Mexican Food and Culture Fact Sheet
Mexican Food and Culture Fact Sheet
Mexican Food and Culture Fact Sheet
Dia de los reyes [Day of Kings] – rosca [ring shaped bread] is shared6
Cuaresma [Lent] – Fas4ng period, and meatless meals of Ash Wednesday and Fridays
during lent 6
The majority of Mexicans are Roman Catholic. Religion typically plays a major
role in their family, community, and diet. 2
Tradi4onal Ea4ng Pa[erns:
Tradi4onally, Mexicans ate four-five meals. Now, three meals per day is most typical.2,6
• Desayuno (Breakfast) includes coffee, pan dulce (sweet rolls), tor4llas, beans, and
occasionally huevos rancheros [eggs] 2
• Comida (Lunch) main meal of the day (1-3 pm) typically a soup, meat dish, rice, tor4lla,
coffee and dessert 2
• Families gather at meals to build a sense of togetherness. The women in the family typically
prepare the meal. 5
• Rice is usually served first before the main meal. 6
• Chiles are a common main ingredient in tradi4onal Mexican meals 6
Tradi4onal Health Beliefs:
Religion plays a major role in tradi4onal health beliefs and serves as a mo4vator and support
for seeking medical advice. 6Herbal and folk remedies are o^en used for self treatment. 6
Mexican Americans comprise 12 percent of those living below the poverty line 2
• May have need for cheaper less healthy foods due to poverty 2
• Mexican Americans tend to lead a more sedentary lifestyle 8
• The prevalence of type 2 diabetes is two to three 4mes higher in Hispanic Americans,
and notably high in Mexican Americans.8
3. Anderson M. 5 facts about día de los muertos (the day of the dead).
Smithsonian Insider Web site. h[p://
de-los-muertos-day-dead/. Updated 2016. Accessed Feb 2, 2018.
4. Pan de muertos recipe. Houston Ins4tute for Culture Web site. h[p:// Accessed Feb 2, 2018.
5. Early KB, Brzezinski E. Mexican american food prac4ces. In: Goody CM,
Drago L. Cultural Food PracEces. United States of America: American
Diete4c Associa4on; 2010:42-51.
6. Saldaña SJ, Felix G. Orale! food and iden4fy amongst la4nos. Ins4tute for
La4no Studies University of Norte Dame Web site. h[ps:// Updated
2011. Accessed Feb 2, 2018.
7. Ar4nian NT, Schim SM, Vander Wal JS, Nies MA. Ea4ng pa[erns and
cardiovascular disease risk in a detroit mexican american popula4on.
Public Health Nurs. 2004;21(5):425-434.doi: 10.1111/j.
8. Hispanics and la4nos, diet of. Internet FAQ Archives Web site. h[p://
Accessed Feb 2, 2018.