b569cec0 108年度工程數學第12章作業
b569cec0 108年度工程數學第12章作業
b569cec0 108年度工程數學第12章作業
【102 中山通訊】
12 7 1
4. Consider the matrix A 2 4 0 .Is it possible to write A B C where B is a symmetric
0 8 2
matric and C a skew symmetric matrix? If so, find B and C; otherwise, explain.(10%)【103 成大數學】
5. Prove that
(i) An n n matrix M can be written as M S A where S is a symmetry matrix, that is S T S ,
and A is a skew-symmetry matrix, that is AT A . (5%)
(ii) ( AB)T BT AT where both A and B are n n matrices. (5%)【103 中央天文】
7. A rotation 1 2 about the z-axis is carried out as two successive rotations 1 and 2 , each about
the z-axis. Use the matrix representations of the rotations to derive the trigonometric identities
cos(1 2 ) cos 1 cos 2 sin 1 sin 2 ,
sin(1 2 ) sin 1 cos 2 cos 1 sin 2 . (5%)【106 成大光電】
108 年度高成工數教室作業 單元:第 12 章 矩陣代數(第二講) p.12-2
1. For any n n matrices A and B, select the false statement below.
(A) A is invertible if and only if det A 0 .
(B) det AB (det A)(det B)
(C) det( A B) det A det B
(D) det AT det A
(E) If A is invertible, then det A1 (5%)【104 台大電子乙、電機、電信甲、光電、生醫甲】
det A
a b c
4. Let A d e f . If the determinant det( A) 3 , find the determinant of each of the following
g h k
a g d
O A 1
matrices.(i) 2 A (ii) 2b 2h 2e (iii)
(15%)【106 高大應數】
c 2 a k 2 g f 2d A A
108 年度高成工數教室作業 單元:第 12 章 矩陣代數(第三講) p.12-3
2 3.5 1 x3 22.35
(10%)【102 台大生物機電】
2. Which statement best describes the linear system Ax b with the following augmented matrix?
0 3 4 8
[ A | b] 1 1 2 3 (A)The linear system is consistent with a unique solution.
1 4 2 1
3. To solve a system of linear equations, we often use the augmented matrix form [ A b] ; then reduce A
to an upper triangular matrix by operating on the rows of A and carry out the same operations on the
x 2 y 2z 1 1 2 2 1
vector b. For instance, consider 4 x 8 y 9 z 3 (1) so we have [ A b] 4 8 9 3 .
3y 2z 1 0 3 2 1
Then we can apply an elimination matrix E to the system such that E[ A b] [U c] and U is an
upper triangular matrix. Which of the following statements are true?
1 0 0
(A) Left-multiply matrix A by E 21 4 1 0 to subtract four times the first row of A from the
0 0 1
second row of A.
1 0 0
(B) Left-multiply matrix A by P32 0 0 1 to exchange the second and the third columns of A.
0 1 0
1 0 0
(C) We can do both steps at once, i.e., set E 4 0 1 and U EA is an upper triangular matrix.
0 0 1
(D) The solution to the linear system (1) is x 1 , y 1 and z 1 .
(E) None of the above is true. (5%)【105 台聯大工數 C】
4. 求下列聯立方程式之解 ( x, y, z ) 。
3x 2 y z 5
2x y 6z 4
x 4 y 2 z 12 (20%)【105 中興土木丙】
6. Find all possible real number x1 , x2 , x3 , x4 and x5 that satisfy the following system of linear equations:
x1 x2 x3 2 x4 x5 1
2 x1 x2 2 x3 x4 x5 2 . (20%)【105 成大數學】
4 x x 4 x 3 x x 0
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 0 3
7. Ax 2 5 1 x 5
1 3 a b
(a) If x has more than 1 solution, find a and b. (5%)
(b) Find xh and x p such that xg xh x p and Ax g 5 , where xg , xh , x p , are general solution,
homogeneous solution, and particular solution respectively. (5%)
【105 中正機械甲乙丙】
108 年度高成工數教室作業 單元:第 12 章 矩陣代數(第四講) p.12-4
3 2 1
1. Let A 1 6 3 . Determine which of the following statements are true?
2 4 0
12 4 12 12 4 12
(a) adj ( A) 6 2 10 1
(b) A 6 2 10
16 16 16 16 16 16
1 0 0 3
0 1 0 4
2. Find the inverse of . (20%)【106 成大統計】
0 0 1 2
3 4 2 5
0 i
3. Find the inverse of . (5%)【104 成大光電甲乙】
i 0
6. Let A and B be n n square matrices such that AB C where C is an upper triangular matrix with
Cij 0 whenever j i . Prove that A and B are both invertible.(5%)【105 台聯大工數 AB】
1 0 2
7. Let A 0 1 0 and B ( I A) 1 ( I A) . Find the inverse matrix of ( I B ) . (5%)【104 中央通訊】
2 0 3
108 年度高成工數教室作業 單元:第 12 章 矩陣代數(第四講) p.12-4
3 0 0 1 0 0
8. Let matrices A 4 7 0 , I 0 1 0 , and
0 4 11 0 0 1
B ( I A) 1 (3I A) , please calculate the matrix ( I B ) 1 .(15%)【105 中山環工甲乙】
108 年度高成工數教室作業 單元:第 12 章 矩陣代數(第五講) p.12-5
1 7 5
1. A 3 1 1
2 2 0
2 6 2
2. (a) Find an LU-Decomposition of the following matrix 3 8 0 . (5%)
4 9 2
(b) Use the solution of part (a) to solve the following system of linear equations. (5%)
2 x1 6 x2 2 x3 2
3 x1 8 x2 2
4 x1 9 x2 2 x3 3
(No credit for other methods) 【106 中正資工甲乙】
16 4 4 4
4 5 3 3
3. 試對 A 作喬列斯基分解(Cholesky decomposition)。
4 3 6 4
4 3 4 7
(10%)【101 台大財金甲】