NetFlow source includes the following fields:
• TCP_FLAGS (TCP flows only)
IPFIX Internet Protocol Flow Information Export (IPFIX) is an accounting technology that
monitors traffic flows through a switch or router, interprets the client, server,
protocol, and port used, counts the number of bytes and packets, and sends that
data to a IPFIX collector. IBM Security Network Protection XGS 5000, a next
generation IPS, is an example of a device that sends flow traffic in IPFIX flow
The process of sending IPFIX data is often referred to as a NetFlow Data Export
(NDE). IPFIX provides more flow information and deeper insight than NetFlow v9.
You can configure QRadar Network Anomaly Detection to accept NDE's and thus
become an IPFIX collector. IPFIX uses User Datagram Protocol (UDP) to deliver
NDEs. After a NDE is sent from the IPFIX forwarding device, the IPFIX record may
be purged.
To configure QRadar Network Anomaly Detection to accept IPFIX flow traffic, you
must add a NetFlow flow source. The NetFlow flow source processes IPFIX flows
using the same process.
Your QRadar Network Anomaly Detection system may include a default NetFlow
flow source; therefore, you may not be required to configure a Netflow flow
source. To confirm that your system includes a default NetFlow flow source, select
Admin > Flow Sources. If default_Netflow is listed in the flow source list, IPFIX
is already configured.
When you configure an external flow source for IPFIX, you must:
• Ensure the appropriate firewall rules are configured. If you change your
External Flow Source Monitoring Port parameter in the QRadar QFlow
Collector configuration, you must also update your firewall access
configuration. For more information on QRadar QFlow Collector configuration,
sFlow A multi-vendor and end-user standard for sampling technology that provides
continuous monitoring of application level traffic flows on all interfaces
simultaneously. sFlow combines interface counters and flow samples into sFlow
datagrams that are sent across the network to an sFlow collector. QRadar Network
Anomaly Detection supports sFlow versions 2, 4, and 5. Note that sFlow traffic is
based on sampled data and, therefore, may not represent all network traffic. For
more information on sFlow, see http://www.sflow.org.
sFlow uses a connection-less protocol (UDP). When data is sent from a switch or
router, the sFlow record is purged. As UDP is used to send this information and
does not guarantee the delivery of data, sFlow records inaccurate recording and
reduced alerting capabilities. This can result in inaccurate presentations of both
traffic volumes and bi-directional flows.
When you configure an external flow source for sFlow, you must:
• Make sure the appropriate firewall rules are configured.
• Make sure the appropriate ports are configured for your QRadar QFlow
J-Flow A proprietary accounting technology used by Juniper® Networks that allows you to
collect IP traffic flow statistics. J-Flow enables you to export data to a UDP port on
a J-Flow collector. Using J-Flow, you can also enable J-Flow on a router or
interface to collect network statistics for specific locations on your network. Note
that J-Flow traffic is based on sampled data and, therefore, may not represent all
network traffic. For more information on J-Flow, see http://www.juniper.net.
J-Flow uses a connection-less protocol (UDP). When data is sent from a switch or
router, the J-Flow record is purged. As UDP is used to send this information and
does not guarantee the delivery of data, J-Flow records inaccurate recording and
reduced alerting capabilities. This can result in inaccurate presentations of both
traffic volumes and bi-directional flows.
When you configure an external flow source for J-Flow, you must:
• Make sure the appropriate firewall rules are configured.
• Make sure the appropriate ports are configured for your QRadar QFlow
Packeteer Packeteer devices collect, aggregate, and store network performance data. After
you configure an external flow source for Packeteer, you can send flow information
from a Packeteer device to QRadar Network Anomaly Detection.
Packeteer uses a connection-less protocol (UDP). When data is sent from a switch
or router, the Packeteer record is purged. As UDP is used to send this information
and does not guarantee the delivery of data, Packeteer records inaccurate
recording and reduced alerting capabilities. This can result in inaccurate
presentations of both traffic volumes and bi-directional flows.
Flowlog File A file generated from the QRadar Network Anomaly Detection flow logs.
Napatech Interface If you have a Napatech Network Adapter installed on your QRadar Network
Anomaly Detection system, the Naptatech Interface option is displayed as a
configurable packet-based flow source on the QRadar Network Anomaly Detection
user interface. The Napatech Network Adapter provides next-generation
programmable and intelligent network adapter for your network. For more
information regarding Napatech Network Adapters, see your Napatech vendor
Managing Flow For QRadar Network Anomaly Detection appliances, QRadar Network Anomaly
Sources Detection automatically adds default flow sources for the physical ports on the
appliance. Also, QRadar Network Anomaly Detection also includes a default
NetFlow flow source. If QRadar Network Anomaly Detection is installed on your
own hardware, QRadar Network Anomaly Detection attempts to automatically
detect and add default flow sources for any physical devices, such as a Network
Interface Card (NIC). Also, when you assign a QRadar QFlow Collector, QRadar
Network Anomaly Detection includes a default NetFlow flow source.
Parameter Description
Build from existing flow Select the check box if you want to create this flow source
source using an existing flow source as a template. After you
select the check box, use the list box to select a flow
source and click Use as Template.
Flow Source Name Type a name for the flow source. We recommend that for
an external flow source that is also a physical device, use
the device name as the flow source name. If the flow
source is not a physical device, make sure you use a
meaningful name. For example, if you want to use IPFIX
traffic, type ipf1. If you want to use NetFlow traffic, type
Target Collector Using the list box, select the Event Collector you want to
use for this flow source.
Parameter Description
Flow Source Type Using the list box, select the flow source type for this flow
source. The options are:
• Flowlog File
• JFlow
• Netflow v.1, v5, v7, or v9
• Network Interface
• Packeteer FDR
• SFlow v.2, v.4, or v.5
• Napatech, if applicable
• Endace, if applicable
Enable Asymmetric Flows In some networks, traffic is configured to take alternate
paths for inbound and outbound traffic. This is asymmetric
routing. Select this check box is you want to enable
asymmetric flows for this flow source.
Source File Path Type the source file path for the flowlog file.
Parameter Description
Monitoring Interface Using the list box, select the monitoring interface you want
to use for this flow source.
Monitoring Port Type the port you want this flow source to use.
For the first NetFlow flow source configured in your network,
the default port is 2055. For each additional NetFlow flow
source, the default port number increments by 1. For
example, the default NetFlow flow source for the second
NetFlow flow source is 2056.
Enable Flow Select the check box to enable flow forwarding for this flow
Forwarding source. When you select the check box, the following
options are displayed:
• Forwarding Port - Type the port you want to forward
flows. The default is 1025.
• Forwarding Destinations - Type the destinations you
want to forward flows to. You can add or remove
addresses from the list using the Add and Remove
c If you select the Napatech Interface option in the Flow Source Type
parameter, type the Flow Interface you want to assign to this flow source.
The Napatech Interface option is only displayed if you have a Napatech Network
Adapter installed in your system.
d If you select the Network Interface option as the Flow Source Type
parameter, configure the following parameters:
Table 9-3 Network Interface Parameters
Parameter Description
Flow Interface Using the list box, select the log source you want to assign
to this flow source.
Note: You can only configure one log source per Ethernet
Interface. Also, you cannot send different flow types to
the same port.
Filter String Type the filter string for this flow source.
Managing Flow You can configure a virtual name (or alias) for flow sources. You can identify
Source Aliases multiple sources being sent to the same QRadar QFlow Collector, using the source
IP address and virtual name. An alias allows a QRadar QFlow Collector to
uniquely identify and process data sources being sent to the same port.
When a QRadar QFlow Collector receives traffic from a device with an IP address
but no current alias, the QRadar QFlow Collector attempts a reverse DNS lookup
to determine the host name of the device. If the lookup is successful, the QRadar
QFlow Collector adds this information to the database and is reported to all
QRadar QFlow Collectors in your deployment.
Using the deployment editor, you can configure the QRadar QFlow Collector to
automatically detect flow source aliases. For more information, see Managing
Flow Sources.
On the Admin tab, you can group remote networks and services for use in flow
and event searches and the custom rules engine.
Remote Networks Remote network and service groups enable you to represent traffic activity on your
and Services network for a specific profile. All remote network and service groups have group
Overview levels and leaf object levels.
You can edit remote network and service groups by adding objects to existing
groups or changing pre-existing properties to suit your environment.
If you move an existing object to another group (select a new group and click Add
Group), the object name moves from the existing group to the newly selected
group; however, when the configuration changes are deployed, the object data
stored in the database is lost and the object ceases to function. We recommend
that you create a new view and re-create the object (that exists with another
Managing Remote Remote networks groups display user traffic originating from named remote
Networks networks. After you create remote network groups, you can aggregate flow and
event search results on remote network groups, and create rules that test for
activity on remote network groups.
Default Remote QRadar Network Anomaly Detection includes the following default remote network
Network Groups groups:
Table 10-1 Default Remote Network Groups
Group Description
BOT Specifies traffic originating from BOT applications.
Bogon Specifies traffic originating from un-assigned IP addresses.
For more information on bogons, see
HostileNets Specifies traffic originating from known hostile networks.
HostileNets has a set of 20 (rank 1 to 20 inclusive) configurable
CIDR ranges.
Neighbours This group is blank by default. You must configure this group to
classify traffic originating from neighboring networks.
Smurfs Specifies traffic originating from Smurf attacks. A Smurf attack is
a type of denial-of-service attack that floods a destination system
with spoofed broadcast ping messages.
Superflows This group is non-configurable. A superflow is a flow that is an
aggregate of a number of flows that have a similar predetermined
set of elements.
TrustedNetworks This group is blank by default. You must configure this group to
classify traffic originating from trusted networks.
Watchlists This group is blank by default. You can configure this group to
classify traffic originating from networks you want monitor.
Groups and objects that include superflows are for informational purposes only
and cannot be edited. Groups and objects that include bogons are configured by
the Automatic Update function.
Parameter Description
Group From the list box, select a group for this object or click Add
Group to add a new group.
Name Type a unique name for the object.
Weight Type or select a weight for the object.
IP/CIDR(s) Type the IP address or CIDR range for the object. Click Add.
Description Type a description for the object.
Database Length From the list box, select the database length.
Parameter Description
Name Specifies the name assigned to the view.
Actions Click the Open icon to view the properties window.
Parameter Description
Name Specifies the name assigned to the object.
Value(s) Specifies IP addresses or CIDR ranges assigned to
this object.
Table 10-4 Manage Group Pane Parameters for Selected Group (continued)
Parameter Description
Actions Specifies the actions available for each object,
• Edit - Click the Edit icon to edit object properties.
• Delete - Click the Delete icon to delete object.
Managing Remote Remote services groups organize traffic originating from user-defined network
Services ranges or the IBM automatic update server. After you create remote service
groups, you can aggregate flow and event search results, and create rules that test
for activity on remote service groups.
Default Remote QRadar Network Anomaly Detection includes the following default remote service
Service Groups groups:
Table 10-5 Default Remote Service Groups
Parameter Description
IRC_Servers Specifies traffic originating from addresses commonly known as
chat servers.
Online_Services Specifies traffic originating from addresses commonly known
online services that may involve data loss.
Porn Specifies traffic originating from addresses commonly known to
contain explicit pornographic material.
Proxies Specifies traffic originating from commonly known open proxy
Reserved_IP_ Specifies traffic originating from reserved IP address ranges.
Parameter Description
Spam Specifies traffic originating from addresses commonly known to
produce SPAM or unwanted email.
Spy_Adware Specifies traffic originating from addresses commonly known to
contain spyware or adware.
Superflows Specifies traffic originating from addresses commonly known to
produce superflows.
Warez Specifies traffic originating from addresses commonly known to
contain pirated software.
Parameter Description
Group From the list box, select a group for the object or click Add
Group to add a new group.
Name Type the name for the object.
Weight Type or select a weight for the object.
IP/CIDR(s) Type the IP address or CIDR range for the object. Click Add.
Description Type a description for the object.
Database Length From the list box, select the database length.
Parameter Description
Name Specifies the name assigned to the group.
Actions Click the Open icon to view properties.
Parameter Description
Name Specifies the name assigned to the object.
Value Specifies ports assigned to this object:
Actions Specifies the actions available for each object,
• Edit - Click the Edit icon to edit the object
• Delete - Click the Delete icon to delete the object.
Using Best Given the complexities and network resources required for QRadar Network
Practices Anomaly Detection in large structured networks, we recommend the following best
• Bundle objects and use the Network Activity and Log Activity tabs to analyze
your network data. Fewer objects create less input and output to your disk.
• Typically, no more than 200 objects per group (for standard system
requirements). More objects may impact your processing power when
investigating your traffic.
The Server Discovery function uses the Asset Profile database to discover
different server types based on port definitions, and then allows you to select
which servers to add to a server-type building block for rules.
Server Discovery This feature makes the discovery and tuning process simpler and faster by
Overview providing a quick mechanism to insert servers into building blocks.
The Server Discovery function is based on server-type building blocks. Ports are
used to define the server type so that the server-type building block essentially
functions as a port-based filter when searching the Asset Profile database.
For more information on building blocks, see the IBM Security QRadar Network
Anomaly Detection User Guide.
If you want to modify the search criteria, click either Edit Port or Edit Definition.
The Rules Wizard is displayed. For more information on the rules wizard, see the
IBM Security QRadar Network Anomaly Detection User Guide.
Event Forwarding IBM Security QRadar Network Anomaly Detection allows you to forward raw log
Overview data received from log sources and QRadar Network Anomaly
Detection-normalized event data to one or more vendor systems, such as ticketing
or alerting systems. On the QRadar Network Anomaly Detection user interface,
these vendor systems are called forwarding destinations. QRadar Network
Anomaly Detection ensures that all forwarded data is unaltered.
To configure QRadar Network Anomaly Detection to forward events, you must first
configure one or more forwarding destinations. Then you can configure routing
rules, custom rules, or both to determine what log data you want to forward and
what routing options apply to the log data.
For example, you can configure all log data from a specific event collector to
forward to a specific vendor ticketing system. You can also choose from various
routing options such as removing the log data that matches a routing rule from
your QRadar Network Anomaly Detection system and bypassing correlation.
Correlation is the process of matching events to rules, which in turn can generate
Add Forwarding Before you can configure bulk or select event forwarding, you must add forwarding
Destinations destinations on the Forwarding Destinations window.
Parameter Description
Name Type a unique name for the forwarding destination.
Event Format From the list box, select an event format. Options
• Raw event - Raw event data is event data in the
format that the log source sent. This is the default
• Normalized event - Normalized data is raw event
data that QRadar Network Anomaly Detection has
parsed and prepared for the display as readable
information on the QRadar Network Anomaly
Detection user interface.
Note: Normalized event data cannot transmit using
the UDP protocol. If you select the Normalized
Event option, the UDP option in the Protocol list
box is disabled.
Destination Type the IP address or host name of the vendor
Address system you want to forward event data to.
Destination Port Type the port number of the port on the vendor
system you want to forward event data to. The
default port is 514.
Parameter Description
Protocol Using the list box, select the protocol you want to use
to forward event data. Choices include:
• TCP - Transmission Control Protocol.
To send normalized event data using the TCP
protocol, you must create an off-site source at the
destination address on port 32004. For more
information on creating off-site sources, see
Using the Deployment Editor.
• UDP - User Datagram Protocol
Normalized event data cannot transmit using the
UDP protocol. If you select the UDP option, the
Normalized Event option in the Event Format
list box is disabled.
The default protocol is TCP.
Prefix a syslog When QRadar Network Anomaly Detection forwards
header if it is syslog messages, the outbound message is verified
missing or invalid to ensure it has a proper syslog header.
Select this check box to prefix a syslog header if
a header is not detected on the original syslog
Configuring Bulk After you have added one or more forwarding destinations, you can create
Event Forwarding filter-based routing rules to allow QRadar Network Anomaly Detection to forward
large quantities of event data.
Parameter Description
Name Type a unique name for the routing rule.
Description Type a description for the routing rule.
Forwarding Event From the list box, select the event collector you want
Collector to forward events from.
Current Filters
Match All Select this check box to specify that you want this
Incoming Events rule to forward all incoming events. If you select this
option, the Add Filter functionality is no longer
Add Filter Using the options in the Current Filters pane,
configure your filters:
1 From the first list box, select a property you want
to filter for. Options include all normalized and
custom event properties.
2 From the second list box, select an operator.
Choices include Equals and Equals any of.
3 In the text box, type the value you want to filter
4 Click Add Filter.
5 Repeat for each filter you want to add.
Routing Options
Forward Select this check box to forward log data that
matches the current filters, and then select the check
box for each forwarding destination that forward log
data to.
If you select the Forward check box, you can also
select either the Drop or Bypass Correlation check
boxes, but not both of them.
If you want to edit, add, or delete a forwarding
destination, click the Manage Destinations link. For
more information, see Managing Forwarding
Drop Select this check box if you to remove the log data
that matches the current filters from the QRadar
Network Anomaly Detection database.
Note: If you select the Drop check box, the Bypass
Correlation check box is automatically cleared.
Parameter Description
Bypass Select this check box if you want the log data that
Correlation matches the current filters to bypass correlation.
When correlation is bypassed, the log data that
matches the current filter is stored in the QRadar
Network Anomaly Detection database, but it is not
tested in the CRE.
Note: If you select the Bypass Correlation check
box, the Drop check box is automatically
Configuring Using the Custom Rule Wizard, you can configure rules to forward event data to
Selective Event one or more forwarding destinations as a rule response. The criteria for what data
Forwarding gets forwarded to a forwarding destination is based on the tests and building
blocks included in the rule. This method provides you a means to configure highly
selective event forwarding.
Viewing Forwarding The Forwarding Destinations window provides valuable information on your
Destinations forwarding destinations, including statistics for the data sent to each forwarding
Parameter Description
Name Specifies the name of this forwarding destination.
Event Format Specifies whether raw event data or normalized
event data is sent to this forwarding destination.
Host / IP Address Specifies the IP address or host name of this
forwarding destination host.
Port Specifies the receiving port on this forwarding
destination host.
Protocol Specifies whether the protocol for this forwarding
event data is TCP or UDP.
Seen Specifies how many total number events were seen
for this forwarding destination.
Sent Specifies how many events have actually been sent
to this forwarding destination.
Dropped Specifies how many events have been dropped
before reaching this forwarding destination.
Enabled Specifies whether this forwarding destination is
enabled or disabled. For more information, see
Enabling and Disabling a Forwarding
Creation Date Specifies the date that this forwarding destination
was created.
Modification Date Specifies the date that this forwarding destination
was last modified.
Function Description
Add Click Add to add a new forwarding destination. See Add
Forwarding Destinations.
Edit Click Edit to edit a selected forwarding destination. See
Editing a Forwarding Destination.
Function Description
Enable/Disable Click Enable/Disable to enable or disable a selected
forwarding destination. For more information, see Enabling
and Disabling a Forwarding Destination.
Delete Click Delete to delete a selected forwarding destination. See
Delete a Forwarding Destination.
Reset Counters Click Reset Counters to reset the Seen, Sent, and Dropped
parameters for all forwarding destinations back to zero (0).
See Resetting the Counters.
Enabling and When you create a forwarding destination, it is enabled by default. Using the
Disabling a Enable/Disable icon, you can toggle the forwarding destination on or off.
Destination To enable or disable a forwarding destination:
Step 1 Click the Admin tab.
Step 2 On the navigation menu, click System Configuration.
Step 3 Click the Forwarding Destinations icon.
Step 4 Select the forwarding destination you want to enable or disable.
Step 5 On the toolbar, click Enable/Disable.
Depending on the current status of the forwarding destination, the result of clicking
Enable/Disable is as follows:
• If the Enabled status is False, the forwarding destination is now enabled.
• If the Enabled status is True, a confirmation message is provides a list of
associated rules. Click OK to confirm you want to disable the forwarding
Resetting the The Seen, Sent, and Dropped parameters provide counts that continue to
Counters accumulate until you reset the counters. You may want to reset the counters to
provide a more targeted view of how your forwarding destinations are performing.
Editing a Forwarding You can edit a forwarding destination to change the configured name, format, IP
Destination address, port, or protocol.
Delete a Forwarding You can delete a forwarding destination. If the forwarding destination is associated
Destination with any active rules, you must confirm that you want to delete the forwarding
Viewing Routing The Event Routing Rules window provides valuable information on your routing
Rules rules, such as the configured filters and actions that are performed when event
data matches each rule.
Parameter Description
Name Specifies the name of this routing rule.
Event Collector Specifies the Event Collector you want this routing
rule process data from.
Filters Specifies the configured filters for this routing rule.
Routing Options Specifies the configured routing options for this
routing rule. Options include:
• Forward - Event data is forwarded to the
specified forwarding destination. Event data is
also stored in the QRadar Network Anomaly
Detection database and processed by the Custom
Rules Engine (CRE).
• Forward & Drop - Event data is forwarded to the
specified forwarding destination. Event data is not
stored in the QRadar Network Anomaly Detection
database, but it is processed by the CRE.
• Forward & Bypass - Event data is forwarded to
the specified forwarding destination. Event data is
also stored in the QRadar Network Anomaly
Detection database, but it is not processed by the
• Drop - Event data is not stored in the QRadar
Network Anomaly Detection database. The event
data is not forwarded to a forwarding destination,
but it is processed by the CRE.
• Bypass - Event data is not processed by the
CRE, but it is stored in the QRadar Network
Anomaly Detection database. The event data is
not forwarded to a forwarding destination.
Enabled Specifies whether this routing rule is enabled or
Creation Date Specifies the date that this routing rule was created.
Modification Date Specifies the date that this routing rule was modified.
The Event Routing Rules window toolbar provides the following functions:
Table 12-6 Event Routing Rules Window Toolbar
Function Description
Add Click Add to add a new routing rule. See Configuring Bulk
Event Forwarding.
Edit Click Edit to edit a selected routing rule. See Editing a
Routing Rule.
Enable/Disable Click Enable/Disable to enable or disable a selected routing
rule. See Enabling or Disabling a Routing Rule.
Function Description
Delete Click Delete to delete a selected routing rule. For more
information, see Deleting a Routing Rule.
Editing a Routing You can edit a routing rule to change the configured name, Event Collector, filters,
Rule or routing options.
Enabling or Disabling When you first create a routing rule, it is enabled by default. Using the
a Routing Rule Enable/Disable icon, you can toggle the routing rule on or off. To enable or disable
a routing rule:
Step 1 Click the Admin tab.
Step 2 On the navigation menu, click Data Sources.
Step 3 Click the Routing Rules icon.
Step 4 Select the routing rule you want to enable or disable.
Step 5 On the toolbar, click Enable/Disable.
Depending on the current status of the routing rule, the result of clicking
Enable/Disable is as follows:
• If the Enabled status is True, the routing rule is disabled.
• If the Enabled status is False and the routing rule is configured to drop events,
a confirmation message is displayed. Click OK.
Deleting a Routing You can delete a routing rule. You are required to confirm that you want to delete
Rule the routing rule.
To delete a routing rule:
Step 1 Click the Admin tab.
Step 2 On the navigation menu, click Data Sources.
Step 3 Click the Routing Rules icon.
Step 4 Select the routing rule you want to delete.
Rule Group Type Enabled Description
Anomaly: Devices with Anomaly Event False Monitors devices for high event rates. Typically,
High Event Rates the default threshold is low for most networks and
we recommend that you adjust this value before
enabling this rule. To configure which devices will
be monitored, edit the BB:DeviceDefinition:
Devices to Monitor for High Event Rates BB.
Anomaly: DMZ Jumping Anomaly Common False Reports when connections are bridged across
your Demilitarized Zone (DMZ).
Anomaly: DMZ Reverse Anomaly Common False Reports when connections are bridged across
Tunnel your DMZ through a reverse tunnel.
Anomaly: Long Duration Anomaly Flow True Reports a flow communicating to or from the
Flow Involving a Internet with a sustained duration of more than 48
Remote Host hours.
Anomaly: Long Duration Anomaly Flow False Reports a flow communicating using ICMP with a
ICMP Flows sustained duration of more than 60 minutes.
Anomaly: Outbound Anomaly Event False Reports successful logins or access from an IP
Connection to a Foreign address known to be in a country that does not
Country have remote access right. Before you enable this
rule, we recommend that you configure the
BB:CategoryDefinition: Countries with no Remote
Access BB.
Rule Group Type Enabled Description
Anomaly: Potential Anomaly Event False Reports an event that has a source or destination
Honeypot Access IP address defined as a honeypot or tarpit
address. Before enabling this rule, you must
configure the BB:HostDefinition: Honeypot like
addresses BB.
Anomaly: Remote Anomaly Event False Reports successful logins or access from an IP
Access from Foreign address known to be in a country that does not
Country have remote access right. Before you enable this
rule, we recommend that you configure the
BB:CategoryDefinition: Countries with no Remote
Access BB.
Anomaly: Remote Anomaly Flow False Reports a flow communicating from an IP address
Inbound Communication known to be in a country that does not have
from a Foreign Country remote access right. Before you enable this rule,
we recommend that you configure the
BB:CategoryDefinition: Countries with no Remote
Access BB.
Anomaly: Single IP with Anomaly Event False Reports when the MAC address of a single IP
Multiple MAC address changes multiple times over a period of
Addresses time.
Botnet: Local Host on Botnet Common True Reports when a source IP address is a member
Botnet CandC List of a known Botnet CandC host.
Botnet: Local host on Botnet Common True Reports when a local destination IP address is a
Botnet CandC List member of a known Botnet CandC host.
Botnet: Potential Botnet Botnet Common False Reports a host connecting or attempting to
Connection (DNS) connect to a DNS server on the Internet. This
may indicate a host connecting to a Botnet.
Botnet: Potential Botnet Botnet Event True Enable this rule if you want all events categorized
Events Become as exploits to create an offense.
Botnet: Potential Botnet Common True Reports when a potential connection to a know
connection to known BotNet CandC host is detected. To reduce false
Botnet CandC positive offenses, connections on ports 25 and 53
are removed from the rule.
Botnet: Successful Botnet Common True Reports when a successful inbound connection
Inbound Connection from a BotNet CandC host in detected.
from a Known Botnet
Policy: Remote: IRC Botnet, Policy Common True Reports a local host issuing an excessive number
Connections of IRC connections to the Internet.
DDoS: DDoS Attack D\DoS Event True Reports network Distributed Denial of Service
Detected (DDoS) attacks on a system.
Rule Group Type Enabled Description
DDoS: DDoS Events D\DoS Event True Reports when offenses are created for
with High Magnitude DoS-based events with high magnitude.
Become Offenses
DDoS: Potential DDoS D\DoS Flow False Reports when more than 500 hosts send packets
Against Single Host to a single destination using ICMP in one minute
(ICMP) and there is no response.
DDoS: Potential DDoS D\DoS Flow False Reports when more than 500 hosts send packets
Against Single Host to a single destination using IPSec or an
(Other) uncommon protocol in one minute and there is no
DDoS: Potential DDoS D\DoS Flow True Reports when more than 500 hosts send packets
Against Single Host to a single destination using TCP in one minute
(TCP) and there is no response.
DDoS: Potential DDoS D\DoS Flow False Detects when more than 500 hosts send packets
Against Single Host to a single destination using UPD in one minute
(UDP) and there is no response.
DoS: DoS Events from D/DoS Event False Reports when DoS attack events are identified on
Darknet Darknet network ranges.
DoS: DoS Events with D\DoS Event True Rule forces the creation of an offense for DoS
High Magnitude based events with a high magnitude.
Become Offenses
DoS: Local Flood D\DoS Flow False Reports when a single local host sends more than
(ICMP) three flows containing 60,000 packets to an
Internet destination using ICMP in 5 minutes.
DoS: Local Flood D\DoS Flow False Reports when a single local host sends more than
(Other) three flows containing 60,000 packets to an
Internet destination using IPSec or an uncommon
protocol in 5 minutes.
DoS: Local Flood (TCP) D\DoS Flow True Reports when a single local host sends more than
60,000 packets at a packet rate of 1,000 packets
per second to an Internet destination using TCP.
DoS: Local Flood (UDP) D\DoS Flow False Reports when a single local host sends more than
three flows containing 60,000 packets to an
Internet destination using UDP in 5 minutes.
DoS: Network DoS D\DoS Event True Reports network Denial of Service (DoS) attacks
Attack Detected on a system.
DoS: Remote Flood D\DoS Flow False Reports when a single host on the Internet
(ICMP) containing than 60,000 packets to an Internet
destination using ICMP in 5 minutes.
DoS: Remote Flood D\DoS Flow False Reports when a single host on the Internet sends
(Other) more than three flows containing 60,000 packets
to an Internet destination using IPSec or an
uncommon protocol in 5 minutes.
Rule Group Type Enabled Description
DoS: Remote Flood D\DoS Flow False Reports when a single host on the Internet sends
(TCP) more than three flows containing than 60,000
packets to an Internet destination using TCP in 5
DoS: Remote Flood D\DoS Flow False Reports when a single host on the Internet sends
(UDP) more than three flows containing 60,000 packets
to an Internet destination using UDP in 5 minutes.
DoS: Service DoS D\DoS Event True Reports a DoS attack against a local destination
Attack Detected IP address that is known to exist and the target
port is open.
Exploit:All Exploits Exploit Event False Reports all exploit events. By default, this rule is
Become Offenses disabled. Enable this rule if you want all events
categorized as exploits to create an offense.
Exploit: Attack followed Exploit Event False Reports when exploit events are followed by
by Attack Response typical responses, which may indicate a
successful exploit.
Exploit: Destination Exploit Event True Reports an exploit against a vulnerable local
Vulnerable to Detected destination IP address, where the destination IP
Exploit address is known to exist, and the host is
vulnerable to the exploit.
Exploit: Destination Exploit Event True Reports an exploit against a vulnerable local
Vulnerable to Detected destination IP address, where the destination IP
Exploit on a Different address is known to exist, and the host is
Port vulnerable to the exploit on a different port.
Exploit: Destination Exploit Event False Reports an exploit against a vulnerable local
Vulnerable to Different destination IP address, where the target is known
Exploit than Attempted to exist, and the host is vulnerable to some exploit
on Targeted Port but not the one being attempted.
Exploit: Exploit/Malware Exploit Event True Reports a source IP address generating multiple
Events Across Multiple (at least five) exploits or malicious software
Destinations (malware) events in the last 5 minutes. These
events are not targeting hosts that are vulnerable
and may indicate false positives generating from
a device.
Exploit: Exploits Events Exploit Event True Rule generates offenses for exploit-based events
with High Magnitude with a high magnitude.
Become Offenses
Exploit: Multiple Exploit Exploit Event True Reports a destination IP address being exploited
Types Against Single using multiple types of exploit types from one or
Destination more source IP address.
Exploit: Multiple Vector Exploit Event False Reports when a source IP address attempts
Attack Source multiple attack vectors. This may indicate a
source IP address specifically targeting an asset.
Rule Group Type Enabled Description
Exploit: Potential VoIP Exploit Event False Reports when at least three failed login attempts
Toll Fraud within 30 seconds followed by sessions being
opened are detected on your VoIP hardware. This
action can indicate that illegal users are executing
VoIP sessions on your network.
Exploit: Recon followed Exploit Event True Reports reconnaissance events followed by an
by Exploit exploit from the same source IP address to the
same destination port within 1 hour.
Exploit: Source Exploit Event False Reports an exploit from a local host where the
Vulnerable to any source IP address has at least one vulnerability to
Exploit any exploit. It is possible the source IP address
was a destination IP address in an earlier offense.
Exploit: Source Exploit Event False Reports an attack from a local host where the
Vulnerable to this source IP address has at least one vulnerability to
Exploit the exploit being used. It is possible the source IP
address was a destination IP address in an earlier
FalsePositive: False False Positive Event True Reports events that include false positive rules
Positive Rules and and BBs, such as, BB:FalsePositive: Windows
Building Blocks Server False Positive Events. Events that match
the rule are stored and dropped from the event
pipeline. If you add any new BBs or rules to
remove events from becoming offenses, you
must add these new rules or BBs to this rule.
Magnitude Adjustment: Magnitude Common True Adjusts the relevance of flows and events when
Context is Local to Local Adjustment there is local to local communication
Magnitude Adjustment: Magnitude Common True Adjusts the relevance of flows and events when
Context is Local to Adjustment there is local to remote communication.
Magnitude Adjustment: Magnitude Common True Adjusts the relevance of flows and events when
Context is Remote to Adjustment there is remote to local communication.
Magnitude Adjustment: Magnitude Common True Adjusts the relevance and credibility of flows and
Destination Asset Exists Adjustment events where the destination is a local asset.
Magnitude Adjustment: Magnitude Common True Adjusts the relevance and credibility of events
Destination Asset Port is Adjustment and flows when the destination port is known to
Open be active.
Magnitude Adjustment: Magnitude Common True Adjusts the relevance of events and flows if the
Destination Network Adjustment destination network weight is high.
Weight is High
Magnitude Adjustment: Magnitude Common True Adjusts the relevance of events and flows if the
Destination Network Adjustment destination network weight is low.
Weight is Low
Rule Group Type Enabled Description
Magnitude Adjustment: Magnitude Common True Adjusts the relevance of events and flows if the
Destination Network Adjustment destination network weight is medium.
Weight is Medium
Magnitude Adjustment: Magnitude Common True Adjusts the severity of events and flows when the
Source Address is a Adjustment source IP is a known bogon address. Traffic from
Bogon IP known bogon addresses may indicate the
possibility of the source IP address being
Magnitude Adjustment: Magnitude Common True Adjusts the severity of events and flows when the
Source Address is a Adjustment source IP is a known questionable host.
Known Questionable IP
Magnitude Adjustment: Magnitude Common True Adjusts the relevance and credibility of flows and
Source Asset Exists Adjustment events where the source is a local asset.
Magnitude Adjustment: Magnitude Common True Adjusts the relevance of events and flows if the
Source Network Weight Adjustment source network weight is high.
is High
Magnitude Adjustment: Magnitude Common True Adjusts the relevance of events and flows if the
Source Network Weight Adjustment source network weight is low.
is Low
Magnitude Adjustment: Magnitude Common True Adjusts the relevance of events and flows if the
Source Network Weight Adjustment source network weight is medium.
is Medium
Malware: Malware Flow False Reports communication with a website that has
Communication with a been involved in previous SQL injection.
site that has been
involved in previous
SQL injection
Malware: Malware Flow True Reports communication with a website that is
Communication with a listed on a known blacklist or uses fast flux.
site that is listed on a
known blacklist or uses
fast flux
Malware: Malware Flow False Reports communication with a website known to
Communication with a aid in distribution of malware.
Web site known to aid in
distribution of malware
Malware: Malware Flow False Reports communication with a website known to
Communication with a be a phishing or fraud site.
Web site known to be a Note: Phishing is the process of attempting to
phishing or fraud side
acquire information such as user names,
passwords and credit card details by
pretending to be a trustworthy entity.
Rule Group Type Enabled Description
Malware: Malware Flow True Reports communication with a website known to
Communication with a be associated with the Russian business network.
Web site known to be
associated with the
Russian business
Malware: Malware Flow False Reports communication with a website known to
Communication with a be delivering code which may be a trojan.
Web site known to be
delivering code which
may be a trojan
Malware: Malware Flow False Reports communication with a website known to
Communication with a be involved in botnet activity.
Web site known to be
involved in botnet
Malware: Local Host Malware Event False Reports malware being sent from local hosts.
Sending Malware
Malware: Remote: Malware Flow True Reports when a host is attempting to connect to a
Client Based DNS DNS server that is not defined as a local network.
Activity to the Internet
Policy: Connection to a Policy Common True Reports events or flows associated with inbound
remote proxy or remote proxy and anonymization services.
anonymization service
Policy: Connection to a Policy Common True Reports events or flows associated with outbound
remote proxy or remote proxy and anonymization services.
anonymization service
Policy: Connection to Policy Common False Reports events or flows connecting to the Internet
Internet on on unauthorized ports.
Unauthorized Port
Policy: Create Offenses Policy Flow False Reports flows associated with chat traffic.
for All Chat Traffic
based on Flows
Policy: Create Offenses Policy Event False Reports Instant Messenger traffic or any event
for All Instant categorized as Instant Messenger traffic where
Messenger Traffic the source is local and the destination IP address
is remote.
Policy: Create Offenses Policy Event False Reports Peer-to-Peer (P2P) traffic or any event
for All P2P Usage categorized as P2P.
Policy: Create Offenses Policy Event False Reports policy events. By default, this rule is
for All Policy Events disabled. Enable this rule if you want all events
categorized as policy to create an offense.
Rule Group Type Enabled Description
Policy: Create Offenses Policy Event False Reports any traffic that contains illicit materials or
for All Porn Usage any event categorized as porn. By default, this
rule is disabled. Enable this rule if you want all
events categorized as porn to create an offense.
Policy: Host has SANS Policy Event False Reports when an event is detected on an asset
Top 20 Vulnerability that is vulnerable to a vulnerability identified in the
SANS Top 20 Vulnerabilities.
Policy: Large Outbound Policy Flow True Reports a single host sending more data out of
Transfer High Rate of the network than received. This rule detects over
Transfer 2 MB of data transferred over 12 minutes.
Policy: Large Outbound Policy Flow True Reports a single host sending more data out of
Transfer Slow Rate of the network than received. This rule detects over
Transfer 2 MB of data transferred over 2 hour. This is fairly
slow and can indicate stealthy data leakage.
Policy: Local: Clear Text Policy Flow False Reports flows to or from the Internet where the
Application Usage application type uses clear text passwords. This
may include applications such as Telnet or FTP.
Policy: Local: Hidden Policy Flow True Reports a FTP server on a non-standard port.
FTP Server The default port for FTP is TCP port 21. Detecting
FTP on other ports may indicate an exploited
host, where this server provides backdoor access
to the host.
Policy: Local: SSH or Policy Flow True Reports a SSH or Telnet server on a
Telnet Detected on non-standard port. The default port for SSH and
Non-Standard Port Telnet servers is TCP ports 22 and 23. Detecting
SSH or Telnet operating on other ports may
indicate an exploited host, where these servers
provide backdoor access to the host.
Policy: New DHCP Policy Flow False Reports when a DHCP server is discovered on
Server Discovered the network.
Policy: New Host Policy Event False Reports when a new host has been discovered
Discovered on the network.
Policy: New Host Policy Event False Reports when a new host has been discovered in
Discovered in DMZ the DMZ.
Policy: New Service Policy Event False Reports when a new service is discovered on an
Discovered existing host.
Policy: New Service Policy Event False Reports when a new service has been discovered
Discovered in DMZ on an existing host in the DMZ.
Policy: Possible Local Policy Common True Reports a local host running a service on a typical
IRC Server IRC port or a flow that was detected as IRC. This
is not typical for enterprises and should be
Rule Group Type Enabled Description
Policy: Remote: Clear Policy Flow True Reports flows to or from the Internet where the
Text Application Usage application type uses clear text passwords. This
based on Flows may include applications such as Telnet or FTP.
Policy: Remote: Hidden Policy Flow True Reports an FTP server on a non-standard port.
FTP Server The default port for FTP is TCP port 21. Detecting
FTP on other ports may indicate an exploited
host, where this server to provide backdoor
access to the host.
Policy: Remote: IM/Chat Policy Flow True Reports an excessive amount of IM and Chat
traffic from a single source.
Policy: Remote: IRC Policy Common False Reports a local host issuing an excessive number
Connections of IRC connections to the Internet.
Policy: Remote: Local Policy Flow True Reports local hosts operating as a P2P client.
P2P Client Connected This indicates a violation of local network policy
to more than 100 and may indicate illegal activities, such as
Servers copyright infringement.
Policy: Remote: Local Policy Flow False Reports local hosts operating as a P2P client.
P2P Client Detected This indicates a violation of local network policy
and may indicate illegal activities, such as
copyright infringement.
Policy: Remote: Local Policy Flow True Reports local hosts operating as a P2P server.
P2P Server connected This indicates a violation of local network policy
to more than 100 Clients and may indicate illegal activities, such as
copyright infringement.
Policy: Remote: Local Policy Flow False Reports local hosts operating as a P2P server.
P2P Server Detected This indicates a violation of local network policy
and may indicate illegal activities, such as
copyright infringement.
Policy: Remote: Long Policy Flow True Reports a flow communicating to the Internet with
Duration Flow Detected a sustained duration of more than 48 hours. This
is not typical behavior for most applications.
Investigate the host for potential malware
Policy: Remote: Policy Flow True Reports potential tunneling that can be used to
Potential Tunneling bypass policy or security controls.
Policy: Remote: Remote Policy Flow True Reports the Microsoft Remote Desktop Protocol
Desktop Access from from the Internet communicating to a local host.
the Internet Most companies consider this a violation of
corporate policy. If this is normal activity on your
network, you should disable this rule.
Policy: Remote: SMTP Policy Flow True Reports a local host sending a large number of
Mail Sender SMTP flows from the same source to the Internet
in one interval. This may indicate a mass mailing,
worm, or spam relay is present.
Rule Group Type Enabled Description
Policy: Remote: SSH or Policy Flow True Reports a SSH or Telnet server on a
Telnet Detected on non-standard port. The default port for SSH and
Non-Standard Port Telnet servers is TCP port 22 and 23. Detecting
SSH or Telnet operating on other ports may
indicate an exploited host, where these servers
provide backdoor access to the host.
Policy: Remote: Usenet Policy Flow True Reports flows to or from a Usenet server. It is
Usage uncommon for legitimate business
communications to use Usenet or NNTP services.
The hosts involved may be violating corporate
Policy: Remote: VNC Policy Flow True Reports when VNC (a remote desktop access
Access from the Internet application) is communicating from the Internet to
to a Local Host a local host. Many companies consider this a
policy issue that should be addressed. If this is
normal activity on your network, disable this rule.
Policy: Upload to Local Policy Event False Reports potential file uploads to a local web
WebServer server. To edit the details of this rule, edit the
BB:CategoryDefinition: Upload to Local
WebServer BB.
Recon: Aggressive Recon Common True Reports an aggressive scan from a local source
Local L2L Scanner IP address, scanning other local IP addresses.
Detected More than 400 destination IP addresses received
reconnaissance or suspicious events in less than
2 minutes. This may indicate a manually driven
scan, an exploited host searching for other
destination IP addresses, or a worm is present on
the system.
Recon: Aggressive Recon Common True Reports an aggressive scan from a local source
Local L2R Scanner IP address, scanning remote IP addresses. More
Detected than 400 destination IP addresses received
reconnaissance or suspicious events in less than
2 minutes. This may indicate a manually driven
scan, an exploited host searching for other
destination IP addresses, or a worm is present on
the system.
Recon: Aggressive Recon Common True Reports an aggressive scan from a remote
Remote Scanner source IP address, scanning other local or remote
Detected IP addresses. More than 50 destination IP
addresses received reconnaissance or
suspicious events in less than 3 minutes. This
may indicate a manually driven scan, an exploited
host searching for other destination IP addresses,
or a worm on a system.
Recon: Host Port Scan Recon Common True Reports when more than 400 ports are scanned
Detected by Remote from a single source IP address in under 2
Host minutes.
Rule Group Type Enabled Description
Recon: Increase Recon Event True If a high rate flow-based scanning attack is
Magnitude of High Rate detected, this rule increases the magnitude of the
Scans current event.
Recon: Increase Recon Event True If a medium rate flow-based scanning attack is
Magnitude of Medium detected, this rule increases the magnitude of the
Rate Scans current event.
Recon: Local L2L LDAP Recon Common True Reports a source local IP address attempting
Server Scanner reconnaissance or suspicious connections on
common local LDAP ports to more than 60 hosts
in 10 minutes.
Recon: Local L2R LDAP Recon Common True Reports a source local IP address attempting
Server Scanner reconnaissance or suspicious connections on
common remote LDAP ports to more than 60
hosts in 10 minutes.
Recon: Local L2L Recon Common True Reports a scan from a local host against other
Database Scanner local destination IP addresses. At least 30 host
were scanned in 10 minutes.
Recon: Local L2R Recon Common True Reports a scan from a local host against remote
Database Scanner destination IP addresses. At least 30 host were
scanned in 10 minutes.
Recon: Local L2L DHCP Recon Common True Reports a source IP address attempting
Scanner reconnaissance or suspicious connections on
common local DHCP ports to more than 60 hosts
in 10 minutes.
Recon: Local L2R Recon Common True Reports a source IP address attempting
DHCP Scanner reconnaissance or suspicious connections on
common remote DHCP ports to more than 60
hosts in 10 minutes.
Recon: Local L2L DNS Recon Common True Reports a source IP address attempting
Scanner reconnaissance or suspicious connections on
common local DNS ports to more than 60 hosts in
10 minutes.
Recon: Local L2R DNS Recon Common True Reports a source IP address attempting
Scanner reconnaissance or suspicious connections on
common remote DNS ports to more than 60 hosts
in 10 minutes.
Recon: Local L2L FTP Recon Common True Reports a local source IP address attempting
Scanner reconnaissance or suspicious connections on
common local FTP ports to more than 30 hosts in
10 minutes.
Recon: Local L2R FTP Recon Common True Reports a local source IP address attempting
Scanner reconnaissance or suspicious connections on
common remote FTP ports to more than 30 hosts
in 10 minutes.
Rule Group Type Enabled Description
Recon: Local L2L Game Recon Common True Reports a local source IP address attempting
Server Scanner reconnaissance or suspicious connections on
common local game server ports to more than 60
hosts in 10 minutes.
Recon: Local L2R Recon Common True Reports a local source IP address attempting
Game Server Scanner reconnaissance or suspicious connections on
common remote game server ports to more than
60 hosts in 10 minutes.
Recon: Local L2L ICMP Recon Common True Reports a local source IP address attempting
Scanner reconnaissance or suspicious connections on
common local ICMP ports to more than 60 hosts
in 10 minutes.
Recon: Local L2R ICMP Recon Common True Reports a local source IP address attempting
Scanner reconnaissance or suspicious connections on
common remote ICMP ports to more than 60
hosts in 10 minutes.
Recon: Local L2L IM Recon Common True Reports a local source IP address attempting
Server Scanner reconnaissance or suspicious connections on
common local IM server ports to more than 60
hosts in 10 minutes.
Recon: Local L2R IM Recon Common True Reports a local source IP address attempting
Server Scanner reconnaissance or suspicious connections on
common remote IM server ports to more than 60
hosts in 10 minutes.
Recon: Local L2L IRC Recon Common True Reports a local source IP address attempting
Server Scanner reconnaissance or suspicious connections on
common local IRC server ports to more than 10
hosts in 10 minutes.
Recon: Local L2R IRC Recon Common True Reports a local source IP address attempting
Server Scanner reconnaissance or suspicious connections on
common remote IRC server ports to more than 10
hosts in 10 minutes.
Recon: Local L2L Mail Recon Common True Reports a local source IP address attempting
Server Scanner reconnaissance or suspicious connections on
common local mail server ports to more than 60
hosts in 10 minutes.
Recon: Local L2R Mail Recon Common True Reports a local source IP address attempting
Server Scanner reconnaissance or suspicious connections on
common remote mail server ports to more than
60 hosts in 10 minutes.
Recon: Local L2L P2P Recon Common True Reports a local source IP address attempting
Server Scanner reconnaissance or suspicious connections on
common local P2P server ports to more than 60
hosts in 10 minutes.
Rule Group Type Enabled Description
Recon: Local L2R P2P Recon Common True Reports a local source IP address attempting
Server Scanner reconnaissance or suspicious connections on
common remote P2P server ports to more than
60 hosts in 10 minutes.
Recon: Local L2L Proxy Recon Common True Reports a local source IP address attempting
Server Scanner reconnaissance or suspicious connections on
common local proxy server ports to more than 60
hosts in 10 minutes.
Recon: Local L2R Proxy Recon Common True Reports a local source IP address attempting
Server Scanner reconnaissance or suspicious connections on
common remote proxy server ports to more than
60 hosts in 10 minutes.
Recon: Local L2L RPC Recon Common True Reports a local source IP address attempting
Server Scanner reconnaissance or suspicious connections on
common local RPC server ports to more than 60
hosts in 10 minutes.
Recon: Local L2R RPC Recon Common True Reports a local source IP address attempting
Server Scanner reconnaissance or suspicious connections on
common remote RPC server ports to more than
60 hosts in 10 minutes.
Recon: Local L2L Recon Common True Reports a scan from a local host against other
Scanner Detected local destination IP addresses. At least 60 hosts
were scanned within 20 minutes. This activity was
using a protocol other than TCP, UDP, or ICMP.
Recon: Local L2R Recon Common True Reports a scan from a local host against remote
Scanner Detected destination IP addresses. At least 60 hosts were
scanned within 20 minutes. This activity was
using a protocol other than TCP, UDP, or ICMP.
Recon: Local L2L Recon Common True Reports a local source IP address attempting
SNMP Scanner reconnaissance or suspicious connections on
common local SNMP ports to more than 60 hosts
in 10 minutes.
Recon: Local L2R Recon Common True Reports a local source IP address attempting
SNMP Scanner reconnaissance or suspicious connections on
common remote SNMP ports to more than 60
hosts in 10 minutes.
Recon: Local L2L SSH Recon Common True Reports a source IP address attempting
Server Scanner reconnaissance or suspicious connections on
common local SSH ports to more than 30 hosts in
10 minutes.
Recon: Local L2R SSH Recon Common True Reports a source IP address attempting
Server Scanner reconnaissance or suspicious connections on
common remote SSH ports to more than 30 hosts
in 10 minutes.
Rule Group Type Enabled Description
Recon: Local L2L Recon Common False Reports when various suspicious or
Suspicious Probe reconnaissance events have been detected from
Events Detected the same local source IP address to more than
five local destination IP address in 4 minutes.
This can indicate various forms of host probing,
such as Nmap reconnaissance, which attempts to
identify the services and operation systems of the
Recon: Local L2R Recon Common False Reports when various suspicious or
Suspicious Probe reconnaissance events have been detected from
Events Detected the same remote source IP address to more than
five local destination IP address in 4 minutes.
This can indicate various forms of host probing,
such as Nmap reconnaissance, which attempts to
identify the services and operation systems of the
Recon: Local L2L TCP Recon Common True Reports a local source IP address attempting
Scanner reconnaissance or suspicious connections on
common local TCP ports to more than 60 hosts in
10 minutes.
Recon: Local L2R TCP Recon Common True Reports a local source IP address attempting
Scanner reconnaissance or suspicious connections on
common remote TCP ports to more than 60 hosts
in 10 minutes.
Recon: Local L2L UDP Recon Common True Reports a local source IP address attempting
Scanner reconnaissance or suspicious connections on
common local UDP ports to more than 60 hosts in
10 minutes.
Recon: Local L2R UDP Recon Common True Reports a local source IP address attempting
Scanner reconnaissance or suspicious connections on
common Remote UDP ports to more than 60
hosts in 10 minutes.
Recon: Local L2L Web Recon Common True Reports a local source IP address attempting
Server Scanner reconnaissance or suspicious connections on
common local web server ports to more than 60
hosts in 10 minutes.
Recon: Local L2R Web Recon Common True Reports a local source IP address attempting
Server Scanner reconnaissance or suspicious connections on
common remote web server ports to more than
60 hosts in 10 minutes.
Recon: Potential Local Recon Common True Reports on potential local port scans.
Port Scan Detected
Recon: Recon Followed Recon Common False Reports when a host that has been performing
by Accept reconnaissance also has a firewall accept
following the reconnaissance activity.
Rule Group Type Enabled Description
Recon: Remote Recon Common True Reports a scan from a remote host against other
Database Scanner local or remote destination IP addresses. At least
30 hosts were scanned in 10 minutes.
Recon: Remote DHCP Recon Common True Reports a remote host attempting
Scanner reconnaissance or suspicious connections on
common DHCP ports to more than 30 hosts in 10
Recon: Remote DNS Recon Common True Reports a source IP address attempting
Scanner reconnaissance or suspicious connections on
common DNS ports to more than 60 hosts in 10
Recon: Remote FTP Recon Common True Reports a remote host attempting
Scanner reconnaissance or suspicious connections on
common FTP ports to more than 30 hosts in 10
Recon: Remote Game Recon Common True Reports a remote host attempting
Server Scanner reconnaissance or suspicious connections on
common game server ports to more than 30 hosts
in 10 minutes.
Recon: Remote ICMP Recon Common True Reports a remote host attempting
Scanner reconnaissance or suspicious connections on
common ICMP ports to more than 60 hosts in 10
Recon: Remote IM Recon Common True Reports a remote host attempting
Server Scanner reconnaissance or suspicious connections on
common IM server ports to more than 60 hosts in
10 minutes.
Recon: Remote IRC Recon Common True Reports a remote host attempting
Server Scanner reconnaissance or suspicious connections on
common IRC server ports to more than 10 hosts
in 10 minutes.
Recon: Remote LDAP Recon Common True Reports a scan from a remote host against other
Server Scanner local or remote destination IP addresses. At least
30 hosts were scanned in 10 minutes.
Recon: Remote Mail Recon Common True Reports a remote host attempting
Server Scanner reconnaissance or suspicious connections on
common mail server ports to more than 30 hosts
in 10 minutes.
Recon: Remote Proxy Recon Common True Reports a remote host attempting
Server Scanner reconnaissance or suspicious connections on
common proxy server ports to more than 30 hosts
in 10 minutes.
Recon: Remote RPC Recon Common True Reports a remote host attempting
Server Scanner reconnaissance or suspicious connections on
common RPC server ports to more than 30 hosts
in 10 minutes.
Rule Group Type Enabled Description
Recon: Remote Recon Common True Reports a scan from a remote host against other
Scanner Detected hosts or remote destination IP addresses. At least
60 hosts were scanned within 20 minutes. This
activity was using a protocol other than TCP,
Recon: Remote SNMP Recon Common True Reports a remote host scans at least 30 local or
Scanner remote hosts in 10 minutes.
Recon: Remote SSH Recon Common True Reports a remote host attempting
Server Scanner reconnaissance or suspicious connections on
common SSH ports to more than 30 hosts in 10
Recon: Remote Recon Common False Reports various suspicious or reconnaissance
Suspicious Probe events from the same remote source IP address
Events Detected to more then five destination IP addresses in 4
minutes. This may indicate various forms of host
probing, such as Nmap reconnaissance that
attempts to identify the services and operating
system of the destination IP addresses.
Recon: Remote TCP Recon Common False Reports a remote host attempting
Scanner reconnaissance or suspicious connections on
common TCP ports to more than 60 hosts in 10
Recon: Remote UDP Recon Common True Reports a remote host attempting
Scanner reconnaissance or suspicious connections on
common UDP ports to more than 60 hosts in 10
Recon: Remote Web Recon Common True Reports a remote host attempting
Server Scanner reconnaissance or suspicious connections on
common local web server ports to more than 60
hosts in 10 minutes.
Recon: Remote Recon Common True Reports a remote host attempting
Windows Server reconnaissance or suspicious connections on
Scanner common Windows server ports to more than 60
hosts in 10 minutes.
Recon: Single Merged Recon Common True Reports merged reconnaissance events
Recon Events Local generated by local scanners. This rule causes all
Scanner these events to create an offense. All devices of
this type and their event categories should be
added to the BB:ReconDetected: Devices which
Merge Recon into Single Events BB.
Recon: Single Merged Recon Common True Reports merged reconnaissance events
Recon Events Remote generated by remote scanners. This rule causes
Scanner all these events to create an offense. All devices
of this type and their event categories should be
added to the BB:ReconDetected: Devices which
Merge Recon into Single Events BB.
Rule Group Type Enabled Description
Default-Response- Response Offense False Reports any offense matching the severity,
Email: Offense Email credibility, and relevance minimums to email. You
Sender must configure the email address. You can limit
the number of emails sent by tuning the severity,
credibility, and relevance limits. This rule only
sends one email every hour, per offense.
Default-Response- Response Offense False Reports any offense matching the severity,
Syslog: Offense credibility, or relevance minimum to syslog.
SuspiciousActivity: Suspicious Common False Rule identifies events that have common internal
Common Non-Local to only ports, communicating outside of the local
Remote Ports network.
SuspiciousActivity: Suspicious Common False Reports events associated with known hostile
Communication with networks.
Known Hostile Networks
SuspiciousActivity: Suspicious Common False Reports events associated with networks
Communication with identified as websites that may involve data loss.
Known Online Services
SuspiciousActivity: Suspicious Common False Reports events associated with networks you
Communication with want to monitor.
Known Watched
System: 100% Accurate System Event True Creates an offense when an event matches a
Events 100% accurate signature for successful
System: Device System Event False Reports when a log source has not sent an event
Stopped Sending to the system in over 1 hour. Edit this rule to add
Events devices you want to monitor.
System: Device System Event True Reports when a firewall, IPS, VPN or switch log
Stopped Sending source has not sent an event in over 30 minutes
Events (Firewall, IPS,
VPN or Switch)
System: Flow Source System Flow True Reports when a flow interface stops generating
Stopped Sending Flows flows for over 30 minutes.
System: Host Based System Event False Reports when QRadar Network Anomaly
Failures Detection detects events that indicate failures
within services or hardware.
System: Load Building System Event True Loads the BBs required to assist with reporting.
Blocks This rule has no actions or responses.
System: Multiple System Event False Reports when a source IP address has 10 system
System Errors errors within 3 minutes.
System: Service System Event False Reports when a services has been stopped on a
Stopped and not system and not restarted.
Rule Group Type Enabled Description
WormDetection: Local Worms Event True Reports a local host sending more than 20 SMTP
Mass Mailing Host flows in 1 minute. This may indicate a host being
Detected used as a spam relay or infected with a form of
mass mailing worm.
WormDetection: Worms Event True Reports a local host generating reconnaissance
Possible Local Worm or suspicious events across a large number of
Detected hosts (greater than 300) in 20 minutes. This may
indicate the presence of a worm on the network or
a wide spread scan.
WormDetection: Worms Event True Reports when a host is connecting to many hosts
Successful Connections on the Internet on ports commonly known for
to the Internet on worm propagation.
Common Worm Ports
WormDetection: Worm Worms Event True Reports exploits or worm activity on a system for
Detected (Events) local-to-local or local-to-remote traffic.
Default Building Default building blocks for the Enterprise template include:
Table A-2 Default Building Blocks
Changes made by IBM Security QRadar Network Anomaly Detection users are
recorded in the audit logs. You can view the audit logs to monitor changes to
QRadar Network Anomaly Detection and the users performing those changes.
Audit Log Overview All audit logs are stored in plain text and are archived and compressed when the
audit log file reaches a size of 200 MB. The current log file is named audit.log.
When the file reaches a size of 200 MB, the file is compressed and renamed as
follows: audit.1.gz, audit.2.gz, with the file number incrementing each time
a log file is archived. QRadar Network Anomaly Detection stores up to 50 archived
log files.
Logged Actions QRadar Network Anomaly Detection logs the following categories of actions in the
audit log file:
You can view audit log events using the Log Activity tab. Table B-1 provides a
record of the logged actions.
Category Action
Administrator Authentication Log in to the QRadar Network Anomaly Detection
Administration Console.
Log out of the QRadar Network Anomaly Detection
Administration Console.
Assets Delete an asset.
Delete all assets.
Audit Log Access Perform a search that includes events with a
high-level event category of Audit.
Category Action
Backup and Recovery Edit the configuration.
Initiate the backup.
Complete the backup.
Fail the backup.
Delete the backup.
Synchronize the backup.
Cancel the backup.
Initiate the restore.
Upload a backup.
Upload an invalid backup.
Initiate the restore.
Purge the backup.
Custom Properties Add a custom event property.
Edit a custom event property.
Delete a custom event property.
Add a custom flow property.
Edit a custom flow property.
Delete a custom flow property.
Chart Configuration Save flow or event chart configuration.
Custom Property Expressions Add a custom event property expression.
Edit a custom event property expression.
Delete a custom event property expression.
Add a custom flow property expression.
Edit a custom flow property expression.
Delete a custom flow property expression.
Event and Flow Retention Add a bucket.
Buckets Delete a bucket.
Edit a bucket.
Enable or disable a bucket.
Flow Sources Add a flow source.
Edit a flow source.
Delete a flow source.
Groups Add a group.
Delete a group.
Edit a group.
Installation Install a .rpm package, such as a DSM update.
Category Action
Log Sources Add a log source.
Edit a log source.
Delete a log source.
Add a log source group.
Edit a log source group.
Delete a log source group.
Edit the DSM parsing order.
License Add a license key.
Edit a license key.
Log Source Extension Add an log source extension.
Edit the log source extension.
Delete a log source extension.
Upload a log source extension.
Upload a log source extension successfully.
Upload an invalid log source extension.
Download a log source extension.
Report a log source extension.
Modify a log sources association to a device or
device type.
Offenses Hide an offense.
Close an offense.
Close all offenses.
Add a destination note.
Add a source note.
Add a network note.
Add an offense note.
Protocol Configuration Add a protocol configuration.
Delete a protocol configuration.
Edit a protocol configuration.
QIDmap Add a QID map entry.
Edit a QID map entry.
Reference Sets Create a reference set.
Edit a reference set.
Purge elements in a reference set.
Delete a reference set.
Category Action
Reports Add a template.
Delete a template.
Edit a template.
Generate a report.
Delete a report.
Delete generated content.
View a generated report.
Email a generated report.
Root Login Log in to QRadar Network Anomaly Detection, as
Log out of QRadar Network Anomaly Detection, as
Rules Add a rule.
Delete a rule.
Edit a rule.
Scanner Add a scanner.
Delete a scanner.
Edit a scanner.
Scanner Schedule Add a schedule.
Edit a schedule.
Delete a schedule.
Session Authentication Create a new administration session.
Terminate an administration session.
Deny an invalid authentication session.
Expire a session authentication.
Create an authentication session.
Terminate an authentication session.
SIM Clean a SIM model.
Syslog Forwarding Add a syslog forwarding.
Delete a syslog forwarding.
Edit a syslog forwarding.
System Management Shutdown a system.
Restart a system.
TNC Recommendations Create a recommendation.
Edit a recommendation.
Delete a recommendation.
Category Action
User Accounts Add an account.
Edit an account.
Delete an account.
User Authentication Log in to QRadar Network Anomaly Detection.
Log out of QRadar Network Anomaly Detection.
User Authentication Ariel Deny a login attempt.
Add an Ariel property.
Delete an Ariel property.
Edit an Ariel property.
Add an Ariel property extension.
Delete an Ariel property extension.
Edit an Ariel property extension.
User Roles Add a role.
Edit a role.
Delete a role.
VIS Discover a new host.
Discover a new operating system.
Discover a new port.
Discover a new vulnerability.
The maximum size of any audit message (not including date, time, and host
name) is 1024 characters.
<date_time> <host name> <user>@<IP address> (thread ID)
[<category>] [<sub-category>] [<action>] <payload>
<date_time> is the date and time of the activity in the format: Month Date
<host name> is the host name of the Console where this activity was logged.
<user> is the name of the user that performed the action.
<IP address> is the IP address of the user that performed the action.
(thread ID) is the identifier of the JavaTM thread that logged this activity.
<category> is the high-level category of this activity.
<sub-category> is the low-level category of this activity.
<action> is the activity that occurred.
<payload> is the complete record that has changed, if any. This may include a
user record or an event rule.
For example:
Nov 6 12:22:31 localhost.localdomain admin@
(Session) [Authentication] [User] [Login]
Nov 6 12:22:31 localhost.localdomain jsam@ (0)
[Configuration] [User Account] [Account Modified]
username=james, password=/oJDuXP7YXUYQ, networks=ALL,
email=sam@q1labs.com, userrole=Admin
Nov 13 10:14:44 localhost.localdomain admin@ (0)
[Configuration] [FlowSource] [FlowSourceModified] Flowsource(
name="tim", enabled="true", deployed="false",
asymmetrical="false", targetQflow=DeployedComponent(id=3),
This document provides information on the types of event categories and the
processing of events.
Category Description
Recon Events relating to scanning and other techniques used to identify
network resources, for example, network or host port scans.
DoS Events relating to Denial of Service (DoS) or Distributed Denial of
Service (DDoS) attacks against services or hosts, for example,
brute force network DoS attacks.
Authentication Events relating to authentication controls, group, or privilege
change, for example, log in or log out.
Access Events resulting from an attempt to access network resources,
for example, firewall accept or deny.
Exploit Events relating to application exploits and buffer overflow
attempts, for example, buffer overflow or web application
Malware Events relating to viruses, trojans, back door attacks, or other
forms of hostile software. This may include a virus, trojan,
malicious software, or spyware.
Suspicious The nature of the threat is unknown but behavior is suspicious
Activity including protocol anomalies that potentially indicate evasive
techniques, for example, packet fragmentation or known IDS
evasion techniques.
System Events related to system changes, software installation, or status
Policy Events regarding corporate policy violations or misuse.
CRE Events generated from an offense or event rule. For more
information on creating custom rules, see the IBM Security
QRadar Network Anomaly Detection Administration Guide.
Potential Exploit Events relating to potential application exploits and buffer
overflow attempts.
SIM Audit Events relating to user interaction with the Console and
administrative functions.
VIS Host Events relating to the host, ports, or vulnerabilities that the VIS
Discovery component discovers.
Application Events relating to application activity.
Recon The Recon category indicates events relating to scanning and other techniques
used to identify network resources. The associated low-level event categories
Table C-2 Recon Categories
DoS The DoS category indicates events relating to Denial Of Service (DoS) attacks
against services or hosts. The associated low-level event categories include:
Table C-3 DoS Categories
Access The access category indicates authentication and access controls for monitoring
network events. The associated low-level event categories include:
Table C-5 Access Categories
Exploit The exploit category indicates events where a communication or access has
occurred. The associated low-level event categories include:
Table C-6 Exploit Categories
Malware The malicious software (malware) category indicates events relating to application
exploits and buffer overflow attempts. The associated low-level event categories
Table C-7 Malware Categories
Suspicious Activity The suspicious activity category indicates events relating to viruses, trojans, back
door attacks, and other forms of hostile software. The associated low-level event
categories include:
Table C-8 Suspicious Categories
System The system category indicates events relating to system changes, software
installation, or status messages. The associated low-level event categories
Table C-9 System Categories
Policy The policy category indicates events relating to administration of network policy
and the monitoring network resources for policy violations. The associated
low-level event categories include:
Table C-10 Policy Categories
CRE The CRE category indicates events generated from a custom offense, flow or
event rule. The associated low-level event categories include:
Table C-11 CRE Category
Potential Exploit The Potential Exploit category indicates events relating to potential application
exploits and buffer overflow attempts. The associated low-level event categories
Table C-12 Potential Exploit Category
SIM Audit The SIM Audit events category indicates events related to user interaction with the
Console and administrative functionality. User login and configuration changes will
generate events that are sent to the Event Collector, which correlates with other
security events from the network. The associated low-level event categories
Table C-13 SIM Audit Event Category
VIS Host Discovery When the VIS component discovers and stores new hosts, ports, or vulnerabilities
detected on the network, the VIS component generates events. These events are
sent to the Event Collector to be correlated with other security events.
Application The Application category indicates events relating to application activity, such as
email or FTP activity. The associated low-level event categories include:
Table C-15 Application Category
Audit The Audit category indicates audit related events. The associated low-level event
categories include:
Table C-16 Audit Categories
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TACACS authentication 23
off-site 121
enterprise 175
temporary files retention period 54
thresholds 71
time limit
command line execution 57
reporting execution 57
web execution 57
web last minute execution 57
TNC recommendation enable 54
transaction sentry 60
updating user details 6
user accounts
managing 19
user data files 55
user roles 9
authentication 23
creating account 21
disabling account 22
editing account 22
managing 9
viewing backup archives 96
VIS passive host profile interval 54