Project Guidline Modified
Project Guidline Modified
Project Guidline Modified
COM 429 & COM 229
Preliminary pages
Title Page
This page usually contents the following information
a.The main title of the work and the subtitle (if any)
b. The complete names of the student (s) as the case may be.
c. A follow-up statement describing the research project, the department, school/faculty,
the institution to which it is being submitted and the purpose of the submission.
d. The month and year of publication
Approval page
This Page expresses statements confirming the fact that the work had been properly
supervised and approved; having met the standard requirements of the department and
Here, the student researcher writes his/her dedication on this page. Usually, this comes in
a few lines of sentences to form a single paragraph.
In this page, you are expected to recognize all those that made noteworthy contributions
to the success of your project. It allows for comments regarding the roles played by
significant contributors to the successful completion of the project work. The first person
to acknowledge after God is your supervisor followed by HOD and the department (Staff)
before other persons.
Table of contents
This page usually runs into more pages than one. It outlines all the contents headings
(chapters, headings and sub-heading) of the entire project with the corresponding pages
where they can be found. The content pages are set out in such a way that to its left
hand side, the contents are outlined beginning with the preliminary pages (in roman
numerals) running through the entire chapters (in digital/arabic numerals). Each of the
content item listed is followed by the corresponding page numbers on the right hand while
each of the main and sub-headings carry some designated numbers corresponding to
the chapter number to the inner left-hand margin.
List of tables
It outlines all the table labels in the project with the corresponding pages where they can
be found. The tables are usually numbered using chapter heading. E.g. first table in
chapter 3 will be table 3.1.
List of figures
It outlines all the figures in the project with the corresponding pages where they can be
found. The figures are usually numbered using chapter heading. E.g. first figure in
chapter 1 will be figure 1.
An abstract is short account of something much longer such that only the salient issues
contained are brought to the fore. This section provides an outline of the prominent issues in
entire project work using future tenses. The abstract is often the last item that you write, but
the first thing people read when they want to have a quick overview of the whole project
work. If done well, it makes the reader want to learn more about your research. The basic
components of an abstract in any discipline are: (1) Motivation/problem statement (2)
Methods/procedure/approach/tools (3)Results/findings/product (4) Conclusion/ implications.
Note, abstract should be written in one paragraph with single line spacing not more than 250
1.1 Introduction
In this section, you introduce the project topic and what the entire chapter is all
about or covers.
2.1 Introduction
In this section, you introduce the literature review and topics/concepts to be reviewed
are highlighted.
2.2 -….. Body of the work. Literature review is an account of what has been published
on a topic by accredited scholars and researchers that aim at showing you convince
your readers that you have read extensively and have a good grasp of the published
works concerning the topic, related topics or questions in the research. It is also aimed
at closing some research gap in the area understudy. In closing a research gap, the
researcher (s) will have to explain his/her/their own view about the issue or area
understudy. Efforts must be made to give credit to authors you are using their work by
citing and referencing them properly..
In writing a literature review, you must define a guiding concept such as your research objective,
the problem or issues you are discussing/ working to mitigate.
What does your literature review say about your research Project?
Your literature review shows your readers whether or not you have an in-depth grasp of your
subject. When you have a rich literature review, it convinces your readers that you have sound
knowledge of the subject you are working on and that your work is not based on assumptions.
Structure of a literature review
3. Conclusion.
NOTE: That the fourth part of the literature is references which usually comes at the end of the
entire project report. The referencing is done using APA referencing style 7th edition
What is APA?
How to cite in the body of your work using APA style otherwise known as
APA in-text citation
An APA in-text citation consists of the author’s last name and year of publication, for example:
(Nwoduh, 2020). If you're quoting the exact words of someone else, then you need introduce
the quote with an in-text citation in parenthesis and you have to include the page number as
well, for example: (Nwoduh, 2020, page. 17). For sources such as websites that have no
page numbers, you have to use the paragraph number, for example: (Nwoduh, 2020, para 2).
In-text citation is used in review, when you summarize, paraphrase, or quote from another
source. For every in-text citation in your work, there must be a corresponding entry in your
reference list.
When compiling your Reference List using APA stlye, you should do the following:
A basic reference list entry for a journal article in APA must include:
Ruxton, C. (2016). Tea: Hydration and other health benefits. Primary Health Care, 26(8), 34-42.
A basic reference list entry for a book from a library database in APA must include:
Example: Arnott, G. D. (2017). The disability support worker (2nd ed.). Cengage Learning.
How to enter resources from web pages into your reference list
Asmelash, L. (2019, August 14). Social media use may harm teens' mental health by disrupting
positive activities, study says. CNN.
Systems analysis is a method of figuring out the basic elements of a project and
deciding how to combine them in the best way to solve a problem. System analysis,
then, is the process of gathering and interpreting facts, diagnosing problems, and
using the information to recommend improvements to the system. On the other
hand, System design is the process of defining the components, modules, interfaces,
and data for a system to satisfy specified requirements.
3.1 Introduction
In this section you are to explain briefly what the chapter is all about, such as why you
have to analyze the system and why it is important you do that. It also shows what aspects of
the analysis and design will be discussed in the chapter.
3.5.2. Operational Feasibility – This is the ability, desire and willingness of the
stakeholders to use, support and operate the proposed system. Operational feasibility
study involves undertaking a study to analyze and determine how seemingly the
proposed system will integrate into the operation of the organization for which it is being
designed and meet the needs (requirements) of the organization. It includes design-
dependent parameters such as usability (skills the users need to have and how to get
it), reliability, maintainability (is the maintenance requirements available), supportability
(can the new system support other sub or main system), sustainability (how do we
sustain it) and affordability (in all how affordable are all these other factors). The
stakeholders include management, employees, suppliers (if applicable) and customers.
A system is said to be operationally feasible if the system seamlessly integrate into the
operations of the organization under study and there is show of wiliness by the critical
stakeholders to adopt and use the system.
3.6.1. Context/ Dataflow Diagram This diagram show the system as a whole and its
inputs and outputs from/to external. It defines the boundary between the system and its
environment showing the entities that interact with it.
3.6.2. Modularity: This refers to the extent to which software application may be
divided into smaller modules. The modules are most often divided based on
functionality. In this subsection, you are expected to describe the various modules in
your system and their functions.
3.6.3. System Flowchart: System flowchart is a type of flowchart that explains the
functionality of an entire system. A system flowchart shows the flow of activity within the
entire system while a program flowchart represents a single program module in the
system. You are to draw here a system flowchart showing the functionality of the entire
system and relationship/link between the sub systems .
3.6.4. Program flowchart: An entire software system is collection of multiple program
modules. A program flowchart therefore describes the flow of activities in a single
program module. You are expected to draw in this section a flowchart detailing the flow
of activities (processes, data and information) in each of the major program modules.
3.7.1. Input Design Specification: In this section a clear description of what the inputs
to the new system are, the input interface, how the inputs to the system will be
collected and processed and devices required for the input are documented in this sub-
section. So you are expected to describe here, the input interface, method of input and
tools required to feed the system with inputs.
Entity: AGENT
Entity: L_STATUS
ImageSource: https://online.visula-paradigm/system-context-diagram-example/hotel-
A system flowchart describes how an entire system operates. It helps to recognize the
flow of operations in the system and in preparing the required documents of the system.
An entire software system is collection of multiple program modules. A program flowchart
therefore describes the flow of activities in a single program module.
RATE = 300
4.3.1 Software Requirements (All software required for the new system to run)
4.3.2 Hardware requirements (All hardware tools required for the new system to work)
4.3.3 People Requirements (The basic skills the users are expected to have)
4.5.1 Coding. State the code size used and the type of programming structrure used.
4.7 Discussion
In this section, the results gotten in 4.6 above are discussed in details. That is how the
new system accomplishes each results one after the other. If there are shortcoming
observed with the result (such as high use of computer resources compared to the
existing system) it is also noted here.
5.1 Summary: This section provides a summary of the entire project work. It represents the
main essence of what the researcher had done and found as a result of his
5.2 Conclusion: The conclusion states whether you have achieved your objectives,
gives a brief summary of the key finding or information in your project and highlight the
major outcomes of the project work and their significance.
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