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Brochure Nitrosamine in Pharma GC Ms 5994 2979en Agilent

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Nitrosamines Analysis

in Pharmaceuticals
Using Single Quadrupole GC/MS or Triple Quadrupole GC/MS
Consumables workflow ordering guide

N R 1 R

2 N
R 1 R
2 O
N R 1 R
Mutagenic impurities in APIs and drug products pose a significant risk to health and safety—
even in small quantities—and thus are a major concern for drug makers. Mutagenic impurities
can damage DNA, leading to mutations and potentially cancer. Efforts to address and control
the presence of trace levels of mutagenic impurities is of special concern to global regulators.
As a result, the U.S. FDA and other regulatory agencies have taken steps to address the issue
of mutagenic impurities in pharmaceuticals1. Detection and quantification of these trace
nitrosamines in APIs and drug products can be challenging, necessitating the use of advanced
and sensitive tools to meet regulatory requirements.

Sartan drugs are angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs), used to treat high blood
pressure and congestive heart failure (1). Metformin is an oral diabetes drug used
to control blood sugar levels. Ranitidine products treat heartburn and acid reflux.
All have recently been recalled by the FDA due to the presence of high levels of
nitrosamine impurities:
– N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA)
– N-nitrosodiethylamine (NDEA)
– N-nitrosodiisopropylamine (NDIPA)
– N-nitrosoethylisopropylamine (NEIPA)
– N-nitrosodibutylamine (NDBA)
These impurities are classified as probable human carcinogens, may be The Agilent 8890 GC/7693 LS/ 7010B GC/TQ

introduced into the finished products through the manufacturing process.

Nitrosamine impurities can be detected using either single quadrupole GC/MS
(GC/SQ), triple quadrupole GC/MS/MS (GC/TQ) or triple quadrupole LC/MS/MS
(LC/TQ) or Quadrupole Time of Flight LC/MS (LC/Q-TOF). (2).
There are three GC/MS methods that follow United States Food and Drug
Administration (US FDA) guidance, two use a headspace method and the
third uses liquid injection. The methods differ in sensitivity and the number of
impurities being analyzed. This guide provides recommendations for Agilent
products based on these methods so you can find what you’re looking for quickly.
The Agilent 8890 GC/7697A HSS/5977B

¹U.S. FDA: www.fda.gov/media/131868/download Council of Europe: www.edqm.eu/en/news/omcls-release-three-methods-determination-ndma-sartans
Health Canada: healthycanadians.gc.ca/recall-alert-rappel-avis/hc-sc/2020/72963a-eng.php Taiwan FDA: www.fda.gov.tw/ENG/siteList.aspx?sid=10360
FDA Method 1: GC/MS headspace method to detect NDMA and NDEA
This method (3) detects the presence of two impurities, NDMA and NDEA, using
GC/MS headspace analysis.

Table 1. The limits of detection (LOD) and

limits of quantitation (LOQ) for FDA method 1.

Impurity LOD (ppm) LOQ (ppm)

NDMA 0.005 0.10

NDEA 0.02 0.05

Figure 1. Generated chromatogram in select ion mode of a 1 μg standard mix of NDMA and NDEA
in NMP. NDMA retention time is 5.80 minutes, and NDEA is 7.25 minutes.

Method Parameters
The Agilent 8890/5977 GC/MSD equipped with a 7697A headspace sampler is
recommended for this analysis (4). Method parameters are shown below.

Agilent 7697A Headspace Sampler Conditions Agilent 8890 GC Parameters Agilent 5977 GC/MSD Conditions

Oven Temperature 130 °C Inlet (Split/Splitless) Helium Source Type Extractor

Loop Temperature 180 °C Temperature 220 °C Source Temperatre 230 °C

Transfer Line Temperature 185 °C Mode Split Selection ion monitoring

Mass Filter Mode
Vial Equilibration 15 minutes Split Ratio 5:1
NDMA m/z 74.00
Injection Duration 1 minute Inlet Pressure (Initial) 7.33 psi
NDEA m/z 102
Vial Size (mL) 20 mL Oven Type 240 V-Fast oven
Lens Diameter 6 mm
Vial Shaking Level 5 Equilibration Time 1 minute
Quad Temperature 150 °C
Fill Mode Default 40 °C for 0.5 minutes,
20 °C/min to 160 °C, NDMA Dwell 150
Fill Pressure 15 psi 10 °C/min to 240 °C,
Oven Program Hold 2 minutes NDEA Dwell 150
Loop Fill Mode Default
Total cycle time:
16.5 minutes
Agilent J&W DB-1701,
Column 30 m × 0.25 mm, 1.0 µm
(part number 122-0733)
Mode Constant flow

Flow 1 mL/min

FDA Method 1 Ordering Information
Click the MyList* links in the header below to add items to your “Favorite
Products” list at the Agilent online store. Then, enter the quantities for the
products you need. Your list will remain under “Favorite Products” for your use
with future orders.

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Product Description Part Number

Nitrosamine Standards

Nitrosamine standards US-113N-1

Nitrosamine - GC Column
DB-1701 30 m x 0.25 mm, 1.0 µm 122-0733

Nitrosamines- GC Inlet Liners

Inlet liner, Ultra Inert1, splitless, straight, 2 mm id 5190-6168

Inlet liner, Ultra Inert, split, low pressure drop, glass wool 5190-2295

Nitrosamines-Inlet Supplies

Inlet septa, Advanced green, non-stick, 11 mm, 50/pk 5183-4759

Inlet septa, Advanced green, non-stick, 11 mm, 100/pk 5183-4759-100

Ultra Inert1 Gold seal, with washer, 1/pk 5190-6144

Ultra Inert Gold seal, with washer, 10/pk 5190-6145

Self-Tightening Column Nut, collared, inlet G3440-81011

Self-Tightening Column Nut, collared, MSD G3440-81013

Replacement collar for Self-Tightening Column Nut G3440-81012

15%Graphite/85% Vespel Ferrules, 0.4 mm i.d., 10/pk 5181-3323

20x magnifier loop 430-1020

Nitrosamines-Vials and caps

Vial, headspace, certified, crimp, clear, flat bottom, 20 mL, 100/pk 5182-0837

Cap, crimp, headspace, aluminum, PTFE/silicone septa, 20 mm, 100/pk 5183-4477

Gas Filters

Gas Clean Carrier Gas Kit for 7890 CP17988

Gas Clean Carrier Gas Kit for 8890 and 8860 CP179880

Gas Clean carrier gas purifier replacement cartridge CP17973

Nitrosamines-MS Supplies

EI Filament (for 7000A/B/C/D, 5977B Inert Plus, 5977A Extractor, Inert or G7005-60061
Stainless steel and 5975 systems)

HES Filament for 7010 Triple Quadrupole GC/MS G7002-60001

Drawout plate, 6mm for 5973/75, 5977 G3163-20530

Drawout plate, 6mm, extractor source G3870-20448

Ultra Inert supplies provide excellent surface inertness through the entire flow path, prevent analyte catalytic breakdown,
response loss and peak shape distortion and thus support reliable qualitative and quantitative analysis for sensitive analysis.
GC column inertness is critical as columns contribute toward the largest surface area within the flow path.

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FDA Method 2: GC/MS headspace method to detect NDMA, NDEA,
Method 2 (5) is a later version of the FDA method and uses a single quadrupole
GC/MS with headspace-based injection to detect four impurities. The method
was validated using an Agilent 7890B GC System with an Agilent 5977A MSD and
an Agilent 7697A Headspace Sampler.

Table 2. The limits of detection (LOD) and limits of quantitation (LOQ) for this method.

Impurity Drug Substance Drug Substance LOD Drug Product LOQ Drug Product LOD
LOQ (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm)

NDMA 0.05 0.01 0.05 0.01

NDEA 0.05 0.01 0.05 0.01

NEIPA 0.05 0.025 0.05 0.025

NDIPA 0.05 0.025 0.05 0.025

Figure 2. Chromatogram: 0.25 µg NDMA,

Method parameters NDEA, NDIPA, NEIPA Working Standard and
IStd NDMA d6 and NDEA d4.
HS Sampler Parameters MS Parameters
Oven Temperature: 120 °C MS Source Temperature: 230 °C GC/MS - HS Parameters
Loop Temperature: 125 °C Quad Temperature: 150 °C Agilent 7890B GC with
Transfer Line Temperature: 130 °C Acquisition Type: SIM Instrument: Agilent 5977A MSD and
Agilent 7697A HS sampler
Vial Equilibration Time: 15 min Gain Factor 5
DB-WAX, 30 m x 0.25 mm,
Injection Time: 1.0 min Solvent Delay: 6.0 min.
Column: 0.5 µm (PN: 122-7033), or
Vial Size: 20 mL equivalent
Level 9 Inlet Temperature: 220 °C
Vial Shaking:
(250 shakes/min)
Column Flow: 1 mL/min
Fill Pressure: 15 psi
Split Ratio 5:1
Loop Size: 1 mL
70 °C for 4 min.; 20 °C/min
Oven Program:
to 240 °C, Hold for 3.5 min.
Group 1 (NDMA & NDMA-d6)
GC Run Time 16 min.
Group Start Time : 6min
GC Cycle Time: 24 min.
Number of Ions : 4 (NDMA: 74.0 Dwell 60, 42.1 Dwell 60), (NDMA-d6: 80.1 Dwell 60, 46.1 Dwell 60)
Group 2 (NDEA & NDEA-d4)

Group Start Time : 7min

Number of Ions : 4 (NDEA: 102.1 Dwell 60, 57.0 Dwell 60), (NDEA-d4: 106.1 Dwell 60, 61.1 Dwell 60)
Group 3 (NDIPA & NEIPA)

Group Start Time : 7.52min

Number of Ions : 4 (NDIPA: 130.0 Dwell 60, 43.0 Dwell 60), (NEIPA: 116.0 Dwell 60, 56.0 Dwell 60)

FDA Method 2 Ordering Information
Click the MyList* links in the header below to add items to your “Favorite
Products” list at the Agilent online store. Then, enter the quantities for the
products you need. Your list will remain under “Favorite Products” for your use
with future orders.

Click MyList to download all items in this table to your Favorite Products list
Product Description Part Number

Nitrosamine Standards

Nitrosamine standards US-113N-1

Nitrosamine - GC Column
DB-WAX 30 m x 0.25 mm, 0.5 µm 122-7033

DB-WAX Ultra Inert 30 m x 0.25 mm, 0.5 µm


Nitrosamines- GC Inlet Liners

Inlet liner, Ultra Inert¹, splitless, straight, 2 mm id 5190-6168

Inlet liner, Ultra Inert¹, split, low pressure drop, glass wool 5190-2295

Nitrosamines-Inlet Supplies

Inlet septa, Advanced green, non-stick, 11 mm, 50/pk 5183-4759

Inlet septa, Advanced green, non-stick, 11 mm, 100/pk 5183-4759-100

Ultra Inert¹ Gold seal, with washer, 1/pk 5190-6144

Ultra Inert¹ Gold seal, with washer, 10/pk 5190-6145

Self-Tightening Column Nut, collared, inlet G3440-81011

Self-Tightening Column Nut, collared, MSD G3440-81013

Replacement collar for Self-Tightening Column Nut G3440-81012

15% Graphite/85% Vespel Ferrules, 0.4 mm i.d., 10/pk 5181-3323

20x magnifier loop 430-1020

Nitrosamines-Vials and caps

Vial, headspace, certified, crimp, clear, flat bottom, 20 mL, 100/pk 5182-0837

Cap, crimp, headspace, aluminum, PTFE/silicone septa, 20 mm, 100/pk 5183-4477

Gas Filters

Gas Clean Carrier Gas Kit for 7890 CP17988

Gas Clean Carrier Gas Kit for 8890 and 8860 CP179880

Gas Clean carrier gas purifier replacement cartridge CP17973

Nitrosamines-MS Supplies

EI Filament (for 7000A/B/C/D, 5977B Inert Plus, 5977A Extractor, Inert or G7005-60061
Stainless steel and 5975 systems)

HES Filament for 7010 Triple Quadrupole GC/MS G7002-60001

Drawout plate, 6 mm for 5973/75, 5977 G3163-20530

Drawout plate, 6 mm, extractor source G3870-20448

¹See footnote under ordering information table on page 4.

* See footnote at the bottom of page 4.

FDA Method 3: GC/TQ method utilizing liquid injection to
simultaneously quantify NDMA, NDEA, NEIPA, NDIPA and NDBA
This method (6) is also a later version of the first FDA method. It is a liquid
injection based method using triple quadrupole GC/TQ and analyzes for five
impurities. Single quadrupole MS (methods 1 & 2) often gives ambiguous
results and is less sensitive. GC/TQ methods are more sensitive and give better
specificity. A headspace transfer line accessory allows both headspace and liquid
injection capability on the same inlet, without changing the configuration.

Drug substance LOD/LOQ calculations for this method were based on 500 mg
of Valsartan API. Increasing the amount weighed out and extracted will lower
the reported LOQ. Drug product LOD/LOQ calculations were based on one tablet
containing 30 mg of Valsartan API.
Table 3. The limits of detection (LOD) and limits of quantitation (LOQ) for the FDA method 3.
×104 +EI MRM CID@10.0 (158.0 -> 99.0) 2,5ng_mL_001.D

Impurity Drug Substance Drug Substance Drug Product LOQ Drug Product LOD
1.8 12 23 34 45
LOQ (ppm) LOD (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) 1.6

NDMA 0.008 0.005 0.013 0.008 1.3
NDEA 0.005 0.001 0.008 0.002 1.1

NEIPA 0.005 0.001 0.008 0.002 0.9
0.8 NDMA
NDIPA 0.005 0.001 0.008 0.002 0.7
NDBA 0.025 0.010 0.040 0.016 0.5

0.3 NDBA

Agilent offers a comprehensive solution (7) for the determination and estimation

of five nitrosamine impurities (NDMA, NDEA, NEIPA, NDIPA, and NDBA) in

7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 10.0 10.5

metformin (8) and sartan (9) drug products and drug substances at trace levels
Acquisition time (min)

using an Agilent 7890B or 8890 GC coupled to an Agilent 7010B triple quadrupole Figure 3. Extracted MRM chromatogram
GC/MS system. An Agilent 7010B triple quadrupole GC/MS, equipped with a (quant transition) of lowest calibration
high efficiency source, can achieve LOQs that are 2–20 times lower than those standard at 2.5 ng/mL mix of five impurities in
dichloromethane (Agilent 7890B GC).
required by current regulations.

Method parameters

GC Parameters Value MS Parameters Value

Pulsed splitless: 12.285 Mode Electron ionization, 40 eV
MMI Injection Mode
psi until 0.5 min Source Temperature 250 °C
Inlet Temperature 250 °C Quadrupole Temperature Q1 and Q2 = 150 °C
40 °C (0.5 min) MRM Mode Conditions
20 °C/min to 200 °C MS1 Resolution All compounds Unit
Oven Temperature
(0 min)
Program MS2 Resolution All compounds Unit
60 °C/min to 250 °C
(3 min) Collision Gas Flow Nitrogen at 1.5 mL/min,

Total Run Time 12.33 min Quenching Gas Flow Helium at 4 mL/min

MS Transfer Line Detector Gain 1

250 °C
Temperature NDMA
Injection Volume 2 µL 74 → 44, CE 15, dwell 150 ms
Start time: 6.5 min
74 → 42, CE 20, dwell 50 ms
Carrier Gas Helium, 1 mL/min NDMA:C13-d6 82 → 48, CE 20, dwell 100 ms
Start time: 7.60 min 102 → 85, CE 10 V, dwell 150 ms
102 → 56, CE 18 V, dwell 150 ms
Quant./Qual. Transitions NEIPA
(FDA method) Start time: 8.03 min 116 → 99, CE 10 V, dwell 150 ms
71 → 56, CE 10 V, dwell 150 ms
Start time: 8.25 min 130 → 88, CE 10 V, dwell 150 ms
130 → 42, CE 10 V, dwell 150 ms
Start time: 8.70 min 158 → 99, CE 10 V, dwell 150 ms
84 → 56, CE 22 V, dwell 150 ms 7
FDA Method 3 Ordering Information
Click the MyList* link below to add items to your “Favorite Products” list at the
Agilent online store. Then, enter the quantities for the products you need. Your list
will remain under “Favorite Products” for your use with future orders.

Click MyList to download all items in this table to your Favorite Products list

Product Description Part Number

Nitrosamine Standards

Nitrosamine standards US-113N-1

Nitrosamine - Sample prep

Captiva Premium Syringe Filter Nylon membrane 15 mm diameter, 0.45 µm 5190-5091

pore size, 100/pk (HPLC certified)
Captiva Disposable Syringe, 5 mL, 100/pk 9301-6476

Nitrosamine - GC Column

VF-WAXms 30 m x 0.25 mm, 1.0 µm CP9206

Nitrosamines- GC Inlet Liners

Single taper splitless Inlet liner 900 µL with deactivated wool 5062-3587

Single taper, splitless, Inlet liner 900 µL with glass wool Ultra Inert¹ (1/pk) 5190-2293
Single taper, splitless, Inlet liner 900 µL with glass wool Ultra Inert¹ (5/pk) 5190-3163
Single taper, splitless, Inlet liner 900 µL with glass wool Ultra Inert¹ (25/pk) 5190-3167
Single taper, splitless, Inlet liner 900 µL with glass wool Ultra Inert¹ (100/pk) 5190-3171
Inlet liner O-ring, non-stick fluorocarbon, certified, 100/pk 5190-2269
Nitrosamines-Inlet Supplies

Inlet septa, Advanced green, non-stick, 11 mm, 50/pk 5183-4759

Inlet septa, Advanced green, non-stick, 11 mm, 100/pk 5183-4759-100

Ultra Inert¹ Gold seal, with washer, 1/pk 5190-6144

Ultra Inert¹ Gold seal, with washer, 10/pk 5190-6145

Self-Tightening Column Nut, collared, inlet G3440-81011

Self-Tightening Column Nut, collared, MSD G3440-81013

Replacement collar for Self-Tightening Column Nut G3440-81012

15% Graphite/85% Vespel Ferrules, 0.4 mm i.d., 10/pk 5181-3323

5 µL ALS syringe, fixed needle, 23-26s/42/cone 5181-1273

5 µL ALS syringe, fixed needle, 23-26s/42/cone 6/pk 5181-8810

10 µL ALS syringe, fixed needle, 23-26s/42/cone 5181-1267

10 µL ALS syringe, fixed needle, 23-26s/42/cone 6/pk 5181-3360

Nitrosamines-Vials and caps

MS analyzed vial kit, 2 mL clear screw top,write-on spots, blue caps, PTFE/ 5190-2278
silicone septa, 100/pk
Vial, screw top, amber, write-on spot, certified, 2 mL, 100/pk 5182-0716

Vial, screw top, amber, write-on spot, deactivated (silanized), certified, 2 5183-2072
mL, 100/pk
Screw cap, blue PTFE/red silicone septa, 100/pk 5182-0717

Screw cap, blue PTFE/silicone/PTFE septa, 100/pk 5182-0723

Vial insert, 100 µL, 500/pk Insert size: 5.0 x 30 mm 9301-1387

¹See footnote under ordering information table on page 4.

* See footnote at the bottom of page 4.

Gas Filters

Gas Clean Carrier Gas Kit for 7890 CP17988

Gas Clean Carrier Gas Kit for 8890 and 8860 CP179880

Gas Clean carrier gas purifier replacement cartridge CP17973

Nitrosamines-MS Supplies

EI Filament (for 7000A/B/C/D, 5977B Inert Plus, 5977A Extractor, Inert or G7005-60061
Stainless steel and 5975 systems)

HES Filament for 7010 Triple Quadrupole GC/MS G7002-60001

Drawout plate, 6 mm for 5973/75, 5977 G3163-20530

Drawout plate, 6 mm, extractor source G3870-20448

References Agilent Chemical Standards

1. Barreras, A.; Gurk-Turner, C. Angiotensin II Receptor Blockers. Proc (Bayl Univ Looking for high quality standards for
Med Cent,) 2003, 16(1), 123–126. doi:10.1080/089982 80.2003.11927893 additional applications? Search our
2. Nitrosamine Analysis in Pharmaceuticals using Triple Quadrupole LC/MS/ catalog of 5000 chemical standards
MS and and Quadrupole Time of Flight LC/MS (LC/Q-TOF) consumables to find the best standard to use in
workflow ordering guide Agilent publication 5994-2977EN your method, application or workflow.
Can’t find the right catalog standard?
3. Combined N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) and N-Nitrosodiethylamine
Our website also has an automated
(NDEA) Impurity Assay by GC/MS-Headspace, U.S. Food & Drug
custom standard quoting tool to help
Administration, 2019, www.fda.gov/media/117843/download
you develop the standard that fits your
4. Analysis of N-Nitrosodimethylamine and N-Nitrosodiethylamine Using the needs.
Agilent 7697A Headspace Sampler, 8890/5977 GC/MSD System, Agilent
Agilent GC Selector Tool
publication 5994-1132EN
Are you looking for GC column best
5. Combined Headspace N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA),
suited for your applications? Use the
N-Nitrosodiethylamine (NDEA), N-Nitrosoethylisopropylamine (NEIPA), and
GC Column Selector tool to find the
N-Nitrosodiisopropylamine (NDIPA) Impurity Assay by GC-MS/MS, U.S. Food
right column based on application,
& Drug Administration, 2019, www.fda.gov/media/124025/download
regulatory method, USP designation or
6. Combined Direct Injection N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA),N- desired phase chemistry.
Nitrosodiethylamine (NDEA), N-Nitrosoethylisopropylamine (NEIPA),
N-Nitrosodiisopropylamine (NDIPA), and N-Nitrosodibutylamine (NDBA)
Impurity Assay by GC-MS/MS, U.S. Food & Drug Administration, 2019, www.
7. Nitrosamine Impurities Application Guide – Confidently detect and quantify
mutagenic impurities in APIs and Drug Products, Agilent publication (5994-
8. Quantification of Nitrosamine Impurities in Metformin Using Agilent GC/MS/
MS Instrumentation, Agilent publication (5994-2419EN)
9. Analysis of Five Nitrosamine Impurities in Drug Products and Drug
Substances Using Agilent GC/MS/MS Instrumentation, Agilent publication

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© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2021

Published in the USA, March 5, 2021

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