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23 4 2021

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Which of the following regarding inflammatory bowel disease is true:

A. Bloody diarrhea is more common in crohns disease than in ulcerative colitis.

B. Associated extra intestinal disease is less common in ulcerative colitis than in crohns disease
C. Crohns disease frequently involves the entire colon
D. Crohns is more commonly associated with primary sclerosing cholangitis than is ulcerative colitis.
E. Surgical intervention for ulcerative colitis is limited to management of complications of the primary disease

2. Which of the following statements concerning wound healing is true?

A. Keloids contain an overabundance of fibroblasts.

B. A hypertrophic scar extends beyond the boundaries of the original wound.
C. Improvement is usually seen with keloid excision followed by intralesional steroid injection.
D. An incision placed perpendicular to the lines of natural skin tension will result in the least obvious scar.
E. Hypertrophic scars occur most commonly on the lower extremities.

3. Which of the following statement regarding intestinal obstruction is false?

A. In dynamic intestinal obstruction 60% are due to adhesions.

B. Proximal to an obstruction the gas is made up of 90% nitrogen and hydrogen sulphide.
C. Dehydration in intestinal obstruction is solely due to vomiting.
D. In dynamic obstruction the bowel distal to the obstruction initially functions normally.
E. In adynamic obstruction peristalsis is absent or inadequate.

4. The substrate depleted earliest in the postoperative period is:

A. Branched-chain amino acids

B. Non-branched-chain amino acids
C. Ketone
D. Glycogen
E. Glucose

5. Which of the following inhalation anesthetics accumulates in air-filled cavities during general

A. Diethyl ether
B. Nitrous oxide
C. Halothane
D. Methoxyflurane
E. Trichloroethylene

6. Which of the following fractures or dislocations of the extremities induced by blunt trauma is
associated with significant vascular injuries?

A. Knee dislocation
B. Closed posterior elbow dislocation
C. Midclavicular fracture
D. Supracondylar femur fracture
E. Tibial plateau fracture

7. All of the following arises from the descending aorta except:

A. Nine pairs of posterior intercostal arteries.

B. Four-Five esophageal branches
C. Two to three bronchial arteries.
D. Left vertebral artery.
E. Mediastinal branches.

8. Which of the following is not a clinical feature of desmoid tumors?

A. Desmoid tumors are also called aggressive fi bromatosis .

B. These tumors are locally invasive and aggressive, and show fi broblastic proliferation.
C. Desmoid tumors are locally invasive and frequently metastasize.
D. They can develop in the abdominal wall of pregnant women, and form intraabdominal mesenteric masses.
E. Abdominal desmoids may be a component of familial adenomatous polyposis Syndrome

9. Which one of the following matches is correct?

A. Krukenberg tumor-cul de sac implantation

B. Blummer shelf-ovarian implantation
C. Virchow’s node-periumbilical lymph node
D. Sister Mary Joseph nodule-inguinal lymph node metastasis
E. Irish nodule-axillary lymph node metastasis

10. Which of the following is not correct for testicular cancer?

A. AFP and b -hCG increase in 80–85% of extensive germ cell tumors.

B. b -hCG may cause false positivity in hypogonadism.
C. Pure seminomas have increased AFP.
D. AFP may increase in liver diseases and hepatitis.
E. Testis biopsy is not recommended for cases with cancer suspicion

11. What is the clinical nodal stage of a breast cancer patient with ipsilateral internal mammary lymph
node (+) with no axillary lymph node?

B. N1
C. N2a
D. N2b
E. N3a

12. Which of the following is the most common symptom of nasopharyngeal cancer?

A. Nasal bleeding
B. Cervical mass
C. Dry eyes
D. Ophthalmoplegia
E. Diplopia

13. These are contents of the posterior triangle of the neck except:

A. Occipital artery.
B. Transverse cervical artery.
C. External jugular vein.
D. Hypoglossal nerve.
E. Brachial plexus.

14. Which is not true about PDS(polydioxine) suture:

A. It is monofilament.
B. Synthetic material.
C. Absorbable.
D. Good knot security.
E. Good tensile strength.

15. Which of the following tissues heals by repair :

A. Bone.
B. Liver.
C. Dermis.
D. Alimentary tract epithelium.
E. Tracheobronchial epithelium.

16. The spinal accessory nerve passes through the posterior cervical triangle:

A. Superficial to the platysma muscle.

B. In the superficial cervical fascia.
C. Between the investing fascia and the prevertebral fascia.
D. Within the carotid sheath.
E. Deep to the prevertebral fascia.

17. The fascia of neck, one is false:

A. The deep cervical fascia lies deep to the platysma.

B. The deep cervical fascia splits to invest trapezius muscle.
C. The anterior layer of the pretracheal fascia split to enclose the thyroid gland.
D. The pretracheal fascia split around the infrahyoid muscle.
E. The constituent of the ansa cervicalis are embedded in carotid sheeth.

18. The muscle which divides the submandibular space into two is:

A. Styloglossus.
B. Mylohyoid.
C. Digastric.
D. Omohyoid.
E. Sternocleidomastoid.

19. Which The cricoid cartilage lies at this vertebral level:

A. C2
B. C4
C. C6
D. C8
E. T2

20. The narrowest portion of an infant’s upper airway is :

A. The carina
B. The vocal cords
C. The subglottic space
D. The nasal airway
E. The pharynx

21. All the muscles of the larynx are innervated by recurrent laryngeal nerve except:

A. Cricothyroid.
B. Posterior cricoarytenoid
C. Lateral cricoarytenoid.
D. Interarytenoid.
E. Thyroarytenoid.

22.Concerning assessment of proliferative capacity, G2 phase include:

A. Preparation for mitosis

B. Normal cell activity phase
C. DNA synthesis
D. Preparation for DNA synthesis
E. mitosis

23. -Paraneoplasic syndrome includes all of the following statements EXCEPT:

A. Sub acute encephalitis

B. Medial temporal lobe, cingulate gyrus and insula are predominantly affected
C. It is more predominant in female
D. Anti-Hu-antibodies- cause sensory neuropathy and associated with oat cell pulmonary carcinoma or lymphoma.
E. It is associated with small cell lung carcinoma

24. In case of brain abscess, which is incorrect?

A. Posterior fossa is a common site in infants

B. Total excision is often not the aim
C. Tapping of the abscess enhances antibiotic penetration
D. Posterior fossa is a common site in patients with AIDS
E. Commoner in children with congenital heart disease

25. Each of the following occurs in venous air embolism except

A. Decrease in cardiac output.

B. Increase in end-tidal pCO2.
C. Increase in pulmonary artery pressure.
D. Increase in pulmonary vascular resistance.
E. Ventilation-perfusion mismatch.

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