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Practice Test: Your Answers

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A. LISTENING (50 points):

Part 1: You will hear two people talking about an advertisement about volunteers.
Listen and complete the sentences below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE
WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. (10 points)
Volunteer Schemes
- Scheme 1: Volunteers work in an office, helping with maintaining database of
- Scheme 2: Volunteers help with raising money, 1.______________________ and
sending out letters
- Scheme 3: Volunteers help old people with different things, (e.g. doing the shopping
for them, but not dealing with 2.______________________ )
Application process
With the application, a CV and the names of 3.______________________ are needed.
Volunteers have an induction course which lasts 4.______________________.
The application can be completed and submitted online.
The minimum volunteering hours per week is 5.______________________.
Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Part 2: You will hear an interview with Paul Hanks, a member of The
International Fair Trade Association. For questions 1-5, choose the answer A, B, C
or D, which fits best according to what you hear. (10 points)
1. Paul Hanks states that the basic aim of Fair Trade is to
A. marginalise small producers in developing countries.
B. make ends meet.
C. exploit international marketeers.
D. safeguard the welfare of small producers.
2. Paul Hanks clearly believes that Fair Trade
A. does away with inequalities between rich and developing nations.

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B. assists in making small producers economically autonomous and stable.
C. determines the fickle nature of demand and supply.
D. receives a premium from small producers.
3. What must farmers do to get Fair Trade certification?
A. meet preconditions
B. accumulate capital
C. own processing plants
D. finance community projects
4. Paul Hanks states that
A. none of the families whose children work want to send them to school.
B. children may work hard but they receive good pay for the work they do.
C. the Fair Trade movement takes measures to fight child labour.
D. certified farmers are not obliged to send their children to school if they don't
want to.
5. What is true of Fair Trade produce?
A. It has a large market share.
B. It is limited in variety.
C. It accounts for 70 per cent of the market.
D. It is easily distinguished by the Fair Trade label.
Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Part 3: You will hear a journalist talking about alphabetism, which he calls a new
type of discrimination. As you listen, complete the notes for questions 1 – 10.Write
your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes. (20points)
Types of discrimination mentioned: racism; sexism; 1._______________ ; alphabetism
Alphabetism = discrimination against those whose surnames begin with a letter in the
2._______________ of the alphabet.
Number of US Presidents before George W Bush whose names began:

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with a letter in the first half of the alphabet 3._______________
with a letter in the second half of the alphabet 4._______________
Other groups of people who illustrate the same phenomenon include the world’s top
three 5._______________ and the five richest men in the world.
Children whose names are at the beginning of the alphabet are made to sit at the
6._______________ of the class in infant school and so get 7._______________ from
the teacher.
Lists of people at graduation ceremonies, for job interviews, etc. are usually drawn up
in alphabetic order and by the end the audience, interviewers, etc. have
What can women do to change this? 9._______________.
One consolation for those whose names begin with a letter in the ‘wrong’ half of the
alphabet is that such people are better at 10._______________.
Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4.
5. 6. 7. 8.
9. 10.

Part 4: You will hear a talk about one of the seven natural wonders. Listen and
decide if the statements are true or false. Write T (for True) or F (for False). Write
your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes. (10 points)
1. Cairns has the fifth busiest airport in the southern hemisphere.
2. Great Adventures is the name of a travel company.
3. Green Island is 6,000 years old.
4. It takes 45 minutes to fly to Green Island from Cairns.
5. You are only allowed to go to the pontoon once.
Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

B. LEXICO-GRAMMAR (50 points)

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Part 1: Choose the best option A, B, C, or D to complete the following sentences
and write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes. (20 points)
1. The _______ of gases from car exhausts is one of the main causes of air pollution.
A. magnitude B. vibration C. emission D. degradation
2. The criminal _______ guilty by the jury, and the judge sentenced him to nine years in
A. found B. was found C. is found D. had found
3. Contact sports, like American football, require athletes to wear protective _______ to
prevent injury.
A. trophy B. gear C. uniform D. costume
4. After thanking everyone for their moral support, the now aged actress went on
_______ the most significant moments of her bright career.
A. having recounted B. to recount C. to have recounted D. recounting
5. Getting a forest fire under control is a _______ task.
A. daunting B. heavy C. scared D. urgent
6. Taking out a short-term loan is a _______ feasible solution to the company’s cash
flow problems.
A. greatly B. fully C. perfectly D. extremely
7. Could I have a sip of your water just to _______ my thirst?
A. mitigate B. quench C. gratify D. exacerbate
8. I’ve been racking my _______ to remember that man’s name but it still won’t come.
A. mind B. thoughts C. brain D. ideas
9. Jo _______ some interesting proposals at the meeting this morning.
A. put back B. put away C. put up D. put forward
10. The situation is out of control, and ______ action needs to be taken immediately.
A. dramatic B. drastic C. caustic D. gigantic
11. You should bear in mind that children of tender years are notoriously _______.
A. impressive B. impervious C. impersonal D. impressionable
12. She was given permission to hand in her thesis late on medical _______.
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A. principles B. motives C. grounds D. excuses
13. We are totally _______ any changes being made in the proposals as they stand.
A. disapproved of B. opposed to C. objected to D. disagreed with
14. Paul’s a useful person in an emergency - _______ and decisive.
A. easy-going B. well-behaved C. hard-working D. level-headed
15. They sacked the head of marketing because he was ________ inefficient.
A. hopelessly B. deadly C. relatively D. moderately
16. From the top of the hill the village looks quite close, but distances are _______.
A. deceptive B. deceitful C. illusory D. false
17. She was extremely successful in her career, but it was _______ of her marriage.
A. no end B. at the expense C. in the hope D. a means to an end
18. He was so _______ on his work that he lost all track of time.
A. intent B. intentional C. intense D. intensive
19. The company made a good profit in its first year but now it's over 10 thousand
pounds in the _______.
A. red B. black C. pink D. green
20. The film is _______ released at the end of next year.
A. on the verge of being B. on the point of being
C. due to be D. about to be
Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
Part 2: Read the text and fill in each gap with the correct form of the word given in
brackets. Write your answers in the spaces provided. (10 points)
Vitamin Pills
In the fight to stay healthy, the vitamin pill is seen by many as a great ally. Whereas
once upon a time a small (1)___________________ (SELECT) of vitamin bottles could
be found reaching their expiry dates in the dusty corner of a chemist’s shelf, the market
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is now a hugely (2)___________________ (PROFIT) one for the pharmaceutical
industry. Interestingly enough, as world obesity rates rise, so does our
(3)___________________ (CONSUME) of these dietary supplements as more and
more shoppers regard them as an absolutely (4)___________________ (VALUE) part
of their daily nutritional intake. The vast range of vitamins means that they are used for
numerous reasons, common ones being for the (5)___________________
(GENERATE) of skin cells, as natural aids to digestion, cures for
(6)___________________ (SLEEP) and for stress-related symptoms such as headaches,
(7)___________________ (IRRITATE) and depression. However, vitamin
manufacturers are (8)___________________ (INCREASE) coming under attack for
making (9)___________________ (REAL) claims about their products. Can the right
mix of vitamins really help you (10)___________________ (LIVE) your
contemporaries and reach great old age? There is no scientific evidence to support this.
Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

C. READING (50 points)

Part 1: Read the following passage and decide which answer (A, B, C, or D) best
fits each gap. Write your answers in corresponding numbered boxes. (10 points)
Since retail sales of our new product line have fallen (1) _____ in the last few weeks,
we are going to ask our customers to complete feedback forms to see why this is
happening. I’d particularly like to know if our marketing (2) _____ has been alienating
our (3) _____ customers. In all (4) _____ , it is the result of a general economic dip but
we need to make sure as several customers have (5) _____ objections about the (6)
_____ campaign we’ve been running. (7) _____ mind that the campaign has been
successful in attracting new customers, I do not want to lose long-term ones, some of
whom I am (8) _____ certain are already looking for alternative products. In fact, social

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media these days can (9) _____ a great risk to a company’s reputation as it is very easy
for one person (10) _____themself, to tell the world about a company’s failings.
1 A. relatively B. fairly C. slightly D. reasonably
2 A. placement B. technique C. launch D. strategy
3 A. loyal B. devoted C. dependable D. responsible
4 A. possibility B. likelihood C. prospects D. luck
5 A. put B. posed C. raised D. realised
6 A. advertising B. promoting C. selling D. publicising
7 A. Don’t B. Never C. Forever D. Doesn’t
8 A. adequately B. effectively C. pretty D. greatly
9 A. give B. pose C. make D. offer
10 A. as B. for C. by D. with
Your answer:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Part 2: Read the following text and fill in the blank with ONE suitable word. Write
your answers in corresponding numbered boxes. (15points)
Simply Entertainment?
Many youngsters (0) these days easily devote more time to the box than they
(1)______________ to any other form of entertainment. Each year children read less
and less and watch television more and more. In fact, a typical child sits through an
average of about four hours of TV viewing a day. They spend more time on this form of
entertainment (2)______________ they spend talking to parents, playing with friends,
attending school or reading books.
According to a recent study, sixty-two percent of television programmes contain scenes
of violence. It would be logical then to assume that watching a steady flow of violent
images on screen cannot (3)______________ seen simply as entertainment. The bright
colours, quick movements and sudden flashes will always capture a child’s attention

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and there are certainly very (4)______________ children who find television totally
If we listen to the experts, it seems that viewing large amounts of TV violence does not
necessarily cause a child to act in a violent (5)______________, but can lead to the
view that violence (6)______________ acceptable in everyday life, as well as possibly
creating a fear of being attacked on the streets.
With governments finally (7)______________ measures to improve the quality of
children’s TV, parents must now become aware that (8)______________ many hours of
viewing can have serious effects (9)______________ a child’s behavior and attitude.
Obviously, turning off the set (10)______________ be the best solution in the end.
Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Part 3: Read the following passage and choose the best answer to each of the
following questions. Write your answers in corresponding numbered boxes.
Memory is the brain's ability to store and retrieve information related to previous
experiences. Memory occurs in two stages: short-term and long-term. Short-term
memory reflects an immediate sensory perception of an object or idea that occurs before
the image is stored. Short-term memory enables you to dial a telephone number after
looking it up but without looking at the number directly. If you call the number
frequently, it becomes stored in long-term memory and can be recalled several weeks
after you originally looked it up. Short-term memory and long-term memory can be
thought of as memory structures, each varying as to how much information it can hold
and for how long.
Memory relies on the ability to process information. Information processing begins with
the environmental stimuli that you see, hear, smell, taste, and feel. These experiences
are initially recorded in the brain's sensory register, which holds information just long

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enough (one to three seconds) for you to decide whether to process it further.
Information that you do not selectively attend to will disappear from the system.
However, if you recognise and attend to the information as meaningful or relevant, it is
sent to short-term memory. Short-term memory can hold approximately seven unrelated
bits of information at a time.
Short-term memory is often called working memory because it holds information that
you are working with at a given moment, but only for about 20 seconds. Then, unless
the information is processed further, it is quickly forgotten. For example, if you were
asked to dial an unfamiliar telephone number, received a busy signal, and were then
distracted by something else for 20 seconds, you probably would have forgotten the
number at that point. Unless information in short-term memory is processed further, it
does not make it to long-term memory.
Several control processes enable the transfer of information from short-term to long-
term memory. One such process is rehearsal, or "practice makes perfect." Rehearsal is
when you repeat something to yourself over and over. The purpose behind such
behaviour is usually to memorise information for later use, although sometimes it is
simply to hold information in short-term memory for immediate use. For example, you
may rehearse a telephone number by saying it aloud so you can redial it after getting a
busy signal without having to look it up again in the phone book. Another process that
enables the transfer of information to long-term memory is the association of new data
with data previously learned and stored in long-term memory. Thus, it is easier to learn
a new card game if you already have "card sense" from playing other games.
For cognitive psychologists, long-term memory is the most interesting of the memory
structures, and most believe that the storage capacity of long-term memory is unlimited
and contains a permanent record of everything you have learned. Long-term memory
plays an influential role throughout the information processing system. The interests,
attitudes, skills, and knowledge of the world existing in your long-term memory
influence what you perceive and how you interpret your perceptions. They also affect
whether you process information for short-term or long-term storage.
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One way of understanding the nature of long-term memory is to consider the types of
information stored there. Long-term memory can hold recollections of personal
experiences as well as factual knowledge acquired through other means such as reading.
It also holds skills such as knowing how to ride a bicycle. In its ability to learn and
remember, the brain can distinguish between facts and skills. When you acquire factual
knowledge by memorising dates, word definitions, formulas, and other information, you
can consciously retrieve this fact memory from the data bank of your long-term
memory. In contrast, skill memory usually involves motor activities that you learn by
repetition without consciously remembering specific information. You perform learned
motor-skilled, such as walking or riding a bicycle, without consciously recalling the
individual steps required to do these tasks.
1. According to the passage, what must happen before information can be stored in
A. The information must be pleasant. B. An object or idea must be perceived.
C. An older memory must be replaced. D. The information must be looked up.
2. The passage states that one difference between short-term memory and long-term
memory is
A. the type of information they store. B. their importance in learning
C. the amount of information they hold D. their location in the brain
3. The phrase attend to in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to
A. reject B. focus on C. talk about D. wait for
4. It can be inferred from par.2 that something is NOT likely to be remembered if it is
A. not considered important B. painful or embarrassing
C. related to previous experience D. sent to short-term memory
5. The passage states that information can be lost from short-term memory when a
A. does not know how to read B. repeats the information over and over
C. processes the information further D. is distracted for 20 seconds

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6. Which sentence below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted
sentence in paragraph 4? Incorrect answer choices change the meaning in important
ways or leave out essential information.
A. Usually information is rehearsed so it can be used later, but sometimes it is
rehearsed so it can be used right away.
B. There are several reasons for memorising information; the most common reason
is to improve short-term memory.
C. The belief that "practice makes perfect" causes people to repeat certain behaviour
even when the behaviour is very complex.
D. It is fairly simple to keep information in short-term memory, but it is difficult to
send it to long-term memory.
7. Why does the author mention "card sense" in paragraph 4?
A. To point out that playing cards requires a high level of thinking
B. To give an example of knowledge already stored in long-term memory
C. To compare learning a card game to remembering a telephone number
D. To explain why some card games are easier to learn than others.
8. The word they in paragraph 5 refers to
A. cognitive psychologists
B. memory structures
C. interests, attitudes, skills and knowledge of the world
D. what you perceive and how you interpret your perceptions
9. All of the following enhance the transfer of information from short-term to long-term
memory EXCEPT
A. deciding that information is not meaningful or relevant
B. repeating information over and over to oneself
C. linking new information with data in long-term memory
D. performing a task frequently and repeatedly
10. What can be inferred from paragraph 6 about skill memory?
A. It is more important than fact memory in everyday life.
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B. It exists in long-term memory because of repeated practice.
C. It requires conscious effort to be retrieved from memory.
D. It contains only the skills that people can perform well.
Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Part 4: Read the following text and do the tasks that follow. Write your answers in
corresponding numbered boxes. (15 points)
The Effects of Deforestation
A Every year it is estimated that roughly 5.2 million hectares (52,000 km2) of forest is
lost worldwide. That is a net figure, meaning it represents the area of forest not
replaced. To put this size in context, that is an area of land the size of Croatia lost
every single year. There are a wide range of negative effects from deforestation that
range from the smallest biological processes right up to the health of our planet as a
whole. On a human level, millions of lives are affected every year by flooding and
landslides that often result from deforestation.
B There are 5 million people living in areas deemed at risk of flooding in England and
Wales. Global warming, in part worsened by deforestation, is responsible for higher
rainfalls in Britain in recent decades. Although it can be argued that demand for
cheap housing has meant more houses are being built in at-risk areas, the extent of
the flooding is increasing. The presence of forests and trees along streams and rivers
acts like a net. The trees catch and store water, but also hold soil together,
preventing erosion. By removing the trees, land is more easily eroded increasing the
risk of landslides and also, after precipitation, less water is intercepted when trees
are absent and so more enters rivers, increasing the risk of flooding.
C It is well documented that forests are essential to the atmospheric balance of our
planet, and therefore our own wellbeing too. Scientists agree unequivocally that
global warming is a real and serious threat to our planet. Deforestation releases 15%

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of all greenhouse gas emissions. One third of the carbon dioxide emissions created
by human activity come from deforestation around the globe.
D In his book Collapse, about the disappearance of various ancient civilisations, writer
Jared Diamond theorises about the decline of the natives of Easter Island. European
missionaries first arrived on the island in 1722. Research suggested that the island,
whose population was in the region of two to three thousand at the time, had once
been much higher at fifteen thousand people. This small native population survived
on the island despite there being no trees at all. Archaeological digs uncovered
evidence of trees once flourishing on the island. The uncontrolled deforestation not
only led to the eradication of all such natural resources from the island, but also
greatly impacted the number of people the island could sustain. This under.lines the
importance of forest management, not only for useful building materials, but also
food as well.
E Forestry management is important to make sure that stocks are not depleted and that
whatever is cut down is replaced. Without sustainable development of forests the
levels of deforestation are only going to worsen as the global population continues
to rise, creating higher demand for the products of forests. Just as important though
is consumer awareness. Simple changes in consumer activity can make a huge
difference. These changes in behaviour include, but are not limited to, recycling all
recyclable material; buying recycled products and looking for the FSC sustainably
sourced forest products logo on any wood or paper products.
F Japan is often used as a model of exemplary forest management. During the Edo
period between 1603 and 1868 drastic action was taken to reverse the country's
serious exploitative deforestation problem. Whilst the solution was quite complex,
one key aspect of its success was the encouragement of cooperation between
villagers. This process of collaboration and re-education of the population saved
Japan's forests. According to the World Bank 68.5% of Japanese land area is
covered by forest, making it one of the best performing economically developed
nations in this regard.
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G There is of course a negative impact of Japan's forest management. There is still a
high demand for wood products in the country, and the majority of these resources
are simply imported from other, poorer nations. Indonesia is a prime example of a
country that has lost large swaths of its forest cover due to foreign demand from
countries like Japan. This is in addition to other issues such as poor domestic forest
management, weaker laws and local corruption. Located around the Equator,
Indonesia has an ideal climate for rainforest. Sadly much of this natural resource is
lost every year. Forest cover is now down to less than 51 % from 65.4% in 1990.
This alone is proof that more needs to be done globally to manage forests.
Task 1: The Reading Passage has eight paragraphs A-G. Choose the correct heading
for each paragraph from the list of headings below. Write your answers (i-x) in the
space provided.
List of Headings
i Atmospheric impacts
ii Ideal forestry management example
iii No trees, less people
iv Good uses for wood
v Looking after the forests
vi Numbers of lost trees
vii Wasted water
viii Happy trees
ix Flood risks
x Poorer nations at higher risk
0. Paragraph A vi .
1. Paragraph B _____ 4. Paragraph E _____
2. Paragraph C _____ 5. Paragraph F _____
3. Paragraph D _____ 6. Paragraph G _____
Your answers:

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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Task 2:
Questions 7 – 10
Complete the summary below.
Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER from the passage
for each answer.
The effects of deforestation are widespread and various. Some examples include
flooding at a local scale to the wider effects of global warming on a worldwide scale.
In Britain, for example 7.________________ people live in areas at risk of flooding.
This risk is increased by deforestation. Trees catch and store water lowering the chance
of flooding. By removing trees land erosion is also higher, increasing the chance of
8.________________. Deforestation also affects global warming by contributing 15%
of the 9.________________ of greenhouse gasses. To make sure that the cutting down
of trees is done in a sustainable way, good forestry 10.________________ is important.
Your answers:
7. 8. 9. 10.

D. WRITING (50 points)

Part 1: Rewrite each sentence using the word in brackets so that the meaning stays
the same. You must use between TWO and SIX words, including the word given.
(10 points)
1. Although I had imagined my parachute jump would terrify me, it was actually quite
Far __________________________________________ experience I had imagined,
my parachute jump was actually quite exciting.
2. They’ve made a decision about the new site for the supermarket.

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A decision _______________________________________ the new site for the
3. The medicine may not be pleasant tasting but you must take it anyway.
You must take the medicine _______________________________________ taste.
4. I can’t believe how quickly you have reached the top position in the company.
It’s incredible how fast you ____________________________________________ of
the company.
5. Did anything about his behaviour seem unusual to you?
Did anything about his behaviour ________________________________ unusual?
Part 2: Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same
as the sentence printed before it, beginning as shown. (10 points)
1. Tony was given a transfer by his superior, not a promotion.
What _____________________________________________________________
2. When he was younger, he was in the habit of staying up very late.
When he was younger, _______________________________________________
3. Let’s get down to work because as soon as we finish this we can all go home.
Let’s get down to work because ________________________________________
4. You must not permit members of the audience to enter the dressing rooms of
Under ____________________________________________________________
5. I would never have finished the assignments without your contribution.
But for __________________________________________________________
Part 3: Write an essay of about 250 words on the following topic. (30points)
The state of the environment is now a cause for concern in all countries across
the world. Apart from government measures and policies, what can individuals do

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on a personal level to combat the negative effects that our lifestyles have on the
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own
knowledge or experience.
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-- THE END –

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