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Alan Lu: Education

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al5930@nyu.edu 
alanylu.com 

New York University, Tandon School of Engineering Aug. 2018​- Current
B.S. Computer Science 2022​
Minor Finance ​
SAT 1510/1600, CS Teacher's Assistant ​

Independent Software Development Contractor, Remote May 2021​- Current
• Utilized technical experience to developed apps and robots based on customer needs for pay or royalty.
• Rapidly made changes based on changes in customer demands.
• Provided consulting services to customers.

Imprint.to, Co-Founder, Saratoga, CA July 2020​- Nov. 2020

• Received 16k in investments by Mozilla.
• Co-Created this startup by building a blogging platform that prioritizes content ownership. 
• Developed core architecture and features, designed product features, and planned marketing strategy.
• Pivoted to new site that allows honest conversation about controversial topics for students.
• Used React, NextJS for frontend; NodeJS, Mongoose for backend.

Tauria, Software Intern, Ontario, Canada June 2020​- Aug. 2020

• Made implementing site trackers 10x easier by implementing a program that wraps all trackers under a function.
• Allowed company to identify customer usage patterns by dynamically gathering and displaying data in frontend.
• Improved and developed company webpages using Preact and TypeScript that precisely matches UX design.
• Supported in general places such as creating temporary pages and working with sales team. 

Future Innovative Technology Lab, Software Intern, Brooklyn, NY June 2019​- Aug. 2019

• Built an email sending system in Django that sends emails based on needs; able to be easily implemented anywhere.
• Improved UX by establishing system feature that pulls and inserts HTML emailing content.
• Created page to allow teachers to approve requests for tutoring.
• Used AJAX to send JSON files to communicate between frontend and backend.

Computer Vision Robot Hand and Website
• Designed and built mechanics, electronics and code for robot hand.
• Uses Deep Learning to identify human hand movements and precisely imitates it with robot hand.
• Robot Hand can grip and spread and mimic intricate human hand movements.
• Developed a website that livestreams the hand for any website visitor to use the robot.

Non Fungible Token Website

• Developed a web-app that allows users to retrieve, edit and print a physical copy of their NFT.

• User is able to connect wallet, edit, and pay for a frame.

• Coded from scratch using NextJs, ReactJs, and many libraries.
• Available on framed-theta.vercel.app

Custom ERC Compliant Crypto-Currency Token

• Created the POGGER Token using solidity on Binance Smart Chain.
• Market capitalization of $1.7 million dollars.
• Anyone is able to send and receive tokens.
• Live on address 0x7a8962529408755d39da5dfeb33a46134d7f9f08.

PROFICIENT: Python, Django, JavaScript, ReactJS, NodeJS, JS Libraries, CSS, HTML, MongoDB, MySQL, C++, Java, C, MIPS

Student Success Committee
Address and solve problems student face

Invested my tuition of 80k into 240k and was able to pay off my student loans.

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