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DCP Paige Green 2009

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Use and interpretation of the dynamic cone penetrometer (DCP) test

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2 authors:

Phil Paige-Green Louw du Plessis

Tshwane University of Technology Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, South Africa


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P Paige-Green and L Du Plessis

CSIR Built Environment


Version 2: 2009
1 Historical background to DCP and development progress
2 DCP Equipment and use
3 Theoretical aspects of DCP related to pavement design
4 WinDCP 5 software package
5 Applications of DCP testing
6 Rehabilitation Design Methods Using DCP Analysis Techniques
7 References and bibliography

A summary of the abbreviations used in the text and equations in these notes follows:

A - Deviation of DCP data from standard pavement strength-balance curve (SPBC)

AASHTO - American association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
B or BN - Balance Number (Standard Pavement Balance Curve)
BN100 - Number of blows as a percentage of the DSN800 required to penetrate 100 mm
CBR - California Bearing Ratio
Cm - Moisture factor
D - Pavement depth
DCP - Dynamic Cone Penetrometer
DN - DCP number (mm/blow)
DSN800 - DCP structural number (number of blows to 800 mm depth)
E80 – Equivalent standard 80 kN axle
Eeff - Effective elastic modulus
LSD - Layer strength diagram
MISA - Million standard axles (80 kN) to achieve a rut of 20 mm
SPBC - Standard pavement balance curve
TMH – Technical Methods for Highways
TRH – Technical Recommendations for Highways
UCS - Unconfined Compressive Strength
HVS – Heavy Vehicle Simulator


Module 1 consists of the first two chapters of the notes, Introduction and DCP Equipment and

At the end of this module the learner will:

• Understand the history and development of the DCP apparatus and its
relevance to shear strength of pavement materials
• Understand the relationship between laboratory and in situ CBR derived
from a DCP
• Be able to carry out a DCP test and manually plot and interpret the results


During the early 1930's the California Bearing Ratio test (CBR) was developed for the testing of
material strength in the laboratory for the design of pavements. The test involves the compaction
of a potential road-building material into a standard mould under a standard compaction effort at
a predetermined moisture content, soaking the mould for 4 days and then penetration with a
standard plunger at a fixed rate. The loads required to penetrate to selected depths are then
compared with those necessary to penetrate a standard material and a CBR value is obtained.
The procedures for the determination of the Maximum Dry Density (MDD), Optimum Moisture
Content (OMC) and CBR are given in TMH11.

In the test, all stones greater than 19 mm diameter are removed (sometimes replacement fines
are added), the material is compacted under a dynamic impact load and the material is then
soaked. In the field the coarse aggregate remains, the material is normally compacted under a
vibrating force and the material seldom becomes soaked. The test results are thus really
incomparable with the actual conditions, which are likely to prevail in the field. The CBR test has
been adapted for the field using a portable CBR but it is difficult and time consuming and is

seldom done because of the equipment needed and the fact that the moisture content changes
with time.

Most early pavement design procedures were, however, based on the CBR method where the
CBR values of the subgrade and structural layer material were used to determine the required
thickness of imported material necessary.

In Australia in 1956, Scala developed a Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP), based on an older
Swiss original, to evaluate the shear strength of the material in a pavement2. This consisted of a
9 kg (20 pound) mass dropping 508 mm (20 inches) and knocking a cone with a 30° point into
the material being tested3.

The potential of this was noted and development of the device continued in South Africa4. With
time a number of variants were in use, all with different masses, fall-distances and even cone
dimensions although the energy imparted (mass x fall) was generally similar. During the early
1970's the device was standardised in South Africa with the following dimensions (Figure 1.1):

Mass 8 kg
Fall distance 575 mm
Cone 60°

It should be noted that a device with a 10 kg mass falling 460 mm is also used in South Africa.
Although the potential energy (mgh) is the same for both configurations, the kinetic energy
applied (½mv 2) differs significantly. The momentum (mv), which may be a more relevant
parameter, however, of the two configurations is the same. It is therefore recommended that only
the configuration shown in Figure 1.1 be used, as the ensuing discussion and remainder of the
course are based on developments using this apparatus.

Figure 1: The Dynamic Cone Penetrometer5

A large number of comparative tests between laboratory and field CBR values and the cone
penetration rate (DN in mm/blow) were carried out during this period (at the respective moisture
contents)6. These allowed the development of correlations and models to predict the CBR (at the
in situ moisture and density) from the DCP penetration rate. This was carried out for natural and
treated materials giving relationships in terms of both CBR and Unconfined Compressive

Strength (UCS). The following models can be used for estimating the CBR from the DCP and
these are shown graphically in Figure 27.

If DN > 2 mm/blow CBR = 410 x DN-1.27

If DN < 2 mm/blow CBR = (66.66 x DN2 ) - (330 x DN) + 563.33

UCS = 15 x CBR0.88
or UCS = 2900 x DN-1.09

Figure 2: Relationship between DCP number (DN) and CBR and UCS7

Various other models for converting DCP penetration rate to in situ CBR are available these
include the following (Table 1):

Table 1: Penetration rate – CBR relationships

Cone angle Reference Relationship

60° TRL log10(CBR) = 2.48 – 1.057 log10(DN)
60° Sampson loge(CBR) = 5.8 – 0.95 loge(DN)
Plastic materials only loge(CBR) = 5.93 – 1.1 loge(DN)
PI > 6 materials loge(CBR) = 6.15 – 1.248 loge(DN)
PI < 6 materials loge(CBR) = 5.70 – 0.82 loge(DN)
PI = 0 materials
loge(CBR) = 5.86 – 0.69 loge(DN)
60° Harison log10(CBR) = 2.81 – 1.32 log10(DN)
Clayey soils log10(CBR) = 2.56 – 1.16 log10(DN)
Sand S-W log10(CBR) = 3.03 – 1.51 log10(DN)
Gravel G-W log10(CBR) = 2.55 – 0.96 log10(DN)
Combined data
log10(CBR) = 2.81 – 1.32 log10(DN)
Soaked samples
log10(CBR) = 2.76 – 1.28 log10(DN)
Unsoaked samples
log10(CBR) = 2.83 – 1.33 log10(DN)
30° cone Smith and Pratt Log10(CBR) = 2.555 – 1.145 Log10(penetration

It is clear that all of the relationships have similar equations, with different coefficients. The
correlation coefficients, however, vary significantly from as low as 0.47 to 0.99 (the number of
samples obviously affects the statistical significance of the correlation coefficients). It is also clear
that the nature of the material affects the DCP penetration rate, but this can seldom be included
in the analysis of full DCP profiles.

These relationships allow the use of the data in a basic manner where the strength of different
layers could be read off manual plots and an indication of the thicknesses of various layers could
be determined (See section 2). Some indication could be obtained of the material type as well as
the DCP structural number, although no predetermined depth of DCP testing was specified.

Research into the use of the DCP continued in South Africa in conjunction with Heavy Vehicle
Simulator (HVS) testing. This allowed parameters such as the penetration rate with time, traffic,
moisture, performance, cracking, deformation and deflection at various depths to be correlated
and the development of empirical relationships between expected pavement life and DCP
penetration rates.

During the mid 1980's, this data was used to develop a formal computerised analysis method for
the DCP bringing in new concepts and methodologies. This software has been upgraded a
number of times incorporating recent advances and improvements. The latest version used in
South Africa is WinDCP (version 5.0).

Research has been carried out in South Africa, the United States, Australia and the United
Kingdom on improving the prediction models between penetration rate and CBR with the results
being presented at International Conferences in the United States, South America, Europe,
Australia and South Africa. New regression models are continually being produced but most are
material dependent and incorporate aspects such as grading and plasticity parameters and are
not practical for general use (see Table 1).

The DCP software and various aspects associated with it are widely used in southern Africa with
great success. The 1993 version of Road Note 318 also specified the DCP as a test method. A
computerised analysis method has recently been developed in the UK (UK DCP 1.1.1).

The significant advantages of the DCP are that it is a low cost, robust apparatus that is quick and
simple to use. Very little damage is done to the pavement being tested (effectively non-
destructive) and very useful information is obtained. One of the major advantages of the test is
that the pavement is tested in the condition at which it performs. The simplicity of the test allows
repeated testing to minimise errors and also to account for temporal effects.

It should be noted that there are inherent inaccuracies in most CBR test results and these
coupled with the material dependency of the DCP results make the DCP interpretation a very
good indicator, but it should never be used as an absolute indicator of the in situ CBR strength of
a material in a pavement. The results should be assessed in terms of the material properties,

particularly grading and maximum particle size, plasticity, aggregate hardness, whether
stabilized, etc.

It must always be remembered that the DCP CBR is determined at the in situ moisture content
(and density) of the pavement layers at the time of testing. Various attempts to relate this,
through the CBR derived from the DCP, to the material G-classes used in South Africa have
been made, with the following approximate correlations being proposed for materials in unsealed
roads12 (Table 2) and in sealed low volume roads13 (Table 3).

Table 2: Relationship between DCP CBR and G class for unsealed roads12
Material Soaked Approximate field DCP- CBR : Unsealed road
classification CBR Subgrade Wearing course
Wet Dry Very dry Dry Moderate Damp
climate climate state state state state
G4 80 318 228 164 117
G5 45 244 175 126 90
G6 25 59 65 186 134 96 69
G7 15 45 50 147 106 76 54
G8 10 38 43
G9 7 33 37
G10 3 20 24
Note: moisture contents are expressed as ratios of in situ to Mod AASHTO optimum moisture content as
follows: very dry = 0.25; dry = 0.5; moderate = 0.75; damp = 1.0

Table 3: Relationship between DCP CBR and G class for sealed low volume roads13
Material Soaked Approximate field DCP- CBR : Low volume roads
classification CBR Subgrade Base, subbase and selected layers
Wet Dry Very dry Dry Moderate Damp
climate climate state state state state
G4 80 260 205 151 96
G5 45 188 148 109 69
G6 25 56 66 146 115 85 54
G7 15 52 62 137 108 79 50
G8 10 39 46 101 80 59 37
G9 7 38 44
G10 3 35 41
Note: moisture contents are expressed as ratios of in situ to Mod AASHTO optimum moisture content as
follows: very dry = 0.25; dry = 0.5; moderate = 0.75; damp = 1.0

The onus remains on the user of the DCP, however, to understand the situation, environment
and implications of each test in relation to the in situ state of the material. This includes aspects

such as material composition, presence of large stones or hard layers, moisture content, density,
etc. Significant engineering judgement and understanding as well as knowledge of the specific
site are necessary to maximise the information that can be obtained from a DCP profile. Many
cases have been seen where the engineer has erroneously drawn conclusions or extrapolated
data provided from site teams, without actually comprehending the field conditions.


The specifications of the DCP equipment are shown in Figure 1. As discussed in the previous
lecture, the apparatus is robust, simple and easy to use but a few points need to be noted to
ensure repeatable and consistent results.

During assembly of the apparatus it is imperative that the hammer is located the right way up.
The lower end is conically indented to provide a good contact with the anvil on impact.

The handle at the top of the hammer rod should be screwed in to its limit to ensure that the fall is
exactly 575 mm. The lower cone-bearing rod should be checked for linearity as they are prone to
bending if used repeatedly on very hard or very stony materials.

The upper support for the measuring staff absorbs enormous shocks, which results in frequent
fatigue failure. Spares of this need to be available at all times during testing.

The cones wear and deform when testing hard materials and need to be replaced periodically.
Prior to any test, the condition should be checked to ensure that the point is sharp, the whole
cone is screwed into the shaft and the lower surface of the cone is not excessively rough. High
tensile or tempered cones are not recommended, as they tend to shear off when striking a hard
stone. The use of disposable cones is increasing, where the cone remains in the test hole – the
effort to remove the apparatus from the test hole is greatly reduced by leaving the cone behind
(Figure 3).

Figure 3: Typical cones and problems

(From left to right: disposable cone, conventional cone, worn cone tip, worn cone, incorrect
cone with shoulder too wide, 30° cone)

The DCP has been used to evaluate the strengths and depth of thick soft materials using a 2
metre (and even 3 m) long lower shaft. This is not recommended for harder materials (CBR >
15) where inertia effects, side friction on the rod and other energy losses may influence the
results. Energy can be lost through compression of the DCP rod, elastic compression of the soil
and various other unknown factors. It is not clear whether the standard DCP-CBR correlations
can be directly applied to longer DCPs.

An automatic DCP (Figure 4) has been developed which is trailer mounted and automatically
applies the hammer action and extraction of the apparatus after the test. The test data is
automatically recorded and stored on a computer disk in a form suitable for analysis using

The traditional DCP apparatus is safe and apart from ensuring that no hands are caught between
the hammer and the anvil, few precautions need to be taken to prevent personal injuries.

High stresses are generated during use of the apparatus and it is thus recommended that for
large or remote projects various spare parts be retained with the apparatus. The parts prone to
wear and tear (and fatigue) are the lower rod holding the cone, the upper support for the
measuring scale and obviously, cones. Any local steel fabrication or repair shop can usually
remedy problems occurring with the apparatus.

Figure 4: Automatic DCP



A standard method for the measurement of the in situ strength of soils by the DCP is provided in
Draft TMH 61. This covers the test method as well as manual determination of the penetration
rate or “DCP number” (DN) in mm/blow. Some important aspects and other useful tips are
discussed or provided below.

During testing, five aspects need to be carefully controlled:

• The apparatus must be held vertically at all times. Any deviation from the vertical
results in difficulties getting repeatable readings from the measuring staff. In
addition the friction effects between the falling mass and the upper rod reduce the
energy imparted to the cone.
• The hammer must just touch the base of the handle before being released,
without jolting the equipment vertically. The hammer should be released to fall
under its own mass and not "thrown" down.
• When testing “hard” materials, the hammer will often bounce a number of times
on the anvil before coming to rest. It should not be lifted for the next drop before
coming to total rest.
• The test should start with the upper portion of the shoulder of the cone flush with
the surface of the layer being tested.
• During testing of hard materials, it is common to note that uplift or mounding of
the layer around the DCP hole occurs. This may result in a gradual rise of the
measuring staff relative to the test apparatus and hence a reduction in the
reading obtained. Care should be taken that the base of the measuring staff is
not affected by this "mounding".

Frequently the cone rests on a large stone. When this occurs:

• The stone may either break and the test continues normally;
• The cone may be deflected and the rod will be found to move off the vertical; or
• Refusal may be reached and the test cannot proceed.

In the first case the test results are not invalidated but in the other two the test should be
recommenced 1 metre away from the initial test. If refusal is obtained three times at different
locations, it can be assumed that there is a very hard, continuous layer at that depth or the
material is extremely stony. In either of these cases, results obtained by continued testing would
be unreliable.

The optimum number of operators is typically 3, two labourers and the supervisor. The
supervisor controls the reading and recording of the results, whilst the two labourers alternate
between holding the apparatus vertical and operating the hammer. It is recommended that the
operator has a low stool and a clipboard to make the taking and recording of readings more
comfortable and repeatable. A typical field data sheet is attached (Figure 5).

It is often necessary to determine what is below a very hard layer and in this case a 20 mm hole
can be drilled through the hard layer or a small hole excavated and the test resumed at the top of
the underlying layer (this does result in the test losing its non-destructive nature). In these cases
accurate measurements of the thickness of the hard layer are necessary and an assumed
penetration rate is plotted or used for computer processing. This cannot be done when a
disposable cone is used.

It is important to assess the results being produced during DCP testing as they are obtained.
During the days when data was processed manually, this was routine during data collection and
forms were used that facilitated this with the actual penetration depth being written as a label at
the specific depth plotted, directly on the form (Figure 6). The data points could then be joined by
straight lines to differentiate layers in the pavement. By determining the slope of each line
(subtracting the beginning value from the value at the end point) the penetration rate (DN) for that
layer could be determined. This could then be converted directly to in situ CBR using the table
provided on the form.

Subsequently, the data was analysed by computer and all data reduction was done automatically,
with the operators losing the “feel” for what was happening in the pavement structure.

Figure 5: Example sheet for manual collection of DCP data


Figure 6: Example of manual collection of DCP data


It is, however, often more useful to view the data in terms of the DCP penetration number (DN) or
CBR as a function of depth, i.e., as specific layers. This can be easily determined and plotted as
shown in Figures 7 and 8 to give a direct indication of the pavement structure (layer strength

DCP Number (mm/blow)

1 10 100



Penetration depth (mm)








Figure 7: Data represented as DN versus depth (layer strength diagram)

CBR (%)
10 100 1000


Penetration depth (mm)








Figure 8: Data represented as CBR versus depth


It is important to ensure that a full DCP penetration profile is obtained to a depth of 800 mm,
bearing in mind that the starting reading is seldom exactly zero. In order to determine the DCP
structural number (DSN800) the number of blows required to reach a depth of 800 mm is required.
Typically, when a depth of 800 mm is not attained, the penetration profile can be extrapolated
either based on the last few readings or using a specified or expected penetration rate.

When carrying out DCP testing along a road, it is also useful to assess the moisture regime in the
road in relation to the expected moisture regime during service. This can be used to provide a
statistically based appreciation of the existing material strength for design purposes. In this way a
percentile of the in situ material strength can be identified for upgrading designs14. This is
discussed further in Module 3.

Significant debate exists around the frequency (and location) of testing along roads. The required
frequency will typically depend on the purpose of the investigation, the degree of variability
expected, the level of confidence required, length of the road and probably more often, the
available funds. The number of tests should, however, be sufficient to ensure confidence in any
conclusions drawn.

Various recommendations have been made and these vary from one test every 500 metres15 to
between one every 10 km and more than one every kilometre, depending on the required
confidence16. It is, however, suggested that a minimum of 15 tests per uniform section is carried



Module 2 of the course consists of Chapter 3 of the notes.

At the end of this module the learner will:

• Have briefly reviewed the basic principles of pavement design

• Understand the principles of pavement balance based on DCP results
• Be able to determine the layer depths and structural capacity of a
pavement from DCP results


The function of pavement layers is to spread the stresses due to wheel loads so that no part of
the underlying structure is overstressed and at the same time to provide a wearing course for
traffic. Typically the strength of individual pavement layers decreases with depth but the total
pavement thickness must still protect the subgrade from the traffic. Inputs necessary for
successful pavement design include the following17:

Analysis and Design Periods

The analysis period is that period during which complete reconstruction of the road would be
unacceptable (rehabilitation would be acceptable). The structural design period is that period
during which no structural maintenance will be required and specific indicators of the road
condition, eg, riding quality, rut depth) are generally within pre-determined terminal conditions
over a specified area of the road (depending on the road category).


The traffic which the road will be expected to carry needs to be quantified in terms of the total
cumulative equivalent standard axles (usually 80 kN) including aspects such as annual growth,

captured and generated traffic and distribution by lane and direction. The equivalent standard
axles take the estimated degree of vehicle overloading into account.

Material availability

The availability of materials (eg gravels, aggregates, cement, bitumen) all affect the possible final
choice of the pavement structure and type.

Environmental aspects

The environment in which the pavement will be expected to perform is an important input
parameter. Wet, arid, very hot or very cold climates all define certain requirements for the
pavement design.

Subgrade materials

The thickness and composition of the pavement structure necessary to carry any traffic loading is
a direct function of the subgrade material, ie, the in situ naturally occurring soil materials. A
representative value for the subgrade strength needs to be determined. The actual value used
will depend on the pavement design system employed, ie, mean, percentile, etc.

Material depth

The material depth denotes the depth below finished road level to which soil properties and
characteristics have a significant effect on the pavement behaviour. This typically varies between
700 and 1200 mm depending on the category of road17 but is 800 mm for Category C roads.


Numerous pavement design methods are currently used in practice. These include, for example,
the CBR cover curve, AASHTO structural number, mechanistic-empirical, catalogue and DCP

methods. Only the DCP method will be covered in detail in this course. The other methods are
briefly introduced.

CBR cover curve method

This is one of the original design methods and is not used as extensively these days. Various
design charts have been prepared (example in Figure 9) from which the depth of construction
required to protect a subgrade of any defined strength (in terms of CBR) is defined for various
traffic categories and equivalent wheel loads.

Figure9: Typical CBR cover curve design chart

AASHTO Structural Number method18

This method compares the Structural Number of a proposed road determined from various input
parameters (traffic, reliability, variation in traffic and pavement performance prediction, subgrade
modulus and designed decrease in serviceability of the road) with the value obtained for various

pavement designs (based on layer thickness and various coefficients related to material types
and properties). This is summarised in Appendix A.

Mechanistic-empirical design method19

Mechanistic design methods are theoretically based methods, which consider the pavement as a
mechanism. The various pavement layers interact in response to loading. Stresses and strains
developed in the pavement are analysed mechanistically and these are related through empirical
transfer functions to the distress that can be expected. These distress criteria are based on
performance studies of roads and limits are given. Various components of the road have
different limiting criteria, eg, the strain at the top of the subgrade is evaluated in terms of
permanent deformation; the total stresses in granular layers are evaluated in terms of the Mohr-
Coulomb strength parameters and bituminous materials are evaluated in terms of the tensile
strains at the base of the layer). In this way the maximum traffic volume any structure can carry
is determined.

Like all design methods, this method has a number of shortfalls, the primary one being that the
pavement materials are considered to be homogeneous and isotropic and are assumed to
perform in a linear and elastic manner. It is known that few natural materials are homogeneous
and isotropic and most granular pavement materials are in fact non-linear, inelastic (ie, the
stress-strain relation ship is curved) and current research is developing techniques to account for
this in analyses. This has a direct bearing on the selection of input values in the analyses.

An example of the use of mechanistic techniques is shown in Appendix B.

Catalogue method17

Design catalogues are the easiest design process to use as all the practical and theoretical work
has been carried out and different structures are presented in catalogue form for various
combinations of traffic, environmental effects, pavement materials and design options. These
catalogues have typically been based on accelerated testing, theoretical analyses and in situ
testing and evaluation of pavements in service. An example of a catalogue is shown in
Figure 10.

Figure 10: Example of typical pavement design catalogue17



The average penetration rate over a full layer, eg, a 150 mm base course is often determined
during analyses20. The simple arithmetic average is not always representative if the penetration
rate differs through the layer and a weighted average should be determined. When the top
50 mm of a 150 mm base layer for instance has a penetration rate of 1.1 mm/blow and the lower
100 mm has a value of 4.0 mm/blow, the simple arithmetic mean would be 2.55 mm/blow (1.1 +
4.0)/2) whereas the weighted mean would be 3.03 mm/blow (((1.1*50)+(4.0*100)/150)).


Experience with road design, construction and investigation over the years has shown that a well-
designed pavement should be well balanced, ie, the strength should decrease progressively with
depth from the surface. The strength balance of a pavement structure is defined as the change
in the strength of the pavement layers with depth21,22,23. If the strength decrease is smooth and
without any discontinuities, the pavement can be regarded as being in a state of balance. The
DCP design and analysis method is strongly based on this concept.

The pavement balance at any depth can be determined from a simple formula:

DSN (%) = {D*[400*B + (100- B)2]/[4*B*D + (100 - B)2]}

DSN = pavement structure number (%)
B = parameter defining the standard pavement balance curve (SPBC)
D = pavement depth (%)

This model obviously allows a series of curves to be developed for different pavement structure
numbers and depths. These can be plotted as Standard Pavement Balance Curves (SPBC) as
shown in Figure 11.

Figure 11: Standard Pavement Balance Curves23

The number of blows of the DCP required to reach a certain depth for a balanced pavement
expressed as a percentage of the DCP Structural Number (DSN800) is defined as the Balance
Number (BN) at that depth (Figure 12). For example, the BN100 is the number of blows as a
percentage of the DSN800 required to penetrate to a depth of 100 mm (40 at 12.5 per cent of
800 mm in Figure 12).

Figure 12: Graphic representation of BN on standard pavement balance curve23

The Balance Number (BN) thus represents the percentage of the DCP strength of the pavement
to a certain depth. Pavements with a high BN100 (approaching a BN of 80) are considered to be
shallow whilst those with low BN values are considered to be deep. A relationship between the
BN100 value and the “n” exponent used to calculate the load equivalency factor has also been
found shallower pavements being more susceptible to high loads (ie, a higher n exponent) than
deep pavements.

Pavements with smooth strength balance curves avoid any stress concentrations and are well
balanced. However in practice, smooth curves are seldom found. The implications of this are
discussed in the following section.


The pavement strength balance curves have been used to develop a classification system. In
this, any pavement is classified in terms of the Balance Curve (B) which is the balance curve
most closely followed by the measured balance curve of the pavement and the deviation (A)
between the Standard Pavement Balance Curve (SPBC) and the measured curve (Figure 13).
This takes into account the deviation from a perfectly smooth balance curve.

Figure 13: Graphic representation of BN on standard pavement balance curve23


The classification system is illustrated in Figure 14 and the limits for defining the different
categories are summarised below.

Shallow pavements B ≥ 40 (BN ≥ 42%)

Deep pavements 0 ≤ B < 40 (12.5% ≤ BN < 42%)
Inverted pavements B < 0 (BN < 12.5 %)

Well balanced 0 ≤ A ≤ 1200

Averagely balanced 1200 < A ≤ 3000
Poorly balanced A > 3000

Each cell in the classification system is defined by an A and a B descriptor (ie, deep averagely
balanced pavement), resulting in a possible 9 classification categories.

Figure 14: Graphic representation of BN on standard pavement balance curve23


It is also possible to analyse the DCP data by normalising the deviation of the actual penetration
profile from the best-fit SPBC (Figure 15). Maxima and minima on this normalised plot indicate
boundaries between layers of different strengths and effectively provide layer thicknesses
(Figure 16).

Figure 15: Normalized curve illustrating layer depths (B = - 4, A = 997)

Figure 16: Derived layer thicknesses from Figure 14


Various other techniques can also be used for identifying layer boundaries. These include simple
methods such as the use of the cumulative sum to more complex statistical methods. The
cumulative sum method is used in the UK DCP software and uses the cumulative sum of the
deviations of each reading from the mean of all the results15. When these are plotted against the
depth, any change in direction indicates a change in layer properties, which can be equated with
the layer thickness. This technique has been applied to the data shown in Figure 7 and the
results are shown in Figure 17 below.



Cumulative sum





0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Depth (mm)

Figure 17: Results of cumulative sum plot to indicate layer thickness


Research has shown that for well-balanced pavements, the structural capacity of a pavement can
be determined from the DCP profile, specifically the DSN800 using the following model
(Figure 18)20,24,25:

MISA = Cm x (DSN800)3.5 x 10-9

where MISA = million standard 80 kN axles to achieve a rut depth of 20 mm

Cm = moisture factor (64 dry, 30 optimum, 14 wet and 6.5 soaked)

Figure 18: Relationship between pavement bearing capacity (MISA) and DSN80025

The structural capacity of lightly cemented pavement layers (unconfined compressive strength
less than 3000 kPa) can be estimated from the DCP using the DN50 and DSN200. A linear rate of
permanent deformation (RL) can be determined as follows26,27:

 DSN 
RL =  (( 3.82806− DN 80200) /(1.38572)) 
10 

with RL in mm/million E80s

DN50 in mm/blow (weighted average penetration rate in the upper 50 mm of the cemented
DSN200 being the total number of blows required to penetrate the upper 200 mm of the


The elastic modulus is a complex parameter to determine accurately in the laboratory as it is

dependent on the in situ density, moisture and stress conditions and assumes linear elasticity of
the material (most construction materials are non-linear elastic).

However, analysis of results obtained from DCP testing associated with accelerated testing of
pavements allowed the correlation of the effective elastic modulus (obtained from back analysis
of deflection data at different depths) with the DCP penetration rate28.

The relationship is as follows and is illustrated in Figure 19:

Log (Eeff) = 3.04758 - 1.06166(log(DN))

Figure 19: Relationship between effective elastic modulus and DCP penetration rate28

This is a useful relationship allowing mechanistic analysis of any pavement, which provides
stresses, strains and deflections and is used in pavement design, rehabilitation studies and
theoretical analysis of pavements.

It is seen that the data obtained from the manual interpretation (DN, layer thicknesses, material
types, DCP structural number) are the basic parameters used in the theoretical interpretations
discussed above. It is clear that this can all be carried out in a much more time and cost-effective
manner using modern computers. This process is included in WinDCP.


Standard pavement designs have been developed for different traffic categories (Figure 20).
These are based on well-balanced pavement structures and in situ material strengths and are
illustrated for heavy, medium and light traffic. The important aspect to note is that the in situ
strengths plotted are significantly larger than the conventional requirements for the TRH 4 G-
classes. This allows for the fact that the in situ materials are not soaked.

Figure 20: Design curves for heavy and medium traffic


Figure 20 (cont): Design curves for light traffic


The damaging effect of a particular load on the pavement structure relative to a standard load is
usually expressed by the “equivalency factor” F:

F=  
 80 

where P = Applied load

80 = Standard 80 kN axle load
n = An exponent (usually 4.2) that describes the sensitivity of the pavement
to loads that are larger or less than 80 kN

Figure 21 shows the relationship between the pavement balance number (BN) and the n
exponent more likely to be related to that pavement structure21.

Load equivalent exponent

10 100
Mean BN

Figure 21: Relationship between “n” and pavement balance number (BN)


The importance of moisture content at the time of carrying out the DCP test has been
emphasised a number of times. The practice of assessing the ratio of the moisture regime
affecting the road during the DCP survey (MSUR) in relation to the anticipated moisture regime in
service (MSER) is a useful concept that has been applied14. This can best be done in terms of the
season of testing (dry or wet) and local moisture conditions. If the testing is done at the end of the
wet season, the moisture regime ratio (MRR = MSUR/MSER) will be greater than 1 and vice versa.
The selection of the appropriate percentile for either the DN value or CBR, suggested in Table 4
will thus depend on the MRR and the moisture sensitivity of the materials (high for clays and silts
and low for sands and gravels).

Table 4: Suggested percentile of minimum in situ strength profile to be used

Percentile of minimum strength Percentile of maximum strength
profile (DN) for materials with: profile (CBR) for materials with”
MRR Low moisture High moisture Low moisture High moisture
sensitivity sensitivity sensitivity sensitivity
<1 50 – 75 > 75 25 – 50 < 25
±1 25 – 50 50 – 75 50 –75 25 – 50
>1 < 25 25 – 50 > 75 50 – 75


To design a road using the AASHTO structural number method, the following input is necessary:

Design traffic
Subgrade strength (Modulus of resilience)
Design serviceability loss in terms of Present Serviceability Index (PSI)
Overall standard deviation of material properties, traffic determinations and performance
A Reliability function to quantify the road not attaining its design life

This data is applied to the attached Design chart (Figure A1) and the required structural number
is obtained.

Figure A1: Nomograph for AASHTO design method


This is then used to design the pavement structure to provide the required structural number in
terms of the following model:

Sn = Σ aiDi

where ai = layer coefficients (See Table A1)

and Di = thickness of layers in inches

Table A1: Pavement layer strength coefficients for structural number29


When the calculated Sn from this model exceeds the value determined from the Design Chart,
an adequate pavement design is obtained. This system does have deficiencies for roads with
high traffic volumes as it is extrapolated from roads carrying less than 10 million standard axles.


Mechanistic analyses are carried out by analysing the stresses and strains developed in a multi-
layered system using linear elastic analysis. The various layers of the pavement interact together
in response to different wheel loads. From knowledge of the pavement structure, material
properties, mechanisms of behaviour and the stresses, strains and displacements induced in the
pavement, it is possible to deduce what type of distress is likely to occur and therefore to predict
where and when.

The input data required is:

• Number of layers and their thicknesses;

• Elastic modulus and Poisson’s ratio for each layer;
• Load per wheel and tyre pressure;
• Number of loads and coordinates;
• Coordinates of points to be investigated.

The calculations are time-consuming and tedious and it is best to use a computer to carry this
out19. From this the relevant data can be determined to evaluate the pavement performance.

An example of this is the strain at the top of the subgrade - the value determined is substituted
into the transfer function

N = 10( A−10 log ε v )

where A is shown in Table B1 for a terminal rut condition of 20 mm and the model is graphically
represented in Figure B1.

Table B1: Regression coefficients for the general subgrade deformation transfer function
Road Category/Service level A
A 36.30
B 36.38
C 36.47
D 36.70

Figure B1: 20 mm subgrade deformation transfer functions

This gives the carrying capacity of the pavement before failure of the subgrade in million standard
axles. Various models exist for different degrees and modes of failure applicable to different
categories of road.

If the maximum tensile strain at the base of an asphalt wearing course was calculated for
example as 348 µε for a thin gap graded asphalt with a stiffness of 2630 MPa, substitution of this
value into the following transfer function for a Category B road (graphically shown in Figure B2):

N = 1015.85(1 - log ε t / 3.72 )

indicates that the asphalt is unlikely to crack before about 70 000 standard axles have been

Figure B2: Fatigue crack initiation transfer functions for gap graded thin asphalt surfacing

This type of analysis is carried out for each layer (using different transfer functions) and the layer
with the minimum structural capacity is taken as the design loading for that structure. The effect
of overloading, different layer thicknesses, variation in modulus with season, etc, can be easily
modelled by changing the input parameters in the program.


Module 3 consists primarily of practical use of the WinDCP 5 software.

At the end of this module the learner will:

• Be able to input data into WinDCP 5

• Analyse both single and average DCP data
• Understand and interpret the outputs from WinDCP 5

WinDCP 5 is a powerful analysis package developed by the CSIR incorporating all the
developments associated with the DCP apparatus.

The software is protected against copyright infringement with a key, which needs to be entered
before the software will operate.

The software is loaded into a directory on a hard disk drive from which it is operated. All data
and output files are saved by default to this directory (unless otherwise specified). The program
has the facility to import Excel files directly for use.

This module involves installation of and familiarisation with the software.

The software can analyse each DCP profile individually, but for project level analyses it is better
to group the DCPs by uniform section and assess them as an average for each section. This has
the benefit of minimising the effects of anomalies, such as stones, poor mixing of stabilizer, etc.


Module 4 summarises possible applications for the use of DCP testing and analysis.

At the end of this module the learner will:

• Know when and how the DCP can be applied for various applications
• Understand the limitations of the equipment and test method

The DCP test technique can be applied to various aspects of road design, construction and
rehabilitation, each of these being a study in itself. The important aspect concerning these is to
understand the process, theoretical background and hence the limitations and assumptions
incorporated in the analysis in order to develop confidence in using the procedure. Some
applications are briefly discussed in this part of the course but for certain applications are
themselves subjects of individual courses.

Preliminary investigations

The DCP can be used to investigate subgrades along proposed new road alignments prior to
construction. The data produced include in situ strengths and thicknesses of subgrade layers,
relative compactions, and a broad indication of material types. This is a quick way of determining
typical subgrade strengths for pavement design and identifying uniform sections and the design
strengths for these sections.

It should be noted that the data obtained are at in situ moisture and density and this needs to be
taken into account. It is possible to determine soaked values by building a low earth
embankment around the site to be tested and soaking the area with water for a short period (2 to
4 hours depending on the material permeability).

The data obtained from these investigations can be used to determine bills-of-quantity for
preliminary budgeting and even tendering purposes as well as providing valuable input into the
design process.

DCP testing has also been used for borrow pit location and determination of overburden
thickness. This has been particularly useful for locating calcretes under sand where refusal is
obtained and a trace of the calcrete may adhere to the tip of the cone for confirmation on removal
of the DCP.

Regravelling and upgrading of unsealed (gravel) roads

A DCP survey of any unsealed road prior to regravelling indicates the existing structure and is
useful in determining the required quantity of material which needs to be imported as well as any
work necessary prior to the importation, eg, replacement of poor material, recompaction,
scarification and recompaction, etc.

The same process is also a useful indication of the requirements for upgrading an unpaved road
to paved standard. A simple analysis using an overlay system identifies the thickness and quality
of material necessary to provide the structure required for the design traffic.

Pavement design

A comprehensive method of designing lightly trafficked roads using the DCP has been
developed. This provides a light but well-balanced pavement structure for specific design traffic
categories and is summarised in a catalogue. The design strength profile is integrated with the in
situ soil strength profile to optimally utilise the in situ material strength.

This process is covered in the paper "Application of the Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP) to
light pavement design"14,

The use of the DCP for the design of road structures for traffic categories up to 10 million
standard 80 kN axles is covered in the paper "Use of the Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP) in
the design of road structures"28.

Quality control

The DCP is a quick, (relatively) non-destructive test, which can be used for quality control during
construction30. It can either be used for absolute comparison with a required datum or relative
comparison within an area. Although it is a measure of the shear strength of a material, it can be
used for checking the compaction quality or ensuring that refusal compaction has been obtained
for any specific material. This is best based on proof rolling prior to compaction.

This involves the preparation of the material to the required moisture content and DCP testing of
the layer after each roller pass. A point will be identified at which no further densification (or even
de-densification in some instances) occurs and this can be used as a method specification for
that material, layer thickness, plant and moisture content.

Using standard statistical techniques the natural variability of the materials being tested and the
repeatability of the test can be incorporated to minimise the risk to both the contractor and the

Pavement Rehabilitation

Significant work has been carried out using the DCP for rehabilitation design of asphalt surfaced
roads. Comparisons with various rehabilitation methods including the Asphalt Institute method,
Mechanistic methods and standard catalogues have been carried out. A low cost DCP survey
can provide sufficient information to design appropriate overlays (or identify areas where overlays
are insufficient and additional structural material is required). Rehabilitation should typically
follow a multi-analysis approach.

Rehabilitation methods are described in the next part of the course.

Failure investigations and Audits

The DCP is an invaluable tool for failure investigations and technical audits. It can be used prior
to any in destructive testing to determine layer thicknesses and condition with respect to the
original design specification. This assists with the selection of areas for detailed investigation and
allows optimisation of the in situ testing to minimise investigation costs.


The DCP penetration rate has also been correlated with the bearing capacity of soils for founding
structures. This provides a general indication and should not replace conventional testing, but ca
be a useful addition to extend the results of other tests using a cheap in situ test method. One
such model is:

Bearing capacity (kPa) = 3426.8 DN-1.0101


The DCP is an invaluable research tool and can be used for numerous applications. A number
of examples are listed below:

Evaluation of pavement performance

The performance of various pavement structures can be evaluated and compared in terms of
their balance, material properties, layer thicknesses, etc and indications of why some pavements
perform well whilst similar ones do not can be obtained. Remember that moisture content
changes have a significant effect on the DCP results and must be taken into consideration.

Investigation of moisture effects in roads

The seasonal influence of moisture on the performance of roads and zones of moisture influence
within the pavement structure can easily be determined through a regular testing programme.
This type of information can be used to determine ideal paved shoulder widths, fill heights,
drainage locations, equilibrium moisture contents and strengths, etc.

These are only some of the research applications that can be carried out and the DCP can in fact
be applied to almost any materials related research programme. The use is mostly self-
explanatory and as a research tool each application will need to be suited to the specific
situation. General philosophies regarding this will be discussed during the course.


As discussed through this course, the DCP is a very simple and basic piece of equipment. As
such, the results will seldom compare with more sophisticated and expensive testing such as
Falling Weight Deflectometers (FWD), Benkelman Beams, Test pitting, etc.

However, provided an understanding of the DCP test, the expected site conditions and the
limitations of the test are taken into account, there is no reason why good interpretations of the
data cannot be made. The main limitations that are likely to affect the results and interpretations
and need to be considered include:
• Very stony materials
• Very hard cemented layers
• Heavily patched and repaired roads, particularly when overlaid
• Highly variable pavement structures and materials
• Old, dry asphalt
• The possibility of not recording very weak layers when taking depth
measurements after every 5 blows
• Poorly executed tests (hammer not falling the full distance, non-vertical
DCP, excessive movement of the depth measuring rod, etc)

Many of these are controllable if noted early enough on site.




Module 6 covers the application of DCP investigations in the rehabilitation of roads.

At the end of this module the learner will:

• Be able to apply the results from DCP investigations to design pavement

structures for the rehabilitation of roads

This module discusses the use of DCP tests for the rehabilitation design of pavements and is
basically a modified extract from the original reference31.

The DCP method is an empirically derived “pavement component (layer) analysis method” which
therefore incorporates many assumptions that can seriously limit its general applicability.
Nevertheless, when found applicable, methods based on pavement component testing give an
easy to use and reliable procedure to determine the rehabilitation needs of flexible pavements.
However, because of the empirical nature and the limitations incorporated into the method it is
recommended that the method be applied in a multi-analysis approach, together with other
methods such as deflection analysis, visual surveys and test pit information. The reliability of the
use of empirically derived component analysis rehabilitation design methods depends strongly on
whether the method is applicable for use on a specific pavement: the pavement needs to have a
reasonably well-balanced structure. Consequently, the applicability of the method should
thoroughly be investigated before application. However, the evaluation procedures based on
these tests are of importance also as an input into mechanistic design methods.

The California Bearing Ratio (CBR) test, measuring the shear stress of pavement materials has
been widely used as a pavement materials test throughout the world, since its conception in the
1930's. Several countries have developed or adopted pavement design methods based on the
measurement of the CBR of materials.

In South Africa, the measurement of the in-situ shear strength of the pavement layers using a
Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP), has also led to the development of pavement evaluation
and rehabilitation design methods. The DCP method is much further developed and more
advanced than the CBR methods, allowing for the detailed evaluation and analysis of pavement
structure. Nevertheless, both the CBR and DCP component (layer by layer) analysis methods
are empirically derived based on material shear strength and can only be accurate if used for the
evaluation and analysis of pavements similar to those from which they were derived.

It follows that the CBR and DCP test provide meaningful, but incomplete information about the
expected behaviour of a pavement. The key to the successful application of empirically derived
methods based on CBR and/or DCP measurements lies in the applicability of the method to a
specific pavement and can give extremely good results and information about the future
behaviour of a pavement. It is, however, advised that the method be used in a multi-analysis
approach together with other methods.


The first in the series of rehabilitation design methods using DCP data is an empirically derived
comparison between the collected DCP data and data from historical pavements, which have
shown to have adequate strength for a certain traffic demand. It is based on observations and
experience with use of the DCP mainly in the old Transvaal Province of South Africa32. The
method was originally developed for use on pavements with thin surfacings and natural gravel
sub-layers. However, research has shown that the method can also be used on pavements with
lightly cemented layers (UCS < 3 000 kPa33).

The DCP instrument measures the penetration rate per blow through all of the individual
pavement layers. As this penetration rate is a function of the in-situ shear strength of the material,
the profile in depth gives an indication of the effective in-situ properties of the materials in each
layer up to the depth of penetration (800 mm is the recommended depth of testing).

The first objective in the development of the rehabilitation design method was to improve the
utilization of DCP tests as a measurement of pavement bearing capacity. Many of the concepts

used originated from practical experience. Results from HVS tests (58 HVS tests performed from
1976 to 19837) were used to verify these concepts and to establish expected life versus DCP
penetration curves for granular base pavements. The development of these curves was based on
a rut depth of 20 mm measured under a 2 m straightedge, which was defined as representing a
terminal pavement condition. The design curves were derived using mean values measured and
are therefore only an indication of mean expected life.

The first step is to study the DCP structural number (DSN800). This is done during the initial
assessment of the rehabilitation design and the DCP measurements are used only as an
indicator of the overall pavement condition. Measurements for each significant pavement length
(uniform section) are classified according to the processed data as being Sound, Warning or
Severe in terms of the criteria given in Table 525.

Table 5: Performance criteria recommended for the assessment of pavement


where: M1 = a dry moisture regime or good drainage condition

M2 = an optimum moisture regime or average drainage condition
M3 = a wet moisture regime or poor drainage condition
M4 = a soaked moisture regime, or saturated conditions

and: DSN800 > X = Sound condition

DSN800 between X and Y = Warning condition
DSN800 < Y = Severe condition

Detailed assessment

It is during this phase of an investigation that the DCP tests can give valuable information about
the existing pavement structure and its future structural behaviour. The DCP data can be
processed to give an indication of the adequacy in strength of various pavement layers (using the
layer strength diagram).

The DCP data in terms of the layer strength diagram, of which examples are shown in Figures 7
and 8, gives an indication of the in-situ strength (DN or CBR) of the pavement materials in depth.
This DCP profile of the rate of penetration is then compared with minimum specified standards,
called DCP master design curves, shown in Figure 22, to determine the adequacy of the various
pavement layers in depth for the expected future traffic loading. Points lying to the right of the
DCP design curve for a specific traffic category indicate material of inadequate quality at that
depth. With the use of Figure 22 it is also possible to get a good indication of the existing cause
and mechanism of distress in terms of the past cumulative traffic loading.

Figure 22: DCP design curves for various design traffic classes

Three master design curves have been developed through observations and experience with the
DCP, mainly in the old Transvaal Province of South Africa, and calibrated during Heavy Vehicle
Simulator (HVS) tests as explained earlier. The three design classes are for pavements where
the expected numbers of E80s (expressed in MISA, or Million Standard Axles) are:

• Light traffic: less than 200 000 E80s

• Medium traffic: between 200 000 and 800 000 E80s, and
• Heavy traffic: between 800 000 and 1.2 million E80s

In order to investigate if a pavement has the required structural strength, the DCP field data
expressed in terms of the DCP-layer-strength-diagram is projected on to the appropriate DCP
master curve as shown in Figure 23. If the field data plots to the left of the selected design curve
it signifies that the pavement has adequate structural strength to carry the traffic for that traffic
class. Any area plotted to the right hand side of the selected design curve indicates a region of
the pavement structure with insufficient shear strength.

The WinDCP 5.0 software package has these master design curves built into the package.
Whenever the DCP field curve plots to the left of a particular selected design curve, the area
between the DCP field curve and the selected design curve is coloured in green, indicating that
adequate shear strength is provided for the selected traffic class at a certain depth. When the
DCP field curve plots to the right of a selected design curve, the area is coloured in yellow, which
indicates that there is not enough structural strength in the pavement layer to carry the selected

Examples of the output from the DCP software package illustrating this are provided in
Figures 23 and 24.

Figure 23: Example of pavement structure with adequate strength for a lightly
trafficked pavement (< 0.2 million standard 80kN load applications)

Figure 24: Example of pavement with insufficient structural strength in upper 300 mm
for medium traffic

The DCP field data (plotted in red) is compared with a pavement, which is designed to carry less
than 200 000 standard E80 load applications (Light Traffic class indicated as blue dotted lines in

Figure 23). This is done through selecting the LIGHT traffic class in the software prior to running
the calculations. The results can be seen in Figure 23 where the DCP field data for all the layers
plot to the left of the selected design curve as indicated by the green areas, which signify that the
pavement has adequate strength to carry at least 200 000 load applications.

In this case the mean values are plotted. It is also possible to plot, for example the 90th percentile
values in cases where a number of DCPs have been recorded and the data is analysed together
to get a result that accommodates the variability in the pavement sections.

Figure 24 shows the DCP profile of a pavement designed to carry between 200 000 and 800 000
E80s. This is an example of a pavement with inadequate strength and it is clear that the upper
300 mm of the pavement (plotted in yellow) does not have sufficient strength to carry the design
traffic of between 200 000 and 800 000 E80s.

Example of rehabilitation design using the Design Master Curves

An example of a complete rehabilitation design using the master design curves is given below:

Step 1:
Carry out a DCP survey on the segment of road to be rehabilitated. It is recommended that the
rehabilitation design should be based on a representative number of at least 10 DCP tests taken
in the outer wheel track. The different DCP penetration rates are collectively plotted on the layer
strength diagram to give an indication of the variability of the strength of the pavement structure.
Various percentile values can be used as the representative penetration rate for the pavement
segment, depending on the required reliability of the road design17. For instance the mean value
(50th percentile) value can be used for a road of very little importance (Category D) and 95th
percentile for roads of high importance (Category A). Figure 25 shows the effect of penetration
rates with respect to various confidence limits.

Layer Strength Diagram

DN (mm/blow )
0 5 10 15 20 25 30



Depth (mm)






Mean 65th % 95th %

Figure 25: Example of a layer strength diagram with different confidence limits

Step 2:
Determine the design traffic and select the correct design master curve: Light, Medium or Heavy
traffic. Note that this traffic prediction is the additional traffic that the pavement will be expected
to carry after rehabilitation.

Step 3:
Superimpose the layer strength plot on top of the selected design master curve. An example of
this is shown in Figure 26.

Layer Strength Diagram

Field data vs Master Design Curve

DN (m m /blow )
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Field data plots to right of
design curve =
inadequate strength


Depth (mm)






Field data Design Curve: Light

Figure 26: Pavement with inadequate strength in the upper layer

Step 4:
Analyse the Penetration rate versus master curve graph and decide on a rehabilitation strategy.

From the graph it can be seen that the pavement does not have adequate strength in the top

150 mm. According to the design master curve the top 150 mm should have a penetration rate
of not greater than 4mm/blow. To correct this through rehabilitation of the pavement any one of
three strategies can be followed:

a) Mill out the top 150mm of the pavement. Rework (improve) and replace the material
to a layer depth of 150 mm ensuring a material strength higher than that required by
the selected master design curve. In this case, the reworked layer will require a
maximum penetration rate in the new upper 150 mm of 4mm/blow. This is illustrated
in Figure 27.

Layer Strength Diagram

Field data vs Master Design Curve

DN (m m /blow )
0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Mill and replace top 150mm



Depth (mm)






Field data Design Curve: Light

Figure 27: Illustration of a rehabilitation strategy where the top 150mm is reworked to
an acceptable standard

b) If the top 150mm of material is not of sufficient quality the material may be removed
and replaced by imported better quality material.

c) Strengthening of the top 150mm can also be achieved through adding an overlay of
appropriate better quality material. For instance if the same example as in Figure 26
is used it would be equally effective to rework and compact the top 75 mm of the
pavement and add a 75mm overlay of sufficient strength. This is illustrated in
Figure 28.

Layer Strength Diagram

Field data vs Master Design Curve

DN (m m /blow )
0 5 10 15 20 25 30

-25 Add 75mm overlay

Rew ork 75mm of in-situ material


By adding 75mm
225 overlay, master
curve move 75mm
upw ards
Depth (mm)











Field data New Design Curve: Light

Old master curve

Figure 28: Rehabilitation by reworking 75 mm and adding 75 mm overlay


The chosen strategy will depend on economic considerations, height clearances and levels,
and availability of appropriate imported materials.

Example 2

Say for instance that the pavement does not have adequate strength at a depth between
200mm and 275mm. This is illustrated in Figure 29.

Layer Strength Diagram

Field data vs Master Design Curve

DN (m m /blow )
0 5 10 15 20 25 30


inadequate strength

Depth (mm)






Field data Design Curve: Light

Figure 29: Example of a pavement with inadequate strength at a depth of 200mm


Similarly to the first example, it is possible to rehabilitate this pavement by milling out 275 mm,
rework and compact it so that the new DCP penetration rates will be lower than those required.
This option may be a very costly exercise, as the complete upper part of the pavement will have
to be milled out, reworked and compacted.

Alternatively, the problem can be overcome by simply adding 75 mm of overlay similar to the
previous example. In this case the structural inadequacies at the depth of 200 mm are rectified
by displacing the new design master curve 75 mm upwards due to the addition of 75 mm of
overlay. This is illustrated in Figure 30.

Layer Strength Diagram

Field data vs Master Design Curve

DN (m m /blow )
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
add 75mm overlay



By adding 75mm
225 master curve move
75mm upw ards
Depth (mm)






Field data
Old Design Curve: Light
New design curve Light traffic

Figure 30: 75mm of overlay fix problem at a depth of 200mm


From Figure 30 it is clear that the field data plots to the left of the design master curve, which
signifies that the new pavement has adequate strength to carry the design traffic (in this case
less than 200 000 E80s).

Using the Balanced Pavement Concept

The design philosophy behind using the balanced pavement concept is that the maximum in-situ
bearing capacity of the existing pavement should be utilized, while a well-balanced pavement is
created without any localised stress concentrations. Sudden changes in the structural strength of
individual pavement layers cause stress concentrations, which negatively affect the overall
bearing capacity of the pavement in the long term.

The first step of this method is a repeat of the initial assessment of the structural behaviour of the
pavement using Table 4 as explained earlier.

An example of a complete rehabilitation design using the concept of a balanced pavement is

illustrated below.

Step 1:
With the future expected cumulative traffic loading over the rehabilitation design period and the
expected moisture regime known, determine the required pavement Structure Number (DSN800)
of the rehabilitated pavement using the following equation as shown in Figure 30.

For granular layers:

Pavement Bearing Capacity (million E80s) = Cm x 10-9 x (DSN800)3.5 Equation 6.1
where: Cm = 64 in Dry Conditions
Cm = 30 in Optimum conditions
Cm = 14 in Wet conditions
Cm = 6.5 in Saturated conditions

The DSN800 and the moisture regime of the pavement is used in Figure 31 to obtain the
traffic loading that the pavement structure is able to carry before developing a rut depth of

20 mm. The existing rut depth of the pavement section should be taken into account in
calculating the remaining "life" of the pavement.

Figure 31: Relationship between bearing capacity and pavement structural


Pavements containing lightly cement-treated layers

The structural capacity of pavements containing lightly cement-treated bases is
dependent on the characteristics of the cement-treated layers. For these pavements the

structural capacity is a function of the DCP rate of penetration through the top 50 mm of
the pavement structure (DN50) and the number of DCP blows required to penetrate the
pavement to a depth of 200 mm (DSN200).

The rate of deformation (RL) for pavements with lightly cement-treated layers is given
by the following formula:

RL = DSN200 / [10((3,82806 & DN50 (1,38572)) ] Equation 6.2

RL = rate of increase in rut depth in mm per million E80s
DN50 = rate in DCP penetration for the upper 50 mm of the pavement
in mm/blow
DSN200 = number of DCP blows to penetrate the pavement structure to a
depth of 200 mm

With a known existing rut depth of the pavement and the rate of rut per million E80s
determined, the remaining "life" of the pavement before a certain rut depth is reached can
be determined.

As an example, assume that the rehabilitated pavement, consisting of granular layers

only, should be able to carry 0.5 million E80s over its design life.

Step 1:
Using Equation 6.1, the required DSN800 number for such a pavement is 119 blows if the
pavement is expected to operate in the Optimum moisture condition.

Step 2:
Plot the actual in-situ field collected data on the standard Balanced Pavement curves and
select the Standard Balance Pavement Curve most closely associated with the behaviour
of the existing pavement (Figure 32).

Field data Select Curve

BN100 = 40%

Figure 32: Selecting a standard pavement balance curve

This is done to maximize the existing structural capacity of the pavement and to make
sure that a well-balanced structure will be built without any stress concentrations at layer
interfaces. It is important to note that significant experience is required during this
process. If for instance, the pavement is expected to operate in a wetter climate it might
be more appropriate to select a shallower structure (for instance BN100 = 50) to make sure
that the ingress of water does not destroy the main layers, which contribute the most to
the structural capacity.

Vise versa, if the pavement is expected to operate where overloading and heavy vehicles
are expected, a load sensitive pavement (with a BN100 = 50) might not be the most
appropriate choice and a deeper structure (BN100 = 30) may be a more appropriate

Step 3:
Using the BN100 = 40 curve, construct a sacrificial design pavement structure consisting
of layers (each with the same structural strength) of 150mm thick. This design
pavement is plotted to the right of the selected standard balance pavement curve. Read
the corresponding BN100 values / layer off the graph for the various layers. This is
shown in Figure 33.

%of DSN 800 Thickness
52 73 84 92 No

1 150

2 150

3 150


4 150


5 200

Figure 33: Pavement design using Balance Curve Concept

Step 4:
Read off the selected standard balanced pavement curve the percentage of DSN800
values for each 150 mm constructed pavement layer.

The percentage of the structural number (% of DSN800 number) to be taken up by each

layer should then be determined:

Layer 1: 52%
Layer 2: 73% - 52% = 21%
Layer 3: 84% - 73% = 11%
Layer 4: 92% - 84% = 8%
Layer 5: 100% - 92% = 8%

Step 5:
Tabulate all values and calculate the required DN (penetration rate) values for each
pavement layer. This is illustrated below in Table 6:

Step 6:
Plot the required Layer Strength graph for the sacrificial pavement which is designed to
carry 0.5 million E80s (Figure 34).

It is also possible to determine the required penetration rate per layer using the
relationships between CBR or UCS and DCP penetration rate. This procedure is only
recommended if the designer of the pavement has a good knowledge and feel for CBR
and UCS values of pavement materials used for all traffic classes and layer depths.

Step 7:
Superimpose the layer strength diagram of the in-situ field data on to that of the design
pavement (Figure 35).

Using a similar approach to that discussed in the first method of this section, a
rehabilitation strategy can be determined. Using the above example it is clear that the
top 150 mm has insufficient structural strength (the penetration rate of the in-situ
material is higher than the required) as its in-situ penetration rate plots to the left of that

Table 6: The determination of the required DN values per layer

As in the earlier example, various rehabilitation strategies can be followed:

a) The top layer of material may be removed and replaced by imported better quality

b) Strengthening of the top 150mm can also be achieved by adding an overlay of

good quality material. For instance, it is possible to only rework and compact the top
75 mm of the pavement and add a 75 mm overlay of sufficient strength.

Laye r S tre ng th Dia gra m

Re q uir ed L aye re d S tre n g th Dia gr am

DN (m m /b lo w )
0 5 10 15 20 25 30

2.4 m m /blow
10 0

20 0
6.0 m m /blow

30 0
Depth (mm)

11.5 m m /blow
40 0

50 0 15.8
m m /blow

60 0

70 0
m m /blow

80 0

Req uired La ye r Stren gth Diag ram

Figure 34: Layer Strength Diagram for the design pavement


Layer Strength Diagram

Required Layered Strength Diagram

DN (m m /blow )
0 5 10 15 20 25 30



Depth (mm)






Required Layer Strength Diagram Field Data

Figure 35: Layer strength diagram of field data


Calculating the cover requirement using nomograms

This method is similar to a procedure based on CBR measurements. The DCP penetration rates
determined are used to classify the adequacy of the materials in depth in terms of the cover
requirements of the material. Using the nomogram in Figure 36, the cover requirement can be
determined for a known design traffic loading and a known DCP layer-strength diagram.

The nomogram can also be used to determine the required DCP penetration rate at certain
depths within the pavement. The required rate of penetration can then be superimposed on the
measured layer-strength diagram, as shown in Figure 37. Figure 37 illustrates the requirements
for an expected future traffic load of 1.2 x 106 E80s. The sections of the measured DCP profile
lying to the right of the required DCP profile are of inadequate quality. Similar to the design
method described in the previous sections, strengthening can either be obtained through the
improvement of the quality of the material in the existing pavement or by adding an overlay of
good quality material to the pavement or by a combination of the options. When a stabilised layer
is added, the required quality of the layer should be verified using the procedure described

Figure 36: Nomogram to determine required cover


Figure 37: Pavement requirements (as DN) for 1.2 x 106 E80s

Rehabilitation design using material strength parameters

Using all of the empirically derived relationships between DCP penetration rates and CBR, UCS
and layer stiffness (E-modulus), it is possible to do a successful rehabilitation design based on
any of these design parameters.

For instance using the stiffness modulus it is possible to do a full rehabilitation design using the
South African Mechanistic Design Method19. A full study of the South African Mechanistic Design
Method is outside the scope of this course. However, material properties such as layer
thicknesses, stiffnesses and position within the pavement for use in mechanistic analyses can all
be estimated using DCP data.

Rehabilitation design using CBR/UCS and E modulus parameters do not, however, form part of
this workshop. The reader is encouraged to study TRH 1225 and other documents15 for more
information regarding this.

The following documents have been used as references or may be used to obtain additional
information regarding the techniques discussed in these notes.

1. Standard methods of testing road construction materials. 1986. Pretoria: Department

of Transport. (Technical Methods for Highways, TMH No 1).

2. SCALA, AJ. 1956. Simple methods of flexible pavement design using cone penetrometers.
New Zealand Engineer, New Zealand.

3. GAWITH, AH and Perrin, CC. 1962. Developments in the design and construction of
bituminous pavements in the State of Victoria, Australia. Proc 1st Int Conf Structural
Design of Asphalt pavements, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1962.

4. VAN VUUREN, DJ. 1969. Rapid Determination of CBR with the portable Dynamic Cone
Penetrometer. The Rhodesian Engineer, Paper No 105, September 1969.

5. Special methods for testing roads. 1984. Pretoria: Department of Transport. (Draft
Technical Methods for Highways, TMH 6).

6. KLEYN, EG. 1975. Die gebruik van die Dinamiese Kegelpeilstaaf (DKP). Pretoria:
Transvaal Provincial Administration. (Laboratory Report L2/74).

7. KLEYN, EG. 1984. Aspects of Pavement Evaluation and Design as determined with
the aid of the Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (In Afrikaans), M Eng Thesis, University of

8. TRANSPORT RESEARCH LABORATORY. 1993. A guide to the structural design of

bitumen-surfaced roads in tropical and sub-tropical countries. Crowthorne: TRL.
(Overseas Road Note 31).

9. SAMPSON, LR. 1984. Investigation of the correlation between CBR and DCP. Pretoria:
National Institute for Transport and Road Research, CSIR. (Technical Note TS/33/84).

10. HARISON, JA. 1986. Correlation of CBR and Dynamic Cone Penetrometer strength
measurement of soils. Australian Road Research, 16(2), June 1986, pp 130-136.

11. SMITH, RB and Pratt, DN. 1983. A field study of in situ California Bearing Ratio and
Dynamic Cone Penetrometer Testing for Road Subgrade Investigations. Bulletin
Australian Road Research Board, 13, (4), December 1983.

12. VAN ZYL, GD, Visser, AT and Du Plessis, JA. 1995. Guidelines for structural design of low
volume rural roads in southern Africa. Proc 6th Int Conf on Low Volume Roads,
Minneapolis, Minnesota, June 1995, Vol 2, pp 108-117.

13. PAIGE-GREEN, P, Lea, J and Barnado, C. 1999. The relationship between in situ DCP
strength and soaked CBR. Pretoria: CSIR Transportek. (Technical Report TR 99/003).

14. KLEYN, EG and Van Zyl, GD. 1987. Application of the Dynamic Cone Penetrometer
(DCP) to light pavement design. Pretoria: Transvaal Provincial Administration.
(Laboratory Report L4/87).

15. Pavement Testing, Analysis and Interpretation of Test Data. 2000. Gaborone: Roads
Department, Ministry of Works, Transport and Communications. (Guideline No 2).

16. JORDAAN, GJ, Venter, JSM and Van As, SC. 1992. Optimisation of the number and
type of testing needed for the evaluation of pavements. Pretoria: Department of
Transport. ((Report RR91/249).

17. COMMITTEE OF STATE ROAD AUTHORITIES. 1996. Structural design of flexible

pavements for interurban and rural roads. Pretoria: Department of Transport.
(Technical Recommendations for Highways No 4 (TRH4)).


(AASHTO). 1986. AASHTO Guide for Design of pavement structures. Washington:

19. mePADS: The South African standard in mechanistic empirical pavement design.
Pretoria: CSIR Transportek.


Analysis and classification of DCP survey data: Ver 3. Pretoria: Division of Roads and
Transport Technology, CSIR. (DPVT M-24)

21. KLEYN, EG and Savage, PF. The application of the pavement DCP to determine the
bearing properties and performance of road pavements. Proc Int Symp on Bearing
Capacity of Roads and Airfields, Trondheim, Norway, 1982.

22. KLEYN, EG, De Wet, LF and Savage, PF. The development of an equation for the
Strength Balance of Road Pavement Structures. The Civil Engineer in South Africa, Vol
31(2), 1989.

23. DE BEER, M, Kleyn, EG and Savage, PF. Towards a classification system for the
strength-balance of thin flexible pavements. Proc Annual Transportation Convention,
Vol 4D, Pretoria, 1988.

24. KLEYN, EG and Van Heerden, MJJ. 1983. Using DCP soundings to optimise pavement
rehabilitation. Proc Annual Transportation Convention, Johannesburg.

25. Flexible pavement rehabilitation investigation and design. 1997. Pretoria: Department
of Transport. (Technical Recommendations for Highways (TRH) 12).

26. DE BEER, M. 1988. Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP) aided evaluation of the
behaviour of pavements with cementitious layers. Pretoria: Division of Roads and
Transport Technology. (Draft Report DPVT-37).

27. DE BEER, M. 1988. Permanent deformation behaviour of pavements with lightly

cementitious layers. Pretoria: Division of Roads and Transport Technology. (Draft Report

28. DE BEER, M. 1991. Use of the Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP) in the design of road
structures. Proc 10th Reg Conf Africa on Soil Mechanics and Foundation
Engineering, Maseru, Lesotho.

29. PATERSON, WDO. 1987. Road deterioration and maintenance effects: Models for
planning and management. Washington: World Bank. (The Highway Design and
Maintenance Standards Series).

30. PAIGE-GREEN, P. 1998. Material selection and quality assurance for labour-based
unsealed road projects. Nairobi: ILO/ASIST. (Technical Brief No 9).

31. DE BEER, M, Van Der Merwe, CJ and Rohde, GT. 1997. Rehabilitation design of
flexible pavements in South Africa. Pretoria: Department of Transport. (Research Report

32. KLEYN, EG, Maree, JH and Savage, PF. 1982. Application of a portable Pavement
Dynamic Cone Penetrometer to determine in situ bearing capacities of road pavement
layers and subgrades in South Africa. Proc ESOPT II, (2nd European Symposium on
Penetration Testing), Amsterdam.

33. DE BEER, M. 1990. Aspects of the design and behaviour of road structures
incorporating lightly cementitious layers. PhD Thesis, University of Pretoria, Pretoria.

Other useful references:

Chua Koon Meng. Determination of CBR and elastic modulus of soils using a portable pavement
Dynamic Cone Penetrometer. Proc First International Symposium on Penetration Testing (ISOPT
I), pp 407-414, 1988.

De Beer, M. Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP)- aided evaluation of the behaviour of

pavements with lightly cementitious layers. Research Report DPVT 37, DRTT, CSIR, Pretoria,

De Beer, M. Rehabilitation design based on the Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP) test.
Section 5 of Draft Notes prepared for course on Pavement Rehabilitation, 1994.

De Beer, M. The South African Mechanistic Design Method (SA-MDM). Section 6 of Draft Notes
prepared for course on Pavement Rehabilitation, 1994.

De Beer, M, Kleyn, EG and Savage, PF. Advances in Pavement Evaluation and Overlay design
with the aid of the Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP). Proc 2nd Intntl Symp on Pavement
Evaluation and Overlay Design, Rio de Janiero, Sept, 1989.

Jordaan, GJ. Analysis and development of some pavement rehabilitation design methods. PhD
Thesis, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, 1988.

Jordaan, GJ. Guidelines towards the use of a rehabilitation design method based on Dynamic
Cone Penetrometer (DCP) measurements as developed in South Africa. Research Report DPVT
43, CSIR, Pretoria, 1989.

Kleyn, EG and Van Heerden, MJJ. Using DCP soundings to optimise pavement rehabilitation.
Proc Annual Transportation Convention, Johannesburg, 1983.

Kleyn, EG, Van Heerden, MJJ and Rossouw, AJ. An investigation to determine the structural
capacity and rehabilitation utilisation of a road pavement using the pavement Dynamic Cone
Penetrometer. Proc Intnl Symp on Bearing Capacity of Roads and Airfields, Trondheim, Norway,

Lay, MG. Source Book for Australian Roads. Australian Road Research Board, 1981.

Livneh, M and Isuali, I. Pavement and material evaluation by a Dynamic Cone Penetrometer.
Proc 6th Int Conference on Structural Design of Asphalt Pavements, Ann Arbor, Michigan, Vol 1,
July 1987.

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