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Cl244 - 2021 Endsem Exam: Sin (X) DX

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CL244 - 2021 EndSem Exam p.

Final answer sheet submission only through

Chemical Engg., IIT Bombay Moodle.
21-June-2021 (4-7 PM) q. IF you believe there is a mistake or
Read the instructions carefully. information is missing, make and clearly
state the appropriate assumption(s).
a. This is an online exam; your hands and face r. No borrowing or sharing of calculators.
should be visible to the camera at all time. s. Symbols have usual meaning, unless until
b. You will not be allowed to use more than 1 specified/mentioned.
device at a time. Use Laptop/PC only. t. For all numerical answers either confidence
c. No mobiles are allowed during examination. interval, error bar, accuracy level, or order of
d. Record your screen/video with audio for the error should be mentioned explicitly.
entire duration. After the exam, send the u. Several problems of this exam can be solved
videos to teachingatiitb.malani@gmail.com using more than one technique. Hence,
e. Keep your video on all the time. Penalty will answer to every problem should provide
be imposed for absence of video. justification for the methodology chosen.
f. Make sure you have proper software which v. 10 extra minutes are already given in exam
can record screen all time. Failure to submit duration. So pay attention to these
video recording in due time will attract instructions carefully.
grade penalty. ----------------------------------------------------------
g. You are allowed One A4 single sided hand Q1. Two friends, a mathematician and an
written formulae/notes sheet. No xerox, engineer were discussing a social situation that
photo copy, printed material is allowed. The two friends are in a stadium and want to meet.
sheet should have your name and Roll No. However, together they can move only half the
clearly written and visible. Before starting distance between them at one instance. The
your exam, show this sheet to the camera mathematician claims that it is impossible to
with recording on. Show both sides of the meet hence, if he was one of that person he
paper. would not even attempt. Whereas the engineer
h. Take bio-break before the start of the exam. says “I can do it, if the other person is my
No bio-breaks allowed during exam. girl/boyfriend !!!” Whom do you agree with and
i. Solve answers on loose, preferably A4 can you prove this mathematically [10]
sheets. Answer sheets attached to notebook
is not permitted and penalty will be imposed π
Q2. Solve I =∫0 sin(x) dx (x is in radians) to
if student found to be doing this.
j. After exam submit scanned answer sheet in obtain I upto 0.5% accuracy (with respect to
pdf format via Moodle along with snapshot true results). [20]
of single sided notes/formulae page and (No partial marks will be given for analytical
graphs. solution.)
k. All answer sheet (each side) and graph paper
should have your name, roll number and Q3. Solve the given ODE using RK-2 method.
3 2
page number written with pen, not pencil or ∂ y ∂ y ∂y
− +2 − y + x−1=0
computer text. 3
∂x ∂x 2
l. MAKE and STATE clearly, IF any If y=0 , y '=1 and y ' '=2 at x = 0, find y
assumption is REQUIRED to solve the at x = 1 using h = 0.5. [30]
OR LAPTOP IS ALLOWED. Q4. For a biharmonic PDE,
n. Any unfair means used during the ∂4 u ∂4 u ∂4 u
examination will be reported to the DUGC + 2 + =0
∂ x4 ∂ x2 ∂ y2 ∂ y4
or higher authorities immediately.
o. No partial marks will be given for numerical a) write the finite difference formulae (equation)
answers or graphs plotted without proper and mention order of this scheme, [3+1]
justifications given in the text explicitly.
b) mention which finite difference scheme you
hvae used for each term [3]
c) show graphically, which data points have
been used to calculate various terms in the
equation. [3]

dy −2t 2
2 −t
Q5. =e sin t +e cos t
Solve the above ODE using minimum fourth-
order technique and evaluate y at t = 1, 2, and 3;
given that y(0) = 1. [20]

Q6. The diffusion equation is used to compute

the distribution of concentration along the
length of a tubular-reactor,
∂C ∂ C
=D 2
+ Rrxn
∂t ∂x

where c is concentration of reactant A (mg/m3), t

it time in minutes, D = 2 m 2/min is diffiusion
constant, x is distance along the length of the
reactor, Rrxn = -k * C3 is the reaction kinetics (* -
multiplication symbol). The concentration of A
at inlet and outlet is maintained at Cin = 100 and
Cout = 20 mg/m3 , respectively, at all time. The
reactor is 12 meter long having a uniform
reactant concentration of 10 mg/m3 in the

a) Formulate equations to be solved using

crank-nicholson technique with minimum 5
internal grid points. [20]

b) Solve the system for one time-step interval.


End of Paper

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