Ijcrr: Patient Counselling: A Way To Enhance Patient Compliance
Ijcrr: Patient Counselling: A Way To Enhance Patient Compliance
Ijcrr: Patient Counselling: A Way To Enhance Patient Compliance
Stuti Gupta1, Ravindra Pal Singh2, Rajendra k. Songara1, Sonia
Bisla1, Heema Naik1, Dolly Jain1
ijcrr School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Jaipur National University, Jaipur,
Vol 03 issue 05 2
Gyan Vihar School of Pharmacy, Suresh Gyan Vihar University, Jaipur
Category: Review
Received on:11/03/11 E-mail of corresponding author: stutipharmabird@gmail.com
Revised on:01/04/11
Accepted on:07/04/11
Effective patient counseling makes the patient understand his/her illness, necessary lifestyle
modifications and pharmacotherapy in a better way and thus enhance patient compliance. The
pharmacist has immense responsibility in counseling the patients. The counseling pharmacist
should possess adequate knowledge and should be an effective communicator, making use of the
verbal and non-verbal communication skills.
Table 1: Drug counseling points in coronary heart disease (USPDI, 1997; British
National Formulary, 2003; Sweetman, 2002).
Beta receptor agonists Short acting drugs belonging to this category should be used mainly
for symptom relief. Patients on long acting drugs should be told that
the medication may take some time period to show the action.
Theophyllines Patients on sustained release preparations should be told not to
crush/chew the tablets. Anticholinergics Monitor for dry throat,
nausea, headache, blurred vision, and painful urination.
Corticosteroids Medications should be administered regularly. They
should not be stopped abruptly.
Anticholinergics Monitor for dry throat, nausea, headache, blurred vision, and painful
urination. Corticosteroids Medications should be administered
Mast cell stabilizers Patient should be told that this medication is used to prevent the
asthma attack and it does not relieve bronchospasm that has already
Table 3: Drug counseling points in Diabetes (USPDI, 1997; British National Formulary,
2003; Sweetman, 2002)
Sulfonylurea‘s Explain the methods to prevent detect and manage hypoglycemia. Monitor
for symptoms of jaundice. Discuss the administration time in relation to
food and need for alcohol abstinence.
Insulin Explain the methods to prevent detect and manage hypoglycemia. Educate
the patient regarding newer insulin administration techniques, proper
storage conditions for insulin.
Metformin Advice the patient to take with/after food. Monitor for muscle pain,
unusual sleepiness, nausea, stomach pain, weight loss.
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