Monographic Studies in The Genus Annona L. (Annonaceae) : Inclusion of The Genus Rollinia A.St.-Hil
Monographic Studies in The Genus Annona L. (Annonaceae) : Inclusion of The Genus Rollinia A.St.-Hil
Monographic Studies in The Genus Annona L. (Annonaceae) : Inclusion of The Genus Rollinia A.St.-Hil
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1 author:
Heimo Rainer
Naturhistorisches Museum Wien
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Recent molecular studies in the genus Annona, which included two species of Rollinia and one, formerly
placed in Raimondia, revealed the very close relationship of these genera. If Rollinia would be kept as a
separate entity, Annona would become polyphyletic. No satisfactory possibility was found to split up
Annona for maintaining Rollinia as a distinct genus. On the basis of these findings the necessary nomen-
clatural changes are presented here.
Key words: Annonaceae, Annona, Rollinia, Flora Neotropica, new combinations, new names, nomencla-
ture, systematics.
Neueste molekulare Untersuchungen in der Gattung Annona, unter Einbeziehung von zwei Arten der
Gattung Rollinia und einer Art, die früher zu Raimondia gestellt wurde, haben die sehr engen Beziehungen
der Gattungen untereinander verdeutlicht. Wenn man Rollinia als eigenständige Gattung beibehalten würde,
wäre das Ergebnis eine polyphyletische Gattung Annona. Es wurde keine befriedigende Möglichkeit gefun-
den, Annona so abzugrenzen, dass Rollinia als eigenständige Gattung erhalten bleiben könnte. Aufgrund
dieser Ergebnisse werden die dadurch notwendig gewordenen nomenklatorischen Änderungen in dieser
Arbeit präsentiert.
The genus Rollinia was established by Antoine de SAINT-HILAIRE in the “Flora Brasiliae
meridionalis” (1825: 28 - 29, tab. 5) as a result of his collecting activities in the early
19th century in south eastern Brazil. The genus was subsequently expanded by SCHLECH-
TENDAL (1834), MARTIUS (1841), TRIANA & PLANCHON (1862), and SAFFORD (1916b).
SAFFORD (1916a) segregated the new genus Rolliniopsis because some species show a
peculiar fruit morphological pattern, namely almost free but sessile carpidia in ripe fruit-
ing stage. FRIES (1934) gave a first comprehensive overview in the series “Monogra-
phien der Arten einiger Annonaceen-Gattungen”, keeping Rolliniopsis as a separate
genus, even until his treatment of the family for ENGLER & PRANTL’s “Natürliche
Pflanzenfamilien” (FRIES 1959). In MAAS & WESTRA (1989) Rolliniopsis was sunk into
synonymy of Rollinia. The monographic treatment by MAAS et al. (1992), in which 42
species were listed, with two more taxa mentioned as new but not formally described,
represents the up to date state of knowledge. In this monograph MAAS though did not
discuss taxa placed in Annona, but mentioned by FRIES (1934: 113) as being closely
* Heimo Rainer, Department of Systematic and Evolutionary Botany, Faculty Center for Botany,
University of Vienna, Rennweg 14, A-1030 Vienna, Austria. –
192 Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 107 B
related or even representing the group within Annona from where Rollinia might have
derived (FRIES 1943: 8). Some very closely related taxa described in Annona, e.g.,
Annona amazonica R.E.FR. A. duckei DIELS, A. neglecta R.E.FR., and A. symphyocarpa
SANDWITH, all of which show Rollinia-characters (baccate outer petals, though not dor-
sally winged, inner petals connate and adnate to outer ones, fruits with a comparatively
long and thin pedicel, pollen in monads) have been omitted from the discussion on the
systematic position of Rollinia by KOEK-NOORMAN & MAAS (1992).
On the basis of recent molecular studies in the genus Annona (RAINER et al. in prep.), in
which two taxa of Rollinia (R. cuspidata and R. mucosa) and one of Raimondia (R.
deceptrix) were included, and a phylogenetic analysis (RAINER et al. in prep.) revealed
that Rollinia and Raimondia are nested within Annona. These findings are in full accor-
dance with recently published results on biogeographic aspects in the family Anno-
naceae (RICHARDSON et al. 2004).
As a result of morphological, karyological, and palynological studies, and evidence
from numerous additional publications on seed anatomy (VAN DER HEIJDEN & BOUMAN
1988), palynology (WALKER 1971), and chapters on wood anatomy (TER WELLE 1992),
palynology (LE THOMAS et al. 1992) and karyology (MORAWETZ & HEMMER 1992)
included in the revision of the genus Rollinia by MAAS et al. (1992), it becomes clear
that Rollinia and Raimondia cannot be maintained as separate genera. The genus
Raimondia was already placed in synonymy of Annona in an earlier paper (RAINER
2001) and the necessary changes in Rollinia are presented in this paper to provide the
basis for the monographic treatment of Annona (RAINER in prep.).
In the following new combinations, new names, and reestablishment of names originally
published under Annona are provided. Actually accepted names are given in bold face.
Citation of the type material is added where known, the “!” sign is added after citation
of herbarium acronyms for specimens seen by the author. Herbarium acronyms follow
the Index Herbariorum (HOLMGREN & HOLMGREN 1998-2007).
New combinations
= Rollinia longipetala R.E.FR., in CHODAT & HASSLER: Bull. Herb. Boissier, sér. 2, 4:
1173 (1904)
≡ Rollinia emarginata SCHLTDL. var. longipetala (R.E.FR.) R.E.FR., Acta Horti
Berg. 12 (1): 169 - 170, fig. 6 (1934)
Type: E. Hassler 7407 [holotype: G; isotypes: A!, B!, F, G, K!, MO!, NY!, S!, U!, UC]
= Rollinia odoriflora ROJAS ACOSTA, Bull. Acad. Int. Géogr. Bot. 26: 163 (1918)
Type: Anonymous collector s.n., s.d. [type not located]
= Rollinia occidentalis R.E.FR., Acta Horti Berg. 12 (1): 165 - 166, tab. 18 (1934)
Type: R.W. Pearce s.n., Nov. 1866 [holotype: K!]
= Rollinia glaziovii R.E.FR., Acta Horti Berg. 12 (1): 166, 168, fig. 10a - c (1934)
Type: A.F.M. Glaziou 12407 [holotype: B!; isotypes: A!, C, K!, LE!, MG, P!, S!]
= Rollinia hassleriana var. vestita R.E.FR., Acta Horti Berg. 12 (1): 171 (1934)
Type: T.C.J. Herzog 1283 [holotype: L!; isotype: S (fragm.)!]
= Rollinia mexicana STANDL., Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser. 11 (5): 155 (1936)
Type: E. Bourgeau 2448 [holotype: LE!; isotypes: BR, F, G, GH!, L!, P!, S!]
= Rollinia rensoniana var. granatensis R.E.FR., Acta Horti Berg. 12 (1): 130 (1934)
Type: J. Mutis 3842 [holotype: US!; isotypes: MA!, S (fragm.)!]
New names
Reestablished names
Annona dolabripetala RADDI, Mem. Mat. Fis. Soc. Ital. Sci. Modena, Pt. Mem. Fis. 18
(2): 394 (1820)
≡ Rollinia dolabripetala (RADDI) R.E.FR., Kongl. Svenska Vetensk.-Akad. Handl. 34
(5): 45 (1900)
≡ Annona xestropetala SPRENG., Syst. veg., ed. 16 (Sprengel) 2: 641 (1825), nom. illeg.
Type: neotype (designated by MAAS 1992: 85, 88): tab. 5, in SAINT-HILAIRE, Fl. Bras.
merid., vol. 1(1) (1825)
= Rollinia longifolia A.ST.-HIL., Fl. Bras. merid. 1 (1): 29, tab. 5 (1825)
Type: A.F.C.P. de Saint-Hilaire s.n., s.d. [syntypes: F, G, P!]
= Annona minensis GLAZ., Mém. Soc. Bot. Fr. 3 (a): 14 (1905)
≡ Rollinia minensis (GLAZ.) R.E.FR., Acta Horti Berg. 12 (1): 151 - 152, tab. 14 (1934)
Type: A.F.M. Glaziou 14467 [holotype: P!; isotypes: C, K!, P!, S!]
RAINER: Monographic studies in the genus Annona L. (Annonaceae): Inclusion of the genus Rollinia 201
= Rollinia mucosa subsp. aequatorialis R.E.FR., Acta Horti Berg. 12 (1): 123 - 124
Type: R. Spruce 2403 [holotype: B!; isotypes: BM!, E, G, GH!, GOET, K!, M!,
OXF!, P!]
= Rollinia mucosa subsp. portoricensis R.E.FR., Acta Horti Berg. 12 (1): 124 (1934)
Type: P. Sintenis, Pl. portoricenses 4170 [holotype: S!; isotypes: B!, BM!, BP!, E, F,
G, GH!, GOET, HAC!, L!, LE!, M!, MO!, NY!, P!, S!, UC, WU!]
= Rollinia mucosa var. macropoda R.E.FR., Acta Horti Berg. 12 (1): 122 - 123 (1934)
Type: E.L. Ekman H12420 [holotype: S!; isotype: NY!]
= Rollinia jimenezii var. nelsonii R.E.FR., Kongl. Svenska Vetensk.-Akad. Handl., ser.
3, 24 (10): 18 (1948)
Type: E.W. Nelson 406 [holotype: US!]
Annona xylopiifolia A.ST.-HIL. & TUL., Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot., sér. 2, 17: 132 (1842)
≡ Rollinia xylopiifolia (A.ST.-HIL. & TUL.) R.E.FR., Acta Horti Berg. 10 (2): 315
Type: A. Richard s.n., s.d. [holotype: P!]
= Rollinia lanceolata R.E.FR., Kongl. Svenska Vetensk.-Akad. Handl. 34 (5): 49 - 50,
tab. 6: fig. 6 (1900)
≡ Rollinia xylopiifolia var. lanceolata (R.E.FR.) R.E.FR., Acta Horti Berg. 12 (1):
176 - 177 (1934)
Type: A.F.M. Glaziou 13509 [lectotype (selected by FRIES 1934: 176): C; isolecto-
types: B!, BR, C, G, K!, LE!, P!]; A.F.M. Glaziou 16691 [syntypes: BR, C, F, LE!, P!]
= Rollinia warmingii R.E.FR., Kongl. Svenska Vetensk.-Akad. Handl. 34 (5): 49, tab.
6: fig. 7 (1900)
Type: A.F.M. Glaziou 6079 [holotype: B!; isotypes: C, K!]
204 Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 107 B
Special thanks go to Paul Maas and Lubbert Westra, Utrecht University, for continuous discussions on taxo-
nomic evaluation of generic concepts in Annonaceae, particularly concerning Annona, furthermore
Bernhard von Hagen, Bärbel Hildebrandt, and Martin Röser, Martin-Luther University Halle-Wittenberg,
for help with molecular analyses, thus providing the main trigger for this paper; to Walter Till, University
of Vienna, and to Bruno Wallnöfer, Natural History Museum Vienna, for critical comments on the manu-
script, as well as to the curators of the herbaria A, B, BM, BP, C, E, F, FHO, G, GH, GUAY, HAC, HAL,
USM, W, WU for borrowing herbarium specimens or providing the facilities to study the specimens at their
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FRIES R.E., 1900: Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Süd-Amerikanischen Annonaceen. – Kongl.
Svenska Vetensk.-Akad. Handl. 34 (5): 1-59, tab. 1-7.
FRIES R.E., 1934: Revision der Arten einiger Annonaceen-Gattungen. III. – Acta Horti Berg. 12
(1): 1-220, tab. 1-20.
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LE THOMAS A., WAHA M. & MORAWETZ W., 1992: Palynology. – In: MAAS P.J.M. et al.: Fl.
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SAFFORD W.E., 1913: Raimondia, a new genus of Annonaceae from Colombia. – Contr. U. S.
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SAFFORD W.E., 1916a: Rolliniopsis, a new genus of Annonaceae from Brazil. – J. Wash. Acad.
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