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Integrated Marketing Communication and Promotion

Article · October 2011

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1 author:

Shakeel Rehman
Islamic University of Science and Technology


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-Journal of Arts, Science & Commerce ■ E-ISSN 2229-4686 ■ ISSN 2231-4172



Shakeel-Ul-Rehman Dr. M.Syed Ibrahim,

Ph.D., Research Scholar (Anna University of Assistant Professor of Commerce,
Technology, Coimbatore), Sona School of Government Arts College (Autonomous),
Management, Tamil Nadu, India. Tamil Nadu, India


Integrated Marketing Communication emerges as a powerful tool that guides practitioners

in developing and implementing marketing communications more consistently and effectively.
Despite its continuing appeal little is known about its physical or visible form in marketing
communication process, but the emergence of this concept has become one of the most significant
examples of development in the marketing discipline. It is the most innovative function of
marketing endorsed by advertising and marketing practitioners. Integrated Marketing
Communication has moved beyond communication to the process of using promotional elements
in a unified way so that a synergistic communication effect is created and achieved. The present
study explore on the purpose of drawing out whether Integrated Marketing Communication could
indeed be seen as an effort towards promotion in practice and also find out some challenges and
future of integrated marketing communications for business.

Keywords: Integrated Marketing Communication, Information Technology, Promotional Mix,


International Refereed Research Journal ■ www.researchersworld.com ■ Vol.– II, Issue –4,Oct. 2011 [187]
-Journal of Arts, Science & Commerce ■ E-ISSN 2229-4686 ■ ISSN 2231-4172

Integrated Marketing Communication is a step towards an integrated approach in achieving efficiency by
synergy. By definition, It involves the merging of distinct communication functions in a way that allows an
organization to speak with “one voice, one look” (Fitzerpatrik.K.R. 2005).
Marketing communication represents the “voice” of the company and its brands and is the means by which it
can establish a dialogue and build relationship with customers. By integrated marketing communication
consumers learn who makes the product, for what purpose or benefit it stands and links the brand to people,
place, events, experiences, feelings, etc. Integrated Marketing Communication enhances companies’ ability to
reach the right customer with right message at the right time and in the right place.
Integrated Marketing Communication is the planning and execution of all types of marketing communication
needed for a product, brand, idea, company or place in order to satisfy a common set of objectives and support
the positioning of promotion. The concept of integrated marketing communication has evolved over four
fundamental stages, starting from tactical coordination of promotional elements, redefinition of the scope of
marketing communication and application of information and communication technology to the financial and
strategic integration (panda. T. k., 2009).

We are sure to see innovations in communications research during the next several years, the like of which have
never been before seen in the field (Lavidge,1999).
Integrated Marketing Communication has recognized all the trends by which firms touch customers must be
related, aligned and coordinated making it more than advertising, sales promotion and direct marketing
programmes (Schultz.D.E.,2003).
Let us assume that the ultimate process of marketing is to deliver higher standard of living through
communications (Kotler.P.,2003).
The marketers of twenty-first century should utilize an IMC program, which goes beyond usual marketing
concepts of 4p’s, trying in addition to generate new ways of creating customers by database (Johnson and
Schultz, 2004).
If companies disregard IMC and different messages are not delivered in unison, it may lead to an incoherent
brand image, which can negatively influence consumer behavior (McGrrath ,2005).
To draw the benefits from IMC approach, it is imperative that whole organization, cross functional and
subsidiaries understands how IMC works and how IMC plans can be put into action if this is not the case
integration will be lost which will inturn weaken both corporate brand and relationship (Reid, et.al., 2005).
The primary goal of IMC is to affect the perception of value and behavior through communication
The greater utilization of marketing communication tools within an IMC approach can lead to a better overall
outcome and may also deliver a more holistic picture (Smith, et.al., 2006).
Integrated Marketing Communication approaches have become the accepted norm for agencies offering
services to clients (Eagle.L.,Kitchen.J.p.,et.al.,2007).
The psychological continuity is a consistent attitude towards a brand or firm. It is reference for company’s
voice and personality for the consumers. This can be achieved but Integrated Marketing Communication with
them (panda. T. k., 2009).
Marketing communication activities must be integrated to deliver a consistent message and strategic positioning
As a customer centered process integrated marketing communication is the first step in developing a common
understanding of its purpose and value. Integrated marketing communication integrates everything that helps a
company to promote its business and position its product in the market. An integrated marketing
communication program must be continuous and strategic oriented. Some early attempts appeared in academic
literature (Dyer, 1982; coulson-thomas, 1983; Schultz, 1996). Integrated marketing communication began to be
practiced and became a hot topic throughout (caywood et.al. 1991; mile and rose,1994; kitchen and
Caywood(1997) suggest that background for the emergence of integrated marketing communication is from
three areas first from corporate or client side , an increasing competition and higher risk in markets brought by
merging and acquisitions have been required to meet the consumer changing needs more successfully through
new marketing strategies. Second from media and market side weakening the traditional trends of advertising

International Refereed Research Journal ■ www.researchersworld.com ■ Vol.– II, Issue –4,Oct. 2011 [188]
-Journal of Arts, Science & Commerce ■ E-ISSN 2229-4686 ■ ISSN 2231-4172

and marketing, due to exposure of information technology has increased the search for more effective and cost
efficient methods in communications among marketers. Third from, the consumer, as ongoing changes in his
life style have made advertisers to develop more elaborate and quicker response communication formats.
Today’s business environment demands a well managed and equally planned relational customer data-base, a
focused and customer-oriented approach to customers and clients, and a psychological-driven prospecting
approach to Sales. Reich then insists that marketers should combine proven marketing techniques with new
integrated marketing communication methods to ensure success (Reich, 1998).
It begins with the product development and includes packaging, pricing, selection of distribution channels,
channel management, customer relationship management, total quality management etc. it involves the
multidimensional, interactive, continuously measured communication that connects the brand or product and
the customer (Lauterborn, 2003). The allocation of communication budget, away from mass media and
traditional advertising has obviously promoted integrated marketing communication in recognition and effective
The American Association of Advertising Agencies defines integrated marketing communication as “a concept
that recognizes the added value of a comprehensive plan that evaluates the strategic roles of a variety of
communication disciplines and combines these disciplines to provide clarity, consistency and maximum
communication impact”.
Apparently in just a short period , the concept of integrated marketing communication became a watch-cry not
only of marketing communications, but also an integral part of corporate communication strategies of many
companies.(Kitchen.J.P., et.al.,2004).it has increased communication impact, made creative ties more effective
and provide consistency in communication.
Integrated Marketing Communication has evolved over a period of time from awareness level of integration to
image level integration to functional integration to coordinated integration to consumer based integration to
stakeholder based integration to relationship management integration (panda. T. k., 2009).
It is a promotional tool along with other marketing mix components to gain advantage over competitors using to
reach highest level of consumer satisfaction by knowing the right touch-points. It is a data driven approach
using outside-in thinking focused on identifying consumer insights using both on and off –line channel strategy
to develop a stronger brand-consumer relationship (Surrender. S., and Telrandhe.N.,2010). Integrated marketing
communication is thus the voice of marketing creating brand awareness, deliver information, educate the
market and make a positive image of the company.
Across the globe, there is continuity in market deregulation and emergence of individualized segmentation of
consumer tastes and preferences. So IMC being not an easy process has to face internal as well as external
challenges. As some markets flee traditional media they still come across some communication clutter. The
challenges of IMC are.
• A shift in market place power from manufacturer to wholesaler to retailer/shift in channel power.
• A movement away from relying on advertising focused approach.
• Rapid growth of data base marketing.
• A shift in traditional promotions.
• Change in the way the advertising agencies compensated.
• Rapid growth of internet marketing.
• Growing competition in relationship marketing.
• Change from mere information delivery to value delivery.
• Consumer empowerment.
• Fragmentation of media.
• Increasing advertising clutter.
• Desire for greater accountability.

Integrated Marketing Communication is the boost for promotional mix elements, whether it is advertising;
direct marketing, interactive/internet marketing, sales promotion, publicity/public relations or personal selling,
combining these disciplines to provide consistently and clearly a maximum communication impact. Promotion
has been defined as the coordination of all seller-initiated efforts to set up channels of information and
persuasion to sell goods and services or promote an idea.
Promotion is the systematic attempt to move forward step by step prospects from a state of unawareness to

International Refereed Research Journal ■ www.researchersworld.com ■ Vol.– II, Issue –4,Oct. 2011 [189]
-Journal of Arts, Science & Commerce ■ E-ISSN 2229-4686 ■ ISSN 2231-4172

awareness then to knowledge and liking, then to preference and conviction and finally to action (purchase) or a
positive behavioral response. The communication accomplishes its objectives in a series of mental stages as the
receiver or audience moves from unawareness to actual deal. The purpose of integrated marketing
communication should be to maximize customer delivered value. Integrated marketing communication plays a
very important role in the ability and capacity of firm to innovate and success fully delivers competitive
response through value added offerings to their customers. The various steps commonly followed in an
integrated marketing communication process are:
• Identify the audience to be targeted.
• Determine objectives of your communication.
• Design the message of communication.
• Select your media channel.
• Decide the budget.
• Decide the marketing communication mix.
• Measuring your results.
• Managing and coordinating IMC.
So a centralized strategic planning is the very heart of integrated marketing communication. The use of various
options should be centrally planned and coordinated utilizing a systematic strategic planning. Strategy lays
down the broad principles by which a company hopes to secure an advantage over the competitors, exhibit
attractiveness to buyers and lead to efficient utilization of resources and promote company image.
Moreover a successful Integrated Marketing Communication program must have the right combination of
promotional tools and techniques that must help companies to identify appropriate and efficient methods for
communicating and building relationship with customers as well as other stakeholders, such as employees,
suppliers, investors, interest groups and the general public.
In future, Integrated Marketing Communication will become a requirement and not mere a choice for clients
and agencies in the world. Integrated marketing communication process is highly dynamic from a holistic point
of view. The changing environment of markets and marketing is the driving force for integrated marketing
communication implementation. Further with the development of information and communication technology,
marketing communications must transform towards new information-driven interactive consumer focused
approach. Integrated marketing communication as a general concept would be acceptable as effective marketing
departments and advertising agencies are developing new pipelines of new talented innovations, media buyers,
promotions managers, data base web masters and others in order to succeed in the long run. Moreover the
methods of integrated marketing communication operation and deployment path must be different based on
certain socio-cultural and institutional factors of certain masses.
Hopefully coming to the point that business is not about changing the people but about changing yourself and
your reactions for them. Success comes when one learns to control and coordinate. So integrated marketing
communication plan should not be considered an end goal but rather a continuous approach. This is the most
exciting, most challenging time in history of communication research. The diffusion of integrated marketing
communication program should closely be associated with changes in consumption pattern, technical
advancement and competition. Integrated marketing communication study provides practice based and
grounded insights as well as concrete suggestions for organizing communication campaigns. Integrated
marketing communication must not be just communication with present and prospect customers, but also with
employees, vendors, related industries and external environment either directly or indirectly involved within.
Moreover in marketing effective communication is absolutely necessary even though one is having a superb
product best package and offer a fair price, people will not come to buy it unless they might have hear of it or
are aware of it. So without integrated marketing communication promotion of a brand or product or generally
your business is impossible and without promotion nothing can be sold in this competitive global market.

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International Refereed Research Journal ■ www.researchersworld.com ■ Vol.– II, Issue –4,Oct. 2011 [191]

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