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New Ads
People. Passion.
Kiran Panchal
Footer CPCT-India Performance.
1. 19-Aug-13
Agenda – Desiccant Dryer
y Principles Of Air Drying
y Heatless Desiccant Dryer’s Theory
y Desiccant Dryer ADS 70 – 215
y ADS Timer control version
y ADS Purge control version
y Product summery
y Applications
2. 19-Aug-13
Principle of air drying
Composition of air
3. 19-Aug-13
The ISO 8573-1 Quality Classes
Quality Dirt Water Oil
Class Particle size in max.concen- max. PDP max.concen-tration
μm tration mg/m3 (°C) mg/m3
1 0,1 0,1 -70 0,01
2 1 1 -40 0,1
3 5 5 -20 1
4 15 8 +3 5
5 40 10 +7 25
6 - - +10 -
4. 19-Aug-13
y Why water condenses?
y The water holding capacity of air depends on the density of water
vapour and the temperature
5. 19-Aug-13
Dew point
y It is the temperature at which the sample of air attains saturation
(100% Rh).
y In simple words it is the temperature below which condensation will
occur, at the given pressure.
6. 19-Aug-13
7. 19-Aug-13
Adsorption / absorption
8. 19-Aug-13
Working principle
Desiccant bead
Water molecules are transported into the pores trough diffusion.
9. 19-Aug-13
Types of commercial desiccants
It is manufactured from aluminum hydroxide by dehydroxydating it in a way that produces a highly porous material;
this material can have a surface area significantly over 200 square metres/g.
The compound is used as a desiccant and as a filter of fluoride, arsenic and selenium in drinking water.
It is made of aluminum oxide (alumina; Al2O3),
the same chemical substance as sapphire and rubies (but without the impurities that give those gems their color).
10. 19-Aug-13
Working principle of ADS
A small amount of the dried air,
controlled via a small nozzle,
Once the air reaches the
top oft he tower it is completely is passed into the regenerating The dry air leaves the dryer
dry, with a typical PDP of -20°C tower through a filter which removes
any residual desiccant dust. The
air is now ready for use in
sensitive applications
11. 19-Aug-13
ADS Timer control
12. 19-Aug-13
ADS Purge control
Low Pressure Drop and Purge Control
Energy Saving
13. 19-Aug-13
Purge loss calculation
y Purge Air Used For Drying Desiccant = 18% - 20% of inlet capacity
Purge Air Used To Equalize The Beds = 9% - 10 %
14. 19-Aug-13
ADS - Robust, Reliable, Service Friendly
Maximum Up-Time of the Equipment at Minimum Cost
y Stainless steel full bore 3-way valve
– High reliability
– Low pressure drop
– No corrosion
– Long service intervals
– Easy to service
15. 19-Aug-13
ADS Range Scope of Supply
An All Inclusive & Complete Solution as Standard
16. 19-Aug-13
ADS Product Range - Summary
Dry Air for Demanding Application
y Product range consists of range from 247-759 cfm
y Options
– Purge control
– Timer Control
– 11 bar pr for all models, option of 16 bar for purge control
17. 19-Aug-13
ADS – Top Selling Features
y Guaranteed High Quality Air
– Real PDP control
– Large diameter vessels
– Low air speed
– Long contact time
– Large overfill of desiccant
y Best for heatless desiccant dryers energy efficiency
– Purge Control by Dew point Dependant Switching or P4 saver
– Low pressure drop
y Easy to install, “all in” space saving design
– Pre-mounted inlet and outlet filters, PDP sensor (for Purge Control
– Robust frame, forklift slots and lifting eye
y Robust, reliable and service friendly
y Activated alumina warranty life ~ 5 yrs
18. 19-Aug-13
ADS Range
19. 19-Aug-13
Desiccant Dryer Applications
Typical Industries
y Semiconductor
y Food and Pharmaceutical
y Breweries
y Chemical industry
y Cable pressurizing
y Pneumatic transport of hydroscopic
y Textile production.
y Low ambient temperature applications
20. 19-Aug-13
People. Passion. Performance.
21. 19-Aug-13