23 4 2021
23 4 2021
23 4 2021
5. Which of the following inhalation anesthetics accumulates in air-filled cavities during general
A. Diethyl ether
B. Nitrous oxide
C. Halothane
D. Methoxyflurane
E. Trichloroethylene
6. Which of the following fractures or dislocations of the extremities induced by blunt trauma is
associated with significant vascular injuries?
A. Knee dislocation
B. Closed posterior elbow dislocation
C. Midclavicular fracture
D. Supracondylar femur fracture
E. Tibial plateau fracture
11. What is the clinical nodal stage of a breast cancer patient with ipsilateral internal mammary lymph
node (+) with no axillary lymph node?
B. N1
C. N2a
D. N2b
E. N3a
12. Which of the following is the most common symptom of nasopharyngeal cancer?
A. Nasal bleeding
B. Cervical mass
C. Dry eyes
D. Ophthalmoplegia
E. Diplopia
13. These are contents of the posterior triangle of the neck except:
A. Occipital artery.
B. Transverse cervical artery.
C. External jugular vein.
D. Hypoglossal nerve.
E. Brachial plexus.
A. It is monofilament.
B. Synthetic material.
C. Absorbable.
D. Good knot security.
E. Good tensile strength.
A. Bone.
B. Liver.
C. Dermis.
D. Alimentary tract epithelium.
E. Tracheobronchial epithelium.
16. The spinal accessory nerve passes through the posterior cervical triangle:
18. The muscle which divides the submandibular space into two is:
A. Styloglossus.
B. Mylohyoid.
C. Digastric.
D. Omohyoid.
E. Sternocleidomastoid.
A. C2
B. C4
C. C6
D. C8
E. T2
A. The carina
B. The vocal cords
C. The subglottic space
D. The nasal airway
E. The pharynx
21. All the muscles of the larynx are innervated by recurrent laryngeal nerve except:
A. Cricothyroid.
B. Posterior cricoarytenoid
C. Lateral cricoarytenoid.
D. Interarytenoid.
E. Thyroarytenoid.