Pentagon & Boeing 757 Ground Effect: - Question From Eric
Pentagon & Boeing 757 Ground Effect: - Question From Eric
Pentagon & Boeing 757 Ground Effect: - Question From Eric
The Bernoulli theory of lift tells us that a wing creates lift because the air moving
over the upper surface of the wing is at a lower pressure than the air beneath the
wing. This difference in pressure creates a lift force that pulls the wing upward.
Because of this difference in pressure, however, the high pressure air beneath
the wing also tries to move outward and around the wingtip to escape to the low
pressure region above the wing. As the wingtip flies forward, this motion of air
creates a swirling vortex that trails behind. One of these vortices is left aft of each
wingtip, swirling in opposite directions, to create a pair of trailing vortices behind
the wing.
Regions of upwash and downwash created by trailing vortices
Trailing vortices are undesirable primarily because they increase drag. Drag is
the force that opposes an aircraft's forward motion and reduces its efficiency.
While vortices do not directly increase the drag of a plane, they create a
downwash that deflects the air behind a wing downward. This downwash
decreases the lift generated by the wing.
In order to make up for that lost lift, the wing's angle of attack must be increased.
Angle of attack defines the angle at which the wing meets the oncoming air
stream. Increasing this angle causes the lift generated by a wing to increase. The
lift continues to increase until a particular angle of attack called the stall angle is
reached. At this critical angle, the air flowing over the wing separates from the
wing surface causing the lift to decrease.
Examples of typical lift coefficient data for fixed-wing aircraft
Now how does this interaction between downwash and lift cause drag to rise?
The catch is that as lift increases with higher angle of attack, drag also increases
at a faster rate. Therefore, as a wing's angle of attack is increased to
compensate for the lift lost to downwash, the penalty is higher drag that reduces
the efficiency of the wing. This form of drag is referred to as induced drag
because it is induced by the generation of lift. Induced drag is the dominant type
of drag acting on an aircraft at low speed, such as during takeoff and landing. It
becomes considerably less significant at high speed during cruise flight where a
different type of drag called parasite drag is dominant.
A second factor that influences the impact of trailing vortices on an aircraft is the
speed at which it travels. A common misconception about ground effect is that a
"bubble" or "cushion" of air forms between the aircraft and ground that somehow
prevents the aircraft from landing or even forces the plane upward away from the
ground. Furthermore, many believe that the strength of this cushion grows the
faster an aircraft flies when near the ground. Both of these beliefs are wrong.
First of all, there is no bubble of air that pushes an aircraft away from the ground.
The true cause of ground effect is the influence of the ground on the wing's angle
of attack as described above. Ground effect does nothing to force an aircraft
upward from the ground, it only changes the relative amount of lift and drag that
a wing will generate at a given speed and angle of attack. Second, we have seen
that this effect actually decreases with speed since induced drag has increasingly
less influence on an aircraft the faster it flies.
Given this explanation, it should come as no surprise that pilots most often report
the influence of ground effect during a traditional landing. It is during the landing
approach when a plane is at its lowest speed and highest angle of attack of any
portion of its flight. In addition, the plane's slow speed provides less energy to
spin the tip vortices, and the lower a vortex's rate of rotation, the wider in
diameter it becomes. This combination of high angle of attack and low speed
creates a large downwash and trailing vortices with a large diameter that have a
significant influence over a plane's wing. These wide vortices are more likely to
be blocked as the plane comes closer to the ground, so any reduction in their
strength has a correspondingly significant impact on the aircraft's aerodynamic
Relative impact of ground effect on lift at low versus high angle of attack
The differences in the relative influence of ground effect on a wing are compared
conceptually in the above diagram. This plot illustrates a typical lift curve for an
aircraft showing how the lift coefficient varies with angle of attack. The lift
coefficient required for cruise flight is rather low since the aircraft's speed is high,
so the plane operates at a low angle of attack. The opposite occurs during
landing when speed is low and a high lift coefficient is needed, so angle of attack
must also be high. The impact of ground effect on a wing operating at a low
angle of attack is quite small as indicated by the slight increase in angle of attack
created by proximity to the ground. The same does not hold true at high angle of
attack where ground effect has a much greater influence.
Nevertheless, we do see that ground effect often does have some small effect on
a wing even at low angles. Is it significant enough to somehow force the plane
away from the ground or make it difficult, if not impossible, to control? The
answer is again no since the pilot can easily reduce a plane's angle of attack to
eliminate any excess lift and maintain a desired flight path. This feat is
accomplished thanks to devices called control surfaces placed along a plane's
wing and tail.
The primary surface used to control the plane's angle of attack is the elevator
located on the horizontal stabilizer. Deflecting the elevator up or down causes the
nose of the plane to rotate up and down changing its angle of attack. This
rotation is called pitch. The ailerons at each wingtip can also be used to influence
the angle of attack on each side of the aircraft causing the plane to roll about its
centerline. When an aircraft enters ground effect and goes to a higher effective
angle of attack, the pilot simply pushes the control yoke forward. This adjustment
causes the elevator to deflect downward and pushes the plane's nose downward
to reduce its angle of attack. In so doing, the plane's lift is decreased.
In addition, many modern airliners are not directly flown by the pilot but by
automated systems. Most newer aircraft even use fly-by-wire (FBW) systems that
take control inputs from the pilot, process them by computer, and automatically
make adjustments to the control surfaces to accomplish the pilot's commands.
Though the 757 is not equipped with a fully digital FBW system, it does carry a
flight management computer system (FMCS), digital air data computer (DADC),
and autopilot flight director system (AFDS) that provide sophisticated control laws
to govern the plane's control surfaces. The AFDS not only controls the plane
when the autopilot is enabled, but Boeing recommends that these computerized
systems always be in operation to advise the pilots on how to best fly the aircraft.
The primary advantage of computerized control systems is that they can make
corrections to an aircraft's flight path and help prevent the pilot from accidentally
putting the plane into an uncontrollable condition. The 757's flight augmentation
system is also designed to damp out aerodynamic instabilities, and computerized
control systems often automatically account for ground effect by making
adjustments to the plane's control surfaces to cancel it out.
These factors make it clear that ground effect could not have prevented a Boeing
757 from striking the Pentagon in the way that Flight 77 did on September 11.
Nevertheless, we are still left with the claim that the pilot Hanjour flew a
suspiciously "perfect" flight path on his approach to the Pentagon despite his lack
of skill. It is unclear what has prompted this belief since very few eyewitnesses
even describe how well the aircraft flew. The majority instead focus on the impact
and aftermath. Even so, those few who did make statements regarding pilot
ability indicate that Hanjour flew in a somewhat erratic manner as one would
Probable path of Flight 77 as it approached the Pentagon
One of the most interesting quotes comes from Afework Hagos who commented
on the plane see-sawing back and forth, suggesting that the pilot was struggling
to keep the plane level in either pitch or roll or perhaps both. Hagos was stuck in
traffic near the Pentagon when the 757 passed overhead. He reported, "There
was a huge screaming noise and I got out of the car as the plane came over. It
was tilting its wings up and down like it was trying to balance." Another
eyewitness named Penny Elgas also referred to the plane rocking back and forth
while Albert Hemphill commented that, "He was slightly left wing down as he
appeared in my line of sight, as if he'd just 'jinked' to avoid something." These
observations were further confirmed by Mary Ann Owens, James Ryan, and
David Marra who described the plane's wings as "wobbly" when it "rolled left and
then rolled right" and the pilot "tilted his wings, this way and in this way."
This question of whether an amateur could have flown Flight 77 into the
Pentagon was also posed to a colleague who previously worked on flight control
software for Boeing airliners. Brian F. (he asked that his last name be withheld)
explained, "The flight control system used on a 757 can certainly overcome any
ground effect. ... That piece of software is intended to be used during low speed
landings. A high speed dash at low altitude like [Flight 77] made at the Pentagon
is definitely not recommended procedure ... and I don't think it's something
anyone specifically designs into the software for any commercial aircraft I can
think of. But the flight code is designed to be robust and keep the plane as safe
as possible even in unexpected conditions like that. I'm sure the software could
handle that kind of flight pattern so long as the pilot had at least basic flight
training skills and didn't overcompensate too much."
Brian also consulted with a pair of commercial airline pilots who decided to try
this kind of approach in a flight training simulator. Although the pilots were not
sure the simulator models such scenarios with complete accuracy, they reported
no significant difficulties in flying a 757 within an altitude of tens of feet at speeds
between 350 and 550 mph (565 to 885 km/h) across smooth terrain. The only
issue they encountered was constant warnings from the simulator about flying
too fast and too low. These warnings were expected since the manufacturer does
not recommend and FAA regulations prohibit flying a commercial aircraft the way
Flight 77 was flown. These restrictions do not mean it is impossible for a plane to
fly at those conditions but that it is extremely hazardous to do so, and safety was
obviously not a concern to the terrorists on September 11. An aircraft flying at
those high speeds at low altitude would also likely experience shaking due to the
loads acting on it, but commercial aircraft are designed with at least a 50% safety
margin to survive such extremes.
One of the pilots summarized his experiences by stating, "This whole ground
effect argument is ridiculous. People need to realize that crashing a plane into a
building as massive as the Pentagon is remarkably easy and takes no skill at all.
Landing one on a runway safely even under the best conditions? Now that's the
hard part!" While he may have been exaggerating a bit for effect, he does raise a
valid point that flying skillfully and safely is much more difficult than flying as
recklessly as the terrorists did on September 11.
- answer by Jeff Scott, 21 May 2006