____________, -Defendants.
With all due respect.
10. The property claimed by herein Plaintiffs is less than 700 meters away
from the Southern side of National Highway; as such is a forest and
water reserve, an inalienable and non-disposable land of public
dominion declared under PD 1574.
11. The realty in question being a forest and water reserve cannot be
owned by any private individual like herein plaintiffs; therefore, any
tax declaration or title issued to them is null and void.
14. By virtue of said sale, _____________ divested his claim over said
property to herein defendant. Spouses __________ forthwith built a
house and established residence thereat;
WHEREFORE, premises considered, it is most respectfully prayed unto
the Honorable Court that judgment be issued:
A. Dismissing the instant complaint for lack of cause of action and merit;
B. Ordering the plaintiffs to pay P20,000.00 as actual and moral
damages; P25,000.00 plus P1,500 per court appearance as Attorney’s
Fees, in favor of the herein defendants’
C. Cost of litigation; and
D. Other just and equitable remedies are likewise prayed for.
________________ ____________
Defendant Defendant
_______________ __________
Affiant Affiant