Investment 01
Investment 01
Investment 01
1. What is investment?
2. What are the Ideal Modes of Investment in Islami Banking?
3. Sirkarul Milk: 03 contracts definition.
4. Mudaraba Mutlak & Mudaraba Mukaida.
5. 04 features of Bai-Salam.
6. Difference between Mudaraba & Musharaka.
7. Features of Musharaka/Shirkat Al Sanai.
8. Paragraph –Sukuk.
9. Features of Riba Al-Nasia.
10. Features of Wazirat-bil-wakala.
11. Bai-as sarf.
12. What is Bai-Salam, Features of Bai-Salam
13. Deference between Bai-Murabaha & Bai-Muajjal
14. What are the modes of Investment in our Bank with heads of investment under each mode?
15. What are the preconditions of Bai Muazzal?
16. What is the pre condition of HPSM?
17. Write in 15 sentences: Mudaraba Investment.
18. Hire Purchase Musharaka Mutanawasa (HPMM) & its featuring.
19. Bai-Istisna : Characteristics/elements
20. Differences between : (a) Mudaraba & Musharaka, (b) Bai-Murabaha & Bai-Muajjal, (c) Hypothecation
& Pledge, (d) Bai-Salam & Bai-Istisna, (e)Muajjal & Hypothecation
21. CSR activities of EXIM Bank
22. Write five salient features of EXIM Abalamban.
23. What is online CIB? For which purpose CL-1 to CL-5 form use?
24. What is investment /loan classification
25. Categorize investment with definition.
26. What is meant by loan classification and Provision?
27. Eligible security criteria for provisioning.
28. Accounting procedure of interest of the classified loan
29. Why classification of investment is important.
30. Qualitative judgment of Classification.
31. How classified investment can be declassified.
32. What is the overdue criteria for agricultural and micro credit as per BRPD circular 14 & 1
33. What is the classification criteria for continuous, demand, term and short term Agri and micro Credit
as per BRPD circular.
34. Classification status of fixed term loan less than Tk.10.00 lac.
35. Base of provision and rate of provision.
36. NPL for what reasons
37. Process of new finance / further finance after rescheduling a classified account.
38. What is the procedure and conditions of 1st, 2nd and 3rd Rescheduling of IBB (Term Loan) having
status “DF” as per BRPD circular 14 & 15.
39. What is the down payment for 2nd & 3rd time rescheduling of Continuous loan being converted as
term loan?
40. What is the condition of extension of fixed term of as per BRPD 15?
41. Down payment for Term Loan in rescheduling
42. New facility availing procedure after rescheduling
43. What will be base f or provision against Classified Loan/Investment
44. What is accounting procedure of interest/profit on classified loan/investment?
45. Write down the rate of specific provision.
46. Details of Reschedule circular.
47. What do you meant by single borrower exposure
48. Exception of single party exposure
49. Accounting procedure of rescheduling regarding Income.
50. Down payment amount for continuous & demand loan rescheduling
51. Documentation process-(05 steps-Acceptance, Mortgage, charge documents, HO approval)
52. Definition of Mutation
53. What is Khatian/Parcha.
54. What searching of land is required?
55. Documents for ownership of land.
56. Bank guarantee documentation.
57. Why Letter of Disclaimer to be obtained?
58. What is indemnity?
59. Write the name of 08 charge documents?
60. Difference between EM & RM?
61. Deference between Primary & Collateral security?
62. Redemption & Mortgage formalities
63. What is mortgage? Write at least 5 types of mortgage.
64. What are the characteristics of a good security?
65. Documentation Process.
66. Write 06 Charges Documents of Investment
67. What are the types of mortgage? What papers relating to landed property to be obtained from an
investment Client before allowing drawing from the sanctioned?
68. What is redemption of mortgaged deed and write the formalities?
69. What is the importance of documentation in Bank?
70. Write down three differences between Equitable & registered mortgaged
71. What is documentation? Write down 8(eight) steps for documentation procedure.
72. Common lapses in documentation process.
73. Selling process of mortgaged properties.
74. What is Invest Port Folio.
75. What is set-off
76. Bank to bank loan takeover process as per SRP
77. Five rights of guarantor
78. What is second charge & pari-passue charge
79. Person eligible for creating pledge
80. Write off as per BRPD and procedure for write off
81. Difference between
82. current ratio & Equity ratio.
83. Difference between Primary Security & Collateral Security
84. Five types of charges
85. When Guarantee claim then payment procedure.
86. Recovery procedure of a default Credit Card.
87. Fixed & floating charge.
88. What is rebate?
89. CSME circular.
90. Who can do pledge?
91. Work order finance sanction & disbursement, assignment procedure.
92. Three rights of mortgagee.
93. Guarantee expire adjustment procedure.
94. If an Investment Account holder died what is the procedure.
95. Write the procedures of BAIM (FO)
96. BAIM (H) investment & Disbursement procedure.
97. What do you meant Performance Guarantee and Counter Guarantee?
98. What are the mortgage formalities?
99. Write 5 rights of Guarantor.
100. What do you meant by fixed charge & floating charge?
101. What do you meant by Bankers right of set off?
102. What are the Risk weighted assets?
103. Definition of IRG With types, weight.
104. How to issue Foreign Guarantee.
105. (e) Guarantee & Indemnity, , (g) Overdue & Classified Investment
106. IRG: Grading, Objects, Risks with weightage & components.
107. Write 05 types of Securities
108. Write the procedure for issuance of Foreign Bank Guarantee. How the value of eligible securities to be
109. In which situation a guarantor can withdraw his guarantee (04 points).
110. Characteristics of Good customers
111. What is Investment portfolio management?
112. Investment Risk Management
113. Why working capital assessment required
114. 5 characters of good security.
115. 5 characters of good borrower
116. Factors to be considered during investment proposal
117. What is Investment
118. Write about 10 Characteristics of a good investment client
119. What are the conditions for Investment Rebate?
120. What is project finance
121. PPP (Short note)