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Second Quarter – Module 1

Mother Mary
Name of Student: ________________________________Grade Level: ____________________
Name of Teacher: ________________________________ Section: ________________________


November 3-6, 2020

Learning Objectives:
1. Recognize the life of Mother Mary;
2. Realize that the mother of Jesus is our mother also;
3. Create a letter to their mother who take care and love them.

Duration: 3 days
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
Who are the parents of What are the Realizes that the mother of
Mary? characteristics of mother Jesus is our mother also.
Mary is our mother too.
Activity: Activity:
Direction: In a short Direction: Think at least Reflection:
bond paper, write a five characteristics of your As a child, how can you
letter for your mother, I mother that you think it show your love to Mother
want you to express how is the same with mother Mary?
you love them. After you Mary.
write a letter, you can
put some designs to
make it more beautiful.


Have you ever wonder where was your mother came from? Or what is the story
of her life before she met with your father? Today, in this module we will learn the life
of Mother Mary. Where did she came from, who are her parents and so on. All of that
questions will be answer as we go on with our lesson in this module.
Let’s start, and let’s learn together!

 Doctrine: Know that Mary is the mother of Jesus and my mother too.

 Moral: Love others as Mary loved Jesus and others.

 Worship: Thank God for giving Mary as my mother.

Do you know who is in the picture?
Who is her son?
Do you love and pray for her? Why?

The parents of Mary were St. Joachim and St.

According to old traditions, Mary was born in
Jerusalem. Joachim is said to have been the owner
of a home in the vicinity of the temple, more
precisely near the Sheep Gate and its pool called in
Hebrew, "Bethesda."

 Mary was the young girl that God chose to be

Jesus' earthly mother and was entrusted to bring
up the King of Kings and our savior.

 For such a young girl (apparently 12-14 years old

when the angel Gabriel came to visit her and tell
her she was going to be pregnant), she was so brave
and obviously had a strong belief in God to be given
the big responsibility of bringing up a child, let
alone the Messiah.

 Mary knew that when she willingly submitted to God's plan that it would cost
her as Joseph could have divorced her or he could have put her to death by
stoning. She may not have known the full extent of the risks she was taking,
but she accepted God's plan and rejoiced in it.

Characteristics of Mother Mary:

 Trusting
 Brave
 Faithful
 Willing
 Loving (to Jesus)
 Honest

Just like with our mother, they also have the characteristics that Mary have. They are
the same because mother Mary and our mother loves their child/ren. That’s why they
must feel also that we loved them and care for them. So that our mother will be happy
that they felt the love we give to them.
Direction: In a short bond paper, write a letter for your mother, I want you to express
how you love them. After you write a letter, you can put some designs to
make it more beautiful. (This will be done during synchronous)

Direction: Think at least five characteristics of your mother that you think it is the
same with Mother Mary. (Answer this one in the ANSWER SHEET)

 Mary is the mother of Jesus, our Savior.

 She is our mother, too, for giving us Jesus.
 She is our model for waiting and preparing for the coming of Jesus in our

As a child, how can you show your love to Mother Mary?

Naciancceno, J. O. (2012). Jesus, God with Us. Quezon City: FNB Educational, Inc.

Source of Images

Disclaimer: The school and the teachers do not claim any rights or ownership of the
information found in the learning packet or module. It is a compilation from different
resources which is listed in the reference section. This is solely for educational purposes
Second Quarter – Module 1
Mother Mary
Name of Student: ________________________________Grade Level: ____________________
Name of Teacher: ________________________________ Section: ________________________





Name of My Mother


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