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C1m1mapeh6 - Module 1

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Lesson1. MAPEH
1.1. Notes and Rest
2. ART
2.1. Logos and Trademarks
3.1. Run for Good Health
4.1. Personal Health Issues and Concerns

1 C01M01MAPEH6
In this module the learners will learn how to identify notes and rest in music, how to create
their own or class logo in arts, the importance of physical activities in physical education, and the
issues and concerns about health.

By the end of the Module, the student is expected to:


GO1. Identify the kinds of notes and rests used in particular song

GO2. Recognize the musical symbols.

GO2. Read notes using its letters or pitch name.


GO1. Explain how art processes, elements, and principles still apply even with the use of new


GO2. Apply concepts on the use of software in making a logo design

GO3. Create personal logo as visual representation that can be used as a product, brand, or



GO1. Assess participation in physical activities based on the Philippine physical activity


GO2. Recognize the value of participation in physical activities.

GO3. Recognize the importance of running for health.


2 C01M01MAPEH6
GO1. Describe personal health.

GO2. Enumerate and discuss personal issues and concerns

GO3. Realize the importance of valuing one’s health.


Lesson 1: Notes and Rest

In this lesson, learners are expected to:

LO1. Identify different kinds of notes and rests.

LO2. Recognize the musical symbols.
LO2. Name the notes using letters or pitch names.


“Think of it”

1. Have you ever thought about who invented music and how it
3 C01M01MAPEH6
was created?
2. Do you have any idea how music is written?
Before you play music with other people, you must first agree on what you are going to play
together. To do that, you have to know how to speak language of music. Learning the music alphabet
will help you to do that. The music alphabet is just a simple as the English alphabet, as they both
require writing down letters to represent what we want to express.
Notes and rest are musical symbols that help us read and understand a song. They represent
a sounds and periods of silence in musical composition. Notes on the staff represent what pitch to
play and how long it should be played. Rests, on the other hand, are musical symbols used to
designate when to pause and stop playing.

Each note and rest has different value or beat

Notes Rest Name Beats

Whole 4

Half 2

Quarter 1



4 C01M01MAPEH6
Notes and rest are written on the staff. A staff has five vertical lines and four spaces, as shown

Note are written on the staff with a clef, which helps us to know if the note is high or low. The
highness and lowness of sounds is called pitch.
Comparatively, notes on the treble clef or G clef are higher in pitch than the notes on the bass
clef or F clef. Each note on the treble and bass clefs have particular pitch or so-fa syllables names.

5 C01M01MAPEH6
Activity 1:

A. Write the number of counts of each notes.

Notes and Rests Number of Counts

B. Draw the rests named below.

Half Rest Whole Rest Quarter Rest Sixteenth Rest Eighth Rest

6 C01M01MAPEH6
Performance Activity 1.

A. Read the notes using its letter or pitch names. Then write each letter on the blanks under
each note.

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

B. Sing the notes this time using so-fa syllable name on the blank under each note.

____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____

7 C01M01MAPEH6

Lesson 1: Logos and Trademarks

In this lesson, learners are expected to:

LO1. Identify the tools and methods used in making logo

LO2. Explain ideas about logo and trademark.
LO3. Make personal or class logo


“Think of it”

1. How many can you identify in the pictures

above? Which are those?
2. Do you know what these are called?

8 C01M01MAPEH6
A logo is an insignia that symbolizes a particular brand, product, organization, or even an
individual. It gives an instant memory recall so people may remember and recognize them easily. It is
also the skillful making of iconic forms, with the occasional use of texts stating the name of the
organization it stands for in order to elevate its depth and individuality.

A trademark, on the other hand, is a recognizable sign that identifies and distinguishes certain
products or services from others. It can be name, word, logo, image, or a combination of two or more
of these. In making a logo or trademark, the software Inkscape can be used. Inkscape is an open
source software and desktop and laptop computers. Aside from creating logos, this software can also
be used to create or edit graphics such as illustrations, diagrams, and complex painting.


The following are the basic tools and methods that can be used when creating logo in

1. Polygon tool
This tool is used to create complex shapes much faster. Though using this tool can be quite
challenge. One can make use of his or her time to practice in order to learn some ways to make
using polygon tool much easier.

2. Gradient Fills and on Stroke

This is a tool that explains how to apply and achieve linear and radial gradient in you

3. Group/Ungroup
Is an object operation. If you click object > Group, each of the objects in a selected
group while retaining their relative size, position, fill, and stroke. This make it easier to organize
complicated drawings. Object > Ungroup returns to the original selection.

4. Break Apart
This is a Path operation. Path > Combine Enables similar objects to turn into something
different from the original. Path > Break Apart restores selected objects to their altered styles.

5. Nodes
These are art selections that help you use and manipulated your artwork in Inkscape.

6. Exporting Artwork
This button suggest friendly and compatible file types where you can save your artwork.
9 C01M01MAPEH6
7. Align and Distribute
This helps you align and distribute the contents in a symmetrical and asymmetrical

8. Shadows, Blurs, and Other Useful Filters

This option presents quicker and easier ways to improve your drawings.

9. Fill and Stroke

This is the most basic tool in inkscape. It allows you to paint a selected object by
clicking a color in the palette below the canvas to change its fill color.

10. Tapered Lines

This is a tool you use to neatly transform simple lines to complicated ones.

11. Clipping and Masking

This tool blends all the different elements of your artwork and make it cohesive.

12. Modifying Brush Strokes

This tool make brush strokes part of the design and prevents it from standing out.

13. Layers and Blend Modes

This tool allows you to create a new design while saving the previous ones so you can
compare and choose the one you prefer.

14. Duplicate, Clone, or Copy and Paste

These arte option tool used to create and recreate identical artworks.

15. Repeating Patterns

This gives options on creating patterns using identical objects.

16. Connect Dots to Visualize Path

These is series of dots that enables you to visualize the outline of the design you are

17. Objects to Marker

This tool helps you customize your design.

18. Kerning, Spacing, and Other Text Tricks

This button offers built-in features to edit text and font.
10 C01M01MAPEH6
19. Warping and Sculpturing
These are additional tools you can use to draw special shapes.

20. Zoom and View

This tool helps you set documents quicker.


To come up with successful and effective logo designs, some elements should be considered.
These are as follows.

1. Symbols – in making logo design, the use of symbols that express the positive traits that
people can associate with your company is an important thing. In this way, your company will
be instantly linked with positivity.
2. Colors – the psychological effect of colors can be used in making a logo design. By making
use of light and bright colors, your logo will look more positive and vibrant to the public.
3. Words – using as few words as possible for your company name and slogan can be also be
an effective way to get your message across clearly and quickly.
4. Fonts – the use of font style that sends positivity to whoever sees it is also an effective way to
make a successful logo design.
5. Shapes – the use of basic shapes like circle, square, and triangle that add symbolism can
make a logo more interesting.
6. Clarity and Boldness – the logo should look great in both small print and in billboards.
7. Balance – a good logo design also maintains a good balance in creativity, artistry, and

Activity 1: “let’s do the art”

Identify the following logo. Write your answer on the space provided.

Logo Name


11 C01M01MAPEH6









12 C01M01MAPEH6
Performance Activity 2
“Make your own logo or class logo”
1. Pencil
2. Ruler
3. Crayons or any coloring material
4. Bond paper short

Performance Rubrics

Module Activities 5 4 3 2 1
Work Work Work Work Work not
exceptionally generally somewhat occasionally unique,
unique, unique, unique, unique, detailed or
detailed and detailed and detailed, or detailed or interesting
interesting, interesting. interesting interesting, and shows no
explore Explore some show some show original ideas
several different developing minimal risk or not risk
different options and ideas but taken. taken.
options and takes some without a true
takes many creative risks. sense of
creative originality.
Completed Complete Complete Artwork is Artwork is
artwork is artwork is artwork is incomplete incomplete.
Neatness exceptionally very neat. neat, with or extremely
neat. some part messy.
less neat.

Score: _____/10

13 C01M01MAPEH6
Lesson 1: Run for Good Health

In this lesson, learners are expected to:

LO1. Explain the importance of running in our health.

LO2. Enumerate the sports that requires a lot of running.
LO3. Do activities requires running.


1. What do you see in the picture?

2. Does your family jog or run? Do you
also jog or run with them?

According to the Philippine physical activity pyramid, the second level is the most practical
level of the required fitness activities. A review of many studies show that people who workout or
exercise for three hours a week are 20% less likely to die prematurely than those who do not.
Running is an important building block of many sporting activities from basketball to baseball.
Running strengthens bones better than aerobics activities. It benefits every part of the body and lifts
the mood of a person. Aside from this, sleeping becomes easy on the days we run compared to the
days when we do not. A 15 to 20 minute run for a day can already make a huge difference in our
overall health.
The more we fit we are, the quicker our heart rate returns to a normal after an extensive
physical activity. This means that our heart is pumping at a regular beat. This pumping can be felt by
placing a finger across the pulse points such as the wrist and the neck. One’s heart rate can be

14 C01M01MAPEH6
counted 70 beats per minute. The heart rate increases during exercise so that enough oxygen can be
carried in the blood, which brings oxygen to the muscles in the body.

Module Activity 3 “Think what you learned”

Answer the following questions below.

1. What is the ideal running time for you?

2. What sports require a lot of running? Give at least three.
a. ________________________________
b. ________________________________
c. ________________________________
3. Why running is a cheap form of exercise?

Performance Activity 3. “Perform it”

Take a video of yourself doing the activity below and submit it via gmail on the give date by
your teacher.

Wall Drill

Do the following:

1. Find a sturdy wall.

2. Stand one meter away from the wall.
3. Put the palms of your hands on the wall assuming a slant body position.
4. On your own signal, raise one knee.
5. Prance alternately to the right and left, doing a running motion in place for eight counts,
then 16 counts.

Performance Rubrics

Module Activities 5 4 3 2 1

15 C01M01MAPEH6
The The The The No
presentation presentation presentation presentation presentation
is is very is good. is not show.
outstanding. effective. Perform well. effective.
Perform very Perform very
well. well.
He/she He/she follow He/she not Instruction Not follow the
follow instruction follow some are not instruction no
Execution instruction and execute instruction follow, lack execution
and execute well. and execute of happens.
very well. well. execution.

Score: _____/10

16 C01M01MAPEH6
Lesson 1: Personal Health Issues and Concern

In this lesson, learners are expected to:

LO1. Describe personal health.

LO2. Enumerate and discuss personal issues and concern

LO3. Value the importance of personal health.



“Think of it”

1. What do you notice on the picture?

2. Do you measure you height and weight
regularly? What do you think is the
purpose of this?


17 C01M01MAPEH6
Monitoring height and weight is important to one’s health. One of the noticeable changes one
experiences during puberty is the rapid growth in the height and weight. This is why it is always
important to check on your height and weight. To get your Body Mass Index (BMI), or your body fat,
muscle, and the bone position, you need to measure your height and weight. This will also determine
if you are underweight, overweight, or obese. The formula to get BMI is:

Weigth (kg)

Underweight means that the person’s weight is less than the healthy range for his or her
height, sex, and age.
Overweight means that the person’s weight is more than the healthy range for his or her
height, sex, and age.
Obese means the person’s weight is much more than the healthy range for his or her height,
sex, and age.
Normal or Healthy Weight means that the person’s weight is in the healthy range for his or
her height, sex, and age.

Hearing is the ability to perceive sound by detecting vibrations. The ear is the organ for
hearing. The inability to hear is called deafness.

The three main components of the human ear are the outer ear, middle ear, and inner ear.

There are four defined degrees of hearing loss. These are the following.
1. Mild hearing loss – People who have this find it difficult to keep up with conversations
especially in noisy surroundings. The quietest sounds that people with mild hearing loss
can hear with their better ear are between 25 to 40 decibels.
2. Moderate hearing loss – People who have this find it difficult to keep up with
conversations when they are not using hearing aid. On average, the quietest sounds heard
by people with moderate hearing loss with their better ear are 40 to 70 decibels.
3. Severe hearing loss - People with severe hearing loss depend on powerful hearing aid.
They often rely on lip-reading even when they are already using hearing aids. The quietest
sounds they hear are between 70 to 95 decibels.
4. Profound hearing loss – People who have this find it hard to hear anything at all. The
mostly rely on lip-reading and sign language. The quietest sound they hear are from 95
decibels or more.

Some ear problems also include the following:

18 C01M01MAPEH6
a. Tinnitus – A person who has this hears buzzing, ringing, whistling, hissing, and
other sounds even when no external sound is present.
b. Otitis externa – It is an inflammation of the external auditory canal caused by the
c. Otosclerosis – It is deafness dues to heredity disorder in the structure of the middle
d. Otitis media – It is the result of the presence of fluid thickness that resembles a
glue-like structure that reduces the movement of the eardrum, anvil, hammer, and
stirrup which may lead the temporary deafness. The pressure may cause pain in the

Visual perception is the ability to interpret the surrounding environment by processing
information that is contained in visible light. The resulting perception is known as eyesight, sight, or
The eyes are said to be the organ to see and the “windows of the soul.” The inability to see is
called blindness. The Snellen Chart as seen below is used to check one’s vision.

The following are some of the problems in the eye.

19 C01M01MAPEH6
1. Amblyopia – It is a vision development problem in infants and young children that can lead
to permanent vision.
2. Astigmatism – It is usually caused by irregular cornea. It is results to blurred vision at all
3. Conjunctivitis – this results when the conjunctiva is inflated resulting to the formation of
pus. It is also caused the reddening of the eyes.
4. Glaucoma – this damages the optic nerve and diminishes the field of vision.
5. Trachoma – It is a serious eye condition that affects the eyelids, which may result to a
complete loss of eyesight.
6. Myopia or Nearsightedness – It is a condition where objects are seen clearly at close
distance but appear blurry at a distance.
7. Hyperopia or Farsightedness – It is a condition where objects are seen clearly at a
distance but appear blurry in close distance.



The skin is the largest organ of the body with a total area of about 20 square feet. The
skin protects us from microbes and the elements that are regulate body temperature and
permits the sensations of touch, heat, and cold.

Layer of the Skin

20 C01M01MAPEH6
The skin has multiple layers to provide us with the protection that we need. These layers are
the following
1. Epidermis – It is the outermost layer of the skin that provides a waterproof barrier and
creates our skin tone.
2. Dermis – It is found beneath the epidermis and contains tough connective tissues, hair
follicles, and sweat glands.
3. Hypodermis – It is deeper subcutaneous tissues which is made of fat and connective
Some skin problems include the following:
1. Rashes – It is the reddening of some parts of the skin that is usually caused by allergy or
2. Dermatitis – It is an inflammation of the skin.
3. Eczema – It is a skin inflammation causing itchy rash due to overactive immune system.
4. Psoriasis – it is an autoimmune condition that can cause s variety of skin rashes.
5. Acne – It is most common skin condition that affects over 85% of people at the same time
of life.
6. Cellulitis – It is an inflammation of the dermis and subcutaneous tissues that is usually due
to an inflammation.
7. Warts – It is caused by a virus that infects the skin and causes it to grow excessively.
8. Melanoma – It is the most dangerous type of skin cancer that results from sun damage and
other causes.
9. Scabies – These are caused by tiny mites that burrow into the skin resulting to intensely
itchy rashes in the webs of fingers, wrists, elbows, and buttocks.
10. Ringworm – It is caused by a fungi skin infection called “tinea.”

Hair is a protein filament that grows from follicles found in the dermis or skin. It is an important
biometrical primarily composed of protein, notably keratin.

Common hair problems include the following:

1. Dandruff
2. Lice
3. Falling hair
4. Greasy hair
Nails are the horn-like envelope covering the tips of the fungus and toes in the humans.
Fingernails and toenails are made of tough protective protein called keratin.

Common nail problems include the following:

21 C01M01MAPEH6
1. Ingrown toenails
2. Broken nails
3. Brittle nails


Each segment of the spin is crucial to the well-being of the entire spinal column and
cord. The strength of each portion is import for whole spine to function properly and normally.

Posture or spine disorders include the following:

1. Scoliosis – It is the distortion of the spine that makes the shoulders droop. There is
S or C curves of the spine.
2. Kyphosis – It is a defect characterized by a distorted backbone.
3. Lordosis or Hallow back – It is a defect that affects the lumbar region that results to
protruding stomach.


Oral and dental hygiene should be practiced regularly to avoid problems. As month is
filled with bacteria, proper oral hygiene like brushing and flossing should be observed.

Common dental problems including the following:

1. Dental Plaque – It is the almost invisible film of bacteria that accumulate on the
teeth and gums. It is usual cause of main dental diseases.
2. Tooth Decay – It is called dental caries or cavities. It is a disease causing the
progressive destruction of the tooth structure. It is one of the main causes of the
tooth loss.
3. Tooth Loss – it can occur when one or more teeth fall out. They are extracted due
to dental disease such as tooth decay and gum infections.
4. Tooth abscess – if an accumulation of pus at the area around a tooth root or in the
gums as a result of a tooth or gum infection. It is a painful condition that may lead to
tooth loss.
5. Toothache – it is a sign of dental problems. Tooth pain can be a symptom of many
different dental condition.
6. Gum Disease or Periodontal Disease – It is a serious inflammatory disease of the
gums or bone around the teeth.
7. Halitosis or Bad Breath – It is a dental problem due to poor dental hygiene.

Module Activity 4
22 C01M01MAPEH6
Write inside each box the details asked for each number.

1. Layer of the skin.

2. Skin problems.

3. Four defined degrees of hearing loss

4. Eye problems.

5. Hair problems.

Performance Activity 4. Slogan Making

23 C01M01MAPEH6
Make a slogan about on how to become healthier person, submit it via gmail on the given date
by your teacher.
1. Short bond paper
2. Pencil
3. Ruler
4. Crayons or any coloring materials
5. Marker

Performance Rubrics

Module Activities 5 4 3 2 1
Presentation Content and Some Presentation There is no
of content is information is information of content is presentation
clear, clear, are not so clear shows.
accurate and appropriate inappropriate, and
appropriate, but not as not clear, and confusing
giving all much flow of ideas due of lack
necessary continuity of show some of continuity.
information ideas shown. lapses.
Completed Complete Complete Artwork is Artwork is
artwork is artwork is artwork is incomplete incomplete.
Neatness exceptionally very neat. neat, with or extremely
neat. some part messy.
less neat.

Score: _____/10

Wrapping Up
 Notes on the staff represent what pitch to play and how long it should be played
24 C01M01MAPEH6
 Rests, on the other hand, are musical symbols used to designate when to pause and stop
 The highness and lowness of sounds is called pitch.
 A logo is an insignia that symbolizes a particular brand, product, organization, or even an
 A trademark, on the other hand, is a recognizable sign that identifies and distinguishes certain
products or services from others
 Inkscape is an open source software and desktop and laptop computers.
 Running is an important building block of many sporting activities from basketball, baseball.
 A review of many studies show that people who workout or exercise for three hours a week are
20% less likely to die prematurely than those who do not.
 Monitoring height and weight is important to one’s health
 The inability to hear is called deafness
 Visual perception is the ability to interpret the surrounding environment by processing
information that is contained in visible light.
 The skin is the largest organ of the body with a total area of about 20 square feet
 Hair is a protein filament that grows from follicles found in the dermis or skin
 Nails are the horn-like envelope covering the tips of the fungus and toes in the humans.
 Oral and dental hygiene should be practiced regularly to avoid problems.

25 C01M01MAPEH6

I. IDENTIFICATION. Name the following note write each letter on the blanks under each note.

_____ _____ _____ _____ _____


_____ _____ _____ _____ _____



Basic tools and methods in inkspace, give at least six.


Elements of logo design, give at least four.



I. TRUE or FALSE: Write TRUE if the statement is CORRECT and FALSE if it’s not.

________1. A 15 to 20 minute run for a day can already make a huge difference in our overall
________2. According to the Philippine physical activity pyramid, the fourth level is the most
practical level of the required fitness activities.
________3. Computer Gaming is an important building block of many sporting activities from
basketball to baseball.

26 C01M01MAPEH6
________4. Running strengthens bones better than aerobics activities.

________5. The more we fit we are, the quicker our heart rate returns to a normal after an
extensive physical activity.

________6. The heart rate decreases during exercise so that enough oxygen can be carried in
the blood, which brings oxygen to the muscles in the body.

________7. A review of many studies show that people who workout or exercise for three
hours a week are 20% less likely to die prematurely than those who do not.

________8. Watching television benefits every part of the body and lifts the mood of a person.

________9. Pumping of blood can be felt by placing a finger across the pulse points such as
the wrist and the neck.

________10. Running has many benefits in our health.



Match Column A to Column B, write your answer in the space provided.


_____1. Means that the person’s weight is a. Skin

less than the healthy range for his or her b. Overweight
height, sex, and age. c. Visual perception
_____2. Are the horn-like envelope covering d. Blindness
the tips of the fungus and toes in the humans. e. Scoliosis
_____3. Is a protein filament that grows from f. Nails
follicles found in the dermis or skin. g. Underweight
_____4. Means that the person’s weight is h. Deafness
more than the healthy range for his or her i. Hearing
height, sex, and age. j. Hair
_____5. The inability to hear is called
_____6. is the ability to perceive sound by
detecting vibrations.
_____7. is the ability to interpret the
surrounding environment by processing
information that is contained in visible light.
_____8. is the largest organ of the body with
a total area of about 20 square feet
_____9. It is the distortion of the spine that
makes the shoulders droop. There is S or C
curves of the spine.
_____10. The inability to see is called


27 C01M01MAPEH6

Fritzimarie R. Muyot et al. 2017 Exploring the World of MAPEH 6, Quezon City, The Inteligente
Publishing, Inc.


Activity 1: MUSIC

A. Write the number of counts of each notes.

Notes and Rests Number of Counts



B. Draw the rests named below.

28 C01M01MAPEH6
Half Rest Whole Rest Quarter Rest Sixteenth Rest Eighth Rest

Activity 1: ART

Identify the following logo. Write your answer on the space provided.

Logo Name

1. Shell

2. Jollibee

3. Chrome

4. Nike

5. Starbucks

6. Apple

7. Mcdo

8. KFC

29 C01M01MAPEH6
9. ABS – CBN


Module Activity 3: PHYSICAL EDUCATION (The answer is on the opinion of the learners)
Answer the following questions below.
4. What is the ideal running time for you?
5. What sports require a lot of running? Give at least three.
d. ________________________________
e. ________________________________
f. ________________________________
6. Why running is a cheap form of exercise?

Module Activity 4: HEALTH

6. Layer of the skin.
Epidermis Dermis Hypodermis

7. Skin problems. Any of the following.

Rashes Cellulitis
Dermatitis Warts
Eczema Melanoma
Psoriasis Scabies
Acne Ringworm

8. Four defined degrees of hearing loss

Mild hearing loss Moderate hearing loss Severe hearing loss Profound hearing loss

9. Eye problems. Any of the following.

Amblyopia Trachoma
Astigmatism Myopia or Nearsightedness
Conjunctivitis Hyperopia or Farsightedness

30 C01M01MAPEH6

10. Hair problems.

Dandruff Lice Falling Hair Greasy Hair





1-7. Any of the following.

Polygon tool Clipping and Masking

Gradient Fills and on Stroke Modifying Brush Strokes
Group/Ungroup Layers and Blend Modes
Break Apart Duplicate, Clone, or Copy and Paste
Nodes Repeating Patterns
Exporting Artwork Connect Dots to Visualize Path
Align and Distribute Objects to Marker
Shadows, Blurs, and Other Useful Filters Kerning, Spacing, and Other Text Tricks
Fill and Stroke Warping and Sculpturing
Tapered Lines Zoom and View

8-10. Any of the following.

Symbols Clarity and Boldness

Colors Balance
Words Shapes

10. TRUE

31 C01M01MAPEH6
1. G
2. F
3. J
4. B
5. H
6. I
7. C
8. A
9. E
10. D

Use the chart below to rate your understanding of the lesson as a whole and your performance
in the various tasks.
Self-Assessment Chart

Criteria Excellent Very Satisfactory Satisfactory
g of the

The activity I liked best is _____________________ because ____________________

The activity I need to improve on is ______________ because____________________

32 C01M01MAPEH6
Moderately Needs
Excellent Very good Satisfactory
Activities Satisfactory Improvement
100-92 91-84 83-72
71-60 59 and below
Activity 1
Activity 2

Activity 3 (P.E)

Activity 4

Activity 1
Activity 2
Activity 3 (P.E)
Activity 4

Key to Assessment

Moderately Needs
Excellent Very good Satisfactory
Activities Satisfactory Improvement
100-92 91-84 83-72
71-60 59 and below

33 C01M01MAPEH6

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