Modelling Geomorphic Systems: Numerical Modelling: Christopher J. Hutton
Modelling Geomorphic Systems: Numerical Modelling: Christopher J. Hutton
Modelling Geomorphic Systems: Numerical Modelling: Christopher J. Hutton
Numerical models seek to represent the interaction between landscape forms and processes
through mathematical equations. By integrating these equations over space and time, numerical
models have allowed geomorphologists to extend enquiry beyond observation alone, and explore
landscape dynamics over a range of temporal and spatial scales. Choosing the correct temporal
and spatial scale of investigation, the correct processes that control landscape form at these
scales, and then converting this conceptual model to a mathematical representation of these
process-form interactions is not straightforward. The decision requires careful consideration of
process dominance and scale, the ability of equations to parameterise these processes,
computational resources, and data availability to constrain model parameters and evaluate model
performance. These issues shall be considered in general terms, and illustrated mainly with
reference to catchment systems. Finally, numerical modelling of geomorphic systems is considered
from a Bayesian perspective to provide a conceptual grounding for the development and
application of numerical models, and therefore for their role in geomorphic enquiry.
KEYWORDS: Numerical modelling; Scale; Resolution; Evaluation; Data; Uncertainty.
The interaction of landscape form and
process may be represented mathematically
in the form of a numerical model. Coupling
such models with observations provides a
formal framework to assemble scientific
understanding, and a powerful tool to
investigate landscape change. Numerical
models provide some liberation from the
temporal and spatial shackles imposed by
enquiry through observation alone; models
have allowed exploration of landscape
processes and evolution over spatial scales
ranging from particles to plate tectonics and
temporal scales ranging from milliseconds to
millennia (Figure 1; Bishop, 2007; Hardy,
2005). Numerical models have shown
potential as powerful tools for understanding
reductionist process-form interactions (e.g. Figure 1. Contrasting scales of model
Schmeeckle and Nelson, 2003; Wainwright et application: grain scale predictions of particle
al., 2008a), and also the relative importance paths (black lines) over water worked gravel
of autogenic versus allogenic controls for (modified from Hardy, 2005); convergent
larger scale system behaviour (Coulthard et orogen formation modelling, considering
al., 2005; Nicholas and Quine, 2007b; techtonic uplift and surface erosion (modified
Wainwright and Parsons, 2002). from Willett and Brandon, 2002).
Figure 5. Simulated channel belt and floodplain evolution (e.g. by bifurcation, avulsion and
aggradation) in response to base level rise (Karssenberg and Bridge, 2008).
British Society for Geomorphology Geomorphological Techniques, Chap. 5, Sec. 2 (2012)
7 Christopher Hutton
hypotheses (Pelletier, 2011). and also to results derived from physical
model experiments (Nicholas et al., 2009).
In the ideal case, all process
parameterisations of equations 2-4 will be A number of implicit assumptions made in
known and data will be available at the scale model calibration may potentially undermine
of the model cell size to constrain model model application; First, it is often assumed
parameters and the initial model conditions. that parameter uncertainty is the only form of
For example in soil erosion modelling modelling uncertainty; Second, that the
distributed information on particle size may model is equal to reality; Third, the initial
be required to parameterise both roughness states are the true initial states (e.g. the DEM
for overland flow modelling and the supply is error-free); and Fourth, that the
limiting factors controlling sediment input/driving conditions and output data to
entrainment (Wainwright et al., 2008b). evaluate model performance are true. In
However, often such data are unavailable, or most, if not all situations these conditions do
inconsistent with the scale of model not hold due to the problems of modelling an
application (Brazier et al., 2011). open system, where true model validation
and verification is impossible (Oreskes et al.,
As a result of these assumptions incorrect
model parameters can be identified that
reproduce catchment outlet conditions (i.e.
larger scale measurements) with insufficient
consideration of how well they reproduce the
internal spatial patterns of process-form
interaction that ultimately control larger (and
longer) scale response. Furthermore, model
parameters may be identified that are highly
unique to specific settings (Nearing, 1999;
Nearing, 2000), and inapplicable elsewhere
because of the non-linear open nature of
natural systems. Worse still, a number of
parameter combinations within a specific
model may provide equally good predictions -
a form of model equifinality (Brazier et al.,
2000). Similarly, another form of model
equifinality may occur if the data are
Figure 6. Comparison of measured (a) and
insufficient to differentiate between
modelled (b) elevation change in the braided
competing models. Equifinality has arisen at
Avoca River, New Zealand (Nicholas and
a range of scales, from using metrics of
Quine, 2007a).
landscape form to differentiate between
transport and supply limited models of
landscape evolution (Pelletier, 2011),
As a consequence, models may be calibrated
evaluating alluvial fan evolution (Nicholas and
by comparing model outputs to observations.
Quine, 2010), and at smaller scales when
In the case of catchment modelling, models
applying models with complex, and ill
are typically calibrated by adjusting internal
constrained parameters (Brazier et al., 2000).
model parameters to derive the best fit
However, equifinality is not all bad if it avoids
between model outputs (e.g. sediment/water
over confidence in the information content of
flux at a catchment outlet) and the equivalent
data and therefore the potential rejection of
observations at specific locations (Canfield
good model structures. In the face of
and Goodrich, 2006; Nearing, 2000). In
equifinality, simpler models may be preferred
morphological modelling, distributed model
that are justified by the data: A model is only
predictions may be compared to:
as good as the data available to constrain
observations or morphological change
model structure, parameters, and therefore
(Figure 6; Nicholas and Quine, 2007a); to
results derived from models with a stronger
physical basis for prediction (Nicholas, 2009);