SIES College of Management Studies MCA Batch 2020-22 Subject: Robotic Process Automation Assignment No. 1 1. Demonstrate Use of Recorder. Program
SIES College of Management Studies MCA Batch 2020-22 Subject: Robotic Process Automation Assignment No. 1 1. Demonstrate Use of Recorder. Program
SIES College of Management Studies MCA Batch 2020-22 Subject: Robotic Process Automation Assignment No. 1 1. Demonstrate Use of Recorder. Program
2. Insert an conditional sequence that verifies that the calculator is open and
activates the window.
a. Double-click or drag the If action.
Flow of Actions:-
II)Drag the Message box action
In the Enter the message to display field, enter “Hello World”
2)Insert an conditional sequence that verifies that the “Notepad is open and activates
the window.
a. Double-click or drag the If action.
9.Run the bot again.
When the bot runs, if the notepad is not running, the message will be displayed
as”Notepad is not Running” and then it will open The Notepad Application
1. Build a bot check whether calculator is open if yes activate that it else
open it. Simulate keystroke for “5*5”.
9. Open a new bot.
a. From Automation Anywhere web interface, select BOTS > My bots.
b. Click Create new > Bot.
c. Enter a bot name and click Create and edit.
10. Insert an conditional sequence that verifies that the calculator is open and
activates the window.
a. Double-click or drag the If action.
2. Insert from file Copy Command which help to copy the File from One Folder to
a. Insert the Copy Command from the File.
3. Before Run the Bot we can see the Destination File/Folder is Empty.
4. Run the bot again. When the bot runs, the file will be from the Source File will
be Copied to the Destination File/Folder.
2. Insert from file Copy Command which help to copy the File from One Folder to
a. Insert the Copy Command from the Folder.
4. Run the bot again. When the bot runs, the folder from the Source Folder will
be Copied to the Destination Folder.
Assignment No.3
a. From the Automation Anywhere web interface, select BOTS > My bots.
b. Click Create new > Bot.
c. Enter a bot name and click Create and edit.
i.Select csv/text:Read
Txtto Excel.xlsx:
2. Write a bot to perform string operations.
1. Open a new bot.
a. From the Automation Anywhere web interface, select BOTS > My bots.
b. Click Create new > Bot.
c. Enter a bot name and click Create and edit.
d. e.Run Bot.
3.String operations.
a. Select csv/txt:open.
b. Select csv/txt:Read.
c. Select csv/txt:Close.
d. Select String :Find.
f. Select String:Uppercase.
i.Set the property as.
Txt File:
4.Performing Regex Operation:
a.Select String:Replace
String declaration:
3. Extract a table from webpage.
1. Open a new bot.
a. From the Automation Anywhere web interface, select BOTS > My bots.
b. Click Create new > Bot.
c. Enter a bot name and click Create and edit.
2. Open a browser window to the web page from which you will extract the table.
Click the Window tab and select the Daily Stock Market Overview
The Daily Stock Market Overview window is saved as the variable window-1.
4. Specify the file where to save the data.
Double-click or drag the Data Table > Write to file action.
b. Give appropriate name to your Bot & click on Create & Edit
2. Setting Up
a. Create A folder on your system & insert images containing text in it.
b. Inside the bot search for Loop Activity, Drag & Drop it between Start & End
Click on Loop Activity, set iterator type to ‘For each file in folder’.
And provide the image folder path under folder section.
Below that, select ‘Dictionary’ in variable section & create variable
c. Inside Loop, add ‘OCR: Capture image by path’
Under File Path option, provide the path where you want to store the text
file containing OCR data
And provide variable where you saved the OCR data
2. Automate task of writing text into Notepad file.
1. Open a new bot.
a. From Automation Anywhere web interface, select BOTS > My
3. Extract data from JSON file and display output in message box.
1. Open a new bot.
a. From Automation Anywhere web interface, select BOTS > My bots.
b. Click Create new > Bot.
c. Enter a bot name and click Create and edit.
b. Add URL
c. Create a Variable name JSONData
1. To automate the task of extracting the data from an Excel File according
to some condition and storing the extracted data in another File.
2. Adding Activities
a. Click on Main.xaml in project panel to get started
b. Click on Activities Tab and Drag & Drop Sequence Activity in workspace
b. Click on Activities Tab and Drag & Drop Flowchart Activity in workspace
c. Drag & Drop Assign Activity Under the start button & it will be
automatically connected
d. Drag & Drop Input Dialog Activity Under the Assign & it will be
automatically connected
e. Drag & Drop Flow Decision Activity Under the Input Dialog & it will be
automatically connected
f. Drag & Drop Message Box Activity on both the sides of the Flow Decision
Activity to display output
3. Configuration
a. Click on Variables Tab on bottom panel
b. Click on create variable & Insert data as shown
c. Now select Assign Activity & inside properties panel on the right enter this
f. Double Click on Message Box on the left of Flow Decision and enter this
"Your Entered number "+GuessNumber.ToString+" is greater than the
number "+RandomNumber.ToString
d. Click on Variables Tab on the bottom panel & Create Variable as shown
f. Drag & Drop If Activity under Input Dialog & Click on Show Else
Add Message Box in both the sides
g. Enter the data inside If activity as shown