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Unit Test 5 (Module 6: Pipelining & Vector Processing) : Enrollment No

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01/05/2021 Unit Test 5 (Module 6: Pipelining & Vector Processing)

Unit Test 5 (Module 6: Pipelining & Vector

Total points 9/10

10 marks

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Krima Modi

Unit Test 5 (Module 6: Pipelining & Vector Processing) 9 of 10 points

CISC stands for * 1/1

Complex Instruction Set Computer

Common Instruction Set Counter

Complex Instruction Set Counter

None of the above

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01/05/2021 Unit Test 5 (Module 6: Pipelining & Vector Processing)

Pipeline help * 1/1

Throughput of entire workload

Latency of single task

Reduced speedup

None of the above

The amount of processing that can be accomplished during a given 1/1

interval of time is *

Speed up


Clock speed

None of the above

Van Neumann architecture is ________________ type of system according 1/1

to Flynn’s taxonomy *





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01/05/2021 Unit Test 5 (Module 6: Pipelining & Vector Processing)

RISC stands for * ···/1

Reduced Instruction set Counter

Register Input Status Computer

Reduced Instruction Set Computer

Random Instruction Set Computer

No correct answers

A pipeline is like____________________ * 1/1

House pipeline

Automobile assembly line

A gas line

Both A and C

______________ processing is a technique of decomposing a sequential 1/1

process into sub operation , with each sub process being executed in
special dedicated segments *





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01/05/2021 Unit Test 5 (Module 6: Pipelining & Vector Processing)

Pipelining implemetation is easy in a system which have * 1/1

More addressing mode

Instruction of same size with few formats

Multiple instruction size and formats

Both A & B

The situation where data operands not available due to resource 1/1
contention is called *

Data hazard

Control Hazard

Structural Hazard

None of the above

Hazards which causes due to branch and other instruction that changes 1/1
the PC and make the fetch of next instruction to be delayed is known as *

Data Hazard

Control Hazards

Structure Hazard

None of the above

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