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Actix Analyzer: Advanced Voice Calling Analysis

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actix An Amdocs Company

Actix Analyzer: advanced voice calling analysis

Comprehensive VoLTE/Wi-Fi performance Targeted, rapid, expertise
analysis Actix Analyzer combines the synergies of Actix Analyzer
Advanced voice calling via voice over LTE (VoLTE) and with Amdocs’ voice calling expertise. Powered by Actix
voice over Wi-Fi (VoWi-Fi), brings a variety of technical Analyzer on one hand, a product trusted by over 300
and commercial benefits to mobile network operators customers including Tier-1 MNOs and major equipment
(MNOs). Yet the blend of radio and IP signaling that vendors, it ‘productizes’ Amdocs expertise on the other, to
supports the service remains inherently complex, while address the need for targeted, rapid, and expert VoLTE/
customers expect performance to exceed – or at least VoWi-Fi analysis.
match – 2G/3G voice.

This complexity isn’t limited only to radio access. Beyond

strict RAN requirements, the core and IMS must perform
well and as mandated by the multi-domain nature of
VoLTE/VoWi-Fi. Furthermore, the need for cross-domain
analysis and end-to-end performance visibility makes
analysis of advanced voice calling even more challenging.

Building upon Actix Analyzer

Actix Analyzer is the industry’s leading desktop software
for drive test data analytics. Actix Analyzer builds on
this technology by harnessing drive test data to provide The solution leverages the following key Actix Analyzer
a hardware-independent, comprehensive foundation, capabilities:
enabling targeted, rapid, expert analysis of cross-domain
• Cross-domain VoLTE/VoWi-Fi analysis
VoLTE/VoWi-Fi performance.
• Device-to-device (D2D) calling analysis
• VoLTE/VoWi-Fi interoperability analysis
launched in
10,000+ 300+ • VoLTE health report (default version)
1997 licenses customers • End-to-end call flow viewer
file formats supported (approx) support for over • Pre-defined state views and

50 based only on
format type 350 based on
format type 50 • Cross-RAT call analysis browser query
and tech HW vendors • Screen layout template for detailed analysis of SIP
signaling and VoLTE call state
80% 30,000+ 100+ • Analysis of advanced voice calling customer experience,
efficiency gain attributes LTE/LTE-A
(data post-processing) networks such as call quality mean opinion score (MOS) or
incomplete calls (gone to voicemail)
#1 multi-vendor more than
desktop SW for
drive test data queries reports I events It also builds upon relevant engagements and Amdocs’
advanced, award-winning* Advanced Voice Calling

12 93% of used in

releases/ users
year solution.
satisfied with support
(2015 survey) continents

Actix Analyzer by numbers

*Telecom Asia Reader’s Choice & Innovation Award for Advanced Voice Calling Analysis 1
• Enhanced, cost-effective analysis of
advanced voice calling
• Faster identification and resolution of
issues that affect customers’ experience of
VoLTE / VoWi-Fi
• Peace of mind by relying on proven network
• Less time spent on manual VoLTE / VoWi-Fi
data manipulation and reporting Device-to-Device (D2D) analysis
• Reduced risk of subjective or inaccurate analysis
of VoLTE / VoWi-Fi performance
• Better MNO governance of vendors/teams who
provide VoLTE / VoWi-Fi analysis
• All the key benefits of Actix Analyzer including
no drive test equipment vendor lock-in

Building upon success since 1997, test equipment

vendor independence and the trust of more than
300 customers.

About Actix
Actix is a global leader in mobile network analytics
and optimization that was acquired by Amdocs
in 2013. Founded in 1991, Actix has offices in UK,
Germany, USA, Brazil, Australia, China, India, VoLTE-VoWi-Fi interoperability analysis
Malaysia, Singapore and UAE.

Actix is known for Actix Analyzer, the world’s first

multi-vendor desktop solution and the de facto
global standard for drive survey based mobile
network analytics. Actix is also known for ActixOne,
the industry leading RAN analytics and optimization
platform to cost-effectively plan, roll out, launch,
optimize and manage multi-vendor and
multi-technology networks.

Contact Actix
For more details, please contact: sales@actix.com
VoLTE Health report

© 2020 Amdocs. All rights reserved.

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