HP6622 Supply
HP6622 Supply
HP6622 Supply
* For instruments with higher Serial Numbers, a change page may be included.
Microfiche Part No. 5957-6380 Printed in Malaysia: September, 2001
Agilent Technologies certifies that this product met its published specifications at time of shipment from the factory. Agilent
Technologies further certifies that its calibration measurements are traceable to the United States National Bureau of
Standards, to the extent allowed by the Bureau’s calibration facility, and to the calibration facilities of other International
Standards Organization members.
This Agilent Technologies hardware product is warranted against defects in material and workmanship for a period of three
years from date of delivery. Agilent software and firmware products, which are designated by Agilent for use with a
hardware product and when properly installed on that hardware product, are warranted not to fail to execute their
programming instructions due to defects in material and workmanship for a period of 90 days from date of delivery. During
the warranty period Agilent Technologies will, at its option, either repair or replace products which prove to be defective.
Agilent does not warrant that the operation for the software, firmware, or hardware shall be uninterrupted or error free.
For warranty service, with the exception of warranty options, this product must be returned to a service facility designated
by Agilent. Customer shall prepay shipping charges by (and shall pay all duty and taxes) for products returned to Agilent
for warranty service. Except for products returned to Customer from another country, Agilent shall pay for return of
products to Customer.
Warranty services outside the country of initial purchase are included in Agilent’s product price, only if Customer pays
Agilent international prices (defined as destination local currency price, or U.S. or Geneva Export price).
If Agilent is unable, within a reasonable time to repair or replace any product to condition as warranted, the Customer shall
be entitled to a refund of the purchase price upon return of the product to Agilent.
The foregoing warranty shall not apply to defects resulting from improper or inadequate maintenance by the Customer,
Customer-supplied software or interfacing, unauthorized modification or misuse, operation outside of the environmental
specifications for the product, or improper site preparation and maintenance. NO OTHER WARRANTY IS EXPRESSED
The above statements apply only to the standard product warranty. Warranty options, extended support contracts, product
maintenance agreements and customer assistance agreements are also available. Contact your nearest Agilent
Technologies Sales and Service office for further information on Agilent’s full line of Support Programs.
The following general safety precautions must be observed during all phases of operation, service, and repair of this
instrument. Failure to comply with these precautions or with specific warnings elsewhere in this manual violates safety
standards of design, manufacture, and intended use of the instrument. Agilent Technologies assumes no liability for the
customer’s failure to comply with these requirements.
Only fuses with the required rated current, voltage, and specified type (normal blow, time delay, etc.) should be used. Do not use repaired
fuses or short circuited fuseholders. To do so could cause a shock or fire hazard.
Instruction manual symbol: the product will be marked with this symbol when it is necessary for the user to refer to the
instruction manual (refer to Table of Contents) .
The WARNING sign denotes a hazard. It calls attention to a procedure, practice, or the like, which, if not correctly
performed or adhered to, could result in personal injury. Do not proceed beyond a WARNING sign until the
indicated conditions are fully understood and met.
The CAUTION sign denotes a hazard. It calls attention to an operating procedure, or the like, which, if not correctly
performed or adhered to, could result in damage to or destruction of part or all of the product. Do not proceed
beyond a CAUTION sign until the indicated conditions are fully understood and met.
Instruments which appear damaged or defective should be made inoperative and secured against unintended operation until they can be
repaired by qualified service personnel
SAFETY SUMMARY (continued)
Any LEDs used in this product are Class 1 LEDs as per IEC 825-1.
This instrument is intended for indoor use in an installation category II, pollution degree 2 environment. It is designed to
operate at a maximum relative humidity of 95% and at altitudes of up to 2000 meters. Refer to the specifications tables for the
ac mains voltage requirements and ambient operating temperature range.
Symbol Description Symbol Description
Direct current Terminal for Line conductor on permanently
installed equipment
Diese Information steht im Zusammenhang mit den Anforderungen der
Maschinenläminformationsverordnung vom 18 Januar 1991.
* Schalldruckpegel Lp <70 dB(A) * Am Arbeitsplatz * Normaler Betrieb
* Nach EN 27779 (Typprüfung).
Manufacturer’s Declaration
This statement is provided to comply with the requirements of the German Sound Emission Directive,
from 18 January 1991.
* Sound Pressure Lp <70 dB(A) * At Operator Position * Normal Operation
* According to EN 27779 (Type Test).
Section I Section IV
Section VI Appendix A
Figure Page
2-1 Agilent 6621A-6624 and 6627A Multiple Output Power Supplies, Block Diagram ………………………………………………2-2
2-2 Output Operating Ranges for Agilent Models 6621A-6624A and 6627A ………………………………………………………….2-3
2-3 GPIB Board, Block Diagram ……………………………………………………….…………………………………………………2-6
2-4 Outpot Board, Secondary Interface Circuits, Block Diagram………………………………………………………………………..2-9
2-5 Outpot Board, Power Mesh and Control Circuits, Block …………………………………………………………………………..2-12
2-6 Voltage and Current Control Circuits, Simplified Schematic ……………………………………………………………………2-13
2-7 Typical Output Range Characteristics ……………………………………………………………………………………………….2-15
2-8 Typical Downprogramming Characteristics Below 2.0 V …………………………………………………………………………2-16
2-9 Overvoltage Protection Circuits, Block Diagram……………………………………………………………………………………2-18
3-1 Operating Ranges Available in Models 6621A-6624A and 6627A ………………………………………………………………….3-3
3-2 Current Monitoring Resistor Setup …………………………………………………………………………………………………….3-4
3-3 Basic Test Setup…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..3-5
3-4 Down Programming Speed Test Setup ………………………………………………………………………………………………..3-7
3-5 CV Down Programming Speed Test Waveforms …………………………………………………………………………………….3-7
3-6 CV UP Programming Speed Test Setup ……………………………………………………………………………………………….3-7
3-7 CV Up Programming Speed Test Waveforms………………………………………………………………………………………...3-8
3-8 Transient Recovery Time Test Setup …………………………………………………………………………………………………..3-9
3-9 Transient Response Waveform …………………………………………………………………………………………………………3-9
3-10 Fixed OV Protection Tea Setup…………………………………………………………………………………………………………3-9
3-11 OV External Trip Test Connections…………………………………………………………………………………………………...3-10
3-12 Negative Current Limit (-CC) Readback Accuracy …………………………………………………………………………………3-12
4-1 Agilent 6621A-6624A and 6627A Multiple Output Supplies, Assembly Locations ………………………………………………4-3
4-2 GPIB Board, Fuse and Test Point Locations ………………………………………………………………………………………….4-7
4-3 40WLV Output Board, Fuse and Test Point Locations …………………………………………………………………………….4-8
4-4 40WHV Output Board, Fuse end Test Point Locations……………………………………………………………………………..4-10
4-5 80WLV/80WHV Output Boards, Fuse and Test Point Locations ……………………………………………………………….4-11
4-6 Initial Troubleshooting and Board Isolation…………………………………………………………………………………………4-15
4-7 GPIB Board and Front Panel Troubleshooting ……………………………………………………………………………………..4-17
4-8 Signature Analysis Test Setup ………………………………………………………………………………………………………...4-19
4-9 Output Board Troubleshooting ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….4-31
4-10 Low Voltage Output Board Waveforms During Self Exercise Routine…………………………………………………………...4-37
4-11 High Voltage Output Board Waveforms During Self Exercise Routine…………………………………………………………..4-39
4-12 DAC Amplifier Circuit Troubleshooting …………………………………………………………………………………………….4-41
4-13 Overvoltage Troubleshooting …………………………………………………………………………………………………………4-42
4-14 Output Held Low Troubleshooting…………………………………………………………………………………………………...4-44
4-15 Output Held High Troubleshooting ………………………………………………………………………………………………….4-47
4-16 OV Circuit Will Not Trip Troubleshooting…………………………………………………………………………………………..4-48
4-17 Signal Processor U327, Overvoltage Circuit, Schematic Simplified……………………………………………………………….4-53
4-18 Signal Processor U327, Power-On/Start-Up Circuit, Schematic Simplified ……………………………………………………...4-53
4-19 Signal Processor U327, Status Monitor Circuit, Simplified Schematic ……………………………………………………………4-57
4-20 Status Problems Troubleshooting ………………………………….………………………………………………………………...4-58
6-1 Power Distribution Schematic …………………………………………………………………………………………….……………6-5
6-2 GPIB Board, Component Location …...………………………………………………………………………………………………...6-7
6-2 GPIB Board, Schematic Diagram …………………………………………………………………………………………………….....6-8
6-3 Output 1 & 2 Board, Component Location ………………………………….………………………………………………………...6-9
6-3 Output 1 & 2 Board, Schematic Diagram …………………………………….……………………………………………………..6-10
6-4 Output 3 & 4 Board, Component Location ………………………………….……………………………………………………….6-15
6-4 Output 3 & 4 Board, Schematic Diagram …………………………………….…………………………………………………….6-16
6-5 Output 1 & 2 80W Board, Component Location …………………………….………………………………………………………6-25
6-5 Output 1 & 2 80W Board, Schematic Diagram ……………………………….……………………………………………………...6-26
Table Page
Section I
This manual contains principles of operation, verification, Replaceable Parts: Section V provides a listing of
and troubleshooting information for the power supply. replaceable parts for all electronic components and
Replaceable parts lists and circuit diagrams are also mechanical assemblies.
provided. Installation, operation, programming, and
calibration procedures as well as detailed specifications are Circuit Diagrams: Section VI contains functional schematics
given in a separate Operating Manual, Agilent Part No. and component location diagrams. The names that appear
5957-6377. on the functional schematics also appear on the block
diagrams in Section II. Thus, the descriptions in Section II
can be correlated with both the block diagrams and the
Wherever applicable, the service instructions given in this schematics.
manual refer to pertinent information provided in the
Operating Manual. The information in each manual covers Logic Symbology: Appendix A gives a brief description of
all five models, 6621A-6624A and 6627A. The main the logic symbols used on the functional schematics.
differences between the models are the number and type of
outputs each model contains. These differences are specified Fault Indicator (FLT) and Remote inhibit (INH): A fault
in each of the manuals. indicator and remote inhibit circuit, which provide
additional shutdown protection should either the GPIB
The following is a listing of the information contained in and/or controller fail, are available optionally. See a
this manual with a brief description concerning its scope separate document entitled, "Appendix E Option 750
and purpose. Operating Instructions" for the Multiple Output Linear
System DC Power Supply Agilent Models 6621A-6624A and
Principles of Operation: Section II provides block diagram 6627A (Agilent P/N 5957-6372).
level descriptions of the supply's circuits. The GPIB
interface (digital circuits), the power control (analog and Computer Interface Intermediate Language (CIIL): Control
digital circuits), and power output (analog circuits) are Interface Intermediate Language (CIIL) programming
described. These descriptions are intended as an aid in capabilities (Option 700) are also available as an option. A
troubleshooting. separate document entitled, Supplies Option 700" (Agilent
P/N 5957-6371)" describes the CIIL option.
Verification: Section III contains test procedures that check
the operation of the supply to ensure that it meets the 1-2 SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS
specifications given in Section I of the Operating manual.
This product is a Safety Class 1 instrument, which means
Troubleshooting: Section IV contains board level that it is provided with a protective earth terminal. The
troubleshooting procedures to isolate a malfunction to a instrument and this manual should be reviewed for safety
defective board (GPIB or output board) or assembly (front markings and instructions before operation. Refer to the
panel, power transformer, or cable assembly). Additional Safety Summary page at the beginning of this manual for a
troubleshooting procedures are provided to isolate the fault summary of general safety information. Safety information
to a defective component on the board. Board and assembly for specific procedures is located at appropriate places in the
level removal and replacement procedures are also given in manual.
this section.
Agilent Technologies instruments are identified by a two-
Calibration is generally required after a repair is made. part serial number, i.e. 2601A-00101. The first part of the
Software calibration procedures are given in Appendix A
serial number (the prefix) is a number/letter combination
of the Operating Manual. After calibration is completed,
perform the applicable test(s) given in Section III of this that denotes either the date of manufacture or the date of a
manual to ensure that the supply meets all specifications. significant design change. It also indicates the country of
manufacture. The first two digits indicate the year (25
=1985, 26 =1986, etc), the second two digits indicate the
week, and the "A" designates the U.S.A. The second part of described in this manual. The yellow change sheet may also
the serial number is a different sequential number assigned contain information for correcting errors in the manual.
to each instrument.
If the serial number prefix on your power supply differs
from that shown on the title page of this manual, a yellow The Read Only Memory (ROM) chip inside of your supply
Manual Change sheet, supplied with the manual, defines is identified with a label that specifies the revision of the
the differences between your supply and the supply supply's firmware, see paragraph 4-24.
Section II
2-1 INTRODUCTION user and the multiple outputs of the power supply. Each
output board is actually an output channel that can be
The following paragraphs provide block diagram level individually selected and controlled over the GPIB or from
descriptions of the power supply. Differences between the the supply's front panel. The GPIB board interprets
models are given as required. The descriptions provide a commands from the GPIB or from the front panel to control
basic understanding of circuit operation and are intended as the selected output. The GPIB board also processes
an aid in troubleshooting. It is assumed in the following measurement and status data received from the output
discussions that you are familiar with the operating and boards. This data may be read back to the controller over
programming instructions presented in the Operating the GPIB and/or displayed on the supply's front panel.
Manual (Agilent Part No. 5957-6377). Also, each output board can be individually calibrated over
the GPIB using calibration commands (See Appendix A in
Operating Manual). Correction factors are calculated during
2-2 OVERALL BLOCK DIAGRAM calibration and are stored in non-volatile memory on the
DESCRIPTION (FIGURE 2-1) GPIB board. The GPIB board is described in greater detail in
paragraph 2-7.
Figure 2-1 is a block diagram that illustrates the major
assemblies contained within the power supply. As shown in 2-5 Front Panel
the figure, each supply includes ac input circuits, an GPIB
board, front panel display and keyboard, and two or more Most of the remote operations that can be performed via the
output boards. GPIB can also be performed from the supply's front panel.
In addition to the ON/OFF switch already mentioned, the
front panel contains an LCD display and a keypad. The LCD
2-3 AC Input Circuit display consists of an alphanumeric display and status
annunciators. The LCD normally displays the measured
The ac input circuit consists of a line module on the rear output voltage and current of the selected output. When
panel of the supply, front panel ON/OFF switch S1, power programming an output from the front panel keypad, the
transformer (T1), located in the front of the chassis, and a selected output channel, the function being programmed,
cooling fan located in the rear of the chassis. The line and the present value will be displayed. The annunciators
module contains a voltage selector card that selects the indicate which output channel has been selected and give
applicable ac input voltage: 100 Vac, 120 Vac, 220 Vac, or GPIB power supply status information. The keypad allows
240 Vac. The voltage card selection must match the nominal control of the supply's system functions as well as
line voltage that is connected to the unit. The line module individual control of each output channel. Detailed
also contains the main fuse F1. An 8 A fuse (normal blow) instructions on using the front panel's display and keypad
must be installed for a 100/120 VAC input; a 4 A fuse are given in the Operating Manual.
(normal blow) must be installed for a 220/240 Vac input.
The ac input is applied to the power transformer when S1 is 2-6 Output Boards
ON. Depending on the line module setting, the 120 VAC
cooling fan either runs directly from the line or from the Each power supply model contains two or more (up to four)
appropriate transformer tap. The power transformer output boards. The output combinations that correspond to
provides the main ac inputs to the output boards and also each model are shown in Figure 2-1. Each isolated output
provides the ac inputs for the bias voltage supplies located can supply power in two ranges as shown in Figure 2-2.
on the GPIB board and each output board. Ac power This flexibility allows you to use the same output to power
distribution is shown in detail in figure 6-1 in the rear of this loads with different voltage and current requirements. The
manual. output ranges and operating characteristics of each output
are described in greater detail in Section IV of the Operating
2-4 GPIB Board Manual.
The GPIB board contains the GPIB interface, system As shown in Figure 2-1, each output board contains a
microcomputer, output boards interface, and front panel rectifier/filter, power module, control circuit, secondary
interface. These circuits provide the interface between the interface circuit, and bias supplies. Note that each 80 W
output board has two power modules connected in parallel.
The ac input to each output board is rectified, filtered, and The functional names on the block diagram correspond with
applied to the power module regulator. Each output board those on the schematic so that the diagrams can be
employs series regulation techniques. The regulator element correlated. As shown in Figure 2-3, the major circuits consist
is connected in series with the load and operates in the of the GPIB interface, the system micro-computer, the
linear region (between saturation and cutoff) of the output boards interface, and the front panel interface circuit.
transistor characteristic curve. Regulation is achieved by
varying the conduction of the series element in response to 2-8 GPIB Interface
changes in the line voltage or the load. The constant voltage
CV control circuit compares the voltage at the output with a These circuits consist of the GPIB bus connector (J201),
reference voltage and generates a control signal which transceivers (U203) for the 8 data lines and 8 control lines,
varies the conduction of the series regulator to raise or and the GPIB talker/listener chip (U202). All GPIB (IEEE-
lower the output voltage as required. The constant current 488) functions are implemented by the GPIB chip which
CC control circuit compares the voltage at the current handles data transfer between the microprocessor and the
monitor resistor with a reference and likewise varies the GPIB, handshake protocol, and talker/listener addressing
conduction of the series regulator. procedures. The GPIB talker/listener chip is connected to
the data bus and appears as memory locations to the
The interface circuit on the output board receives digital microprocessor.
signals from the GPIB board and converts them to analog
signals (reference voltages) which are sent to the control The eight data lines (DI01-DI08) of the GPIB are reserved for
circuit to program the output voltage and current. for the transfer of data and other messages in a byte serial,
bit parallel manner. Data and message transfer is
The output boards can be commanded to send asynchronous, coordinated by the three handshake lines
measurement and status data back to the GPIB controller (DAV, NRFD, and NDAC). The power supply can be a
and/or to the display on the front panel. The data is sent talker or a listener on the GPIB. The controller dictates the
back via the secondary interface circuit and the appropriate role of an GPIB device by setting the ATN (attention) line
circuits on the GPIB board. true and sending talk or listen addresses on the data lines
(DI01-DI08). The power supply's GPIB address is stored in
The output board is able to sink current as well as source the EEPROM (electrically erasable programmable memory)
current. Current sink limits are fixed at values chip along with other system variables. You can find out
approximately ten percent higher than the maximum your supply's GPIB address by using the front panel ADDR
current source limit for the particular output voltage key as described in the operating manual. As shipped from
operating point. See Figure 2-7 for typical current source the factory, the power supply's address is set to 5. Any
and sink characteristics. The output board circuits are address from 0 through 30 is a valid address.
described in greater detail in paragraph 2-24.
There are five GPIB control lines: ATN, IFC, REN, SRQ, and
EOI (IEEE-488). When the controller sets the ATN line true,
2-7 GPIB BOARD (FIGURE 2-3) all devices on the bus must "listen" to the addresses and
universal commands placed on the bus. When ATN is false,
Figure 2-3 illustrates the major circuits and signal flow on only devices that are addressed will actively send or receive
the GPIB board. Complete circuit details are shown on the data. All unaddressed devices will ignore the data lines
functional schematic, Figure 6-2, in the rear of this manual. when ATN is false.
2-9 System Micro-Computer looks like a 16-bit counter that continuously rolls over and
The system micro-computer decodes and executes all starts at zero. The contents of each address appear
instructions, and controls all data transfers. It consists of a sequentially on the data bus (other side of the break).In
microprocessor, an address decoder, RAM and ROM addition, for all signature analysis tests, jumper W201 must
memories, data buffers/latches, and a real time clock as be moved from the NORM RUN position to the SIG
shown in Figure 2-3. ANALYSIS position (see paragraph 4-23).
2-10 Microprocessor and Clock Circuits. These circuits 2-13 Address Bus and Address Decoder. The
contain a high performance 8-bit microprocessor (U201) and microprocessor has 16 address lines (A0-A15) allowing it to
associated clock circuits. The microprocessor operates on a 1 address 65,536 locations. The address decoder (U208) allows
MHz cycle, which it derives from__a 4 MHz ceramic each addressable circuit to look at a shorter address. The
____ ____
resonator oscillator(Y201).The 1 MHz Q signal is generated chip select signals ( CSO - CS8 )are decoded from the higher
by the microprocessor for use by the other circuits. order address lines (A12-A15). When a data buffer's CS is
decoded, it places its data on the data bus lines. When a data
A 4 millisecond (approximately) clock signal, applied to the latch's CS is decoded, the output of each latch will be set to
microprocessor interrupt input, enables the microprocessor the logic state that is present on the associated data bus line.
to keep track of real time. This allows the microprocessor to If the chip select for the RAM (random access memory),
perform necessary tasks on a regular basis. The real time ROM (read only memory), or talker/listener chip is
clock signal is also used to keep track of the time that has decoded, the selected circuit will decode the lower order
elapsed since the output was last changed. This enables the address bits supplied to it on the address bus.
microprocessor to determine if a CV/CC mode change
occurred before the selected time delay (see 2-14 Memory(ROM and RAM). The system microcomputer
Reprogramming Delay discussion in Section V of the contains both ROM (U206) and RAM (U207) devices. The 16
Operating Manual). The microprocessor inhibits the OCP K non-volatile ROM contains the operating program and
function until the delay is over. parameters. The 2 K static RAM stores variables voltage to
be programmed, output current readback, etc. A third
The microprocessor also uses the 4 millisecond clock to memory chip, shown in the output boards interface block of
determine when to refresh the front panel display and to Figure 2-3,is the EEPROM (electrically erasable pro-
perform other regularly scheduled jobs. grammable memory). The EEPROM (U221) stores all of the
__ system constants including calibration constants, the
The R/ W (read/write) output from the microprocessor supply's GPIB address, and model number (see paragraph
indicates the direction of flow on the data__bus, either to or 2-19).
from the microprocessor. A low level R/ W signal indicates
that the microprocessor
__ is writing data onto the data bus. A 2-15 Real Time Clock. The real time clock (U209) consists
high level R/ W signal indicates that the microprocessor is of a 14-stage ripple counter that divides the 1 MHz Q clock
reading data that was placed on the bus by the addressed signal from the microprocessor to produce a pulse every 4
circuit. The microprocessor uses the address decoder circuit milliseconds. The real-time clock is used by the
and the address bus to specify the data transfer locations. microprocessor ______________
to schedule regular jobs as described
Addresses are valid on the rising edge of the Q signal. previously. The TIMER ENABLE signal resets the counter to
2-11 Data Bus Latches (U217) and Buffers (U216). The
timing sequence of the microprocessor is such that the 2-16 Output Boards Interface This circuit provides the
circuits providing data for the microprocessor are de- interface between the system microcomputer and each of
selected (address disappears) before the microprocessor can the output boards (up to 4) in the power supply. Data is
read the data. The data bus latches (U217) latch the data to transferred serially one bit at a time between latches/buffers
be read by the microprocessor. The data is updated on every on the GPIB board and opto-isolators on the output boards.
falling Q pulse. Data put on the data bus by the As shown in Figure 2-3, the latches/buffers use data bus
microprocessor goes around the latches through buffers lines D0-D3 to send/receive data from the applicable
(U216). output. Data Line D0 is used for output board 1, D1 for
output board 2, D2 for output board 3 (if present), and D3
2-12 Free-Run and Signature Analysis Jumpers. The data for output board 4 (if present). A controlled and regulated 5
bus is connected to the microprocessor through a jumper volt line is also generated on the GPIB board to operate
pack (W202). For some signature analysis tests of the part of the opto-isolators on the output boards. In addition
microprocessor kernel (microprocessor, RAM, ROM), the to interfacing with the output boards, the latches/buffers
data bus is broken by moving W202 from the NORMAL interface with the 1 K bit serial EEPRO in which system
position to the NOP position (see paragraph 4-23). This constants are stored.
connects a NOP (no operation) code (free run) to the
microprocessor data inputs. The NOP code does not contain 2-17 Data Buffers. These 3-state buffers (U212) place the
an address for the next instruction so the microprocessor serial data from each output board and the EEPROM on the
goes to the next highest address. Therefore, the address bus supply’s system microcomputer data bus lines when chip
select CS3 is decoded. Serial data from output boards 1-4
appears on data bus lines D0-D3, respectively, and selected output board, the present function being
EEPROM serial output data appears on data bus line D7. programmed, a programmed message, or an error message.
Logic 0's will always appear on data bus lines D4-D6 when
____ The annunciators provide operating and status information.
CS3 is decoded because these buffer inputs are connected to The microprocessor uses the real time clock to determine
COMMON. All buffer ____outputs are held in the high when to update/refresh the display.
impedance state when CS3 is not decoded.
Data bus lines D0-D2 are fed to the 3 to 8 line keyboard
2-18 Data Latches. These stages (U213) are____ edge-triggered decoder (U211). The microprocessor successively drives
D-type flip-flops. On the rising edge of the CS2 chip select, each of the eight open collector outputs of the decoder and
the output of each stage will be set to the logic state that is monitors the four readback lines from the keyboard to
present on the associated data bus line. Data bus lines D0- determine which key was pressed. The readback lines are
D3 are the serial data input lines for output boards 1-4,
______________ held high until a depressed key pulls the line low.
respectively. Data bus line D4 controls the TIMER ENABLE
signal line to the real time clock circuit; D5 is the chip select 2-22 Data Buffers. These 3-state buffers place the keyboard
line for the EEPROM; D6 is the clock signal for the readback data on data bus lines D4-D7 when chip select CS4
EEPROM; and D7 is the data input line for the EEPROM. is decoded. As stated above, the microprocessor will use this
information to determine which key was pressed. In
The data that is transferred between the GPIB board and addition to the keyboard readback data on D4-D7, the front
the output boards (up to 4) passes through optical isolators panel data buffers
____ provide the following data on bus lines
located on each output board. D0-D3 when CS4 is decoded:
D0 - A logic 1 (Jumper W201 is not installed in the
2-19 EEPROM. This 1 K bit serial EEPROM (electrically Skip Self Test position)--tells the microprocessor
erasable programmable memory) stores the power supply's to perform the self test at power on;
GPIB address and model number as well as the constants or
used in calibrating the supply. The EEPROM (U221) is non- a logic 0 (Jumper W201 is installed in the Skip
volatile allowing it to retain the stored information after Self Test position) - tells the microprocessor not
power is cycled off and on. to perform self test at power on.
D1 - A logic 1 (jumper W201 is not installed in the Cal
Because the RAM operates faster than the EEPROM, at Lockout position) - tells the microprocessor to
power on, the stored serial data is read into RAM in the respond to calibration commands;
system microcomputer via data bus line D7, the associated or
buffer state, and the data output pin of the EEPROM. a logic 0 (Jumper W201 is installed in the Cal
Lockout position) - tells the microprocessor to
The EEPROM's 1024 bits of read/write memory are divided ignore calibration commands. This jumper
into 64 registers of 16 bits each. Each register can be serially provides security against unauthorized
read from or written to using data bus line D7. Input data is calibration.
received via a data latch and output data is sent via a data D2 - A logic 1 (this buffer input is hardwired).
buffer. D3 - A logic 0 (this buffer input is hardwired).
Data written to the EEPROM is stored in a location until it is All buffer outputs are held in the high impedance state
updated by an erase and write cycle. The CHIP SELECT and disconnecting it from the data bus when CS4 is not decoded.
CLOCK signals are used by the microprocessor to control
the EEPROM’s programming modes. At power on, the 2-23 Bias Supply and Start-Up Circuit
EEPON signal holds the EEPROM's CLOCK signal off to The bias supply (U218) provides + 5 V bias power to operate
protect against accidental data writes when power is the circuits on the GPIB board. The start-up circuit
initially applied. (U220,U222) generates the OPTO PON signal (delayed + 5
V) which is used to power the optical-isolators on the
2-20 Front Panel Interface output boards. The OPTO PON signal is initially held low
These circuits provide the interface between the supply's for approximately 100 ms to prevent the erroneous transfer
system microcomputer and the front panel (keyboard and of data at power on. The start-up circuit also generates
LCD display). The microprocessor uses the data latches PCLR (power clear) and EEPON (EEPROM power on)
(U210) and data buffers (U214) to transfer data between the signals when power is turned on. The PCLR signal is held
supply's system microcomputer and the front panel. low at power on to initialize the talker/listener and
____ microprocessor chips. The EEPON signal is held low at
2-21 Data Latches. On the rising edge of the CS5 chip select power on to disable the EEPROM clock. Thus, the start up
these D-type flip-flops will be set to the logic states that are circuit delays turning on the microprocessor and
present on the data bus lines. optoisolators until the bias voltages have stabilized. If the
line voltage drops after the unit has been turned on, the
Data bus lines D2-D7 are fed directly to the front panel start-up circuit will again generate the low level signals to
display to indicate power supply conditions. The LCD disable the interface and remove power from the supply's
display may indicate the output voltage and current for a outputs.
2-24 OUTPUT BOARD 2-28 CV DAC. The constant voltage (CV) 12-bit DAC
(U313) and amplifier (U315A) convert the digital input into
The following paragraphs provide block diagram level an analog signal (CV REF) in the range of 0 to -10 V. This
descriptions of the output board. The descriptions cover the signal is used as a reference voltage and is sent to the
four output board types (40WLV, 40WHV, 8OWLV, and voltage control circuits (see paragraph 2-43) to set the
80WHV). Differences between the board types are given as output voltage to the programmed value. CV REF is also
required. Figure 2-1 shows which output board types are sent to the analog multiplexer so that it can be measured
used in each model. during power on self test.
The descriptions that follow are divided into two main The 12-bit DAC internally formulates the 12-bit DAC data
block diagram discussions: Secondary Interface Circuits and from the 8-bit (D0-D7) data bus. Bits D4-D7 are transferred
Power Mesh and Control Circuits. The block diagrams into DAC
__ bit positions 0-3 when the microcomputer sets the
illustrate the major circuits and signal flow on an output DAC A/B signal low and bits D0-D7 are transferred into
board. Complete circuit details are shown on the output DAC __bit positions 4-11 when the microcomputer sets the
board functional schematic Figure 6-3 in the rear of the DAC A/B signal high.
manual. The functional names on the block diagrams
correspond with those on the functional schematic.
2-29 Current and Overvoltage DACs. These DACs__are
2-25 Secondary Interface Circuits (Figure 2-4) contained in a dual 8-bit DAC chip (U314). The DAC A/B
These circuits receive digital signals from the GPIB board signal determines which DAC receives the data on the data
and convert them to analog signals (voltages) which are sent bus. Bits
__ D0-D7 are transferred into the current DAC when
to the power mesh and control circuits to program the __ A/B is low and into the overvoltage DAC when DAC
output voltage, output current, and overvoltage. A /B is high.
Measurement and status signals are sent back to the The 8-bit current DAC (part of U314) and amplifier U315B
secondary interface circuits from the power mesh and convert the digital input into an analog signal (CL REF) in
control circuits to be processed before they are sent on to the the range of 0 to -10 V. This signal is used as a reference
GPIB board and then to the GPIB controller and/or the front voltage and is sent to the current control circuit (see
panel. The following paragraphs describe the interface paragraph 2-44) to set the output current to the
circuits shown in Figure 2-4. programmed value.
2-26 Microcomputer. This 8-bit microcomputer (U312) The 8-bit overvoltage DAC (part of U314) and amplifier
contains a CPU, ROM, and RAM. These internal circuits U315C convert the digital input into an analog signal (OV
process all data that is transferred between the GPIB board REF) in the range of 0 to -10 V. This signal is compared with
and the power mesh and control circuits on the output the output voltage and will shut down the output when the
board. GPIB board data is transferred serially via optical output voltage exceeds the programmed OV (see paragraph
isolators which connect incoming data to an input port on 2-32).
the microcomputer and outgoing data to an output port on
the microcomputer. The CL REF and OV REF signals are also sent to the analog
multiplexer so that they can be measured during power on
On the output board side, the microcomputer uses an 8-bit self test.
parallel bidirectional data bus to program DACs which
control the output voltage, output current, and overvoltage
setting. Various status and operating conditions are read 2-30 Analog Multiplexer. The analog multiplexer
back on the data bus. The microcomputer also generates (U323)selects one of eight inputs (0 to -10 V) to be applied to
address and control signals which are used by other the readback signal comparator for the A/D converter. The
interface circuits. The interrupt input to the microcomputer selected signal is determined by address lines (A0-A2)
is used in conjunction with analog multiplexer (U323) and which are received from the microcomputer. The analog
DAC (U321) to perform a succesive approximation A/D inputs to the multiplexer indicate the following:
conversion in order to readback output voltage and current
values as well as various test point voltages. COM - hardwired to common to reduce noise
when no signals are being sampled.
2-27 Address Decoder. This circuit (U320) decodes FUSE - output board's return fuse status
addresses sent by the microcomputer
___ ___ and generates the (read back during power-on self test)
appropriate chip select signal___(CS0 - CS3) to select which V READBACK - output voltage
circuit sends or receives data. CS0 selects the status monitor -I READBACK - output current (sink)
(part of U327) to send status data back to the
________ +I READBACK - output current (source)
microcomputer on data bus lines ___D0-D5. CS1-CS3 determine CV REF - voltage DAC output
which DAC will receive data. CS1 selects the CV 12-bit ___ CL REF - current DAC output
DAC, CS2 selects the + CC/OV dual 8-bit DAC, and CS3 OV REF - overvoltage DAC output
selects the readback 12-bit DAC.
The voltage readback buffer (U319C) provides unity gain for flops were reset. The STATUS RESET input line from the
the V READBACK signal and isolates the multiplexes circuit microcomputer resets the flip-flops.
from the CV control circuit (see Figure 2-5). The current _________
readback amplifier (U345) provides a gain of approximately The status monitor circuit
_______ _______also receives OV SENSE and
36 for the I-MON signal (0 to 0.25 V approximately) which THERM inputs. The THERM signal is received from the
comes from the current sense resistor (see Figure 2-5). The power module(s) in the power mesh (see Figure 2-5) and
amplified signal is an input (+ IMON) to the analog indicates when an overtemperature condition exists. Note
multiplexes and to the current readback inverter (P/O that when the microcomputer senses the overtemperature
U319D). The inverter slightly attenuates the signal and (OT) condition via data bus line D4, it shuts down the
provides the correct polarity to the analog multiplexes so output. This circuit resets automatically and restores the
that the current can be monitored (- IMON) when the output approximately 30 seconds after the temperature
output is sinking current (- current). drops sufficiently for safe operation.
2-31 Readback DAC and Signal Comparator. The readback The OV SENSE input signal indicates when the output's
DAC(U321), amplifier (U315D), readback signal comparator overvoltage detector circuit has been tripped and the output
(U324), and analog multiplexes (U323) along with the has been shut-down
_______ (see _________
overvoltage detector description
microcomputer (U312) form an analog-to-digital converter below). The THERM and OV SENSE inputs control the OT
(ADC) which monitors the output board signals sent to the and OV outputs of the status monitor. Note that the OT and
analog multiplexes. OV status____
are not____
held in____
flip-flops. All of status monitor's
outputs (CVO, + CLO, - CLO , OV, OT, and UNREG) are
The readback 12-bit DAC (U321) and amplifier (U315D) returned to the ____
microcomputer via data bus lines D0-D5
convert the digital input signal from the microcomputer to when chip select CSO is decoded.
an analog signal in the range of 0 to -10 V. The 12-bit DAC
internally formulates the 12-bit DAC data from the 8-bit Overvoltage Detector - This circuit generates the OV DRIVE
(D0-D7) data bus (same as the CV DAC described above). signal which shorts the output by firing the SCR crowbar
(within the power module) on the output if any of the
The output of the DAC and the output of the analog following conditions are present:
multiplexes are applied to the signal comparator. The 1. The output at the + V terminal exceeds the programmed
readback DAC, under the control of the microcomputer, OV trip point (OV REF). Note that the +I READBACK
successively approximates the value of the multiplexer's signal provides an offset to compensate for the voltage
output to a 12-bit resolution. Starting from the most drop across the current monitor resistor. The POV
significant bit, each bit is successively compared to the DISABLE signal inhibits the programmable OV function
multiplexer's output and is kept or discarded depending on from affecting the OV DRIVE signal.
whether its value is less than or greater than the 2. The voltage from the +V output terminal to the +S
multiplexer's output. Each comparison (successive terminal or from the -S terminal to the -V output terminal
approximation) is evaluated by the microcomputer via its
____ exceeds 1.5 V (applies to remote sensing only).
INT input. The microcomputer maintains a running total of 3. A trip signal is received on the output's OV terminals.
the approximations which, when complete, represents the 4. The output's fixed overvoltage circuit is activated.
value of the analog multiplexer's output.
Power-On/Start-Up - __________
At power-on, the output of the turn-on
2-32 Signal Processor. This special purpose IC (U327) comparator circuit( BIAS TRIP input signal to U327) is
processes both analog and digital signals to interface the initially low which holds the PCLR and ON/OFF signals
microcomputer with the power mesh and control circuits. low. With PCLR low, the microcomputer is held in the reset
The circuits can be functionally divided into status monitor, state. With ON/ OFF low, the power control circuits are
overvoltage detector and driver, and power-on/start-up held off preventing any power from reaching the output
circuits. terminals.
Status Monitor - This circuit consists of comparators to The turn-on comparator circuit (part of U325) monitors the
monitor the control loops, logic to decode these input lines, unregulated bias supply to determine if it is high enough to
and flip-flops to catch and hold changes. The inputs to____ the guarantee regulation by the three-pin regulators. The
____ comparators are the CV LOOP, +CL LOOP, and –CL medium rail voltage is also monitored to ensure that it is
LOOP signals from the power control circuits (see Figure 2- above the minimum level required for proper operation of
5). The outputs of the comparators are combined in logic the power module. When these two conditions are met, the
circuits which then go into____
____ the set inputs of_______
____ flip-flops which BIAS TRIP line is allowed to go high (approximately 0.7 V).
hold the
_______ status of CVO, + CLO, - CLO ,and UNREG outputs. Then, after a delay of approximately 0.3 ______
seconds (provided
UNREG is decoded if the output is not regulated by a CV or by an external delay capacitor, C346), the PCLR signal goes
CL control loop. high allowing the microcomputer to complete its itialization
routine and set the OUTPUT ENABLE line low.This allows
The flip-flops are set by any transition into a decoded state. ON/OFF signal to go high (+2V) enabling the control circuit
This generates a record of whether any of the conditions and current sources which allow power to reach the output
(CV, + CL, - CL, UNREG) existed since the last time the flip- terminals. Note that whenever the OUTPUT ENABLE signal
is high, the ON/OFF signal is low and turns off the control 2-37 Power Module Reference Voltage. When the current
circuit thus preventing power from reaching the output sources have been turned on, this circuit (P/O U340 and
terminals. U337) provides a reference voltage (about 2V above +V) to
the power module REF input. The REF input is used by an
If the line voltage drops below a minimum level, the internal control circuit that allows switching between the
comparator described above will shut-down the output low, medium, and high rails. The reference circuit includes a
(remove power from the output terminals) until normal line transistor (P/O U340) that turns on when the current source
voltage is restored. This resets the microcomputer and sets apply power, a programmable reference (U337) which
the output to the turn-on state. provides the reference voltage, and bypass capacitors C366
and 0367.
2-33 Bias Supplies and Precision Reference Voltage. The
bias supplies (U300-U303) generate the voltages required to 2-38 Power Module. The power module hybrid U338 (80W
operate the circuits on the output board. The precision output boards have two hybrids, U338 and U339, connected
reference voltage circuit (U318, U319A/B) operates from the in parallel) receives three unregulated DC voltage levels on
+ 15 V bias and generates the VREF outputs (10 V ± 0.5%) its high, medium, and low voltage input rails. The power
which is used by the DAC's and the control circuit. module contains series regulator stages, an SCR overvoltage
circuit, a down programmer, a built-in overtemperature
2-34 Power Mesh and Control Circuits (Figure 2-5) thermistor, and a reverse output voltage protection diode.
The power mesh circuit in the upper half of Figure 2-5
converts the AC from the power transformer to regulated Series Regulators - The series regulator stages consist of series
DC output power. The primary power control element is the pass transistors which regulate the voltage received from
power module hybrid. Note that the main difference the selected power rail. The power module automatically
between the 40W and 80W output boards is, the 40W output selects the proper input rail depending upon the output
boards have one power module (U338), while the 80W voltage required, For example, if the low rail is supplying
output boards have two power modules (U338, U339) current and the output voltage exceeds the low rail minus
connected in parallel. The power mesh circuit generates a about 2.5 V, the medium rail begins to raise the voltage on
constant voltage or constant current output under control of the BYPASS input and supply current. Finally, if the output
the control circuits shown in the lower half of Figure 2-5. In voltage exceeds the medium rail minus about 2.5 V, the high
addition to controlling the power mesh circuit, the control rail will begin to supply current.
circuits send measurement and status data back to the GPIB
controller and/or front panel via the interface circuits on the As stated previously, the conduction of the series pass
output board and the GPIB board. transistors is controlled by the +BASE DRIVE and -DRIVE
inputs. Normally there is about a diode drop between these
2-35 Rectifier and Filter. These circuits consist of two full- two input pins. The current sources drive the series
wave bridge rectifier circuits with filter capacitors connected regulator into conduction via the +BASE DRIVE input. The -
across the rectifier outputs. The proper ac voltage levels are DRIVE input from the base drive circuit (see paragraph 2-
applied to the rectifiers via secondary windings of chassis 42) controls the amount of +BASE DRIVE current that
power transformer T1 (see Figure 2-1). The rectifiers provide drives the series regulators in order to maintain a regulated
raw dc to the power module at three different levels (high, output. Any +BASE DRIVE current from the current source
medium, and low power rails). The return line for the that is not required by the series pass transistor to regulate
rectifier circuits is fuse protected. If this fuse opens, the the output is drawn away by the control circuit through the
power supply will fail self test, all outputs will be disabled, - DRIVE input via Q335. A level of current through Q335
and the error message "FUSE CH < n > " will be displayed that exceeds the +BASE DRIVE current can turn on the
(where n specifies the particular output board, 1-4). power module current sink transistors to sink output
current up to the negative current limit value.
2-36 Power-On Circuit and Current Sources. The power-on
circuit (U341A and Q319) is used to turn on the current SCR Overvoltage Circuit - The power module has an internal
source transistors and the bleed circuit (see paragraph 2-40) SCR whose gate input is capacitively coupled to the OV
which is connected across the output of the supply. The GATE pin. The OV GATE signal can fire the SCR for a
power-on circuit is activated when it receives the ON/OFF number of reasons which are descibed later under the
signal (2 V level) from the signal processor (U327). "Overvoltage Protection Circuit" paragraph. In addition
shorting the output, the fired SCR will cause the OV SENSE
The current sources (U336 on 40W boards, Q326-329 on 80W signal to go low signaling the microcomputer to program
boards) are a series of transistors connected to the high rail. the output to zero. The output will remain shorted and
When activated by the power-on circuit, the current sources programmed to zero until the circuit is reset. The SCR
supply a few milliamps to the +BASE DRIVE of the power circuit is reset when the POV DISABLE signal (OVRST
module and to the power module reference voltage circuit. command) is received by the OV reset circuit (Q320). The
The +BASE DRIVE, in conjunction with the -DRIVE signal condition that caused the overvoltage must be removed in
(see base drive circuit description below), controls the order for the circuit to remain reset. If the condition is not
conduction of the series pass elements in the power module. removed, the OV GATE signal will again fire the SCR and
disable the output. Note that in addition to resetting the
SCR, the OVRST command will program the output to the turned off. The bleed circuit is activated via the power-on
settings that existed before the OV occurred. circuit when the ON/OFF signal is high. The bleed circuit
maintains stability with large output capacitors under light
Down Programmer - Separate transistors in the power loading conditions and helps to keep the output impedance
module are used to sink output current and are capable of constant.
rapidly downprogramming the output voltage to about 2 V.
An external FET down programmer circuit (see paragraph 2-41 Sense Protect Circuit. This circuit (P/O U340 and P/O
2-46), is connected across the output to continue down U341) monitors the voltage from +V to +S and from -S to –V.
programming the output voltage below 2 V. If either of these voltages exceeds 1.5 V, the sense protect
circuit will generate the SENSE PROTECT signal which will
Overtemperature Protection - The power module also fire the overvoltage protection circuits and shut down the
contains an overtemperature circuit that consists of a output (see paragraph 2-47). This circuit prevents the output
negative temperature coefficient thermistor that senses the voltage from being regulated at a value higher than the
power module's temperature. When the power module's
________ maximum value for which it was designed.
temperature rises enough to reduce the THERM input
resistance to about 8 K ohms, the thermistor drops below 2.5 Notice also that the series combination of R509 and R487
V(approximately) notifying the signal processor that an comprise the "positive sense protect resistor" and the series
overtemperature (OT) condition has occurred. The signal combination of R512 and R483 comprises the "negative
processor then relays this information to the microprocessor sense protect resistor". In the case of open sense leads, these
which will shutdown the particular output with the resistors allow the power supply to effectively switch to the
overtemperature condition. The output will be restored 30 local sensing mode.
seconds after a safe operating temperature is reached. ____
2-42 Base Drive Circuit. When activated (ON/OFF is at
Reverse Output Voltage Protection Diode - The power module approximately 2 volts), this circuit (Q335 and U348)
contains a diode with its cathode connected to the provides the - DRIVE input to the series regulator and
COLLECTOR output and its anode connected to the power current sink transistors in the power module. The - DRIVE
module COMMON. This diode is essentially connected input determines how much drive current (+BASE DRIVE)
across the power supply's output terminals to protect the the power module will receive. The - DRIVE input is
output from having reverse voltages applied. controlled by either the voltage control (CV), current control
(+ CL), or negative current limit circuits ( - CL).
2-39 Peak Current Limit. This circuit Q321, P/O U340, and
P/O U341 (plus P/O U341 and Q325 on 80W output boards) The CV or + CL signal controls the base drive circuit via OR
quickly limits the amount of current through the series gate diodes CR351 or CR348 to generate the - DRIVE signal
regulator elements in the power module. It is activated in order to control the conduction of the series regulators in
when the output current exceeds the full scale value + about the power module and provide a regulated output. If the
75% in either the sourcing or the sinking direction. output is less than the programmed value, the -DRIVE
signal will allow more + BASE DRIVE current causing the
The series pass regulator in power module U338 is series regulators to conduct more and raise the output. If the
connected in series with an external resistor (R407). For 80W output exceeds the programmed value, the - DRIVE signal
output boards, the series regulator in the additional power will divert current through Q335 and U348 of the base drive
module U339 is connected in series with external resistor circuit and away from the + BASE DRIVE power module
R416. (see Functional Schematic, Figure 6-3 for details). The input causing the series regulators to conduct less thereby
peak current limit circuit for 80W boards includes addtional reducing the output. The voltage control (CV) circuit and
transistors P/O U341 and Q325 to monitor the current the current control ( + CL) circuit is described in paragraphs
through R416. When the voltage across R407 (or R416 for 80 2-43 and 2-44, respectively.
W boards) exceeds a diode drop in either direction, the peak
current limit circuit is activated and limits the conduction of When the output is operating in negative current limit, the -
the series pass transistor element or current sink transistor. CL signal controls the base drive circuit via diode CR354 so
This circuit reacts much faster than the + or- current control that the - DRIVE signal controls the conduction of the
circuits (see paragraph 2-44). current sink transistors in the power module. The negative
current limit circuit which generates the - CL signal is
When the peak current limit circuit is activated in the described in paragraph 2-45.
current source direction, not only will the conduction of the
series regulator be limited, but the current control circuit 24-3 Voltage Control Circuit. When the output is operating
(U346) will be quickly activated through P/O U340 and in the constant voltage mode, this circuit generates the CV
R405 to take control of the current limiting action. control and CV LOOP signals. The CV control signal is
applied through OR gate diode CR351 to control the base
2-40 Bleed Circuit. This circuit (Q341, R456, etc.), connected drive circuit in order to regulate the output voltage. The CV
from + V to - 5.75 V, provides a fixed current of about 15 LOOP signal is sent back to the secondary interface circuit
mA (30mA in 80W boards) through the series pass elements to indicate that the output is in the constant voltage mode of
in the power module so that they are never completely operation. The ON/OFF signal, received from the secondary
interface circuit, must be on (approximately + 2 V) in order secondary interface to indicate the magnitude of the output
to activate the voltage control circuit. voltage.
The voltage control circuit compares the output voltage to If the output voltage exceeds the programmed voltage, the
the programmable reference voltage CV REF to produce the summing junction S1 goes negative causing U347 to
CV signal. As shown in the simplified schematic of Figure 2- produce a positive going CV control signal. For this
6, the major components in the voltage control circuit are: condition, the base drive circuits will conduct more and pull
unity gain inverter buffer U352B, output sense inverting current away from the power modules + BASE DRIVE input
differential amplifier U352A, and CV error amplifier U347. via the - DRIVE input line. This will cause the power
The reference voltage (CV REF, 0 to -10 V) is applied to module's series regulators to conduct less and thus reduce
U353 which produces a 0 to + 10 V signal feeding into the the output voltage.
summing junction S1. The output voltage is monitored by
U352A which produces a 0 to -10 V signal that represents If the output voltage is less than the programmed voltage,
the output voltage magnitude which is also fed into S1. The S1 goes positive causing U347 to produce a negative going
0 to -10 V signal is also sent back (V READBACK) to the CV control signal. For this condition, the base drive circuit
will conduct less allowing more current to flow into the + resistor R408 is applied to summing junction S3 along with a
BASE DRIVE input. This will cause the power module's reference voltage. Based on this summing action, error
series regulators to conduct more and thus increase the amplifier U350 generates the - CL control signal which is
output voltage. applied through diode CR354 to control the base drive
2-44 Current Control Circuit. When the output is operating
in the constant current mode, this circuit generates the + CL Comparator U351 toggles the reference voltage between two
control and the + CL LOOP signals. The + CL control signal different levels. This is required because the output board
is applied through OR gate diode CR348 to control the base has two fixed ranges: a high voltage/low current range and
drive circuit in order to regulate the output current. The + a low voltage/high current range. Figure 2-7 illustrates the
CL LOOP signal is sent back to the secondary interface output range characteristics for the various output board
circuits to indicate that the output is in the constant current types. As you can see in the figure, a 40W low voltage board
mode of operation. The ON/OFF signal, received from the can sink up to 2.2 A when its output voltage is above 10 V
secondary interface circuit, must be on (about + 2 V) in and up to 5.5 A when the output is between approximately
order to activate the current control circuit. 2 V and 10 V.
The current control circuit compares the output current to a U351 constantly monitors the output voltage in order to
programmable reference voltage (+ CL REF) that represents provide the proper reference voltage to the summing
the programmed current value. This comparison produces junction of U350. If the output voltage is in the high range,
the + CL control signal. In order to make this comparison, the open collector output of U351 will be near ground;
the circuit monitors the voltage (I-MON) across current thereby dividing down the VREF voltage to summing
monitoring resistor R408. This voltage drop represents the junction S3 resulting in a lower sink current limit (- 2.2 A for
amount of output current. The I-MON and + CL REF signals a 40 W low voltage board). If the output voltage is in the
are connected through scaling resistors to summing point S2 low range, the collector output of U351 will be open,
for application to U346 (CC Error Amplifier) as shown in resulting in a higher sink current limit (about - 5.5 A for a 40
Figure 2-6. Based on this summing action, U346 generates W low voltage board). R476 provides a small amount of
the + CL control signal which is applied to the base drive positive feedback (hysteresis) to prevent ''jitter" at the switch
circuit via OR gate diode CR348 to control conduction of the point.
series regulators in the power module in the same way as
described above for the voltage control circuit. The I-MON 2-46 FET Downprogrammer. When the output is sinking
signal is also amplified and sent back to the secondary current and the output voltage drops below 2.0 V
interface to indicate the magnitude of the output current. (approximately), the down programming characteristics
(current sinking characteristic) are as shown in Figure 2-8
The current control circuit receives an input from the peak for each type of output board. The FET Downprogrammer
current limit circuit (in the current sourcing mode only) as circuit (Part of U351), connected across the output, senses
shown in Figure 2-5. When the peak current limit circuit (see when the output falls below 2.5 V (approximately) and
paragraph 2-39) is activated, it immediately limits the connects a resistor across the output to aid
conduction of the series regulators in the power module and downprogramming. Notice that in Figure 2-8 on the 40W
also notifies the current control circuit to take control of the low voltage graph, the 0.2 ohm slope relates to the saturated
current limiting action. impedance of the current sink transistors, the 7.5 ohm slope
is due to the resistor R457 in series with FET Q342, and the -
2-45 Negative Current Limit Circuit. This circuit provides a 0.015 amps at VOUT equals zero volts represents the bleed
limit to the amount of current that the supply can sink. The current in Q341.
circuit may be activated if a current source such as another
power supply (or energy storage capacitor) is connected 2-47 Overvoltage Protection Circuits. These circuits
across the output terminals and its voltage is greater than generate the OV GATE signal which fires the SCR in the
the programmed output voltage. power module and shuts down the output. Figure 2-9 is a
simplified schematic of the overvoltage protection circuits
When the output is in negative current limit, this circuit
________ which are comprised mainly of a fixed overvoltage sensing
generates the - CL control and the - CL LOOP signals. The - circuit (U354), signal processor U327, diodes CR356-CR360,
CL control signal is applied through diode CR354 to the
________ and pulse transformer (T301) that couples the remote trip
base drive circuit. The - CL LOOP signal is sent back to the signals that are sent/received via the + OV and - OV
secondary interface to indicate that the output is in the terminals.
negative current limit mode.
As shown in Figure 2-9, the main input to the overvoltage
As shown in the simplified schematic of Figure 2-6, the protection circuits is the OV DRIVE signal which is received
negative current limit circuit consist mainly of open from the overvoltage detector (P/O U327, see paragraph 2-
collector toggle comparator (part of U351) and - CL error 32). The OV DRIVE signal goes high to activate the OV
amplifier (U350). GATE signal which is sent via diode CR357 to fire the SCR
in the power module. The conditions which activate OV
The voltage drop (I-MON) across the current monitoring DRIVE are described in the following paragraphs.
Figure 2-7. Typical Output Range Characteristics
If the output voltage from + V to -V exceeds the signal can activate the OV DRIVE and shut down the supply
programmed overvoltage setting (derived from OV REF), regardless of the state of the POV DISABLE signal. As
the overvoltage comparator signal (OV COMP) will activate shown in Figure 2-9, OV TRIP is the output of a wired OR
OV DRIVE and fire the SCR provided that the POV signal can gate and can be activated by either the SENSE
DISABLE signal is low. The CURRENT COMP signal is PROTECT signal (as described in paragraph 2 - 41) or by the
included in the comparison to compensate for the voltage REMOTE OV TRIP signal. The REMOTE OV TRIP signal
drop across the current monitoring resistor and permit an can be generated by the fixed OV sensing circuit or by a
accurate comparison. The POV DISABLE signal is high only remote signal connected to the output's + OV and - OV
during power on and for a brief time during an overvoltage terminals.
Note that the OV DRIVE signal is also sent to the ± OV Fixed Overvoltage Sensing Circuit - The fixed overvoltage
terminals via diode CR356 and transformer T301 to either sensing circuit (U354) continually monitors the voltage
notify a remote circuit that the overvoltage circuit was across the output terminals. Because it is biased by the
tripped or alternatively to fire other output boards (up to voltage at the output terminals, it can be activated and
eight) by paralleling the external OV lines. The OV TRIP provide protection even when the supply is not connected
to the ac power line.
The fixed overvoltage sensing circuit will activate when it Remote Overvoltage Trip - Any output's OV can be triggered
senses a voltage that is approximately 120% of the from its ± OV terminals by connection to a remote device
maximum rated output voltage for the associated output. If (see Operating Manual) or another output's ± OV terminals.
the output voltage exceeds this threshold, the OV GATE By connecting the OV terminals of up to 8 outputs together,
signal is generated via diode CR358 and fires the SCR. Note an overvoltage shut down on any of the outputs will also
that the fixed overvoltage sensing circuit will also activate trigger the OV and shutdown the remaining outputs.
the OV DRIVE signal via diode CR359 (REMOTE OV TRIP).
The OV DRIVE signal then transmits the overvoltage As shown in Figure 2-9, the trip signal enters at the ± OV
condition to the ± OV terminals via diode CR356, and terminals and is coupled through pulse transformer T301,
transformer T301 as previously described. diode CR360, and the overvoltage detector circuit to
generate OV GATE through CR357 and shut down the
Section III
The tests should only be performed by qualified 3-7 Setup for All Tests. Measure the dc output voltage
personnel. During the performance o f these tests, directly at the + S and - S terminals of the output under test.
the output o f the supply being tested may reach Connect the output for local sensing and use adequate wire
voltage levels above safe levels. gauge for load leads as described in Section IV of the
Operating Manual.
3-3 OPERATION VERIFICATION TESTS Many of the test procedures require the use of a variable
load resistor capable of dissipating the required power (see
Table 3-1). Using a variable load resistor requires that
To assure that all outputs of your supply are performing
switches be used to connect, disconnect, and short the load
properly, without testing all specified parameters, perform
resistor. An electronic load, if available, can be used in place
the test procedures outlined.
of a variable load resistor and switches. The electronic load
is considerably easier to use than load resistors. It a. Turn off the supply and connect a digital voltmeter
eliminates the need for connecting resistors or rheostats in between the + S and - S terminals of the output to be
parallel to handle power, it is much more stable than a tested.
carbon-pile load, and it makes easy work of switching b. Turn on the supply and select the desired output
between load conditions as is required for the load (OUTPUT SELECT key on the front panel).
regulation and load transient response tests. Substitution of c. Program the selected output channel to zero volts by
the electronic load requires minor changes to the test sending the string:
procedures in this section. VSET < ch >, 0
d. Record the output voltage readings on the digital
3-8 Current-Monitoring Resistor. To eliminate output voltmeter (DVM) and the front panel display. The
current measurement error caused by voltage drops in the readings should be within the limits specified below for
leads and connections, connect the current monitoring the particular output type tested. Also, note that the
resistor between the - V and the load as a four-terminal display indicates the output current and the CV, RMT,
device. Figure 3-2 shows the connections. Connect the and ADDR annunciators are on. Note that the output
current-monitoring leads inside the load-lead connections current reading is approximately zero because there is no
directly at the monitoring points on the resistor element. load connected.
Prog. Accuracy Display Accuracy
3-9 GPIB Controller. Most performance tests can be Output (DVM Reading) (Front Panel LCD)
performed using only the front panel keypad; however, an 40WLV/80WLV 0 V ± 19mV DVM ± 25 mV
GPIB controller is required to perform the voltage and 40WHV/80WHV 0 V ± 50mV DVM ± 55 mV
current programming accuracy and readback accuracy tests.
The test procedures are written assuming that you know e. Read back the output voltage from the selected channel
how to program the supply remotely from an GPIB the GPIB by entering and running the following program:
controller or locally using the control keys and indicators on
the supply's front panel. Complete instructions on remote 10 OUTPUT 705; “VOUT? < ch > “
and local programming are given in the Operating Manual. 20 ENTER 705;A
40 END
f. Record the value displayed on the controller. This value
In the test programs that follow, the brackets < > should be within the DVM reading noted in step d and
indicate a number to be sent. The < ch > specifies the limits specified below.
the output channel number from 1 through 4. The Readback Accuracy
voltage and current values which are sent to the Output (Controller Display)
specified output channel are given in Tables 3-2 and 40WLV/80WLV DVM ± 20 mV
3-3. 40WHV/80WHV DVM ± 50 mV
* An output channel cannot be programmed to 0 amps. If the output channel receives a command to go to 0 amps (or any positive
current below the minimum programmable value), it will set itself to the minimum programmable value.
3-13 CV Load Effect. This test measures the change in d. Turn on the supply and select the output to be tested
output voltage resulting from a change in output current (OUTPUT SELECT key on the front panel).
from full to no load. e. Program the current of the selected output to the High
Range Maximum Programmable Current value and the
a. Turn off the supply and connect the output to be tested output voltage to the High Range Full Scale Voltage
as shown in Figure 3-3 with the DVM connected value (see Table 3-3) by sending the following strings:
between the +S and -S terminals, the Load switch
closed, and the Short switch opened. ISET < ch >, < 2.06, 0.824, or 4.12 >
b. Turn on the supply and select the output to be tested VSET < ch >, < 20 or 50 >
(OUTPUT SELECT key on front panel).
c. Program the current of the selected channel to the Low f. Adjust the load for the High Range Full Scale Current
Range Maximum Programmable current value and the value (see Table 3-3) as indicated on the front panel
output voltage to the Low Range Full Scale voltage display. The CV annunciator on the front panel must be
value (see Table 3-2) by sending the following strings: on. If it is not, adjust the load down slightly.
g. Record the output voltage reading on the DVM.
ISET < ch >, < 5.15, 2.06, 10.3, or 4.12 > h. Adjust the transformer to 6% above the nominal line
VSET < ch >, < 7 or 20 > voltage.
i. Record the output voltage reading on the DVM. The
d. Adjust the load for the Low Range Full Scale Current difference between the DVM readings in steps g and i is
value (see Table 3-2) as indicated on the front panel the source effect voltage and should not exceed 3 mV
display. The CV annunciator on the front panel must be (40WLV and 80WLV outputs) or 6 mV (40WHV and
on. If it is not, adjust the load down slightly. 80WHV outputs).
e. Record the output voltage reading on the DVM j. Repeat steps b through i for each output in your supply.
connected to + S and - S. Be sure to turn off supply before performing step b.
f. Open the Load switch and again record the DVM
voltage reading. The difference between the DVM
readings in steps e and f is the load effect voltage and
should not exceed 2 mV.
g. Repeat steps a through f for each output in your
* An output channel cannot be programmed to 0 amps. If the output channel receives a command to go to 0 amps (or any positive
current below the minimum programmable current), it will set itself to the mum programmable current.
3-15 CV Noise (PARD). Periodic and random deviations c. First, program the selected output to zero volts by
(PARD) in the output (ripple and noise) combine to produce sending the string:
a residual ac voltage superimposed on the dc output
voltage. CV PARD is specified as the rms or peak-to-peak VSET < ch >, 0
output voltage in a frequency range from 20 Hz to 20 MHz.
This test measures the rms and peak-to-peak noise on the d. Using Channel A on the oscilloscope, set the
output. volts/division switch to 5 V/div (40WLV/80WLV
outputs) or to 10 V/div (40WHV/80WHV outputs) dc
a. Turn off the supply and connect the output to be tested coupled and position the trace on the bottom horizontal
as shown in Figure 3-3 to an oscilloscope (ac coupled) line. Using Channel B on the oscilloscope, set the
between the +S and -S terminals, the Load switch volts/division switch to 50 mV/div dc coupled and
closed, and the Short switch opened. Be sure to keep position the trace on the bottom horizontal line.
the leads from the 50 ohm impedance matching resistor e. Program the output voltage in a loop which alternately
and the 50 ohm coaxial cable shield that run to the + S programs the output voltage between 0 and the High
and - S terminals as short as possible to avoid external Range Full Scale Voltage value by running the program
noise pickup. listed below. Refer to Table 3-3 for the High Range Full
b. Turn on the supply and select the output to be tested Scale Voltage value for the particular output being
(OUTPUT SELECT key on the front panel). tested.
c. Program the current to the Low Range Maximum
Programmable Current Value and the output voltage to 10 OUT 705; “VSET < ch >,0“
the Low Range Full Scale Voltage value (See Table 3-2) 20 WAIT 0.05
by sending the following strings: 30 OUT 705; “VSET < ch >, < High
Range F. S. Voltage >“
ISET < ch >, < 5.15, 2.06, 10.3, or 4.12 > 40 WAIT 0.05
VSET <ch>, <7 or 20> 50 GOTO 10
60 END
d. Adjust the load for the Low Range Full Scale Current
value (see Table 3-2) as indicated on the front panel
display. The CV annunciator on the front panel must be NOTE
on. If it is not, adjust the load down slightly.
e. Note that the waveform on the oscilloscope should not The tested output's CV annunciator should remain on at all
exceed 3 mV peak to peak. times while the test is in progress.
f. Disconnect the oscilloscope and connect an rms
voltmeter in its place. The rms voltage reading should f. Observe Channel A on the oscilloscope and adjust for a
not exceed 500 µV. stationary waveform by using Channel A as the trigger
g. Repeat steps a through f for each output in your source set to trigger on a negative edge. Be sure to
supply. trigger as close as possible to the time when the output
voltage just begins to fall.
3-16 CV Down Programming Speed. This test measures g. On Channel A, observe the output voltage transition
the time required for the output voltage to fall to 37% of the from the High Range Full Scale Voltage to the scope's
High Range Full Scale Voltage (time constant). Also bottom horizontal line. Look for a smooth exponential
measured is the time an output takes to change from full waveform with no "kinks" or aberrations. Perform a
scale to zero volts and settle within the specified voltage time contstant check by insuring that the output voltage
settling band (response time). falls to about 37% of the High Range Full Scale in less
a. Turn off the supply and connect the output to be tested than 250 µsec. (40WLV/80WLV outputs) or 750 µsec.
as shown in Figure 3-4. (40WHV/80WHV outputs). Refer to the Channel A
b. Turn on the supply and select the output to be tested waveform shown in Figure 3-5.
(OUTPUT SELECT key on the front panel).
h. Now observe Channel B on the oscilloscope while 3-17 CV Up Programming Speed. This test measures the
maintaining the trigger on Channel A as in step f. Note time required for the output voltage to rise to 63% of the
that the diode clamp, used in the test setup of Figure 3- High Range Full Scale Voltage (time constant). Also
4, prevents gross overload of Channel B (which is set at measured is the time the output takes to change from .4
50 mV/div) allowing examination of the "tail" of the volts to full scale and settle within the specified settling
exponential waveform. The output voltage should be band (response time).
within 20 mV of its final settling value on the bottom
horizontal line in less than 2 msec for 40WLV/80WLV a. Turn off the supply and connect the output to be tested
outputs and within 50 mV in less than 6 msec for 40 as shown in Figure 3-6.
WHV/80 WHV outputs. Refer to the Channel B b. Turn on the supply and select the output to be tested
waveform shown in Figure 3-5. (OUTPUT SELECT key on the front panel).
c. First, program the selected output's voltage to its High
i. Repeat steps a through h for each output in your Range Full Scale value (see Table 3-3) by sending the
supply. following string:
g. Program the output voltage in a loop which alternately c. Program the selected output's voltage to the Low Range
programs the output voltage between 0.4 V and the Full Scale Voltage value and the current to the Low
High Range Full Scale Voltage value (20 .V for Range Maximum Programmable Current value (see
40WLV/80WLV outputs or 50 V for 40WHV/80WHV Table 3-2).
outputs) by running the following program: d. With R2 disconnected, adjust R1 for 300 mA (for
40WLV/80WLV outputs) or 150 mA (for 40WHV/
10 OUTPUT 705;”VSET < ch >, < 20 or 50 >“ 80WHV outputs) as indicated on the front panel
20 WAIT 0.05 display.
30 OUTPUT 705;”VSET <ch>, .4”
40 WAIT 0.05
50 GOTO 10
60 END
± 100 mV. Repeat test by observing the scope after
turning off the supply.
d. Repeat the test (steps a through c) for each output in
your supply.
Fixed OV Test. This test verifies that the fixed OV circuit will
be activated when the output is about 20% above the High
Range Full Scale Voltage value.
Programmable OV Accuracy Test. This test checks the d. Note the display should indicate "OVERVOLTAGE" for
overvoltage (OV) programming accuracy. Taking the OV all outputs.
programming accuracy and the voltage programming e. Reset all outputs by turning the supply off and on
accuracy into account, the upper and lower limits of the OV again.
firing range for each output type are as follows: f. Repeat the above tests until all supply outputs have
been checked.
Output Lower VSET Nominal Upper VSET
for no OV OV Setting to fire OV
40WLV/80WLV 18.74 V 19.0 V 19.26 V
40WHV/80WHV 48.38 V 49.0 V 49.62 V
a. Turn off the supply and disconnect all loads and test
b. Turn on the supply and select the output to be tested
(OUTPUT SELECT key on the front panel).
c. Program the OV to 1 V below the High Range Full Scale
Voltage value: 19 V (40WLV/80WLV outputs) or 49 V
(40WHV/80WHV outputs). Send the following string:
e. Note that the overvoltage should not trip and the front
panel should display the programmed output voltage 3-21 Constant Current (CC) Tests
and no current.
f. Program the output voltage to the Upper VSET limit 3-22 CC Setup. Follow the general setup instructions of
specified above by sending the following string: paragraphs 3-5 through 3-9 and the specific instructions
given in the following paragraphs.
VSET < ch >, < 19.26 or 49.62 >
3-23 Current Programming and Readback Accuracy. This
g. Note that the overvoltage has tripped as indicated by test verifies that the current programming, GPIB readback,
the display showing "OVERVOLTAGE". and front panel display functions are within specifications.
h. Reset the output by setting the OV to the maximum An GPIB controller must be used for this test. The accuracy
value (23 V for 40WLV/80WLV or 55V for of the current monitoring resistor must be 0.05% or better.
40WHV/80WHV) and resetting the OV circuit as
shown below: a. Turn off the supply and connect a 0.1 ohm current
monitoring resistor across the output and a DVM across
OVSET < ch >, < 23 or 55 > the resistor (see paragraph 3-8).
OVRST < ch > b. Turn on the supply and select the output to be tested
(OUTPUT SELECT key on the front panel).
i. Check that the front panel again displays the c. Program the output voltage to 5 V and the current to
programmed output voltage and no current. the Minimum Programmable Current value by sending
j. Repeat steps b through i for each output in your the following strings:
VSET <ch>,5
External OV Test. This test checks the operation of the ISET < ch >,0
external OV circuit.
a. Turn off the supply and connect the OV terminals of all NOTE
outputs in parallel noting proper polarity. Figure 3-11
shows two outputs connected in parallel. An output channel cannot be programmed to 0 amps. If
b. Turn on the supply and select the desired (OUTPUT the output channel receives a command to go to 0 amps
SELECT key on the front panel). (or any positive current below the minimum
c. Program the output voltage to 5 V and the OV to 4 V. programmable current), it will set itself to the minimum
VSET < ch >, 5 value (see Tables 3-2 and 3-3).
OVSET < ch >, 4
d. Multiply the voltage drop across the current output is in negative current limit operation. It also checks
monitoring resistor by 10 to convert to amps and record that the negative current limit has two different values
this value (Io). Note also the current reading on the depending upon the output voltage.
front panel display. The readings should be within the a. Turn off the supply and connect the output to be tested
limits specified below for the particular output type as shown in Figure 3-12.
being tested. b. Set the external power supply to 5V and its current
Prog. Accuracy Display Accuracy limit to 1.5 times (approximately) the Low Range Full
Output (DVM Reading X10) (Front Panel LCD) Scale current value (see Table 3-2) of the output under
test. For example, if the Low Range Full Scale current
40WLV 80 mA ± 50 mA Io ± 15 mA
value is 2 A, set the external supply's current limit to
80WLV 130 mA ± 100 mA lo ± 25 mA
40WHV 50 mA ± 20 mA Io ± 4.5 mA about 3 A.
80WHV 70 mA ± 40 mA Io ± 8.5 mA c. Turn on the supply and select the output to be tested
(OUTPUT SELECT key on the front panel).
e. Read back the output current from the selected channel d. Program the selected output channel to 0V by sending
over the GPIB to the controller by running the the string:
following program: VSET < ch >, 0
10 OUTPUT 705; “IOUT? < ch > “
20 ENTER 705; A e. Multiply the voltage drop across the current monitoring
30 DISP A resistor by 10 to obtain the current sink value (Is) in
40 END amps and record the value. Record also the current
reading on the display. The readings should be within
f. Record the value displayed on the controller. This value the limits specified below for the particular output type
should be within the limits specified below using the Io being tested. Note that the CC annunciator must be on.
reading noted in step d.
Readback Accuracy Neg. Current Limit Display Accuracy
Output (Controller Display) Low Range Output V (Front Panel LCD)
40WLV Io ± 10 mA Output (Is= DVM Reading X 10)
80WLV Io ± 20 mA 40WLV 5.35 to 5.85 A Is ± 42 mA
40WHV Io ± 4 mA 80WLV 10.7 to 11.7 A Is ± 78 mA
80WHV Io ± 8 mA 40WHV 2.15 to 2.35 A Is ± 13.5 mA
80WHV 4.3 to 4.7 A Is ± 30 mA
g. Program the selected outputs voltage to 5 V and the
f. Read back the sink current from the selected channel
current to the Low Range Full Scale Current value (see
over the GPIB by entering and running the program
Table 3-2) by sending the strings:
listed in step e of paragraph 3-23.
VSET < ch >, 5
g. Record the value displayed on the controller. This value
ISET < ch >, <5, 2, 10, or 4 >
should be within the reading (Is) noted in step e and the
limits specified below.
h. Multiply the voltage drop across the current
monitoring resistor by 10 to convert to amps. Record
Output Readback Accuracy
this value (Io). Note also the current reading on the (Controller Display)
front panel display. The readings should be within the 40WLV Is ± 37 mA
limits specified below for the particular output type 80WLV Is ± 73 mA
being tested. 40WHV Is ± 13 rnA
Prog. Accuracy Display Accuracy 80WHV Is ± 29.5 mA
Output (lo = DVM Reading X 10) (Front Panel LCD)
40WLV 5 A ± 58 mA lo ± 20 mA h. Raise the voltage of the external supply up to
80WLV 10 A± 116 mA lo ± 35 mA approximately 12 V (40WLV or 80WLV outputs) or to
40WHV 2 A ± 23 mA Io ± 6.5 mA 26 V (40WHV or 80WHV outputs) as indicated on your
80WHV 4 A± 46 mA lo ± 12.5 mA
supply's front panel and note that the sink current (Is)
changes from the previous value to a value within the
i. Run the program listed in step e. Record the value
range indicated below.
displayed by the controller. This value should be within
the limits specified below using the Io reading noted in Neg. Current Limit
step h. High Range Output V
Readback Accuracy Output (DVM Reading X 10)
Output (Controller Display) 40WLV 2.25 to 2.55 A
40WLV lo ± 15 mA 80WLV 4.5 to 5.1 A
80WLV Io ± 30 mA 40WHV 0.9 to 1.02 A
40WHV lo ± 6mA 80WHV 2.1 to 2.5 A
80WHV Io ± 12 mA
j. Repeat steps a through i for each output in your supply. i. Repeat this test (steps a through h) for each output in
3-24 Negative Constant Current (- CC) Operation. This test your supply.
verifies the readback and display accuracies when the
g. Repeat this test (steps a through f) for each output in
your supply.
c. Program the current of the selected output to 1.9 amps e. Adjust the transformer to 13% below the nominal line
and the output voltage to 20.2 volts by sending the voltage.
following strings: f. Wait 30 minutes for the output to stabilize under these
initial conditions and then record the output voltage
ISET < ch >, 1.9 value.
VSET <ch>, 20.2 g. Adjust the transformer to 6% above the nominal line
NOTE h. Wait 30 minutes and record the output voltage value
again. The difference in the readings taken in steps f
This test must be performed with a resistive load only. The and h should be less than 5.0 mV for 40WLV/80WLV
use of an electronic load will invariably inject extra ripple outputs and 10.4 mV for 40WHV/80WHV outputs.
and may cause the CC RMS noise to be out of specification.
i. Open the load switch and immediately record the
output voltage reading.
d. Adjust the load resistor to about 10 ohms so that the
j. Wait 30 minutes and record the output voltage reading.
output voltage is close to 19 volts. Check that the CC
The difference in the readings taken in steps i and j
annunciator is on.
should be less than 5.0 mV for 40WLV/80WLV outputs
e. Note that the reading on the rms voltmeter should be
and 10.4 mV for 40WHV/ 80WHV outputs.
less than 10 mV (equivalent to 1mA RMS).
k. Repeat steps a through j for each output in your supply.
f. Repeat this test (steps a through e) for each output in
your supply.
3-32 Short Term Current Drift Test. This test measures the
change in output current within the first 30 minutes of a
3-28 Performance Test Record change in the line voltage or the load. Place the supply to be
tested in a temperature chamber or in a temperature
All of the performance test specifications for the power controlled environment such as a standards room.
supply listed are in Tables 3-4 and/or 3-5. Table 3-4 covers a. Turn off the supply and connect the output to be tested
the 40WLV and 80WLV outputs; Table 3-5 covers the as shown in Figure 3-3 with the DVM connected across
40WHV and 80WHV outputs. the current monitoring resistor, the load switch closed,
and the short switch opened. Connect the supply to the
3-29 EXTENDED TESTS ac power line through a variable voltage transformer
and adjust it for the nominal value.
These tests are similar to the Performance Tests except they b. Turn on the supply and select the output to be tested
have a much longer duration and are conducted with (OUTPUT SELECT key on front panel).
controlled temperature conditions. c. Program the current of the selected output to the Low
Range Full Scale Current value and the output voltage
3-30 Output Drift to the Low Range Maximum Programmable Voltage
value (See Table 3-2).
The tests are divided into two parts: short term and long d. Adjust the load until the output enters the CC mode
term drift. For all drift tests, place the supply to be tested in with the displayed output voltage slightly less than the
a temperature chamber or in a temperature controlled Low Range Full Scale Voltage value. The CC annuciator
environment such as a standards room. must be on.
e. Adjust the transformer to 13% below the nominal line
3-31 Short Term Voltage Drift Test. This test measures the voltage.
change in output voltage within the first 30 minutes of a f. Wait 30 minutes for the output to stabilize under these
change in the line voltage or the load. conditions and record the output current (DVM reading
X 10).
a. Turn off the supply and connect the output to be tested g. Adjust the transformer to 6% above the nominal line
as shown in Figure 3-3 with the load switch closed and voltage.
the short switch opened. Connect the supply to the ac h. Wait 30 minutes and record the output current. The
power line through a variable voltage transformer and difference in the readings taken in steps f and h should
adjust it for the nominal value. be less than the values given below for the particular
b. Turn on the supply and select the output to be tested output type being tested.
(OUTPUT SELECT key on front panel).
c. Program the current of the selected output to the Low Output Drift
Range Maximum Programmable Current value and the 40WLV 9.5 mA
output voltage to the Low Range Full Scale value (see 80WLV 19 mA
Table 3-2). 40WHV 6.2 mA
d. Adjust the load for slightly less than Low Range Full 80WHV 12.4 mA
Scale Current as read on the display. Check that the CV
annunciator is on.
i. Close the short switch and immediately record the f. Observe and record the output current reading
output current. periodically over an 8 hour period. The difference
j. Wait 30 minutes and again record the output current. between any two readings should be less than the value
The difference in the readings taken in steps i and j listed below for the particular output type tested.
should be less than the values given in step h for the
particular output type being tested. Output Drift
k. Repeat steps a through j for each output in the supply. 40WLV 3.6 mA
80WLV 7.2 mA
40WHV 2.64 mA
3-33 Long Term Voltage Drift Test. This test measures the 80WHV 5.28 mA
output voltage drift over an 8 hour period. Place the supply
to be tested in a temperature chamber or in a temperature g. Repeat steps a through f for each output in your
controlled environment such as a standards room. supply.
a. Turn off the supply and connect the output to be tested 3-35 TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENT
as shown in Figure 3-3 with the DVM connected across (TC) TESTS
the + S and - S terminals, the load switch closed, and
the short switch opened. These tests check certain temperature coefficient
b. Turn on the supply and select the output to be tested specifications with the supply placed in a temperature
(OUTPUT SELECT key on the front panel). controlled oven that provides an even temperature
c. Program the current of the selected output to the Low distribution. The temperature is varied over the supply's
Range Maximum Programmable Current value and the operating range and changes in output voltage and current
output voltage to the Low Range Full Scale value (see are measured. The supply is left in the oven for 30 minutes
Table 3-2). to ensure stability. Note that the test equipment,. e.g.
d. Adjust the load for slightly less than Low Range Full current monitor resistor, DVM, load, etc., is located outside
Scale Current as read on the display. Check that the CV of the oven.
annunciator is on.
e. Wait 30 minutes and record the output voltage reading 3-36 Output Voltage and Readback
on the DVM. Voltage TC
f. Observe and record the output voltage reading
periodically over an 8 hour period. The difference a. Turn off the supply and connect the output to be tested
between any two readings should not exceed 1.84 mV as shown in Figure 3-3 with the DVM connected across
for 40WLV/80WLV outputs or 3.4 mV for the + S and -S terminals, the load switch closed, and the
40WHV/80WHV outputs. short switch opened.
g. Repeat steps a through f for each output in your b. Turn on the supply and select the output to be tested
supply. (OUTPUT SELECT key on the front panel).
c. Program the current of the selected output to the High
Range Maximum Programmable Current value and the
3-34 Long Term Current Drift. This test measures the output voltage to the High Range Full Scale Voltage
output current drift over an 8 hour period. Place the supply value (see Table 3-3).
to be tested in a temperature chamber or in a temperature d. Adjust the load for slightly less than High Range Full
controlled environment such as a standards room. Scale Current as read on the display. Check that the CV
annunciator is on.
a. Turn off the supply and connect the output to be tested e. Set the temperature chamber to 30 degrees C and allow
as shown in Figure 3-3 with the DVM connected across 30 minutes for the output to stabilize.
the current monitoring resistor, the load switch closed, f. Record the output voltage on the DVM.
and the short switch opened. g. Readback the output voltage over the GPIB and record
b. Turn on the supply and select the output to be tested the value.
(OUTPUT Select key on the front panel). h. Increase the temperature to 40 degrees C and allow 30
c. Program the current of the selected output to the Low minutes for the output to stabilize.
Range Full Scale Current value and the output voltage i. Repeat steps f and g. Note the difference between the
to the Low Range Maximum Programmable Voltage values read before and after the temperature change.
value (see Table 3-2). The difference between the output voltage DVM
d. Adjust the load until the output enters the CC mode readings should be less than 16 mV for 40WLV/80WLV
with the displayed output voltage slightly less than the outputs or less than 40 mV for 40WHV/80W`HV
Low Range Full Scale Voltage value as read on the front outputs. The difference the readback voltage should be
panel display. Check that the CC annunciator is on. less than 21 mV for 40WLV/80WLV outputs or less
e. Wait 30 minutes and record the output current (DVM than 50 mV for 40WHV/80WHV outputs.
reading X 10).
j. Repeat steps a through i for each output in your supply. g. Repeat steps a through f for each output in your
3-37 Output Current and Readback Current TC
3-38 Negative Current Limit (-CC)
a. Repeat steps a through d of paragraph 3-33. Readback TC
b. Set the temperature chamber to 30 degrees C and allow
30 minutes for the output to stabilize. a. Repeat steps a through d of paragraph 3-24.
c. Record the output current (DVM reading X 10). b. Set the temperature chamber to 30 degrees C and allow
d. Readback the output current over the GPIB and record 30 minutes for the output to stabilize.
the value. c. Record the negative current limit value (DVM reading x
e. Increase the temperature to 40 degrees C and wait 30 10).
minutes for the output to stabilize. d. Readback the current over the GPIB and record this
f. Repeat steps c and d. Note the difference between the value.
values read before and after the temperature change. e. Increase the temperature to 40 degrees C and wait 30
The differences should not be more than those listed minutes for the output to stabilize.
below for the particular output being tested. f. Repeat steps c and d. Note the difference between the
values read before and after the temperature change.
The differences should not be more than those listed
Current below for the particular output being tested.
Current Readback
Output TC Spec. TC Spec. Negative Current
40WLV 10 mA 6.25 mA Output Readback TC Spec
80WLV 20 mA 12.5 mA
40WHV 4.2 mA 2.4 mA 40WLV 11.3 mA
80WHV 8.4 mA 4.9 mA 80WLV 22.6 mA
40WHV 4.4 mA
80WHV 8.6 mA
Section IV
j. Use a mildly activated rosin core solder (such as Alpha b. Spread the bottom rear of the cover slightly and pull
Metal Reliacor No. 1, Agilent Part No. 8090-0098) for back to disengage it from the front panel.
repair. The flux residue of this type of solder can be left c. Remove the top cover. Note that you can use the top
on the printed-circuit board. Generally, it is safer not to cover assembly as a support when you open the top
clean the printed-circuit board after repair. Do not use chassis in the next procedure.
Freon or other types of spray cleaners. If necessary, the
printed-circuit board can be brushed using a natural- 4-5 Gaining Access to Assemblies in the
bristle brush only. Do not use nylon-bristle or other Supply
synthetic-bristle brushes. Do not use high-velocity air
blowers (unless ionized). As shown in Figure 4-1, each power supply model contains
k. Keep the work area free of non-conductive objects such an GPIB board and at least two output boards. The output
as Styrofoam-type cups, polystyrenefoam, poly- boards are mounted on an upper chassis assembly and in
ethylene bags, and plastic wrappers. Non-conductive the lower section of the main chassis. The upper chassis
devices that are necessary in the area can be kept from assembly is hinged and its output boards are mounted with
building up a static charge by spraying them with an the components facing down. The output board(s) in the
anti-static chemical (Agilent Part No. 8500-3397). main chassis are mounted with the components facing up.
i. Do not allow long hair to come in contact with static- To gain access to the output boards, the GPIB board, power
sensitive assemblies. transformer, and other components inside the supply,
proceed as follows:
4-3 REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT a. Remove four screws located on top of the chassis near
the front.
The major assemblies within the power supply are b. Remove three screws from top left side and two screws
illustrated in Figure 4-1. The major differences between the from rear which hold the upper chassis to the main
models are the quantity and type of output boards they chassis.
contain. the 80 Watt Output boards are about twice the size c. Open the hinged upper chassis by lifting it from the left
of the 40 Watt Output boards. Figure 4-1 shows the board side. This will give you access to the components on the
configuration for each model. Component location diagrams output board(s) mounted in the hinged upper chassis as
and functional schematics for the individual assemblies are well as those mounted in the lower main chassis. Be
given in Section VI. Replaceable electrical and mechanical sure to avoid any cable snag when opening the hinged
parts for all models are listed in Section V. The following chassis.
paragraphs provide instructions for removing certain d. Place the removed top cover assembly under the
assemblies and components for which the procedure may opened upper chassis for support.
not be obvious upon inspection. Replacement procedures
are essentially the same as the corresponding removal 4-6 GPIB Board Removal
procedure except that they are performed in the reverse
order. Looking at the unit from the front, the GPIB board is
located on the right side with its components facing to the
left. Most of the components are accessible for test purposes
without removing the board from the unit. However, for
easy access it is best to remove the board from the unit. To
To avoid the possibility of personal injury, remove the remove the GPIB board, proceed as follows:
power supply from operation before removing the covers. a. Disconnect all cables. Note the routing of cables if they
Turn off ac power and disconnect the line cord, G PIB have to be removed since their position may affect the
cable, loads, and remote sense leads before attempting supply's ripple performance.
any repair or replacement. b. Remove two hex standoffs from rear which secure the
GPIB connector to the chassis. Retain the lock or flat
washers for reassembly.
c. Remove one ground screw from the top front of the
GPIB board. Retain lock or flat washers for reassembly.
Most of the attaching hardware is metric. Use of other d. Slide board forward approximately 1/4 inch to
types of fasteners will damage threaded inserts. When disengage the keyed standoffs.
removing or installing screws, use a No. 1 or a No. 2 e. Lift board out of chassis.
Pozidriv screwdriver.
4-7 40 Watt output hoard Removal
4-4 Top Cover Removal
Model 6623A has two 40 Watt Output boards located in the
The top cover must be removed to gain access to the
main chassis and Models 6624A and 6627A have four 40
assemblies inside the supply. To remove the cover, proceed
Watt Output boards; two boards are mounted in the upper
as follows:
chassis assembly and two are mounted in the main chassis.
a. Remove the four screws which hold the carrying straps.
To remove a 40 Watt Output boards, proceed as follows:
NOTE 40 Watt Output Boards
Before you can remove output 3, located in the main chassis, a. Remove the output board as described in paragraph 4-
you must remove the G PIB board. 7.
b. Carefully unsolder all 14 power module pins.
a. Disconnect all cables. Note the routing of cables if they c. Remove the power module and heat sink from the
must be removed since cable position may affect the board.
output's ripple performance. d. Remove four power module screws and retain all
b. Remove one ground screw located at rear of board near hardware.
terminal block. Retain the lock or flat washers for e. Wipe the heat sink surface to remove the old layer of
reassembly. heat sink compound. Apply a thin layer of new
c. Remove one ground screw located at extreme front of compound to the back surface of the replacement
board. Retain the lock or flat washers for reassembly. power module.
d. Remove two screws which hold the heat sink assembly f. Reassemble using the reverse of the above procedure.
to the chassis. These must be removed completely.
e. Slide the board slightly forward to disengage the keyed
f. Lift board out of chassis.
Before soldering the new power module/heat sink assembly to
4-8 80 Watt Output boards the board, be sure that the heat sink lies flat and securely
against the board. Use the long heat sink screws and M4
Models 6621A and 6622A each have two 80 Watt Output nuts to temporarily hold the assembly to the board while
boards; one mounted in the upper chassis and one in the
lower chassis. Model 6623A has one 80 Watt Output board
80 Watt Output Boards
which is mounted in the upper chassis assembly. To remove
an 80 Watt Output Board, proceed as follows:
a. Remove the output board as described in paragraph 4-
b. Use the same procedure outlined above but note that
Before you can remove the output board located in the main chassis (output for 80 Watt boards, U338 and U339 are a matched pair.
1), you must remove the G PIB board. Therefore, both power modules must be replaced if
either module fails.
a. Disconnect all cables. Note the routing of cables if they c. Note that if an insulator is present under the heat sink
must be removed since cable position may affect the assembly, be sure to align it properly as outlined in
supply's ripple performance. paragraph 4-8.
b. Remove two screws on rear of board.
c. Remove two screws located near the front of the board. 4-10 Front Panel Removal
Retain the lock or flat washers for reassembly.
d. Remove four screws which hold the heat sink assembly The front panel contains the keypad assembly, LCD display
to the chassis. These screws must be removed assembly, and the line switch. You must remove the front
completely. panel in order to gain access to these components. The LCD
display and line switch are replaceable components. On
NOTE some units you may have to replace the front panel if the
keypad is defective. To remove the front panel assembly,
If an insulator is present beneath the heat sink assembly, be sure to align proceed as follows:
all four holes in the insulator with the heat sink holes when replacing the
four screws. a. Disconnect the keypad and display ribbon cables from
P202 and P203 on the GPIB board. Ensure that these
cables are not pinched between the front panel and the
e. Slide the board forward slightly to disengage the keyed chassis when reassembling.
standoffs. b. Remove the grounding screw nut located behind the
f. Lift the board out of the chassis. front panel (upper right corner or below display). This
nut is accessible through cut outs in the chassis.
c. Remove the rack ears or vinyl trim from the sides of the To remove the AC line module, first disconnect all of the
front panel. wires from it (including the RFI capacitor). Then use a
d. Remove the two screws on each side of front panel. screwdriver inside the unit to press the mounting clip on
e. Slide the panel forward. one side of the line module and push (from inside the unit)
that side of the module slightly away from the chassis.
4-11 Chassis Mounted Components Finally, use the screwdriver again to press on the mounting
clip on the other side of the module and push that side out.
The power transformer is fastened to a mounting bracket by The module can be replaced simply by sliding it straight
mounting screws, flat washers, and shoulder washers. back into the mounting hole until the mounting clips spring
Before removing the attaching hardware, disconnect the into position securing the module. The wires can be
power cable leads at the transformer. replaced according to the AC connections shown in Figure
To avoid breaking the transformer tabs (lugs), do not Table 4-1 lists the test equipment required to troubleshoot
bend the transformer tabs. When disconnecting a lead, the power supply. Recommended models are listed.
pull the lead connector straight back from the tab.
When reconnecting a lead, push the connector straight
forward onto the transformer tab. Do not flex the leads
or tabs when making connections or disconnections. 4-13 FUSE REPLACEMENT
When replacing the transformer, refer to the label on the Table 4-2 gives the rating of the fuses in the supplies. The
transformer to ensure you reconnect the leads correctly. You clip mounted ac line fuse is located in the line module on
can also refer to Figure 6-1 which shows all AC connections the rear of the supply. The line module also contains a
schematically for each of the models. voltage selection card which must be set to the associated ac
input (100, 120,220, or 240 VAC). Section II in the Operating
The fan and fan guard are secured to the chassis by Manual (Agilent 5957-6332) explains how to change the line
mounting screws, flat washers, and nuts. Remove this voltage setting.
hardware, disconnect the ac connector on the fan assembly,
and lift the fan from the unit. The GPIB board has one fuse F201 as shown in Figure 4-2.
The 40WLV Output board and 40WHV Output board fuse
locations are shown in Figures 4-3 and 4-4, respectively. The
80WLV Output board and 80WHV Output board fuse
locations are shown in Figure 4-5. The fuses are shown
Be sure to remove the AC line cord from the unit before schematically in Figures 6-1 through 6-3 in the rear of this
attempting to work on the AC line module. manual.
The GPIB troubleshooting procedures in this section apply only to
earlier through-hole board assemblies. Surface-mount GPIB
assemblies are not repairable to the component level. If defective,
the entire GPIB assembly must be replaced.
problem to the GPIB board, one of the output boards, or to
4-15 Power-On Self Test
Initial troubleshooting procedures for the power supply are The power-on self test sequence performs tests on the GPIB
given in the flow chart of Figure 4-6. The procedures first board as well as on each output board in the supply. Table
ensure that an ac input failure is not causing the problem 4-3 lists the tests, the boards tested, and the error message
and that the supply passes the power on self test. The that appears on the display if a particular test fails. Note
normal power on self test indications are described in that two of the output board tests (the RAM and ROM tests)
Section III of the Operating Manual. are performed even when jumper W201 is installed in the
SKIP SELF TEST position of connector P201 on the GPIB
If the supply passes self test, the procedures check to see if board (see paragraph 4-16). The other eight tests are skipped
each output channel can be programmed from the front (not performed) if W201 is installed in the SKIP SELF TEST
panel and from the GPIB controller and if calibration is position.
required. If the supply passes all of these tests, you are
referenced to a table at the end of this section that lists If any board fails power-on self test, the OUTPUT ENABLE
various troubles and remedies not covered by the flow line (U312-22) is held high which keeps the ON/OFF line
chart. (U327-25) low. For this condition, the supply will not
respond over the GPIB and none of the output boards will
If the supply does not pass self test as indicated by a blank operate.
display, the flow chart isolates the problem to either an ac
input problem, a defective GPIB board, or a defective When W201 is installed in the SKIP SELF TEST position in
display. service connector P201 on the GPIB board, a circuit problem
that could have been detected with the self test will no
If the supply does not pass self test as indicated by a power longer cause the GPIB board to prevent the outputs from
on self test or ERR message, the flow chart isolates the operating.
Note that error number 22, SKIP SLF TST, is initially this position, error number 18 (CAL
generated when W201 is in the SKIP SELF TEST position. LOCKED) is generated if an attempt
This error is cleared when read. However, if an output is made to turn on the calibration
board fails the output board RAM or ROM tests which are mode (see Appendix A, in the
performed regardless of the W201 position, error number Operating Manual).
11, 12, 13, or 14 (HDW ERR CH < ch >) is generated and will
be regenerated after the error is read since the problem still SIG. ANALYSIS: This position is used to perform
exists. signature analysis on the GPIB board
for troubleshooting the GPIB board
Table 4-4 lists all of the self-test error messages that can (see para. 4-23).
appear on the front panel display when power is first
turned on. Each message is explained and a troubleshooting SKIP SELF TEST: This position causes the power
procedure is recommended. This table is to be used in supply to skip the power-on self tests
conjunction with Figure 4-6 and other troubleshooting flow described in paragraph 4-15. This
charts provided in this section. position allows the GPIB board to
attempt to power on all output
4-16 Connector P201 Jumper Positions boards in the supply even if one or
more output would not have passed
The GPIB board contains a connector (P201), see Figure 4-2, self test.
with jumper positions that are used for normal operation of
the power supply or troubleshooting. The following
discussion describes the function of each of four jumper
Exercise care when using SKIP SELF TEST on a
+5 V NORM RUN: This jumper position is used as the unit with output boards that are known to fail self
normal running position. The two test since the output may operate beyond its rated
pins on P201 that W201 connects in parameters. The output voltage may even reach full
this position are both tied to the GPIB scale voltage without being programmed.
board + 5 V bias supply. The jumper
is simply stored in this position when 4-17 ERROR Codes and Messages
not used in one of the other positions.
Table 4-5 lists all of the error codes and messages that can
occur when operating the supply. Each code and the
CAL. LOCKOUT: This position is an alternate to the corresponding message (if applicable) are explained and a
NORM RUN position and is used to remedy or troubleshooting procedure is recommended. This
ensure against accidental calibration table is used in conjunction with Figure 4-6 and other
of the power supply. With W201 in troubleshooting flow charts provided in this section.
4-18 GPIB BOARD AND FRONT PANEL 4-20 Post Repair Calibration
If the GPIB board is replaced or it is repaired by replacing
NOTE: the EEPROM chip (U211), each output in the supply must
The GPIB troubleshooting procedures in this section apply only to be recalibrated as described in Appendix A of the Operating
earlier through-hole board assemblies. Surface-mount GPIB Manual. Since the EEPROM provides non-volatile storage of
assemblies are not repairable to the component level. If defective, the supply's Model number and GPIB address, you must
the entire GPIB assembly must be replaced.
reassign these values before the calibration procedures can
be performed on the new (or repaired) GPIB board. The
Troubleshooting procedures for the GPIB board and Front GPIB address is set manually using the front panel ADDR
Panel are given in the flow chart of Figure 4-7. The key as described in Section III of the Operating Manual. The
procedures first ensure that the bias voltages for the GPIB supply's Model number is set as described in the next
board circuits and the Front Panel display are correct. The paragraph.
microprocessor clock, the RAM, and ROM circuits are then
checked. After these preliminary checks are made, signature
4-21 Setting the Model Number
analysis tests are performed as described in paragraph 4-22
to determine which component is defective.
At turn-on, the supply's model number and letter suffix (e.g.
Agilent 6624A) are read out of the EEPROM along with
4-19 Test Setup
other constants which are required to program the supply
The following test setup allows access to the components on correctly. The model number constant specifies how many
the GPIB board: and what type of outputs (e.g. 40 W or 80 W, etc.) your
a. Disconnect the line cord. supply contains and thus establishes the programming
b. Remove the GPIB board as described in limits for a particular supply.
paragraphs 4-3 through 4-6.
c. Place an insulating material on the chassis and lay The MODEL command is used to set the model number and
the GPIB board on top of the material. letter suffix of the supply. This was done before your supply
d. Reconnect all cables in their proper locations. left the factory. However, when you replace a defective
e. Connect the line cord. GPIB board or repair an GPIB board by changing its
EEPROM chip (U211), this setting may be lost and you must
set the model number using the MODEL command.
The GPIB board is connected to the chassis ground with one PC To assign a model number to your supply, the following
board screw and through the GPIB connector. When checking the short program can be used with BASIC installed in an GPIB
GPIB board with an oscilloscope, be sure that the scope's ground
controller. Note that in this programming example, it is
is connected only to a ground point on the GPIB board itself.
Connecting the scope ground to any other point on the GPIB assumed that the GPIB Interface address is 7 and the
board may result in damage to the supply. supply's GPIB address is 05 and your supply is a Agilent
Model 6624A.
NOTE 4-23 Test Setup for S.A
The MODEL command removes all calibration Figure 4-8 shows the general test setup for the signature
constants and substitutes default values. Consequently, analysis tests given in Tables 4-6 through 4-13. Note that
after the MODEL command is sent, you must recalibrate jumper pack W202 can be installed in either of two positions
each output. as shown in Figure 4-8. The following is a general
description of the test setup. Specific signature analyzer and
10 OUTPUT 705; "CMODE 1" jumper connections for each test are given in the applicable
20 OUTPUT 705; "MODEL 6624A" table.
30 OUTPUT 705; "CMODE 0"
40 OUTPUY 705; "CLR" a. Gain access to the GPIB board components as
50 END described in paragraph 4-19. Be sure that the power
supply is turned off before continuing with the
After sending the above program, wait at least 3 seconds for following steps.
the supply to complete initialization. Next, cycle the ac b. Connect jumper W201 in the SIG. ANALYSIS position
power to initiate a power-on self test and initialize the (across pins 5 and 6) of connector P201 as shown in
supply; then perform the calibration procedures outlined in Figure 4-8.
Appendix A of the Operating Manual. c. Short pins 1 and 4 together on connectors P205 through
P208 as shown in Figure 4-8.
4-22 Signature Analysis Testing d. Check that jumper pack W202 is in the proper position
specified by the particular S.A. test. Figure 4-8 shows
The easiest and most efficient method of troubleshooting two operating positions: normal run position and NOP
microprocessor-based instruments is signature analysis (no operation) position. W202 is a 16-pin jumper pack.
which is similar to signal tracing with an oscilloscope in To select the normal run position, W202 is plugged into
linear circuits. Part of the microcomputer memory is 16-pin socket J202. To select the NOP position, W202 is
dedicated to signature analysis and a known bit stream is connected between 8-pin socket J203 and pins 1-8 of 16-
generated to stimulate as many nodes as possible within the pin socket J202 (see Figure 4-8).
circuit. However, because it is virtually impossible to e. Set the signature analyzer START, STOP, CLOCK,
analyze a bit stream with an oscilloscope, a signature GND, and edge settings as described in the applicable
analyzer is used to compress the bit stream into a four- S.A. Test table.
character signature. By comparing signatures of the IC f. Turn the power supply on and use the signature
under test to the correct signatures for each node, faults can analyzer probe to take signatures at the applicable IC
usually be isolated to one or two components. test points (see Table 4-6 through 4-13).
g. Upon completion of the S.A. tests, remove short circuit
Signature Analysis (S.A.) Tests 1 through 8 (Tables 4-6 connections from pins 1 and 4 on P205-P208 And return
through 4-13, respectively) test most of the circuits on the jumpers W201 and W202 to their normal run positions.
GPIB board as well as the keypad and display circuit boards
on the front panel. The tests should be performed in 4-24 Firmware Revisions
sequence (i. e. Test No. 1, No. 2, etc.). Note that the
signatures taken for the ROM (S.A. Test No. 2, Table 4-7) The ROM chip (U206) on the GPIB board is identified with a
apply only to firmware revision A_02 (date 2629), see label that specifies the revision of your supply's firmware.
paragraph 4-24. Alternatively, if the GPIB board is operating properly, the
ROM? command can be used to query the revision date. As
The general test setup for S.A. tests is given in paragraph 4- stated in paragraph 4-22, the revision date for firmware
23. The following general notes apply to signature analysis revision A_02 is 2629; where 26 specifies 1986 and 29 is the
of the GPIB board. week number. The previous firmware revision was 1.01
1. Be certain to use the correct test setup. (2605). To query the revision date of the firmware (ROM) in
2. Note the signatures for Vcc (+ 5 V) and ground on the your supply, run the short program listed below.
IC being examined. If an incorrect signature is the same 10 OUTPUT 705;”ROM?"
as that of Vcc or ground, that point is probably shorted 20 ENTER 705;A
to Vcc or ground. 30 DISP A
3. If two pins have identical signatures, they are probably 40 END
shorted together. If two signatures are similar, it is only
a concidence. The computer should display the revision date; e.g. "2629"
4. If a signature is incorrect at an input pin, but is correct
at its source (output of the previous IC), check for Note that the signatures in Table 4-7 (GPIB Board S.A. Test
printed circuit and soldering problems. No. 2) for the ROM are for revision A_02 and will be
5. An incorrect signature at an output could be caused by different for different revisions. The signatures for the
a faulty component producing that output. It can also previous revision (1.01) are given in Appendix A in the back
be caused by an input short circuit in another of this manual.
component on the board.
Table 4-7. GPIB Board S.A. Test No. 2
Description: This test checks the ROM (U206) and the data bus to the output of the Data Latches (U217) in the system
Test Setup: Use the test setup described in paragraph 4-23. Connect jumper pack W202 in the NOP and set up the
signature analyzer as shown below.
Measurements: Use the data probe to take signatures for each circuit at the output pins listed below. These signatures
apply to the firmware revsions listed. Refer to Appendix A for previous versions.
Table 4-10. GPIB Board S.A. Test No. 5
Description: This test checks the GPIB Talker/Listener chip (U202) bidirectional data bus lines.
Test Setup: Use the test setup described in paragraph 4-23. Connect jumper pack W202 in the normal operating
position and set up the signature analyzer as shown below.
Measurements: Use the data probe to take signatures for each circuit at the input/output pins listed below.
+5 P201-1 7U39
U202-12 60U7
U202-13 183H
GPIB U202-14 060U
Talker/Listener U202-15 0183
U202 U202-16 0060
(Bidirectional Bus) U202-17 0018
U202-18 0000
U202-19 0006
4-25 OUTPUT BOARD TROUBLESHOOTING Immediately following turn-on, the RAM and ROM self
PROCEDURES tests on U312 are performed provided that the PCLR signal
from the signal processor (U327) goes High. Then, the self
Overall troubleshooting procedures for an output board are exercise routine begins. This routine runs independently of
given in Figure 4-9. This flow chart is used when a fault has the GPIB board which is ignored by an output board
already been isolated to a particular output board using the operating in this mode. During the routine, the display
board isolation procedures (see paragraph 4-14). The indicates “HDW ERR CH < ch > " as if that output board
procedures of Figure 4-9 will isolate the problem to a were defective. The self exercise routine is used in the
component(s) on the defective output board or will refer troubleshooting procedures provided on sheets 5 and 6 of
you to other troubleshooting charts (Figure 4-11 to 4-16) to Figure 4-9.
continue troubleshooting. Figures 4-10 and 4-11 illustrate
waveforms on the output card to aid you in
troubleshooting. Figure 4-12 provides troubleshooting
procedures when a problem has been isolated to one to the
DAC/amplifier circuits on the defective output board. The output voltage and current limit are repetitively
Figures 4-13 through 4-16 provide troubleshooting programmed to full scale values during the self
procedures for various trouble symptoms which may be exercise routine. Be sure that no load of any kind is
encountered. connected to the output terminals when operating in
this mode. Also, note that the POV DISABLE line
(U312 pin 23) is High which disables the
In addition to the troubleshooting flow charts described
programmable OV the fixed overvoltage circuit can
above, subsequent paragraphs in this section contain special
still operate).
troubleshooting information for some of the complex
circuits on an output board. Troubleshooting information is
In the self exercise routine, microcomputer U312 repetitively
included for Analog Multiplexer U323, Signal Processor
programs each of the DAC's: U313 (12-bit DAC), U314 (both
U327, Power Module (U338/U339), and Microcomputer
8-bit DAC's in this dual DAC), and U321(12-bit DAC). Each
DAC is programmed from zero to full output
(approximately -10 V). This is accomplished by starting with
4-26 Test Setup
the LSB and turning on each successive bit leaving the
previous bits on until all bits including the MSB are on. The
The following test setup allows you to access the
DAC output is programmed back to zero in the same
components on the output board and perform the
manner also starting with the LSB.
troubleshooting procedures.
a. Disconnect the line cord.
Table 4-15 lists the signals that should be present on pins 1
b. Gain access to the output board as described in
through 28 of U312 during the self exercise routine. Figures
paragraphs 4-3 through 4-5.
4-10 and 4-11 illustrate waveforms that should be observed
c. Make sure that jumper W201 (P201) and W202 jumper
at various points on the output board during the self
pack on the GPIB board are installed in their normal
exercise routine. Figure 4-10 illustrates the waveforms for
run positions (See Figure 4-2).
the low voltage (40WLV and 80WLV) output boards; Figure
d. Check that + S is connected to + V and -S is connected
4-11 illustrates the waveforms for the high voltage (40WHV
to - V on the output terminal block.
and 80WHV) output boards. The waveforms shown on
e. Connect the line cord.
these figures are referenced in the troubleshooting
procedures of Figure 4-9.
4-27 Post Repair Calibration
Figures 4-10A and 4-11A show what the output of the CV
if the output board is replaced, the associated output DAC (U315 pin 1) and Readback DAC (U315 pin 14) should
channel must be recalibrated as described in Appendix A of look like (12 steps total in waveform). Figures 4-10H and 4-
the Operating Manual. If certain components in the output 11H show what the output of the CC DAC (U315 pin 7) and
circuits (DAC'S, voltage control circuit, or current control the OV DAC (U315 pin 8) should look like (8 steps total).
circuit) or the readback circuits (e.g. readback buffers, DAC,
amplifiers, signal comparator) on the output board are The analog multiplexer (U323) is also partially exercised. It
replaced, the associated output channel must be recalibrated is repeatedly programmed to switch its output (pin 8) from
as described in Appendix A of the Operating Manual. input 1 (Common, pin 4) to input 3 (V READBACK, pin 6)
resulting in the waveforms shown in Figures 4-10G and 4-
4-28 Self Exercise Routine on an Output Board 11G. Note that if there is a problem preventing the output
voltage from programming up and down properly, or if the
The output board can be put into a mode that exercises the differential amplifier providing the VOLTAGE READBACK
microcomputer (U312) and all of the DAC's for ease of signal is defective, this waveform will not be correct. Figures
troubleshooting. In order to enter this mode, U312 pin 27 4-10C and 4-11C show the output voltage waveform.
must be tied to common before the supply is turned on. assuming that the control loop and power mesh are working
A complete description of the syntax structure is shown as
C4 in Figure 5-2 (sheet 1) in the Operating Manual. The
response to the VMUX? command is SZD.DDD (see Table 5-
2 in the Operating Manual for an explanation of these
abbreviations). The resolution of the returned voltage
reading is approximately 2 mV.
The next program uses a FOR/NEXT loop to read the 8 4-31 Signal Processor (U327) Pin Function Descriptions.
analog multiplexer inputs one at a time. The readings and The signal processor's circuits are shown on the functional
associated input nos. are printed by the computer (see Input schematic of Figure 6-3, sheet 1, and on the block diagram of
and Response columns in the table below). Figure 2-4. The 28 signal processor pins are described as
10 FOR X=1 TO 8 follows:
20 OUT 705;”VMUX? 2";X
30 ENTER 705;V + 5 V (pin 1): The + 5 V bias voltage can range from 4.72 V
40 PRINT X,V to 5.23 V.
60 END OV COMP (pin 2): The OV COMP (overvoltage
comparator) input signal, when High, causes OV DRIVE
The table below shows the 8 measured input voltage values (pin 6) to be High (> 8 V) if POV DISABLE (pin 3) is Low.
as well as the VMUX? response for a typical calibrated
40WLV output (no load connected) whose voltage and POV DISABLE (pin 3): The POV DISABLE (programmed
current have been programmed to their High Range Full overvoltage disable) input signal, when High, prevents OV
Scalue values (20V and 2A) and the OV (overvoltage) to 23 COMP (pin 2) from causing OV DRIVE (pin 6) to be High. It
V. does not prevent OV TRIP (pin 4) from causing OV Drive to
be High.
If all of the inputs read back by the VMUX? command are STATUS RESET (pin 7): This input pin, when High, causes
incorrect, the analog multiplexer U323 and/or the readback four internal flip-flops to be reset. The four flip-flops are
circuitry (U321-U324) is probably defective. If only one used to catch and hold the occurrence of four status
input is incorrect, the circuitry associated with that one conditions: CV, + CC, - CC, and UNR.
input is probably defective (see Figure 6-3).
+ 15 V (pin 8): The + 15 V bias voltage can range from 14 V
4-30 Understanding and Troubleshooting the to 15.66 V.
Signal Processor U327 _______ _______
UNREG (pin 9): The UNREG (unregulated) output signal
This custom IC processes both analog and digital signals to (open collector) takes on the state of the internal UNR flip-
interface the microcomputer (U312) with the power mesh flop when STATUS SELECT (pin 11) is Low. The
and control circuits. The signal processor circuits can be unregulated mode is indicated when UNREG_______ is Low. Figure
functionally divided into three areas: overvoltage and 4-19 shows the conditions that______________
_______ cause UNREG to go Low.
driver, power-on/start-up, and status monitor circuits. A UNREG is open-circuited when STATUS SELECT is High.
general description of this IC is provided in paragraph 2-32. _____ _____
The following information will help you troubleshoot the - CLO (pin 10): The -CLO (-current limit output) output
three signal processor functions. signal (open collector) takes on the state of the internal -CC
flip-flop when STATUS_____ SELECT (pin 11) is Low. The –CC
Proper operation of the IC can be verified by measuring the mode is indicated when_____
-CLO is Low. Figure 4-19 shows the
pin voltages and using Table 4-16 which lists the voltage conditons that______________
cause -CLO to be Low. -CLO is open-
levels and defines the low and high states. This information circuited when STATUS SELECT is High.
is used in conjunction with the pin descriptions (paragraph ________________
4-31) and simplified schematics to troubleshoot the signal STATUS SELECT (pin 11): This input signal, when Low,
processor's overvoltage (Figure 4-17), power-on/start-up causes the four status conditions held in the flip-flops as
(Figure 4-18), and status monitor circuits (Figure 4-19). well as the overvoltage and overtemperature signals_____to be
Additional troubleshooting information for the status transferred to the
_____ _____ _______six output pins on the data bus (CVO,
monitor circuit is given in paragraph 4-32 and Figure 4-20. +CLO,
_______-CLO, UNREG, OV, and OT). When STATUS
SELECT is High, the six output pins are open-circuited.
1. Signal levels are referenced to common.
2. * Indicates that the stated voltage threshold depends upon the value of the - 7 V (nominal) supply. For example, if the value
of the - 7 V supply is actually - 7.1 V (0.1 V lower than - 7 V), then the LOW value given for pin 25 would read < - 6.8 V
(which is 0.1 V lower than - 6.7 V).
3. ** See OV DRIVE (pin 6) description in paragraph 4-30.
4. *** Minus one diode drop.
5. (↑) Indicates that hysteresis is involved in the trip voltage level and a transition from a lower voltage up to the indicated level
must have occurred (e.g., THERM, pin 14, is HIGH only when the voltage increases to a level >2.8 V ±0.3 V).
6. (↓) Indicates that hysteresis is involved
________in the trip voltage level and a transition from a higher voltage down to the indicated
level must have occurred (e.g., THERM, pin 14, is LOW only when the voltage decreases to a level <2.5 V ± 0.15 V).
OV (pin 12): This open collector output pin goes
______________ High when
_________ Common (pin 22): Along with pin 5, this is a common
STATUS SELECT (pin 11) is Low and the OV SENSE (pin return for the bias supplies.
13) is Low. The Low state of pin 13 indicates an overvoltage
______________ _________
condition. OV is open-circuited when STATUS SELECT is DELAY CAP (pin 23): When BIAS TRIP (pin 27) is High,
High. this signal causes a slow charge of an external delay
________ capacitor toward the DELAY CAP High level which,
______ when
OV SENSE (pin 13): When an overvoltage occurs (pin 9 on reached, causes PCLR (pin 26) to go High. When BIAS TRIP
the power module goes Low), this input pin goes Low
________ is Low, this signal causes a quick discharge of the external
which causes OV (pin 12) to go High when STATUS
________ delay capacitor (see Figure 4-18).
SELECT (pin 11) is Low. ______________ ______
________ OUTPUT ENABLE (pin 24): After PCLR (pin 26) goes High
THERM (pin 14): This input signal, when Low (indicating and the power supply passes its self test, the microcomputer
an overtemperature condition), causes OT (pin 15) to go
______________ U312 causes this pin to go Low. With PCLR High and
High when STATUS SELECT (pin 11) is Low. OUTPUT ENABLE Low, ON/OFF (pin 25) goes High
enabling the output. With OUT ENABLE High, ON/OFF is
OT (pin 15): This open collector output signal
______________ goes High
________ Low and the output will not supply power.
when both the STATUS SELECT (pin 11) and THERM (pin ______
14) inputs are Low indicating an OT______________
(overtemperature) ON/OFF (pin 25): This output pin goes High when PCLR
condition. OT is open-circuited when STATUS SELECT is (pin 26) is High and OUTPUT ENABLE (pin 24) is Low (see
High. Figure 4-18). When High, the ON/OFF line enables the
________ control circuits and current sources of the output board
- CL LOOP (pin 16): This input signal, when Low, indicates which allows power to reach the output terminals.
that the supply's output is in negative current limit.
4-19 shows how this signal is decoded causing -CLO (pin PCLR (pin 26): This output goes High when DELAY CAP
10) to go Low. (pin 23) goes High
______________(see Figure 4-18). When PCLR is High
and OUTPUT ENABLE (pin 24) is Low, ON/OFF (pin 25)
-7.00 V (pin 17): The - 7.00 V bias voltage can range from - goes High.
7.42 V to - 6.48 V. _________
____ BIAS TRIP (pin 27): See DELAY CAP (pin 23) description.
+ CLO (pin 18): This open-collector output signal________
takes on Note that BIAS TRIP goes High when both the unregulated
the state
________ of the internal +CC flip-flop when STATUS bias supply voltage and the medium rail voltage are high
SELECT (pin 11) is Low. Figure 4-19 shows the conditions
____ enough.
that cause
____+ CLO to be Low. The + CC mode is ________
____ indicated
when + CLO is Low. +CLO is open-circuited when STATUS
________ 15 V (pin 28): The -15 V bias voltage can range from 15.55 V
SELECT is High. to -13.98 V.
described below and refer to Figure 4-19 and the 4-33 Power Module Signals
troubleshooting procedures of Figure 4-20.
Table 4-17 gives the function and typical signal levels at
a. ______________
Connect oscilloscope Channel A at 2 volts/div to each pin for a properly operating power module(s): U338 on
STATUS SELECT (U327, pin 11). 40W output boards, U338 and U339 on 80W output boards.
b. Trigger on Channel A, negative slope. Set time base to As indicated in the table, the voltage levels were measured
______________ with the output voltage set to the maximum programmable
c. The STATUS SELECT line should go low for about value, with no load connected to the output, and at nominal
30µS. During this interval, each of the six TTL line voltage.
compatible status output lines from U327 can be
checked against the information given in the table on 4-34 Miscellaneous Trouble Symptoms and
Figure 4-19 by connecting Channel B of the oscilloscope Remedies
to the IC pin in question.
d. The five status input lines to U327 can also be checked Table 4-18 lists various trouble symptoms along with
with the scope. The input lines should be relatively suggested remedies. Most of the trouble symptoms are
clean dc waveforms (unless there are load transients concerned with an output not meeting a particular
occurring). The input lines are not TTL signals. Check specification. Verification tests for all specifications are
Table 4-16 for the voltage values that correspond to a given in Section III of this manual.
particular input line being High or Low.
e. Follow the procedures outline in Figure 4-20.
1. Conditions:
a. Output voltage set to maximum. programmable value (20 V or 50 V).
b. No load on output
c. Nominal line voltage
2. Voltages are referenced to + V or Common or another power module pin as indicated in the table.
3. Power Module U339 is connected in parallel with U338 on 80WLV and 80WHV boards and has the same voltage levels and
connections as U338 (see Figure 6-3 sheet 3) except that the OV GATE input (pin 11) to U339 is tied to common. U338 and
U339 are matched pairs and should be replaced as such. Agilent Part No. 5080-2111 contains a matched pair of U338/U339
power modules.
4. The Thermistor output (pin 1) level of 4.5 V was measured at a temperature of 25°C. Voltage decreases with a rise in
temperature. OVERTEMP occurs at approximately 2.5 V.
Section V
This section contains information on ordering replacement You can order parts from your local Agilent Technologies
parts. Tables 5-5 through 5-7 list all of the electrical and sales office. Refer to the list of sales offices at the back of the
mechanical components for the power supply. Each entry in manual for the office nearest you. When ordering parts
these tables includes the following information: include the following information:
a. Reference designator (Refer to Table 5-2). a. The Agilent Technologies part number.
b. Agilent Technologies part number. b. A description of the part.
c. Description of Part (Refer to Table 5-3 for c. The quantity desired.
abbreviations). d. The model number (Agilent 6621A, 6622A, 6623A,
d. Manufacturer's federal supply code number (refer to 6624A, or 6627A) in which the part is used.
Table 5-4 for manufacturer's name and address).
e. Manufacturer's Part Number. If you wish to order a part directly from the manufacturer,
locate the manufacturer's Federal Supply Code and
Table 5-5 lists the circuit board assemblies, cables, and corresponding address in Table 5-4.
electrical components within the chassis of the power
Table 5-3 Description of Abbreviations
ANLG Analog
ASSY Assembly
AWG American Wire Gauge
BAR-BLK Barrier Block
BNDPOST Binding Post
BOT Bottom
BRDG Bridge
CER Ceramic
CHAS Chassis
COMP Carbon Film Composition
CONN Connector
CORR Corrugated
CTN Container
CUSHD Cushioned
DAC Digital-to-Analog Converter
DBLCHAM Double Chamber
DIO Diode
EEPROM Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
ELECT Electrolytic
EPROM Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
FET Field Effect Transistor
FF Flip Flop
FW Full Wave
FXD Fixed
GND Ground
GP General Purpose
HDR Header
HS Heatsink
IC Integrated Circuit
IMP Impedance
INDTR Inductor
INSUL Insulator
ISO Isolator
LCD Liquid Crystal Display
LED Light Emitting Diode
LKWR Lockwasher
LS Low Speed
MACH Machine
METPA Metalized Paper
METPOL Metalized Polycarbonate
MOD Module
MOS Metal Oxide Semi-Conductor
MPU Microprocessor Unit
MTG Mounting
MUXR Mutliplexer
NMOS Negative Channel Metal Oxide Semiconductor
OSC Oscillator
PCB Printed Circuit Board
PLSTC Plastic
PNL Panel
PROGMD Programmed
RAM Random Access Memory
RECT Rectifier
REGIS Register
RES Resistor
ROM Read Only Memory
SCR Screw
Table 5-3 Description of Abbreviations
SHLD Shoulder
STDF Standoff
TAN Tantalum
TBAX Tube, Axial
VAR Variable
VLTG REG Voltage Regulator
WASH Washer
WW Wire Wound
XFMR Transformer
XSTR Transistor
ZNR Zener
Table 5-5. Agilent 6621A-6624A Multiple Output Power Supplies, Parts List
Desig. Agilent Part Description Mfg. Code Mfg.
No. Part No.
Output Board 1
(See Table 5-7)
Output Board 2
(See Table 5-7)
Output Board 3
(See Table 5-7)
6621,22 NOT USED
6623,24,27 06627-60022 40W High Voltage (40WHV) Bd 28480
Output Board 4
(See Table 5-7)
6621,22,23 NOT USED
6624,27 06627-60022 40W High Voltage (40WHV) Bd 28480
Front Panel
Table 5-5. Agilent 6621A-6624A Multiple Output Power Supplies, Parts List(continued)
Desig. Agilent Part Description Mfg. Code Mfg.
No. Part No.
Chassis Cabling
W1 8120-1348 LINE CORD ASSY 28480
W2 5060-3272 XFMR TO AC SWITCH 28480
W3 5060-3110 FAN WIRE ASSY 28480
W4 5060-3264 XFMR ASSY (PRIMARY) 28480
W5 5060-3271 XFMR - GPIB BIAS 28480
W6 28480
6621,22 8120-5174 GPIB - OUTPUT BD. 28480
6623,24,27 8120-5177 GPIB - OUTPUT BD. 28480
6621,22,23 TPPNR-18433 GPIB - OUTPUT BD. 28480
6624,27 TPPNR-18431 GPIB - OUTPUT BD. 28480
6621,22 NOT USED
6623,24,27 8120-5175 GPIB - OUTPUT BD. 28480
6621,22,23 NOT USED
6624,27 8120-5176 GPIB - OUTPUT BD. 28480
6621,23,24 5060-3267 XFMR (POWER 7V/5A) 28480
6622,27 5060-3268 XFMR (POWER 20V/2A) 28480
6621 5060-3267 XFMR (POWER 7V/5A) 28480
6622 5060-3268 XFMR (POWER 20V/2A) 28480
6623,24,27 5060-3269 XFMR BIAS 28480
6621,6622 5060-3269 XFMR BIAS 28480
6623 5060-3273 XFMR (POWER 7V/5A) 28480
6624 5060-3265 XFMR (POWER 7V/5A & BIAS) 28480
6627 06627-80006 XFMR (POWER 20V/2A & BIAS) 28480
6621 5060-3273 XFMR (POWER 7V/5A) 28480
6622 5060-3274 XFMR (POWER 20V/2A) 28480
6623 5060-3270 XFMR (POWER 7V/5A & BIAS) 28480
6624,27 5060-3268 XFMR (POWER 20V/2A) 28480
6621 5060-3270 XFMR (POWER 7V/5A & BIAS) 28480
6622 5060-3275 XFMR (POWER 20V/2A & BIAS) 28480
6623 5060-3268 XFMR (POWER 20V/2A) 28480
6624,27 5060-3269 XFMR BIAS 28480
6621,22 NOT USED
6623 5060-3269 XFMR BIAS 28480
6624,27 5060-3266 XFMR (POWER 20V/2A & BIAS) 28480
W16 06624-80011 FRONT PANEL HARNESS 28480
Chassis Mechanical
Table 5-5. Agilent 6621A-6624A Multiple Output Power Supplies, Parts List(continued)
Desig. Agilent Part Description Mfg. Mfg.
No. Code Part No.
Chassis Mechanical
Table 5-6A. GPIB Through-hole Board Parts List
Desig. Agilent Part Description Mfg. Mfg.
No. Code Part No.
Table 5-6A. GPIB Through-hole Board Parts List (continued)
Desig. Agilent Part Description Mfg. Mfg.
No. Code Part No.
Mechanical Parts
Table 5-7 Output BoardParts List
Desig. Agilent Part Description Mfg. Mfg.
No. Code Part No.
Table 5-7 Output BoardParts List (continued)
Desig. Agilent Part Description Mfg. Mfg.
No. Code Part No.
40WLV,40WHV 0160-4833 FXD CER 0.022uF 10% 100V 28480
80WLV 0160-4835 FXD CER 0.1uF 10% 50V 28480
80WHV 0160-4834 FXD CER 0.047uF 10% 100VDC 28480
40WLV 0180-4037
40WHV,80WHV 0180-4038
80WLV 0180-4036
40WLV,40WHV 0160-4833 FXD CER 0.022uF 10% 100V 28480
80WLV 0160-4835 FXD CER 0.1uF 10% 50V 28480
80WHV 0160-4834 FXD CER 0.047uF 10% 100VDC 28480
40WLV 0180-4137
40WHV,80WHV 0180-4139
80WLV 0180-4037
40WHV 0180-4137
40WLV, 80WLV 0180-4038
80WHV 0180-4036
40WLV 0180-4137
80WLV 0180-4037
C366 0180-0374 FXD ELECT 10uF 10% 20VDC TAN 56289 150Dl06X9020B2
C367 0160-4832 FXD CER 0.01uF 10% 100VDC 28480
40WLV,40WHV 0180-0393 FXD ELECT 39uF 10V 10% TAN 56289 150D396X9010B2
80WLV,80WHV 0180-1838 FXD ELECT 75uF 16V 10% ALUM 56289 30D756G016CC2
C369 0160-4833 FXD CER 0.022uF 10% 100V 28480
C370 0180-0393 FXD ELECT 39uF 10V 10% TAN 56289 150D396X9010B2
C371 0160-4835 FXD CER 0.1uF 10% 50V 28480
C372 0160-4830 FXD CER 2200pF 10% 100VDC 28480
80WLV,80WHV 0160-4814 FXD CER 150pF 5% 100V 28480
40WLV,40WHV, 0180-3804 FXD ELECT 47uF 35V 28480
40WHV,80WLV, 0180-3804 FXD ELECT 47uF 35V 28480
80WLV,80WHV 0180-3804 FXD ELECT 47uF 35V 28480
80WHV 0180-3804 FXD ELECT 47uF 35V 28480
80WLV,80WHV 0160-4281 FXD METPA 2200pF 20% 250VDC 28480
Table 5-7 Output BoardParts List (continued)
Desig. Agilent Part Description Mfg. Mfg.
No. Code Part No.
80WLV 0180-4037
80WHV 0180-4139
C381 0180-0230 FXD ELECT 1uF 50V 10% TAN 56289 150D105X0050A2
80WLV,80WHV 0160-4831 FXD CER 4700uF 10% 100VDC 28480
C383,384 0160-4791 FXD CER 10pF 5% 100V 28480
C385 0160-4812 FXD CER 220pF 5% 100VDC 28480
C386 0160-4820 FXD CER 1800pF 5% 100VDC 28480
C387 0160-4832 FXD CER 0.01uF 10% 100VDC 28480
40WLV,80WLV 0160-4813 FXD CER 180pF 5% 100VDC 28480
40WHV,80WHV 0160-4801 FXD CER 100pF 5% 100VDC 28480
C389 0160-5098 FXD CER 0.22uF 10% 50VDC 24546 CAC05XTR224J050
C390 0160-4820 FXD CER 1800pF 5% 100VDC 28480
C391 0160-4812 FXD CER 220pF 5% 100VDC 28480
C392 0160-5166 FXD CER 0.015uF 20% 100VDC 28480
40WLV,80WLV 0160-5410 FXD CER 3300pF 5% 50VDC 28480
40WHV,80WHV 0160-4832 FXD CER 0.01uF 10% 28480
C394 0160-4807 FXD CER 33pF 5% 100V 28480
C395 0160-5166 FXD CER 0.015uF 20% 100VDC 28480
C396 0160-4832 FXD CER 0.01uF 10% 100VDC 28480
C397 0160-5166 FXD CER 0.015uF 20% 100VDC 28480
40WLV,80WLV 0160-4822 FXD CER 1.000pF 5% 100VDC 28480
40WHV,80WHV 0160-5409 FXD CER 3000pF 5% 50VDC 28480
C399 0160-4805 FXD CER 47pF 5% 100V 28480
C400 0160-4830 FXD CER 2200pF 10% 100VDC 28480
C401 0160-4801 FXD CER 100pF 5% 100VDC 28480
40WLV,80WLV 0160-7320 FXD CER 0.01uF 2.5% 28480
40WHV,80WHV 0160-7319
C403,404 NOT USED
C405,406 0180-0291 FXD ELECT 1uF 10% 35VDC TAN 56289 150D105X9035A2
C407 0160-4801 FXD CER 100pF 5% 100VDC 28480
C408 0160-5422 FXD CER 0. 047 uF 20% 50VDC 28480
40WLV,80WLV 0160-4904 FXD CER 6800pF 5% 50VDC 28480
40WHV,80WHV 0160-5410 FXD CER 3300pF 5% 50VDC 28480
C411,412 0160-5098 FXD CER 0.22uF 100 50VDC 24546 CAC05X7R22
40WLV,80WLV 0160-6827
40WHV,80WHV 0160-7320 FXD CER 0.01uF 2.5% 28480
40WLV,80WLV 0160-4904 FXD CER 6800pF 5% 50VDC 28480
40WHV,80WHV 0160-5410 FXD CER 3300pF 5% 50VDC 28480
C415 0160-4048 FXD METPA 0.022uF 20% 250VDC 28480
40WLV,80WLV 0180-3805 FXD ELECT 10uF 50V 28480
40WHV,80WHV 0180-3803 FXD ELECT 6.8uF 75V 28480
40WLV,80WLV 0160-6564 FXD ELECT 1.8uF 50V 28480
40WHV,80WHV 0160-6565 FXD ELECT 1uF 100V 28480
C418 0160-4832 FXD CER 0.01uF 10% 100VDC 28480
Table 5-7 Output BoardParts List (continued)
Desig. Agilent Part Description Mfg. Mfg.
No. Code Part No.
C419 0180-0291 FXD ELECT 1uF 10% 35VDC TAN 56289 150D105X9035A2
C420 0160-4048 FXD METPA 0.022uF 20% 250VDC 28480
C421 0160-4832 FXD CER 0.01uF 10% 100VDC 28480
C422 0160-3969 FXD METPA 0.015uF 20% 250VDC 28480
C423 0180-0291 FXD ELECT 1uF 10%, 35VDC TAN 56289 150D105X9035A2
40WLV,80WLV 0160-4833 FXD CER 0.022uF 10% 100V 28480
40WHV,80WHV 0160-4834 FXD CER 0.047uF 10% 100VDC 28480
C426 0160-4832 FXD CER 0.01uF 10% 100VDC 28480
C427 0160-4966 METPLSTC CER 1uF 10% 100VDC 28480
C429 0160-5098 FXD CER .22uF 10% 50VDC 24546 CAC05X7R224J050A
C430 0160-4795 FXD CER 4.7pF 5%, 100V 28480
C431 0160-4812 FXD CER 220pF 5% 100VDC 28480
C432 0160-4822 FXD CER 1000pF 5% 100VDC 28480
C433,434 0180-2623 F XD ELECT 12uF 10% 6V ALUM 28480
40WLV,80WLV 0160-4789 FXD CER 15pF 5% 100V 28480
40WHV,80WHV 0160-4807 FXD CER 33PF 5% 100V 28480
40WLV,80WLV 0160-6998
40WHV,80WHV 0160-6999
C439,440 0160-4830 FXD CER 2200pF 10% 100VDC 28480
C600 0160-4835 FXD CER 0.1uF 10% 50V 28480
CR300-304 1901-0731 DIO-PWR RECT 400V 1A 80795 1N4004G
CR305-308 NOT USED 13141 1N4150
CR309 1901-0050 DIO-SW 80795 1N4004G
CR310 1901-0731 DIO-PWR RECT 400V 1A 28480
CR311,312 1901-0028 DIO-PWR RECT
CR313-317 NOT USED 1N4150
CR318 1901-0050 DIO-PWR 13141 1N4004G
CR319 1901-0731 DIO-PWR RECT 400V 1A 80795
CR320-323 NOT USED
CR324 1901-0028 DIO-PWR RECT 28480
40WLV,40WHV 1901-0719 DIO-PWR RECT 04713 MR854
80WLV,80WHV 1901-0731 DIO-PWR RECT 80795 1N4004G
CR326 1901-0028 DIO-PWR RECT 28480
CR327 1901-0731 DIO-PWR RECT 400V lA 80795 1N4004G
CR328 1901-0028 DIO-PWR RECT 28480
CR329 1901-0050 DIO-SW 13141 1N4150
CR330 1901-0033
CR33-,333 1901-0050 DIO-SW 13141 1N4150
40WLV,40WHV 1901-0028 DIO-PWR RECT 28480
80WLV 1901-0050 DIO-SW 13141 1N4150
80WLV,80WHV 1901-0731 DIO PWR RECT 80795 1N4004G
CR337-338 NOT USED
80WLV,80WHV 1901-0033 DIO-SW 13141 1N645
40WLV,40WHV 1901-0731 DIO-PWR RECT 400V 1A 80795 1N4004G
80WLV,80WHV 1901-0033 DIO-SW 13141 1N645
Table 5-7 Output BoardParts List (continued)
Desig. Agilent Part Description Mfg. Mfg.
No. Code Part No.
CR342 1901-0033 DIO-SW 13141 1N645
CR343,344 NOT USED
CR345-349 1901-0050 DIO-SW 13141 1N4150
CR350 1901-0033 DIO-SW 13141 1N645
CR351 1901-0050 DIO-SW 13141 1N4150
CR352,353 1901-0033 DIO-SW 13141 1N645
CR354-359 1901-0050 DIO-SW 13141 1N4150
CR360 1901-1080 DIO-SCHOTTKY 04713 1N5817
CR361,362 1901-0731 DIO-PWR RECT 400v 1A 80795 1N4004G
80WLV,80WHV 1901-0731 DIO-PWR RECT 400v 1A 80795 1N4004G
80WLV,80WHV 1901-1065 DIO-PWR RECT 28480
80WLV,80WHV 1901-0050 DIO-SW 13141 1N4150
40WLV 2110-0713 FUSE 10A 125V 28480
40WHV 2110-0916 FUSE 7A 125V 28480
40WLV 2110-0713 FUSE 10A 125V 28480
40WHV 2110-0685 FUSE 7A 125V 28480
40WLV,80WLV 2110-0716 FUSE 0.5A 28480
40WHV,80WHV 2110-0763 FUSE 0.25A 28480
40WLV,40WHV 2110-0685 FUSE 7A 125V 28480
80WLV 2110-0767 FUSE 20A 250V 28480
80WHV 2110-0383 FUSE 8A 250V 28480
40WLV 2110-0916 FUSE 7A 125V 28480
40WHV 2110-0916 FUSE 7A 125V 28480
80WLV,80WHV 2110-0383 FUSE 8A SLO-BLO 28480
40WLV 2110-0713 FUSE 10A 125V 28480
40WHV 2110-0916 FUSE 7A 125V 28480
80WLV 2110-0767 FUSE 20A 250V 28480
80WHV 2110-0383 FUSE 8A 250V 28480
F308,309 2110-0303 FUSE 2A 250V 28480
L300 9140-0129 INDTR FXD 220uH 5% 28480
40WLV,80WLV 9140-0238 INDTR-FXD 82uH 5% 28480
40WHV,80WHV 9100-1640 INDTR-FXD 160uH 5% 28480
80WLV,80WHV 9140-0129 INDTR FXD 220uH 5% 28480
80WLV 9100-0238 INDTR-FXD 82uH 5% 28480
80WHV 9100-1640 INDTR-FXD 160uH 5% 28480
Table 5-7 Output BoardParts List (continued)
Desig. Agilent Part Description Mfg. Mfg.
No. Code Part No.
80WLV,80WHV 9170-0894 FERRITE BEAD 28480
P301 1251-4246 CONN-POST-TP-HDR 28480
P302 1252-2493 CONN-POST-TYPE-HDR 4 CONT. 28480
40WLV,80WLV 1251-6832 CONN-POST-TP 28480
40WHV,80WHV 1252-1670 CONN-POST-TP 28480
80WLV 1251-6832 CONN-POST-TP 28480
80WHV 1252-1670 CONN-POST-TP 28480
Q300-318 NOT USED
Q319 1854-0477 XSTR NPN 2N2222A 80795 2N2222A
Q320 1855-0665 XSTR FET N CHAN LOG LEV 28480
Q321 1853-0320 XSTR PNP 2N4032 07263 2N4032
Q322-24 NOT USED
80WLV,80WHV 1853-0320 XSTR PNP 2N4032 28480
80WLV,80WHV 1853-0423 XSTR PNP SI 28480
80WLV,80WHV 1853-0036 XSTR PNP SI 28480
80WLV,80WHV 1853-0423 XSTR PNP SI 28480
Q330-334 NOT USED
40WLV 1854-0404 XSTR NPN SI 28480
40WHV,80WLV, 1854-0585 XSTR NPN SI 04713 MJE182
Q336-340 NOT USED
40WHV,80WHV, 5060-3211 XSTR FET ASSEMBLY 28480 IRF512
40WLV 1855-0665 XSTR FET 28480 EB4725
Q342 1855-0549 XSTR FET (BEAD: 9170-0894) 81483
Q343 1854-0477
R300,301 0686-4725 FXD FILM 4.7K 5% 1/2W 01121
R302 0811-0610 FXD FILM 56 5% 5W 28480
R303 0698-8911 FXD FILM 1.3K .1% 28480
R304 0757-0403 FXD FILM 121 1% 1/8W 28480
R305 0698-8672 FXD FILM 243.4K .1% 28480
R306 0698-3700 FXD FILM 715 1% 1/8W 24546 CT4-1/8-T0-715RF
R307,308 8159-0005 FXD FILM ZERO OHMS 28480
R309 0698-8672 FXD FILM 243.4 .1% 28480
R310 0698-0085 FXD FILM 2.61K 1% 1/8w 28480
R311 0698-4123 FXD FILM 499 1% 1/8w 28480
R312 0757-0402 FXD FILM 110 1% 1/8W 28480
R313,314 8159-0005 FXD FILM ZERO OHMS 28480
R316,317 0699-0208 FXD FILM 1 5% 1/4W CF 28480
R318 0757-0284 FXD FILM 150 1% 1/8W 28480
R319-323 NOT USED
Table 5-7 Output BoardParts List (continued)
Desig. Agilent Part Description Mfg. Mfg.
No. Code Part No.
R324,325 0757-0452 FXD FILM 27.4K 1% 1/8W 24546 CT4-1/8-T0-2742F
R326,327 0757-0424 FXD FILM 1.1K 1% 1/8W 28480
R329 8159-0005 FXD FILM ZERO OHMS 28480
R330-332 NOT USED
R333 0757-0410 F XD FILM 301 1% 1/8W 24546 CT4-1/8-T0-301RF
R335 0698-3215 FXD FILM 499K 1% 1/8W 28480
R336 0698-3279 FXD FILM 4.99K 1% 1/8W 28480
R337,338 0757 -0438 FXD FILM 5.11K 1% 1/8W 28480
R340 0698-3279 FXD FILM 4.99K 1% 1/8W 28480
R342 0699-0118 FXD FILM 20K .1% .1W 28480
R343 0698-8494 FXD FILM 23.3K .1% 28480
R344 0757-0442 FXD FILM 10K 1% 1/8W 28480 CT4-1/8-T0-1002F
40WLV 8159-0005 FM FILM ZERO OHMS 28480
80WLV 0698-3265 FXD FILM 118K 1% 1/8W 28480
40WHV,80WHV 0699-0070 FXD FILM 3.16M 1% 1/8W 28480
R346 0698-5579 FXD FILM 5K .5% 1/8W 28480
R347 0698-3329 FXD FILM 10K .5% 28480
R348 0698-6533 FXD FILM 12.5K .1% 28480
R349 0698-7929 FXD FILM 9.09K .1'% 28480
R350 0757-0283 FXD FILM 2K 1% 1/8W 28480
R351 0698-4493 FXD FILM 34K 1% 1/8w 24546 CT4-1/8-T0-3402F
R352 0757-0439 FXD FILM 6.81K 1% 1/8W 28480
80WLV,80WHV 0686-2405 FXD FILM 24 1/2W 28480
40WLV,40WHV 0698-3328 FXD FILM 8.25K .5% 28480
80WLV,80WHV 0698-3493 FXD FILM 4.12K 1% 1/8W 28480
R356 0698-8913 FXD FILM 1.5M 1% 1/8W 28480
40WLV,80WLV 0699-0056 FXD FILM 15K .1% .1W 28480
40WHV,80WHV 0699-0489 FXD FILM 16.15K .1% 28480
40WLV 0699-0088 FXD FILM 1.21M 1% 1/8W 28480
80WLV 0698-3215 FXD FILM 499K 28480
40WHV,80WHV 0698-4539 FXD FILM 402K 1% 1/8W 28480
40WLV,80WLV 0699-0934 FXD FILM 35.65K .1% .1W 28480
40WHV,80WHV 0699-1211 FXD FILM 95K .1% 28480
40WLV,80WLV 0757-0451 FXD FILM 24.3K 1% 1/8W 28480
40WHV,80WHV 0757-0446 FXD FILM 15K 1% 1/8W 24546
R361 8159-0005 FXD FILM ZERO OHMS 28480
R362 0757-0283 FXD FILM 2K 1'% 1/8W 28480
R363,364 0757-0416 FXD FILM 511 1% 1/8W 28480
40WLV,80WLV 0698-3329 FXD FILM 10K .5% 28480
40WHV,80WHV 0699-1212 FXD FILM 19K .1% 28480
40WLV,80WLV 0757-0458 FXD FILM 51.1K 1% 1/8W 28480
40WHV,80WHV 0699-1722 FXD FILM 9.75K .1% 1/8W 28480
Table 5-7 Output BoardParts List (continued)
Desig. Agilent Part Description Mfg. Mfg.
No. Code Part No.
40WLV 8159-0005 FXD FILM ZERO OHMS 28480
80WHV 8159-0005 FXD FILM ZERO OHMS 28480
80WHV 0683-6805 FXD FILM 68 5% 1/4W 28480
80WLV 8159-0005 FXD FILM ZERO OHMS 28480
80WHV 0683-6805 FXD FILM 68 5% 1/4w 28480
80WLV 8159-0005 FXD FILM ZERO OHMS 28480
R372 0683-0335 FXD FILM 3.3 5% 1/4w 01121 CB33G5
40WLV,40WHV 0698-4470 FXD FILM 6.98K 1% 1/8W 16299 CT4-1/8-T0-6981F
80WLV 0698-3359 FXD FILM 12.7K 1% 1/8W 28480
80WHV 0698-3156 FXD FILM 14.7K 1% 1/8W 28480
R374 0757-0452 FXD FILM 27.4K 1% 1/8W 28480
40WLV 0686-5615 FXD FILM 560 5% 1/2W 01121 EB5615
80WLV 0698-3629 FXD FILM 270 5% 2W 01121 EB2715
40WHV 0686-2225 FXD FILM 2.2K 5% 1/2W 01121 EB2225
80WHV 0764-0016 FXD FILM 1K 5% 2W 01121 EB1025
40WLV 0686-2225 FXD FILM 2.2K 5% 1/2W 01121 EB2225
40WHV 0686-4725 FXD FILM 4.7 5% 1/2W 01121 EB4725
80WLV 0698-3638 FXD FILM 1.1K 5% 2W 01121 EB2225
80WHV 0764-0019 FXD FILM 3.9K 5% 1/2W 01121 EB8225
40WLV,40WHV 0698-4446 FXD FILM 267 1% 1/8W 28480
80WLV,80WHV 0758-0404 FXD FILM 130 1% 1/8W 28480
R378 0757-0438 FXD FILM 5.11K 1% 1/8W 24546 CT4-1/8-T0-5111F
R379 0698-5347 FXD FILM 495.5 .1% 28480
40WLV 0698-4416 FXD FILM 169 1% 1/8W 16299 CT4-1/8-T0-169RF
40WHV 0698-3510 FXD FILM 453 1% 1/8w 28480
80WLV 0698-4397 FXD FILM 84.5 28480
80WHV 0757-0282 FXD FILM 221 16299 CT4-1/8-T0-221RF
40WLV 0698-3486 FXD FILM 232 1% 1/8W 16299 CT4-1/8-T0-232RF
40WHV 0698-3510 FXD FILM 453 1% 1/8W 16299 CT4-1/8-T0-453RF
80WLV 0698-4406 FXD FILM 115 28480
80WHV 0757-0282 FXD FILM 221 16299 CT4-1/8-T0-211RF
R382 0757-0465 FXD FILM 100K 16299 CT4-1/8-T0-1003F
40WLV,40WHV 0757-0280 FXD FILM 1K 1% 1/8W 16299 CT4-1/8-T0-1001F
80WLV,80WHV 0757-0419 FXD FILM 681 1% 1/8W 28480
40WLV,40WHV 0757-0280 FXD FILM 1K 1% 1/8W 16299 CT4-1/8-T0-1001F
Table 5-7 Output BoardParts List (continued)
Desig. Agilent Part Description Mfg. Mfg.
No. Code Part No.
40WLV 0811-0098 FXD FILM 135 5% 5W PW 28480
40WHV 0811-1217 FXD FILM 150 5% 5W PW 28480
80WLV 0811-0941 FXD FILM 75 5% 5W PW 28480
40WLV 0686-2225 FXD FILM 2.2K 5% 1/2W 01121 EB2225
40WHV 0686-8225 FXD FILM 8.2K 5% 1/2W 01121 EB8225
80WLV 0698-3638 FXD FILM 1.1K 5% 2W 01121 EB2225
80WHV 0764-0019 FXD FILM 3.9K 28480
R387 0698-4123 FXD FILM 499 1% 1/8W 28480
R388 0683-4715 FXD FILM 470 5% 1/4W 01121 CB4715
40WLV,40WHV 0698-5088 FXD FILM 12K 1% 1/8W 16299 CT4-1/8-T0-1202
80WLV,80WHV 0757-0444 FXD FILM 12.1K 1% 1/8W 16299 CT4-1/8-T0-1212F
80WLV,80WHV 0757-0404 FXD FILM 130 1% 1/8W 28480
R391 0757-0442 FXD FILM 10K 1% 1/8W 16299 CT4-1/8-T0-1002F
R392 0757-0282 FXD FILM 221 1% 1/8W 16299 CT4-1/8-T0-221RF
R393 0698-4435 FXD FILM 2.49K 1% 1/8W 28480
R394 0757-0473 FXD FILM 221K 1% 1/8W 16299 CT4-1/8-T0-2213F
R395 0757-0431 FXD FILM 2.43K 1% 1/8W 28480
R396 0757-0200 FXD FILM 5.62K 1% 1/8W 16299 CT4-1/8-T0-5612F
R397 0757-0481 FXD FILM 475K 1% 1/8W 80031 5033R-1/8T04753F
40WLV,40WHV 0757-0280 FXD FILM 1K l% 1/8W 16299 CT4-1/8-T0-1001F
80WLV,80WHV 0757-0419 FXD FILM 681 1% 1/8W 28480
R399 0757-0464 FXD FILM 90.9K 1°% 1/8W 16299 CT4-1/8-T0-9092F
R400 0757-0442 FXD FILM 10K 1% 1/8W 28480 CT4-1/8-T0-1002F
40WLV,80WLV 0757-0397 FXD FILM 68.1 1% 1/8W 16299 CT4-1/8-T0-68R1F
40WHV,80WHV 0698-4099 FXD FILM 139 1% 1/8W 16299 CT4-1/8-T0-8331F
R402 8159-0005 FXD FILM ZERO OHMS
R404 0757-0429 FXD FILM 1.82K 1% 1/8W 16299 CT4-1/8-T0-1821F
R405 0698-5089 FXD FILM 33K 1% 1/8W 16299 CT4-1/8-T0-3302F
40WLV,40WHV, 0683-4715 FXD FILM 470 5% 1/4W 01121 CB4715
80WHV 0683-2025 FXD FILM 2K 5°% 1/4W 28480
40WLV,80WLV 0811-3751 FXD RES .07 5% 2W 28480
40WHV,80WHV 0811-3752 FXD RES .18 5% 2W 28480
40WLV 0811-3796 FXD RES .050 7W 2% 28480
40WHV 0811-3795 FXD RES .125 7W 2% 28480
80WLV 0811-3764 FXD RES .025 7W 2% 28480
80WHV 0811-3765 FXD RES .062 7W 2% 28480
40WLV 2110-0712 FUSE, SUBMIN. 4A 28480
80WLV 8159-0005 FXD FILM ZERO OHMS 28480
40WHV 0757-0442 FXD FILM 10K 1% 1/8W 16299 CT4-1/8-T0-1002F
80WHV 0683-1035 FXD FILM 10K 5% 1/4W 01121 CB1035
Table 5-7 Output BoardParts List (continued)
Desig. Agilent Part Description Mfg. Mfg.
No. Code Part No.
40WHV 0757-0442 FXD FILM 10K 1% 1/8W 28480
80WLV 2110-0712 FUSE, SUBMIN. 4A 28480
80WHV 0683-1035 FXD FILM 10K 1% 1/8W 28480
40WLV 0811-1801 FXD FILM 490 5% 3W 28480
40WHV 0812-0010 FXD FILM 3K 5% 3W PW 28480
80WLV 0811-1856 FXD FILM 250 5% 5W 28480
80WHV 0811-1805 FXD FILM 1.5K 5% 3W 28480
40WLV,80WLV 0699-1972 FXD FILM 1.74M 1% 1/8W 28480
40WHV,80WHV 0698-4536 FXD FILM 340K 1% 1/8W 28480
80WLV 0683-4715 FXD FILM 470 5% 1/4W 01121 CB4715
80WHV 0683-2025 FXD FILM 2K 5% 1/4W 28480
R414,R415 NOT USED
80WLV 0811-3751 FXD FILM .07 5% 2W 28480
80WHV 0811-3752 FXD FILM .18 5% 2W 28480
R418 0757-0469 FXD FILM 150K 1% 1/8W 16299 CT4-1/8-T0-1530F
R419 0698-4435 FXD FILM 2.49K 1% 1/8W 28480
R420 0683-3305 FXD FILM 33 5% 1/4W 01121 CB3305
R421 0698-3449 FXD FILM 28.7K 1% 1/2W 16299 CT4-1/8-T0-2872F
R422 0698-8827 FXD FILM 1M 1% 1/8W 28480
R423 0757-0401 FXD FILM 100 1% 1/8W 16299 CT4-1/8-T0-101F
R425 0757-0413 FXD FILM 392 1% 1/8W 16299 CT4-1/8-T0-392RF
40WLV,40WHV, 0757-0427 FXD FILM 1.5K 1% 1/8W 16299 CT4F/8-T0F501F
80WLV 0757-0422 FXD FILM 909 1% 1/8W 28480
40WLV,80WHV 0698-4123 FXD FILM 499 1% 1/8W 28480
40WHV 0698-3444 FXD FILM 316 1% 1/8W 28480
80WLV 0698-4457 FXD FILM 576 1% 1/8W 16299 CT4-1/8-T0-576RF
R428 0757-0405 FXD FILM 162 1% 1/8W 16299 CT4-1/8-T0-162RF
R429,430 0757-0439 FXD FILM 6.81K 1% 1/8W 28480
R431 0698-8827 FXD FILM 1M 1% 1/8W 28480
R432 0698-3449 FXD FILM 28.7K 1% 1/8W 16299 CT4-1/8-T0-2872F
40WLV 0757-0290 FXD FILM 6.19K 1% 1/8W 28480
40WHV 0757-0439 FXD FILM 6.81K 1% 1/8W 28480
80WLV 0698-0083 FXD FILM 1.96K 1% 1/8W 16299
80WHV 0698-3279 FXD FILM 4.99K 1% 1/8W 28480
R434 0757-0442 FXD FILM 10K 1% 1/8W 16299 CT4-1/8-T0-1002F
R435 0757-0283 FXD FILM 2K 1% 1/8W 16299 CT4-1/8-T0-2001F
R436 0683-4735 FXD FILM 47K 5% 1/4W 01121 CB4735
R437 0698-4480 FXD FILM 15.8K 1% 1/8W 16299 CT4-1/8-T0-1582F
R438 0698-3156 FXD FILM 14.7 1% 1/8W 16299 CT4-1/8-T0-1472F
R439 0757-0280 FXD FILM 1K 1% 1/8W 16299 CTF-1/8-T0-1001F
R440 0699-0811 FXD FILM 33K .1% 28480
R441 0698-6414 FXD FILM 1K 1% 1/8W 28480
R442 0698-8913 FXD FILM 1.5M 1% 1/8W 28480
Table 5-7 Output BoardParts List (continued)
Desig. Agilent Part Description Mfg. Mfg.
No. Code Part No.
R443 0698-6414 FXD FILM 1K .1% 1/8W 28480
R444 0699-0934 FXD FILM 35.65K .1% .1W 28480
R445 0757-0280 FXD FILM 1K 1% 1/8W 16299 CT4-1/8-T0-1001F
R446 0698-4480 FXD FILM 15.8K 1% 1/8W 16299 CT4-1/8-T0-1002
R447 0757-0440 FXD FILM 7.5K 1% 1/8W 16299 CT4-1/8-T0-7501F
40WLV,80WLV 0757-0462 FXD FILM 75K 1% 1/8W 16299 CT4-1/8-T0-7502F
40WHV,80WHV 0757-0469 FXD FILM 150K 1% 1/8W 16299 CT4-1/8-T0-1503F
40WLV 0757-0282 FXD FILM 221 1% 1/8W 16299 CT4-1/8-T0-221RF
40WHV 0698-3447 FXD FILM 422 1% 1/8W 16299 CT4-1/8-T0-422RF
80WLV 0757-4406 FXD FILM 115 1% 1/8W 16299 CT4-1/8-T0-562RF
80WHV 0698-3486 FXD FILM 232 1% 1/8W 28480
R450 0698-8827 FXD FILM 1M 1% 1/8W 28480
R451 0757-0280 FXD FILM 1K 1% 1/8W 16299 CT4-1/8-T0-1001F
R452 0757-0283 FXD FILM 2K 1% 1/8W 16299 CT4-1/8-T0-2001F
R453 0698-4480 FXD FILM 15.8K 1'% 1/8W 16299 CT4-1
R454 0699-0953 FXD FILM 15.4K .1% 28480
R455 0698-8827 FXD FILM 1M 1% 1/8W 28480
40WLV,40WHV 0698-0087 FXD FILM 316 1% 1/4W 16299 CT4-1/8-T0-316RF
80WLV,80WHV 0686-1515 FXD COMP 150 5% 1/2W 28480
40WLV,80WLV 0811-2553 FXD FILM 7.5 5% 2W 01281 BWH2-7R5-J
40WHV,80WHV 0698-3609 FXD FILM 22 5% 2W 16299 FP42-2-T00-22R0J
R458 0757-0442 FXD FILM 10K 1% 1/8W 16299 CT4-1/8-T0-1002F
R459 0757-0446 FXD FILM 15K 1% 1/8W 16299 CT4-1/8-T0-1502F
R460 0698-8913 FXD FILM 1.5M 1% 1/8W 28480
R461 0683-4735 FXD FILM 47K 5% 1/4W 01121 CB4735
R462 0757-0288 FXD FILM 9.09K 1% 1/8W 80031 5033-1/8T0-9091F
R463 0698-3279 FXD FILM 4.99K 1% 1/8W 16299 CT4-1/8T0-4991-F
R464 0757-0455 FXD FILM 36.5K 1% 1/4W 28480
R465 0757-0464 FXD FILM 90.9K 1% 1/8W 16299 CT4-1/8-T0-9092F
R466,467 0699-0118 FXD FILM 20K .1% .1W 28480
R468 0757-0442 FXD FILM 10K 1% 1/8W 16299 CT4-1/8-T0-1002F
R469,470 0699-0118 FXD FILM 20K .1% .1W 28480
R471 0699-0070 FXD FILM 3.16M 1% 1/8W 28480
R472 0699-0388 FXD FILM 500K .1% 1/8W 28480
R473 0757-0124 FXD FILM 39.2K 1% 1/8W 28480
40WLV,40WHV, 0698-7842 FXD FILM 26.1K 1% 1/8W 80031 5033Rl/89T2612B
80WHV 0757-0123 FXD FILM 34.8K 1% 28480
R475 0683-8235 FXD FILM 82K 5% 1/4W 01121 CB8235
R476 0699-0088 FXD FILM 1.2M 1% 1/8W 28480
40WLV,80WLV 0698-5090 FXD FILM 43K 1% 1/8W 16299 CT4-1/8-T0-4302F
40WHV,80WHV 0698-3159 FXD FILM 26.1K 1% 1/8W 16299 CT4-1/8-T0-2612F
40WLV,80WLV 0698-4477 FXD FILM 10.5K 1% 1/8W 16299 CT4-1/8-T0-1052F
40WHV,80WHV 0757-0451 FXD FILM 24.3K 1% 1/8W 16299 CT4-1
R479 0699-0118 FXD FILM 20K .1% .1W 28480
40WLV,80WLV 0698-8093 FXD FILM 40K .1% .1W 01281 MAR5-1/10-T16-40
40WHV,80WHV 0699-1211 FXD FILM 95K .1% .1W 28480
40WLV,80WLV 0698-3449 FXD FILM 28.7K 1% 1/8W 16299 CT4-1/8-T0-2872F
40WHV,80WHV 0757-0460 FXD FILM 61.9K 1% 1/8W 16299 CT4-1/8-T0-6192F
Table 5-7 Output BoardParts List (continued)
Desig. Agilent Part Description Mfg. Mfg.
No. Code Part No.
40WLV,80WLV 0699-0107 FXD FILM 4.75K .1% 28480
40WHV,80WHV 0698-6360 FXD FILM 10K .1% 28480
40WLV,80WLV 0683-7515 FXD FILM 750 5% 1/4W 01121 CB7515
40WHV,80WHV 0683-2225 FXD FILM 2.2K 5% 1/4W 80031 CR25 1-4-5P-2K
R484 0699-0118 FXD FILM 20K .1% .1W 28480
40WLV,80WLV 0698-8093 FXD FILM 40K .1% .1W 01281 MAR5-.1T16-4002B
40WHV,80WHV 0699-1211 FXD FILM 95K .1% .1W 28480
40WLV,80WLV 0699-0107 FXD FILM 4.75K .1% 28480
40WHV,80WHV 0698-6360 FXD FILM 10K .1'% 28480
40WLV,80WLV 0683-7515 FXD FILM 750 5% 1/4W 01121 CB7515
40WHV,80WHV 0683-2225 FXD FILM 2.2K 5% 1/4W 80031 CR25 1-4-5P2K2
40WLV,80WLV 0698-3449 FXD FILM 28.7K 1% 1/8W 16299 CT4-1/8-T0-2872F
40WHV,80WHV 0757-0460 FXD FILM 61.9K 1% 1/8W 16299 CT4-1/8-T0-6192F
R489,490 0686-1065 FXD FILM 10M 5% 1/2W 01121 EB1065
R491 0683-0475 FXD FILM 4.7 5% 1/4W 80031 CR25 1-4-5P4E7
R492 0686-2225 FXD FILM 2.2K 5% 1/4W 01121 EB2225
R493 0757-0430 FXD FILM 2.21K 1% 1/8W 16299 CT4-1/8-T0-2211F
R494 0698-3430 FXD FILM 21.5 1% 1/8W 28480
R495 0757-0447 FXD FILM 16.2K 1% 1/8W 16299 CT4-1/8-T0-1622F
R496 0757-0401 FXD FILM 100 1% 1/8W 16299 CT4-1/8-T0-101F
R497 0683-3915 FXD FILM 390 5% 1/4W 80031 CR25 1-4-5P-390E
R498 0757-0401 FXD FILM 100 1% 1/4W 28480
40WLV,80WLV 0757-0446 FXD FILM 15K 1% 1/8W 16299 CT4-1/8-T0-1502F
40WHV,80WHV 0698-4493 FXD FILM 34K 1% 1/8W 16299 CT4-1/8-T0-3402F
40WLV,40WHV 0757-0404 FXD FILM 130 1% 1/8W 16299 CT4-1/B-T0-131-F
80WLV,80WHV 0757-0399 FXD FILM 82.5 1% 1/8W 16299 CT4-1/8-T0-82R5
40WLV,40WHV 0757-0404 FXD FILM 130 1% 1/8W 16299 CT4-1/8-T0-131-F
80WLV,80WHV 0757-0397 FXD FILM 68.1 1% 1/8W 28480
R502 0757-0283 FXD FILM 2K 1% 1/8W 28480
40WHV,80WHV 0757-0199 FXD FILM 21.5K 1% 1/8W 16299 CT4-1/8-T0-901F
R504 0683-1035 FXD FILM 10K 5% 1/4W 28480
R506 0757-0280 FXD FILM 1K 1% 1/8W 16299 CT4-1/8-T0-1001F
R507 0683-0475 FXD FILM 4.7 5% 1/4W 80031 CR25 1-4-5P4E7
R508 0686-1065 FXD FILM 10M 5% 1/2W 01121 EB1065
40WLV,80WLV 0698-5663 FXD FILM 330 1% 1/8W 28480
40WHV,80WHV 0757-0280 FXD FILM 1K 1% 1/8W 16299 CT4-1/8-T0-1001F
40WLV,80WLV 0757-0441 FXD FILM 8.25K 1% 1/8W 16299 CT4-1/8-T0-8251F
40WHV,80WHV 0757-0199 FXD FILM 21.5K 1% 1/8W 16299 CT4-1/8-T0-901F
40WLV,80WLV 0683-2725 FXD FILM 2.7K 5% 1/4W 80031 CR25 1-4-5P2K7
40WHV,80WHV 0698-4480 FXD FILM 15.8K 1% 1/8W 16299 CT4-1/8-T0-1582F
40WLV,80WLV 0698-5663 FXD FILM 330 1% 1/8W 28480
40WHV,80WHV 0757-0280 FXD FILM 1K 1% 1/8W 16299 CT4-1/8-T0-1001F
Table 5-7 Output BoardParts List (continued)
Desig. Agilent Part Description Mfg. Mfg.
No. Code Part No.
40WLV,80WLV 0757-0446 FXD FILM 15K 1% 1/8W 16299 CT4-1/8-T0-101F
40WHV,80WHV 0698-4493 FXD FILM 34K 1% 1/8W 16299 CT4-1/8-T0-3402F
R514 0698-6631 FXD FILM 2.5K
40WLV,80WLV 8159-0005 FXD FILM ZERO OHMS 28480
80WLV,80WHV 0683-4715 FXD FILM 470 5% 1/4W 01121 CB4715
80WLV,80WHV 0757-0444 FXD FILM 12.1K 1% 1/8W 16299 CT4-1/8-T0-1212F
40WLV 0698-6983 FXD FILM 20.4K
40WHV 0698-7842 FXD FILM 21.6K
80WLV 0757-0397 FXD FILM 68.1 1% 1/8W 16299 CT4-1/8-T0-68R1F
80WHV 0698-4099 FXD FILM 139 1% 1/8W 16299 CT4-1/8-T0-8331F
80WHV 0683-1035 FXD FILM 10K 5% 1/4W 01121 CB1035
80WLV 2110-0712 FUSE, SUBMIN. 4A
80WLV,80WHV 0757-0280 FXD FILM 1K 1% 1/8W
80WHV 0811-0941 FXD FILM 75 5% 10W 28480
80WLV 0698-6983 FXD FILM 20.4K
80WHV 0698-7842 FXD FILM 21.6K
T301 06624-80091 XFMR-PULSE 28480
TB1 0360-2195 BARRIER BLOCK 28480
U300 5060-3212 ASSY - H.S. & 1826-0393 28480
U301 5060-3260 ASSY REG
U302 5060-2942 ASSY - H.S. & 1826-0393 28480
U303 1826-0527 IC-VTL-REG 28480
U304-309 NOT USED
U310-311 1990-0996 IC-OPTO-ISO LED GATE 28480
U312 1820-4714 MICROCOMPUTER 28480
U313 1826-1488 IC-DAC 28480
U314 1826-1231 IC-D/A 8-1/2-BIT 28480
Table 5-7 Output BoardParts List (continued)
Desig. Agilent Part Description Mfg. Mfg.
No. Code Part No.
Table 5-7 Output BoardParts List (continued)
Desig. Agilent Part Description Mfg. Mfg.
No. Code Part No.
40WLV,80WLV 1902-0766 DIO-ZEN 18.2V 5% PD= .4mW 28480
40WHV,80WHV 1902-3323 DIO-ZEN 42.2V 28480
Mechanical Parts
Section VI
This section contains functional schematic diagrams and Figure 6-3 (Sheets 1 through 4) show the following circuits
component location diagrams for the power supply. and cover all 40W output board types. Differences between
the types are indicated on the schematic.
Figure 6-1 shows the ac power input and distribution for all Figure 6-4 (Sheets 1 through 4) are similar to Figure 6-3
five models 6621A-6624A and 6627A. Power transformer and cover all 40W output board types. Differences between
connections and cable assembly part numbers for each the types are indicated on the schematic.
model are included on pages 6-2 and 6-3.
Figure 6-5 (Sheets 1 through 4) are similar to Figures 6-3
Figure 6-2 illustrates the circuits on the GPIB board. This and 6-4, and cover all 80W output board types. Differences
board is identical in all five models 6621A-6624A, and between the types are indicated on the schematic.
Figure 6-3, 6-4 and 6-5 illustrate the circuits on the 40 Watt ILLUSTRATIONS
Low Voltage (40WLV), 40 Watt High Voltage (40WHV), 80
Watt Low Voltage (80WLV), and 80 Watt High Voltage 6-4 The component location diagrams show the physical
(80WHV) Output board types. The output board location of parts mounted on each assembly.
configuration for each model is as follows:
Schematic Notes For Figure 6-1
2. Before connecting the supply to the power source, check that the position of the line voltage selector card matches the
nominal line voltage source (100, 120, 220, or 240 Vac). See Section II in the Operating Manual (Agilent Part No. 5957-6377) for
3. The reference designators (W1, W2, etc.) for the cable assemblies are for schematic reference only. Use the Agilent part
numbers to physically identify cables in the supply. Each cable is marked with the appropriate Agilent Part No. The
illustration below shows the transformer T1 terminal designations. The illustrations on pages 6-2 and 6-3 show the
transformer T1 connections and cable part numbers for each model.
Figure 6-1. Power Distribution Schematic (sheet 1 of 2) 6-5
Figure 6-1. Power Distribution Schematic (sheet 2 of 2) 6-6
This surface-mount GPIB assembly applies to models Switch 1 - the model function. ON selects models
starting with the following serial numbers and up: 6621A, 6622A, 6623A, 6624A, and 6627A. OFF
6621A 3737A03086-up selects models 6625A, 6626A, 6628A, and 6629A.
6622A 3736A04021-up As-shipped position = ON
6623A 3736A05451-up
6624A 3735A13801-up Switch 2 - selects calibration lockout. ON locks out
6627A 3735A02356-up front panel calibration. OFF enables front panel
Electrically and functionally, this assembly differs As-shipped position = OFF
somewhat from the previous GPIB assembly. The
surface-mount GPIB assembly is not repairable to the Switch 3 - selects skip self test. ON skips self test at
component level, so a parts lists is not provided. turn on. OFF enables self test at turn on.
Signature analysis repair is not available for the As-shipped position = OFF
surface-mount GPIB assembly.
Switch 4 - not used
This board has a 4-position switch on it (located next
to U206) that replaces the function of connector P201
described on page 4-8 of this manual. The switch
selects the following functions:
1000PF B
5.11K C
5.11K C
5.11K C
5.11K C
5.11K C
5.11K C
5.11K C
VCC 1 J205
R239 1252-2493 P205 SELECTOR
U212 1
0.1 10%
0.1 10%
0.1 10%
0.1 10%
0.1 10%
0.1 10%
0.1 10%
0.1 10%
0.1 10%
C216 1821-0300
D[0:7] OE1
19 1K C 2 J205 NL1251-5385
D[0:7] CS3 1252-2493 2 P205 GND 10 INTERCONN CABLE
J205 SA_MODE D[0:7]
D0 18 2 3 NL1251-5385 (RIBBON)
D1 17 3 1252-2493 3 P205 +5 SW1 COLS
Y1 A1
ON D7 14 P202 5 14
4 J205 NL1251-5385 Y7 A7
U213 U210 U204 U206 U201 U281 U211 U207 U230 D2 16 4 11 9
Y2 A2 D6 10 1251-8105 6 3
D3 15 5 1252-2493 4 P205 DTS 12
Y6 A6
Y3 A3 1 2 3 4 D5 6 10 5
D4 14 6 SDA 1 J206 NL1251-5385 13
Y5 A5
Y4 A4 D4 5 14 7
D5 13 7 SCL 1252-2493 1 P206 DFS 14
Y4 A4
Y5 A5 2
0.1 10%
0.1 10%
0.1 10%
0.1 10%
0.1 10%
0.1 10%
0.1 10%
0.1 10%
0.1 10%
0.1 10%
D3 OPT_ID NC 2 1
D6 12 8 2 NL1251-5385 Y3 A3
Y6 A6 15 5
D2 RI NC 8 8 4
D7 11 9 1252-2493 2 P206 GND 16
Y2 A2
Y7 A7 D1 CAL_LOCKOUT NC 3 3 15
3 J206 NL1251-5385 17
Y1 A1
16 PIN
GND P206 B D0
Y0 A0
1252-2493 3 +5 18 2
3.48K C
10 4 J206 NL1251-5385 74ABT541
U215 U219 U208 U202 U280 U203 U283 U212 U214 U282 CS4 13 12 6
1252-2493 4 P206 OE1
0.1 10%
DTS 19
+5V 1821-0300 11 9 12
1 J207 NL1251-5385 OE0
+5V U214 1
7 4 2
+5V 1 DFS
20 VCC 15 16 8
44 J207 NL1251-5385
20 20 20 12 13 10
VCC 1252-2493 2 P207 GND +5V
U203 U202 VCC VCC 9 11 11
75ALS160 9914 3 J207 NL1251-5385 +5V
16 9 12 34 19 U213 U204 4 7 13
5.11K C
D108 J201 B8 D8 DIO8 D0 74ABT574 1252-2493 3 P207 +5 74ABT273
15 8 13 35 17 D6 1 +5V ROWS
D107 1252-2320 B7 D7 DIO7 D1 CS2 OE 4 NL1251-5385 PCLR 1 11 CS6
14 7 14 36 16 D5 11 MR CP 14
D106 B6 D6 DIO6 D2 CP 1252-2493 P207 8 VCC
13 6 15 37 15 D4 VCC REL_1 2 3 D0 U211
D105 B5 D5 DIO5 D3 NL1251-5385 Q0 D0 1820-5941 U282
4 5 16 38 14 D3 D0 2 19 U230 REL_2 5 4 D1 74ACT138 73ALS1035
D104 B4 D4 DIO4 D4 D0 Q0 Q1 D1 1 15 1 2
3 4 17 39 13 3 18 1 J208 1818-6669 6 7 A0 00 1A 1Y
D2 D1 REL_3 D2
D103 B3 D3 DIO3 D5 D1 Q1 Q2 D2 2 14 3 4
2 3 18 41 12 D1 D2 4 17 1252-2493 1 P208 DFS 1 7 REL_4 9 8 D3 A1 01 2A 2Y
D102 B2 D2 DIO2 D6 D2 Q2 A0 TEST Q3 D3 3 13 5 6
1 2 19 42 11 5 16 2 J208 NL1251-5385 12 13 A2 02 3A 3Y
D0 D3 D4
D101 B1 D1 DIO1 D7 D3 Q3 2 6 Q4 D4 4 12 9 8
17 1 23 6 15 1252-2493 2 P208 A1 SCL 15 14 E1 03 4A 4Y
TE TE D4 Q4 Q5 D5 5 11 11 10
9 11 33 9 7 14 3 J208 NL1251-5385 3 5 16 17 E2 04 5A 5Y
IFC A2 D5 D6
PE CONT RS2 D5 Q5 R220 A2 SDA Q6 D6 6 10 13 12
NRFD 7 8 8 13 1252-2493 3 P208 +5 19 18 E3 05 6A 6Y
A1 D6 DFI D7
RS1 D6 Q6 Q7 D7
1 9
N6 N5 N4 N3
LOGIC +5V 1 2
COM 23 25 6 1A 1Y
GND6 IFC DBIN R242 +5V 3 4
22 20 27 5 2A 2Y
VCC A[0:15] A[0:15] 3A 3Y
21 26 4 10M 5%
GND8 .1W 500
18 U280 29 32 CS8 4A 4Y
DAV 0699-3819 11 10
GND9 75ALS161 +5V
20 30 20 VCC 32 20 5A 5Y
13 12
GND10 +5V
19 11 1 31 21 U207 VCC 14 VCC 6A 6Y
U206 U219 U210
12 2 19 32 Y201 1820-5612
SHLD A0 12 13 D0 IC_OPT 13 VCC 12 44 11 74ABT574 GND NC 4 P203 4 2
3 18 A0 I/O1 11 A0 7 PBRC-8.00BR XTAL XIRQ 1 7 SDA
IFC IFC1 1821-1721 11 14 A0 ACT04 1 3 43 16 OE NC 6 1251-8105 6 3
5.11K C
26 25 A1 D1
MTG 5 16 10 A1 CS5 11
NRFD NRFD1 A2 10 15 D2 A1 17 CP SCL NC 2 2 1
4 17 22 A2 I/O3 23 9 A2 14 0410-4076 30 TXD
A3 9 17 D3 3 3 15
6 15 A3 I/O4 25 8 U219 29 2 19
DAV DAV1 OE A3 A3 2 PA1 D0
D0 Q0
10K C
10K C
A4 8 18 D4 5 VCC 6 18 15 15 9
7 14 A4 I/O5 7 A4 7 28 PD2 D1 3 18
EOI EOI1 7 19 A4 GND
ACT04 GUARD PA2 19 D1 Q1 13 13 10
5.11K C
A5 D5
8 13 A5 I/O6 6 27 PD3 4 17
ATN ATN1 A6 6 20 D6 A5 PA3 20 D2 Q2 11 11 11
9 12 A6 I/O7 5 26 PD4 5 16 16 PIN
SRQ SRQ1 5 21 A6 A6
PA4 21
D3 Q3 9 9 12
4 A7
A7 I/O8 D7 14
4 25 6 15
2 3 1 5 A8
1820-6814 A8 CS1 13 29 24 14 7 14
BIAS_COM D0 A8 9 8 D5
5.11K C
B A11 0699-1318 A8
A11 WE D3 18 27 A11 A8 MODB C 1K 1820-8461
A12 4 1 DQ3 A11 A9 38 NC 12 12 6
A12 NC1 D4 19 3 A12 14 A9 3 0699-1318 D0 GND
28 DQ4 A12 37 D0 B 14
U219 A10 10 NC 14 7
A13 20 30 A10 4
D5 A13 D1
3 DQ5 A13 11 VCC 10 A11 36 D1 NC 7 7 13
A14 D6 21 31 A14 7 A11 5 D2
31 DQ6 A14 GND
ACT04 A12 35 D2 +5V 16 16 8
PCLR A15 D7 22 2 A12 6 D3
2 DQ7 A15 34 D3
1818-5681 7
A14 33 D4 R247 +5V
1818-5292 GND A14 8 D5 D0
9 14
U215 32 D5 1
A15 +5V REL_1 P209 1 1
NC GND 16 A15 9 D[0:7]
D6 2.87K A
74ACT32 8 16
D6 R248 0699-3958 REL_2 2 1252-1152 2 2
1820-5944 +5V 10 D7 D1 CONN
10 15 D7 20 REL_3 3 3 3
7 12 VCC 4 TO
1 14
U215 A[0:15]
R/W D[0:7] A[0:15] 0699-3958 R249 REL_4
10 PIN
4 4
42 AS U281 DFI 5 POST 5 5
74ACT32 3 E 2 74ABT573 2.87K A
31 VSS 6 HEADER 700
1820-5944 0699-3958 RI 6 6
2 NC1 19 2 R250
GND 1821-1256 A0
Q0 D0 D0
7 7 7
7 A1 18 3 D1 750
+5V VDD EVSS Q1 D1 2.87K A OPTO_PON 8 8 8
+5V A2 17 4 D2 0699-3958 R251
14 22 1 Q2 D2 D4 +5V 9 9 9
16 A3 16 5 D3
U219 Q3 D3 10 10 10
VCC 2.87K A
+5V A15 1 VCC 2 CS8 C236 A4 15 6 D4 R252 0699-3958
U208 7 Q4 D4 D5
1820-5941 GND
ACT04 A5 14 7 D5 B
14 1UF 10% Q5 D5 2.87K A
74ACT138 NC 13 8 R253
1 15
100PF C
100PF C
100PF C
100PF C
NC 13 1 2
6 10 74ACT32 6
E3 05 7 GND
1820-5944 3 4
5 3
5 6
P210 1 7 7
07 CS7 1
7 8 P202
2 PIN 9 10 P203
POST A[0:15] 8
11 12 P209 (10 PIN)
F201 13 14
P204 1 +5V Q223 3
OPTO_PON 15 16
5.11K C
2 4A CR205 +5V
2 PIN 1
56.2K C
10K C
3 8 LM393 EEPON
220UH Q201
10K C
C 1K MIC4576 1 5 R231
+ VCC Q224 3
U218 9140-2387
9.09K B
3300PF A
1826-6632 2 7
NL1205-0886 0699-1318
0.047 10%
1 4
348 C 6 +5V
5.11K C
4 0699-1318
TA 35V
20% 2.2
3 6
340K C
50V 4700
1.5K C
0.22 10%
25V X7R
5.11K C
3.48K C
20% 470
AL 25V
3 4 10K C
TA 35V
20% 10
25V X7R
0.22 10%
1K C
3.01K B
R204 R228 Q225 3
1.96K C 5.11K C
0.1 10% 0699-1375 B 0699-1385
MC2 2 50V FIX
NL0160-6222 B B
MP5 3 1 R211 R229 2
Contiguous Blocks. Two symbols may share a common there is always an implied logic connection cross a vertical
boundary parallel or perpendicular to the direction of signal line. Notable exceptions to this rule are the horizontal lines
flow. Note that in the example shown in Figure A-4 there is beneath control blocks and between sections of shift
generally no logic connection across a horizontal line, but registers and counters.
Application of dependency notation is accomplished by:
1. labelling the input affecting other inputs or outputs
with the letter symbol denoting the relationship
involved followed by an appropriately chosen
identifying number, and
2. labelling each input or output affected by the affecting
input with that same number.
If two affecting inputs have the same letter and the same
identifying number they stand in an OR relationship to each
EN Enable - Identifies an input that enables outputs, and Miscellaneous Terms and Symbols. Figure A-10 shows
indicates which outputs are affected by it. Acts as a miscellaneous terms and symbols that are used in
connect switch when active, and a disconnect switch conjunction with the logic symbols, function tables, and
when inactive. truth tables used in this section.
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a current sales office listing, visit our web site: http://www.agilent.com/find/tmdir
You can also contact one of the following centers and ask for a test and measurement sales representative.
Agilent Technologies Japan Ltd.
Measurement Assistance Center
9-1, Takakura-Cho, Hachioji-Shi,
Tokyo 192-8510, Japan
(tel) (81) 426 56 7832
(fax) (81) 426 56 7840